Responsible Business
of Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan
as MD & CEO `17,46,871 Cr
10 About Us 58 ESG Strategy
12 Our Presence 60 Environment
Total Deposits**
14 Our Journey 70 Customer Centricity
Our Performance
18 Farewell Note to Mr Aditya Puri
76 Digitisation
80 Social - People
Customers `13,35,060 Cr
20 Message from the MD & CEO
88 Social - Communities Delivered continuous 16.3%
banking services and
100 Nation Building Online version of the report
24 Financial Performance supported MSME sector
can be accessed here Gross Non-Performing Assets (NPAs)**
104 Governance through fund disbursements
26 Our Business Segments
under ECLGS Scheme.
108 Board of Directors
Introduced video KYC to
How We Create Value
110 Senior Management Team onboard customers
30 Our Value Creation Model
112 10 year Financial Highlights
32 Stakeholder Engagement
114 Awards
34 Materiality Assessment
115 Assurance Statement
Embarked on a technology
118 GRI Index
transformation journey. Non-financial
Building new competencies
through Digital Factory, Total Banking Outlets**
Enterprise Factory and
8.5 Cr+
increasing banking channel
199 Schedules to the Financial Statements 329 Certificate on Corporate Governance
networks across India
268 Basel III - Pillar 3 Disclosures 332 Corporate Governance
269 Independent Auditor’s Report for 360 Shareholder information
Consolidated Financials
* During 2020-21 ** As on March 31, 2021
Leading ESG
Feature stories
Continue to focus on
ESG priorities and
undertake initiatives leadership
that help meet long-term
PG 8
PG 58
COVID-19 ahead despite
Ensuring business
At HDFC Bank, good corporate In a year like no other, we mobilised continuity and the safety
governance is at the heart of our financial and operational of our customers and
responsible leadership, enabling us resources to participate in the employees despite the
pandemic PG 16
nation’s fight against the pandemic.
to inspire trust among stakeholders We facilitated Government welfare
while fulfilling aspirations of measures to reach the remotest Driving
customers through good times beneficiary through our unparalleled PG 54 aspirations of
and tough. Guided by our belief reach while contributing to the inclusive growth
in shared prosperity, we leverage economic rebound. Strategy
balance sheet strength with an Our commitment to delivering large- Continued progress on
core strategies. Setting
unwavering focus on asset quality scale positive impact prompted
the agenda for a
PG 28
About The Report Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
This Integrated Annual Report for Further, the report presents Environmental, Reporting boundary How to navigate this report
2020-21 endeavours to provide a holistic Social and Governance (ESG) information The non-financial information in this report We have used the icons below to aid navigation and cross-referencing across the report.
assessment of the Bank’s financial and in accordance with the ESG framework covers the activities and progress of the
non-financial performance. It also outlines developed by the Bank’s CSR and ESG Bank on a standalone basis. It covers Our Capitals
relevant information on the Bank’s strategy, Committee. There are no restatements information pertaining to the period from
governance, risks and prospects to offer of information provided in the integrated April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021. The last
better insights into its activities and report during the reporting year. reports were published for the period April
progress. The Bank has been voluntarily 1, 2019 - March 31, 2020. The Integrated
reporting its sustainability performance Report for FY20 can be accessed here.
annually since FY14, as a separate report. The Sustainability Report may
Financial Capital Human Capital Intellectual Capital
From this year onwards, our sustainability be viewed here. Our strong financial position, sustained Our people are at the heart of our The adoption of data analytics and
performance is also included entirely in this growth and consistent shareholder success. Their diverse skill sets, emergent technologies such as Artificial
Assurance statement
report. returns are a result of our disciplined expertise and industry knowledge Intelligence and Machine Learning
The report has also been externally assured
approach towards raising, lending constitute our human capital. We enables us to increase operational
by an independent third party, based on
Reporting principles and managing our financial capital. further enhance our human capital efficiencies. The knowledge and
ISAE 3000 (Revised).
and framework It includes customer deposits, through continuous training and expertise incorporated within our
The financial information presented in this Responsibility statement shareholder equity, retained earnings development programmes. Our focus systems, processes and procedures
Materiality and scope
report is in line with the requirements of The content of this report has been and external borrowings among others. on developing a skilled and motivated and the equity built in the HDFC Bank
This report includes information which is
• The Companies Act, 2013 (including the reviewed by the senior management of PG 24 workforce enables us to acquire, serve brand constitute our intellectual capital.
material to all stakeholders of the Bank
rules made thereunder) the Bank, and reviewed and approved by and retain our customers. PG 76
and provides an overview of its business
• The Indian Accounting Standards the Board of Directors to ensure accuracy, PG 80
and related activities. The report discloses
• The Securities and Exchange Board of completeness and relevance of the
matters that substantially impact or affect
India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure information presented.
the Bank’s ability to create value and could
Requirements) Regulations, 2015
influence decisions of providers of financial Forward looking statements
• The Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and
capital. The last materiality assessment This report contains statements that relate
other relevant RBI regulations
exercise in line with GRI framework to future operations and performance
The report has been prepared in requirements, and in consultation with of the Bank. Actual results may differ
Social & Relationship Capital Manufactured Capital Natural Capital
accordance with the framework prescribed internal and external stakeholders was materially from those suggested by such The way we manage our stakeholder Facilitating our engagement with The natural resources we consume to
by the International Integrated Reporting undertaken in FY19. For FY21, we have statements due to certain risks associated expectations constitutes our social customers, people, the society conduct our business and seamlessly
Council (IIRC) and also contains disclosures updated our materiality analysis to better with our expectations with respect to, but and relationship capital. Be it with and other stakeholders, manufactured deliver our products and services
as per the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) take into account emerging ESG issues that not limited to, future circumstances such our customers, trade partners and capital comprises our pan-India constitute our natural capital.
Standards: Comprehensive option and shape our business operations as identified as technological changes, the impact of merchants or communities, we take a distribution network of banking PG 60
United Nations Sustainable Development and prioritised by our internal stakeholders. changes in banking regulations and other holistic approach to sustainable value outlets, corporate offices, ATMs
Goals (UN SDGs). The GRI Content Index, which specifies the regulatory changes in India and other creation by nurturing our long-standing and other customer touch points.
GRI Standards and disclosures made under jurisdictions, natural calamities, inflation, relationships and building new ones. It also covers our IT infrastructure
them in the Report, has been provided in deflation, unanticipated turbulence in PG 88 and security as well as infrastructure
this report. PG 118 interest rates, foreign exchange rates, development through CSR projects.
equity prices or other rates or prices, the PG 12
performance of the financial markets in
India and globally, among others.
Re-Imagining the Virtual Relationship Semi-urban & rural Leadership in the Technology and
branch channel Management (VRM) (SURU) and payments business Digital
Government and
Institutional (G&I)
Customers Governments/ Community Employees Investors Suppliers
Commercial and Retail Assets Corporate Cluster Wealth Digital Marketing
Highlights Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
Creating value
for our stakeholders
At HDFC Bank, we work
relentlessly towards
creating long-term value
for our shareholders
and society at large. We
provide holistic banking
solutions that fulfill their
needs and expectations.
We offer our employees
a fair and inclusive Customers Governments/ Community Employees Investors
working environment, as We cater to a diverse customer Regulatory Bodies We are driving holistic, sustainable We aspire to be the employer of We provide transparent, regular
well as contribute to the base with evolving financial needs. community development choice and promote an inclusive disclosures to the investor
As one of India’s largest and
well-being of the local Our customers are individuals,
systemically important banks, we
programmes for empowering the and meritocratic culture that community to help them make
communities. Robust large and mid-corporates, financial less-privileged sections of society ensures engagement, progress informed decisions. We also
collaborate with the Government
institutions, Governments, PSUs, in India. and care. We have also been regularly engage with research
financial performance MSMEs, farmers, wholesalers and
in myriad ways to bring the vast
certified as a ‘Great Place to Work’ analysts, both on Buy-side and
enables a platform for unbanked and under-banked
traders. We focus on increasing for 2020. Sell-side, to provide detailed
population into the economic
environmental and social the depth of engagement, which
mainstream. We are not just a
information on our performance.
responsibility. leads to transformational customer
responsible taxpayer complying
with applicable regulations, but
are also an enabler for delivering
social schemes and benefits.
Growth in Total Advances** Contribution to Exchequer** CSR beneficiaries* Employee strength* Net Interest Margin**
`31,116.5 Crore
*As on March 31, 2021 ** For FY21
and small businesses to ride out the storm
Leadership comes with — extending moratorium on repayments,
great responsibility. As facilitating loan restructuring and lending
support to the Government’s ECLGS scheme.
a systemically important
We are also actively participating in the nation’s
Bank, we are committed
inclusive development agenda through focused
to contributing to the interventions to improve life and livelihood
Indian growth story while opportunities. Joining in the fight against
the pandemic, we are also helping build a
exercising prudence healthcare ecosystem aimed at ensuring
to create sustained value the health and wellbeing of our employees,
for all our stakeholders. customers and society at large. As we enhance
our future-readiness and drive the next wave of
This commitment is reflected growth, we remain anchored to our core values,
in our steadily expanding good governance practices, and continue
balance sheet, which is the to make a difference to the lives of people
through our social initiatives under HDFC Bank
second largest amongst banks Parivartan. Towards our commitment to protect
in India, while maintaining the environment, we pledge to become carbon
strong asset quality. neutral by FY32.
`17,46,871 Cr
Retail Deposits* Lives impacted through HDFC Bank
About Us Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
HDFC Bank is the largest private sector bank (by Balance Sheet size) in India offering Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations are embedded
a comprehensive range of financial products and services to a diverse customer in our growth strategy, which reflects our unwavering commitment towards a
base. Our unparalleled reach, coupled with our digital capabilities, enables us to sustainable future.
serve the evolving needs of our customers across the country, even in an extremely ADVANCES DEPOSITS
challenging environment. (` Crore) (` Crore)
Our Presence Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
Contribution of overseas branches to
the Indian Banking industry. By combining our expansive physical presence with
the Bank’s total income in FY21
digital capabilities, we are breaking down geographic barriers and deploying
innovative ways to take formal banking channels to the last mile.
Total Branches*
15,756 Branches
communities across the country
through its CSR initiatives under HDFC
Bank Parivartan. We are leveraging our
reach and understanding of semi-urban
Total ATMs + cash deposit
and withdrawal machines*
1053 1,741 1,158 1,652 and rural regions to drive sustainable
development for the vulnerable and
economically weaker sections of the
CSC BCs Lives impacted* Farmers trained*
society through focused interventions
10,496 3,288 1,197 575 across identified areas.
8.5 Crore+ 1 Lakh+
Manufactured Capital
Other BCs
171 27 2 -
ATMs + cash deposit & withdrawal machines
Our Journey Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
Setting benchmarks,
abiding by our core values
1994 2001 2012 2016 2018 2020
Housing Development Finance Overseas listing Launched MobileBanking App in Hindi Next-gen Mobile Banking Ranked India’s most valuable brand
Corporation (HDFC) received an Listed on New York Stock Exchange App launched (for the seventh consecutive year)
Launched premium credit cards for
in-principle approval from the RBI to set (NYSE) by BrandZ Report
up a private sector bank Driving rural empowerment
Became the first private bank authorised to
Launched its nation-wide sports Signed MoU with government to Launch of HDFC Bank Millenia
Incorporated in August 1994 as HDFC collect income tax
initiative – Josh Unlimited, for financially empower 2 Lakh rural range of cards
Bank Limited
employees Indian villages through CSCs
2002 Launched Missed Call mobile
First ever leadership change
1995 ISO 9001 certification for depository
recharge for prepaid mobiles
(new MD & CEO takes over)
Banking license received in and custodial services 2013 ATMs turned to LDMs (Loan 2019
January 1995 Dispensing Machines) Voted no.1 in India by First-of-its-kind product launch:
The Bank’s Sustainable Livelihood
customers in Forbes Worlds KGC-Shaurya card for armed forces
First corporate office and 2003-04 Initiative (SLI) crosses a milestone,
Launched SmartUp Best Banks Survey
branch opened impacting 20 Lakh households Launch of contactless, consent
First bank in India to offer credit programme for start-ups
based customer on-boarding via
card in over 100 cities BSE inks pact with the Bank
IPO oversubscribed 55 times video KYC facility
2014 to give a boost to the start-up
Listed on BSE and NSE
Touched 10 Lakh users platform
Sustainability established as a core value of Deploying Mobile ATMs during the
the Bank lockdown
1997 1 Million+ units of blood
2006 Created a new Guinness World Record 2017 collected via HDFC Bank Launched ‘The HealthyLife’
Maiden dividend announced
for organising the largest single-day blood Introduced AI Parivartan’s Blood Donation programme with Apollo Hospitals
Two new cards launched exclusively
donation drive Launched IRA (Interactive Robotic Drive over a period of 12 years, for customers and employees
1997-98 for women on International
Assistant) and became the first bank in primarily from employees
Women’s Day Became market leader in issuing credit cards in
New logo launched India to introduce a humanoid for customer
2013-14 with 55 Lakh+ cards
service 2021
1999 2008 2015 Introduced EVA chatbot - India’s first AI- Marked the start of its Embarked on Project
Launched first international debit Launched its first overseas based chatbot to provide customer service 25th year ‘Future Ready’
Launched its sonic branding i.e. Musical Logo
card in India in association with commercial branch in Bahrain
(MOGO) to be used across multiple touch Launched SmartUp
Visa International
Merged with Centurion Bank of Punjab in points Zones for start-ups Opened
Began its digital journey by one of the largest mergers in the Indian
launching online real-time NetBanking. banking industry Launched EasyEMI on 5,000th branch
debit cards
First ever mega merger in Indian banking
industry – Times Bank merged with 2010 Launched PayZapp, India’s first 1-click mobile-
pay solution Launched an all-in-one
HDFC Bank Launched 40% faster ATMs – first
DigiPOS machine
of its kind in Asia Launched 10-second personal loan
2000 disbursement in the retail lending
A Bank with many firsts 2011
1st Bank to launch Mobile Banking in India
Growing market leadership
Concurrent QIP issue & Follow-on
Launched first SMS – Expanded customer base to become
based Mobile Banking market leaders in Auto Loans, Personal
Loans and Credit Cards
`9,723 Crore
Cruising ahead
on which we aspire to build a
stronger future.
Despite significant restrictions on
mobility and physical proximity, we
not only delivered ‘essential’ banking
services to our customers, but also
grew our advances by 14%. We also
continued to deliver on our sustainable
development objectives backed by our
employee volunteers and partners.
*As on March 31, 2021 Our Performance
18 Farewell Note to Mr Aditya Puri
20 Message from the MD & CEO
Net Non-performing Assets (NPAs)*
24 Financial performance
Message from the MD & CEO Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
Our Focus Areas: Dear Stakeholders, Our Performance Areas for Improvement
Culture, Conscience
Let me start by wishing all of you good We posted a healthy growth in Net Technology. Quite frankly, it continues and transformation agenda to help
health and happiness. The financial year Profit, Net Interest Income and Balance to remain both a strength as well as an drive our ambitious future growth plans.
gone by has taught all of us to value Sheet size without compromising on area for improvement. In the last couple Some of the specific initiatives that we
and Customers
this more than anything else. Many of asset quality. Net Profit increased by of years our technological capability have embarked on in our Technology
you may have lost your near and dear 18.5 per cent to `31,116.5 Crore in has been questioned. Justifiably. But Transformation Agenda are:
ones. My heartfelt condolences to all FY21 and balance sheet size by 14.1 at the same time, we cannot afford
1 Infrastructure Scalability:
of you. We in the HDFC Bank family per cent to `1,746,871 Crore. Gross to miss the big picture. We would not
We have invested heavily in the scale
too have lost several colleagues. My NPAs increased to 1.32 per cent in have become a Bank of this scale, size,
up of our infrastructure to handle any
head bows in grief and sorrow. We are FY21 from 1.26 per cent in the previous and grown market share consistently
potential load for the next 3/5 years. We
supporting and will continue to support year. Net interest income, an indication year after year, without having a strong
are also in the process of accelerating
their families. of the difference between interest technology backbone. We are one
our cloud strategy to be on the cutting
earned and interest paid grew by 15.5 of the largest transaction processing
The year gone by saw people across edge leveraging best-in-class cloud
per cent to `64,879.6 Crore. The details Banks and have come up with cutting
the world being largely confined to their service providers.
of our performance are elaborated in edge customer solutions like 10-second
homes with several travel restrictions in
the report. personal loans and digital loan against 2 Disaster Recovery (DR)
place. They faced myriad personal and
mutual funds. Not to forget the rollout Resiliency: We have strengthened
professional challenges perhaps never I am proud of my colleagues and thank
of Video KYC during the pandemic our process of monitoring our Data
before encountered in our lifetime. This all of them (and their families too) for
which helped people to become a Centre (DC) and have shifted key
obviously had an effect on the economy this performance despite, the difficulties
bank customer from the safety of applications to a new DC. This includes
with the world officially being plunged they had to face during the year. As an
their homes. Or the DigiDemat and key consumer facing ones. We have
into recession. organisation we learnt and relearnt on
Trading Account which we introduced strengthened the Disaster Recovery
the way, pivoted our way to a Work from
Governments and Central Banks across in partnership with our subsidiary trials and processes so as to bounce
Home culture and continued to serve
the world reacted introducing a range last year. In the last 28 months, we back to serve our customers faster and
our customers. I am delighted by the
of measures to revive the economy and have, however, been in the spotlight quicker.
way our colleagues responded to the
help people move forward. for the wrong reasons when it comes
myriad challenges we all faced. 3 Security Enhancements:
to technology. Also, there have been
We have strengthened our firewalls
Challenging Environment Strengths deficiencies in compliance.
further. We have to be scanning
Our country was no exception. The The technology problems as well as the horizon for potential security
At this point I would like to elaborate
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the the compliance issues have led to issues and be ever prepared to face
on some of our strengths and also talk
Government introduced a slew of regulatory actions. This brings me to my them. We haven’t had any security
about things that we could have done
measures to revive the economy. focus areas. issues in the past. But this is always
These measures bore fruit with the an important area of focus and
economy growing by 1.6 per cent in One of our biggest strengths has been My Focus Areas action plans are underway for further
the fourth quarter of the year while it the legacy of over a quarter century. robustness.
The last technology downtime led to
had contracted by 24.4 per cent at the Our iconic ex-Managing Director, Mr
the Reserve Bank of India banning 4 Monitoring Mechanisms:
end of the first quarter. In the current Aditya Puri created an institution with
us from issuing new credit cards as An enhanced application monitoring
financial year India is expected to be strong foundation and fundamentals.
well as putting on hold new launches mechanism has been put in place
one of the fastest growing economies It is a huge advantage as well as a
under Digital 2.0 initiative. Further, the across the board to enable us to keep
in the world. The second wave of the privilege to inherit and build upon this.
regulator also appointed a third party our IT systems Always On.
pandemic has dented the optimism Thanks to his leadership, we today
audit of our IT systems. This audit is
a bit, but the peak of the pandemic have a strong balance sheet with While we execute this Technology
now over and the report has been
clearly appears to be behind us. As the among the lowest NPAs in the banking Transformation agenda, there will
submitted to the regulator. We now
vaccine rollout gathers momentum, the industry and strong capitalisation. This sometimes be pain and outages beyond
await the decision from RBI.
economy is expected to be on a much has helped us to lend even during our control. But this is the bitter pill we
stronger footing especially from the difficult times, build market leadership As a Bank we are certainly sorry for need to swallow. As mentioned earlier
second quarter. and deliver shareholder value without what has happened. And have taken we are putting in place measures that
compromising on our commitment to this as an opportunity to improve and will ensure that downtimes will not be
society and the environment. redouble our efforts to fix this problem prolonged. Yes, it will take some time
for good. We have now embarked on but we will get around this. And live up
a scale changing technology adoption to the standards that people have come
Sashidhar Jagdishan
to expect from us.
Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer
HDFC Bank Limited
All-round performance
The Bank has maintained its leadership position and delivered consistent growth DIVIDEND PER SHARE ADVANCES DEPOSITS
across a majority of its key financial parameters. Despite being a pandemic-disrupted (`)* (` Crore) (` Crore)
year, it has held its own with a strong customer base, robust risk management FY21 6.5** FY21 11,32,837 FY21 13,35,060
framework and best governance practices. All of this underlines its commitment to
‘Responsible Business’. FY20 ** FY20 9,93,703 FY20 11,47,502
The percentage increase in performance indicators was subdued as compared to a pre-COVID-19 year; even so, the year-
on-year increase in key metrics shows a healthy and continued growth. The Bank’s growth metrics like its Balance sheet FY19 7.5 FY19 8,19,401 FY19 9,23,141
size which crossed `17 Lakh Crore – a 14.1% increase, was driven by similar increase in Advances (14.0%) and Deposits
(16.3%). Our efficiency in managing capital can be seen from a 27.0% increase in our low-cost CASA deposits – the
highest in previous three years. Our profitability in disruptive times, is an outcome of the operational efficiencies built into
our system. We continue to deliver a double-digit growth in earnings, with an increase of 18.5% in net profit, while keeping
a check on our operational costs, resulting in a lower cost to income ratio of 36.3%. The Bank’s business resilience is an
important indicator of our credit risk evaluation and management. Our key strength continues to be maintaining one of the RETAILS ASSETS NET INTEREST MARGIN RETURN ON CAPITAL
lowest levels of Gross Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) in the Banking industry with provision coverage ratio of 69.8%. (` Crore) (%) (%)
`17,46,871 Crore `31,116.5 Crore FY19 4,32,687 FY19 4.3 FY19 16.3
14.1% 18.5%
*As of March 31, 2021 ^
(FY21%) (FY21%) (%) (%) (average) (%)
Commission, Exchange, Income from Investments Tax Transfer to Reserve
Brokerage Others Provisions Operating Expense
Other Interest Income
Interest from Advances Interest Expense
FX & Derivative Income *F
igures for the years prior to FY20 have been adjusted to reflect the effect of split of equity shares
from face value of `2/- each into two equity shares of face value of `1/- each.
** Refer note on Dividend given on page no.126 of Integrated Annual Report 2020-21.
Engines of growth
The Treasury is the custodian Products and services Revenue from Forex and
of the Bank’s cash/liquid assets • Foreign exchange and derivatives Derivative transactions
and manages its investments • Solutions on hedging strategies
in securities and other market • Trade solutions – domestic and cross `2,438.4 Crore
instruments. It manages the
liquidity and interest rate risks
• Bullion
on the balance sheet and is also • Debt capital markets
responsible for meeting statutory • Equities Our edge
Y-O-Y reserve requirements. • Research Reports and commentary on • Solutions for non-residents, hedging
markets and currencies needs in Indian markets
• Asset liability management • Integrated trade and treasury solution for
Y-O-Y • Statutory reserve customers
• Primary Dealer for Government securities
relative insulation of the rural support ecosystem for small and marginal
dairy farmers, automating the entire process
economy from the pandemic, of payments. The Milk-To-Money terminals
sectors dependent on the act as multifunctional terminals that provide
a transparent mechanism for the farmer to be
hinterland have performed paid exactly as per quality of milk delivered,
thus eliminating any errors or discrepancies.
relatively better. The farmer accounts are electronically credited
and they can withdraw the money from cash
dispensers immediately, if needed. There
are two objectives behind the initiative. One
is promoting financial literacy and inclusion
in deeper geographies where India resides.
The other is promoting digital transactions for
The trend of rising income levels in We are focusing on SURU markets not financial services in rural India. The project
these markets continued even while the just to expand our loan book, but also benefits the entire community in the locality
irrespective of their demographic profile.
economy was affected by COVID-19. to empower our customers. One such
This initiative has helped the farmers inculcate
Today, we are well positioned to address initiative has been the Kisan Dhan Vikas the saving habit and ultimately helped enhance
the growing demand for better quality Kendras. At these centres, farmers their status.
financial products and solutions. access information on soil health, mandi
Another key aspect of our strategy in prices, and various government initiatives
these markets has been the near trebling and receive expert advice. During the The focus on SURU validates our ability to
of the Business Correspondent network pandemic period, we have piloted digital identify opportunities early and address How We Create Value
to 15,756 from 5,541 in the previous year. outreach programmes. These services them by providing a wide range of
30 Our value creation model
We have adopted a segment-specific are also available on the Bank’s website in products and solutions that are aligned
32 Stakeholder engagement
approach like funding to agribusiness, vernacular languages. with the customers’ evolving needs.
34 Materiality Assessment
MSMEs and dairy farmers.
Introduction to Our How We Responsible Statutory Reports and
Our Value Creation Model Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
and Commerce
• Deposits Our Purpose Products • Net revenues: `90,084.46 Crore
• Shareholders’ funds • Net profit: `31,116.5 Crore
• External borrowings We exist to help every Indian make better Retail Deposits • Return on assets: 1.97%
money choices, today and tomorrow `10,64,684 Cr • Return on capital: 16.6%
• Cost-to-income ratio: 36.3
Our Values
Human capital Wholesale Deposits Human capital
Customer Operational Product People Sustainability
• Employee base Focus Excellence Leadership `2,67,198.88 Cr • Net Additions: 21,471
• Work-from-Home-facilitation • Women in workforce: 18.1%***
• Learning & Development • Employee engagement score: 75%
• Employee engagement initiatives Total Advances • No of certifications: 33 Lakh +
• Employee benefits
`11,32,837 Cr
lesale Social & relationship capital
Social & relationship capital W ho • Net promoter score: 49
Key enablers
• CSR expenditure Pay Retail Advances • Customer additions: 58 Lakh+
• CSR programmes executed through Sa Stringent/high compliance • Total Business Correspondents (BCs): 15,756**
five focused pillars `5,27,586 Cr • CSR spend: `634.91 Crore
Effective risk management
• Trade partners and merchants
Technology robustness
s ur y
• Workforce engaged in CSR programmes
Wholesale Advances
Social Distancing &
• Partnership with government Customers
• Banking outlets, Business e S • Cities and towns covered: 2,902
Fintech Adoption
^Retail transactions
• Natural resource conservation initiatives • Wealth • Cumulative rooftop solar capacity
• ESG screening of portfolio • Digital Marketing Growth in FY21: 198.3 KWp
Stakeholder Engagement Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
Materiality Assessment Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
Identifying issues Identified sustainability topics mapped with relevant GRI aspects and capitals
Priority S.
1. 16. Compliance
Environmental compliance; Socio‑economic compliance
We operate in a highly regulated sector. For us, regulatory compliance is mandatory and non-negotiable.
We identify key topics that have a Materiality mapping process New topics included All our operations comply with legal, environmental and social requisites prescribed by regulatory bodies.
material impact on our ability to create
value through a materiality assessment 2. 8. Data Security Customer privacy; Security practices
exercise, which is aligned with GRI Identify Potential Topics • Physical Risks due to Climate
requirements and is conducted in Change We operate in a highly automated environment and make use of the latest technologies to support various
consultation with internal and external operations. We have in place a governance framework, information security practices and a business
Define Stakeholder Groups • Transition Risks due to Climate
stakeholders. The topics identified as continuity plan to mitigate information technology-related risks. We are also guided by the Information
Change Security Policy and Cyber Security Policy laid down by an independent assurance team within Internal
‘material’ to us reflect the challenges,
• Climate Change impacting Audit which provides assurance on the management of information technology-related risks.
risks and opportunities we might face.
Stakeholder engagement company’s cost of debt
The last such exercise was undertaken and Prioritisation • Employee Welfare 3. 12. Corporate Ethics and integrity; Governance
in FY19, which enabled us to Governance &
• Customer Privacy Ethics
incorporate insights from relevant Our Corporate Governance philosophy, enunciated in our ESG framework, is guided by the cardinal
Revisit of material issues • Data Security
stakeholder groups into our decision- principles of independence, accountability, transparency, fair disclosures, responsibility and credibility.
by the internal stakeholders Good governance practices are embedded in our culture, which reflects in the policies and guidelines
making process. In FY21, we updated • Selling practices and product
in FY21 adopted by us. The Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy as well as the Code of Conduct enable us
our materiality analysis to better reflect labeling
to conduct business in an ethical manner. We comply with the Indian Companies Act, 2013, Banking
emerging ESG issues such as climate • Transparency and disclosure Regulation Act, 1949 and the applicable RBI and SEBI regulations, among others. Our equity shares are
change risks.
Revised materiality map listed on the National Stock Exchange, the Bombay Stock Exchange and our American Depository Shares
(ADS) are listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
9 8 16 Compliance Our customer-centric approach provides intuitive, relevant, contextualised and hyper-personalised
10 8 Data Security experiences to our customers and caters to their financial goals. We regularly conduct satisfaction surveys
12 Corporate Governance and Ethics to obtain feedback on our products and services.
Hygiene Factors Top priorities: 7 Customer Privacy
external stakeholders
Company needs to balance responding An effective and externally visible management response to
to stakeholder concerns without incurring these issues is vital for long-term business success 9 Customer Satisfaction 6. 10. Selling Practice Marketing and labelling
Importance to
monitor these issues as they may become more with stakeholders to educate them about the relevance to
impactful over time. company’s business. Hygiene Factors
2 Physical risk of Climate Change
Low Potential Impact on HDFC Bank’s business High 3 Transition risk of Dimate Change
Monitoring Issues
4 Climate Change Impact on Company's Cost of Debt
1 Emissions and Climate Change Financial Human Intellectual Social & Manufactured Natural
Capital Capital Capital Relationship Capital Capital Capital
The effective management of material issues is critical to our business sustainability as it directs our strategic planning and
management priorities towards achieving long-term sustainable value for our stakeholders.
Priority S. Priority S.
Rank No. Sustainability topic GRI aspects Capitals impacted Rank No. Sustainability topic GRI aspects Capitals impacted
7. 17. Transparency General disclosure - Reporting practice 14. 2. Physical Risk General disclosure - Governance
and Disclosure for Climate
Change We have a diverse lending portfolio cutting across all sectors including power, heavy industries and real
With the growing demand for ESG disclosures among the stakeholders, we ensure that such reporting is
estate sector. The process of analysing our resilience to physical and transition risk of climate change has
accurate and reliable. At HDFC Bank, we have put in place a sustainability reporting programme aimed at 3. Transition Risk been initiated in accordance with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial
articulating our sustainability strategy, risks, and opportunities and performance on material ESG topics, 15. for Climate Disclosures (TCFD). We also continue our endeavour to acquire granular data and test tools for climate risk
aligned with internal and external stakeholder expectations.
Change assessment and conducting scenario analysis.
We also accord due importance to report assurance process. Our Integrated Report and our Green House
Gas (GHG) emissions are externally verified by third-party auditors based on the International Standard on
Assurance Engagements ISAE 3000 (Revised). 16 4. Climate General disclosure - Governance
Change Impact
on Company’s At present, we view the climate change impact on our cost of debt to be relatively less significant. We will
8. 15. Economic Economic performance Cost of Debt
Performance continue to monitor and review such impacts.
We have delivered consistent performance, even under stressful economic situations, with an aim to create
enhanced long-term value for our stakeholders. This is accomplished through discreet strategies and 17. 1. Emission and Emissions
Climate Change
effective capital utilisation.
To move towards a low-carbon economy, we aim to adopt cleaner sources of energy. We also invest in
9. 13. Systematic General disclosure - Governance renewable energy, manage and report our carbon footprint, and engage with the community to adopt
Risk environment-friendly practices. We have also set targets to reduce our GHG emissions. Further, in line with
Management the Paris Agreement on climate change, we are in the process of committing to science-based emissions
We have a multi-layered risk management process to identify, assess, monitor and manage risks through the
effective use of processes, information and technology. As part of our overall risk management framework,
we have a Board-approved Stress Testing Policy & Framework which forms an integral part of our ICAAP
(Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process). Stress testing involves the use of various techniques
to assess our vulnerability to extreme but plausible adverse business conditions. Further, we have a
SEMS (Social & Environmental Management System) framework for assessing social and environmental Financial Human Intellectual Social & Manufactured Natural
credit risks in our portfolio. Risk exposures are actively captured and reported to the relevant levels of Capital Capital Capital Relationship Capital Capital Capital
management, to initiate appropriate mitigation measures. The risk management function is independent
from business, and reports directly to the Managing Director & CEO.
of transformation
Private Banking
Retail Assets
Branch Banking
Digital Marketing
Strategy in Action
Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
As a Bank, we assess disruptions and real-time challenges for insights to adapt our Our branches represent the Bank to
strategies and focus areas. We continue to keep our stakeholders at the centre of our Branches – Business Catchment
its customers, the society and other
One-Stop shop Correspondent Programme
strategy with ESG as an overarching principle. Our strategic priorities as envisaged in stakeholders and own retail and
Branches are well Reaching the doorstep Focus on acquiring
the previous years has held us in good stead through the pandemic. However, this was a business customer relationships. Retail
equipped to service all of citizens through the HNW customers in the
branch banking is the key driver for
year of improvising, finding solutions and being pragmatic, in an unpredictable domestic retail deposits franchise, retail trade
needs of customers Bank’s 15,756 Business area as well as widening
and global environment. and forex business, unsecured and
Correspondents reach in every sphere of
the catchment
secured asset business and third-party
To improve focus on what the Bank perceives as growth engines, we have fine-tuned our strategic priorities by making them
distribution business. At the same time
more granular. Our strategy can be visualised as ten pillars supported by certain enablers. These are foundational to the Bank
it’s also a congregation place for its
and hence critical for achieving our strategic goals. How we are re-imagining branch channel
sales force to get together, brainstorm
and formulate its one bank approach for
Our purpose ‘Go to market’. Access to high end AI Omnichannel Experience
To help every Indian make better money choices, Our strategy is to re-imagine this
Adoption of ‘Next Best Action’ – an
Al-powered analytical tool helping
All of the Bank’s products available at
every customer touch point
today and tomorrow channel by bringing more science to
the art of relationship management.
‘predict’ customer requirements
in its virtual relationship management The Bank is making significant of Government to use technology to strong offer platform which aggregates and taking the product range to merchants - Bank gets distribution point
channel to further advance its customer investments in technology upgradation bring in transparency and efficiency strong offers from merchants and deeper geographies to now focusing expansion and Merchants get cashflow
engagement and enhance its service of the customer facing solutions offers significant promise. Given our partners, providing a one-view to the also on the small merchants and benefit and also incentives from the
experience. In the last year, digital around Interactive Voice Response large distribution network including customer on all benefits which he/ neighbourhood kirana stores and Bank, thus creating a synergistic
or contactless banking has become Systems, Data Management and digital in rural areas, technological prowess, she can avail exclusively as a HDFC building partnerships, our strategy sustainable strategy for the Business.
more of a necessity than a service engagement platforms like Video KYC partnerships with key digital platform Bank customer. We have provided a has continued to evolve. In recent
enhancement. As digital literacy and to offer world class virtual engagement and solution providers, competitive strong loyalty framework and gained times with large fintechs and MNCs Technology/Digital
exposure increases exponentially, VRM framework for its customers. product offerings, and a focus on popularity among customers for getting entering this space, our strategy
Our vision is to build a technology led
is gaining acceptance through wider granular business we are well-poised accelerated reward points and rewards has been further strengthened with
bank. We are doing this by leveraging
engagement, deeper relationships and Semi-Urban & Rural to further our market share. On the redemptions in a single platform. two new pillars of ‘Partnerships’ and
our strengths and building for the
a complete suite of products to offer. institutional front, the opportunity is ‘Service and Experience’. The success
A banking experience with digital ease
(SURU) and Government humongous in the following segments
To complete our suite of products and
of this is reflected in our consistently
future. Some key aspects are:
payment suite to the retail consumers, • Continue to focus on scale to
and personalised conversations is the & Institutional (GI) – education, healthcare, housing
we are scaling BNPL with multiple
growing market share and merchant
manage one of the largest franchises
core of our VRM strategy. societies, NGOs, trusts given the engagement metrics.
The last few years have been a variants that we are building to make in the world; creating infrastructure,
multiple types of trusts, e.g. charitable,
The Virtual Relationship Management renaissance of sorts in the Rural customer purchases convenient. To support this strategy we recently partnerships and competencies for
family, gratuity, etc. Each segment
practice is an integrated customer Ecosystem with the advent, adaptability Between Credit card EMI, Debit card launched SmartHub 3.0 – a scale is a priority
is a vertical in itself. We are adopting
centric approach covering three pillars. and usage of technology in the EMI, paper financing we are riding the comprehensive banking and payment • Fortifying our infrastructure and
an ecosystem based approach to
hinterlands. There has been a steady wave of innovation and have become solution range for all merchants. This building for resiliency
• Virtual Relationship unlock the opportunity offered by each
rise in mobile penetration in the Rural No.1 among all banks in BNPL. We range of solutions allows merchants • Focus of customer experience –
segment. This entails systematically
• Virtual Sales areas and the access of data has plan to launch several new variants, and self employed professionals to make banking easy for young and
targeting the constituents of each
opened up the world of aspiration customised solutions with large brands/ instantly open a mini savings account old, urban and rural. Offering
• Virtual Care segment and putting in place the
building, increasing demand and partners in the coming year. or current account and start accepting best-in-class experience for our
relevant products, partnerships, digital
a) Seamless 24/7 access to thereafter fulfilment. With more than half payments in-store, online and on- existing and potential customers
journeys, solutions, and offers for the We have extremely strong plans to also
customers with global service of our banking outlets and a third of our the-go. The solution range is tailor • Bring in operational efficiencies –
constituents of each segment. grow two new segments apart from
standards workforce (including Agri/ SLI and RIG) made for the size and segment of the build a highly productive workforce
retail consumers. Commercial and SME
b) Automated Interactive Voice in this market, we are well poised to merchant and consists of a vast range • Build a safe, transparent and a
Response solution in 12 excavate and maximise this opportunity
Leadership in payment solutions is a fast growing
of offerings starting from rent free regulatorily compliant technology led
space and we have made strong
languages with over 20 services by creating phygital processes for Payments Business carding and payment solution inroads
SmartHub merchant app and QR to bank that citizens can trust
business and market share increment personalised payment link option to
We as a Bank believe we are best We are the leading player in the into this segment. We have several Our approach is two pronged - ‘Run the
as well our Bank’s penetration. Our a vast bouquet of POS devices. This
placed and have a head start with payments ecosystem with dominant curated solutions being rolled out for Bank’ and ‘Build the Bank of the future’.
Bank’s tie up with CSC – a special platform is further being expanded into
our Virtual Relationship Management share in both card issuing and acquiring Corporate & SME segment and we will Making banking easy, contextual and
purpose vehicle (SPV) set up by a super app ecosystem with integrated
practice leveraging four key business grow this segment by 2X in the coming safe for our customers is our priority.
Ministry of Electronics and Information servicing, integrated cash-flow based
components: 2 years. We have been digitising our customer
Technology (MEITY) to offer Citizen We have the most extensive suite of lending, small ticket size flexible
a) Omni Channel Engagement journeys across the bank enabling easy
Facilitation Services digitally has been payment form factors to offer to our Merchant Acquiring business provides repayment loans, business cards and
framework onboarding, transactions and customer
a catalyst in increasing the distribution customers be it Cards, POS terminals, the rail road for banking solutions suite of value added services, offered
b) Seamless digital journeys lifecycle management. In parallel we
footprint in the semi-urban and rural payment gateways, UPI, QR etc. With and Payment offerings to the largest in partnership with fintechs. While the
c) Data Science led customer are also building new capabilities and
geography without incurring cost on over 51 Million credit cards, debit cards customer segment – MSMEs. As platform and ecosystem will ensure
interaction competencies to build the bank of the
setting up a brick & mortar model. Till and prepaid cards addressing every a Bank we have been leading this engagement and scale, with reducing
d) Robust talent pool of well-trained future.
date we have on-boarded more than market segment, every third rupee business for 15+ years and despite the transaction margins and need for
Virtual Relationship Managers
1 Lakh VLE’s as Business Facilitators spent on cards in India happens on disruptive competition in this space, we higher investments, the business focus As we realise the above objectives
The model is built on a foundation and Business Correspondents to HDFC Bank cards. We are a leading have continued to grow and currently to generate revenue will be through a through multiple initiatives, we are also
of Customer Obsession to Nurture, help source business for us. With player in credit cards with a strong have over 47% market share. Our ‘sandwich strategy’. Under this strategy building one of the finest digital and
Care and Collaborate. The Virtual the help of the VLEs, we intend to growth and market share on both focus is to grow our current 2 Million the payments layer in the middle will technology capabilities in the financial
Relationship Managers offer world class create a large distribution network booksize/ENR and spends. We have acceptance points network by 10X in be ring-fenced with a layer of liability services industry. We are not only
service interaction with an analytics to capture the opportunities in the built several strong digital offerings 3-5 years. offerings on one side and asset offering fortifying our enterprise IT but also
led need based product distribution semi-urban and rural areas as well as like PayZapp and plan to fortify the on the other. These offerings will be building new muscle through our newly
Over the years our strategy has
approach aimed to make us the Primary geographically increase our reach in product offering in the coming year to for both the merchants and also the created Digital Factory and Enterprise
evolved in-line with the competitive
banker of choice to the customer. The deep geographies. provide strong engagement platform customers of the merchant, integrated Factory. The new factories are bringing
landscape and market opportunities,
Virtual Relationship Managers serves for HDFC Bank customers. We will be seamlessly in the SmartHub platform. in new skills, new technologies and new
The lifting of the embargo on From focusing only on large and key
the customer lifecycle under five pillars providing strong unified experience This will help merchants improve their ways of working.
Government business for private sector merchants in the top 30 cities to
– a) Save b) Invest c) Borrow d) Transact across contactless payments, QR cash-flow as Bank will enable funding
banks, the Digital India Mission, and expanding the industry by investing We have begun architecting our
e) Engage. This cohesive strategy based payments, UPI payments, & affordability at transaction level on all
the recent circular on the Single Nodal in digitising institutional segments like banking technology stack for the future:
allows to deepen the relationship and BNPL and digitalising all payment form its acceptance points. This has multi-
Agency account by Government of India education, government and societies
proactively offer the right product factors with rich features in a unified level benefits to both the bank and the
are strong tailwinds for this business.
program to the customers. platform. Smartbuy is growing as a
The growing emphasis at each level
no other. The Bank aims to augment consumer financial sector will increase
1 Building a resilient core that is better relationship with its supplier. 3 Contribute to direct business drive digitisation across the bank. We
as well as facilitate the growth of at a faster rate. HDFC Bank, with a
always ‘ON’ and performs at scale This initiative uses digital platforms, generation: Digital marketing relies have honed the ability to execute digital
individual ecosystems that exist within strong distribution in both open market
interfaces, data analytics, and our on advanced analytics to identify and marketing plans at scale and in tandem
2 Creating secure APIs and the group, (such as the rural ecosystem and internal customer franchise with
wealth of relationships to provide target the right customer with the right with the traditional marketing channels
microservices for information or the supply chain network), with digital strengths is in the right position
the corporate and its entire gamut of product, at the right time, in their most so as to provide our customers quick
interchange products and services tailored to to leverage and grow across touch
customers and trade partners, quick preferred channel of communication and easy access to all our financial
add-value and financial strength. points and pincodes.
3 Re-imagining intuitive and and easy access to financial solutions and with high levels of personalisation. solutions.
Focusing on the commercial and rural
contextual customer journeys on with an aim to increase product Investments in advanced analytics
group also supports the Bank’s goal We have created frictionless digital
engagement platforms
of deep geographical penetration and
Corporate Cluster penetration at each corporate. tools on cloud have ensured we have
journeys for loans, deposits and
a deep understanding of customer
4 Leveraging data analytics. expansion. Using customised product The Bank’s corporate banking vertical Diversification of the corporate portfolio payment solutions which allow our
behaviour, and their preferences to
offering, digital expertise and deeper offers comprehensive banking solutions is also a key driver of the growth of the customers experience making a
We can already see some impact. curate personalised interventions, at
geographical presence, the Bank to corporates across industries and corporate cluster. purchase in a few clicks. This also helps
Our transactions on mobile and scale and to create relevant customer
is contributing to bridging the gap sectors. This includes but is not limited us take our financial solutions to the
net banking are increasing. As our engagement.
onboarding journeys become simpler
between India and Bharat. to, large business houses, MNCs, Wealth under-penetrated semi-urban and rural
companies in the manufacturing Investments in latest Martech solutions segments.
and intuitive through the use of new A large proportion of wealth in India
and service sectors, public sector have been done to create frictionless
engagement platforms, we see a Retail Assets enterprises, financial institutions,
lies distributed even beyond the
digital journeys that allow customers to
Our Pay, Save, Borrow, Invest solutions
higher preference and adoption for top 20 cities of the country. The will be part of these digital journeys, so
The Bank continues its leadership Global Capability Centres (GCC) etc. buy our financial products and services
digital. We are also leveraging data Bank’s strategy is to cover a larger that new and existing customers across
position in Consumer/Retail assets in The focus of the corporate cluster with zero or minimal physical interface.
analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and geographical spread, to provide segments can get instant approvals and
various key and diversified product is to deepen corporate relationships
Machine Learning (ML) for powering differentiated wealth management We are closely linking customer purchase them without stepping out of
offerings like auto loans, personal with more attention being paid to
personalisation, credit underwriting and solutions using digital tools. The Bank understanding using technology to their homes.
loans and home loans among others. their requirements on the funding
risk control. is creating new product offerings and
The strengths built in these products side, with regards to their collections
improving its existing solutions to reach
Our underlying core technology by serving the large metro and urban and payments, their trade related
out to this population using technology.
infrastructure is being further fortified customer base can be adapted to serve requirements or even the financial
to make it resilient and scalable to the needs of the large population in well-being of their employees and key
With focus on ‘wealth’ as a strategic
priority, the Bank aims to increase its
handle the ever increasing load of digital the Indian hinterland where consumer officials.
wealth management customer base Through its subsidiaries HDFC Securities Limited (HSL) and HDB Financial
transactions. Our proactive monitoring aspirations are increasing. Their
The strategy around our ‘corporate significantly, in the next few years. Services Limited (HDB), the Bank offers a depth of customer relationship with
of service paths and DevSecOps banking needs have to be assessed
cluster’ has been focused on the complete breadth of products. The subsidiaries are important pillars of
framework would ensure that we have and addressed differently from the
a continuously integrated build and urban retail banking customers. We
serving the entire ecosystem of Digital Marketing the Bank’s strategy to tap into opportunities beyond banking services
large corporates. Using ground level
deployment pipeline to ensure agility, have carved Retail Assets as a separate Our digital marketing strategy is to
intelligence about our customers’
quality and security. strategic pillar to ensure higher focus leverage it as an independent channel
processes, distribution networks,
on this segment especially in deeper for end-to-end business generation.
geographies etc. the Bank provides
Commercial and Rural geographies where the growth drivers
value-adds and solutions for financial
It rests on three key pillars. HDB is a non-deposit taking non- HSL is amongst the leading retail
come from using digital advancement banking finance company (NBFC) broking firms in India, and offers
One of the important pillars of the concerns that are unique to industries 1 Create Brand awareness and
and increased geographical presence. that has positioned itself as a one- exhaustive range of investment and
Bank’s strategy is commercial and in this cluster. The Bank already has consideration: Leverage digital
We will continue to focus on salaried stop financial services provider, with protection products to its customer
rural strategy which encompasses – host to host connectivity with the marketing to drive awareness about
segments within top rated corporates a complete suite of customised loan base of over 27 Lakh. The Bank’s
micro, small and medium enterprises large corporates using APIs and is our financial solutions, create customer
and government institutions across and other service offerings through focus on digitisation extends to the
(MSME/SME), emerging corporates, working towards digitising end-to- brand love, so they will consider us
geographies and we believe that a network of over 1,319 branches digital investment in HSL. In fact,
the mid-market companies, commercial end transaction processing within favorably while making their purchase
increasing aspirations will provide us across 959 cities/towns. It’s range of this year, 92% of HSL’s over 1 Million
agriculture and commercial transport their ecosystems. The quality service decisions.
a greater opportunity to cross sell our services and products include loans- active customers accessed its
companies. This is the Bank’s fastest offering that is provided to our
diversified retail products. The Indian 2 Deliver Portfolio Objectives: Use consumer and enterprise loans, services digitally. HSL’s distribution
growing market group that contributes corporate customers can be extended
market is likely to grow at a better rate our Omni Channel forte consisting asset finance, micro-loans, fee- network extends across 216
significantly to India’s manufacturing to customers and suppliers of the
in the coming five years vs the last five. of website, net and mobile banking, based services and BPO services. branches in 159 cities, serving a
output, export, employment, supply corporate using ‘ecosystem banking’
This data is basis the emerging markets notifications, SMS, Email, WhatsApp HDB offers the Bank’s customers diverse set of retail and institutional
chain network and infrastructure. with a view to bring the client’s entire
trends world over and with unorganised and social media to deliver the business end-to-end specialised services and customers in India.
Constraints faced by the group include financial world under one umbrella.
sector becoming more organised portfolio objectives. Develop segmented currently has `61,560.7 Crore as
lack of easy or timely access to credit, The Bank’s value proposition is two-
with bureau support the organised and personalised communication based Assets Under Management.
high cost of credit and collateral fold; 1. To digitise the purchase and
on highly advanced AI/ML models.
deficiency. These issues, viewed with ownership journeys of the company’s
the growth potential of the commercial customers and 2. To enable all sourcing
and rural sector, is an opportunity like to be digitally tracked and to use
trade finance products to enable a
External Environment Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
The pandemic disrupted the real of restrictions imposed to contain the China has already returned to its pre-
economy, and not just the financial spread, and the magnitude of policy COVID GDP in 2020 and India is likely
system alone. After a contraction of actions. to return to its pre-pandemic level of
3.3% in 2020, the global economy is output in FY22.
In the US, the fiscal package of $1.9
projected to grow at 6.0% in 2021,
aided by monetary and fiscal support
trillion is expected to bolster US On the domestic front, the surge Increasing government and regulatory interventions
economic growth and have a positive in daily COVID-19 cases is likely to
extended by Governments and Central The Government and Regulators stepped in during the year to alleviate the socio-economic
spill over effect on its trading partners. impact a fragile recovery, with the
Banks, and the vaccination rollout. effects of the pandemic and to stimulate growth.
Among advanced economies, the relationship between lockdowns,
However, the shape of the recovery is
US is expected to surpass its pre- reduced mobility and impact on growth
likely to vary across regions based on
COVID GDP level in 2021 and the UK’s being relatively strong. An increasing Our response
the path of the pandemic, the severity
economy is expected to reach its pre- number of states were forced to go into A
pandemic size in Q4 2021, while many a complete lockdown or strict localised Two such measures were Loan moratorium – The relief provided Loan restructuring – The loan
Projected global economic growth others in the group are likely to return containment for a longer period of time, the moratorium and the loan to our customers include restructuring programme was aimed
in 2021 to pre-pandemic levels only in 2022. resulting in high impact on restructuring packages introduced by at easing the burden of monthly
• A standstill on delinquency position
Similarly, among emerging economies, economic activity. the Reserve Bank of India. While the repayments for eligible customers
6% first allowed customers (from March
as of February 2020
• Relief from making loan repayments
who were significantly affected by
to August 2020) to temporarily freeze the pandemic. Customers seeking
during between March 2020 and
loan repayments, the second eased loan restructuring were allowed to
May 2020 (Moratorium 1) and
the burden of monthly repayments. reschedule their loan repayments and
between June 2020 and August
were offered lower payment structures,
Challenges posed by the operating environment 2020 (Moratorium 2)
with extended tenors of up to 24
We operationalised the moratorium months.
Decline in credit Decline in branch Restricted Demand surge Low productivity
demand driven sales Operations leading to process through a robust multichannel
We also conducted an outreach
challenges customer outreach programme
Lower deposits and Limited programme to help customers
investment growth serviceability designed to guide customers in a
understand the modalities of
frictionless manner. Customers seeking
restructuring and guide them through
moratorium were directed to our
Branches Other physical Digital the process. Our approach through
website to process their applications.
networks the period was based on empathy,
understanding and transparent
Product Sales and servicing Operations communication as was evidenced by
the scale and scope of relief provided to
Operating environment
Collections Risk Treasury People Technology HDFC Bank disbursed `29,622 Crore
The Union Cabinet unveiled a
management and capital to over 1.23 Lakh customers in FY21
stimulus package of `3 Trillion in
and management under the ECLGS scheme. We have
May 2020 known as the Emergency
compliance also emerged as a star performer under
Credit Line Guarantee Scheme
the ECLGS 1.0 and 2.0 schemes.
(ECLGS) in aid of Micro, Small and
Muted collections Inadequate risk Liquidity Low employee Limited data access
model to include management productivity and IT constraints Medium Enterprises, (MSMEs).
climate change challenges morale This was aimed at addressing their Disbursement under ECLGS
impact working capital needs, operational
liabilities and aiding businesses to
`29,622 Crore
Banking industry Social distancing and restrictions Evolution of technology in Fintech adoption Climate change and ESG
environment trade and commerce
The stress on the banking sector was Demonetisation led to the faster adoption We have witnessed a high adoption of As corporate governance issues surface
further accentuated by the pandemic. of digital payments post 2016. Coupled fintech solutions in the banking, financial with increasing frequency, banks and
Estimates suggest that 19 sectors that with restrictions in logistics and physical services and insurance (BFSI) sector, financial institutions, along with the
were previously not under stress before movement induced by COVID-19, there which is mainly due to Government regulators, are looking at risks through
the pandemic have been hit, accounting has been a spectacular surge in digital initiatives like demonetisation, GST, the ESG lens. Assessing the ESG health
for almost `15.5 Lakh Crore of debt. transactions. Further, large companies Digital India initiatives and growth in of the creditors is important to identify
Retail and wholesale trade being the with a turnover of more than `50 Crore are e-commerce. The pandemic restricted the inherent risks and take steps to
worst hit with an estimated outstanding mandated to offer prescribed electronic people to their homes, prompting mitigate them in order to preserve credit
of `5.4 Lakh Crore. The pandemic also payment options from January 1, 2020. fintech players to innovate and make portfolio quality. Climate change is one
affected 11 sectors that were already In a recent notification, the Central Board their solutions more mobile-friendly. of the key ESG risks, with a potential
under stress. These sectors have a of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) has disruptive impact on the economy. It
cumulative debt of `22.2 Lakh Crore. made e-invoicing for GST, mandatory for poses both physical and transition risks
Of these, non-banking financial taxpayers having turnover of over to our business, as the world transitions
companies (NBFCs) accounted for the `50 Crore, from April 1, 2021. to a low-carbon economy. Thus, climate
bulk of the debt at `7.98 Lakh Crore. change is both a risk and a value creation
The banking sector is facilitated by the network it has, whether with branches or opportunity.
The exponential spread of COVID-19
physical availability of Bank employees especially in rural India. New norms,
has led to the GDP growth contracting
state-wise variations in restrictions due to lockdowns and fear of infection after
by 7.3% in FY21. The pandemic has
easing of restrictions later in the year have affected all businesses including that of
a significant impact on economic
financial institutions.
activities and lending potential across
sectors. Financial institutions using their Restriction on mobility has led to different ways of operating for employees and
strong liquidity position played a key customers whether retail or wholesale. There is an increased preference for
role in reinvigorating the economy. contactless banking and operating remotely.
We actively reached out to large We started with initiatives to promote which are operational at each location We continued to invest in our We have increased our investments Our response to climate change and
corporates for their funding Secure Banking during COVID-19. for a specific period. We also launched intellectual capital, especially in technology and in designing ESG issues is three-pronged. First, we
requirements, which we could do We conducted workshops to increase video KYC to ensure full KYC savings technology. We have planned for solutions that are more user friendly manage and mitigate climate change
because of our strong balance sheet. awareness on the rising cases of account activation and onboard new upgradations in the short-and- and seamless. Further, we are and ESG risks through our internal
Due to TLTRO scheme, we were cyber frauds while making financial customers. To ensure the safety medium term. We have attracted partnering with various fintech initiatives. Second, we are developing
able to raise funds at lower rates and transactions and prevent them. Our and wellbeing of our employees, we talent in areas such as data anlaytics companies, as part of our strategy, a strategy to address climate change
further improve our liquidity position. Mooh Bandh Rakho campaign was undertook various measures such and IT. Also, 178 external APIs are to provide a differentiated customer and ESG risks in our portfolio. Third, we
We also actively participated aimed to help prevent cyber frauds as providing sanitisers and masks, currently active on our API gateway. experience. support our communities in enhancing
in lending to the MSME sector. and the spread of COVID-19 by means disinfecting and fumigating all offices. All of this enabled us to increase our their resilience to climate change and
We continued our retail lending of wearing a mask and keeping one’s We also set up COVID-19 customer base to 6.18 Crore, acquire environmental risks. We have set targets
which capitalised on the revival in mouth shut (Mooh Bandh Rakho). medical helpline and deployed a more merchants, and expand our for tree plantation and to reduce our
consumption in Q3 and Q4 to post In another initiative, we deployed dedicated team for providing updates to market share. energy consumption and Green House
a Y-o-Y growth of 6.7% in domestic 49 mobile Automated Teller Machines the employees on time. For employees Gas (GHG) emissions. We have initiated
retail loans. (ATMs) across 47 cities to assist working from home, we provided steps towards implementation of TCFD
customers during the lockdown. the required IT support and put in and SBTi recommendations and continue
One can conduct over 15 types of place robust and secure systems and our endeavor to acquire granular data
transactions using the Mobile ATM, processes. and test tools for developing climate risk
Growth in total advances (FY21) assessment and scenario analysis. We
also fund the development of renewable
14% energy projects.
