Albaraka Islamic Bank
Albaraka Islamic Bank
Albaraka Islamic Bank
2 Financial Highlights
8 Directors’ Report
29 Auditors’ Report
Year to Year to
31 December 2006 31 December 2005
Ratios (%)
Return on Average Shareholders’ Equity 10.39% 16.06%
Return on Average Paid-In Capital 15.77% 22.25%
Return on Average Assets 1.15% 1.40%
Shareholders’ Equity as % of Total Assets 12.83% 8.98%
Financial Highlights Total Financing and Investments as a multiple of Equity (times) 5.57 7.38
Asset Quality
Net Asset Value per Share (US$) 1.6 1.5
Number of Employees 5,435 4,846
Net Income attributable to Equity Total number of branches 215 185
Shareholders of the Parent (US$ 000)
Authorised 1,500,000 1,500,000
Subscribed and fully paid up 630,000 387,998
Total Shareholders Equity (US$ 000)
Registered Address
P.O. Box 1882, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain
55.5% 67.8% SAUDI FINANCE
In-principle approval
obtained from local
Shaikh Saleh Abdullah Kamel Shaikh Dr. Abdul Sattar Abu Ghuddah
Chairman Chairman
K. Krishnamoorthy
Senior Vice President - Head of Strategic Planning
Abdulrahman Shehab
Senior Vice President - Head of Operations & Administration
Executive & Senior
Hamad Abdulla Ali Eqab
Management First Vice President - Head of Financial Control
Now, as we look forward to what we In 2006 JIB transferred the growing business
confidently anticipate will be a further year of of its financial brokerage office, based at the
performance delivery, we will also be Amman Stock Exchange, to a separate
continuing the work begun with ABG’s brokerage company established for the
formation, as we gradually weld together a purpose. It also obtained the coveted ISO
powerful banking group that will increasingly 9001:2000 in management systems,
benefit from the synergies available from reflecting its strong performance in
cross-border business interaction between production and management-related issues
our different units, while accessing the and its push towards achieving its objectives
29 Auditors’ Report
In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful, Praise be to Allah and peace be upon our
Prophet Mohamed, His Apostles:
To: Albaraka Banking Group Shareholders The Unit’s Shari’a Supervisory Boards and
Shari’a advisors have supervised the Units’
business activities including examining on test
In accordance with Article (58) of the Articles basis documentations and procedures applied
of Association of AlBaraka Banking Group, by the Group and its Units.
(The Group) we are required to submit the
The Units’ Shari’a Supervisory Boards and
following report:
Shari’a advisors, as is clear from their reports,
We have reviewed the policies and planned and performed reviews so as to
procedures applied by the Group and obtain all the information and explanations
reviewed the 2006 Shari’a reports issued by they considered necessary in order to provide
the following Group Units’ Shari’a Supervisory them with sufficient evidence to provide
Boards or Shari’a Advisors: reasonable assurance that the Group and its
Units have not violated Shari’a Rules and
1 AlBaraka Islamic Bank (Bahrain).
2 Al-Amin Bank
In our opinion:
3 Jordan Islamic Bank
1 The Contracts, transactions and dealings
4 Bank Et-Tamweel Al-Tunisi Al-Saudi
entered into by the Group and its Units
5 Banque Albaraka D’Algerie during the year ended 31st December
2006 are made in compliance with
6 AlBaraka Bank Ltd (South Africa)
Shari’a Rules and Principles.
7 AlBaraka Bank Lebanon
2 The allocation of profit and charging of
8 AlBaraka Turk Participation Bank losses relating to investment accounts
9 The Egyptian Saudi Finance Bank conform to the basis that have been
approved in accordance with Shari’a
10 AlBaraka Bank Sudan Issued on 14 Safar 1428H, corresponding to
Rules and Principles.
4 March 2007 AD.
3 All earnings realized from sources or by
Executive Committee of the Unified Shari’a
We have also reviewed the financial means prohibited by Islamic Shari’a Rules
and Principles have been disposed of to Supervisory Board
statements of the above entities when
needed. Charitable Causes.
In addition, we examined the Group’s Balance 4 The Group and its units are not required
Sheet for the year ending 31/12/2006 and to pay Zakah. This should be paid by
Statement of Income and their notes and shareholders on their shareholdings.
obtained the necessary explanations and Subject to the Islamic Jurisprudence
clarifications on the relevant technical issues. Board’s resolution, a shareholder who President Shari’a Supervisory Board
invests for the purpose of trading
The Group and Units managements are Dr. Abdul Sattar Abu Ghudah
should pay Zakah on the market price of
responsible for ensuring that these operate his shares while a shareholder who
and conduct their business in accordance invests for the purpose of getting profits
with Islamic Shari’a Principles. Our should pay Zakah on the profits paid out
responsibility is to express an independent in addition to his share in the bank’s
opinion based on our review of the Shari’a assests on which Zakah should be paid.
