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Business Analyst Workbook:

-Third Edition

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Endorsed Education
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An ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Center of Excellence for Professional Development
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[ Participant Name: I I
Start Date: .]
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Venkat R.P
End ed Education


This workbook is created for the sole benefit of the participants in the workshop.

It gives a clear understanding about all the contents dealt in the workshop
and will help the participants to practice on their own. A certain blank space is
provided for the participants to use for the purpose of taking down notes.

The whole idea of coming up with a workbook is to provide the students with
comprehensive and well researched data.

Much of the data that is presented in this workbook is documented by the in

house real-time expert after an intensive research on the subject combining
with own vast and real time experience. However, certain data is extracted
from different external sources, and views of certain other experts have been
taken into consideration while compiling the data, purely with the intention of
facilitating the participants with the right information. The data is presented in
the same format as extracted so as not to lose its originality andthe student gets
the actual benefit out of it.

We take this opportunity to thank all the people who directly or indirectly
participated in shaping up this workbook.

We have taken utmost care while preparing this workbook, there may be a
possibility of creeping up of certain mistakes, which may have escaped our
notice. In case of discovery of any mistake, please bring it to our notice, it is
highly appreciated.

COEPD LMS is collection of real time documents, 100+ Prep Exams, Online
Nurturing process support and Latest BA openings. Participant can login and
reap the benefits.

Your feedback and reviews on this workbook are much obliged and Welcome.
Please send your reviews or comments to venkat@coepd .com


Subscribe to our COEPD YouTube channel for Domain Awareness Sessions and Activity Videos
www. coepd.com * helpdesk@coepd.com * Toll Free: 1800-208-7869
Business Analyst Workshop conducted Online and at Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore, Pune Locations
About the Author

Mr. Venkat RP is a man with a mission, and his mission is "to know every individual's professional
requirement and help them in reaching their true potential". He is a highly experienced Corporate
Strategy Implementation Consultant, who brings in his immense knowledge to the advantage of
many corporate and professionals. He is a Certified on Business Analysis (cd1262191) from BCS,
The Chartered Institute for IT and has Certification on Enterprise Architect TOGAF 9 {93649) from
The Open Group.

In his career spanning over 16 years, he has made significant contribution to the success of projects
in BFSI, Retail, Process and Services, Solutions, Product Development. He has been a corporate
trainer for more than 7 years.

He has done Masters in Computer Applications (MCA). He is experienced in Software Design and
Development (00 Concepts), solving business problems in BFSI, Retail and Supply Chain
Management domain and had worked on projects for clients primarily in UK, Canada, USA and India.
He has an expertise in leading teams, Project Management, Task Estimation and Delegation,
Trainings, GUI Design, Database Design, Coding, Performance Tuning and Resource Optimization.

Mr. Venkat started his journey as a programmer, charted new career heights by getting into senior
management positions. He served as senior business analyst and project manager many times
during his career, commendably owning the complete responsibility of managing new business units.
His leadership skills are widely appreciated. He also trained large number of professionals from
organizations like Satyam, Royal Bank of Scotland, Volkswagen, Avenir, DST Worldwide Services and
many others.

It is his passion for trainings and spreading his knowledge lead him to design the Result oriented
Business Analyst (BA) course. What makes his way of training more effective than most of his
contemporaries is his way of teaching. He developed a training process involving lot of case studies,
role plays and other fun activities which helps each individual attending the training to grasp the
knowledge to the fullest.

He is a member of the following professional bodies.

• IIBA {International Institute of Business Analysis), Corporate-COEPD -ID-177511

• ISTD {Indian Society for Training and Development): R-1445/2013

• BCS (British Computer Society) ID: 990561452

• Association of Enterprise Architects (AEA) ID :332 43879

Welcome to BA Workshop

Before we start the workshop, please do the following

1. Keep your mobile in silent or vibration Mode.

2. It is essential that we need your undivided attention in the Workshop.
3. Please write the purpose of your attending this workshop
( it can be getting a Job as BA or Knowledge enhancement)

4. Decide on a Target Date by which you have to get a offer letter as BA or achieving point 3.

5. To achieve your goal, what will be your plan of action?

6. Points 3, 4 and 5 should be referred daily morning at least once and for every 3 hours in the
workshop. This will serve as a motivation factor for you and will remind you of your goal.
7. OBJECTIVE:to secure minimum 80% in Exam conducted at the end of the Course .
With multiple objectives, we will reach our goal.

8. This workbook is prepared to help the participant to have a better idea on the workshop.
Material is printed on one side (page)of the paper and the other side is left for your Notes
and comments.
About COEPD (Center of Excellence for Professional Development)

a. When it started
COEPD (Centre of Excellence for Professional Development) established in
2008 (Idea initiative: 9th October 2008 - Dussehra).
b. How it started
After looking failures of projects due to lack of skilled Business Analysts in
Projects, we have decided to groom more professionals in that Area. The
Passion towards Training and to make individuals successful has made us
initiate COEPD
c. What it delivers
► BA Classroom Trainings at our Training Facilities
► BA Nurturing Process at our Training Facilities/ Online
► BA Mentoring Process in Online mode
► BA Internship Program at our Training Facilities
► BA Online Training
► BA Placements Assistance in INDIA
► BA Corporate Trainings
d. Where it Delivers
Globally through Online BA Trainings and
Classroom Trainings in Hyderabad, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai and Delhi
e. Achievements & Recognitions (As on 31 st Dec 2017)
► Company's strength around 100 Associates spread across metro cities
including Hyderabad, Bangalore, and Pune.
► Conducted 600+ batches with over 3000+ participants (Corporates,
R&D Institutes, B-Schools and Individuals)
► Knowledge Partner for Business schools (Lotus Business School and
► Corporate Training Partners for Volkswagen, Reliance India, Avenir,
DST Worldwide Services and more.
► IIBA EEP - Endorsed Education Provider.
► Successfully provided 600+ placements.
► 10 most promising online tutorial providers by Silicon India.
► An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company.
► Authorized Training Partner (ATP) and
Accredited Examination Centre (AEC) for
International Certification Body - Ivy Global Academy.
Table of Contents

1. Introduction 1
1.1. Who is a Business Analyst?
1.2. What is Requirement? 2
► Types of Requirements
1.3. Bond between Requirement and BA 3
1.4. Who is stakeholder?
1.5. What is Business Process Modeling? 5
1.6. BA Co mpleteness Skill Areas 5
Sample Internat ional Certification Questions 6

2. BA Directives 7
2.1. IT Companies overview
► Types of IT Companies
► Types of Development Units
► H ow project gets initiated 7
2.2. Basic Knowledge on Projects 8
► BA proportion in Projects
► Project Sizes
► Project Types
► Project Milestones
► Reasons for Project Failure
► Working in a Project 9
► Quality Audits during Project progress
► Scope Creep
► Project Budget for Team Outing, Meeting Clients, onsite visit s
► Servers information
► Resources that work in Project
► Timesheets
► Gantt Charts
► Documents Naming Standards
► 5W1H-Tool ofa BA
2.3. Risk Analysis and Management 10
► Req uirement s are inherent to Change
Sit uation 1: 11
Situation 2: 11

2. 4.
► Thumb rules 12
Solve Client Problem only by our IT Solution
► Be like a lotus in the mud
► N ever take tensions but pass on the tensions
► Re q uirement s hurried - Project buried
► N ever criticize any stakeholder - appreciate them even for their small efforts

2.5. Dos and Don'ts as BA 13

2.6. Challenging Areas of BA
Sample Internat ional Certification Questions 14

3. Business Analyst Competencies 15

3.1. Business Communication
3.2. Supplier Management
3.3. Leadership
3.4. Conflict Management
Sample International Certification Questions 16

4. SDLC Methodologies and Models 17

4.1. Sequential- waterfall 17
4.2. Iterative - RUP {Rational Unified Process) 18
4.3. Evolutionary- Spiral 19
4.4. Agile - Scrum 20
Scrum 21
BA role in Agile Scrum
Sample International Certification Questions 24

5. OOA and UML 25

5.1. Learning OOA
► Object
► Class
► Component 26
► Package
► Subsystems

5.2. Imp lementing OOA 27

► Encapsulation

► Polymorphism
► Relationships 28
► Message sending 30
5.3. Learning UML 31
► Mostly used Diagrams by BA
5.4. Use Case Diagram 32
► Actor 33
► Learning use case Diagrams Step-1: (basic)
► Learning use case Diagrams Step-2: {Generalization)
► Learning use case Diagrams Step 3 {Include)
► Learning use case Diagrams Step 4: (Extend)
► Learning use case Diagrams Step 5: (Automation)
► How to draw Use Case Diagram from a Case study 34

S.S. Use Case Description Document 34

Use Case Spec _ Example 35
5.6. ►
Deriving Test Cases out of Use-cases 36
► Test Case Document 37

Case Study- Hospital Management System 38

Case Study on Online Flight Reservation System 39
Case Study on Online Flight Reservation System - Version 2 40
Case study on Course Registration 41
Experiences using MS Visio or Rational Rose or any Drawing Tool 44
5.7. Understanding how a Software Application Works 45

An Overview

Two Tier Architecture

Three Tier Architecture

MVC Architecture 46

MVC Architecture Rules

► Guideline to place identified MVC Classes in a 3 Tier Architecture 47

5.8. Sequence Diagram 48
5.9. Domain Modelling 49
5.10 Activity Diagram 50
► Activity Diagram Drawing Elements 51
► How to draw Activity Diagrams 55
► Swimlanes 56

Case-study- Activity Diagram

Case-study-Activity Diagram with Swimlanes -
Sample Internat ional Certification Questions 58

6. Requirements Engineering 59
6.1. Business Requirements Init iation (Gathering Stage)

6.1. 1 Stakeholder Analysis

► I dent ify Stakeholders
► Stakeholders Listing Document
► Stakeholders Summary
► RACI Matrix - Responsible, Accountable, Consult ed, Info rmed

6.1.2 Requirement Elicitation Techniques

►Document Analysis 60
►Reverse Engineering
►Focus Groups 61
►JAD (Joint Application Development) -Requirements Workshop 62
►I nt erv iew 63
►Prototyping 64
►Q ue stionnaire (Survey)

6.1 3. Sort the requirements (Define Requirements) 65

6.1.4. Prioritize Requirements
►100 Dollars Test
►Top 10 requirements
► N umeri cal Assignment
► MoSCoW

6.1. 5.FURPS
Validating Requirements 66

► cucv

6.2. Business Requirements Management 67

6.2.1. Requirements Communication
► 3R Concept
6.2.2. Requirements Management
6.2.3. Requirements Organization
► Re q uirement s Definition
► Req uirement s Modeling
► Re q uirement s Verification

6.3. Business Solutions Evaluation and Implement atio n 68

6.3.1. Business Solutions

6.3.2. So lutAssess
io n Assessment
pro pose d Solut
►► Req uirement s Allocation

► Organizational readinessAssessment
6.3.3. Solution Validation 69
► Verification Vs Validation
6.3.4. Solution Evaluation
6.3.5. Solution Implementation

Case study on ABC Universit y 69

Guidelines to probe into Requirements 70
Sample Internat ional Certification Questions 72

7. Contribution of BA in Projects 74
7.1. Enterprise Analysis
► SWOT Analysis
► GAP Analysis 75
► Feasibilit y Study 76
► Root Cause Analysis
• Technique - 5 Why
• Tabular Method -Technique 77
• Fishbone Diagram
► Decision Analysis 78
• Financial Factors
• Non- Financial Factors
► Strategy Analysis 79
• External Environmental Analysis
o PESTLE Technique
o Porter's Five force Model
• Internal Environmental Analysis
o M OSTAnalysis Technique
► Enterprise Architecture Frame works 80
• The Zachman Framework
• The POLDAT Framework 81
► Scope Business
► Case
7 . 2. Business Analysis Planning 83
► Business Plan
► Business Analysis Planning
► Planning Factors
► Business Communication Scheduling
► Performance Monitoring
► Techniques
► Estimation
► Estimate planning

7.3. Role of BA in handling Change Request 84

7.4. Role of BA in Project 85

Sample Internat ional Certification Questions 87

More Sample Int ernational Certification Questions 89
Appendix A - Documents Al
Company specific Templates
Business Requirements Document A2
Functional Requirements Document A7

Appendix B - Tools A13

B.1. Rati onal Suite
► Rational Suite Analyst Studio
► Rational Suite Development Studio
► Rational Suite Development Studio - RealTime Edition
► Rational Suite Enterprise

► ► Rational Suite Performance Stud io

Rational Suite Test Studio
► B.2. Various Supporting Tools A15

Appendix C - Functional Skills (Domain Knowledge) A17

C.1. Domains list
C.2. Domain Certifications

Appendix D - Sample Questions A18

Appendix E -Answers A20

Sit uatio n 2:
Appendix F - More Case studies A20
► Hospital Management System
► Point of Sale Terminal Management System A21
► Online Shopping
► Retail Store Management System A22
► Course-Ware Management System
► Railway Reservation System A23
► Stock Maintenance
► Tour Management System A24

Appendix G - BA Activities & Check list A25

Appendix H - BABoK V3 Mapping A27
'lBI IMProvide
A' End rsed WORKSHOP

1. Introduction

1.1. Who is a Busine ss Ana lyst?

A business analyst works along wit h the technical team and acts as a liaison bet ween stakeholders of
Client and the technical Team. He is the face of the Technical team to the Client and all Client
Communications will happen through a Business Analyst. He/ She will elicit , analyze, communicate
and validate requirements for changes to business pro cesses, policies and information systems
in the existing business proves of the Client. The business analyst understands business problems and
opportunities in the context of the requirements and recommends solut ions that enable the
organization to achieve its goals.

I Flash Card - 1

[ Prime Responsibilities of a Business Analyst

Client Interact ions Ownership of Requirements

Process (Re) engineering

I Business Analyst will do the following in a Project
► \
quirements using Elicitation techniques Documents the Requirements using industry standards Models the Requirements using UML

cates the Requirements to the Technical Team

Requirements during Development Stage

►H andle Change Requests
► Facilitates UAT (User Acceptance Testing)
3C- Correct, Complete and Consistent
IEEE - I n stit ute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
CMMi - Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMM I) is a process impro vement training and
appraisal program and service administere d and marketed by Carnegie Mellon Universtiy (CMU) and
required by many DoD and U.S. Government contracts, especially in software development.

I Flash Card - 2

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1.2. What is Requir em e nt?
A requir emen t is basically the need of the Client . This Need or Requirement will transform into a
Solution while taking various shapes and forms as it progresses from each stage of SDLC.
Requirements serve as the foundation of systems or system components. A requirement can be
thought of as something that is demanded or obligatory; a property that is essential for the system
to perform its functions. Req uirements vary in intent and in kinds of propert ies. They can be
funct ions, constraint s, or other elements that must be present to meet the needs of the intended
stakeholders . Requirements can be described as a condition or capability a customer needs t o solve
a problem or achieve an objective. For clarification purposes, a descriptor should always precede
requirements; for example, business requirements, user requirements, functional requirements.

I Flash Card - 3
1.2.1. Types of Requirements
1. Business Requirements
2. Stakeholder Requirements
3. Solution Requirements
a. Functio nal Requirements
b. Non-funct ional Requirements
4. Transition Requirements
Business Requirements are higher-level statements of the goals, objectives, or needs of the
enterprise . They describe the reasons why a project has been initiated, the objectives that the
project will achieve, and the metrics that will be used to measure its success. Business requirements
describe needs of the organization as a whole , and not groups or stakeholders within it. They are
developed and defined through enterprise analysis.

Stakeho lder Requirem ent s are statements of the needs of a particular stakeholder or class of
stakeholders . They describe the needs t hat a given st akeholder has and how that stakeholder will
interact with a solut ion. Stakehol der requirements serve as a bridge bet ween business requirements
and the various classes of solution requirements. They are developed and defined through
requirements analysis.

Solution Requirements describe the characteristics of a solution that meet business requirements
and stakeholder requirement s. They are developed and defined through requirements analysis. They
are fr equently divided into sub-categories, particularly when the requirements describe a soft ware

Functional Requirements describe the behavior and information that t hesolution will manage. They
describe capabilities the syst em will beable to perform in terms of behaviors or operations-specific
information technology application act ions or responses.

Non-functional Requirements capture conditions that do not directly relate to the behavior or
functionality of the solution, but rather describe environmental condit ions under which the solution
must remain effective or qualities that the systems must have. They are also known as quality or
supplementary requirements . These can include requiremen ts related to capacity, speed, securit y,
availability and the information architecture and presentation of the user interf ace.
Tran sition Requirements describe capabilities t hat the solution must have in order to facilitate
transition from the current state of the enterprise to a desired future state, but that will not be
needed once that transition is complete. They are differentiated from other requirements types
because they are always temporary in nature and because they cannot be developed until both an
exist ing and new solution are defined. They typically cover data conversion from existing systems,
skill gaps that must be addressed, and other related changes to reach the desired future state. They
are developed and defined through solution assessment and validat io n.

1.3. Bond between Requirement and BA

The BA always ensure that the Client Requirements are properly gathered or collected,
communicates the same to the Technical Team in UM L language which is more understood to t hem.
He communicates to Client in Business language . BA nurtures these requirements into anIT Solution
with the help of the Technical Team. Generally, the technical Team will be headed by the Project
Manager (PM). PM takes care about the technical aspects of the Project, Team management and
delivery of the project within Time frames. BA will be in continuous track of the Client Requirements
through all the different stages of Project development Life Cycle. He helps the technical team to
understand the Requirements clearly and participates in UAT along with Client . In short, we can say
that "BA takes the ownership of the Client Requirements " .

1.4. Who is stakeholder?

A "stakeholder" is any person or a group of Persons or an o rganization that is directly or indirectly
effected or impacted by the proposed IT Solut ion .

[ Flash Card - 4
People inside your organization who provide knowledge and expert ise necessary to necessary to
quant ify technical and business constraints

►Business Analyst ► Current Automation Specialist

►Project M anager ► U sabilit y Expert
Development team Sr. Soft w are ► System Architect

Engineer, Software Eng, Project Engineer )
Quality Assurance ► M arket ing Specialist
► Sales Specialist
► Testing ► Technology Expert
►Operations (networks, training)-> ► Standards Specialist
Environment ► Testing Specialist
► Business/Subject Expert ► Aesthetics
Organizational Architect
►Business Dat a M odeler ► Specialist
►Fut ure Ideas Specialist ► Graphics Specialist

Project Manager ►Operation Team

► Execut ive Sponsor/ owner (Execut es)
Business Owner(On Paper)
► Business Sponsor (Agreement

►SPOC- Single Point of Contact
►Process Expert s /Owners/SME
►SME- Subject M att er Expert
► Ambassador Users
A' End rsed Education
External Consult ants
People outside your organization who provide knowledge and expertise necessary to quantify
technical and business constraints
► Auditors ► Legal Specialist
► Focus Group ► Packaging Designer
► Security Specialist ► Manufacturer
► Environmental Specialist ► Negotiator
► Safety Specialist ► Public Opinion
► Outsource ► COTS Supplier
► Cultural Specialist ► I n specto r

Negative Stakeholders: People or organizations who do not want your project to succeed
► Competitor
► Hacker Political
► Party Pressure
► Group Public
► Opinion

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1 .5. What is Bus ines s Pro ce ss Mod e ling?
A business process:
1. Has a Goal
2. Has specific inputs
3. Has specific outputs
4. Uses resources
5. Has a number of activities that are performed in some order
6. Creates value of some kind for the customer. The customer may be internal or external.

I Flas h Card - 5
A business process is a collection of activities designed to prod uce a specific output for a particular customer
or market. It implies a strong emphasis on how the work is done within an organization, in contrast to a
product's focus on what. A process is thus a specific ordering of work activities across time and place, with a
beginning, an end, and clearly defined inputs and outputs: a structure for action.

1.6.BA Com p lete nes s Skill Areas

1. BA Directives
2. BA Competencies
4. Technical Skills OOA, UM L
5. Functional Skills - Domain
6. Requirements Engineering
7. Tools & Documents
8. BA Contribution in Projects

Flash Ca rd - 6

BA Dir ect ives

BA Competencies
Technica l Skill s OOA, UML
Funct ional Skill s - Domain
Requ irements Eng ineeri n g
Tools & Documents
BA Contr ibution in Projects

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Sample International Certification Questio ns:
1) User comes in which type of stake holder? Business Stakeholder
2) Change Init iat ors are part of- Business Stakeholders
3) What a Business Process describes? collection of related, structured activities or tasks that produce
a specific service or product
4) Which stake holder comes in both External Consultant and Negative stake holder? Public opinion
5) "Start ing from least to most important, choose the order of stakeholder. i. Managers ii. Entry level
Personnel iii. Users iv. Middle level stakeholder" ---ii, iv, i, iii
6) Michael doesn't want to spend a lot of resources developing software if t here is something similar
on the market, so he's going to look into what might be available. Which of these techniques to
conduct the analysis of each option in a feasibility study is he performing? --COTSPackage
Compare/Contrast Analysis
7) Which of the following job titles is distinct from the profession of business analysis? Financial Analyst
8) Which describe the designability, reliability, usability, maintainabilit y, efficiency, human engineering,
testability, understandability, maintainability, scalability, and portability expectations for the
system? Qualit y Req uirements
9) The system must be able to handle 100 users concurrent ly. Which type of requirement is this?
Operational Requirements
10) Which specifies those requirements that areconcerned with possible loss, damage or harm that
could result from the use of the system? Safety Requirements
11) ) W hich defines the interactions between comput er systems? Interf ace Requirements
12) A Solution Requirement is comprised of two types of requirements what are they?
13) What type of stake holder are the Upper management and Executives? Int ernal Stakeholder
14) People and organization who do not want your project to succeed? Negat ive stakeholder
15) What are the attributes of requirements?
16) A Non-Funct ional Software testing done to check if the user interface is easy to use and understand -
-Usabilit y Testing
17) This model is often called Activity Models and are often hierarchical. Which Business Architecture
modeling technique is being described?Business Process Models
18) When using imperatives, the word "may" mean that the requirement is: Opt ional
19) Which of these restricts the distribution of personal information without the express or
implicit consent of the parties involved? Privacy Requirements
2. BA Dire ctive s

2.1. IT Com pani e s overview

Types ofIT Compani es

Product Developm ent IT Companies Application Development IT Companies
Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, SAP, CRM Infosys, TCS, Wipro, Satyam
IT Company will have the concept and they invest Client will have a requirement and will engage an
time and money to build the product IT Company to develop an IT application
IT Company initiates the development Client initiates the development
IT Company is the owner of the developed Product Client is the owner of the developed application
IT Company will sell the same product to multiple Client will be the only customer for this application
Clients or Customers
Customizations are done if required for each
Installat io n will be done at the Clients place Deployment will be done at the Clients place
BusinessAnalyst Role
Understand the product features Understand the Client Industry
Understand the product Domain Understand the Client requirements domain
Understand where this product fits in the Domain
Understand the Client's requirement
Understand what customizations are required for
this product to fit in the Client's requirements

Types of Developm ent Uni ts

If a Client has a Software Solution Requirement, then there are 3 options to consider
1. Select an existing Product and customize it
2. Give the requirement to an IT Company for Development from Scratch
3. Client may have an extension of IT Development Wing -For example Royal Bank of Scotland. Here
the role of Business Analyst will bea SME (Subject Matter Expert) or Process Expert.
If BA is working in a single project, He will be reporting to the PM
If BA is working in multiple projects, then he will be reporting to Sr. BA and will be updating the status and
coordinating with the concerning PM about that concerning pro ject.

