Brivo CT385: Installation Manual
Brivo CT385: Installation Manual
Brivo CT385: Installation Manual
Installation Manual
Rev 11
© 2012, GE Company
All Right Reserved
The information in this manual applies to the following Brivo CT385 Series CT Systems:
• Brivo CT385
• Brivo CT385J
• Brivo CT385 Pro
• Brivo CT385 ProJ
Page 162
Book 2 TOC
Chapter 4
Electrical Introduction......................................................................................... 169
Section 1.0
Introduction .................................................................................................... 169
Section 2.0
Review Mechanical Hand Off Material.......................................................... 169
Section 3.0
Training ........................................................................................................... 169
Section 4.0
Required FE Common Tools and Supplies.................................................. 170
4.1 FE Calibration and Service Tool List ............................................................................. 170
4.2 Electrical Tools .............................................................................................................. 170
4.3 Image Quality Calibration Tools..................................................................................... 170
4.4 Detector Service Tools .................................................................................................. 170
4.5 Optional Tools................................................................................................................ 171
4.6 Safety Materials ............................................................................................................. 171
4.7 Cleanliness .................................................................................................................... 171
Section 5.0
Requirements/Assumptions.......................................................................... 172
Section 6.0
FE Workflow.................................................................................................... 172
Section 7.0
Checklists for Completed Installation .......................................................... 173
7.1 System-Level ................................................................................................................. 173
7.1.1 General ............................................................................................................. 173
7.1.2 Optional and Regional ...................................................................................... 173
7.2 Site Clean Up................................................................................................................. 173
7.3 Dolly Return ................................................................................................................... 173
7.4 Options .......................................................................................................................... 173
7.5 Paperwork (Final Activities) ........................................................................................... 174
Section 8.0
GE and Regulatory Forms ............................................................................. 175
8.1 All Countries .................................................................................................................. 175
8.1.1 GE e-4879 Form ............................................................................................... 175
8.1.2 Product Locator Cards...................................................................................... 175
8.2 U.S. Installations Only ................................................................................................... 175
8.2.1 FDA 2579 Form ................................................................................................ 175
8.2.2 System Chassis Ground Leakage Test Form................................................... 176
Chapter 5
Electrical Integration and Safety Verifications ................................................. 177
Section 1.0
Electrical Power ON & Ground Checks ........................................................ 177
1.1 Required Tools.............................................................................................................. 178
1.2 Initial PDU Configuration............................................................................................... 178
1.2.1 Circuit Breakers................................................................................................ 178
1.2.2 Relay Board ..................................................................................................... 178
1.2.3 Power Switches................................................................................................ 179
1.2.4 Hardware and Connection Check .................................................................... 179
1.2.5 Covers .............................................................................................................. 179
1.3 Suite Emergency Off Checks ....................................................................................... 180
1.4 Line Transformer Settings............................................................................................. 180
1.4.1 Requirements ................................................................................................... 180
1.4.2 Line Input Conditions ....................................................................................... 180
1.5 System Power Up ......................................................................................................... 181
1.6 Emergency Stop Check ................................................................................................ 183
Section 2.0
Computer Integration ..................................................................................... 185
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 185
2.2 System Configuration Data Sheets ............................................................................... 185
2.3 Restore System State ................................................................................................... 185
2.4 Install Customer Options............................................................................................... 186
2.4.1 Software ........................................................................................................... 186
2.4.2 Camera ............................................................................................................ 188
2.5 Monitor Setup................................................................................................................ 189
2.6 Shut Down Application .................................................................................................. 189
2.7 Reconfig the OC............................................................................................................ 189
2.7.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 190
2.7.2 Procedure......................................................................................................... 190
2.8 Check/Set Date and Time ............................................................................................. 198
2.9 Save System State........................................................................................................ 198
2.10 Applications Start-Up .................................................................................................... 199
2.11 Console Boot-up Flow Chart ......................................................................................... 199
2.12 Adjust Monitor ............................................................................................................... 200
2.13 Screen Saver Setup Utility ............................................................................................ 200
Section 3.0
Table Gantry Integration ................................................................................ 202
3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 202
3.2 Check Alignment Lights ................................................................................................ 202
3.2.1 Room Light Adjustment .................................................................................... 202
3.2.2 Turning the Alignment Lights ON ..................................................................... 202
3.2.3 Internal Axial Lights .......................................................................................... 203
3.2.4 External Axial to Internal Axial Distance .......................................................... 203
3.2.5 Coronal Lights .................................................................................................. 203
3.2.6 Turn Lights OFF ............................................................................................... 203
3.3 Autovoice/Intercom Check ............................................................................................ 204
3.3.1 Requirements ................................................................................................... 204
Book 2 TOC
3.4 CT System X-Ray ON Indicators, Cautions & Warning Labels ..................................... 205
3.4.1 Check And Install System Warning Labels....................................................... 205
3.4.2 Install Local Language Rating Plate (if necessary)........................................... 208
3.4.3 Documentation - Verification............................................................................. 208
3.5 Check Warning Labels................................................................................................... 209
3.5.1 On GSCB.......................................................................................................... 209
3.5.2 On Gantry ......................................................................................................... 209
3.5.3 On Laser ........................................................................................................... 209
3.6 Process Product Locator Cards..................................................................................... 209
3.7 Check X-Ray Lights ....................................................................................................... 209
3.8 Mechanical Characterization ......................................................................................... 210
3.8.1 Table Height Characterization .......................................................................... 210
3.9 Interference Test............................................................................................................ 210
3.9.1 Verify Table Elevation....................................................................................... 211
Chapter 6
Image Quality ....................................................................................................... 213
Section 1.0
Introduction .................................................................................................... 213
Section 2.0
Calibration Process........................................................................................ 214
2.1 Scanning with Service Protocols ................................................................................... 214
2.2 Prepare the QA Phantom .............................................................................................. 214
2.3 Calibration Process Introduction.................................................................................... 214
2.4 Center Phantom............................................................................................................. 214
Section 3.0
Tube Warm Up and Fast Cal.......................................................................... 215
Section 4.0
Tomographic Plane Indication ...................................................................... 216
Section 5.0
Image Series ................................................................................................... 217
5.1 Scan Protocol ................................................................................................................ 217
5.2 Data Recording: Means and Standard Deviation .......................................................... 217
5.3 Term Definitions and Screens ....................................................................................... 217
5.4 20cm QA Phantom Image Series Image Performance Verification............................... 219
5.4.1 Image Performance Verification Method Selection........................................... 219
5.4.2 Image Performance Verification (without QA2 Protocol) .................................. 221 Acquiring the 20cm QA Phantom Image Series ............................... 221 20cm QA Phantom Image Series Image Performance Verification.. 222 Failure Recommended Actions ........................................................ 227
5.4.3 Image Performance Verification (with QA2 Protocol) ....................................... 229 Acquiring the 20cm QA Phantom Image Series ............................... 229 20cm QA Phantom Image Series Image Performance Verification.. 230 Failure Recommended Actions ........................................................ 234
Table of Contents Page 165
Section 6.0
System Functional Test ................................................................................. 237
Section 7.0
Save System State.......................................................................................... 238
Chapter 7
Customer Options Installation & Verification................................................... 239
Section 1.0
CT Options ...................................................................................................... 239
Section 2.0
Install Options................................................................................................. 240
2.1 Camera (Filming Device) .............................................................................................. 240
Section 3.0
DICOM Network Introduction......................................................................... 241
Section 4.0
Before You Start ............................................................................................. 242
4.1 Network Physical Requirements ................................................................................... 242
4.2 Network Identity Information ......................................................................................... 242
4.3 Scanner to DICOM Remote Hosts Network Information............................................... 242
4.4 Scanner to DICOM HIS/RIS Interface Network Information.......................................... 242
4.5 Scanner to DICOM Printers Network Information ......................................................... 243
Section 5.0
Declaring the System on the Hospital Network ........................................... 244
5.1 Enter Configuration Routine.......................................................................................... 244
5.2 Configure Network Settings .......................................................................................... 245
5.3 Initiate System Reconfiguration .................................................................................... 247
Section 6.0
Declaring Remote Hosts on the CT System................................................. 248
6.1 Enter Remote Host Configuration Screen..................................................................... 248
6.2 Declaring DICOM Remote Hosts on the CT Scanner ................................................... 250
Section 7.0
Declaring the CT System on Remote Hosts................................................. 252
7.1 Declaring the Scanner on DICOM Protocol Devices/Systems...................................... 252
Section 8.0
DICOM HIS/RIS Setup..................................................................................... 253
8.1 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................. 253
8.2 Loading ConnectPRO Software Option on the CT System........................................... 253
8.3 PPS Setup..................................................................................................................... 256
Section 9.0
DICOM Filming Devices Setup ...................................................................... 257
9.1 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................. 257
9.2 Declaring DICOM Filming Devices on the CT System .................................................. 257
9.3 Troubleshooting Tips..................................................................................................... 268
Section 10.0
Network Connections .................................................................................... 270
Book 2 TOC
Chapter 8
System-Level Safety Tests ................................................................................. 275
Appendix D
Additional Characterization Procedures ........................................................... 277
Appendix E
System Configuration Data Sheets.................................................................... 279
Appendix F
Symbols................................................................................................................ 283
Chapter 4
Electrical Introduction
4 – Electrical Intro
e4879. For more information about this form, see Section 8.0 of Chapter 4.