Risk Management Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
Future-proofing the business The broad categories of risk we face Risk exposures are actively captured risks. The Bank has put in place an
are credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, and reported to the relevant levels of overall Risk Appetite statement.
interest rate risk in the banking book management for initiation of appropriate In addition, appetites for individual risk
and operational risk. Further, our focus risk mitigation measures. The Bank has types are operationalised through risk
Our risk management process is flexible and allows us to adopt best industry on digitisation leads to cyber security a structured management framework specific policies and limit packages.
practices and adapt them to our business needs. We have adopted a multi-layered and data risk as well as reputation risk. for the identification and measurement Stress tests form an integral part of risk
risk management process to identify, assess, monitor and manage both traditional We are also exposed to Environmental, of the various material risks that the analysis and computation of capital
as well as emerging risks through the effective use of processes, information Social & Governance risks arising out of Bank faces. We are also continuously adequacy under severe but plausible
the nature of business operations of our evaluating the efficacy of existing risk scenarios that may adversely affect
and technology. borrowers (particularly large, corporate model assumptions and parameters the Bank. While each of these risks is
borrowers), the industry segment in and refining the models to reflect the assessed, monitored and managed
which they operate and the deficits in new business normal. under individual policies for
their compliance to statutory/ regulatory day-to-day functioning, the stress
Risk Governance The Bank has policies, processes and
norms. testing framework endeavours to assist
The Board of Directors of the Bank appropriate to changing business systems for identifying, measuring, sound methodologies for the effective
in identification of potential loss.
takes responsibility for managing the conditions, the structure and needs of monitoring, assessing and managing control and management of individual
comprehensive risks faced by the the Bank and the risk appetite of the risk. The Chief Credit Officer heads the
Bank. The Risk Policy & Monitoring Bank. independent Credit Group overseeing
Committee (RPMC) is a Board level the underwriting functions and
The Chief Risk Officer heads the
committee, which supports the Board approvals across retail and wholesale
by supervising the implementation
independent Risk Management Group
(RMG) which drives risk management
credit functions and ensuring that credit Managing key risks
of the risk strategy. It guides the underwriting and portfolio management
centrally in the Bank. The RMG is Capitals
development of policies, procedures are aligned with the Board approved
primarily responsible for implementing Risk Mitigation Strategies Impacted
and systems for managing risk. It credit appetite.
the risk strategy approved by the
ensures that these are adequate and
Board, developing procedures & Credit
The risk which arises from default by There are robust policies and Maintaining healthy asset
borrowers in their terms of contract processes for managing credit risk in quality with optimal risk-
HDFC Bank’s Risk Management Framework with the Bank especially failure to make both retail and wholesale businesses, reward considerations
payments or repayments mainly through our
a) target defined market,
Governance b) credit approval process,
c) post-disbursement monitoring and
Board of Directors
d) remedial management procedures
Board Committees
Management Committees
The risk of potential loss on account of Our Board-approved Investment Policy, Optimising profitability
Frameworks adverse changes in market variables Market Risk Policy and Limit packages of marked-to-market
which affect the value of financial cap exposure in line with the Bank’s products within the
Risk Appetite instruments that the Bank holds as a risk appetite. We follow well-established constraints of liquidity and
Risk Policies, Procedures and Systems part of its statutory reserves or trading procedures for portfolio risk evaluation, market risk appetite of the
activity, such as market instruments, market risk factor assessment and risk Bank
debt securities, equities, foreign controls
Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment exchange and derivative instruments
Compliance Process and Stress Testing
Assessment Control Reporting
Risk Identification Risk Limits Risk MIS &
Measurement Monitoring Actions
Approval as Mitigation
applicable Financial Human Intellectual Social & Manufactured Natural
Capital Capital Capital Relationship Capital Capital Capital
Capitals Capitals
Risk Mitigation Strategies Impacted Risk Mitigation Strategies Impacted
Compliance Liquidity
The risk of legal or regulatory sanctions, Comprehensive Board-approved Ensuring businesses work Liquidity risk is the risk that the Bank The Bank’s framework for liquidity • To maintain healthy
as a result of failure to comply with Compliance policy in place. Drill down within the contours of may not be able to meet its financial and interest rate risk management liquidity in comparison
applicable laws, regulations and of the compliance culture within the regulation obligations as they fall due without is spelled out in our Asset Liability- to balance sheet size
standards organisation through an intricate incurring unacceptable losses Management policy. Further, a robust of the bank to tide over
and comprehensive internal control mechanism to comprehensively track any unforeseen stress
framework cash flow mismatches under normal scenario
as well as stressed conditions and
• Maintaining competitive
critical ratios including Basel III ratios
cost of funds
has also been implemented. The Bank
Operational has an extensive intraday liquidity risk
management framework for monitoring
Operational risk arises from inadequate A Board-approved governance Minimising operational
intraday positions during the day
or failed internal processes, people and structure is in place with detailed losses through risk
systems or from external events. framework and processes, internal mitigation
It includes risk of loss due to legal risk controls, information technology and
fraud monitoring mechanisms Reputation
Any adverse stakeholder and public We communicate with our stakeholders • Delivering superior
perception about our Bank may regularly through appropriate customer experience
Climate negatively impact our ability to attract engagement mechanisms to address
• Wide range of products
and retain customers and may expose stakeholder expectations and assuage
At a broader level, risks from climate An ESG policy framework has been Environmental, Social and and services
us to litigation and regulatory actions their concerns, if any
change are typically divided into: formulated to address this risk. Governance (ESG)
• Physical risks We are exploring frameworks
Further, we have a robust Social &
Economic losses (physical damage to model and assess
Environmental Management System
to property and assets) from extreme
(SEMS) framework to address social
climate risk. We also Cyber and Data
weather events attributed to climate continue our endeavour to
and environmental/climate change risks
change acquire granular data and Risk of cyber-attacks on our Bank’s Every specific cyber threat including Facilitating growth via secure
in our loans. As a part of the ESG risk
test tools for climate risk systems through hacking, phishing, data privacy is assessed basis the Digital initiatives.
• Transition risks identification and mitigation process,
assessment and conducting ransomware and other means, resulting framework (Identify, Prevent/Protect,
The possible process of adjustment we evaluate all our loans, irrespective • Sustaining operational
scenario analysis. On the in disruption of our services or theft Detect, Respond and Recover) and
to a low carbon economy and its of project type (greenfield projects effectiveness and
Emissions front: we have or leak of sensitive internal data or controls such as firewalls, anti-malware,
possible effects on the value of or for regular capital expenditure), efficiency through secure
taken targets to reduce our customer information anti-advance persistent threats, data
financial assets and liabilities having a value of more than `10 Crore Work-from-Home
GHG emissions. Further, loss prevention, Red Teaming, Intrusion
and a tenor of more than 5 years, for
we are aligning with the prevention/detection, digital rights • Adapting and updating
adherence to Environmental, Health,
Paris Agreement on management, 24*7 security operation Cyber Defence framework
Social & Safety (EHSS) norms. We also
climate change by initiating centre, and forensics solutions have to counter new-age
track and externally verify our carbon
commitment towards been put in place. The international threats
emissions to effectively manage and
Science-Based Targets ‘general data protection regulation
reduce our footprint • Continuous information
(GDPR)’ has also been implemented
security awareness for
across relevant operations. The
employees and customers
Bank is compliant with ISO 27001:13,
ISO22301:19 and PCI DSS standards
Business Continuity Plan Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
o mechanism further; set up a crisis
Employee safety and
group on the mobile platform for faster
I n te r v
u c ti v i y
afe t y
Business communication, action and response
BCP: Governance and management
• BCP Strategy for Retail Branch Banking
• Distribution of masks to security
is further being enhanced with plans to
Our central Business BCP is managed by the This committee is chaired by The committee’s other guards, pantry staff and other
include a comprehensive BCP Manual,
Continuity Office works Information Security the Chief Risk Officer (CRO) representatives are support staff and providing hand
Table Top on BCP, Periodic Preventive
towards strengthening Group and governed by selected from the senior M a i nt a i n sanitisers across locations
Op Checks, BCP during Branch downtime,
e rat lit y
the business continuity the Business Continuity management team iona l sta bi E-Learning Module for Branch Banking
preparedness Steering Committee
• Bank has procured sufficient additional
Multi-pronged pandemic response
licenses for VPN & has segregated
those basis priorities
Scope of BCP
Technology Interventions
− Priority 1. Branches facing frequent
• The new strategy of Work-from-
Home was incorporated
− Priority 2. Single branch cities
• InfoSec Awareness campaign series
for all employees was rolled out − Priority 3. Vulnerable geographies
Retail Branch Phone Payments Retail Portfolio Wholesale Retail Banking Treasury
Banking Banking Business & DBC- Management - Banking Operations Operations • Zero IT downtime and increase in The process is being defined with
Risk Control Credit Cards Operations hardware capacity, enabling secure the help of IT. The pilot run has been
access from home completed.
of sustainability
To generate livelihood opportunities in the
region, particularly among the women of the
community, Parivartan established a tailoring
unit and training centre after selecting and
training a group of eight beneficiaries to run it.
The first batch of 10 trainees are now involved
in teaching stitching. Equipment provided to the
centre by the Bank include furniture, tailoring
machines, cutting machines, embroidery
machines and other related accessories.
In addition to monitoring by field staff, the
programme was also linked to the Start-up
Village Entrepreneurship Program (SVEP) so that
it may be replicated across the state.
At HDFC Bank, we have always Our Holistic Rural Development Each beneficiary chosen to run the centre, earns
around `2,200 per month. Upon completion of
Programme (HRDP) was born
believed that business growth is out of the conviction that the
the 3-month training period, the trainees are
expected to find sustainable employment - thus
intricately linked with prosperity nation progresses only when rural setting in motion the gradual improvement of
living standards in the region.
India grows. Our multi-pronged
of the communities we serve. interventions range from farm and
We are leveraging our scale and non farm-based livelihood, water
conservation, on-ground training for Our Sustainable Livelihood Initiative (SLI), a
reach to empower those sections farmers, creation of Farmer Producer unique programme with possibly no parallel
Organisations, sanitation to Natural globally, is targeted at empowering families by
of the society that remain less- Resource Management. We facilitate empowering women through occupational skills Responsible Business
privileged through our five pillars livelihood enhancement opportunities, training, financial literacy, credit counselling, 58 ESG Strategy
particularly for women and youth, livelihood finance and market linkage.
of Rural Development, Promotion primarily in agriculture and allied We also provide infrastructure support, such
60 Environment
70 Customer Centricity
of Education, Skill Training and areas such as dairy and poultry. The as building toilets in schools and improving
objective is to help them find jobs 76 Digitisation
classrooms. At the community level, it also
Livelihood Enhancement, Healthcare locally, enhance their household includes educating people on the importance 80 Social - People
income and discourage migration. of water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH). Also,
and Hygiene and Financial 88 Social - Communities
through the Zero Investment Innovations for 100 Nation building
Literacy and Inclusion Education Initiatives (ZIIEI), we are committed 104 Governance
to enabling teachers to innovate which in turn
108 Board of directors
benefit students. This programme is aimed at
Government schools across India. Parivartan 110 Senior management team
is thus not just about bringing a sustainable 112 10 year Financial Highlights
change in the society, but also about 114 Awards
delivering long-term solutions for pressing
social challenges.
Introduction to Our How We Responsible Statutory Reports and
ESG Strategy Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
ESG governance
CSR & ESG Committee of the Board
oversees the Bank’s sustainability and
climate change initiatives. A management
level ESG committee, represented by
senior management members across We have a Board-approved
major functions, reports to the CSR ESG policy framework and ov
& ESG Committee of the Board and Environmental Policy in place to er
provides updates on our Environmental identify the Bank’s environmental nce
Policy and ESG framework to the Board risks and impacts.
for review annually. Our Group Head for
CSR reports to the Board every quarter,
chairs the management-level ESG
Our People and Conduct and Transparency with
Committee which undertakes focuses
Our Communities Compliance Stakeholders
discussions through three
sub-committees. • We focus on employee diversity & • Our corporate Governance Policy • Our Code of Conduct ensures
inclusion, training & development, ensures highest levels of ethics, transparent dealings with internal
Targets employment practices integrity, corporate governance and and external stakeholders
Our Environment Sub-Committee, part
of the ESG Committee sets targets and
identifies opportunities for improvement
We have recently set a target to
become carbon neutral by FY32.
We have achieved our earlier target to
Reduction in combined Scope 1 and
• We invest in our communities
through our Sustainable
Livelihood Initiative, Holistic Rural
regulatory compliance
• Our Board of Directors sets course
and evaluates our performance of
in areas of emissions, energy, water reduce energy consumption and overall Scope 2 emission intensity* Development Program, Teach the compliance, risk management &
and waste. This is driven jointly by emissions by FY22. We have now initiated Teacher Initiative internal control, information & cyber
the Sustainability team with the ESG the process to commit to the Science • We provide access to financial security, customer service, social &
committee which reviews plans of Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), which will services to communities environmental responsibility
action, targets, progress against targets, enable us to set climate change targets
initiatives undertaken by internal business in accordance with the latest climate
Reduction in energy consumption*
units and employees towards mitigation. science to meet the goals of the Paris Responsible Managing our
Tracking our
Agreement. We have also taken up a Financing and Product Environmental Risks
GHG emissions
target to plant 2.5 Million trees by Responsibility and Opportunities
FY25, of which 1.6 Million trees have
already been planted. 5%
Reduction in energy intensity*
• We do not fund projects that
have an adverse impact on
• We have been tracking our GHG
emissions since FY11
• Our board-governed
environmental policy serves as
environment, health, safety (EHS) a framework to understand and
levels manage our environmental risks,
• New opportunities in the impacts and opportunities
environmental and social space • Sustainable procurement
For more details regarding our performance against targets please refer to the Environment section * The base year was FY19 and target including those like Green Bonds practices
year FY22
PG 60
Deploying resources
Focus on governance, strategy Performance indicators Initiatives to reduce Targets FY22
Our and risk management and metrics and targets environmental footprint
ing ini
anc t ia Our Board sets the course and evaluates our We monitor key performance indicators We are committed to conducting our Reduction in total energy
n tiv
Fi performance on social and environmental (KPIs) for all major environmental business operations in a socially and consumption
es responsibility, among others. The Board-governed indicators and initiatives covering environmentally responsible manner.
red environmental policy serves as a framework to energy, GHG emissions, and waste We explore, develop and adopt
understand and manage our environmental risks, for all our operations with the aim to business models to ensure low-carbon
impacts and opportunities. We continuously strive to minimise the environmental impact. transformational growth across the Reduction in energy intensity
Our three-pronged incorporate environmentally responsible practices in We have surpassed our target to entire value chain, thereby contributing
our own operations, through our vendors, as well as reduce energy consumption and overall to worldwide efforts to limit global
environmental through responsible financing. There were no cases emissions. In FY21, to further reinforce warming to below 2°C, and move
response of non-compliance with environmental laws and our corporate climate strategy, we have towards a sustainable future. We are
Reduction in absolute Scope 1
regulations during FY21. We have also put in place a initiated the process to commit to the incorporating both technological as well
and Scope 2 emissions
Social & Environmental Management System (SEMS) Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), as process solutions in our day-to-day
framework to assess social and environmental risks
for all loan applications with a ticket size above
which will enable us to set climate
change targets in accordance with the
operations to make a positive impact on
the environment.
`10 Crore and a tenure of five years. We have also latest climate science to meet the goals
un s ili
it i e d Re initiated steps towards the implementation of TCFD of the Paris Agreement. We have also Reduction in Scope 1 and Scope
s Su n and SBTi recommendations. We track our GHG set a target to become carbon neutral 2 emission intensity
s t aina ble a
emissions and transparently report our environmental by FY31-32.
performance annually. 10%
Plantation Target by FY25
25 Lakh trees
Base year for targets: FY19.
Our Scope 1 emissions includes
emissions from fuel consumption in
own vehicles, and scope 2 emissions
include emissions due to fuel use in
DG sets and purchased electricity.
Energy consumption as discussed
in this report includes energy
consumed by the Bank within its
operations – including electricity,
and fuel consumed in DG sets and
company vehicles.
We have been able to achieve a consistent reduction in our absolute emissions, as well as in Scope 1 and Scope 2 Energy efficiency and energy management
emission intensity over the years. During FY21, not only our emission intensity (per ` Crore total income) decreased by
Over 95% of our GHG emissions are attributed to energy consumption – purchased electricity from the grid and diesel
over 27% Y-o-Y, but we also achieved a reduction of over 23% in absolute scope 1 and scope 2 emissions owing to our
consumption in DG sets. We are aggressively working to reduce our energy consumption across operations to complement
multi-pronged initiatives to reduce GHG emissions, as well as the pandemic-induced restrictions that resulted in some of
our initiatives to decarbonise our energy consumption. We have made significant progress in this regard, by regulating existing
our teams working from home, reducing the activity load at some of our operating locations.
equipment, installing energy-efficient equipment, and implementing automated energy management solutions, among others.
Fuel Electricity
Managing waste
(‘000 GJ)
We deal with three types of non-hazardous waste – e-waste, dry waste (paper waste) and wet waste (cafeteria,
210.28 1,188.70 sewage), of which e-waste is disposed of through authorised recyclers. Hazardous waste within the Bank’s scope
arising from diesel/fuel oil used in generator sets, is negligible. While we are progressively working to track paper
waste from our operations, we have installed sewage treatment plants at some of our large office premises to treat
318.71 1,643.23 Reduction in absolute wastewater before releasing it into municipal waste.
FY20 energy consumption in
In FY21, we generated 167.88 tonnes of e-waste, as a result of asset refresh,
FY21 over FY20
210.40 1,910.10 damaged and non-functional assets. We are also aggressively working towards
28% minimising the use of plastic bottles. We have already replaced all single use plastic
water bottles at our hub offices across India with multiple-use plastic bottles and
Fuel includes diesel consumed in DG sets (128.46 ‘000 GJ) and diesel (27.13 ‘000 GJ), and Petrol
(54.65 ‘000 GJ) and CNG (0.04 ‘000 GJ) consumed in company vehicles glass jars in all meeting and video conferencing rooms.
Customer Centricity
Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
Social & Relationship Capital
Architecting for
Building new competencies
We believe that building new competencies is a key pillar of our digitisation strategy. The Bank has adopted a three-
Bu dimensional approach to building new competencies, encompassing targeted efforts to gain new skills, new technologies and
ild for fu tu r e
new ways of working.
culture of success
We have put in place a Leadership We continuously improve our training
Competency Framework, as well as framework and delivery by collecting
a Functional Capability Framework to feedback from our employees for each Male Female
develop the competencies required to of the concluded programmes. Our Average across the category
deliver on our strategic and operational Talent Review Council meets twice a
objectives. Our training cycle begins year to analyse employee feedback and
At HDFC Bank, we with an onboarding programme. Our address their concerns.
Senior management
believe our people are annual need assessment exercise 12.60
During the period under review, we
the cornerstone of our forms the basis of our training modules
navigated through the COVID-19- 11.07
success. Their engagement with a view on regulatory compliance
induced challenges by conducting 80% 28.83
and governing laws. The Training Need
and commitment make Assessment support group facilitates
of our training hours in e-learning mode.
us who we are. We aspire We more than doubled up our training
training and measures the effectiveness Middle management
from previous year which included
to be an employer of of training initiatives. We adopt
over 1.8 Lakh person-hours of training
choice not just in the BFSI various modes for delivering trainings 57.19
on Human Rights and over 6.7 Lakh
- classroom sessions, e-learning 56.22
sector, but also across certifications, on-the-job training kits,
person-hours on anti-corruption, KYC,
industries by creating great AML-CFT, among others. A zero-day 64.21
guest lectures, exposure visits, among
onboarding programme (induction) was
employee experiences. others. We have put in place well-
conducted for all new joinees covering
structured training modules to foster Junior management
human rights specific topics like Code
professional growth and personal
of Conduct and Prevention of Sexual 123.36
development. We have designed
harassment (POSH), among others. On 124.06
curated development programmes
average, our employees spent over 106
Learning and Diversity and for our people from every level and 119.21
person-hours on training in FY21.
development Inclusion function.
Non-supervisory staff
Employees received training
Our employee focus areas The foundation of any 142.60
98.37% sustainable business is 139.12
Training and Development
Expenditure 11.99
`3,943.5 Lakh+
We have a very comprehensive, multi-
dimensional performance measurement
Total training hours by gender and category system. Employees have joint performance
Male Female Total discussions with their respective
Category appraisers on a bi-annual basis covering
(hours) (hours) (hours)
We undertake varied We follow an Focus on learning and Our Bank is a fair Senior Management 1,174 288 1,462 aspects related to their performance,
initiatives to ensure the equal opportunity development and a merit- employer and does not competencies, development needs and
Middle Management 1,87,157 29,473 2,16,630
health and well-being hiring process and based, rewarding work discriminate on the basis career aspirations. As a part of our Career
of our people undertake efforts to culture of gender, caste, colour, Junior Management 17,66,063 2,84,799 20,50,862 Development Review process, we create
develop a conducive sex or creed Non-Supervisory staff 76,09,840 25,11,958 1,01,21,798 opportunities for our employees to develop
work environment Frontline staff and sales officers 3,16,595 31,290 3,47,885 and grow by way of career progression,
exposure training, development, and
Total 98,80,829 2,85,78,08 1,27,38,635
exposure and skill development.
DIVERSITY INDICATOR New Hires Attrition New Hires Attrition New Hires Attrition
BY AGE Male Female BY REGION Male Female RATE BY REGION (%) Male Female
WOMEN 17 15
10,801 3,218 7,256 2,515 995 Abroad 0 East
4,469 1
Senior Management <30
964 Abroad 2 18 19
116^ 30-50
6,491 955 7,201 1,311 1,271
17 14
0 2
6 4
Senior 9 2
Management 0
12% 0
4 4
Middle Diversity of the Board of Directors
4 4
Junior Management
7 5
Junior Senior M F Total M F Total M F Total
16,625^ Management 7 6 Management
<30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Junior & Middle
Non 15 12 0.97 30-50 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2
14% >50 8 2 10 8 2 10 7 1 8
Staff 20 16 Non Supervisory
Staff 0.89 Total 10 2 12 10 2 12 9 1 10
Frontline staff 30 28
and sales Frontline staff and
Sales Officers 1.07 M: Male F: Female
officers 30 42
Non-Supervisory staff
RATE BY AGE (%) Male Female We strive to create and maintain We are also making efforts to prioritise We understand the importance and
an inclusive work environment for female hiring, e.g., by offering additional potential of providing a supportive
23% all our employees irrespective of referral bonus for women candidates. ecosystem for women to enable them
35 24
<30 gender, caste, creed, colour, sexual We have introduced policies and to build successful careers. We work
years 25 orientation, religion, among others. We processes to enable women towards increasing sensitisation of
provide equal and fair remuneration employees to manage professional managers and leaders across levels to
30-50 10 11
opportunities, irrespective of gender. and personal commitments – such enable them to develop a conscious
Women Employees as a % years
8 12 We have adopted a gender diversity as offering flexi work time and part- and comprehensive understanding of
of total employees excluding
target to increase the representation of time work arrangements with the the challenges women often face as
frontline staff and sales 0 7
>50 women in our workforce to 25% by objective of arresting attrition. To a result of unconscious bias. As part
years 1 6 FY25*. With this objective, we are improve representation of women in of this initiative, we have launched an
91,508 *^ working simultaneously on talent
acquisition, as well as talent retention.
leadership positions, we have designed
a dedicated, multi-phased, three-
audio-visual campaign, ‘Uncovering
Unconscious Biases’, which focuses
We have launched a unique endeavour year-long leadership programme in on creating an inclusive work
called Careers 2.0, which has provided middle-management, called the Career environment. We have also launched
21% a platform for transitioning back to work Accelerator Programme. Our flagship #IntentionalInclusion video series
for skilled women professionals who programme on diversity, ‘Shrishti’ aims to create overall awareness around
had opted for a break due to family/ to create a level-playing field for women unconscious biases relating to gender,
personal reasons. So far, we have employees. disability, age, marital status, sexual
*E xcludes 28,585 frontline staff and Sales Officers onboarded 33 women through this orientation, among others.
Percentage of women employees including frontline staff and sales officers is 18% initiative.
Total number of employees in the category
*Excludes frontline staff and sales officers
Employee Connect
We have created several events covering sports, arts, music, culture and nature, to enable
AnalytIQ Corporate photography Performances in regional rounds
To challenge the employees with some contest
employees to nurture themselves holistically. Apart from excelling in the professional space,
employees get an opportunity to pursue and showcase their talent and interests. In FY21,
brain teasers, we introduced AnalytIQ – 106
an online brainteaser contest. This is an online initiative for our
keeping in mind the pandemic situation, our Employee Connect (EC) team converted all the
employees who have interest in Viewers
existing initiatives in an online format and came up with new initiatives to engage with our Employees participated
photography. This year, HDFC Bank
employees virtually. A total of 16 initiatives were organised during the year engaging
44,130 unique employees. 3,500 won three prizes – best photograph 11,200
in wildlife category, highest number of
votes in mobile photograph category Votes Polled
Our initiatives Breakfast cycle rides and the third highest number of
After the lockdown was lifted, people
photographs received from any 23,420
Online music classes Art & Craft Sessions Fitness challenge were keen to go outdoors. Hence the
We collaborated with the Furtados for kids We organised a weekly fitness
EC team arranged Breakfast cycle Employees participated Stepathlon
rides in Mumbai, Bangalore and
School of Music and started online
music classes for the employees with
We started art and craft sessions for
challenge for our employees and
motivated them with a chance to win
Chennai. It was an instant hit among 1,321 In order to break the sedentary
lifestyle and promote physical fitness
the children of our employees which the employees as these rides were
options to learn Indian classical and the exciting prizes. among employees and their families,
Western music.
included various hobby classes, DIY organised during December which has Digital Voice Hunt we collaborated with Stepathlon to
workshops and choreography sessions. Employees participated a pleasant weather and employees
We collaborated with the Furtados organise a 45-day long customised
Employees availed this facility wanted to meet their colleagues in an
Employees who participated along
745 informal atmosphere. We conducted
School of Music to execute a music step-based fitness contest.
96 with their children
around 10-12 rides.
competition for our employees’ children
and spouse.
Employees benefitted
competition. The winning stories were 3,000 This year, we organised the 6 edition
th skill contest in an online format and
executed this initiative in 10 cities. The
curated in the form of an e-book which of Xpressions which is a drawing and
winning recipes were compiled in an
8,347 was hosted on OurWorld platform.
Million dollar challenge painting contest for employees and their
children on an online platform.
e-book which was launched on the
Employees participated Ourworld platform.
We started the million dollar challenge
Employees and their children
468 – which is a virtual team bonding
activity to engage employees in a team
participated Employees participated
1,352 1,193
Sessions conducted
107 Hunar is our in-house talent programme
Women’s Day celebration
We celebrated Women’s Day on an
launched in 2015 through which we
Employees participated online platform by conducting a week-
invite employees to showcase their
long series of workshops on energy
6,500 talent in acting singing, and dancing.
This year, due to the pandemic, the
healing techniques, skin care, hair
care, financial planning, through leisure
entire initiative was executed on an
online platform. Further, Duet Singing
was included in the existing bouquet of Female employees attended
Unique employees participated
1 Rural Development
The Holistic Rural Development Programme (HRDP) was born out of the conviction that the
progress of India is dependent on the growth of its rural economy. Over half the country’s
population lives in rural areas and primarily relies on agriculture for livelihood.
We undertake focused interventions in the areas of soil, farm-based livelihoods, water,
conservation, on-ground training for farmers, creation of Farmer Producer Organisations,
education, sanitation and Natural Resource Management.
Social - Community Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
The ‘Teaching the Teacher’ (3T) but effective and zero-cost solutions In addition, with the objective of making
programme seeks to transform created by teachers to improve existing learning fun and engaging for the
education in government schools systems and processes. Under 3T, students, we integrated technology with
across India by improving the skills of teachers across 28 states/union education and have so far supported
Farmers trained* Trees planted*
teachers. Our flagship Zero Investment territories have been trained, by inviting state-run schools in eight states by
1 Lakh+ 16.20+ Lakh Innovations for Education Initiatives
(ZIIEI) was launched under the 3T
ideas from them and implementing the
selected ideas in schools to improve
introducing digital classrooms.
2.67 Lakh+
Ideas submitted through ZIIEI*
* Refers to achievement since inception till March 31, 2021 * Refers to achievement since inception till March 31, 2021
Inclusive of immediate and extended beneficiaries #
Inclusive of immediate & extended beneficiaries
These are cumulative numbers since inception till March 31, 2021. Numbers are inclusive of immediate and extended beneficiaries These are cumulative numbers since inception till March 31, 2021. Numbers are inclusive of immediate and extended beneficiaries where applicable
Social - Community Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
Social - Community Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
Stories of change The Sustainable Livelihood Initiative (SLI) is our flagship programme under Skill
Training and Livelihood Enhancement through which we aim to ‘create sustainable
communities’ by empowering women and helping them break the vicious
Empowering youth to Infrastructure Development circle of poverty.
improve employability for better irrigation We support women by forming Women in SHGs trained so far through
Self Help Groups (SHGs) or Joint SLI and HRDP programmes*
Natun Salmora, Lakhimpur District, Assam Pachdi village, Sohagpur, Madhya Pradesh Liability Groups (JLGs) by providing
Manasjyoti Barik is a young college dropout and the
only earning member in a family of five. He faced
Agriculture is the main source of livelihood in the
village but remains highly under developed with
occupational skills training, financial
literacy, credit livelihood finance, and
market linkage. We have started SLI
7.81 Lakh+
immense financial difficulties in making ends meet, poor civic infrastructure. The area ranked low in all
EMI collections through Common
tried hands at various professions without much important human development indicators such as
Service Centres (CSCs) Village Level EMI collection through the initiative as
success in absence of any vocational skill. infant mortality rate, maternal mortality rate, literacy
Entrepreneurs (VLEs) providing on March 31, 2021
and sanitation.
customer convenience at the village
`87 Lakh
We partnered with IGSSS to provide training to
Manasjyoti on Animal Husbandry at Lakhimpur We partnered with Action for Social Advancement
College of Veterinary Science in 2018. (ASA) for the construction of 3 new stop dams and * As on March 31, 2021
renovation of 13 existing structures.
In line with his interest in poultry farming, he was
provided with 200 chicks for the development of his The structures were constructed with the help of the
farm in addition to a chicken cleaning machine to help community participation. Our unique SLI programme has, perhaps, no parallel globally
with quick cutting and selling.
The structures have a collective water holding
capacity of 6 Crore litres over 2 years; and a capacity 1 An all women’s 2 Covers 28 states and 3 Covered around 4 ~10% Banks
In 2020, Manasjyoti opened his meat to irrigate over 200 acres of land. programme 544 districts 1.29 Crore households* workforce dedicated
cutting and selling shop. With aid for running the
of training and further support, he More than 400 farming households are getting better programme
is earning `15,000 to `20,000 per irrigation facilities in a 750-acre area while more than
1,500 farmers have benefited through the recharge of
month and has been able to purchase downstream structures.
many batches of chicks. His income We have exceeded our
has increased to around `45,000 per Due to the stop dam construction, Board-mandated target of
month after he opened his shop. the cultivable area of the region has covering 1 Crore households and
increased as well. As a result, farmers have already covered about
have started sowing Rabi crops, 1.29 Crore households*
leading to an increase in income and
Empowering women means
food security along with a decrease in
empowering families
seasonal migration.
Social - Community Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
Social - Community Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
Our COVID-19 response
was guided by a spirit of
developing closely-knit
working relationships with
Government and civil society
to contain the spread of the
virus and manage the crisis
from a socio-economic and
healthcare standpoint.
5 Financial Literacy
and Inclusion
Extending support to the
Government Financial literacy is the first step towards financial
inclusion. We conduct financial literacy camps at
In FY21, recognising our responsibility towards our banking outlets as well as at financial literacy
the frontline warriors in the nation’s fight against centres across the country through our NGO
the pandemic, we supported seven state/district/ partners. The camps are aimed at empowering the
city level institutions by providing face masks, communities with knowledge about fundamentals
sanitisers, gloves, kits, thermometers, in addition Mobilised community of savings, investment and organised finance,
to monetary support for procurement of medical
support and action thereby enabling them to make smart financial
decisions. Our flagship programme under this
We undertook mass awareness campaigns initiative, Digidhan criss-crosses the length
Supporting the through cycles and rickshaws to reach the and breadth of India’s hinterlands on wheels,
underprivileged most remote places. We also guided villagers
to maintain social distancing in several states
explaining the benefits of digital banking through
audio-visual mode.
We aligned our efforts towards supplying including Assam, Jharkhand, Odisha, Haryana and
essentials to the migrant returnees and their Rajasthan. To salute the indomitable spirit of our
families, as well as daily wage earners – most COVID-19 warriors, and to drive donations to the
affected by the COVID-19-induced lockdown. In PM Cares Fund, we released an anthem of hope Financial literacy camps organised*
addition to providing financial support to several and positivity, #HumHaarNahiMaanenge
implementation organisations, we ensured supply
of care-kits consisting of dry ration and other
essentials to villagers across Bihar, Odisha,
(We will not give up) and pledged to contribute
`500 to the PM Cares Fund every time the song
was shared on social media. Collectively, we
18.84 Lakh+
Maharashtra, Haryana and Rajasthan. We also raised and donated `2 Crore as part of this
provided cooked meals to those in need across initiative. Beneficiaries reached*
cities including Mumbai, Bhatinda, Lucknow and
Patna through our employee volunteers.
1.42 Crore+
Nation Building
Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
Contributing to economic
recovery led by rural India Facilitating ease of doing business
Partnering with the Ministry of establish a Smart Banking lobby (fully State government owned assets
Facilitating ease Corporate Affairs (MCA) digital branch) at the 13 Base Repair e-auctioned through HDFC Bank
of doing business As part of the Prime Minister’s Depot of the Indian Air Force. Further, facilitated platform
‘Ease of Doing Business in India’ the Ordinance Factory Board under
Taking banking initiative, we are now integrated into the Defence Ministry has empanelled 1 Lakh+
to the unbanked the Government’s MCA 21 platform. the Bank to set up salary accounts for
This enables us to issue a Current their employees across the country. We
Account number on a real time basis are also enabling the digitisation of fee
Developing an ecosystem to businesses during the registration collection for 134 Army Public Schools
for Healthcare Banking process with the Ministry. run by the Army Welfare Education
Increasing participation of
Promoting entrepreneurship MSMEs in government supply Ensuring efficient Government
through SmartUp chain fund allocation
programme We have also integrated with the Deploying the parent-child accounting
Government’s GeM Portal for structure, along with a fund
accepting Caution Money Deposit for management solution, we enabled
Digital solutions procurement through the portal. This several Government departments
improves transparency and enables to better allocate funds to regions
Sustainable ease of doing business for MSMEs based on utilisation levels, and reduce
financing solutions when paying the deposit. leakages through efficient expense
tracking mechanisms. Hundreds of
First Indian private bank to
crores of leakages have been arrested
facilitate salary disbursements
in departments where these solutions
for our soldiers
have been implemented.
We became the first private bank
in India to be given the mandate to
Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
Raising the bar higher Board involvement and Policies and frameworks
initiative for ethical conduct
The Board plays a vital role in shaping, We drive ethical conduct in our day-to-
We have a ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy on
Our approach to governance is based on the core principles of strong ethics, maintaining, and improving the Bank’s day operations. To ensure a pervasive
sexual harassment and an internal
enhanced risk consciousness, Board expertise and competence, and unequivocal processes and practices. The onset of culture of ethical behaviour, we have
complaints committee in place to
the pandemic required the Bank and created an environment and instituted
regulatory compliance. We have put in place well-defined decision-making and its Board to rethink the way business policies and frameworks that encourage
address complaints related to sexual
monitoring processes to uphold best-in-class governance standards, which ensure harassment. Disclosures related to the
is managed and ensure security, appropriate business conduct. These
sexual harassment cases are included
a proper balance of authority, accountability and independence. The Bank’s continuity and growth. Accordingly, one policies are communicated regularly to
in our Corporate Governance Report on
corporate governance framework underlines all its activities and operations. of the focus areas for the Board in the management, employees and other
FY21 was to deliberate on and explore stakeholders. PG 332
PG 332 new opportunities, leading to initiatives
Our corporate governance
and actions around infrastructure
policies include
scalability, resilient disaster recovery,
security enhancements and enhanced • Code for corporate governance Confirmed Incidents* wherein
Board of Directors and Average experience of Board
monitoring mechanism. Employee employees were dismissed or
members* • Policies to prevent insider trading,
Board competence safety and wellbeing remain a key
govern related-party transactions
disciplined for corruption in FY21
Our Board reflects a balanced mix 30 years priority area for the Bank, as the
second wave of COVID-19 infections • Policies around Prevention of Sexual 10
of experience and expertise across
sweeps through the nation. Harassment (POSH)
banking, financial markets, economy,
Time spent by the Board cumulatively
public policy, risk management, finance, • Environmental Social & Governance
credit, information technology, human
in several familiarisation programmes Culture of transparency (ESG) Policy Framework
Confirmed incident(s) wherein
during FY21 contracts with business partners were
resource management, small-scale and accountability terminated or not renewed due to
industries, agriculture, rural economy,
and law. The Board also seeks opinions
32 hours Transparency and accountability
Code of Conduct and
Whistle-blower Policy
corruption in FY21
are among the key expectations of
from external experts whenever
required. We have also inducted Independent Directors
stakeholders. To this effect, the Board We promote an open and transparent 01
has always encouraged adoption of system of working and dealing with
information technology experts on the
Board as non-executive/independent 7* global best practices in governance,
timely disclosures, and fair presentation
our stakeholders. While our Code
of Conduct & Ethics Policy directs
*Nature of confirmed incidents of corruption: Staff
related Staff related Commission/gratification
directors given our focus on digitisation,
of information. We have established employees to uphold our values and taken from/for (a) Allocation of cases to collection
cybersecurity, data privacy, and related *as on the date of the Integrated agency (b) Routing insurance policy (c) Cross sell
Annual Report practices that allow for a sufficient conduct business worldwide with
infrastructure. of products from empanelled vendor (d) Lead
and visible flow of information, with integrity and highest ethical standards, sharing incentives earned (e) Empanelling vendor
adequate safeguards in place. We have our Whistle-blower Policy provides a with Bank (f) For arranging documents (g) Issuing
also formulated a Code of Practices comprehensive framework for capturing Solvency Certificate
and Procedures for Fair Disclosures in and addressing stakeholder complaints/
accordance with the SEBI (Prohibition grievances. We did not make any
of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015. political contributions during FY21.
This Code lays down principles of
Our publicly available Conduct
prompt disclosure and uniform and
Philosophy document defines
universal dissemination of information.
mechanisms to deal with issues related
Further, the Board has approved the
to inhumane treatment including
following policies which are available on
mental or physical coercion or verbal
our website for easy reference:
abuse, sexual harassment, sexual
• Policy for appointment and fit and abuse, slavery, of employees. During
proper criteria of Directors FY21, there were no complaints of
infringement of human rights.
• Charters of Board-level committees
• Whistle Blower Policy
Anti-Corruption, The Bank has a well-defined Grievance ESG Governance emissions and tracks its progress on
Redressal Mechanism for recording the ESG to achieve industry leadership. The
Anti-bribery, and Anti- complaints received through various
Governance in areas of ESG or
sustainability team works in tandem
sustainability is an essential element
Money Laundering (AML) front-end channels such as Branch/
of the governance framework of the
with different stakeholders within the
Phone Banking /Email Management Bank to achieve set targets in line
We have developed a training module Bank. The Environmental Social &
Support Unit. All customer complaints with the ESG Policy and framework.
for focused and effective training Governance (ESG) agenda is driven
received across branches/front For better focus and monitoring, we
on anti-corruption, anti-bribery, and through a management-level ESG
channels are logged in a state-of-the- have set up various sub-committees
anti-money laundering (AML) for our Action Committee which reports to the
art centralised complaints management of the ESG Action Committee – the
employees. The programme comprises CSR & ESG Committee of the Board.
system – CRMnext – for tracking Environment sub-Committee, the Social
of four modules – Foreign Corrupt The Committee oversees sustainability
and resolution. Credit Card-related & Governance sub-Committee and the
Practices Act and Bribery Act, Code of reporting initiatives, climate change
complaints are logged in the CBCI Product Responsibility sub-Committee.
Ethics and Commitment, Trade-Based disclosures, internal projects to
and other bank ATM transaction-
Money Laundering, and KYC and AML ensure reduction in the Bank’s overall
related complaints are logged into the
norms. All operations are assessed
DCD (Debit Card Dispute) system.
for corruption. Complaints associated
with corruption are also raised through
An escalation matrix is built into this ESG governance structure and key responsibilities
system to ensure customer complaints
the whistle-blower mechanism by all
are closed adequately within stipulated
stakeholders including suppliers and
CSR & ESG Committee
Person-hours spent on Anti-
As a result of our
Corruption, AML and KYC trainings.
continuous efforts, we have
ESG Action Committee
6.7 Lakh+ been consistently reducing
our complaint resolution
turnaround time – from 8 Product Environment Social &
working days in FY18 to 5 in Responsibility Sub-Committee Governance Sub-
FY21. Sub-Committee Committee
Focusses on assessing Sets targets and Focusses on workplace
Customer satisfaction environmental & Social identifies opportunities policies including
The Customer Service Committee with our customers and clients to help We are also guided by the Information (E&S risks), including for improvement areas Code of Conduct
of the Board (CSCB) comprises a them make informed decisions. Security Policy and Cyber Security climate risks in our of emissions, energy, and Human Rights,
majority of non-executive directors and During FY21, we didn’t record any case Policy, followed by an independent existing portfolio and water and waste diversity, stakeholder
is tasked to bring about continuous of non-compliance concerning product assurance team within Internal Audit identify new business engagement and
improvements in the quality of services and service information and labelling, or which provides assurance on the opportunities in the corporate governance
rendered to our customers. It also marketing communications. management of information technology- E&S space policies.
ensures the implementation of directives related risks.
Customer Privacy, Information
received from the RBI in this regard.
Security, and Data Protection are of The Bank conducts vulnerability For more information on the Bank’s governance philosophy, please refer to our
Accordingly, the CSCB formulates the Corporate Governance Report on
paramount importance to us. The IT assessment of its IT systems through
Bank’s comprehensive deposit policy
Strategy Committee is headed by an an external entity, and the report thus PG 332
incorporating the issues arising out of
Independent Director with experience provided to the Bank is incorporated
the product approval process, annual
in the IT sector and also comprises by the IT team for remediation. During
survey of depositor satisfaction, the
an information technology expert, as FY21, we received no complaints
triennial audit of such services, among
well as an external expert. We adhere regarding identified leaks, thefts, or
to the ‘Code of Bank’s Commitment losses of customer data with respect
We strictly adhere to market conduct to Customers’ as prescribed by the to data security. During the same
regulations to inform our customers and Banking Codes and Standards Board period, we received 36 complaints
clients with transparent, accurate, and of India (BCSBI) and Employee and from customers concerning breaches
comprehensive marketing statements, Customer Awareness Procedures to of customer privacy, of which two were
advertising, and product-/service- ensure customer privacy. We have received from outside parties and two
labelling. We have defined framework, in place a governance framework, were from regulatory bodies.
i. T
he major areas of customer complaints in FY21 were related to unauthorised usage through Credit Card; unauthorised usage through Debit Card online or
strategy, policies, procedures and have information security practices, and at POS terminal, UPI transaction disputes; and Credit Card collection calls
put in place systems to ensure and business continuity plan to mitigate
ii. T
he turnaround time for customer complaints is defined depending on the nature of the complaint and is a part of the bank’s Complaint Management
maintain transparency in communication information technology-related risks. system. It ranges between 1-15 days for most complaint categories, but may be longer for some cases for example in case of disputes / investigation /
charge backs etc.
Board of Directors Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
Visionary leadership
Atanu Chakraborty Renu Karnad Umesh Chandra Sarangi Sashidhar Jagdishan Kaizad Bharucha Srikanth Nadhamuni
Part Time Non-Executive Chairperson Non-Executive Director Independent Director Managing Director and Chief Executive Director Non-Executive Director
and Additional Independent Director Executive Officer
<4 41 to 50
4-6 51 to 60
6-8 61 to 70
Senior Management Team Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
Sashidhar Kaizad Bharucha Anjani Rathor Arup Rakshit Nirav Shah Parag Rao Rahul Shukla Rakesh Singh
Jagdishan Executive Director Chief Digital Officer Group Head - Treasury Group Head - Corporate Group Head - Payments Group Head - Group Head - Investment
- Sales, Analytics and Banking and PSUs Business, Digital & IT Commercial Banking Banking, Private Banking,
Managing Director and
Overseas and Rural Business Marketing and Products
Chief Executive Officer
Arvind Kapil Arvind Vohra Ashima Bhat Ashish Ramesh Raveesh Bhatia S Sampathkumar Smita Bhagat
Group Head - Retail Group Head - Retail Group Head - Business Parthasarthy Lakshminarayanan Group Head - Emerging Group Head - NRI Group Head -
Assets and SLI Branch Banking Finance & Strategy, Corporates Group Domestic & Overseas Government, Institutional
Group Head - Treasury, Chief Information Officer
Administration, Business, Third Party Business, BC
GIB, NRI, Overseas and
Infrastructure, ESG & CSR Products and Tele-Sales & Partnerships, Inclusive
Tele-Service Channels
Service Relationships Banking and Start-ups
Benjamin Frank Bhavesh Zaveri Chakrapani Jimmy Tata Srinivasan Vinay Razdan
Group Head - Group Head - Venkatachari Chief Credit Officer Vaidyanathan Chief Human
Wholesale Credit Operations, ATM and Resources Officer
Group Head - Internal Chief Financial Officer
Cash Management
Audit and Quality
Initiatives Group
10 Year Financial Highlights Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
` Crore
2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Interest income 27,874.19 35,064.87 41,135.53 48,469.91 60,221.45 69,305.96 80,241.35 98,972.05 1,14,812.65 1,20,858.23
Interest expense 14,989.58 19,253.75 22,652.90 26,074.23 32,629.93 36,166.74 40,146.49 50,728.83 58,626.40 55,978.66
Net interest income 12,884.61 15,811.12 18,482.63 22,395.68 27,591.52 33,139.22 40,094.86 48,243.22 56,186.25 64,879.57
Other income 5,783.62 6,852.62 7,919.64 8,996.34 10,751.72 12,296.49 15,220.31 17,625.87 23,260.82 25,204.89
Net revenues 18,668.23 22,663.74 26,402.28 31,392.02 38,343.24 45,435.71 55,315.17 65,869.09 79,447.07 90,084.46
Operating costs 9,277.64 11,236.11 12,042.20 13,987.55 16,979.69 19,703.32 22,690.36 26,119.37 30,697.53 32,722.63
Operating result 9,390.59 11,427.63 14,360.08 17,404.47 21,363.55 25,732.39 32,624.81 39,749.72 48,749.54 57,361.83
Provisions and contingencies 1,877.44 1,677.01 1,588.03 2,075.75 2,725.61 3,593.30 5,927.49 7,550.08 12,142.39 15,702.85
Loan loss provisions 1,091.77 1,234.21 1,632.58 1,723.58 2,133.63 3,145.30 4,910.43 6,394.11 9,083.32 11,450.19
Others 785.67 442.80 (44.56) 352.17 591.98 448.00 1,017.06 1,155.97 3,059.07 4,252.66
Profit before tax 7,513.15 9,750.62 12,772.05 15,328.72 18,637.94 22,139.09 26,697.32 32,199.64 36,607.15 41,658.98
Provision for taxation 2,346.08 3,024.34 4,293.67 5,112.80 6,341.71 7,589.43 9,210.57 11,121.50 10,349.84 10,542.46
Profit after tax 5,167.07 6,726.28 8,478.38 10,215.92 12,296.23 14,549.66 17,486.75 21,078.14 26,257.31 31,116.52
Funds :
Deposits 2,46,706.45 2,96,246.98 3,67,337.48 4,50,795.65 5,46,424.19 6,43,639.66 7,88,770.64 9,23,140.93 11,47,502.29 13,35,060.22
Subordinated debt 11,105.65 16,586.75 16,643.05 16,254.90 15,090.45 13,182.00 21,107.00 18,232.00 18,232.00 17,127.00
Stockholders’ equity 29,924.37 36,214.15 43,478.63 62,009.42 72,677.77 89,462.38 1,06,295.03 1,49,206.32 1,70,986.03 2,03,720.83
Working funds 3,45,248.26 4,21,327.31 4,91,599.50 5,95,695.13 7,40,796.07 8,63,840.19 10,63,934.32 12,44,540.69 15,30,511.26 17,46,870.52
Loans 1,95,420.03 2,39,720.64 3,03,000.27 3,65,495.04 4,64,593.96 5,54,568.20 6,58,333.09 8,19,401.22 9,93,702.88 11,32,836.63
Investments 89,967.10 1,11,303.21 1,00,111.88 1,56,833.82 1,95,836.29 2,14,463.34 2,42,200.24 2,93,116.07 3,91,826.66 4,43,728.29
Key Ratios :
Earnings per share (`) * 11.06 14.24 17.74 21.08 24.42 28.59 33.88 39.33 48.01 56.58
Return on average networth 18.37% 20.07% 20.88% 20.36% 17.97% 18.04% 18.22% 16.30% 16.76% 16.60%
Tier 1 capital ratio 11.60% 11.08% 11.77% 13.66% 13.22% 12.79% 13.25% 15.78% 17.23% 17.56%
Total capital ratio 16.52% 16.80% 16.07% 16.79% 15.53% 14.55% 14.82% 17.11% 18.52% 18.79%
Dividend per share (`) * 2.15 2.75 3.43 4.00 4.75 5.50 6.50 7.50 *** 6.50***
Dividend payout ratio 22.70% 22.77% 22.68% 23.62% 23.51% 23.32% 23.26% 23.36% *** 11.54%***
Book value per share as at March 31 (`) * 63.76 76.10 90.62 123.70 143.74 174.56 204.80 273.94 311.83 369.54
Market price per share as at March 31 (`) ** 259.93 312.68 374.40 511.35 535.58 721.28 964.50 1,159.45 861.90 1,493.65
Price to earnings ratio 23.51 21.95 21.11 24.26 21.93 25.23 28.47 29.48 17.95 26.40
` 1 Crore = ` 10 Million
* Figures for the years prior to 2019-2020 have been adjusted to reflect the effect of split of equity shares from nominal value of ` 2 each into two equity
shares of nominal value of ` 1 each.
**Source : NSE (prices for years prior to 2019-2020 have been divided by two to reflect the sub-division of shares)
***Refer note on Dividend given on page no.126 of Integrated Annual Report 2020-21.
Awards Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
Management Approach
• Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary: 103-1
For details regarding the disclosures please refer the GRI Content Index in Integrated Annual Report on Page 120-125.
Assurance Statement Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
• Understanding the appropriateness of various assumptions, estimations and materiality thresholds used by HDFC Bank
Topic Specific Disclosures for data analysis.
• Assessment of data reliability and accuracy.
Environmental • Review of selected key performance data as defined in scope, boundary and limitations was carried out on a sample
basis through screen sharing tool with corporate office
• 302 Energy 2016: 302-1, 302-3
• 305 Emissions 2016: 305-1,305-2, 305-3*, 305-4 Appropriate documentary evidence was obtained to support our conclusions on the information and data verified. Where
• 306 Effluents and Waste 2016: 306-2 such documentary evidences could not be collected due to sensitive nature of the information, our team verified the same
with the HDFC Bank during virtual interactions.
Social Conclusions
• 401 Employment 2016: 401-1, 401-3
We have reviewed selected non-financial disclosures in the report of HDFC Bank for FY 2020-21. Based on our review and
• 404 Training and Education 2016: 404-1, 404-2 procedures performed, nothing has come to our attention that causes us not to believe that the non-financial performance
data and information as per the scope of assurance presented in the Report is appropriately stated, in all material respects
• 405 Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016: 405-1
and in accordance with GRI Standards.
• 413 Local communities 2016: 413-1
We have provided our observations to the Bank in a separate management letter. These, do not, however, affect our
*The data disclosed under 305-3 is restricted to limited upstream and downstream categories: Employee business travel (Air, Rail and Road), conclusions regarding the Report.
Purchased goods and services (paper consumption) and Waste generated from operations (E-waste disposed)
The assurance was conducted by a multidisciplinary team including professionals with suitable skills and experience in
The boundary of the Report covers HDFC Bank operations in India which include:
auditing environmental, social and economic information in line with the requirements of ISAE 3000 (Revised) standard.
1. 5,633 branches and 2,556 ATMs
Our work was performed in compliance with the requirements of the IFAC Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, which
2. 32 currency chests
requires, among other requirements, that the members of the assurance team (practitioners) be independent of the assurance
3. 275 corporate and regional offices
client, in relation to the scope of this assurance engagement, including not being involved in writing the Report. The Code
4. 28 training centers and guest houses
also includes detailed requirements for practitioners regarding integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care,
The data review and validation were conducted through the Corporate office which collates the data for pan India locations. confidentiality and professional behaviour. KPMG has systems and processes in place to monitor compliance with the Code
The review and management interactions were performed virtually using screen sharing tools. and to prevent conflicts regarding independence. The firm applies ISQC 1 and the practitioner complies with the applicable
independence and other ethical requirements of the IESBA code.
The assurance scope excludes following:
• Aspects of the Report other than those mentioned in the scope above Responsibilities
• Data and information outside the defined reporting period
HDFC Bank is responsible for developing the Report contents. HDFC Bank is also responsible for identification of material
• The Company’s statements that describe expression of opinion, belief, aspiration, expectation, aim, future intention and
sustainability topics, establishing and maintaining appropriate performance management, internal control systems and
assertions related to Intellectual Property Rights and other competitive issues.
derivation of performance data reported. This statement is made solely to the Management of HDFC Bank in accordance
• Data related to Company’s financial performance
with the terms of our engagement and as per scope of assurance. Our work has been undertaken so that we might state
• Data review outside the operational sites as mentioned in the boundary above
to HDFC Bank those matters for which we have been engaged to state in this statement and for no other purpose. To the
• Strategy and other related linkages expressed in the Report
fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than HDFC Bank for our work, for
this report, or for the conclusions expressed in this independent assurance statement. The assurance engagement is based
Assurance Procedures on the assumption that the data and information provided to us is complete and true. We expressly disclaim any liability or
Our assurance process involves performing procedures to obtain evidence about the reliability of specified disclosures. The co-responsibility for any decision a person or entity would make based on this assurance statement. Our report is released
nature, timing and extent of procedures selected depend on our judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material to HDFC Bank on the basis that it shall not be copied, referred to or disclosed, in whole or in part, without our prior written
misstatement of the selected non-financial disclosures whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, we consent. By reading this assurance statement, stakeholders acknowledge and agree to the limitations and disclaimers
have considered internal controls relevant to the preparation of the Report in order to design assurance procedures that are mentioned above.
appropriate in the current circumstances.
Prathmesh Raichura
Our assurance procedures also included:
Associate Partner
• Assessment of HDFC Bank’s reporting procedures regarding their consistency with the application of GRI Standards. KPMG Assurance and Consulting Services LLP
• Evaluating the appropriateness of the quantification methods used to arrive at the non-financial disclosures presented in 21 June 2021
the Report.
• Review of systems and procedures used for quantification, collation, and analysis of non-financial disclosures included in
the Report.
GRI Index Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
GRI Index Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
GRI Index Overview HDFC Bank Performance Create Value Our Strategy Business Financial Statements
Dear Stakeholders, GNPA social initiatives. This, of course, will not be possible without
the contribution of the ever-growing family of over two lakh
Your Directors take great pleasure in presenting the 27th Annual It delivered a total rate cut (repo) of 115 bps since February 2020,
1.32 per cent employees (including those of the subsidiaries) across the
Among the lowest in the industry country, who remain at the forefront of taking your Bank forward
Report on the business and operations of your Bank, together taking the repo rate down to 4.0 per cent. The central bank also
with the audited accounts for the year ended March 31, 2021. took a slew of measures to address liquidity constraints such every day.
as the announcement of moratorium, liquidity infusion through Parivartan
First of all, wishing all of you health and happiness on behalf of Your Bank continued to transform lives through its umbrella CSR Your Directors would like to especially thank those who went
TLTRO (Targeted Long Term Repo Operations) for NBFCs
the HDFC Bank family. brand, Parivartan, which denotes change. well beyond their call of duty during the COVID-19 pandemic
(` 500 billion), liquidity facility of ` 500 billion for mutual funds,
to keep your Bank functioning. Many of them soldiered on
liquidity support of ` 500 billion for all India financial institutions
As the virus casts a shadow over the entire world, the first thing The Bank believes that businesses can only prosper if the despite the loss of loved ones. During the year, we also lost a
and a cut in the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) by 100 bps to 3 few of our colleagues. While we have structured a compensaton
that all of us must do is take every possible step to ensure communities in which they operate prosper as well. This belief
per cent. These measures helped anchor borrowing costs in package for the families of the deceased, no word or action can
our safety and that of our loved ones. And say a prayer for has inspired its social initiatives, which have potentially made a
the economy, support credit growth and cushioned the impact adequately convey our sorrow.
our collective well-being. Especially for all the frontline COVID difference to the lives of over 8.5 crore people, predominantly
of the disruptions in the financial market (Please refer to the
warriors who served the nation, often at great risk to their own in rural India. Driving this change is the Sustainable Livelihood
Macroeconomic and Industry section on page 128 for Your Directors would also like to place on record that we did
lives. Our heads bow in respect for those who lost their lives in Initiative (SLI) team, which employs about 10 per cent of the
more details). not reduce salaries during this trying period. Your Bank paid
this fight. This includes some of our colleagues too. Bank’s workforce and works exclusively on improving livelihood
bonuses and increments on time in the year under review and
opportunities. The ‘Teaching-The-Teacher’ initiative has
The Budget announcements for FY 2021-22 too have given followed the normal promotion cycle. It is doing the same this
Needless to say, the pandemic affected the economy. impacted over 2 crore students since inception. The Holistic
confidence to business with its focus on stimulating growth year as well.
If FY 2019-20 was one of the most challenging years for the Rural Development Programme has touched another 20 lakh
through expansionary fiscal policy at the centre and increasing
Indian economy, then the challenges only multiplied in FY 2020- people across more than 1,970 villages. Having an umbrella
capital expenditure at the central as well as state Government Mission and Strategic Focus
21. And this was accentuated further by geo-political tensions. brand enables the Bank to lend a sharper focus to these efforts.
levels. Your Bank’s mission is to be a ‘World-Class Indian Bank’. Its
Your Directors are also happy to report that your Bank met the
The year started with one of the most severe lockdowns in mandatory CSR expenditure through a spend of ` 634.91 crore. business philosophy is based on five core values: Customer
While all these have been clear positives, what has cast a Focus, Operational Excellence, Product Leadership, People and
the world. Although it was eased in stages, the economy was The Bank contributed ` 70 crore towards Prime Minister’s CARES
shadow on the economy again has been the resurgence of the Sustainability. Sustainability should be viewed in unison with
bound to take a hit. For the first time in many years, India’s Fund to support the Government’s fight against the COVID-19
pandemic in many parts of the country, resulting in partial or Environmental, Social and Governance performance. As a part
GDP contracted by 7.3 per cent in FY 2020-21. This was an pandemic.
complete lockdowns. The mitigating factor has been the arrival of this, your Bank, through its umbrella CSR brand Parivartan,
improvement after the first quarter low of -24.4 per cent. As
of the vaccine and the decision to step up the vaccination drive seeks to bring about change in the lives of communities mainly
the lockdown eased, the economy contracted by 7.4 per cent CSR spend
by making all those over 18 years eligible for taking the vaccine. in rural India.
in the second quarter and touched positive territory in the third
The Government has invited more manufacturers from abroad ` 634.91 crore
quarter, posting a growth of +0.5 per cent and 1.6 per cent in in FY 2020-21 During the year under review, the bank did not lose its human
to come to India to boost supply in the country.
the fourth quarter. touch but continued building sound customer franchises across
In this uncertain environment, your Bank continued on its growth For further details on Parivartan please refer to page 88. distinct businesses to achieve healthy growth in profitability
The Government of India and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) consistent with your Bank’s risk appetite.
path by conducting its business responsibly and reinforcing its
announced a host of measures to cushion the direct impact of
commitment to the environment and community at large. Summary
the lockdown on the economy. The Government announced In FY 2021-22, the pandemic and vaccination drive are critical In line with the above objective, the Bank aims to take digitalisation
a stimulus package of ` 20 trillion in five different tranches in factors for the pace of economic recovery. In the near-term, the to the next level to:
FY 2020-21 to provide support to 1) the MSMEs and the Non
Financial Parameters resurgence of COVID-19 cases across the country does pose
t Deliver superior experience and greater convenience to
Your Bank recorded an improvement in a majority of its key customers
Banking Financial Companies via a credit guarantee scheme and a risk to the pace of economic recovery but the absence of a
financial parameters, largely due to its prudent credit evaluation t Increase market share in India’s growing banking and financial
liquidity support 2) Migrant labourers via direct spending, and national lockdown is a positive. This, of course, poses challenges
of targeted customers and diversified loan book across services industry
generating employment via enhanced allocation to MNREGA, for your Bank in the short run.
customer segments, products, and sectors. Managing risk- t Expand geographical reach
3) Small traders, vendors and farmers via loan facilities and 4)
return decisions with discipline also contributed to the Bank’s In the long run, the market in the post-pandemic recovery period
Announced structural reforms across sectors like coal, power, t Cross-sell the broad financial product portfolio
performance. Net Profit at ` 31,116.5 crore went up by 18.5 presents tremendous opportunities, given the under-penetration
agriculture, etc.
per cent. Net Interest Income at ` 64,879.6 crore rose 15.5 per of banking services in the country. Your Bank is well positioned t Sustain strong asset quality through disciplined credit risk
On the monetary policy side, the RBI also took a number of cent. Net Interest Margin remained stable at 4.1 per cent. Gross to capitalise on these opportunities, given the strength of its
steps to provide liquidity and enhance credit flow in the system. Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) at 1.32 per cent were among the major franchises. It is also poised to make a greater contribution t Maintain low cost of funds
lowest in the industry. to bridge the urban-rural divide - be it through its business or
Your Bank remains committed to the highest levels of ethical standards, professional integrity, corporate governance, and regulatory Ratings
compliance, which is articulated in its Code of Conduct. Every employee affirms to abide by the Code annually.