How pr oject get s init iated

Need of a Client is realized in 2 ways

1. Client realizes his need - Process re-engineering
2. Third party will make the Client realize

l et' s discuss the pre-project Activity.

When the Client realizes that there is a need for a Software application in their process, then the Client
will do an initial analysis on the required features of the Software Application and will prepare the Requirements
Document. This Document is released open to all Potential Software Companies as "Request for Proposal
(RFP)". The RFP is a document in which Business need appear. "Request for Info rmat ion (RFI)" is a form that
is attached to RFP or released as a separate fo rm . In this form IT Companies fill in the information that
the Client is interested to know. All Potential interested Software Companies will reply with filled in RFI.
Now the Client conducts a Pre-Bid Conference to clarify the Queries of the participating Software developing
Companies about the Required Software Applicat ion. After the pre-Bid Conference, The Client releases
"Request for Quotation (RFQ)" document to these interested Potential Software Companies to bid.
After receiving Quotations from the interested Software Development Companies, the Client will do
Techncial Verification to know the Technical capabilities of the Bided Software Companies. The short -
Listed companies after the technical verificat ion, now will have to undergo a financial Verification. Those
Companies who have passed this phase also, will stand a chance for the Project allocation.
Now the Client may follow their own logic process (Rate Nego tiatio ns, their previous experiences with the IT
Company or IT Company's previous Clients feedback) in awarding the project to the development Company.
Project will be awarded to the IT Company by issuing SOW (Statement of Work).

I Flash Card - 7, 8
2.2.1 Basic Knowledge on Projects BA proportion in Projects
►15% of the SDLC / total Project time should be allocated to the BA (2 months' time in 1-year project)
► 12% to 16% ofTeam Size should be BAs (2 BAs in 12,13 members Team, 4 BAs in 24,25 M em bers Team)
2.2.2 Project Sizes
► Small Projects up to 500 Man-Hours
► Medium Projects- 500 - 1000 Man-Hours
► Large Projects - Above 1000 Man-Hours

2.2 .3 Project Types

► Fixed Bid Projects - Budget and Time will be fixed
► Billing Projects- Resources working in the project will be billed to the Client on Hourly Basis. Example
o PM - $120/ Hr,
o Sol Architect -$150/Hr,
o Programmers - $SO/ Hr ,
o Sr Programmers - $80/ Hr,
o Net work Engineer - $80/ Hr,
o OBA - $80/Hr ... so on

2.2.4 Projec t Milestones

Weekly we will track progress of the project. The unit of time frame allotted will in weeks.

2.2.5 Reas ons for Project Failure

► I mproper requirement gathering
► Continuous change in requirements
► Lack of user involvement
► Lack of executive support
► U nre alistic expectations
► I mpro per planning
2 . 2 .6 Working in a Project
► I mport ant Mails are followed up by a phone call
► All Mails should be Acknowledged
► All project mails will be copied to the Project Manager
► Decisions will be taken by Project Manager and Business Analyst should follow them
► I f any Resources are involved in discussion of a mail, then copy that mail to that Resource as well

As a Ba, we are responsible to update the progressof the project to respon sible st akeholders and concerning Documents.

2.2.7 Quali ty Audits during Project progress day. These Timesheets will be sent to
There will be internal as well as external Audits Client by the Account Manager and upon
conducted during the project progress as a part of
approval, Billing will be released to the IT
the Quality Assurance procedure that may belong
to any Standards that the IT Company may follow .
2.2.12 2 Gantt Charts
2.2.8 Scope Cree p Project Managers generally plan their
If any project cannot be completed within Budget
projects by using Gantt Charts. Software
and Time Constraints, we say that Scope creeps.
used may be MPP. This is very much
2.2.9 Project Budget for Team Outing, similar to Excel Sheet, wherein in columns
Mee tin g Client s, on s it e vi s its you will find Weeks and in rows, the
PM will have budget for team outings, meeting resources...
Clients over dinner, onsite visits. BA should
request PM for budget allotment for meeting 2.2.13 Document s Naming Stand ards
Clients. All Documents will be named using some
standards like
2.2.10 Server s inform a tion [ProjectID][Docume ntType]V[x]D[y]. ext
Development Server- IT Example: PQ786BRDV1D2.docx
Company UAT Server -- Client PQ786BRD1.2.docx
Production Server -- Client
Go - Live 2.2.14 5W 1 H - Tool of a BA
Once a Project is initiated, then some space for
If we need extract consistent Requirements then
documentation and some for coding will be
probe in these directions like Where, why, what,
allotted by the Network Engineer. If a Resource is
selected in the project, then access to these who, when and How. SW 1H is considered as tool
spaces will be given to that resource after of a BA.
approval from Project M anager.
2.2.1 5 IT Comp a ny - Standard s
Some of the standards that IT Companies adopt
2.2.11 Timeshee ts are
Resources will have to fill in their ► CMMi levels
timesheets every day for 8 hours work ► I SO Standards
activity. They may be required to justify ► Six Sigma
what is their contribution in that particular 2. 2.16 Project Owne r
Project Manager is the owner of the project. PM
will take ownership of the project Budget as well.

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Educa otni

2. 3 Risk Ana lys is and Management

An uncertain event or condition which can t aken. It helps the organization to deal with
have impact on either cost, t ime, scope or risk. This planning includes
• Acceptance
Risk Analysis is done to determine if the
• Transfer
proposed project carries more risk than the
• Avoidance
organization's capacity to support
• Mitigation

Risk Identifi cation

Risk Avoidance
It is the process to identify the business,
It is the process of not performing risk causing
financial, technological and operational risks
activities. Risk Avoidance is defined as being
idle during the occurrence of risks and doing
Risk Asse ssment
nothing to take advantage of the new
It is the process to identify the probability of
occurrence of each identified risk. BA s have
been given tasks to arrive at a consensus for
Risk Rat ing
each identified risk item.
Each identified risk is rated before moving it
to rectification process. This process is called
Risk response planning
Risk rat ings. The overall risk ratings are
This includes the planning that reduces the
calculated in terms of cost, time, Quality of
probability of occurrence of risk. the response
the solution
planning helps in determining the conditions
against which the required actions can be

RISK - Change in Requirements - Requirements are inherent to Change

Always requirements are prone to change

Stakeholders are not trained to share requirements with the development team,
Business Analyst is trained to gather/elicit requirements from the Stakeholders.

How to stay in someone's memory

In your discussions, just say that youare ready to render help when they need. If possible, fulfil your
Always Speak positive about Others. Never speak negative about ot hers.
Smoke Zones
Cocktail parties
What is trust - Even though we know the negative aspect of a person, we will only speak the positive
What is Work-Life Balance - Never take Tensions home, we have enough there... and never bring
tensions to office, we have enough here

IT Company works on Consulting mode

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S itu a tion 1:
Your IT Company got a project from the Client . The Client has 10 divisions and you have gathered
Requirement s. After sorting the Req uirement s, you have observed that 4 divisions have common
requirements. 85% are different requirements and 15% are common requirements.
4Divisiona1Managers are very much stubborn not to have a common design feat ures . How do you
handle them as a BA to make them all agree to the same design?

Situation 2:
A project was received 9 months ago from Motorola (Client); the duration of the project is 12
months, which is now in testing phase. At that time there are two players Motorola and Nokia in the
mobile market. Exactly at that time, Nokia released a mobile in the market which belongs to the
same segment. Nokia's mobile has 100 more features than our present Motorola Mobile model.
Motorola contributes to 85% revenue to the IT Company. Meanwhile, Client called to give 200 more
requirements which shouId be included in the same application without any extension on Budget or
t ime. As a BA, how will youtake on this?

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Educa otni
2 .4 Thumb rules
Rule: office starts at 10 a.m.
Thumbrule: Reach office at least 15 min before (9:45 a.m.)

2.4.1 Solve Client Problem only by our IT Solution

As a Business Analyst, we should not probe into the reasons of the Business failure and advise
solutions to come out of it, instead we should concentrate more on providing the Client with an IT
Solution by considering the information available with the Client in different forms ., through which
the Client will solve his problem.

2.4.2 Be like a lotus in the mud

"The one who wanders independent in the world, free from opinions and viewpoints, does not grasp
them and enter into disputations and arguments. As the lotus rises on its stalk unsoiled by the mud
and the water, so the wise one speaks of peace and is unstained by the opinions of the world."
Buddha Saying. BA shines by making the development Team to deliver t he right Solution on time to
Client . This can be done by bringing Clarity in Requirements and communicating the same, in
understandable format, to the Development Team. He should be influenced by the Client views or
the development Team views, his concentration should lie in molding the requirements to bring out
a perfect IT Solut ion .

2.4.3 3 Never ta ke tens ions but pass on th e tensions

As a Business Analyst, you should not take tensions. All that comes from the Client is in reference
only to the project. The Client never intends to say anything personal, since a Business Analyst is the
only point of contact to the Client, the Client tends to shell out all his concerns on this contact.
Business Analyst should be invincible to any of the Clients comments as it may affect the rest of the
projects that he is working on.

2.4.4 Requirem e nts hurried - Project buried

Do not haste while gathering the requirement s, giving in to due stress levied upon you by your
Manager. Project success majorly depends on the key requirements . The basic idea of gathering the
requirements is to realize the organizational goals. So, it is very important to understand the
business process and its requirements but not on the individual requirements. We have to document
everything that we have gathered from the Client. Identify the right stakeholders, who are going to
use the proposed IT Solution.
Gather requirements in Detail enough. Try to underst and business Goals and Objectives and not
requirements alone. Document everything you find useful to the project. Involve users - the actual
users. See them at work. Look for the unhappy path. Get behind the scenes. Observe them how they
work when something unusual happens in the process. Pull out those documents. Always try to build
a new system- don't copy the old one. See the reports and the folks who use them

2.4.5 Never criticize any stakeholder - appreciate them even for their small efforts
As a Business Analyst , you have to manage good public relationships along with Professional
relationships with all associates. To be recognized as a reliable and trust worthy Associate of the
orga nizatio n, you should never speak ill of any stakeholder to any stakeholder. If people start
trusting you, then your contribution will be easy.

I Flash Card - 9

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2 .5 Dos and Don'ts as BA

Never say NO to Client
There is NO word called as "BY DEFAULT"
Never imagine anything in terms of GUI
Question the existence of existence/ question everything in the world
ex: what client gives is not always correct
Consult an SME for Clarifications in Req uirements
Every Problem of Client is unique. No two problems of different Client are same. May be the
approach, technology, place of use, local laws may be varied to make them (Problems) to be
Go to Client with a plain mind with noassumpt ions. Listen carefully and completely until Client
is done and then you can ask your Queries. Please do not interrupt the Client, when he/ She is
giving you the problem. Maximum Try to ext ract the leads to Solution from the Client itself. Never try
to give Solutions to Client straight away with your previous experience and assumptions. Try to
concentrate on the important and truly required Requirements . Don't be washed away by add on
Functionalities or don't imagine solutions on Screen basis.

I Flash Card -10

2.6 Challenging Areas of BA

Lack of training
Obtaining sign-off on requirements
Change Management -with respect to cost and
timelines Ans
Coordination between developers and testers
Conducting Meetings
Making sure status reporting is
effective Ans
Driving clients for UAT completion
People Management (coordinating with different people and different teams)
Overall making sure project health is in good shape and delivered as per the time-lines without any

I Flash Card - 11

Sampie International Certification Questio ns:

1) % of BA Team Size in Project Duration - 12% - 16%

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2) Risk Analysis is -- To assess the range of possible project outcomes.

3) Who instigated or requested a project? Project Sponsor
4) It measures the quality of a product It is a specific part of the QA procedure, it is a corrective process,
it applies for particular product & Deals with the product. Quality Control
5) Which is the list of process and elements for scoping and defining the project proposal? Draft the
preliminary project scope statement; Develop a high-level WBS; Develop cost and time estimates;
Describe the project approach
6) What is Scope Creep? Any project that cannot be completed within the budget and time
7) Which of the following defines the roles and responsibilities along with the reporting structures in
the organization? Organizational modeling

3 Business Analyst Competencies

I Flash Card - 10
3.1 Business Communication
3w Rule of Communication
Oral Communic at ion
Writ ten Communication

Non-Verbal Facial
Types of Business Communications
Expressions Gest
Verbal and Non-Verbal
Eye Gaze

3.2 Supplier Management

Risk response planning
Planning includes following Actions
Contracts types
Time and M aterials
Fixed Price Delivery
Risk and Reward

3.3 Leadership
Is about doing right Inspire
M ot ivate
Lead by example
M ent or
Open minded to accept new ideas
Team Player
Create a Strong Team

3.4 Conflict Management Assertiveness

Are results of Changes
Impro ves in Comm unicat ion, personal and 5 options of Conflict Management
professio nal grow th Competing Avoiding
Accommodat ing CoIlabora t ing
Thomas -kilmann Technique Comprising Managing
X Axis - Co-operat ion, Y Axis - Conflicts

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Conflicts require high level of energy for
Habits are limiting factors in managing the
Managing Conflicts is all about maint aining
the relations
Before engaging in Conflict s, t hink about
expected Outcome
5 Steps to Conflict Management
Identify the conflict
Discussthe details
Agree wit h the root problem
Check for every possible Solution for the
conflict Negot iate The Solut ion to avo id t he
fut ure Conflicts

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Sample Intern a tional Certification Questions:

1) Co nfl icting requirements are common in Requirement Engineering, with each client
proposing his or her version is the right one. TRUE
2) 3W Rule of communication
3) Types of Communication
4) Qualities of a Good Leader
5) Team Player Qualities
6) Options of Conflict management
7) Steps involved in Conflict Management
8) Vender Assessment Techniques
9) What is creative Thinking
10) How to proceed in Decision making
11) What are systems thinking
12) How conceptual thinking helps a BA
13) Visual Thinking is visualizing and creating simple visual concepts, graphics, models
and diagrams
14) Organization and Time management skills will help BA perform tasks effectively and use
work time efficiently
15) Business Knowledge helps BA to perform effectively within their Business, indust
ry, organization, solution and methodology.
16) Interaction Skills are represented by the BA's ability to relate, cooperate and communicate
with different kinds of people including executives, sponsors, colleagues, team members,
developers, vendors, learning and development professionals, end users, customers and
17) ) Off ice Productivity Tools and technology include Word processing and presentation
programs, Presentation Soft ware , Spreadsheets, Communication tools like e-mail and
instant messaging programs, collaboration and knowledge management tools and hardware

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4 SDLC Me tho do lo gi e s and Mo d e ls
Sequential -waterfall
Iterative- RUP (Rational Unified Process)
Evolutionary- Spiral
Agile - Scrum

I Flash Ca rd - 12

4.1 Se que n tial - waterfall

This is the most common and classic of life cycle models, also referred to as a linear-sequential life cycle model. It is
very simple to understand and use. In a waterfall model, each phase must be completed in its entirety before the next
phase can begin. At the end of each phase, a review takes place to determine if the project is on the right path and
whether or not to continue or discard the project.

Stages of Waterfall Model Resourc es Artifacts

Requirements gathering BA,PM BRD
Requirements Analysis BA,PM FS/ FRS, SSD, SRS
Tech Team - Sol Arch, NW RTM
DB Arch
Design Tech Team - Sol Arch, NW HDD/ADD
Arch, Solution Document
DB Arch, GUI Designer
Development - coding Programmers LDD /CDD
Developers Application
Testing Testers Test Documents
Application with less Errors
Unit, Component, System, System Integration, UAT
PROCESS - Configuration Management - PM
Deployment & Implementation Release Engineers I
Deployment - moving Code from Development Environment to Production
Implementat ion - running the code for the very first time in Production
After Implementation, maintenance stage starts, and Support Team will take care.

I Flash Card - 13, 14- V Model

Simple and easy to use.

►► Easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model - each phase has specific deliverables and a
review process.
► Phases are processed and completed one at a t ime.
► Works well for smaller projects where requirements are very well understood.
► Adjusting scope during the life cycle can killa project
► N o working software is produced until late during the life cycle.
► High amounts of risk and uncertainty.
► Poor model for complex and object-oriented projects.
► Poor model for long and ongoing projects.
► Poor model where requirements are at a moderate to high risk of changing.
4.2 It e r a ti ve - RUP (Rational Un ifi e d Pr oc es s )
Disciplines I Inception11ElaborationIIConstructionTransition j

Business Modeling
Requ irem en ts

Analysis & Design

I mplementat ion

& Change Mgmt
Project Management
- ,c rm

[i n 1ua1 ]IElab .tt 11 Bab1211 I

st Co st C:
It erations

The Rational Unified Process (RUP) is an Implement ation

iterative software development process Test
framework created by the Rational Software Deployment
Corporation, which was acquired by IBM in
February 2003. Three support ing discipline s
RUP is based on a set of building blocks, or Configuration and Change Management
content elements, describing what is to be Project Management
produced, the necessary skills require d and Environment
the step-by-step explanation describing how
specific development goals are to be
Four Project Life Cycle Phases
achieved. The main building blocks, or
Inception: agreement among the team and
content elements, are the following:
customer as to what will be built
Elaboration: agreement within the team as to
Roles {who) - A Role defines a set of related
the architecture and design needed to deliver
skills, competencies and responsibilities.
the agreed system behavior
Work Products {what) - A Work Product
Construct ion: the iterative implementation of
represents something resulting from a task,
a fully functional system
including all the documents and models
Transition: delivery, defect correction, and
produced while working through the
tuning to ensure customer acceptance
process. Tasks(howl -A Task describes a unit
Six best practices
of work assigned to a Role that provides a
• Develop iteratively, with risk as the
meaningful result.
primary iteration driver
Within each iteration, the tasks are
• Manage requirements
categorized into nine disciplines:
• Emplo y a component-based architecture
• Model software visually
Six "engineering disciplines"
Business Modeling • Continuously verify quality
Requirements • Control changes
Analysis and Design
4.3 Evolutionary - Spiral
Cumu lat ive cost

through Evaluat e
Determin ident ity, resolve risks
o hPi rt ivP c;.

Comm itme nt
Rev iew
Part it io n

Deta iled
de sign

1 Code

I I Unit I
Int egration Ites t I
I Acce pt I a nd test I
ance I I
I test I

Plan next Develop, verify


The spiral model gives more emphases placed project to date before the project continues
on risk analysis. The spiraI model has fo ur to the next spiral.
phases: Planning, Risk Analysis, Engineering In the spiral model, the angular component
and Evaluat ion . A software project repeatedly represents progress, and the radius of the
passes through these phases in iterations spiral represents cost.
(called Spirals in this model). The baseline
spiral, starting in the planning phase, Advantages
requirements are gathered, and risk is a. High amount of risk analysis.
assessed. Each subsequent spiral builds on b. Good for large and mission-critical projects.
the baseline spiral. c. Software is produced early in the soft ware
Requirements are gathered during the life cycle.
planning phase. In the risk analysis phase, a
process is undertaken to ident ify risk and Disadvantages
alternate solutions. A prototype is produced a. Can be a costly model to use.
at the end of the risk analysis phase. b. Risk analysis req uires highly specific
Software is produced in the engineering expert ise.
phase, along with testing at the end of the c. Project ' s success is highly dependent on
phase. The evaluatio n phase allows the the risk analysis phase.
customer to evaluate the output of the d. Doesn't work well for smaller projects.
4.4 Agile - Scrum
Agile Light weight
Can be implemented where faster delivery is required .
No documentation
Customer retention - since there is no documentation.
The code in itself forms as documentation
Not support scalability and ext endibilit y
SDLC life cycle cut down by employing seasoned DEVELOPERS

Four main Values

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentatio n
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Respo nding to change over following a plan

Twelve Principles of Agile Software

1. Satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable soft ware.
2. Welcome changing requirement s, even late in developmen.t Agile processes harness change
for the customer 's competitive advantage.
3. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a
preference to the shorter timescale.
4. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.
5. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they
need and trust them to get the job done.
6. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a
development team is face-to-face conversat io n.
7. Working software is the primary measure of progress.
8. Agile processes promote sustainable develo pment . The sponsors, developers, and users
should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility .
10. Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not done--is essential.
11. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.
12. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and
adjusts its behavior accordingly.

SCRUM can be implemented either at the beginning of the project or when you sense that projectis
falling behind schedule. This model exercises full Admin Power
as Scrum teams which comprises of BAs,
Scrum Team: Project resources are grouped
Developers, Testers. Each Team size will on
average be 7-8.
Product Owner: He will decide what needs to iteration. A project backlog or hours can be
be in the product and will be responsible for expressed on the vertical axis, while time is
how the product has to be. He will regularly indicated on the horizontal axis. A burn down
interact with customers and BAs. This role chart is often used to determine when work
may be played by BA or any person who will be completed on a project or an iterat ion.
worked for end users for a long time or
customer himself. Epic
Scrum M aster: He will monitor the An epic is a set of related user sto ries. They
performance of the team within the sprint . are also considered a "really big user story."
Team will raise all their issues to scrum
master and he will runto look for answers. Iteration
This role can be played by any person in team An iteration is an iterat ive development
normally BA's plays this role. concept that establishes a short t ime frame to
Productburndow n: It shows how much work deliver a set of soft ware features or user
was left to do at the beginning of each sprint. stories. Each iteration includes typical
Sprint: This is the period that team decides to waterfall activities such as analysis, design,
deliver their objective. Normallya sprint development, and testing, yet they are time
period will be for 2 weeks but may extend to boxed within a one to four-week window. At
4 weeks the end of an iteration, the progress is
reviewed with the business customer, and
M eeti ngs: recommended changes can be incorporated
Sprint Planning Meeting -This happens at the into future iterations.
beginning of each sprint and team decides on Planning Poker
what they will be delivering in the sprint. Planning Poker is an estimation game created
Daily Scrum Meeting - This happens each day by Mike Cohn of Mountain Goat Soft ware .
where team will just answer 3 questions: Planning Poker is used to estimate individual
1) What did u do today? user stories as a team activity. The t eam
2) what will u do tomorrow? gathers and reviews user stories one at a
3) Are there any impediments that is time. As stories are presented, the team
slowing or stopping u? discusses the user story and provides an
Sprint Review Meeting - This happens at the estimate of the work from their own deck of
end of the sprint where team will demo the cards. All estimates are presented and
completed stories to product owner and get discussed until the team arrives at a
it cleared. consensus.
Sprint Retrosp ective Meeting - This happens
at the end of the sprint where team will A release is a set of working software
answer these 3 questions: delivered to the business customer result ing
l )What went well in the sprint? from a set of iterat ions. During release
2) what did not go well? planning, teams will review a product backlog
to organize user stories into the specific
3) What are the required areas of
releases and iterations that delivera
improvements in next sprint?
functional product to the business customer .
Product Back log: all Stories- all requirements
Scrum is an iterative development
Burn down chart
methodology used to manage software
A burn down chart is a graphical view of the
projects. In scrum-based pro jects, there isn't a
remaini ng work left versus the time in an
specific project manager directing project
team tasks; the team is self-directed, with
co located team members relying on
effective project delivery.
communication over documentation for Sprint
A sprint is a scrum-based agile methodology
concept that is similar to an it eration. A list will have all enhancements and existing
sprint is time boxed to deliver a specific set of features (If it is a migration project).
user stories and produce working features
within a set time period. During sprint From the Feature List, BA ident ifies the Epic
planning, the business customer or product and breaks them as Themes and then to User
owner specifies the user stor y priorit y, and Sto ries .
the development team commits to the scope
for a given sprint. During a sprint, user stories User Stories will have below Informatio n:
can be removed from the sprint scope, but As a
new stories cannot be added; this allows <User>
project teams to focus on the goals of the I Want to
sprint and deliver rapidly. Story points <What is the Purpose>
A story point is a relative estimation method So that
used to determine the size of user stories so <What you gain by this story>
teams can determ ine how much work can be
done during an iterat ion. Story points can be eg:
expressed in a simple Fibo nacci sequence, t As a
shirt sizes, or a relat ive number . By adding up Custome
the number of user stories and associated r I want
story points, the project team can establish its to
velocit y for future iteration planning. Login to the net banking site
So that
BA's Role in Agile Scrum:
To Start with, once a project is kicked off, BA Acceptance Criteria: - This area will have
does the requirement Planning, then conducts mandatory information that are needed in
various requirement gathering sessions and this story "
analyses the requirement. Then BA brief the story to development team
Finally, the requirement is listed as 'FEATURE and regularly supports the team for
LIST'. This Feat ure list is drafted by BA and development.
discussed wit h Product Owner. This feature BA also does the Integrat ion Testing and
System Testing to ensure the system performs
as desire d

Product Grooming
Product BumDown Sprint - 2 Weeks- Timebox

I Scrum Team
Product Backol

Scrum - 1 Day Sprint Review

Client Scrum Master- 01 Sprint Plannin-g SprintRetrospective

Product Owner - 01
Scrum Developers - 07 Scrum Meeitng
Sprint Backlog
Produ PBI Task WIP Done
ct s
Vision User Story Moscow
Workshop MVP
High BV - Low
1. Acceptance Criteria
2.Business Value- $li
Scrum Developers
2.Complexity Points/Sotry
(PokerCards) Shippable Product

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Samp le International Certi fica tion Questi ons:
1} Most of the time, System Testing is being done by -Tester
2) How many principles are there in an Agile software? 12
3) Product Burn down show how much work was left to do -TRUE
4) Acceptance testing is known as Beta Testing
5) Which is non-functional software testing? Performance Testing
6) Unit Testingwill be done by Developers
7) The Unifi ed Process (UP) combines commonly accepted best practices, such as an
iterative lifecycle and risk-driven development, into a cohesive and well-documented
description - TRUE
8) Debugging is: Finding and correcting errors in the program code.
9) Fagan Inspection Issues are Time- level of maturity - No Feedback loop
10) The spiral model gives more emphases placed on risk analysis.
TRUE 11 ) There are 4 main valuesin Agile - xp, scrum
12) What is the average scrum team size?
13) Sprint period will be for 2 weeks and can extend to 4 weeks
14) BA's role in Agile scrum is - BA does the requirement planning - Conducts various req
gathering sessions
15) )--------is identified then breaks them as themes and then to user stories- Epic
16) ) The user must assign the criteria the software must meet to be deemed acceptable.
Ideally, this is included in the software requirements specifications
17) Acceptance testing may happen at any phase of development in Waterfall model. - FALSE
18) What are the Testing Levels? Unit Testing- Int egration Testing - System Testing
and Acceptanee Testing
19) Iterat ive development process is to divide development effort into many small steps so t hat
users can provide feedback more readily and system can be refined incrementally. - TRUE
20) ) This model is a simplified view originating from IBM that identifies basic building blocks.
Which Business Architecture modeling technique is being described? Component Business

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Educa otni
5 OOA a n d UML

5 .1 Le arning OOA
IT Applications are built to support other verticals or domains like banking, insurance, retail, oil and
gas etc. Basically what an IT application does is Any ACTION is captured as data and stored in the
database as a record and this data is used for various purposes like reporting, finding summary,
building bricks... etc. ACTION can be cash deposit in an account at bank or taking an appointment
with doctor through receptionist or transporting petrol, tar, diesel, milk, water, sea food, pulses,
perishable goods like paneer, curd, fruits and vegeta bles .

