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Table of Contents

Business case..............................................................................................................................3

Scope statement..........................................................................................................................4

Time management (Work Breakdown Structure; Activity List; Gantt Chart in MS Project;
Network Diagram and Critical Path)..........................................................................................5

Budget (cost)............................................................................................................................10

Risk Log / Register...................................................................................................................11

Quality Plan..............................................................................................................................13

Critical discussion of Lessons Learnt from the project............................................................14


Reference’s list.........................................................................................................................18

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Executive summary
This particular report describes the different steps that are being developed for the project. It
describes the business case, the scope statement along with the time management which
includes the work breakdown structure, activity list, Gantt chart, network diagram and critical
path. It also carries out the proper project into the proper estimated cost and it is efficiently
generated along with the quality plan and self-reflective discussion. The particular portfolio
helps with the critical discussion and it also justifies the particular learning outcome from this
certain project.


This particular report helps to discuss the objectives and the goals that are related to
identifying the related budget for the project and the responsibilities that will acknowledge
the work, the schedule and the different functionalities for the project management portfolio
(Demirkesen and Ozorhon, 2017). This report will consist of the proper approach of the
project along with the business case managing the client need and evaluation of the constants
that will help with the process and team formation along with the project screening and
selection (Davies et al., 2018). This report will also describe the different risks that have been
registered while generating this project along with the cost analysis and quality plan. Every
step describes the different plans that will help to develop a proper event which will
contribute help for disabled children.

Business case

The business case helps with the proper justification for the project along with the needs and
the constraints (Bondarenko et al., 2019). It creates the options and the alternatives by which
the benefits and the desk will be estimated through the project as well as estimated time
scales and the cost will be managed for the actionable items and identify the different
possible conflicts by which proper solutions will be evaluated along with the objectives and
project outcomes (Larsson and Larsson, 2020). A Fundraising event is being initiated by
which our contribution towards the disabled children will be generated through the help of an
art auction. 90% of the economy will be contributed to the disabled children by which
different networks and preferred solutions will be benefited for the children. And the auction
money will be contributed towards a noble cause which will help the people and the children
to maintain a healthy lifestyle which will fulfil their needs and it will help to restore faith in

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humanity (Ma et al., 2018). These types of fundraisers help the children as well as the rich
people to contribute to the noble cause that will create an effective engagement of the
different owners on a large scale. This fundraising event will comply with the loss and
regulations by which the proper planning along with the permits and clearances will be
initiated efficiently. This business case will help with the establishment of different
mechanisms by which the achievable, viable and desirable acknowledgement for decision
making will be invested towards the contribution of a better lifestyle for disabled children
(Chawla et al., 2018). The estimated cost for this fundraising is 15745 pounds. And this will
require about 64 weeks for all the stages that are required in the fundraising auction event.

Scope statement

The purpose of conducting this project is to conduct a fundraising event in which the primary
concern in today's money for a charity to disable children. This event is organised for
supporting organisations, increasing visibility and raising funds (Dotse and Kissi, 2021). This
trust and charity event will provide funds for the high cost of disability equipment and the
cost of everyday living for children (Dotse and Kissi, 2021). The acceptance criteria of this
event are it will provide support to those children and will encourage other people for
support. The deliverables used in this project are work breakdown structure, network
diagram, Gantt chart, an activity list and critical path. The event is a nonprofit which is the
highly integrated set of activities and resources used to provide a service to disabled children.
Project execution is done which describes the tasks that are not to be done in the project so
that assumptions or uncertainty are clarified for everyone who is involved in the event.
Transparency is maintained throughout the event to increase confidence and public trust by
providing proper information to the stakeholders about the event and making it difficult for
unethical works (Bhati and McDonnell, 2020). The benefit of conducting fundraising
activities will help in better communication, learning new skills, teamwork and taking part in
a good cause. This will help in creating a sense of community.

Specific To conduct a fundraising event for disable children.

Measurable To increase time management and communication skills.

Achievable To structure and design an attractive fundraising event to target a

potential audience and to raise money for diable children.

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Realistic To manage all the activities within the given financial structure that are
required for conducting charity events.