reports and financial statements of the Group Shari’a Supervisory Board’s Member
and its Units. Praise be to God
Dr. Ahmed Mohyedeen
2006 2005
Notes US$ 000 US$ 000
Cash and balances with banks 3 1,837,178 1,844,633
Sales receivables 4 4,053,726 2,986,194
Mudaraba financing 5 134,671 167,235
Musharaka financing 6 84,444 73,692
Investment properties 7 68,184 44,010
Ijarah Muntahia Bittamleek 8 211,325 170,467
Investment in associates 9 17,876 125,208
Investments 10 841,843 585,014
Ijarah receivables 11 21,096 20,279
Property and equipment 12 130,951 115,355
Other assets 13 224,533 174,987
Total assets 7,625,827 6,307,074
Equity 16
Share capital 630,000 387,998
Share premium 238,890 -
Reserves 33,605 49,810
Retained earnings 43,102 111,526
Proposed dividends 33,000 17,000
Equity attributable to the shareholders of the parent 978,597 566,334
Minority interest 232,527 200,799
2006 2005
Notes US$ 000 US$ 000
Joint income from sales receivable 329,903 254,987
Net income from jointly financed contracts and investments 113,016 89,611
17 442,919 344,598
Group's share of income from jointly financing and investment accounts 169,533 131,417
Net Income for the Year Before Monetary Loss, Provisions and Taxation 172,664 146,483
Attributable to:
Equity shareholders of the parent 80,252 79,372
Minority interest 43,464 23,514
123,716 102,886
2006 2005
Notes US$ 000 US$ 000
Net income for the year before taxation 139,649 109,266
Adjustments for non-cash items:
Depreciation and amortisation 21 13,160 14,835
Gain on sale of property and equipment 20 (347) (4,266)
Provisions 23 33,015 32,230
Income from investment in associates 17 (226) (45,778)
(Gain)/loss on sale of investment in associates 17 (4,835) 2,289
Operating profit before changes in operating assets and liabilities 180,416 108,576
Acquisition of a subsidiary, net of cash acquired 29 - 36,343
Net purchase of investments (178,079) (162,320)
Net (purchase) disposal of property and equipment (27,127) 269
Dividend received from associates 6,180 21,911
Disposal of investment in associates 16,859 11,750
Net cash used in investing activities (182,167) (92,047)
Proceeds from share capital issued 369,604 41,347
Equity transaction cost (10,714) -
Dividends paid (17,000) -
Increase in unrestricted investment accounts 682,197 652,286
Net changes in minority interest (8,716) 32,857
Net cash from financing activities 1,015,371 726,490
Balance at 1 January 2006 387,998 - 14,351 9,368 23,518 - 2,573 111,526 17,000 566,334 200,799 767,133
Capitalisation (note 1) 122,002 - (14,351) - - - - (107,651) - - - -
Share capital issued for cash 120,000 249,604 - - - - - - - 369,604 - 369,604
Equity transaction
cost (note 16 a) - (10,714) - - - - - - - (10,714) - (10,714)
Net movement in cumulative
change in fair value - - - (3,517) - - - - - (3,517) 1,295 (2,222)
Net movement
in other reserves - - - - - - (1,787) - - (1,787) (1,410) (3,197)
Foreign currency translation - - - - (4,575) - - - - (4,575) (2,905) (7,480)
Net income for the year - - - - - - - 80,252 - 80,252 43,464 123,716
Transfer to statutory reserve - - 8,025 - - - - (8,025) - - - -
Dividends paid - - - - - - - - (17,000) (17,000) - (17,000)
Proposed dividends - - - - - - - (33,000) 33,000 - - -
Dividends of subsidiaries - - - - - - - - - - (2,678) (2,678)
Net movement in
minority interest - - - - - - - - - - (6,038) (6,038)
Balance at
31 December 2006 630,000 238,890 8,025 5,851 18,943 - 786 43,102 33,000 978,597 232,527 1,211,124
Balance at 1 January 2005 325,307 - 6,414 7,946 21,020 107 4,148 57,091 - 422,033 143,895 565,928
Share capital issued for cash 41,347 - - - - - - - - 41,347 - 41,347
Share capital issued in kind 21,344 - - - - - - - - 21,344 - 21,344
Acquisition of a
subsidiary (note 29) - - - - - - - - - - 2,815 2,815
Net movement in cumulative
change in fair value - - - 1,422 - (107) - - - 1,315 (738) 577
Net movement in other reserves - - - - - - (1,575) - - (1,575) (106) (1,681)
Foreign currency translation - - - - 2,498 - - - - 2,498 (1,438) 1,060
Net income for the year - - - - - - - 79,372 - 79,372 23,514 102,886
Transfer to statutory reserve - - 7,937 - - - - (7,937) - - - -
Proposed dividends - - - - - - - (17,000) 17,000 - - -
Dividends of subsidiaries - - - - - - - - - - (4,757) (4,757)
Net movement in minority interest - - - - - - - - - - 37,614 37,614
Balance at
31 December 2005 387,998 - 14,351 9,368 23,518 - 2,573 111,526 17,000 566,334 200,799 767,133
Note: Net movement in minority interest includes the effect of changes in capital of subsidiaries.
