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With respectful regards, I take the opportunity to convey my thanks to the

management of Badarpur thermal power station division of National
Thermal Power Corporation for giving me the opportunity to complete my
summer training here.

I do extend my thanks to Mr. Man Mohan Singh, Sr. Engineer for providing
me the opportunity to be a part of this esteemed organization.

I am pleased to acknowledge my indebtedness to all the technical staff of

National Thermal Power Corporation, Badarpur thermal power station,
Delhi for their cooperation and guidance. During the training I have learned
a lot working with them and I will always be indebted to them for this value
addition in me.

Kapil Chauhan Dated : 02.08.2008

Student number: VT2659
Amity school of engineering and technology
New Delhi
• Vision
• Mission
• Core Values – BCOMIT
• Organizational Chart
• Human Resources

Diversified Growth
Installed Capacity
Project Profile
Thermal power plant

Main Boiler - Boiler Fundamentals
Boilers, their classification and types
Categorization of Boilers
Main boiler
Main parts of boiler
• Boiler drum
• Furnace
• Combustion chamber
• Scraper conveyor
• Clinker grinder
• Economizer
• Super heater
• Air preheater
Fuel firing
• Coal
• Oil
• High pressure air
High pressure safety valve
ESP (Electrostatic Precipitator)
Up-gradation & Retrofitting of Pollution Control Systems
Resources Conservation

Compressor house
Gas compressor
• Centrifugal compressor
• Diagonal or mixed – flow compressor
• Axial flow compressor
• Reciprocating compressor
• Rotary screw compressor
• Diaphragm compressor
Four main types of compressors used at the BTPS
• Densvevor Compressors
• Plant compressors
• Instrument compressors
• Blast air compressors
Staged compression
Prime movers

Control structure pump house

Ash handling

WTP and geo miller

• W.T.P.-I&II
• Geomiller
• Clarifloculator
• Mixed bed exchanger
Specifications of
• Clarifloculator
• Alum dissolver tank
• Alum service tank
• Cation exchanger
• Anion exchanger
• Mix bed exchanger

The cooling tower

Main turbine
• Types of turbine
• Casing or shaft arrangement
• Principle of operation and design
• Operation and maintenance
• Speed regulation

C.W. booster pump


• Types/Designations
• Valve parts
• Body and bonnet
• Ports
• Disc/rotor/valve member
• Seat
• Stem
• Bonnet
• Spring
• Valve balls
Material of valve
Operative type
Sealing material

Condensate pump group

Boiler feed pump

Main functions of coal handling plant
Key plan of NCHP
Coal supplied at BTPS
Major constitutes of coal handling plant
• Wagon tippler
• Conveyor
• Zero speed switch
• Rotory breaker
• Stacker cum re-claimer
• Metal detector
• Metal separator
• Crusher
• Pull card
• Trippers
• Counter weights
• DE DS system
• Scrapper
Pulverising mill
• Contact mill
• Ball mill
• Bowl mill

Objective of water treatment plant
Three main factors on which type of demineralization process depends
Pretreatment section
Internal treatment
NTPC, the largest power Company in India, was setup in 1975 to accelerate power
development in the country. It is among the world’s largest and most efficient power
generation companies. In Forbes list of World’s 2000 Largest Companies for the year
2007, NTPC occupies 411th place.

NTPC has installed capacity of 29,394 MW. It has 15 coal based power stations (23,395
MW), 7 gas based power stations (3,955 MW) and 4 power stations in Joint
Ventures(1,794 MW). The company has power generating facilities in all major regions
of the country. It plans to be a 75,000 MW company by 2017.

NTPC has gone beyond the thermal power generation. It has diversified into hydro
power, coal mining, power equipment manufacturing, oil & gas exploration, power
trading & distribution. NTPC is now in the entire power value chain and is poised to
become an Integrated Power Major.

NTPC's share on 31 Mar

2008 in the total installed
capacity of the country
was 19.1% and it
contributed 28.50% of the
total power generation of
the country during 2007-
08. NTPC has set new
benchmarks for the power
industry both in the area
of power plant
construction and operations.

With its experience and expertise in the power sector, NTPC is extending consultancy
services to various organisations in the power business. It provides consultancy in the
area of power plant constructions and power generation to companies in India and

In November 2004, NTPC came out with its Initial Public Offering (IPO) consisting of
5.25% as fresh issue and 5.25% as offer for sale by Government of India. NTPC thus
became a listed company with Government holding 89.5% of the equity share capital and
rest held by Institutional Investors and Public. The issue was a resounding success. NTPC
is among the largest five companies in India in terms of market capitalization.

Recognising its excellent performance and vast potential, Government of the India has
identified NTPC as one of the jewels of Public Sector 'Navratnas'- a potential global
giant. Inspired by its glorious past and vibrant present, NTPC is well on its way to realise
its vision of being "A world class integrated power major, powering India's growth, with
increasing global presence".

A world class integrated power major, powering India's growth with increasing global


Develop and provide reliable power related products and services at competitive prices,
integrating multiple energy resources with innovative & Eco-friendly technologies and
contribution to the society


• Business ethics
• Customer Focus
• Organizational & Professional Pride
• Mutual Respect & Trust
• Innovation & Speed
• Total Quality for Excellence
NTPC believes in achieving organizational excellence through Human Resources and
follows "People First" approach to leverage the potential of its 23,500 employees to
fulfill its business plans. Human Resources Function has formulated an integrated HR
strategy which rests on four building blocks of HR viz. Competence building,
Commitment building, Culture building and Systems building pramod.

All HR initiatives are undertaken within this broad framework to actualize the HR Vision
of "enabling the employees to be a family of committed world class professionals making
NTPC a learning organization." To induct talent and groom them into a dedicated cadre
of power professionals "Executive Trainee" Scheme was introduced in the year 1977 for
recruitment in the disciplines of Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Control & Instrumentation
and now encompasses Computer Science, Chemistry, HR and Finance disciplines also.

Besides a comprehensive one year training comprising theoretical inputs as well as on-
the-job training, the new recruits are also attached with senior executives under a
systematic and formal 'Mentoring System' of the company to integrate them into the
Culture of the company. As part of post employment training and development
opportunities, a systematic Training plan has been formulated for ensuring minimum
seven man days training per employee per year and includes level-wise planned
intervention designed to groom people for assuming positions of higher responsibility, as
well as specific need-based interventions based on scientific Training Needs Analysis.

NTPC has set up 15 project training centres, 2 simulator training centres and an apex
institute namely 'Power Management Institute' (PMI). While the project training centres
(Employee Development Centres) have specialized in imparting technical skills and
knowledge, PMI places emphasis on management development. Besides opportunities for
long term education are also provided through tie ups with reputed Institutions like IIT,
Delhi, (M.Tech in Power Generation Technology), MDI, Gurgaon (Executive MBA
programme), BITS, Pilani (B.Tech) etc.

In order to realize the HR Vision of making NTPC a learning Organization by providing

opportunities to continually learn new capabilities a number of initiatives have been
taken. NTPC Open Competition for Executive Talent (NOCET) is organized every year
in which teams of executives compete annually through oral and written presentation on a
topical theme. Similarly "Professional Circles" have been formed department-wise where
Executives of the department meet every fortnight to share their knowledge and
experiences and discuss topical issues. In order to tap the latent talent among non
executives and make use of their potential for creativity and innovation, Quality Circles
have been set up in various units/offices in NTPC. Besides a management journal called
"Horizon" is published quarterly to enable employees to share their ideas and experiences
across the organization.

Demonstrating its high concern for people, NTPC has developed strong employee
welfare, health & well-being and social security systems leading to high level of
commitment. NTPC offers best quality-of-life through beautiful townships with all
amenities such as educational, medical and recreational opportunities for employees and
their family members.

The motivation to perform and excel is further enhanced through a comprehensive NTPC
Rewards and Recognition system. In order to institutionalize a strong Culture based on
Values a number of initiatives are taken to actualize the Vision and Core Values
(BCOMIT) across the company. A culture of celebrating achievements and a strong focus
on performance are a way of life in NTPC. NTPC has institutionalized "Development
Centers" in the company to systematically diagnose the current and potential competency
requirements of the employees with the objective of enhancing their development in a
planned manner. These Centers give a good insight to the employees about their strengths
and weaknesses, the gaps in their competencies which they can bridge through suitable
support from company. Due to innovative people management practices there is a high
level of pride and commitment amongst employees as reflected in the various external
surveys including Great Places to Work for in India in which NTPC was rated third Great
Place to work for in the country in 2005

Future of The Generation Business

Developing and operating world-class power stations is NTPC's core competence. Its
scale of operation, financial strength and large experience serve to provide an advantage
over competitors. To meet the objective of making available reliable and quality power at
competitive prices, NTPC would continue to speedily implement projects and introduce
state-of-art technologies.

Total Capacity Portfolio

India's generation capacity can be expected to grow from the current levels of about 120
GW to about 225-250 GW by 2017. NTPC currently accounts for about 20% of the
country's installed capacity and almost 60% of the total installed capacity in the Central
sector in the country. Going forward, in its target to remain the largest generating utility
of India, NTPC would endeavour to maintain or improve its share of India's generating
capacity. Towards this end, NTPC would target to build an overall capacity portfolio of
over 66,000 MW by 2017.

Fuel / Energy Mix For Capacity Addition

Currently, coal has a dominant share in the power generation capacities in India. This is
also reflected in the high share of coal-based capacities in NTPC's current portfolio. With
high uncertainties involved in Domestic gas/ LNG, both in terms of availability and
prices, NTPC would continue to set up large pit-head coal based projects, including few
integrated coal cum power projects. To reduce the dependence on fossil fuels, there is a
need to push for renewable sources of power in the sector. NTPC would avail of
opportunities to add hydropower to its portfolio subject to competitive tariffs. A first step
in this direction has already been taken with the investment in Koldam Hydro Power
Project. NTPC would continue to closely monitor developments on nuclear front also and
be open to setting up around 2000 MW of Nuclear power generation capacity, possibly
through a Joint Venture. As a leader in power generation, NTPC would also consider
other energy sources such as biomass, cogeneration, fuel cells, etc for future development
thereby reducing the dependence on thermal fuels.

While a decision on the fuel/energy mix for NTPC in the future would be largely
governed by their relative tariff-competitiveness, the fuel mix in 2017 may be different
from the existing portfolio, though not very significantly.