Instrument Rating Rating Agency Comments
Fixed Deposit Programme CARE AAA (FD) CARE Ratings Instruments with this rating are considered to have the
Summary of Financial Performance highest degree of safety regarding timely servicing of
(` crore) financial obligations. Such instruments carry the lowest
credit risk.
For the year ended / As on
Particulars IND tAAA India Ratings Instruments with this rating are considered to have the
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
highest degree of safety regarding timely servicing of
Deposits and Other Borrowings 1,470,547.5 1,292,130.8 financial obligations. Such instruments carry the lowest
Advances 1,132,836.6 9,93,702.9 credit risk.
Total Income 146,063.1 1,38,073.5 Certificate of Deposits CARE A1+ CARE Ratings Instruments with this rating are considered to have very
Programme strong degree of safety regarding timely payment of
Profit Before Depreciation and Tax 42,961.4 37,803.0
financial obligations. Such instruments carry the lowest
Profit After Tax 31,116.5 26,257.3 credit risk.
Profit Brought Forward 57,492.4 49,223.3 IND A1+ India Ratings Instruments with this rating are considered to have very
Total Profit Available for Appropriation 88,608.9 75,480.6 strong degree of safety regarding timely payment of
financial obligations. Such instruments carry the lowest
credit risk.
Transfer to Statutory Reserve 7,779.1 6,564.3
Long Term Unsecured, CARE AAA CARE Ratings Instruments with this rating are considered to have the
Transfer to General Reserve 3,111.6 2,625.7 Subordinated highest degree of safety regarding timely servicing of
Transfer to Capital Reserve 2,291.7 1,123.8 (Lower Tier 2) Bonds financial obligations. Such instruments carry the lowest
credit risk.
Transfer to / (from) Investment Reserve 61.7 -
IND AAA India Ratings Instruments with this rating are considered to have the
Transfer to / (from) Investment Fluctuation Reserve 1,712.0 1,134.0
highest degree of safety regarding timely servicing of
Dividend (including tax / cess thereon) pertaining to previous year paid during - 4,893.4 financial obligations. Such instruments carry the lowest
the year, net of dividend tax credits credit risk.
Special dividend (including tax/cess thereon) - 1,646.9 Infrastructure Bonds CARE AAA CARE Ratings Instruments with this rating are considered to have the
Balance carried over to Balance Sheet 73,652.8 57,492.5 highest degree of safety regarding timely servicing of
financial obligations. Such instruments carry the lowest
credit risk.
Dividend CRISIL AAA CRISIL Instruments with this rating are considered to have the
The RBI, vide notification dated December 4, 2020, stated that in view of the ongoing stress and heightened uncertainty on account highest degree of safety regarding timely servicing of
of COVID-19, banks should continue to conserve capital to support the economy and absorb losses. The notification also stated financial obligations. Such instruments carry the lowest
that in order to further strengthen the banks’ balance sheets, while at the same time support lending to the real economy, banks credit risk.
shall not make any dividend payment on equity shares from the profits pertaining to the financial year ended March 31, 2020. Additional Tier I Bonds CARE AA+ CARE Ratings Instruments with this rating are considered to have high
Your Bank did not declare dividend for the financial year ended March 31, 2020. (Under Basel III) degree of safety regarding timely servicing of financial
obligations. Such instruments carry very low credit risk.
Given that the current ‘second wave’ has significantly increased the number of COVID-19 cases in India and uncertainty remains,
CRISIL AA+ CRISIL Instruments with this rating are considered to have high
the Board of Directors of the Bank, at its meeting held on April 17, 2021, had considered it prudent to not propose dividend for the
degree of safety regarding timely servicing of financial
financial year ended March 31, 2021, and decided to re-assess the position based on any further guidelines from the RBI in this
obligations. Such instruments carry very low credit risk.
regard. Subsequently, RBI has, on April 22, 2021 vide its Circular mentioned that banks may pay dividend on equity shares from
the profits for the financial year ended March 31, 2021, subject to the quantum of dividend being not more than fifty per cent of the IND AA+ India Ratings Instruments with this rating are considered to have high
amount determined as per the dividend payout ratio prescribed in paragraph 4 of the May 4, 2005 circular of RBI. In view of this degree of safety regarding timely servicing of financial
RBI Circular, the Board of Directors of the Bank, at its meeting held on June 18, 2021, has recommended a dividend of ` 6.50 per obligations. Such instruments carry very low credit risk.
equity share of ` 1/- each, for the financial year ended March 31, 2021. This translates to a Dividend Payout Ratio of 11.5% of the Tier II Bonds CARE AAA CARE Ratings Instruments with this rating are considered to have the
profits for the financial year ended March 31, 2021. (Under Basel III) highest degree of safety regarding timely servicing of
financial obligations. Such instruments carry the lowest
In general, your Bank’s dividend policy, among other things, balances the objectives of rewarding shareholders and retaining capital credit risk.
to fund future growth. It has a consistent track record of dividend distribution, with the Dividend Payout Ratio ranging between 20 CRISIL AAA CRISIL Instruments with this rating are considered to have the
per cent and 25 per cent, which the Board endeavours to maintain. highest degree of safety regarding timely servicing of
financial obligations. Such instruments carry the lowest
The dividend policy of your Bank is available on your Bank’s website: credit risk.
Issuance of Equity Shares and Employee resumed. Private consumption indicators such as production On the policy front, we expect the central Vehicles (SPVs) in which the Government had initially taken an
Stock Option Scheme (ESOP) of consumer durables and non-durables gathered pace in Q3 equity stake. Thus, for instance, the targeted credit flow of ` 300
bank to keep its rates unchanged in FY 2021- billion in the form of collateral free loans to the smaller MSMEs
As on March 31, 2021, the issued, subscribed and paid up capital along with passenger vehicle (PV) sales that turned green in H2
22 and maintain an accommodative stance. was backed by a 100 per cent Government of India guarantee
of your Bank stood at ` 5,512,776,482/- comprising 5,512,776,482 FY21. Encouragingly, GST collections rose to ` 1.23 trillion in
equity shares of ` 1/- each. Further, 29,490,022 equity shares of March 2021, averaging ` 1.13 trillion in H2 FY21 as compared to given through National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company
In the financial sector, the onset of COVID-19 weighed down (NCGTC). Other measures included creating a fund of funds for
face value of ` 1/- each were issued by your Bank pursuant to the an average collection of ` 0.76 trillion in H1 FY21. on credit growth while the deposit growth remained robust.
exercise of Employee Stock Options (ESOPs). (For information MSMEs, PCGS for NBFCs/MFIs and providing subordinate debt
In FY 2020-21, the credit growth averaged at 5.9 per cent as for stressed MSMEs through a Credit Guarantee Fund Trust.
pertaining to ESOPs, please refer Annexure 1 to the Directors’ The Government announced a stimulus package of ` 20 trillion compared to 9.5 per cent y-o-y in FY 2019-20. A sharp slowdown
Report). in five different tranches in FY 2020-21 to provide support to in economic activity as reflected by a 7.3 per cent contraction in
1) the MSMEs and the NBFCs via a credit guarantee scheme The direct fiscal spending component (on MNREGA, EPF
GDP weighed on credit demand. On the flip side, deposit growth support for business and workers, foodgrain supply for migrant
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) and liquidity support 2) migrant labourers via direct spending and improved to 10.9 per cent in FY 2020-21 from 9.9 per cent in FY
As on March 31, 2021, your Bank’s total CAR, calculated as generating employment via enhanced allocation to MNREGA workers and enhancing micro food enterprises among other
2019-20. The improvement in deposit growth could be reflecting things) is relatively low and stands at ` 2 trillion or 1 per cent of
per Basel III capital regulations, stood at 18.8 per cent, well 3) small traders, vendors and farmers via loan facilities and 4) pandemic related saving tendency among individuals. In Apr-
above the regulatory minimum requirement of 11.075 per cent, announced structural reforms across sectors like coal, power, GDP. Instead, the broad strategy of the stimulus is to remove
21, while credit growth came in at 5.7 per cent, deposit growth bottlenecks on the supply side for the smaller and labour-
including a Capital Conservation Buffer of 1.875 per cent and an agriculture, etc. tracked at 10.3 per cent.
additional requirement of 0.20 per cent on account of the Bank intensive firms to set off a ‘virtuous cycle’ of more viable
being identified as a Domestically Systemic Important Bank. On the monetary policy side, the RBI also took a number of steps operations, increased production and employment, and higher
Looking at the credit sectoral level, the weakness was recorded incomes that would translate into enhanced demand.
Tier I Capital was at 17.6 per cent as of March 31, 2021. to provide liquidity and enhance credit flow in the system. The in the industry sector (large industries) while credit deployment
RBI delivered a total rate cut (repo) of 115 basis points (bps) since to personal loans and to services sector rose albeit at a slower
Total CAR February 2020, taking the repo rate down to 4.0 per cent. The pace. As per the RBI’s January 2021 Financial Stability Report, The broad strategy of the Government’s
central bank also took a slew of measures to address liquidity the GNPA ratio of scheduled commercial banks eased to 7.5 stimulus is to remove bottlenecks on the
18.8 per cent constraints such as the announcement of the moratorium, per cent in September 2020 from 9.3 per cent in September supply side for the smaller and labour-
well above regulatory minimum requirement liquidity infusion through TLTRO (Targeted Long Term Repo 2019. That said, the central bank estimates the ratio to increase
Operations) for NBFCs (` 500 billion), liquidity facility of ` 500 intensive firms to set off a ‘virtuous cycle’
of 11.075 per cent to 13.5 per cent by September 2021. The GNPA could escalate
billion for mutual funds, liquidity support of ` 500 billion for all of more viable operations, increased
to 14.8 per cent if the macroeconomic environment worsens
Management Discussion and Analysis India financial institutions and a cut in the CRR (Cash Reserve into a severe stress scenario. Heading into FY 2021-22, credit production and employment, and higher
Ratio) by 100 bps to 3 per cent. These measures helped anchor incomes that would translate into enhanced
Macroeconomic and Industry Developments borrowing costs in the economy, support credit growth and
growth outlook is expected to improve amid improvement in
The Indian economy contracted sharply in FY 2020-21 in the GDP growth and as liquidity remains comfortable. demand.
cushioned the impact of the disruptions in the financial market.
wake of the global pandemic, with GDP contracting by 7.3 per
cent in FY 2020-21 as compared to a 4.0 per cent growth in For the financial sector, the Government announced the Partial There are non-financial measures as well that aim to benefit
Looking at the inflation side, CPI inflation averaged 6.7 per cent in Credit Guarantee Scheme (PCGS) 2.0 to provide liquidity support MSMEs. The upward revision of turnover and investment limit
FY 2019-20. To recall, the World Health Organization declared
H1 FY21 mainly due to higher food prices on account of COVID- for NBFCs. Under this scheme, the Government provides a (Micro: turnover increased to ` 5 crore, investment increased to
on March 12, 2020 that the virus is a pandemic. On March 23,
led supply disruptions. Inflation eased below RBI’s upper band sovereign guarantee for the first 20 per cent loss to the public ` 1 crore; Small: Turnover increased to ` 50 crore and investment
2020, the Government of India ordered a nationwide lockdown
of 6.0 per cent from December 2020 to February 2021. In FY sector banks buying AAA and below rated paper issued by the increased to ` 10 crore; Medium: Turnover increased to ` 100
for 21 days, which got further extended till May 31, 2020 with
2020-21, the headline inflation averaged 6.2 per cent, above NBFCs/MFIs/HFCs. crore and investment increased to ` 20 crore) would help MSMEs
some relaxations. India enforced one of the strictest lockdowns
the RBI’s target range of 4 +/-2 per cent. In FY 2021-22, CPI expand operations considerably without fear of losing some of
at an early phase of rising cases to limit the spread of the virus.
inflation rose to 6.3 per cent in May-21 from 4.2 per cent in To recall, the stimulus package worth ` 20 trillion (10 per cent the fiscal and other benefits that the segment enjoys. In addition
Daily COVID-19 cases peaked in September touching a high of
Apr-21, breaching the RBI’s upper threshold of 6 per cent for of GDP) announced by the Government had a clear focus on to the aforementioned measures, the Government of India
~98,000 and easing to ~8,600 in early February 2021, due to
the first time in six months. Apart from higher fuel and food the MSME sector, a key provider of employment in both the announced measures to facilitate capex and help businesses.
introduction of social distancing norms, localised lockdowns and
inflation, a large part of this increase was driven by higher core organised and unorganised segments and a critical component Measures announced included - guaranteed collateral free
containment measures.
inflation, possibly reflecting the impact of second wave related of the domestic industrial supply chain. The MSME sector credit support for 26 stressed sectors, ` 1.46 lakh crore boost
supply disruptions and a pass through of cost push pressures. that encompasses a wide range of industries had been under for Atmanirbhar manufacturing, Production Linked Incentive (PLI)
The Government and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) announced
Going forward, we expect inflation to remain above 6 per cent considerable stress for a prolonged period before the incidence scheme for sectors such as electronics, textile, telecom, etc. and
a host of measures to cushion the direct impact of the lockdown
for the next 3 months. For FY 2021-22, we expect the headline of COVID-19. This made them particularly vulnerable to the additional outlay of ` 102 billion towards industrial expenditure,
on the economy. This helped GDP growth come off its low of
inflation to average 6.1% led by higher commodity prices and lockdown and its aftermath. The NBFC sector, a major provider industrial incentives and development of defence equipment.
-24.4 per cent in Q1 and -7.4 per cent in Q2 to +0.5 per cent in
sticky core inflation. of funding to the MSMEs had also been going through a period
Q3 and +1.6 per cent in Q4 2020-21. Looking at the internals,
of stress, particularly in its access to finances both from banks From the Government side, trend in capex has also been
agriculture growth continued to remain positive (registering a
On the policy front, we expect the central bank to keep its rates and the market. Thus, the stimulus package focused on the encouraging. In FY 2020-21, the Government has spent INR
growth of 3.6 per cent in 2020-21) due to the relative insulation of
unchanged in FY 2021-22 and maintain an accommodative survival of both MSMEs and NBFCs through the COVID-19 crisis 4.3 trillion on capex, which is a 26.5 per cent y-o-y increase from
the rural sector from the virus. Manufacturing growth contracted
stance. The RBI is likely to only gradually reduce the liquidity and also their revival. The critical element of the stimulus was FY 2019-20. For the ongoing fiscal year, the Government has
by 7.2 per cent in 2020-21. However, the sector showed signs
surplus in the system once it is confident about the prospects of its attempt to facilitate the flow of credit to both MSMEs directly budgeted capex at an 18 year high of 2.5 per cent of GDP. In INR
of recovery in H2 2020-21 - with a contraction of 18.7 per cent
growth recovery. The central bank is likely to continue managing and to NBFCs. The Government aimed to do this by reducing terms, FY 2021-22 capex is budgeted at INR 5.3 trillion, which
in H1 2020-21 but picked upto + 1.6 per cent in Q3 and +
the yield curve, especially the benchmark yield through open the risk taken by banks and other institutions in lending to them marks an increase of 30.5 per cent from the last year.
6.9 per cent in Q4. Service sector remained a laggard with a
market operations (sterilised and unsterilsed) and the latest by providing explicit guarantees either on the entire loan or a
contraction of 8.4 per cent in 2020-21. Domestic demand began In fiscal 2020-21, while export demand dipped by 7.2 per cent,
announced G-SAP bond buying programme in order to contain fraction. The guarantees delivered were through Special Purpose
to show green shoots in the second half of the year as activity imports shrank 17.6 per cent, reflecting pandemic related
borrowing costs in the economy and improve transmission.
disruptions. However, trend in services trade balance was Other Income grew by 8.4 per cent to ` 25,204.9 crore. The requirements. Total provisions for the fourth quarter of the
encouraging. Services trade balance improved to USD 85.1 largest component was Fees and Commissions at ` 16,169.3 financial year included credit reserves relating to the coronavirus Business Review
Billion from USD 80 Billion in FY 2019-20. Taking these factors crore. Gain on Revaluation and Sale of Investments was pandemic in the form of contingent provisions of approximately Your Bank’s operations are split into Domestic and International.
into account, we expect current account to record a surplus of ` 3,867.0 crore. Foreign Exchange and Derivatives Revenue was ` 1,300.0 crore.
1.0 per cent of GDP in FY 2020-21 vs a deficit of 0.9 per cent in ` 2,438.4 crore, and recoveries from written-off accounts were A) Domestic Business comprises the following:
FY 2019-20. However, on a quarterly basis, we expect current ` 2,148.4 crore. Consequent to the outbreak of the COVID-19 The Coverage Ratio based on specific provisions alone excluding Retail Banking
account to record a deficit of 0.7 per cent in Q4 FY20-21. Foreign pandemic, the Indian Government announced a lockdown in write-offs was 69.8 per cent and including General and Floating The Retail Business operated under extremely challenging
flows remained strong in FY 2020-21 despite initial jitters in the March 2020. Subsequently, the national lockdown was lifted provisions it was 115 per cent. Your Bank made General circumstances in the year under review. This business is directly
market. While gross FDI flows improved to USD 81.7 Billlion in by the Government, but regional lockdowns continue to be Provisions of ` 867.0 crore during the year. Gross Non Performing linked to consumption, which slowed down during the lockdown.
FY 2020-21 as compared to 74.4 Billlion in FY 2019-20, FII flows implemented in areas with a significant number of COVID-19 As the unlock gathered momentum, the business recovered and
Assets (GNPAs) were at 1.32 per cent of Gross Advances, as
recorded a net inflow of USD 30.3 Billlion vs. a net outflow of cases. The impact of COVID-19, including changes in customer with domestic advances rising 6.7 per cent.
against 1.26 per cent in the previous year. Net NPA ratio stood
USD 5.1 Billion in the previous year. With robust capital flows behaviour and pandemic fears, as well as restrictions on at 0.40 per cent as against 0.36 per cent in the previous year.
and a surplus in the capital account, we expect BoP surplus to business and individual activities, have led to significant volatility Domestic Retail Deposits grew by 21.1 per cent to ` 1,064,684
improve to a record high of USD 100 Billlion in FY 2020-21. Going in global and Indian financial markets and a significant decrease crore from ` 879,145 crore in the preceding year, while Retail
In accordance with the COVID-19 regulatory packages
ahead, with improvement in domestic demand conditions and in global and local economic activities. The slowdown during Advances rose 6.7 per cent to ` 527,586 crore from ` 494,401
announced by the RBI on March 27, 2020, April 17, 2020 and
higher commodity prices, we expect current account to record the year led to a decrease in loan originations, the sale of third crore.
a deficit of 1.8 per cent of GDP in FY 2021-22. May 23, 2020, your Bank, in accordance with its Board approved
party products, the use of credit and debit cards by customers policy, offered a moratorium on the repayment of all instalments
and the efficiency in collection efforts. This may lead to a rise Your Bank continues to be a leader in the auto loans segment
As India emerges from the impact of the pandemic in 2021, and / or interest, as applicable, due between March 1, 2020 and
in the number of customer defaults and consequently, an with strong presence in passenger, commercial vehicle and
it is expected to be one of the fastest growing economies in August 31, 2020 to all eligible borrowers classified as standard,
increase in provisions there against. The extent to which the two-wheeler financing. The first two quarters were impacted
the world in FY 2021-22 with GDP growth expected to rise by even if overdue, as on February 29, 2020. In respect of such
COVID-19 pandemic, including the current second wave that has by the lockdown but growth revived in the third quarter and the
9.1 per cent in real terms. We expect the economy to reach accounts that were granted moratorium, the asset classification momentum continued in the fourth. This enabled your Bank
significantly increased the number of cases in India, will continue remained standstill during the moratorium period. Your Bank has
its pre-pandemic output level (2019) by the end of the current to close the year at pre-pandemic levels. While there was a
fiscal year. Growth is likely to be supported by higher capex to impact the Bank’s results will depend on ongoing as well made provisions above the RBI prescribed requirements against marginal uptick in ticket size in the fourth quarter, growth came
spending by the Government, recovery in domestic demand as future developments, which are highly uncertain, including, the potential impact of the coronavirus pandemic (based on the largely on the back of improved distribution.
and continued monetary policy support from the RBI. For the among other things, any new information concerning the severity information available at this point in time).
next fiscal year, the pandemic situation and vaccination drive of the COVID-19 pandemic and any action to contain its spread
The Personal Loan Business is also surging back to pre-COVID
are critical factors for the pace of economic recovery. In the near or mitigate its impact whether Government-mandated or elected Profit Before Tax grew by 13.8 per cent to ` 41,659.0 crore. After levels, and ended the year at ` 118,000 crore. About 80 per
term, the second wave of COVID is likely to weigh on the pace of by us. providing for Income Tax of ` 10,542.5 crore, Net Profit increased cent of the incremental loans were to employees of top rated
recovery in Q1 FY2021-22. However, as the economy begins to by 18.5 per cent to ` 31,116.5 crore from ` 26,257.3 crore. Return corporates with reasonably high disposable income. In the year
open up, we expect recovery to pick up pace in Q2 FY2021-22 Operating (Non-Interest) Expenses rose to ` 32,722.6 crore on Average Net Worth was 16.60 per cent while Basic Earnings under review, the portfolio further improved qualitatively, which
with support from both fiscal spending and continued monetary from ` 30,697.5 crore. During the year, your Bank set up 354 Per Share was ` 56.58 up from ` 48.01. is indicated by an increase in credit scores across segments.
accommodation. new branches and 1,186 ATMs / Cash Deposit and Withdrawal
Machines (CDMs). This, along with higher spend on IT, resulted in As on March 31, 2021, your Bank’s Total Balance Sheet stood at Your Bank also continues to drive value through its digital
higher infrastructure and staffing expenses. Staff expenses also ` 1,746,871 crore, an increase of 14.1 per cent over `1,530,511 platforms, increasing penetration in its internal customer base.
We expect the economy to reach its pre- went up due to employee additions and annual wage revisions. crore on March 31, 2020. Total Deposits rose by 16.3 per cent Digitalisation also plays a key role for your Bank in pioneering
pandemic output level (2019) by the end of Further, Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation to ` 1,335,060 crore from ` 1,147,502 crore. Savings Account various digital loans - 10 second Personal Loan, Digital Loan
the current fiscal year. Growth is likely to be (DICGC) premium cost increased due to deposit growth and Deposits grew by 30.0 per cent to ` 403,500 crore while Current Against Shares and Loan Against Mutual Funds. There is
supported by higher capex spending by the rate increase. Despite higher staff and infrastructure expenses, Account Deposits rose by 21.8 per cent to ` 212,182 crore. Time also increased focus in digitisiting processes and customer
Government the Cost to Income Ratio improved to 36.3 per cent from Deposits stood at ` 719,378 crore, representing an increase of touchpoints to better your Bank’s reach to customers across
38.6 per cent. 8.5 per cent. CASA Deposits accounted for 46.1 per cent of Total products.
Financial Performance deposits. Advances stood at ` 1,132,837 crore an increase of
The financial performance of your Bank during the year ended Cost to Income Ratio 14.0 per cent. Domestic Loan Portfolio of ` 1,111,510 crore grew The Payments Business, where your Bank has a dominant
March 31, 2021, remained healthy with Total Net Revenue by 14.1 per cent over March 31, 2020. presence not only acts as a catalyst for cashless transactions
(Net Interest Income plus Other Income) rising 13.4 per cent
improved to 36.3 per cent but also spurs consumption. With 3.67 crore debit cards, 1.49
to ` 90,084.5 crore from ` 79,447.1 crore in the previous year. in FY 2020-21 Net Profit crore credit cards and about 21.34 lakh acceptance points, it
Revenue growth was driven by an increase in both Net Interest is among the largest facilitators of cashless payments in the
Income and Other Income. Net Interest Income grew by 15.5 New ATMs/CDMs
18.5 per cent country. Your Bank’s payments business has launched digital
per cent to ` 64,879.6 crore due to acceleration in loan growth Increase in FY 2020-21 offerings such as Bharat QR Code, UPI, and SMS pay solutions.
coupled with a Net Interest Margin (NIM) of 4.1 per cent. 1,186 It has also pioneered products such as the SmartHub app for
in FY 2020-21 small merchants and DigiPos, which enables traditional PoS
machines to accept digital payments.
Bank’s Net Interest Income
Total Provisions and Contingencies were ` 15,702.8 crore as
15.5 per cent growth compared to ` 12,142.4 crore in the preceding year. Your Bank’s
Due to acceleration in loan growth provisioning policies remain more stringent than regulatory
in FY 2020-21
With 3.67 crore debit cards, 1.49 crore month in the year under review and purchased ` 18,980 crore The Investment Banking business cemented its prominent
Loan Book Wholesale Banking Business
as direct assignment of loans. position in the Debt and Equity Capital Markets. Your Bank
credit cards and about 21.34 lakh 21.7 per cent jumped one position to be ranked 2nd in the Bloomberg
acceptance points, your Bank is among the Third Party Products Growth in FY 2020-21 rankings of Rupee Bond Book Runners for FY 2020-21,
largest facilitators of cashless payments in Your Bank distributes Life, General and Health Insurance, and improving its market share to 17.46 per cent from 13.72 per
the country. Mutual Funds (third party products). Income from this business Corporate Banking, which focuses on large, well-rated cent. Your Bank is actively assisting clients in equity fund
grew by 27 per cent to ` 3,573 crore from ` 2,817 crore and companies, continued to be the biggest contributor to raising and was ranked 6th amongst domestic banks in the
In the credit card business, the RBI, through its order dated accounted for 22 per cent of Total Fee Income in the year ended Wholesale Banking in terms of asset size. This business PRIME Database League Tables for IPOs, Rights Issues
December 2, 2020, advised your Bank against sourcing new March 31, 2021 compared with 17 per cent in the preceding year. ended FY 2020-21 with a domestic loan book size of ` 2.98 and QIPs for FY 2020-21 for private sector issues against
credit card customers. Your Bank subsequently recalibrated its lakh crore, recording a rise of 23 per cent over the year 7th for FY 2019-20.
strategy and began selling more to existing customers of the Insurance earlier. This was thanks to your Bank’s focused outreach
Bank. Credit cards constitute about 6 per cent of the overall The open architecture adopted by your Bank for insurance to large corporates and well-rated/blue chip PSUs at the In the Government business, your Bank sustained
Bank book. distribution with eight insurers was made more robust by outset of the pandemic to offer them liquidity. It was able its focus on tax collections, collecting direct tax of
leveraging more branches and expanding the product bouquet. to do so as it was armed with sufficient cash due to its ` 302,823.78 crore and indirect tax of over ` 1,65,741.27 crore
Credit cards in force Continuing with the digital focus, straight through process strong capital base and balance sheet. Also, post the during FY 2020-21. It continues to enjoy a pre-eminent
from prospecting to proposal stage was introduced with real TLTRO scheme under which banks could access long-term position among the country’s major stock and commodity
1.49 crore time integration across all insurers. Premium mobilisation in life debt from the RBI at the repo rate, this only got reinforced. exchanges in both Cash Management Services and Cash
Insurance for the year ended March 31, 2021 was ` 5,888 crore. As per the guidelines of the TLTRO scheme, your Bank Settlement Services.
The Virtual Relationship Management (VRM) programme gained
traction during the year under review. Digital or conctacless deployed this money in designated sectors like agriculture,
Your Bank has been a pioneer in providing Digital Banking
In the Non-Life insurance space, your Bank, along with its agri-infrastructure, secured retail, MSMEs, and drugs,
banking has become a necessity in the pandemic. Under Services to its wholesale banking customers. It was an
Insurance partners, introduced new and innovative products pharmaceuticals and healthcare.
VRM, Relationship Managers reach out to customers through early adopter of digital technology through the Corporate
and increased customer offerings. All the products offered are
remote and digital platforms, leading to deeper engagement Net Banking Platform, ENet.
enabled through Netbanking and telesales platforms. Employees This business also continued to capitalise on the trend of
in a cost-effective manner. As digital literacy and exposure
across channels have been trained on the new products and large companies preferring to deal with fewer banks. Your Your Bank offers the entire gamut of financial services,
increases exponentially, VRM is gaining acceptance through
processes. Manpower has been strengthened across Non-Life Bank deepened its existing relationships as well as gained such as payments, collection, tax solutions, Government
wider engagement, deeper relationships and a complete suite
insurers to increase our business in the non-motor insurance market share by leveraging its wide product offering. The business, trade finance services, cash management
of products to offer. A banking experience with digital ease and
space. Premium mobilisation in General and Health Insurance Emerging Corporates Group, which focuses on the mid- solutions and corporate cards through its flagship platform,
personalized conversations is at the core of our VRM strategy.
grew by 13 per cent over the year earlier to ` 2,230 crore. market segment, too witnessed significant growth. Your besides seamlessly connecting its customers through API,
The Virtual Relationship Management practice is an integrated
customer centric approach covering three pillars –Virtual Bank leveraged its vast geographical reach, technology S2S (Server to Server) and Host-to-Host services.
Relationships, Virtual Sales and Virtual Care. Retail Advances backbone, automated processes, suite of financial products
and quick turnaround times to offer a differentiated service, Your Bank jumped one position to be
Meanwhile, your Bank also added 354 branches during the
6.7 per cent which has resulted in new customer acquisitions as well as
Growth in FY 2020-21 a higher share of the wallet from existing customers. The ranked 2nd in the Bloomberg rankings of
year, taking the total to 5,608 across 2,902 cities / towns. The
business continues to have a diversified portfolio in terms Rupee Bond Book Runners for FY 2020-
share of semi-urban and rural outlets in the network is 50 per
cent, reflecting our continued focus on penetrating further into Wholesale Banking of both industry and geography. 21, improving its market share to 17.46%
these markets. In addition, your Bank has 15,756 business The Wholesale Banking business was a key growth engine from 13.72%.
correspondents primarily managed by the Common Service for your Bank in the year under review. This business focuses Your Bank leveraged its vast
Centres. The number of ATMs / CDMs also increased to 16,087 on institutional customers such as the Government, large and geographical reach, technology Treasury
from 14,901. The total number of customers your Bank catered emerging corporates, and SMEs. Your Bank’s strong offerings The Treasury is the custodian of your Bank’s cash/liquid
include working capital and term loans, as well as trade credit,
backbone, automated processes, suite of assets and handles its investments in securities, foreign
to as on March 31, 2021 was over 6.18 crore, up from over 5.60
crore in the previous year. cash management, supply chain financing, foreign exchange, financial products and quick turnaround exchange and cash instruments. It manages the liquidity
and investment banking services. times to offer a differentiated service, and interest rate risks on the balance sheet and is also
As you are aware, your Bank operates in the Home Loan Business which has resulted in new customer responsible for meeting reserve requirements. The vertical
in conjunction with HDFC Limited. As per this arrangement, your The Wholesale Banking business recorded healthy growth, acquisitions as well as a higher share of also helps manage the treasury needs of customers and
Bank sells HDFC home loans while HDFC Limited approves ending FY 2020-21 with a domestic loan book size of over earns a fee income generated from transactions customers
` 583,925 crore, recording a growth of 21.7 per cent over the
the wallet from existing customers. undertake with your Bank while managing their foreign
and disburses them. Your Bank receives sourcing fee for these
loans and, as per the arrangement, has the option to purchase year earlier. This constituted about 53 per cent of your Bank’s In the year under review, the Bank continued its focus exchange and interest rate risks.
up to 70 per cent of fully-disbursed loans either through the domestic loans as per Basel II classification. Your Bank was on the MSME sector. There has already been increased
issuance of mortgage-backed Pass Through Certificates (PTCs) able to expand its share of the customer wallet, primarily using formalisation of the MSME sector due to the adoption of Revenue accrues from spreads on customer transactions
or a direct assignment of loans. The balance is retained by HDFC sharper customisation, cross-selling and expanding into greater the Goods and Service Tax (GST). The COVID-19 pandemic based on trade and remittance flows and demonstrated
Limited. The year under review saw a 62 per cent rise over the geographies. And continuing to lend during the pandemic while led to the sector experiencing substantial stress, prompting hedging needs. Your Bank recorded revenue of ` 2,438.4
previous year in home loans. The increase in demand coupled being prudent. the Union Government to announce the Emergency Credit crore from foreign exchange and derivative transactions
with the SOPs in Maharashtra aided the growth in Q4. Your Bank Line Guaratee Scheme (ECLGS), under which your Bank in the year under review. While plain vanilla forex products
originated, on an average, ` 2,470 crore of home loans every emerged as a star performer in disbursing credit. were in demand across all customer segments, demand
for derivatives products increased with RBI liberalising
regulations and allowing Indian banks to participate in Non- International Business D) Semi-Urban and Rural The Bank’s product range includes pre-and post-harvest crop
Deliverable Offshore markets. The Semi Urban and Rural markets have always been a loans, two-wheeler loans, auto loans, tractor loans, small agri
US$ 6 billion focus of your Bank’s strategy. In the last few years, your business loans, loan against gold, among others. This has helped
As part of its prudent risk management, your Bank enters into Balance Sheet the Bank establish a strong footprint in the rural hinterland with
Bank has made a renewed push into the semi-urban and
foreign exchange and derivatives deals with counterparties its asset products. Apart from advising farmers on their financial
rural markets as rising income levels and aspirations of
after it has set up appropriate credit limits based on its needs, your Bank is increasingly focusing on facilitating various
evaluation of the ability of the counterparty to meet its
C) Partnering with the Government rural customers are leading to demand for better quality
1) CSC Partnership financial products and services. The rural groups in every Government/regulatory schemes such as crop insurance,
obligations. Where your Bank enters into foreign currency Government subsidy / crore guarantee schemes, interest
Your Bank has been closely working with the department of your Bank work together to tap these
derivatives contracts not involving the Indian Rupee with subvention etc.
Government both at the central and state levels. It opportunities.
its customers, it typically lays them off in the inter-bank
has an equity investment of over 6.5 per cent in CSC
market on a matched basis. For such foreign currency The Bank has designed a range of crop and geography-specific
e-Governance Services India Ltd. CSCs, operated Apart from meeting its statutory obligations under PSL,
derivatives, your Bank primarily carries the counterparty products in line with the harvest cycles and the local needs of
by Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs), are the access your Bank has been offering a wide range of products on
credit risk (where the customer has crystallised payables or farmers across diverse agro-climatic zones. It has transformed
points for the delivery of essential public utility the asset side, such as auto, two-wheeler, personal, gold,
mark-to-market losses) and may carry only residual market rural banking services from being product centric to customer
services, social welfare schemes, healthcare, financial, Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV), small shopkeeper loans
risk, if any. Your Bank also deals in derivatives on its own centric.
education and agriculture services, apart from a host in these markets. Now, it plans to increase its coverage of
account, including for the purpose of its own Balance Sheet
of B2C services to citizens in rural and remote areas villages and deepen relationships in existing ones. The semi
risk management. Products such as post-harvest cash credit and warehouse
of the country. It is a pan-India network facilitating the urban and rural push has been backed by the bank’s digital
Government’s mandate of a socially, financially and strategy. receipt financing enable faster cash flows to farmers. Credit
Your Bank maintains a portfolio of Government Securities,
digitally inclusive society. The Government of India is also offered for allied agricultural activities such as dairy,
in line with the regulatory norms governing the Statutory
envisages at least one VLE per 2.54 gram panchayat. Your Bank’s operations in Semi Urban and Rural locations are pisciculture, and sericulture.
Liquidity Ratio (SLR). A significant portion of these SLR
securities are ‘Held-to-Maturity’ (HTM) category, while Your bank will use this network to offer retail products explained below:
and banking services and further contribute to the Your Bank’s focus in the rural markets has not just been on
some are ‘Available for Sale’ (AFS). Your Bank is also a
Government’s ‘Digital India’ initiative. increasing credit offtake, but also on cementing relationships
primary dealer for Government Securities. As a part of this Agriculture and Allied Activities with customers by empowering them. As part of these efforts,
business, your Bank holds fixed income securities as ‘Held Yours Bank’s advances to Agriculture & Allied activities rose
During the year under review, your Bank considerably farmer centers or Kisan Dhan Vikas Kendras have been rolled out
for Trading’ (HFT). by 10.92 per cent to ` 94,977.14 crore for the year ended
strengthened its relationship with CSCs by empanelling in Punjab, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. At
March 31, 2021. these centers, farmers access information on soil health, mandi
In the year under review, your Bank continued to be a an additional 10,000 plus Business Correspondents
significant participant in the domestic exchange and interest taking the number of such correspondents to 15,756. prices, and various Government initiatives and also receive
The importance of this segment can be understood from the expert advice. These services are also available on the Bank’s
rate markets. It also capitalised on falling bond yields to
fact that about 60 per cent of the population is dependent website in vernacular languages. Kisan Dhan Vikas e-Kendra is
book profits and is now looking at tapping opportunities
2) Start-Up Fund and SmartUp Banking on agriculture for livelihood. In the year of the pandemic, the one of its kind in the Banking Industry to reach out to the farmers
arising out of the liberalisation in the foreign exchange and
Under its SmartUp Banking Programme for Start- Bank disbursed about ` 2,000 crore in line with Government as one stop solution for all their requirements viz. loan eligibility,
interest rate markets.
ups, your bank crossed the milestone of 16,000 regulations which benefited over 1.42 lakh farmers. online application facility, training though kiosks, call an expert
such businesses. It is working with various state facility, soil testing and much more. Your Bank also provides
B) International Business governments and incubators/accelerators to promote
To address the needs of NRI clients and Indian corporates, advisory on weather, cropping and harvesting through SMS.
your Bank has opened branches and representative offices
entrepreneurship. MoUs have already been signed with 1.42 lakh
five state governments and Ministry of Electronics and Farmers benefited in the pandemic year In line with this, the Bank also launched the e-KISAN Dhan app,
in Manama (Bahrain), Hong Kong, Dubai, DIFC, Abu Dhabi
Information Technology (MeitY) to enable execution of a unique digital app for the Rural/farming community. This is
and Nairobi (Kenya). These offices increase awareness of
the varied aspects of their respective start-up policies. an exclusive mobile App for all rural banking and agriculture
your Bank’s brand with existing and prospective clients.
Your Bank also works with 20+ incubators certified by The rural economy which primarily depends on agriculture was information needs from HDFC Bank.
It also has a presence in International Financial Service
the Department of Science and Technology, including largely insulated from the pandemic. Post July there was month
Centre (IFSC) at GIFT City in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. This
various Indian Institutes of Technology and Indian on month growth in tractor sales thanks to a good monsoon and This app aggregates crucial information required by the farmers.
unit was opened four years ago. Your Bank offers products
Institutes of Management. This year we extended healthy cash flow. In FY 2020-21, the domestic tractor industry There have been about 97,000 downloads of the app.
such as trade credits, foreign currency term loans including
financial and advisory support to 21 social impact grew 25 per cent in terms of units sold on a YoY basis. HDFC
External Commercial Borrowings (ECBs) and derivatives to
start-ups in the Ed-tech and skill development sectors. Bank Tractor Loans registered a growth of 55% in FY 2020-21 Multiple needs of the farmers can be serviced such as shopping
hedge loans. As on March 31, 2021, the Balance Sheet size
We are also causing connects through initiatives like in terms of no. of units financed. The size of the book has grown of seeds, agro products, information on best practices, weather
of the international business was US$ 6 billion. Advances
HNI meets along with our partners and mentoring 30 per cent YoY crossing ` 5,000 crore. alerts, mandi rates, expert advice, Agri news, information on
constituted 2.78 per cent of your Bank’s Gross Advances.
sessions for our start-up customers with senior Government schemes like debt waiver, interest subvention,
The Total Income of the overseas branches constituted
executives of your Bank. In general the key to your Bank’s success in this market has been crop insurance, godown and livestock centre amongst others.
0.64 per cent of the Bank’s Total Income for the year. The
its ability to tap the opportunities through: Another important initiative this year has been the launch of the
numbers may appear small, but what is significant here is
your Bank’s ability to cater to a large and growing Indian ‘KGC-Shaurya for the Armed forces personnel/Ex-Servicemen
- Wide product range engaged in farming.
diaspora and maintain its leadership position among the
peer group. - Faster turnaround time
- Digital solutions This product program offers a hassle free transaction for the
defence personnel, so that they can avail farming loans under
Kisan Gold Card (based on the KCC guidelines of Government).
KGC Shaurya weaves a smooth process of addressing the Lending to the agriculture sector, including to small and marginal The SME portal continues to offer ad hoc approvals, E) Environmental Sustainability
farming requirements of defence personnel under various farmers, is a regulatory mandate as part of priority sector lending pre-approved TODs on an STP basis to existing customers. Banking by the very nature of its business, is environment-
scenarios where loan processes are executed even if the requirements. This segment has inherent credit risks. Your They can request top-up of loans and submit the required friendly. During the year under review, your Bank has gone a little
concerned person is on deputation and is unable to be physically bank has taken various initiatives to navigate the changing agri- documents online. The SME portal also helps customers access further. The Bank has undertaken several initiatives to reduce
present for verification. The target customers are from the Army, lending trend. It has also taken steps pertaining to delinquency your Bank’s services related to sanctioned credit facilities 24/7 its Scope I and Scope II emissions and energy consumption in
Navy and Air Force, Personnel of Para Military Forces like BSF, management like root-cause analysis of critical locations, close from anywhere. line with its set targets. To encapsulate your Bank’s philosophy,
ITBP, CRPF, Coastal Guards, CISF and Assam/J&K Rifles owning monitoring of delinquency, prioritisation-based recovery strategy, maintaining a balance between natural capital and communities
agricultural lands either in their own names or the names of their system automations. The Bank has leveraged its extensive On the trade side, your Bank’s focus has been on customer is now integral to our functioning.
family members. knowledge of rural customers to create as well as deliver engagement for increasing the penetration of Trade on Net
products and services at affordable price points and with quick applications. This is a complete enterprise trade solution for To this end, our ATMs have gone paperless, contributing to
Digitising Milk Procurement: This initiative brings transparency turnaround time. This has enabled the Bank to establish a strong customers engaged in domestic as well as foreign trade, enabling a reduction of the carbon footprint. Your Bank has given this
in the milk procurement and payment process, which benefits footprint in the rural geographies, which it has now leveraged to them to initiate online requests and track them seamlessly, effort a further fillip by ensuring multi-channel delivery through
both farmers and dairy societies. Multi-function Terminals (MFTs), increase its penetration of liability products. Further, your Bank is resulting in reduced time and costs. NetBanking, Phone Banking, and Mobile Banking. This results
popularly known as Milk-to-Money ATMs, are deployed in dairy building a segment-specific approach like funding to horticulture in lower carbon emission not just from operations, but also
societies. The MFTs link the milk procurement system of the dairy clusters, supply chain finance, agribusiness, MSMEs and dairy Taking Banking to the Unbanked from reduced customer travel. We have installed rooftop solar
society to the farmer’s account to enable faster payments. MFTs farmers. It also continues to engage closely with farmers to Your Bank is fully committed to taking banking to the remotest panels in some of our large offices to supplement grid power
have cash dispensers that function as standard ATMs. Payments mitigate risks and protect portfolio quality. parts of the country through a combination of an extensive with renewable energy.
are credited without the hassles of cash distribution. Further, physical network and a robust digital suite of products and
this process creates a credit history which can then be used Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) services. Today, about half of your Bank’s outlets are located (Please refer to Annexure 2 of this report for disclosures
for accessing bank credit. Apart from dairy and cattle loans, The MSME sector serves as an important engine for economic in rural and semi-urban areas. Your Bank also offers last mile pertaining to CSR as required under the relevant Rules)
customers gain access to all the Bank’s products including growth and is one of the largest employers in the economy. access through mobile applications such as BHIM, UPI, USSD,
digital offerings such as 10 Second Personal Loans, Kisan Credit Advances to the MSME and Trader and Wholesaler segment Scan and Pay, and RuPay enabled Micro-ATMs.
F) Business Enablers
1) People Transformation
Card, Bill Pay, and Missed Call Mobile Recharge. So far, your as on March 31, 2021 stood at ` 2,01,833 crore as against
In a year which has seen the worst humanitarian and health
Bank has digitized payments at over 1,315 milk co-operatives ` 1,59,107.93 crore a year ago. Your Bank’s advances to the To bring more under-banked sections of the population into
crisis of the century, your Bank has continued to show
across 21 states, benefiting more than 5.08 lakh dairy farmers. Micro Enterprises alone stood at ` 60,846.03 crore. formal financial channels, your Bank has opened over 25.39 lakh
buoyant growth and resilience due to the commitment and
accounts under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)
tenacity of its people.
The Dairy business as a whole witnessed a 46 per cent year The MSME sector was one of the sectors identified for special and enrolled 35.67 lakh customers in social security schemes
on year growth in disbursements and 54 per cent in the book. support by the Government and the RBI during the pandemic since inception. We now rank among the leading private sector
This year, your Bank, being in the essential services sector,
through various schemes. banks in this regard. Under Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana
had to strike a delicate balance between ensuring the
Substituting Moneylenders: Your Bank is slowly making package, an amount of ` 500 per month each for April 2020,
health and safety of its employees while at the same time
inroads into a market traditionally dominated by the unorganized Your Bank has ensured support for its customers through these May 2020 and June 2020 has been credited to 14.13 lakh women
ensuring that banking operations continued unhindered.
sector, moneylenders and pawn brokers. Loans against gold schemes. Be it helping them avail of the interest moratorium PMJDY account holders under direct benefit transfer during the
As an immediate response to the COVID-19 crisis, every
jewellery grew by over 33 per cent to about ` 8,300 crore in or the Funded Interest Term Loans. And above all, loans under COVID-19 pandemic. In the year under review, loans to the tune
effort was made to transition large sections of the employee
FY 2020-21 from over 6,200 crore in FY 2019-20. The entry of ECLGS Scheme. On the interest and principal moratorium 1 of ` 5,531.98 crore to 8.94 lakh beneficiaries were extended
base to ‘Work from home’. However, there were also several
organized players has increased awareness and transparency. and 2 schemes, your Bank ensured complete coverage of under the Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) and nearly
employees who had to continue to attend office physically
The availability of the asset and the ease of securing a loan have this scheme to its existing customers as per the terms and ` 82.60 crore to 388 beneficiaries under the ‘Stand up India’
as branches and ATMs continued to be functional during the
made this a convenient and viable credit option. conditions announced by the Government. Digital applications scheme to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and women
lockdown. Hence a two-pronged approach was taken viz.
were accepted through the Bank’s website and straight through borrowers. Your Bank also has actively supported PM Street
a) Measures to ensure health and safety of employees who
In FY 2020-21, your Bank added 225 more branches, taking the processing was done to smoothen the process and ensure faster Vendor’s AtmaNirbhar Nidhi (PMSVANIDHI) a special scheme
were physically required to attend office and b) Transition
total number to 1,000 through which gold loans are distributed. delivery. Your Bank also emerged as a star performer under the under micro-credit facility for street vendors with a collateral free
support to new ways of working to those who were working
ECLGS 1.0 and 2.0 schemes. It disbursed loans amounting to affordable term loan of ` 10,000 for 1 year, where your bank has
from home. The focus of the actions has been along three
Social initiatives in Farm Sector: Farm yield and income are ` 29,622 crore to over 1.23 lakh customers. This swift support disbursed ` 10,000 each to 3,157 street vendors to support them
dimensions: a) Physical well-being, b) Psychological well-
subject to the vagaries of the weather. In addition, factors like enabled existing customers to meet their operational liabilities during the pandemic and have also educated the street vendors
being and c) Social well-being.
soil health, input quality (seeds and fertilizers), water availability, and helped in the smooth functioning of their businesses. for using digital mode for making financial transactions.
and Government policy have significant impact, along with price
The entire employee awareness and support campaign
realizations and storage facilities. Your Bank has launched a ECLGS schemes - loan disbursements Sustainable Livelihood initiative under the aegis of #HumHaarNahinMaanenge’ and ‘HDFC
variety of initiatives to ease the stress on farm income and rural
households. ` 29,622 crore This is primarily a social initiative with elements of business.
It entails skill training, livelihood financing, and creating market
Bank Cares’. which was initiated during the initial wave of
the pandemic continues to run even now as we battle the
Over 1.23 lakh customers linkages. (Please refer to page 95 for details) second and more serious wave of the pandemic in India. The
Over the last few years, several parts of the country have
campaign also focused on building employee morale and
been severely impacted by natural calamities such as drought, The silver lining has been that the pace of digitisation among
` 10,000 disbursed to each person under resilience during this period of crisis. Your Bank’s internal
unseasonal rains, hailstorms, floods and the pandemic. Within MSMEs has gained further momentum. This will not only help communication channel ‘Our World’, which is accessible
regulatory guidelines, your Bank has been providing relief to the the pace of disbursement but also increase transparency in the PMSVANIDHI scheme to all employees, was leveraged to ensure all relevant
impacted farmers. It also has put in place systems designed to sector. The process started with Government’s digitisation push
enable direct benefit transfers in a time-bound manner. and the adoption of GST, which resulted in easy availability of
3,157 communication reached employees through a single
Street vendors benefitted channel. This was in addition to regular communication
data for banks regarding cash flows of these companies.
over emails.
Strengthening our Communication Channels: We stress. So, several employee connect initiatives were We recognise that an essential quality which has helped The focus on building a talent pipeline at the entry level
strengthened the ‘structured’ Employee Connect on the recalibrated to a digital mode to bring in the much needed your Bank and its large employee base spread across through the job-ready model termed ‘Future Bankers
ground by our HR business partners to enable any urgent social bonding and recreational element at work. Your geographies respond so well to the crisis is a culture which Program’, created in partnership with the Manipal Global
support to employees. A ‘We Care’ survey was rolled out Bank’s annual talent competition ‘Hunar’ was run digitally is highly resilient and deeply rooted in what we know as Academy of BFSI, has done well. There have been 1500+
during April 2020 to assess employee well-being at the and several new initiatives like Festive Webinars, a Digital the ‘HDFC Bank way’ of doing things. To this end, your enrolments into the programme pan-India and candidates
start of the pandemic. This enabled employees who were Voice Hunt, online photography contests etc. were Bank has embarked on a conscious journey of a Culture from the initial batches have been successfully absorbed
operating in far-flung locations across the length and breadth introduced. Effort was also made to bring in family members Transformation which is enshrined along with the critical into full time roles after an internship with your Bank.
of the country to reach out and seek help for themselves and of the employees within the umbrella of these initiatives. leadership tenets of ‘Nurture, Care and Collaborate’.
their family members. Employees who needed medical help Unique participants to each programme aggregated to Your Bank was at the seventh place in the Business Today
were connected with doctors and guided further on medical more than 44,000 employees. A large scale organisation transformation which is list of India’s Coolest Workplaces.
assistance. This was basis the Bank’s tie ups for medical leader-led, with interventions designed to reach every
insurance. Policy and processes to support remote working and supervisor in the Bank across every remote geographical 2) Information Technology
impacted employees have been put in place. Employees location, is an ambitious goal which we have set for New Ways of Banking
24*7 access to Doc on Call facility and Counselling facility ourselves This is expected to result in an engaged
affected by the coronavirus can take special leave until In the last year, the global pandemic has changed the way
was provided to employees and their families to seek workforce which in turn will be a source of competitive
they recover over and above the regular leaves available India banks. Digital banking has become a way of life and
immediate medical guidance over a quick phone call advantage. A blend of interventions based on the 70:20:10
to them. Detailed guidelines on availing staff medical your bank has been taking consistent steps to ensure a
during a crisis. Mental health issues due to stress have also principle ranging from fireside chats with leaders, video
insurance have been circulated. We have also extended smooth and safe customer experience. In the new normal,
increased globally during the pandemic. The counselling
the medical insurance benefit for expenses incurred during messages, on the job activities have been incorporated your Bank has introduced new ways to bank, such as:
facility enabled employees to seek help while being assured
home quarantine. Your Bank is also reimbursing the cost into this which will run well into the coming year as well. t Insta Account Opening: This allows instant account
of confidentiality.
of vaccination for employees and their dependents. With A culture based on the ethos of ‘Nurture, Care, Collaborate’ opening with just a mobile, Aadhaar and PAN numbers
the rising number of cases in the second wave, we are pre-supposes the existence of an inclusive culture. A video-
Resource Support: Several wellness related online
putting in place tie-ups through which employees can have based campaign under the aegis of ‘Valuing Differences’ t Video KYC: Automation of KYC process through
videos were made available to employees to support their
ready access to quarantine and medical care facilities for was launched to create awareness on inclusion. video calling from the comfort and safety of a
physical and mental well-being. Yoga sessions and online
fitness challenges like Stepathalon etc. were conducted. An themselves and their families. customer’s home
awareness campaign around building immunity practices In addition, we have continued to focus on creating the
and talks by psychologists to manage anxiety were also All of the above have been designed to support employees building blocks of an institutionalised approach to talent
management in the Bank. This year was witness to several Strengthening Technology Infrastructure
made available in the e-mode. We recognise the critical and their families navigate through the crisis. We have also Digital Products are only as strong as the infrastructure
role played by managers in ensuring high engagement continued to pay regular salaries to all employees and also initiatives aimed at strengthening the talent pipeline and
putting in place clearly visible succession plans for 100+ supporting them. In the last 12 months, your Bank has
levels amongst employees during this transition. Hence, ensured annual increments, bonus and promotions in line taken multiple steps to ensure robust, scalable and secure
resources to enable managers realign themselves to senior leadership positions. Detailed talent review meetings
with the usual cycle followed in your Bank. There have technology.
managing their teams in a remote working environment in order to have a formal, unified, organisation-wide view
been no lay-offs and the sense of security instilled amongst
have also been a key focus area. of talent and chalking out focused development plans
employees has gone a long way in ensuring a high level of
which started last year, have been now recalibrated to a Some key initiatives include:
employee engagement. virtual set-up. It is now being institutionalised. as a defined
Your Bank has also put in place several measures to t Capacity for UPI has been tripled: Your Bank has
support employees who have been required to attend office practice. Focus is now on creating technology enablers successfully managed over 23 lakh transactions in an
During the initial phase of the lockdown, your Bank focused which will help deepen this process across your Bank. hour. It is ranked among the top in the published NPCI
in person in branches or at Central offices.
on utilising the available productive time of employees in Likewise, the availability and identification of successors to dashboard of UPI Performance Metrics
This includes temperature screening and providing an skill building and learning certifications. To enable this, senior leadership positions has been a key focus area. The
the entire learning architecture was made available in a t Technical declines are down with the average uptime
adequate stock of sanitisers for those coming to work. emphasis will now be on ensuring required developmental
digital mode on a war footing. Innovative ways of imparting for customers at 99.91 per cent in the year under
Rostering enables people to follow social distancing norms. inputs to ensure high level of readiness.
Detailed guidelines and advisory on ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ at learning to a remote workforce were explored and
the workplace - have been circulated. Timely sanitisation appropriate certifications based on business need were SPARK was a structured Leadership Development initiative t Net Banking and Mobile Banking capacity has been
and fumigation measures and periodic deep cleaning are made available in a digital mode. As many as 33 lakh+ for 100+ senior leaders which was delivered in conjunction doubled to manage 90,000 users concurrently; a
being ensured. Strict norms for quarantine procedures, in learning certifications were completed with more than one with a globally acclaimed partner. It was developed significant step as most of our customers now rely on
case self or family members are found positive, are being lakh employees completing at least one certification. basis detailed discovery workshops with the senior our digital channels for banking needs
adhered to. leadership and was delivered in a blended format, which
y Your bank has migrated core Data Centres in
We recognise that an essential quality included self-discovery through rigorous psychometrics
As the first wave receded and a larger set of employees Bengaluru and Mumbai to state-of-the-art facilities
and individualised coaching sessions, fireside chats and
started coming to office physically, a detailed ‘Return to which has helped your Bank and its t Disaster Recovery drills have been completed for
state-of-the-art courseware for self-paced learning. This
Work’ handbook ensured ready availability of guidelines to large employee base spread across is the first step towards building a structured approach to all critical payment systems. This has reinforced our
employees. geographies respond so well to the crisis leadership development, catering to varying needs across capability to switchover in less than 45 minutes when
is a culture which is highly resilient and different leadership levels. needed
Social Wellness: We recognise that all through the harsh
period of lockdown and social distancing, a key human
deeply rooted in what we know as the
need to bond and socialise with fellow colleagues has been ‘HDFC Bank way’ of doing things.
left unfulfilled. This can result in considerable psychological
t Significant upgrades in Network and Security environment, especially since it has various lines of Protection Policy, which limits the liability of customers in t .PEFM3JTL
infrastructure to support our exponential growth in businesses. Ensuring product quality and service delivery case of unauthorised electronic banking transactions. t 5FDIOPMPHZ3JTL
digital transactions becomes vital for business growth. Your Bank desires t 0VUTPVSDJOH3JTL
to achieve this by seeking customer feedback as well as Your Bank is on a journey to measure customer loyalty t 4USBUFHJD3JTL
benchmarking with best-in-class business entities. Your through a high velocity, closed loop customer feedback t #VTJOFTT3JTL
Transactions managed in an hour
Bank invites and reviews the performance on customer system. This customer experience transformation t $PNQMJBODF3JTL
23 lakh+ service as well as grievance redressal at different levels programme will help employees empathise better with t 3FQVUBUJPO3JTL
- Branch Level Customer Service Committees (BLCSCs), customers and improve turnaround times. Branded as
Technology Issues and Solutions Standing Committee on Customer Service (SCCS) and ‘Infinite Smiles’, the programme would help establish Credit Risk
Your Bank faces technology challenges and humbly Customer Service Committee of the Board (CSCB). behaviours and practices that result in customer-centric Credit Risk is defined as the possibility of losses associated with
accepts It and is actively working towards resolving it. actions through continuous improvements in product, diminution in the credit quality of borrowers or counterparties.