2006 2005
Note US$ 000 US$ 000
* Non-Islamic income includes US$ 6.5 million representing interest earned by Albaraka Turk Participation Bank during the year on the mandatory
reserve placed with their local Central Bank. An amount of US$ 4.7 million out of this interest has been used in various charitable contributions and
the remaining balance has been carried forward to be used as charitable contributions in the coming years.
2006 2005
Notes US$ 000 US$ 000
Balance of Good Faith Qard fund at beginning of the year 8,622 6,725
Advances granted during the year 11,625 13,976
Advances settled during the year (10,609) (12,079)
Balance of Good Faith Qard fund at end of the year 13 9,638 8,622
Albaraka Banking Group B.S.C. (the "Bank") is a joint stock company incorporated in the Kingdom of Bahrain on 27 June 2002, under Commercial
Registration (CR) number 48915. The Bank is engaged in banking activities in the Middle East, Europe and North African and South African region.
The address of the Bank's registered office is P.O. Box 1882, Diplomatic Area, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain. The Bank is listed on Bahrain Stock
Exchange and Dubai International Financial Exchange.
During the year 2006, the Bank has filed an application with Central Bank of Bahrain to obtain wholesale banking license. This regulatory approval
is still awaited.
The principal activities of the Bank and its subsidiaries (the "Group") comprise of international and commercial banking, financing, treasury and
investment activities. The Bank is supervised and regulated by the Central Bank of Bahrain. As of 31 December 2006, the total number of employees
employed by the Group was 5,435 (2005: 4,846).
The extra-ordinary meeting No. (5) dated 20 March 2006 approved the capitalization of US$ 14.4 million of the statutory reserve and an amount of
US$ 107.7 million of the retained earnings. As a result, the share capital increased to US$ 510 million. In the same extra-ordinary meeting, the Group
was converted from a closed joint stock company to a public joint stock company. In addition, the Bank issued 120 million new shares through an
initial public offering of US$ 3.08 per share including a premium of US$ 2.08 per share. This resulted in an increase in share capital to US$ 630 million.
a. Basis of preparation
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis, except for investment properties, trading and available-
for-sale investments that have been measured at fair value. The consolidated financial statements are presented in United States Dollars, and
all values are rounded to the nearest U.S Dollar thousands.
b. Statement of Compliance
The consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Financial Accounting Standards issued by the Accounting and
Islamic Financial Institutions (the "AAOIFI"), the Shari’a Rules and Principles as determined by the Shari’a Supervisory Board of the Group and
the Bahrain Commercial Companies Law. For matters which are not covered by AAOIFI standards, the Group uses the International Financial
Reporting Standards (the "IFRSs").
c. Basis of consolidation
The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of the Bank and its subsidiaries as at and for the year ended 31
December each year. The financial statements of the subsidiaries are prepared for the same reporting year as the Bank, using consistent
accounting policies.
All intra-group balances, transactions, income and expenses and profits and losses resulting from intra-group transactions are eliminated in full.
Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date of acquisition, being the date on which the Group obtains control, and continue to be
consolidated until the date that control ceases. Control is achieved where the Group has the power to govern the financial and operating
policies of an entity so as to obtain benefits from its activities.
Minority share in a subsidiary’s net assets is reported as a separate item in the Group’s entity. In the consolidated income statement, minority
share is included in net profit.
Minority interests consist of the amount of those interests at the date of the original business combination and the minorities share of changes
in equity since the date of combination. Losses applicable to the minority in excess of the minority's interest in the subsidiary's equity are
allocated against the interests of the Group except to the extent that the minority has a binding obligation and is able to make an additional
investment to cover the losses.
Transactions with minority interests are handled in the same way as transactions with external parties. Sale of participations to minority interests
results in a gain or loss that is recognised in the consolidated income statement. Acquisition of minority shares can result in goodwill if the cost
exceeds the carrying amount of the acquired net assets.
Effective Effective
Ownership Ownership Year of Country of
Company for 2006 for 2005 incorporation incorporation
Dar AlBaraka and AlBaraka Properties (Pty) Ltd. are indirectly owned through Banque Albaraka D’Algerie and AlBaraka Bank
e. Sales receivables
Sales receivables consist mainly of sales transaction agreements, murabaha and international commodities stated net of deferred profits and
provisions for impairment.
f. Mudaraba financing
Mudaraba financing is stated at cost less provision for impairment.
g. Musharaka financing
Musharaka financing (in which the partner’s share in capital remains constant) is accounted for at cost less provision for impairment.
h. Investment properties
All properties held for rental or for capital appreciation purposes, or both, are classified as investment properties. These are initially recognised
at cost and subsequently re-measured at fair value with the resulting unrealised gains being recognised in the consolidated statement of
changes in equity under investment properties fair value reserves. Unrealised losses are recognised in equity to the extent of the available
balance, taking into consideration the portion related to owners' equity and equity of unrestricted investment account holders. In case
cumulative losses exceed the available balance under equity, the excess is recognised in the consolidated statement of income under unrealised
re-measurement losses on investments.
j. Investment in Associates
The Group’s investment in its associates is accounted for under the equity method of accounting. An associate is an entity in which the Group
has significant influences and which is neither a subsidiary nor a joint venture. Under the equity method, the investment in the associate is
carried in the balance sheet at cost plus post-acquisition changes in the Group’s share of net assets of the associate. Goodwill relating to an
associate is included in the carrying amount of the investment and is not amortised. The consolidated income statement reflects the Group’s
share of the results of operations of the associate. Where there has been a change recognised directly in the equity of the associate, the Group
recognises its share of any changes and discloses this, when applicable, in the statement of changes in equity. Unrealised profits and
losses resulting from transactions between the Group and the associate are eliminated to the extent of the interest in the associate.