Diversification Along The Value Chain

NTPC has achieved the distinction of being the largest thermal generating company in
India. In the past, this focus was adequate as the industry was highly regulated with
limited diversification opportunities. Over last few years, the country has been facing
acute shortages, both in coal and gas, severely affecting optimum utilisation of its power
stations and these shortages are likely to continue in future as well. This is in spite of the
fact that India is one of the largest producers of coal in the World. To safeguard its
competitive advantage in power generation business, NTPC has moved ahead in
diversifying its portfolio to emerge as an integrated power major, with presence across
entire energy value chain. In fact, to symbolise this change, NTPC has taken on a new
identity and a new name 'NTPC Limited'. NTPC has recently diversified into coal mining
business primarily to secure its fuel requirements and support its aggressive capacity
addition program. In addition, NTPC is also giving thrust on diversification in the areas
of power trading and distribution. Diversification would also allow NTPC to offer new
growth opportunities to its employees while leveraging their skills to capitalise on new
opportunities in the sector.

Establishing A Global Presence

To become a truly global company serving global markets, it is essential for NTPC to
establish its brand equity in overseas markets. NTPC would continue to focus on offering
Engineering & Project Management Services, Operations & Maintenance services, and
Renovation & Modernization services in the international market.

Establishing a successful services brand would be a precursor to taking higher investment

decisions in different markets. Going forward, NTPC would continue to evaluate various
options for strengthening its presence in global markets including setting up power
generation capacity, acquisition of gas blocks etc.

Circa 2017: NTPC's Corporate Profile

By the year 2017, NTPC would have successfully diversified its generation mix,
diversified across the power value chain and entered overseas markets. As a result NTPC
would have altered its profile significantly. Elements of the revised profile that NTPC
would seek to achieve are:

• Amongst top five market capitalisation in the Indian market

• An Indian MNC with presence in many countries
• Diversified utility with multiple businesses
• Setting benchmarks in project construction and plant availability & efficiency
• Preferred employer
• Have a strong research and technology base
• Loyal customer base in both bulk and retail supply
• A leading corporate citizen with a keen focus on executing its social

An Overview

No Of Plants Capacity MW
NTPC Owned
Coal 15 23395
Gas/Liquid Fuel 7 3955
Total 22 27350
Owned By JVs
Coal & Gas 4 2044
Total 26 29394

Regional Spread of Generating Facilities

Region Coal Gas Total

Northern 7035 2312 9347
Western 5860 1293 7153
Southern 3600 350 3950
Eastern 6900 - 6900
JVs 564 1480 2044
Tatal 23959 5435 29394


Coal Based Power Stations

Coal based State Capacity
1. Singrauli Uttar Pradesh 2,000
2. Korba Chattisgarh 2,100
3. Ramagundam Andhra Pradesh 2,600
4. Farakka West Bengal 1,600
5. Vindhyachal Madhya Pradesh 3,260
6. Rihand Uttar Pradesh 2,000
7. Kahalgaon Bihar 1,840
8. NTCPP Uttar Pradesh 840
9. Talcher Kaniha Orissa 3,000
10. Unchahar Uttar Pradesh 1,050
11. Talcher Thermal Orissa 460
12. Simhadri Andhra Pradesh 1,000
13. Tanda Uttar Pradesh 440
14. Badarpur Delhi 705
15. Sipat Chattisgarh 500
Total (Coal) 23,395

Gas/Liq. Fuel Based Power Stations

Gas based State Capacity
16. Anta Rajasthan 413
17. Auraiya Uttar Pradesh 652
18. Kawas Gujarat 645
19. Dadri Uttar Pradesh 817
20. Jhanor-Gandhar Gujarat 648
Rajiv Gandhi CCPP
21. Kerala 350
22. Faridabad Haryana 430
Total (Gas) 3,955

Power Plants with Joint Ventures

State Fuel Capacity
23. Durgapur West Bengal Coal 120
24. Rourkela Orissa Coal 120
25. Bhilai Chhattisgarh Coal 324
26. RGPPL Maharastra Naptha/LNG 1480
Total(JV) 2044
Grand Total (Coal + Gas + JV) 29,394


The Badarpur thermal power Station was planned by CWPC- Central Water & Power
Commission which was bifurcated later on into Central Electricity Authority (CEA)
under Ministry of Power and Central Water Commission - during sixties to cater the
growing needs of power of Delhi. The area was selected which was out of city limits at
that time and near the Agra canal for its water requirements. The area was full of stones
of ARAVALl HILLS. Coal requirements of plant were tied up with Jharia / Dhanbad coal
mines through nearby Tuglakabad railway station.
At that time, only three units of 95MW were planned and the work was given to Public
Sector Company namely Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited (BHEL). Ministry of Power
provided Rs.66 crores to CEA for the construction of first stage of power house which
comprised three units of 95 MW, link canal from Agra Canal, & discharge canal to Agra
Canal, Coal Handling Plant, Ash Handling Plant, Ash Disposal area, Water Treatment
Plant and residential area. Subsequently, two more units were planned with a capacity of
210 MW each taking full capacity to 705 MW at the cost of Rs.170 crores. Out of this
705MW, 65MW is consumed by the plant itself and rest 640MW is transmitted to grid so
that it can be distributed to the consumers. The power generated was to be utilized by the
main beneficiary Delhi and the adjoining area like Haryana, D.P. & Rajasthan.
The land was acquired in 1967 and work started thereafter. First unit of 95MW was
synchronized on 23rd September 1973.
Power generated is utilised by the beneficiary states through agreements of purchase with
NTPC. As CEA was having only one Power house namely BTPS, it was decided by the
Ministry of Power to hand over BTPS to NTPC in March 1978 on contract basis. BTPS
has scaled many records of plant load factor (PLF) during last decade and also received
many rewards from Ministry of Power for attaining highest PLF, lowest oil consumption.
BTPS also attained ISO 9002 & ISO 14001 for Environment Management System. BTPS
has planted many thousand trees in its area for environment control.

Thermal power plant

Thermal power plant converts the heat energy of coal to electrical energy. Coal is burnt in
a boiler which converts water into steam. The expansion of steam in turbine produces
mechanical power which drives the alternator. Thus the main equipment in the thermal
power plant consists of boiler, steam turbine and alternator. To achieve efficient
conversion of heat energy into electrical energy a variety of auxiliary equipment are
The basic raw materials required for the plants are coal, air and water. The coal is brought
to the station by trains from bihar, A.P, orrisa and M.P. coal is unloaded from the wagon
by the help of wagon tipplers. Then coal is tranffered from coal handing plant by
conveyor belt to the coal bunkers, from where it is fed to the pulversing mills, which
grind it as fine as face power. The finally powered coal mixed with pre-heated air is then
blown into the boiler by a fan called Primary Air Fan, where it burns, more like a gas
then as a solid in the conventional domestic or industrial grate, with additional amount of
air called secondary air supplied by a Force Draft Fan. As the coal has been ground so
finely, the resultant ash is also a fine powder. Some of it binds together to form lumps
which fall into the ash pits at the bottom of the furnace. The water quenched ash from the
bottom of the furnace is conveyed to pits for subsequent disposal or sale. Most of the ash,
still in the fine particle form is carried out of the boiler to the precipitators as dust, where
it is trapped by electrodes changed with high voltage electricity. The dust is then
conveyed by water to disposal areas or to bunkers for sale. While the cleaned flue gasses
pass on through 1.D. Fan to be discharged up the chimney. The steam which has given up
its heat energy is changed back into water in a condenser so that it is ready for re-use.
The condenser contains many kilometers of tubing through which cold water is
constantly pumped.
Coupled to the end of the turbine is the rotor of the generator, a large cylindrical magnet -
so that when the turbine rotates the rotor turns with it, the rotor housed inside the stator
having heavy coils of cooper bars in which electricity is produced through the movement
of the magnetic field created by the rotor. The electricity passes from the stator windings
to the step-up that it can be transmitted efficiently over the power line of the grid.
Meanwhile the heat released from the coal has been absorbed by many kilometers of
tubing which line the boiler walls. Inside the tubes is the boiler feed water which is
transformed by the heat into steam at high pressure and temperature. The steam, super
heated in further tube (Super Heater) passes to the turbine, where it is discharged through
nozzles on the turbine blades. Just as the energy of the wind turns the sails of the wind-
mill, so the energy of steam, striking the blades, makes the turbine rotate. Looses heat
and is rapidly changed back to water. But the two lots of water (i.e. boiler feed water and
cooling water) must never mix. The cooling water is drawn from the river/sea, but the
boiler feed water must be absolutely pure, far purer than the water, which we drink.
Indeed the chemistry at a power station is largely chemistry of water.
Why bother to change the steam from the turbine back into water if it has to be heated up
again immediately? The answer lies in the law of physics, which states that the boiling
point of water is directly proportional to pressure. The lower the pressure, the lower the
temperature at which water boils. The turbine designed wants as low boiling point as
possible because we can only utilize the energy from steam - when the steam changes
back to water we can get no more work out of it. So a condenser is required by which
rapidly changing the steam back into water creates a vacuum. The vacuum results in a
much lower boiling point which, in turn, means we can continue getting work out of the
steam wet below 100 C at which it would normally change into water.
To condense the large quantities to steam, huge and continuous volume of cooling water
is essential. In most of the power station, the same water is to be used over and over
again. So the heat which the water extracts from the steam in the condenser is removed
by pumping the water out to the cooling towers. The cooling towers are simple concrete
shells acting as huge chimneys creating a draught (nature mechanically assisted by fans)
of air, the water is sprayed out at top of the towers and as it falls into the pond beneath it
is cooled by the upward draught of air. The cold water in the pond is then recalculated by
pumps to the condensers, inevitably, however, some of the water is drawn upward as a
vapors by the draught and it is this water which forms the familiar while clouds which
emerge from the towers seen sometimes.

Boiler maintenance
Main Boiler - Boiler Fundamentals:

The objective of this chapter is to acquaint the readers with the basics of combustion,
Theory, types and classification of boilers and an overview of the arrangement of various
Boiler accessories.


The primary function of oil and coal burning systems in the process of steam generation
is to provide controlled efficient conversation of the chemical energy of the fuel into heat
energy which is then transferred to the heat absorbing surfaces of the steam generator.
The combustion elements of a fuel consist of carbon, hydrogen and usually a small
amount of sulphur. When combustion is properly completed the exhaust gases will
contain, carbon dioxide, water vapour, sulphur dioxide and a large volume of Nitrogen,
combining carbon and hydrogen or hydrocarbons with the oxygen in air brings about
Combustion. When carbon burns completely, it results in the formation of a gas known as
carbon dioxide. When carbon burns incompletely it forms carbon monoxide.

