Melc: Executes The Different Skills Involved in The Dance.: Toolbox - Cdph.Ca - Gov/En/Handpapyramid - HTML

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Semi-detailed Lesson plan in Physical Education 4

Prepared by: Cristy Montoya

MELC: Executes the different skills involved in the dance.

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. define the different performance skills in dance;
b. show enthusiasm in performing a dance; and
c. execute one traditional dance showing its basic steps.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Performance skills in dance
References:,, https://network- K-12 Curriculum guide
Materials: Laptop, Cellphone
Content: There are different performance skills in dance; focus, projection, musicality,
timing, emphasis, expression, energy, footwork, flexibility, relaxation and balance.

III. Lesson Proper

A. Preliminary activities
 Class rules
 Greetings
 Attendance

B. Review
-The teacher will ask question and clarifications about their last topic.
-The teacher will conduct a short quiz about their last topic.
I. Give any examples of physical activities that can be found in the Physical
activity Pyramid.

Everyday 3-5 days a week 2-3 days a week

C. Motivation
- The teacher will show some pictures.
- The teacher will ask the students what will be their topic.

D. Discussion
What is dance?

- dance is a type of art that generally involves movement of the body, often rhythmic
and to music. It is performed in many cultures as a form of emotional expression,
social interaction, or exercise in a spiritual or performance setting and is sometimes
used to express ideas or tell a story.

What are performance skills in dance?

Performance skills are those aspects that set dancing apart from mechanical

Performance skills in dance:

1. Focus – central point, concentration
2. Projection – execute dance with grace
3. Musicality – how dancer hear, interpret and dance to music
4. Timing – ability to follow the beat
5. Emphasis – accents provided by the dancer at different moments throughout
the dance
6. Expression – conveying emotion through dance
7. Energy – vibrant or zest
8. Footwork – dance technique aspects related to feet: foot position and action.
9. Flexibility – ability to bend or stretch body parts.
10.Tension/relaxation – sharp and smoothness of movements.
11.Balance – maintaining equilibrium regardless of steps made.

Importance of dance
- It can give you a talent
- It teaches us to do other physical activities to become flexible
- It can constitute cardiac, muscular and psychological exercises.
- And if we dance regularly, we will be healthy.
E. Application

The teacher will conduct a short quiz as a part of discussion.

Match the definitions of each performance skill from column A to column B.

Column A Column B
1. Balance central point, concentration

2. Focus ability to follow the beat

3. Emphasis maintaining equilibrium regardless of steps made.

4. Flexibility ability to bend or stretch body parts.

5. Timing accents provided by the dancer at different moments

throughout the dance

F. Generalization
The teacher will ask the following questions:
1. What is our topic today?
2. What is dance?
3. What are the different performance skills in dance?
4. Give at least 1 importance of dance

IV. Evaluation
The teacher will conduct a quiz.
Define the following performance skills in the dance given below.
1. Projection
2. Relaxation
3. Expression
4. Energy
5. Footwork
6. Musicality
V. Assignment
Search for the examples of traditional dance. Choose one traditional dance and
execute the basic steps. Video yourself and send your video output to your P.E

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