The reporting dates of the associates and the Group are identical and the associates accounting policies conform to those used by the Group
for like transactions and events in similar circumstances.
k. Investments
Trading securities
These are initially recognised at cost and subsequently re-measured at fair value. All related realised and unrealised gains or losses are included
in the consolidated income statement.
Non-trading investments
Theses are classified as follows:
- Available-for-sale
- Held-to-maturity
All investments are initially recognised at cost, being the fair value of the consideration given including acquisition costs.
Subsequent to acquisition, available for sale investments are re-measured at fair value. The cumulative gain on fair values (net of any losses) is
reflected proportionately in owners' equity and unrestricted investment accounts. Cumulative losses are reflected in the consolidated statement
of income.
In case there are unrealised losses that have been recognised in the consolidated statement of income in a previous financial period, the
unrealised gains related to the current period are recognised to the extent of previous losses recognised in the consolidated statement of
income. Any excess of such gains over such prior period losses is added to the cumulative changes in fair value in the consolidated statement
of changes in equity.
On disposal, the cumulative gains previously recognised in equity is recognised in the consolidated statement of income.
Held -to-maturity
Investments which have fixed or determinable payments, and where the Group has both the intent and ability to hold to maturity are classified
as held to-maturity. Such investments are carried at amortised cost, less provision for impairment in value. Amortised cost is calculated by
taking into account any premium or discount on acquisition. Any gain or loss on such investment is recognised in the consolidated income
statement, when the investment is de-recognised or impaired.
Buildings 30 years
Office furniture and equipment 4 - 10 years
Vehicles 3 years
Leased buildings 4 - 10 years
Others 4 - 5 years
n. Taxation
There is no tax on corporate income in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Taxation on foreign operations is provided in accordance with the fiscal
regulations of the respective countries in which the subsidiaries operate. The Group accounts for its share of associates profit after accounting
for corporate taxation. Deferred income tax is provided using the liability method on temporary differences at the balance sheet date between
the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes.
o. Fair values
For investments actively traded in organised financial markets, fair value is determined by reference to quoted market bid prices.
For investment where there is no quoted market price, a reasonable estimate of the fair value is determined by reference to the current market
value of another instrument, which is substantially the same or is based on the assessment of future cash flows. The cash equivalent values are
determined by the Group at current profit rates for contracts with similar term and risk characteristics.
For sales receivables the fair value is determined at Bank or subsidiary level at the end of the financial period at their cash equivalent value.
q. Zakah
The responsibility of payment of zakah is on individual shareholders of the Group, its unrestricted investment account holders and other account
holders except for few subsidiaries where the responsibility of payment of zakah is on the individual subsidiary as a single entity.
s. Revenue recognition
Sales receivables
Profit from sales receivables is recognised when the income is both contractually determinable and quantifiable at the commencement of the
transaction. Such income is recognised on time-apportioned basis over the period of the transaction. Where the income from a contract is not
contractually determinable or quantifiable, it is recognised when the realisation is reasonably certain or when actually realised. Income that is
overdue on non-performing accounts is excluded from income.
Mudaraba financing
Income is recognised when it is quantifiable or on distribution by the mudarib, whereas any losses are charged to income on their declaration
by the mudarib.
Fee income
Fee and commission income is recognised when earned.
Other income
Other income on investments is recognised when the right to receive payment is established.
The Group deducts an amount in excess of the profit to be distributed to unrestricted investment accounts after taking into consideration the
mudarib share of income.
If, in a subsequent period, the amount of the impairment loss decreases and the decrease can be related objectively to an event occurring after
the impairment value was recognised, the previously recognised impairment loss is reversed. Any subsequent reversal of an impairment loss is
recognised in the consolidated income statement.
In addition the Group maintains a general provision to reflect a potential loss that may occur as a result of currently unidentifiable risks in
relation to receivables, financings or investment assets. The amount reflects estimated losses affecting these assets attributable to events that
have already occurred at the date of the financial statements, and not estimated losses attributable to future events.
w. Offsetting
Financial assets and financial liabilities are only offset and the net amount reported in the consolidated balance sheet when there is a legally
enforceable right to set off the recognised amounts and the Group intends to either settle on a net basis, or to realise the asset and settle the
liability simultaneously.
y. Provisions
Provisions are recognised when there is a present obligation (legal or constructive) arising from a past event and the costs to settle the obligation
are both probable and able to be reliably measured.
z. Foreign Currencies
Foreign currency transactions at the entry level
Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the rate of exchange ruling at the date of the transaction. The monetary assets and liabilities
denominated in foreign currencies are retranslated at the rate of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. All differences are taken to income
statement at the entity level.