Composition of air: the supply of oxygen for combustion is obtained from air. This is as
important as the supply of fuel. The average composition of air is
79% nitrogen and 21% oxygen by volume
77% nitrogen and 23% oxygen by weight

Nitrogen does not burn but passes through the combustion chamber to the chimney
unchanged excepting its temperature.

Ignition: Fuel must be ignited before it can burn. Raising the temperature of the fuel to its
ignition temperature brings about combustion. This temperature varies with different

Excess air: The amount of air required to burn any fuel can be calculated if the amount of
the elements present in the fuel are known. This amount of air is known as the theoretical
air. In practice this quantity is not sufficient to ensure complete combustion and extra air
has to be supplied. This extra air is known as excess air.

The loss of combustibles and sunburn gas loss reduces as excess air is added reach
maximum and any further additions of excess air beyond this stage, the boiler losses
increase. Thus there is one and only one quantity of excess air, which will give the lowest
combustion loss. The value of excess air needed depends upon the fuel used, the type of
firing etc.

The following factors in efficient combustion are usually referred to as "The three T's:

Time: It will take a definite time to heat the fuel to its ignition temperature and having
ignited, it will also take time to burn. Consequently sufficient time must be allowed for
Complete combustion of the fuel to take place in the chamber.
Temperature: A fuel will not burn until it has reached its ignition temperature. Preheating
the combustion air increases the speed at which this Temperature will be reached. The
temperature of the flame of the burning fuel may vary with the quantity of air used. Too
much combustion air will lower the flame temperature and may cause unstable ignition.
Turbulence: Turbulence is introduced to achieve a rapid relative motion between the air
and the fuel particles. It is found that this produces a quick propagation of the flame and
its rapid spread throughout the fuel/air mixture in the combustion chamber.

Combustion efficiency: It varies with individual different grades of fuel within each
boiler. The idea to be aimed at is the correct quantity of air together with good mixing of
fuel and air to obtain the maximum heat release. Maximum combustion efficiency
depends on
• Design of the boiler
• Fuel used
• Skill in obtaining combustion with the minimum amount of excess air.

Thermal efficiency of a boiler is measured by the amount of heat transferred to the water
in the boiler by each Kg of fuel used and is expressed as a percentage of the total heat
energy in one Kg. of fuel. The thermal efficiency is dependent on the factors governing
efficient combustion.

Boilers, their classification and types:

Boiler is a device for generating steam for power, processing or heating purposes.
Boiler is designed to transmit heat from an external combustion source (usually fuel
combustion to a fluid) contained within the boiler itself.

The heat-generating unit includes a furnace in which the fuel is burned. With the
advantage of water-cooled furnace walls, super heaters, air heaters and economizers, the
term steam generator was evolved as a better description of the apparatus.

Boilers maybe classified on the basis of any of the following characteristics:

• Use
• Pressure
• Materials
• Size
• Tube Content
• Tube Shape and position
• Firing
• Heat Source
• Fuel
• Fluid
• Circulations
• Furnace position
• Furnace type
• General shape
• Trade name
• Special features.

Use: The characteristics of the boiler vary according to the nature of service performed.
Customarily boiler is called either stationary or mobile. Large units used primarily for
electric power generation are known as control station steam generator or utility plants.

Pressure: To provide safety control over construction features, all boilers must be
constructed in accordance with the Boiler codes, which differentiates boiler as per their

Materials: Selection of construction materials is controlled by boiler code material

specifications. Power boilers are usually constructed of special steels.

Size: Rating code for boiler standardize the size and ratings of boilers based on heating
surfaces. The same is verified by performance tests.

Tube Contents: In addition to ordinary shell type of boiler, there are two general steel
boiler classifications, the fire tube and water tube boilers. Fire tube boiler is boilers with
straight tubes that are surrounded by water and through which the products of combustion
pass. Water tube boilers are those, in which the tubes themselves contain steam or water,
the heat being applied to the outside surface.

Firing: The boiler may be a fired or unfired pressure vessel. In fired boilers, the heat
applied is a product of fuel combustion. A non-fired boiler has a heat source other than

Heat Source: The heat may be derived from (1) the combustion of fuel (2) the hot gasses
of other chemical reactions (3) the utilization of nuclear energy.

Fuel: Boilers are often designated with respect to the fuel burned.

Fluid: The general concept of a boiler is that of a vessel to generate steam. A few utilities
plants have installed mercury boilers.

Circulation: The majority of boilers operate with natural circulation. Some utilize positive
circulation in which the operative fluid may be forced 'once through' or controlled with
partial circulation.

Furnace Position: The boiler is an external combustion device in which the combustion
takes place outside the region of boiling water. The relative location of the furnace to the
boiler is indicated by the description of the furnace as being internally or externally fired.
The furnace is internally fired if the furnace region is completely surrounded by water
cooled surfaces. The furnace is externally fired if the furnace is auxiliary to the boiler.

Furnace type: The boiler may be described in terms of the furnace type.
General Shape: During the evaluation of the boiler as a heat producer, many new shapes
and designs have appeared and these are widely recognized in the trade.

Trade Name: Many manufacturers coin their own name for each boiler and these names
come into common usage as being descriptive of the boiler.

Special features: some times the type of boiler like differential firing and Tangential
firing are described.

Categorization of Boilers:
Boilers are generally categorized as follows:
• Steel boilers
• Fire Tube type
• Water tube type
• Horizontal Straight tube

A boiler is a closed vessel in which the heat produced by the combustion of fuel is
transferred to water for its conversation into steam of the desired temperature & pressure.
The steam produced may be supplied to turbine for power generation.

The boiler is generally used for power production are two types:-
1. Corner boiler
2. Front fire boiler

The boiler mainly has natural circulation of gases, steam and other things. They contain
vertical membrane water. The pulverized fuel which is being used in the furnace is fixed
tangentially. They consume approximately 700 ton.\hr of coal of about 1370kg\cm2 of
pressure having temperature of 540оc

The boiler used is manufactured by BHEL of 210MW. The first pass of the boiler has a
combustion chamber enclosed with water walls of fusion welded construction on all four
sides. In addition there are four water platens to increase the radiant heating surface.
Beside this platen super heater reheater sections are also suspended in the furnace
combustion chamber. The first pass is a high heat zone since the fuel is burn in this pass.
The second pass is surrounded by steam cooled walls on all four sides as well as roof of
the boiler. A horizontal super heater, an economiser & two air heaters are located in the
second pass.


Its main function is to separate steam from water. It is a circular vessel in which water
level is maintained at 10" below the centre of the drum. The wet steam enters in the drum
through the water wall of boiler.
The drum consists of baffles and thin fine sieves trough which wet steam passes. The
baffles provided number of plates in downward slope direction. The wet steam first
passes trough these baffles and after that it passes through thin sieves at the top of drum.
The water droplets in the steam fall down through baffles and sieves. The pure steam
passes to root panels.

The water in drum is attached with down comer and risers. The water in the boiler is fed
through the down comers.

Weight - 123 tonnes

Length - l5700mm
Inner diameter - l676mm
Outer diameter - 1942mm
Material - carbon steel
Pressure - l50.7g\cm2
Temp - 342оc

It is the main part of the boiler where the fuel or coal is burnt and produce lots of heat and
flue gases to convert the water into steam.
Height - 42.797m
Length - l3.868m
Width - 10.592m
Volume - 52l0m3

To start the production unit, firstly pulverised coal is fed to the furnace through a pump.
For fuel burning, ignition temperature and pressure are also necessary. The burning of
coal completely and raise the temperature to an approximately level. Initially air and oil
are also fed to it through F.D. fan and oil gun respectively. Then when the temperature is
reached to the required level coal starts burning and produces lots of heat and flue gases.
The water tube flowing inside the boiler containing water turns into wet steam. It is a
water tube boiler.

It is made of seamless steel tubes and walls are joined by fusion weld. Walls on all sides
are rectangular in cross section. The space between the water walls tubes is of fusion
welded to form a complete gas tight seal. These are four platen water walls in the
combustion chamber to increase the heating surface. The front and bottom walls slope
down toward the centre of furnace to form inclined sides of the bottom. Ash from the
furnace is discharged through the bottom opening into bottom ash hopper.

The scraper conveyor is used for two functions:
• Remove ash from the combustion chamber
• Provide ceiling to boiler
The scraper conveyer is mounted at the bottom of furnace where ash is collected after
burning the coal and removes from the boiler. Scraper conveyer is generally used for
removing heavy dust.
Capacity 20 tonnes\hr
Body - mild steel.
Liners sail yard
Scraper ms

It is an apparatus which is connected with scraper conveyer for the purpose of removing
ash from the boiler. The heavy long ash pieces are crushed in the clinker grinder so that
they can be easily flow out from the boiler.

It is used for utilize the heat of flue gases since for improving the temperature of feed
water so that the efficiency of the boiler is increased.
The flue gas when leaves the boiler its temperature is higher then the temperature of feed
water so the waste heat of flue gases can be utilized. It is mounted at the second pass of
the boiler. It is arranged between the feed pump and drums.
The temperature before entering the economiser is 240 degree centigrade.
The temperature after discharging the economiser is 280 degree centigrade.
It is an apparatus which is used to increase the efficiency of boiler the super heater used
are generally four types:-
1. Sealing SH
2. Lower temperature SH
3. Radiant SH
4. Final SH

The function of super heater is to convert the wet steam into dry steam. The wet steam
from the boiler is entered into the low temperature super heater and then into radiant
super heater and then finally into final super heater and passed to main steam line.


The Air pre heater is used in the boiler for improving efficiency and transferring heat
from flue gas to secondary air and primary air. The air entering the boiler furnace is at a
low temperature as compared to the temperature of exhaust flue gases. The air is heated
by the heat carried away by the flue gases and going as a waste through chimney. It is
situated between the economiser and the chimney.

The plant efficiency is increase by the air prehearter. It is mounted on the 2nd pass. The
APH are used are tabular APH. In the tabular tube, the air passes down outside the tubes
and the flue gases through the tubes before going to ID fan at the base of the chimney.

There are mainly three components which are used in fuel firing:-
1. Pulverised coal
2. High pressure air
3. Oil

The coal has various varieties. The coal which is used out they should have high calorific
value, produce maximum heat produce less ash and pollution on burning easily available,
low cost etc. these features are available in bituminous coal, which is used in the plant. It
has about 90-95% carbon and its caloric value varies between 3600-4200. Coal is brought
in large pieces, so in first stage the coal is finally crushed so that it burns completely.
Then it is sent the furnace through conveyor belt. In the furnace the coal burns and
produces steam. The ash which gets collected in the scraper is removed time to time with
the help of water. Its main function is to produce lot of heat so ass to convert water into

Oil is supplied with the help of oil gun to coal so that the coal can be easily burn.


