Analytical Modeling of Supply Chain Quality Management Coordination and Integration: A Literature Review

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Analytical modeling of supply chain quality

management coordination and integration: A
literature review

Juan M. Cogollo-Flórez & Alexander A. Correa-Espinal

To cite this article: Juan M. Cogollo-Flórez & Alexander A. Correa-Espinal (2019) Analytical
modeling of supply chain quality management coordination and integration: A literature review,
Quality Management Journal, 26:2, 72-83, DOI: 10.1080/10686967.2019.1580553

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2019, VOL. 26, NO. 2, 72–83


Analytical modeling of supply chain quality management coordination and

integration: A literature review
reza and Alexander A. Correa-Espinalb
Juan M. Cogollo-Flo
Instituto Tecnologico Metropolitano – ITM, Medellın, Colombia; bFacultad de Minas, Departamento de Ingenierıa de la Organizacion,
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellın, Colombia


Development of analytical models on coordination and integration of quality management Received 20 December 2018
in the supply chains context is an ongoing research avenue. The purpose of this paper is to Accepted 4 February 2019
identity the main contributions, model types, applied tools, and research trends on analyt-
ical modeling of supply chain quality management (SCQM) coordination and integration.
coordination; integration;
This paper develops a comprehensive literature review and a taxonomical classification on modeling; supply chain
the studies published from 2000 to 2018, which proposed analytical models for SCQM quality manage-
coordination and integration. The pending issues to be solved in analytical modeling of ment; taxonomy
SCQM coordination and integration are focused on how to develop dynamical models that
incorporate a greater number of factors and agents of the supply chains. The new models
to be proposed should consider multiple products, time periods, supply chain levels, and
adequate performance indicators and objective functions, which allow analyzing how quality
management practices affect the supply chain overall performance.

Introduction overcome issues by applying the current standardiza-

tion and audit systems (Montoya Quintero and
Supply chain management (SCM) involves the man-
Cogollo-Fl orez 2018), in recent years there have been
agement of assets and product, services, information,
and funds flows to maximize total supply chain profit- frequent events of recalls due to safety and/or quality
ability (Chopra and Meindl 2016). The SCM body of failures in automotive, toy, computer, and electronic
knowledge has evolved by integrating new approaches equipment manufacturers (Flynn and Zhao 2015).
and concepts like quality management (Foster 2013). This demonstrates a need to continue researching
Thus, supply chain quality management (SCQM) mechanisms and strategies of SCQM.
refers to the strategies used by a focal company to Evans, Foster, and Linderman (2014) carried out a
coordinate and/or integrate with suppliers and cus- study on the content and research trends in quality
tomers for quality improvement (Ford 2015). In the management and established that current avenues of
literature, there are some theoretical contributions research are focused on the development of mathem-
about SCQM (Kuei and Madu 2001; Carmignani atical models, global contingency analysis, supply
2009; Sharma, Garg, and Agarwal 2012; Xu 2011; Fish chain quality, information technologies, and strategic
2011), but there is a lack of research on how to benefits. The authors also stated that few works have
incorporate quality requirements in designing and been developed that study quality performance in the
planning global supply chains and how to model this supply chain, how cooperation can lead to better qual-
system using analytical modeling techniques (Cogollo- ity performance, and the relationships between sup-
Florez and Correa-Espinal 2018). plier selection and quality.
The growing globalization and competition of mar- On the other hand, analytical modeling of a system
ketplaces generates a need for managing global supply (such as SCQM) may use two approaches for the con-
chains with suppliers located in different continents struction of scientific models: descriptive modeling
and even with companies that operate under offshor- and rule-based modeling. Descriptive modeling is
ing production systems in two or more continents. static and consists of describing the real state of a sys-
Although product quality and safety are considered as tem at any time using quantitative methods (for

CONTACT Juan M. Cogollo-Fl

orez Instituto Tecnol
ogico Metropolitano – ITM, Medellın, Colombia
ß 2019 American Society for Quality