On disposal of a foreign entity, the deferred cumulative amount recognised in equity relating to that particular foreign entity is recognised in
the consolidated income statement.
bb. Judgments
In the process of applying the Group's accounting policies, management has made the following judgments, apart from those involving
estimations, which effects the amounts recognised in the financial statements:
Classification of investments
Management decides on acquisition of an investment whether it should be classified as trading, held to maturity or available for sale.
dd. Goodwill
Goodwill acquired in a business combination is initially measured at cost being the excess of the cost of the business combination over the Group's
interest in the net fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities. Following initial recognition, goodwill is measured at cost
less any accumulated impairment losses. Goodwill is reviewed for impairment, annually or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances
indicate that the carrying value may be impaired.
For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill acquired in a business combination is, from the acquisition date, allocated to the cash-generating
units, or groups of cash-generating units, that are expected to benefit from the synergies of the combination, irrespective of whether other assets
or liabilities of the acquiree are assigned to those units or groups of units.
Impairment is determined by assessing the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit, to which the goodwill relates. Where the recoverable
amount of the cash-generating unit is less than the carrying amount, an impairment loss is recognised.
ff. Derecognition
A financial asset (or, where applicable a part of a financial asset or part of a Group of similar financial assets) is derecognised when:
(i) the right to receive cash flows from the asset have expired;
(ii) the Group retains the right to receive cash flows from the asset, but has assumed an obligation to pay them in full without material delay
to a third party under a 'pass through' arrangement; or
(iii) The Group has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from the asset and either (a) has transferred substantially all the risks and
rewards of the asset, or (b) has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, but has transferred control
of the asset.
A financial liability is derecognised when the obligation specified in the contract is discharged, cancelled or expired.
hh. Dividends
Dividends to shareholders are recognised as liabilities in the period in which they are declared.
2006 2005
US$ 000 US$ 000
* Balance with the central banks include mandatory reserve and are not available for use in the Group’s day-to-day operations for US$ 448 million
(2005: US$ 354 million).
2006 2005
Self Jointly Self Jointly
financed financed Total financed financed Total
US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000
Sales receivables, which are non-performing as of 31 December 2006, amounted to US$ 357.1million (2005: US$ 312.4 million).
The Group considers the promise made in the murabaha (sales receivable) to the purchase order as obligatory.
2006 2005
Self Jointly Self Jointly
financed financed Total financed financed Total
US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000
Mudaraba financing, which are non-performing as of 31 December 2006, amounted to US$ 0.6 million (2005: 0.6 million).
2006 2005
Self Jointly Self Jointly
financed financed Total financed financed Total
US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000
Musharaka financing, which are non performing as of 31 December 2006, amounted to US$ 2.2 million (2005: US$ 0.9 million).
2006 2005
Self Jointly Self Jointly
financed financed Total financed financed Total
US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000
2006 2005
US$ 000 US$ 000
68,184 44,010
2006 2005
Self Jointly Self Jointly
financed financed Total financed financed Total
US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000
2006 2005
Self Jointly Self Jointly
financed financed Total financed financed Total
US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000
1 January 17,114 255,629 272,743 7,412 224,439 231,851
Additions 14,819 148,652 163,471 10,235 99,720 109,955
Disposals (3,761) (108,878) (112,639) (533) (68,530) (69,063)
31 December 28,172 295,403 323,575 17,114 255,629 272,743
Accumulated depreciation:
1 January 8,721 93,555 102,276 4,007 55,685 59,692
Additions 5,053 100,815 105,868 4,714 90,742 95,456
Disposals (3,607) (92,287) (95,894) - (52,872) (52,872)
31 December 10,167 102,083 112,250 8,721 93,555 102,276
At 1 January 72,343 186,157 14,243 272,743
Additions 36,615 102,009 24,847 163,471
Disposals (31,898) (66,571) (14,170) (112,639)
At 31 December 77,060 221,595 24,920 323,575
At 1 January 25,581 73,294 3,401 102,276
Provided during the year 21,575 81,451 2,842 105,868
Disposals (27,328) (67,149) (1,417) (95,894)
At 31 December 19,828 87,596 4,826 112,250
Investments in associates comprise the following:
Ownership Country of Self Jointly Market
% incorporation financed financed Total Value
2006 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000
Investment Banking
AlAmin Investment Company 32.2 Jordan - 6,727 6,727 5,890
Islamic Insurance Company 35.3 Jordan - 5,177 5,177 6,130
Jordan Centre for International Trade Company 40.8 Jordan - 2,447 2,447 2,348
Real Estate
Baraka Development Immobile 20.0 Algeria 924 - 924
Egyptian Saudi Finance Real Estate 40.0 Egypt - 396 396
BEST Lease 34.8 Tunis 1,380 - 1,380
Aman Takaful Insurance (note 9.1) 38.7 Lebanon 825 - 825
Ownership Country of Self Jointly Market
% incorporation financed financed Total Value
2005 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000
Real Estate
Real Estate Investment Company (note 9.3) 25.0 Jordan - 3,007 3,007 4,972
Investment Banking
AlAmin Investment Company 32.2 Jordan - 6,493 6,493 16,824
Islamic Insurance Company 35.3 Jordan - 2,291 2,291 5,713
Jordan Centre for International Trade Company 40.8 Jordan - 2,361 2,361 3,013
Real Estate
Baraka Development Immobile 20.0 Algeria 924 - 924
Egyptian Saudi Finance Real Estate 40.0 Egypt - 435 435
BEST Lease 34.8 Tunis 2,130 - 2,130
Investment Banking
Al Tawfeek Company for Cayman
Investment Funds Limited (note 9.2) 13.6 Islands 92,520 - 92,520
BEST Reinsurance (note 9.3) 21.8 Tunis 15,047 - 15,047
An amount of US$ 72.2 million of Al Tawfeeq Company for Investment Funds Limited included under non-trading investments (note 10).
