SWOT Analysis of Kissan

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Executive Summary
In the current serious circumstance, where the organizations are thinking that its difficult to
come by answers for their basic issues which are not accessible in the association, the
associations take the assistance of counseling firms through looking for advices for their
issues. Organizations consistently face the need to work on the presentation for which the
administration staff who sincerely put resources into the business regularly neglect to help in
such manner. In such situations, just a new pair of eyes can have a significant effect to such
conditions. The Consulting firms are intimately acquainted with such issues which are being
looked by different organizations and can utilize similar information and experience and their
skill to determine the potential obstacles to a business. The advices given by the specialists
are restricted to horrible showing, yet additionally guide in making techniques for their
development that assist the business with arriving at new statures. The variety and
adaptability of firms in the counseling market guarantees that there is a counseling firm for
essentially every capacity. For instance, if there is an absence of thoughts for development, a
counseling firms can help in creating them. In the event that execution of a procedure isn't
working, counseling firms can give execution support. On the off chance that there is an
absence of customers for your business, explicit counseling firms can be welcomed ready for
deals and business advancement.
Vardhan counseling engineers is a designing and the board counseling association which is
engaged with giving consultancy administrations to the different customer associations by
helping them out of luck. The organization has their customers being far and wide.

The temporary job was virtual and the intention was to hone my abilities which are needed to
turn into a successful and effective HR administrator sooner rather than later. What's more,
the investigation was to acquire information the about the business and the business where
the association is set. As an understudy, I was given an openness identified with my space
which thus advanced my insight.
2. Introduction Engineer Consulting Industry
Counseling administrations have an enormous impact in the worldwide economy. Firms
inside the area have joins with pretty much every other business Consulting concerns
working on the effectiveness of a particular utilitarian space of a business. Contingent upon
their expert ability, specialists may prompt their customers on further developing system,
structure, the board, expanding benefit, overseeing financial plans, improving recruiting
practices, and the sky is the limit from there. Advisors give moment arrangements
Consultants have the necessary range of abilities and can give moment help to their
customers. Face to face or via telephone discussions are regularly given. This empowers
customers to rapidly acquire important data about choices and arrangements.
The Engineer consultancy is one of the quickest developing areas in India. It has further
developed speculation exercises in light of cost structure is low, solid capacities in the space
of telecom, petrochemicals, power projects, energy projects and so on The development in
these areas accommodates opportunity for development of consultancy industry. Some
business may require counseling help because of decrease in the labor force and absence of
innovation and absence of venture the board dealing with capacities, mechanical changes and
development in market. The strength of consultancy firm is that it has solid relational
abilities, centered drew nearer, business understanding, qualified experts, significant level
abilities and cost structure is additionally low. The consultancy administration has better
future in the event that it receives best skill in administration information, and adjust to the
changing circumstances of the market and examinations the market and natural circumstance
3. Company Profile
Vardhan Consulting Engineer is set up on tenth June 2018. VCE is established by the
group of designers who has solid scholarly and the board experience the whole way
across the globe. VCE is giving answer for the unpredictable designing administration
and monetary issue of the customer. Vardhan Consulting Engineer gives designing and
venture the board consultancy to energy projects. Particularly Solar PV power projects,
Pyrolysis projects. VCE advisor has over 10 years of the involvement with energy area,
they have their consultancy in the accompanying nations like India, Philippines, UK,
Cambodia and Thailand. Vardhan Consulting Engineers is lead agent has 10+ long
periods of appreciate in power zone in India, Philippines, United Kingdom, Cambodia
and Thailand. we're expert in sun PV projects, we offer customized made designing and
control answers for the clients wishes.
VCE have distinctive business skylines and income sources, for example,

1. Engineering and Management Consulting.

2. Importing and Branding Pearl Jewelry.

3. Stock Market and Cross-Currency Trading.

4. Insurance and Investment Advisory.

3.1 Objective of Vardhan Consulting Engineer
The significant article and reason for Vardhan Consulting Engineers are:

1. Provide nitty gritty examination and predominant quality reenactment, displaying and
designing for the energy projects.
2. To give quality preparing and entry level position to designers and the board understudies.
3. Their target is to offer some benefit expansion to the energy business through genuine
gathering pledges and valuation and consolidation and procurement.
3.2 Vision
Create values to the world by providing high quality of management and engineering service
to the energy projects.
3.3 Mission
They want to be most preferable consulting Company for energy and education sectors in
India and other countries (SEA).