Figure 1. The supply chain quality management (SCQM) concept and its foundations.

example, regression analysis and pattern recognition). more sophisticated statistical techniques (Arteaga Sierra
Rule-based modeling consists of formulating dynamic et al. 2017). Total quality management (TQM) made
rules that explain the behavior observed in a system quality both a strategic and widespread issue in the
and allows making predictions of possible states of the organization involving both customers and suppliers
system using dynamic equations, rules, and principles, (Evans, Foster, and Linderman 2014; Slack, Brandon-
among other quantitative methods (Sayama 2015). Jones, and Johnston 2016; Cogollo-Fl orez and Correa-
Therefore, the objective of this paper is to provide Espinal 2017; Zimon 2017).
a comprehensive literature review on the studies pub- On the other hand, the first stage of SCM was the
lished from 2000 to 2018 that propose analytical mod- logistics research based on transportation management
els for SCQM coordination and integration in order by developing intermodal containers and carriers.
to identify the main contributions, analytical modeling Then, it was necessary to jointly consider warehousing,
techniques used, and research trends in the area. This materials handling, and freight transportation, and the
paper is structured as follows. First, there are back- concept of production and distribution management
grounds about SCQM and SCQM coordination and emerged, which was supported by computerization
integration. Then, the authors describe the stages of advances for optimizing warehousing, inventory, and
the methodology used for the literature review on truck routing. The emergence of enterprise resource
analytical models for SCQM coordination and integra- planning (ERP) systems allowed the integration of mul-
tion. Lastly, the authors show the results analysis and tiple databases and improvement of data availability
the conclusions. and accuracy for planning and integrating logistics
operations, which was known as advanced planning
and scheduling. Today, SCM is associated with strategic
Supply chain quality management background
problems related to the current trends of market glo-
SCQM can be stated as the integration of SCM and balization, such as coordination of complex supply net-
quality management concepts, and it is a result of their works due to global sourcing, making decisions about
evolution from an operational to a strategic approach outsourcing or offshoring, product recall, social respon-
(see Figure 1). At beginning, quality was achieved by sibility, and others (Cooper, Lambert, and Pagh 1997;
inspecting articles to identify defects before they Wieland, Handfield, and Durach 2016; Cruz Trejos,
reached the market. Then, the quality control concept Correa Espinal, and Cogollo Florez 2012; Narasimhan,
overcame the error detection approach and developed Venkatasubbaiah, and Avadhani 2013).
a more systematic approach for solving quality prob- Kuei and Madu (2001) used three equations to out-
lems by applying statistical techniques. Quality assur- line a SCQM definition: SC ¼ production-distribution
ance expanded the responsibility for quality to network; Q ¼ to meet market demands and to achieve
organizational functions other than operations by using customer satisfaction in a fast and cost-effective way,

