Indigenous Science in The Philippines
Indigenous Science in The Philippines
Indigenous Science in The Philippines
Lesson Objectives
• Explain the concepts of indigenous science from indigenous knowledge system and its
contribution to the development of modern science and technology in the Philippines
Some examples of indigenous knowledge that are taught and practiced by the indigenous
people are:
The indigenous science also includes everything, from metaphysics to philosophy and
various practical technologies practiced by indigenous peoples both past and present. Science is a
part of culture which is done largely depends on the cultural practices of the people.
Indigenous beliefs (also part of indigenous knowledge) also develop desirable values that
are relevant or consistent to scientific attitudes namely:
● Motivating attitudes;
● Cooperating attitudes;
● Practical attitudes; and
● Reflective attitudes.
It can also be explained that indigenous science has developed diverse structures and
contents through interplay between the society and the environment. Development stages of most
sciences are characterized by continual competition between a number of distinct views of
nature, each partially derived from, and all roughly compatible with the dictates of scientific
observation and method. It was also pointed out that the indigenous science provides the basics
of science; including the astronomy, pharmacology, food technology, or metallurgy, which are
derived from traditional knowledge and practices.
2. Indigenous science is guided by culture and community values such as the following:
3. Indigenous science is composed of traditional knowledge practiced and valued by people and
communities such as ethno-biology, ethno-medicine, indigenous farming methods, and folk
1. Serafica, J. (2018). Science, Technology, and Society. Rex Printing Company, Inc.,
First Edition, 2018.
2. Quinto, E.J.M. & Nieva, A.D. Science, Technology, and Society. C&E Bookshop