3.4 Services of Vardhan Consulting Engineer

Vardhan Consulting Engineer drew in with designing and the board consultancy
administrations for organizations in energy area. It offers different types of assistance like
Solar PV Project, Waste to Energy, Sustainable Development, Merger and Acquisition or
Private Equity. It likewise gives temporary job freedoms to understudies who are searching
for corporate openness. The association helps its up-and-comer by offering them master
preparing and rules in temporary position pregame. Vardhan Consulting Engineer is notable
for its administrations with regards to Services, Feasibility Analysis, Detailed Project Report,
Financial Analysis, Financial Closure through Debt or Private Equity for Project Finance, on
location and Off-site Project Management and EPC-Management Services, Documentation
and Transaction Services available to be purchased of Project, Project Development and
Transfer of Rights at NTP.

1. value chain Analysis

Worth chain investigation is a cycle of isolating different exercises of the business in
essential and backing exercises and examining them, remembering, their commitment
towards esteem creation to the eventual outcome.

4.1 value chain of Consulting industry

Chart: 1.0 Showing Value Chain of a Consulting Organization

Administrative finance infrastructure - Legal, accounting, financial management

Human resource management – personal recruitment, training, staff planning etc.

Value added less cost = profit margin

Product and technology development – product and process design, production
………………………………………… engineering, marketing testing.

Procurement – supplier managent, funding, subcontracting, specification

Inbound Operation Outbound Sales & Servicing

logistics logistics

(Source: Google)
2. SWOT Analysis
5.1 Strengths

1. Vardhan Consulting Engineer firm have Excellent Reputation into infrastructure needs
based on quality and requirement of the organization.
2. Vardhan Consulting Engineer professionals always maintain high standards.
3. Vardhan Consulting Engineer focuses on the modern equipments and latest technology.
5.2 Weakness

1. Vardhan Consulting Engineer deals with high end projects which make them face higher
financial risk.
2. Vardhan Consulting Engineer intake of intern is high in number but due limited number
of trainees and management team, concentrating on each intern is challenging
5.3 Opportunities

1. The Vardhan Consulting Engineer use updated technology, which make them
concentrate on Government tenders and projects.
2. The Vardhan Consulting Engineer is concentrated towards solar energy, they should also
focus on wind energy to create an edge.
5.4 Threats

1. The Vardhan Consulting Engineer is facing high competition in the market.

2. The Vardhan Consulting Engineer Management team and board members are located
outside India so it’s been difficult to reach new clients on time.
3. Objective of the Study
1. To study the theoretical aspects of HR activities works in real environment.
2. To get certified in HR management and Corporate Skill Development Program course
offered by Vardhan Consulting Engineer.
3. To explore the operation and performance on the live projects.

4. Methodology
Under the temporary job program of multi month it was it was 80 days preparing and
specialization program followed by direction and assignments. They are giving preparing
program on various specializations like HR/Finance/Engineering subjects. Since I am had
some expertise in HR I picked preparing and affirmation in HR foundation. Along these lines,
the interaction will go through about a month of preparing dependent on HR subjects that
incorporates Human Recourse Management, Short posting the applicants, Issues in entry
level position and corporate preparing of understudies, Corporate Skill Development program
after the preparation the understudies are assessed and get into the most reasonable HR
stream for them and take up the viable errands. This will assist the understudy with acquiring
information hypothetically just as basically. In the initial twenty days under the temporary
position program I have been prepared with different HR ideas on the web. The talks were
accessible on organization drive we were getting the connection of drive and furthermore
remembered perusing material for PDF design. Explanation and conversation were made
through the Telegram gathering and Zoom gatherings. Through this preparation I have
mastered and fostered my HR abilities that are needed in everyday business which will add to
my future development and profession. Under the temporary job program of multi month it
was it was 80 days preparing and specialization program followed by direction and
assignments. They are giving preparing program on various specializations like
HR/Finance/Engineering subjects. Since I am had some expertise in HR I picked preparing
and affirmation in HR foundation. Along these lines, the interaction will go through about a
month of preparing dependent on HR subjects that incorporates Human Recourse
Management, Short posting the applicants, Issues in entry level position and corporate
preparing of understudies, Corporate Skill Development program after the preparation the
understudies are assessed and get into the most reasonable HR stream for them and take up
the viable errands. This will assist the understudy with acquiring information hypothetically
just as basically. In the initial twenty days under the temporary position program I have been
prepared with different HR ideas on the web. The talks were accessible on organization drive
we were getting the connection of drive and furthermore remembered perusing material for
PDF design. Explanation and conversation were made through the Telegram gathering and
Zoom gatherings. Through this preparation I have mastered and fostered my HR abilities that
are needed in everyday business which will add to my future development and profession.