High pressure air is introduced into the furnace so that the coal can be reached at ignited
temperature. The high pressure air from fan is introduced to the furnace through F.D fan.
The successfully working of an oil firing equipment depends on the following:-
I. The correct design of control flow.
2. The design of combustion chamber.
3. The design of the economiser which must be able to reduce the fuel to a finally divided


It is a device which comes into operation when the pressure in the boiler exceeds the
working pressure. It discharges some of the steam automatically out of the boiler and
brings the pressure down to the normal working limit. There are many type of valves but
the valve used is spring loaded safety valve. In this valve the valve rest on its seat under
the action of spring. The valve is fitted on the drum. When steam pressure exceeds the
normal working limit, these valves are lifted from their seats allowing passage for steam
to escape out till the pressure falls below the specified limit after which the valve again
rest on the seal. It is made up of C.I.


When coal is burnt in the boiler ash is liberated and carried along with flue gases if these
ashes are exhausted to the atmosphere. It will create pollution resulting in health hazard.
Hence it is necessary to precipitate the dust from the flue gases and in this process is ESP
finds place in the power plant. In 21OMw 11OT of coal burns per hour and if coal
contents 30% ash then ash carried along with flue gases will be 33Tonns\hr.

1. Higher efficiency
2. Minimum cost
3. Low maintenance
4. Large volume of ash particle
5. Creates less pollution

1. High initial cost
2. Loss of efficiency when flow is above the desired rate
3. Unpredictable efficiency


In order to keep pace with the changing norms and ensure compliance with statutory
requirements in the field of pollution control, NTPC keeps an open mind for Renovation
and Modernization (R & M) and Retrofitting and Up gradation of pollution monitoring
and control facilities in its existing stations. It is important to mention that such
modifications/retrofit programs not only helped in betterment of environment but also in
resource conservation.
High efficiency Electro-Static Precipitators (ESPs) of the order of 99.5% and above have
been provided at NTPC stations for control of stack particulate emissions. However, the
ESPs of a number of stations were built prior to the promulgation of the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986 and notification of emission control standards under this Act.
Remedial measures have already been taken up and implemented to improve the
efficiency of the existing ESPs at various NTPC stations. ESP performance enhancement
programme by adopting advanced micro-processor based Electrostatic Precipitator
Management System (EPMS) was installed at its power stations at Singrauli,
Ramagundam, Korba, Farakka, Rihand, Vindhyachal and Unchahar. Additional ESPs
were retrofitted in the older power stations, namely at Badarpur and Talcher Thermal. As
a result of the above retrofits, the emission of Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) has
been brought down appreciably at the above stations and is maintained within the present
statutory limit of 150 mg/Nm3. In new projects, the ESPs have been designed for a
maximum permissible outlet dust emission of 50 mg/Nm3 to meet the likely stringent
emission norms in the near future.


With better awareness and appreciation towards ecology and environment, the
organization is continually looking for innovative and cost effective solutions to conserve
natural resources and reduce wastes. Some of the measures include:

• Reduction in land requirements for main plant and ash disposal areas in newer
• Capacity addition in old plants, within existing land.
• Reduction in water requirement for main plant and ash disposal areas through
recycle and reuse of water.
• Efficient use of Fuel (Coal, Natural gas and Fuel oil) and
• Reduction in fuel requirement through more efficient combustion and adoption of
state-of-the-art technologies such as super critical boilers
Plant Auxiliary Maintenance


A gas compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gas by reducing
its volume.

Centrifugal compressors

Centrifugal compressors use a rotating disk or impeller in a shaped housing to force the
gas to the rim of the impeller, increasing the velocity of the gas. A diffuser (divergent
duct) section converts the velocity energy to pressure energy. They are primarily used for
continuous, stationary service in industries such as oil refineries, chemical and
petrochemical plants and natural gas processing plants. Their application can be from 100
hp (75 kW) to thousands of horsepower. With multiple staging, they can achieve
extremely high output pressures greater than 10,000 psi (69 MPa).

Diagonal or mixed-flow compressors

Diagonal or mixed-flow compressors are similar to centrifugal compressors, but have a

radial and axial velocity component at the exit from the rotor. The diffuser is often used
to turn diagonal flow to the axial direction. The diagonal compressor has a lower
diameter diffuser than the equivalent centrifugal compressor.

Axial-flow compressors

Axial-flow compressors are dynamic rotating compressors that use arrays of fan-like
aerofoils to progressively compress the working fluid. They are used where there is a
requirement for a high flows or a compact design.

The arrays of aerofoils are set in rows, usually as pairs: one rotating and one stationary.
The rotating aerofoils, also known as blades or rotors, accelerate the fluid. The stationary
aerofoils, also known as a stators or vanes, turn and decelerate the fluid; preparing and
redirecting the flow for the rotor blades of the next stage. Axial compressors are almost
always multi-staged, with the cross-sectional area of the gas passage diminishing along
the compressor to maintain an optimum axial Mach number. Beyond about 5 stages or a
4:1 design pressure ratio, variable geometry is normally used to improve operation.

Axial compressors can have high efficiencies; around 90% polytropic at their design
conditions. However, they are relatively expensive, requiring a large number of
components, tight tolerances and high quality materials. Axial-flow compressors can be
found in medium to large gas turbine engines, in natural gas pumping stations, and within
certain chemical plants.

Reciprocating compressors

Reciprocating compressors use pistons driven by a crankshaft. They can be either

stationary or portable, can be single or multi-staged, and can be driven by electric motors
or internal combustion engines. Small reciprocating compressors from 5 to
30 horsepower (hp) are commonly seen in automotive applications and are typically for
intermittent duty. Larger reciprocating compressors up to 1000 hp are still commonly
found in large industrial applications, but their numbers are declining as they are replaced
by various other types of compressors. Discharge pressures can range from low pressure
to very high pressure (>5000 psi or 35 MPa). In certain applications, such as air
compression, multi-stage double-acting compressors are said to be the most efficient
compressors available, and are typically larger, noisier, and more costly than comparable
rotary units.

Rotary screw compressors

Rotary screw compressors use two meshed rotating positive-displacement helical screws
to force the gas into a smaller space. These are usually used for continuous operation in
commercial and industrial applications and may be either stationary or portable. Their
application can be from 3 hp (2.24 kW) to over 500 hp (375 kW) and from low pressure
to very high pressure (>1200 psi or 8.3 MPa). They are commonly seen with roadside
repair crews powering air-tools. This type is also used for many automobile engine
superchargers because it is easily matched to the induction capacity of a piston Engine

Diaphragm compressors

A diaphragm compressor (also known as a membrane compressor) is a variant of the

conventional reciprocating compressor. The compression of gas occurs by the movement
of a flexible membrane, instead of an intake element. The back and forth movement of
the membrane is driven by a rod and a crankshaft mechanism. Only the membrane and
the compressor box come in touch with the gas being compressed.
There are four main types of compressors used at the Badarpur Thermal Power Station.
These are as follows: -

Densvevor Compressors: -
It is the most important compressor used at B.T.P.S. These are four in number. One
Densveyor compressor is connected with each mill. It provides the primary as well as
secondary air to the plant. These compressors are automatically operated. It carries the
coal directly from the mills to the furnace. These compressors work under a maximum
pressure of 8kgf.

Plant compressors: -
These compressors are two in number. Plant compressors are moisture type compressors.
These are mainly used for washing the ash formed in the furnace and disposing them off.
These compressors work under a maximum pressure of 8kgf.
Instrument compressors:-
These are dry type compressors. These are used to operate different instruments. These
compressors are three in number. These also work under a maximum pressure of 8kgf.

Blast air compressors: -

These compressors are smaller in size and are not as important as the other three types of
compressors. The coal in the RC (raw coal) bunkers sometimes sticks to the surface of
the bunkers due to moisture content in the coal. In such cases, blast air compressors are
used to detach the coal from the surface of the RC (raw coal) bunkers.


Compression of a gas naturally increases its temperature.

In an attempt to model the compression of gas, there are two theoretical relationships
between temperature and pressure in a volume of gas undergoing compression. Although
neither of them model the real world exactly, each can be useful for analysis. A third
method measures real-world results:

Isothermal - This model assumes that the compressed gas remains at a constant
temperature throughout the compression or expansion process. In this cycle, internal
energy is removed from the system as heat at the same rate that it is added by the
mechanical work of compression. Isothermal compression or expansion more closely
models real life when the compressor has a large heat exchanging surface, a small gas
volume, or a long time scale (i.e., a small power level). Compressors that utilize inter-
stage cooling between compression stages come closest to achieving perfect isothermal
compression. However, with practical devices perfect isothermal compression is not
attainable. For example, unless you have an infinite number of compression stages with
corresponding intercoolers, you will never achieve perfect isothermal compression.

Adiabatic - This model assumes that no energy (heat) is transferred to or from the gas
during the compression, and all supplied work is added to the internal energy of the gas,
resulting in increases of temperature and pressure. Theoretical temperature rise is T2 =
T1·Rc(k-1)/k, with T1 and T2 in degrees Rankine or kelvins, and k = ratio of specific heats
(approximately 1.4 for air). R is the compression ratio; being the absolute outlet pressure
divided by the absolute inlet pressure. The rise in air and temperature ratio means
compression does not follow a simple pressure to volume ratio. This is less efficient, but
quick. Adiabatic compression or expansion more closely model real life when a
compressor has good insulation, a large gas volume, or a short time scale (i.e., a high
power level). In practice there will always be a certain amount of heat flow out of the
compressed gas. Thus, making a perfect adiabatic compressor would require perfect heat
insulation of all parts of the machine. For example, even a bicycle tire pump's metal tube
becomes hot as you compress the air to fill a tire.

Polytropic - This model takes into account both a rise in temperature in the gas as well as
some loss of energy (heat) to the compressor's components. This assumes that heat may
enter or leave the system, and that input shaft work can appear as both increased pressure
(usually useful work) and increased temperature above adiabatic (usually losses due to
cycle efficiency). Compression efficiency is then the ratio of temperature rise at
theoretical 100 percent (adiabatic) vs. actual (polytropic).

In the case of the fire piston and the heat pump, people desire temperature change, and
compressing gas is only a means to that end.


Since compression generates heat, the compressed gas is to be cooled between stages
making the compression less adiabatic and more isothermal. The inter-stage coolers cause
condensation meaning water separators with drain valves are present. In the case of small
reciprocating compressors, the compressor flywheel may drive a cooling fan that directs
ambient air across the intercooler of a two or more stage compressor.