• Only use the Installation manual that arrives with your system for installation. Any other
revisions of this manual may not exactly match your system.
Section 1.0
Use the continuity and ground checks to verify the system power connections have not shorted to
ground and that the ground and neutral connections are intact.
Section 2.0
Review Mechanical Hand Off Material
Complete the Mechanical Hand Off checklist:
All options were installed. If not, contact your install specialist.
Check for short ships.
Review cable connections with mechanical team.
Complete mechanical vendor evaluation.
Section 3.0
This product requires a trained FE to proceed with the calibrations in this section.
Section 4.0
Required FE Common Tools and Supplies
4.1 FE Calibration and Service Tool List
Note: Items with a “check” () are included in the Install Support Kit.
Special CT Tools used for mechanical alignments:
5mm hex bit for 3/8” drive 6" long 10mm open-end thin wrench
(Snap-On FAML5E or equivalent) (Snap-On SRSM10 or equivalent)
10mm hex bit for ratchet wrench (ball end) 21mm open-end thin wrench
(Snap-On FABM10E or equivalent) (Snap-On LTAM2124 or equivalent)
2.5mm Allen hex bit for ¼" 14mm ball hex socket bit for 3/8” drive
• Standard FE Tool Kit 14 mm hex socket bit for ½" drive
• Torque Wrench Kit
• Aero Duster
• AMAX Contact Cleaner
4 – Electrical Intro
• Caliper Dial indicators (mm or inches)
• Ground Rod Tester Clamp on Amp Probe
Note: Items with “checks” () are included in the Install Support Kit
Lockout/Tagout kit, or equivalent
Nitrile Rubber Gloves
• Safety Glasses
4.7 Cleanliness
Any dirt on the surface increases leakage current on the filter or converter cards and causes the
DAS to fail the drift spec. Wear Nitrile gloves (part number 2207303-6 [large] and 2207303-7 [extra
large]) when you handle the DAS, because fingerprints on the board can cause problems during
humid conditions. Use only clean, new Nitrile gloves. Do not use hospital grade gloves.
Section 5.0
• This procedure will be performed by an appropriately trained engineer.
• All stations in a suite must have the same SUITE ID.
• You need the name of all hosts in the suite and their corresponding Internet/Ethernet numbers.
• You need the Internet (IP) addresses the first time you execute a reconfig on the system.
- When you connect the system to a network, contact the system administrator to obtain
the IP addresses for all the computers in the suite.
- You also need an IP address for each gateway (second) ethernet board in any OC or IC.
- You can use the default internet number on stand-alone systems (stand-alone = not
connected to any network).
• For more detailed information and instructions regarding Network Integration, see Chapter 7
on page 239.
Section 6.0
FE Workflow
1.) Review mechanical hand-off material.
2.) Obtain required FE common tools and supplies.
3.) Perform electrical power-on and ground checks.
4.) Gather all customer information needed for reconfiguration.
5.) Perform computer integration.
6.) Complete Table/Gantry integration.
7.) Complete the calibration process.
8.) Perform the Table/Gantry Alignment procedure.
9.) Perform tube warm-up and fast calibration.
10.) Complete tomographic plane indication.
11.) Run image series tests.
12.) Run system functional test.
13.) Create system state DVD.
14.) Perform the Patient Touch Leakage Test.
15.) Perform the CT System Chassis Leakage Test, as required by local code.
16.) Complete installation and verification of any customer options.
17.) Complete and return GE Form e4879 Installation Data Verification, for all installations.
Section 7.0
Checklists for Completed Installation
Complete the installation tasks listed below and check the appropriate boxes here and on the GE
e-4879 form to verify the completion of these tasks. Section 8.1 contains an explanation of the GE
e-4879 form, which the FE must complete and submit for ALL installations.
7.1 System-Level
4 – Electrical Intro
7.1.1 General
HVAC system is operational and environmental data reported on the GE e-4879 form.
System realignments completed, if required.
Broadband installed and operational.
Power and ground audit completed.
7.4 Options
Check the appropriate boxes here and on the GE e-4879 form to verify the installation and proper
functionality of all customer-ordered options.
Injector installed and operational.
Filming/Camera/DASM installed and operational.
Modem installed and functional tests completed.
UPS installed and functional tests completed.
Network items installed and functional tests completed.
Customer software options installed and operational.
GE e-4879 form completed; see Section 8.1. (Required for installations in ALL countries.)
FDA 2579 form completed; see Section 8.2. (Required ONLY for U.S. installations.)
Any PQRs or PSRs that you encountered have been reported.
All FMIs for system completed, if necessary.
All dispatching activities (03-04-10 codes) completed.
Customer acceptance checks completed.
System transfer completed and appropriate GE personnel notified.
All outstanding customer installation issues have been addressed.
Section 8.0
GE and Regulatory Forms
Field Engineers must complete and submit the documents listed in Section 8.1 for ALL installations,
regardless of the country. In addition, for installations performed within the United States, Field
Engineers must ALSO complete and submit the documents listed in Section 8.2.
4 – Electrical Intro
8.1.1 GE e-4879 Form
The Field Engineer should:
1.) Locate the GE e-4879 form on the Service CD.
2.) Complete the form.
3.) E-mail the completed form to the following:
a.) HHS Administrator
NOTICE Some states require a State Registration Number to complete this form. For any questions
concerning your state, contact the HHS Administrator or check the HHS Support Central
Web site. Some states may also require additional information and test information. For
instructions, contact the Project Manager of Installation.
Chapter 5
Electrical Integration and Safety Verifications
NOTICE Potential for Data Loss and/or Equipment Damage
To prevent potential data loss, please do the following:
• When instructed, record data collected from the procedures in this chapter on GE Form
e4879. For more information about this form, see Section 8.0 of Chapter 4.
• Only use the Installation manual that arrives with your system for installation. Any other
revisions of this manual may not exactly match your system.
Section 1.0
Electrical Power ON & Ground Checks
Signed Date
22 101 C7 C8
R3 R2 R1
Kxg 104
F1 F2 F3 Kss
Ground Block
Customer I/O
Console Option
System GND
CT Gantry
Mains Input
Axial Driver
Signed Date
Verify SW is in the
normal position
1.2.5 Covers
Install, or verify the presence of, all the lexan safety covers.
1.) Turn wall power ON to the PDU.
2.) Press the suite emergency off button and verify it turns off wall power to the PDU.
[Typically, this red palm button is located on the wall close to the console, within the scan
3.) Verify that all “Emergency Off” button are working properly.
4.) Leave power “OFF”
1.4.1 Requirements
1.) The PDU is shipped configured for 480VAC.
2.) Complete only if your site uses a voltage other than 480VAC.
3.) If PDU is configured for 480VAC, go to 1.5. Otherwise, proceed to Section 1.4.2.
Signed Date
Taps should be shipped as shown for 480 VAC only. For all others, you must move the taps.
The tap check should be completed by the mechanical installer.
6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1
H3 H2 H1
3.) Verify that the No Load Line to Line Voltage never falls outside the corresponding minimum
and maximum values listed in Table 5-1.
4.) Use a 0-750 AC voltmeter of % accuracy to measure the line-to-line voltages at L1, L2, and
- Verify the highest line-to-line voltage does not exceed 1.02 times the lowest voltage.
- Example: If the lowest voltage equals 474, the highest voltage should not exceed 474 x
1.02 = 483.5 volts.
Signed Date
CAUTION Verify all personnel have cleared the system before you turn on wall power.
1.) Turn ON A1 breaker panel.
2.) Turn ON all system power switches and breakers (table, gantry, DAS, PDU, console).
1.) Set KTCB S3 switch to “NOR” position.
2.) Turn ON the Gantry 120VAC. (Light should turn on.)
3.) Turn AXIAL DRIVE ENABLE ON. (Light should turn on.)
4.) Turn HV DC ENABLE ON. (Light should turn on.)
5.) Push the Service Switch Panel reset button (see Figure 5-4).
6.) Press the alignment light push button.
7.) Verify that the gantry rotates.
8.) Perform a 4 second X-ray OFF scan.
NOTICE During the scan, it may be necessary to enter the scan room, to obtain a better listening
position. If so, keep a finger on one of the two E-STOP buttons (on the gantry), to quickly
stop the gantry, if necessary.
1.) Use the gantry push-buttons to advance the cradle about 0.5m (2ft) from the home position.
2.) Press one of the E-STOP buttons on the gantry.
a.) Make sure the Table Power shuts off.
b.) LEDs on the TGPG board are extinguished.
c.) Gantry display/control panel are extinguished.
3.) Depress the table elevation buttons of the display/control panel and foot switches, to verify the
emergency stop disabled table elevation.
4.) Depress the cradle drive buttons of the display/control panel and foot switches, to verify the
emergency stop disabled the cradle drive.
5.) Manually move the cradle to the home position to make sure the emergency stop released the
cradle latch.
6.) Make sure the cradle latches securely in the home position.
7.) Use a pin to press the E-Reset switch on the GSCB, make sure the elevation and cradle drive
now work.
E-Reset Switch
8.) Repeat the above steps to check the other E-STOP button on the gantry and GSCB.
Section 2.0
Computer Integration
2.1 Introduction
This Section describes the reconfiguration, system state restore, options, and monitor adjustment
For convenient removal and use during installation, System Configuration Data Sheets appear in
Appendix E. Please locate and complete to them at this point during installation.
