Yamaha 6D9 1.6L 16V

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Tightening torques Tightening torques Part to be tightened Thread size | et ist 14 14 10.8 2nd Me 2B 28 [207 Cylinder head bolt ist 15 15 TH 2nd Mio 30 30 | 22. ard 90" Spark plug = a 25 Tad Cylinder block plug Mia 23 23 170 Gil fiter joint = 49 49 [36.1 Oifiter = 18 18 13.3 ist € 06 44 Exhaust cover bolt s Me = a = Anode screw Ma 2 02 15 Exhaust cover plug ws 3 55 | 406 ist 14 14 10.3 Crankcase bolt 2nd " 28 28 | 207 st wo 19 19 140 2nd 50" 7st 7% 8 733 Connecting rod cap bolt es Me = Tower unit Gear ot drain screw = z ow 6 Gear oll check sorew = 9 09 66 Tower ease mounting Bot (L-transom model) Mio 39 39 | 288 Tower ease mounting nut (transom model) = 39 3a [288 Propeller nut Mie 34 3a [28.4 Ring nut = tos | _t03| 760 Cooling water inet cover Serew = 3 oS 37 Pinion nut Mie 93 a3 | os Bracket unit Shift rod detent bolt = 18 8 13S Shift position switch serew Ma 1 ot or Flushing hose adapter serew Me 2 2 TS Oil pump bolt Me 10 10 TA Upper mounting nut = 81 Ba 376 Tower mounting nut = 3 51 376 Grease nipple = 3 08 22 Oil pump cover serew Me 4 oa 30 Oil seal housing serew Me 4 4 30 Upper mount bolt Ma 28 28 | 207 Balle plate bolt Me 4 a4 0 Muffler assembly bolt Me 20 20 148 Engine oll drain bolt Mia 27 27 | 20.0 Oil strainer bolt Me 70 70 Ta Gil pan bolt Me 7 TA Bt eoeact1 242 POWE| FB |p awerun 10. Install a new timing belt @ onto the drive sprocket with its part number in the Upright position, and then install the belt onto the driven sprockets in a counter- clockwise direction, ) 13, Install the spring ®. 14, Take up the timing belt slack by turning the drive sprocket clockwise at least two full turns. 15, Tighten the timing belt tensioner bolt to the specified torque. [S| Tei bt tersoner eae 39 N-m (3.9 kgf-m, 28.8 ftlb) c HI sg CAUTION: + Do not twist, turn inside out, or bend the timing belt beyond the maximum limit of 25 mm (1.0 in) otherwise it can be dam- aged. + Do not get oil or grease on the timing belt. NoTe; ‘The lower edge of the timing belt should be 2 ‘mm (0.08 in) @ from the bottom of the driven sprockets. 11, Install the timing belt tensioner ® and finger tighten the bolt @ until the bolt seat contacts the timing belt tensioner. 12. Loosen the timing belt tensioner bolt 90° 5-15 16, Tur the drive sprocket two full tums, and then check that the alignment marks are aligned. TF sxvesese 17. Install the bracket and connect the cool- ing water hose. 6093011

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