and M ¼ to improve the conditions and the confi-

dence for supply chain quality. Robinson and
Malhotra (2005) describe SCQM as “the formal coord-
ination and integration of business processes involving
all partner organizations in the supply chain to meas-
ure, analyze and continually improve products, serv-
ices and processes in order to create value and
achieve satisfaction of intermediate and final custom-
ers in the marketplace.” Figure 2. Stages of the methodology used for the litera-
Foster (2008) referred to SCQM as a systems-based ture review.
approach to improve performance, taking advantage of
opportunities provided by linkages between suppliers performance and the SCQM integration as develop-
and customers. Mellat-Parasat (2013) described SCQM ment of a single point of view (a common language)
is the coordination and integration of intercompany in all supply chain members to synchronously man-
age issues related to quality management.
processes involving all supply chain members through
continuous improvement of interorganizational proc-
esses in order to improve the performance and achieve Methodology
customer satisfaction by emphasizing cooperative learn-
A systematic literature review was performed to iden-
ing. Flynn and Zhao (2015) described six key SCQM
tify the most important contributions that have been
elements and proposed a definition based on these ele-
made concerning analytical modeling for SCQM
ments. These authors proposed SCQM as “a holistic
coordination and integration over the last 18 years.
management system to improve quality in a supply
The methodology allowed the authors to seek, iden-
chain, which includes supply chain leadership for qual-
tify, interpret, and synthesize the documented evi-
ity, strategic supply chain design for quality, upstream
dence in the time period of 2000 to 2018, answer the
quality management system, downstream quality man-
research questions, and also identify research topics
agement system, internal quality integration, and prod-
according to a rigorous and objective scheme (see
uct recall strategy.” Figure 2).
Based on this information, in the SCQM context, it
is necessary to differentiate the concepts of collabor-
ation, coordination, and integration. Based on Research question
cooperative intensity, collaboration may be considered Considering the importance of supply chain design
as more intense and includes coordination and inte- and evaluation focused on quality, it is necessary to
gration characteristics. Collaboration refers to working identify how quality management may be coordinated
together or with someone aimed to a special purpose and integrated in the SCM context. Specifically, it is
(Montoya-Torres and Ortiz-Vargas 2014). In collab- necessary to identify the analytic models for SCQM
orative supply chains, all members must implement coordination and integration. To do this, the follow-
the agreed-upon strategies, regardless of their size, ing research question was formulated:
function, or position within the chain (Montoya-
Torres and Ortiz-Vargas 2011). Coordination refers to  RQ: What analytical models for SCQM coordin-
an active and direct cooperation, and it is carried out ation and integration were proposed in the period
by sending the correct signals or sharing the correct between 2000 and 2018?
information and the same policies. It implies a joint
interactive process that leads to joint decisions and
activities (Moharana et al. 2012). Search process
Integration refers to “making a whole, gathering The search process was carried out considering the
its constituent parts,” that is, synchronizing require- papers published in serial and indexed journals for
ments, concepts, and flows of the chain members the period between 2000 and 2018. The search was
aimed to maximize competitive advantages at stra- performed considering a compendium of the follow-
tegic, tactical, and operative levels (Bautista-Santos ing databases: Science Direct, IEEE, Springer, Taylor
et al. 2015). Thus, in this paper the authors consider & Francis, and Emerald.
SCQM coordination as the quality management prac- The following search criteria were established
tices aimed to improve supply chain overall under the next configuration: TITLE-ABSTR-KEY

Figure 3. Taxonomy of analytical modeling of SCQM coordination and integration.

(XX) AND DOCTYPE (ar) AND PUBYEAR AFT Selection and classification of studies
2000, using the next key words in titles and abstracts:
The 429 publications obtained in the search process
“Supply chain quality management” AND modeling,
were analyzed by applying the above inclusion and
“Supply chain quality management” AND modeling, exclusion criteria, and 26 papers were selected. To
“Supply chain quality management” AND analytical represent a wide spectrum of the research area (ana-
model, “Supply chain quality management” AND coord- lytical modeling of SCQM coordination and integra-
ination, “Supply chain quality management” AND coor- tion), the 26 selected papers were classified using a
dinating, “Supply chain quality management” AND taxonomical approach (Reisman 2004), as shown in
integration, “Supply chain quality management” AND Figure 3. The taxonomy has two classification levels
integrating, and “Supply chain quality management” (categories and subcategories), which were determined
AND analysis. By applying these search criteria and con- after reading and analyzing the selected papers. The
sidering the selected databases, 429 publications first level is composed of the following categories: 1)
were obtained. type of model; 2) SCQM objective; 3) applied tools; 4)
coordination/integration mechanism; 5) objective
function; 6) data characteristics; and 7) time horizon.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Within every category, a paper is characterized based
The selection of the documented evidence concerning on its content and whether it fits one (or more than one,
the topic of interest in the research was carried out in some cases) of the subcategories presented. The first
considering two inclusion criteria: 1) it presents a category, type of model, comprises the main classification
model for SCQM analysis; and 2) it presents an ana- of each paper and is taken from the work of Sayama
lytical model for SCQM coordination and integration. (2015) to classify scientific models. After identifying the
Moreover, the papers that met any of the following type of model, the SCQM model objective (coordination
characteristics (exclusion criteria) were excluded: 1) it and/or integration) is distinguished in the second cat-
presents theoretical development on quality manage- egory. The third category, applied tools, consists of the
ment in individual companies; and 2) it presents the- modeling tools or techniques used in each study. The
oretical development on SCM without considering fourth category, coordination/integration mechanism,
quality management. comprises those required managerial practices necessary