Because of mechanical limitations and to increase efficiency, most compressors utilize

staged compression, usually with intercooling between stages. In the case of centrifugal
compressors, commercial designs currently do not exceed more than a 3.5 to 1 ratio in
any one stage. Because rotary screw compressors can make use of cooling lubricant to
remove the heat of compression, they very often exceed a 9 to 1 ratio. For instance, in a
typical diving compressor the air is compressed in three stages. If each stage has a
compression ratio of 7 to 1, the compressor can output 343 times atmospheric pressure (7
x 7 x 7 = 343 Atmospheres).


There are many options for the "prime mover" or motor which powers the compressor:
gas turbines power the axial and centrifugal flow compressors that are part of jet engines.
steam turbines or water turbines are possible for large compressors, electric motors are
cheap and quiet for static compressors. Small motors suitable for domestic electrical
supplies use single phase alternating current. Larger motors can only be used where an
industrial electrical three phase alternating current supply is available. Diesel engines or
petrol engines are suitable for portable compressors and support compressors used as
superchargers from their own crankshaft power. They use exhaust gas energy to power


The CSPH is just located near the entrance of BTPS at the left side of the way, the basic
work of CSPH is to treat the raw water coming from the lake, this water is first treated in
CSPH and then delivered to the other units such as WTP cooling tower ESP etc.

The water is received from lake is totally dirty and full of hard and thick impurities. The
water is first screened of using the screen wash pump rotating continuously consisting of


S.NO. Name Number of Operating Use
pump in pressure
1. CRW (clarify raw water 3 1 kg To clarify raw water
2. FS (fire screening) 2 6 kg Fire fighting
3. HP (high pressure pumps) 6 6-7 kg 2 used for cooling
turbine water, 3 for
disposal of ash from
ESP and 1 for
pressuring low pressure
4. TWS (traveling water 7 7 kg For screening of
screening) traveling water
5. LP (low pressure pumps) 3 2 – 2.5 kg For EP pump house
6. Chlorine pumps 2 For chlorination of


Ash utilization is one of the key concerns at NTPC. The Ash Utilization Division, set up
in 1991, strives to derive maximum usage from the vast quantities of ash produced at its
coal-based stations. The division proactively formulates policy, plans and programme for
ash utilization. It further monitors the progress in these areas and works at developing
new fields of ash utilization.
Pumps used for ash handling:


1. 1 Servo 57/68 oil 1000 m3/hr
2. 2 Servo 40 oil 1300 m3/hr
3. 3 Servo 40 oil 1300 m3/hr
4. 4 Servo 40 oil 1300 m3/hr

The quality of ash produced conforms to the requirements of IS 3812. The fly ash
generated at NTPC stations is ideal for use in cement, concrete, concrete products,
cellular concrete, lightweight aggregates, bricks/blocks/tiles etc. This is attributed to its
very low loss on ignition value. To facilitate availability of dry ash to end-users all new
units of NTPC are provided with the facility of dry ash collection system. Partial dry ash
collection systems have also been set up at the existing stations where these facilities did
not exist earlier. Augmentation of these systems to 100% capacity is presently in

As the emphasis on gainful utilization of ash grew, the usage over the years also
increased. From 0.3 million tonnes in 1991-1992, the level of utilization during 2006-07
stood at over 20.76 million tonnes.

The various channels of ash utilization currently include use by a number of Cement,
Asbestos-Cement products & Concrete manufacturing Industries, Land Development,
Roads & Embankments, Ash Dyke Raising, and Building Products. Area wise break-up
of utilization for the year 2006-07 is as under:
Area of Utilization Quantity (in Million Tons)
Land Development 7.51
Cement & Concrete 7.40
Roads/Embankments 1.76
Ash Dyke Raising 2.69
Bricks 0.15
Mine Filling 0.61
Others 0.64
Total 20.76

NTPC has adopted user friendly policy guidelines on ash utilisation. These include
actions identified for:

• Ash Collection & Storage System

• Facilities & Incentives to users
• Direct Department Activities
• Administrative & Financial aspects.
In order to motivate entrepreneurs to come forward with ash utilisation schemes, NTPC
offers several facilities and incentives. These include free issue of all types of ash viz.
Dry Fly Ash / Pond Ash / Bottom Ash & infrastructure facilities, wherever feasible.
Necessary help and assistance is also offered to facilitate procurement of land, supply of
electricity etc. from Govt. Authorities. Necessary techno-managerial assistance is given
wherever considered necessary. Besides NTPC uses only ash based bricks & portland
pozzolana cement (FAPPC) in most of its construction activities. FAPPC (as per IS 1489
Part-1) and Fly Ash Bricks (as per IS 12894) have been included in our standard
specifications. Demonstration projects are taken up in area of Agriculture, Building
materials, Mine filling etc.

NTPC continually strives to evolve innovative and diverse means of ash utilization to
further broaden the scope. Prominent among the methods devised so far are:

• Dry Fly ash Extraction Systems

• Use in cement & concrete
• Use in Ash based products including setting up of
• Ash Technology Park
• Land Development/Wasteland Development, Roads & Embankments, Raising ash
• Mine filling / Stowing
• Agriculture

NTPC, Ash Utilization Division has brought out a booklet titled 'NTPC Guide for Users
of Coal Ash' for distribution amongst prospective entrepreneurs and users of ash. It
covers salient information about NTPC's power stations, facilities offered for setting up
of ash based industry, statistics about ash production and its quality, brief write-up about
various technologies available for utilization of ash, list of equipment manufacturers,
technology suppliers, agencies who may be approached for setting up the projects etc.


The availability of suitable supply of water both for cooling purposes and for boiler feed
make a in one of the basic requirement of the power station the water treatment plant is
meeting this requirement the water which is used in the boiler circuit must be in very pure
form to avoid corrosion of boiler tube scale formation on the inside surface of various
parts and to avoid silica carryover to turbine corrosion tunes leads to its failure and this
reduces boiler reliability scale formation leads to resistance to heat transfer and over
hearting of the tube metal and thus causes frequent shut downs. Silica caries over from
boiler gets deposited on relatively cold portion of turbine and create resistance to stream
flow thrust reducing efficiency of turbine as the working pressure and temperature of
boiler goes high with unit size increasing the requirement of very pure water becomes
even more stringent therefore the main object of the WTP is to remove impurities of
water being sent to boiler in order that the steam generated is pure and boiler can give an
uninterrupted surface.
The name given to this unit is because 'geo miller' named company built it and started it.
Its main function is to make water pure and clean.
The raw water coming from CRW goes into the tank where alum and chlorine are added
to it. With the help of chlorine and alum all the mud and dust settles down and clean
water is taken from above. From there it goes to two separate tanks and from there 7
pumps 4 of 100Mw and 3 of 21OMw power takes the water to various sections such as
WTP-I & II etc.

To the chlorinated raw water chemical are added in the form of solution and through
violet turbulence chemical are adequately mixed in a flash mixer tank the water is then
lead to central chamber of clarifloculator having rotatory type of arrangement here with
slow motor given to water the newly formed flew is repeatedly brought into impact with
other flow particles and they attack themselves together in large masses which settles
quickly the water is then allowed slowly to come in other chamber the also has slow
rotating arrangement


The water from the cation exchangers enters the final treatment unit for removing the
traces of impurities remaining in the anion treated water ~e mixed exchanger is milled
steel rubber lines pressure vessels externally fitted with manual and pneumatic valve the
internal includes and inlet water distributor, caustic soda distributor for the regeneration
of anion resins.

Dimension - 13715 mm diameter
Metal construction- RCC
Flow rate - 200m3/hr


1500 mm diameter x 1500 mm deep
Metal of construction- ms


1370 mm diameter X 120 deep
Metal of construction- MS

4 numbers
Dimension - 1676 mm diameter
Material of construction - ms
Qty. - 30% HCL
Minimum flow - 10m3/hr
Maximum flow - 35m3/hr

4 numbers
Dimension - 1676 diameter
Material of construction - MS
Minimum flow - 10m3/hr
Maximum flow - 35m3/hr
Net flow rate - 25m3/hr


4 numbers
Quantity - 30% HCL + 30caustic soda
Dimension - 762 diameter
Material of construction - ms
Minimum flow - 2m3/hr
Maximum flow - 26.8m3/hr



The circulating water is use for the condenser to condense the exhaust steam form the
turbine since sum change of state takes place therefore the vacuum is crated inside the
condenser for the degree of vacuum will depend upon the extent of cooling and thus on
the quantity of circulating water and its temperature it is therefore desirable that this
water should be of low temp. when the water is obtained from the lake, canal, river etc
the requirement may be about 59 gallons per hour per kilo watt of the plant this sis sum
what high for cooling water system the cooling effect in the cooling tower depends upon
the wet bulb temperature of the atmosphere and addition of 10 % capacity of tower may
be required during summer cooling tower are used lager size stations there is a
temperature to favour cooling tower even for the medium size station due to the other
advantages is that closed approach the wet bulb temp is permissible through these.
The cooling tower is wooden steel concrete structure inside which is provided with an
arrangement of wooden check or work perforated trays etc at the bottom is a reservoir for
storage of cooled water warm water is fed to the tower on the top and is allowed to pass
into these sheet through trace while airflows form the bottom of tower to top there is a
good contact of air and water with the result of that the latter is cooled and fills in the
reservoir air passing out at the top to prevent the escape of water particles drift eliminator
are simple construction are made of few rows of blades places inclined to each other and
provide a zig zag path of air system the moisture its deposited on the blades and falls
back in the tank.
Turbine Maintenance


A steam turbine is a mechanical device that extracts thermal energy from pressurized
steam, and converts it into useful mechanical work.

It has almost completely replaced the reciprocating piston steam engine (invented by
Thomas Newcomen and greatly improved by James Watt) primarily because of its greater
thermal efficiency and higher power-to-weight ratio. Also, because the turbine generates
rotary motion, it is particularly suited to be used to drive an electrical generator, about
80% of all electric generation in the world is by use of steam turbines. — it doesn't
require a linkage mechanism to convert reciprocating to rotary motion. The steam turbine
is a form of heat engine that derives much of its improvement in thermodynamic
efficiency through the use of multiple stages in the expansion of the steam (as opposed to
the one stage in the Watt engine), which results in a closer approach to the ideal
reversible process.


Steam turbines are made in a variety of sizes ranging from small 1 hp (0.75 kW) units
(rare) used as mechanical drives for pumps, compressors and other shaft driven
equipment, to 2,000,000 hp (1,500,000 kW) turbines used to generate electricity. There
are several classifications for modern steam turbines.

Steam Supply and Exhaust Conditions

These types include condensing, noncondensing, reheat, extraction and induction.

