History, Civics and Geography

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H.C.G. - Paper - 2
Candidates offering History, Civics and Geography (Thailand) are not eligible to offer History, Civics and


There will be one paper of two hours duration (f) Identify: Site of prominent villages and/or
carrying 80 marks and Internal Assessment of towns, types of occupation and means of
20 marks. communication with the help of the index
given at the bottom of the sheet.
The Paper will consist of two parts, Part I and Part II.
(g) Identification of drainage patterns (Dendritic,
Part I (compulsory) will consist of two questions. Trellis, Radial, and Disappearing) and
Question 1 will be based on Topographical Map. settlement patterns (Scattered and Compact).
Question 2 will be based on outline Map of India. Identification of direction of flow, left bank
and right bank of a river.
Part II: Candidates will be expected to answer any
five questions. (h) Identification of natural and man-made
Candidates will be expected to interpret/make the
fullest use of sketches, diagrams, graphs and charts in (i) Meaning of important terms- Relative height /
depth, broken ground, surveyed tree, fireline,
their answers.
causeway, aqueduct and diggi.
Questions set may require answers involving the
interpretation of photographs of geographical 2. Map of India
On an outline map of India, candidates will be
PART – I required to locate, mark and name the
Mountains, Peaks and Plateaus: Himalayas,
1. Interpretation of Topographical Maps
Aravali, Vindhyas, Satpura, Western and
(a) Locating features with the help of a four- Eastern Ghats, Nilgiris, Mount
figure grid reference. Kanchenjunga. Deccan Plateau, Chota
(b) Definition of contour and contour interval. Nagpur Plateau.
Identification of landforms marked by
contours (steep slope and gentle slope), Plains: Gangetic Plains and Coastal plains –
triangulated height, spot height and (Konkan, Malabar, Coromandel)
benchmark. Desert: Thar (The Great Indian Desert)
(c) Interpretation of colour tints used on a
Rivers: Indus, Jhelum, Satluj, Ganga,
topographical survey of India map.
Yamuna, Kosi, Chambal, Betwa,
(d) Identification and definition of types of scale Brahmaputra, Narmada, Tapti, Mahanadi,
given on the map.
Godavari, Krishna, Cauveri, Tungabhadra.
Measuring direct distance and calculating
area using the scale given therein. Water Bodies: Gulf of Kutch, Gulf of
(e) Marking directions between different Khambhat, Andaman Sea, Chilka Lake.
locations, using eight cardinal points. Pass: Karakoram.

Longitude: Standard Meridian (82° 30’E). 6. Natural Vegetation
Direction of Winds: South West Monsoons • Importance of forests.
(Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal Branches), • Types of vegetation (tropical evergreen,
North East Monsoons. tropical deciduous, tropical desert, littoral
and mountain), distribution and correlation
Distribution of Minerals: Oil - Mumbai High
with their environment.
(Offshore Oil Field), Coal – Jharia.
• Forest conservation - meaning and methods
Soil Distribution – Alluvial and Black Soil. (afforestation, reafforestation, social forestry,
Cities - Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and and farm forestry)
7. Water Resources
Population - Distribution of Population • Sources (Surface water and ground water).
(Dense and sparse).
• Need for conservation and conservation
PART - II practices (Rain water harvesting and its
• Irrigation: Importance and methods (wells,
3. Location, Extent and Physical features canals, tanks, drip irrigation, sprinkler
irrigation - area, conditions and advantages).
• Position and Extent of India. (through Map
only). 8. Mineral and Energy Resources
• The physical features of India – mountains, • Iron ore, Manganese, Copper – uses and their
plateaus, plains and rivers. (through Map distribution.
• Conventional Sources: Coal, Petroleum,
4. Climate Natural gas (distribution, advantages and
Distribution of Temperature, Rainfall, winds in • Hydel power (Bhakra Nangal Dam and
Summer and Winter and factors affecting the Hirakud) – location and State benefitted.
climate of the area. Monsoon and its mechanism.
Seasons: March to May – Summer; June to • Non-conventional Sources: Solar, wind,
September – Monsoon; October to November - nuclear and biogas (location and
Retreating Monsoon. December to February – advantages).
Winter. Study of climatic data.
9. Agriculture
5. Soil Resources • Indian Agriculture – importance, problems
and reforms.
• Types of soil (alluvial, black, red and laterite)
• Agricultural seasons (rabi, kharif, zayad).
distribution, composition and characteristics
such as colour, texture, minerals and crops • Climatic conditions, soil requirements,
associated. methods of cultivation, processing and
distribution of the following crops:
• Soil Erosion – meaning, agents (water and
wind), types (sheet and gully erosion) causes. - rice, wheat and pulses.
- Sugarcane and oilseeds (groundnut and
• Soil conservation - Meaning and methods mustard).
(terrace farming, crop rotation, planting of - Cotton and tea.
shelter belts and afforestation).