Your system should have a system state DVD, located in the Gantry accessories’ box.
The system state DVD contains:
• Collimator Characterization
• Phantom Calibrations
• Gen Cal
• Other Data
The installation process uses all the system state files. At this time, use the system state DVD to
restore all files.
If you cannot locate an existing system state DVD, you must recalibrrate your system.
1.) If you are not on the Service Desktop, click on the SERVICE DESKTOP icon.
2.4.1 Software
Note: Your system may have a DVD that contains customer purchased options. If your system has
an options DVD, install it at this time--otherwise skip this section.
Ensure that the options DVD is NOT write protected at this time. The initial install requires that the
DVD be write enabled; subsequent installs can be done with the DVD write protected.
1.) If you are not on the Service Desktop, click on the SERVICE DESKTOP icon.
5.) Insert the options DVD into the DVD drive and click on OK. (If you do not have an options DVD,
click on OK anyway, wait for the abort pop up, then abort the process.)
6.) Select all of the options in the left-hand column to install the corresponding software.
7.) Select INSTALL. A box may appear while the options are loading. When an option is displayed
in the Installed Options list, then installation of that option is complete. Note that some
options take a fraction of a second to install, while options like 3D may take a half minute (due
to the fact that they are installing software).
8.) After the options are installed, select QUIT.
9.) Select OK.
10.) Remove the DVD and write protect the side with options.
11.) When the system prompts to Reboot, click YES, and reboot the system to complete the installation.
2.4.2 Camera
Tools Required:
• Small flat blade screw driver
• Data collected from data sheets (See Camera Application Configuration on page 280.)
• Software Load Procedures manual
• System Service manual.
Note: If a DASM is requires, the DASM hardware must be installed before proceeding.
For details on camera configuration, refer to the Software Load Procedures manual.
For details on troubleshooting the camera, refer to the System Service manual.
The detailed monitor setup procedure please refer to Service Methods → Align, Setup, Cals →
Console → LCD Video Monitor Setup.
Standard Level
If Applications is currently running, you must shutdown system applications.
Note: The document collector box that arrived with your system contains the Software Installation
Procedures manual, which documents the reconfiguration procedure in more detail.
2.7.1 Overview
On the following screens, you should make the changes necessary, pressing the corresponding
button at the top of the screen to move from screen to screen. When you are done, you can either
press the ACCEPT button to start the reconfiguration process, or press the QUIT button to exit
without changing the system configuration.
While the reconfiguration is going on, messages are displayed in a shell window that closes when
reconfiguration is complete. Should you later want to review the reconfiguration output, it is logged
to the following file:
YYYYMMDDWWWHHMMSS is the Date/Time that the reconfiguration was started.
To view the file, type: more /var/adm/install.log.YYYYMMDDWWWHHMMSS
It is possible to abort the reconfiguration while entering information on the reconfiguration screens.
Simply press the QUIT button at the top of the screen. There is NO safe way to abort the
reconfiguration after pressing the ACCEPT button. If the entries made in the screens were incorrect,
DO NOT try to stop the reconfiguration, instead wait for it to complete, and rerun reconfig, entering
the correct parameters.
2.7.2 Procedure
1.) Change directory to scripts:
Type: cd /usr/g/scripts ENTER at the prompt.
2.) Launch the Install utility:
Type: reconfig ENTER at the prompt.
The OC displays the Install Utility Window as shown in Figure 5-10.
Comment: The following pages show the screens that are used to change the configuration of the system.
These screens are the same as those used for the Software Configuration during Load From Cold.
The actual screens will vary depending on the current configuration of your system.
b d
c e
Note: Use the scrollbar at the bottom of the time-zone selection list to view the entire description
of the time-zone you are about to select, to ensure that you are selecting the correct time-
zone for your location.
If the time-zone of your location is not in the list above, select one of the universal times
in the selection menu. In this case, automatic changes for daylight savings time will not
take effect. See Load from Cold manual, if you require more information regarding time-
zone setting & selection.
d.) Next Patient Exam # configures the next Exam number the scan user interface will
use. At initial system installation, type: 1
e.) Next Diagnostic Exam # Customer Selected.
f.) Mobile System Select to tell the software if this CT is in a mobile environment or not.
g.) Energy Saving Indicates to the software if this CT is in Energy Saving mode or not.
5.) Select the PREFERENCES button to display the Preference Settings Screen as shown in
Figure 5-12.
e f
l m
g.) Select the site-preferred Dose Record option for the site. Default is ON. The dose
information is saved in a DICOM structured report. The DICOM standard defines a new
DICOM X-RAY Radiation SR SOP class, which the other systems must support. The
Dose SR feature saves an exam’s dose information in this format.
* ON = Saves the dose information in a DICOM Enhanced SR SOP Class
* OFF = Turns off the option
* FULL = Saves the dose information in a DICOM X-Ray Radiation Dose SR SOP
h.) Preferred Fast Cal KV configures the preferred kV that the Fast Cal Routine will
calibrate (80, 100, 120, 140 in the Selected Preferred Fast Cal KV field). The
default selections are 120 and 140.
Comment: These kVs should include all kVs that the site uses for patient scanning. Deselecting All
Preferred FastCal KVs is the same as selecting ALL the Preferred FastCal KVs
i.) Select Target Noise Index Table: default is [TABLE 2].
j.) Select Gantry Layout according to gantry/table layout in the hospital.
Note: Select ONLEFT if gantry is laid to the left of table (viewed from the control room),
otherwise, select ONRIGH.
k.) Flip and Rotate: Configures the preference for allowing the Flip and Rotate
feature to be turned on in the User interface on the (Left) SCAN Monitor. Default is OFF.
This preference allows the Customer to apply custom orientation changes based on
Exam Type and reconstructions methods on the DICOM images that will be transferred
to PACS and related systems.
l.) Select Emergency Patient Mode to [OFF] unless requirement.
m.) Select Auto Exam Des. to [OFF] unless requirement.
Note: This preference shall not be enabled unless specifically requested by the Customer and
Evaluation of Image Flip and Rotate Compatibility functional check procedure
has been executed and all DICOM test images pass orientation check.
7.) Select the HARDWARE button to display the Hardware Settings Screen (Figure 5-13).
9.) Select the NETWORK button to display the Network Settings Screen as shown in Figure 5-14.
g l
13.) The system will automatically login as ctuser after the reboot. Select OK on the Autostart
Disabled popup message.
Note: When performing Save/Restore System State, check to ensure there is no two or more USB
storage devices (SSA Key or other mobile storage) plugged in Console/Tower at the same time
which may result in incorrect data storage.
1.) Insert the DVD into the Peripheral Tower DVD drive or USB in any of the console’s USB port.
3.) Select: UTILITIES.
4.) Select: SYSTEM STATE for DVD Media or SYSTEM STATE-USB of USB Media.
5.) Select ALL to save all data.
6.) Click SAVE. the System State Media Ready pop-up window appears.
7.) Select YES in the System State Media Ready pop-up window.
8.) When completed, select CANCEL, then select DISMISS.
9.) Remove the DVD or USB from the drive, then label and date the disk including the suite name.
10.) Close the Service Desktop window at the upper left corner of the screen.
Open the Console shell window, and type: st ENTER. The applications desktop appears on the
Look for:
LINUX Boot - SCSI tower components:
screen DVD & MOD No
Linux loads - Host Drives: four 300 GB HDD
- Memory 12 GB
Messages appear
in Pink Attention Recon initializes. On
boxes. CT Power desktop GUI, check
Autostart. OC Recon status messages:
Initializing Resetting (1-2 min),
please wait. Complete, Idle.
Confirmation box
appears. Click OK.
Bootup Complete
1.) If you are not on the Service Desktop, click on the SERVICE DESKTOP icon.
Section 3.0
Table Gantry Integration
3.1 Introduction
Use these procedures to functionally check every part of the table/gantry subsystem.
Start Check
X-Ray Lights
Check Alignment
Perform Mechanical
Verify Table
Check Elevation
Warning Labels
Leakage Current
Test (See System-
Process Product Level Safety Tests on
Locator Cards page 259.)
CAUTION Verify all personnel have cleared the system. The Gantry rotates during this check.
1.) Turn ON the AXIAL DRIVE ENABLE and HVDC ENABLE switches (located on the service
switch board.
2.) Turn on the alignment light switch on the gantry control panel. The gantry will rotate and the
alignment lights will turn ON.
NOTICE If system has internal axial lights in site, it is necessary to measure the distance between
external axial and internal axial.
Press to Talk
3.3.1 Requirements
Two people are required to complete this procedure.
Table Top Side Cover Pinch Hazard warning label - each side of cover
OC - Rear Panel
Read Documentation Caution Label
Note: The labels on the system and the system manuals must comply with the country law, as listed in
Direction 5221102-1EN (found in the keyboard collector kit shipped with the system) regardless of
the user interface (UI) language that is chosen. Compliance to the law must be completed prior to
releasing the system to the customer.
Note: Do not cover English labels already on the system.
3.5.1 On GSCB
1.) Make sure the GSCB overlay warning label appears in the correct location on the GSCB.
2.) Record this information on Form 4879. For more information about this form, see Section 8.0
of Chapter 4.
3.5.2 On Gantry
1.) Check that all laser warning labels are present on the gantry near the laser opening.
