14 034 Transfer Pricing Intra Group Financing Final Web
14 034 Transfer Pricing Intra Group Financing Final Web
14 034 Transfer Pricing Intra Group Financing Final Web
Transfer Pricing and Intra-Group Financing is a practical guide that addresses the
transfer pricing issues related to intra-group financing transactions. Currently, tax
authorities and transfer pricing professionals are focusing on these transactions – and
the application of the arm’s length principle. This growing attention is largely dictated by
two factors: (i) the relative importance that financial transactions have in multinational
groups and the significant amounts involved; and (ii) the increased awareness of
tax authorities (and taxpayers alike) who, having for many years primarily dealt with
transfer pricing issues related to goods and services, are now being confronted with the
complexity of the pricing of these financial transactions. The so-called “credit crunch”,
which began in late 2007 and in mid-2008 exploded on the financial services industry
and the global economy, has also heavily influenced this field of application of the arm’s
length principle. The impact of the financial markets on this area of transfer pricing
continues today.
Foreword v
Acknowledgements ix
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Chapter 2: Australia 57
Table of Contents
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Chapter 3: Brazil 97
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Table of Contents
Sample 2
For transfer pricing, Division 13 of Part III of the Income Tax Assessment
Act 1936 (ITAA 1936) provides a mechanism by which Australia adopts the
arm’s length principle for taxation purposes as the basis for ensuring that
Australia receives its fair share of tax.
* Paul Balkus, Partner; Melissa Heath, Executive Director; both with Ernst & Young,
Australia. The views expressed in this chapter are the views of the authors, not Ernst &
Young. This chapter provides general information, does not constitute advice and should
not be relied on as such. Professional advice should be sought prior to any action being
taken in reliance on any of the information. Liability limited by a scheme approved under
Professional Standards Legislation.
1. Section 6-5 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 1997).
2. See the definition of “resident or resident of Australia” in section 6(1)(b) of the
Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (ITAA 1936).
Chapter 2 - Australia
also specific rules about the treatment of certain entities, such as trusts,
partnerships, etc.3
For the 2011 to 2012 tax year, resident companies are subject to Australian
income tax at a rate of 30% (the government has committed that the rate
will be reduced to 29%, effective from the 2013 to 2014 tax year).7 Income
of non-resident companies from Australian sources is similarly taxable at
30% if it is not subject to withholding tax or treaty protection.
Overview of intra-group financing in Australia
On 27 October 2010, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) released its final
ruling (Taxation Ruling TR 2010/7) on the interaction of the thin capitali-
sation and transfer pricing provisions.8 The final ruling includes the ATO’s
observations on the application of appropriate transfer pricing methods to
determine the arm’s length consideration for cross-border intra-group debt
arrangements having regard to the interaction with the thin capitalisation
Broadly, TR 2010/7 indicates that the transfer pricing rules apply first to
determine the arm’s length interest rate applicable to a debt arrangement
entered into between international related parties. The thin capitalisation
rules are then applied to determine whether some portion of that interest is
not deductible. When determining an arm’s length interest rate, the taxpayer
must assess whether the existing level of debt provides an arm’s length
capital structure even though the level of debt complies with the thin cap-
italisation rules. If it does not, a hypothetical arm’s length level of debt,
which results in an arm’s length capital structure, will need to be used when
determining the arm’s length interest rate. The arm’s length interest rate
derived based on the hypothetical level of debt is then applied to the actual
level of debt allowed under the thin capitalisation provisions.
The ATO released Taxation Ruling TR 92/11 in 1992 to deal with specific
issues in relation to interest payments, loans and equity contributions.9 In
particular, the ruling discusses the general approach accepted by the ATO in
pricing intra-group loans. This ruling also provides factors which should be
8. Taxation Ruling TR 2010/7, Income tax: the interaction of Division 820 of the
ITAA 1997 and the transfer pricing provisions.
9. Taxation Ruling TR 92/11, Income tax: application of the Division 13 transfer
pricing provisions to loan arrangements and credit balances.