Your Bank has adopted a multi-pronged approach to services, process and policies. Losses stem from outright default or reduction in portfolio
Things however have to be seen in perspective. Your Bank provide an omnichannel experience to its customers. On value. Your Bank has a distinct credit risk architecture,
could not have become a leading player in the space, one side, your Bank has traditional touch points like branch Thanks to these initiatives, your Bank’s customer complaints policies, procedures and systems for managing credit risk in
grown its market share across business segments (y-o-y) and phonebanking, and on the other side, it has state- for FY 21 decreased by 14.8 per cent to 3,25,786 from both its retail and wholesale businesses. Wholesale lending is
and serviced millions of customers in real time without a of-the-art platforms like Net Banking, Mobile Banking, 3,82,235 in the previous year. managed on an individual as well as portfolio basis. In contrast,
strong technology backbone. the chatbot Eva offering a wide range of channel choice retail lending, given the granularity of individual exposures, is
to its customers. Your Bank has also improvised on the 4) Risk Management and Portfolio Quality managed largely on a portfolio basis across various products
In the last 28 months, your Bank has experienced five relationship based banking programmes. In addition to Traditionally, the key risks that your Bank is exposed to and customer segments. For both categories, there are robust
instances of downtime. Every instance has hardened the branch based relationship managers, it now has a in the course of its business have been the Pillar 1 risks front-end and back-end systems in place to ensure credit quality
its resolve to do better. The country has embarked on Virtual Relationship Manager (VRM) programme to cater - Credit Risk, Market Risk and Operational Risk. Given and to minimise loss from default. The factors considered while
a tremendous digitisation drive across all sectors of to various financial needs in a personalised manner. Your the evolving banking landscape, Liquidity Risk and Cyber sanctioning retail loans include income, demographics, credit
the economy. And your Bank is committed to rising to Bank has put robust processes in place to regularly monitor Security Risk are also vital. These risks not only have a history, loan tenor and banking behaviour. In addition, there are
the occasion and delivering value for all stakeholders and measure quality of service levels not only at various bearing on your Bank’s financial strength and operations multiple credit risk models developed and used to appraise and
by implementing cutting-edge technology solutions. touch points but also at a product and process level by but also on its reputation. Keeping this in mind, the score different segments of customers on the basis of portfolio
This transformation is an ongoing journey. Some of the a specialised team called Quality Initiatives Group, which Bank has put in place Board-approved risk strategy behaviour. In wholesale loans, credit risk is managed by capping
technology transformation will be implemented with also works towards implementing strategic initiatives of your and policies, whose implementation is supervised by exposures on the basis of borrower group, industry, credit rating
strategic long-term objectives such as adopting the latest Bank through customer experience management. the Risk Policy and Monitoring Committee (RPMC). The grades and country, among others. This is backed by portfolio
best-in-class technology.
Committee monitors the compliance of risk parameters / diversification, stringent credit approval processes and periodic
As part of its continuous efforts to enhance quality of aggregate exposures with the appetite set by the Board. post-disbursement monitoring and remedial measures. Your
Your Bank also has ambitious growth plans. In this service, the Service Quality team carries out regular It ensures that frameworks are established for assessing Bank has been able to ensure strong asset quality through
context, it has embarked on a scale changing technology reviews, including mystery shopping across various and managing various risks faced by your Bank, systems volatile times in the lending environment by stringently adhering
adoption and transformation agenda. Our aim is to ‘Keep products/processes/channels by following a structured are developed to relate risk to the Bank‘s capital level to prudent norms and institutionalised processes.
Systems ALWAYS ON. ALWAYS SECURE. AND PERFORM calendar. Service Quality reviews span across all customer and methods are in place for monitoring compliance with
at SCALE’. Some of the specific initiatives that we have touch points like Retail Branches, ATM, PhoneBanking, internal risk management policies and processes. It guides During the COVID-19 pandemic, your Bank followed RBI
embarked on in our Technology Transformation Agenda NetBanking, MobileBanking, Email Services, Relationship the development of policies, procedures and systems for directions and granted moratorium, loans backed by Government
include: Infrastructure scalability, Disaster Recovery based banking etc, and cover key service parameters like managing risks. It ensures that these are adequate and guaranteed schemes and also carried out one-time restructuring
(DR) resiliency, Security Enhancements and Enhanced adherence of stipulated TAT, complaints reduction and appropriate to changing business conditions, the structure of the accounts. Your Bank has been prudent and adaptive in
Monitoring Mechanisms. transactions monitoring to ensure meeting the committed and needs of your Bank and its risk appetite. ensuring higher risk standards and proactively reviewing risk
service levels along with process enhancements. thresholds keeping in mind the COVID-19 pandemic. Further,
Your Bank continues to invest in IT products, infrastructure, The effectiveness of the quality of service is reviewed The hallmark of your Bank’s risk management function is your Bank assessed the potential stress impact of the pandemic
services and tools to ensure a seamless banking experience. periodically at different levels, including the Customer that it is independent of the business sourcing unit with on the credit profile of the Bank basis the available information
Key initiatives like a streamlined Customer Experience Hub Service Committee of the Board. convergence only at the CEO level. accompanied with assumptions and judgemental overlay. As
and a modernised and significantly strengthened customer
on March 31, 2021, your Bank’s ratio of Gross Non Performing
experience, allowing access to content across channels Your Bank has provided multiple channels to its customers The gamut of key risks faced by the Bank which are Assets (GNPAs) to Gross Advances was 1.32 per cent. Net Non-
and devices, are on the anvil. Your Bank will continue to to share feedback on its services as well as register their dimensioned and managed include: performing Assets (Gross Non-Performing Assets Less Specific
innovate and provide an enhanced digital experience so grievances. It has a Grievance Redressal Policy, duly t $SFEJU3JTLJODMVEJOH3FTJEVBM3JTL Loan Loss provisions) was 0.40 per cent of Net Advances.
that your banking needs can be fulfilled in a safe, secure approved by its Board, available in the public domain for t $SFEJU$PODFOUSBUJPO3JTL
and convenient manner. ready reference of the customers. Your Bank is at the t $PVOUFSQBSUZ$SFEJU3JTL Your Bank has a conservative and prudent policy for specific
forefront of developing innovative financial solutions and t .BSLFU3JTL provisions on NPAs. Its provision for NPAs is higher than the
3) Service Quality Initiatives and Grievance Redressal digital platforms. This, coupled with concerted efforts t 0QFSBUJPOBM3JTL minimum regulatory requirements and adheres to the regulatory
Customer Focus is one of the five core values of your at creating awareness among customers, has led to t -JRVJEJUZ3JTL norms for Standard Assets.
Bank. Driven by this core value, your Bank has always an increase in the use of its digital channels as well as t *OUFSFTU3BUF3JTLJOUIF#BOLJOH#PPL
endeavoured to improve customer experience and has customer loyalty. Keeping customer interest in focus, t *OUSBEBZ-JRVJEJUZ3JTLBOE*OUSB%BZ$SFEJU3JTL
adopted a holistic approach for the same across multiple your Bank has formulated a Board approved Customer
channels. This is critical in a highly competitive business
Digital Lending and Credit Risk Your Bank’s framework for liquidity and interest rate risk Given below is a detailed explanation under four different various operations. This throws up operational risks
Driven by rapid advancements in technology, digitalisation is management is spelt out in its Asset Liability Management Policy heads: Framework and Process, Internal Control, Information such as business disruption, risks related to information
increasingly becoming a key differentiator for customer retention that is implemented, monitored and periodically reviewed by Technology and Security Practices and Fraud Monitoring and assets, data security, integrity, reliability and availability,
and service delivery in the banking sector. Digital lending enables the Asset Liability Committee (ALCO). As part of this process, Control. among others. Your Bank has put in place a governance
customers to secure loans at the click of a button in a matter of your Bank has established various Board-approved limits, both a. Framework and Process framework, information security practices and business
minutes, if not seconds. However, there are also attendant risks for liquidity and interest rate risks. While the maturity gap and To manage Operational Risks, your Bank has in place a continuity plan to mitigate IT-related risks. An independent
associated with it and your Bank has put in place appropriate stock ratio limits help manage liquidity risk, net interest income comprehensive Operational Risk Management Framework, assurance team within Internal Audit provides assurance
checks and balances to manage these risks. Such loans are and market value impacts help mitigate interest rate risk. This is whose implementation is supervised by the Operational on the management of IT-related risks.
sanctioned primarily to your Bank’s existing customers. Often, reinforced by a comprehensive Board-approved stress testing Risk Management Committee (ORMC) and reviewed by
they are customers across multiple products, thus enabling the programme covering both liquidity and interest rate risk. Due the RPMC of the Board. An independent Operational Your Bank has a robust Business Continuity and Disaster
Bank ready access to their credit history and risk profile. This to the moratorium on loans and advances announced by the Risk Management Department (ORMD) implements the Recovery plan that is periodically tested to ensure that
facilitates evaluation on their loan eligibility. Besides, most of the RBI during the COVID-19 pandemic, your Bank has conducted framework. Under the framework, the Bank has three lines it can meet any operational contingencies. There is an
credit checks and scores used by your Bank in process-based liquidity stress under an additional stress scenario, assuming of defence. The first line of defence is the business line independent Information Security Group that addresses
underwriting are replicated for digital loans. The Bank has an incremental moratorium availed by customers and the stress (including support and operations). information security related risks. A well-documented
independent model validation unit that minutely assesses the gaps were within the internal threshold defined. Board-approved information security policy and cyber
models used to generate the credit scores for such loans. These The first line is primarily responsible for managing Operational security policy are in place. Your Bank also has a well-
models are monitored, reviewed periodically, back tested and Your Bank conducts various studies to assess the behavioural Risk on a daily basis, in addition to implementing internal documented crisis management plan in place to address
corrective action is taken whenever needed. pattern of non-contractual assets and liabilities and embedded the strategic issues of a crisis impacting the Bank and
control-related policies and procedures.
options available to customers, which are used while managing to direct and communicate the corporate response to
Market Risk maturity gaps. Further, your Bank also has the necessary the crisis including cyber crisis. In addition, employees
The second line of defence is the ORMD, which develops
Market Risk arises largely from your Bank’s statutory reserve framework in place to manage intraday liquidity risk. mandatorily and periodically undergo information security
policies, procedures, tools and techniques to assess and
management and trading activity in interest rates, equity and training and sensitisation exercises.
monitor the adequacy and effectiveness of your Bank’s
currency market. These risks are managed through a well-defined The Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR), a global standard, is also internal controls. In order to achieve the aforesaid objective
Board approved Market Risk Policy, Investment Policy, Foreign used to measure your Bank’s liquidity position. LCR seeks to pertaining to operational risk management framework, the d. Fraud Monitoring and Control
Exchange Trading Policy and Derivatives Policy that caps risk in ensure that the Bank has an adequate stock of unencumbered Your Bank has put in place a Whistle Blower and Vigilance
ORMC oversees the ORMD with special focus on:
different trading desks or various securities through trading risk High-Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA) that can be converted into policy and a central vigilance team that oversees the
t Identification and assessment of risks across the Bank
limits/triggers. The risk measures include position limits, tenor cash easily and immediately to meet its liquidity needs under implementation of fraud prevention measures. Frauds
through the Risk and Control Self-Assessment (RCSA)
restrictions, sensitivity limits, namely, PV01, Modified Duration a 30-day calendar liquidity stress scenario. While the RBI had are investigated to identify the root cause and relevant
of Hold to Maturity Portfolio and Option Greeks, Value-at-Risk and Scenario analysis
provided dispensation to maintain the LCR at 80 per cent until corrective steps are taken to prevent recurrence.
(VaR) Limit, Stop Loss Trigger Level (SLTL), Scenario based P&L September 30, 2020 and at 90 per cent until March 31, 2021 t Measurement of Operational Risk based on the actual
Triggers, Potential Loss Trigger Level (PLTL), and are monitored on owing to COVID 19 pandemic, your Bank has consistently loss data; Fraud Monitoring committees at the senior management
an end-of-day basis. In addition, forex open positions, currency maintained the LCR well above 100 per cent. Based on Basel and Board level also deliberate on material fraud events and
option delta and interest rate sensitivity limits are computed III norms, your Bank’s LCR stood at 137.95 per cent on a t Monitoring of risk through Key Risk Indicators (KRI)) and advise preventive actions. Periodic reports are submitted
and monitored on an intraday basis. This is supplemented by consolidated basis for FY 2020-21. t Management and reporting through KRI, RCSA and to the Board and senior management committees.
a Board-approved stress testing policy and framework that loss data of the Bank.
simulates various market risk scenarios to measure losses and Liquidity Coverage Ratio Compliance Risk
initiate remedial measures. The Market Risk capital charge of t Internal Audit is the third line of defence. The team Compliance Risk is defined as the risk of impairment of your
your Bank is computed on a daily basis using the Standardised 137.95 per cent reviews the effectiveness of governance, risk Bank’s integrity, leading to damage to its reputation, legal or
management and internal controls within your Bank.
Measurement Method applying the regulatory factors. on a consolidated basis for FY 2020-21 regulatory sanctions, or financial loss, as a result of a failure (or
perceived failure) to comply with applicable laws, regulations and
b. Internal Control
Further, owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, your Bank evaluated The RBI has also proposed a minimum Net Stable Funding Ratio standards. Your Bank has a Compliance Policy to ensure the
Your Bank has implemented sound internal control practices
the plausible Mark to Market (MTM) impact on the trading (NSFR) of 100 per cent, which shall be effective from October highest standards of compliance. A dedicated team of subject
across all processes, units and functions. It has well laid
portfolio, assuming judgemental scenario shocks, and undertook 1, 2021. The NSFR seeks to ensure that your Bank maintains a matter experts in the Compliance Department works with
down policies and processes for management of its day-to-
frequent reviews of trading portfolio for optimised deployment of stable funding profile in relation to the composition of its assets business and operations teams to ensure active Compliance Risk
day activities. Your Bank follows established, well-designed
surplus liquidity within the Bank. It is observed that at the onset and off-balance sheet activities. As a prudent risk management management and monitoring. The team also provides advisory
controls, which include traditional four eye principles,
of the pandemic, most of the asset classes became extremely practice, your Bank has been monitoring this ratio, and is thus services on regulatory matters. The focus is on identifying and
effective segregation of business and support functions,
volatile and the market witnessed significant correction in adequately prepared to meet the RBI mandated requirements. reducing risk by rigorously testing products and also putting in
segregation of duties, call back processes, reconciliation,
equities, weakening of domestic currency, surge in corporate exception reporting and periodic MIS. Specialised risk place robust internal policies. Products that adhere to regulatory
spreads, etc under extreme risk aversion. Subsequently, both The accommodative policy stance by the RBI during the pandemic norms are tested after rollout and shortcomings, if any, are fully
control units function in risk prone products/ functions to
the global and Indian markets showed a sharp recovery. has resulted in the system liquidity at elevated levels. Your Bank addressed till the product stabilises on its own. Internal policies
minimise operational risk. Controls are tested as part of the
also had a comfortable liquidity surplus during the year. are reviewed and updated periodically as per agreed frequency
SOX control testing framework.
Liquidity Risk or based on market actions or regulatory guidelines /actions.
Liquidity Risk is the risk that a bank may not be able to meet its Operational Risk c. Information Technology and Security Practices The compliance team also seeks regular feedback on regulatory
short-term financial obligations due to an asset–liability mismatch This is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal Your Bank operates in a highly automated environment compliance from product, business and operation teams through
or interest rate fluctuations. processes, people and systems or from external events. and makes use of the latest technologies to support self-certifications and monitoring.
Cyber Security and Data Risk is carried out by integrating the stress tests of the subsidiaries. comply with the disclosures required under IND-AS. The change Stage 2: Lifetime ECL - not Credit impaired
Your Bank has robust cyber security measures in place. For Similarly, capital adequacy projections are formulated for the in the format requires an amendment to the third schedule of the For credit exposures where there has been a significant increase
details please refer page 53. group after incorporating the business/capital plans of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 to make it compatible with the in credit risk since initial recognition but are not credit-impaired,
subsidiaries. presentation of financial statements under IND-AS. Considering a lifetime ECL will need to be recognised.
the amendments needed to the Banking Regulation Act, 1949,
ICAAP as well as the level of preparedness of several banks, the RBI,
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) Stage 3: Lifetime ECL - Credit impaired
Your Bank has a structured management framework in the through its Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies
Your Bank has an ISO 22301 certified Business Continuity Plan Financial assets will be assessed as credit impaired when one
Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP) to dated April 5, 2018, had deferred the implementation of IND-AS
(BCP) in place to minimise service disruptions and potential or more events having a detrimental impact on the estimated
identify, assess and manage all risks that may have a material by a year by when the necessary legislative amendments were
impact on its business, employees and customers during future cash flows of that asset have occurred. For financial assets
adverse impact on its business/financial position/capital expected. The legislative amendments recommended by the RBI
any unforeseen adverse event or circumstances. The central that have become credit impaired, a lifetime ECL will need to be
adequacy. The ICAAP framework is guided by the Board- are under consideration by the Government of India. Accordingly,
Business Continuity Office works towards strengthening the recognised.
approved ICAAP Policy. the RBI, through its circular dated March 22, 2019, deferred the
continuity preparedness. The plan is designed in accordance
with the regulatory guidelines and is reviewed regularly. The implementation of IND-AS until further notice. Interest revenue will be recognised at the original effective
Stress Testing Framework implementation is overseen by the Information Security Group interest rate applied on the gross carrying amount for assets
Your Bank has implemented a Board approved Stress Testing and the Business Continuity Steering Committee which is chaired The implementation of IND-AS is expected to result in significant falling under stages 1 and 2 and on written down amount for the
Policy and Framework which forms an integral part of the Bank’s by the Chief Risk Officer (CRO). The Business Continuity Policy changes to the way your Bank prepares and presents its financial assets falling under stage 3.
ICAAP. Stress testing involves the use of various techniques and Procedure defines roles for Crisis Management, Business statements. The areas that are expected to have significant
to assess your Bank’s potential vulnerability to extreme but Recovery, Emergency Response and IT Disaster Recovery accounting impact on the application of IND-AS are summarised 5) Accounting impact on the application of IND-AS at the transition
plausible stressed business conditions. The changes in the Planning teams. Please refer to page 54 for more details. below: date shall be recognised in equity (reserves and surplus).
levels of Pillar I risks and select Pillar II risks, along with the
changes in the on and off balance sheet positions of your Bank Ensuring Business Continuity during COVID 19 1) Financial assets (which include advances and investments) Your Bank, being an associate of Housing Development Finance
are assessed under assumed ‘stress’ scenarios and sensitivity Team HDFC Bank rose to the challenge of delivering banking shall be classified under amortised cost, fair value through other Corporation Limited (the ‘Corporation’), is required to submit
factors. Typically, these relate, inter alia, to the impact on your services during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Your comprehensive income (a component of reserves and surplus) or its consolidated financial information (‘fit-for-consolidation
Bank’s profitability and capital adequacy. Bank emerged successfully from the nationwide lockdown and fair value through profit/loss categories on the basis of the nature information’), prepared in accordance with the recognition and
adopted a hybrid approach of working from home, nearby location of the cash flows and the intention of holding the financial assets. measurement principles of IND-AS as specified under Section
In the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, your Bank developed as well as base location in accordance with pandemic protocols 133 of the Companies Act, 2013, to the Corporation for the
a topical stress scenario to assess the impact of COVID-19 that have been periodically released by the Government. 2) Interest will be recognised in the income statement using the purposes of the consolidated financial statements/results of the
stress on Credit Risk, Market Risk and Liquidity Risk. The effective interest rate method, where the coupon, fees net of Corporation. The results of the Bank upon its first-time adoption
COVID-19 pandemic crisis has been unprecedented, uncertain This has ensured that we continue to keep the safety of our transaction costs and all other premiums or discounts will be of and transition to IND-AS, based on the updated regulations
and continuously evolving. Thus the underlying assumptions employees as our first priority. It was realised that the pandemic amortised over the life of the financial instrument. and accounting standards/guidance and business strategy at
and building blocks of the stress methodology get modified situation was going to be a long haul. Therefore the teams the date of actual transition, could differ from those reported in
depending upon how the pandemic evolves domestically and adopted various continuity strategies like split operations, work 3) Stock options will be required to be fair valued on the date the fit-for-consolidation information.
globally. The stress results from this framework are deployed to transfer, people transfer and work from home to move from crisis of grant and be recognised as staff expenses in the income
ascertain the capital consumption under Pillar II risks as well as mode to business mode and continue delivering services to statement over the vesting period of the stock options. 6) Internal Controls, Audit and Compliance
the overall impact on the capital adequacy of your Bank. customers. Your Bank has put in place extensive internal controls and
4) The impairment requirements of IND-AS 109, Financial processes to mitigate Operational Risks, including centralised
5) Implementation of Indian Accounting Standards Instruments, are based on an Expected Credit Loss (ECL) operations and ‘segregation of duty’ between the front office
The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has been model that replaces the incurred loss model under the extant
(IND-AS) and back office. The front-office units usually act as customer
unprecedented, uncertain and continuously framework. Your Bank will generally be required to recognise touch-points and sales and service outlets while the back-office
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs, in its press release dated
evolving. Thus the underlying assumptions January 18, 2016, had issued a roadmap for implementation of either a 12-month or lifetime ECL, depending upon whether carries out the entire processing, accounting and settlement
and building blocks of the stress Indian Accounting Standards (IND-AS) for scheduled commercial there has been a significant increase in credit risk since of transactions in the Bank’s core banking system. The policy
methodology get modified depending upon banks, insurers/insurance companies and non-banking financial initial recognition. IND-AS 109 will change the Bank’s current framework, definition and monitoring of limits is carried out by
how the pandemic evolves domestically and companies. This roadmap required these institutions to prepare methodology for calculating the provision for standard assets various mid-office and risk management functions. The credit
globally. IND-AS based financial statements for the accounting periods and NPAs. Your Bank will be required to apply a three-stage sanctioning and debt management units are also segregated
beginning April 1, 2018 with comparatives for the periods approach to measure ECL on financial instruments accounted and do not have any sales and operations responsibilities.
Group Risk for at amortised cost or fair value through other comprehensive
beginning April 1, 2017. The RBI, through its circular dated
Your Bank has two subsidiaries, HDB Financial Services Limited income. Financial assets will migrate through the following Your Bank has set up various executive-level committees, with
February 11, 2016, required all scheduled commercial banks
and HDFC Securities Limited. The Board of each subsidiary is three stages based on the changes in credit quality since initial participation from various business and control functions, that
to comply with IND-AS for financial statements for the stated
responsible for managing their respective material risks (Credit recognition: are designed to review and oversee matters pertaining to capital,
periods. The RBI did not permit banks to adopt IND-AS earlier
Risk, Market Risk, Operational Risk, Liquidity Risk, Technology assets and liabilities, business practices and customer service,
than the stated timelines. The said guidelines also stated that
Risk, Reputation Risk, Compliance Risk and others). The Group Operational Risk, information security, business continuity
the RBI shall issue necessary instructions/guidance/clarifications Stage 1: 12-Month ECL
Risk Management Committee (GRMC) was instituted in your planning and internal risk-based supervision among others.
on the relevant aspects for implementation of IND-AS as and For exposures which have not been assessed as credit-impaired
Bank under the ICAAP framework to establish a formal and The control functions set standards and lay down policies and
when required. or where there has not been a significant increase in credit risk
dedicated structure to periodically assess the nature/quantum procedures by which the business functions manage risks,
since initial recognition, the portion of the ECL associated with
of material risks of the subsidiaries and adequacy of its risk including compliance with applicable laws, compliance with
The implementation of IND-AS by banks requires certain the probability of default events occurring within the next 12
management processes. Stress testing for the group as a whole regulatory guidelines, adherence to operational controls and
legislative changes in the format of financial statements to months will need to be recognised.
relevant standards of conduct. At the ground level, your Bank (f) Independent and surprise checks periodically by Your Bank has taken significant measures in developing and lakh to whom it offers an exhaustive range of investment and
has a mix of preventive and detective controls implemented supervisors enhancing an effective and sustainable KYC AML and CFT protection products. In the year under review, HSL had 10.10
through systems and processes, ensuring a robust framework Compliance Programme. Adherence to the guidelines prescribed lakh (a little over a million) transacting customers. The focus
in your Bank to enable correct and complete accounting, Your Bank has an Internal Audit Department which is responsible in the policy is monitored by your Bank at various stages of the on digitisation continued. Notably, 92 per cent of its customers
identification of outliers (if any) by the Management on a timely for independently evaluating the adequacy and effectiveness of customer lifecycle. Your Bank has robust controls in place to accessed its services digitally, against 79 per cent in the previous
basis for corrective action and mitigating Operational Risks. all internal controls, risk management, governance systems and ensure adherence to the KYC guidelines at the time of account year.
processes and is manned by appropriately qualified personnel. opening.
Your Bank has put in place various preventive In a conscious effort to rationalise the distribution network with
controls: This department adopts a risk-based audit approach and carries Your Bank also has a continuous review process in the form greater emphasis on digital offerings, HSL consolidated its
(a) Limited and need-based access to systems by users out audits across various businesses i.e. Retail, Wholesale and of transaction monitoring, including a dedicated AML CFT existing branches to end with 216 branches across 159 cities/
Treasury (for India and Overseas books), audit of Operations monitoring team, which carries out transaction reviews for towns at the end of the year. It created Digital Boarding Journeys
(b) Dual custody over cash and near-cash items units, Management Audits, Information Security Audit, Revenue identification of suspicious patterns/trends that helps your Bank which led to more than 50% customers being onboarded digitally.
(c) Segregation of duty in processing of transactions vis-à-vis Audit and Concurrent Audit in order to independently evaluate the to further carry out enhanced due diligence and appropriate
creation of user IDs adequacy and effectiveness of internal controls on an ongoing actions thereafter. The status of adherence to the KYC, AML and In the case of Margin Trade Funding (MTF), the average book
basis and pro-actively recommending enhancements thereof. CFT guidelines is also placed before the Audit Committee of the size during the year was ` 932 crore, which is 71% higher than
(d) Segregation of duty in processing of transactions vis-à-vis The Internal Audit Department, during the course of audit, also Board for their review at quarterly intervals. the average book size of ` 544 crore in the last financial year.
monitoring and review of transactions/reconciliation ascertains the extent of adherence to regulatory guidelines, The book size at the year end stands at ` 1,680 crore. The
legal requirements and operational processes and provides The Audit team and the Compliance team undergo regular stock markets started FY 2020-21 with pessimism and ended
(e) Four eye principle (maker-checker control) for processing
timely feedback to the Management for corrective actions. A training both in-house and external to equip them with the with optimism. An important indicator of this has been the Nifty
of transactions
strong oversight on the operations is also kept through off-site necessary knowhow and expertise to carry out the function. 50’s sharp swing from 8,473 in March 2020 to 14,720 by the
(f) Stringent password policy monitoring. end of the year. This resulted in HSL’s improved performance.
The Audit Committee of the Board reviews the effectiveness The benchmark index Nifty rose 73% whereas the Sensex rose
(g) Booking of transactions in core banking system mandates
The Internal Audit Department also independently reviews of controls, compliance with regulatory guidelines as also the 68% over this year. Digitisation, along with the vaccination drive,
the earmarking of line/limit (fund as well as non-fund based)
your Bank’s implementation of Internal Rating Based (IRB)- performance of the Audit and Compliance functions in your Bank the various stimulus packages and the FY 2021-22 Budget have
assigned to the customer
approach for calculation of capital charge for Credit Risk, the and provides direction, wherever deemed fit. added to investor confidence in the markets.
(h) STP processes between core banking system and payment appropriateness of your Bank’s ICAAP, as well as evaluates the
interface systems for transmission of messages quality and comprehensiveness of your Bank’s disaster recovery Your Bank has always adhered to the highest standards of As on March 31, 2021, your Bank held 96.34% stake in HSL.
and business continuity plans and also carries out management compliance and has put in place appropriate controls and risk
(i) Additional authorisation leg in payment interface systems HDB’s AUM
self-assessment of adequacy of the Bank’s internal financial measurement and risk management tools to ensure a robust
in applicable cases
(j) Audit logs directly extracted from systems
controls and operating effectiveness of such controls in terms
of Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) Act and Companies Act, 2013.
compliance and governance structure.
` 61,560.7 crore
G) Performance of Subsidiary Companies as of March 31, 2021
(k) Empowerment grid
Any new product/process introduced in your Bank is reviewed by Your Bank has two subsidiaries, HDB Financial Services Limited
Compliance function in order to ensure adherence to regulatory (HDBFSL) and HDFC Securities Limited (HSL). HDBFSL is a HDB Financial Services Limited
Your Bank also has detective controls in place: guidelines and also by Internal Audit from the perspective of leading NBFC that caters primarily to segments not covered Incorporated in 2007, HDB Financial Services Limited (‘HDB’) is
(a) Periodic review of user IDs
existence of internal controls. The Audit function also proactively by the Bank while HSL is among India’s largest retail broking a subsidiary company of HDFC Bank. It has a strong network of
recommends improvements in operational processes and firms. The financial results of the subsidiaries are prepared in over 1,319 branches spread across 959 cities/towns. HDB’s net
(b) Post-transaction monitoring at the back-end by way of call
service quality, wherever deemed fit. accordance with notified Indian Accounting Standards (‘Ind-AS’) interest income grew 6.8 per cent to ` 4,262.7 crore for the year
back process (through daily log reports) by an independent
with effect from April 1, 2018 (April 1, 2017 being the transition ended March 31, 2021, from ` 3,991.0 crore in the year ended
person, i.e., to ascertain that entries in the core banking
To ensure independence, the Internal Audit Function has a date). Accordingly, the financial results for the comparative March 31, 2020. Profit for the year under review was ` 502.8
system/messages in payment interface systems are based
reporting line to the Chairman of the Audit Committee of the reporting period have also been prepared in accordance crore against ` 1,036.9 crore in the previous year. Its Assets
on valid/authorised transactions and customer requests
Board and a dotted line reporting to the Managing Director. therewith. Under Management for the year ended March 31, 2021 stood
at ` 61,560.7 crore. HDB is a leading NBFC that caters to the
(c) Daily tally of cash and near-cash items at end of day
The Compliance function independently tracks, reviews and The detailed financial performance of the companies is given evolving needs of its customers by re-imagining opportunities
ensures compliance with regulatory guidelines and promotes a below. and fulfilling their aspirations. As a one-stop financial services
(d) Reconciliation of Nostro accounts (by an independent
compliance culture in the Bank. provider, HDB offers a comprehensive suite of products and
team) to ascertain and match-off the Nostro credits and
service offerings that are tailor-made to suit its customers’
debits (External or Internal) regularly to avoid / identify
Your Bank has a comprehensive Know Your Customer, Transacting customers of HSL requirements, including first-time borrowers and the under-
any unreconciled/unmatched entries passing through the
Anti Money Laundering (AML) and Combating Financing of served segments.
Terrorism (CFT) policy (based on the RBI guidelines/provisions 10.10 lakh
of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002) incorporating Products
(e) Reconciliation of all Suspense Accounts and establishment HDFC Securities Limited (HSL)
the key elements of Customer Acceptance Policy, Customer HDB is engaged in the business of Loans, Fee based products
of responsibility in case of outstanding HSL’s Total Income under Indian Accounting Standards was
Identification Procedures, Risk Management and Monitoring of and BPO services.
Transactions. The policy is subjected to an annual review and is ` 1,399.43 crore as against ` 862.26 crore in the previous year
duly approved by the Board. and Net Profit was ` 703.23 crore as against ` 384.15 crore in
the previous year. The company has a customer base of 27.26
Loans: HDB offers a diversified range of product offerings As on March 31, 2021, your Bank held 95.1 per cent stake in t 8FIBWFMBJEEPXOJOUFSOBMýOBODJBMDPOUSPMTUPCFGPMMPXFE to revise the tenure of appointment of MSKA & Associates as
(secured and unsecured) to various customer segments. These HDB. by the Bank and have ensured that such internal financial Statutory Auditor of the Bank, to be read as a period of three
include Consumer Loans, Enterprise Loans, Asset Finance and controls were adequate and operating effectively. years w.e.f FY 2019-20 till FY 2021-22, instead of the original
Micro-Lending. Other Statutory Disclosures tenure of four years w.e.f FY 2019-20 till FY 2022-23 as earlier
approved by the shareholders.
Consumer Loans
Number of Meetings of the Board, attendance, the provisions of all applicable laws and that such systems
Consumer loans are offered to customers to buy household
meetings and constitution of various Committees were adequate and were operating effectively.
Further, the RBI Guidelines mandate that for banks with asset
Seventeen (17) meetings of the Board were held during the year
goods, appliances and personal devices. HDB also provides size of `15,000 crore and above as at the end of previous
loans to individuals for personal, family or household purposes
under review. The details of Board meetings held during the Compliance with Secretarial Standards year, the statutory audit should be conducted under joint
year, attendance of Directors at the meetings and constitution The Bank is in compliance with all applicable Secretarial
to meet their short or medium term requirements. audit of a minimum of two audit firms. Accordingly, the Bank
of various Committees of the Board are included separately in Standards as notified from time to time.
needs to appoint minimum of two joint statutory auditors as
the Corporate Governance Report.
Enterprise Loans per RBI guidelines. Accordingly, the Board of Directors, on the
HDB offers secured and unsecured loans designed to meet the
Statutory Auditors recommendation of the Audit Committee, has finalized and
needs of Small and Micro Enterprises including working capital
Annual Return The Bank’s current Statutory Auditors are MSKA & Associates,
recommended to RBI for approval, the name of M. M. Nissim
In accordance with the provisions of Companies Act, 2013, Chartered Accountants. MSKA & Associates were appointed
and term loans. & Co. LLP, Chartered Accountants (ICAI Firm Registration No.
the Annual Return of the Bank in the prescribed Form as Statutory Auditor of the Bank, to hold office for a period of
107122W/W100672) as the first preferred firm to act as joint
MGT-7 is available on the website of the Bank at the link four consecutive years from the conclusion of the 25th AGM of
Asset Finance Statutory Auditors of the Bank for a period of three years from FY the Bank held on July 12, 2019, till the conclusion of the 28th
HDB offers loans for the purchase of new and used vehicles 2021-22 till FY 2023-24, subject to approval of the shareholders
relations/annual-reports. AGM to be held for the Financial Year 2022-23, subject to the
and equipment that generate income for the borrowers. The at the ensuing AGM and subject to RBI approval for each year
approval of the Reserve Bank of India. Pursuant to the Guidelines
customer base includes fleet owners, first time users, first time of their tenure. This firm shall act as the joint Statutory Auditors
borrowers and captive use buyers.
Requirement for maintenance of cost records for Appointment of Statutory Central Auditors (SCAs)/Statutory
of the Bank along with MSKA & Associates for FY 2021-22 and
The cost records as specified by the Central Government under Auditors (SAs) of Commercial Banks (excluding RRBs), UCBs
thereafter act as joint Statutory Auditors of the Bank with such
Section 148(1) of the Companies Act, 2013, are not required to and NBFCs (including HFCs) dated April 27, 2021 issued by the
Micro Lending: HDB recently started providing micro-loans to other new joint Statutory Auditor(s) who will be appointed by
be maintained by the Bank. Reserve Bank of India (‘RBI Guidelines’), banks may appoint the
borrowers through the Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) framework. the Bank subject to prior permission of RBI and approval of the
SCAs/SAs for a continuous period of three years. Since MSKA
With Micro-Lending, HDB endeavours to empower and promote Members of the Bank from FY 2022-23 onwards.
financial inclusion within these sections, thus resulting in
Details in respect of frauds reported by auditors & Associates have already completed two years as Statutory
sustainable development of the nation.
under Section 143 (12) Auditors of the Bank for FY 2019-20 and FY 2020-21, they may
Appropriate resolutions in this regard are also being proposed
During the year under review, no instances of fraud committed continue as Statutory Auditor for one more year, i.e. FY 2021-22,
at the ensuing AGM.
against the Bank by its officers or employees were reported by subject to the approval of the RBI. Accordingly, the Bank needs
Fee based products/Insurance Services
the Statutory Auditors and Secretarial Auditor under Section
HDB is a registered Corporate Insurance Agent having licence
143(12) of the Companies Act, 2013 to the Audit Committee or
from Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority of India
the Board of Directors of the Bank.
(IRDAI). It sells Life and General insurance products.
During the year ended March 31, 2021, fees paid to Statutory Auditors (MSKA & Associates) and its network firms are as follows:
BPO Services
Directors’ Responsibility Statement (` in crores)
Pursuant to Section 134 (3) (c) read with Section 134 (5) of the
HDB runs a Collections BPO business, offering end-to- HDFC Bank HDFC Bank to network Subsidiaries of HDFC Bank
Companies Act, 2013, the Board of Directors hereby confirm Fees (including taxes) to Statutory firms of Statutory to Statutory Auditors and its
end, specialised collection services with domain expertise in
that: Auditors Auditors network firms
collections tele-calling, recovery management, collections
UIF BQQMJDBCMF Statutory audit 3.20 - -
analytics and cash reconciliation management. The division
accounting standards have been followed along with proper
also delivers back-office services such as forms processing, Certification & assurance services 0.98 - -
explanation relating to material departures.
documents verification, finance and accounting services and Non-audit services - - -
correspondence management. Front office services such as t 8FIBWFTFMFDUFETVDIBDDPVOUJOHQPMJDJFTBOEBQQMJFEUIFN Outlays and Taxes 0.45 - -
contact centre management, outbound marketing and collection consistently and made judgments and estimates that are Total 4.63 - -
services are also undertaken by HDB. reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of
the state of affairs of the Bank as on March 31, 2021 and of
The Enablers the profit of the Bank for the year ended on that date.
HDB has a strong understanding of customer needs,
providing them with customised products and has a robust
of adequate accounting records in accordance with the
risk management framework, which enabled the company to
provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, for safeguarding the
grow even in a pandemic year. HDB’s presence across diverse
assets of the Bank and for preventing and detecting fraud
digital channels has enabled the company to offer a wide variety
and other irregularities.
of financial solutions to its customers. HDB’s customers can
access their loan account 24*7 through its Mobile Banking t 8FIBWFQSFQBSFEUIFBOOVBMBDDPVOUTPOBHPJOHDPODFSO
Application * ‘HDB On The Go’, Customer Service Portal, Missed basis.
Call Service, WhatsApp Account Management Service and the
Chatbot #AskPriya.
Disclosure under Foreign Exchange All such concerns/ complaints are received by the Chief of Internal Statement on Declaration by Independent in listening and receiving feedback, ability to challenge and take
Management Act, 1999 Vigilance of the Bank and/or by the Whistle Blower Committee Directors tough decisions etc.
As far as FEMA compliances in relation to strategic downstream through a dedicated email ID mapped to the Whistle Blower Mr. Malay Patel, Mr. Umesh Chandra Sarangi, Mr. Sanjiv
investments in the Bank’s subsidiaries is concerned, during the Committee members or by way of letter addressed to the Chief Sachar, Mr. M. D. Ranganath and Mr. Sandeep Parekh are the The review made use of both an online structured questionnaire
year under review, there have been no strategic downstream of Internal Vigilance of the Bank. Such complaints can also be Independent Directors whereas Dr. (Ms). Sunita Maheshwari is and follow-up 1-1 individual director interviews. Key executives
investments made by Bank in its subsidiaries. Accordingly, the filed directly by the employee in the internal Information Portal of the Additional Independent Director on the Board of the Bank as from the management team also lent their perspective on their
Bank has obtained a certificate from its statutory auditors (MSKA the Bank. In case the whistle blower wishes to raise a complaint on March 31, 2021. Further, the Bank has appointed Mr. Atanu interactions and experience with the Board through additional
& Associates) to this effect. directly to the members of the Audit Committee of the Board Chakraborty as the Part Time Non-Executive Chairman and conversations. The findings on the Board’s current practices
(ACB), and not through above mentioned normal channels, the Additional Independent Director of the Bank with effect from were benchmarked with global best-in-class organizations.
Related Party Transactions complaint may be directly made to the Chairperson of the ACB. May 5, 2021.
Particulars of contracts or arrangements with related parties The review findings recognized the functional expertise of the
referred to in Section 188 (1), as prescribed in Form AOC-2 under All such complaints are enquired into by the appropriate authority Pursuant to the provisions of Section 149 of the Act, the Board members, functioning of the key Committees, Board’s
Rule 8 (2) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 is enclosed within the Bank while ensuring confidentiality of the identity of Independent Directors have submitted declarations that each detail-oriented approach and effectiveness of Board’s oversight
as Annexure 3. such complainants. On the basis of their investigation, if the of them meet the criteria of independence as provided in Section on critical matters. The culture of cohesiveness, integrity, trust
allegations are proved to be correct, then the Competent 149(6) of the Act along with Rules framed thereunder and and transparent decision-making at the Board was also noted.
Particulars of Loans, Guarantees or Authority shall recommend to the appropriate Disciplinary Regulation 16(1)(b) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Some areas of focus for Board going forward included increasing
Investments Authority to take suitable action against the responsible official (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, time dedicated to strategic topics, bringing a holistic enterprise
Pursuant to Section 186 (11) of the Companies Act, 2013, the and corrective measures in consultation with the concerned 2015. There has been no change in the circumstances affecting wide approach to risk management and succession planning.
provisions of Section 186 of the Companies Act, 2013, except stakeholders. The decision of the Whistle Blower Committee their status as Independent Directors of the Bank. In the opinion
sub-section (1), do not apply to a loan made, guarantee given is final and binding on all. Other actions/measures considered of the Board, the Independent Directors possess the requisite The findings of the exercise were reviewed by the NRC,
or security provided or any investment made by a banking necessary to prevent/ curb recurrence of events are also taken integrity, experience, expertise and proficiency required under Independent Directors and the Board. The appropriate feedback
company in the ordinary course of business. The particulars of by the Competent Authority. all applicable laws and the policies of the Bank. was conveyed to the Board members and other concerned
investments made by the Bank are disclosed in note number 11 stakeholders, for suitable action.
of Schedule 18 of the Financial Statements as per the applicable Details of whistle blower complaints received and subsequent In compliance with Sections 149 and 152 of the Companies
provisions of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. action taken and the functioning of the Whistle Blower Act, 2013, Mr. Umesh Chandra Sarangi is proposed to be Since Dr. (Ms.) Sunita Maheshwari was appointed on the Board
mechanism are reviewed periodically by the ACB. No person re-appointed as an Independent Director of the Bank at with effect from March 30, 2021, she had not attended any
Financial Statements of Subsidiaries and has been denied access to the ACB. During the financial year the ensuing Annual General Meeting. A resolution seeking Board meeting held in FY 2020-21 and thus did not participate
Associates 2020-21, a total of 86 such complaints were received and taken shareholders’ approval for his re-appointment forms a part of in the Board performance evaluation for FY 2020-21. Similarly,
In terms of Section 134 of the Companies Act, 2013 and read up for investigation of which 56 whistle blower complaints were the Notice of this AGM. A brief resume is furnished in the report Mr. Atanu Chakraborty was appointed as the Part Time Non-
with Rule 8 (1) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 the resolved as of March 31, 2021. Further, 21 cases have resulted in on Corporate Governance for the information of shareholders. Executive Chairman and Additional Independent Director of the
performance and financial position of the Bank’s subsidiaries certain staff actions post investigation. The broad categories of Bank with effect from May 5, 2021 and thus did not participate
are enclosed as Annexure 4 to this report. There were no whistle blower complaints were in the areas of improper business Board Performance Evaluation in the Board performance evaluation for FY 2020-21.
entities which became or ceased to be the Bank’s subsidiaries, practices, behavioural related issues and corruption related. The Bank’s Board of Directors, led by the Nomination and
associates or joint ventures during the year. Remuneration Committee (NRC), invited an independent Policy on Appointment and Remuneration of
The Whistle Blower Policy is available on the website of the third-party global leadership advisory firm to conduct a Board Directors and Key Managerial Personnel
Whistle Blower Policy / Vigil Mechanism Bank at the link- effectiveness review to monitor and enhance its performance,
The Bank encourages an open and transparent system of us/corporate-governance/codes-and-policies and reinforce a culture of high performance in the boardroom. Your Bank has in place a Policy for appointment and fit and
working and dealing amongst its stakeholders. While the Bank’s proper criteria for Directors of the Bank. The Policy lays down
‘Code of Conduct & Ethics Policy’ directs employees to uphold Securities Class Action Suit The review focused on two sides of the ‘governance’ coin: the criteria for identification of persons who are qualified and
‘fit and proper’ to become Directors on the Board- such as
Bank values and conduct business worldwide with integrity and On September 3, 2020, a securities class action lawsuit was filed processes and behaviors. In particular, the areas of review for the
academic qualifications, competence, track record, integrity,
highest ethical standards, the Bank has also adopted a ‘Whistle against the Bank and certain of its current and former officers in Board included Board structure and composition; relationships &
etc. which shall be considered by the NRC while recommending
Blower Policy’ which encompasses a comprehensive framework the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New dynamics on the Board; meetings, information flows and agenda; appointment of Directors. The Policy is available on the website
of managing complaints of every stakeholder. It encourages its York. The complaint was amended on February 8, 2021. The strategy and business performance; talent management and of the Bank at the link
employees and various stakeholders to raise concerns about amended complaint alleges that the Bank, its former Managing succession planning; risk management, regulatory compliance, Policy-for-appointment-and-fit-proper-criteria-for-directors.pdf
illegal / unethical behaviour observed in the Bank, compromise/ Director, Mr. Aditya Puri, and the present Managing Director governance practices and continuous development.
violation of Bank’s Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy or legal & CEO, Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan made materially false and The remuneration of Whole Time Directors, Material Risk Takers,
or regulatory provisions, corruption, misuse of office, criminal misleading statements regarding certain aspects of the Bank’s The Committees review focused on areas including overall Key Managerial Personnel and senior management is governed
offences, actual or suspected fraud and other malpractices business and compliance policies, which resulted in the Bank’s effectiveness, Committee composition and succession planning, by the Compensation Policy of the Bank. The same is available at
detrimental to the interest of the Bank without any fear of reprisal, American Depository Share price declining on July 13, 2020 clarity of remit and delegated authority, balance of agenda items the link
discrimination, harassment or victimization of any kind. thereby allegedly causing damage to the Bank’s investors. The between the Committee and the Board and clarity and action Policy.pdf. The Compensation Policy of the Bank, duly reviewed
Bank believes that the asserted claims are baseless and without items reported by the Committee to the Board. and recommended by the NRC has been articulated in line with
The policy also covers reporting of instances of leakage/ merit and intends to vigorously defend against the allegations. the relevant Reserve Bank of India guidelines.
suspected leakage of unpublished price sensitive information At an individual Board member level, Independent and Non- Your Bank’s Compensation Policy is aimed to attract, retain,
which are in violation to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Independent Board members were assessed in areas like overall reward and motivate talented individuals critical for achieving
Regulations and the Share Dealing Code of the Bank. engagement and alignment, quality of contribution, openness strategic goals and long term success. The Compensation
Policy is aligned to business strategy, market dynamics, internal candidates, both internal and external, to be the next Managing imposed restrictions and (b) to stop sourcing of new credit Further, your Bank has appointed Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan
characteristics and complexities within the Bank. The ultimate Director & CEO of the Bank. The Search Committee, as authorized card customers. The Bank has initiated remedial activities as the Managing Director & CEO of the Bank with effect from
objective is to provide a fair and transparent structure that helps by the Board, and with the assistance of a reputed international including fixing of staff accountability and the same were October 27, 2020, which has been approved by shareholders by
the Bank to retain and acquire the talent pool critical to building executive search firm, undertook an extensive global search communicated to the RBI. means of postal ballot on December 1, 2020.
competitive advantage and brand equity. process and looked at both internal and external candidates and
Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan was identified as the successor to the Further, the below penalty does not pertain to FY 2020-21, Dr. (Ms). Sunita Maheshwari has been appointed as an Additional
Your Bank’s approach is to have a “pay for performance”
erstwhile Managing Director. The appointment of Mr. Sashidhar however is being disclosed: Independent Director subject to the approval of the shareholders
culture based on the belief that the Performance Management
System provides a sound basis for assessing performance Jagdishan has been approved by the Reserve Bank of India The RBI, by an order dated May 27, 2021, levied a penalty with effect from March 30, 2021 on the Board of the Bank.
holistically. The compensation system should also take into on August 3, 2020, and he took charge as the Managing of ` 10 cores (Rupees ten crores only) for marketing and Further, the Bank has appointed Mr. Atanu Chakraborty as the
account factors such as roles, skills / competencies, experience Director & CEO of the Bank with effect from October 27, 2020. sale of third-party non-financial products to the Bank’s auto Part Time Non-Executive Chairman and Additional Independent
and grade / seniority to differentiate pay appropriately on the Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan’s appointment was also approved by loan customers, arising from a whistle blower complaint, Director of the Bank with effect from May 5, 2021, to hold office
basis of contribution, skill and availability of talent on account the shareholders by way of postal ballot on December 1, 2020. which revealed, inter alia, contravention of Section 6(2) and till the conclusion of the AGM.
of competitive market forces. The details of the Compensation Section 8 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. The Bank
Policy are also included in Note No. 26 of Schedule 18 forming Further, the Bank has also appointed Mr. Atanu Chakraborty as has discontinued the sale of said third-party non-financial During the Financial Year 2020-21, there have been no changes
part of the Financial Statements. Part Time Non-Executive Chairman and Additional Independent product since October 2019. in the Directors and Key Managerial Personnel of the Bank other
Director of the Bank with effect from May 5, 2021, pursuant than the above.
Non-Executive Directors are paid remuneration by way of sitting to the cessation of tenure of the erstwhile Chairperson and Directors and Key Managerial Personnel
fees for attending meetings of the Board and its Committees, Independent Director, Mrs. Shyamala Gopinath, with effect from In compliance with Section 152 of the Companies Act, 2013, Particulars of Employees
which are determined by the Board based on applicable
close of business hours on January 1, 2021. Mr. Srikanth Nadhamuni will retire by rotation at the ensuing The information in terms of Rule 5 of the Companies (Appointment
regulatory prescriptions.
Annual General Meeting and is eligible for re-appointment. and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 is given
Further, expenses incurred by them for attending meetings
Significant and Material Orders Passed by in Annexure 5 and Annexure 6 to this report.
of the Board and Committees in person are reimbursed at
Regulators A resolution seeking shareholders’ approval for his re-
During the FY 2020-21, Reserve Bank of India and other appointment forms a part of the Notice of this AGM. A brief Conservation of Energy, Technology
actuals. Pursuant to the relevant RBI guidelines and approval of
regulatory / statutory authorities have imposed penalties / issued resume is furnished in the report on Corporate Governance for Absorption, Foreign Exchange Earnings and
the shareholders, the Non-Executive Directors, other than the
strictures / prohibitions / restrictions on the Bank: the information of shareholders.
Chairman, are paid profit-related commission of ` 1,000,000 Outgo
(Rupees Ten Lakh Only) per annum for each Non-Executive (A) Conservation of Energy
A. Penalties During the year, Mr. Aditya Puri has retired as the Managing
Director. Your Bank has undertaken several initiatives in this area such as:
1. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has vide its letter dated Director of the Bank at the end of business hours on October
December 4, 2020 imposed a monetary penalty of `10 lacs 26, 2020, upon reaching 70 years of age, in accordance with t *OTUBMMBUJPOPGHSFFOMPDLTBOE"$DPOUSPMMFSTJOBJS
However, under RBI circular on Corporate Governance in Banks conditioning machines in order to save energy and support
on the Bank for bouncing of SGL, which led to shortage of the tenure approved by the Reserve Bank of India. As the
- Appointment of Directors and Constitution of Committees go-green initiative
balance in certain securities in the Bank’s CSGL account Managing Director of the Bank since its inception in the year
of the Board dated April 26, 2021, starting from FY 2021-22, t *OTUBMMBUJPOPGFOFSHZDBQBDJUPSTBUIJHIDPOTVNQUJPO
on November 19, 2020. The Bank has since enhanced its 1994, Mr. Puri has provided outstanding leadership and has
the Bank may provide for payment of compensation to Non- offices to control the power factor and to reduce energy
review mechanism so as to ensure that such incidents do contributed significantly to enable the Bank scale phenomenal
Executive Directors in the form of a fixed remuneration. However, consumption
not recur. heights. Mr. Puri’s strategic vision was the driving force behind
such fixed remuneration for a Non-Executive Director, other than t "MMNBJOTJHOCPBSETJOCSBODIFTTXJUDIFEPGGQPTUQN
the Bank’s foray into the world of “digital banking”. In his path-
the Chair of the Board, shall not exceed ` 2,000,000 per annum In 500 locations we already manage through Sensors with
2. Securities Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”) issued final breaking journey of 26 years with the Bank, he has been
as per the said RBI circular. A resolution in this regard is also the help of Eco Energy System.
order on January 21, 2021, levying a penalty of ` 1 crore on conferred with numerous awards and accolades, including
being proposed for approval of the shareholders at the ensuing t 1VUDPOUSPMTPOVTBHFPGMJGUT
the Bank, in the matter of invocation of securities pledged the recent Lifetime Achievement Award by Euromoney (Global)
Annual General Meeting. and other electrical equipment
by a corporate entity for availing credit facilities. SEBI has Awards for Excellence 2020. Mr. Puri leaves behind a legacy of
also directed the Bank to transfer sale proceeds of ` 158.68 strong cultural values, prudent risk management, sustainable
Mr. Malay Patel, Independent Director of the Bank, is also an t 1SPWJEFETPMBSQBOFMTGPSDBQUJWFQPXFSHFOFSBUJPOBUPVS
crores on invocation of securities, along with interest to growth and contribution to nation building through ‘Parivartan’,
independent director on the Board of HDFC Securities Limited, offices in Pune and Bhubaneswar, Noida
escrow account with a nationalised bank by marking lien the Bank’s social initiatives brand which has contributed to
subsidiary of the Bank. Mr. Patel receives sitting fees from
in favour of SEBI. The Bank has challenged SEBI’s order improving the lives and livelihood of millions of Indians. The
the said subsidiary. None of the Directors of your Bank other It has also:
before SAT and the hearing in the matter is in progress. Board places on record its deep and sincere appreciation for t 3FEVDFEDPOUSBDUEFNBOEBU,BOKVSNBSH)VCJO.VNCBJ
than Mr. Patel is a director of the Bank’s subsidiaries as on
the exceptional contribution made by Mr. Puri, and wishes him Hinjewadi, Palm Spring, and Bandra (East), Kalanagar in
March 31, 2021.
B. Restrictions imposed the very best for his future endeavours. Maharashtra. This is reflected in the monthly billing.
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued an Order dated t 3FQMBDFE$'-MBNQTXJUI-&%ýYUVSFTBU,BOKVSNBSH)VC
Succession Planning December 02, 2020 (“Order”) to HDFC Bank Limited Further, during the year, Mrs. Shyamala Gopinath has ceased to
The Bank’s Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC) WBO/Fort in Mumbai/Bank House Mumbai
with regard to certain incidents of outages in the internet be the Part-Time Non- Executive Chairperson and Independent
oversees matters of succession planning of its Directors, Senior
banking / mobile banking / payment utilities of the Bank Director of the Bank with effect from the close of business hours (B) Technology Absorption
Management and Key Managerial Personnel of the Bank. Your Bank has upgraded the Banking Platform (Weblogic
over the past 2 years, including the outages in the Bank’s on January 1, 2021, in accordance with the tenure approved by
internet banking and payment system on November 21, the Reserve Bank of India. Your Directors place on record their & Kubernetes) and completed containerization of an
Considering the cessation of tenure of Mr. Aditya Puri as the additional 300+ services. This ensures scalability as
2020 due to a power failure in the primary data centre. RBI, sincere appreciation for the contribution made by Mrs. Shyamala
Managing Director of the Bank in October 2020, the Board of successful migration of core banking accounting API for
vide above order, advised the Bank (a) to stop all digital Gopinath during her tenure with the Bank and wishes her well
Directors had constituted a Search Committee comprising of transactions originating from UPI has been completed and
business generating activities planned under its ‘Digital 2.0’ in future endeavours.
certain Board members with the mandate to identify potential system is ready for increased load from NetBanking. The
and proposed Business generating applications digital also
Bank’s IT infrastructure capacity for UPI transactions has Conclusion Annexure 1 to the Directors’ Report
been tripled. Your Bank has successfully managed over It has clearly been the year of the pandemic. While the country
23 Lakh transactions in an hour, and is ranked among the
had barely come out of the first wave, the more dangerous The ESOP Schemes of the Bank are in compliance with SEBI (Share Based Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014 (“the Regulations”)
top, in the published NPCI dashboard of UPI Performance
second wave struck posing fresh challenges for the global and and the details as per the Regulations are as under:
Metrics. Technical declines are down with the average
the Indian economy. The presence of the vaccine is a clear
uptime for customers at 99.91 per cent in the year under
source of comfort but there are challenges around its supply. The
proactive measures taken by the Union Government like allowing
Employees’ stock options as on March 31, 2021
(C) Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgo imports is expected to ease the situation. As is the decision to go Total No
Options Granted /
in for a centralised vaccination procurement and free distribution Date of cise Options Exercised
During the year, the total foreign exchange earned by the of Options Opening Options Options in
Share- Price Vested & Shares Options Options
Bank was ` 2,438.4 crore (on account of net gains arising of vaccines to everyone above the age of 18. Schemes
FV of
balance Re-
FV ` 1/- Allotted Forfeited Lapsed
Force as
FV of ` 1/- FV ` 1/- instated on March
on all exchange / derivative transactions) and the total Approval ` 1/- each of FV ` 1/-
each each FV ` 1/- 31, 2021
Notwithstanding these challenges the Indian economy is each each
foreign exchange outgo was ` 1,660.52 crore towards the each
operating and capital expenditure requirements. expected to be among the fastest growing ones in the world. Plan E-ESOS XIX June 30 , 2010 20,00,00,000 340.00 17,05,500 17,05,500 0
Perhaps not as fast as projected earlier. The Union Government’s
Plan D-ESOS XX June 16, 2007 15,00,00,000 340.00 3,45,900 3,45,900 0
Secretarial Audit decision to put growth ahead of fiscal consolidation is another
Plan C-ESOS XXI June 17, 2005 10,00,00,000 340.00 4,59,800 4,59,800 0
In terms of Section 204 of the Companies Act, 2013 and the positive.