Figure 4. Profile of the analytical models for SCQM coordination and integration according to selected papers.

for SCQM coordination and/or integration to be effect- profile of the analytical models for SCQM coordin-
ive. The fifth category, objective function, deals with the ation and integration proposed over the last 18 years
solution of the mathematical model presented by identi- is shown in Figure 4. This profile is based on catego-
fying one or more objective functions. In this category, ries 1, 2, and 3 of the taxonomy developed in
there is the subcategory “there is no function objective,” Figure 3 and shows the percentage of selected papers
which is characteristic mainly of the descriptive models. that meet each of the categories used.
The sixth category, data characteristics, analyzes whether In addition, the taxonomy was applied to classify
the model is applied using real-world or synthetic data; each of the 26 selected papers and fit them into the
there are also models that are conceptual proposals and respective categories and subcategories (see Table 1).
are not applied using data. The last category, time hori- The fulfillment of the attributes of each subcategory is
zon, refers to whether the model results are static or marked with an “X” in the respective cells. It is noted
dynamic over the time. in Table 1 there are no blank columns. The subcate-
gories marked only once constitute 18.5 percent, the
subcategories marked two or three times become 3.7
Results analysis
percent each. Thus, 74.1 percent of the subcategories
The results analysis is based on the answers to the are marked four or more times, which can attest that
research question previously asked: the analytical the developed taxonomy is robust to concisely classify
models for SCQM coordination and integration pro- the selected papers of the literature about analytical
posed in the period between 2000 and 2018. The modeling of SCQM coordination and integration.
Table 1. Results of taxonomical classification of the selected papers.
6. Data
1. Type of model 2. SCQM objective 3. Applied tool 4. Coordination/Integration mechanism 5. Objective function characteristics 7. Time horizon

2.3 3.4 4.4 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.6 5.7 6.1 6.3
1.2 Coordination 3.1 3.3 Agent- 3.5 4.1 4.3 Joint 4.5 Minimize Minimize Minimize Maximize 5.5 Maximize There is no Real 6.2 No 7.1
1.1 Rule- 2.1 2.2 and Statistical 3.2 Dynamical based Network Information 4.2 Shared decision Coordinated quality number time total Minimize number of objective world Synthetic data Single 7.2 Multi
Authors, Year Descriptive based Coordination Integration Integration Analysis AHP Equations models models Exchange Contracts profits making replenishment cost of suppliers response profit total cost partners function data data used period period
Cheung and X X X X X X X
Leung (2000)
Tsai and X X X X X X X X
Wang (2004)
Narasimhan and X X X X X X X X
Nair (2005)
Kuei, Madu, and X X X X X X X X
Winch (2008)
Lou et al. (2009) X X X X X X X X
Das and X X X X X X X X X
Sengupta (2010)
Sun and Li (2010) X X X X X X X
Yan et al. (2010) X X X X X X X
Mendes Dos X X X X X X X X
Reis (2011)
Bayo-Moriones, X X X X X X X
and Merino-
Dıaz-de-Cerio (2011)
Su and Liu (2011) X X X X X X X X
Xiao, Yang, and X X X X X X X X
Shen (2011)
Kuei, Madu, and X X X X X X X
Lin (2011)
Romero et al. (2012) X X X X X X X
Liu et al. (2012) X X X X X X X
Wu et al. (2013) X X X X X X X X
Fernandes, X X X X X X X
Sampaio, and
Carvalho (2014)
Yoo (2014) X X X X X X X X X
Chaghooshi, X X X X X X X
and Moradi-
Moghadam (2015)
Huo et al. (2019) X X X X X X X
Gao et al. (2016) X X X X X X X
Modak, Panda, and X X X X X X X X X
Sana (2016)
Zhang et al. (2019) X X X X X X X
Masoudipour, X X X X X X X X
Amirian, and
Sahraeian (2017)
Pang and Tan (2018) X X X X X X X X
Sarkar et al. (2018) X X X X X X X