Noncondensing or backpressure turbines are most widely used for process steam
applications. The exhaust pressure is controlled by a regulating valve to suit the needs of
the process steam pressure. These are commonly found at refineries, district heating
units, pulp and paper plants, and desalination facilities where large amounts of low
pressure process steam is available.

Condensing turbines are most commonly found in electrical power plants. These turbines
exhaust steam in a partially condensed state, typically of a quality near 90%, at a pressure
well below atmospheric to a condenser.

Reheat turbines are also used almost exclusively in electrical power plants. In a reheat
turbine, steam flow exits from a high pressure section of the turbine and is returned to the
boiler where additional superheat is added. The steam then goes back into an intermediate
pressure section of the turbine and continues its expansion.

Extracting type turbines are common in all applications. In an extracting type turbine,
steam is released from various stages of the turbine, and used for industrial process needs
or sent to boiler feed water heaters to improve overall cycle efficiency. Extraction flows
may be controlled with a valve, or left uncontrolled. Induction turbines introduce low
pressure steam at an intermediate stage to produce additional power.

Casing or Shaft Arrangements

These arrangements include single casing, tandem compound and cross compound
turbines. Single casing units are the most basic style where a single casing and shaft are
coupled to a generator. Tandem compound are used where two or more casings are
directly coupled together to drive a single generator. A cross compound turbine
arrangement features two or more shafts not in line driving two or more generators that
often operate at different speeds. A cross compound turbine is typically used for many
large applications.

Principle of Operation and Design

An ideal steam turbine is considered to be an isentropic process, or constant entropy

process, in which the entropy of the steam entering the turbine is equal to the entropy of
the steam leaving the turbine. No steam turbine is truly “isentropic”, however, with
typical isentropic efficiencies ranging from 20%-90% based on the application of the
turbine. The interior of a turbine comprises several sets of blades, or “buckets” as they
are more commonly referred to. One set of stationary blades is connected to the casing
and one set of rotating blades is connected to the shaft. The sets intermesh with certain
minimum clearances, with the size and configuration of sets varying to efficiently exploit
the expansion of steam at each stage.

Turbine Efficiency

Schematic diagram outlining the difference between an impulse and a reaction turbine
To maximize turbine efficiency, the steam is expanded, generating work, in a number of
stages. These stages are characterized by how the energy is extracted from them and are
known as impulse or reaction turbines. Most modern steam turbines are a combination of
the reaction and impulse design. Typically, higher pressure sections are impulse type and
lower pressure stages are reaction type.

Impulse Turbines

An impulse turbine has fixed nozzles that orient the steam flow into high speed jets.
These jets contain significant kinetic energy, which the rotor blades, shaped like buckets,
convert into shaft rotation as the steam jet changes direction. A pressure drop occurs
across only the stationary blades, with a net increase in steam velocity across the stage.

As the steam flows through the nozzle its pressure falls from steam chest pressure to
condenser pressure (or atmosphere pressure). Due to this relatively higher ratio of
expansion of steam in the nozzle the steam leaves the nozzle with a very high velocity.
The steam leaving the moving blades is a large portion of the maximum velocity of the
steam when leaving the nozzle. The loss of energy due to this higher exit velocity is
commonly called the "carry over velocity" or "leaving loss".

Reaction Turbines

In the reaction turbine, the rotor blades themselves are arranged to form convergent
nozzles. This type of turbine makes use of the reaction force produced as the steam
accelerates through the nozzles formed by the rotor. Steam is directed onto the rotor by
the fixed vanes of the stator. It leaves the stator as a jet that fills the entire circumference
of the rotor. The steam then changes direction and increases its speed relative to the speed
of the blades. A pressure drop occurs across both the stator and the rotor, with steam
accelerating through the stator and decelerating through the rotor, with no net change in
steam velocity across the stage but with a decrease in both pressure and temperature,
reflecting the work performed in the driving of the rotor.

Operation and Maintenance

When warming up a steam turbine for use, the main steam stop valves (after the boiler)
have a bypass line to allow superheated steam to slowly bypass the valve and proceed to
heat up the lines in the system along with the steam turbine. Also a turning gear is
engaged when there is no steam to the turbine to slowly rotate the turbine to ensure even
heating to prevent uneven expansion. After first rotating the turbine by the turning gear,
allowing time for the rotor to assume a straight plane (no bowing), then the turning gear
is disengaged and steam is admitted to the turbine, first to the astern blades then to the
ahead blades slowly rotating the turbine at 10 to 15 RPM to slowly warm the turbine.

Problems with turbines are now rare and maintenance requirements are relatively small.
Any imbalance of the rotor can lead to vibration, which in extreme cases can lead to a
blade letting go and punching straight through the casing. It is, however, essential that the
turbine be turned with dry steam. If water gets into the steam and is blasted onto the
blades (moisture carryover) rapid impingement and erosion of the blades can occur,
possibly leading to imbalance and catastrophic failure. Also, water entering the blades
will likely result in the destruction of the thrust bearing for the turbine shaft. To prevent
this, along with controls and baffles in the boilers to ensure high quality steam,
condensate drains are installed in the steam piping leading to the turbine.

Speed regulation

The control of a turbine with a governor is essential, as turbines need to be run up slowly,
to prevent damage while some applications (such as the generation of alternating current
electricity) require precise speed control. Uncontrolled acceleration of the turbine rotor
can lead to an overspeed trip, which causes the nozzle valves that control the flow of
steam to the turbine to close. If this fails then the turbine may continue accelerating until
it breaks apart, often spectacularly. Turbines are expensive to make, requiring precision
manufacture and special quality materials.

The turbines used in BTPS are like as shown in figure:

• It have 31 stages
• HP and IP are single side forced
• LP is double side forced
• HP have 12 stages, 12 moving and 12 fixed blades
• IP have 11 stages, 11 moving and 11 fixed blades
• LP have 4 stages, 8 moving and 8 fixed blades

The complete turbine assembly is mounted on foundation frames pedestals and sale plate
is designed that the component are free to expand or control utilizes correct alignment is
maintained during start up shut down and through the working temperature range.

In 210Mw the pressure is 120kg/cm2 and rotates at 3000rpm. Rated quantity of

circulating water through condenser is 27000 cubic meter/hr.
The high super heated steam is passes on the blades of turbine, so that it rotates very high
speed and produces the power with the attachment of turbine. The generator which is
connected with the turbine is rotates with the rotation of turbine and produced electricity.

In working of turbine first MS -4, MS-5, MS-6, MS-3 valves are opened then ESV
(emergency steam valve) situated at right or left is opened. Then steam is entered in HPT.
The turbine has a governing system consists of main oil pump (MOP) for supplying the
oil to turbine. During the operation the oil becomes dirty. For purifying the oil 12 filter
are maintained. In which 6 has thick sieves and another 6 has thin sieves. The dirty oil
first passed in thick sieves and then passed to thin sieves. The oil is provided in the main
oil tank which contains 28000 litre oil.
When steam entered in the turbine control valve 1,2,3,4 are opens. Rotor of turbine is
placed between the pads, the fire pads are at the top of rotor and another fire is at the
bottom of rotor. When steam passed the turbine some steam are rejected. The rejected
steam are collected in intermediate cylinder and passed to condenser for reheating, so that
once again high pressure steam is entered in the furnace. The trust bearing are placed in
the middle of turbine. During the operation some steam are leakages. The leakage steam
are collected in gland steam cooler and passed to LPH to HP to economiser to super
heater to boiler drum for making pure steam.

The internal temp of the turbine is 360C.

When the turbine shut down it should ensured that the rotor is not suddenly stopped
instantly or in other words it should not be stopped at high speed. Since when the rotor is
stopped suddenly the high pressure steam forced on the blades of turbine and damages it.
So when the rotor is stopped its temp is about 80'C. This is done with the help of bearing
gear. Then the turbine shut down a lever on bearing gear is down on right side. A 30KW
three face induction motor running at 730r.p.m. forms the main driving force of bearing
gear which gives the slow rotation of the turbine rotor.


Cooling water booster is used for cooling form turbine to boiler. It has single and single
discharge. The pressure of CW booster pump is 3 to 4Kg/Cm 2. The CW booster pump
provides the raw water from turbine to boiler for cooling the plant. It takes the water from
CW pumps and provides the plant.

In 100 MW booster pump has a double suction and single discharge. It means two way of
inlet water and one way of outlet water. It discharge pressure is very between 1.5 to

A condenser involves the transformation of water vapor to liquid by mechanical means.

Although water is one of the most of versatile liquids on earth, it can be difficult to
isolate water going from one phase to another. Thus, condensers are devices involved in
the dehumidification of air. There are generally three methods to dehumidify air;
absorption of water vapor by a liquid solution, adsorbent materials (silica gel or activated
alumina), and shell and tube convection.

In BTPS the type of condenser used is a simple shell and tube condenser.

The condenser used in 210 mw unit has

• 17,000 pipes
• Inner diameter of 26mm
• Outer diameter of 27mm
• And are 10m long

The condenser used in 95mw unit has

• 14,800 pipes
• Inner diameter 26mm
• Outer diameter 27mm
• And are 10m long


A valve is a device that regulates the flow of materials (gases, fluidized solids, slurries, or
liquids) by opening, closing, or partially obstructing various passageways. Valves are
technically pipe fittings, but usually are discussed separately.


Valves can be categorized into the following design types and although there are
hundreds of variations they all fit into these basic types:

• Gate
• Plug
• Globe
• Check
• Butterfly
• Diaphragm
• Ball
Also the valves can be classified as:

• Conventional Valve
• Severe Service Valve

Valve parts
Body and Bonnet

The main part of the valve consists of the valve body and bonnet. These two parts form
the vessel or casing that holds the fluid going through the valve. Valve bodies are usually
metallic. Brass, bronze, cast or ductile iron, steel, alloy steels and stainless steels are very
common. Plastic bodies are used for relatively low pressures and temperatures. PVC, PP,
PVDF and glass-reinforced nylon are common plastics used for valve bodies.


Integral to the valve body are the passages that allow flow into and out of the valve.
These are called ports. These ports are obstructed or opened up by the valve member or
disc to control the fluid flow. Valves with two or three ports are the most common, while
valves with multiple ports (up to 20) are used in special applications. Nearly all valves
are built with some means of connection at the ports. These include Threads (male or
female); BSP or NPT are most common. Compression fittings, to suit tube s/s or copper.
Glue or cement application (especially for plastic) almost always a socket type
connection (not a butt) Flanges ANSI, BS, DIN, or JIS. (US, British, European, Japanese
standards) Welding either Socket type or Butt type welds.