Chapter 2 - Australia
Prior to 2007, the transfer pricing legislation and the thin capitalisation
provisions were largely seen as operating independently of each other. That
is, when the level of debt was within the safe harbour threshold set out in
the thin capitalisation provisions, it was generally accepted that the funding
arrangement represented an arm’s length capital structure. Therefore, the
“safe harbour” capital structure could be used for the purposes of determin-
ing the arm’s length interest rate to be applied rather than the hypothetical
capital structure referred to above. The only clear distinction in the applic-
ation of transfer pricing principles was in the determination of an “arm’s
length” amount of debt (an alternative to using the “safe harbour” debt
amount for thin capitalisation purposes).
Although this analysis follows the broad transfer pricing principles in rela-
tion to what constitutes an “arm’s length” amount of debt, it forms part of
the thin capitalisation legislation and therefore includes a number of assump-
tions and adjustments in relation to the debt and assets of the taxpayer. Given
what is generally regarded as a relatively generous 3 to 1 debt to equity ratio
for non-authorized depositary institution (non-ADI) taxpayers (i.e. generally
taxpayers other than banks), the arm’s length debt amount under the safe
harbour provisions is used infrequently. The arm’s length debt test for thin
capitalisation purposes is therefore not discussed further in this chapter.
Overview of intra-group financing in Australia
when the ATO released the initial draft of a new Taxation Ruling (TR 2009/
D6), as well as a draft Practice Statement (PS LA 3187).10
Ultimately, these documents were replaced when the ATO issued Taxation
Ruling TR 2010/7 in October 2010, the finalized version of TR 2009/D6 (see below). Although this is the only document which is binding on the
ATO, the earlier discussion documents are helpful in providing some indi-
cation of the ATO position regarding intra-group financing arrangements.
This is particularly relevant given the guidance included in TR 2010/7 is
less comprehensive than that which was previously provided, particularly in
relation to guarantee arrangements. Further, the binding part of TR 2010/7
does not provide any detail regarding how the transfer pricing principles
should be applied to debt arrangements; this exposition is instead included
in an Appendix to the ruling, which the ATO indicates is non-binding.
In summary, the guidance provided in this final ruling indicates the ATO’s
preference to adopt a “holistic” approach to funding arrangements, with a
focus on the following three key factors:
– parent affiliation: Whether the taxpayer’s relationship with its parent
company provides support that should be considered in determining an
arm’s length interest rate;
– financial independence: Whether the taxpayer’s capital structure is
consistent with that of a “financially independent” company (i.e. is it
an “arm’s length capital structure” when benchmarked against other
comparable companies); and
– commercial realism: Whether the taxpayer’s profit before tax (i.e. profit
after interest expense) makes sense in the context of other comparable
10. PS LA 3187, A practical “rule of thumb” approach for the transfer pricing of interest
payable by a taxpayer on a cross-border related party loan, an interim measure to alleviate
uncertainty prior to the release of TR 2010/7.
Chapter 2 - Australia
The ATO contends that this approach is not new and that the approach out-
lined in TR 2010/7 is based on the guidance provided in TR 92/11 and is
representative of the historical ATO position. The ATO claims that any com-
ments presented in TR 2010/7 are simply a “clarification” of the guidance
previously provided by TR 92/11 and thus the ruling applies retrospectively.
The retrospective application of this ruling is also contentious given what
was considered to be the generally accepted approach and the judgments
set down in recent transfer pricing cases discussed below. These cases con-
cluded that the Australian transfer pricing provisions should be applied on
a transaction basis, i.e. the arm’s length or market price of the related party
transactions should be reviewed, not whether there is arm’s length behav-
iour or appropriate profits arising from such related party transactions. As
outlined below, the Australian Treasury is currently working on a rewrite
of the transfer pricing legislation that is expected to clarify the situation at
least on a prospective basis but may also apply retrospectively when treaty
countries are involved.
