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Zelio Soft2

This document contains important information about the Zelio Soft2 software. Please
read the complete document before you run the product.

This documentation is not intended as a substitute for and is not to be used for
determining suitability or reliability of these products for specific user
It is the duty of any such user or integrator to perform the appropriate and
complete risk analysis, evaluation and testing of the products with respect to the
relevant specific application or use thereof.
Neither Schneider Electric nor any of its affiliates or subsidiaries shall be
responsible or liable for misuse of the information contained herein. All pertinent
state, regional, and local safety regulations
must be observed when installing and using this product. When devices are used for
applications with technical safety requirements, the relevant instructions must be
followed. Failure to use Schneider Electric software
or approved software with our hardware products may result in injury, harm, or
improper operating results. Failure to observe this information can result in
injury or equipment damage.
If you have any suggestions for improvements or amendments or have found errors in
this publication, please notify us. No part of this document may be reproduced in
any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, without express written permission of Schneider Electric.

Copyright � marzo 2021 � Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.


*************************** Version 5.4.0 ************************

Firmware FBD V4.13 / V4.5.00
Firmware LADDER V4.12 / V4.3.01
Firmware LADDER EXTENDED V4.14 / V4.4.02
Firmware SR2COM01 V1.0.13

- Mejora de la ayuda.
- Correcciones en las entradas anal�gicas.
- Correcciones menores en FBD, LADDER y LADDER EXTENDED.
- Actualizaci�n del SESU y de la gesti�n de licencias.
- FBD PID V1.5 -> V1.6.
- Parche de ciberseguridad CVE-2020-7520.

*************************** Version 5.3.1 ************************

Firmware FBD V4.12 / V4.4.04
Firmware LADDER V4.11 / V4.3.01
Firmware LADDER EXTENDED V4.13 / V4.4.02
Firmware SR2COM01 V1.0.13

- New installation.
- SESU and licencing management updated.

*************************** Version 5.3 ************************

Firmware FBD V4.12 / V4.4.04
Firmware LADDER V4.11 / V4.3.01
Firmware LADDER EXTENDED V4.13 / V4.4.02
Firmware SR2COM01 V1.0.13
Cyber security improvements:
o Protect against some incorrect Zeliosoft application files (CVE-2019-6822)
o Update of the license manager.
Improved Ladder Printing.
Fixed bug: impossible to deposit a block at the place of a block erased if this one
was placed on a drawing.
Displaying a message when inserting or deleting a Ladder line if a graph is cut in
line 120.

*************************** Version 5.2 ************************

Firmware FBD V4.12 / V4.4.04
Firmware LADDER V4.11 / V4.3.01
Firmware LADDER EXTENDED V4.13 / V4.4.02
Firmware SR2COM01 V1.0.13

Cyber security improvements:

o Protect against some incorrect Zeliosoft application files (CVE-2018-7817,

*************************** Version 5.1 ************************

Firmware FBD V4.12 / V4.4.04
Firmware LADDER V4.11 / V4.3.01
Firmware LADDER EXTENDED V4.13 / V4.4.02
Firmware SR2COM01 V1.0.13

Add of PID Application Function Block (AFB)

Driver for the new SR2USB01 cable (USB01_H2)
Windows 10 transfer issue fixed
Integration of SESU (Schneider Electric Software Update)
Customer registration for License management

*************************** Version 5.0 ************************

Firmware FBD V4.07 / V4.3.01
Firmware LADDER V4.05 / V4.2.05
Firmware LADDER EXTENDED V4.09 / V4.4.03
Firmware SR2COM01 V1.0.13

The capacity of LADDER has been increased to 240 lines if SR2COM01 is not used.
The LADDER resources have been increased to 28 Timers, 28 Counters, and 56 Internal
bits (M,N) if SR2COM01 is not used.
If SR2COM01 is used, the capacities and resources remain indentical to the previous
version of Zelio Soft2.

The memory capacity of FBD has been increased and the number of blocks maximum is
now 500 blocks.
Compatibility with Windows 10 (32 and 64 bits) � see important note below

Note: An application created with a previous version of Zelio Soft2 and opened with
version V5.0 may increase cycle times by as much as 2 ms.

IMPORTANT : The USB driver furnished with Zelio Soft2 is not compatible with
Windows 10. Windows 10 installes it own USB driver. On certain PCs running Windows
10, the transfer times may be longer.

*************************** Version 4.6 ************************

Firmware FBD V4.2.05
Firmware LADDER V4.2.05
Firmware SR2COM01 V1.0.13
Compatibility with Windows 7 (64 bits) and Windows 8.1 (64 bits).
Added driver 64bits for SR2USB01 cable.
New DLL of communication for SR2BTC01 Bluetooth module.
Bug correction of TIME PROG function.

*************************** Version 4.5 ************************

Firmware FBD V4.2.04
Firmware LADDER V4.2.04
Firmware SR2COM01 V1.0.13

Brand migration Schneider Electric (new splash screen & logo).

Correction of TIME PROG function modification by front panel.

Evolution of firmware compatibility test before memory cartridge transfer.