I Flash Card - 15
5.1.1 Object
An object is an instance of a class (a category). You and I, for example, are instances of the Person
class. An object has structure. That is, it has attributes (properties) and behavior. An o bject's
behavior consists of the operations it carries out. Attributes and operations taken together are called
fe atures.

State and Be havio r-Properties Identity- Regd Numbe r

My Bike isgreen in Color.
Bike - Object State -Attributes - Attribute
Color - Attribute values Color - Red
Green -Attribute value Passenger Capacity- 4
Fuel - Diese l
Behavior -Op erati ons Whee ls - 4
The action performed by the Object
Start(); stop(); move(); Behavior- A ctions - Methods - Camel
casing t urnRightAndThe nSecond l eft ();
Identity slowDownAndStop();
Ide nt it y is the brand name or that identifies accelerateAndIncreaseSpeed();
that object uniquely
Eg: Maruthi or Numbe r plate of the car

5.1.2 Clas s
Collection of similar Objects is a Class
Object can be an instance of the Class.
Types of Classes
I Class
Super Class
Parent Class
Ge ne ralized Class
Specialized Class
Sub Class
Child Class


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5.1 .3 Com pone nt

Collection of Classes is Component. The
component diagram's main icon is a rectangle Component1
that has two rectangles overlaid on its left

5.1.4 Pack age

Collection of Components which are not reusable in naturel.::::J

5.1.5 Susbystes
Collection of Components which are reusable in nature

Product Development Companies work on Subsystems and
Application DevelopmentCompanies work on Packages

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5 .2 Implementing OOA

[ Fla sh Ca rd -16

5.2 2 .1 Abstraction
Abstraction means, simply, to filter out an object's properties and operations until just the ones you
need are left. Knowing what to include in a model and what to leave out-is themost critical skill for
a modeler. !considering what isrequired, ignoring what is not required!

Pareto Principle - 80-20 Principle or 20-80 Principle

MVP - Minimum Viable Product

Gold Plating - Gold plating is the practice of making changes to a project that are outside of the
original agreed-upon scope. Gold plating takes time. The practice is very similar to feature creep,
which involves enhancements tacked onto a project at the request of the client. In the case of gold
plating, though, developers may add polish or features that weren't asked for, with the intention of
adding value and impressing the client. Gold plating is generally seen as a poor practice.

5.2.2 Enc a ps ul a tion

It uses information hiding technique to hide the complex internal structure or working.
Refer that File Name is used to save a file in our System. But the System saves the file wit h some
other hexa-decimal format . These details are hidden to us(readers) . This hiding technique is known
as encapsulat ion. [Info rm ati on and Complexity hiding Techniqu

5.2.3 Inheritan c e
Child Class inheriting the properties of Parent Class

5.2 .4 Polymorphism
I Single Instruction- Multiple operations (different operation s with different cont ext)
Sometimes an operation has the same name in different classes. For example, you can open a
door, you can open a window, and you can open a newspaper, a present, a bank account, or a
conversation. In each case you're performing a different operation. In object-orientation each class
"knows" how that operation is supposed to take place. This is called polymorphism
Consider That we are shopping, and we are using a Credit Card . Any Bank Credit or Debit Card will be
swiped on a single machine irrespective of the Bank. But internally the data will be sent to the
concerning Bank or Financial institution for Clearance. Using the single swiping machine for multiple
Cards is known as Polymorphism.

ASCII - American Standard Code for Info rmat ion Interchange, is a character-encoding scheme (the
IANA prefers the name US-ASCII). ASCII codes represent text in computers, communications
equipment, and other devices that use t ext .

5 .2 .5 Rel a ti on sh ip s
Relationships exist between either between Classes or Between Objects,
But not between a Class and an Object
There are four types of relationships
1. Association
2. Generalization
3. Aggregation
4. Composition

[ Fla sh Card - 17

1. Association - 'has 'a relationship.

a. Unary - One way - when you turn on your TV - The " turn-o n" association is unidirectional
b. Binary - Both ways - "is married to," are bidirectional
c. Multiplicity is an important aspect of associations among objects. It tells the number of
objects in one class that relate to a single object of the associated class.
d. Ref l exive - Sometimes, a class is in an association with itself. Referred to as a reflexive
association, this can happen when a class has objects that play a variety of roles. Fo r
example, a Car Occupant can be either a driver or a passenger.

Qualified Associations: When an association's multiplicity is one- to-many, a particular challenge

often arises lookup . When an object from one class has to choose a particular object from another in
order to fulfill a role in an association, the first class has to rely on a specific att ribu te to select the
correct object. That attribute is typically an identifier, such as an ID number. For example, a hotel 's
reservation list has many reservat ions. When you make a reservation at a hotel, the hotel assigns
you a confirmation number. This ID information is called a Qualifi er.

2. Generalization
This is a relationship that exists between generalized class and Specialized Class.

Student Profess«

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3. Aggregation
It is the 'parts' and its 'whole' relationship. The 'Part' remains even if the 'whole' dies.
Eg: home computer system is an aggregation that consists of a CPU box, a keyboard, a mouse,
a Monitor, a CD-ROM drive, one or more hard drives, a modem , a disk drive, a printer, and
Possibly some speakers. Along with the drives, the CPU box holds RAM, a graphics card, and
a sound card (and probably some other items)


C 4KI to

4. Composition
It is the 'parts' and it's 'whole' relationship.
The 'Part' also dies along with the 'whole'.
A composite is a strong type of aggregation.
Each component in a composite can belong to
Just one whole . The components of a coffee
table-the tabletop and the legs-make up a
Composit e. The symbol for a composite is the
same as the symbol for an aggregation except
The diamond is filled


TableTop Leg

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Educa otni
5 .2 .6 Mes sage se nding
Objects work together in a system. They do this by sending messages to one another. One object
sends another a message-a request to perform an operation and the receiving object performs that
operation. Messages are sent by methods. Method Names are represented by Camel Casing. Camel
Casing means Init ial word will be all small alphabets and from second word onwards beginning
alphabet is Capital and the rest are small.


!classes are ba sic building blocks of Code .,

Hard Coding Writing the code with numeric

values Soft Coding - writing the code using

Hard coding should be avoided, and soft coding should be encouraged

Example --- if a client has ten department- IT Team should understand that Client has n
Departments (NOT TEN) and this n can vary from time to time

I Flash Card - 18

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5.3 Learning UML

Unified Modeling Language (UM L): The industry-standard language for specifying, visualizing,
constructing , and documenting software systems. It simplifies software design, and communication
about the design.
I Dynamic Diagrams model TIME and Static Diagrams do not model TIME
Static - 5 diagrams
Use Case Dynamic - 4 diagrams
Class Sequence
Component Activity
Package State chart
Deployment CoIlaboration

Collaboration Diagram

,· , __
Deployment Diagram
,_/ -</

DB patches
Software Developed

.. ' lJ .- ....

/,/ , State chart Diagram

OS patches

Mostly used Diag rams by BA

Use Case Diagram and Activity Diagram
Sometimes (rarely) Sequence Diagram and State Chart Diagram

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5.4 Use Case Diagram

This is a high-level diagram and mother of all diagrams. The main focus of this diagram will be on
"how ext ernal Interfaces"(End Users, support Systems, Special Databases and internet connectivity
to third party) will be interacting with the proposed IT System. This interaction will be initiating
Distinct Business function called a Use Case and is shown with anellipse symbol.

Use Case Diagrams (UCDs) can be used to describe the functionality of a system in a horizontal way.
That is, rather than merely representing the details of individual features of your system, UCDs can
be used to show all of its available f unctionalit y. It is important to note, though, the UCDs are
fundamentally different from sequence diagrams or flow charts because they do not m ake any
attempt to represent the order or number of times that the systems actions and sub-actions should
be execut ed.

You should use UCDs to represent the functionality of your system from a top-down perspective
UCDs represents only the positive flow. You should NOT use UCDs to represent exception behavior
(when errors happen) or try to illustrate the sequence of steps that must be performed in order to
complete a task.

[ Flash Card - 20

UCDs have only 4 major elements:

The actors that the system you are describing interacts with,
The syst em itself, (the rectangular Box)
the use cases, or services, that the system knows how to perform, and
the lines that represent relation ship s between these elements.

The System in UCDs represent the System as a whole which includes the entire Architecture,
Screens, Business Logic and Databases.

Syst em to be developed

Usecas l

Prlm ry Actor Secon dary Actor



Act.or2 System Boundary

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c! 5.4.1
Actor is a living or non-level Thing
2. Actor is represented by a noun.
3. Actor always stay away from the system boundary
4. Primary actor initiates the system to work and System depends on Secondary actor for
5. All reusable actors should be placed towards the right side of the system boundary


Incorrect Camera Open Shutter

Photographe r

Essential Use Cases- makes sense and completeness to the end user
Supporting Use Cases - makes sense and supports Essential Use case

Use cases are Verbs and are unique

Act ors are Nouns
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Educa otni
c! 5.4.2 Learning use case Diag r ams Step-1: (Basic)

I Flash Card - 21
5.4.3 Learning use case Diag r a ms Step-2: (Generalization)

5.4.4 Learning use case Diag r a ms Step3(Include)

5.4.5 Learning use case Diag r ams Step 4: (Extend)

5.4.6 Learning use case Diagrams Step 5: (Automation)

Generalization - is a kind of
Generalization - [ Parent Class exist t hro ugh on e (or mor e) of Child Classes]
of Arrow - based on depend ency [ Not info rm ati on flow ] Com pu lsory - Includ e [ Parent Class is NOT complete wit hout Ch
Extend [ Par ent Class exist w ith out Child Classes]

5.4.7 Ho w to draw Use Case Diagram from a Case stud y

1. Info rm atio n which we do NOT model in Use Case diagrams
are Names of the systems (laptops, Desktops, Workstations),
Architectures (2 Tier, 3 Tier, n Tier, Client Server),
Databases Names (DB2, SQL Server, My SQL) !Flash Card - 23 - 1
Networks (LAN, WAN, Internet ),
Brand Names (HP, Lenova, Wipro, Sony),
Technology Names (Java, .Net, Mainframes)
2. Differentiate information against Actions
3. Write all sequence of Actions
4. Try to find out which actor is performing the above action
5. Try to identify Essential Use cases and Supporting Use Cases
6. Try to identify some modules with respect to functionality or usage.
7. Try to draw the relationships appropriately between the identified Actors and Use cases

Yo u ca nn o t m o del Dat aba se of the system as a Separ ate Act or (Secondar y

Acto r)

5.5 Use Cas e Description Document

Every Use case will have its own use case Description Document or Use case Specifica tion
1. Use case Name 8. Post- conditions
2. Use case Description 9. Assumpt ions
3. Actors
10. Constraints
a. Primary Actors
11. Dependencies
b. Secondary actors
4. Basic Flow 12. Input s and Outputs -
5. ALTERNATE FLOW 13. Business Rules
6. Exceptional flows 14. Miscellaneous Info rmat io
7. Pre- Conditions
n I Flash Card -22

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Educa otni

Onl y Positive Flow / Basic Flow is modeled in a Use cas e Diagram

Login will have username n password and we will have 4 options. the option where both username n
password are correct --- it is basic flow or positive flow ... rest are all alternate flows.

An example of a completed use-case specification for the Withdraw Cash

use-case for an Automated Teller M achine.
If in step 2 of the basic flow Bank Customer
[ 1 Brief Description the use case: Validate User does not complete
This use case describes how the Bank successfully, then
Customer uses the ATM to withdraw money 1. The use case ends with a failure condition
to his/her bank account. 5.2 Wrong account
If in step 8 of the basic flow the account
[ 2 Actors selected by the Bank Customer is not
2.1 Bank Customer associated with this bank card, then
2.2 Bank 1. The ATM shall display the message " Invalid
Account - please try again".
[ 3 Preconditions 2. The use case resumes at step 4.
5.3 Wrong amount
There is an active network connection to the
If in step 7 in the basic flow, the Bank
Customer enters an amount t hat can't be
The ATM has cash available.
'created ' with the kind of in the ATM (See
Special Requirement WC-1for valid amount s),
[ 4 Basic Flow of Events
1. The use case begins when Bank 1. The ATM shall display the message
Customer inserts their Bank Card. indicating that the amount must be a
2. Use Case: Validate User is perf ormed . multiple of the bills on hand and ask the Bank
3. The ATM displays the different alternatives Customer to reenter the amount .
that are available on this unit. [See Supporting 2. The use case resumes at step 7.
Requirement SR-xxx for list of alternatives]. In 5.4 Amount Exceeds Withdrawal Limit
this case the Bank Customer always selects If in step 7 in the basic flow, the Bank
"Withdraw Cash". Customer enters an amount that exceeds the
4. The ATM prompts for an account. See withdrawal limit (See Special Requirement
Support ing Requirement SR-yyy for account WC-2 for maximum amo unt ), then
types that shall be support ed. 1. the ATM shall display a warning message,
5. The Bank Customer selects an account . and ask the Bank Customer to reenter the
6. The ATM prompts for an amount . amount
7. The Bank Customer enters an amount . 2. The use case resumes at step 7
8. Card ID, PIN, amount and account is sent 5.5 Amount Exceeds Daily Withdrawal Limit
to Bank as a transact ion. The Bank Consortium If in step 8 in the basic flow, the Bank
replies with a go/no go reply telling if the respo nse indicates the daily wit hdrawal limit
transaction is ok. has been exceeded(this is determined by
9. Then money is dispensed. the Bank and depends upon the specific
10. The Bank Card is ret urned . account), then
11. The receipt is printed . 1. The ATM shall display a warning message
12 The use case ends successfully. and ask the Bank Customer to reenter the
[ 5 Alternative Flows 2. The use case resumes at step
5.1 Invalid User 7. 5.6 Insuff icient Cash

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I f in step 7 in the basic fl ow, the Bank 5.9 Quit
Customer enters an amount that exceeds the If at point prior to step 8 in the basic flow the
amount of cash available in the ATM, then Bank Customer selects Quit, then
1. The ATM will display a warning message 1. The ATM shall print a receipt indicating the
and ask the Bank Customer to reenter the transaction was cancelled.
amount. 2. The ATM shall return the card.
2. The use case resumes at step 7. 3. The use case ends .
5.7 No Response from Bank
If in step 8 of the basic there is no response J 6 Key Scenarios
from the Bank w it hin 3 seconds, then 6.1 No Response from Bank
1. The ATM will re-try, up to three times.
2. If there is still no response from the Bank,
I 7 Post-conditions
the ATM shall display the message "Net wo rk
7.1 Successful Com pletio n
unavailable - try again later ".
The user has received their cash and the
3. The ATM shall return the card.
internal logs have been updated .
4. The ATM shall indicate that it is "Closed".
7.2 Fail ure Condition
5. The use case ends with a failure condit
The logs have been updated accordingly.
ion. 5.8 Money Not Remo ved
If in step 9 of the basic flow the money is not
removed from the machine within 15 I 8 Special Requirem e nts
seconds, then [SpReq: WC-1 ] The ATM shall dispense cash in
1. the ATM shall issue a warning sound and multiples of $20.
display the message "Please remove cash". [SpReq 2: WC-2] The maximum individual
2. If there is still no response from the Bank withdrawal is $500.
Customer within 15 seconds the ATM will re
tract the money and note the failure in the [SpReq: WC-1] The ATM shall keep a log,
log. including date and time, of all complete and
3. the use case end wit h a failure condition. incomplete transactions with the Bank.

5.6 Deriving Test Cases out of Use

-case s
s s
e e
- -

c C
a a
s s
e e
D Use-case Description
i Document
a In Use-case
g Description
r Document, we have
a Basic Flow,
m Alternate Flow and
Exception Flows.
From these Flows,
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we can Education
Ad hoc t esting: Testing again and
identify the Random t again the same
scenarios. esting. No application.
For each particular UAT:
scenario, process. User
identify at Whi acce
least 3 to 5 te ptanc
sets of valid box etesti
test data. testi ng
This data is ng: Integ
sufficient to ratio
frame a Test Ver
y n:
det testin
aile g the
Notes d. inter
Unit testing: Into actio
by the n of
developer 2 or
Black box more
testing: than
Funct ional 2
and module mod
level. ules
ad at a t
hoc ime.
testi Sy
ng ste
with m
som tes
e tin
pur g:
pos Te
e/ sti
goa ng
l. all
Fron the
t mo
end: dul
for es
web- t
base og
dap et
plica he
t r.

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Test Case Document

Test Case will have the following data

Test Case Id PQ786TS003 Test Case Name Search Query

Project ID PQ786 Project Name Online Flight Reservation
PM ID 4869 PM Name Raman V
Test Strategy ID PQ786TS001 Tester Id
Test Plan ID PQ786TP001 Tester Name
Test Schedule ID PQ786TS001 Date ofTest

about Project and that particular Case

ht Reservation System .... In that Search for Flight... we have to 8 inputs... 6 compulsory and 2 optional.... Then press Search ButtonAnd after that resu

Link to that page:

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Input Data 1 Pune 1 Hyderabad 1Nagpur 1Delhi 1 Pune
2 Chennai 2 Chennai 2Mumbai 2 Chennai 2Delhi
3 10 Dec YY 313 MAR YY 3 17MayYY 320 July YY 325SepYY
41 way 42way 41 way 42 way 41 way
5 2 passengers 51 passengers 5 2 passengers 51 passengers 5 2 passengers
6 Economy 6Business 6 Economy 6 Economy 6 Economy
7 window 7Asle 7 window 7Asle 7 window
8 Veg 8Non-Veg 8 Veg 8 Veg 8Non -
Expected Eg: 10 flights
Behavior should come
for above data
Behavior I


Case Stud y - Hos pita l Manage m e nt Sys tem
Every hospital big or small keeps the records of its patients including the registration details of the
patient and the fee payments. The entry of patients is determined whether s/he has arrived in
emergency, OPD or for a routine check-up. The patient who gets admitted is provided with a room
according to his/her choice. The patient is allotted a doctor according to his illness. The doctor may
refer the patient to another doctor with expertise of the illness. On discharge, the patient is
required to settle the bills sent by the accounts department of the hospital.
The hospital also keeps the record of the doctors visiting the hospital, plus the permanent
employees of the hospital. Each doctor has a few days associated with his/her visit to the hospital
and also the timings whens/he is available in the hospital.
The employees draw their salary from the accounts department. The hospital maintains the record
of the inventory of the hospital including the equipment and the medicines, blood bank, etc. A limi t
for inventory is maintained for every item. When the limit is reached, an order for the purchase of
the concerned item is placed. The database is updated after the supplier supplies the product.
Case Study on Online Flight Reservation System
Passenger can do the following
1. Search a Flight
2. Book a Ticket
3. Cancel Ticket
Flight Info rmat ion is supported by Centralized Flight DB.
Cas e Stud y on Online Flight Reser va tion Sys tem - Ve rs ion 2
Passenger can Search a Flight, book a Ticket, Cancel Ticket through this portal. Flight Info rmat ion is
supported by Centralized Flight DB. For searching a flight, following information is mandatory. From
Location, To Location, Date/Time, lway /2-way, Number of passengers, Class (Economy/Business
Class). And optional info for search a flight is Seat preferences and food preferences. And For
booking a Ticket, following information is compulsory. Flight Details, Passenger Details, Payment and
confirming the Ticket. Payment can be done through Card or Net Banking or Coupons . Card payment
is supported by FCH - Financial Clearing House, Net Banking is supported by that Bank Online
Banking services and Coupons payment is supported by that Coupons Organization . Confirming
Tickets can be done through Printout or SMS or email. Printout is supported by the Printer, SMS by
online SMS gateway and email is supported by Mail Server .
Case1: After searching for a flight and before you book a ticket - Login is compulsory
Case 2: While booking a Ticket you will get bonus points and using bonus points, we can book a
t icket .
Case Study on Cou r se Regi str ati on

As the head of information system for Wylie College, you are tasked with developing a new Student
Registration System. The College would like a new Client Server System to replace its much older
system developed around mainframe technology. The new system will allow students to register for
courses and view report cards from personal computers attached to the campus LAN. Professors will
be able to access the system to sign up to teach courses as well as record grades.