2.) There should also be warning labels on the lower right side of the gantry front cover.
3.5.3 On Laser
1.) Make sure all laser warning labels appear in the correct location on the outside of the gantry.
2.) Obtain and install replacements for any missing labels.
1.) Collect the product locator cards shipped with the system. There should be approximately 28
product locator cards with the average system.
2.) Update the online product locator web site with the required hospital information.
3.) Confirm that the serial numbers on the cards shipped with the system match those found on
the web site for that GON number.
4.) Update as required. Place the cards in a plastic bag, then place them in the service cabinet.
Perform several scans following the steps below. Verify that the X-ray ON lights are ON during the
scans. When done, check the boxes in Table 5-4.
1.) Make sure the axial drive enable and HVDC enable switches are ON.
2.) If you are not on the Service Desktop, click on the Service Desktop icon.
Gantry Front
The relationship of table height to ISO center must be characterized for proper interference matrix
Note: Do NOT perform tilt characterization.
• Be sure that the System State was restored from DVD per Section 2.0.
• Reset the hardware to download the new characterization values before performing the table/
gantry interference tests in this section.
1.) Table flashed with latest SW
2.) Table must have elevation and cradle characterized
3.) Table must be mechanically aligned to gantry
4.) Table must have had the table-gantry characterization completed
Page 210 Section 3.0 - Table Gantry Integration
5.) Verify the Table extender (option) is installed (if extender is ordered)
The following requirements are tested in this series of tests.
1.) No motion shall cause the table to hit the gantry (or gantry to hit the table)
2.) Requirement #1 shall include the use of the table extender (if extender is ordered).
These requirements will only be met when the table is NOT in service mode.
Chapter 6
Image Quality
NOTICE Potential for Data Loss and/or Equipment Damage
To prevent potential data loss, please do the following:
• When instructed, record data collected from the procedures in this chapter on GE Form
e4879. For more information about this form, see Section 8.0 of Chapter 4.
• Only use the Installation manual that arrives with your system for installation. Any other
revisions of this manual may not exactly match your system.
Section 1.0
6 – Image Quality
Table Gantry Image Series
Tomographic Plane
Indication End
Section 2.0
Calibration Process
Do not perform these procedures (Scanning with Service Protocols or Center Phantom) until
instructed to do so in other sections of this chapter.
Locate the Manufacturing and Installation protocols under the SERVICE tab.
Note: Manufacturing and Service share this Protocol list. Different product option offerings also
use this list. Carefully follow the scan section instructions, and verify you acquired the
images with the correct technique before filling out the data sheet. Otherwise you may
troubleshoot an image problem that only exists because you used the wrong technique.
1.) Select the NEW PATIENT icon on the left monitor
2.) Enter a Patient ID (e.g., getest).
3.) Click on the box labeled SERVICE to access the necessary protocols.
1.) Locate the multi-language sticker packet in the QA phantom shipping box.
2.) Attach the sticker with the customer's language to the face of the phantom hanger bracket.
If your system has a factory supplied state DVD-RAM, you used it to load the system
calibration files during the Restore System State (2.3 on page 185 of this manual).
Section 3.0
Tube Warm Up and Fast Cal
6 – Image Quality
Section 4.0
Tomographic Plane Indication
1.) Place the QA phantom on the phantom holder.
2.) Center the Phantom (refer to procedure 2.4 on page 214)
3.) Turn ON the external alignment lights, and move the phantom out of the gantry opening, until
the line on the phantom lines up with the external laser lights.
4.) Press "EXLM" button , then the display on the Gantry display/control panel indicates
5.) Select the service protocol TOMO PLANE INDICATION from MANUFACTURING. (See 2.1 on
page 214 for details on scanning with service protocols.)
Manually select the scan parameters in Table 6-1.
6.) Display the image series, and locate the scan plane indicator, the longest bar in the bar pattern
on the right side of the phantom. The right side of the phantom corresponds to the side of the
image labeled L on the display screen.
7.) On the HHS Data Sheet, record the scan location (shown on the image annotation) of the
image with the darkest scan plane indicator (darkest long bar).
8.) If your system meets all the installation and alignment specifications, the image at scan
location zero (S0.0) should contain the scan plane indicator. If scan location S1.0 or scan
location I1.0 has the darkest bar, the system still meets the specification. The scan plane
deviation should equal S0.0 +1.0mm. If necessary, adjust the internal alignment light position
to meet the S0.0 +1.0mm requirement.
9.) Repeat the Tomographic Plane Indication test with the external alignment lights.
a.) Use the external alignment light, and press the external landmark.
b.) Verify the external light lines up along the black line on BOTH the left and right sides of
the QA phantom.
c.) The scan plane indication must fall within the S0.0 +1.0mm specification.
10.) Initial below.
Section 5.0
Image Series
IMPORTANT: Run ALL Image Series Tests in Auto Mode. Manual procedures are provided in this section
The person who acquires the image series has the responsibility to review the images and verify
they meet the specifications listed on data sheets. Responsibilities also include means and stan-
dard deviation measurements and keeping a record of failures that occur during the image series.
Unless otherwise stated, use the following scan parameters during the image series acquisition:
• Scan FOV equal to display FOV (Field of View)
• 512x512 matrix size
Note: Consider any image series scan that does not meet specifications as failing.
For means and standard deviations, 90% of the slices must pass. Any failure on a particular
technique requires at least ten additional slices to evaluate effectively.
Systems with metal-free cradles have a phantom holder with a perpendicular adjustment (Z-axis)
knob on it. Each time you change phantoms, make sure you use a bubble level, and the Z-axis
knob on the phantom holder, to level the phantom.
6 – Image Quality
• Record means to two decimal places, and round to the nearest one-tenth, (one decimal place)
when you compare the resulting values to the spec.
• Record standard deviations to two decimal places, then round off to one decimal place, to
compare it to the spec.
• Average standard deviations: Use two decimal places to average the values, then round off to
one place.
Before you record the means and standard deviations, check the image data sheets to determine
whether to average the means and standard deviations, or record them slice by slice. Make sure
you record all the required image data on the HHS data sheets.
Auto 1x Tests
(Arranged by Phantom)
Auto 1x Tool Manual Tool Tool Launch
Selection Button Selection Button Button
20cm QA Image
Analysis Tests
Figure 6-2 Image Analysis Tool User Interface - Auto 1x Test Pull Down Menu
Figure 6-3 Image Analysis Tool User Interface - Test Results Report Window
6 – Image Quality
5.4.1 Image Performance Verification Method Selection
1.) From the Service Desktop, click IMAGE QUALITY -> IMAGE ANALYSIS.
2.) Click the Auto 1x tool on the Image Analysis screen, and select ImgSer20QA.
- If Scan Protocols show as Figure 6-4, please go to Section 5.4.2.
- Press "EXLM" button , then the display on the Gantry display/control panel
indicates 190.
- Level phantom using bubble level and the Z Axis knob on the Phantom Holder.
- Center phantom using the CENTER PHANTOM procedure in the left head SCANNER
UTILITIES selection and the X and Y Axis knobs on the Phantom Holder.
4.) Set up the system to scan three 20cm QA Phantom image series with a Recon of the 1st series.
a.) On the Exam Rx desktop, select NEW PATIENT.
b.) Type the following entries in the listed Patient Information following fields:
* Patient ID: Service
* Name: Imager 20cm QA
c.) From the Protocol Selection display, click on the Service Tab under Anatomical Selector.
d.) On the Service Protocol Selection window, click on MANUFACTURING.
e.) On the Service Category Protocol List, click on the appropriate Image Series selection as
6 – Image Quality
f.) On the ExamRx protocol parameter display, select the 1st Series.
g.) Set external Landmark.
5.) Acquire the 1st 20cm QA Phantom image series and 2nd Recon series (MTF and Contrast,
Visible Lines) by performing the 1st protocol scan, the protocol name as "QA1 MTF 2x10/
120kV/130mA/2s". The 2nd Recon series is generated from "QA1 MTF 2x10/120kV/130mA/2s"
6.) Acquire the 3rd and 4th 20cm QA Phantom image series.
The 3rd 20cm QA Phantom image series by performing the 3rd protocol scan, the protocol
name as "QA3 LCD 2x10/120kV/130mA/1s".
The 4th 20cm QA Phantom image series by performing the 4th protocol scan, the protocol
name as "QA3 LCD 2x10/120kV/120mA/3s".
7.) Acquire the 5th 20cm QA Phantom image series by performing the 5th protocol scan, the
protocol name as "QA3 Sm 2x10/120kV/130mA/2s".
Image Meas MTF Meas MTF Spec MTF P/F Measured Specs P/F Ctrst Scale
Avg Avg MTF% Contrast Contrast
Avg Scale Scale
1 N/A N/A 110.00-130.00
2 N/A N/A 110.00-130.00
3 N/A N/A 110.00-130.00
4 N/A N/A 110.00-130.00
Specifications 0.65-1.00
Table 6-2 20cm QA#1 Phantom High Contrast Spatial Resolution Image Performance (MTF and
Contrast Scale)
2nd QA Phantom Image Series (4 Bone Retro Image Visible Lines) Image Perf. Verification
1.) Using the Auto 1x Tool on the Image Analysis screen, generate a Per Image QA#1 Lines report
for the 2nd Recon series acquisition.
a.) From the Service Browser window, select the 1st image of the 2nd Recon series acquired
in section
b.) Click on the AUTO 1X rectangular button, select the IMGSER 20QA test from the pull-
down menu, and slide cursor to the right to select RECON 2: QA1 MTF 2X10/120KV/
Page 222 Section 5.0 - Image Series
c.) Click on the ACCEPT button. The tool displays a Visible Lines pop-up window.
d.) On the Visible Lines pop-up window, click on the VISIBLE LINE button.