Time-bound Four months- One year

Time management (Work Breakdown Structure; Activity List; Gantt

Chart in MS Project; Network Diagram and Critical Path)

Work Breakdown structure

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Figure 1: Work breakdown structure
(Source: Self-developed)
A work breakdown structure in this particular project is done to organise and define the work
required. This work breakdown structure will help the project to identify potential risks and
will provide a particular solution to mitigate risk (Burghate, 2018). This made the deliverable
more concrete and precise so that team members in the project knew exactly what needed to
be done. This also helps in better estimating the risk and cost of the project as well as time
management. It also worked as a planning tool and helped in planning activities. This is
implemented for the determination of primary sources of cost and schedule estimate
activities. It helps in initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and closure of the project.
Activity list

Category Activity Description of the activity Durati Activity

on proceedin

Project 1 A project that is made to 5 1

planning conduct a fundraising event
for disabled children.

Develop 2 It is developed to provide 1 1.1

project charter project managers authority to
apply the resources that are
required in a project.

Develop team 3 The team is created to 1 1.2

contract conduct this project event
and an agreement is made
about how the team will

Develop scope 4 A scope statement is 1 2

statement developed for understanding
the purpose of the project and
defining the key objectives
(Filo et al. 2018). The benefit
of conducting the event is
analysed in this section.

Develop 5 The purpose of the project is 1 2.1

draught defined in this step and the
schedule final deadline is determined
(Rwehumbiza and Donat,
2017). What needs to be done
is decided in this activity.

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Venue or event 6 The venue is chosen for 1 2.2
space conducting the fundraising

Invitation 7 An invitation schedule is 3 3

created which include the
location, time and date of the
event along with the benefit
of conducting this event for
disabled children.

Equipment 8 The equipment is decided in 1 3.1

this activity such as speaker,
catering and entertainment.

Catering 9 To provide catering to the 1 3.2

organisation supporters, staff
and volunteers and renew
their commitment to the
nonprofit mission.

Table and 10 This was provided to the 1 3.3

chairs audience who were
participating in the
fundraising event for disabled
children and the major
donors who are involved.

Staff 11 It is required for preparing 1 3.4

supporting documents and
creating promotional

Promotion 12 Promotional strategies are 3 4

made for finding an audience
and advertising the purpose
of the event.

Direct mail 13 These are also used for 1 4.1

which includes inviting the audience to the
invitations charity event.

Flyer 14 It is created for targeting 1 4.2

audience and all the details
are provided

Decorating the 15 The venue is decorated to 1 4.3

venue attract the audience to
participate in the event.

Coordinating 16 Devil plant event in the 1 4.4

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with venue and will arrange
entertainment associate entertainment.

Broadcasting 17 Different social media 1 4.2

event online platforms will be used for
broadcasting the event.

Attractive 18 Major donors will sponsor 1 4.5

perspective the event as the aim of the
with major event is to raise money.

Acquiring new 19 New downloads will be 1 4.5

donors invited through social media
channels to the event and will
be encouraged to take part in

Event day 20 Activities that will be 1 4.6

conducted on the actual day
of the event.

Gantt chart

Figure 2: Gantt chart

(Source: Self-developed)
Network diagram

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Figure 3: Network diagram
(Source: Self-developed)
The network diagram is used in the project for planning, controlling and organizing the
project. The initiation phase will take 7 weeks and developing the plan for the project will
take 11 weeks. Executing the project and conducting the following activities will take 20 and
monitoring the project by collecting feedback problem assessment and making initial changes
if required will take more than 4 weeks (Soe and Htike, 2018). This network diagram
visualises the logical and sequential relationship between activities in the project. From this
diagram, the activities are connected from start to end and the time is estimated on the
sequence in which it is done which means a more efficient and accurate timeline is obtained.
Critical path diagram

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Figure 4: Critical path diagram
(Source: Self-developed)
The critical path method is used in this project for its planning. As in this fundraising event
several activities, pipal and dependencies are managed through critical path technique which
hills in maintaining the budget of the project and keep the project on track. This also helps in
providing visibility in the project. From this diagram actual time exists as compared to the
planned time and the progress of the project can be measured. It helps in the project to
identify the items which took a longer duration, the unexpected and activities that are on the
right track (Lee and Shvetsova, 2019). It helps in understanding the duration of the task in a
precise way. This graphical view helps in minimising timelines and cost savings and helps in
comparing the plan and progress.

