Lesson 1 & 2 - Reviewer
Lesson 1 & 2 - Reviewer
Lesson 1 & 2 - Reviewer
These solid barriers still exist; however, solids McDonaldization is the process by which
have the tendency to melt and are increasingly Western societies are dominated by the principles
becoming liquid. Liquid as a state of matter takes of fast-food restaurants (Ritzer, 2008)
the shape of its container. Liquids are not fixed. • Jihad is the alternate of “McWorld”
The movement of the liquid is difficult to stop which refers to the political groups that
(viral videos, internet sensations)
are engaged in an “intensification of
LIQUIDITY nationalism and that leads to greater
political heterogeneity throughout the
• Refers to the increasing ease of world” (Ritzer, 2008)
movement of people, things, • We are now becoming dominated by
information, and places in the small number of big corporations
contemporary world
• Tends to melt whatever stands in its path HETEROGENEITY
(specially solids) (Ritzer, 2015)
• Pertains to the creation of various
• Liquids flow (foods, illegal and legal
information etc.) cultural practices, new economies,
and political groups because of the
FLOW interaction of elements from
• The movement of people, things, places different societies in the world
and information brought by the growing • Heterogeneity that refers to the
“porosity” of global limitations (Ritzer, differences because of either lasting
2015) differences or of the hybrids or
combinations of cultures can be
Liquidity and Solidity are in constant interaction;
however, liquidity is the one increasing and
produced through the different trans
proliferating today planetary processes
• Culture is associated with cultural
Washington Consensus