Note: The Image Analysis Tool automatically sets the Window/Level for optimal viewing. If
required, adjust Window/Level using the center mouse button.
e.) From the Visible Line pull-down menu, select the letter (A through F) that matches the
smallest line pair pattern that you can discern in the Image View Port.
f.) On the Visible Lines pop-up window, click on the OK button.
2.) Review the Image Analysis Report data and record the Per Image QA#1 Visible Lines data for
the 1st image in Table 6-3.
a.) Verify the Overall Test Pass/Fail Indicator Window of the Report display indicates PASS.
(Refer to Figure 6-3)
b.) Record the Per Image QA#1 Visible Lines data for the 1st image in Table 6-3.
3.) Repeat Steps 1 and 2, for each of the remaining three images in the 2nd Recon series.
6 – Image Quality
1.) Using the Auto 1x Tool on the Image Analysis screen, generate a Per Image QA#3 LCD report
for the 3rd series of the 20cm QA Phantom acquisition.
a.) From the Service Browser window, select the 1st image of the 3rd series of the 20cm QA
Phantom series acquired in section
b.) Click on the AUTO 1X rectangular button, select IMGSER 20QA from the pull-down
menu, and slide cursor to the right to select QA3 LCD 2X10/120KV/130MA/1S.
c.) Click on the ACCEPT button, the report pops up.
2.) Using the Auto 1x Tool on the Image Analysis screen, generate a Per Image QA#3 LCD report
for the 4th series of the 20cm QA Phantom acquisition.
a.) From the Service Browser window, select the 1st image of the 4th series of the 20cm QA
Phantom series acquired in section
b.) Click on the AUTO 1X rectangular button, select IMGSER 20QA from the pull-down
menu, and slide cursor to the right to select QA3 LCD 2X10/120KV/120MA/3S.
c.) Click on the ACCEPT button, the report pops up.
6 – Image Quality
1.) Using the Auto 1x Tool on the Image Analysis screen, generate a QA#3 Small report for the
5th series of the 20cm QA Phantom acquisition.
a.) From the Service Browser window, select the last series of the 20cm QA Phantom series
acquired in section
b.) Click on the AUTO 1X rectangular button, select IMGSER 20QA from the pull-down
menu, slide cursor to the right to select QA3 SM 2X10/120KV/130MA/2S from the test
pull-down menu, and continue to slide cursor to the right to select AUTO. (Refer to
Figure 6-3)
c.) Click on the ACCEPT button.
2.) Review the Image Analysis Report data and record the QA3 Small data for the last 20cm QA
Image Series in Table 6-4.
a.) Verify the Overall Test Pass/Fail Indicator Window of the Report display indicates PASS.
(Refer to Figure 6-3)
b.) Record the QA3 Small data (Row 2A1A and Row 2B1B Series Means AvXc and AvXo -
AvXc), QA3 (AvSDc), and the Center Smudge Row data in Table 6-4.
Row Images AvXc AvXo AvXo - AvXc AvSDo AvSDc Center Smudge Comments
Row Value
2A1A 1, 3, 5, 7 N.A.
1B2B 2, 4, 6, 8 N.A.
Specifications +3.0 to -3.0 N.A. +3.0 to -3.0 N.A. Less than +2.2 to -2.2
Table 6-4 20cm QA#3 Phantom CT#, Brightness Uniformity, Center Noise & Center Smudge Row Performance Data
3.) Review the last 20cm QA Phantom images acquired in Section for Rings, Bands, and
Streaks using the Image Works Desktop.
a.) From the Global Control Palette, click on the IMAGE WORKS DESKTOP.
b.) From the Image Works Browser window, select the last 20cm QA Phantom series
acquired in section
c.) From the Image Works Browser window, click on the VIEWER button.
d.) While paging through the eight images in the series, analyze images for any Ring, Band,
or Streak artifacts. Adjust Window/Level using the center mouse button, as required.
e.) Note any image that appears to have a Ring, Band, or Streak artifact.
4.) Verify any images noted above (step 3e) meet 20cm QA Phantom Ring, Band, or Streak Image
Performance requirements.
a.) From the Global Control Palette, click on the Service Desktop.
b.) From the Service Browser window, select an image of the 5th 20cm QA Phantom series
acquired in section that appeared to have a Ring, Band, or Streak while reviewing
the series in Image Works.
c.) On the Image Analysis Tool window, click on the AUTO 1X rectangular button, select the
IMGSER 20QA test from the pull-down menu, slide cursor to the right to select QA3 SM
2X10/120KV/130MA/2S from the test pull-down menu, and continue to slide cursor to the
right to select RING, BAND, or STREAK.
d.) Click on the ACCEPT button.
Note: If required, adjust Window/Level using the center mouse button.
e.) Position and size the Ring, Band, or Streak ROI, using the left cursor button.
Note: To ensure specifications are properly applied, do not adjust the Reference ROIs for the
Ring, Band, and Streak artifact tests. The Reference ROIs are adjustable after the 1st
Accept Modification click.
f.) Click on ACCEPT MODIFICATION twice to generate a report.
g.) Verify the Overall Test Pass/Fail Indicator Window of the Report display indicates PASS.
h.) Repeat steps b through g for each image noted in Step 3e.
The 4 Image MTF Average must pass specifications:
4 Image MTF Average: 0.65 to 1.00
Recommended Recovery
1.) Repeat Detailed Cal for the 20cm QA Phantom.
2.) Repeat Auto CT# Adjust for the 20cm QA Phantom.
3.) Repeat Sections &, to verify Image Performance.
The Largest 5 line pair patterns (coded F, E, D, C, and B) must be visible for each of the four images
in this series.
6 – Image Quality
Recommended Recovery
Note: The most common failure for this test is that the phantom has air bubbles that are obscuring the line
pair patterns.
1.) Carefully inspect the 20cm QA Phantom for air bubbles. If required, refill the phantom with
water, to eliminate all air bubbles.
2.) Repeat Sections &, to verify Image Performance.
Recommended Recovery
1.) Repeat Detailed Cal for the 20cm QA Phantom.
2.) Repeat Auto CT# Adjust for the 20cm QA Phantom.
Series Means
Both Rows (2A1A, 1B2B) of the series must pass QA#3 Series Means specifications:
• AvXc: < +/- 3.0
• AvXo - AvXc: < +/- 3.0
1.) Repeat Detailed Cal for the 20cm QA Phantom.
2.) Repeat Auto CT# Adjust for the 20cm QA Phantom.
3.) Repeat Sections &, to verify Image Performance.
QA#3 (AvSDc)
Both Rows (2A1A, 1B2B) of the series must pass QA#3 AvSDc specifications:
• AvSDc (< 5K Scans): Less than 3.50
• AvSDc (> 5K Scans): Less than 3.60
1.) Repeat Detailed Cal for the 20cm QA Phantom.
2.) Repeat Auto CT# Adjust for the 20cm QA Phantom.
3.) Repeat Sections &, to verify Image Performance.
All eight images of the series must pass 20cm QA#3 Center Artifact and Center Smudge
• Center Artifact Factor: +/- 3.5
• Center Smudge Factor: +/- 2.2
1.) Repeat Detailed Cal for the 20cm QA Phantom.
2.) Repeat Auto CT# Adjust for the 20cm QA Phantom.
3.) Repeat Sections &, to verify Image Performance.
• Ring Artifact: Ring Factor < +/- 4.8
• Band Artifact: Band Factor+/- 2.8 from 0 cm to 8.5 cm
< +/- 2.8 > 8.5 cm
• Streak Artifact: Streak Factor< +/- 4.0
1.) Troubleshoot Ring, Band or Streak artifact failures as described in the Service Manual.
2.) Repeat Detailed Cal for the 20cm QA Phantom.
3.) Repeat Sections &, to verify Image Performance.
6 – Image Quality
- Press "EXLM" button , then the display on the Gantry display/control panel
indicates 190.
- Level phantom using bubble level and the Z Axis knob on the Phantom Holder.
- Center phantom using the CENTER PHANTOM procedure in the left head SCANNER
UTILITIES selection and the X and Y Axis knobs on the Phantom Holder.
4.) Set up the system to scan three 20cm QA Phantom image series with a Recon of the 1st series.
a.) On the Exam Rx desktop, select NEW PATIENT.
b.) Type the following entries in the listed Patient Information following fields:
* Patient ID:Service
* Name: Imager 20cm QA
c.) From the Protocol Selection display, click on the Service Tab under Anatomical Selector.
d.) On the Service Protocol Selection window, click on MANUFACTURING.
e.) On the Service Category Protocol List, click on the appropriate Image Series selection as
f.) On the ExamRx protocol parameter display, select the 1st Series.
g.) Set external Landmark.
5.) Acquire the 1st 20cm QA Phantom image series and 2nd Recon series (MTF and Contrast,
Visible Lines).
6.) Acquire the 3rd 20cm QA Phantom image series.
7.) Acquire the 4th 20cm QA Phantom image series.