Budget (cost)


Event Venue or space £5000

Equipment £2500

Broadcasting event online £700

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Coordinating with entertainment £350

Decorating the Venue £1000

Flyers £450

Promotion £500

Staff £1000

Chairs and tables £1500

Catering £300

Invitation £100

Direct mail including invitations £50

Total £15745

This particular budget analysis is created for estimating the overall cost required for a
fundraising event. Budget estimation is done in this project which will help in achieving the
goal of the project within the financial constant that is provided. Accurate cost estimation is
an important parameter in developing a successful project. This budget determines the
amount of cost needed for completing the project. Describe different tasks that are performed
in a fundraising event and how much is required for each task to perform. The overall budget
of the project is £16,000 and tasks are categorised in this budget frame. The budget required
for an event venue of space is 5000 and equipment cost is 25000. A proper amount is set for
promoting the fundraising event for disabled children so that people can know about this
event. Other equipment costs like chairs and tables require 15000 and for suppliers and
decorating the Venu 1450 is set. The Entertainment coordinator budget is set by who will
plan the event for the venue and arranges the associated entertainment required. Decorating
the window is important to attract people to fundraising. All these activities are important so
that people get encouragement in fundraising events. With the help of this project estimation,
the project manager is able to establish the key objective of the project. Once the budget
estimation is complete it will be easy to determine how much amount is required for each
component in this particular project.

Risk Log / Register

Page 11 of 20
Descript Categor Mitigation of risk Pro Impact Owner Actione
ion of y of b s of the r of the
risks risks (1-5) risks risks

Lack of Operatio To mitigate this risk the 3 Moder Team Support

transpar nal project organiser should ate Leader Leader
ency communicate with the donor
what they would like to know
about the organisation and
create information readily
available (Widianti, Harihayati
and Sufaatin, 2018). The
operational risk can be
managed by managing
equipment failures.

Bad Operatio The schedule should be 4 High Manager Team

weather nal created after investigating the
weather report (Pracht et al.
2018). All the possible risks
should be identified before
conducting the project.

Ignoring Strategi communication is required 2 High Manger Team

doner c with major donors to mitigate
wishes this risk (Papadaki et al. 2019).
Their wish should be
considered with respect.

Lack of Financia Rising money combinedly can 4 High Finance Finance

charity l be e a good strategy as all the head team
parties participating in the
event can understand their role
and responsibility.

Missing Operatio Risk management strategies 3 High Manager Team

the mark nal should be implemented such
because as reaching out to the potential
of taking donor before starting the
the past event.

Page 12 of 20
Quality Plan

Quality Activities Quality Reviewer Appro Target Actual Result Target Actual Result
activity method ver Revie Review Approva Approval
Id w Date l Date
Date Date

1 Finance Mathem Finance Project 21-07- 21-07- Revie 20-07- 20-07-21 Appro
atical manager board 21 21 wed 21 ved

2 Testing of Cross Project Manag 01-08- 01-07- Not Not

the plan check manager er 21 21 Revie Appro
wed ved

3 Security Cross Event Project 07-08- 07-08- Revie 10-08- 10-08-21 Appro
at the Check manager Manag 21 21 wed 21 ved
Event er
4 Ambience Cross Event Project 11-08- 15-08- Revie 10-08- 15-08-21 Appro
of the check manager Manag 21 21 wed 21 ved
event er

5 Money Mathem Finance 3rd 01-09- 01-09- Not 30-8-21 30-8-21 Not
collected atical manager party 21 21 Revie appro
check wed ved

Table: Quality register

(Source: Self-developed)
Here the quality plan has five different activities and those are finance testing of the plan,
security of the event location, the ambience of the event and the money which is going to be
collected (Lee et al., 2018). So the proper quality method along with the review dates and
approval dates will be delivered efficiently with an adequate amount of information about the
quality management that will adequately explain the procedures by which the plan will be
effectively carried out towards fundraising and helping children by the help of art auction.
Finance is a mathematical quality method that is being included as the main activity of the
quality plan that will help the project board to allow the donor to engage with the different
brands of the beneficiary as well as it will help to advise awareness about the money for a
noble cause (Daniel and Daniel, 2018). All the financial functionalities are reviewed by the
finance manager and approved by the project board by which a proper gathering of the

