Assignment #3 Department of Automobile and Mechanical Engineering IOE Thapathali Engineering Campus Thapathali, Kathmandu
Assignment #3 Department of Automobile and Mechanical Engineering IOE Thapathali Engineering Campus Thapathali, Kathmandu
Assignment #3 Department of Automobile and Mechanical Engineering IOE Thapathali Engineering Campus Thapathali, Kathmandu
A. Refrigeration
1. Explain the effect of superheating suction vapor and subcooling of condensate with the help of P-
h diagram in vapor compression refrigeration system.
2. Describe the working of Electrolux Refrigeration system (Domestic refrigeration) with the help of
schematic diagram. Also list its advantages over simple vapor absorption refrigeration system.
3. Explain about the working of vapor compression refrigeration system with P-h diagram.
4. Explain about the practical vapor absorption refrigeration system. Also list the advantages of this
system over simple vapor absorption system. Also draw P-h and T-s diagram for both of the
5. Define refrigeration. List its application.
6. What are the refrigerants? What are the requirements of an ideal refrigerant? Describe all the
physical properties of an ideal refrigerants in detail.
7. What are the different types of refrigerants? Explain about their properties.
8. Define 1 ton of refrigeration. Also recommend the types of refrigeration parameters for summer
and winter in Kathmandu.
9. Explain different types of refrigerators. Explain about the three liquids used in domestic
refrigerators with their properties.
B. Numerical
1. Refrigerant R-134a enters the compressor of a refrigerator as superheated vapor at 0.1MPa and
-100C at a rate of 0.05 kg/s and leaves at 0.8 MPa and 500C. The refrigerant is cooled in the
condenser to 200C and 0.7 MPa and is throttled to 0.125 MPa. Assume that there is pressure drop
in both evaporator and condenser.
Determine the amount of heat absorbed in evaporator in KW, power consumed in compressor in
KW and COP of the refrigeration. Also draw the corresponding processes on P-h diagram for R-
2. Refrigeration using R-502 as a refrigerant is used for preservation of frozen food. A centrifugal
compressor compresses superheated vapor at 100C and 300KPa non-isentropically till it reaches
900C and 1300 KPa. Then the superheated vapor condenses in condenser isobarically till it is
subcooled liquid having specific entropy of 240KJ/kgK. Then the subcooled liquid passes through
automatic expansion valve till it reaches pressure 350KPa and evaporates in evaporator non-
isobarically. If the refrigerant passes through the system is 14.5 kg/sec, determine the amount of
heat absorbed in evaporator in KW, power consumed in compressor in KW and COP of the
refrigeration. Also draw the corresponding processes on P-h diagram for R-134a.
If the above refrigeration the compressor compresses superheated vapor with more irreversibility
till it reaches 1000C and 1300KPa and the other processes remain unchanged compare its
performance with the previous cycle.
3. A refrigerator having R-22 as refrigerant, superheated vapor at -100C and 150KPa enters the
compressor and compresses isentropically till 1500KPa. Water cooled condenser rejects heat
from the vapor till it is subcooled at 350C. The pressure drop in the condenser is 100 KPa. Then
the subcooled liquid is passed through the throttling valve till the pressure is reduced to 200KPa,
where enthalpy remains constant. The refrigerant passes through the system is 5.3kg/sec.
Determine the amount of heat absorbed in evaporator in KW, power consumed in compressor in
KW and COP of the refrigeration. Also draw the corresponding processes on P-h diagram for R-22.
4. A refrigerator having NH3 as refrigerant, superheated vapor at 00C and 300KPa enters the
compressor and compresses isentropically till 2000KPa. Water cooled condenser rejects heat
from the vapor till it is subcooled at 500C. The pressure drop in the condenser is 100 KPa. Then
the subcooled liquid is passed through the throttling valve till the pressure is reduced to 400KPa,
where enthalpy remains constant. The refrigerant passes through the system is 2.5kg/sec.
Determine the amount of heat absorbed in evaporator in KW, power consumed in compressor in
KW and COP of the refrigeration. Also draw the corresponding processes on P-h diagram for NH3.
5. A heat pump having R-134a as a refrigerant works between suction pressure of 125KPa and
discharge pressure of 1250KPa. Superheated vapor at 200C enters the compressor and
compresses non-isentropically till its temperature reaches 1400C. Condenser rejects the heat from
the refrigerant vapor till it is subcooled at 300C. Pressure at the outlet of the condenser is
1250KPa. Then the subcooled liquid passes through the throttling valve till reaches -50C, where
enthalpy remains constant. The refrigerant passes through the system at 400kg/hr. Determine
the amount of heat rejected in condenser in KW, power consumed in compressor in KW and COP
of the system. Also draw the corresponding processes on P-h diagram for R-134a.