Due to a decrease in federal f unding, the college cannot afford to replace the entire system at once.
The college will keep the existing courses catalog database where all the course information is
maintained . This database is Ingres Relational Database running on DEC VAX. Fortunately, the
college has invested in an Open SQL interface that allows access to this database from college's Unix
servers. The legacy system performance is rather poor so that the new system must ensure that
access to the data on the legacy system occurs in a timely manner. The new system will access
course information from the legacy database but will not update it . The registrar's office will
continue to maintain course information through another system.

At the beginning of each semester, students may request a course catalog containing a list of course
offerings to the semester. Info rmat io n about each course, such as professor, department and
prerequisites, will be included to help students make informed decisions.

The new system will allow students to select courses for the coming semester. Course Offerings will
have a maximum of ten students and a minimum of three students. A course offering with fewer
than three students will be cancelled. For each semester, there is a period of time that st udent s
can change their schedule. Students must be able to access the system during this time to addor
drop courses. Once the Registration Process is completed for a student, the registrat ion system
sends information to the billing system so that the student can be billed for the semester. If a
course fills up during the actual registration process, the student must be notified of the change
before submitting the schedule for pro cessing.

At the end of the semester, the student will be able to access the system to view an electronic
report card. Since student grades are sensitive, the system must employ extra security measures to
prevent unauthorized access.

Professors must be able to access the o n-line system to indicate which course they will be teaching.
They will also need to see which students signed up for the courses for the students in each class.
Experiences using MS Visio or Rational Rose or any Drawing Tool
In Visio, instead of "Include" relat ionship, there is " uses" relationship .
In Ratio nal rose, there is no Syst em Boundary
5.7 Understanding how a Software Application Works
GUI - Graphical User Int erf aces like Screens
5.7.1 An Overview and Pages, Validations on pages, Organization
Take an example of a restaurant and see specific business logic will be on the
how it functions... Application Layer
All reusable components (logic pertaining to
5.7.2 Two Tier Architecture industry ), Frequently changing Components,
Frond End and Back end Governing Body rules and regulations,
Back end - Databases Compliances should go to middle layer Ex:
DB Vs DBMS Printer, Payment Gateways, mail Servers, RBI
Types of DBMS rules for banks, IRDA rules for Insurance, etc.,
• Relational Data Base Compo nents connecti ng to
• Networking databases will be at the Data Layer .
• Hierarchical
What is Database Design
DB Schema Scre e ns , Pages , Validations on Page,
ER Diagram Company Specific logic, Functionality
----Application Layer --------------
5.7.3 Three Tier Architecture All Re- usable components, Frequently changing components,
Governing Body Rules & Regulations, Compliances ...
Example : Printer, Payment gateways, Mail Servers
RBI rules for Banks, IRDA rules for Insurance

1. Application Layer - - - - BusinessLogic Layer- - - - -

2. Business Logic Layer
3. Data layer
Database components connecting to Databases

- - - - - Data Layer - - - - - -
- - - - - --A pp lication Layer- - - - - -

- - - - - -Hus in ess Logic Layer- - - - -

- - - - - - - oata Layer- - - - - - -
5 .7 .4 MVC Architecture
To identify Classes from use case Diagram, we apply MVC rules on each use case to derive Classes.

1) M odel: The model class knows about all the 3) Controller: Whenever the user sends a
data that need to be displayed. It is model
request for something then it always go
who is aware about all the operations that through the controller. The controller is
can be applied to transform that class. It only
responsible for intercepting the requests from
represents the data of an application. The view and passes it to the model for the
model represents enterprise data and the
appropriate action. After the action has been
business rules that govern access to and taken on the data, the controller is
updates of this data. This represents Database
responsible for directing the appropriate view
(Tables in DB). All Model Classes are to the user. In GUls, the views and the
represented as Entity Classes.
controllers often work very closely t oget her.

_..;;;,,_..:;.._ Entity Class, Data base classes,

Controller Class or Transient
Persistent class (Back end designers)
Class (Given to Fro nt end designers)

Controller class is working based on t he user's

2)View: The view represents the presentation
command. Understands the command /
of the applicat ion. The view class refers to the
request given by user through boundary
model. It uses the query methods of the
/Form Class
model to obtain the contents and renders it.
The view is not dependent on the application
MVC Architecture Rules
logic. It remains same if there is any
1. Combination of One Actor and a use
modification in the business logic. View
case results in one Boundary class
Class is the data required by the query. View 2. Combination of Two Actors and a use
Class is represented as Boundary Class or case results in two Boundary classes
Form Class.
3. Combination of Three Actors and a

use case results in Three Boundary
classes and so on....
Note: only one primary actor is to be
Boun da ry Class considered with a use case.
Boundary Class (or) FORM 4. Use case will result in a controller
Class class
5. Each Actor will result in one ent ity
Actor speaks to system and vice-versa class
through boundary

Aut henticat ing information between

Flash Card - 24
boundary and Entity class
Educa otni
Let us take an example where an Employee is
logging into his system Applying MVC Rules we get the Classes as

Use Case is

oyee Em pLogin

login Boundary Class

Login Controller


Employee Entity


I Flash Card - 25

Guidelines to place identified M VC Classesin a 3 Tier Architecture

ll Entity Classes in DB Layer
rimary Actor associated Boundary Class in Application Layer
Controller Class in Application Layer
erning Body infl uence or Reusability is there with any of remaining Boundary Classes, place them in Business Logic Layer else place them in Application

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Let us place Educa otni
Discovered Not e:
Classes into Tran
t his3 sie
login CC

Persistence Classes -
Entity Classes

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5 .8 Sequence Diagram

The sequence diagram is used primarily to show the interactions between classes in the sequential
order in which t hose interactions occur. A sequence diagram can map a scenario described by a use
case in step by step detail to define how classes collaborate to achieve your application's goals.

UML sequence diagrams are used to represent or model the flow of messages, events and actions
between the classes or components of a system. Time is represented in the vertical direction
showing the sequence of interactions of the header elements, which are displayed horizontally at
the top of the diagram.

Sequence Diagrams are used primarily to design, document and validate the architecture, interfaces
and logic of the system by describing the sequence of actions that need to be performed to
complete a task or scenario. UM L sequence diagrams are useful design tools because they provide a
dynamic view of the system behavior which can be difficult to extract from static diagrams or
specificatio ns.

One of the primary uses of sequence diagrams is in the transition from requirements expressed as
use cases to the next and more formal level of refi nement. Use cases are often refined into one or
more sequence diagrams . In addition to their use in designing new systems, sequence diagrams can
be used to document how classes in an existing (" legacy") system currently interact. This
documentation is very useful when transitioning a system to another person or organization.

The Seque nce Diagram which will be discussed will be fo rmed by the Classes that are discovered
(Boundary Classes, Controller Classes and Entity Classes) from MVC Architecture and then mapped
on to the 3 Tier Architecture.

Lifeline: Lifeline indicates the life of aclass (here the Class)

Camel Casing: entire first word will be in lowercase and subsequent words first letter should be in
Upper Case. There will be no gap in between words. Example: getEmpld(); t urn l eft AndSlowDown();

Return message: This will alwa ys flow towards the Cont ro ller; this is just a message and NOT a

Note: Method always flows in t imeline. Never Method will flow backward in timeline.

Focus of Control: It shows the life of method.

Follow ing is the sequence diagram for an Employee login.

Init ially the Employee opens the Screen where he needs to login
Then on the Screen, he/ She will enter user name and password.
Here one Boundary Class Emplogin BC will take care of this action and pass on the information to
Controller Class Login CC. Login CC will perform the following
► I nit i ate methods getEm pld (), getPwsd() and will receive responses get Pswd (return
► Value). I t performs self Validation.
► I t send LoginSuccess() to the Emp l ogin BC

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0 0
Educa otni

I EmpLogln BC I Loql CC I Em EC I I E moLoo;o sc l
logm() I
I verifylogl.,Oata( )
status (return value )

LoginSucoess ( )

- - -> Validation ( )

Sequence Diagram - Case Study -

I Sequence Diagram can also be drawn in many variations

► by using Objects (and Actors) instead of Classes

► Single dimension Time space - where there is no need to model same classes/objects multiple times

5.9 Domain Modelling

Domain Modelling is
also known as
Conceptual M odelling.
A Conceptual Model
depicts the concepts
(idea, thing or object)
that are easily
identifiable in the
problem description.

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Educa otni
5.10 Activity Diagram

Activity diagrams are one of the five diagrams in the UM L for modeling the dynamic aspects of
system. An activity diagram is essentially a flowchart, showing flow of control from activity to
act ivity. Speaks of all the activities which are happening in the system through syst em perspec ti ve
but NOT actor perspective.

An Activity diagram is drawn to model how the system should function in order to achieve Business Logic, Business Functionality and Business Objectives.

Activity diagrams are typically used for business process modeling, for modeling the logic captured
by a single use case or usage scenario, or for modeling the detailed logic of a business rule . In many
ways UM L activity diagrams are the object-oriented equivalent of flow charts, Process Flow
diagrams, Flow document, Activity chart, Control flow graph and data flow diagrams (DFDs) from
struct ured development.

Activity diagram is UML behavior diagram which shows flow of control or object flow with
emphasis on the sequence and condit ions of the flow . The actions coordinated by activity models
can be initiated because other actions finish executing, because objects and data become
available, or because some events external to the flow occur.

I Flash Card - 26

Activity diagram is basically a flow chart to represent the flow form one activity to another activity .
The activity can be described as an operation of the system. So the control flow is drawn from one
operation to anot her. Activity diagrams are not only used for visualizing dynamic nature of a system
but they are also used to construct the executable system by using forward and reverse engineering
techniques. The only missing thing in activity diagram is the message part .

Differences between Flow Chart and Activity Diagram

(i) Flow chart models the entire business process whereas Activity Diagrams models where the
system is involved.
Flow Chart Activity Diagram
1. Photographer visits the property 1. Accept Property Pies from the
2. Photographer clicks pies of the property Photographer
3. Photographer uploads pies in the portal

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Educa otni
5 .1 0.1 Activity Diagram - Drawing Ele me nt s
Activity diagrams may include the following elements:

SI Symbol Name Description & Example
1. Initial Node Indicates where the workflow begins.
Start Nod e
2. ----. Control flow An arrow showing the direction of the workflow.


Final node
End Node
Stop Node
" I I

Activity Indicates a step in the process. It is a unit of work

E) Decision
done by the system or a consistent state achieved.
A diamond symbol, indicating a choice. Workflow will
Box proceed along one of a number of possible paths,
according to the guard conditions


7. [ Guard condition] Guard A condition attached to a control flow. When the

Condition guard condition is true, workflow may flow along the
Figure 1 control flow. Guard conditions are usually attached to
control flows that come out of a decision symbol.
(However, they can also be used without the decision
symbol.) A guard is shown within square brackets.

8. Figure 2 Event A trigger attached to a control flow. An event must

occur for the flow to move along the control flow.
Declaring something as an event has a stronger
implication than a calling it a guard. An event actually
triggers the control flow by forcing the previous
activity to end, whereas a guard only governs whether
I a flow that was triggered for another reason (such as
the completion of the previous activity) is allowed to
flow along the control flow. An event is indicated
' wit hout the use of square bracket s.

9. Connector A connector has multiple inputs and multiple outputs.
Practically we use connectors for 1- many and many-

10. If Activity is big and is spanning pages. We give

Node continuity from one page through another page by
Page 1
using Continuation Nodes
Figure 3

11. 0 Page 2
Branch And

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Educa otni

Use this symbol

if you wish to
follow best

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M e r ge when a number of flows lead to the same activity and
your intention is that any of the flows would lead to
the activity. Rather than terminating them at the
same activity, terminate them at a merge, and draw
a flow from the merge to the activit y. This practice is
required for strict adherence to UML 2. For Business
Analysis purposes, this does hinder readability,
however, and you might want to consider relaxing the
standard by dispensing with the merge.

12. Figure 4 Fork and Bars used to document parallel activit ies. In the UM L,
join parallel activities are those that may begin in any
sequence-either at the same time or one before the
other. A fork indicates the point after which a number
\ of activities may begin in any order . A join indicates
that workflow may commence only once t he parallel
activities that flow into it have all been completed.
Example: In an ATM Machine, if cash is wit hdrawn by
the Customer, then , the amount will be issued to the
Customer and that amount should be deducted from
Customer's account and also to the ATM Cash

13. Figure 5 Nest ed loop This is an activity wherein this activity may contain a
Activity series of activities internally.
Guard condition: Fig u re 1

[ when Condition is True only J ),

Event: Fig ure 2

<- - -
Suspend Accou nt received

Reinstate Account

Branch n Merge - Figure 3


Activity 5

Fork and join: Fig ure 4

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1 . W hdraw Cash instruction

2. Issue Cash to Customer 3. Deduce that Amount from ATM Cash Balance

4. Deduce that Amount to Customer Account

5. Withdraw Cash Transaction Completed

Nested loop Activity - Figure 5


Activity 3

Branch ..._.

Activity 5

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How to draw Activity Diagram?

Activity diagrams are mainly used as a flow chart which consists of activities performed by the
system. But activity diagram is not exactly a flow chart as they have some additional capabilities.
These additional capabilities include branching, parallel flow, swimlane etc.

Before drawing an activity diagram, we must have a clear understanding about the elements used in
activity diagram. The main element of an activity diagram is the activity itself. An act ivity is a
function performed by the system. After identifying the activities, we need to understand how they
are associated w ith constraints and condit ions.

So before drawing an activity diagram we should identify the following

elements: Activit ies, Conditions, Events

Once the above mentioned parameters are identified we need to make a mental layout of the
entire flow. This mental layout is then transformed into an activity diagram.

Whereas interaction diagrams emphasize the flow of control from object to object, activity diagrams
emphasize the flow of control from activity to activit y. An activity is an ongoing non-atomic
execution wit hin a state machine. Activities ultimately result in some action, which is made up of
executable atomic computations those result s in a change in state of the syst em or the return of a

Activity diagrams are not only important for modeling the dynamic aspects of a system, but also for
constructing executable systems through forward and reverse engineering .

Kindl y not e t hat

1. Activity Diagramsare drawn to simplify Comple xity

2. Activity Diagrams can be drawn at any level

* Project wise, module wise, department wise, functionality wise, use case wise

3. Activity Diagrams can be drawn based on frequency

* Setup, 1 Time, Annual, Half-yearl y, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily, Predefined Frequen cy and
Adhoc basis - specific to an initiative

1 time - When you join a company - only 1 employee record will be

put when you open an account with bank
Annual - Company Turno ver, Pro fi ts Calculations, IT Returns
filing Half yearly - promotion of student from oner semester to
another Quarterly - variable pay Calculat ions - Targets achieving
Monthly - Salary Calculations, Payro ll
Weekly - Timesheets submission, Cont ribu t ion Verify, Status Calls
Daily - Atten dance capture, Bank Transactions like withdraw, deposits, transfers
Predefined Frequency - Friendship day
Adhoc basis - specific to an initiative - We have offers running for a specific period

4. We can draw multiple Activity diagrams for a single Case study whereas it wi ll be only one Use
case diagram .

5. If we are drawing multiple Activit y Diagrams for a single case study

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Every Diagram should have a heading based points 2and 3

We can draw multiple Activity diagrams for a single

Case-study whereas it will be only one-Use case diagram

I Flash Card - 27

5.1 1 0. 2 Swimlanes
Swimlanes divide activity diagrams into sections. Each swimlane is separated from adjacent
swimlanes by vertical, solid lines on both sides.

These are the features of swimlanes:

► There is no significance to t he rout
► Each action is assigned to one ing of an activity flow pat h.

swimlane .
Activity flows can cross lanes.
► Parts representing internal behavior

► Swimlanes do not change ownership ►

can be specified on swim lanes.
Order Swimlanes in a Logical Manner.

Swimlane association (representing
► Apply Swim Lanes To Linear
Processes. A good rule of thumb is
field population) to a class (only) can that swimlanes are best applied to
be created by dragging the class linear pro cesses.
from the browser to the Swimlane
name compartment.
► Have Less Than eight Swimlanes .

► The relative ordering of swimlanes

has no semantic significance.

Let's take an example of ATM.

Activity: Customer interacts with ATM for withdrawing Cash from his Account.
ATM will internally use the following hardware Components along with Bank DB.
► A Card Reader - a magnetic stripe reader for reading an ATM card,
► A Customer Console (keyboard and display) for interaction with the customer,
► A Dispenser for cash,
► A Printer for printing customer receipts
We can model this activity using 6 swim lanes
Prin ter
Customer Card Reader Console Cash Despenser Bank DB

( ns.erts card1mo c.arc1Reader-"\ Accepts Card

Send Card info o Bank for verification


( Enters PIN\
( EjectsCard\ .,,,,
V rifi catio
Failed - Invalid Card I>
Va li d Card
rompt tCJ enter PIN)

_\JL_ Send PIN to Bank for Vi

( A<ce pt s PIN) j[
( Ver1ty P1N )


.I er ifi cation Failed - inval PIN

/ P r ompt t o ente r B n king Optkins
\i li d PIN

/"Accepts Wit hdrawOpuoo)

Ejects Card '\ _::: ,1
( Promp t t o ente r Amou0n
Sen d Amount det ails t Bank for verification
Enter Amoun
( ve rifyAmount)
:;- Accept Amoun0

romp t t o R e -e nte r amount .,,,,

Amount not comp,

ible with Bank Norms

Ve ri fi c ation Successf I
' ssue requeste d J\moun
rlntTr.1nsactlon Details)



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Samp le International Certi fica tion Questi ons:
1} Constraints and conditions are part of which UML diagram --Activity Diagram
2) Reusable components will be placed on the MVC Architecture of -- Business Logic Layer
3) Organization-specific business logic will be placed on the MVC Architecture of --Application
4) Which of the following defines the roles and responsibilities along with the
reporting structures in the organization? Organizational modeling
5) In Use case components "Comm unicat ion" is used for? Association
6) Cross Functional is called as ?Swimlanes
7) Using 00 approach, Use Case Diagrams are used to depict who -- and what -- interacts wit h
our application. TRUE
8) By structuring the use cases and their relationships properly, you can create functional
specifications that never need to be changed in more than one place - TRU E
9) Fork and Join are used to represent -- Concurrent Sub Activities
10) Parallel flow in an activity diagram is represented by ---Fo rk and Join
11) The UML supports event-based modeling using dagrams. State chart
12) Which represents the scope of the project at a similar level of abstraction as the Context
Diagram? Use Case Diagram
13) This model describes the business process of an enterprise in terms of actors. Which
Business Architecture modeling technique is being described? Use Case Models
14) Actor generalization is - Type of relationship (generalization) that exists between actors
15) Package will be used by - Product Development IT companies
16) Use case diagram will bedrawn from - End -User point of view

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6 Req uir eme nts Eng in e e ring

6.1 Bus in e ss Req uire me nts Initiation (Gathe rin g Stag e )

Stakeholder Analysis
Apply Requirement Elicitation Techniques
Sort the requirements -
Prioritize Requirements
Validating Requirements

6.1.1 Stakeholder Analys is

► I dent ify Stakeholders
► Stakeholders Listing Document
► Stakeholders Summary
► RASCI Matrix - Responsible, Accountable, Supporting, Consulted, Informed

6.1.2 Re quir e me nt Elicitation Techniques

Requirements Elicitation is the process of digging out the information from the stakeholders
Requirements Elicitation serves the foundation in documenting the requirements

Brain storming - !Flash Card 281

I Flash Card - 28 of
Brainstorming can be done either individually
or in groups. The ideas collected can then be
reviewed / analyzed and where relevant
included within the system requirements.
Ideas can come from what users /
stakeholders have seen (eg at software
exhibitions) or experienced elsewhere (eg
before they joined the present organization).

Advantages: Can come up with very

innovative ideas and requirement s. It can be
an efficient way for users / stakeholders to
define their requirements.

Disadvant age s: People can't easily

brainstorm ideas when required to do so.
Some people find brainstorming much
harder than others.

Brainstorming can be an effective way to

generate lots of ideas on a specific issue and
then determine which idea - or ideas - is the
best solution. Brainstorming is most effective
with groups of 8-12 people and should be
performed in a relaxed environment.

It is utilized in requirements elicitation to

gather good number of ideas from a group
to generate ideas, the larger the group, the
more time required.
people. Usually brainstorming is used
• Decide who will be included in the session
in identifying all possible solutions to
and their role - participant or facilitator. Aim
problems and simplifies the detail of
for participants (ideally 6 to 8) who represent
opportunities. It casts a broad net,
a range of background and experience with
determining various discreet possibilit
ies. Prioritization of such possibilities is
• Establish criteria for evaluating and rating
vital to locate needles in haystack.
the ideas.
2 Conduct Brainstorming session
1 Prepare for Brainsto rming
• Share new ideas without any discussion,
• Develop a clear and concise definition
criticism or evaluation.
of the area of int erest.
• Visibly record all ideas.
• Determine a time limit for the group

• Encourage participants to be creative, share • Create a condensed list of ideas, combine

exaggerated ideas, and build on the ideas of ideas where appropriate, and eliminate
ot hers. duplicates.
• Don't limit the number of ideas as the goal • Rate the ideas. There are many techniques
is to elicit as many ideas as possible within the that can be used to prioritize the ideas, e.g.
time period. multi voting.
3 Wrap-up the brainstorming • Distribute the final list of ideas to
• Once the time limit is reached, using the appropriate parties.
pre-determined evaluation criteria, discuss
and evaluate the ideas.
Prepare 3 Brainsto r ming sessions from your previous project. Put forth challenges you have faced
in Brainstorming Sessions

Doc um ent Analysis W1a sh Card 291

You may have documentation about your process documents and also when driving the
current system which could provide some of gap analysis for scoping of the migration
the input for the new system requirements . projects.
Such documentation (if it exists) could include 1. Prepare for Document Analysis:
interface details, user manuals, and software • Evaluate which existing system and business
vendor manuals. documentation are relevant and appro priat e
Advantages: Could be a lot of information and to be studied.
easy to transfer to a new system 2. Analyze the document s:
requirements document. • Study the material and identify relevant
Disadvantages: Existing documentation may business details .
often be old and out of dat e. Systems, • Document business details as well as
interfaces, processes and reports may have questions for follow-up with subject matter
changed out of all recognition. Care needs to experts.
taken, as it may not reflect what you need 3. Post Document Analysis wrap-up:
from a new system. • Review and confirm the selected details
Document Analysis is an important gathering with subject matter expert s.
technique. Evaluating the documentation of • Obtain answers to follow-up questions.
a present system can assist when making AS-
Document Analysis is one of the compulsory elicitation techniques for any Project

Reverse Engineerin . Flash Card 29 1

I n situations where the software for an There are two general categories of reverse
existing system has little or outdated engineering:
documentatio n and it is necessary to
• Black Box Reverse Engineering: The
understand what the system actually does, system/product is studied without examining
reverse engineering is an elicitation technique
Its internal structure .
that can ext ract implemented requirements
• White Box Reverse Engineering : The inner
from the software code.
workings of the system/product are studied.
Reverse Enginee ring is generally done for Migration Projects
Fo cus grou ps lf'las h Card 291

A focus group is a means to elicit ideas and when using homogeneous vs. heterogeneous
attitudes about a specific product, service or composition.
opportunity in an interactive group
• Homogeneous - individuals wit h
environment. The participants share their
similar characteristics. Caution: Differing
impressions, preferences and needs,
perspectives will not be shared. Possible
guided by a moderato r.
solution: conduct separate sessions for
A focus group typically has 6-12 attendees. It different homogeneous groups.
may be necessary to invite twice as many
individuals in order to allow for no-shows. If
• Heterogeneous - individuals wit h
many people need to participate, it may be
diverse backgrounds, perspect ives. Caution:
necessary to run more than one focus group.
Individuals may self-censor if not comfortable
The topic of the focus group will influence
with others' background resulting in lower
who should be recruited. If the topic is a new
quality of data collected.
product, it is likely that existing users (experts
and novices) should be included. There are
pros and cons that should be considered