5. Training
The main we had direction of the organization and temporary job program and we got
preparing followed by the HR points assignment of twelve days. Instructional courses were
led on the web and reference materials were shared through mail. Assignments were finished
dependent on the preparation

The subjects covered under the trainings in question.

1. Human Recourse Management
2. Short listing the candidates
3. Issues in internship and corporate training of students
4. Corporate Skill Development program

8.1 Human Recourse Management

Human asset the board is the essential way to deal with the compelling and effective
administration of individuals in an organization that help the business acquire efficiency and
it is intended to boost worker execution. HRM is fundamentally worried about the
administration of individuals inside the organization, HR dept is liable for overseeing
representative advantages plan, worker enrollment and improvement, execution examination,
and grant the chiefs, for instance, overseeing pay and Employee benefits advantage

HRM staff people are liable for guaranteeing that the organization has an overall mission,
vision, and characteristics that are shared and give a widely inclusive inspiration to agents to
have to work for their organization. These parts can be a motivation and help workers feel as
they are fundamental for something that is more prominent than them. also, HRM rouse the
workers through profession arranging and pay organization by boosting the representative's
resolve, creating connections, giving security necessities, and taking care of the government
assistance of representative.
8.2 Short listing the candidates
Short posting is a cycle where in picking the most fitting competitor out of pool of applicant
who went after certain job, after short posting of up-and-comer they will push ahead for the
following interaction. In the event that an organization needs to employ a monetary
supervisor, the HR group needs to design ahead of time about the number of individuals
they will enlist and the HR group need to set a specific boundary for short posting.

A. Some of the Short listing criteria for the financial manger

1. Educational qualification
2. Work experience
3. Age limit
4. Skills
5. Communication and presentation skill
B. Steps involved in the Short listing of the Candidates
1. Setting of the criteria
2. This implies that HR group should set a portion of the measures for short posting the
applicant; it should be agreement to the situation of the organization which it offers. A
portion of the rules are instructive capability, work insight, abilities, age limit, etc. HR
group needs to see what the 'should have' characteristics are for the applicants who
might be instructive ability, work insight and 'wanted' characteristics, for example,
abilities like specialized expertise, or any extra ability.
3. Deciding the number of candidates for short listing
At whatever point there is opportunity for the work the up-and-comers will go after the
position however HR group needs to deicide well ahead of time about the quantity of
contender for short posting for the given occupation opening. For instance: HR group has
chosen to waitlist the up-and-comer from 1000 to 50 competitors.
4. Resume screening
Here the HR group will screen the candidates continue, here HR group will see whether a
competitor has met the characteristics which are needed for the work dislike instructive
capability, work insight, etc, the qualified up-and-comer will move towards the following
5. Conducting the interview screening
This may occur through telephonic call where HR group will come to find out about the up-
and-comer and their inclinations, self-recorded video of applicant will likewise assist with
realizing how the competitor is information towards the organization.
5. Maintaining the score cards

This is given by HR group in the wake of doing the screening of the applicant this score are
given based on the measures. The score of the up-and-comer additionally incorporates the
strength and shortcoming while in the screening,
6. Letting the candidates who are not moving forward
After the screening and the assessment of score card, it is smarter to educate the applicant
who are not pushing ahead for the following round of the meeting. HR group may email to
those competitors who are not pushing ahead.
7. Interviewing process:
Meeting is the cycle where manager will pose certain arrangement of inquiry to the
achievement of organization objective to the applicant, boss may pose inquiry about the
activities, preparing, or work insight, etc. Meeting is to know one's conduct, enthusiasm,
disposition, and responsibility towards the work and friends.