Of the 26 selected papers, nine (35 percent) contributions have been made to the predictive analyt-
showed development and/or application of descriptive ical modeling of SCQM, which, although they over-
models for SCQM coordination and integration (see come the merely descriptive approach, present some
Figure 4), applying statistical analysis techniques like shortcomings or research opportunities. The following
multivariate correlation analysis, confirmatory factor paragraphs detail the main contributions identified in
analysis, cluster analysis, and main components ana- the papers classified in the taxonomy of analytical
lysis. On the other hand, 17 papers (65 percent) modeling of SCQM coordination and integration (see
showed rule-based models, applying mainly dynamical Table 1) and the identified flaws that constitute the
equations and agent-based modeling. This demon- starting point to develop future research in this know-
strates the growing interest in the development of ledge area.
rule-based models for SCQM coordination and inte-
gration, because most studies with this model type
Descriptive models
(58 percent of the selected papers) have been pub-
lished over the last 10 years. Regarding the SCQM These studies are based primarily on analysis of the
model objectives (coordination and/or integration), perceptions of the interviewees and not on the ana-
most of the papers (50 percent of the selected papers) lysis of direct evidence. Thus, Narasimhan and Nair
showed rule-based models for SCQM coordination, 4 (2005) proposed a structural equations model to test
percent for SCQM integration, and 12 percent for the role of quality considerations from suppliers,
SCQM coordination and integration. information sharing and trust, and supply chain
The coordination and/or integration mechanisms proximity associated with relationship architecture on
most used in the analyzed models are joint decisions strategic alliance formation and supply chain perform-
making (54 percent of the papers), information ance. The model was applied by surveys using a five-
exchange (35 percent of the papers), and contracts (31 point Likert scale, and the hypotheses research were
percent). It is noteworthy that in 40 percent of cases analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis to validate
at least two simultaneous mechanisms are used, which measures of constructs.
indicates that a single mechanism would not be suffi- Mendes Dos Reis (2011) developed a model for the
cient to ensure the effective coordination and integra- alignment of product type (functional or innovative),
tion of SCQM. network strategy (agile, fast, flexible, or lean) and the
In relation to the objective functions, 42 percent of quality management system (by policy, TQM, Six
the models have no objective function, because they Sigma, or ISO 9001). The model uses structural equa-
do not aim to solve an optimization problem but tions for modeling coordination and integration
rather to establish the association degree between between product management and the quality man-
SCQM coordination and integration variables. agement system. Bayo-Moriones, Bello-Pintado, and
Otherwise, the main objective functions are to maxi- Merino-Dıaz-de-Cerio (2011) carried out an empirical
mize total profit (35 percent of the papers) and min- study about the association between suppliers’ geo-
imize quality cost (23 percent of the papers). graphic locations and quality assurance practices,
Therefore, the need to develop models with more suit- through a survey conducted in manufacturing plants.
able objective functions to SCQM coordination and They proposed and tested ordered probit models for
integration is evident. the internal quality assurance variable and ordinary
Most models are applied using synthetic data (54 least square models for the external quality assurance
percent), and only 31 percent are applied using real practices index. This model does not define mediating
world data, so the requirement for developing more variables between supplier localization and quality
SCQM models with real applications is evident. assurance practices because of its static, descriptive
Regarding the time horizon, most models (81 percent) characteristic.
obtain results applicable to a single period, and only Also, Kuei, Madu, and Lin (2011) proposed a struc-
19 percent of the models are multi-period. Therefore, ture for SCQM integration by using analytic hierarchy
this latter subcategory constitutes another research process (AHP) and adopting three distinct groups of
avenue in the dynamic, uncertain context of the cur- variables: a hierarchy of design variables, a hierarchy
rent global supply chains. of system variables, and a hierarchy of problem-solv-
Regarding the main characteristics, the constraints ing methods. Wu et al. (2013) proposed an SCQM
that are considered, and the assumptions that are coordination model of large complex projects. The
made by the studied models, it is worth noting that model may improve the economy of quality