Disc / Rotor / Valve Member

Inside the valve body, flow through the valve may be partly or fully blocked by an object
called a disc or valve member. Although valve discs of some kinds of valves are
traditionally disc-shaped, discs can come in various shapes. Although the valve body
remains stationary within the fluid system, the disc in the valve is movable so it can
control flow. A round type of disc with fluid pathway(s) inside which can be rotated to
direct flow between certain ports is usually called a ball. Ball valves are valves which use
spherical rotors, except for the interior fluid passageways. Plug valves use cylindrical or
conically tapered rotors called plugs. Other round shapes for rotors are possible too in
rotor valves, as long as the rotor can be turned inside the valve body. However not all
round or spherical discs are rotors; for example, a ball check valve uses the ball to block
reverse flow, but is not a rotor because operating the valve does not involve rotation of
the ball.

The valve seat is the interior surface in the body which contacts or could contact the disc
to form a seal which should be leak-tight when the valve is shut. If the disc moves
linearly as the valve is controlled, the disc comes into contact with the seat when the
valve is shut. When the valve has a rotor, the seat is always in contact with the rotor, but
the surface area of contact on the rotor changes as the rotor is turned. If the disc swings
on a hinge, as in a swing check valve, it contacts the seat to shut the valve and stop flow.
In all the above cases, the seat remains stationary while the disc or rotor moves. The body
and the seat could both come in one piece of solid material, or the seat could be a
separate piece attached or fixed to the inside of the valve body, depending on the valve

Seats can be integral to the valve body, that is "hard" metal or plastic. Nearly all metal
seated valves leak, even though some leaks are extremely small.

"Soft" seats can be fitted to the valve body and made of materials such as PTFE or
various elastomers such as NBR, EPDM, FKM. Each of these soft materials is limited by
temperature (rough maximum temperatures are listed below)

NBR 80 °C

EPDM 120 °C

FKM 170 °C

PTFE 200 °C

The advantage of soft seats is that they are more likely to offer 100% tight shutoff when
valve is closed.

There are advantages of Hard seated Valves as well in applications where there is heavy
erosion due to the material flowing from the pipes then the metal seated valves are
prefered over soft seated valves.

Metal seated Valves have longer life as well.

Gate Valves, Globe Valves, Check Valves are usually hard seated Valves and Butterfly
Valves, Ball Valves, Plug Valves, Diapharagm Valves are Usually soft seated Valves.

Though there are some special cases where we do have hard seated Butterfly Valves and
Hard seated Ball Valves as well.

The stem is a rod or similar piece spanning the inside and the outside of the valve,
transmitting motion to control the internal disc or rotor from outside the valve. Inside the
valve, the rod is joined to or contacts the disc/rotor. Outside the valve the stem is attached
to a handle or another controlling device. Between inside and outside, the stem typically
goes through a valve bonnet if there is one. In some cases, the stem and the disc can be
combined in one piece, or the stem and the handle are combined in one piece.

The motion transmitted by the stem can be a linear push or pull motion, a rotating
motion, or some combination of these. A valve with a rotor would be controlled by
turning the stem. The valve and stem can be threaded such that the stem can be screwed
into or out of the valve by turning it in one direction or the other, thus moving the disc
back or forth inside the body. Packing is often used between the stem and the bonnet to
seal fluid inside the valve in spite of turning of the stem. Some valves have no external
control and do not need a stem; for example, most check valves. Check valves are valves
which allow flow in one direction, but block flow in the opposite direction. Some refer to
them as one-way valves.

Valves whose disc is between the seat and the stem and where the stem moves in a
direction into the valve to shut it are normally-seated (also called 'front seated'). Valves
whose seat is between the disc and the stem and where the stem moves in a direction out
of the valve to shut it are reverse-seated (also called 'back seated'). These terms do not
apply to valves with no stem nor to valves using rotors.


A bonnet acts as a cover on the valve body. It is commonly semi-permanently screwed

into the valve body. During manufacture of the valve, the internal parts are put into the
body and then the bonnet is attached to hold everything together inside. To access
internal parts of a valve, a user would take off the bonnet, usually for maintenance. Many
valves do not have bonnets; for example, plug valves usually do not have bonnets.


Many valves have a spring for spring-loading, to normally shift the disc into some
position by default but allow control to reposition the disc. Relief valves commonly use a
spring to keep the valve shut, but allow excessive pressure to force the valve open against
the spring-loading. Typical spring materials include carbon steel (often cad plated), 304
Series stainless steels and for high temperature applications Inconel X750. Springs can be
typical 'coil' types or 'bellville" washer stacks or even bimetallic elements which exert a
spring force on temperature change.
Valve balls

A valve ball is also used for severe duty, high-pressure, high-tolerance applications. They
are typically made of stainless steel, titanium, Stellite, Hastelloy, brass, or nickel. They
can also be made of different types of plastic, such as ABS, PVC, PP or PVDF.

Material of valve:

• Cast iron
• Brass
• Bronze
• Gun metal
• Carbon steel
• Cast steel
• Alloy steel
• Some small parts are made up of stainless steel.

Operative type

• Hand operated valve

• Electrically operated valve
• Hydraulic or pnematically controlled valve

Sealing material

• Gas cut sheet

 Non-metallic (fiber, asbestos, graphite and grease)
 Metallic (a composite is formed using non-metallic material as stated
above and wires)
• Gland packing
 Rope (circular or rectangular cross section, metallic or non-metallic)


Its main function is to take water from condenser and supply to diameter.
Condensate pump has mainly 2 types of pumps i.e. 95Mw & 210Mw

100 MW
• It has 2 shafts
• It has 4 stages
• It has 4 impeller, 3 impeller made of brass and 1 impeller-made of mild steel.
• It has a diffuser to keep the pressure constant.

• It has 2 shafts
• It has 8 stages
• It has 8 impeller out of which 2 impeller is for emergency leak pump.
• It has barrel coupling


B.F.P. takes water from dieter & provides it to boiler drum passing through H.P heater.

Suction pressure of 100mw - 8kg/cm2

Suction pressure of 210mw - 12kg/cm2
Recharge pressure of 100mw - 150kg/cm2
Recharge pressure of 210mw- 150-200kg/cm2
R.P.M. of 100mw - 3000
R.P.M.of210mw - 4000 or more

In 100Mw motor is directly coupled whereas in 210Mw motor & pump are coupled with
a hydraulic gear box.

Inside discharge rate, there is a balancing chamber inside the pump which is used to keep
the balance of rotor or the pump. The pressure of balancing leads off is outside the
pressure of section of the feed pump. After balancing leak off the feed water which is left
behind then goes to the seal water cooler from estaping box through pumping. In seal
water cooler circular coil is made which is fed by hot water & the remaining cooler is
filled with cold water & the water in the coil also becomes cool. Balancing chamber is
made of two discs one is bearing disc and the other is balancing disc. The bearing disc is
fitted to the body and the balancing disc to the rotating with same speed.
Coal Handling Plant
The main function of coal handling plant is to convert the coal to usable form (crushed)
from its raw form and send them to bunkers from where they are send to furnace.

There are 2 plants running simultaneously

• CHP – coal handling plant
• NCHP – new coal handling plant

Key plan of NCHP

The coal which is supplied to NTPC generally comes from the mines of Bihar, Andra
Pradesh, Orrisa and Madhya Pradesh.
For unloading coal from railway wagons in BTPS, wagon tipplers are used. The other
method of unloading which is used in other plants is by the use of fish plates at the
bottom of wagon, which moves out and wagon is unloaded into the bunker situated
beneath the track in basement.

Coal is supplied to BTPS by Jharia coal fields. It has following specifications:-

a) Moister less than 3%
b) Ash 25 to 35%
c) Volatile matter 17 to 19%
d) Calorific value 4500 to 5300K cal/Kg

The major constitutes of coal handling plant are:-

• Wagon tippler
• Conveyor
• Zero speed switch
• Rotory breaker
• Stacker cum re-claimer
• Metal detector
• Metal separator
• Crusher
• Pull card
• Trippers
• Counter weights
• DE DS system
• Scrapper

Wagon tippler
Wagon from coal yard comes to the tippler and empted there. The process perform by a
Master specification:-
KW -55KW
Voltage -415V
Current -102Amp
RPM -1480Rpm
Phase -3 phase
There are 14 conveyors in the plant. They are numbered so that their function can be
easily demarcated. Conveyers are made up of rubber and more with the speed of 250-300
m/min. The motor employed the conveyor has a capacity of 150 HP. conveyor has the
capacity of carrying he coal at the rate of 400 t/hr.
Type - Belt conveyor
Width - 1000mm
Length- 17154mm


It is a safety device for the motor and if the belt is not moving or breaks up and motor is
on, then the smoke burn. So to save the motor the switch checks the speed of the belt and
switches off the motor when speed is zero.


CHP uses a mesh type filter, which allows particle of 200mm size to go directly in RC
bunker, larger particles are sent to crusher, this however leads to frequent lobbing. NCHP
using a modern technique employing rotary breaker that practically crashes larger pieces,
the separation between the rotating cylindrical rollers is 20mm of breaker which rejects
any large piece of harden substance like metal impurities, easing the load of the magnet

This used for staking and reclaiming the coal from stock yard

Metal detector
Metal detectors use electromagnetic induction to detect metal. Uses include de-mining
(the detection of land mines), the detection of weapons such as knives and guns,
especially at airports, geophysical prospecting, archaeology and treasure hunting. Metal
detectors are also used to detect foreign bodies in food, and in the construction industry to
detect steel reinforcing bars in concrete and pipes and wires buried in walls and floors.

In its simplest form, a metal detector consists of an oscillator producing an alternating

current that passes through a coil producing an alternating magnetic field. If a piece of
electrically conductive metal is close to the coil, eddy currents will be induced in the
metal, and this produces an alternating magnetic field of its own. If another coil is used to
measure the magnetic field (acting as a magnetometer), the change in the magnetic field
due to the metallic object can be detected.

As the belt takes the coal to crusher no metal piece should go along with the coal. To
achieve this objective they use metal separator. When the coal is dropped on crusher
house the separator drops motor pieces ahead of coal. It has a magnate and belt is moving
around the magnate the metal piece is attracted and sticks on the belt and move along
with and thrown away.
The capacity of device is each at 50KG

Boiler in the plant use TATA crusher powered by BHEL motor. The crusher is of ring
type and the motor rating 400H.P. and 6.6Kv. Crusher is designed to crush the piece of
20mm size that is practically considered as the optimum size for transfer in a conveyor.
Quantity – 2 in number
Capacity - 600tonnes/hr
Rotor speed - 720rpm
Rotor diameter - 360mm
Type - ring type

Pull card
It is used to stop the conveyor at any moment of time.