i) Trading securities
2006 2005
Self Jointly Self Jointly
financed financed Total financed financed Total
US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000
Non-Trading Investments
ii) Available for sale investments
2006 2005
Self Jointly Self Jointly
financed financed Total financed financed Total
US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000
Quoted investments
Managed funds 4,128 37,101 41,229 2,766 19,157 21,923
Equities 3,339 41,313 44,652 4,459 49,558 54,017
7,467 78,414 85,881 7,225 68,715 75,940
2006 2005
Self Jointly Self Jointly
financed financed Total financed financed Total
US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000
2006 2005
Self Jointly Self Jointly
financed financed Total financed financed Total
US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000
Ijarah receivables, which are non-performing as of 31 December 2006, amounted to US$ 2.8 million (2005: nil).
At 1 January 2006 116,789 73,125 6,717 7,347 203,978
Additions 9,516 11,936 2,312 3,019 26,783
Disposals (435) (885) (647) (116) (2,083)
Transfers/others (4,569) 3,960 1,068 (510) (51)
At 31 December 2006 121,301 88,136 9,450 9,740 228,627
At 1 January 2006 28,457 52,050 4,216 3,900 88,623
Provided during the year 3,041 6,714 1,257 866 11,878
Disposals (9) (784) (612) (2) (1,407)
Transfers/others (3,157) 1,726 526 (513) (1,418)
At 31 December 2006 28,332 59,706 5,387 4,251 97,676
2006 2005
US$ 000 US$ 000
224,533 174,987
13(a) Goodwill
2006 2005
US$ 000 US$ 000
At 1 January 40,000 40,000
Additions 7,227 -
2006 2005
US$ 000 US$ 000
47,227 40,000
2006 2005
US$ 000 US$ 000
268,107 209,792
*In view of the operations of the Group being subject to various tax jurisdiction and regulations, it is not practical to provide a reconciliation between
the accounting and taxable profits together with the details of effective tax rates.
2006 2005
US$ 000 US$ 000
4,697,366 4,033,125
2006 2005
US$ 000 US$ 000
2006 2005
US$ 000 US$ 000
Share capital
Authorised 1,500,000,000 ordinary shares of US$ 1 each 1,500,000 1,500,000
2006 2005
US$ 000 US$ 000
120,000,000 (2005: 41,346,610) ordinary shares of US$1 each, issued in cash 120,000 41,347
(2005: 21,344,204) ordinary shares of US$1 each, issued in kind - 21,344
ii) The Bank has only one class of shares and the holders of these shares have equal voting rights.
iii) Distribution schedule of shares, setting out the number of holders and percentage in the following categories:
% of total
No. of No. of outstanding
Categories: shares shareholders shares
Share premium
Amounts collected in excess of the par value of the issued share capital during any new issue of shares, net of issue costs, are treated as share
premium. This amount is not available for distribution, but can be utilised as stipulated in the Bahrain Commercial Companies Law. Share premium
from issue of shares during the year amounted to US$249.6 million (2005: Nil).
Statutory reserve
In accordance with the Bahrain Commercial Companies Law and the Bank’s articles of association, 10% of the net income for the year is transferred
to the statutory reserve until such time as the reserve reaches 50% of the Bank’s paid-up share capital.
Other reserves
Other reserves mainly consist of general banking risk reserves maintained by the subsidiaries in accordance with local regulations.
2006 2005
US$ 000 US$ 000
489,202 410,462
Net income from jointly financed contracts and investments 442,919 344,598
Net income from self financed contracts and investments 46,283 65,864
489,202 410,462
17.1 Ijara Muntahia Bittamleek
2006 2005
US$ 000 US$ 000
18,808 13,639
2006 2005
US$ 000 US$ 000
87,796 71,553
2006 2005
US$ 000 US$ 000
29,327 22,946
2006 2005
US$ 000 US$ 000
13,160 14,835
2006 2005
US$ 000 US$ 000
62,413 62,068
Provisions at 1 January 145,487 643 1,102 5,935 1,084 3,065 6,473 163,789
Charged during the year 38,509 - 163 216 1,366 2,973 9,041 52,268
Written back during the year (18,306) - (162) (367) (418) - - (19,253)
Provisions at 31 December 153,780 561 1,260 4,589 3,328 9,046 10,600 183,164
Notes 4 5 6 10 11 13 14
Provisions at 1 January 128,138 891 940 6,317 1,181 3,578 14,115 155,160
Acquisition through subsidiary (note 29) 1,447 - 442 - - 253 - 2,142
Charged during the year 42,453 - 21 268 609 2,577 6,601 52,529
Written back during the year (13,039) (248) (495) (21) (705) (4,627) (1,164) (20,299)
Provisions at 31 December 145,487 643 1,102 5,935 1,084 3,065 6,473 163,789
Notes 4 5 6 10 11 13 14
2006 2005
Net income attributable to the ordinary equity shareholders of the parent for the year - US$ '000 80,252 79,372
Weighted average number of shares outstanding during the year (in thousands) 550,000 481,707
The weighted average number of shares of the previous year has been adjusted for the capitalisation of retained earnings and statutory reserve made
in 2006.
