Problem Set 01
Problem Set 01
Problem Set 01
1. Logic Proofs.
a. Prove that a → b is equivalent to ¬b → ¬a using a truth table.
b. Prove it using algebraic identities.
c. Prove that a → b is not equivalent to b → a.
3. In ADU-ball, you can score 11 points for a goal, and 7 for a near miss.
a. Write a Scheme program that prints out the number of goals and the
number of near misses to achieve a given total greater than 60.
b. Prove that you can achieve any score greater than 60. Think inductively
and experiment.
4. Prove by induction that there are 2n possible rows in a truth table with n variables.
5. In the restroom of a fancy Italian restaurant in Mansfield, MA, there is a sign that
reads: Please do not leave valuables or laptop computers in your car.
Assuming that a laptop computer is considered a valuable, prove using formal
logic, that the sentence Please do not leave valuables in your car is equivalent to
the sign in the restroom. Prove that Please do not leave laptops in your car is not
6. Prove that ab, (a nand b), which is defined to be ¬(a ∧ b), is complete. Write
(a→b)→b using just | (nand), then using just ↓ (nor).
7. Show how to use a truth table in order to construct a conjunctive normal form for
any Boolean formula W. Hint: Consider the disjunctive normal form for ¬W.
8. Euclid proved that there are an infinite number of primes, by assuming that n is
the highest prime, and exhibiting a number that he proved must either be prime
itself, or else have a prime factor greater than n. Write a scheme program to find
the smallest n for which Euclid’s proof does not provide an actual prime number.
9. You have proved before that a truth table with n variables has 2n rows.
11. Guess the number of different ways for n people to arrange themselves in a
straight line, and prove your guess is correct by induction.
12. Use logic with quantifiers and predicates to model the following three statements:
All students are taking classes. Some students are not motivated. Some people
taking classes are not motivated.
Prove, using resolution methods, that the third statement follows logically from
the first two. (Reminder: You must take the conjunction of the first two
statements and the negation of the third, and derive a contradiction.)
13. The following algebraic idea is central for Karnaugh maps. Karnaugh maps are a
method of minimizing the size of circuits for digital logic design.
a. Using algebraic manipulation, prove that the two Boolean formulae below
are equivalent. (Hint: x(a+¬a) is equivalent to x.)
¬yx + ¬zy + ¬xz and ¬xy + ¬yz + ¬zx
14. The exclusive-or operator ⊕, is defined by the rule that a ⊕ b is true whenever a
or b is true but not both.
a. Calculate x ⊕ x, x ⊕ ¬x, x ⊕ 1, x ⊕ 0.
b. Prove or disprove that x+ (y ⊕ z) = (x+ y) ⊕ (x+ z)
c. Prove or disprove that x ⊕ (y + z) = (x ⊕ y) + (x ⊕ z)
d. Write conjunctive normal form and disjunctive normal form formulae for x ⊕ y
e. The exclusive-or operator is not complete. Which ones, if any, of the three
operators {and, or, not} can be combined with exclusive-or to make a complete set.
15. The nth triangle number Tn is defined to be the sum of the first n integers.
a. Prove by induction that Tn = n(n+1)/2.
b. Prove algebraically using (a), that n3 + (1+2+…+(n-1))2 = (1+2+…(n-1) + n)2
c. Using (b) guess a formula for 13 + 23 + 33 + … + n3, and prove it by induction.
16. Guess a formula for the sum below, and prove you are right by induction.
1 + 1(2) + 2(3) + 3(4) + … + n(n+1)