It is provided in the conveyor to stack the material at desire location on either side or
along the conveyor with the hut fitted with the tripper itself.
Type - motor propelled
Quantity – 5 in number
Belt with – l000mm
Drum diameter - 600mm
Speed - 30to35ft/m

Its function is giving the desired shape of belt when it is empty running.

DE & DS Systems
Dust Extraction (DE) and Dust Suppression (DS) systems have been installed in all coal
fired power stations in NTPC to contain and extract the fugitive dust released in the Coal
Handling Plant (CHP).
These are located at the bottom end of conveyor belts. Conveyor belts sometimes carry
wet coal and due to presence of moisture dirt sticks on the belt which led to false running
of conveyors, to avoid this type of false movement scrappers are used at the bottom end
of each belt which removes the dust or dirt stuck to the belts. Scrappers are generally
made up of rubber or soft material so that these don’t harm the belt at the time of contact.


It has stationary and power driven rotating elements having a rolling action with respect
to each other. Coal is made to pass trough these elements again and again till it is
pulverised. Hot air is circulated which takes away the fine particle to the burner.

A large cylinder or drum partly filled with various sized ball is used in this mill, the
cylinder is rotated at approximately 17 to 20 rpm while coal is continuously fed into it,
hot air enters the cylinders dries the coal during pulverisation and carries pulverised coal
to burner.

In the bowl mill, crushed coal is pulverised and further dried by hot primary air. A
portion of primary air from P.A. fan discharges is heated from this type sector.

Water Treatment Plant

The objective of water treatment plant is to produce de-mineralized water so
that there shall be
(a) No scale formation causing resistance to passage of heat and Burning of tube
(b) No corrosion and
(c) No priming or foaming problems.

This will ensure that the steam generated shall be clean and the boiler plant will provide
trouble free uninterrupted service.

As the types of boiler are not alike, there working pressure and operating conditions vary
and so do the types and methods of water treatment. Water treatment plants used in
thermal power plants are designed to process the raw water to water with vary low in
dissolved solids known as "de-mineralized water". No doubt, this plant has to be
engineered very carefully keeping in view the type of raw water to the thermal Plant, its
treatment costs and overall economics.

Actually, the type of demineralization process chosen for a power station

depends on three main factors:
• The quality of the raw water.
• The degree of de-ionization i.e. treated water quality
• Selectivity of resins.

Water treatment process which is generally made up of two sections

• Pretreatment section
• Demineralization section

Pretreatment plant removes the suspended solids such as clay, silt, organic and inorganic
matter, plants and other microscopic organism. The turbidity may be taken as of two
types of suspended solids in water, Firstly the separable solids and secondly the non-
separable solids (colloids). The coarse components, such as sand, silt etc, can be removed
from the water by simple sedimentation. Finer particles however, will not settle in any
reasonable time and must be flocculated to produce the large particles, which are
saleable. Long-term ability to remain suspended in water is basically a function of both
size and specific gravity. The settling rate of the colloidal and finely divided
(approximately 001 to 1 micron) suspended mater is so slow that removing them from
water by plain sedimentation is tanks having ordinary dimensions is impossible. Settling
velocity of finely divided and colloidal particles under gravity also is so small that
ordinary sedimentation is not possible. It is necessary, therefore, to use procedure, which
agglomerate the small particles into larger aggregates, which have practical settling

The term" Coagulation" and "flocculation" have been used indiscriminately to describe
process of turbidity removal. "Coagulation" means to bring together the suspended
particles. The process describes the effect produced by the addition of a chemical Alg
(Sp^) g to a colloidal dispersion resulting in particle destabilization by a reduction of
force tending to keep particles apart. Rapid mixing is important at this stage to obtain
uniform dispersion of the chemical and to increase opportunity for particles to particle
contact. Flash mixer in the clarifloculator does this operation.
Second stage of formation of settlable particles from destabilized colloidal sized particles
is termed a "flocculation". Here coagulated particles grow in size by attaching to each
other. In contrast to coagulation where the primary force is electrostatic or inter-ionic,
"flocculation" occurs by chemical bridging. Flocculation is obtained by gentle and
prolonged mixing which converts the submicroscopic coagulated particle into discrete,
visible & suspended particles. At this stage particles are large enough to settle rapidly
under the influence of gravity and may be removed.

If pretreatment of the water is not done efficiently then consequences are as follows:
• SiO may escape with water which will increase the anion loading.
• Organic mater may escape which may cause organic fouling in the anion Exchanger
beds. In the pre-treatment plant chlorine addition provision is normally made to combat
organic contamination.
• Cation loading may unnecessary increase due to addition of Ca (OH)g in excess of
calculated amount for raising the pH of the water for maximum floe formation and also
AKOrDg may precipitate out. If less than calculated amount of Ca(OH), is added, proper
pH flocculation will not be obtained and silica escape to demineralization section will
occur, thereby increasing load on anion bed.

This filtered water is now used for de-mineralizing purpose and is fed to cation exchanger
bed, but enrooted being first de-chlorinated, which is either done by passing through
activated carbon filter or injecting along the flow of water, an equivalent amount of
sodium sulphite through some stroke pumps. The residual chlorine, which is maintained
in clarification plant to remove organic mater from raw water, is now detrimental to
cation resin and must be eliminated before its entry to this bed. Normally, the typical
scheme of demineralization up to the mark against average surface water is three bed
systems with a provision of removing gaseous carbon dioxide from water before feeding
to Anion Exchanger. Now, let us see, what happens actually in each bed when water is
passes from one to another. Resins, which are built on synthetic matrix of a styrene
divinely benzene copolymer, are manufactured in such a way that these have the ability
to exchange one ion for another, hold it temporarily in chemical combination and give it
to a strong electrolytic solution. Suitable treatment is a so given to them in such a way
that a particular resin absorbs only a particular group of ions. Resins, when absorbing and
releasing cationic portion of dissolved salts are called cation exchanger resin and when
removing anionic portion is called anion exchanger resin.
The present trend is of employing strongly acidic cation exchanger resin and strongly
basic anion exchanger resin in a DM Plant of modern thermal power station. We may see
That the chemically active group in a cationic resin is SOx-H (normally represented by
RH) and in an anionic resin the active group is either tertiary amine or quaternary
ammonium group (normally the resin is represented by ROH).

Typical examples of ions that can bind to ion exchangers are:

• H+ (proton) and OH− (hydroxide)

• Single charged monoatomic ions like Na+, K+, or Cl−
• Double charged monoatomic ions like Ca2+ or Mg2+
• Polyatomic inorganic ions like SO42− or PO43−
• Organic bases, usually molecules containing the amino functional group -NR2H+
• Organic acids, often molecules containing -COO− (carboxylic acid) functional
• Biomolecules which can be ionized: amino acids, peptides, proteins, etc.

The reaction of exchange may be further represented as below:

Cation exchange

RH + Na2SO4  RNa + H2SO4

The above stated reactions take place in the cation exchanger. Chlorides, sulphates,
nitrates and bicarbonates of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium are changed into
form of RNa, RK etc resin gets completely exhausted when it completely turns into RNa
form and it is regenerated by backwash with acid as stated by the equation

Exhausted resin + acid = fresh resin + salt

RNa + HCl = RH + NaCl
(Removed by rinsing)

Anion exchange

ROH + H2SO4  R2SO4 + H2O

The above stated reactions take place in the anion exchanger. Mineral acids left in the
water after passage through cation exchanger changes into form of R2SO4, RCl etc resin
gets completely exhausted when it completely turns into RCl form and it is regenerated
by backwash with base as stated by the equation

Exhausted resin + base = fresh resin + salt

RCl + NaOH = ROH + NaCl
(Removed by rinsing)

As seen above the water from the ex-cation contains carbonic acid also sufficiently,
which is very weak acid difficult to be removed by strongly basic anion resin and causing
hindrance to remove silicate ions from the bed. It is therefore a usual practice to remove
carbonic acid before it is led to anion exchanger bed. The ex-cation water is trickled in
fine streams from top of a tall tower packed with rasching rings, and compressed air is
passed from the bottom. Carbonic acid breaks into CO2 and water mechanically (Henry's
Law) with the carbon dioxide escaping into the atmosphere. The water is accumulated in
suitable storage tank below the tower, called degassed water dump, from where the same
is led to anion exchanger bed, using acid resistant pump.
The ex-anion water is fed to the mixed bed exchanger containing both cationic resin and
anionic resin. This bed not only takes care of sodium slip from cation but also silica slip
from anion exchanger very effectively. The final output from the mixed bed is
extraordinarily pure water having less than 0.2/Mho conductivity, H 7.0 and silica
content less than 0.02 ppm.
Any deviation from the above quality means that the resins in mixed bed are exhausted
and need regeneration, regeneration of the mixed bed first calls for suitable back washing
and settling, so that the two types of resins are separated from each other.
Lighter anion resin rises to the top and the heavier cation resin settles to the bottom. Both
the resins are then regenerated separately with alkali and acid, rinsed to the desired value
and air mixed, to mix the resin again thoroughly. It is then put to final rinsing til the
desired quality is obtained.
It may be mentioned here that there are two types of strongly basic anion exchanger.
Type I resins are slightly less basic than type II, but has a higher regeneration efficiency
than type I. Again as type I resins are unable to remove silica effectively, type II resins
also have to be used for the purpose. As such, the general condition so far prevailing in
India is to employ type I resin in anion exchangers bed and type II resin in mixed bed (for
the anionic portion). It is also a general convention to regenerate the above two resins
under through fare system i.e. the caustic soda entering into mixed bed for regeneration,
of type I anion resin, is utilized to regenerate type I resin in anion exchanger bed. The
concept of utilizing the above resin and mode of regeneration is nowadays being
switched over from the economy to a higher cost so as to have more stringent quality
control of the final D.M. Water.

This final D.M effluent is then either led to hot well of the condenser directly as make up
to boilers, or being stored in D.M. Water storage tanks first and then pumped for make up
purpose to boiler feed.
As the D.M.Water has a good affinity to absorb carbon dioxide and oxygen, and both are
extremely harmful to metal surfaces for their destruction like corrosion, these have to be
removed before it is fed to boiler. This is being done in deaerator. Stil the residual oxygen
that is remaining in the water is neutralised by a suitable doze of hydrazine, at the point
after deaerator. To have further minimum corrosion, the pH of feed water is to be
maintained at around 9.0 for which purpose ammonia in suitable doze is added to this
make up water at a point along with hydrazine as stated above.

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