JLO Food Company Profile
JLO Food Company Profile
JLO Food Company Profile
Our gratitude goes to God
Almighty so that on this happy
occasion we can introduce our
company, namely CV. Jataka
Linear Organik (JLO Food) with
the brand product "Tragano".
We hope this company profile WHY CHOOSE US
can be taken into consideration
for our clients and relations. DELICIOUS LOVE
- Tragano Fruitchip makes it easy for consumers to enjoy fruit.
Haryoto - Made only from ripe fruit.
CEO - Natural crispy and sweet from fruit.
JLO Food is one of the SME companies in the field of
- No added sugar and no preservatives.
processed fruit snacks in Indonesia, our main product is
fruit chips. - Export quality.
In the production process we apply sustainable - Made using the HACCP & ISO standart procedure.
principles and are carried out according to our HACCP,
ISO, P-IRT, Halal certification standards. Our products
answer the needs of people who care about quality
and healthy food. - Made from fertile Indonesian natural products.
- Obtain a net profit above the industry average. CONTACT US
- Providing good added value for all company CV. Jataka Linear Organik
stakeholders including suppliers and consumers. Jataka Building - Tragano
Website : www.jlofood.com