2006 2005
US$ 000 US$ 000
1,389,144 1,490,568
2006 2005
US$ 000 US$ 000
Net income from joint sales receivable and jointly financed contracts and investments 4,131 8,798
Net (loss) / income from self financed financing and investments (805) 39,474
Return on unrestricted investment - 335
2006 2005
US$ 000 US$ 000
Sales receivables 7,575 10,273
Mudaraba financing 34,624 128,261
Musharaka financing 4,369 -
Ijarah Muntahia Bittamleek 10,471 11,629
*Investment in associates - 96,767
*Investments 90,696 1,250
Other assets 8,160 -
Customer current and other accounts 7,222 7,087
All related party exposures are performing and are free of any provision for possible credit losses.
Details of Directors’ interests in the Bank’s shares as at the end of the year were:
No. of No. of
shares directors
Less than 1% 367,339 3
20% up to less than 50% 189,695,984 1
190,063,323 4
2006 2005
US$ 000 US$ 000
982,692 557,792
Risk management is an integral part of the Group’s decision-making process. The management committee and executive committees, guide and
assist with overall management of the Group’s balance sheet risks. The Group manages exposures by setting limits approved by the Board of
a) Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group will be unable to meet its payment obligations when they fall due under normal and stress circumstances.
To limit this risk, management has arranged diversified funding sources, manages assets with liquidity in mind, and monitors liquidity on regular basis.
The table below summarises the maturity profile of the Group’s assets and liabilities based on contractual repayment arrangements. The
contractual maturities of assets and liabilities have been determined on the basis of the remaining period at the balance sheet date to the
contractual maturity date and do not take account of the effective maturities as indicated by the Group’s retention history of its investment
account holders and the availability of bank lines.
Up to 1 to 3 3 to 6 6 months 1 to 3 Over
1 month months months to 1 year years 3 years Undated Total
US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000
Cash and balances with banks 1,179,830 89,179 58,417 7,000 - 54,718 448,034 1,837,178
Sales receivables 820,436 717,402 662,226 585,283 735,128 533,251 - 4,053,726
Mudaraba financing 17,847 36,138 13,653 2,811 19,143 45,079 - 134,671
Musharaka financing 6,187 10,985 9,432 16,710 18,227 22,903 - 84,444
Investment properties - - - - - - 68,184 68,184
Ijarah Muntahia Bittamleek 7,892 15,637 19,133 32,025 115,177 21,461 - 211,325
Investment in associates - - - - - - 17,876 17,876
Investments 193,686 182,701 127,273 149,767 74,250 114,166 - 841,843
Ijarah receivables 3,264 8,720 1,054 2,327 5,454 277 - 21,096
Property and equipment - - - - - - 130,951 130,951
Other assets 83,718 29,408 15,473 8,421 21,111 19,175 47,227 224,533
Total Assets 2,312,860 1,090,170 906,661 804,344 988,490 811,030 712,272 7,625,827
Customer current and other accounts 831,555 134,553 84,610 283,236 - - - 1,333,954
Due to banks 32,460 40,627 41,388 801 - - 115,276
Other liabilities 144,449 25,428 18,903 18,996 59,189 1,142 - 268,107
Unrestricted investment accounts 2,118,856 846,814 462,864 661,202 357,397 250,233 - 4,697,366
Net liquidity gap (814,460) 42,748 298,896 (159,891) 571,904 559,655 (498,852) -
Up to 1 to 3 3 to 6 6 months 1 to 3 Over
1 month months months to 1 year years 3 years Undated Total
US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000
Cash and balances with banks 1,315,381 54,317 62,173 25,094 103 33,500 354,065 1,844,633
Sales receivables 471,451 524,763 474,536 494,682 683,463 337,299 - 2,986,194
Mudaraba financing 4,781 56,039 23,409 29,362 30,658 22,986 - 167,235
Musharaka financing 6,027 7,604 9,944 9,822 22,864 17,431 - 73,692
Investment properties - - - - - - 44,010 44,010
Ijarah Muntahia Bittamleek 6,860 13,559 16,056 32,562 82,177 19,253 - 170,467
Investment in associates - - - - - - 125,208 125,208
Investments 136,588 161,353 60,217 108,567 90,050 28,239 - 585,014
Ijarah receivables 5,855 3,897 685 4,201 3,876 1,765 - 20,279
Property and equipment - - - - - - 115,355 115,355
Other assets 85,287 11,333 3,278 4,432 24,479 6,178 40,000 174,987
Total Assets 2,032,230 832,865 650,298 708,722 937,670 466,651 678,638 6,307,074
Customer current and other accounts 924,020 100,903 152,076 8,593 - - - 1,185,592
Due to banks 85,705 14,765 10,959 - - 3 - 111,432
Other liabilities 84,247 12,459 37,136 19,904 50,689 5,357 - 209,792
Unrestricted investment accounts 2,036,265 657,780 534,576 312,103 365,669 126,732 - 4,033,125
Net liquidity gap (1,098,007) 46,958 (84,449) 368,122 521,312 334,559 (88,495) -
b) Credit risk
Credit risk is the risk that one party to a financial contract will fail to discharge an obligation and causes the other party to incur a financial loss.
