Credit Transaction
Credit Transaction
Credit Transaction
- A contract wherein one parties delivers to another, either something not consumable so that the latter
may use the same for certain time and the latter may use the same for and return it (commodatum);
or money, or other consumable things, upon the condition that the same amount of the same kind and
quality shall be paid (mutuum)
A. Commodatum – bailor delivers to the bailee a non-consumable thing so that the latter may use it
for a certain time and return the identical thing;
B. Mutuum – lender delivers to the borrower money or other consumable thing upon the condition
that the latter shall return the same amount of the same kind and quality
Commodatum Mutuum
As to Object Non-consummable/non- Non-consummable/non-
fungible (except: if purpose is fungible
not the consumption of the
As to Cause Essentially gratuitous Generally gratuitous although
may be onerous for stipulation
of interest
As to Purpose Use/temporary possession Consumption
As to subject matter Any property Personal property
As to ownership Retained by bailor Passes to the debtor
As to return of thing Exact thing loaned Equal amount of the same
kind and quality
As to risk of loss Bailor Debtor/bailee
As to time of return In case of urgent need and Upon expiration of term only
commission of any acts of
ingratitude, even before the
expiration of the term
As to Cause Essentially gratuitous (except
mutual agreement or
depositary is engaged in
storing goods
As to Purpose Safekeeping
As to subject matter Movable in case of
Any property in case of judicial
As to time of return Depositor Can demand return