Image Meas MTF Meas MTF Spec MTF P/F Measured Specs P/F Ctrst Scale
Avg Avg MTF% Contrast Contrast
Avg Scale Scale
1 N/A N/A 110.00-130.00
2 N/A N/A 110.00-130.00
3 N/A N/A 110.00-130.00
4 N/A N/A 110.00-130.00
Specifications 0.65-1.00
Table 6-5 20cm QA#1 Phantom High Contrast Spatial Resolution Image Performance (MTF and
Contrast Scale)
2nd QA Phantom Image Series (4 Bone Retro Image Visible Lines) Image Perf. Verification
1.) Using the Auto 1x Tool on the Image Analysis screen, generate a Per Image QA#1 Lines report
for the 2nd Recon series of the 20cm QA Phantom acquisition.
Page 230 Section 5.0 - Image Series
a.) From the Service Browser window, select the 1st image of the 2nd series of the 20cm QA
Phantom series acquired in section
b.) Click on the AUTO 1X rectangular button, select the IMGSER 20QA test from the pull-
down menu, and slide cursor to the right to select QA1 LI 2X10/120KV.
c.) Click on the ACCEPT button. The tool displays a Visible Lines pop-up window.
d.) On the Visible Lines pop-up window, click on the VISIBLE LINE button.
Note: The Image Analysis Tool automatically sets the Window/Level for optimal viewing. If
required, adjust Window/Level using the center mouse button.
e.) From the Visible Line pull-down menu, select the letter (A through F) that matches the
smallest line pair pattern that you can discern in the Image View Port.
f.) On the Visible Lines pop-up window, click on the OK button.
2.) Review the Image Analysis Report data and record the Per Image QA#1 Visible Lines data for
the 1st image in Table 6-3.
a.) Verify the Overall Test Pass/Fail Indicator Window of the Report display indicates PASS.
(Refer to Figure 6-3.)
b.) Record the Per Image QA#1 Visible Lines data for the 1st image in Table 6-3.
3.) Repeat Steps 1 and 2, for each of the remaining three images in the 2nd 20cm QA Image
6 – Image Quality
Specifications B, C, D, E, F N.A.
Table 6-6 20cm QA#1 Phantom High Contrast Spatial Resolution Image Performance
(Visible Lines)
3rd QA Phantom Image Series (4 Image Visible Holes) Image Performance Verification
1.) Using the Auto 1x Tool on the Image Analysis screen, generate a Per Image QA#2 Holes
report for the 3rd series of the 20cm QA Phantom acquisition.
a.) From the Service Browser window, select the 1st image of the 3rd series of the 20cm QA
Phantom series acquired in section
b.) Click on the AUTO 1X rectangular button, select IMGSER 20QA from the pull-down
menu, and slide cursor to the right to select QA#2 HOLES.
c.) Click on the ACCEPT button. The tool displays a Visible Hole pop-up window.
d.) On the Visible Hole pop-up window, click on the VISIBLE HOLE button.
Note: The Image Analysis Tool automatically sets the Window/Level for optimal viewing. If
required, adjust Window/Level using the center mouse button.
e.) From the Visible Hole pull-down menu, select the number (1 through 5) that matches the
smallest hole that you can discern in the pattern centered in the image displayed in the
Image View Port.
f.) On the Visible Hole pop-up window, click on the OK button.
2.) Review the Image Analysis Report data and record the Per Image QA#2 Visible Holes data for
the 1st image in Table 6-4.
a.) Verify the Overall Test Pass/Fail Indicator Window of the Report display indicates PASS.
Chapter 6 - Image Quality Page 231
Row Images AvXc AvXo AvXo - AvXc AvSDo AvSDc Center Smudge Comments
Row Value
2A1A 1, 3, 5, 7 N.A.
1B2B 2, 4, 6, 8 N.A.
Specifications +3.0 to -3.0 N.A. +3.0 to -3.0 N.A. Less Than +2.2 to -2.2
Table 6-9 20cm QA#3 Phantom CT#, Brightness Uniformity, Center Noise & Center Smudge Row Performance Data
3.) Review the last 20cm QA Phantom images acquired in Section for Rings, Bands, and
Streaks using the Image Works Desktop.
a.) From the Global Control Palette, click on the IMAGE WORKS DESKTOP.
b.) From the Image Works Browser window, select the last 20cm QA Phantom series
acquired in section
c.) From the Image Works Browser window, click on the VIEWER button.
d.) While paging through the eight images in the series, analyze images for any Ring, Band,
or Streak artifacts. Adjust Window/Level using the center mouse button, as required.
e.) Note any image that appears to have a Ring, Band, or Streak artifact.
6 – Image Quality
4.) Verify any images noted above (step 3e) meet 20cm QA Phantom Ring, Band, or Streak Image
Performance requirements.
a.) From the Global Control Palette, click on the Service Desktop.
b.) From the Service Browser window, select an image of the 4th 20cm QA Phantom series
acquired in section that appeared to have a Ring, Band, or Streak while reviewing
the series in Image Works.
c.) On the Image Analysis Tool window, click on the AUTO 1X rectangular button, select the
IMGSER 20QA test from the pull-down menu, slide cursor to the right to select QA#3/
SMALL/1.0S from the test pull-down menu, and continue to slide cursor to the right to
select RING, BAND, or STREAK.
d.) Click on the ACCEPT button.
Note: If required, adjust Window/Level using the center mouse button.
e.) Position and size the Ring, Band, or Streak ROI, using the left cursor button.
Note: To ensure specifications are properly applied, do not adjust the Reference ROIs for the
Ring, Band, and Streak artifact tests. The Reference ROIs are adjustable after the 1st
Accept Modification click.
f.) Click on ACCEPT MODIFICATION twice to generate a report.
g.) Verify the Overall Test Pass/Fail Indicator Window of the Report display indicates PASS.
h.) Repeat steps b through g for each image noted in Step 3e.
The 4 Image MTF Average must pass specifications:
4 Image MTF Average: 0.65 to 1.00
Recommended Recovery
1.) Repeat Detailed Cal for the 20cm QA Phantom.
2.) Repeat Auto CT# Adjust for the 20cm QA Phantom.
3.) Repeat Sections &, to verify Image Performance.
The Largest 5 line pair patterns (coded F, E, D, C, and B) must be visible for each of the four images
in this series.
Recommended Recovery
Note: The most common failure for this test is that the phantom has air bubbles that are obscuring the line
pair patterns.
1.) Carefully inspect the 20cm QA Phantom for air bubbles. If required, refill the phantom with
water, to eliminate all air bubbles.
2.) Repeat Sections &, to verify Image Performance.
The number of visible holes in this image series must pass specifications as follows:
• Contrast Factor = 2.0 to 3.99:
Minimum of 2 holes must be visible (10mm & 7.5mm)
• Contrast Factor = 4.0 to 7.99:
Minimum of 3 holes must be visible (10mm, 7.5mm & 5mm)
• Contrast Factor = 8.0 to 12.0:
Minimum of 4 holes must be visible (10mm, 7.5mm, 5mm, & 3mm)
Recommended Recovery
1.) Repeat Detailed Cal for the 20cm QA Phantom.
2.) Repeat Auto CT# Adjust for the 20cm QA Phantom.
3.) Repeat Sections &, to verify Image Performance.
Series Means
Both Rows (2A1A, 1B2B) of the series must pass QA#3 Series Means specifications:
• AvXc: < +/- 3.0
• AvXo - AvXc: < +/- 3.0
1.) Repeat Detailed Cal for the 20cm QA Phantom.
2.) Repeat Auto CT# Adjust for the 20cm QA Phantom.
3.) Repeat Sections &, to verify Image Performance.
QA#3 (AvSDc)
6 – Image Quality
Both Rows (2A1A, 1B2B) of the series must pass QA#3 AvSDc specifications:
• AvSDc (< 5K Scans): Less than 3.50
• AvSDc (> 5K Scans): Less than 3.60
1.) Repeat Detailed Cal for the 20cm QA Phantom.
2.) Repeat Auto CT# Adjust for the 20cm QA Phantom.
3.) Repeat Sections &, to verify Image Performance.
All eight images of the series must pass 20cm QA#3 Center Artifact and Center Smudge
• Center Artifact Factor: +/- 3.5
• Center Smudge Factor: +/- 2.2
1.) Repeat Detailed Cal for the 20cm QA Phantom.
2.) Repeat Auto CT# Adjust for the 20cm QA Phantom.
3.) Repeat Sections &, to verify Image Performance.
• Ring Artifact: Ring Factor < +/- 4.8
• Band Artifact: Band Factor+/- 2.8 from 0 cm to 8.5 cm
< +/- 2.8 > 8.5 cm
• Streak Artifact: Streak Factor< +/- 4.0
1.) Troubleshoot Ring, Band or Streak artifact failures as described in the Service Manual.
2.) Repeat Detailed Cal for the 20cm QA Phantom.
3.) Repeat Sections &, to verify Image Performance.
Section 6.0
System Functional Test
Use the system tests in the following sections to exercise all aspects of the system and to ensure
system integrity before releasing to the customer. Although the means, standard deviation, and
resolution specifications do not apply during system functional tests, treat any artifact or image
anomaly as a failure.
If you encounter a failure during the system tests:
• Record any evidence of artifacts, such as rings, streaks, shading, cupping, noise, or center
• Correct artifacts, system test, or image series failures when they occur. Any delay in repairs
could increase the number of retests.