It is further noted that the wording of the tax treaties regarding the treatment
of international related-party dealings (as contained in the Business Profits
and Associated Enterprises articles) is different to Australia’s existing trans-
fer pricing provisions. In particular, the tax treaties provide that the profits
should be allocated in an arm’s length way. This wording may more readily
accommodate the hypothesizing of an “arm’s length” capital structure for
the taxpayer and support the ATO’s preference for financing arrangements
to result in a “commercially realistic” outcome.
The government intends to “clarify” that the transfer pricing rules in the
treaties allow the Commissioner to make adjustments independently of the
domestic transfer pricing legislation. Exposure Draft legislation which was
released on 16 March 2012 outlines that the new legislation will apply for
income years commencing on or after 1 July 2004.
Overview of intra-group financing in Australia
The ATO has recently concluded two transfer pricing cases: Roche Products
Pty Limited v. Commissioner of Taxation [2008] AATA 261 in April 2008 and
SNF (Australia) Pty Ltd v. Commissioner of Taxation [2010] FCA 635 in June
2010. In both cases, the decision, and the reasons for the decision, brought
into question the approach taken by the ATO in determining an arm’s length
consideration and in particular whether the use of the transactional net mar-
gin method (TNMM) favoured by the ATO is appropriate under the existing
transfer pricing legislation. A summary of these cases and the decisions is
included in the Australian chapter of the IBFD Transfer Pricing Collection.
On 16 March 2012, Treasury released the first exposure draft which addresses
retrospective aspects of the rewrite of the transfer pricing provisions. These
amendments and clarifications are to apply from 1 July 2004 and will only
apply to foreign affiliates in treaty countries (i.e. those countries with which
Australia has a double tax agreement). Further exposure drafts are expected
to be released shortly that address the prospective aspects of the legislation
as well as the attribution of profits to permanent establishments, which will
apply to all taxpayers.
Based on the initial exposure draft, not only has TR 2010/7 been written
into the transfer pricing legislation but it is also clear that the Commissioner
intends to maintain and “clarify” his position that the treaties may be used
as a separate taxing power. The separate taxing power is perhaps the most
contentious aspect of the transfer pricing legislative rewrite as it provides
the Commissioner the potential to recharacterize transactions to reflect what
would be expected to occur between independent parties based on overall
Chapter 2 - Australia
Intercompany loans
Australia has debt/equity rules contained in Division 974 of the ITAA 1997
that apply for debt and equity interests issued from 1 July 2001 and, in lim-
ited circumstances, to certain interests issued before that date. The general
object of this division is to establish a test for distinguishing between debt
and equity interests with a focus on economic substance rather than on
legal form. The test is complex and extends well beyond an examination
of whether a borrower has a non-contingent obligation to repay an amount
of principal.
Broadly, the scope of the debt/equity rules may impact the following:
– the taxation of dividends (including the imputation requirements);
– the operation of Australia’s thin capitalisation rules; and
– the application of non-resident withholding taxes and related measures.
To address the interplay between Division 974 and Australia’s transfer pri-
cing regime,12 the ATO has issued Taxation Determination TD 2008/20.13
The determination outlines that when it is relevant to distinguish between
debt and equity in the application of Division 13, the characterization of
the transaction for Division 13 purposes is not affected by the classification
under Division 974. Here, the determination notes that Division 974 provides
a test for determining whether an interest is to be treated as a debt interest
or an equity interest for particular tax purposes that do not include the ap-
plication of Division 13.
Chapter 2 - Australia
Intercompany loans
– Use of the funds to invest in fixed assets of a long-term nature for use
as core assets of the business may be an indication that the contribution
is by way of equity.
– If the debt/equity ratio is very high compared to the average for the par-
ticular industry or in the country of investment, this is one of the factors
that might indicate that a part of the debt may be equivalent to equity.
These are not the only factors that will be taken into account. TR 92/11
outlines that while these and other factors will be relevant, what is important
is the total picture that emerges from the transaction. The taxpayer would
have to establish that the transaction that bears the legal character of a loan
is equivalent to a contribution to equity.
Chapter 2 - Australia
PPLs and hybrid debt instruments differ from “vanilla” loan arrangements
in that they include some component of (usually variable) equity return to
the lender. As discussed above, it is necessary to consider whether such
instruments are characterized as debt or equity from both a transfer pricing
and tax perspective.