8.3 Steps in Interview process

1. Job description

Meeting is the cycle where director will represent certain game plan of request to the
accomplishment of association objective to the candidate, manager may present request
about the exercises, planning, or work knowledge, and so forth Meeting is to know one's
direct, excitement, aura, and duty towards the work and companions.

Below is an example for job discretion for financial manager:

Table 1.0 Showing an example for job discretion for financial manager

Job Title Finance Manger

Location Bangalore, Mumbai
Salary 4,00,000-5,00, 000p.a
Qualification M.B. A, M. Com
Role Plan to co-ordinate the work with
employee and direct them
Technology Skill Accounting Software, Advance excel
Skill Active listening, Critical thinking
Abilities Oral expression, deductive reasoning,
problem solving.

3. Application

After the readiness of the work discretions, if any up-and-comer who is qualified to meet
the special case can apply for the post it might through the on the web. Where competitor
may have to transfer their resume and scarcely any words about themselves this will
accommodating to the HR group for choosing the applicants

4. Phone or Video interview

After the applicant has refreshed his resume, subsequent to screening the competitor HR
group will waitlist those up-and-comers and afterward they will have the telephonic
meeting where to check the fundamental prerequisites of like schooling, area, and
important abilities. This saves the hour of both the HR and applicant. Due to Coronavirus
Video conferencing acquire significance.

5. Personal interview

It incorporates checking of the foundation; it is an eye to eye meet. some time it is a last
phase of the meeting, here the hr will pose inquiry about the competitors, capability,
abilities, family foundation, ventures, entry level positions, etc.Offering the Position

After reviewing the HR team will select the candidate and offer them with an offer letter.

6. Selection process

Determination measure is choosing the most proper contender for the work out of the pool
of the competitors. Choice is the way toward picking the most appropriate up-and-comers
from the individuals who go after the position. It is an interaction of extending employment
opportunities to wanted applicants. When the potential candidates are recognized, the
subsequent stage is to assess their capability, characteristics, experience, capacities, and so
forth and make the choice.

8.4 Steps in Selection Process

Choice is the way toward picking the most reasonable competitors from the individuals who
go after the position. It is an interaction of extending employment opportunities to wanted

Chart 1.1 Showing the Selection Process

(Source: Google)

5.5 Initial Screening

The determination cycle consistently begins with the underlying screening; it incorporates
disposal of those competitors who are not gathering the prerequisites of that work position.
This is done through the setting of the different standards. The principle design is to
decrease the quantity of the candidates for the following round of the segment. This will
save the hour of the both meeting and competitor's time.
Sources utilized in the seeing

1. Resume of the applicant is the primary source for the shortlisting.

2. Education history of the candidate and employment history.
3. Evaluation of charter.
4. Evaluation of job performance.

8.6 Completion of the Application Form

The subsequent stage incorporates filling of the application for the work, it gives work
execution identified with ability and achievements. Application Form are speedy and precise
approach to gather data and authentic f the competitor.

Application Form includes

1. Name
2. Address
3. Email id
4. Phone Number and so on

8.7 Employment Test

This is to know the psychological capacities, information, actual capacities, character,
interest and demeanor and different practices. This is otherwise called character test; this
cuts off as the confirmations of applicant's prosperity. Medium and huge association direct
this sort of the test.
8.8 Job Interview

Here the meeting and candidate trade data, here these are the applicants who are generally

8.10 Content of the Interview are as follows

1.Experience: Experiences decide the expertise, capacities, critical thinking and capacity to
deal with the circumstance.

2.Academics: If it a fresher, scholastics of a candidates assume a significant part in the

3.Interpersonal expertise: One ought to have a decent relational ability while working in the

4.Personal characteristics: It incorporates the talking capacities, actual appearance,

flexibility, assurance, etc.