The Group controls credit risk by monitoring credit exposures, and continually assessing the creditworthiness of counterparties. Financing
contracts are mostly secured by the personal guarantees of the counterparty, by collateral in form of mortgage of the objects financed or other
tangible security.
Sales receivables
The Group finances these transactions through buying a commodity which represents the object of the murabaha and then resells this commodity
to the murabeh (beneficiary) at a profit. The sale price (cost plus the profit margin) is repaid in installments by the murabeh over the agreed
period. The transactions are secured at times by the object of the murabaha (in case of real estate finance) and other times by a total collateral
package securing the facilities given to the client.
Mudaraba financing
The Group enters into mudaraba contracts by investing in funds operated primarily by other banks and financial institutions for a definite period
of time.
c) Concentration risk
Concentrations arise when a number of counter parties are engaged in similar business activities, or activities in the same geographic region,
or have similar economic features that would cause their ability to meet contractual obligations to be similarly affected by changes in economic,
political or other conditions. Concentrations indicate the relative sensitivity of the Group’s performance to developments affecting a particular
geographic location.
The distribution of assets, liabilities and unrestricted investment account items by geographic region was as follows:
2006 2005
Unrestricted Unrestricted
investment investment
Assets Liabilities accounts Assets Liabilities accounts
US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000
Geographic region:
Domestic (Bahrain) 509,899 28,345 108,003 301,566 10,361 89,694
Other Middle East 3,803,788 831,380 2,680,689 3,166,217 777,474 2,305,765
Europe 1,883,831 342,257 1,191,356 1,628,020 288,155 1,032,261
Asia 326,819 50,443 228,419 263,836 54,894 164,095
Africa 1,049,614 460,447 478,311 897,085 373,486 441,251
Others 51,876 4,465 10,588 50,350 2,446 59
Segment information relating to distribution of operating income, net operating income and net income attributable to the shareholders of
the parent by geographic region was as follows:
2006 2005
Net income Net income
attributable attributable
Total Net to the share Total Net to the share
operating operating holders of operating operating holders of
income income the parent income income the parent
US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000 US$ 000
Geographic region:
Domestic (Bahrain) 21,882 (6,264) (7,806) 12,386 (8,761) (9,931)
Other Middle East 121,739 68,943 29,490 128,209 75,942 46,181
Europe 119,979 65,377 37,318 91,194 42,190 23,523
Asia 2,164 3,320 2,674 6,205 6,197 4,822
Africa 71,397 38,882 16,170 59,590 30,731 14,611
Others 2,406 2,406 2,406 166 184 166
d) Market risk
Market risk arises from fluctuations in profit rates, equity prices and foreign exchange rates. The management of the Group have set limits on
the level of risk that may be accepted. This is monitored by the local management at the subsidiary level.
The Group had the following significant net exposures denominated in foreign currencies as of 31 December:
2006 2005
US$ 000 US$ 000
equivalent equivalent
long (short) long (short)
Acquisition of Albaraka Bank-Sudan
On 1 January 2005, the Bank acquired 86.2 % of the voting shares of Albaraka Bank-Sudan (from a related party at the fair value of net assets), an
unlisted company based in Khartoum specialising in providing islamic products.
The fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of Albaraka Bank-Sudan as at the date of acquisition were:
on acquisition
US$ 000
Cash and balances with Central Bank and other banks 36,343
Sales receivable 26,762
Investments 20,300
Property and equipment 13,283
Other assets 13,206
Musharaka financing 5,700
Customers' current and other accounts 67,223
Other liabilities 21,700
Unrestricted investment accounts 5,774
Due to banks and financial institutions 500
The total cost of the combination was US$ 17,583,786 for 86.2% of the voting and comprised an issue of equity instruments. The Bank issued
17,583,786 ordinary shares with par value of US$ 1 each.
US$ 000
Shares issued, at fair value 17,584
Included under non trading investments are unquoted available for sale investments amount to US$ 126.6 million (2005: US$ 73.6 million) which
are carried at cost due to lack of other reliable methods for arriving at a reliable fair value for these investments.
The fair values of other on-balance sheet financial instruments are not significantly different from the carrying values included in the financial statement.
The Group discharges its social responsibilities through donations to charitable causes and organisations.
Certain of the prior year’s figures have been reclassified to conform to the presentation adopted in the current year. Such reclassification did not
affect previously reported net income or equity.