SSH Password Guessing: Linux Compromise and Forensics
SSH Password Guessing: Linux Compromise and Forensics
SSH Password Guessing: Linux Compromise and Forensics
This document is copyright the author, but may be freely redistributed provided it is not
altered, including this copyright notice. (C) 2006 Jamie Riden
Table of Contents
1Audience.................................................................................................................................................. 2
3Network architecture................................................................................................................................2
4Initial Evidence of an Intrusion................................................................................................................2
4.1Incident Response............................................................................................................................. 3
4.2Evidence Gathering...........................................................................................................................3
5Password Guessing...................................................................................................................................3
6Privilege Escalation..................................................................................................................................4
7Attempted Phishing.................................................................................................................................. 4
8SSH scanning........................................................................................................................................... 5
9Recovery.................................................................................................................................................. 5
10Prevention.............................................................................................................................................. 5
11Conclusion............................................................................................................................................. 5
12Acknowledgements................................................................................................................................ 6
1 Audience
This document is intended for systems administrators with some knowledge of Linux,TCP/IP
networking and the SSH daemon. Although the machine in question was running Debian Linux, the
prinicples should apply to any modern UNIX implementation.
2 Introduction
This document describes the compromise of a Debian Linux server on an internal network. We look at
how the incident first came to light, the response procedures and an analysis of the actions of the
attacker. This leads us to some recommendations on how to secure systems against this kind of
exploitation in future. None of this is particularly new or surprising, but hopefully will serve as a
welcome reminder, or as useful material when trying to justify particular security policies.
3 Network architecture
The network is Ethernet throughout and is essentially based on a star topology, with a large central
router, connected to lots of distribution switches. Most traffic between different subnets, and all traffic
to and from the Internet will pass through the central router. On this router, a SPAN port mirrors up to
100Mb/s of traffic to an Intrusion Detection System sensor. Between the router and the Internet, a Cisco
PIX firewall allows the majority of outbound traffic to pass but blocks ports 53/udp, 53/tcp (DNS),
25/tcp (SMTP) and 80/tcp (HTTP) from the majority of network hosts. Only official DNS forwarders,
mail servers and web caches respectively are allowed to send traffic out on these ports.
(Please note, this step conflicts with one of the points of ITIL, which is to get the user up and running
again as soon as possible. You need to know what's happened to the machine and to make sure it
doesn't happen again, or to any of your other servers. You may also need to notify administrators of
other servers which have appear to have been compromised. Talk this through with your manager,
before an incident occurs, so you know that you have permission to disconnect the system for as long
as necessary.)
Initially, the contents of the /var directory was captured to a laptop via a network cable and the
invaluable netcat [NC] utility. From memory, it is something like this:
As I say, I'm not an expert, so don't quote me on this. Typically I would dd each partition off to another
machine and examine it offline. Examination of the /var/log/auth.log revealed password guessing
attempts using the SSH daemon. Since the victim machine was attempting to scan other networks for
SSH servers, it was reasonable to suppose it in turn was probing for weak passwords. This topic had
also been covered on the invaluable ISC diary [ISC].
5 Password Guessing
The sshd log entries looked like this:
Jun 26 22:31:04 victim sshd[15384]: Failed password for root from ::ffff:w.x.y.z port
30937 ssh2
Jun 26 22:31:06 victim sshd[15386]: Illegal user network from ::ffff:w.x.y.z
Jun 26 22:31:06 victim sshd[15386]: error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
Jun 26 22:31:06 victim sshd[15386]: Failed password for illegal user network from ::
ffff:w.x.y.z port 30951 ssh2
Jun 26 22:31:08 victim sshd[15388]: Illegal user word from ::ffff:w.x.y.z
Jun 26 22:31:08 victim sshd[15388]: error: Could not get shadow information for NOUSER
Jun 26 22:31:08 victim sshd[15388]: Failed password for illegal user word from ::
ffff:w.x.y.z port 30963 ssh2
Jun 26 22:31:10 victim sshd[15390]: Failed password for root from ::ffff:w.x.y.z port
30980 ssh2
Jun 26 22:31:11 victim sshd[15392]: Failed password for root from ::ffff:w.x.y.z port
30992 ssh2
Jun 26 22:31:13 victim sshd[15394]: Failed password for root from ::ffff:w.x.y.z port
31007 ssh2
Jun 26 22:31:15 victim sshd[15396]: Failed password for root from ::ffff:w.x.y.z port
31021 ssh2
Jun 26 22:31:17 victim sshd[15398]: Failed password for root from ::ffff:w.x.y.z port
31031 ssh2
Jun 26 22:31:19 victim sshd[15400]: Failed password for root from ::ffff:w.x.y.z port
31049 ssh2
Jun 26 22:31:20 victim sshd[15403]: Failed password for root from ::ffff:w.x.y.z port
31062 ssh2
Jun 26 22:31:22 victim sshd[15405]: Failed password for root from ::ffff:w.x.y.z port
31073 ssh2
We can see that the attacker – IP address w.x.y.z – was probing for weak user accounts, and for weak
passwords to the root account. The long and short is that they eventually discovered an account
upload/upload and logged in. The last command showed:
Oops. Obviously, someone had obtained access as the 'upload' user, so it was time to look through the
disk for some evidence of what had happened.
6 Privilege Escalation
The attacker had not been clever enough, or had not had time to cover their tracks. The '.bash_history'
file in the 'upload' user's home directory had a complete list of the commands that had been executed.