1.) Place the QA phantom on the cradle.
- Drive the table to an elevation of 100.
- Align the line on the phantom with the internal laser lights.
Never scan above 50mA without first placing a phantom in the field of view. Levels in excess
of 50mA can cause temporary radiation damage to the detector that lasts several hours. If you
acquire image series cals with a radiation damaged detector, the cals may cause artifacts in
subsequent image series scans.
2.) Select the service protocol, SYSTEM SCAN/CUST QUAL RELI.
3.) Run each series.
Note: Stop the service protocol after the second helical series. It is not necessary to proceed
past that point in the protocol.
4.) Complete all scans.
6 – Image Quality
5.) Review the message log for unacceptable errors and review the images for artifacts.
Section 7.0
Save System State
Note: When performing Save/Restore System State, check to ensure there is no two or more USB
storage devices (SSA Key or other mobile storage) plugged in Console/Tower at the same time
which may result in incorrect data storage.
Use the following commands to create the System State DVD.
1.) Insert the DVD into the Peripheral Tower DVD drive or USB in any of the console’s USB port.
Chapter 7
Customer Options Installation & Verification
Note: Only use the Installation manual that arrives with your system for installation. Any other
revisions of this manual may not exactly match your system.
Section 1.0
CT Options
Injector functional tests completed.
AWW functional tests completed.
Filming/Camera/DASM functional tests completed.
UPS functional tests completed.
Network items installed and functional tests completed.
Verify Axial 10mm image enhancement options installation (only for China mainland
Verify IEC3.0 options installation (only for China mainland market)
Verify that all customer software options are installed and functional.
7 – Customer Options
Section 2.0
Install Options
Refer to:
• GE Prints and schematics for mechanical (physical) location of option
• FDO shipment for identification of items
• Installation Specialist for installation instructions if they differ from print
Section 3.0
DICOM Network Introduction
Brivo CT385 systems only support DICOM (CT/I, CT Synergy, Advantage Workstations, …)
7 – Customer Options
on the network device that will be using these services.
Information required to complete configuring a hospital DICOM network is provided by the hospital
network administrator (hostnames, IP Addresses) and the DICOM Conformance Statement
document (AE Titles, Port Numbers) provided with each DICOM compatible network device on the
Section 4.0
Before You Start
4.1 Network Physical Requirements
Before setting up the CT scanner system on the hospital network, verify the following physical items
are complete:
• Scanner console, monitor, keyboard, and mouse are installed and connected.
• CT system power is ON
• Hospital Ethernet network RJ45 Class IV twisted pair cable is connected to the scanner
console network receptacle.
• Hospital network connection is operational and is running 10baseT or 100baseT.
To declare the CT system on the network, ensure the following network identity information is
available from the Hospital Network Administrator:
• Hostname (No more than 16 Characters)
• Internet Protocol (IP) Address
• Subnet Net Mask IP Address (if applicable)
• Broadcast Address (if applicable)
To declare DICOM remote hosts (PACS systems, archival devices, review workstations) on the CT
system, ensure the following information is available for each remote host:
From the Hospital Network Administrator:
• Hostname
• Internet Protocol (IP) Address
• Network Protocol (DICOM for CT Systems)
To declare DICOM Hospital HIS/RIS Interface devices (Mitra and others) on the CT System, ensure
the following information is available:
From the Hospital Network Administrator: Internet Protocol (IP) Address
From the HIS/RIS Interface Device DICOM Conformance Statement Document:
• DICOM Application Entity Title or AE Title (DICOM Service that the HIS/RIS interface provides)
• DICOM Listening Port Number
To declare DICOM on the CT System, ensure the following information is available for each printer:
From the Hospital Network Administrator:
• Hostname
• Internet Protocol (IP) Address
From the Printer DICOM Conformance Statement Document:
• DICOM Application Entity Title or AE Title (DICOM service that remote host provides or uses)
• DICOM Listening Port Number
7 – Customer Options
Section 5.0
Declaring the System on the Hospital Network
5.1 Enter Configuration Routine
Page 244 Section 5.0 - Declaring the System on the Hospital Network
This screen provides the ability to declare the CT system on a hospital network. Key information
such as Host Name, IP Address, Net Mask (for CT systems on a subnet) must be obtained from the
hospital network administrator.
7 – Customer Options
1.) Select the NETWORK button to display the Network Settings screen as shown in Figure 7-3.
Page 246 Section 5.0 - Declaring the System on the Hospital Network
7 – Customer Options
3.) The system will automatically login as ctuser after the reboot. Select OK on the Autostart
Disabled popup message.
4.) To startup Applications, in the console shell window, type startup ENTER.
Section 6.0
Declaring Remote Hosts on the CT System
6.1 Enter Remote Host Configuration Screen
7 – Customer Options
Use DICOM protocol networks to communicate to DICOM devices such as CT/i, CT Synergy, DLX,
MR Lx, and third party hosts.
Repeat the following procedure for each DICOM remote host device that the customer expects to
have this CT system communicating with.
Be sure to review the DICOM Conformance Statement for each device that will provide a
remote host network service for the CT system (image push-to or store destination, Query/
Retrieve, and Storage Commitment) to ensure that each service is correctly configured.
5.) Select the correct Archive Node choice for the device. The Archive Node selection defines
the ability of the remote host to act as a DICOM Storage/Commitment provider and indicate to
the operator that a study/series/image was archived.
- Select Archive Node if the device is the hospital designated DICOM Storage/
Commitment Provider. During an Application Study Archive process, the local browser
screen will indicate Archive Status = Y to the operator.
- Don’t select Archive Node if the device is not a DICOM Storage/Commitment Provider.
6.) SCU Settings: The following two selections allow you to selectively block the remote host
from using the Brivo CT385 Series DICOM services as a provider (image push-to destination,
and a Query/Retrieve provider).
- Query/Retrieve: select if the customer wants the remote host to be able to review the
image database (query) and pull selected images from the database. Don’t select if the
customer does not want the remote host to have this ability.
- Custom Search: This selection allows the CT scanner to selectively search through the
remote host’s image database when the operator is using remote browser screen to
query the remote host. The search parameters that the CT system allows the customer
to use are: last name contains, patient ID, exam number, accession number, and exam
* Select if the device supports custom searches as part of the devices Query/Retrieve
DICOM Provider service.
* Don’t select if the device does not support custom searches.
7.) Select the correct SCP Settings:setting.
8.) Record all the remote host network parameters for each remote host in the Software
Installation Procedures Document.
9.) Select SAVE to store the parameter settings of the remote host.
7 – Customer Options
Section 7.0
Declaring the CT System on Remote Hosts
7.1 Declaring the Scanner on DICOM Protocol Devices/Systems
Refer to the appropriate Service Manual provided with the DICOM protocol device or system to find
instructions how to declare the CT System as a DICOM remote host.
The CT System provides two DICOM Services as a provider to remote hosts:
• A remote host can push images to the CT image database.
• A remote host can review the CT image database (query) and pull selected images (retrieve).
Use the following parameter information to configure the DICOM device/system to either push
images to the CT scanner and/or perform a Query/Retrieve operation:
• Hostname: Provided by the Hospital Network Administrator. Exactly the same scanner
assigned hostname entered in Network Configuration Screen.
• AE Title: Exactly the same entry as the Hostname.
• IP Address: Provided by the Hospital Network Administrator. Exactly the same scanner
assigned IP Address entered in Network Configuration Screen.
• Network Protocol: DICOM 3.0.
• Port: For all DICOM service that the CT System provides, use 4006.
• Provider Type: This field concerns the Brivo CT385 DICOM Query/Retrieve provider
capability. All CT systems are wtudy root systems, which allow queries at the exam, series,
and image level.
• Support Worklist: This field concerns whether a DICOM Query/Retrieve provider
capable device or system supports a filter search of the image database. All CT systems
support a filtered search of the image database as part of the Brivo CT385 DICOM Query/
Retrieve provider capability.
Section 8.0
8.1 Prerequisites
Most hospital HIS/RIS systems are not DICOM compatible and require a DICOM HIS/RIS Worklist
Interface to provide patient scheduling information to the CT system. Contact your local HNS
support engineer to determine exactly what DICOM HIS/RIS Interface is appropriate for the
In addition, the CT system must have the ConnectPRO software option installed to utilize the
DICOM Protocol Worklist capability.
1.) If you are not on the Service Desktop, click on the SERVICE DESKTOP icon.
7 – Customer Options
5.) Insert the ConnectPRO Options DVD into the DVD drive.
6.) Click on OK to continue.
7.) On the Software Option window, select the CONNECTPRO option in the Available Options
8.) Click on the INSTALL button.
The console may display a message box during the software loading operation. When the
system has completed loading the software:
- the Installed Options window displays the ConnectPRO option
- the console displays the ConnectPro Setup window as shown in Figure 7-5.
Figure 7-5 ConnectPro Setup Screen
Figure 7-6 PPS Setup Screen
16.) Enter the hospital provided PPS Server IP Address.
17.) Enter the PPS Server AE Title from the DICOM HIS/RIS Interface device DICOM
Conformance Statement document.
18.) Enter the PPS Server AE Port # from the DICOM HIS/RIS Interface device DICOM
Conformance Statement document.
19.) Enter CT Server AE Title got from Step 12). Click [Accept].