******************************************** Version 4.4

Firmware FBD V4.2.03
Firmware LADDER V4.2.03
Firmware SR2COM01 V1.0.13

Added Suntrack and Sunrise/Sunset FBD functions

Correction of initialization file Modem GSM SR2MOD02

Improvement of Z2 boot
Improvement of online help

Corrections of display issues on Japanese OS

---------------------------------------------- Windows Vista and Windows 7

For Windows Vista and Windows 7 OS only :

Compatibility with Windows Vista (32 bit) and Windows 7 (32 bit)

Added modem drivers for Windows Vista and Windows 7

See the readme file "(INSTALLATION_PATH)\DriverModem\MODEM_DRIVER_INSTALL_xxV1.txt"
where (INSTALLATION_PATH) is the name of the folder you chose to install Zelio Soft
2 software
and xx reflects the installation language (EN/ES/DE/FR/IT/PT)

Added drivers for SR2CBL06 USB-serial converter cable for Windows Vista and Windows

*************************** Version 4.3 ************************

Firmware FBD v4.02
Firmware LADDER v4.02
Firmware SR2COM01 v1.0.12

Bugs correction and compiler improvement

*************************** Version 4.2 ************************

Firmware FBD v4.01
Firmware LADDER v4.01
Firmware SR2COM01 v1.0.12

- 'SR2MOD01 PSTN modem' initialization file correction

*************************** Version 4.1 ************************
Firmware FBD v4.01
Firmware LADDER v4.01
Firmware SR2COM01 v1.0.12

*************************** Version 3.1 ************************

Firmware FBD v3.09
Firmware LADDER v3.09
Firmware SR2COM01 v1.0.12

- IMPORTANT : During firmware update operation (through memory card SR2MEM02 or

PC), module power supply must not be
interrupted before firmware transfer is completed. In case of power loss during
firmware transfer, product could seem to be damaged: loss of display (on LCD
controller) or flashing LED (on controller without display).
In this instance switch on module power supply and repeat firmware transfer
operation (Menu: Module/ Update module firmware).

- IMPORTANT : Connection of extensions must be done with power disconnected to the

module. Please refer to the instruction sheet provided with the extension.

- Comments on 'E-mail via SMS' sending:

SR2COM01 communication interface builds its messages using the following frame:
<Recipient email adress><remote station name> <date hour> <alarm message
subject><alarm message body>
(Above Characters '<' et '>' are only used to delimit frame fields, they are not
included in the sent frame).
Therefore, you have to obey Email service syntax related to the selected provider.
Include these specifics characters in directories (recipients and/or remote
stations) and/or message (subject and/or body).

- SR2COM01 communication interface must be reinitialized at each link type change

(Cable SR2CBL01 or SR2CBL07).
Program transfer or Module run can't be proceeded until LED flashing is not

- For SR2COM01 communication interface used on a phone network requiring prefix,

include additional characters in phone number syntax (recipients and/or remote

- In order to send commands from ZelioLogicAlarm, phone number syntax

(international format, prefix) must match with those used in ZelioSoft2 remote
station configuration.

- In order to receive alarm message from SR1COM01 communication interface on

ZelioLogic Alarm, PC Modem must be configured with following parameters: 9600
Bauds,8 bits and no parity

*************************** Version 2.4 ************************

Firmware FBD v2.18
Firmware LADDER v2.19

*************************** Version 2.2 ************************

The clock for SR2 and SR3 modules works differently to
to that for SR1 modules. If the clock is set to ON
on Monday at 11pm and set to OFF on Monday at 1am, it does not
switch OFF on Tuesday at 1am but on the following Monday
at 1am. If no other command has been executed,
the clock remains set to ON all the other days of the
week. You must check that the clocks are working using
using the help function when transferring programs running on
SR1 modules to SR2 and SR3 modules.

The CHANGE D/T and CHANGE SUMM/WINT menus as well as the

PARAMETER menu in LADDER mode only are no longer password-

*************************** Version 2.1 ************************

Firmware FBD v2.16
Firmware LADDER v2.16

*************************** Version 2.0 ************************

This version can be used to program automation applications
either by using LADDER diagrams as with Zelio Soft or by
using FBD (Functional Block Diagram) language.

Online help can be accessed by clicking on the question

marks in the toolbars, the function block configuration
windows or by using the F1 key on the keyboard in the
designated menus (reverse video).

This version provides assistance with transferring programs

running on SR1 smart relays to
SR2 and SR3 smart relays. Only programs generated using version
1.5 of Zelio Soft are supported. To make the transfer, simply
open the .zel program in Zelio Soft 2. The software
workshop makes the following matches:

Zelio Logic 1 Zelio Logic 2

SR1 B121JD to SR2 B121JD (2 additional mixed inputs)
SR1 A101BD to SR2 A101BD
SR1 B121BD to SR2 B121BD (2 additional mixed inputs)
SR1 B122BD to SR2 B122BD (2 additional mixed inputs)
SR1 B101B to SR2 B121B (2 additional discrete inputs)
SR1 A101FU to SR2 A101FU
SR1 B101FU to SR2 B121FU (2 additional discrete inputs)
SR1 A201BD to SR2 A201BD (2 additional mixed inputs)
SR1 B201BD to SR2 B201BD (4 additional mixed inputs)
SR1 B201B to SR2 B201B
SR1 A201FU to SR2 A201FU
SR1 B201FU to SR2 B201FU

The matching of inputs and the functionality of

the transferred program should be checked. The user can
then save the program in Zelio Soft 2. From the
"Module" menu it is also possible to replace the SR2 smart
relay by a SR3 smart relay with the same or a greater number
of inputs - outputs.

With Windows 95 and 98 operating systems, "non-intelligent" device drivers
may overload the serial port and cause interruptions in
communication between the PC and the module.

It is not allowed to set the module time between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. the day
of the change to wintertime.
Anomaly identified and still to be corrected:
The Zx keys used in the program cannot be accessed
from the front panel of the relay in MONITORING mode.

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