management, customer satisfaction, and the harmoni- considering inventory control and quality control
ous construction process. problems in items, using policy (Q, S). Although it is
Fernandes, Sampaio, and Carvalho (2014) proposed one of the first contributions to the joint analytical
a conceptual model for the integration of quality man- modeling of inventory control and quality control
agement and supply chain management. This model (quality costs dependent on the costs of the acceptance
can be validated through case studies using structural sampling plans), it only considers two items, and the
equations based on surveys answered by specialists in cost savings obtained by applying the model are greater
TQM and SCM. Chaghooshi, Soltani-Neshan, and considering inventory costs than considering qual-
Moradi-Moghadam (2015) proposed a correlational ity costs.
descriptive model to analyze the relationships between Tsai and Wang (2004) proposed a model of collab-
SCQM and competitive advantage, using canonical orative quality control in the semiconductor industry,
correlation analysis. Huo et al. (2019) developed a considering practices and protocols to ensure quality
supply chain quality integration (SCQI) framework of outsourced and offshored processes. Das and
based on a global database collected from 10 coun- Sengupta (2010) proposed a mathematical model for
tries. The authors developed an SCQI taxonomy and designing supply chains considering that suppliers are
established constructs and related measurement items. recruited with appropriate contractual agreements and
The survey results were analyzed by applying correl- quality assurance systems. The model does not dir-
ation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, cluster ectly incorporate the elements of quality management
analysis, and canonical discriminant, to identify SCQI of suppliers in supply chain optimization, since the
patterns and their effects on quality-related perform- supplier affiliation model (based on quality indexes) is
ance. Although this study is a contribution to SCQM independent of the supply chain optimization model.
literature and practice, it can be expanded by intro- That is, it does not contain performance indicators
ducing more mediators and moderators, including and objective functions suitable to SCQM, different
strategic and operational decision-making levels and from traditional ones focused on the cost or activ-
using longitudinal data to obtain causal inferences ity level.
between SCQI and global performance. Su and Liu (2011) developed a SCQM coordination
Finally, Zhang et al. (2019) developed a model to model by contracts and information exchange, consid-
investigate the effects of mass customization and ering external failure sharing in a supplier-manufac-
product modularity on SCQI and the impact of SCQI turer supply chain. Xiao, Yang, and Shen (2011)
on competitive performance. Structural equation mod- developed a mathematical model of supply chain
eling was used to prove the constructs, using data coordination with a quality assurance policy based on
from surveys to global manufacturers. The constructs shared profit contracts in make-to-order (MTO) envi-
were measured using seven-point Likert-type scales, ronments. However, the model does not consider the
and the results were analyzed by applying correlation effect of competition on coordination mechanisms
analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. According and assumes the cost of the manufacturer’s lead time
to this, mass customization is an enabler for a manu- is zero, which does not reflect the reality of many
facturer to integrate with suppliers and customers on manufacturers, particularly in massive consumption
quality management, and it improves internal, sup- products or that are not MTO type.
plier, and customer quality integration. Since this Yoo (2014) developed a coordination model
model only focuses on product modularity, it would between return policies and product quality decisions
be necessary to examine the joint effects of product in a two-link supply chain. The buyer defines the
and process modularity on SCQI and to consider return policy, and the supplier makes product quality
business environments and other production systems. decisions. The model only analyzes the relationship
between quality decisions and the return policy, with-
out considering other elements or objectives such as
Rule-based models
overall performance, customer satisfaction, and total
Dynamical equations models costs, among others. Gao et al. (2016) developed a
The dynamical equations models consider how the two-stage decentralized supply chain quality improve-
states of components change over time through their ment coordination model, with a partial cost alloca-
interactions with other nodes that are connected to tion contract (penalty contract) and considering that
them. Cheung and Leung (2000) developed a math- the supplier elaborate defective products. However,
ematical model for coordinated replenishment the model assumes exogenous (not sensitive to the