20.) The system will check valid setup entries, execute a perl script that makes changes to the
configuration files for HIS/RIS, and return to the Software Option window shown in Figure 7-4.
21.) Click on the QUIT button and the subsequent OK button in the message window.
22.) Remove the DVD from the DVD drive, and write protect the side containing the ConnectPRO
7 – Customer Options
If PPS is not enabled during ConnectPro Option installation, PPS can also be setup when needed
From the tool chest located in upper right corner of either monitor, select Unix Shell.
Type 'hostname'. The output is the CT scanner AE title that will be sent to the worklist server.
Type 'installhisris'.
Then the ConnectPro Setup window as shown in Figure 7-5. Follow the Step 9) to Step 19) in
Section 8.2 on page 253.
Section 9.0
DICOM Filming Devices Setup
9.1 Prerequisites
Before configuring DICOM filming devices (cameras, printers) on the CT System, ensure the
following are complete:
• Filming Device Service Representative to assist in camera/printer setup for best image quality
film presentation.
• Hospital DICOM network is operational.
• Filming device is connected to the DICOM network with the correct filmer DICOM interface.
• Filming device is DICOM protocol compatible.
• Filming device DICOM Conformance Statement document is available.
Note: Filmer DICOM Application Entity Titles may be site specific. Make sure that you check with
the Filming Device Service Representative and the hospital network administrator to ensure
you are using the correct AE Title for the destination filming device.
7 – Customer Options
queues must be empty before you begin to update or delete a camera.
3.) The Graphical User Interface displayed shows a list of cameras installed (See Figure 7-8).
First, you must click OK in the warning message box. See Figure 7-7.
b.) A dialog window for the camera type (DASM/DICOM) appears. If no DASM is detected
during the OC boot, the DASM button will be disabled (Figure 7-9). If a DASM is present
and has not been detected, reboot the OC and run the camera configuration tool again.
5.) To add a new laser camera, click DASM in the camera type dialog box. This brings up a list of
available camera models. Select the appropriate model form the list and click SELECT (See
Figure 7-10). Now you must configure it.
7 – Customer Options
3M/Imation (Laser Camera):SHARP
3M/Imation (Dry View):SMOOTH
d.) Select the appropriate File Format. Select ON from the drop down list boxes on the
menu. Valid film formats are determined by the camera manufacture. IMATION for
example, doesn’t support 4x4, 2x4 or 1x2 and AGFA does not support 2x4) The DICOM
print convention designates film formats by column and row (e.g. 12 on 1 film is 3x4).
6.) To add a new DICOM camera, click on ADD and then DICOM in the dialog box that appears.
a.) A list of camera models appears (See Figure 7-12). Select the appropriate model from the
list and click SELECT. Clicking SELECT presets all the parameters to that models except
the Network parameters.
Comment: Selection of a different camera model clears the Image Quality parameters, because
It’s advised to these are camera manufacture dependent.
recheck the
b.) Enter the Network Parameters (See Figure 7-13)
information with >Device NameA unique name used to identify the camera.
the camera >Host NameDICOM print server host name, as defined by the hospital.
representative. >IP AddressDICOM print server IP address, as defined by the hospital.
>AE TitleDICOM print server application entity title, as defined by the print server. You
should consult the manufacturers DICOM Conformance
Note: The Application Entity Title for the Camera may be site specific. Make sure that you check with
the Camera Manufacturer’s Representative and the hospital network administrator to ensure you
are using the correct AE Title for the destination DICOM Print Camera.
>TCP/IP Listen PortDICOM print server TCP/IP listen port, as defined by the server.
You should consult the manufacturers DICOM
Conformance Statement.
>CommentsOptional comments used by the DICOM print server.
7 – Customer Options
c.) Medium Type specifies the type of film being used. Currently, only BLUE FILM and
You may need to refer to a copy of the Conformance Statement as you are working with the
Camera Manufacturer’s Representative, to correctly set up the DICOM Print Camera I/Q and
Time-out Settings.
a.) Configuration - This parameter is camera manufacturer dependent as is typically
used to specify the image contrast. The Configuration field may be up to 1024 characters
long. The field will scroll automatically as text is entered. To review your entry, simply click
and hold the middle mouse button, while the cursor is in the field, and drag the mouse
towards the right (or left) as needed.
Note: Recommended Configuration Setting Values:
Agfa Drystar (MG3000)PERCEPTION_LUT=KANAMORI (100)
Imation Dryview (8700)LUT=0,7
Kodak Laser Printer 190CS434\CN0\PD1.20
b.) Smoothing Type - Set Smoothing Type to ON, and input the selected value. This
parameter is used when the magnification type is CUBIC. It represents the coefficient for
the image resolution alogrithm.This parameter is camera manufacturer dependent, and
should be re-verified with your radiology department.
Note: Recommended Smoothing Type Starting Values and Ranges:
Agfa DryStar (MG3000)Start Value:140Range:137-150
Imation Dryview (8700)Start Value:3Range:3-13
Kodak Laser Printer 190Start Value:EnhancedRange:Normal
c.) Minimum and Maximum Density - Used to set brightness of the images on film. The
range of values is 0-4095, although the valid range for a specific camera is manufacture
dependent. For Maximum Density, input the correct value into the text box. For
Minimum Density, set it to ON and input the correct value in the text box.
Note: Recommended Minimum and Maximum Density Starting Values:
Agfa Drystar (MG3000)Min.:20 or 23Max:300
Imation Dryview (8700)Min.:(Blank)Max:300
Kodak Laser Printer 190Min.:20Max:300
d.) Empty Image Density - This parameter sets the density for empty film viewports.
Typically, BLACK is used but WHITE is an available option. The minimum and maximum
density values are used as the representation.
e.) Border Density - This sets the density for the border used around the film viewports.
Typically, BLACK is used but WHITE is an available option. The minimum and maximum
density values are used as the representation.
7 – Customer Options
f.) Film Size - Allows the system to specify a particular film size, if selected.
g.) Trim - YES produces a white (clear) box surrounding each image.
h.) Priority - This sets the print priority.
i.) If you have completed entry of advanced parameters, click DONE.
7 – Customer Options
7 – Customer Options
The following is a summary of troubleshooting information for DICOM print that was gathered during
software testing and validation of the DICOM print feature.
There is also a significant amount of additional troubleshooting procedures, and the theory of the
DICOM print feature in the System Service Manual. Should you have problems installing a DICOM
print camera, first read the information in System Service Manual.
7 – Customer Options
• Symptom: Current implementation of DICOM print does not allow selection of slide format.
• Solution: Feature not currently supported. Possibly in future releases.
Section 10.0
Network Connections
Broad-band is considered the standard network connection for system. (A dial-up modem is
optional.) Broad-band connections should use one of the following Category 5 patch cables:
CAT Num GE Part Num Length
K9000WB 2215028-10 20 m
K9000KP 2215028-5 10 m
K9000JR 2215028-4 5m
K9000WA 2215028-9 3m
Swtich Outline
Switch Hub
J56 J13
J9 J11 J57
J10 J12
ETL Label
EMC Label
Rating Plate WEEE Label ETL Label
Rating Plate WEEE Label EMC Label
The United States network connectivity requirement for this product is broad-band. The US process
relies on the Install Specialist to select a Customer Champion and identify an IT contact for the site.
Together, those individuals then complete a site assessment to gauge what tasks are needed to
fulfill the connection.
Anyone can contact the GE Connectivity team at 800.321.7937, Option #3, with questions.
7 – Customer Options
2 4 5
7 – Customer Options
Network KEY:
(CT1) (see Note 3)
Chapter 8
System-Level Safety Tests
You must complete these tests after all options are installed. They cover three safety and leakage
current checks:
• Patient Touch Current Test (completed after installation)
• System Ground Resistance Measurement (completed during installation)
• Ground Current Typical (completed after installation - optional)
Refer to the Brivo CT385 Series Service Methods CD to locate the latest Enclosure Leakage
(Patient Touch) and System Chassis Leakage Tests under the Functional Checks chapter.
8 – Leakage Test
Page 276 -
Additional Characterization Procedures
For information related to alignment, setup, and calibration procedures, please refer to the Brivo
CT385 Series Service Manual, Direction 5458022-8EN.
D - Addt’l Char.
System Configuration Data Sheets
Record valuable system information in the data sheets that follow. Consult with your customer or
network administrator to obtain the information. Understanding how the customer plans to use their
CT scanner, and their network and filming expectation reduces the time required to reconfigure the
• Table E-1 Manual Film Composer Options, on page 279
• Table E-2 System Network Configuration, on page 279
• Table E-3 Networking Application (Image transfer) Configuration, on page 280
• Table E-4 DASM Laser Camera Configuration, on page 280
• Table E-5 DICOM Print Camera Configuration, on page 281
Record the network application (image transfer) configuration.
Record the camera application configuration for the DASM or DICOM print camera.
Camera Type:
Table E-4 DASM Laser Camera Configuration
Medium Type:
Magnification Type:
Table E-5 DICOM Print Camera Configuration
Note: Type the text shown in boldface, and press the ENTER key on the keyboard.
Resume installation following instructions in Chapter 5: 2.3 Restore System State.
335-1 Three-phase Alternating Current
335-1 Three-phase Alternating Current with
neutral conductor
Direct Current
F - Symbols
Emergency Stop
Type B
417-5009 Standby
Table Set