Observ at ion IF'Ias h Card 3ij

Observing, shadowing users or even doing

he/she was invisible . The business analyst
part of their job, can provide information of waits until the entire process has been
existing processes, inputs and out puts.
completed before asking any questions. The
Advantages: UsefuI if the user is not able to
business analyst should observe the business
clearly explain what they do or their process multiple times to ensure he/she
requirements for the new system. Can see understands how the process works today
ideas for improving processes or removing and why it works the way it does.
unnecessary activities from the new system. • Active / visible. In this approach, while the
Disadvantages: Relatively slow, focused on
business analyst observes the current process
existing processes rather than the new system and takes notes he/she may dialog with the
processes. worker. When the business analyst has
There are two basic approaches for the questions as to why something is being done
observation t echnique:
as it is, he/she asks the questions right away,
• Passive / invisible. In this approach, the
even if it breaks the routine of the person
business analyst observes the subject matter
being observed. In this approach, the business
expert working through the business routine
analyst might even participate in the work to
but does not ask quest ions. The business
gain an immediate appreciation for how the
analyst writes notes about what he/she sees,
current process works.
but otherwise stays out of the way, as if

Workshop!Flash Card 30[

Workshops can comprise 6-10 or more users/ Advant ages: Faster than group interviews for
stakeholders, working together to identify obtaining requirements, particularly for
requirements. Workshops tend to be of a common or system wide requirements.
defined duration, rather than outcome and
may need to be briefly repeated in order to
Disadvantages: More preparation is needed.
clarify or obtain further details.
Running or facilitating workshops requires
more skill, with possibly an extra IT person
recording details / requirements. It can be 2 Co Conduct/Run the Requirement s
diff icult to get conversation / requirements W orkshop
flo wing, particularly at the start of the • Elicit, analyze and document requirements.
workshop. • Obtain consensus on conflicting views.
• M aint ain focus by frequently validating the
A Requirements Workshop is a structured way session' s activities with the workshop's stated
to capture requirement s. A workshop may be objectives.
used to scope, discover, define , prioritize and The Facilitator has the responsibility to:
reach closure on requirements for the target • Establish a pro fessional and objective tone
system. Well-run workshops are considered for the meeting.
one of the most effective ways to deliver high • Enforce discipline, structure and ground
quality requirements quickly. They promote rules for the meeting.
trust, mutual understanding, and strong • Int roduce the goals and agenda for the
communications among the project meet ing.
stakeholders and project team and produce • Manage the meeting and keep the team on
deliverables that structure and guide future t rack.
analysis. • Facilitate a process of decision making and
Process build consensus, but avoid participating in the
1 Prepare for the Requirement s W ork shop content of the discussion.
• Clarify the stake holder's needs, and the • Ensure that all stakeholders participate and
purpose of the workshop . have their input heard.
• Ident ify critical stakeholders who should • Ask the right questions, analyze the
participate in the workshop. information being provided at the session by
• Define the workshop's agenda. the stakeholders, and follow-up with probing
• Determine what means will be used to questions, if necessary. The Scribe's role is to
document the output of the workshop. document the business requirements in the
• Schedule the sessions format determined prior to the workshop.
• Arrange room logistics and equipment .
• Send materials in advance to prepare the 3 Post Requirements Workshop wrap-up
attendees and increase productivity at the done by Facilitator
meeting. • Follow up on any open action items that
• Conduct pre-workshop int erviews with were recorded at the workshop.
attendees. • Complete the documentation and distribut e
it to the workshop attendees and the sponsor.

]AD lj oint Ap plication Dev elo pment) -Requirements Workshop!Flash Card 3 01

T he Joint Application Development (JAD) produces relatively large amounts of high

technique is an extended, facilitated quality information in a short period of time.
workshop. It involves collaboration between Discrepancies are resolved immediately with
stakeholders and systems analysts to identify the aid of the facilitator. This technique
needs or requirements in a concentrated and provides a forum to explore multiple points of
focused effo rt . view regarding a topic .

Advantages: This technique allows for the Disadvantage s: Requires significant planning
simultaneous gathering and consolidating of and scheduling effort. Requires significant
large amounts of informat ion. This technique stakeholder commitment of time and effort.
Requires trained and experienced personnel for
facilitation and recording.
Draft the Documents: Prepare the formal
JAD ProcessSteps documents. The information captured in the
Define Session: Define the purpose, scope,
JAD session is further refined through analysis
and objectives of the JAD session, selecting efforts, open questions or issues discovered
the JAD team, invite and obtain commitment through the sessions are resolved, and the
to attend sessions from the appropriate final document is returned to stakeholders for
stakeholders, and schedule the session. It is review and validation.
important to obtain management
commitment to support the process and Roles the JAD team is the very heart of the
identify the appropriate stakeholders. JAD process and the selection and inclusion of
Re search Product: Become more familiar with stakeholders are critical to the overall success
the product or service, gather preliminary of a JAD session. The team should consist of a
information, obtaining any models. mixture of skills from a variety of individuals.
Pr epare: Prepare any visual aids, developing The participants may include Business Process
a realistic agenda, training the recorder, and Owners, Operations M anagers, Client
preparing the meeting room. Representatives, Business Analysts, Business
Conduct Session: Follow agenda to gather Managers, End Users, Data Administrators,
and document the project needs and Systems Analysts, System Designers, Business
requirement s. It is important to ensure all Analysts, Advisors Project leaders, Audit ors,
participants are given equal treatment during Security, Standards, Vendors, Quality
the process. Assurance, Contingency Planners, Production
Planners, IT Specialists, Human Resource
Representatives, and Trainers.
Int e rvi e w la sh Card 311
I nterv iew s of users and stakeholders are
important in creating wonderful softw are.
Without knowing the expectations and goal of individuals and small groups require less
the stakeholders and users, you are highly planning and scheduling effort than large
unlikely to satiate them. You also have to workshops. Int erviews of individuals and small
understand the perspective of every groups require less stakeholder commitment
interviewee, in order to properly address and than large worksho ps. Int erviews provide an
weigh their inputs. Like a good reporter, opportunity to explore or clarify topics in
listening is a quality that assists an excellent more detail.
analyst to gain better value through an
Disadvantages: The questions used in the
interview as compared to an average analyst.
interview may reflect the interviewer' s
An interview is a systematic approach to elicit preconceived ideas, which can influence the
responses. For projects with a large number
information from a person or group of people
in an informal or formal setting by talking to of stakeholders the interviews technique can
be time-consuming and inefficient. Conflicts
the person - the interviewee, asking relevant
questions and documenting the responses. and inconsistencies between stakeholder
information need to be resolved in additional
{This section considers the business analyst in
interviews. This technique does not allow
the role of interviewer.)
different stakeholders to hear and elaborate
upon the information being relayed.

Advantages: Generally easy, because it can be

done with minimal preparatio n. Interv iews of
Pro tot y ping !Flash Card 3aj

Screen mockups can support the requirements gathering process when introduced at the right time,
but if introduced too early they can become problematic. Here are a few key points that an analyst
should remember.
1) Mockups are nice because they help the business representatives or clients visualize the
functionality of the system. This can be a big advantage to help analysts and stakeholders identify
problems early on. However, if introduced too soon in the process the natural tendency is for the
business reps/clients to try and be screen designers. Instead of stating that the system shall support
" x", they are beginning saying that they need a dropdown to capture "y" and a button to do "z".
The client is not a UI designer; in fact few business analysts truly are, so this can lead to a screen
design which does not have an appropriate emphasis on usability . Similarly, specifying the controls
needed on a screen detracts from the true requirements of the system and often results in an
inadequate level of discussion around why a system must support certain functionalit y.
2) When requirements are captured in screen mockups with no supporting requirements list, it
becomes impossible to know whether an early screen design decision was made because it supports
a necessary requirement or if it was made for some other reason. How can the analyst and
developers know whether they can eliminate or alter the screen feature without losing an
important requirement. Questions like, "Do we really need to have the control on this screen, or
can we capture the data at a later point in the process?" becomes unanswerable without going back to
the original stakeholders . And, on complex projects no one stakeholder may be able to answer t he
question .
3) Screen mock ups alone cannot capture the flow through the system. Often analysts will
accompany screen mockups with a written description of what happens when certain buttons are
clicked or when certain values are entered within a field or dropdown. These descriptions are
helpful, but they fall short of describing the end to end processes that the system must support.
Further document such as process flows or use cases are required, but often overlooked wh en too
much emphasis is place on screen mockups during the requirements gathering process . While
analysts and stakeholders who are involved in t he screen mockup process may have a basic
understanding of the processes suppo rt ed, developers and testers will not.

Que stionnaire (Survey ) Wia sh Card 3 aj

Q uestion naires can be useful for obtaining limited system requirements details from users /
stakeholders, who have a minor input or are geographically remote . The design of the questionnaire
{whether off line or web based) and types of questions are important and can influence the answers,
so care is needed .
Advantages: Can send to many hundreds of Disadvant age s: Questionnaires can be slow to
users at a low cost. Good for getting input create. You may not get a good response, as
from users who are a long distance away. filling in questionnaires is often a low prio rit y
Receive w rit ten replies which can be easier to for many people. Recipients may feel 'left out'
work with and analyze, and save time typing. when t hey really wanted more input
c! 6 .1 .3 Sort Re quire me nt s ( Define Re quir eme nt s )
Requirements Definition
It is the process in which scattered requirements are put together and redundancy is removed
The inter related requirements are linked

Key Ta sks are

Define Stakeholder needs
Ident ify Business needs and d ivide them into functional and non-f unctional requirements
Create group of similar requirements
Create supporting artifacts

6.1.4 Prioritize Require me nt s

Technique for queuing the requirements for
Business Owners
the development process
Factors that influence
100 Dollars Test
Importance, risk, cost, benefit, time and
Top 10 requirements
Numerical Assignment -Mandatory, very
3 main actors
important, rather important, not important,
does not matter

is a prioritization technique used in business analysis and software development to reach a common
understanding with stakeholders on the importance they place on the delivery of each requirement -
also known as MoSCoW prioritization or MoSCoW analysis

The Moscow method can help. Moscow stands for must, should, could and would:
M - Must have this requirement to meet the business needs.
S - Should have this requirement if possible, but project success does not rely on it.
C - Could have this requirement if it does not affect anything else in the project .
W - Would like to have this requirement later, but it won't be delivered this

time. I Flash Card - 32

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Ec! 6.1.5
Va lid ating Re quir eme nt s
FURPS is an acronym representing a model for classifying software quality
attributes (functional & non-functional requirements):
Functionality - Feature set, Capabilities, Generality, Security
Usability - Human factors, Aesthetics, Consistency, Documentation
Reliabili ty - Frequency/severity of failure, Recoverability, Predictability,
Accuracy, Mean time to failure
Performance - Speed, Efficiency, Resource consumption, Throughput, Response time
Supportability - Testability, Ext ensibility , Adaptability, Maintainability,
Compatibility, Configurability, Serviceability, lnstallability, Localizabi lit y,

The model, developed at Hewlett-Packard, was first publicly elaborated by

Grady and Caswell. FURPS+ is now widely used in the software industry.
The + was later added to the model after various campaigns at HP to extend
the acronym to emphasize various att ribut es.

There are several qualities regarding a good requirement, but the most
outstanding ones include the: Clarity - t he requirement should be clear
enough to be understood by its users.
Under st andable - the requirements should be put in a manner easy to
understand by users of all levels. Consist ent - the requirement should be
such that it doesn't contradict itself, it is important noting that during system
development, all users need to be consulted, including the managers as well
as the junior staff, one would find that the managers would like a wider
control of the system so as to monitor the junior staff to the date whereas the
junior staff are objecting these view, hence a contradiction. When this issue is
not considered carefully, usually through consultation or negotiation either
the managers or junior staff may resent the system thus by this, once the
users resent the system, obviously it will not be exploited to the maximum
thus lowering the benefits the organization derives from it thus consistency
must always be considered in the system development requirements.
Verifiable - The requirements of a given system should always be verifiable
as in they should be put in a manner that can be checked across in future
so as one can clearly identify whet her the particular requirement has been
met or not, it is usually advised that the requirements are put in a manner that
during verification, the answer is either true or false and nothing vague as it
is during this stage that legal action can be taken by the either the
contractor or client if at all the answer is no and always with the law,
matters of doubt are generally not recommended.

CAE utable
let Authorized Prioritized Verifiable
e Unique
Ac Flash Card - 33
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Specific Education
Ec! Measurabl
A well-formed
comply with
SMART bound

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6.2 Bus in e ss Requirements Management

6.2.1 Requir ement s Communic ati ons

Communications is one of the pillars in the process of project completion and helps in explaining the
tasks and responsibilities to different stakeholders
BA s use different techniques to communicate the requirements like presentations, seminars,
workshops, data models, graphs, images

Main Points
Easy to understand
3R Concept - right people right thing andright time

6.2.2 Requir ementsManagement

Requirements Management is all about processing the elicited requirements to implement the
most suited solution
It helps in linking the business goals and objectives to the actual solution that is constructed
and delivered.

Key Points
Elicitation of Authentic sources
Defining the priorities
Version Control and Traceability

6.2.3 Requir ement s Organi zation

Is the process to define, prioritize and Possible risks are defined
implement the same Should not show redundant information
Requirements are organized as per the Represented in an hierarchy
vision of the enterprise Fulfill the needs of wide range of
3 sections audience for different backgrounds
Requirements Definition
Requirements Modeling
Requirements Verification Requirement s Verification
Is the process of verifying the
Requi re ments Modeling characteristics of the requirement?
Is the process of representing It approves that the requirements
requirements via graphs, models, can be implemented without any
prototypes and diagrams threat to Quality Standards
Main Stakeholders are Business
Criteria for Requirements Modeling Analysts, technical experts, domain
Must represent complete structure experts, and customer representative

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6.3 Bus in e ss Solutions Evaluation and Imp le me nta tio n

6.3.1 Business Solutions

BA and SME, Solutions Architect will decide best solutions for requirements. Business Owners are
communicated of the solution and agreed by conducting a brain storming session

6.3.2 Solution Assessment

Solutions are assessed with respect to market Space and Financial Status of organization
Solution Assessment considers the tasks and activities performed by a BA to deliver Value to the
The selected solutions should ensure that Is the activity which defines the list of items to
they meet the agreements of the be a part of the release to provide greater
stakeholders, enhance the business values value to the business. Techniques are Design
and do not contradict the organizational of Use cases, functional decomposition of
Structures requirements and effective process modeling

Activities by a BA
Affecting Factors
Assessproposed Solutions
When and how t he requirements to be
Requirements Allocation
implemented? Business Owners - scheduling
Organizat io nal readiness Assessment
of releases
Whom to consult before allocating the
Assess proposed Solutions
requirements? SM E. Domain Experts
proposed Solutions are assessed to determine What is t he availability of lmp.lementation
their credibility against the requirements . This and operations Team? Release, Deployment
Solution assessment limits the scope of Teams
Assumptions and Constraints.
The pros and cons of each proposed Solut ion Tips to BA
are discussed to cater the business needs. Breakdown the requirements and
functionalities into groups
Affecting Factors
Work closely with Design and development
Check the feasibility of the solut ion and Teams
anticipate the system behavior after solution Consider the Architectural design,
implementation implementation approach, business values,
Consult with the experts and study the past risk and Complexity
Compare the system design with the Organizational readiness Assessment
proposed Solutions
The proposed solutions are analyzed to check
Check the feasibility of the implementation of
whether the new solut ion is effective, and the
the automated processes after the Business
organization is ready for the changes.
Organization readiness is very important.

Tips to BA
Tips to BA
Underst and the vision of the Organizatio n
Underst and the vision of the organization
Underst and the process, rules, Organizational
Understand the impact of the solution on the
changes and functionalities
current roles of the involved stakeholders
Understand the supplier's offerings and
Underst and the current enterprise
Provide support to the development team to
Explain the stakeholders the need of the
develop the usability
change and its impact
Ready for cultural and technical assessment
Requirements Allocation

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6 .3 .3 So lution Validation
The technique to ensure that the Verification - if the Solution delivered right
implemented solution delivers value to the product
Organizatio n. It helps in identifying the
defects and issues raised while developing the Tips to BA
Focus on Strategic Alignment of the solution
The output is compared with the acceptance
Work with QA Team to check results
criteria approved by business owners
Raise the defects immediately to avoid raise
in expenses
Verification Vs Validation
Analyze the alternate solutions for the
Validation - If the solution is right for the business Continuity

6.3.4 Solution Eva luation

Is the process to determine the credibility of
Tips to BA
the implemented solution
Have a good understanding on the business
Evaluate the after effects of deployment on
the current process
Report and discuss the variations with
It helps in taking appropriate actions against
responsible stakeholders
the reported issues and in finding the reason
Evaluation is the continuous process and
behind occurrence of the issues
hence the coordination with the responsible
teams are required

6 .3 .5 Solution Implem enta tion

Is the process to implement the approved
Tips to BA
Involve the key stakeholders to cascade the
BA monitor the progress
It is also infl uenced by the decisions of the key
Be aware of the changes to discuss the details
staff members
with stakeholders

Case study on renowned ABC University

How to gather requirements from the Dean/ Vice Chancellor
ABC Universit y is a renowned educational body in US, where students from all over the world come
for study. In the recent past they observed a downward trend in the number of enrollments
(70,000 enrollments 3 years back and now it is 40,000). University observed that there is growing
dissatisfaction amongst students and the reasons are beyond their perspect ive
Now you are being called to provide an Academic Complaint system where in students can lodge
complaints through the existing universit y portal and these complaints could be resolved. All the
professors' act as mentors and the respective professors allocated to each complaint will interact
with students and resolve the problem . End of the day the chief mentor should be able to query the
system for no. of complaints resolved successfully to take strategic decisions for the betterment of
the university.

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Guidelines to Probe into Requirements
How to ask Questions
yst, kindly understand that we are trained to extract requirements from the Stakeholders and the Stakeholders are not Trained to share r equir ement s with the

While Asking Questions, we should probe into SW 1H of that concept (Why, What, Who, Where,
When and How) and also confirm the Requirement is SMART before accepting it for development.

1. Stakeholder analysis - RACI Matrix

2. Understand the base version of an IT Application - as discussed in OOA (about data and
3. Refer to 3 Tier Architecture.
a. Application Layer - Questions can be
i. How many Logins you require
ii. How many Users will be using the system
iii. Howmany users currently will use the application
iv. Home page Features and Functionalities
v. What reports you will require
vi. Business Rules
vii. Business requirements
viii. Availability
ix. Reliability
b. Business Logic layer - Questions can be
i. Reusable Components
ii. Frequently Changing Components
iii. Governing Body rules and regulations, Compliances
iv. Third party Plug-ins like payment gateways, mail servers, Printer
c. Database layer
i. Database components
4. UML Diagrams
a. Use case
b. Use case Spec
c. Activity Diagram
5. Models - (Design in BABok V3)
a. Domain Model
b. Conceptual Model
c. Data Model
d. DFD
e. ER Diagram
6. Screens/ Pages are consequence of Matured Functional Requirement. Please do not design
screens and pages beforehand. Once the functional requirements are freezed, then we can
go ahead to design Screens/Pages.

Sign offs (Confirmations) should be taken on all Documents, Diagrams, SDLC Stages from
responsible Stakeholders.
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Any Info rmat ion which you gather should fit into any one of the above 6 sections described,
otherwise it is just an information or a non-functional requirement.
Samp le International Certi fica tion Questi ons:
1} Acronym of RTM is Requirements Traceability Matrix
2) For validating requirements, what technique should use - FURPS
3) As a Business Analyst you have just had a brainstorming session with 60 ideas for a solut
ion. What should you as the Business Analyst do with the ideas next? Rate the ideas
4) Jo hn is prioritizing requirements and he will need five inputs to accomplish the task. Which
one of the following is NOT an input that John will use to prioritize requirements? Risk
5) Prioritizing Re q uirement s includes - It provides the framework for effective decision making,
the time spent in prioritizing requirements will besaved later in the project
6) The aim of stakeholder analysis - Ident ify stakeholders and manage relationship with them
7) Functioning as a temporary apprentice for a day, in order to get a hands-on feel of
howthe current system is being used, is a variation of which technique? Observation
8) Which two techniques are best for confirming the stated requirements and stakeholder
concerns? Int erviews and Observation
9) What is the first step of requirement elicitation? Ident ifying Stakeholder
10) What requirement gathering method developed at IBM in 1970s is used for managing
requirement elicit ation? JAD, Traceability
11) ..... a soft ware system means to check if the needs that a user of the system has will be met.
..... is an internal quality process to determine compliance with a specification . Validat ing,
12) To check whether we have developed the product according to the customer requirements
or not. It is a Dynamic process. Validation
13) Which describes the criterion of "Consisten"t for assessing the quality of requirements? The
requirement can be met without causing conflict with any of the other requirements
14) Which describes the criterion of "Attainable" for assessing the quality of requirements? The
requirement is technically feasible and fits within the project funding and timing
15) Passive/ Invisible observation is -
16) JAD is Joint Application Development
17) The full form of MoSCoW technique is Must, Shoul d, Could, Wont
18) Requirements Management Strategy will be prepared by Business Analyst
19) Which of the following is not a vali d method for documenting elicitation? - Text
Messages/Voice mails.
20} Quality Requirement must always include the Minimum Level of Acceptable performance -
21 ) The aim of stakeholder analysis - Ident ify stakeholders and manage relationship with them
22) You are the business analyst for your organization. You want to use a requiremen ts
elicitation technique to produce a broad set of options for an identified problem. You
want the stakeholders to help you identify options, factors that aff ect the solut ion, any
possible delays in the solution implementation , and ideas for creating a solution. Which of
followi ng requirements elicitation activities would best satisfy these requirements?
23) Which of the following requirements analysis tasks will ensure that solution
requirements align to the business requirements? Validate requirements
24) Which of the following is an output of Stakeholder analysis? Stakeholder list, roles, and
25) When assessing a solution or solution options, a Business Analyst must also consider
toensure that the most significant requirements
are acknowledged and implemented . Prioritized requirements
26) "Arrange the tasks involved in requirement s elicitation in an appropriate manner. i.
Consolidation ii. Prioritization iii.Requirements Gathering iv. Evaluat ion " iii, iv, ii, i
27) The approach/document used to make sure all the requirements are covered when
writing test cases - Traceability M atrix
28) To check whether we are developing the right product according to the customer
requirements are not. It is a static process - Verification
29) Which describes the criterion of "Complete " for assessing the quality of requirement s? - All
known requirements are documented and all conditions under which a requirement applies
are stated

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7 Co ntributio n of BA in Pro jects

7.1 Ente rpris e Ana lys is

Ent erpri se Analysis describes how business analysts identify a business need, refine and clarify the
definition of that need, and define a solution scope that can feasibly be implemented by the
business. This describes problem definition and analysis, business case development, feasibility
studies, and the definition of solution scope.

SWOT Analy sis

I Flash Card - 34

SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, • Capabilities?

Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. It is a
• Competitive advantages?
model used to understand infl uencing factors
• USP's (unique selling points)?
and how they may affect an initiative.
• Re sources, assets, people?
• Experience, knowledge, data?
Conduct a brainstorming session to complete
• Financial reserves, likely returns?
each section in the grid. Strengths and
• Marketing - reach, distribution, awareness?
Weaknesses are factors internal to the
• Innovat ive aspects?
organization, organizational unit, or solution,
• Locat ion and geographical?
while Opportunities and Threats are external
• Price, value, quality?
• Accredit at ions, qualifications, certifications?
• Processes, systems, IT, communications?
Strengths: Anything that the assessed
• Cultural, attitudinal, behavioral?
group does well. May include experienced
M anagement cover, succession?
personnel, effective processes, IT systems,
customer relationships, or any other internal
factor that leads to success.
W eaknes ses
W eakne sses: Those things that the assessed
• Disadvantages of proposition?
group does poorly or not at all. Weaknesses
• Gaps in capabilities?
are also internal.
• Lack of competitive strength?
Opportunities: External factors that the
• Reputation, presence and reach?
assessed group may be able to take
• Financials?
advantage of. May include new market s, new
• Own known vulnerabilities?
technology, changes in the competitive
• Timescales, deadlines and pressures?
marketplace, or other forces. Opportunities
• Cash flow, start-up cash-drain?
exist beyond the scope of control of the
• Cont inuity , supply chain robustness?
assessed group; the choice is whether or not
• Effects on core activities, distraction?
to take advantage of one when it is ident ified .
• Reliability of data, plan predictability?
Threat s: External factors that can negatively
• Morale, commitment, leadership?
affect the assessed group. They may include
factors such as the entrance into the market • Accredit at ions, etc.?
of a new competitor, economic downturns, or • Processes and systems, etc.?
other forces. Threats are also outside of the Management cover, succession?
group' s control.

Strengths Opportunities
• Advantages of proposition? • Market developments?
• Competito rs' vulnerabilities?

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• Industry or lifestyle trends? • Political effects?
• Technology development and innovation? • Legislative effects?
• Global influences? • Environmental effects?
• New markets, vertical, horizontal? • IT developments?
• Niche target markets? • Competitor intentions - various?
• Geographical, export, import? • Market demand?
• New USP's? • New technologies, services, ideas?
• Tactics - surprise, major contracts, etc.? • Vital contracts and partners?
• Business and product development? • Sustaining internal capabilities?
• Information and research? • Obstacles faced?
• Partnerships, agencies, distribution? • Insurmountable weaknesses?
• Volumes, production, economies? • Loss of key staff?
• Seasonal, weather, fashion influences? • Sustainable financial backing?
• Economy - home, abroad?
Threat s • Seasonality, weather effects

GAP ANALYSIS resources required

A comparison of to achieve a
the current state particular outcome.
and desired There is no formal
future state of an method to conduct
organization in GAP Analysis. A
order to identify simple excel sheet
differences that can be used for the
need to be purpose
GAP analysis is a Main Points
process typically Good Understanding
performed by on the current
Business Analysts process All the
and Project business affecting
Managers for The factors must be well
delta or difference defined
between the
current process
and the future
prospects in
known as GAP.
GAP Analysis
revolves around
Where are we?
Where do we
want to be?

GAP analysis
provides a
foundation for
investment of
time, money and

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and future R i
prospects e o
Adorn the v n
gaps using i s
graphs, e
or a
Charts w R
and e
images S c
Include y o
the s m
feedbac t m
n a
k from e e
the m n
stakeho D d
lders e a
Inform the v t
involved parties e i
about the l o
o n
identifie p s
is an
d gaps.
R Gap Analysis
D e is one of the
i q best
f u procedures
f i followed by
e r any
r e organization
e m to improve the
n e process and
t n recognize the
t processes
s s which needs
t improvement
a C
g o
e m
s p
i r
n i
G o
ed or
A n
S m
t p
a l
ity in
g i
e c
s a
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Feas ibility Study

Possibility of doing a project within some expected business benefit to meet the
constraints like Technology, Budget and Time. business need. A feasibility study may address
either a business problem to be resolved or a
Idea - Can it be turned into technology? business opportunity to be exploited . Formal
feasibility studies use reliable data and apply
Estimate the Solution Building cost statistics and market research to ident ify and
Prove that it can be done analyze potential solution options.
For small, relatively straightforward The feasibility analysis is an integral part of
efforts, the solution approach can be formulating a major business t ransformat ion
determined by the business analyst alone or pro ject, e.g., re-engineering a core business
with a small team of experts examining the process and supporting technology,
approaches in an informal working session. establishing a new line of business, increasing
For larger change initiatives requiring market share through acquisition, or
significant investment, a more formal developing a new product or service.
feasibility study may assist with determining Abbreviated studies may also be conducted
the most viable solution option. for change init iat ives requiring lower
A feasibility study is a preliminary analysis of investment s.
solution alternatives or options to determine
whether and how each option can provide an

Root Ca use Analysis

I Flash Card - 35

What is a problem? Every issue comes with it's own background

An event which hinders the smooth flow of and has a diff erent t heory attached to it's
the process is t erme d as an issue and the occurrence.
reoccurrence of the same event over a period The RCA helps in getting the exact reason of
of time istermed as problem the pro blem. RCA should be performed as
For the smooth functioning of the processes, soon as the defect or variance is detected to
it is necessary to mitigate the occurrence of avoid major problemsin the future.
the pro blem. It's recommended to involve the stakeholders
Finding workaroun ds for an issue is an while conducting the RCA. Involving
im mediat e fix and helps in avoiding t he Stakeho lders helps in get ting away from the
business outages. Getting into the roots helps fictionalization of the facts.
in removing the main cause of the defects.

Technique- 5 Why
The five why is a question asking technique
There is no format of framing the questions
used to explore the effects underlying a
but how well the questions are fr amed
particular problem.
definitely help in getting the pertinent cause
This technique is used to get the root of what of the pro blem .
has caused the issue in a single instance. For
each answer given, a further why is asked...
The tendency of investigators to stop at
symptoms rather than going on to lower level
root causes. Lack of knowledge of the people Sometimes results will have no orientation to
involved in findi ng the root cause. the issue.
Lack of support from the concerning team Tendency to isolate a single root cause.
to find the answers to the questions framed

Tabular Method - Technique

It is a process to prepare a checklist or table of actions related to the current running processes in
any organization. In case of failure, the master check list is referred to find deviation. This process is
limited for simple and direct actions.

Fishbone Diagram
The Root Cause Analysis Process is also known areas which occur repeatedly in either type of
as the "Ishikawa Diagram," the "Fishbone analysis:
Diagram," and the "Cause-and-Effect
1. People
Diagram." These tools make it possible to 2. Processes
identify all of the roots (basic causes) in a 3. Machines
retrospective approach, or, all of the potential
4. Materials
effects (possible outcomes) in a prospective
5. Environment
approach. Ishikawa ident ified five (5) key


Problem Or Issue


Fish bone diagram

Pr ocesses

The Requirements Gathering Process is poorly documented

The is no Requirements Configuration M anagement

There is no penalty for Scope Creep

Cause-and-Effe ct Diagram with Initial Level of Detail

Decision Analysis
The technique of making decisions during the The financial factors consider the
uncertain, complex and difficult situations to organizations past and present performance
root out the dilemma avoiding the unknown to decide the next steps.
factors is termed as Decision Analysis.
This requires different mathematical and Financial Factor s
economical calculations before affirming the
Current situat ion of the organization in the
decision on any problem. market space
The BA s involved in the decision analysis Overall profit margins in the previous
follow business model or hierarchical Quarters and years
approach to confirm the decisions on certain Breakeven of the resources in the
plans. organization
The net asset value of the bonds.
The individuals involved in the decision Non- Financial Factor s
Analysis keep the tab on the financial and
The incomplete, informal and uncertain
non-financial factors affecting the
information about the processes
The availability of the different options
affecting the progress of current process

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Str at e gy A n a ly s is Education

Strategy is the direction and scope of an
organization for the long term, which helps in
getting profits for the business or units Port er' s Five force Model
through its implementation Bargaining power of potential Customers
Strategy helps in dealing with Bargaining power of suppliers
Availability and value of alternative services or
• Goal and vision of the business
• Resources involved
Threats of new Entrants
• Environment
Rivalry or Competition among the existing

Effecting fa ctors
External Environmental Analysis
Internal Environmental Analysis

Ext ernal Environmental Analysis

There are different frameworks followed by
Internal Environmental Analysis
the organizations to assess the external
The successful strategies depend on the
Environment Factors and to define the
capabilities of the organization to perform.
strategies pertinent to the current str ucture .
The Internal Environmental Analysis answers
PESTLE Technique
following Questions.
Porter's Five force Model
Can an Organization Constantly work to fit in
the changing conditions?
Can the resources be always innovative to
mark the presence?
PESTLE Te chnique
Is an external analysis designed to examine
MOST Analysis Technique
many external elements affecting a business
MOST Analysis is the Internal Environmental
and its operations
Analysis Techni que

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Ent erpri se Archite cture Frame works
Zachman Bigger organizations
POLDAT Smaller Organizations
TOGAF The Open Group Architecture Framework
[ Flash Card - 36

A variety of frameworks, tools and techniques are employed to create and maintain the Business
Architecture. The value of a framework is that it provides compartments in which to place
predefined architectural products or outputs, thus providing order and structure to the components.
Examples of architectural frameworks include the following.

The Za chm a n Framework

What Ho Wher Wh Whe Why
w e o n

Objective/Scope List of List of
things List of List of List of List of

(contextual) important in Business Business Important Business Goal
Role: Locations Organizations Events & Strategies
the business Processes

Enterprise Model
Conceptual Busines Business Work
(conceptual) Dalal s Logisitcs Flow Maste,
Schedule Plan
Role: Object Process System Model
Owner Model Model
System Model Logica System Distributed Human Business
(log ical) l Architecture Processing
Struc ture Rule
Role:Designer Data Model Architecture Architecture

Systems Interface

Model Model
Technology Model Physical Technology Technology Presentation Rul e
(physical) Data/Class Design Co n t ro l
Architecture Structure Design
Role:Builder Mode l Model

DetailedReprentali Architetcure
Data Ru le
on (out of context)
De finition
Program Torning
Role: Defi n ition Speculation
Programmer Network Security
Architecture Archi tecture

Enterprise Usable Working Usable Fun ctioning Implemented Working
.Role: Data F unction Network Organization Schedule Strategy

It is helpful to use a defined framework that and common structure for describing an enterprise .
provides a common structure and Without a unifying framework, the fundamental
classification scheme for descriptive design of an organization may not result in an
representations of an enterprise. One such integrated, well-functioning enterprise, which leads
framework that has been widely adopted by to redundancies,
organizations both public and private is the
Zachman Framework for Enterprise
Architecture developed by John Zachman.
The framework provides common language
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inefficiencies and integration issues.
The Zachman Framework is both
complex and comprehensive, and is • What (data and entities)
presented in a six by six matrix format, • How (process or function)
where : The columns represent the • Where (location and network)
questions that must be answered to • Who (people)
design a business entity: • When (time)

• Why (mot ivatio n). • Business Model

• System Model
Whereas, th e rows of the framework describe • Technology Model
the different perspectives of the enterprise: • Detailed Representations.
• Functioning Enterprise
• Scope

The POLDAT Framew ork

Another, simpler structure that is often used in business process re-engineering projects is the
POLDAT framework. This model develops documents, tables, matrices, graphs, models and organizes
them in the
following categories: through the processes to accomplish the
• Process - the business processes that flow business functions .
value from the organization to the customer. • Applications - the information technology
• Organization - the organizational entities {IT) applications that enable the business
that operate the business processes, including processes to operate efficiently and provide
the management teams, staff positions, ro les, decision-support information to the
competencies, knowledge and skills. management t eam.
• Location - the location of the business units • Technology - the enabling technology that
and other organizational entities, e.g., call supports the operation of the
centers, distribution centers, etc. processes and applicat ions.
• Data - the data and information that is the
"currency" of the organization, flowing

Solution Scope Definiti on. Describe the business units that will be
The solution is described in terms of the involved, business processes to be improved
major features and functions that are to be or redesigned, process owners, and IT
included, and the interactions that the systems and other technology that will likely
solution will have with people and systems be affected.
outside of its scope. State in-scope and out of-
scope components of the solution .

Busine ss Case
Flash Card - 37
Business case is prepared by Sr BAs, Solution Architects , Business Architects and Sr. Business
M anagers.
Business Case will have following information
► Why is this project initiated?
► What are the current problems?
► With this project how many problems could be solved?

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W h at are the resources required?
How much organizational change is required to adopt this technology?
► Time frame to recover ROI (return on investment )?
► Ho w to identify stakeholders?

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Educa otni
Once a Business Case is prepared, it is submitted to the management of IT Company. Management
will analyze the facts and figures and considers the feasibility of the project. Management will call
for an Investors meeting and explain to the investors about this project on how much investment
is required, risk factors, how returns will come. If the investors show interest in investing in this
project, then the IT Company will go ahead and accepts SOW from the Client .

Enterprise Analysis gives us the context of the project or the requirements.

How to do SWOT Analysis on Oneself

1) List down all your Failures (minimum 15)
2) For each fai lure -write down minimum 10 points -what made you fail - start with the
first point should be that you are 100% responsible for the failure -
3) For each failure - write down minimum 10 points -how didyourecover from this failure -
4) Present day- this failure is about rehappen - same context and situation is happening
-then with present mindset - how you are going to handle it now
5) From points 2,3,4 - we will get some 300+ statement s.
6) Read each statement from point 5 and assess which segment it belong in SWOT and place
it there
7) Summarize your SWOT and realize it. This is REAL YOU. Your character.
8) Once you realize yourself in the right way, now act accordingly so that You will minimize
conflicts and maximize benefits

How to prepare UNIQUE answers to FAQ

SWOT YOU + BA beha vio ral Skills+ Answer/ Approach+ BA Terminology like Document names, tools names, process names= UNIQUE Answer

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7 .2 Bus in e ss Analysis Planning
Business Plan What
Plan is designed before the kickoff of the When
Business Case and retains the credibility
throughout the development The Communication Scheduling is done
A Business plan is a document which contains considering different factors
the set of activities, capabilities and Physical location of the stakeholders
considerations defined for any organization or Authority and Responsibility of the
enterprise in order to achieve the desired stakeholders
outcome or result. The plan comes with Type of Data
certain risks and threats to the organization Type of the Project
which are balanced with the strengths and
opportunities of the organization. Performance Monitoring
The functioning of the activities performed
BusinessAnalysis Planning by BA s during the different stages of
BA swill plan how they will handle development are monitored and tracked
requirements, change requests, documents, under performance monitoring
tools and communicate the same with all Performance measures, reporting and
stakeholders . corrective actions play a vital role for
performance monitoring
Plan the BPA Activities
Duringthe Business planning the different Techniques
deliverables of the Business Analysts are Stakeholder interviews
identified and efforts required against those Customer Satisfaction Index
deliverables are calculated. This is done to Process Analysis
define the scope of the work of the Business
Analysts and it help the BA sin identifying the Estim ation
duration of the activities. The technique of finding an approximation
with the help of limited available information
Planning Factors is known as Estimat ion. The estimation is
Approach of the BA s done with sampled data or sources.
The standards followed by the organization The estimation is a part of Business planning
Type and location of the stakeholders and it is the responsibili t y of BA s to
Assessment process of the organization estimate the factors related to cost, revenue,
Type of the project resource and future enhancemenst.

Business Communication Scheduling Estimate planning

Business Communication Scheduling and Estimate planning is performed following the
planning includes the process to DEFIN E, empirical data and methodologies instead of
distribute, update and escalate the gut feeling of the BA sin order to avoid sloppy
information and data from the different decisions. The estimations are supervised by
stakeholders to responsible Stakeholders senior managers who are skilled in resource
allocation and budgeting in order to avoid any
Business Communication works on future ambiguities
3W concept

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Educa otni
7 .3 Role of BA in han dlin g Change Reque st
As BA will study and understand the characteristic feature of Requirement is Change over a period of
time. As Requirements are inherent to Change, Requirements need to be managed throughout their
life. People change their minds, preferences, trends, etc. over time. So, as the Businesses change and
Markets also change accordingly.
Flash Card - 38

As the project progresses through time (like a month or a year or long), it's inevitable that some
things will change that affect the project and so your requirements may also change.

BAs always will beprepared for Change Requests and their management.
Whenever a Change Request comes from the Client, The BA will analyse this Change Request.
Init ially he performs Feasibility Stud y to accept the Change and then the Impact Analysis to measure
change to project and finally Effort Estimation to implement the change in the project.

Change Management will impact the project scope. That means that any requirement which was not
scoped as a part of the initial Business Requirements document , must be managed under a proper
change management/control technique and the Business Analyst along with the Project Manager
has to carefully review and follow a rigorous change control process. This means, when a change is
requested, a Business Analyst should

► I nit ially the BA Documents the Change Request

► T he BA will Analyse the Change Request is really a change, or a defect discovered from
previous need communications.
► The change manager or the project manager must provide an initial approval if the Business
Analyst needs to move further in analyzing the change requested .
► When it comes to change management whether or not to incorporate the changes, depends
on yet another important factor which is for the Business Analyst as well as the Project
Manager to ensure whether the requested change is a complex one or just a minor change.
► I n case the change is complex, it will not only expand the scope of the project drastically
which in turn leads to increase the delivery time.
► Business Analysts will help the stakeholders to understand the impact, the change request
will have on the organization and to help minimize negative impact that results from that
particular change.
► Successful change efforts necessitate the Business Analyst to articulate a realistic or
convincing vision that appeals to both internal and external stakeholders .

A BA must be able to communicate a sense of urgency among the stakeholders, lead by example,
show strong personal commitment and enable stakeholders to contribute to their full potential.
Successful change management therefore, requires organization to overcome the challenge of
bringing all stakeholders to an agreement/consensus about the changes to be incorporated and to
avoid conflicts which generally causes delay in the project completion.
CCB-Change Control Board

Analyze and Prepare 5 CRs from your latest Proj ect.I

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7.4 Role of BA in Projects
Stages Activit ie s Art ifa cts & Resources

Pre project Enterprise Analysis - SWOT Analysis, GAP Analysis, Business Case
Market Research, Feasibility Study, Root Cause SOW (Statement of Work)
Analysis, Decision Analysis, Strategy Analysis, PO (Purchase Order)
Enterprise Architectural Frameworks, Project Scope Sr. BA, Business Architects
and Business case writing, Risk analysis Presales Consultants
Planning & 1. Understand Assumptions and Constraints along
Estimations & with Business Rules and Business Goals
Assessment 2. Plan Packages for Big Projects
3. Understands the project plan from PM
Flash card - 2 4. BA conducts stakeholders Analysis
Flash card - 45 5. Plan BA approach strategy (Req. gathering PM
Project Kick Off techniques, communication, Req. mgmt., Documents Sr. BA
(Big Picture to follow, Tools to use, Change Request Handling
Plan) methodology) for this Project
Requirements 1. Stakeholders identify and document BRD (Business Requirements
Gathering 2. Client gives BRD or BA prepares BRD by interacting Document)
with Client - Brainstorming, Document Analysis,
Flash card - 39 Reverse engineering, Interviews, workshops, Focus
Groups, Observation, Questionnaires.
3. Prototyping can be used by BA to make the
Client to give more specific requirements
4. Sort the gathered Requirements (avoiding BA
duplicate Reqs, grouping into similar functionality or
into modules) PM
5. Prioritize requirements - MoSCoW
6. Validate Requirements - FURPS

Requirements 1. Draws UM L Diagrams (Use case and Activity Functional Requirements

Analysis Diagrams) Specification
2. Prepares Functional Requirements from Business SSD (Supplementary Support
Requirements Document)
3. All Architects comes up with Technical SRS (Software Requirements
Flash card - 40 Requirements (SSD) Specification)
4. SRS will have Functional Requirements RTM (Requirements Traceability
and Technical Requirements Matrix)
5. Takes Signoff on SRS from Client. SRS is the first
legal binding Doc between the Business and the BA
technical Team PM
6. BA prepared RTM from SRS before Design Solution-Architect
phase start s. (BA is the owner of RTM ). DB -Architect
7. BA traces how requirements are dealt in each NW - Archit ect
phase of development life cycle from Designtill UAT

Design 1. From Use case Diagram, Test Manager or BA Solution Document

will prepare Test Cases DesignDocument - HDD-ADD
2. Communicates with Client on the design and
Solution documents (updates Status to Client and
Flash card - 41

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make them understand how the solution would look

like to prepare them to drive UAT)
3. BA will initiate the preparation of End user
4. updates RTM BA
5. From Use case Diagram Solut ion PM
-Architect recommends Architecture of the Solution-Architect
IT solution
6. DB Architect uses Persistence Classes (Entity DB -Architect
Classes) and comes up with ER Diagrams or DB NW-Architect
Schema. GUI - Designer
7. GUI Designer will look into Transient Classes Test Manger
(Boundary Classes) and designs all possible Screens
for the IT Solution

Coding 1.BA organizes JAD Sessions LDD-CDD

2. BA clarifies queries ofTechnical Team during Application
3. Developers refer Diagrams and Transient
Flash card - 42 (Controller Classes) of BA and code their
4. Update End user manuals
5. Update RTM Development Team
6. Conducts regular Status meetings with technical BA
team and the Client and tuning Client for PM
participation in UAT
Testing 1.BA- Prepares Test Cases from Use Cases or assists Test Concerning Documents
Test Manager to do so Application with less errors
Flash card - 43 2. BA performs high level testing
3. BA prepares Client for UAT
4. Test Data is requested by BA from Client
5. Updates End User Manuals Testing
6. Updates RTM Team BA
7. Take signoff from Client on Client Project PM
Acceptance form Client

Deployment and 1.Forwards RTM to Client or the PM which should

Implementation be attached to the Project Closure Document
2. Coordinates to complete and share End User
Flash card - 44 Manuals
3. Plans and Organizes Training Sessions for End Users
4. Prepares Lessons learned from this project (to take
precautions for coming projects)

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Samp le International Certi fica tion Questi ons:
1} What does SWOT stand for? Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity, Threats
2) Which one of the following frameworks employed to create and maintain the Business
Architecture - Zachman Framework, POLDAT, TOGAF?
3) Full form of POLDAT- Process, Organization, Location, Data, Applicat ions, Technology
4) The determines whether the project should go fo rward. - Feasibility St udy
5) Acceptance Test Case Development involves - Use of the Business Event Model allows the
development of functional test cases very early in the project life cycle, Allowing testers to
participate with the Business Analyst in the development of the Business, This in turn leads
to much better estimates of the testing effort that will be required.
6) The purpose of the Change Control Board is to ensure the integrity of the requirements
change process, not to address or resolve technical issues. TRU E
7) Constraints include Hardware, Software, Policies, Standards and Procedures
8) You are the business analyst for your organizatio n. You are identifying new opportunities to
improve on your existing web services. M anagement is open to new opportunities as long as
the changes do not take more than 60 days to implement . What type of a factor does the
60-day implementation represent? Business constraint
9) Which of the following techniques helps in evaluating the merit s and demerits of each
significant change according to the solution? Force field analysis
10) While allocating requirement s to solution, which one of the following is not a possible
solution component? Defect Matrix
11) Acceptance test plan must include an explanat ion of how defined quality factors or
objectives of acceptance testing activities will beachieved, during acceptance t esting. TRUE
12) When do Enterprise Analysis activities end? After t he benefits of project outcomes are
measured and analyzed
13) Which of these are common element s of a Feasibilit y St ud y Report? Executive
Summary, Business Pro blem, Alternative Solution Ranking, Results, Appendix
14) During Enterprise Analysis, who compiles t he decision package for the execut ive sponsor?
The proposal teams
15) Jackson realizes tha t they simply do not have enough information to make a decision among
the various options. Which of these techniques to conduct the analysis of each option in a
feasibility study would be advisable to perform? Dat a Gathering and Research Approaches
16) When do Enterprise Analysis activities begin? After the executive team develops strategic
plans and goals
17) Which of these Enterprise Analysis activities are the responsibility of the Business Analyst?
Feasibilit y Stud ies
18) Which provides the context in which Enterprise Analysis is conducted? Strategic Planning
19) ) Altho ugh the pro ject team is convinced that the proposed upgrade will save two million
dollars over the next five years, they need to figure out how much it will cost. Which of
these t echniques to conduct the analysis of each option in a feasibility study will they
likely perform? Cost vs. Benefit Analysis
20) Which of these is NOT a type of risk that is included under the types of risks to be identifi ed
and analyzed during the initial risk assessment? Resource Risks