10. Manufacturing Industries 4. Transport in India:
Importance and classification Development of Road, Rail, Water and Air
• Agro based Industry - Sugar, Textile (Cotton). routes.
• Mineral based Industry – Iron & Steel (Tata 5. List different type of industries in the States and
Steel, Rourkela), Petro Chemical and collect information about the types of raw
Electronics. materials used, modes of their procurement and
disposal of wastes generated. Classify these
11. Transport industries as polluting or environment friendly
Importance and Modes – Roadways (National and and suggest possible ways of reducing pollution
State highways, Golden quadrilateral, NSEW caused by these units.
corridor), Railways, Airways and Waterways –- 6. Need for industrialization in India, the latest trends
Advantages and disadvantages. and its impact on economy of India.
12. Waste Management 7. Visit a water treatment plant, sewage treatment
• Need for waste management. plant or garbage dumping or vermicomposting
sites in the locality and study their working.
• Methods of safe disposal - segregation, dumping
and composting. EVALUATION
• Need and methods for reducing, reusing and The assignments/project work is to be evaluated by the
recycling waste. subject teacher and by an External Examiner. (The
External Examiner may be a teacher nominated by the
Head of the school, who could be from the faculty, but
not teaching the subject in the section/class. For
PRACTICAL / PROJECT WORK example, a teacher of Geography of Class VIII may be
Candidates will be required to prepare a project report deputed to be an External Examiner for Class X,
on any one topic. The topics for assignments may be Geography projects.)
selected from the list of suggested assignments given
The Internal Examiner and the External Examiner will
below. Candidates can also take up an assignment of
assess the assignments independently.
their choice under any of the broad areas given below.
Suggested list of assignments:
Award of Marks (20 Marks)
1. Local Geography:
Subject Teacher (Internal Examiner) 10 marks
(a) Land use pattern in different regions of India–
a comparative analysis. External Examiner 10 marks
(b) The survey of a local market on the types of The total marks obtained out of 20 are to be sent to the
shops and services offered. Council by the Head of the school.
2. Environment: The Head of the school will be responsible for the
online entry of marks on the Council’s CAREERS
Wildlife conservation efforts in India.
portal by the due date.
3. Current Geographical Issues:
Development of tourism in India.

Criteria Preparation Procedure/ Observation Inference/Results Presentation
Grade I Gives complete States the Studies text and States theoretical information in a coherent Neatly and correctly
(4 marks) theoretical objectives and source material and and concise manner using geographical stated statement of
information defines the makes a list. terminology. Uses a variety of techniques. intent and conclusion
using relevant aspects to be Shows resourcefulness. Supports matches with
geographical studied. investigation with relevant evidence. objectives.
Grade II Provides States objectives Makes a limited list Uses sound methodology-using methods Limited use of
(3 marks) adequate but not the of source material suggested. Makes a valid statement about the reference material
information limitations of the only from secondary data collected. Attempts to develop and a presentation,
using appropriate study. sources. explanations using available information. which is routine.
Grade III States objectives Only lists the References are Uses methodology in which selective Simple and neat with
(2 marks) using some aspects to be minimal. techniques are applied correctly. Makes correct placement of
geographical studied. descriptive statement. Analysis is limited. references,
terms but mostly Relates and describes systematically the data acknowledgements,
in descriptive collected. Tries to relate conclusion to contents, maps and
terms. original aim. diagrams.
Grade IV States intent Shows evidence Uses methodology Makes few relevant statements. Does analyse Neat but lacking in
(1 mark) without using of what to look with some techniques data that is not presented or tends to copy correct placement of
relevant for and how to but is unable to analysis available from other sources. Makes table of contents,
geographical record the same. systematically record superficial conclusions. Link between the maps, diagrams and
terms but data and collect original aim and conclusion is not clear. pictures.
explaining them information.
Grade V Does not make Has not collected Does not use any Does not analyse data. Does not use the Presents the report
(0 marks) any use of any relevant data logical technique and suggested methods. without reference.
geographical and has not does not follow the Makes conclusions but does not relate them to
terms. presented sources methodology the original aim.
correctly. suggested.

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