8.11 Conditional Job Offer

It means a job offer which will be tentative job offer that becomes permanent after some
time or after meeting the conditions.
8.12 Background Investigation
It is to verify the information about the candidate. Theses step is to check the accuracy of
application from former employers and reference.

8.13 Common Sources of Background

1. Former employees will be called to obtain their performance appraisal

1. Educational accomplishment
2. Credit reference and so on

8.14 Medical/Physical Examination

This examination is to determine an applicant’s physical fitness for essential job
8.15 Permanent Job offer
The candidate who is successful considered all the steps will receive the employment offer.

6. Training and development

Training and development play an important role in the effectiveness of organizations and
to the experiences of people in work. Training has implications for productivity, health and
safety at work and personal development. All organizations employing people need to train
and develop their staff. Most organizations are cognizant of this requirement and invest
effort and other resources in training and development. Such investment can take the form
of employing specialist training and development staff and paying salaries to staff
undergoing training and development. Investment in training and development entails
obtaining and maintaining space and equipment. It also means that operational personnel,
employed in the organization’s main business functions, such as production, maintenance,
sales, marketing and management support, must also direct their attention and effort from
time to time towards supporting training development and delivery. This means they are
required to give less attention to activities that are obviously more productive in terms of
the organization’s main business. However, investment in training and development is
generally regarded as good management practice to maintain appropriate expertise now
and in the future.

7. Key findings

8. Learning outcomes
Vardhan Consulting Engineer has provided a best internship opportunity for the students.
This internship helped me to gain knowledge about complete process of HR and also got
practical knowledge about the HR, along with this the programs like CSD and PPTP has
provided the corporate exposure which gave us knowledge about the skill which are
required for us along with our academics and also how to face an interview this is an added
advantage to us. In my internship I leant about how HR works, how each department is
related to the other and importance of each process.

In the first task we have learnt basics of the HR which is very important to understand the
topic of HR, we have given four questions. Here we have to analyze each concept and then
we have to write it, the question includes the importance of the HR department in any
organization it is very important to understand before starting the project, while analyzing
this question theses gave us a clear frame work of the HR then the question is followed by
the what are the problems and issue faced by the HR department here we analyzed the
problems which in another way gave a practical exposure to us. Next it is followed by the
functions of the HR department, roles and reasonability of the HR by answering this
question we got a practical knowledge.

Here we have given with the 3 topics out of which we have to choose the one topic as our
project I choose the topic as Short listing, Interviewing and selection process. Where we
have tried to analyses the problem or issue faced by the HR department while doing theses
process and we have given the possible solution to the problem this task has give a
knowledge about the different and main steps in the recruitment process.

Corporate Skill Development Program this program helped us to gain the knowledge about
the various skill and differentiation among that skill. Other than the academic those skill
plays an important role in the career this program gives what are those skill we have to
undertake related to our academic’s or the subject. Along with we also gain the knowledge
about the sensitivity analysis, time and energy management, definition of success which can
be easily adapted. Here the topic is given about the Short listing the candidates and
different paraments which are used in the short listing process. Short listing is the important
tool and the step in every interview because it the first step to eliminate the candidate who
is not fitting the fitting criteria for that job, short listing is the process which will make a
following process easier. Pre placemat training program which gives the correct knowledge
about the resume and it will also tell about how to improve the resumes and teaches what
are the necessary elements which are needed for the cracking the interview process and
also these programs will help to know about the different steps included in the interview

9. Conclusion
Different company chooses different method to hire a right candidate for the right job like
some company hire through the reference, college placements, job drives and so on.
Consistent hiring plan will help to optimize ability to hire a right job which will also helps to
reduce the cost and time of the company. A systematic process provides the organization
with pool of qualified candidates. HR plays a vital role in any organization, an effective
recruitment and selection process which includes short listing if the candidate, interviewing
and selection process which will reduces turnover, a proper planning of all this will lead to
the better results. A proper plan by the HR department with their team regarding the job
opening and procedure will lead to open the proper procedure for a hiring plan. The hiring
plans to be such that both the HR and candidate need to be satisfied with the whole process
of hiring.

To conclude in this study, we have learnt different concepts of HR which are important
while hiring the candidate, and also, we leant how each process work and how one process
is linked with the another.


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