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21) Which of these techniques to conduct the analysis of each option in a feasibility study
ensures the option is not beyond the organization's current limits of technology? Technology
Feasibility Assessment
22) Which of several options are the best depends highly on what the weather conditions will
be over the next few mont hs. Horace is finding historical information that informs him how
likely certain temperature ranges will be. He finds that it is 97% likely that the
temperatures will go over 85 degrees, but less than 1% chance it will go over 105 degrees.
Which of these techniq ues to conduct the analysis of each option in a feasibility study is
Horace performing? Probability Analysis
23) Mr. Green is gathering information on whether the new building they want to construct will
harm a species of butterfly in that area. Which of these techniques to conduct the analysis of
each option in a feasibility study is he performing? Help confirm the viability of the
proposed new project
24) The Business Analyst typically ensures that the metrics and measurements are in place to
track ROI for how long after project completion? Several months or years
25) Which describes the test that would demonstrate that the requirement has been met to
the customers, end users and stakeholders? AcceptanceCriteria
26) What is an ERO? Entity Relationship Diagram
27) design and implement database structures. Database administrators
28) User AcceptanceTesting (UAT) is a process to obtain confirmation that a system meets
mutually agreed-upon requirements TRUE
29 ) "Earlier a defect is fo und t he cheaper it is to fix it . Is the above statement correct ?" YES
30) Which of these techniquesto conduct the analysis of each option in a feasibility study
determines best-in-class practices? Benchmarking Analysis
31) What is the outcome of a feasibility study? Recommended Solution Option
32) Which is commonly considered pre-project work? Ent erpris e Analysis
33) Kat hy realizes that some of her organization's technology hasn't been updated in a while.
She asks Jack, who has just graduated, to see if there are some better options t hat have
been developed in the past few years. Which of these techniques to conduct the analysis of
each opt ion in a feasibility study is being performed? Technology Advancement Analysis
34) Some of the options have unlikely excellent outcomes, whereas some options have almost
certain acceptable out comes. The t eam is organizing their data to show the probabilities of
the various possible outcomes for each option. Which of these techniques to conduct the
analysis of each option in a feasibility study is the team performing? Decision Analysis
35) Which are three of the five architectures which comprise Enterprise Architecture? Business,
Info rmat io n, Security
36) Which of these techniquesto conduct the analysis of each option in a feasibility study
proves acceptance and forecasts demand in the marketplace? Market Surveys
More Sample International Certification Questio ns:

1) Who will provide funds for the project? Sponsor

2) Project Scope is being prepare by - Project Manager
3) manage the system development, assign staff, manage the budget and
reporting, and ensure that deadlines are met. Project manager
4) Which of the following stakeholder roles focuses on the deliverables that need to be a part
of the project plan so they can be tracked as milestones? Project manager
5) Acronym of CSFs - Critical Success Factors
6) Ambiguity Checking means a statement must have one, and only one possible interpretation
7) Who will be responsible for ensuring quality in this project? Standard Specialist
8) Which of the following tasks will describe the way the business requirements are allocated
for implementat ion? Allocating the Requirements
9) Which of the following requirement type is used for baselining? Approved requirements
10) is the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics of the solut ion fulfills
requirements. Quality
BA WORKSH OP - APPEND IX l,.e Endorsed Education
I M. Provider"

Appendix A - Docum en ts ••
List of some of the Documents/ Templates you may find in a Software Development Project

1. Request for Proposal (RFP)

2. Request for Info rmat ion (RFI)
3. Request for Quotation (RFQ)
4. Business Case
5. Statement of Work (SOW)
6. Stakeholders Document
7. Kick off Meeting Report (KOM)
8. Software Development Plan (Tasks and Resources)
9. Project Plan (using M
PP) 10. Quality Plan
11. Business Requirement Document (BRD)
12 . User Requirement Document (URD)
13. Functional Requirement Specification (FRS)
14. Supplementary Specification Document (SSD)
15. Software Req uirement Specification (SRS)
16 . Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM)
17. Functional Req uirement Document (FRD)
18 . Solution Document
19. High Level Design Document (HDD)
20. Application Design Document (ADD)
21. Low level Design Document (LDD)
22. Component Design Document (CDD)
23. Use case Description Document - Use case Specs
24. Change Tracker (CT)
25. Change Request Log
26. Status Reporting
27. Checklists
28. Test Strategy
29. Test Plan
30. Test Case Document - Test Scripts
31. Client Acceptance Form
32. Project Closure Document
33. Fit for Support Document
34. User Manuals

Company specific Templates

Every Company will have their own set of templates for all Documents that are to be used in a
project. You are required to access these templates and prepare the concerning Documents.

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1. Document
2. Approvals
3. RACI Chart
for This
d in
4. Introductio
4.1. Bus
4.2. Bus
4.3. Bus
4.4. Bac
4.5. Pro
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Project Scope 6
,.e Project Sponsor
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Business Owner

4.6.1. In Scope Functionality 6 Project Manager
4.6.2. Out Scope Functionality6 System Architect
5. Assumptions 7 Development Lead
6. Constraints 7 User Experience
7. Risks 7 Lead
Technological Risks 7 Quality Lead
Skills Risks 7 Conte nt Lead
Political Risks 7
Business Risks 7
Requirements Risks 7
Other Risks 7
8. Business Process Overview 8
8.1. Legacy System (AS-IS) 8
8.2. Proposed Recommendations (TO-BE) 8
9. Business Requirements 8
10. Appendices 8
10.1. List of Acronyms 8
10.2. Glossary of Terms 8
10.3. Related Documents 8

OP -
lI M.

APPENDIX Provider"
1. Document Revisions

2. Approvals

Role Name Title Signature
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3 . RACI Chart for This Document
The RACI chart identifies the persons who need to be contacted whenever changes are made to this
document. RACI stands for responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed. These are t he main
codes that appear in a RACI chart, used here to describe the roles played by team members and
stakeholders in the production of the BRO. They are adapted from charts used to assign roles and
responsibilities during a project.( RACI Can be made for IT side[Project stakeholder] as mentioned
above, apart from that Can also Be made for Client side[Business Stakeholder]).

The following describes the full list of codes used in the table:

Codes Used in RACI Chart

* Authorize Has ultimate signing authority for any changes to the document.
R Responsible Responsible for creating this document.
A Accountable Accountable for accuracy of this document
(for example, the project manager)
s Supports Provides supporting services in the production of this document
C Consulted Provides input (such as an interviewee).
Informed Must be informed of any changes.

RACI Chart
Name Position*RAsCI




4. Introduction

4.1. Business Goals

[This should describe the organization goals& Organization Need]


4.2. Business Objectives

To provide an IT solution for:
List what the functionalities are going to develop in software
Mobile application for android and for ios

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4.3. . Business Rules

•• 4 .4 .
[List Organization Pol icies, Procedures, and Rules& Regulations]






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t came to be proposed and initiated, including the
business issues/problems identified, and expected
,.e Endorsed Education

benefit of implementing the project/developing the

product.] ••
4.5. . Project Objective
[These should describe the overall goal in developing the
product, high level descriptions of what the product will
do, how they are aligned to business objectives, and the
requirements for interaction with other systems]

4.6. Project Scope

[What we are going to develop in the current project]

4.6.1. In Scope Functionality

[List what functionalities we are going to do with in the project in

4.6.2. Out Scope Functionality

[List of functionality what is not included in the current project]

5. Assumptions
[List all assumpt ions requirements are based on]

6. Constraints
[List all Constraints]

7. Risks
In this section of the BRO, you describe risks. A risk is
something that could affect the success or failure of a
project. Analyze risks regularly as the project
progresse.sWhile you may not be able to avoid every risk,
you can limit each risk's impact on the project by
preparing for it beforehand. For each risk, you'll note the
likelihood of its occurrence, the cost to t he project if it
does occur, and the strategy for handling the risk.
Strategies include the following:

• Avoid: Do something to eliminate the risk.

• Mitigate: Do something to reduce damage if risk materializes.

• Transfer: Pass the risk up or out to another entity.

• Accept: Do nothing about the risk. Accept the consequences.

Technological Risks
This subsection of "Risk Analysis" specifies new technology issues that could
affect the project.

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•• Thi
Skills Risks

Political Risks
This subsection of
"Risk Analysis"
identifies political
forces that could
derail or affect the

Business Risks
This subsection of
"Risk Analysis"
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describes the
implications if the
risk that you have not
correctly described the ,.e n
e Education

project is requirement s. List areas e
canceled. whose requirements were d
most likely to have been e
Requirement incorrectly captured. d
s Risks
T Other Risks t
h In this subsection of "Risk Analysis," o
i document any other risks not covered in the
prior subsections.
8. Business Process a
Overview k
[This describes the overall process e
s flow from each phase]
c 8.1. Legacy System (AS-IS)
ti [Brief Explanation about the process
in legacy system and draw process e
o flow diagrams]
o 8.2. Proposed e
f Recommendations (TO-
" BE)
R [Describe the
i recommended
s process and how
the proposed
k m
system will address
A e
the challenges in
n n
legacy system]
a t
l s
9. . Business Requirements
[The specific
s a
i s
requirements elicited
from stakeholders
" c
should be listed,
d categorized by both o
e priority and area of m
s functionality to p
c smooth the process l
ri of reading and e
b tracking them. t
e Includelinks to use e
s case documentation,
t and other key a
h reference material as n
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10. A
,.e Endorsed Education
T ••
d r
i m
c s
e 10.3. Related Documents
s Please login COEPD Portal for complete





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•• FRD -
1. Document
Control List
2. Distributio
n Listl
3. Business
Rules 3
4. System
5. Control
6. Purpose
7. Project
8. Project
9. Business
nts 3
9.1. Sta
10. Assumption
11. Use Case
11.1. Act
11.2. Use

Business Analyst Workshop conducted online and at Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore, Pune Locations
e Specifications 5
9. Activity Diagram 5
Process Specific Activity Diagrams 5
,.e [
EndorsedP Education
9.2. Activity Specification
9.2.1. Basic Flow
9.2.2. Alternative Flow
•• o
9.2.3. Exception Flow 6 d
10. Functio nal Requirements 6 e
11. Non-Functio nal Requirements 6
12. Prototyping 7
13. MasterTables 7
14. Notes 7
1. Document Version Control List f
Version Date Author Description
01 FRO h
2. Distribution List y
Version Date Name Role Distrib ut ion Purpose
Senior BADoc Owner o
01 Project ManagerProject Sponsor f

3. Business Rules h
[List some of the business rules] e
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®. !?
APPENDIX Provider" t
?: c
4. a
System m
[System rules related to task to do with the system on daily basis or in schedule times] t
5. Control Flow
[Insert any Hierarchical Diagrams] b
6. Purpose p
[Describe the purpose of this document] r
7. Project Background p
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sed and initiated, including the business
issues/problems identified, and expected
benefit of implementing the
,.e Endorsed Education

project/developing the product.]

8. Project Objective
[These should describe the overall goal in
developing the product, high level
descriptions of what the product will do,
how they are aligned to business object ives,
and the requirements for interaction with
other systems.]

9. Business Requirements
[Include all business requirements related to project to
as listed below (or) module specific requirements]

9.1. Stake Holder Requirements

Stakeholder Requirements
Actor 1 1.Personal Login
2. Other functionality
Actor 2 1. Personal login,
2. Functionality Requirement
Actor 3 Personal Login
" Functionality Requirement

10. Assumptions& Constraints

# List All Assumptions& Constraints Functional requirements are based on


11. Use Case Diagrams [UML]

11.1. Actor Specific Use Case Diagrams
[Insert all Actor Specific Use Case diagrams for all the actors in the
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11. 2. Use Case Specifications

(Use Case Specifications for each Use Case diagrams mentioned above]

Use Case ID: Use Case Name:

Created By: References :
1. Use Case Description Actor
2. Pre-Conditions Prima & Seconda

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9. Activity Diagram IX
9.1. P
. e

9.2. A
Business Analyst Workshop cond ucted online and at Hyde ra bad , Chennai, Bangalore, Pune Locations
y s to
Specification perform
all those
9.2.1. Basic Flow which
come in
nt of the
9.2.2. Alternative application
to be
9.2.3. Exception require me
Flow nts.]

Requirements are
prioritizing as per below

10. Functio
un Subscribe to our COEPD YouTube channel for
cti Domain AwarenessSession s and Activity Videos

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I l
S-Should have
M-Must o

Wouldlike to


11. No

S.NO Reql
2. NFR
3. NFR-

12. Pr

13. M


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I Forgotten It?
14. Notes

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RTM (Requirements Traceability Matrix)
Reqld Name Requ
FOOOl Login Usern










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k. Yes, or Tick mark have sometimes subject to auto
Complete option, so there arechances that Data may be
,.e 5. //PQ78
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entered by mistake and cannot be identified correct status. To
overcome this, Each Cell can have following Info
1. Document name
2. Header name
3. Citation
(first three words, last three words)
4. Page Nos
5. Location of Document 7
6. Associate ID .
7. Date of handle 30

1. PQ786ADDV101.doex J
2. 3. Security u
3. A l
l y
l 2


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4. 27,28,29,30
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Appendix B - Tools

Appendix Bl - Ra tional Suite

Rational Suite: Summary
The following table s hows which tools are in cl uded with each erution of RationaJ S uite.

Analyst Studio - Test Performance
Rational Tool Studio Enterprise
Studio Realli me Studio Studio

Unified X X X X X X
Pr oce ss

Re qui si te Pr o X X X X X X

Clea rQ ue st X X X X X X


Modeler Enterprise Realli me Enterprise Enterprise

Edition Edition Edition Ecfrtion Edition

Robo t X X X

TestFactory X X X

PureCo verage X X X X X

Purify X X X X X

Quantify X X X X X

l oadl est X

P e rf o X
rmance Ar

Configuration management workspace management, build management,

Helps teams control their day-to-day and process control
management of software development
activities as software is created, modified, Rational ClearQuest
built ,and delivered. Comprehensive software A highly customizable Windows and Web
configuration management includes version based change request management tool that
control, workspace management, build lets users track any type of change activity -
management, and process control to provide bug fixes, enhancement requests,
better project control and predictability . documentation changes, and so on -
forward engineering The process of t hroughout the software development
generating code from a Rational Rose visual lifecycle.
Rational PureCoverage
Rational ClearCase Automat ically pinpoints areas of code that
Provides comprehensive configuration have not been tested
management, including version control,

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M. Provider"
Rational Purify Automatically pinpoints hard-
to-find runtime memory errors
in Windows NT applications.
Rational Suite
An easy-to-adopt-
•• soluti
and-support on
optimizes the that
Rational Quantify developers, and testers - and unifies them,
Automatically pinpoints creating highly software
performance bottlenecks in effective
Visual Basic, Visual C++, and development teams.
Java applications. Rational Synchronizer
Uses rules, either predefined
Rational RequisitePro or user-supplied, to give you a
Helps teams easily and quick start on new work.
comprehensively organize, Creates or updates project
prioritize, track, and control items based on the existence
changing requirements of a of other items in your project,
system or application. ensuring that details do not
RationaI RequisitePro does fall through the cracks.
this through a deep integration
with Microsoft Word and a Rational TestFactory
secure, multi-user database. Automates reliability testing
by combining automatic test
Rational Robot generation with source code
Helps with functional testing coverage analysis.
by automating record and
playback of test scripts. Lets Rational Unified Process
you organize, write, and run A Web-enabled, searchable
test suites, and capture and knowledge base that
analyze the results. enhances team productivity
and delivers software best
Rational Rose practices via guidelines,
The world's leading visual templates, and Tool Mentors
component modeling and for all critical software
development tool; lets you development activities.
model software applications
that meet current business Tool Mentor
needs. Step-by-step instructions on
how to use a specific
Rational SoDA Rational tool to perform an
Software Documentation activity described in the
Automation Rational Unified Process.
Overcomes the obstacles of
consolidating data from Version control
different development tools. The process of tracking the
Lets you automate the revision history of files and
creation of comprehensive directories.
software, systems, and
project documents from
multiple sources.
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fied Process, RequisitePro,
ClearQuest, and SoDA - and optimized for
Edition of Rational Suite
Endorsed Education

Rational Rose developers and designers.
• • Suite {Modeler Edition}. Contains the team unifying
at tools - Rational Unified
io Devel Process, RequisitePro,
opme ClearQuest, and SoDA - plus
al Rational Rose (Enterprise
St Edition}, Rational Purify,
Rational Quantify, and
Rational PureCoverage.


a g
al t
y o
st o
s. l
C s
nt -
n R
s a
th t
e i
te o
a n
m a
u l
ni U
fy n
in i

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tests. Contains the team-unifying tools -
• Ration al Suite Development Studio Rational Unified Process, RequisitePro,
- RealTime Edition ClearQuest, and SoDA - plus Rational Test
Edition of Rational Suite optimized for system tools, Rational Rose (Enterprise Edition), and
developers and designers of real-time or Rational LoadTest.
embedded systems. Contains the team
unifying tools - Rational Unified Process,
RequisitePro, ClearQuest, and SoDA - plus • Rational Suite Test Studio
Rational Rose RealTime, Rational Purify, Edition of Rational Suite optimized for test
Rational Quantify, and Rational PureCoverage. engineers. Contains the team unifying tools -
Rational Unified Process, RequisitePro,
ClearQuest, and SoDA - and Rational Test
• Rational Suite Enterprise tools
Edition of Rational Suite containing all
Rational Suite tools except Rational LoadTest.

• Rational Suite Performance Studio

Edition of Rational Suite optimized for test
engineers who develop and run performance

Appendix B2- Various Supporting Tools

► Documentation Tools 0 Snagit

MS Office
ThinkFree ► Business Modeling Tools
0 ActiveModeler
0 Adobe Buzzword 0 eBPMN
0 Zoho writer 0 AgilPro
0 iServer

Drawing Tools
MS Visio
0 Oracle Business
Analysis {BPA)

0 Rational Rose Suite

Smart Draw
► Software Development Process Model

Magic Draw
Concept Draw ► Change Management Tools
0 Rational Clear Quest
0 Enterprise Architect 0 Perforce
0 ArgoUML 0 Affiniti
0 StarUML
0 Case Complete ► Brainstorming Tools
► Prototyping Tools-Wireframe Tools
0 JustinmindPrototyper
0 Evernote - A note taking,
brainstorming and web
0 WireframeSketcher clipping tool
0 Axure 0 Free Mind - Free mind is a
0 iPlotz free mind mapping software
0 Pidoco written in java.
0 Pencil
Microsoft Expression Blend
► Meeting Minutes
0 MeetingSense
► SDLCTools
► Screen capturing Tools 0 Microsoft Project Plan {MPP)
0 Pivotal Tracker - Agile 0 Optimal Trace
0 Rational Focal Point 0 iRise
0 ALM Complete

► Database Tools
► 0
Configuration (Version Control) Tools
VSS (Visual Source
0 Microsoft Access 0 Win CVS (concurr ent Versions
0 ERwin Data Modeler System)
0 MySQL Workbench 0 Rational Clear Case
0 SQLyog 0 Changeman (mainframes)
0 PHPMyAdmin 0 Serena PVCS {Polytron Version
0 Navicat Control System)
0 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 0 TFS {Team Foundation Server)
Management Studio Express ► Testing Tools
0 Win Runner
► Reporting Tools
0 Rational SoDA
Load Runner
Test Manager
0 Telerik 0 Testing Anywhere
0 )Report 0 Bugzilla
0 SQL Server Reporting Services 0 Silk Test
(SSRS) 0 Rational Robot
0 IBM Cognos Business 0 HP Quality Center
Intelligence 0 QTP (Quick Test Professional)
0 Active Reports
Oracle Reports
Crystal Reports
► Analysis Tools
0 Google Analytics - Web
Analytics tool
► Requirements Management Tool
0 Rational Requisite Pro
0 Oracle OLAP (online Analytical
Processing)- Oracle 11g
0 Serena 0 SSAS - Microsoft SQL Server
Analytical Services
Requirements manager 0 WebFOCUS
0 Reconcile
0 Analyst Pro 0 SQL Server Profiler
0 IBM DOORS (Dynamic Object-
Oriented System) ► Enterpr ise Architecture
0 Contour 0 TOGAF (The Open Group
0 Caliber Architecture Frameworks)
0 Blueprint 0 ProVision
0 ldeascope (feedback)
Appendix C Functional ► Aviation
Skills (Domain Knowledge) ► Real estate
► Sales
A domain is the area or boundary in which
► Construction
different organizations or organizational units
work ► Gaming
An individual with accepted knowledge of any ► Education and e-learning
specific area is considered as domain Expert ► CRM
The domain knowledge comes with ► e-commerce
Utilities industry incorporates companies
How to gain domain Knowledge
which offer services like Electric power, Steam
supply, natural gas and sewage removal.
It's always good to ponder than to observe
the business logic
AGILE (SEE DOWN) Utilities sector is now mainly concentrating on
Ask Questions a major change by anticipating a world with a
Get Involved much wider range of technologies and where
Increase Networking the shape of the industry changes. Companies
Look Around are seeking to extend their value chain both
Educate yourself upward and downward to secure supply and
end-markets. The traditional boundaries that
define the utilities industry are becoming
Appendix C1 - Domains list blurred as the interdependence of different
energy sectors and between utility and
BFSI stands for Banking, Financial Services and
technology companies are becoming more
► Banking critical.
► Insurance
► Financial
► Health Care
CZ Domain

► Please login COEPD Student LMS for details

Appendix D - Sample Questions
lI M. Provider"

Ql. What is the% of BA in Team Size and Project Duration? 5 Marks

Q2. What is the role of BA in a product development IT Company?
5 Marks
Q3. Explain Agile & Scrum Process?
5 Marks
Q4. List all diagrams of UML and draw samples?
5 Marks
Q5. Explain Abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, Inheritance?
5 Marks
Q6. what steps you follow to draw a use case diagram from a Case study?
5 Marks
Q7. What are does & don'ts for a BA?
5 Marks
Q8. Write about a Business Process Model?
5 Marks
Q9. List out Challenging Areas for a BA?
5 Marks

QlO.What are different categories of tools that can be used in a project, you are aware
5 Marks
of? Qll. Explain "actor generalization" and "use case generalization" with example?
5 Marks
Q12. When do you use "Include" and "extend" in use case diagrams and give an example?
5 Marks
Q13. Describe SRS document and write down its subsections?
5 Marks
:;; a sequence the below mentioned 3 tier Architecture. 5 Marks
Jm o¥n sc A p p lci a t io n y r-,g nc_ c_ _

- - - - - - - u ata Lay er - - - - - - -
Q 15. Do SWOT Analysis on "changing legacy system to New HP prolient New 5 Marks
server. Q16. What are BA Thumb rules
5 Marks
Q17. Write about a relationship in OOA?
5 Marks
Q18. What is RTM? Give a sample RTM and how it is managed through SDLC?
5 Marks
Q19.What are different Documents that can be used in a project, you are aware of?
5 Marks
Q20.Why Projects fail?
5 Marks
Q21. How a BA handles Business Requirements, User Requirements and Functional Requirements?
? 5 Marks
Q22. Why MVC Architecture is used? What are MVC Rules in identifying classes? What guidelines
will youfollow to place the classes on a three tier Architecture? What are persistence and Transient
classes? 10 Marks
Q 23. What is a Requirement? How many types of requirements are there? Explain them with
example 10 Marks
Q 24. Write use case specification for withdraw cash use case in an ATM? 10 Marks
Q 25. You have assigned a new project by your Lead BA and he has requested you to be ready with
20 questionnaires to be asked to the client on your initial meeting. (Policy management system or
Point of sale system or New Bank Account opening system or Hotel and & Cab online booking
system) 10 Marks
Q 26. What is the role of BA in Change Request? 10 Marks
Q27.A customer can make a payment either by credit card or Debit Card or Cash or by Net banking.
Derive Boundary Classes, Controller classes, Entity Classes. Place these classes on a three tier
Architecture and Draw a sequence diagram for payment done by Customer through Credit Card
10 Marks
Q 28. What is the relationship between use case and test case? 10 Marks
Where would you document Functional and Non-Functional Requirements (i.e. deliverable)?
Describe your understanding regarding high level and low-level use cases.
Q29. What are the tools used during Business Analysis? 10 Marks

Q 30. What are the roles and responsibilities of Business Analyst in given phases? 25 Marks
Phases Tasks of BA and contributions Resources Associated
and Artifacts
Requirements Before Project Kick off
Planning r
/ 1 I
gathering ' .- -
- -
Deployment and

Q31. Case study will begiven, and you are asked to draw Use-case
M arks-10 to 15
Marks-10 to 15
Q32. Case study will begiven, and you are asked to draw Activity Diagram

For more Questions, please login to your Account in COEPD Web portal

lI M. Provider"

Appendix E - Answers to Situations

Answer to Situation 2:

Hints: Feasibility Study -- Impact analysis -- Bridge: current status - the new requirement -- Priority 1
/ valued customer -- Absorbing resources from other projects / functions -- employing more
stretching of resources / OT / cancelling leaves -- procuring licenses and infrastructure -- keeping
margins to bare minimum -- revisit SLA -- 30% buffer time

1. After receiving the Requirements from the Client, Acknowledge the Client with a Thank you
note for sending the requirements and inform the Client that you will come back in couple
of days after consulting your technical Team.
2. Consult your Technical Team and find out what can be done to meet these requirements.
Suppose, Technical team says this is feasible and wants to have extra 3 more months for
delivery of Solution.
3. Then communicate to Client bye mail that after much study on the extra requirements, the
Technical team promised to deliver these Requirements in 5 Months' time, byputting extra
resources in this project as you are an esteemed Customer, we decided not to charge for the
extra effort. After sending the email, make a personal call to the Client and explain him with
Facts and ask for extra time.
4. Client will nownegotiate on extra time and will say OK for 4 mont hs.
5. Suppose if Client does not agree for more time, then pass on the same email to the Project
manager. He will handle the situation.

