Question Paper Code:: Reg. No.

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Reg. No. :

Question Paper Code : X 90794

M.E./M.Tech. Degree Examinations, November/December 2020
Manufacturing Engineering
MF 7008 – polymers and composite materials
(Regulations 2013)

Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks

Answer all questions

Part – a (10×2=20 Marks)

1. Write a note on transfer moulding.

2. What do you mean by thermal bonding ?
3. Mention the importance of S-Glass fibre.
4. What is the role of reinforcement and matrix in a composite ?
5. Write down the disadvantages of polymer matrix composites.
6. Write down the differences between film stacking and diaphragm focusing.
7. State the advantages and disadvantages of liquid metal processing.
8. What is an electronic-grade MMCs ?
9. What are the advantages of chemical vapour deposition method of fabrication with
respect to composite materials ?
10. What are carbon-carbon composites ?

Part – B (5×13=65 Marks)

11. a) i) With neat sketch explain the injection moulding process. (9)
ii) Describe the properties of thermo setting polymers. (4)

b) i) With neat sketch discuss the extrusion process. (9)

ii) Describe any one joining technique used in plastics. (4)
X 90794 *90794*

12. a) i) Explain the structure, fabrication methods and properties of carbon fibres. (7)
ii) List out any four common ceramic materials and write down their
properties, advantages, disadvantages and uses. (6)

b) i) Explain the fabrication methods, properties and applications of boron

fibres. (6)
ii) Explain VLS process of SIC whisker growth. (7)

13. a) i) Explain the compression moulding process with respect to SMC. (7)
ii) Discuss about the interfaces in PNC’s. (6)
b) Explain the equipment, principle, merits, limitations and uses of pultrusion
process with neat sketches. (13)

14. a) i) Explain briefly three kinds of metal matrix composites. (6)

ii) Describe briefly any three important characteristics of matrix materials. (7)

b) i) Discuss the problem of thermal stability of unidirectionally solidified

eutectic (in situ) metallic composites. (7)
ii) Discuss the use of silicon carbide particle reinforced aluminum composites
in braking applications. (6)

15. a) Describe cold pressing and reaction boding used in processing of CMCs. What
are the advantages, limitations and applications of these processes ? (13)
b) Describe chemical vapour deposition process for manufacturing carbon-carbon
composites. What are the applications of carbon-carbon composites ? (13)

Part – C (1×15=15 Marks)

16. a) Identify a suitable process to fabricate a medal, coins using polymeric material
and also explain the process parameters with necessary sketches. (15)

b) Suggest a suitable liquid state processing technique to fabricate metal matrix
composite and also discuss the process parameters with neat sketch. (15)


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