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support for the financial structure is being properly planned for the achievement and the
beneficial output.
Testing of the plan
Testing of the fundraising plan is an essential event for the proper organisation of the art
auction that will help with the different set of rules that will help with the fun and exciting
stages for the audience that will enable proper achievement of the objective along with the
feedback of the audiences (Papke-Shields and Boyer-Wright, 2017). This plan leads to
include all the best solutions that will create a proper purpose for the team members that will
target the audience in the event and the upcoming brands that will ensure success and goal
that is associated with the fundraising.
Security of the event location
The security of the event ensures that there is typical privacy that is planned by which a
deeper impact to deliver a lasting impression for the fundraising event will be initiated that
will also help to ensure maximum participation in the event (Bond-Barnard et al., 2018).
The ambience of the event
A proper enthusiastic ambience helps to create proper communication which emphasizes the
cause and it also emotionally connects with the targeted audiences by which a proper
effectivity is being achieved (Dunmade et al., 2018). The proper ambience creates a standard
page for the event and it also conveys the purpose of the event to the audiences that will help
with the fundraising.
Money collected
The money that could be collected from the third party will be properly budgeted and ensure
a proper record of all the statements and future differences by the finance and accounts team
(Nijhuis et al., 2018). This will create a proper account of the event as well as the
arrangements that need to be backed up for the following transactions.

Critical discussion of Lessons Learnt from the project

This particular report has helped me with the positive and negative experiences related to
project management. I have acquired different skills while doing this particular report and a
proper depiction of the different skills and how to reduce risk from the project has been
encountered by me. This particular report taught me about the different strategies that should
be implemented while mitigating the risk and the formation of a team with different work
assignments that help to manage the project with quality and effectiveness. I have learned

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about the smart girls along with the work breakdown structure that should be implemented in
time management. The activity list has helped me to create a proper structure and idea of
where the tasks are being initiated or generated in an eventual manner along with time
allotments for completing each task. This helped me to develop a proper quality plan about
the fundraising and the related activities which ensures that a particular goal can be achieved
with quality planning and it also helps in minimising the risk along with understanding the
different risks and with the budgets. The network diagram and the Gantt chart depicted a
proper development of the concept in which carrying out the fundraising event with proper
explanation has helped with the development and with the different help for the disabled
children. The critical path has helped me to properly perform the dependencies by which a
fundraising event is being carried out in an estimated time along with the proper promotion
and distribution of different functionalities has been encountered effectively.
I have learnt about the different hard and soft skills while doing this report and it has taught
me about the team war and utilisation of different techniques by which the important
requirements. And it has helped me to adequately justify a proper focus on fundraising along
with categorising different segments with team members and completion of projects in a
given time frame. A proper and positive relationship with my team members along with
resolving the potential conflicts that created to build flexibility and reliability in the
environment of the workplace and also seamlessly progressing towards fundraising events.
Along with the strengths and weaknesses, it has helped me to build quality of my work along
with high-performance that provided me to confront the challenges and determine the
different stages adequately.

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Figure 5: Belbin Theory diagram
(Source: Jovanovic and Beric, 2018)
So the Belbin theory has properly guided me through the understanding of the different
weaknesses and the strengths in teamwork that help me with a proper contribution towards
the team. The Tuckman theory has developed a proper understanding where I have delivered
potential solutions for the challenges that have improved my performances and helped me
with adaptability and with appropriately managing the time. Phases that included teamwork
and those are forming, storming, norming, performing and averting.

Figure 6: Tuckman Theory diagram

(Source: Trojanowska and Dostatni, 2017)
There were different challenges that I faced while creating the critical path and the network
diagram because it was elaborated critically and tangibly which took time for creating the
proper diagram. The lecture notes were not adequate to provide a proper understanding of the
different pathways and the interconnectivity of the networks by which the delivery of the
diagrams created a long process of creation. By doing this particular report it has helped me
with the proper decision-making flexibility working on time and management along with
communication skills. help me with my future endeavours.


This particular report depicts the different project management and initiatives towards
fundraising for disabled children. This project plan has helped to organise different plants by
which proper fundraising is being initiated through the various methods and with the
PRINCE2 methodology. A proper evaluation of the skills and self-reflection will help to
increase the efficiency of the project. Belbin and Tuckman also have team management and
developing skills.

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Reference’s list

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