Complaint Type:Cyber Crime / Report & Track: Complainant Details
Complaint Type:Cyber Crime / Report & Track: Complainant Details
Complaint Type:Cyber Crime / Report & Track: Complainant Details
Complainant Details
Name Gaurav Dubey
Mobile 8447149901
House No R-170
Village/ Town
Pincode 201301
Suspect Details
S No. Suspect Name ID Type Country Code ID Number
Village / Town
I received the following contact details for delivery of oxygen cylinder in
Delhi NCR (patient located in Noida). - 7363077636 (Claimed to be Pawar
Medicare Gas agency) I contacted them and they told that I had to pay an
advance of Rs. 10,500 (on a Google Pay account)for a 100 litre oxygen
cylinder. After I had sent the payment receipt and asked for delivery details,
first they gave me a fake ambulance no. and then told me to pay twice the
amount I had already deposited as they had to deliver 3 cylinders and I had
paid for one out of the three. I refused to pay more and asked for a refund
for which they asked me to wait for 1-2 hrs. I contacted them again and
found that the number had been switched off and the number used to
Complaint Additional Info receive the payment was unreachable. I tried to contact them through
telegram chat with another phone number and they contacted me with a
new number. 9831211491( claimed to be Sanjay Singh) I asked for the
refund but he refused to have any knowledge of any payment made
yesterday. I tried calling again but after sometime he stopped taking my
calls and blocked my number on Telegram. I am attaching all the contact
numbers and UPI IDs I came across throughout this episode- 1.
7363077636 ( Mobile no. I contacted initially, used for Telegram chat) 2.
9144886237 (Mobile number used to receive UPI payment) 3. Swapan Das
(UPI ID : mangilalasuthar08@okaxis) 4. 9831211491 (Accessed by the
same person who refused to acknowledge the payment made)
Google Pay -
Account Credited to
1 :dubeygaurav120@o 112120421625 10500 01/05/2021
Supporting Evidence
Action Taken
Complaint Accepted By GBN_PS_SEC20
1 N/A N/A