In-Situ e Log S Curve

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The oedometer test 231 232 Consolidation theory

The expansion part of the e–log  plot can be approximated to a straight line, the In-situ elog s 0 curve
slope of which is referred to as the expansion index Ce.
Due to the effects of sampling and preparation, the specimen in an oedometer test will be
slightly disturbed. It has been shown that an increase in the degree of specimen disturb-
Preconsolidation pressure ance results in a slight decrease in the slope of the virgin compression line. It can therefore
be expected that the slope of the line representing virgin compression of the in-situ soil will
Casagrande proposed an empirical construction to obtain, from the e–log 0 curve
be slightly greater than the slope of the virgin line obtained in a laboratory test.
for an overconsolidated clay, the maximum effective vertical stress that has acted on
No appreciable error will be involved in taking the in-situ void ratio as being equal
the clay in the past, referred to as the preconsolidation pressure (0c ). Figure 7.4 shows a
to the void ratio (e0) at the start of the laboratory test. Schmertmann [18] pointed out
typical e–log 0 curve for a specimen of clay, initially overconsolidated. The initial
that the laboratory virgin line may be expected to intersect the in-situ virgin line at a
curve indicates that the clay is undergoing recompression in the oedometer, having
void ratio of approximately 0.42 times the initial void ratio. Thus the in-situ virgin line
at some stage in its history undergone expansion. Expansion of the clay in situ may,
can be taken as the line EF in Figure 7.5 where the coordinates of E are log 0c and e0,
for example, have been due to melting of ice sheets, erosion of overburden or a rise
and F is the point on the laboratory virgin line at a void ratio of 0.42e0.
in water table level. The construction for estimating the preconsolidation pressure
In the case of overconsolidated clays the in-situ condition is represented by the point
consists of the following steps:
(G) having coordinates 00 and e0, where 00 is the present effective overburden pressure.
The in-situ recompression curve can be approximated to the straight line GH parallel
1 Produce back the straight-line part (BC) of the curve.
to the mean slope of the laboratory recompression curve.
2 Determine the point (D) of maximum curvature on the recompression part (AB)
of the curve.
3 Draw the tangent to the curve at D and bisect the angle between the tangent and Example 7.1
the horizontal through D.
The following compression readings were obtained in an oedometer test on a specimen
4 The vertical through the point of intersection of the bisector and CB produced
of saturated clay (Gs ¼ 2:73):
gives the approximate value of the preconsolidation pressure.
Pressure (kN/m2) 0 54 107 214 429 858 1716 3432 0
Whenever possible the preconsolidation pressure for an overconsolidated clay should Dial gauge
not be exceeded in construction. Compression will not usually be great if the effective after 24 h (mm) 5.000 4.747 4.493 4.108 3.449 2.608 1.676 0.737 1.480
vertical stress remains below 0c : only if 0c is exceeded will compression be large.

Figure 7.4 Determination of preconsolidation pressure. Figure 7.5 In-situ e–log 0 curve.

The oedometer test 233 234 Consolidation theory

The initial thickness of the specimen was 19.0 mm and at the end of the test the
water content was 19.8%. Plot the elog 0 curve and determine the preconsolida-
tion pressure. Determine the values of mv for the stress increments 100–200 and
1000–1500 kN/m2. What is the value of Cc for the latter increment?

Void ratio at end of test ¼ e1 ¼ w1 Gs ¼ 0:198  2:73 ¼ 0:541

Void ratio at start of test ¼ e0 ¼ e1 þ e


e 1 þ e0 1 þ e1 þ e
¼ ¼
H H0 H0


e 1:541 þ e
3:520 19:0
e ¼ 0:350 Figure 7.6 Example 7.1.
e0 ¼ 0:541 þ 0:350 ¼ 0:891

In general, the relationship between e and H is given by For 00 ¼ 100 kN/m2 and 01 ¼ 200 kN/m2 ,

e 1:891 e0 ¼ 0:845 and e1 ¼ 0:808

H 19:0
and therefore
i.e. e ¼ 0:0996 H, and can be used to obtain the void ratio at the end of each
increment period (see Table 7.1). The elog 0 curve using these values is shown in 1 0:037
mv ¼  ¼ 2:0  104 m2 =kN ¼ 0:20 m2 =MN
Figure 7.6. Using Casagrande’s construction, the value of the preconsolidation 1:845 100
pressure is 325 kN/m2.
For 00 ¼ 1000 kN/m2 and 01 ¼ 1500 kN/m2 ,
1 e0  e1
mv ¼  e0 ¼ 0:632 e1 ¼ 0:577
1 þ e0 01  00 and

and therefore
Table 7.1 1 0:055
mv ¼  ¼ 6:7  105 m2 =kN ¼ 0:067 m2 =MN
Pressure (kN/m2) H (mm) e e 1:632 500
0 0 0 0.891 and
54 0.253 0.025 0.866
107 0.507 0.050 0.841
0:632  0:577 0:055
214 0.892 0.089 0.802 Cc ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:31
429 1.551 0.154 0.737 logð1500=1000Þ 0:176
858 2.392 0.238 0.653
1716 3.324 0.331 0.560 Note that Cc will be the same for any stress range on the linear part of the elog 0
3432 4.263 0.424 0.467
0 3.520 0.350 0.541 curve; mv will vary according to the stress range, even for ranges on the linear part of
the curve.

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