product quality) and deterministic demand, so it does Kuei, Madu, and Winch (2008) evaluated the
not incorporate in analytical modeling the effect of effects of the supply chain critical factors on quality
product quality on the demand behavior. and speed, through a simulation model considering
Modak, Panda, and Sana (2016) proposed a hybrid the operation’s effectiveness, uncertainty in the
contract model for coordinating a retailer and a demand, speed of the supply chain, and quality and
manufacturer in a supply chain, considering a random distribution aspects. The simulation study aimed to
proportion of items with imperfect quality. In this overcome the limitations of empirical studies, which
model, the price of the items has a linear behavior, are usually based on perceptions of the respondents
depending on the demand, and is based on a sequen- and not on the system’s actual behavior. In this simu-
tial negotiation in two stages. The model does not lation study, the links between critical quality factors
reflect the supply chain complexity, since it is limited in the supply chain and their influence on perform-
to two links, and its applicability to plan, coordinate, ance of lead-time and cost of nonconformities were
and execute the data analysis related to product qual- demonstrated.
ity at multiple levels of the supply chain is not veri- Lou et al. (2009) developed a distributed coopera-
fied. The effect of offshoring and outsourcing on tive quality management based on a multi-agent sys-
global supply chains is not considered either. tem for a cooperative quality management
Masoudipour, Amirian, and Sahraeian (2017) architecture in supply chains, with production and
developed a mixed integer nonlinear model for a outsourcing. The incentive mechanism is based on
closed-loop supply chain considering return rates of information exchange and shared profits. The archi-
backward chain by proposing a quality-based returns tecture was built by a combination of both Web ser-
policy. The model is suitable to industries with zero- vice technology and multi-agent technology. The
waste strategy and similar recovery facilities. The architecture has six levels: business application layer,
application results stated an increase in the rate of Web service layer, function entity layer, ontology,
returns with low/medium quality leads to higher prof- communication layer, and transport layer. The quality
its since they open more business opportunities. agents construct a quality management cycle over the
However, the model considers only a single period communication layer according to the quality man-
and one type of product, without uncertainties in agement mode to continuously improve quality.
demands, costs, and prices. Sun and Li (2010) proposed a SCQM model based
Pang and Tan (2018) proposed a model for making on immune theory by analyzing the mechanisms and
quality decisions of a single product in a supply chain functions from four aspects: recognition, learning,
with a supplier and two competing manufacturers. memory, and effects. Since SCQM uses constrained
The model examines the optimum quality strategies resources of supply chain partners to identify quality
under different cooperative mechanisms and investi- variability, maintain product quality, and ensure the
gates its effects on channel members profits. Finally, final product meets customer requirements, the
Sarkar et al. (2018) proposed a single-vendor multi- authors consider that there are many similarities
buyer supply chain model with variable production between immune theory and SCQM, especially in
rate and imperfect quality of products; three different openness, multiformity, complexity, distributivity, self-
production functions are stablished to relate process organization, and robustness. Although this model
quality and production rate. The model has a special presents a novel approach for SCQM modeling, it
type of quality function and inspection under a two- does have limitations, such as the lack of a quantita-
echelon manufacturing supply chain model. The tive study of the immune system’s components in
model would be extended by considering a multi-ech- SCQM and a lack of application of the artificial
elon supply chain model with multi-item product and immune algorithm.
inspection errors. Finally, Romero et al. (2012) developed a collabora-
tive model for solving problems adapted to SCQM,
Agent-based models considering strategic decisions in product develop-
Agent-based models are computational simulation ment. The proposed modeling methodology includes
models that involve many discrete agents, where agent two strategic activities: system design process and sup-
behavioral rules are described in an algorithmic fashion plier selection. These two phases allow highlighting
rather than a purely mathematical way. This allows some concrete links existing between quality manage-
implementing complex internal properties of agents ment practices and the new products rollout in the
and their nontrivial behavioral rules (Sayama 2015). SCM context. Like the study in the previous