Rules made thereunder, M/s. Alwyn Jay & Co., Company Plan C-ESOS XXIII June 17, 2005 10,00,00,000 417.75 25,300 15,600 9,700
Secretaries were appointed as Secretarial Auditors of the Bank Your Bank of course cannot remain entirely unaffected by these Plan F-ESOS XXIV June 27, 2013 20,00,00,000 417.75 89,29,000 53,56,100 14,300 35,58,600
for the financial year 2020-21. The report of the Secretarial developments. It has certain factors in its favour : A strong Plan F-ESOS XXV June 27, 2013 20,00,00,000 546.33 2,88,83,600 1,33,10,900 56,500 1,55,16,200
Auditors is enclosed as Annexure 7 to this Report. balance sheet with among the lowest NPA levels in the industry, Plan F-ESOS XXVII June 27, 2013 20,00,00,000 716.60 2,07,25,292 76,94,600 46,69,162 57,310 1,30,280 1,58,68,540
a franchise that inspires trust and capitalisation levels that Plan F-ESOS XXVIII June 27, 2013 20,00,00,000 731.08 30,930 9,600 0 0 0 30,930
Corporate Governance exceed regulatory norms. This means it can continue lending
Plan G-ESOS XXIX July 21, 2016 20,00,00,000 1030.60 3,31,21,820 1,02,28,900 26,56,010 5,34,000 3,78,530 2,95,53,280
In compliance with Regulation 34 and other applicable provisions as well as innovate. While there have challenges when it comes
Plan G-ESOS XXX July 21, 2016 20,00,00,000 1003.03 8,22,660 2,53,800 75,350 0 0 7,47,310
of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations to technology, your Bank has initiated both short term as well as
and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, a separate long term measures to overcome these. Plan G-ESOS XXXI July 21, 2016 20,00,00,000 1045.23 6,02,000 1,80,600 1,21,600 0 0 4,80,400
report on Corporate Governance along with a certificate of Plan G -ESOS XXXII July 21, 2016 20,00,00,000 1107.18 5,78,000 2,03,400 51,200 0 0 5,26,800
compliance from the Secretarial Auditors, forms an integral part The biggest opportunity is of course the under penetration of Plan G -ESOS XXXIII July 21, 2016 20,00,00,000 1229.00 4,56,15,400 1,12,86,300 7,22,900 11,89,900 51,600 4,36,51,000
of this Report. banking services in the country. Changing global dynamics Plan G -ESOS XXIV July 21, 2016 20,00,00,000 882.85 10,20,400 2,55,400 0 0 0 10,20,400
means that countries are increasingly trying to diversify and do Plan G -ESOS XXV July 21, 2016 20,00,00,000 1235.80 0 5,74,66,600 0 0 2,61,000 0 5,72,05,600
Business Responsibility Report not want want to put all their eggs in the China basket. India is
Total :- 14,28,65,602 5,74,66,600 3,01,12,600 2,94,90,022 20,42,210 6,31,210 16,81,68,760
The Bank’s Business Responsibility Report containing a report well positioned to capitalise on this opportunity. Your Bank is also
on its Corporate Social Responsibility Activities and Initiatives in expected to benefit from these developments.
the format adopted by companies in India as per the guidelines Options Exercised during FY 2020-21 29,490,022
of the Securities and Exchange Board of India in this regard is It will however not abandon the core principles of its journey of Share Capital Money received during FY 2020-21 (`) 29,490,022.00
available on its web site over a quarter century. As always it will blend its quest for growth Share Premium Money received during FY 2020-21 (`) 17,571,505,039.70
about-us/investor-relations/annual-reports with caution so that there is no undue stress on the balance Perquisite Tax Amount collected during FY 2020-21 (`) 7,057,730,379.00
sheet. The five core values : Customer Focus, Operational Total Amount collected during FY 2020-21 (`) 24,658,725,440.70
Information under the Sexual Harassment of Excellence, Product Leadership, People and Sustainability
Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition will continue to guide us in this story. As we continue to ‘Lead
and Redressal) Act, 2013 Responsibly’.
One (1) share of the face value of ` 1/- would arise on exercise of One (1) Equity Stock Option.
The relevant information is included in the Corporate Governance
Report. Vesting Requirements Except for the death/ permanent disablement or retirement of the employee, the options will vest only if the
employee is in the continuous and uninterrupted employment of the Bank as on the date of vesting.
Acknowledgement On behalf of the Board of Directors Maximum Term of Options Provided the employee is in the continuous and uninterrupted employment of the Bank, the options vested under
Your Directors would like to place on record their gratitude for the ESOP Scheme XIX to ESOP Scheme XXVIII will lapse in case the same are not exercised by the employee
all the guidance and co-operation received from the Reserve within 4 years from the respective dates of vesting. However, for the grant of options under the ESOP Scheme
Bank of India and other Government and regulatory agencies. XXIX to ESOP Scheme XXXV, the vested options will lapse in case the same are not exercised by the employee
Sashidhar Jagdishan Umesh Chandra Sarangi within 2 years from the respective dates of vesting.
Your Directors would also like to take this opportunity to express
Managing Director & CEO Independent Director
their appreciation for the hard work and dedicated efforts put In case of death/ permanent disablement or retirement of the employee to whom the options are granted, all
in by the Bank’s employees and look forward to their continued unvested options shall get vested to the employee on the date of happening of such event, provided that the
June 18, 2021 options have completed the one year period from the date of grant. However, in case the event occurs before the
contribution in building a ‘World Class Indian Bank.’
1st vesting date, then in such case, all such options which are granted shall vest in the employee within one year
from the occurrence of the event or on the 1st vesting date whichever is earlier. All such options are required to
be exercised within one year from the date of vesting.
Source of shares Primary
Variation in terms of ESOS Nil
i. Details of stock options granted to directors, senior management and key managerial personnel v. Where the company has calculated the employee compensation cost Had the Bank followed fair value method for accounting, the
using the intrinsic value of the stock options, the difference between stock option compensation expense would have been higher by
Sr. the employee compensation cost so computed and the employee ` 1,117.0 crore. Consequently profit after tax would have been
Name Grade Final Grant
No. compensation cost that shall have been recognized if it had used the lower by ` 1,117.0 crore and the basic EPS of the Bank would
1 Aditya Puri # Former Managing Director -* fair value of the options, shall be disclosed. The impact of this difference have been ` 54.6 per share (lower by ` 2.0 per share) and the
2 Kaizad Bharucha Executive Director -* on profits and on EPS of the company shall also be disclosed diluted EPS would have been ` 54.3 per share (lower by ` 2.0
3 Sashidhar Jagdishan Managing Director and 2,60,000* per share)
CEO vi. Weighted average exercise prices and weighted average fair values The weighted average price of the stock options exercised is
4 Anjani Rathor Group Head 2,60,000 of options shall be disclosed separately for options whose exercise ` 596.8 and the weighted average fair value is ` 189.9
price either equals or exceeds or is less than the market price of the
5 Arup Rakshit Group Head 2,16,000
stock options
6 Arvind Kapil Group Head 2,60,000
vii A description of the method and significant assumptions used during The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has prescribed
7 Arvind Vohra Group Head 2,60,000 the year to estimate the fair value of options, at the time of grant two methods to account for stock grants; (i) the intrinsic value
8 Ashima Bhat Group Head 2,60,000 including the following weighted average information: method; (ii) the fair value method. The Bank adopts the intrinsic
9 Ashish Parthasarthy Group Head 2,60,000 value method to account for the stock options it grants to the
employees. The Bank also calculates the fair value of options at
10 Benjamin Frank Group Head 2,16,000
the time of grant, using binomial option-pricing model with the
11 Bhavesh Zaveri Group Head 2,60,000 following assumptions
12 Chakrapani Venkatachari Group Head 2,60,000 I. Risk-free interest rate 4.63 % to 5.75 %
13 Dhiraj Relli (on deputation to HDFC Securities Ltd, the Bank’s subsidiary) Group Head 2,60,000 II. Expected life 1 to 6 years
14 Jimmy Tata Group Head 2,60,000 III. Expected volatility 20.13 % to 28.93 %
15 Nirav Shah Group Head 2,60,000 IV. Expected dividends 0.61 %
16 Parag Rao Group Head 2,60,000 V. The price of the underlying share in the market at the time of The market price per share was ` 1,235.8 at the time of grant of
17 Rahul Shukla Group Head 2,60,000 option grant options under ESOS XXXV.
18 Rakesh Singh Group Head 2,60,000 VI. The weighted average market price of Bank’s shares on NSE at the ` 1238.33 at the time of grant of options under ESOS XXXV
19 Ramesh Lakshminarayanan Group Head 2,60,000 time of option grant
20 Raveesh Bhatia Group Head 2,16,000 VII. Method used and assumptions made to incorporate effects of The exercise multiple, which is based on historical data of early
21 S Sampath Kumar Group Head 2,60,000 expected early exercise option exercise decisions of the employees, incorporates early
exercise price effect in the valuation of ESOPs. The exercise
22 Smita Bhagat Group Head 2,60,000
multiple indicates that option holders tend to exercise their
23 Srinivasan Vaidyanathan Chief Financial Officer 2,60,000 options when the share price reaches a particular multiple of the
24 Vinay Razdan Group Head 2,60,000 exercise price.
25 Santosh Haldankar Senior Vice President 37,600 VIII. How expected volatility was determined, including explanation Stock expected volatility is completely based on GARCH
(Legal) & Company of the extent to which expected volatility was based on historical volatility forecasting model using historical stock prices from the
Secretary volatility market.
# Mr. Aditya Puri ceased to be the Managing Director of the Bank with effect from the close of business hours on October 26, 2020, upon IX. Whether and how any other features of the option grant were Stock price and risk free interest rate are variables based on
incorporated into the measurement of fair value, such as a market actual market data at the time of ESOP valuation.
reaching 70 years of age, in accordance with the tenure approved by the Reserve Bank of India.
* Mr. Aditya Puri was granted a total quantum of 4,06,140 employee stock options for the performance year 2019-20 basis approval from the
Reserve Bank of India dated April 29, 2021. Mr. Kaizad Bharucha was granted a total quantum of 1,53,300 employee stock options for the
performance year 2019-20 basis approval from the Reserve Bank of India dated April 29, 2021. Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan took over as Managing
Director and Chief Executive Officer from October 27, 2020. The quantum of grant reported for him pertains to the grant received in his erstwhile
role of Group Head of the Bank during the financial year 2020-21 prior to his appointment as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer.
ii. Other employees who received a grant in any one year of options None
amounting to 5 percent or more of options granted during that year
iii. Identified employees who were granted options, during any one None
year, equal to or exceeding 1 percent of the issued capital (excluding
outstanding warrants and conversions)
iv. Diluted Earnings Per Share (EPS) pursuant to the issue of shares The diluted EPS of the Bank calculated after considering the
on exercise of option calculated in accordance with Accounting effect of potential equity shares arising on account of exercise
Standard (AS) - 20 (Earnings Per Share) of options is ` 56.3
Annexure 2 to the Directors’ Report 7. (a) Two percent of average net profit of the company as per section 135(5): ` 627.86 crore
(b) Surplus arising out of the CSR projects or programmes or activities of the previous financial years:
HDFC Bank Annual CSR Report 2020-21 ` 0 crore
(c) Amount required to be set off for the financial year, if any: NA
1. Brief outline on CSR Policy of the Company
The Bank’s CSR is implemented under the aegis of ‘Parivartan’ which is the umbrella brand for all the Bank’s social initiatives. (d) Total CSR obligation for the financial year (7a+7b-7c): ` 627.86 crore
Parivartan aims to bring about a transformation in the communities in which the Bank operates through multiple initiatives
in the areas of Education, Skill training and livelihood enhancement, Health Care, Environmental Sustainability and Rural 8. (a) CSR amount spent or unspent for the financial year:
Development. The Bank’s programs are guided by CSR Policy duly approved by the Board which is driven by the vision of Total Amount Amount Unspent (in `)
“Creating Sustainable Communities”. The CSR policy and programs are aligned to comply with the requirements of Section Spent for the
Financial Year Total Amount transferred to Unspent CSR Amount transferred to any fund specified under Schedule VII as per
135 of the Companies Act, 2013 and are monitored by a Board level committee. Account as per Section 135(6) second proviso to Section 135(5)
(` crore)
Amount Date of transfer Name of the Fund Amount Date of transfer
2. Composition of CSR Committee as on March 31, 2021:
634.91 NA NA NA NA NA
Number of meetings of Number of meetings
Sl. Designation / Nature of
Name of Director CSR Committee held of CSR Committee
No. Directorship (b) Details of CSR amount spent against ongoing projects for the financial year:
during the year attended during the year
1 Mr. Umesh Chandra Sarangi Independent Director & 3 3 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
Chairperson Sl. Name of the Item from the Local Location of the project Project
Allocated for
Amount Amount Mode of Mode of Implementation -
No. Project. list of activities area duration spent in transferred to Implementation Through Implementing Agency
2 Mr. Sanjiv Sachar Independent Director 3 3 in schedule VII (Yes/ State the Project the current Unspent CSR -Direct (Yes/No) Name
District (` crore) CSR
to the Act. No) financial Account for
3 Mr. Malay Patel Independent Director 3 3 Registration
Year (` crore) the project as number
4 Mrs. Renu Karnad* Non- Executive Director 3 3 per Section
135(6) (` crore)
5 Mr. Aditya Puri* Former Managing Director 3 2
1 Zero Investment Promoting Yes PAN India Multiple Districts 1 year 19.37 19.37 NA No Sri Aurobindo CSR00000200
6 Mr. Kaizad Bharucha* Executive Director 3 1 Innovations Education (ii) Society
* During the year, Mr. Aditya Puri ceased to be a member of the Committee pursuant to the cessation of his tenure as Managing director of the for Education
Initiatives (ZIIEI)
Bank while Mrs. Karnad and Mr. Bharucha were inducted as members on the Committee with effect from June 3, 2020 and November 25, 2020,
respectively 2 Utkarsh Promoting Yes Rajasthan Jaipur 2 years 0.15 0.15 NA No Moinee CSR00000043
Education (ii) Foundation
3 Digital Equalizer Promoting Yes Maharashtra Mumbai 1 year 0.78 0.78 NA No The America CSR00001977
3. Provide the web-link where Composition of CSR committee, CSR Policy and CSR projects Education (ii) India
approved by the Board are disclosed on the website of the company: Foundation 4 Patang Learning Promoting Yes Maharashtra Mumbai & Thane 2 years 0.38 0.38 NA No Save the CSR00000158
Centers Education (ii) Children India
4. Provide the details of Impact assessment of CSR projects carried out in pursuance of sub- 5 Smart
Education (ii)
Yes Bihar Arariya, Jamui, Patna,
Kaimur, Madhubani
1 year 1.32 1.32 NA Yes Direct NA
rule (3) of rule 8 of the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014, if
6 Digitization of Promoting Yes Madhya Bhopal, Indore, Raigad, 1 year 4.34 4.34 NA Yes Yuva CSR00000473
applicable (attach the report): schools Education (ii) Pradesh, Pune, Barmer, Jodhpur, Unstoppable
An impact assessment of the Bank’s Holistic Rural Development Program in 15 districts of Uttar Pradesh was carried out Maharashtra Banaras, Amethi,
Rajasthan, Gorakhpur, Baraich,
voluntarily in the reporting year. The detailed report is available on the link below Uttar Pradesh, Balrampur, Hamirpur, Himachal Bilaspur, Una
7 Digital Education Promoting Yes Haryana Panchkula 3 years 0.59 0.59 NA Yes Direct NA
The Bank shall carry out impact assessment as required by the provisions contained in sub-rule (3) of rule 8 of the Companies Education (ii)
(Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 introduced with effect from January 22, 2021.
8 Schools Promoting Yes Bihar Sitamarhi Madhubani 2 years 1.09 1.09 NA No Oxfam India CSR00000839
Rehabilitation Education (ii)
5. Details of the amount available for set off in pursuance of sub-rule (3) of rule 7 of the Program- East
Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 and amount required for set 9 Schools Promoting Yes Assam Kamrup Barpeta 2 years 0.50 0.50 NA No Citizens CSR00000589
off for the financial year, if any: Rehabilitation
Program- NE
Education (ii) Foundation
Sl. Amount available for set-off Amount required to be set-off for the
Financial Year 10 School Promoting Yes Assam Nalbari Baksa 2 years 0.08 0.08 NA No Gramya Vikash CSR00000407
No. from preceding financial years (in `) financial year, if any (in `) Rehabilitation Education (ii) Manch
– NE
1 2020-21 NA NA
Total 11 Shikshan Mitra Promoting Yes Maharashtra Palgarh 1 year 0.56 0.56 NA No All India CSR00000373
Education (ii) Institute of
Local Self
6. Average net profit of the company as per section 135(5): ` 31,393 crore
12 Anando Promoting Yes Maharashtra Yavatmal 1 year 0.05 0.05 NA No Light of life NA
Education (ii) Trust
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
Sl. Name of the Item from the Local Location of the project Project Amount Amount Amount Mode of Mode of Implementation - Sl. Name of the Item from the Local Location of the project Project Amount Amount Amount Mode of Mode of Implementation -
No. Project. list of activities area duration Allocated for spent in transferred to Implementation Through Implementing Agency No. Project. list of activities area duration Allocated for spent in transferred to Implementation Through Implementing Agency
in schedule VII (Yes/ State the Project the current Unspent CSR -Direct (Yes/No) Name in schedule VII (Yes/ State the Project the current Unspent CSR -Direct (Yes/No) Name
District (` crore) CSR District (` crore) CSR
to the Act. No) financial Account for Registration to the Act. No) financial Account for Registration
Year (` crore) the project as number Year (` crore) the project as number
per Section per Section
135(6) (` crore) 135(6) (` crore)
13 Skill Training Vocational Yes New Delhi New Delhi 1 year 0.13 0.13 NA No Udayan Care CSR00000619 26 Livelihood Vocational Yes Maharashtra Amravati, Yavatmal, 1 year 8.14 8.14 NA No Tata CSR00003775
Program for Training and Promotion for Training and Uttarakhand, Nainital, Pithoragarh, Education and
Youth Livelihood Farmers Livelihood Gujarat, Dahod, Development
Enhancement Enhancement Odisha, Mayurbhanj, Trust
(ii) (ii) Rajasthan, Kalahandi, Sirohi,
Jharkhand Dumka
14 Skill Training Vocational Yes Chandigarh Chandigarh 1 year 2.58 2.58 NA No Friends Union CSR00000051
Program for Training and Maharashtra Pune for Energizing 27 Livelihood Vocational Yes Rajasthan Sawai Madhopur 1 year 1.20 1.20 NA No Udyogini CSR00001487
Youth Livelihood Lives Promotion for Training and
Enhancement Farmers Livelihood
(ii) Enhancement
15 Skill Training Vocational Yes Uttar Pradesh Lucknow 1 year 0.80 0.80 NA No Ambuja Cement NA
Program for Training and Foundation 28 Livelihood Vocational Yes Tamil Nadu Ramnad, Sivaganga 1 year 0.36 0.36 NA No Dhan CSR00000273
Youth Livelihood Promotion for Training and Pudukkottai Foundation
Enhancement Farmers Livelihood
(ii) Enhancement
16 Skill Training Vocational Yes Karnataka Hubli and Dharwad 1 year 2.83 2.83 NA No Deshpande CSR00001646
Program for Training and Foundation 29 Green- Vocational Yes Jharkhand Ranchi 1 year 0.59 0.59 NA No KGVK CSR00000159
Youth Livelihood preneurship Training and
Enhancement promotion Livelihood
(ii) Enhancement
17 Skill Training for Vocational Yes PAN India Multiple Districts 1 year 1.00 1.00 NA No CSC Academy NA
women Training and 30 Livelihood Vocational Yes Rajasthan Bhilwara, Chittaurgarh & 1 year 1.91 1.91 NA No Foundation CSR00000637
Livelihood Promotion Training and Pratapgarh for Ecological
Enhancement Livelihood Support (FES)
(ii) Enhancement
18 Nursing training Vocational Yes Jharkhand Ranchi, Chaibasa, Gumla 2 years 3.60 3.60 NA No PAN IIT Alumni CSR00000005
Program Training and Reach for India 31 Integrated Vocational Yes Meghalaya West Jantia Hills 1 year 1.15 1.15 NA No Aroh CSR00000044
Livelihood Foundation Watershed Training and Foundation
Enhancement Management Livelihood
(ii) and Enterprise Enhancement
Development (ii)
19 Livelihood Vocational Yes Chhattisgarh Bastar & Kanker 1 year 0.63 0.63 NA No Professional CSR00000973 Program
Promotion for Training and Assistance for
Farmers Livelihood Development 32 Livelihood Vocational Yes Assam, Golaghat, 1 year 0.49 0.49 NA No Society for CSR00000399
Enhancement Action development Training and Meghalaya, Ri-Bhoi, Khordha, the Upliftment
(ii) (PRADAN) through Organic Livelihood Odisha, Bihar Darbhanga of Villagers &
Agriculture Enhancement Development
20 Livelihood Vocational Yes Punjab Bathinda 1 year 1.20 1.20 NA No Care India CSR00000786 (ii) of Himalayan
Promotion for Training and Solution for Areas
Farmers Livelihood Sustainable (SUVIDHA)
Enhancement Development
(ii) 33 Integrated Vocational Yes Maharashtra Osmanabad 1 year 0.43 0.43 NA No BAIF Institute CSR00000259
Livestock Training and for Sustainable
21 Livelihood Vocational Yes Gujarat Chhota Udaipur 1 year 1.00 1.00 NA No Care India CSR00000786 Development Livelihood Livelihoods and
Promotion for Training and Solution for Enhancement Development
Farmers Livelihood Sustainable (ii) (BISLD)
Enhancement Development
(ii) 34 Entre- Vocational Yes Kerala & Tamil Thiruvan- 1 year 0.27 0.27 NA No ICT Academy NA
preneurship Training and Nadu thapuram, Kollam, for Tamil Nadu
22 Livelihood Vocational Yes Madhya Damoh 1 year 1.51 1.51 NA No Care India CSR00000786 Training Livelihood Alappuzha,
Promotion for Training and Pradesh Solution for Program Enhancement Kottayam, Idukki,
Farmers Livelihood Sustainable (ii) Ernakulam, Thrissur,
Enhancement Development Virudhunagar, Vellore,
(ii) Chennai, Thiruvallur,
Kanchipurram, Madurai,
23 Livelihood Vocational Yes Jharkhand Dumka & Godda 1 year 0.52 0.52 NA No Professional CSR00000973 Tiruppur, Coimbatore,
Promotion for Training and Assistance for Karur, Namakkal, Salem,
Farmers Livelihood Development Dindugul, Sivagangai,
Enhancement Action Erode, Tirunelveli,
(ii) (PRADAN) Pondicherry Cuddalore
24 Livelihood Vocational Yes Maharashtra Ratnagiri 1 year 0.26 0.26 NA No The Pride India CSR00001069 35 Livelihood Vocational Yes Rajasthan Jaipur 1 year 0.25 0.25 NA No Orion Education CSR00000597
Promotion for Training and Training Training and Society
Farmers Livelihood Program Livelihood
Enhancement Enhancement
(ii) (ii)
25 Livelihood Vocational Yes Rajasthan Dholpur 1 year 0.81 0.81 NA No Manjari CSR00000074 36 Solid Waste Sanitation (i) Yes Goa and Panjim, Rishikesh, 2 years 2.91 2.91 NA No Charities Aid NA
Promotion for Training and Foundation Management Uttarakhand Haldwani, Dehradun, Foundation
Farmers Livelihood Uttar Kashi
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
Sl. Name of the Item from the Local Location of the project Project Amount Amount Amount Mode of Mode of Implementation - Sl. Name of the Item from the Local Location of the project Project Amount Amount Amount Mode of Mode of Implementation -
No. Project. list of activities area duration Allocated for spent in transferred to Implementation Through Implementing Agency No. Project. list of activities area duration Allocated for spent in transferred to Implementation Through Implementing Agency
in schedule VII (Yes/ State the Project the current Unspent CSR -Direct (Yes/No) Name in schedule VII (Yes/ State the Project the current Unspent CSR -Direct (Yes/No) Name
District (` crore) CSR District (` crore) CSR
to the Act. No) financial Account for Registration to the Act. No) financial Account for Registration
Year (` crore) the project as number Year (` crore) the project as number
per Section per Section
135(6) (` crore) 135(6) (` crore)
37 Holistic Rural Rural Yes Rajasthan Jaisalmer 2 years 1.76 1.76 NA No URMUL CSR00000546 55 HRDP Rural Yes Assam Dhemaji Lakhimpur 3 years 1.27 1.27 NA No World Vision CSR00004211
Development Development Rural Health Development India
Program (HRDP) Projects (x) Research and Projects (x)
Trust (URMUL) 56 HRDP Rural Yes Maharashtra Satara 2 years 1.31 1.31 NA No Action For CSR00000092
Development Agricultural
38 HRDP Rural Yes Rajasthan Dhaulpur 2 years 1.39 1.39 NA No Manjari CSR00000074 Projects (x) Renewal In
Development Foundation Maharashtra
Projects (x) (AFARM)
39 HRDP Rural Yes Rajasthan Karauli 2 years 1.58 1.58 NA No Udyogini CSR00001487 57 HRDP Rural Yes Madhya Chindwada 1 year 0.49 0.49 NA No Watershed CSR00000518
Development Development Pradesh Organisation
Projects (x) Projects (x) Trust
40 HRDP Rural Yes Rajasthan Dausa 1 year 2.35 2.35 NA No BAIF CSR00000308 58 HRDP Rural Yes Madhya Ratlam, Dhar 1 year 0.34 0.34 NA No Baif CSR00000308
Development Development Development Pradesh Development
Projects (x) Research Projects (x) Research
Foundation Foundation
41 HRDP Rural Yes Rajasthan Pali 1 year 0.86 0.86 NA No Self Reliant CSR00001911
59 HRDP Rural Yes Madhya Barwani 2 years 1.62 1.62 NA No Aga Khan CSR00004229
Development Initiatives
Development Pradesh Rural Support
Projects (x) Through Joint
Projects (x) Programme
Action (SRIJAN)
42 HRDP Rural Rajasthan Rajasmand 1 year 1.24 1.24 NA No Seva Mandir CSR00000288
60 HRDP Rural Yes Chhattisgarh Kabeerdham 1 year 1.26 1.26 NA No Aroh CSR00000044
Development Foundation
Projects (x)
Projects (x)
43 HRDP Rural Chhattisgarh Surguja 3 years 1.36 1.36 NA No Ambuja Cement NA
Development Foundation 61 HRDP Rural Yes Chhattisgarh Durg 1 year 2.43 2.43 NA No Care India CSR00000786
Projects (x) Development Solutions For
Projects (x) Sustainable
44 HRDP Rural Chhattisgarh Bilaspur 3 years 1.12 1.12 NA No National CSR00000206 Development
Development Institute of
Projects (x) Women Child 62 HRDP Rural Yes Chhattisgarh Dhamtari 2 years 0.50 0.50 NA No Gramin Vikas CSR00000633
and Youth Development Trust
Development Projects (x)
45 HRDP Rural Chhattisgarh Korea (Koriya) 2 years 0.93 0.93 NA No Watershed CSR00000518 63 HRDP Rural Yes Chhattisgarh Kanker 2 years 0.80 0.80 NA No Udyogini CSR00001487
Development Organisation Development
Projects (x) Trust Projects (x)
46 HRDP Rural Yes Chhattisgarh Janjgir-Champa 1 year 1.24 1.24 NA No The Indo Global CSR00001677 64 HRDP Rural Yes Chhattisgarh Balod 2 years 1.10 1.10 NA No Vrutti CSR00000538
Development Social Service Development
Projects (x) Society (IGSSS) Projects (x)
47 HRDP Rural Yes Chhattisgarh Jashpur 1 year 1.30 1.30 NA No Self Reliant CSR00001911 65 HRDP Rural Yes Maharashtra Washim 1 year 1.77 1.77 NA No Ugam Gramin CSR00004874
Development Initiatives Development Vikas Sanstha
Projects (x) Through Joint Projects (x) UMRA
Action (SRIJAN)
66 HRDP Rural Yes Maharashtra Nanded 1 year 0.83 0.83 NA No Centre For CSR00000339
48 HRDP Rural Yes Uttarakhand Haridwar 1 year 2.49 2.49 NA No Ambuja Cement NA Development Advance
Development Foundation Projects (x) Research And
Projects (x) Development
49 HRDP Rural Yes Uttar Pradesh Barabanki 3 years 1.49 1.49 NA No Aga Khan NA 67 HRDP Rural Yes Maharashtra Yawatmal 2 years 1.38 1.38 NA No Sanjeevani CSR00000270
Development Foundation Development Inst. For
Projects (x) Projects (x) Empowerment
& Development
50 HRDP Rural Yes Uttar Pradesh Prayagraj (Allahabad) 2 years 2.14 2.14 NA No Peoples Action CSR00000125
Development For National 68 HRDP Rural Yes Gujarat Sabarkantha 2 years 1.54 1.54 NA No Collectives CSR00000508
Projects (x) Integration Development for Integrated
Projects (x) Livelihood
51 HRDP Rural Yes Gujarat Gir Somnath 1 year 0.80 0.80 NA No TNS India CSR00001337
Development Foundation
Projects (x) (TNSIF) 69 HRDP Rural Yes Gujarat Narmada 2 years 0.95 0.95 NA No Aga Khan CSR00004229
52 HRDP Rural Yes Madhya Sagar 2 years 1.46 1.46 NA No Abhyuday CSR00000495 Development Rural Support
Development Pradesh Sansthan Projects (x) Programme
Projects (x) India
53 HRDP Rural Madhya Shahdol 1 year 2.55 2.55 NA No Action For CSR00001213 70 HRDP Rural Yes Gujarat Kheda 3 years 1.33 1.33 NA No Foundation CSR00000637
Development Pradesh Social Development for Ecological
Projects (x) Advancement Projects (x) Security
71 HRDP Rural Yes Bihar Vaishali 3 years 1.58 1.58 NA No Aga Khan CSR00004229
54 HRDP Rural Yes Madhya Vidisha 1 year 0.98 0.98 NA No Arpan Seva CSR00000826 Development Rural Support
Development Pradesh Sansthan Projects (x) Programme
Projects (x) India
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
Sl. Name of the Item from the Local Location of the project Project Amount Amount Amount Mode of Mode of Implementation - Sl. Name of the Item from the Local Location of the project Project Amount Amount Amount Mode of Mode of Implementation -
No. Project. list of activities area duration Allocated for spent in transferred to Implementation Through Implementing Agency No. Project. list of activities area duration Allocated for spent in transferred to Implementation Through Implementing Agency
in schedule VII (Yes/ State the Project the current Unspent CSR -Direct (Yes/No) Name in schedule VII (Yes/ State the Project the current Unspent CSR -Direct (Yes/No) Name
District (` crore) CSR District (` crore) CSR
to the Act. No) financial Account for Registration to the Act. No) financial Account for Registration
Year (` crore) the project as number Year (` crore) the project as number
per Section per Section
135(6) (` crore) 135(6) (` crore)
72 HRDP Rural Yes Karnataka Gulbarga, Raichur, Bidar 2 years 2.63 2.63 NA No Myrada CSR00001099 89 HRDP Rural Yes Sikkim East Sikkim 1 year 2.12 2.12 NA No Citizens CSR00000589
Development Development Foundation
Projects (x) Projects (x)
73 HRDP Rural Yes Himachal Kangra 1 year 2.27 2.27 NA No Peoples Action CSR00000125 90 HRDP Rural Yes Bihar Nalanda 1 year 1.11 1.11 NA No Oxfam India CSR00000839
Development Pradesh For National Development
Projects (x) Integration Projects (x)
74 HRDP Rural Yes Odisha Nayagarh 1 year 1.64 1.64 NA No Gram Vikas CSR00000596 91 HRDP Rural Yes Madhya Khargone 1 year 1.23 1.23 NA No Society for CSR00000399
Development Development Pradesh the Upliftment
Projects (x) Projects (x) of Villagers &
75 HRDP Rural Yes Odisha Rayagada 1 year 2.76 2.76 NA No Prayatn Sanstha CSR00000483 of Himalayan
Development Areas
Projects (x) (SUVIDHA)
76 HRDP Rural Yes Jharkhand Khunti 3 years 1.95 1.95 NA No Network For CSR00002858 92 HRDP Rural Yes Maharashtra Osmanabad 1 year 1.49 1.49 NA No Cohesion CSR00000148
Development Enterprise Development Foundation
Projects (x) Enhancement Projects (x) Trust
Development 93 HRDP Rural Yes Odisha Koraput 1 year 1.29 1.29 NA No Foundation CSR00000637
Support Development for Ecological
(NEEDS) Projects (x) Security
77 HRDP Rural Yes Jharkhand Ramgarh 3 years 2.37 2.37 NA No KGVK CSR00000159 94 HRDP Rural Yes Kerala Alappuzha, Vaikkom, 3 years 2.31 2.31 NA No M.S. CSR00000470
Development Development Ernakulam, Idukki, Swaminathan
Projects (x) Projects (x) Wayanad Research
78 HRDP Rural Yes Jharkhand Dumka 2 years 2.42 2.42 NA No Professional CSR00000973
Development Assistance for 95 HRDP Rural Yes Maharashtra Jalna 3 years 2.65 2.65 NA No Watershed CSR00000518
Projects (x) Development Development Organisation
Action Projects (x) Trust
96 HRDP Rural Yes Maharashtra Dhule 3 years 1.35 1.35 NA No Vikas Sahyog CSR00001779
79 HRDP Rural Yes Assam Kamrup 1 year 0.66 0.66 NA No FXB India CSR00000076 Development Pratishthan
Development Suraksha Projects (x)
Projects (x)
97 HRDP Rural Yes Assam Darang 1 year 0.38 0.38 NA No FXB India CSR00000076
80 HRDP Rural Yes Assam Nalbari 1 year 1.16 1.16 NA No Gramya Vikash CSR00000407 Development Suraksha
Development Mancha Projects (x)
Projects (x)
98 HRDP Rural Yes Madhya Ujjain 1 year 1.00 1.00 NA No Action for CSR00001213
81 HRDP Rural Yes Meghalaya Ri-Bhoi 1 year 0.71 0.71 NA No FXB India CSR00000076 Development Pradesh Social
Development Suraksha Projects (x) Advancement
Projects (x) (ASA)
82 HRDP Rural Yes Assam Kamrup 1 year 2.21 2.21 NA No Citizens CSR00000589 99 HRDP Rural Yes Chhattisgarh Balrampur 1 year 0.84 0.84 NA No Udyogini CSR00001487
Development Foundation Development
Projects (x) Projects (x)
83 HRDP Rural Yes Meghalaya East Khasi 1 year 1.71 1.71 NA No Aroh CSR00000044 100 HRDP Rural Yes Chhattisgarh Surajpur 1 year 0.55 0.55 NA No Indo Global CSR00001677
Development Foundation Development Social Service
Projects (x) Projects (x) Society
84 HRDP Rural Yes Assam Vishwanath Chirali 1 year 2.08 2.08 NA No Society for CSR00000399 101 HRDP Rural Yes Chhattisgarh Sarguja 1 year 1.18 1.18 NA No Ambuja Cement NA
Development the Upliftment Development Foundation
Projects (x) of Villagers & Projects (x)
of Himalayan 102 HRDP Rural Yes Punjab Patiala 1 year 0.29 0.29 NA No Ambuja Cement NA
Areas Development Foundation
(SUVIDHA) Projects (x)
85 HRDP Rural Yes Haryana Mahendragarh 3 years 1.51 1.51 NA No S.M. Sehgal CSR00000262 103 HRDP Rural Yes Assam Lakhimpur 1 year 0.73 0.73 NA No Indo Global CSR00001677
Development Foundation Development Social Service
Projects (x) Projects (x) Society
86 HRDP Rural Yes Haryana Yamuna Nagar 2 years 1.65 1.65 NA No Centre for CSR00000339 104 HRDP Rural Yes Maharashtra Nandurbar 1 year 2.09 2.09 NA No Collectives CSR00000508
Development Advance Development for Integrated
Projects (x) Research and Projects (x) Livelihood
Development Initiatives
87 HRDP Rural Yes Madhya Khandwa 1 year 0.97 0.97 NA No Indo Global CSR00001677 105 HRDP Rural Yes Uttar Pradesh Gorakhpur 1 year 1.16 1.16 NA No Peoples Action CSR00000125
Development Pradesh Social Service Development For National
Projects (x) Society Projects (x) Integration
88 HRDP Rural Yes Jharkhand Hazaribagh 1 year 2.03 2.03 NA No KGVK CSR00000159 106 HRDP Rural Yes Uttar Pradesh Varanasi 1 year 1.26 1.26 NA No Aroh CSR00000044
Development Development Foundation
Projects (x) Projects (x)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
Sl. Name of the Item from the Local Location of the project Project Amount Amount Amount Mode of Mode of Implementation - Sl. Name of the Item from the Local Location of the project Project Amount Amount Amount Mode of Mode of Implementation -
No. Project. list of activities area duration Allocated for spent in transferred to Implementation Through Implementing Agency No. Project. list of activities area duration Allocated for spent in transferred to Implementation Through Implementing Agency
in schedule VII (Yes/ State the Project the current Unspent CSR -Direct (Yes/No) Name in schedule VII (Yes/ State the Project the current Unspent CSR -Direct (Yes/No) Name
District (` crore) CSR District (` crore) CSR
to the Act. No) financial Account for Registration to the Act. No) financial Account for Registration
Year (` crore) the project as number Year (` crore) the project as number
per Section per Section
135(6) (` crore) 135(6) (` crore)
107 HRDP Rural Yes Chhattisgarh Gariaband 1 year 0.77 0.77 NA No National CSR00000206 124 HRDP Rural Yes Uttar Pradesh Lalitpur 1 year 1.17 1.17 NA No Centre for CSR00000339
Development Institute of Development Advance
Projects (x) Women Child Projects (x) Research and
and Youth Development
125 HRDP Rural Yes Madhya Rajgarh 1 year 1.26 1.26 NA No Arpan Seva CSR00000826
108 HRDP Rural Yes Madhya Burhanpur 1 year 0.62 0.62 NA No Aga Khan CSR00004229 Development Pradesh Sansthan
Development Pradesh Rural Support Projects (x)
Projects (x) Programme
India 126 HRDP Rural Yes Gujarat Kheda 1 year 0.28 0.28 NA No Foundation CSR00000637
Development for Ecological
109 HRDP Rural Yes Jharkhand Ranchi 1 year 1.04 1.04 NA No Nav Bharat CSR00001693 Projects (x) Security
Development Jagriti Kendra
Projects (x) 127 HRDP Rural Yes Uttar Pradesh Pratapgarh 1 year 0.93 0.93 NA No Peoples Action CSR00000125
Development for National
110 HRDP Rural Yes Haryana Nuh 1 year 0.68 0.68 NA No S.M.Sehgal CSR00000262 Projects (x) Integration
Development Foundation
Projects (x) 128 HRDP Rural Yes Chhattisgarh Balod 3 years 0.53 0.53 NA No Vrutti CSR00000538
111 HRDP Rural Yes Uttar Pradesh Bahraich 1 year 0.84 0.84 NA No Aga Khan NA Projects (x)
Development Foundation
Projects (x) 129 HRDP Rural Yes Bihar Sitamarhi 1 year 0.68 0.68 NA No Oxfam India CSR00000839
112 HRDP Rural Yes Rajasthan Alwar 1 year 0.19 0.19 NA No IBTADA CSR00002333 Projects (x)
Projects (x) 130 HRDP Rural Yes Rajasthan Dholpur 1 year 0.31 0.31 NA No Manjari CSR00000074
Development Foundation
113 HRDP Rural Yes Meghalaya Ri-Bhoi 1 year 0.50 0.50 NA No Society For CSR00000283 Projects (x)
Development Action In
Projects (x) Community 131 HRDP Rural Yes Maharashtra Palghar 1 year 0.77 0.77 NA No All India Institute CSR00000373
Health Development Of Local Self
Projects (x) Government
114 HRDP Rural Yes Uttarakhand Almora 1 year 0.24 0.24 NA No Himmotthan CSR00000081
Development Society 132 HRDP Rural Yes Rajasthan Baran 1 year 0.31 0.31 NA No Self Reliant CSR00001911
Projects (x) Development Initiatives
Projects (x) through Joint
115 HRDP Rural Yes Madhya Jhabua 1 year 0.79 0.79 NA No BAIF Institute CSR00000259 Action (SRIJAN)
Development Pradesh for Sustainable
Projects (x) Livelihoods and Total 181.86 181.86
116 HRDP Rural Yes Madhya Guna 1 year 0.87 0.87 NA No End Poverty CSR00000314
Development Pradesh
Projects (x)
117 HRDP Rural Yes Maharashtra Chandrapur 1 year 0.34 0.34 NA No Krushi Vikas CSR00001360
Development Va Gramin
Projects (x) Prashikshan
118 HRDP Rural Yes Haryana Rewari 1 year 0.58 0.58 NA No End Poverty CSR00000314
Projects (x)
119 HRDP Rural Yes Maharashtra Hingoli 1 year 0.65 0.65 NA No BAIF Institute CSR00000259
Development for Sustainable
Projects (x) Livelihoods and
120 HRDP Rural Yes Tamil Nadu Virudhunagar 1 year 0.58 0.58 NA No National Agro NA
Development Foundation
Projects (x)
121 HRDP Rural Yes Himachal Hamirpur 1 year 0.49 0.49 NA No Himmotthan CSR00000081
Development Pradesh Society
Projects (x)
122 HRDP Rural Yes Karnataka Koppal 1 year 0.65 0.65 NA No BAIF Institute CSR00000259
Development for Sustainable
Projects (x) Livelihoods and
123 HRDP Rural Yes Andhra Anantapur 1 year 0.71 0.71 NA No Foundation CSR00000637
Development Pradesh For Ecological
Projects (x) Security
2 Swachha Banking Promoting Yes PAN India Multiple Districts 5.64 Yes NA NA
17 Skill Training Vocational Yes Odisha Bhubneshwar 0.76 No Friends Union CSR00000051
Education (ii)
Program for Youth Training and for Energizing
3 Disha Promoting Yes Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Mahasamund, Korba, 3.05 No Magic CSR00001330 Livelihood Lives
Education (ii) Maharashtra & Rajasthan Raigarh, Mungeli, Bilaspur, Bus India Enhancement (ii)
Chhindwara, Vidisha, Betul, Foundation
Mandla, Khargone, Sheopur, 18 Skill Training Vocational Yes Punjab Mansa, Bhatinda, Faridkot, 0.25 No Institute of NA
Khandwa, Pune, Nagpur, Program for Youth Training and Moga, Ferozpur, Barnala, Livelihood
Bhandara, Sangli, Parbhani, Livelihood Sangrur, Patiala Research &
Raigad, Nashik, Wardha,
Enhancement (ii) Training
Dholpur, Chittogarh, Churu
19 Incubator Support Vocational Yes Gujarat, Telangana, Delhi, Uttar Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, 4.90 No GUSEC, NA
4 Scholarship for the Promoting Yes Maharashtra Mumbai 0.25 No Sri Satya Sai NA
girl child Education (ii) / Trust Program Training and Pradesh, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Delhi, Greater Noida (NCR), T-Hub
Gender Equality Livelihood Uttarakhand, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Jaipur, Bangalore, Kashipur, Foundation,
(iii) Enhancement (ii)/ Pradesh Chennai, Varanasi IIT Delhi,
Contribution to BIMTECH,
5 Educational Crisis Promoting Yes PAN India Multiple Districts 2.40 No Buddy4Study CSR00000121 incubators (ix) AIC Banasthali
Scholarship Education (ii) Foundation Vidyapith
Support (ECSS)
C-Camp, IIM
6 Fellowship program Promoting Yes Uttar Pradesh Hardoi, Lakhimpur, Barabanki, 0.20 No Milaan NA
Education (ii) Rae Bareili, Azamgarh, Foundation Kashipur,
Chandauli, Ghazipur, Jaunpur, Villgro
Mau, Varanasi, Lucknow, Innovations
Sitapur, Unnao Foundation,
7 Special Education Promoting Yes Karnataka Kodagu 0.25 No Kodagu NA
Centre Education (ii) Vidhyalaya 20 Infrastructure for Ensuring Yes Madhya Pradesh Niwadi & Chattarpur 0.25 No Aakar CSR00002999
water accessibility Environment Charitable
8 School Promoting Yes Maharashtra Mumbai 1.00 No Bombay NA Sustainability Trust
Upgradation Education (ii) Scottish – Maintaining
Orphanage quality of soil, air
Society and water (ii)
9 Learning Promoting Yes Rajasthan Jaipur 0.14 No Jagriti CSR00003327 21 COVID Relief Preventive Yes PAN India Multiple District 70.00 No PM Cares NA
Improvement Education (ii) and Curative
10 SMART – Promoting Yes Tamil Nadu Madurai 0.15 No Society of St. NA (i) / Disaster
Education Education (ii) Mary’s Management
(xii)/ PM National
11 Digital Education Promotion of Yes Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Patna, Banaras, Rajsamand, 9.88 No CSC Academy NA Fund (viii)
Education (ii) Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Bokaro, Giridih, Durg
22 Community Kitchen Preventive Yes Haryana Karnal, Panchkula, 0.60 Yes Direct NA
and Curative Fatehabad, Nuh, Bhiwani,
Healthcare (i) Sirsa, Tohan, Gharaunda,
12 Student Skill Vocational Yes Chhattisgarh Bilaspur, Korba, Raipur 0.78 No TISS CSR00003475
Rewari, Kurukshetra, Rohtak,
Development Training and
Khaital, Hansi, Jagadhari,
Program Livelihood
Panipat, Ambala, Gohana,
Enhancement (ii) Ateli, Jind, Narwana, Taraori,
Samalkha, Hodal, Pataudi,
13 Skill Training Vocational Yes Uttarakhand Roorkee Haridwar 1.63 No Ambuja NA Pehowa
Program for Youth Training and Cement
Livelihood Foundation 23 Innovation and Preventive Yes Punjab Mohali 2.00 No Punjab CSR NA
Enhancement (ii) Startup Support and Curative Authority
Healthcare (i)
14 Skill Training Vocational Yes Karnataka Bangalore 1.62 No End Poverty CSR00000314
Program for Youth Training and 24 Support to cancer Preventive Yes Punjab Sangrur 3.00 No Tata Memorial NA
Livelihood patients and Curative Centre
Enhancement (ii) Healthcare (i)
15 Skill Training Vocational Yes Bihar, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Muzzafarpur, Ranchi, Nagpur, 0.27 No Head CSR00000919 25 COVID Relief Preventive Yes Maharashtra Mumbai 0.20 No Taj Public NA
Program for Youth Training and Jharkhand, Karnataka Jaipur, Bidar Held High and Curative Service
Livelihood Foundation Healthcare Welfare Trust
Enhancement (ii) (i) / Disaster
Management (xii)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Sl. Name of the Item from the list Local Location of the project Amount Mode of Mode of Implementation Sl. Name of the Item from the list Local Location of the project Amount Mode of Mode of Implementation
No. Project of activities in area spent for Implementation - Through Implementing No. Project of activities in area spent for Implementation - Through Implementing
schedule VII to (Yes/ the Project -Direct (Yes/No) Agency schedule VII to (Yes/ the Project -Direct (Yes/No) Agency
the Act No) State District (` crore) Name CSR the Act No) State District (` crore) Name CSR
Registration Registration
number number
26 COVID Relief Preventive Yes Maharashtra Mumbai 0.05 No Setu NA 39 Support for Sports Training to Yes PAN India Multiple Districts 1.25 No Foundation NA
and Curative Charitable promote sports for Promotion
Healthcare Trust (viii) of Sports and
(i) / Disaster Games
Management (xii)
40 Dairy Support Rural Yes Gujarat, Rajasthan Anand, Aravalli, Banaskhanta, 18.55 Yes Direct NA
27 COVID Relief Preventive Yes Maharashtra Mumbai 0.75 No National NA Development Bhilwara, Gandhinagar,
and Curative Health and Projects (x) Ghadkan, Jamnagar,
Healthcare Education Mahesana, Mehsana, Morbi,
(i) / Disaster Society Patan, Rajkot, Sabarkantha,
Management (xii) Surat, Surendranagar, Tapi,
Valsad Jaipur, Ajmer
28 Rehabilitation Preventive Yes Kerala Thrissur 0.25 No Solace NA
for Children with and Curative 41 Empowerment Rural Yes PAN India Multiple Districts 10.06 Yes Direct NA
Disability Healthcare (i) Officers Development
Projects (x)
29 Maternal Preventive Yes Rajasthan Udaipur 0.04 No Development CSR00003335
Healthcare and Curative Innovation 42 Financial Literacy Rural Yes PAN India Multiple Districts 233.31 Yes Direct NA
Healthcare (i) Foundation Development
Projects (x)
30 COVID Relief Preventive Yes Uttar Pradesh Lucknow 0.25 No AHEAD NA
and Curative 43 HRDP Rural Yes Uttar Pradesh Varanasi 1.75 No Sahbhagi CSR00000486
Healthcare Development Shikshan
(i) / Disaster Projects (x) Kendra
Management (xii)
44 HRDP Rural Yes Uttar Pradesh Fatehpur, Barabanki, 1.93 No Shramik CSR00000332
31 COVID Relief Preventive Yes Maharashtra Mumbai 4.00 No Mumbai NA
Development Chandauli, Bhadohi Bharti
and Curative Police
Projects (x)
Healthcare Foundation
(i) / Disaster
45 HRDP Rural Yes Uttar Pradesh Firozabad, Badaun, 1.78 No Aroh CSR00000044
Management (xii)
Development Bulandshar Foundation
Projects (x)
32 COVID Relief Preventive Yes Gujarat Ahmedabad 0.99 No Yuva CSR00000473
and Curative Unstoppable
46 HRDP Rural Yes Uttar Pradesh Faizabad, Gonda, Sitapur, 0.61 No Participatory CSR00000125
Development Sultanpur Action for
(i) / Disaster
Projects (x) Community
Management (xii)
33 COVID Relief Preventive Yes PAN India Multiple Districts 24.73 Yes Direct NA
47 HRDP Rural Yes Uttar Pradesh Pratapgarh, Allahabad 1.21 No Peoples CSR00000125
and Curative
Development Action for
Projects (x) National
(i) / Disaster
Management (xii)
48 HRDP Rural Yes Uttar Pradesh Pilibhit 0.37 No Participatory CSR00000125
34 Solar ATMs Ensuring Yes Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Dhule, Mumbai, Jalgaon, 0.06 Yes Direct NA
Development Action for
Environmental Bihar Banka, Jamui, Bara Banki,
Projects (x) Community
Sustainability (iv) Agra, Rai Barelli, Rohtas,
Bhagalpur, Muzzafarpur,
49 HRDP Rural Yes Madhya Pradesh Katni 0.43 No Haritika CSR00000516
35 Solar Lamps Ensuring Yes Uttar Pradesh Kanpur 0.04 No Peoples CSR00000125
Environmental Action for
Projects (x)
Sustainability (iv) National
50 HRDP Rural Yes Meghalaya Ri-Bhoi 0.42 No Society for CSR00000283
Development Action in
36 Tree Plantation Ensuring Yes Sikkim, Madhya Pradesh, East Sikkim, Harda, Bhilwara, 7.02 Yes Direct NA
Projects (x) Community
Environmental Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Uttar Rajsamand, Pratapgarh,
Sustainability (iv) Pradesh, Odisha, Haryana, Alwar, Nanital , Jhansi , Puri ,
Punjab Fatehbad , Moga
51 HRDP Rural Yes Maharashtra Pune 0.12 No Krushi Vikas CSR00001360
Development va Gramin
37 Payroll Giving Eradicating Yes PAN India Multiple Districts 0.45 No Give India NA
Projects (x) Prashikshan
– Employer Poverty (i)/
Contribution Promoting
Education (ii)/
52 HRDP Rural Yes Maharashtra Ahmednagar 0.07 No Krushi Vikas CSR00001360
Gender Equality (iii)
Development va Gramin
Projects (x) Prashikshan
38 Disaster Disaster Yes West Bengal Uttarakhand Multiple Districts 6.00 No State Disaster NA
Management and Management (xii) Development
Rehabilitation Authority
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Sl. Name of the Item from the list Local Location of the project Amount Mode of Mode of Implementation Sl. Name of the Item from the list Local Location of the project Amount Mode of Mode of Implementation
No. Project of activities in area spent for Implementation - Through Implementing No. Project of activities in area spent for Implementation - Through Implementing
schedule VII to (Yes/ the Project -Direct (Yes/No) Agency schedule VII to (Yes/ the Project -Direct (Yes/No) Agency
the Act No) State District (` crore) Name CSR the Act No) (` crore)
State District Name CSR
Registration Registration
number number
53 HRDP Rural Yes Maharashtra Nashik 1.23 No Sanjeevani CSR00000270 66 HRDP Rural Yes Punjab Firozpur, Amritsar 0.86 No Shramik CSR00000332
Development Institute for Development Bharti
Projects (x) Empowerment Projects (x)
Development 67 HRDP Rural Yes Punjab Amritsar 0.81 No Shramik CSR00000332
Development Tarn Taran Bharti
54 HRDP Rural Yes Madhya Pradesh Betul 0.18 No BAIF CSR00000308 Projects (x)
Development Development
Projects (x) Research 68 HRDP Rural Yes Punjab Fazilka 1.42 No Centre for CSR00000339
Foundation Development Muktasar Advance
Projects (x) Research and
55 HRDP Rural Yes Maharashtra Nagpur 0.14 No BAIF CSR00000308 Development
Development Development
Projects (x) Research Total 444.72
56 HRDP Rural Yes Maharashtra Bhandara 0.25 No BAIF CSR00000308 (d) Amount spent in Administrative Overheads ` 7.84 crore
Development Development
Projects (x) Research
Foundation (e) Amount spent on Impact Assessment, if applicable ` 0.49 crore
57 HRDP Rural Yes Maharashtra Bhandara 0.15 No BAIF CSR00000308
Development Development
(f) Total amount spent for the Financial Year (8b+8c+8d+8e) ` 634.91 crore
Projects (x) Research
Foundation (g) Excess amount for set-off, if any
58 HRDP Rural Yes Bihar Samastipur 0.70 No Aga Khan CSR00004229 Sl. No. Particular Amount ( ` crore)
Development Rural Support
Projects (x) Programme (i) Two percent of average net profit of the company as per section 135(5) 627.86
(ii) Total amount spent for the financial year 634.91
59 HRDP Rural Yes Bihar Muzaffarpur 0.82 No Aga Khan CSR00004229
Development Rural Support (iii) Excess amount spent for the financial year [(ii)-(i)] 7.05
Projects (x) Programme
(iv) Surplus arising out of the CSR projects or programmes or activities of the previous NA
financial years, if any
60 HRDP Rural Yes Bihar Darbhanga 1.62 No Aga Khan CSR00004229
(v) Amount available for set-off in succeeding financial years [(iii)-(iv)] 7.05
Development Rural Support
Projects (x) Programme
India 9 (a) Details of Unspent CSR amount for the preceding three financial years: NA
61 HRDP Rural Yes Jharkhand Paschim Singhbhum 1.72 No Network for CSR00002858 Sl. Preceding Amount Amount spent Amount transferred to Amount remaining
Development Enterprise
No. Financial transferred to in the any fund specified under to be spent in
Projects (x) Enhancement
and Year Unspent CSR reporting Schedule VII as per Section 135(6), if any succeeding
Development Account under financial year Name of the Date of financial years.
Amount (in `)
Support Section 135 (6) (in `) Fund transfer (in `)
(in `)
62 HRDP Rural Yes Assam Lakhimpur 1.09 No Indo Global CSR00001677
Development Social Service
Projects (x) Society TOTAL
65 HRDP Rural Yes Punjab Ludhiana, Moga 2.09 No Society for CSR00000283
Development Action in
Projects (x) Community
(b) Details of CSR amount spent in the financial year for ongoing projects of the preceding Annexure 3 to the Directors’ Report
financial year(s): NA
Form No. AOC - 2
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
(Pursuant to Clause (h) of sub-section (3) of Section 134 of the Act and Rule 8(2) of the Companies (Accounts)
Sl. Project ID Name of Financial Project Total Amount Cumulative Status of Rules, 2014)
No. the Project Year in duration amount spent on amount the
which the allocated the spent project - Form for disclosure of particulars of contracts/arrangements entered into by the company with related parties referred to in sub-
project for the project in at the end of Completed section (1) of Section 188 of the Companies Act, 2013 including certain arm’s length transactions under third proviso thereto
was project the reporting / Ongoing
commenced (in `) reporting financial 1. Details of contracts or arrangements or transactions not at arm’s length basis: Nil
financial year (in `)
year (in `) 2. Details of material contracts or arrangement or transactions at arm’s length basis
TOTAL (a) Name(s) of the related party Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited
Nature of relationship Promoter of the Bank
10 In case of creation or acquisition of capital asset, furnish the details relating to the No capital assets have been created or (b) Nature of contracts/arrangements/transactions Purchase of home loans
asset so created or acquired through CSR spent in the financial year (asset-wise acquired in the name of the Bank through
(c) Duration of the contracts / arrangements/transactions 1 year
details): CSR spend in the financial year 2020-21
(d) Salient terms of the contracts or arrangements or transactions The Bank has an option to purchase up to 70% of the loans
(a) Date of creation or acquisition of the capital asset(s): NA including the value, if any: sourced by it. Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited
continues servicing of the assigned portfolio for which Bank pays
(b) Amount of CSR spent for creation or acquisition of capital asset: NA servicing fees.
(c) Details of the entity or public authority or beneficiary under whose name such
NA Home loans purchased: ` 18,979.78 crs
capital asset is registered, their address etc:
(e) Date(s) of approval by the Board, if any: N.A.
(d) Provide details of the capital asset(s) created or acquired (including complete
NA (f) Amount paid as advances, if any: Nil
address and location of the capital asset):
11 Specify the reason(s), if the company has failed to spend two percent of the
NA Note: The above mentioned transactions were entered into by the Bank in its ordinary course of business. Materiality threshold is
average net profit as per section 135(5):
as prescribed in Rule 15 (3) of the Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers) Amendment Rules, 2019.
2. Percentage increase in remuneration of each Director, CFO, CEO, CS or Manager, if any, in the
FY 2020-21
Designation Percentage Increase
AManaging Director (erstwhile) 00.00
AExecutive Director 00.00
BGroup Head of the Bank (KMP) 6.66
Chief Financial Officer 22.19
Company Secretary 5.37
A Please note the annual increment percentage for the erstwhile Managing Director, Mr. Aditya Puri and the Executive Director,
Mr. Kaizad Bharucha for the Financial Year 2020-21 is pending RBI approval.
B Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan, the current Managing Director & CEO, held the title of Group Head of the Bank prior to his
appointment as the Managing Director & CEO of the Bank with effect from October 27, 2020. The percentage increase mentioned is
the increase he received in his previous role.
from the Board of the Bank w.e.f close of business hours on January 1, 2021. Persons in service for the whole year and drawing emoluments more than ` 1,02,00,000/- per annum
Date of Date of
Sr. Age Exp. Sr. Age Exp.