Intercompany loans
For euro currency and Asian currency loans, the LIBOR and the Singapore
Interbank Offered Rate (SIBOR) may, respectively, be taken as indicative
of the risk-free interest rate. Appropriate margins will be added to this base
rate to reflect the specific terms and conditions of the loan and the credit
risk of the borrower.
To determine the appropriate margin to include on the base interest rate for
related-party loans, the credit rating of the borrowing entity is generally
reviewed absent comparable unrelated-party loans. Where an independent
rating agency has determined a credit rating of the entity this may be used.
However, where an independent rating agency has assigned the credit rating,
Chapter 2 - Australia
Once a credit score has been assessed, this can then be used to benchmark
appropriate interest rates or margins. Data is available from information
providers such as Reuters and Bloomberg of average bond rates for each
credit score, e.g. A+, A-, etc. Given the small size of the Australian market,
for lower credit scores, information may not be available for the relevant time
period. In this instance, information may be sourced from another market
(most commonly the United States) and foreign exchange swap rates used
to provide an Australian equivalent interest rate.
A taxpayer must assess whether the pricing of its intra-group debt makes
commercial sense in the taxpayer’s circumstances. When it is considered
that the intra-group debt pricing results in financial costs that do not leave a
commercially realistic return for the taxpayer’s relevant business activities,
the Commissioner contends he has the power to look beyond the usual trans-
fer pricing methods and substitute an arm’s length capital structure when
determining the arm’s length interest rate. This is an issue that is subject to
contention and will hopefully be clarified, at least on a prospective basis,
with the issuance of revised transfer pricing legislation.
Intercompany loans
While the ruling stresses that it does not require a taxpayer to work out an
arm’s length amount of debt to demonstrate that the pricing of its debt is
consistent with the transfer pricing provisions, it does state that taxpayers
must always assess whether the associated enterprise debt arrangements
reflect a commercially realistic outcome. It would appear that the only way
this can be done is for a taxpayer to assess what an arm’s length capital
structure would be for the entity if it were acting financially independently.
In general, the ATO would expect to see some indication of the process un-
dertaken in determining whether the actual capital structure is arm’s length.
One method would be to benchmark the actual capital structure of the tax-
payer against that of comparable entities operating in the same industry,
for example by comparing the debt to equity ratios of the relevant entities.
Based on recent experience, the ATO approach is also likely to involve a
determination of whether the borrower’s profit before tax is also commer-
cially realistic when benchmarked against other comparable companies.
This profits based approach can raise significant issues with the relevant
treaty partner where a transactional or market-based approach would support
the interest deduction. This approach is more likely to be pursued by the
ATO given the recent exposure draft, which specifically provides for such
a profits-based approach.
Further, the ruling notes that when the operations of the borrower are core
to the group, “in the sense that its functions are a vital part of an integrated
Chapter 2 - Australia
Intercompany loans
The determined credit rating can then be applied to the terms and conditions
of the loan and an appropriate interest rate determined. Prior to the finali-
zation of the ATO’s views in TR 2010/7, it was considered that this interest
rate would then represent an arm’s length rate. However, the final ruling
(and the draft ruling before it) have now outlined that the ATO considers
the following additional steps are also necessary.
Chapter 2 - Australia
Intercompany loans
When no one factor is dominant in determining a credit rating for the borrow-
ing entity, the order of application of the above steps may have a substantial
effect on the final determined arm’s length credit rating and interest rate.
For example, first notching the credit rating of the subsidiary based on paren-
tal affiliation may result in a credit rating which is subsequently considered
representative of an arm’s length capital structure (e.g. if the credit rating
is notched from BB to BBB). In such a case, it may be concluded that an
arm’s length interest rate may be determined based on a credit rating of BBB.
Therefore, in the absence of specific guidance from the ATO specifying the
order of application of the three key considerations, there is potential for
controversy in the way in which a taxpayer applies the principles outlined
in TR 2010/7, even when each principle is applied appropriately.