Several of these were downloading tar.gz files from a few places on the Internet and then unpacking
and executing them. They were obscured by storing them in a directory '/tmp/. ' - that's a dot space as
the subdirectory name.
One of these files, local.tar.gz was a good collection of privilege escalation exploits, that is programs
that run as a normal user would give root access if the machine was vulnerable to that particular
problem. For example, there was exploit code for the do_brk [BRK] issue.
Fortunately the machine was patched up to date, and the attacker had to make do with his/her
unprivileged user account.
7 Attempted Phishing
One of the kits downloaded from the net was obviously designed for eBay phishing. Fortunately, the
machine was only set up to pick up email and not to send it, and in any case, port 25/tcp was blocked
outbound on the firewall. However, there would have been problems had the machine been configured
to send email via our outbound mailserver. This is a bounce that ended up in the user's mailbox:
A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
unrouteable mail domain ""
------ This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------
Return-path: <upload@victim>
Received: from upload by with local (Exim 3.36 #1 (Debian))
id 1DmdCy-0005h5-00
for <>; Mon, 27 Jun 2005 07:54:24 +1200
From: ***Urgent Safeharbor Department Notice*** <>
Subject: eBay Fraud Mediation Request
Content-Type: text/html
Message-Id: <>
Sender: Upload acct <upload@victim>
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2005 07:54:24 +1200
For thoses that don't deal with email regularly, this is the local mailer daemon complaining that it
couldn't deliver the latter part of the text, which seems to be an email purporting to be from
'', and which was asking for people to enter their account details on some bogus
8 SSH scanning
Another kit downloaded was obviously designed to continue the scanning process that led to the
compromise of this host. Utilities in it built up a list of Internet hosts which had port 22/tcp open –
almost always this is the SSH daemon. Other utilities would take a list of hosts and run through a
password dictionary, both against the root account with many different passwords – 'admin', '123',
'123123', 'toor', 'password', etc. and also against user accounts, typically with blank passwords, or the
same as the username.
The use of the scanning utility was what tripped the alerts on the IDS console and led to the discovery
of this incident in the first place.
9 Recovery
Backups were made of data only – no executable content – and the machine was re-installed from
scratch. This is standard operational procedure, and ensures that the new operating system is known to
be 'good' i.e. that no undiscovered backdoors exist.
Passwords were audited on the newly installed machine, and the ssh daemon was moved to an alternate
port as part of a defence-in-depth policy.
10 Prevention
Obviously, the above attack could have been averted in a few ways.
Firstly I prefer to run SSH on an alternate port. This cuts down the amount of rubbish to wade through
in log files, and it means that on the offchance on of your users decides to change their password to
'password', or '123', you won't be picked up by the majority of the scanners out there.
If you have users besides yourself on a machine, you can install pam_cracklib or john the ripper to
regularly audit the password strength. If you find weak ones, make sure they get fixed.
It goes without saying that port 22/tcp should not be open through the firewall unless you really need it.
You should also regularly patch your system to make sure you aren't running an SSH daemon which is
vulnerable to an exploit.
The fact that the machine was not configured to send email, and that the firewall was blocking outbound
SMTP which was not routed through our smarthost saved us from an embarassing spam incident. Some
form of outbound rate-limiting on the SMTP smarthost would prevent this kind of abuse entirely.
11 Conclusion
We were lulled into a false sense of security in regard to Linux; for a year or more it seemed like the
only machines that were compromised were Windows boxes, with the worm du jour – first Slammer,
then Blaster, Welchia, Korgo, Sasser, etc. It is also quite easy to configure a Linux machine so that it
can be easily compromised. We had taken countermeasures once we noticed SSH probing, but other
adminstrators had not, due to both limited time to administer their machines and poor distribution of
our notices regarding the SSH probing.
SSH is a more secure replacement for telnet; it encrypts data during transit which prevents
eavesdropping attacks, barring man-in-the-middle games. It also makes some attempt at ensuring the
identity of hosts being connected to is correct, or at least the same as last time. (Although everyone
seems to ignore the warnings and not bother checking host key fingerprints.) By itself, it does not
automagically make your machine secure, especially if you have weak passwords. VPNs are also
perceived in this regard. Your tunnel can be secure as you like, but if the ends are not adequately
secured, you will have malicious data passing through your SSH daemon. As someone cleverer than me
has said, a tunnel is as secure as the least secure of its end points.
IDS is a technology that requires a lot of supervision, but it is definitely worth using, especially on
networks which are relatively open. As the old saw goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of
cure, so do everything you can on the prevention side. However, detection and cure is a lot better than
not knowing you have an incident in progress.
If you see this sort of thing going on, your local CERT may appreciate knowing. For me, that's
12 Acknowledgements
Thanks to Glen Eustace for this document template and for advice on Linux and firewalls, to Patrick
Rynhart for assistance in gathering information. The incident would not have been noticed without the
snort IDS software[SNT], due to Roesch et al., together with contributed rulesets from the Bleeding
Snort project[BLD].
This writeup was greatly assisted by Open Office, Fairtrade coffee, Natalie Merchant and Pink Floyd.
13 References
[BLD] Bleeding Snort Project,
[HLX] Helix – Incident Response and Computer Forensics Live CD,
[ISC] Internet Storm Center,
[NC] Netcat,
[SNT] The snort Intrusion Detection System,