paragraph, this model requires a quantitative applica- (suppliers or distributors) and consider a maximum of
tion with data of a specific supply chain. two links. The pending issues to be solved in the ana-
lytical modeling of SCQM coordination and integration
Network models are focused on the need to incorporate a greater num-
Network models are based on a set of network layers ber of factors and agents, so the resulting model stands
and how they interact, and are one of the most recent for the supply chain’s breadth and complexity.
developments of complex systems modeling. Their Based on this information, the need for developing
historical roots are discrete mathematics and statistical predictive analytical models for the coordination and
physics (Sayama 2015). In this area, Yan et al. (2010) integration of quality management in the supply
proposed an ontology of collaborative supply chain. It chains context is evident. The new models should
provides a foundation for the coordination and inte- consider multiple products, time periods, and levels of
gration of the business process to measure, analyze, the supply chain, with performance indicators and
and continually improve the quality of products, serv- adequate objective functions, which allow analyzing
ices, and processes. The foundations of SCQM in this how quality management practices affect the overall
ontology are captured in four key based classes: role performance of the supply chain. Also, it allows one
class, goal class, operant resource class, and operand to establish coordination and integration strategies
resource class. Although this ontological perspective with suppliers and customers to improve the perform-
provides a foundation for SCQM coordination and ance of the supply chain and analyze how the supply
integration, it is necessary to complement it with chain management approach affects quality of prod-
other quantitative modeling techniques to measure the ucts and services and, in general, establish the key
internalization degree of quality management practices conditions for proper quality management in the sup-
along the supply chain.
ply chains context.
Liu et al (2012) developed a Petri net model for
This paper is the result of the initial step of ongoing
SCQM conflict resolution of a complex product. It
doctoral research aimed at developing an analytical
allows making decisions to select the appropriate
model for SCQM coordination and integration using a
activities when a quality conflict has happened. The
multistage modeling approach, in order to overcome
Petri net for conflict analysis (PNCA) contains transi-
the gaps identified and related to lack of predictive
tion and preference labels to describe decisions mak-
analytical models considering multiple products and
ers activities and profit comparisons. In addition, a
supply chain levels. The next steps will be focused on
case study on an aircraft production system was con-
determination of model levels and agents and their
ducted to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness
coordination and integration strategies.
of the model. Even if the model is able to help deci-
sion makers choose appropriate SCQM activities, it is
necessary to improve its performance by considering
and evaluating uncertainty in decision making. About the authors
Juan M. Cogollo-Florez is a professor in the Department of
Conclusions Quality and Production, Instituto Tecnol
Metropolitano-ITM, Medellın, Colombia. He received a
In this paper, the authors analyzed the studies pub- master’s degree in management engineering in 2011 from
lished from 2000 to 2018 that proposed analytical the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. He is currently a
models for SCQM coordination and integration to doctoral student in engineering - industry and organiza-
tions at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. His current
identify the main contributions, analytical modeling
research interests are performance measurement, supply
techniques used, and main research avenues. The chain quality management and advanced statistical qual-
taxonomical classification developed in this paper is a ity control.
novel approach in SCQM study, and it can be Alexander A. Correa-Espinal is a full professor in the
improved in the future by considering new categories Department of Organizational Engineering, Universidad
and subcategories as the body of knowledge of SCQM Nacional de Colombia, Medellın, Colombia. He received a
modeling increases. doctorate in statistics and operational research in 2007 from
the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Spain) and the
Most of the models analyzed for SCQM coordin-
master’s degree in industrial engineering in 1999 from the
ation and integration are applied only in manufacturing Universidad de los Andes (Colombia). His current research
companies and to a single product or product line. interests are advanced design of experiments, advanced stat-
They emphasize only one side of the supply chain istical quality control, and total quality management.

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