Appendix F-M or e Case studies

1) Hospital Management System

The hospital has several specialized departments like Cardiology, Gynecologic, Ort hopedics,
Pediatrics, ENT etc. OPD is another independent department . A doctor is only associated with one
specialized department at a time though he/she can be a member of the OPD (Outside Patients
Department) department . Each doctor has a visiting time and day in a week.
At reception the patient details are entered, and the fees are also taken, and the patient is
tracked on the basis of the Id generated.
In routine a patient can visit the doctors either directly selecting a doctor manually or by
getting admitt ed to the hospital and then a doctor visits the patients.
A doctor can prescribe tests for the patient to perform. The patient visits the lab to get done the
tests prescribed by the doctor. The reports are given to the patient. The payments pertaining to the
tests are done at the reception. Referring the reports, the doctor prescribes the patient medicines or
further tests or is asked to get adm itt ed.
A patient is admitted into a ward of a specialized department (if available) as per the doctor's
prescription. The number of wards is limited and if there is no vacant ward the admission of the
patient is rescheduled.
As per the prescription of the doctor the patient is operated on a specified date and time as
decided by the doctor who is doing the operation.
After the completion of the treatment a patient may get discharged on an advice of a doctor and
upon the complete payment of all due charges at the reception. On payment of full dues, the
reception generates a discharge ticket for the patient

Valid considerations:

• Admin - Maintains the doctor time sheets,
• Lab in charge - upload fee details, upload reports.
• Pharma in charge - enter medicine payment details. And generating bills
• Every payment is routed to reception by maintaining CBS (centralized billing system)
• Patient is restricted to access the system

Exclusions - Not applicable

2) Point of Sale Terminal Management System

Construct a design element for Point of sale terminal management system that can be used for
buying and selling of goods in the retail shop.

When the customer arrives at the post check point with the items to purchase. The cashier records
each item, price and adds the item information to the running sales t ransaction. The description and
price of the current item are displayed. On completion of the item entry the cashier informs the
sales total andtaxto thecustomer. The customer chooses payment type (cash, cheque, credit or
debit). After the payment is made the system generates a receipt and automatically updates the
inventory. The cashier handovers the receipt to the customer.

• The customer chooses the payment type and the cashier will accept the payment and
initiates the transaction.

• No need to model secondary actor for inventory updates.

3) Online Shopping

The telephone agent uses an order registry and customer catalog to obtain access to an order & a
customer respectively.
The order registry uses an order number as a qualifierto select particular order instance. A
customer catalog uses customer name and phone number as a qualifier to select particular customer.
The attributes of an order are the order numbers and time when it is placed. The order consists
of many items.
An item has item number, a quantity, unit price. It also has reference to catalog item which
represents listing.
When an order is cancelled or committed, it cancels or commits each of its items first.
When an order's total price method is invoked, the order calls the total price method of each of
items and returns the sum.

Valid Considerations :

• Customer provides his/her details online before placing an order .
BA WORKSH OP - APPEND IX l,.e Endorsed Education
I M. Provider"

Admin will maintain customer catalog & order catalog with addition, deletion
and modification from time to time. ••
Alert s {SM S & E-M ail ) will be generat ed by syst em on successful order commit or cancel.
Exclusion :
Customer is restricted to access the system

4) Retail Store Management System

The Retail Store Management System is a system designed for managing i.e. for ordering, arranging
and selling goods.

The Retailer checks for the availability of goods in the sto re. If the st ock of goods is less than retailer
places order for goods. While ordering the goods, goods area received at store, the retailer then
arrange them by product or by price, then retailer makes payment . If the stock of goods is available,
then he will arrange goods for selling.

The retailer then sales the goods directly to the customer. The customer buys the items from
retailer. The retailer prepares bill for goods purchased by the customer, he receives amoun t by
credit or by cash from customer. The supplier supplies the goods to the store . The overall system is
used to manage the goods in the sto re.
Valid Considerations:

• Retailer accepts payment from customer either by Credit card or by cash.

• Arranging Goods in system either by Price or by product
• Before generates bill, retailer should run the sales transact ion.

• Retailer makes payment directly or third-party services
• Supplier supplies goods manually

5) Course-Ware Management System

Construct the design element for a course ware management system that can be used to manage
courses and classes for an organization that specialize in providing t raining.
The organization offers a variety of courses in a variety of areas such as learning management
techniques and understanding different software languages and technologies.
Each course is made up of set of topics.
Tut ors in the organization are assigned courses to teach according to the area that is specialized in
and their availabliity .
The organization publish and maintain a calendar of different courses and assign tutors every year.
There is a group of Course Admini strator in the organization to manage the courses including course
content, assign courses to tutor and define the course schedule.
The t raining organization aim to use the Course-ware Management System to get a better cont rol
and visibility to the management of courses as also to streamline the process of generating and
managing the schedule of the different courses.

• If no actor is defined in context admin can be considered as a valid actor on behalf of
Organization .

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On successful publishing of calendar, tutors & students will be not ified.
I M.
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NA ••
6) Railway Reservation System
Railway Reservation System is a system used for booking tickets over internet. Any Customer Can
book tickets for different trains. Customer can book a ticket only if the tickets are available.
Customer searches for the availability of tickets then if the tickets are available, he books the tickets
by initially filling details in a form. Tickets can be booked in two ways by i-ticket or bye-ticket

In case of i-ticket booking customer can book the tickets online and the tickets are couriered to
Particular customer at their address. But in case of e-ticket booking and cancelling tickets are
booked and cancelled online sitting at the home and customer himself has to take print of the
ticket but in both the cases amount for tickets are deducted from customers account.

For cancellation of i- ticket the customer has to go at reservation office then fill cancellation form
andrequest the clerk to cancel the t icket. Then the refund is transferred to customer account.

Inclusion -
• Clerk can be considered as agent in this scenario for cancellation of I tickets & e-tickets.
• Refun d request is init iates by system automatically after ticket cancelation


7) Stock Maintenance.
Customer preference in buying patterns are changing time to time which creates an opportunity to the
service provides to enhance the services and sales to meet the business need. To address the current
need of the customers service providers, focus on technology integration to provide quality service with
Hassel free transactions and track the stock inventory in order to balance the supply-demand model.
Stock maintenance in system is an essential and play key role in cun-ent scena1io through product
details, purchase details, sales and stock movement which helps business owners to track, monitor and
manage stock in store. The product details contain product code, Product name, Opening Stock and
Prices. These details are maintained in database. In the purchasing function we must have the details
about the store, quantity and also price.

The Sales Details contain Date, Customer name, Product code, Quantity and P1ices. The Stock Details
contain product id, opening stock, purchase stock, cunent stock, and sales. The stock details are
maintaining the database and view the stock between two dates

Inclusion -

• If no actor is defined in context admin can be considered as a valid actor on behalf of


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8) Tour Management System.
Previously people wishing to visit places had to manually search for available accommodation at the
visiting places. Also, they themselves had to make reservation. People hardly had any knowledge of
which are the worth seeing places and about its history. Such procedure was time consuming and
energy wasting.

Tour Reservation System has made life very easy for such visitors by saving both their time and
Visitor requests for scheme to check the availability of the desired tour package. This information is
stored in Tour Information System.
System will check whether the customer is existing or new. New user will enter his personal and
tour details for reservation. In turn he/she will be provided with system generated unique ID and
password. This login information could be used for further transactions.

When customer is satisfied with tour package, he/she would request for reservation of tour.
Personal details of new customer are stored in cust_info while the details regarding the tour
selected by particular customer is stored intour_info andthe details regarding it would be
restructured in Tour Information System.
Existing customer can update his/her personal details in cust_info and cancel reservation for tour
from tour_info andchanges regarding it are also reflected in Tour Information System.
After confirming the tour package, the customer will make payment either online or through staff
by personally going at the office. Customer can make payment by cash, credit card or by cheque.
System checks for the validity of staff. Once the payment is done by customer, valid staff will make
Ticket Reservation System.

Reserved customer will be able to view details about reservation by providing login information
from cust_info and to ur_info system.
Administrator can add, delete or modify tour schemes from Tour Information System.





For more Case- Studies, please login to your Account in COEPD Web portal

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Appendix G - BA Workshop Participant Activities & Check List
• Learning Activity Set 1
Attending workshop Day 1 & Day 2
Activity -01: Clearing off professional digital data from professional and social networking
• Learning Activity Set 2
Activity-02: Case Studyl & Case Study 2 on Use Case Diagram.
Activity -03: Case Study 1 on Sequence Diagram.
Revision of Day 1 & Day 2 and Attending BA workshop Day 3 & Day 4
Activity -04: Case Study 1 on Activity Diagram
Activity -05: Case Study 2 on Activity Diagram - Swimlines
Activity -06: Case Study 1 on Prototyping
Activity -07: Writing BA Exam 1
• Learning Activity Set 3
Activity-08: Writing BA Exam 2
Activity -09: Writing BA Exam
3 Activity - IO: Writing BA
Exam 4
Activity -11: Case Study 3 on Use Case Diagram and Activity Diagram.
Activity -12: Case Study 4 on Use Case Diagram and Activity Diagram.
Activity -13: Case Study 5 on Use Case Diagram and Activity Diagram.
Activity-14: Paiticipate in Topic 1 of discussion in Fornms of www.coepd.com
Activity -15: Pa1ticipate in Topic 2 of discussion in Fornms of
www.coepd.com. Activity -16: Case Study 6 on Use Case Diagram and
Activity Diagram Activity -17: Case Study 7 on Use Case Diagram and Activity
Activity -18: Case Study 8 on Use Case Diagram and Activity Diagram
• Learning Activity Set 4
Activity -19: Case Study 9 on Use Case Diagram ai1d Activity Diagram
Activity -20: Case Study 10 on Use Case Diagram and Activity Diagram
Activity -21: Practice on Diagram Drawing tool - Visio.
Activity -22: Practice on Prototyping Tool-Axure.
Activity -23: Practice on Prototyping Tool-Balsainiq.
Activity -24: Post Blog 1 in W\:VW.coepd.com Blog.
Activity-25: Study of BA Interview FAQ.
Activity -26: Paiticipate in Topic 3 of discussion in Fornms of www.coepd.com.
Activity -27: Study of IDs of Job Postings on www.coepd.com
Activity -28: Post Blog 2 in www.coepd.com Blog.
Activity-29: Paiticipate in Topic 4 of discussion in Fornms of www.coepd.com.
• Learning Activity Set 5
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Activity -30: Post Blog 2 inAPPENDIX
www.coepd.com Blog.


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Activity -31: Pa1ticipate in Topic 5 of discussion in Fornms of www.coepd.com.
Activity -32: Working with Understanding document concerning project
Activity -33: Working with BRD document concerning project
Activity -34: Working with Functional spec / SRS document of concerning project
Activity -35: Paiticipate in Topic 6 of discussion in Fornms of www.coepd.com.
Activity -36: Working with RTM document concerning the
project. Activity-37: Study of IDs of BA Posting-
www.coepd.com Activity -38: Prepai·ation of BA interview FAQ.
Activity -39: Paiticipate in Topic 7 of discussion in Fornms of www.coepd.com.
Activity -40: Selecting a domain and confirm.
Activity -41: Fine tuning the projects
Activity -42: Identifying the roles & responsibilitiesand BA contributions in project.
Activity -43: Attending the Mock Interview 1 (HR)
• Learning Activity Set 6
Activity -44: Writing BA Exam 5
Activity -45: Pa1ticipate in Topic 8 of discussion in Fornms of
www.coepd.com. Activity -46: Prepai·ation of BA interview FAQ from your
resume perspective Activity -47: Pa1ticipate in Topic 9 of discussion in Fornms
of www.coepd.com Activity-48: Attending Mock interview 2 (Techno-
Activity -49: Uploading BA Professional digital data in professional and social networking
Activity -50: Paiticipate in Topic 10 of discussion in Forums of www.coepd.com
Activity -51: Attending Mock interview 3 (Techno-Functional)
Activity -52: Uploading resume in minimum 5 Job P01tals.\

Write minimum 5 Paper Based Exams Write 2 Biogs
. 12 Use Case Diagrams Resume preparation
12 Activity Diagrams Domain Selection
UML Tools Usage Projects refinement
Wireframe Tools usage Uploading in 5 job Portals
5 Mockups
Mock Interviews- minimum 3 Nos
Participation in minimum 10 Forums

For latest Checklist, please login to your Account in COEPD Web portal
®. !?? l,.e

Endorsed Education

: •• Appendix
V3 Mapping

Analy st
mapping to
iiba BABoK
In BABoK V3, we
have 10 concepts
1. Business Analysis
Key Concepts
2. Business
Planning and
3. Elicitation and
4. Requirements
Life Cycle
5. Strategy Analysis
6. Requirements
Analysis and
Design Definition
7. Solution
8. Underlying
9. Techniques
10. Perspectives

and detailed
mapping is

I. B l
u y
s s
i i
n s
e K
s e
s y
n o
a n
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p II. Business Analysis Planning
,.e ehol
Endorsed Education

t and Monitoring ake o
s • Who 7.2. hold n
is ers
Business • Perfo T
Analysis Listi
1. I ehol Planning rman
der? Business Plan c
n ce Doc h
• What Monit
t is
ume n
Busi oring nt
r ness • Techn 5.St q
o Proc iques ake e
d Mod
• Busi • Estimati
hold s
ness ers •
u eling
? • Estimat Sum
c ysis
t • BA
Plan g y
Com 6.
i ning R
plete RAC
e •
o ness
• Plan
q I
n Area
u Matr
s ix -
• Wh i
ors Res
o r
a • Busi pon
Bu ness sible
sin ,
Com e
An muni n
ount •
aly catio t
st? able
n s
• Wh ,
at P Con
is dul sult
ing a ed,
re n Infor
me n med
nt? i 6
• Typ .
n 1
of g .
Re 2
quir Ill. .
em R
ent e
s Elicitati I q
• Bo
on and d u
Collabo e i
nd r
bet ration n
we Business t m
en Requirement i e
Re n
s Initiation f
qui t
re (Gathering y
me Stage)
nt 6.1.1Stakeh S l
an older t i
d Analysis c
BA i
3 k
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hniqEndorsed Education

• Focu 6.2. Bus • Requirements • Fish • P
s e ines Definition bon E
Grou n s S
• Requirements e
ps t Req Dia T
) uire gra L
• Obse •
me m E
nts R T
n • Dec
- Ma eq e
• Work nag isio
uir c
shop em n
em h
• R ent Ana
e ent lysis
J i
q s • Fina q
A 6.2.1. Re
u Ver ncia u
D quir l
i ific e
em Fact
r ati • P
( ent ors
e on o
J s • Non rt
m 7.3 - e
o Co
e Rol Fina r'
i mm ncia
n e s
n uni l F
t of
t Fact i
s cati BA ors v
on in • Stra e
A 3R ha
W tegy f
p Co ndli Anal o
p nce ng ysis r
l • Ext c
k pt Ch
i ern e
s 6.2.2. Requi an M
c reme al
h ge Env o
a nts d
o Mana Re iron
t geme qu me e
p l
i nt est ntal
• Inter Ana • I
o 6.2.3. Requi
view lysi n
n reme
• Prot nts s t
otypi Orga e
D ng nizati r
e • Ques on n
v tionn a
aire l
e E
l s n
ey) V. Strate
gy • Feas
BA s Analy ibility
Stud o
Life sis
Cyc 7.1.
y n
P le se
• Root
Analysi n
IV. R age Analy a
• SW sis
e me OT
nt • Tech A
q Ana niqu n
ui s
e- 5 a
Why l
re • GA • Tabu y
m P s
e Ana Meth i
nt lysi od - s
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• M



6.1.5. Val
Endorsed Education
6.3.3. S

T g
A l
Re u
n r a o The
qui ti
re o
ly T
e m me n
si Frame
nts V
s work63
T e • FU a
e RP li
• Scope S d
c w
h F • Business Case • cu a
cv o
i r
q • CA n
u E • V
a VI. Requirements Analysis and
e • AP e
Design Definition VU r
• E
m • SM i
6.1.3. Sort l AR f
n i
e the Assignme T
requi nt
t a
w reme t
• Moscow
nts { i
e o
Defin •
o VII. Solutio n
r n
r Requ
Evaluati V
ireme s
p on
k nts)
6.3. Business
6.1.4. Prio V
r ritiz Solutions a
s e Evaluation and l
i Req Implementation i
uire 6.3.1. Business d
men Solutions a
s ts t
6.3.2. Solution i
o • 10 Assessment o
e 0
• Asses n
The Do
s 6.3.4. S
propos o
ed l
Solutio u
A st
ns ti
Z • To
• Requir o
r p ement n
a 10 s E
c Alloca v
re tion a
qu l
h u
h ire a
i m ti
m o
t ts 6.3.5. S
a • N o
e u l
n u
c ti
eri o
ca n
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Lea dership


flict Management
,.e c

a Endorsed Education s

e o

e S
m n
nt BA lI D
i p
M. a
OP - g
VIII. Underly 4
ing APPENDI Provider r
Compet X " a
encies (

3. E
? t

y Skills 3

3.1. B e 3.3.
3.2. u n 3.4.
s t
i 5. . OOA and UML I
n 5.1. Lear 5.3. Learnin c
e ning g UML
s • Mostly
s • Object
Diagra d
C e
o • Class
ms by
BA )
m • Compon 5.4. Use • L
m ent Case e
u Diagram
n • Package • Actor r
i • Subsyste • Learning
use case
c ms i
a Diagrams
5.2. Impl Step-1: n
ti eme (basic) g
o ntin
n g
OO • Lear u
S A ning s
• Abstract use e
ion case
• Encapsu Diagr c
ams a
e lation
Step- s
r • Inheritan
2: e
M ce
a • Polymor
erali D
n phism zatio i
a • Relation n) a
g ships • Learn g
e • Messag ing r
m e use a
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• L
g Test Cases
out of Use-
,.e 4.4. A
Endorsedg Education
• Test Case
•• l
5.7. s
n s -
U • An Overview
g e
• Two Tier
d S
u C e c
s • Three Tier
a r Architecture r
e s s u
• MVC Architecture
e t m
• MVC Architecture
c a Rules
a D n • Gui S
s i d c
e a i r
g n u
D r g m
i a ce BA role in
a m h Agile
g o Scrum
r w 7.4. Role of BA
a f a ed in Project
m r MV
s o S C
m o Cla
S f sse
t a t s in
e w a3
C a Tie
a r r
s e Arc
e hite
A ctu
s p re
( p
t 5.8. Sequence
A l Diagram
u u
i 5.9. Domain
t d
c Modelling
o y
a 5.10 Activity Diagram
m S.S.
t • Activity Diagram
a Use Case i Elements
t Descriptio • Swimlanes
i n
o Document X. Perspectives
) • Use 4. SDLC Methodologies
• H
Case and Models
o _
w Exam 4.1. Sequential - waterfall and V
ple Model
5.6. D 4.2. Iterative - RUP (Rational
er Unified Process)
ivi 4.3. Evolutionary- Spiral
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"This was one of the best Business Analyst workshops l have f
"The quality of BA course is really good and th e !us point is
ever attended.. A[[1 can say is that the trainers actualty that Trainer helps to relate the theory to practica useduring
know what they teach. OveraU the venue, course materials day to day [efe. Aweekend courses areadded advantage.Very
and facilitation was excetlent. l recommend this workshop positive learning experience.Why1recommend COEPD:
to anyone who is interested in seeing real progress in their -Trainers with hands on industry experienc e
Business Analyst career." _ Maraka Sudhakar - SmaU classes andfriendly environment
-The ad.min staff is also very he!pfal and very quick to
"Right place to learn BA concepts and techniques in more
respond back for required support.
practical way rather than simply l.istening to th eoretical
-Great location" _ Manjunath Nettem
explanation. Faculty withreal timework experience will make
you feel the concepts with relevant examples and correct the "The participant have a 360 degrees view of a BAro!e and
though process with respect to BA role and responsiliillfy." r esponsibiJities, thedesign of the course dginitely enhances
- Ahmad Khan the knowledge of the student irrespective of his/her domain
"l havejoined in COEPD forBA training. Here lfelt that expertise". _ Uday Ch
communicationbetween part icipant and tra iner is accessible "Coepd is the best institute for Business Analyst Train ing ,
aH the weelz days in a[[business hours.The team is suppo Team is very supportive. HR Executives arevery dynamic
rtive. My trainer taught meevery concept in a easy way. l and even ready to take stand for you with the Client, she
cleared alt my do-u.,bts. This isa very good institute to learn BA supported me aggressively for my placement."
- Monika Sharma
thoroughly." - Maria Garcia
ForMore visit... http:/ /-www.coepd.com/business-analyst-tra ining-testimonials.htm[

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