Name of the Employee Designation joining the Qualifications Total (`) Last Employment Name of the Employee Designation joining the Qualifications Total (`) Last Employment
No. (years) (years) No. (years) (years)
Bank Bank
30 Arun Mediratta Executive Vice President 05-May-98 MBA, MA, BA 53 31 1,37,19,436 Punjab & Sind Bank 77 Mathew Varghese* Deputy Vice President 15-Jul-10 MMS, BE 42 19 1,65,33,970 Citi Bank
31 Arun Mohanty Senior Executive Vice President 09-Nov-05 BA 62 39 2,18,87,615 Reserve Bank Of India 78 Mayuresh Vasant Apte Executive Vice President 06-Nov-00 MMS, B.TECH, 51 28 1,87,21,653 Centurion Bank Ltd
32 Arup Kumar Rakshit Group Head 01-Aug-06 PGDM, B.E 52 29 2,49,65,110 ABN Amro Bank C.H.S.E, C.B.S.E
33 Arvind Kapil Group Head 18-Dec-98 MMS, B.E 49 27 2,83,80,069 GE Countrywide Consumer 79 Mohammad Ahmed Bilal* Senior Manager 26-Nov-17 MBA, BBM 40 20 1,04,13,173 Dubai Islamic Bank
Financial Services Ltd. 80 Mohammad Yunush Ahmed* Assistant Vice President 12-Apr-08 CA, B.Com 44 13 1,07,98,518 M/s T R Chadha & Co.
34 Ashima Khanna Bhat Group Head 07-Nov-94 B. Bus, MMS 50 28 2,61,40,135 A F Ferguson & Co 81 Mohammed Mansoor Azher* Deputy Vice President 10-Feb-03 MBA, B.Com 42 18 1,37,93,191 Fresher
35 Ashish Agarwal Senior Vice President-I 08-Aug-00 MBA, ICWA, B.Com 45 25 1,02,94,997 ICICI Bank 82 Mohit Maini* Assistant Vice President 29-Jan-11 MBA, B.Com 36 16 1,45,95,892 ICICI Bank
36 Ashish Bains Senior Vice President-II 24-Mar-08 MBA, Diploma (3-yr 43 20 1,11,00,708 CRISIL Ltd 83 N. Srinivasan Senior Executive Vice President 11-Nov-96 CA, CWA, CS., 53 31 1,50,98,034 Credential Finance
Diploma), BBA B.Com
37 Ashtosh Raina Senior Vice President-II 03-Sep-07 CAIIB, B.Sc. 53 30 1,92,90,804 State Bank Of India 84 Naresh Chandiramani* Vice President 01-Jul-10 B.Com 50 19 1,58,34,802 Citi Bank
38 Ashutosh Kumar Senior Vice President-I 01-May-08 B.Sc 45 20 1,02,11,192 State Bank Of India 85 Nasir Khan Executive Vice President 14-Nov-11 MA, BA 51 25 1,10,87,999 BNY Mellon (India), Pune
39 Augustine S. Quadros Senior Executive Vice President 18-Sep-00 B.Sc., LL.B., 58 36 1,17,22,783 Tata Housing Development Co. 86 Navneet Singh Senior Vice President-II 16-Aug-18 MBA, BTech 49 28 1,41,31,676 Avendus Capital Private Limited
Solicitor ( Bom.), Ltd 87 Neeraj Chawla Senior Vice President-II 06-Jan-14 CA, B.Com 44 19 1,15,46,329 Citibank
Solicitor ( Eng &
Wales) 88 Neville Rustom Patel Senior Vice President-I 18-Jun-01 MMS, B.Com 45 21 1,08,04,128 Winmark Trading Pvt Ltd
40 B. P. Tikekar Senior Executive Vice President 30-Aug-95 B.Com 58 38 1,43,95,726 New Ind Co-Op Bank Ltd 89 Nidhie Grewal Senior Vice President-I 05-Nov-18 PGDBM, BA 44 22 1,12,73,801 Edelweiss Financial Services
41 Bardan Sharma Executive Vice President 23-Nov-11 Master's Degree/ 46 21 1,10,72,851 Diageo India Pvt Ltd 90 Nilkanth Rade Senior Vice President-II 27-Jan-20 MBA, BTech 44 19 1,02,48,300 Yes Bank limited
Diploma, B.Com 91 Nishant Nangia* Vice President 04-Apr-05 B.Com 39 18 1,72,48,003 Eserve International Ltd
42 Beena Shah Vice President 26-May-15 MBA, B.Com 43 17 1,50,00,993 Kotak Mahindra Bank 92 Nitish Nagori Senior Executive Vice President 01-Jun-10 PG Diploma, B.Sc 50 18 1,39,71,193 ICICI Bank
43 Benjamin Frank Group Head 05-Apr-04 MBA, B.Sc 56 35 2,21,82,526 IDBI Bank Ltd 93 Pallava Rathore* Senior Vice President-I 27-Jun-08 Doctorate (PhD), 45 20 1,78,29,999 IDBI Bank Ltd
44 Bharat Badhwar Executive Vice President 28-Sep-02 BA 48 27 1,31,96,955 Bharti Telenet Ltd Master's Degree/
Diploma, Diploma (3-
45 Bhaskar C. Panda Executive Vice President 21-Nov-97 BA 58 36 1,78,59,275 Times Bank Ltd. yr Diploma), B.Sc
46 Charmaine Pereira Senior Vice President-II 01-Nov-94 DBM, BA 48 26 1,53,92,705 Fresher 94 Pankaj Bhatla Senior Vice President-II 22-Oct-01 PG Diploma, B.Com 46 24 1,09,19,010 Blue Dart Express Ltd
47 Debajeet Das Executive Vice President 06-Aug-96 MA 49 26 1,81,76,812 Texport syndicate 95 Parag Rao Group Head 15-Apr-02 MMS, B.E. 55 32 2,71,28,386 IBM Global Services
48 Debashis Senapati Executive Vice President 01-Nov-96 MA, BA 59 36 1,17,73,787 Corporation Bank Ltd
49 Deepak Kumar Mohanty Senior Executive Vice President 24-Dec-03 M.Sc, MBA, B.Sc 57 28 1,47,00,574 ICICI Bank 96 Payal Mandhyan* Senior Vice President-I 18-Jan-05 PGDBM 42 18 2,72,75,530 India Bulls Securities Ltd.
50 Deepak Narsinh Shinde Executive Vice President 08-Feb-03 B.Com 54 33 1,38,34,952 Centurion Bank Ltd
51 Dhiren Desai Executive Vice President 04-Apr-05 B.Com 52 30 1,10,33,594 CitiCorp Finance (India) Ltd 97 Pinal K. Shah Senior Vice President-II 01-Jun-98 CFA, MBA, BE 53 27 1,07,64,315 Interface Fianancial Services Ltd
52 Dhruven Subodhchandra Shah* Deputy Vice President 02-Jul-15 BE 47 20 1,55,21,533 First Gulf Bank 98 Prashant Mehra Senior Executive Vice President 28-Dec-98 MMS, PGDBM, BE 49 27 1,48,13,843 Maruti Countrywide Auto Financial
Services Ltd
53 Dolreich D'Mello* Deputy Vice President 09-Jan-97 B.Com 45 24 1,62,34,708 ANZ Grindlays Bank
99 Prashant Patel Executive Vice President 02-Mar-06 CA, B.Com 44 19 1,09,94,291 Citibank
54 Faisal Ikbal Sara Senior Vice President-II 05-Dec-01 PGDBM, Diploma (3- 48 28 1,28,25,044 American Express Bank Ltd
yr Diploma), B.Com 100 Priyanka Bakshi Senior Vice President-II 26-Mar-04 BA 42 21 1,19,68,491 CitiFinancial India Ltd
55 Faishal Khan* Vice President 10-Aug-06 PGDBA, B.Com 40 19 1,48,42,521 Infomax Pvt Ltd 101 Rajeev Krishnankutty Wariar* Senior Vice President-I 15-Apr-10 PGDBA, BE 45 22 2,26,37,667 Citi Bank
56 Gaurav Khandelwal Senior Vice President-II 17-May-05 PG Diploma, BE 42 16 1,19,41,685 IDBI Bank Ltd 102 Rajeev Kumar Executive Vice President 28-Apr-03 PG Diploma, B.Sc 49 27 1,16,95,440 CitiFinancial Retail Services India
57 Gaurav Mehta Vice President 31-Jul-06 CA, B.Com 39 16 1,02,06,963 Blue Star Infotech Ltd
103 Rajeev Sengupta Senior Executive Vice President 21-Sep-07 PG (Gen Mgmt), BE 60 38 1,19,93,382 Hutchison Essar Ltd
58 Geethaa G Executive Vice President 07-May-19 MBA, B.Com 52 28 1,28,72,520 Raheja Universal Pvt. Ltd.
104 Rajesh Sharma Executive Vice President 15-Nov-00 CA, CS, B.Com 45 27 1,53,49,237 LCC Infotech Ltd
59 Gourab Roy Senior Executive Vice President 01-Mar-96 M.Com, B.Com 54 28 1,52,08,297 UTI Bank Ltd
105 Rajesh Sharma Senior Vice President-II 28-May-18 B.Sc 50 27 1,03,42,539 Orbis Financial Corporation
60 Guneet Singh Executive Vice President 26-Sep-19 MBA, B.Com 46 25 1,43,15,361 Validus Wealth
61 Harpuneet Singh Executive Vice President 10-Apr-18 CA 47 22 2,07,54,272 Hongkong & Shanghai Banking
106 Rajinder Babbar Senior Executive Vice President 16-Jan-01 LLB, B.Sc, HSC, 53 34 1,85,13,209 Centurion Bank Ltd
62 Harsh S Gupta* Senior Vice President-II 04-Sep-00 PGDBA, B.Sc 45 23 2,89,90,192 ICICI Cap Ltd
107 Ramesh Chandrasekaran Executive Vice President 10-Apr-19 MBA 47 17 1,24,50,645 Standard Chartered Bank
63 Harvansh Lal Grover Senior Vice President-I 02-Jul-19 CA, B.Com 38 14 1,07,95,844 Citibank
108 Raveesh Kumar Bhatia Group Head 03-May-10 PGDM, B.Com 55 30 1,87,07,788 Fore Consultants Pvt Ltd
64 Iqbal Singh Guliani Senior Vice President-II 05-Nov-01 B.Com 49 26 1,04,33,409 Deutsche Bank
109 Ravi Santhanam Senior Executive Vice President 01-Mar-17 PG Diploma 51 28 2,04,02,076 Vodafone India Ltd
65 Jagat Dave Senior Vice President-II 02-May-18 MMS, ICWA, B.Com 53 28 1,47,23,979 Ambit Private Ltd
110 Ravi Shrivastav Executive Vice President 07-Nov-02 CAIIB, MBA, B.Sc 51 26 1,06,51,860 State Bank of India
66 Jay Prakash Chandrashekar* Vice President 05-Jul-04 MBA, B.Com 42 20 1,88,59,288 Global Trust Bank
111 Ravi Ssn Executive Vice President 26-Nov-10 B.Com 52 28 1,53,78,951 Deutsche Bank
67 Jay Sonawala Executive Vice President 12-Aug-99 MMS, B.Com, HSC, 44 22 1,81,91,930 Fresher
112 Reji John* Assistant Vice President 30-Aug-10 PG Diploma, MA, BA 39 17 1,87,87,796 LIS REgd
113 Resham A. Mahtani Senior Vice President-II 01-May-01 PGPIM, PGDBM, BA 45 23 1,52,53,911 Mecklai Financial & Commercial
68 Jimmy Tata Group Head 15-Dec-94 B.Com., M.F.M., CFA 54 33 2,91,78,757 Apple Industries Ltd.
Services Ltd.
69 Kapil Bansal Senior Vice President-II 30-Sep-04 PGPM, B.Com 42 22 1,46,64,304 ICICI Bank
114 Rheetu Karthik* Vice President 15-Mar-05 MBA, MA, BA 49 20 1,23,01,833 MetLife India Pvt. Ltd.
70 Kinjul Sharma* Vice President 22-Sep-08 CFA, Master's 39 16 1,80,68,792 Citifinancial
115 Ritesh Sampat Executive Vice President 03-Jan-12 CA, B.Com 44 21 2,27,67,447 Standard Chartered Bank
B.Com 116 Rohit Pathrabe* Deputy Vice President 16-Apr-07 BE 43 21 1,38,92,151 HSBC Bank ltd
71 Lavesh K Sardana Executive Vice President 31-Jul-00 PG Diploma, 46 25 1,52,49,211 GE Countrywide Consumer 117 Roli Jamthe* Vice President 05-Apr-11 MBA, B.Sc, PG 43 20 2,81,13,560 Royal Bank Of Scotland
PGDBM, B.Com Financial Services Ltd. Diploma
72 Madhuri Desai Executive Vice President 10-Oct-94 Diploma (3-yr 50 31 1,08,47,158 Hongkong & Shanghai Banking 118 Ronald A Andrade* Assistant Vice President 05-Jul-04 B.Com 40 20 1,02,29,551 Deutsche Bank
Diploma), BA Corporation 119 Roopesh H. Patil Senior Vice President-I 28-Feb-00 MBA, B.Com 47 25 1,31,72,131 Dalal & Broacha Stock Broking
73 Madhusoodan Hegde Senior Executive Vice President 11-Feb-97 CAIIB, B.Sc. 59 36 1,61,76,909 Times Bank Ltd. Pvt Ltd
74 Mandeep Singh* Deputy Vice President 21-Mar-05 MBA, B.Com 40 18 1,09,07,547 The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd 120 Sachin Sethi* Vice President 28-Aug-17 MBA , Bsc 43 21 1,54,93,684 ICICI Bank, Bahrain
75 Manoj Khandelwal Senior Vice President-II 22-Dec-00 CA, ICWA, B.Com 50 24 1,21,15,223 Transamerica Apple Distribution 121 Sachin Talwar* Deputy Vice President 15-Jan-20 MBA , BE 44 18 1,18,73,235 ADCB
Finance Ltd. 122 Sameer Ratolikar Executive Vice President 09-Jan-15 CISA, BE 49 28 1,35,08,737 Bank of India
76 Mathew Abraham Senior Vice President-II 20-Feb-99 B.Com 52 31 1,07,70,420 Global Trust Bank
Date of Date of
Sr. Age Exp. Sr. Age Exp.
Name of the Employee Designation joining the Qualifications Total (`) Last Employment Name of the Employee Designation joining the Qualifications Total (`) Last Employment
No. (years) (years) No. (years) (years)
Bank Bank
123 Samrat Bose Senior Vice President-II 17-May-02 Master's Degree/ 44 21 1,79,88,533 Parasmoney Investments 169 Vijapurapu Sundar Executive Vice President 20-Feb-15 Master's Degree/ 54 34 1,12,87,054 ICICI Bank
Diploma, B.Com Diploma, B.Com
124 Sandeep Kumar Executive Vice President 09-Jul-02 MBA, BE 48 23 1,18,81,576 IDBI Bank Ltd 170 Vijay Kamath Executive Vice President 18-Aug-98 MMS, BE 50 28 1,11,05,908 Countrywide Consumer Financial
125 Sanjay D Souza Senior Executive Vice President 01-Dec-99 MMS, BE 54 32 1,43,46,209 Nucleus Securities Ltd Services Ltd
126 Sanjay Desai Senior Executive Vice President 17-Sep-96 B.Sc 54 31 1,15,54,917 IIT Corporate Service Ltd 171 Vijay Krishna Mulbagal Senior Executive Vice President 02-Jan-07 PGPM, B.Sc, HSC, 50 26 1,91,94,352 Diamond Management &
SSC Technology Consultants
127 Sanjay Kumar Singh Senior Vice President-II 02-Jun-05 MBA, B.Sc 43 17 1,21,07,508 IDBI Bank Ltd
172 Vikas Pandey Executive Vice President 04-Mar-02 MBA, MTech, B.Sc 54 27 1,10,31,188 BPL Mobile Cellular Ltd
128 Sanjeev Kumar Executive Vice President 15-Jan-96 MBA, B.Sc 51 29 1,10,49,816 ANZ Grindlays Bank
173 Vikram Rao* Assistant Vice President 21-Nov-16 MBA, BE 41 16 1,08,07,870 RAK Bank, Dubai
129 Sanjiv Bhuyan Executive Vice President 30-Aug-04 PGDBM, BE 50 26 1,28,03,879 Global Trust Bank
174 Vineet Arora Executive Vice President 11-Dec-00 CAIIB, CA, B.Com 53 32 1,27,13,965 Small Industries Devlopment
130 Sanmoy Chakrabarti Senior Executive Vice President 15-Jun-10 MS, B.Sc 45 22 1,61,81,023 Bank Danamon
175 Vitthal Mangesh Kulkarni Senior Vice President-II 22-Sep-07 M.Sc., BE 49 27 1,75,80,513 Barclays Capital
131 Santanu Ghosh* Assistant Vice President 30-Apr-12 PG Diploma, BE 34 9 1,17,09,580 Fresher
176 Vivek Capoor Executive Vice President 25-Jun-98 CA, B.Com 51 27 1,10,11,534 UTI Securities Exchange Ltd
132 Santhosh Machangada Executive Vice President 20-Nov-03 MBA, B.Sc 47 19 1,31,89,745 ICICI Home Finanace Co Ltd
Medappa 177 Vivek Nigam Executive Vice President 03-Apr-17 MBA, BTech 52 30 1,90,84,144 ICICI Bank
133 Sarang Dani Senior Vice President-II 28-Apr-00 B.Com 54 31 1,16,62,888 Cease Fire India Ltd 178 Vivek Ramesh Vazirani Senior Vice President-II 29-Mar-04 CA 40 19 1,06,72,906 Standard Chartered Bank
134 Sathyamurthy Sampath Kumar Group Head 07-Aug-00 B.Com 48 31 2,38,04,394 Integrated Finance Co. Ltd. 179 Zubeda Abdul Khetsi* Deputy Vice President 04-Dec-16 B.Com 37 19 1,28,88,024 RAK Bank, Dubai
135 Satish Chandra Senior Vice President-II 16-Dec-04 B.Com 53 31 1,30,74,444 Global Trust Bank Employed for part of the year
136 Shakti Chauhan Senior Vice President-II 18-Sep-18 Doctorate (PhD), 48 29 1,03,70,174 Reliance Retails Ltd 1 Aditya Puri Managing Director 12-Sep-94 B.Com, CA. 70 48 13,82,97,499 Citibank
Master's Degree/ 2 Anantharaman Sivaramayyar Senior Executive Vice President 27-Apr-20 CFA(USA),CA,B.Com 54 27 1,40,78,002 L&T Financial Holdings Ltd
Diploma, M.Com,
B.Com 3 Manikandan Janardhanan Senior Vice President-II 28-May-20 MBA, B.Sc 42 20 89,02,125 Yes Bank limited
137 Shantanu Samarendra Senior Vice President-II 14-May-03 BE 50 27 1,11,32,967 ICICI Bank 4 Mitul Shah Senior Vice President-I 29-Jun-20 MBA, B.Com 41 17 79,04,337 Ernst & Young
Chakrabarti 5 Munish Mittal Group Head 17-Aug-96 PGDM, B.Sc. 52 34 1,64,41,845 Bank of Punjab
138 Sharad Kourani* Assistant Vice President 10-Aug-08 B.Com 42 25 1,99,15,066 HDFC Bank Ltd. (Off Role) 6 Nagarajan Chandran Executive Vice President 24-Dec-20 PG Diploma - DM, 49 23 27,49,584 Bajaj Finserv
139 Sharad Rungta Executive Vice President 02-Jun-12 CFA, CA, B.Com 43 20 2,21,24,435 Credit Suisse AG B.Sc
140 Sharad Vijay Goenka Senior Vice President-II 27-Jan-11 CA, B.Com 42 18 1,17,47,267 Hongkong & Shanghai Banking 7 Neeraj Jha Senior Vice President-II 23-Oct-06 PG Diploma,BA 54 24 87,78,713 Reliance Infocomm Ltd
Corporation 8 Prateek Sharma Executive Vice President 31-Aug-20 PGDM,DMM,B.Com 46 24 61,55,330 ICICI Bank Ltd
141 Sheetal Kapadia* Vice President 06-May-09 PG Diploma, B.Com 44 21 2,29,19,988 ICICI Bank 9 Rajesh B. Chavan Executive Vice President 11-Oct-99 MBA 50 29 69,45,939 Parsn Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
142 Shibani Chatterjee* Deputy Vice President 03-Mar-15 CAMS, CAIIB, 56 32 1,08,04,642 PNB, HK 10 Ramesh Lakshminarayanan Group Head 16-Oct-20 MBA, B.Sc. 50 25 78,20,603 CRISIL Ltd.
M.Com, B.Com
11 Sandeep Sachdeva Senior Vice President-II 26-Nov-15 BA 51 26 1,13,82,263 ICICI Bank Ltd
143 Shriram Viswanathan Iyer Executive Vice President 05-Mar-03 MBA, B.Com 48 24 1,07,48,117 Citicorp Maruti Finance Ltd
144 Sitanshu Mitra Senior Executive Vice President 01-Sep-95 MBA, B.Sc 53 33 1,49,36,334 ABN Amro Bank
Notes :
145 Smita Bhagat Group Head 12-Jul-99 M.Com, MBA 55 33 2,26,62,430 PDCOR Ltd.
1. Remuneration shown above includes basic salary, allowances, performance bonus, cash allowances in lieu of perquisites or taxable value
146 Srinivas Sishtla Executive Vice President 02-May-19 MBA, BA 50 28 1,40,03,160 Citibank
of perquisites, if availed as computed as per Income-tax rules but excludes gratuity,PF settlement, super annuation settlement, perquisite
147 Srinivasan Vaidyanathan Group Head 01-Dec-18 MBA, FCA, FCMA, 57 33 3,01,79,680 Citibank
on ESOP & super annuation perquisite.
CMA (USA) 2. All appointments are terminable by one / three month’s notice as the case may be on either side.
148 Steven Noronha* Vice President 19-Jul-11 B.Com 45 13 1,63,54,093 Al Maha Financial Services Ltd 3. The above list does not include employees sent on deputation whose salary is reimbursed by the other company.
149 Sudhir Sreekumaran* Assistant Vice President 07-Jul-13 B.Com 44 18 1,11,84,578 Citi Bank 4. *Employee in overseas location
150 Sumant Rampal Senior Executive Vice President 10-Aug-99 MBA, B.Com 45 24 1,67,73,202 Walchnad Capital Ltd.
5. None of the employees listed above hold 2% or more of the paid-up share capital of the Bank as at March 31, 2021
6. None of the employees listed above is a relative of any director of the Bank
151 Sumit Ghosh Senior Vice President-II 11-Sep-19 MBA, BTech 46 23 1,22,00,060 Citibank
152 Sunali Rohra Executive Vice President 14-Sep-18 M.Sc, B.Com 43 23 1,19,84,294 Facebook India Online Services
Pvt Ltd.
153 Sundaresan M. Senior Executive Vice President 02-May-02 BE (Mechanical), 49 27 1,64,85,419 GE Countrywide Consumer
PSG, MBA Financial Services Ltd.
154 Sunil Kumar Jain Senior Vice President-II 19-Aug-19 MBA, B.Com 41 18 1,30,45,331 Deutsche Bank
155 Sunjay Ashok Shanbhag* Vice President 16-May-05 MBA, BE 40 16 1,58,54,531 Fresher
156 Suresh Babu Agadkar* Assistant Vice President 08-Jan-11 MBA, B.Com 45 22 1,05,45,978 M/s Centrum Capital Ltd
157 Susanta Baishya Senior Vice President-II 10-Dec-18 MBA, BTech 43 19 1,13,11,090 Citigroup
158 Tarun Sethi* Deputy Vice President 01-Aug-16 PGDBM, BSc 44 21 1,14,63,531 Crane Bank Ltd
159 Umashankar Gopalan* Vice President 13-Dec-12 B.Com 52 27 2,07,95,474 ICICI Bank
160 V. Chakrapani Group Head 24-Nov-94 B.Com, CAIIB, ACS 57 37 2,62,04,476 Standard Chartered Bank
161 Varun Mehra* Deputy Vice President 10-Nov-19 B.Com 40 19 1,06,67,976 Bank International Luxembourg
162 Vasudevan Venkatadri Executive Vice President 26-Oct-06 MBA, B.Com 52 29 1,06,89,053 Al-Rajhi Banking & Investment
163 Veeraraghavan Senior Vice President-I 08-Aug-05 MMS, BE 43 18 1,04,00,288 Hyundai Motor India Ltd
Narayanaswamy Iyer
164 Veeresh Hiremath* Deputy Vice President 28-Apr-08 PGDBM, BE 39 15 1,40,28,061 RAK Bank, Dubai
165 Venkatesh Krishnan Executive Vice President 27-Sep-18 CA, B.Com 53 30 1,40,69,947 Hongkong & Shanghai Banking
166 Venkateswaran L Executive Vice President 12-Nov-18 MBA, BTech 51 26 1,48,54,698 Citibank
167 Venkatraman Balan Iyer Senior Executive Vice President 02-Sep-00 PG Diploma, B.Com 54 34 1,48,08,240 American Express Bank Ltd
168 Vidya Pradeep Senior Vice President-II 10-May-02 PGDBM, B.Com 43 20 1,02,44,141 Paisa Power.Com Pvt Ltd
Annexure 7 to the Directors’ Report (iv) Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and the Rules k) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Foreign and proposed Business generating applications digital also
and Regulations made thereunder for compliance in respect Portfolio Investors) Regulations, 2019; imposed restrictions and (b) to stop sourcing of new credit
of Foreign Direct Investment, Overseas Direct Investment card customers. The Bank has initiated remedial activities
Form No. MR-3 and External Commercial Borrowings, as applicable; l) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue including fixing of staff accountability and the same were
SECRETARIAL AUDIT REPORT and Listing of Non-Convertible and Redeemable communicated to the RBI.
(v) The Regulations and Guidelines prescribed under the Preference Shares) Regulations, 2013 - Not applicable
FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (‘SEBI as the Bank has not issued or listed Non-Convertible 3. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has vide its letter dated
MARCH 31, 2021 Act’) as amended from time to time:- and Redeemable Preference Shares during the December 4, 2020 imposed a monetary penalty of `10 lacs
financial year under review; on the Bank for bouncing of SGL, which lead to shortage of
[Pursuant to section 204(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 and a) The Securities and Exchange Board of India balance in certain securities in the Bank’s CSGL account
Rule No.9 of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) m) The Securities and Exchange Board of India on November 19, 2020. The Bank has since enhanced its
of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014] Regulations, 2011; (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018. review mechanism so as to ensure that such incidents do
not recur.
To b) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (vi) Other specific business/industry related laws
The Members, (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015; applicable to the Bank - The Bank has complied with 4. SEBI issued final order on January 21, 2021, levying a
HDFC Bank Limited the provisions of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, penalty of ` 1 Crore on the Bank, in the matter of invocation
c) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Master Circulars, Notifications and Guidelines and of securities pledged by a corporate entity for availing credit
We have conducted the secretarial audit of the compliance Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, other directions pertaining to commercial banking facilities. SEBI has also directed the Bank to transfer sale
of applicable statutory provisions and the adherence to 2018; issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) from time proceeds of ` 158.68 crores on invocation of securities,
good corporate practices by HDFC Bank Limited (CIN: to time. Further, the Bank has complied with other along with interest to escrow account with a nationalised
L65920MH1994PLC080618) (hereinafter called “the Bank”). d) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Share applicable general business laws, rules, regulations bank by marking lien in favour of SEBI. The Bank has
Based Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014; and guidelines. challenged SEBI’s order before SAT and the hearing in the
The Secretarial Audit was conducted in a manner that provided matter is in progress.
us a reasonable basis for evaluating the corporate conducts e) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue and We have also examined compliance of:
and statutory compliances and expressing our opinion thereon. Listing of Debt Securities) Regulations, 2008; We further report that:
(a) the Secretarial Standards with regards to Meeting of Board
Based on our verification of the Banks’s statutory registers, f) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Registrars of Directors (SS-1) and General Meeting (SS-2) issued by (a) The Board of Directors of the Bank is duly constituted with
books, papers, minute books, forms and returns filed and other to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents) Regulations, the Institute of Company Secretaries of India; and proper balance of Executive Directors, Non-Executive
records maintained by the Bank and the information provided 1993 regarding the Companies Act and dealing with Directors and Independent Directors;
by the Bank, its officers, agents and authorized representatives client - Not applicable as the Bank is not registered (b) SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosures Requirements)
during the conduct of secretarial audit, we hereby report that as Registrar to issue and Share Transfer Agent during Regulations, 2015. (b) The changes in the composition of the Board of Directors
in our opinion, the Bank has, during the audit period covering the financial year under review; that took place during the period under review were carried
the financial year ended on March 31, 2021 complied with the During the period under review, the Bank has complied with out in compliance with the provisions of the Act;
statutory provisions listed hereunder and also that the Bank has g) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Delisting the provisions of the Act, Rules, Regulations, Guidelines and
followed proper Board-processes and has required compliance of Equity Shares) Regulations, 2009 - Not applicable Standards mentioned subject to the following observations: (c) Adequate notice was given to all Directors to schedule the
mechanism in place to the extent, in the manner and subject to as the Bank has not delisted / proposed to delist its Board Meetings, agenda and detailed notes on agenda
the reporting made hereinafter: equity shares from any stock exchange during the 1. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed, by an order dated were sent at least seven days in advance and shorter notice
financial year under review; May 27, 2021 (as received by the Bank on May 28, 2021), a with consent of all the Directors, and a system exists for
We have examined the books, papers, minute books, forms monetary penalty of ` 10.00 crore (Rupees ten crore only) seeking and obtaining further information and clarifications
and returns filed, and other records maintained by the Bank for h) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buyback on HDFC Bank Limited (‘Bank’). As per the said order, the on the agenda items before the meeting and for meaningful
the financial year ended on March 31, 2021 according to the of Securities) Regulations, 2018 - Not applicable as the penalty has been imposed in exercise of powers vested participation of Directors at the meeting; and
provisions of: Bank has not bought back / proposed to buy-back in RBI under the provisions of Section 47A(1)(c) read with
any of its securities during the financial year under Section 46(4)(i) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (Act), (d) The minutes of the Board/Committee meetings have not
(i) The Companies Act, 2013 (the Act) and the Rules made review; for marketing / sale of third party non-financial products in identified any dissent by members of the Board/Committee;
thereunder; contravention of provisions of Section 6(2) and Section 8 of hence we have no reason to believe that the decisions
i) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Bankers the Act. by the Board/Committee were not approved by all the
(ii) The Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 (‘SCRA’) to an Issue) Regulations,1994; directors/members present.
and the Rules made thereunder; 2. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued an Order dated
j) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Merchant December 02, 2020 (“Order”) to HDFC Bank Limited (the We further report that there are adequate systems and
(iii) The Depositories Act, 1996 and the Regulations and Bye- Bankers) Regulations, 1992; “Bank”) with regard to certain incidents of outages in the processes in the Bank commensurate with its size and
laws framed thereunder; internet banking/ mobile banking/ payment utilities of the operations to monitor and ensure compliance with applicable
Bank over the past 2 years, including the outages in the laws, rules, regulations and guidelines. As informed, the Bank
Bank’s internet banking and payment system on November has responded appropriately to notices received from various
21, 2020 due to a power failure in the primary data centre. statutory / regulatory authorities including initiating actions for
RBI, vide above order, advised the Bank (a) to stop all digital corrective measures, wherever found necessary.
business generating activities planned under its ‘Digital 2.0’
We further report that during the audit period there were 2. Maintenance of secretarial and other records of applicable To the Members of HDFC Bank Limited
following specific events /actions having major bearing on Bank’s laws is the responsibility of the management of the Bank.
affairs in pursuance of the above referred laws, rules, regulations, Our responsibility is to issue Secretarial Audit Report, Report on the Audit of the Standalone Financial Statements
guidelines and standards etc.: based on the audit of the relevant records maintained and
furnished to us by the Bank, along with explanations where
1. The Board of Directors of the Bank at their meeting held so required.
We have audited the standalone financial statements of HDFC Bank Limited (“the Bank”), which comprise the Balance Sheet as at
on June 20, 2020 and the Shareholders of the Bank at
March 31, 2021, the Profit and Loss Account, Cash Flow Statement for the year then ended, and notes to the standalone financial
their 26th Annual General Meeting held July 18, 2020, 3. We have followed the audit practices and processes as
statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.
have approved the issue of Unsecured Perpetual Debt were appropriate to obtain reasonable assurance about
Instruments (Part of Additional Tier I Capital), Tier II Capital the correctness of the contents of the secretarial and other
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the aforesaid standalone financial
Bonds and Long Term Bonds (financing of Infrastructure legal records, legal compliance mechanism and corporate
statements give the information required by the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 as well as the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) in
and affordable housing) on a private placement basis upto conduct. Further, the verification was done on the basis of
the manner so required for Banking Companies and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally
a total amount of ` 50,000 Crores. electronic data provided to us by the Bank due to COVID-19
accepted in India, of the state of affairs of the Bank as at March 31, 2021 and its profit and its cash flows for the year ended on
lockdown and on test check basis to ensure that correct
that date.
2. The Bank has allotted 29,490,022 Equity Shares of Re. 1/- facts as reflected in secretarial and other records produced
each under ‘Employee Stock Option Schemes’ of the Bank. to us. We believe that the processes and practices we
followed, provides a reasonable basis for our opinion for Basis for Opinion
the purpose of issue of the Secretarial Audit Report. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing (SAs) specified under Section 143(10) of the Act. Our
responsibilities under those Standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Standalone Financial
Place : Mumbai ALWYN JAY & Co. 4. We have not verified the correctness and appropriateness Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Bank in accordance with the Code of Ethics issued by the Institute of
Date : June 18, 2021 Company Secretaries of financial records and Books of Accounts of the Bank. Chartered Accountants of India (“the ICAI”) together with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the standalone
financial statements under the provisions of the Act and the Rules thereunder, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities
5. Wherever required, we have obtained the management in accordance with these requirements and the Code of Ethics. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient
representation about list of applicable laws, compliance and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
of laws, rules and regulations and major events during the
Office Address : [Alwyn D’Souza, FCS.5559] audit period.
Annex-103, Dimple Arcade, [Partner]
Emphasis of Matter
We draw attention to Note 43 of Schedule 18 to the standalone financial statements, which describes the extent to which the
Asha Nagar, Kandivali (East), [Certificate of Practice No.5137] 6. The Secretarial Audit Report is neither an assurance as
COVID-19 pandemic will continue to impact the Bank’s standalone financial statements will depend on ongoing and future
Mumbai 400101. [UDIN : F005559C000482851] to the future viability of the Bank nor of the efficacy or
developments, which are highly uncertain.
effectiveness with which the management has conducted
the affairs of the Bank.
Our opinion is not modified in respect of this matter.
Note: This report is to be read with our letter of even date which is
annexed as Annexure A and forms an integral part of this report.
Key Audit Matters
Place : Mumbai ALWYN JAY & Co. Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of most significance in our audit of the standalone
Date : June 18, 2021 Company Secretaries financial statements of the current year. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the standalone financial
Annexure A
statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.
The Members,
Office Address : [Alwyn D’Souza, FCS.5559]
HDFC Bank Limited
Annex-103, Dimple Arcade, [Partner]
Asha Nagar, Kandivali (East), [Certificate of Practice No.5137]
Our Secretarial Audit Report of even date is to be read along
Mumbai 400101. [UDIN : F005559C000482851]
with this letter.
Identification of Non-performing advances (NPA) and provisioning on advances: Evaluation of litigations included in Contingent Liabilities
Total Loans and Advances (Net of Provision) as at March 31, 2021: ` 1,132,836 Crores Particulars As at March 31, 2021 As at March 31, 2020
Provision for NPA as at March 31, 2021: ` 10,531 Crores
Legal Cases ` 1,268 Crores ` 1,292 Crores
(Refer Schedule 9, Schedule 17(C)(2), Schedule 18(13))
Taxes ` 228 Crores ` 92 Crores
Key Audit Matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter (Refer Schedule 12, Schedule 17(C)(18), Schedules 18(18)(d)(1) and (2))
The Reserve Bank of India’s (“RBI”) guidelines on Income recognition Tested the design and operating effectiveness of key controls
Key Audit Matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter
and asset classification (“IRAC”) prescribe the prudential norms for (including application controls) over approval, recording, monitoring
identification and classification of non-performing assets (“NPA”) and recovery of loans, monitoring overdue / stressed accounts, The Bank has material open tax litigations including matters under Our Audit procedures with respect to this matter included:
and the minimum provision required for such assets. identification of NPA, provision for NPA and valuation of security and dispute which involve significant judgement to determine the
Testing the design and operating effectiveness of the Bank’s key
collateral. possible outcome of these disputes.
controls over the estimation, monitoring and disclosure of provisions
The Bank is required to have Board approved policy as per IRAC
Testing of Application controls include testing of automated controls, Significant management judgement is needed in determining whether and contingent liabilities.
guidelines for NPA identification and provision.
reports and system reconciliations. an obligation exists and whether a provision should be recognised as Our substantive audit procedures included and were not limited to
The Bank is also required to apply its judgement to determine the Evaluated the governance process and review controls over at the reporting date, in accordance with the accounting criteria set the following:
identification and provision required against NPAs by applying calculations of provision of non-performing advances, basis of under Accounting Standard 29 - Provisions, Contingent Liabilities
quantitative as well as qualitative factors. The risk of identification and Contingent Assets (‘AS 29’), or whether it needs to be disclosed t 0CUBJOFEBOVOEFSTUBOEJOHPGUIF#BOLTQSPDFTTGPSEFUFSNJOJOH
provisioning in accordance with the Board approved policy. tax liabilities, tax provisions and contingent liabilities pertaining to
of NPAs is affected by factors like stress and liquidity concerns in BT B DPOUJOHFOU MJBCJMJUZ 'VSUIFS TJHOJýDBOU KVEHFNFOUT BSF BMTP
certain sectors. Selected the borrowers based on quantitative and qualitative risk involved in measuring such obligations, the most significant of which legal matters and taxation matters;
factors for their assessment of appropriate classification as NPA are: t 0CUBJOFEMJTUPGDBTFTNBUUFSTJOSFTQFDUPGXIJDIMJUJHBUJPOTXFSF
The provision on NPA is estimated based on ageing and classification including computation of overdue ageing to assess its correct outstanding as at reporting date;
of NPAs, recovery estimates, nature of loan product, value of classification and provision amount as per extant IRAC norms and t "TTFTTNFOUPGMJBCJMJUZ+VEHFNFOUJTJOWPMWFEJOUIFEFUFSNJOBUJPO
security and other qualitative factors and is subject to the minimum the Bank policy. of whether an outflow in respect of identified material matters are ¾'PSTJHOJýDBOUMFHBMNBUUFST
provisioning norms specified by RBI and approved policy of the Bank probable and can be estimated reliably; and also corroborated with management’s documented
in this regard. Performed other substantive procedures included and not limited to conclusions on the assessment of outstanding litigations
Additionally, the Bank makes provisions on exposures that are t4FMFDUFETBNQMFTPGQFSGPSNJOHMPBOTBOEBTTFTTFEJOEFQFOEFOUMZ judgements used in the estimation of significant provisions; and
not classified as NPAs including advances in certain sectors and ¾'PSTJHOJýDBOUUBYBUJPONBUUFST
as to whether those should be classified as NPA; to gain an understanding of the current status of the litigations,
identified advances or group advances that can potentially slip into t "EFRVBDZ PG EJTDMPTVSFT PG QSPWJTJPO GPS MJBCJMJUJFT BOE DIBSHFT
NPA. These are classified as contingency provisions. t'PS TBNQMFT TFMFDUFE SFWJFXFE UIF DPMMBUFSBM WBMVBUJPO
ýOBODJBM and contingent liabilities. including understanding of various orders / notices received by
statements and other qualitative information; the Bank and the management’s grounds of appeals before the
The management of the Bank also made an assessment of the impact The Bank’s assessment is supported by the facts of matter, their own relevant appellate authorities.
t$POTJEFSFEUIFBDDPVOUTSFQPSUFECZUIF#BOLBOEPUIFS#BOLTBT judgement, experience, and advises from legal and independent tax
on borrowers’ account due to COVID-19 pandemic and in line with t &WBMVBUFE UIF NFSJU PG UIF TVCKFDU NBUUFS VOEFS DPOTJEFSBUJPO
Special Mention Accounts (“SMA”) in RBI’s Central Repository of consultants wherever considered necessary.
the COVID-19 Regulatory Package announced by the RBI in respect with reference to the grounds presented therein and available
Information on Large Credits (CRILC) to identify stress;
of moratorium and restructuring of advances as relief measures to independent legal / tax advice; and
the borrowers. t'PS TFMFDUFE TBNQMFT BTTFTTFE JOEFQFOEFOUMZ BDDPVOUT UIBU DBO Since the assessment of these open litigations requires significant
Additionally, the Bank has considered the impact of judegment, on a key audit matter. including correspondence with tax authorities.
identification of NPA and provision thereof, which was vacated as per t1FSGPSNFE JORVJSJFT XJUI UIF DSFEJU BOE SJTL EFQBSUNFOUT UP
ascertain if there were indicators of stress or an occurrence of an Assessed the disclosures within the standalone financial statements
Honourable Supreme Court Order on March 23, 2021 and the RBI
event of default in a particular loan account or any product category in this regard.
circular dated April 7, 2021 in that connection.
which needed to be considered as NPA;
Since the identification of NPAs and provisioning for advances t&YBNJOFE UIF FBSMZ XBSOJOH SFQPSUT HFOFSBUFE CZ UIF #BOL UP
require significant level of estimation and given its significance to identify stressed loan accounts;
the overall audit including possible observation by RBI which could
result into disclosure in the financial statements, we have ascertained t)FME TQFDJýD EJTDVTTJPOT XJUI UIF NBOBHFNFOU PG UIF #BOL PO
identification and provisioning for NPAs as a key audit matter. sectors where there is perceived credit risk and the steps taken to
mitigate the risks to identified sectors;
accounts and overdue accounts and assessed compliance with
RBI circular on COVID-19 Regulatory Package;
COVID-19 related stress circular for their compliance with the RBI
directions; and
due to the interim order of Honourable Supreme Court and later
on due to the vacation of the interim order and the RBI circular
in that connection to ensure the asset classification of borrower
accounts has been continued as per the extant RBI instructions /
IRAC norms.
Assessed the adequacy of disclosures against the relevant
accounting standards and RBI requirements relating to NPAs.
Information Technology (“IT”) Systems and Controls Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for Standalone Financial Statements
Key Audit Matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter The Bank’s Board of Directors is responsible for the matters stated in Section 134(5) of the Act with respect to the preparation
of these standalone financial statements that give a true and fair view of the financial position, financial performance and cash
The Bank has a complex IT architecture to support its day-to-day Our Audit procedures with respect to this matter included:
business operations. High volume of transactions is processed and
flows of the Bank in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in India, including the Accounting Standards
BQQMJDBUJPO DPOUSPMT BOE *5 specified under Section 133 of the Act and the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and circulars, guidelines and directions issued by the
recorded on single or multiple applications.
dependent manual controls, we involved IT specialists as part of Reserve Bank of India from time to time (the “RBI Guidelines”) as applicable to Bank. This responsibility also includes maintenance
The reliability and security of IT systems plays a key role in the the audit. The team also assisted in testing the accuracy of the
of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the RBI Guidelines for safeguarding of the assets
business operations of the Bank. Since large volume of transactions information produced by the Bank’s IT systems.
of the Bank and for preventing and detecting frauds and other irregularities; selection and application of appropriate accounting
are processed daily, the IT controls are required to ensure that Obtained a comprehensive understanding of IT applications policies; making judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and design, implementation and maintenance of
applications process data as expected and that changes are made landscape implemented at the Bank. It was followed by process
in an appropriate manner. adequate internal financial controls, that were operating effectively for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the accounting
understanding, mapping of applications to the same and
records, relevant to the preparation and presentation of the standalone financial statements that give a true and fair view and are
understanding financial risks posed by people-process and
Appropriate IT general controls and application controls are required technology. free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
to ensure that such IT systems are able to process the data,
as required, completely, accurately and consistently for reliable Key IT audit procedures includes testing design and operating
In preparing the standalone financial statements, the Board of Directors is responsible for assessing the Bank’s ability to continue
financial reporting. effectiveness of key controls operating over user access management
(which includes user access provisioning, de-provisioning, access as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting
We have identified ‘IT systems and controls’ as key audit matter review, password configuration review, segregation of duties and unless the Board of Directors either intends to liquidate the Bank or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
because of the high level automation, significant number of systems privilege access), change management (which include change release
being used by the management and the complexity of the IT in production environment are compliant to the defined procedures Those Board of Directors are also responsible for overseeing the Bank’s financial reporting process.
architecture and its impact on the financial reporting system. and segregation of environment is ensured), program development
(which include review of data migration activity), computer operations Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Standalone Financial Statements
(which includes testing of key controls pertaining to, backup, Batch
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the standalone financial statements as a whole are free from
processing (including interface testing), incident management and
data centre security), System interface controls. This included testing material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an Auditor’s Report that includes our opinion. Reasonable
that requests for access to systems were appropriately logged, assurance is a high level of assurance but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with SAs will always detect
reviewed and authorized. Also, entity level controls pertaining to a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or
policy and procedure and Business continuity plan assessment due in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these
impact of COVID-19 was also part of our audit procedure. standalone financial statements.
In addition to the above, the design and operating effectiveness of
certain automated controls, that were considered as key internal As part of an audit in accordance with SAs, we exercise professional judgement and maintain professional skepticism throughout
system controls over financial reporting were tested. Using various the audit. We also:
reports, observation and re-performance. We also tested few perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a
controls using negative testing technique. We had taken adequate
samples of instances for our test.
basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from
error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
Tested compensating controls and performed alternate procedures,
where necessary. In addition, understood where relevant, changes
made to the IT landscape during the audit period.
circumstances. Under Section 143(3)(i) of the Act, we are also responsible for expressing our opinion on whether the Bank has
internal financial controls with reference to financial statements in place and the operating effectiveness of such controls.
Information Other than the Standalone Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report Thereon
The Bank’s Board of Directors is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the information in the Basel
III - Pillar 3 disclosures and graphical representation of financial highlights (but does not include the financial statements and our
made by the Management of the Bank.
auditor’s reports thereon), which we obtained prior to the date of this auditor’s report, and Annual Report, which is expected to
be made available to us after that date.
evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the
Our opinion on the standalone financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of
Bank’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention
assurance conclusion thereon.
in our Auditor’s Report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify
our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our Auditor’s Report. However, future
In connection with our audit of the standalone financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing
events or conditions may cause the Bank to cease to continue as a going concern.
so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the standalone financial statements or our knowledge
obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that
there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.
financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
When we read the Annual Report, if we conclude that there is a material misstatement therein, we are required to communicate
We communicate with Those Charged with Governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit
the matter to Those Charged with Governance.
and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.
We also provide Those Charged with Governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements h) With respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditor’s Report in accordance with Rule 11 of the Companies (Audit
regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to and Auditors) Rules, 2014, in our opinion and to the best of our knowledge and belief and according to the information and
bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards. explanations given to us:
i. The Bank has disclosed the impact of pending litigations on its financial position in its standalone financial statements -
From the matters communicated with Those Charged with Governance, we determine those matters that were of most significance Refer Schedule 12, Schedule 17(C)(18) and Schedules 18(18)(d)(1) and (2) to the standalone financial statements;
in the audit of the standalone financial statements for the financial year ended March 31, 2021 and are therefore the key audit
matters. We describe these matters in our Auditor’s Report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter ii. The Bank has made provision, as required under the applicable law or accounting standards, for material foreseeable
or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the losses, if any, on long-term contracts including derivative contracts - Refer Schedule 17(C)(8) and 17(C)(18), Schedule 18(12)
adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication. and Schedule 18(18)(d) to the standalone financial statements; and
Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements iii. There were no amounts which were required to be transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund by the Bank.
1. The Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Account have been drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Section 29 of the
Banking Regulation Act, 1949 read with Section 133 of the Act and relevant rules issued thereunder. For MSKA & Associates
Chartered Accountants
2. As required by sub-section 3 of Section 30 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, we report that: ICAI Firm Registration Number: 105047W
a) We have sought and obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were
necessary for the purpose of our audit and have found them to be satisfactory;
b) The transactions of the Bank, which have come to our notice during the course of our audit, have been within the powers of Swapnil Kale
the Bank; Partner
Membership Number: 117812
c) Since the key operations of the Bank are automated with the key applications integrated to the core banking system, the
audit is carried out centrally as all the necessary records and data required for the purposes of our audit are available therein. UDIN: 21117812AAAADS7710
However, during the course of our audit we visited 98 branches.
3. As required by Section 143(3) of the Act, we report that: April 17, 2021
a) We have sought and obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were
necessary for the purpose of our audit;
b) In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Bank so far as it appears from our
examination of those books;
c) The Balance Sheet, the Profit and Loss Account and the Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this Report are in agreement
with the books of account;
d) In our opinion, the aforesaid standalone financial statements comply with the Accounting Standards specified under Section
133 of the Act and relevant rules made thereunder to the extent they are not inconsistent with the accounting policies
prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India;
e) On the basis of the written representations received from the directors as on March 31, 2021 taken on record by the Board
of Directors, none of the directors is disqualified as on March 31, 2021 from being appointed as a director in terms of Section
164 (2) of the Act;
f) With respect to the adequacy of the internal financial controls with reference to financial statements of the Bank and the
operating effectiveness of such controls, refer to our separate Report in “Annexure A”;
g) With respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditor’s Report in accordance with the requirements of Section 197(16)
of the Act, as amended;
The Bank is a Banking Company as defined under Banking Regulation Act, 1949. Accordingly, the requirements prescribed
under Section 197 of the Companies Act, 2013 do not apply; and
Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the adequacy of the internal financial controls with
reference to financial statements and their operating effectiveness. Our audit of internal financial controls with reference to financial
statements included obtaining an understanding of internal financial controls with reference to financial statements, assessing the
risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on
the assessed risk. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material
misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion on the
Bank’s internal financial controls with reference to financial statements.
` in ‘000 ` in ‘000
Schedule As at 31-Mar-21 As at 31-Mar-20 Schedule Year ended Year ended
Capital 1 5,512,776 5,483,286 I INCOME
Interest earned 13 1,208,582,265 1,148,126,509
Reserves and surplus 2 2,031,695,513 1,704,377,008
Other income 14 252,048,927 232,608,187
Deposits 3 13,350,602,208 11,475,022,947
Total 1,460,631,192 1,380,734,696
Borrowings 4 1,354,873,236 1,446,285,372 II EXPENDITURE
Other liabilities and provisions 5 726,021,504 673,943,976 Interest expended 15 559,786,560 586,263,979
Total 17,468,705,237 15,305,112,589 Operating expenses 16 327,226,301 306,975,289
Provisions and contingencies [Refer Schedule 18 (24)] 262,453,079 224,922,278
Total 1,149,465,940 1,118,161,546
Cash and balances with Reserve Bank of India 6 973,407,363 722,051,210
Balances with banks and money at call and short notice 7 221,296,594 144,135,970
Net profit for the year 311,165,252 262,573,150
Investments 8 4,437,282,921 3,918,266,581 Balance in the Profit and Loss account brought forward 574,924,020 492,233,022
Advances 9 11,328,366,309 9,937,028,781 Total 886,089,272 754,806,172
Fixed assets 10 49,093,169 44,319,155 IV APPROPRIATIONS
Other assets 11 459,258,881 539,310,892 Transfer to Statutory Reserve 77,791,313 65,643,288
Dividend (including tax / cess thereon) pertaining to previous year paid - 48,933,585
Total 17,468,705,237 15,305,112,589 during the year, net of dividend tax credits
Contingent liabilities 12 9,710,975,961 11,289,534,044 Interim Dividend (including tax) - 16,469,504
Bills for collection 447,481,440 515,849,020 Transfer to General Reserve 31,116,525 26,257,315
Transfer to Capital Reserve 22,916,842 11,238,460
Significant accounting policies and notes to the financial statements 17 & 18
The schedules referred to above form an integral part of the Balance Sheet. Transfer to / (from) Investment Reserve Account 616,645 -
Transfer to / (from) Investment Fluctuation Reserve 17,120,000 11,340,000
Balance carried over to Balance Sheet 736,527,947 574,924,020
Total 886,089,272 754,806,172
As per our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board
V EARNINGS PER EQUITY SHARE (Face value ` 1 per share) ` `
Basic 56.58 48.01
For MSKA & Associates Umesh Chandra Sarangi Sashidhar Jagdishan
Independent Director Managing Director & CEO Diluted 56.32 47.66
Chartered Accountants
Significant accounting policies and notes to the financial statements 17 & 18
ICAI Firm Registration Number: 105047W
The schedules referred to above form an integral part of the Profit and Loss
Swapnil Kale Kaizad Bharucha Srinivasan Vaidyanathan
Partner Executive Director Chief Financial Officer
As per our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board
Membership Number: 117812
` in ‘000 ` in ‘000
Year ended Year ended As at 31-Mar-21 As at 31-Mar-20
31-Mar-21 31-Mar-20 SCHEDULE 1 - CAPITAL
Cash flow from / (used in) operating activities Authorised capital
Profit before income tax 416,589,837 366,071,513 6,50,00,00,000 (31 March, 2020 : 6,50,00,00,000) Equity Shares of ` 1/- each 6,500,000 6,500,000
Adjustments for : Issued, subscribed and paid-up capital
Depreciation on fixed assets 13,024,133 11,958,533 5,51,27,76,482 (31 March, 2020 : 5,48,32,86,460) Equity Shares of ` 1/- each 5,512,776 5,483,286
(Profit) / loss on revaluation of investments 14,853,243 7,021,095 Total 5,512,776 5,483,286
Amortisation of premium on held to maturity investments 7,654,693 5,014,137
(Profit) / loss on sale of fixed assets (15,407) 83,208 SCHEDULE 2 - RESERVES AND SURPLUS
Provision / charge for non performing assets 116,499,658 93,523,605 I Statutory reserve
Provision for standard assets and contingencies 42,694,827 30,515,777 Opening balance 345,814,380 280,171,092
Dividend from subsidiaries (4,830,434) (4,237,182) Additions during the year 77,791,313 65,643,288
606,470,550 509,950,686 Total 423,605,693 345,814,380
Adjustments for :
(Increase) / decrease in investments (525,406,084) (999,216,055) II General reserve
(Increase) / decrease in advances (1,509,246,390) (1,836,404,567) Opening balance 136,491,358 110,234,043
Increase / (decrease) in deposits 1,875,579,261 2,243,613,663 Additions during the year 31,116,525 26,257,315
(Increase) / decrease in other assets 100,182,759 (71,801,285) Total 167,607,883 136,491,358
Increase / (decrease) in other liabilities and provisions (6,756,511) 91,939,987
540,823,585 (61,917,571) III Balance in profit and loss account 736,527,947 574,924,020
Direct taxes paid (net of refunds) (125,875,723) (104,980,179)
Net cash flow from / (used in) operating activities 414,947,862 (166,897,750) IV Share premium
Opening balance 587,555,328 569,105,180
Cash flows from / (used in) investing activities
Additions during the year 17,571,505 18,450,148
Purchase of fixed assets (16,173,763) (15,468,752)
Total 605,126,833 587,555,328
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets 141,637 182,351
Dividend from subsidiaries 4,830,434 4,237,182
V Amalgamation reserve
Net cash flow used in investing activities (11,201,692) (11,049,219)
Opening balance 10,635,564 10,635,564
Cash flow (used in) / from financing activities Additions during the year - -
Proceeds from issue of share capital, net of issue expenses 17,600,995 18,486,821 Total 10,635,564 10,635,564
Redemption of Tier II capital bonds (11,050,000) -
Increase / (decrease) in other borrowings (80,362,136) 275,434,134 VI Capital reserve
Dividend paid during the year (including tax on dividend) - (65,403,089) Opening balance 26,647,724 15,409,264
Additions during the year 22,916,842 11,238,460
Net cash flow (used in) / from financing activities (73,811,141) 228,517,866
Total 49,564,566 26,647,724
Effect of exchange fluctuation on translation reserve (1,418,252) 2,139,891
Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 328,516,777 52,710,788
VII Investment reserve
Cash and cash equivalents as at April 1st 866,187,180 813,476,392
Opening balance - -
Cash and cash equivalents as at March 31st 1,194,703,957 866,187,180
Additions during the year 616,645 -
As per our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board Total 616,645 -
` in ‘000 ` in ‘000
As at 31-Mar-21 As at 31-Mar-20 As at 31-Mar-21 As at 31-Mar-20
A I Demand deposits SHORT NOTICE
I In India
(i) From banks 38,701,928 36,285,672
(i) Balances with banks:
(ii) From others 2,083,119,132 1,706,193,073 (a) In current accounts 8,333,753 1,717,287
Total 2,121,821,060 1,742,478,745 (b) In other deposit accounts 9,869 1,759,869
II Savings bank deposits 4,035,000,577 3,103,771,353 Total 8,343,622 3,477,156
III Term deposits (ii) Money at call and short notice:
(a) With banks - -
(i) From banks 106,458,399 136,163,876
(b) With other institutions - -
(ii) From others 7,087,322,172 6,492,608,973 Total - -
Total 7,193,780,571 6,628,772,849 Total 8,343,622 3,477,156
Total 13,350,602,208 11,475,022,947
II Outside India
B I Deposits of branches in India 13,291,717,787 11,426,592,411 (i) In current accounts 110,344,840 47,628,696
(ii) In deposit accounts 3,909,632 10,176,943
II Deposits of branches outside India 58,884,421 48,430,536
(iii) Money at call and short notice 98,698,500 82,853,175
Total 13,350,602,208 11,475,022,947
Total 212,952,972 140,658,814
Total 221,296,594 144,135,970
I Borrowings in India SCHEDULE 8 - INVESTMENTS
(i) Reserve Bank of India 90,200,000 17,260,000 A Investments in India in
(ii) Other banks 8,860,455 11,339,756 (i) Government securities 3,511,410,385 3,230,399,049
(iii) Other institutions and agencies 659,354,025 696,576,700 (ii) Other approved securities - -
(iii) Shares 4,332,926 4,044,055
(iv) Upper and lower tier II capital and innovative perpetual debts 171,270,000 182,320,000
(iv) Debentures and bonds 617,897,218 264,503,537
(v) Bonds and Debentures (excluding subordinated debt) 186,750,000 186,750,000
(v) Subsidiaries / joint ventures 38,264,875 38,264,875
Total 1,116,434,480 1,094,246,456 (vi) Others (Units, CDs, CPs, PTCs and security receipts) 241,696,270 359,227,260
Total 4,413,601,674 3,896,438,776
II Borrowings outside India 238,438,756 352,038,916
Total 1,354,873,236 1,446,285,372 B Investments outside India in
Secured borrowings included in I and II above: Nil (previous year: Nil) except borrowings of ` 44,625.92 crore (previous year: ` 52,524.20 crore) (i) Government securities (including Local Authorities) 5,936,075 8,409,391
under repurchase transactions (including tri-party repo) and transactions under Liquidity Adjustment Facility and Marginal Standing Facility. (ii) Other investments
(a) Shares 35,024 35,024
(b) Debentures and bonds 17,710,148 13,383,390
Total 23,681,247 21,827,805
I Bills payable 124,241,904 75,837,207
Total 4,437,282,921 3,918,266,581
II Interest accrued 62,334,334 68,199,560
III Others (including provisions) 486,411,605 485,528,626 SCHEDULE 9 - ADVANCES
IV Contingent provisions against standard assets 53,033,661 44,378,583 A (i) Bills purchased and discounted 345,427,765 387,832,198
Total 726,021,504 673,943,976 (ii) Cash credits, overdrafts and loans repayable on demand 2,559,778,239 2,340,489,951
(iii) Term loans 8,423,160,305 7,208,706,632
SCHEDULE 6 - CASH AND BALANCES WITH RESERVE BANK OF INDIA Total 11,328,366,309 9,937,028,781
I Cash in hand (including foreign currency notes) 106,925,639 92,076,984
B (i) Secured by tangible assets* 7,618,839,623 6,812,916,518
II Balances with Reserve Bank of India:
(ii) Covered by bank / government guarantees 393,758,390 201,580,178
(a) In current accounts 594,421,724 377,974,226 (iii) Unsecured 3,315,768,296 2,922,532,085
(b) In other accounts 272,060,000 252,000,000 Total 11,328,366,309 9,937,028,781
Total 866,481,724 629,974,226 * Including advances against book debts
Total 973,407,363 722,051,210
C I Advances in India
(i) Priority sector 2,574,675,399 2,541,995,300
(ii) Public sector 1,199,082,740 623,353,731
(iii) Banks 85,383,854 68,550,435
(iv) Others 7,153,125,825 6,419,015,531
Total 11,012,267,818 9,652,914,997
` in ‘000 ` in ‘000
As at 31-Mar-21 As at 31-Mar-20 As at 31-Mar-21 As at 31-Mar-20
C II Advances outside India Lease adjustment account
(i) Due from banks 55,276,539 33,250,983 As at 31 March of the preceding year 442,456 442,456
(ii) Due from others Charge for the year - -
(a) Bills purchased and discounted 63,490 51,070 Total 442,456 442,456
(b) Syndicated loans 8,347,907 12,531,145
(c) Others 252,410,555 238,280,586 Unamortised cost of assets on lease - -
Total 316,098,491 284,113,784 Total 49,093,169 44,319,155
Total 11,328,366,309 9,937,028,781
(Advances are net of provisions) SCHEDULE 11 - OTHER ASSETS
I Interest accrued 118,762,922 103,041,783
SCHEDULE 10 - FIXED ASSETS II Advance tax / tax deducted at source (net of provisions) 36,071,347 25,983,290
A Premises (including land) III Stationery and stamps 434,856 430,930
Gross block IV Non banking assets acquired in satisfaction of claims 512,557 -
At cost on 31 March of the preceding year 18,636,852 17,984,742 V Bond and share application money pending allotment 225,000 -
Additions during the year 1,745,137 737,974 VI Security deposit for commercial and residential property 5,483,331 5,410,271
Deductions during the year (98,150) (85,864) VII Others* 297,768,868 404,444,618
Total 20,283,839 18,636,852 Total 459,258,881 539,310,892
*Includes deferred tax asset (net) of ` 4,937.76 crore (previous year: ` 3,835.45 crore) and deposits placed with NABARD / SIDBI / NHB on
Depreciation account of shortfall in lending to priority sector of ` 9,320.37 crore (previous year: ` 9,196.86 crore)
As at 31 March of the preceding year 6,341,803 5,786,797
Charge for the year 660,308 630,315 SCHEDULE 12 - CONTINGENT LIABILITIES
On deductions during the year (93,276) (75,309) I Claims against the bank not acknowledged as debts - taxation 12,677,596 12,919,109
Total 6,908,835 6,341,803 II Claims against the bank not acknowledged as debts - others 2,275,100 915,938
Net block 13,375,004 12,295,049 III Liability on account of outstanding forward exchange contracts 4,964,726,675 6,079,194,921
IV Liability on account of outstanding derivative contracts 3,577,046,284 4,130,061,603
B Other fixed assets (including furniture and fixtures) V Guarantees given on behalf of constituents - in India 751,195,338 590,864,399
Gross block - outside India 1,800,917 859,639
At cost on 31 March of the preceding year 111,296,870 100,927,994 VI Acceptances, endorsements and other obligations 376,536,252 440,232,727
Additions during the year 16,176,309 15,512,364 VII Other items for which the Bank is contingently liable 24,717,799 34,485,708
Deductions during the year (2,757,617) (5,143,488) Total 9,710,975,961 11,289,534,044
Total 124,715,562 111,296,870
Year ended Year ended
Depreciation 31-Mar-21 31-Mar-20
As at 31 March of the preceding year 79,272,764 72,825,896
Charge for the year 12,360,893 11,335,351
I Interest / discount on advances / bills 948,345,362 917,878,779
On deductions during the year (2,636,260) (4,888,483)
II Income from investments 232,142,691 206,333,232
Total 88,997,397 79,272,764
III Interest on balance with RBI and other inter-bank funds 23,412,507 18,289,329
Net block 35,718,165 32,024,106
IV Others 4,681,705 5,625,169
Total 1,208,582,265 1,148,126,509
C Assets on lease (plant and machinery)
Gross block
At cost on 31 March of the preceding year 4,546,923 4,546,923
I Commission, exchange and brokerage 161,693,202 163,336,852
Additions during the year - -
Total 4,546,923 4,546,923 II Profit / (loss) on sale of investments (net) 53,523,204 26,364,839
III Profit / (loss) on revaluation of investments (net) (14,853,243) (7,021,095)
Depreciation IV Profit / (loss) on sale of building and other assets (net) 484,014 257,807
As at 31 March of the preceding year 4,104,467 4,104,467 V Profit / (loss) on exchange / derivative transactions (net) 24,384,132 21,547,462
Charge for the year - - VI Income earned by way of dividends from subsidiaries / 4,830,434 4,237,182
associates and / or joint ventures abroad / in India
Total 4,104,467 4,104,467
VII Miscellaneous income 21,987,184 23,885,140
Total 252,048,927 232,608,187
` in ‘000 SCHEDULE 17 - Significant accounting for Sale” (‘AFS’) and “Held to Maturity” (‘HTM’) categories
Year ended Year ended (hereinafter called “categories”). Subsequent shifting
policies appended to and forming part amongst the categories is done in accordance with the RBI
31-Mar-21 31-Mar-20
SCHEDULE 15 - INTEREST EXPENDED of the financial statements for the year guidelines. Under each of these categories, investments
are further classified under six groups (hereinafter called
I Interest on deposits 501,433,080 508,037,575 ended March 31, 2021 “groups”) - Government Securities, Other Approved
II Interest on RBI / inter-bank borrowings 58,225,908 78,033,042
A BACKGROUND Securities, Shares, Debentures and Bonds, Investments
III Other interest 127,572 193,362
HDFC Bank Limited (‘HDFC Bank’ or ‘the Bank’), in Subsidiaries / Joint Ventures and Other Investments.
Total 559,786,560 586,263,979
incorporated in Mumbai, India is a publicly held banking
company engaged in providing a range of banking and Purchase and sale transactions in securities are recorded
SCHEDULE 16 - OPERATING EXPENSES financial services including retail banking, wholesale under settlement date of accounting, except in the case of
I Payments to and provisions for employees 103,647,937 95,256,682 banking and treasury operations. The Bank is governed equity shares where trade date accounting is followed.
II Rent, taxes and lighting 16,981,899 16,584,727 by the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and the Companies
III Printing and stationery 4,291,454 4,466,320 Act, 2013. The Bank has overseas branch operations in Basis of classification:
IV Advertisement and publicity 954,746 979,091 Bahrain, Hong Kong, Dubai and Offshore Banking Unit at Investments that are held principally for resale within 90
V Depreciation on bank's property 13,024,133 11,958,533 International Financial Service Centre (IFSC), at GIFT City, days from the date of purchase are classified under HFT
VI Directors' fees / remuneration, allowances and expenses 51,433 37,041 Gandhinagar in Gujarat. The financial accounting systems category. Investments which the Bank intends to hold till
VII Auditors' fees and expenses 46,273 37,823 of the Bank are centralised and, therefore, accounting maturity are classified as HTM securities. Investments in
VIIILaw charges 1,366,427 1,587,423
returns are not required to be submitted by branches of the equity of subsidiaries / joint ventures are categorised
the Bank. as HTM in accordance with the RBI guidelines. Investments
IX Postage, telegram, telephone etc. 4,807,651 4,275,952
which are not classified in either of the above categories
X Repairs and maintenance 16,162,822 12,675,704
B BASIS OF PREPARATION are classified under AFS category.
XI Insurance 17,228,235 12,292,295
The financial statements have been prepared and presented
XII Other expenditure* 148,663,291 146,823,698
under the historical cost convention and accrual basis of Acquisition cost:
Total 327,226,301 306,975,289 accounting, unless otherwise stated and are in accordance Brokerage, commission, etc. and broken period interest
*Includes professional fees, commission to sales agents, card and merchant acquiring expenses and system management fees. with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in India on debt instruments are recognised in the Profit and Loss
(‘GAAP’), statutory requirements prescribed under the Third Account and are not included in the cost of acquisition.
Schedule of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, circulars
and guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India (‘RBI’) Disposal of investments:
from time to time (RBI guidelines), Accounting Standards Profit / Loss on sale of investments under the aforesaid
(‘AS’) specified under Section 133 of the Companies Act, three categories is recognised in the Profit and Loss
2013 read together with paragraph 7 of the Companies Account. Cost of investments is based on the weighted
(Accounts) Rules, 2014 and the Companies (Accounting average cost method. The profit from sale of investment
Standards) Amendment Rules, 2016, in so far as they apply under HTM category, net of taxes and transfer to statutory
to banks. reserve is appropriated from the Profit and Loss Account to
“Capital Reserve” in accordance with the RBI Guidelines.
Use of estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Short sale:
GAAP requires the management to make estimates and The Bank undertakes short sale transactions in Central
necessary assumptions in the reported amounts of assets Government dated securities in accordance with RBI
and liabilities (including contingent liabilities) as of the date guidelines. The short position is categorised under HFT
of the financial statements and the reported income and category and netted off from investments in the Balance
expenses for the reporting period. Management believes Sheet. The short position is marked to market and loss, if
that the estimates used in the preparation of the financial any, is charged to the Profit and Loss Account while gain,
statements are prudent and reasonable. Actual results if any, is ignored. Profit / Loss on settlement of the short
could differ from these estimates. Any revision in the position is recognised in the Profit and Loss Account.
accounting estimates is recognised prospectively in the
current and future periods. Valuation:
Investments classified under AFS and HFT categories are
C PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTING POLICIES marked to market as per the RBI guidelines.
1 Investments
Classification: Traded investments are valued based on the trades /
In accordance with the RBI guidelines on investment quotes on the recognised stock exchanges or prices
classification and valuation, investments are classified on the published by Financial Benchmarks India Pvt Ltd.
date of purchase into “Held for Trading” (‘HFT’), “Available (FBIL) with Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives
Association (FIMMDA) as the calculating agent. Investments
denominated in foreign currencies are valued based on the investments includes securities under repo transactions. levels. Specific loan loss provisions in respect of non- The Bank considers a restructured account as one where
prices provided by market information providers such as The book value of individual securities is not changed after performing advances are charged to the Profit and Loss the Bank, for economic or legal reasons relating to the
Bloomberg, Refinitiv etc. the valuation of investments. Account and included under Provisions and Contingencies. borrower’s financial difficulty, grants to the borrower
concessions that the Bank would not otherwise consider.
The market value of unquoted government of India Investments classified under HTM category are carried Non-performing advances are written-off in accordance Restructuring would normally involve modification of terms
securities, state government securities and special at their acquisition cost and not marked to market. Any with the Bank’s policies. Recoveries from bad debts of the advance / securities, which would generally include,
bonds such as oil bonds, fertilizer bonds etc. which are premium on acquisition is amortised over the remaining written-off are recognised in the Profit and Loss Account among others, alteration of repayment period / repayable
directly issued by the government of India is computed maturity period of the security on a constant yield-to- and included under other income. amount / the amount of instalments / rate of interest (due
as per the prices published by FBIL with FIMMDA as the maturity basis. Such amortisation of premium is adjusted to reasons other than competitive reasons). Restructured
calculating agent. These prices are calculated by FIMMDA against interest income under the head income from In relation to non-performing derivative contracts, as per accounts are classified as such by the Bank only upon
in accordance with the extant RBI guidelines. investments as per the RBI guidelines. Any diminution, other the extant RBI guidelines, the Bank makes provision for the approval and implementation of the restructuring package.
than temporary, in the value of investments in subsidiaries / entire amount of overdue and future receivables relating Restructuring of an account is done at a borrower level.
The valuation of other unquoted fixed income securities joint ventures is provided for. to positive marked to market value of the said derivative
(viz. other approved securities and bonds and debentures), contracts. In accordance with the RBI guidelines on the prudential
and preference shares, is done with appropriate mark-up Non-performing investments are identified and depreciation framework for resolution of stressed assets and the
over the Yield to Maturity (YTM) rates for government of / provision are made thereon based on the RBI guidelines. The Bank maintains general provision for standard assets resolution framework for COVID-19 related stress, the Bank
India securities as published by FBIL with FIMMDA as the The depreciation / provision on such non-performing including credit exposures computed as per the current in accordance with its Board approved policy, carried out
calculating agent. investments are not set off against the appreciation in marked to market values of interest rate and foreign one-time restructuring of eligible borrowers. The asset
respect of other performing securities. Interest on non- exchange derivative contracts and gold in accordance with classification and necessary provisions thereon are done
Unquoted equity shares are valued at the break-up value, performing investments is not recognised in the Profit and the guidelines and at levels stipulated by RBI from time to in accordance with the said RBI guidelines.
if the latest Balance Sheet is available or at ` 1 as per the Loss Account until received. time. In the case of overseas branches, general provision
RBI guidelines. on standard advances is maintained at the higher of the 3 Securitisation and transfer of assets
Repurchase and reverse repurchase transactions: levels stipulated by the respective overseas regulator or Assets transferred through securitisation and direct
Units of mutual funds are valued at the latest net asset value In accordance with the RBI guidelines, repurchase (Repo) RBI. Provision for standard assets is included under other assignment of cash flows are de-recognised in the Balance
declared by the respective schemes of the mutual fund. and reverse repurchase (Reverse Repo) transactions in liabilities. Sheet when they are sold (true sale criteria being fully met
government securities and corporate debt securities with) and consideration is received by the Bank. Sales /
Treasury bills, commercial papers and certificate of deposits are reflected as borrowing and lending transactions Provisions made in addition to the Bank’s policy for transfers that do not meet these criteria for surrender of
being discounted instruments, are valued at carrying cost. respectively. specific loan loss provisions for non-performing assets and control are accounted for as borrowings. In accordance
regulatory general provisions are categorised as floating with RBI guidelines, the Bank amortises any profit received
Security receipts (SR) are valued as per the net asset value Borrowing cost on repo transactions is accounted for as provisions. Creation of floating provisions is considered by for a securitisation or direct assignment transaction based
provided by the issuing Asset Reconstruction Company interest expense and revenue on reverse repo transactions the Bank up to a level approved by the Board of Directors. on the method prescribed and any loss arising therefrom
from time to time. is accounted for as interest income. In accordance with the RBI guidelines, floating provisions is recognised in the Profit and Loss Account at the time of
are used up to a level approved by the Board only for sale.
Investments in unquoted Venture Capital Fund (VCF) are 2 Advances contingencies under extraordinary circumstances and for
categorised, at the discretion of the Bank, under HTM Classification: making specific provisions for impaired accounts as per The Bank transfers advances through inter-bank
category for an initial period of three years and valued Advances are classified as performing and non-performing these guidelines or any regulatory guidance / instructions. participation with and without risk. In accordance with
at cost during this period, in accordance with the RBI based on the RBI guidelines and are stated net of bills Floating provisions are included under other liabilities. the RBI guidelines, in the case of participation with risk,
guidelines. Such investments are transferred to the AFS rediscounted, inter-bank participation with risk, specific the aggregate amount of the participation issued by the
category after the said period of three years and valued provisions, interest in suspense for non-performing Further to the provisions required to be held according Bank is reduced from advances and where the Bank is
at NAV shown by the VCF in its financial statements. At advances, claims received from Export Credit Guarantee to the asset classification status, provisions are held for participating, the aggregate amount of the participation
least once a year, the units are valued based on the latest Corporation of India Ltd., provisions for funded interest term individual country exposures (other than for home country is classified under advances. In the case of participation
audited financials of the VCF if available or at ` 1 per VCF loan classified as non-performing advances and provisions exposure). Countries are categorised into risk categories without risk, the aggregate amount of participation issued
as per the RBI guidelines. in lieu of diminution in the fair value of restructured assets. as per Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Ltd. by the Bank is classified under borrowings and where the
Interest on non-performing advances is transferred to an (‘ECGC’) guidelines and provisioning is done in respect of Bank is participating, the aggregate amount of participation
Pass Through Certificates (PTC) including Priority Sector- interest suspense account and not recognised in the Profit that country where the net funded exposure is one percent is shown as due from banks under advances.
PTCs are valued by using FIMMDA credit spread as and Loss Account until received. or more of the Bank’s total assets. Provision for country risk
applicable for the NBFC category, based on the credit rating is included under other liabilities. In accordance with RBI guidelines on sale of non-
of the respective PTC over the YTM rates for government Provisioning: performing advances, if the sale is at a price below the
of India securities published by FBIL with FIMMDA as the Specific loan loss provisions in respect of non-performing In addition to the above, the Bank on a prudent basis net book value (i.e., book value less provisions held), the
calculating agent. advances are made based on management’s assessment makes provisions on advances or exposures which are not shortfall is charged to the Profit and Loss Account and if
of the degree of impairment of wholesale and retail NPAs, but has reasons to believe on the basis of the extant the sale is for a value higher than the net book value, the
Net depreciation in the value, if any, compared to the advances, subject to the minimum provisioning level environment or specific information or basis regulatory excess provision is credited to the Profit and Loss Account
acquisition cost, in any of the six groups, is charged to prescribed by the RBI. guidance / instructions, of a possible slippage of a specific in the year the amounts are received.
the Profit and Loss Account. The net appreciation, if any, advance or a group of advances or exposures or potential
in any of the six groups is not recognised except to the The specific provision levels for retail non-performing assets exposures. These are classified as contingent provisions In respect of stressed assets sold by the Bank under an
extent of depreciation already provided. The valuation of are also based on the nature of product and delinquency and included under other liabilities. asset securitisation, where the investment by the bank in
security receipts (SRs) backed by the assets sold by it is Asset Estimated Estimated useful are translated at the weekly average closing rates and forward exchange contract is amortised as expense or
more than 10 percent of such SRs, in accordance with useful life as life specified under of non-integral foreign operations (foreign branches and income over the life of the contract.
assessed by Schedule II of the
RBI guidelines, provisions held are higher of the provisions offshore banking units) at the monthly average closing
the Bank Companies Act, 2013
required in terms of net asset value declared by the rates. The Bank recognises all derivative contracts (other than
Owned Premises 61 years 60 years
Securitisation Company (‘SC’) / Reconstruction Company those designated as hedges) at fair value, on the date on
Automated Teller 10 years 15 years
(‘RC’) and provisions as per the extant norms applicable to Foreign currency monetary items of domestic and integral which the derivative contracts are entered into and are re-
Machines (ATMs)
the underlying loans, notionally treating the book value of foreign operations are translated at the closing exchange measured at fair value as at the Balance Sheet or reporting
Electrical equipments 6 to 10 years 10 years
these SRs as the corresponding stressed loans assuming and installations rates notified by Foreign Exchange Dealers’ Association dates. Derivatives are classified as assets when the fair
the loans remained in the books of the Bank. of India (FEDAI) as at the Balance Sheet date and the value is positive (positive marked to market value) or as
Office equipments 3 to 6 years 5 years
resulting net revaluation profit or loss arising due to a net liabilities when the fair value is negative (negative marked
Computers 3 years 3 years
The Bank invests in Pass Through Certificates (PTCs) open position in any foreign currency is recognised in the to market value). Changes in the fair value of derivatives
Modems, routers, 3 to 6 years 6 years
issued by other Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs). These Profit and Loss Account. other than those designated as hedges are recognised in
switches, servers,
are accounted for at the deal value and are classified as network and related the Profit and Loss Account.
investments. The Bank also buys loans through the direct IT equipments Both monetary and non-monetary foreign currency
assignment route which are classified as advances. These Motor cars 4 years 8 years assets and liabilities of non-integral foreign operations are Derivative contracts designated as hedges are not marked
are carried at acquisition cost unless it is more than the Furniture and fittings 16 years 10 years translated at closing exchange rates notified by FEDAI at to market unless their underlying transaction is marked to
face value, in which case the premium is amortised over the Balance Sheet date and the resulting profit / loss arising market. In respect of derivative contracts that are marked
the tenor of the loans. from exchange differences are accumulated in the Foreign to market, changes in the market value are recognised in
Currency Translation Account until disposal of the non- the Profit and Loss Account in the relevant period. The
over the remaining primary period of lease.
4 Priority Sector Lending Certificates (PSLCs) integral foreign operations in accordance with AS-11, The Bank identifies the hedged item (asset or liability) at the
The Bank enters into transactions for the sale or purchase Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates and the inception of the transaction itself. Hedge effectiveness is
of Priority Sector Lending Certificates (PSLCs). In the case extant RBI guidelines. ascertained at the time of the inception of the hedge and
depreciated over a period of 5 years.
of a sale transaction, the Bank sells the fulfilment of priority periodically thereafter. Gains or losses arising from hedge
sector obligation and in the case of a purchase transaction Foreign currency denominated contingent liabilities on ineffectiveness, if any, are recognised in the Profit and Loss
the Bank buys the fulfilment of priority sector obligation account of foreign exchange and derivative contracts, Account.
of 4 years.
through RBI trading platform. There is no transfer of risks guarantees, letters of credit, acceptances and
or loan assets. The fee received for the sale of PSLCs is endorsements are reported at closing rates of exchange 9 Revenue recognition
recorded as miscellaneous income and the fee paid for notified by FEDAI as at the Balance Sheet date. Interest income is recognised in the Profit and Loss
depreciation is provided on pro-rata basis by the
purchase of the PSLCs is recorded as other expenditure Account on an accrual basis, except in the case of non-
in Profit and Loss Account. These are amortised over the 8 Foreign exchange and derivative contracts performing assets. Also in case of domestic advances,
period of the Certificate. Foreign exchange spot and forward contracts outstanding where interest is collected on rear end basis, such interest
as at the Balance Sheet date and held for trading, are is accounted on receipt basis in accordance with the RBI
life of an asset, the unamortised depreciable amount
5 Fixed assets and depreciation revalued at the closing spot and forward rates respectively communication.
is charged over the revised remaining useful life of the
Fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated as notified by FEDAI and at interpolated rates for contracts
said asset.
depreciation as adjusted for impairment, if any. Cost of interim maturities. The USD-INR rate for valuation of Interest income on investments in PTCs and loans bought
includes cost of purchase and all expenditure like site contracts having longer maturities i.e. greater than one out through the direct assignment route is recognised at
preparation, installation costs and professional fees year, is derived using the MIFOR and LIBOR curves. For their effective interest rate.
transfer to statutory reserve, are transferred to capital
incurred on the asset before it is ready to use. Subsequent other currency pairs, the forward points (for rates / tenors
reserve account.
expenditure incurred on assets put to use is capitalised not published by FEDAI) are obtained from Refinitiv or Income on non-coupon bearing discounted instruments is
only when it increases the future benefit / functioning Bloomberg for valuation of the forex deals. Valuation is recognised over the tenor of the instrument on a constant
capability from / of such assets. considered on present value basis, as directed by FEDAI. effective yield basis.
` 5,000 individually, are fully depreciated in the year
For this purpose, the forward profit or loss on the deals
of purchase.
Depreciation is charged over the estimated useful life of are discounted till the valuation date using the discounting Loan processing fee is recognised as income when due.
the fixed asset on a straight-line basis. The management yields. The resulting profit or loss on valuation is recognised Syndication / Arranger fee is recognised as income when
6 Impairment of assets
believes that the useful life of assets assessed by the in the Profit and Loss Account. Foreign exchange contracts a significant act / milestone is completed.
The Bank assesses at each Balance Sheet date whether
Bank, pursuant to Part C of Schedule II to the Companies are classified as assets when the fair value is positive
there is any indication that an asset may be impaired.
Act, 2013, taking into account changes in environment, (positive marked to market value) or as liabilities when the Gain / loss on sell down of loans is recognised in line with
Impairment loss, if any, is provided in the Profit and Loss
changes in technology, the utility and efficacy of the asset fair value is negative (negative marked to market value). the extant RBI guidelines.
Account to the extent the carrying amount of assets
in use, fairly reflects its estimate of useful lives of the fixed
exceeds their estimated recoverable amount.
assets. The estimated useful lives of key fixed assets are Foreign exchange forward contracts not intended for Dividend on equity shares, preference shares and on
given below: trading, that are entered into to establish the amount of mutual fund units is recognised as income when the right
7 Translation of foreign currency items
reporting currency required or available at the settlement to receive the dividend is established.
Foreign currency income and expenditure items of domestic
date of a transaction, and are outstanding at the Balance
operations are translated at the exchange rates prevailing
Sheet date, are effectively valued at the closing spot rate. Guarantee commission, commission on letter of credit,
on the date of the transaction. Income and expenditure
The premium or discount arising at the inception of such annual locker rent fees and annual fees for credit cards
items of integral foreign operations (representative offices)
are recognised on a straight-line basis over the period
of contract. Other fees and commission income are eligible employees of the erstwhile Centurion Bank of Pension: The Bank also deals in bullion on a borrowing and lending
recognised when due, where the Bank is reasonably Punjab (eCBoP) staff) to a Trust administered by trustees In respect of pension payable to certain eLKB employees basis and the interest thereon is accounted as interest
certain of ultimate collection. and whose funds are managed by insurance companies. under IBA structure, which is a defined benefit scheme, expense / income respectively.
The Bank has no liability towards future superannuation the Bank contributes 10% of basic salary to a pension
10 Employee benefits fund benefits other than its contribution, and recognises trust set up by the Bank and administered by the Board 13 Lease accounting
Employee Stock Option Scheme (ESOS): such contribution as an expense in the year incurred. of Trustees and an additional amount towards the liability Lease payments including cost escalation for assets taken
The Employee Stock Option Scheme (‘the Scheme’) shortfall based on an independent actuarial valuation as on operating lease are recognised in the Profit and Loss
provides for the grant of options to acquire equity shares Provident fund: at the Balance Sheet date, which includes assumptions Account over the lease term on a straight-line basis in
of the Bank to its employees and whole time directors. The The Bank is covered under the Employees Provident Fund about demographics, early retirement, salary increases accordance with the AS-19, Leases.
options granted to employees vest in a graded manner and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and accordingly and interest rates.
and these may be exercised by the employees within a all employees of the Bank are entitled to receive benefits 14 Income tax
specified period. under the provident fund. The Bank contributes an amount, In respect of certain eLKB employees who had moved to Income tax expense comprises current tax provision (i.e.
on a monthly basis, at a determined rate (currently 12% a Cost to Company (CTC) based compensation structure the amount of tax for the period determined in accordance
The Bank follows the intrinsic value method to account of employee’s basic salary). Of this, the Bank contributes and had completed less than 15 years of service, the with the Income Tax Act, 1961, the rules framed there
for its stock-based employee compensation plans. an amount equal to 8.33% of employee’s basic salary up contribution which was made until then, is maintained as a under and considering the material principles set out in
Compensation cost is measured by the excess, if any, of to a maximum salary level of ` 15,000/- per month, to the fund and will be converted into annuity on separation after a Income Computation and Disclosure Standards) and the
the market price of the underlying stock over the exercise Pension Scheme administered by the Regional Provident lock-in-period of two years. For this category of employees, net change in the deferred tax asset or liability during the
price as determined under the option plan. The market Fund Office. The balance amount of the 12% employer’s liability stands frozen and no additional provision is required year. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognised for
price is the closing price on the stock exchange where there share is contributed to an exempted Trust set up by the except for interest as applicable to Provident Fund, which the future tax consequences of timing differences between
is highest trading volume on the working day immediately Bank and administered by a Board of Trustees. The Bank is provided for. the carrying values of assets and liabilities and their
preceding the date of grant. Compensation cost, if any is recognises such contributions as an expense in the year respective tax bases, and operating loss carried forward,
amortised over the vesting period. in which it is incurred. In respect of certain eLKB employees who moved to a if any. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using
CTC structure and had completed service of more than the enacted or substantively enacted tax rates as at the
Gratuity: Interest payable to the members of the exempted trust shall 15 years, pension would be paid on separation based Balance Sheet date.
The Bank has an obligation towards gratuity, a defined not be lower than the statutory rate of interest declared by on salary applicable as on the date of movement to
benefit retirement plan covering all eligible employees. the Central Government under the Employees Provident CTC structure. Provision thereto is made based on an Current tax assets and liabilities and deferred tax assets
The plan benefit vests upon completion of five years of Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and independent actuarial valuation as at the Balance Sheet and liabilities are off-set when they relate to income taxes
service and is in the form of lump sum amount, without an shortfall, if any, shall be made good by the Bank. date. levied by the same taxation authority, when the Bank has
upper limit, equivalent to 15 days’ basic salary payable for a legal right to off-set and when the Bank intends to settle
each completed year of service to all eligible employees on The guidance note on implementing AS-15, Employee New Pension Scheme (NPS): on a net basis.
resignation, retirement, death while in employment or on Benefits, states that benefits involving employer established In respect of employees who opt for contribution to the
termination of employment. The Bank makes contributions provident funds, which require interest shortfalls to be NPS, the Bank contributes certain percentage of the basic Deferred tax assets are recognised only to the extent there
to a recognized Gratuity Trust administered by trustees and provided, are to be considered as defined benefit plans. salary of employees to the aforesaid scheme, a defined is reasonable certainty that the assets can be realised
whose funds are managed by insurance companies. In Actuarial valuation of this Provident Fund interest shortfall contribution plan, which is managed and administered by in future. In case of unabsorbed depreciation or carried
respect of erstwhile Lord Krishna Bank (eLKB) employees, is done as per the guidance note issued in this respect by pension fund management companies. The Bank has no forward loss under taxation laws, deferred tax assets are
the Bank makes contribution to a fund set up by eLKB and The Institute of Actuaries of India (IAI) and provision towards liability other than its contribution, and recognises such recognised only if there is virtual certainty of realisation
administered by the Board of Trustees. this liability is made. contributions as an expense in the year incurred. of such assets. Deferred tax assets are reviewed at each
Balance Sheet date and appropriately adjusted to reflect
The defined gratuity benefit plans are valued by an The overseas branches of the Bank make contribution to the 11 Debit and credit cards reward points the amount that is reasonably / virtually certain to be
independent actuary as at the Balance Sheet date using respective applicable government social security scheme The Bank estimates the probable redemption of debit realised.
the projected unit credit method as per the requirement of calculated as a percentage of the employees’ salaries. and credit card reward points and cost per point using an
AS-15, Employee Benefits, to determine the present value The Bank’s obligations are limited to these contributions, actuarial method by employing an independent actuary, 15 Earnings per share
of the defined benefit obligation and the related service which are expensed when due, as such contribution is in which includes assumptions such as mortality, redemption The Bank reports basic and diluted earnings per equity
costs. The actuarial calculations entails assumptions the nature of defined contribution. and spends. Provisions for liabilities on the outstanding share in accordance with AS-20, Earnings per Share. Basic
about demographics, early retirement, salary increases reward points are made based on an independent actuarial earnings per equity share has been computed by dividing
and interest rates. Actuarial gain or loss is recognised in Leave encashment: valuation as at the Balance Sheet date and included in net profit for the year attributable to equity shareholders by
the Profit and Loss Account. The Bank has a policy of encashing unavailed leave for other liabilities and provisions. the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding
eLKB employees under Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) for the period. Diluted earnings per share reflect the potential
Superannuation: structure. The Bank provides for leave encashment based 12 Bullion dilution that could occur if securities or other contracts to
The Bank has a Superannuation Plan under which on an independent actuarial valuation at the Balance Sheet The Bank imports bullion including precious metal bars on issue equity shares were exercised or converted to equity
employees of the Bank, above a prescribed grade, are date, which includes assumptions about demographics, a consignment basis. The imports are typically on a back- during the year. Diluted earnings per equity share are
entitled to receive retirement benefits either through salary early retirement, salary increases, interest rates and leave to-back basis and are priced to the customer based on computed using the weighted average number of equity
or under a defined contribution plan. For those opting for utilisation. the price quoted by the supplier. The difference between shares and the dilutive potential equity shares outstanding
a defined contribution plan, the Bank contributes a sum the price recovered from customers and cost of bullion during the period except where the results are anti-dilutive.
equivalent to 13% of the employee’s eligible annual basic is accounted at the time of sale to the customers and
salary (15% for the whole time directors and for certain reported as ‘‘Other Income’’.
16 Share issue expenses t BQSFTFOUPCMJHBUJPOBSJTJOHGSPNBQBTUFWFOUXIJDI SCHEDULE 18 - Notes forming part of the financial statements for the year ended
Share issue expenses are adjusted from Share Premium is not recognised as it is not probable that an outflow
Account in terms of Section 52 of the Companies Act, of resources will be required to settle the obligation
March 31, 2021
2013. or a reliable estimate of the amount of the obligation
Amounts in notes forming part of the financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2021 are denominated in rupee crore to
cannot be made.
conform to extant RBI guidelines, except where stated otherwise.
17 Segment information
The disclosure relating to segment information is in 8IFOUIFSFJTBQPTTJCMFPCMJHBUJPOPSBQSFTFOUPCMJHBUJPO
accordance with AS-17, Segment Reporting and as per in respect of which the likelihood of outflow of resources is
1. Proposed dividend
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), vide notification dated December 04, 2020, stated that in view of the ongoing stress and
guidelines issued by RBI. remote, no provision or disclosure is made.
heightened uncertainty on account of COVID-19, banks should continue to conserve capital to support the economy and absorb
losses. The notification also stated that in order to further strengthen the banks’ balance sheets, while at the same time support
18 Accounting for provisions, contingent Contingent assets, if any, are not recognised in the financial
lending to the real economy, banks shall not make any dividend payment on equity shares from the profits pertaining to the
liabilities and contingent assets statements since this may result in the recognition of
financial year ended March 31, 2020. The Bank did not declare final dividend for the financial year ended March 31, 2020.
In accordance with AS-29, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities income that may never be realised.
and Contingent Assets, the Bank recognises provisions Given that the current “second wave” has significantly increased the number of COVID-19 cases in India and uncertainty
when it has a present obligation as a result of a past event, Onerous contracts remains, the Board of Directors of the Bank, at its meeting held on April 17, 2021, has considered it prudent to currently not
it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying Provisions for onerous contracts are recognised when propose dividend for the financial year ended March 31, 2021. The Board shall reassess the position based on any further
economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation the expected benefits to be derived by the Bank from a guidelines from the RBI in this regard.
and when a reliable estimate of the amount of the obligation contract are lower than the unavoidable costs of meeting
can be made. the future obligations under the contract. The provision is
2. Special Dividend
measured at the present value of the lower of the expected
During the previous year ended March 31, 2020 the Bank had paid Special Interim Dividend of ` 5 per equity share of face
Provisions are determined based on management estimate cost of terminating the contract and the expected net
value of ` 2 each (pre-split) for the financial year 2019-20, to commemorate 25 years of the Bank’s operation, aggregating to
required to settle the obligation at the Balance Sheet date, cost of continuing with the contract. Before a provision is
` 1,646.95 crore inclusive of tax on dividend.
supplemented by experience of similar transactions. These established, the Bank recognises any impairment loss on
are reviewed at each Balance Sheet date and adjusted to the assets associated with that contract.
3. Sub-division of Equity Shares
reflect the current management estimates.
During the previous year ended March 31, 2020, the shareholders of the Bank at the 25th Annual General Meeting held on July
19 Cash and cash equivalents 12, 2019 approved sub-division (split) of one equity share of the Bank from face value of ` 2/- each into two equity shares of
A disclosure of contingent liability is made when there is: Cash and cash equivalents include cash and gold in hand, face value of ` 1/- each. All shares and per share information in the financial statements reflect the effect of sub-division (split)
balances with RBI, balances with other banks and money retrospectively.
UIF at call and short notice.
existence of which will be confirmed by the occurrence
4. Capital adequacy
or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future 20 Corporate social responsibility
The Bank’s capital to risk-weighted assets ratio (‘Capital Adequacy Ratio’) as at March 31, 2021 is calculated in accordance
events not within the control of the Bank; or Expenditure towards corporate social responsibility, in with the RBI guidelines on Basel III capital regulations (‘Basel III’). The phasing-in of the minimum capital ratio requirement
accordance with Companies Act, 2013, is recognised in under Basel III is as follows:
the Profit and Loss Account. (% of RWAs)
Minimum ratio of capital to risk-weighted assets As at 31-Mar
2019 2020 2021
Common equity tier 1 (CET 1) 7.525 7.575 7.575
Tier I capital 9.025 9.075 9.075
Total capital 11.025 11.075 11.075
The above minimum CET 1, tier I and total capital ratio requirements include capital conservation buffer (CCB) and additional
capital applicable to our Bank being Domestic-Systemically Important Bank (D-SIB).
The Bank’s capital adequacy ratio computed under Basel III is given below:
(` crore)
As at 31-Mar
2021 2020
Tier I capital 198,587.36 171,414.44
Of which CET 1 capital 190,602.36 163,414.44
Tier II capital 13,958.94 12,843.41
Total capital 212,546.30 184,257.85
Total risk weighted assets 1,131,143.88 994,715.74
Capital adequacy ratios under Basel III
Tier I 17.56% 17.23%
Of which CET 1 16.85% 16.43%
Tier II 1.23% 1.29%
Total 18.79% 18.52%
During the year ended March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020, the Bank has not raised Additional Tier I and Tier II capital. 6. Reserves and Surplus
Statutory Reserve
As on March 31, 2021, the Bank’s subordinated and perpetual debt capital instruments amounted to ` 9,127.00 crore (previous The Bank has made an appropriation of ` 7,779.13 crore (previous year: ` 6,564.33 crore) out of profits for the year ended
year : ` 10,232.00 crore) and ` 8,000.00 crore (previous year : ` 8,000.00 crore) respectively. March 31, 2021 to the Statutory Reserve pursuant to the requirements of Section 17 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and
RBI guidelines dated September 23, 2000.
In accordance with RBI guidelines, banks are required to make Pillar 3 disclosures under the Basel III capital regulations.
The Bank’s Pillar 3 disclosures are available on its website at the following link: Capital Reserve
disclosures/default.htm. These Pillar 3 disclosures have not been subjected to audit or review by the statutory auditors. During the year ended March 31, 2021, the Bank appropriated ` 2,291.68 crore (previous year: ` 1,123.85 crore), being the
profit from sale of investments under HTM category and profit on sale of immovable properties, net of taxes and transfer to
Capital infusion statutory reserve, from the Profit and Loss Account to the Capital Reserve.
During the year ended March 31, 2021, the Bank allotted 2,94,90,022 equity shares (previous year: 3,66,73,240 equity shares)
aggregating to face value ` 2.95 crore (previous year: ` 3.67 crore) in respect of stock options exercised. Accordingly, the General Reserve
share capital increased by ` 2.95 crore (previous year: ` 3.67 crore) and the share premium increased by ` 1,757.15 crore The Bank has made an appropriation of ` 3,111.65 crore (previous year: ` 2,625.73 crore) out of profits for the year ended
(previous year: ` 1,845.01 crore). March 31, 2021 to the General Reserve.
The details of the movement in the paid-up equity share capital of the Bank are given below: (` crore) Investment Fluctuation Reserve
Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 In accordance with RBI guidelines, banks are required to create an Investment Fluctuation Reserve (IFR) equivalent to 2% of
Opening balance 548.33 544.66 their HFT and AFS investment portfolios, within a period of three years starting fiscal 2019. Accordingly, during the year ended
Addition pursuant to stock options exercised 2.95 3.67 March 31, 2021, the Bank has made an appropriation of ` 1,712.00 crore (previous year: ` 1,134.00 crore), to the Investment
Closing balance 551.28 548.33
Fluctuation Reserve from the Profit and Loss Account. The balance in the IFR as at March 31, 2021 was equivalent to 2% of
the Bank’s HFT and AFS investment portfolios.
5. Earnings per equity share Investment Reserve Account
Basic and diluted earnings per equity share of the Bank have been calculated based on the net profit after tax of ` 31,116.53
During the year ended March 31, 2021, the Bank appropriated ` 61.66 crore (net) from Profit and Loss Account to Investment
crore (previous year: ` 26,257.32 crore) and the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the year of
Reserve Account as per the RBI guidelines. During the previous year ended March 31, 2020, the net transfer between
5,49,96,68,151 (previous year: 5,46,88,02,148).
Investment Reserve Account and Profit and Loss Account was Nil, as per the RBI guidelines.
Following is the reconciliation between the basic and diluted earnings per equity share:
Draw down from reserves
For the years ended The Bank has not undertaken any drawdown from reserves during the years ended March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020.
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Nominal value per share (`) 1.00 1.00 7. Dividend on shares allotted pursuant to exercise of stock options
Basic earnings per share (`) 56.58 48.01 Shares allotted after the Balance Sheet date pursuant to any exercise of employee stock options but before book closure date
Effect of potential equity shares (per share) (`) (0.26) (0.35) are eligible for dividend, if any, declared by the Bank and approved at a General Body Meeting of the shareholders of the Bank.
Diluted earnings per share (`) 56.32 47.66
8. Accounting for employee share based payments
The shareholders of the Bank approved the grant of equity share options under Plan “C” in June 2005, Plan “D” in June 2007,
Basic earnings per equity share of the Bank has been computed by dividing the net profit for the year attributable to the equity
Plan “E” in June 2010, Plan “F” in June 2013 and Plan “G” in July 2016. Under the terms of each of these Plans, the Bank may
shareholders by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the year. Diluted earnings per equity share
issue to its employees and Whole Time Directors, Equity Stock Options (‘ESOPs’) each of which is convertible into one equity
has been computed by dividing the net profit for the year attributable to the equity shareholders by the weighted average
share. All the plans were framed in accordance with the SEBI (Employee Stock Option Scheme & Employee Stock Purchase
number of equity shares and dilutive potential equity shares outstanding during the year, except where the results are anti-
Scheme) Guidelines, 1999 as amended from time to time and as applicable at the time of the grant. The accounting for the stock
dilutive. The dilutive impact is on account of stock options granted to employees by the Bank. There is no impact of dilution
options has been in accordance with the SEBI (Share Based Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014 to the extent applicable.
on the profits in the current year and previous year.
Plans C, D, E, F and G provide for the issuance of options at the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration
Following is the reconciliation of the weighted average number of equity shares used in the computation of basic and diluted
Committee of the Board (‘NRC’) at the closing price on the working day immediately preceding the date when options are
earnings per share:
granted. This closing price is the closing price of the Bank’s equity share on an Indian stock exchange with the highest trading
For the years ended volume as of the working day preceding the date of grant.
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Weighted average number of equity shares used in computing basic earnings per 5,49,96,68,151 5,46,88,02,148 The vesting conditions applicable to the options are at the discretion of the NRC. These options are exercisable on vesting,
equity share for a period as set forth by the NRC at the time of the grant. The period in which the options may be exercised cannot exceed
Effect of potential equity shares outstanding 2,57,50,092 4,10,17,673 five years from date of expiry of vesting period. During the years ended March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020, no modifications
Weighted average number of equity shares used in computing diluted earnings per 5,52,54,18,243 5,50,98,19,821 were made to the terms and conditions of ESOPs.
equity share
Activity in the options outstanding under the Employee Stock Option Plans Impact of the fair value method on the net profit and earnings per share (EPS)
t Activity in the options outstanding under the various employee stock option plans as at March 31, 2021: Had the compensation cost for the Bank’s stock option plans been determined based on the fair value approach, the
Bank’s net profit for the year and earnings per share would have been as per the proforma amounts indicated below:
Weighted average
Particulars Number of options
exercise price (`)
(` crore)
Options outstanding, beginning of year 14,28,65,602 899.03
Granted during the year 5,74,66,600 1,235.80 Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Exercised during the year 2,94,90,022 596.85 Net profit (as reported) 31,116.53 26,257.32
Forfeited / Lapsed during the year 26,73,420 1,107.22 Add: Stock-based employee compensation expense included in net income - -
Options outstanding, end of year 16,81,68,760 1,063.79 Less: Stock-based compensation expense determined under fair value based 1,117.02 719.80
method (proforma)
Options exercisable 6,44,53,260 834.48
Net profit (proforma) 29,999.51 25,537.52
t Activity in the options outstanding under the various employee stock option plans as at March 31, 2020: (`) (`)
Basic earnings per share (as reported) 56.58 48.01
Weighted average Basic earnings per share (proforma) 54.55 46.70
Particulars Number of options
exercise price (`)
Diluted earnings per share (as reported) 56.32 47.66
Options outstanding, beginning of year 13,66,12,822 682.99
Diluted earnings per share (proforma) 54.29 46.35
Granted during the year 4,77,73,600 1,220.13
Exercised during the year 3,66,73,240 504.10 9. Other liabilities
Forfeited / Lapsed during the year 48,47,580 962.85 t 5IF#BOLIFMEQSPWJTJPOTUPXBSETTUBOEBSEBTTFUTBNPVOUJOHUP` 5,303.37 crore as at March 31, 2021 (previous year:
Options outstanding, end of year 14,28,65,602 899.03 ` 4,437.86 crore). These are included under other liabilities.
Options exercisable 6,44,64,392 638.18
9 Provision for standard assets is made @ 0.25% for direct advances to agriculture and Small and Micro Enterprises
t The following table summarises the information about stock options outstanding as at March 31, 2021: (SMEs) sectors, @ 1% for advances to commercial real estate sector, @ 0.75% for advances to commercial real
estate - residential housing sector, @ 5% on restructured standard advances, @ 2% until after one year from the date
Weighted average
Range of exercise Number of shares Weighted average on which the rates are reset at higher rates for housing loans offered at a comparatively lower rate of interest in the
Plan life of options
price (`) arising out of options exercise price (`) first few years and @ 2% on all exposures to the wholly owned step down subsidiaries of the overseas subsidiaries
(in years)
Plan C 417.75 9,700 0.32 417.75 of Indian companies, sanctioned / renewed after December 31, 2015.
Plan F 417.75 to 731.08 3,49,74,270 1.48 610.67
Plan G 882.85 to 1,235.80 13,31,84,790 3.18 1,182.83 9 Provision is maintained at rates higher than the regulatory minimum, on standard advances based on evaluation of
the risk and stress in various sectors as per the policy approved by the Board of the Bank.
t The following table summarises the information about stock options outstanding as at March 31, 2020:
9 In accordance with regulatory guidelines and based on the information made available by its customers to the Bank,
Weighted average for exposures to customers who have not hedged their foreign currency exposures, provision for standard assets
Range of exercise Number of shares Weighted average
Plan life of options is made at levels ranging up to 0.80% depending on the likely loss the entities could incur on account of exchange
price (`) arising out of options exercise price (`)
(in years) rate movements.
Plan C 340.00 to 417.75 4,85,100 0.34 344.05
Plan D 340.00 3,45,900 0.30 340.00 9 Provision for standard assets of overseas branches is made at higher of rates prescribed by the overseas regulator
Plan E 340.00 17,05,500 0.30 340.00 or RBI.
Plan F 417.75 to 731.08 5,85,68,822 2.02 587.08
Plan G 882.85 to 1,229.00 8,17,60,280 3.45 1,139.82 9 For all other loans and advances including credit exposures computed as per the current marked to market values
of interest rate and foreign exchange derivative contracts, provision for standard assets is made @ 0.40%.
Fair value methodology
9 In accordance with RBI guidelines, an additional provision is made @ 3% on the incremental exposure to the
The fair value of options used to compute the proforma net profit and earnings per equity share have been estimated on
“Specified Borrowers” (except NBFCs/HFCs) beyond normally permitted lending limit (NPLL) as defined by RBI.
the dates of each grant using the binomial option-pricing model. The Bank estimates the volatility based on the historical
prices of its equity shares. The Bank granted 5,74,66,600 options during the year ended March 31, 2021 (previous year:
t 0UIFSMJBCJMJUJFTJODMVEFDPOUJOHFOUQSPWJTJPOTPG` 5,861.17 crore as at March 31, 2021 (previous year: ` 2,995.80 crore)
4,77,73,600). The various assumptions considered in the pricing model for the ESOPs granted during the year ended
in respect of advances.
March 31, 2021 are:
Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 gross unrealised loss on foreign exchange and derivative contracts under other liabilities. Accordingly, other liabilities
Dividend yield 0.61% 0.61% to 0.85% as at March 31, 2021 include unrealised loss on foreign exchange and derivative contracts of ` 8,127.65 crore (previous
Expected volatility 20.13% to 28.93% 15.30% to 20.13% year: ` 18,470.93 crore).
Risk-free interest rate 4.63% to 5.75% 5.81% to 6.70%
Expected life of the options 1 to 6 years 1 to 6 years
10. Unhedged foreign currency exposure 9 Details of repo / reverse repo deals excluding tri-party repo / reverse repo (in face value terms) done during the year
The Bank has in place a policy and process for managing currency induced credit risk. The credit appraisal memorandum ended March 31, 2020: (` crore)
prepared at the time of origination and review of a credit facility is required to discuss the exchange risk that the customer Minimum Maximum Daily average Outstanding as
is exposed to from all sources, including trade related, foreign currency borrowings and external commercial borrowings. It Particulars outstanding outstanding outstanding at March 31,
during the year during the year during the year 2020
could cover the natural hedge available to the customer as well as other hedging methods adopted by the customer to mitigate
exchange risk. For foreign currency loans granted by the Bank beyond a defined threshold the customer is encouraged to Securities sold under repo
enter into appropriate risk hedging mechanisms with the Bank. Alternatively, the Bank satisfies itself that the customer has 1. Government securities - 26,368.04 1,357.92 1,747.44
the financial capacity to bear the exchange risk in the normal course of its business and / or has other mitigants to reduce the 2. Corporate debt securities - - - -
risk. On a monthly basis, the Bank reviews information on the unhedged portion of foreign currency exposures of customers,
whose total foreign currency exposure with the Bank exceeds a defined threshold. Based on the monthly review, the Bank 3. Any other securities - - - -
proposes suitable hedging techniques to the customer to contain the risk. A Board approved credit risk rating linked limit on Securities purchased under reverse repo
unhedged foreign currency position of customers is applicable when extending credit facilities to a customer. The compliance 1. Government securities - 89,162.10 27,524.91 22,389.54
with the limit is assessed by estimating the extent of drop in a customer’s annual Earnings Before Interest and Depreciation
2. Corporate debt securities - - - -
(‘EBID’) due to a potentially large adverse movement in exchange rate impacting the unhedged foreign currency exposure of
the customer. Where a breach is observed in such a simulation, the customer is advised to reduce its unhedged exposure. 3. Any other securities - - - -
In accordance with RBI guidelines, as at March 31, 2021 the Bank holds standard asset provisions of ` 230.31 crore (previous 9 Details of Tri-party repo / reverse repo deals (in amount of funds borrowed or lent terms) done during the year ended
year: ` 129.95 crore) and maintains capital (including CCB & D-SIB) of ` 918.77 crore (previous year: ` 574.13 crore) in respect March 31, 2021: (` crore)
of the unhedged foreign currency exposure of its customers. Minimum Maximum Daily average Outstanding as
Particulars outstanding outstanding outstanding at March 31,
11. Investments during the year during the year during the year 2021
t 7BMVFPGJOWFTUNFOUT (` crore) Securities sold under tri-party repo
Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 1. Government securities - 62,412.35 28,907.14 30,706.00
Gross value of investments 2. Corporate debt securities - - - -
- In India 442,204.87 390,573.74
3. Any other securities - - - -
- Outside India 2,375.20 2,231.39
Provisions for depreciation on investments Securities purchased under tri-party repo
- In India 844.70 929.86 1. Government securities - 1,000.00 2.74 -
- Outside India 7.08 48.61
2. Corporate debt securities - - - -
Net value of investments
- In India 441,360.17 389,643.88 3. Any other securities - - - -
- Outside India 2,368.12 2,182.78
9 Details of Tri-party repo / reverse repo deals (in amount of funds borrowed or lent terms) done during the year ended
Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 Minimum Maximum Daily average Outstanding as
Opening balance 978.47 274.68 Particulars outstanding outstanding outstanding at March 31,
during the year during the year during the year 2020
Add: Provision made during the year (including provision on non-performing 790.99 709.60
investments) Securities sold under tri-party repo
Less: Write-off, write back of excess provision during the year 917.68 5.81 1. Government securities - 56,036.05 11,478.42 50,798.20
Closing balance 851.78 978.47
2. Corporate debt securities - - - -
Movement in provisions held towards depreciation on investments has been reckoned on a yearly basis.
3. Any other securities - - - -
t 3FQPUSBOTBDUJPOT Securities purchased under tri-party repo
9 Details of repo / reverse repo deals excluding tri-party repo / reverse repo (in face value terms) done during the 1. Government securities - 7,700.00 319.25 -
year ended March 31, 2021: (` crore)
2. Corporate debt securities - - - -
Minimum Maximum Daily average Outstanding as
Particulars outstanding outstanding outstanding at March 31, 3. Any other securities - - - -
during the year during the year during the year 2021
Securities sold under repo
1. Government securities 1,747.44 35,747.72 11,871.55 13,939.92
2. Corporate debt securities - - - -
3. Any other securities - - - -
Securities purchased under reverse repo
1. Government securities 3,840.10 135,217.76 61,602.21 24,948.85
2. Corporate debt securities - - - -
3. Any other securities - - - -
9 Issuer-wise composition of non-SLR investments as at March 31, 2021: The details of investments held under the three categories viz. Held for Trading (HFT), Available for Sale (AFS) and Held
(` crore) to Maturity (HTM) are as under: (` crore)
Extent of As at March 31, 2021 As at March 31, 2020
Extent of “below Extent of Extent of Particulars
Issuer Amount(1) private investment “unrated” “unlisted”
No. placement# grade” securities# (2) securities#(3) Governmentsecurities 953.72 99,001.28 251,779.64 351,734.64 38,335.31 91,847.40 193,698.14 323,880.85
securities# Other approved - - - - - - - -
1 Public sector undertakings 7,058.68 6,505.03 - - - securities
2 Financial institutions 3,490.82 1,200.00 - - - Shares - 436.80 - 436.80 - 407.91 - 407.91
3 Banks 3,642.71 255.40 - - - Debentures and bonds 3,465.68 52,060.26 8,034.79 63,560.73 447.04 25,920.99 1,420.66 27,788.69
4 Private corporate 50,843.98 36,117.38 1,013.00 15.86 2,655.51 Subsidiary / Joint - - 3,826.49 3,826.49 - - 3,826.49 3,826.49
5 Subsidiaries / Joint ventures(4) 3,826.49 3,826.49 - - - ventures
6 Others 23,532.63 19,032.85 - 775.26 - Others 4,158.91 19,998.53 12.19 24,169.63 8,517.08 27,395.44 10.20 35,922.72
7 Provision held towards depreciation (401.66) Total 8,578.31 171,496.87 263,653.11 443,728.29 47,299.43 145,571.74 198,955.49 391,826.66
Total 91,993.65 66,937.15 1,013.00 791.12 2,655.51
# Amounts reported under these columns are not mutually exclusive. t 4FDVSJUJFTLFQUBTNBSHJO
(1) Excludes investments in securities issued by foreign sovereign aggregating to ` 593.61 crore (net of provision held The details of securities that are kept as margin are as under: (` crore)
towards depreciation of ` 7.08 crore)
(2) Excludes investments in equity shares and units of equity oriented mutual funds and venture capital funds in line with Sr. Face value as at March 31,
extant RBI guidelines. No. 2021 2020
(3) Excludes investments in equity shares, units of equity oriented mutual funds and venture capital funds, pass through I. Securities kept as margin with Clearing Corporation of India towards:
certificates, security receipts, commercial paper, certificate of deposits and convertible debentures in line with extant
a) Collateral and funds management - Securities segment 2,120.00 1,820.00
RBI guidelines.
(4) Investments in debt securities issued by subsidiaries / joint ventures have been classified under private corporate. b) Collateral and funds management - Tri-party Repo 62,361.84 57,899.98
c) Default fund - Forex Forward segment 150.00 150.00
9 Issuer-wise composition of non-SLR investments as at March 31, 2020: (` crore) d) Default fund - Forex Settlement segment 51.05 51.05
e) Default fund - Rupee Derivatives (Guaranteed Settlement) segment 48.00 48.00
Extent of
Extent of “below Extent of Extent of f) Default fund - Securities segment 65.00 65.00
Sr. g) Default fund - Tri-party repo segment 50.00 50.00
Issuer Amount(1) private investment “unrated” “unlisted”
No. placement# grade” securities# (2) securities#(3) II. Securities kept as margin with the RBI towards:
securities# a) Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) 51,725.77 54,944.95
1 Public sector undertakings 3,122.15 1,554.09 - - - b) Repo transactions 49,959.91 54,622.56
2 Financial institutions 6,263.47 3,282.00 - - - c) Reverse repo transactions 24,948.85 22,389.54
3 Banks 4,482.97 944.33 - - - III. Securities kept as margin with National Securities Clearing Corporation of 107.72 107.72
4 Private corporate 27,708.92 23,189.75 1,960.83 15.42 1,695.91 India (NSCCIL) towards NSE Currency Derivatives segment.
5 Subsidiaries / Joint ventures(4) 3,826.49 3,826.49 - - - IV. Securities kept as margin with Indian Clearing Corporation Limited towards 161.00 161.00
6 Others 23,520.28 14,993.21 - 434.32 - BSE Currency Derivatives segment.
7 Provision held towards depreciation (978.47) V. Securities kept as margin with Metropolitan Clearing Corporation of India 13.00 13.00
Total 67,945.81 47,789.87 1,960.83 449.74 1,695.91 towards MCX Currency Derivatives segment.
# Amounts reported under these columns are not mutually exclusive.
(1) Excludes investments in securities issued by foreign sovereign aggregating to ` 840.94 crore. t 0UIFSJOWFTUNFOUTBTBU.BSDI
(2) Excludes investments in equity shares and units of equity oriented mutual funds and venture capital funds in line with year: ` 10,929.00 crore) and nil certificate of deposits (previous year: ` 1,473.44 crore).
extant RBI guidelines.
(3) Excludes investments in equity shares, units of equity oriented mutual funds and venture capital funds, pass through
certificates, security receipts, commercial paper, certificate of deposits and convertible debentures in line with extant
RBI guidelines.
(4) Investments in debt securities issued by subsidiaries / joint ventures have been classified under private corporate.
BOEUSBOTGFSSFEUPGSPN The nature and terms of Forward Rate Agreement as on March 31, 2021 are set out below: (` crore, except numbers)
HTM category was in excess of 5% of the book value of investments held in HTM category at the beginning of the year. Nature Nos. Notional principal Benchmark Terms
The market value of investments (excluding book value of investments in subsidiaries aggregating to ` 3,826.49 crore Trading 66 2,088.78 Bond Yield Sell FRA
and unquoted units of venture capital funds aggregating to ` 12.19 crore) under HTM category as on March 31, 2021 was Total 2,088.78
` 262,299.32 crore and was higher than the book value thereof as of that date. In accordance with the RBI guidelines,
sale from, and transfer to / from, HTM category excludes: The nature and terms of Rupee IRS outstanding as at March 31, 2020 are set out below:
a. one-time transfer of securities permitted to be undertaken by banks at the beginning of the accounting year with (` crore, except numbers)
approval of the Board of Directors;
Nature Nos. Notional principal Benchmark Terms
b. sale to the RBI under pre-announced open market operation auctions; Trading 1 25.00 INBMK Floating receivable v/s fixed payable
c. repurchase of Government securities by Government of India from banks; Trading 3 1,100.00 INCMT Floating receivable v/s fixed payable
d. additional shifting of securities explicitly permitted by the RBI from time to time; Trading 2,985 134,283.88 OIS Fixed receivable v/s floating payable
e. direct sales from HTM for bringing down SLR holdings in the HTM category; and Trading 2,933 140,906.49 OIS Floating receivable v/s fixed payable
f. repurchase of State Development Loans (SDLs) by the concerned state government. Trading 518 28,568.50 MIFOR Fixed receivable v/s floating payable
Trading 329 16,410.00 MIFOR Floating receivable v/s fixed payable
12. Derivatives Total 321,293.87
(` crore)
Sr. The nature and terms of foreign currency IRS as on March 31, 2020 are set out below:
Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 (` crore, except numbers)
i) The total notional principal of swap agreements 317,188.20 364,130.26 Nature Nos. Notional principal Benchmark Terms
Total losses which would be incurred if counter parties failed to fulfill their Trading 84 12,786.71 USD LIBOR Fixed receivable v/s floating payable
ii) 3,251.25 4,993.40
obligations under the agreements Trading 226 30,049.68 USD LIBOR Floating receivable v/s fixed payable
iii) Collateral required by the Bank upon entering into swaps*** 17.10 35.41 Total 42,836.39
iv) Concentration of credit risk arising from swaps (%)** 62.04% 60.90%
v) Concentration of credit risk arising from swaps (Amount)** 2,017.07 3,041.17 There were no forward rate agreements outstanding as on March 31, 2020.
vi) The fair value of the swap book (141.37) (203.05)
* Interest Rate Swaps are comprised of INR Interest Rate Swaps and FCY Interest Rate Swaps. t &YDIBOHFUSBEFEJOUFSFTUSBUFEFSJWBUJWFT (` crore)
** Concentration of credit risk arising from swaps is with banks as at March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020. Sr.
*** Represents outstanding amount of net margin received from customers as at March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020. Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
i) The total notional principal amount of exchange traded interest rate Nil Nil
The nature and terms of Rupee IRS outstanding as at March 31, 2021 are set out below: (` crore, except numbers) derivatives undertaken during the years reported
Nature Nos. Notional principal Benchmark Terms ii) The total notional principal amount of exchange traded interest rate Nil Nil
Trading 2 600.00 INCMT Floating receivable v/s fixed payable derivatives outstanding
Trading 2,414 115,869.21 OIS Fixed receivable v/s floating payable iii) The notional principal amount of exchange traded interest rate derivatives N.A. N.A.
Trading 2,288 117,077.25 OIS Floating receivable v/s fixed payable outstanding and not ‘highly effective’
Trading 566 32,993.50 MIFOR Fixed receivable v/s floating payable iv) Mark-to-market value of exchange traded interest rate derivatives N.A. N.A.
outstanding and not ‘highly effective’
Trading 281 13,465.00 MIFOR Floating receivable v/s fixed payable
Total 280,004.96
The nature and terms of foreign currency IRS as on March 31, 2021 are set out below: (` crore, except numbers) Overview of business and processes
Derivatives are financial instruments whose characteristics are derived from underlying assets, or from interest rates,
Nature Nos. Notional principal Benchmark Terms
exchange rates or indices. These include forwards, swaps, futures and options. The notional amounts of financial
Trading 1 91.25 GBP LIBOR Fixed receivable v/s floating payable
instruments such as foreign exchange contracts and derivatives provide a basis for comparison with the instruments
Trading 1 91.25 GBP LIBOR Floating receivable v/s fixed payable recognised on the Balance Sheet but do not necessarily indicate the amounts of future cash flows involved or the current
Trading 2 37.77 EURIBOR Fixed receivable v/s floating payable fair value of the instruments and, therefore, do not indicate the Bank’s exposure to credit or price risks. The following
Trading 6 316.46 EURIBOR Floating receivable v/s fixed payable sections outline the nature and terms of the derivative transactions generally undertaken by the Bank.
Trading 84 9,350.78 USD LIBOR Fixed receivable v/s floating payable
Trading 227 25,206.95 USD LIBOR Floating receivable v/s fixed payable Interest rate contracts
Total 35,094.46 Forward rate agreements give the buyer the ability to determine the underlying rate of interest for a specified period
commencing on a specified future date (the settlement date). The underlying rate of interest could be an interest rate curve,
interest rate index or bond yield. There is no exchange of principal and settlement is effected on the settlement date. The
settlement amount is the difference between the contracted rate and the market rate prevailing on the settlement date
discounted for the interest period of the agreement.
Interest rate swaps involve the exchange of interest obligations with the counterparty for a specified period without
exchanging the underlying (or notional) principal.
Interest rate caps and floors give the buyer the ability to fix the maximum or minimum rate of interest. The writer of the
Hedging policy
contract pays the amount by which the market rate exceeds or is less than the cap rate or the floor rate respectively.
For derivative contracts designated as hedging instruments, the Bank documents, at inception of the hedge, the relationship
A combination of interest rate caps and floors can create structures such as interest rate collar, cap spreads and floor
between the hedging instrument and the hedged item, the risk management objective for undertaking the hedge and
the methods used to assess the hedge effectiveness. Hedge effectiveness is ascertained at the time of inception of the
hedge and periodically thereafter. Hedge effectiveness is measured by the degree to which changes in the fair value or
Interest rate futures are standardised interest rate derivative contracts traded on a recognised stock exchange to buy
cash flows of the hedged item that are attributable to a hedged risk are offset by changes in the fair value or cash flows
or sell a notional security or any other interest bearing instrument or an index of such instruments or interest rates at a
of the hedging instrument.
specified future date, at a price determined at the time of the contract.
The hedging book consists of transactions to hedge Balance Sheet assets or liabilities. The tenor of hedging instrument
Exchange rate contracts may be less than or equal to the tenor of underlying hedged asset or liability. Derivative contracts designated as hedges
Forward foreign exchange contracts are agreements to buy or sell fixed amounts of currency at agreed rates of exchange in an effective hedge relationship, are not marked to market unless their underlying asset or liability is marked to market.
on future date. These instruments are carried at fair value, determined based on either FEDAI rates or market quotations. In respect of derivative contracts that are marked to market, changes in the market value are recognised in the Profit
and Loss Account in the relevant period. Gain or losses arising from hedge ineffectiveness, if any, is recognised in the
Cross currency swaps are agreements to exchange principal amounts denominated in different currencies. Cross Profit and Loss Account. Foreign exchange forward contracts not intended for trading, that are entered into to establish
currency swaps may also involve the exchange of interest payments on one specified currency for interest payments in the amount of reporting currency required or available at the settlement date of a transaction, and are outstanding at the
another specified currency for a specified period. Balance Sheet date, are effectively valued at the closing spot rate. The premia or discount arising at the inception of such
forward exchange contract is amortised as expense or income over the life of the contract.
Currency options (including Exchange Traded Currency Option) give the buyer, on payment of a premium, the right but
not an obligation, to buy or sell specified amounts of currency at agreed rates of exchange on or before a specified future t 1SPWJTJPOJOH
date. The Bank enters into derivative transactions with counter parties based on their business ranking and financial position.
The Bank sets up appropriate limits upon evaluating the ability of the counterparty to honour its obligations in the event
Currency futures contract is a standardised contract traded on an exchange, to buy or sell a certain underlying currency at
of crystallisation of the exposure. Appropriate credit covenants are stipulated where required, as trigger events to call for
a certain date in the future, at a specified price. The contract specifies the rate of exchange between one unit of currency
collaterals or terminate a transaction and contain the risk.
with another.
The Bank, at the minimum, conforms to the RBI guidelines with regard to provisioning requirements. Overdue receivables
The Bank’s derivative transactions relate to sales and trading activities. Sale activities include the structuring and marketing representing crystallised positive mark-to-market value of a derivative contract are transferred to the account of the
of derivatives to customers to enable them to hedge their market risks (both interest rate and exchange risks), within the borrower and treated as non-performing assets, if these remain unpaid for 90 days or more. Full provision is made for the
regulatory framework as applicable from time to time. The Bank deals in derivatives on its own account (trading activity) entire amount of overdue and future receivables relating to positive marked to market value of non-performing derivative
principally for the purpose of generating a profit from short term fluctuations in price yields or implied volatility. The Bank contracts.
also deals in derivatives to hedge the risk embedded in some of its Balance Sheet assets or liabilities.
Constituents involved in derivative business Sr.
Particulars Currency derivatives Interest rate derivatives
The Treasury front-office enters into derivative transactions with customers and inter-bank counterparties. The Bank No.
has an independent back-office and mid-office as per regulatory guidelines. The Bank has credit risk and market risk March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31,
departments that assesses various counterparty credit risk and market risk limits, within the risk architecture and 2021 2020 2021 2020
processes of the Bank. 1 Derivatives (notional principal amount)
a) Hedging - - - -
Derivative policy b) Trading 40,074.83 48,556.58 317,629.80 364,449.58
The Bank has in place a Derivative Policy which covers various aspects that apply to the functioning of the derivative 2 Marked to market positions
business. The derivative business is administered through various market risk limits such as position limits, tenor limits, a) Asset (+) 922.74 1,469.15 3,253.93 4,994.01
sensitivity limits, scenario based profit and loss limit for option portfolio, stop loss trigger levels and value-at-risk limits b) Liability (-) (594.51) (1,090.17) (3,395.30) (5,197.06)
that are recommended by the Risk Policy and Monitoring Committee (‘RPMC’) to the Board of Directors for approval. 3 Credit exposure 3,077.28 3,562.03 5,423.27 6,734.23
All methodologies used to assess market and credit risks for derivative transactions are specified by the credit risk and Likely impact of one percentage change in interest rate
market risk units. Limits are monitored on a daily basis by the mid-office. (100*PV01)**
a) On hedging derivatives - - - -
The Bank has implemented a Board approved policy on Customer Suitability & Appropriateness, which forms part of b) On trading derivatives 32.08 45.10 187.97 70.94
the Derivative Policy, to ensure that derivative transactions entered into are appropriate and suitable to the customer’s 5 Maximum of 100*PV01 observed during the year**
nature of business / operations. Before entering into a derivative deal with a customer, the Bank scores the customer a) On hedging - - - -
on various risk parameters and based on the overall score level it determines the kind of product that best suits its risk b) On trading 43.07 45.10 187.97 181.04
appetite and the customer’s requirements. 6 Minimum of 100*PV01 observed during the year**
a) On hedging - - - -
Classification of derivatives book b) On trading 18.83 32.39 0.34 44.41
The derivative book is classified into trading and hedging book. Classification of the derivative book is made on the basis **Amounts given are absolute values on a net basis, excluding currency options.
of the definitions of the trading and hedging books specified in the RBI guidelines. The trading book is managed within
the trading limits recommended by the RPMC and approved by the Board of Directors.
9 As at March 31, 2021, the notional principal amount of outstanding foreign exchange contracts classified as trading t 5IF)POPVSBCMF4VQSFNF$PVSUPG*OEJB )POCMF4$
amounted to ` 496,472.67 crore (previous year: ` 607,919.49 crore). There were no foreign exchange contracts
Anr), vide an interim order dated September 03, 2020 (“Interim Order”), had directed banks that accounts which were not
classified as hedging outstanding as at March 31, 2021 (previous year: Nil).
declared NPA till August 31, 2020 shall not be declared as NPA till further orders. Accordingly, the Bank did not classify
9 The notional principal amounts of derivatives reflect the volume of transactions outstanding as at the Balance Sheet any account which was not NPA as of August 31, 2020 as per the RBI IRAC norms, as NPA after August 31, 2020.
date and do not represent the amounts at risk.
9 For the purpose of this disclosure, currency derivatives include currency options purchased and sold and cross The Interim Order granted to not declare accounts as NPA stood vacated on March 23, 2021 vide the judgement of the
currency swaps. Hon’ble SC in the matter of Small Scale Industrial Manufacturers Association vs. UOI & Ors. and other connected matters.
In accordance with the instructions in paragraph 5 of the RBI circular dated April 07, 2021 issued in this connection, the
9 For the purpose of this disclosure, interest rate derivatives include interest rate swaps, forward rate agreements and Bank has continued with the asset classification of borrower accounts as per the extant RBI instructions / IRAC norms.
interest rate caps and floors.
9 The Bank has computed the maximum and minimum of PV01 for the year based on the balances as at the end of t 5FDIOJDBMPSQSVEFOUJBMXSJUFPGGT
every month. Technical or prudential write-offs refer to the amount of non-performing assets which are outstanding in the books of
the branches, but have been written-off (fully or partially) at the head office level. The financial accounting systems of the
9 In respect of derivative contracts, the Bank evaluates the credit exposure arising there from, in line with RBI
Bank are integrated and there are no write-offs done by the Bank which remain outstanding in the books of the branches.
guidelines. Credit exposure has been computed using the current exposure method which is the sum of:
Movement in the stock of technically or prudentially written-off accounts is given below:
(a) the current replacement cost (marked to market value including accruals) of the contract or zero whichever is (` crore)
higher; and
Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
(b) the Potential Future Exposure (PFE) is a product of the notional principal amount of the contract and a factor
Opening balance of technical / prudential write-offs - -
that is based on the grid of credit conversion factors prescribed in RBI guidelines, which is applied on the basis
of the residual maturity and the type of contract. Technical / prudential write-offs during the year - -
Recoveries made from previously technically / prudentially written-off accounts - -
13. Asset quality during the year
(` crore) Closing balance of technical / prudential write-offs - -
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
(i) Net NPAs to net advances 0.40% 0.36% t 'MPBUJOHQSPWJTJPOT
(ii) Movement of NPAs (Gross)
Floating provision of ` 1,451.28 crore (previous year: ` 1,451.28 crore) has been included under “Other Liabilities”.
Movement in floating provision is given below:
(a) Opening balance 12,649.97 11,224.16
(b) Additions (fresh NPAs) during the year 16,040.01 17,563.13 (` crore)
(c) Reductions during the year: 13,603.98 16,137.32 Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
- Upgradation* 1,601.63 3,604.60 Opening balance 1,451.28 1,451.28
- Recoveries (excluding recoveries made from upgraded accounts) 2,713.27 4,278.23 Provisions made / reinstated during the year - -
- Write-offs 9,289.08 8,254.49 Draw down made during the year - -
(d) Closing balance 15,086.00 12,649.97 Closing balance 1,451.28 1,451.28
(iii) Movement of net NPAs
(a) Opening balance 3,542.36 3,214.52 Floating provisions shall be utilised as per the Board approved policy for contingencies under extraordinary circumstances
(b) Additions during the year 3,012.06 4,885.53 and for making specific provision for impaired accounts in accordance with the RBI guidelines / directives.
(c) Reductions during the year 1,999.60 4,557.69
(iv) Movement of provisions for NPAs (excluding provisions on standard In terms of the RBI guidelines, banks are required to disclose the divergence in asset classification and provisioning
assets) consequent to RBI’s annual supervisory process in their notes to accounts to the financial statements, wherever the
(a) Opening balance 9,107.61 8,009.64 additional provisioning assessed / additional gross NPAs identified by RBI exceeds the threshold specified by RBI. The
(b) Additions during the year 13,027.95 12,677.60 threshold for provisioning is 10 per cent of the reported profit before provisions and contingencies for the reference period
(c) Write-offs 9,289.08 8,254.49 and that for additional gross NPAs is 15 per cent of the published incremental Gross NPAs for the reference period.
(d) Write-back of excess provisions 2,315.30 3,325.14
There was no divergence in asset classification and provisioning for NPAs for the year ended March 31, 2020.
(e) Closing balance 10,531.18 9,107.61
NPAs include all loans, investments and foreign exchange and derivatives that are classified as non-performing by the Bank.
*includes those accounts where all overdue have been paid.
Type of restructuring Others Total
Mechanism Debt Restructuring Mechanism
Asset Classification Sub Sub Sub Sub
No. Stan- Doubt- Stan- Doubt- Stan- Doubt- Stan- Doubt-
Stan- Loss Total Stan- Loss Total Stan- Loss Total Stan- Loss Total
Details dard ful dard ful dard ful dard ful
dard dard dard dard
1 Restructured No. of
accounts as - - 4 - 4 - - - - - 3 6 2 1 12 3 6 6 1 16
at April 1,
2020* Amount
- - 45.04 - 45.04 - - - - - 55.34 51.07 4.74 1.39 112.54 55.34 51.07 49.78 1.39 157.58
- - - - - - - - - - - 2.22 - 0.02 2.24 - 2.22 - 0.02 2.24
2 Fresh No. of
restructuring - - - - - - - - - - 3 729 1 - 733 3 729 1 - 733
during the
year # Amount
- - - - - - - - - - 92.42 27.34 0.22 - 119.98 92.42 27.34 0.22 - 119.98
For the year ended March 31, 2021
- - - - - - - - - - - 0.06 - - 0.06 - 0.06 - - 0.06
3 Upgradation No. of
to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
standard Amount
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
category outstanding
during the
year Provision
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4 Advances No. of
not shown as - - - - - - - -
standard Amount
- - - - - - - -
advances at outstanding
the beginning
of the next Provision
- - - - - - - -
year^ thereon
5 Down No. of
gradation of - - - - - - - - - - (1) +1 -1 1 - - (1) - 1 - -
accounts Amount
- - - - - - - - - - (0.60) (5.58) 6.18 - - (0.60) (5.58) 6.18 - -
during the outstanding
- - - - - - - - - - - (0.70) 0.70 - - - (0.70) 0.70 - -
6 Write-offs of No. of
restructured - - 3 - 3 - - - - - 1 5 1 1 8 1 5 4 1 11
during the Amount
- - 42.65 - 42.65 - - - - - 0.48 44.89 0.32 1.39 47.08 0.48 44.89 42.97 1.39 89.73
year ## outstanding
Schedules to the Financial Statements
7 Restructured No. of
accounts as - - 1 - 1 - - - - - 4 730 3 - 737 4 730 4 - 738
at March 31,
2021* Amount
- - 2.39 - 2.39 - - - - - 146.68 27.94 10.82 - 185.44 146.68 27.94 13.21 - 187.83
Provision - - - - - - - - - - - 0.84 - - 0.84 - 0.84 - - 0.84
* Excludes the figures of standard restructured advances which do not attract higher provisioning or risk weight.
^ These are restructured standard advances which cease to attract higher provisioning and / or additional risk weight at the end of the year and hence need not be shown
as restructured standard advances at the beginning of the next year.
# includes ` 0.20 crore of additional sanction (2 account and Nil provision) to existing restructured account.
## includes ` 31.92 crore (5 accounts and Nil provision) of reduction in existing restructured accounts by way of recovery / sale; and ` 15.15 crore (3 accounts and Nil
provision) which are no longer required to be reported as restructured under others category.
2 Fresh No. of
Introduction to
restructuring - - - - - - - - - - 1 6 - - 7 1 6 - - 7
during the
year # Amount
- - - - - - - - - - 2.35 51.07 - - 53.42 2.35 51.07 - - 53.42
- - - - - - - - - - - 2.22 - - 2.22 - 2.22 - - 2.22
3 Upgradation No. of
to - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - -1 - 1 - - -1 -
standard Amount
- - - - - - - - - - 0.94 - - -0.94 - 0.94 - - -0.94 -
category outstanding
during the
year Provision
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4 Advances No. of
not shown as - - - - - - - -
How We
standard Amount
- - - - - - - -
Create Value
advances at outstanding
the beginning
of the next Provision
- - - - - - - -
year^ thereon
5 Down No. of
gradation of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
accounts Amount
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
during the outstanding
Our Strategy
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
6 Write-offs of No. of
restructured - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 2 4 - 1 1 2 4
during the Amount
- - 11.63 - 11.63 - - - - - 0.32 1.79 177.95 13.63 193.69 0.32 1.79 189.58 13.63 205.32
year ## outstanding
7 Restructured No. of
accounts as - - 4 - 4 - - - - - 3 6 2 1 12 3 6 6 1 16
at March 31,
2020* Amount
- - 45.04 - 45.04 - - - - - 55.34 51.07 4.74 1.39 112.54 55.34 51.07 49.78 1.39 157.58
Provision - - - - - - - - - - - 2.22 - 0.02 2.24 - 2.22 - 0.02 2.24
* Excludes the figures of standard restructured advances which do not attract higher provisioning or risk weight.
^ These are restructured standard advances which cease to attract higher provisioning and / or additional risk weight at the end of the year and hence need not be shown
as restructured standard advances at the beginning of the next year.
# includes ` 1.89 crore of additional sanction (1 account and Nil provision) to existing restructured account.
## includes ` 27.77 crore (9 accounts and provision ` 2.52 crore) of reduction in existing restructured accounts by way of recovery / sale.
Financial Statements
Statutory Reports and
14. Details of exposures to real estate and capital market sectors, risk category-wise country t %FUBJMTPGSJTLDBUFHPSZXJTFDPVOUSZFYQPTVSF
exposures, factoring exposures, single / group borrower exposures, unsecured advances (` crore)
and concentration of deposits, advances, exposures and NPAs March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Exposure (net) Provision held Exposure (net) Provision held
Exposure is higher of limits sanctioned or the amounts outstanding as at the year end. (` crore) Insignificant 33,231.41 - 19,459.44 -
Category March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 Low 12,744.74 - 10,448.08 -
a) Direct exposure 114,575.93 109,166.57 Moderately low 2,031.36 - 190.19 -
(i) Residential mortgages* 71,673.56 66,415.79 Moderate 625.57 - 359.70 -
(of which housing loans eligible for inclusion in priority sector advances) (27,886.84) (26,822.41) Moderately high 2.71 - 32.59 -
(ii) Commercial real estate 42,587.09 42,293.93 High 0.15 - 0.32 -
(iii) Investments in Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) and other securitised Very high 26.79 - - -
Total 48,662.73 - 30,490.32 -
(a) Residential 227.73 298.59
(b) Commercial real estate 63.72 118.45
(c) Others 23.83 39.81
The factoring exposure of the Bank as at March 31, 2021 is ` 4,358.45 crore (previous year: ` 3,687.86 crore).
b) Indirect exposure 32,877.30 24,158.97
Fund based and non-fund based exposures on National Housing Bank (NHB) 32,877.30 24,158.97 t %FUBJMTPG4JOHMF$PVOUFSQBSUZ-JNJU-JNJUGPS(SPVQPG$POOFDUFE$PVOUFSQBSUJFTFYDFFEFECZ
and Housing Finance Companies (HFCs) the Bank
Total exposure to real estate sector 147,453.23 133,325.54 The RBI has prescribed limits linked to a bank’s eligible capital base in respect of exposures to single counterparty and
* includes loans purchased under the direct loan assignment route. group of connected counterparties. During the year ended March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020 the Bank was within the
Of the above, exposure to real estate developers as at March 31, 2021 is 0.2% (previous year: 0.5%) of total advances. limits prescribed by the RBI.
Exposure is higher of limits sanctioned or the amount outstanding as at the year end. (` crore) Advances for which intangible collaterals such as rights, licenses, authority, trademarks, patents, etc. are charged in
favour of the Bank in respect of projects financed by the Bank, are reckoned as unsecured advances under Schedule 9
Sr. of the Balance Sheet in line with extant RBI guidelines. There are no such advances outstanding as at March 31, 2021
Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
No. (previous year: Nil).
(i) Direct investments made in equity shares, convertible bonds, convertible 6,247.22 1,625.14
debentures and units of equity oriented mutual funds the corpus of which
is not exclusively invested in corporate debt
The aggregate amount of participation issued by the Bank and reduced from advances as per regulatory guidelines as
(ii) Advances against shares, bonds, debentures or other securities or on 143.97 172.30
clean basis to individuals for investment in shares (including IPO’s /
at March 31, 2021 was Nil (previous year: ` 4,543.53 crore).
ESOP’s), convertible bonds, convertible debentures and units of equity
oriented mutual funds t $PODFOUSBUJPOPGEFQPTJUT
(iii) Advances for any other purposes where shares or convertible bonds or 5,156.29 5,145.02 a) Concentration of deposits
convertible debentures or units of equity oriented mutual funds are taken (` crore, except percentages)
as primary security Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
(iv) Advances for any other purposes to the extent secured by collateral 423.41 787.94 Total deposits of twenty largest depositors 54,551.06 45,454.28
security of shares or convertible bonds or convertible debentures or
Percentage of deposits of twenty largest depositors to total deposits of 4.1% 4.0%
units of equity oriented mutual funds i.e. where the primary security other
the Bank
than shares / convertible bonds / convertible debentures / units of equity
oriented mutual funds does not fully cover the advances
(v) Secured and unsecured advances to stock brokers and guarantees issued 9,875.78 10,045.51 b) Concentration of advances
on behalf of stock brokers and market makers (` crore, except percentages)
(vi) Loans sanctioned to corporates against the security of shares / bonds / 4,154.34 1,220.47 Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
debentures or other securities or on clean basis for meeting promoter’s
Total advances to twenty largest borrowers 225,412.82 178,942.74
contribution to the equity of new companies in anticipation of raising
resources Percentage of advances of twenty largest borrowers to total advances of 12.9% 11.6%
the Bank
(vii) Bridge loans to companies against expected equity flows / issues - -
Advances comprise credit exposure (funded and non-funded credit limits) including derivative transactions computed
(viii) Underwriting commitments taken up in respect of primary issue of shares - - as per current exposure method in accordance with RBI guidelines.
or convertible bonds or convertible debentures or units of equity oriented
mutual funds
(ix) Financing to stock brokers for margin trading - -
(x) All exposures to venture capital funds (both registered and unregistered) 12.49 10.55
Total exposure to capital market 26,013.50 19,006.93
12,155.87 81,253.28 25,576.42 32,137.36 42,663.01 41,246.82 72,352.76 98,470.17 429,557.14 14,631.23 297,458.23 1,147,502.29
(` crore)
9,900.05 20,452.08 10,506.09 44,857.71 49,736.96 48,183.51 96,978.08 109,238.00 483,407.07 123,428.17 136,148.91 1,132,836.63
Classification of assets and liabilities under the maturity buckets is based on the same estimates and assumptions as used by the Bank for compiling the return submitted to
13,684.11 70,664.28 40,914.97 30,083.61 50,474.48 36,695.33 78,391.96 91,952.08 532,038.94 14,701.27 375,459.19 1,335,060.22
18. Provisions and contingent liabilities
Total Given below is the movement in provisions and a brief description of the nature of contingent liabilities recognised by the Bank.
8,800.00 25,907.00
1,120.03 10,607.72
9,065.84 65,251.65
8,275.00 14,700.00
(` crore)
Over 5
Over 5
Over 3
years to
5 years
Over 3
years to
5 years
7,134.38 18,571.75
9,528.83 16,545.14 23,695.50 144,222.12
Over 1
year to
3 years
Over 1
year to
3 years
(` crore)
Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Opening provision 445.35 398.43
5,091.85 11,792.57
Over 3
to 6
Over 3
to 6
(` crore)
Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
No. of frauds reported 5,232 7,580
the RBI. Maturity profile of foreign currency assets and liabilities excludes off-balance sheet items.
Amount involved in fraud net of recoveries / write-offs as at the end of the year 1,321.08 168.88
(` crore)
Provisions held as at the end of the year (` crore) 1,321.08 168.88
31 days
to 2
31 days
to 2
2,992.89 13,794.28
15 to 30
15 to 30
8 to 14
8 to 14
1 Claims against the Bank not The Bank is a party to various taxation matters in respect of which appeals are pending.
acknowledged as debts - taxation The Bank expects the outcome of the appeals to be favorable based on decisions on
similar issues in the previous years by the appellate authorities, based on the facts of the
case and taxation laws.
12,722.61 18,099.10
77,686.21 72,070.41
52.73 54,615.20
112,341.38 43,161.08
258.26 36,992.20
13,495.91 12,932.26
2 to 7
2 to 7
2 Claims against the Bank not The Bank is a party to various legal proceedings in the normal course of business. The
acknowledged as debts - others Bank does not expect the outcome of these proceedings to have a material adverse
effect on the Bank’s financial conditions, results of operations or cash flows.
3 Liability on account of forward The Bank enters into foreign exchange contracts, currency options, forward rate
1 day
1 day
exchange and derivative contracts agreements, currency swaps and interest rate swaps with inter-bank participants on
its own account and for customers. Forward exchange contracts are commitments to
buy or sell foreign currency at a future date at the contracted rate. Currency swaps
are commitments to exchange cash flows by way of interest / principal in one currency
against another, based on predetermined rates. Interest rate swaps are commitments to
Foreign currency liabilities
exchange fixed and floating interest rate cash flows. The notional amounts of financial
Foreign currency assets
instruments such as foreign exchange contracts and derivatives provide a basis for
comparison with instruments recognised on the Balance Sheet but do not necessarily
Loans & advances
indicate the amounts of future cash flows involved or the current fair value of the
instruments and, therefore, do not indicate the Bank’s exposure to credit or price risks.
The Bank does not have any unfunded defined benefit plan. The Bank contributed ` 370.13 crore (previous year: ` 326.22 crore) All permanent employees of the Bank except those covered under the long term wage agreement are covered by the
to the provident fund, ` 4.63 crore (previous year: ` 3.79 crore) to the National Pension Scheme and ` 75.64 crore (previous said Remuneration Policy. The number of employees covered under the compensation policy was 1,19,858 as at March
year: ` 75.41 crore) to the superannuation plan. 31, 2021 (previous year: 1,16,726).
Leave encashment B. Information relating to the design and structure of remuneration processes and the key features
` 13.60 crore (previous year: ` 11.24 crore). The Bank has discontinued the carryover of unutilised leave and accordingly, no * ,FZ'FBUVSFTBOE0CKFDUJWFTPG3FNVOFSBUJPO1PMJDZ
provision for compensated absences is required to be held. The Bank’s Remuneration Policy (the ‘Policy’) is aligned to business strategy, market dynamics, internal characteristics
and complexities within the Bank. The ultimate objective of the Policy is to provide a fair and transparent structure
26. Disclosures on remuneration that helps in acquiring and retaining the talent pool critical to build competitive advantage and brand equity. The
2VBMJUBUJWF%JTDMPTVSFT Policy has been designed basis the principles for sound compensation practices in accordance with regulatory
A. Information relating to the bodies that oversee remuneration requirements and provides a framework to create, modify and maintain appropriate compensation programs and
Name and composition
processes with adequate supervision and control.
The Board of Directors of the Bank has constituted the Nomination and Remuneration Committee (hereinafter, the ‘NRC’)
The Bank’s performance management system provides a sound basis for assessing employee performance holistically.
for overseeing and governing the compensation policies of the Bank. The NRC is comprised of four non-executive
The Bank’s compensation framework is aligned with the performance management system and differentiates pay
directors as of March 31, 2021. Further, two members of the NRC are also members of the Risk Policy and Monitoring
appropriately amongst its employees based on degree of contribution, performance, skill, experience, grade and
Committee (hereinafter, the ‘RPMC’) of the Board.
availability of talent owing to competitive market forces. Further, the Bank also considers compliance to processes,
regulatory compliance and risk management as an integral part of its performance appraisal process. These factors
As of March 31, 2021 the NRC is comprised of Mr. Umesh Chandra Sarangi, Mr. Sanjiv Sachar, Mr. Sandeep Parekh and
are given due weightage for the purposes of the final performance rating of employees for a given performance year.
Mr. M.D. Ranganath. Further, Mr. Sanjiv Sachar and Mr. M.D. Ranganath are also the members of the RPMC. Mr. Sanjiv
Sachar is the chairperson of the NRC. Mrs Shyamala Gopinath, the erstwhile chairperson of the Bank was a member
The NRC considers the aforementioned principles enunciated in the Bank’s compensation policy and ensures that:
of the NRC until cessation of her tenure on the Board of Directors of the Bank on January 1, 2021. Mr. Umesh Chandra
(a) the compensation is adjusted for all types of prudent risk taking;
Sarangi was subsequently included as a member of the NRC in the financial year ended March 31, 2021.
(b) compensation outcomes are symmetric with risk outcomes;
(c) compensation payouts are sensitive to the time horizon of risk; and
(d) the mix of cash, equity and other forms of compensation are aligned with risk.
9 In cases of deferment of variable pay, the Bank makes an assessment prior to the due date for III. Remuneration Processes
payment of the deferred portion for any negative contribution. The criteria for negative contribution Fitment at the time of Hire
are decided basis pre-defined financial benchmarks. The Bank has in place appropriate methods for Pay scales at the Bank are set basis the job size, experience, location and the academic and professional credentials
prevention of vesting of deferred variable pay or any part thereof, on account of negative contribution. of the incumbent.
The Bank also has in place claw back arrangements in relation to amounts already paid in the
eventuality of a negative contribution. The compensation of new hires is in line with the existing pay ranges and consistent with the compensation levels of
the existing employees of the Bank at similar profiles. The pay ranges are subject to change basis market trends and
the Bank’s talent management priorities. While the Bank believes in the internal equity and parity as a key determinant
of pay, it does acknowledge the external competitive pressures of the talent market. Accordingly, there could be
PLPs are formulated for sales personnel who are given sales targets but have limited impact on risk since certain key profiles with critical competencies which may be hired at a premium and treated as an exception to the
credit decisions are exercised independent of the sales function. All PLP payouts are based on a balanced overall pay philosophy. Any deviation from the defined pay ranges is treated as a hiring exception requiring approval
scorecard framework which factors not just quantitative, but also qualitative measures, such as quality with appropriate justification.
of business sourced, customer complaints etc., and are subject to achievement of individual targets
enumerated in the respective scorecards of the employees. A portion of the PLP payouts is deferred till 1BZ*ODSFNFOU1BZ3FWJTJPO
the end of the financial year to provide for any unforeseen performance risks. Employees who are on the The Bank strives to ensure external competitiveness as well as internal equity without diluting the overall focus on
PLPs are excluded from the Annual Bonus Plan. optimising cost. In order to enhance the Bank’s external competitiveness, it participates in an annual salary survey of
the banking sector to understand key market trends as well as get insights on relative market pay position compared
c) Guaranteed Bonus to peers. The Bank endeavors to ensure that most employees progress to the median of the market in terms of
Guaranteed bonuses are not consistent with sound risk management or pay for performance principles of the fixed pay over time. This coupled with key internal data indicators like performance score, job family, experience,
Bank and therefore do not form an integral part of the general compensation practice. job grade and salary budget form the basis of decision making on revisions in fixed pay.
For critical hiring for some select strategic roles, the Bank may consider granting of bonus, based on the Increments in fixed pay for majority of the employee population are generally undertaken once every financial year.
performance rating upon confirmation, as a prudent way to avoid loading the entire cost of attraction into the However, promotions, confirmations and change in job dimensions could also lead to a change in the fixed pay
fixed component of the compensation which could have a long term cost implication for the Bank. For such during other times of the financial year.
hiring, the said bonus is generally decided by taking into account appropriate risk factors and market conditions.
The Bank also makes salary corrections and adjustments during the financial year for competitive pay positioning of those
For hiring at levels of Whole Time Directors / Managing Director and certain employees in select strategic roles, employees who have a good performance track record. However, such pay revisions are done on an exception basis.
a sign-on bonus, if any, is limited to the first year only and is only in the form of Employee Stock Options.
Risk, Control and Compliance Staff
d) Employee Stock Option Plan (‘ESOP’s) The Bank has separated the Risk, Control and Compliance functions from the Business functions in order to create a
The Bank considers ESOPs as a vehicle to create a balance between short term rewards and long term strong culture of checks and balances and to eliminate any possible conflict of interest between revenue generation
sustainable value creation. ESOPs play a key role in the attraction and retention of key talent. The Bank grants and risk management and control. Accordingly, the overall variable pay as well as the annual salary increment of the
equity share options to its Whole Time Directors and other employees above a certain grade. All plans for employees in the Risk, Control and Compliance functions is based on their performance, functional objectives and
grant of options are framed in accordance with the SEBI guidelines, 1999 as amended from time to time and goals. The Bank ensures that the mix of fixed to variable compensation for these functions is weighted in favour of
fixed compensation.
are approved by the shareholders of the Bank. These plans provide for the grant of options post approval by
the NRC.
C. Description of the ways in which current and future risks are taken into account in the remuneration
processes, including the nature and type of the key measures used to take account of these risks
The NRC grants options after considering parameters such as the incumbent’s grade and performance rating,
The Bank takes into account various types of risks in its remuneration processes. The Bank follows a comprehensive
and such other factors as may be deemed appropriate by the NRC. Equity share options granted to the Whole
framework that includes within its ambit the key dimensions of remuneration such as fixed pay, variable pay and long
Time Directors are also subject to the approval of the NRC, the Board of Directors of the Bank and the RBI. term incentives (i.e. Employee Stock Options).
The Bank grants ESOPs to eligible employees. Such ESOPs vest over four tranches spread over a period of Fixed pay: The Bank conducts a comprehensive market benchmarking study to ensure that employees are competitively
48 months. The ESOPs granted subsequent to April 1, 2019 vest no faster than on a pro rata basis. positioned in terms of fixed pay. The Bank follows a robust salary review process wherein revisions in fixed compensation
are based on performance. The Bank also makes salary adjustments taking into consideration pay positioning of
e) Severance Pay employees vis-à-vis market reference points. Through this approach the Bank endeavors to ensure that the talent risk due
The Bank does not grant severance pay other than accrued benefits (such as gratuity, pension) except in cases to attrition is mitigated. Fixed pay could be revised downwards as well, in the event of certain proven cases of misconduct
where it is mandated by any statute. by an employee.
f) Hedging Variable pay: The Bank has distinct types of variable pay plans as given below:
The Bank does not provide any facility or fund or permit its Whole Time Directors and employees to insure (a) Quarterly / monthly performance-linked pay (PLP) plans:
or hedge their compensation structure to offset the risk alignment effects embedded in their compensation All quarterly / monthly PLP plans are based on the principle of balanced scorecard framework that includes within
arrangement. its ambit both quantitative and qualitative factors including key strategic objectives that ensure future competitive
advantage for the Bank. PLP plans, by design, have deterrents that play a role of moderating payouts based on the
g) Statutory Bonus non-fulfillment of established quantitative / qualitative risk factors. Deterrents also include risks arising out of non-
Some employees are also paid statutory bonus as per the Payment of Bonus Act (1965) as amended from time compliance, mis-sell etc. Further, a portion of all payouts under the PLP plans is deferred till the end of the financial
to time. year to provide for any unforeseen performance risks. Employees who are part of the PLP plans are excluded from
the Annual Bonus Plan.
(b) Annual bonus plan: While the above parameters form the core evaluation parameters for the Bank and the remuneration of its Whole Time
The Bank takes into consideration the fact that a portion of the Bank’s profits are directly attributable to various Directors, each of the business units are measured on the following from a remuneration standpoint:
types of risks the Bank is exposed to such as credit risk, market risk, operational risk and other quantifiable risks. a) Increase in plan over the previous year;
b) Actual growth in revenue over previous year;
The framework developed by the Bank in order to arrive at the quantum of bonus pool is based on the performance c) Growth in net revenue (%);
of the Bank and profitability. The annual bonus is distributed based on business unit and individual performance and
d) Achievement of net revenue against plan (%);
job band and role of the individual for non-business functions. The business unit performance is based on factors
such as growth in revenue, growth in profit, cost to income ratio and achievement vis-à-vis plans and key objectives. e) Actual profit before tax;
Bonus pay out for an individual employee in a particular grade is linked to the performance rating of the employee f) Growth in profit before tax compared to the previous year;
and subject to meeting the Bank’s standards of ethical conduct. g) Improvement in cost to income over the previous year; and
h) Achievement of key strategic objectives.
The Bank has devised appropriate malus and claw back clauses as a risk mitigant for any negative contributions of
the Bank and / or relevant line of business in any year for Whole Time Directors and employees in certain grades. Apart from the above the business units are also measured against certain key business objectives that are qualitative
Under the malus clause the incumbent foregoes the vesting of the deferred variable pay in full or in part. Under the in nature.
claw back clause the incumbent is obligated to return all the tranches of bonus payout pertaining to the reference
performance year. The deferred bonus is paid out post review and approval by the NRC. The process by which levels of remuneration in the Bank are aligned to the performance of the Bank, business unit and
individual employees is articulated below:
The bonus for Whole Time Directors is capped at 70% of the fixed pay in a year. The variable pay for Whole Time
Directors is approved by the NRC as well as the Board of Directors of the Bank and is subject to the approval of the Fixed Pay
RBI. The Bank reviews the fixed pay portion of the compensation structure basis merit-based increments and market
corrections. These are based on a combination of performance rating, job band and the functional category of the
The variable pay component for Whole time Directors and employees in certain grades is paid out subject to the individual employee. For a given job band, the merit increment is directly related to the performance rating. The Bank
following conditions: strives to ensure that most employees progress to the median of the market in terms of fixed pay over time. All other
things remaining equal, the correction percentage is directly related to the performance rating of the individual.
Where the variable pay constitutes 50% or more of the fixed pay, a portion of the same would be deferred as per
the schedule mentioned in the table below: Variable Pay
Tranche 1PSUJPOPG7BSJBCMF1BZ Timelines Basis the performance of the business unit, individual performance and role, the Bank has formulated the following
variable pay plans:
Tranche 1 60% Payable in the financial year immediately following the performance year.
t Annual Bonus Plan
Tranche 2 13.33% Payable in the second financial year following the reference performance year. The Bank’s annual bonus is computed as a percentage of the gross salary for every job band. The bonus multiple
Tranche 3 13.33% Payable in the third financial year following the reference performance year. is based on performance of the business unit (based on the parameters above), performance rating, job band and
Tranche 4 13.33% Payable in the fourth financial year following the reference performance year. the functional category of the individual employee. The business performance level determines the multiplier for the
bonus. All other things remaining equal, for a given job band, the bonus is directly related to the performance rating.
(c) Long term incentives (employee stock options): Employees on the annual bonus plan are not part of the PLPs.
The Bank also grants employee stock options to employees in certain job bands. The grant is based on performance
rating of the individual. t Performance-Linked Plans (PLPs)
The Bank has formulated PLPs for its sales personnel who are given sales targets basis a balanced scorecard
methodology. All PLP payouts are subject to the achievement of individual targets enumerated in the respective
D. Description of the ways in which the Bank seeks to link performance during a performance scorecards of the employees and moderated by qualitative parameters. A portion of the PLP payouts is deferred
measurement period with levels of remuneration till the end of the financial year to provide for any unforeseen performance risks. All PLPs are based on a balanced
The Bank has a robust performance management system for evaluating the performance of its Whole Time Directors. scorecard framework.
The performance appraisal system is based on a Balanced Scorecard Framework and considers qualitative as well as
quantitative factors of performance which includes the following parameters: & %FTDSJQUJPO PG UIF XBZT JO XIJDI UIF #BOL TFFLT UP BEKVTU SFNVOFSBUJPO UP UBLF BDDPVOU PG UIF
1. Business Performance - This includes business growth, profitability, asset quality and shareholder value longer term performance
2. Stakeholder Relationship - This includes net promoter score and corporate social responsibility A discussion of the Bank’s policy on deferral and vesting of variable remuneration and criteria for adjusting deferred
3. Audit and Compliance - This includes internal audit reports and compliance with the regulations and inspection remuneration before vesting and after vesting is given below:
4. Digital Transformation - This includes performance on initiatives required to run the bank and grow the bank
5. Organizational Excellence - This includes succession planning and employee engagement
PLPs are formulated for sales personnel who are given sales targets but have limited impact on risk since credit
t 5IF#BOLIBTEFWJTFEBQQSPQSJBUFNBMVTBOEDMBXCBDLDMBVTFTBTSJTLNJUJHBOUTGPSBOZOFHBUJWFDPOUSJCVUJPOTPG decisions are exercised independent of the sales function. All PLP payouts are subject to the achievement of
the Bank and / or relevant line of business in any year. individual targets enumerated in the respective scorecards of the employees. A portion of the PLP payouts is deferred
9 Malus clause till the end of the financial year to provide for any unforeseen performance risks.
Under the malus clause the incumbent foregoes the vesting of the deferred variable pay in full or in part. In the
event there is a deterioration in specific performance criteria (such as criteria relating to profit or asset quality) F. Description of the different forms of variable remuneration (i.e. cash, shares, ESOPs and other
that are laid down by the NRC, then the NRC would review the deterioration in the performance taking into forms) that the Bank utilises and the rationale for using these different forms
consideration the macroeconomic environment as well as internal performance indicators and accordingly The Bank recognises the importance of variable pay in reinforcing a pay for performance culture. Variable pay stimulates
decide whether any part of the deferred tranche pertaining to the reference financial year merits a withdrawal. employees to stretch their abilities to exceed expectations.
The deferred bonus is paid out post review and approval by the NRC. t "OOVBMCPOVTQMBO
These are paid to reward performance for a given financial year. This covers all employees (excluding employees
9 Claw back clause under PLPs). This is based on performance of the business unit, performance rating, job band and functional
Under the claw back clause the incumbent is obligated to return all the tranches of payout received of bonus category of the individual. For higher job bands the proportion of variable pay to total compensation tends to be
amounts pertaining to the relevant performance year. In the event there is any act attributable to the concerned higher.
Whole Time Director / Managing Director resulting in an incident of willful and deliberate misinterpretation /
misreporting of financial performance (inflating the financials) of the Bank, for a financial year, which comes t 1FSGPSNBODF-JOLFE1MBOT 1-1T
to light in the subsequent three years, the incumbent is obligated to return all the tranches of bonus payout These are paid to frontline sales staff for the achievement of specific sales targets but have limited impact on risk as
received pertaining to the relevant performance year. credit decisions are exercised independent of the sales function. Further, it has been the endeavor of the Bank to
ensure that the objectives set are based on the principles of a balanced scorecard that takes into account quantitative
The specific criteria on the applicability of malus and claw back arrangements are reviewed by the NRC annually. and qualitative measures rather than just the achievement of financial numbers. Further all PLPs have inherent risk
adjustment mechanisms manifested in the form of deterrents. All PLP payouts are subject to the achievement of
Employees other than Whole Time Directors parameters, both qualitative and quantitative enumerated in the respective scorecards of the employees. A portion
The Bank has formulated the following variable pay plans: of the PLP payouts is deferred till the end of the financial year to provide for any unforeseen performance risks.
The quantum of variable payout is a function of the performance of the Bank, performance of the individual employee, t &NQMPZFFTUPDLPQUJPOQMBO
job band of the employee and the functional category. Basis these key determinants and due adjustment for risk This is to reward for contribution of employees in creating a long term, sustainable earnings and enhancing shareholder
alignment, a payout matrix for variable pay is developed. Market trends for specific businesses / functions along value. Only employees in a certain job band and with a specific performance rating are eligible for stock options.
with inputs from compensation surveys may also be used in finalising the payout. Performance is the key criteria for granting stock options.
Bonus pools are designed to meet specific business needs therefore resulting in differentiation in both the quantum G. Key changes to the Remuneration Policy pursuant to the revised guidelines on remuneration issued
and the method of payout across functions. Typically higher levels of responsibility receive a higher proportion of by the RBI on November 4, 2019
variable pay vis-à-vis fixed pay. The Bank ensures that the time horizon for risk is assessed and the deferment period, The design and structure of the remuneration at the Bank is in line with RBI guidelines as amended from time to time. The
if any, for bonus is set accordingly. Employees on the annual bonus plan are not part of the PLPs. pay-out of variable pay for the reference performance financial year ended March 31, 2020 were in accordance with the
RBI guidelines dated January 13, 2012. The payout of variable pay for the reference performance financial year ended
The following is taken into account while administering the annual bonus: March 31, 2021 will be undertaken in the financial year commencing on April 1, 2021 and will be in accordance with the
RBI guidelines dated November 4, 2019.
Given below are the key changes to the Remuneration Policy undertaken pursuant to the said revised guidelines on (iv) 7FTUJOHPGWBSJBCMFQBZ
remuneration: The deferred portion of the remuneration vests at the end of deferral period and is spread over the course of
(a) Material Risk Takers the deferral period. The first vesting occurs at the end of one year from the commencement of the deferral
The revised guidelines on remuneration provide direction with respect to the definition of material risk takers and period. The vesting is no faster than on a pro rata basis and the frequency of the vesting is not less than a year
specify the composition, limits, deferral and vesting of variable pay for the material risk takers. in order to ensure appropriate assessment of risk.
In accordance with the revised guidelines on remuneration, the Bank has identified material risk takers (MRTs) based (c) .BMVT$MBXCBDL"SSBOHFNFOU
on the standard qualitative and quantitative criteria as prescribed in the said guidelines. Further, the malus and clawback conditions were reviewed by the NRC and the Board in light of the revised guidelines
on remuneration. The following are the revised malus and clawback conditions governing all variable pay payouts
Standard qualitative criteria: Under the standard qualitative criteria, MRTs are to be identified based on the role for MRTs defined under the revised guidelines on remuneration applicable for variable pay and long term incentives
and decision making power of staff members having jointly or individually, the authority to commit significantly to (LTIs) pertaining to the performance year ended on March 31, 2021.
risk exposures etc. Accordingly, the Bank’s MRTs comprise its whole time directors, employees in the grades of
Executive Vice President and above and select employees in the role of Business Heads and Treasury Desk Heads The Bank believes in sustained business performance in tandem with prudent risk taking. The Bank, therefore, has
in grades Senior Vice President - II that fulfil the aforementioned qualitative criteria. devised appropriate deterrents in order to institutionalize the aforementioned commitment.
Under the standard quantitative criteria, the revised guidelines on remuneration permit banks to identify MRTs, inter Malus Arrangement: The provision of a Malus arrangement would entail cancellation of payout for the deferred
alia, based on their total remuneration exceeding a threshold, the determination of which is to be done prudently by portion of reward (variable pay / LTI)
the respective banks. The Bank has fixed this threshold to be annual fixed pay of ` 0.80 crore.
Clawback Arrangement: The provision of Clawback arrangement would entail return of payout of reward (variable
Accordingly, all employees of the Bank who meet the aforementioned standard qualitative criteria and whose annual pay / LTI) made in the previous years attributable to a given reference year wherein the incident has occurred.
fixed pay equals or exceeds ` 0.80 crore are classified as MRTs with effect from April 1, 2020.
The occurrence of any / some / all of the following conditions (illustrative) shall trigger a review by the NRC for the
(b) 7BSJBCMF1BZ application of the malus or the clawback arrangement:
In accordance with the requirements of the revised guidelines on remuneration, the following is the Bank’s policy i. Substantial financial deterioration in profitability or risk parameters
on variable pay for its MRTs: ii. Reckless, negligent or willful actions or exhibited inappropriate values and behavior
(i) Composition of variable pay iii. Fraud that requires a financial restatement
The variable pay will be in the form of share linked instruments (such as ESOPs) or a mix of cash and share iv. Reputational harm
linked instruments. As per the said revised guidelines on remuneration, effective April 1, 2020 the share-linked v. Exposing the bank to substantial risk
instruments will be considered as part of variable pay. The Bank will ensure that there is a proper balance vi. Additional NRC defined conditions
between cash and share linked instruments in the variable pay. In cases where compensation by way of
share-linked instruments is not permitted by law / regulations, the entire variable pay will be in cash within the As per the RBI guidelines on compensation, wherever the assessed divergence in a bank’s provisioning for Non-
prescribed limits. Performing Assets (NPAs) or asset classification exceeds the prescribed threshold for public disclosure, the bank
shall not pay the unvested portion of the variable compensation for the assessment year under ‘malus’ arrangement.
(ii) Limits on variable pay Further, in such situations, no proposal for increase in variable pay (for the assessment year) shall be entertained.
A substantial portion of the compensation i.e. at least 50% will be in variable pay and paid on the basis of In case the Bank’s post assessment Gross NPAs are less than 2.0%, these restrictions will apply only if criteria
the performance of the individual, the business unit and the organization. This is in line with the principle that for public disclosure are triggered either on account of divergence in provisioning or both provisioning and asset
at higher levels of responsibility, the proportion of variable pay is higher. The total variable pay is limited to a classification.
maximum of 300% of the fixed pay (for the relative performance period). As aforementioned, the variable pay
will be inclusive of cash as well as share linked instruments. The NRC may decide to apply malus on part, or all of the unvested deferred bonus amounts and LTIs. The time
horizon for the application of malus / clawback clause is four years from the date of reward.
In case the variable pay is up to 200% of the fixed pay, a minimum of 50% of the variable pay, and in the case
of variable pay being above 200%, a minimum of 67% thereof, shall be via non-cash instruments. The NRC shall review the act of misconduct / incident to ascertain the degree of accountability attributable to a
Whole Time Director / Material Risk Taker prior to applying the malus or clawback arrangement.
In the event that the employee is barred by statute or regulation from grant of share-linked instruments, his /
her variable pay will be capped at 150% of fixed pay but shall not be less than 50% of the fixed pay. The criteria for malus / clawback arrangement shall be reviewed by the NRC annually.
The deferral period is a minimum of three years and applicable to both cash and non-cash components of
variable pay. The deferral period for share linked instruments / ESOPs is governed by the ESOP Scheme Rules
approved by the NRC and the Board.
4VCKFDU March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
The quantitative disclosures for the financial year ended March 31, 2021 cover the Bank’s Whole Time Directors and No.
Material Risk Takers. The material risk takers are identified in accordance with the revised guidelines on remuneration (e) (i) Total amount of outstanding Total amount of outstanding deferred Total amount of outstanding deferred
issued by the RBI on November 4, 2019. Hitherto, the quantitative disclosures would cover the Bank’s Whole Time deferred remuneration and remuneration (cash bonus) was ` 3.91 remuneration (cash bonus) was ` 5.92
retained remuneration exposed crore. crore.
to ex-post explicit and / or
Sr. implicit adjustments
4VCKFDU March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
No. (e) (ii) Total amount of reductions Nil Nil
(a) Number of meetings held by the Number of meetings: 28 Number of meetings: 9 during the financial year due to
NRC during the financial year Remuneration paid: ` 0.57 crore Remuneration paid: ` 0.17 crore ex-post explicit adjustments
and remuneration paid to its (e) (iii) Total amount of reductions Nil Nil
members during the financial year due to
(b) (i) Number of employees having 76 employees 32 employees ex-post implicit adjustments
received a variable remuneration (f) Number of MRTs (Material Risk 78 35
award during the financial year Takers) identified
(b) (ii) Number and total amount of No stock options granted as sign-on 1,90,000 stock options granted as sign- (g) (i) Number of cases where malus None None
sign-on awards made during the awards during the year ended March 31, on awards during the year ended March has been exercised
financial year 2021. 31, 2020.
(g) (ii) Number of cases where None None
(b) (iii) Number and total amount of None None clawback has been exercised
guaranteed bonuses awarded
(g) (iii) Number of cases where both None None
during the financial year
malus and clawback have been
(b) (iv) Details of severance pay, in None None exercised
addition to accrued benefits, if
General The mean pay for the bank as a The mean pay for the Bank as a whole is The mean pay for the Bank as a whole is
Quantita whole (excluding sub-staff) and ` 0.07 crore as of March 31, 2021. ` 0.07 crore as of March 31, 2020.
(c) (i) Total amount of outstanding Total amount of outstanding deferred Total amount of outstanding deferred tive the deviation of the pay of each The ratio of the fixed pay of the managing The ratio of the fixed pay of the managing
deferred remuneration, split into remuneration (cash bonus) was ` 3.91 remuneration (cash bonus) was ` 5.92 Disclosu of its WTDs from the mean pay director to the mean pay of the Bank as a director to the mean pay of the Bank as a
cash, shares and share-linked crore. crore. re whole is 90:1 as of March 31, 2021. whole is 182:1 as of March 31, 2020.
instruments and other forms The ratio of the fixed pay of the other The ratio of the fixed pay of the other
(c) (ii) Total amount of deferred ` 2.68 crore ` 2.64 crore whole time director to the mean pay of whole time director to the mean pay of the
remuneration paid out in the the Bank as a whole is 77:1 as of Bank as a whole is 82:1 as of March 31,
financial year March 31, 2021. 2020.
(d) Breakdown of amount of `117.73 crore (Fixed*) ` 67.48 crore (Fixed*) * Excludes gratuity benefits, since the same is computed at Bank level.
remuneration awards for the ` 29.85 crore (variable pay pertaining to ` 18.89 crore (variable pay pertaining to
financial year to show fixed and financial year ended March 31, 2020, in financial year ended March 31, 2019, in
variable, deferred and non- relation to employees where there was no relation to employees where there was no
27. Segment reporting
deferred deferment of pay) deferment of pay). Business segments
` 1.67 crore (variable pay pertaining to The approval of the RBI on the variable Business segments have been identified and reported taking into account, the target customer profile, the nature of products
financial year ended March 31, 2020, in pay of the Bank’s Whole Time Directors and services, the differing risks and returns, the organisation structure, the internal business reporting system and the guidelines
relation to employees where there was a for the years ended March 31, 2018 and prescribed by RBI. The Bank operates in the following segments:
deferment of pay), of which ` 1.00 crore 2019 has since been received.
was non-deferred variable pay and ` 9.00 crore (variable pay pertaining to
` 0.67 crore was deferred variable pay. financial year ended March 31, 2018, in a) Treasury
The Bank’s erstwhile managing director, relation to employees where there was a The treasury segment primarily consists of net interest earnings from the Bank’s investment portfolio, money market
Mr. Aditya Puri, was paid a one-time lump deferment of pay), of which ` 5.40 crore
borrowing and lending, gains or losses on investment operations and on account of trading in foreign exchange and
sum payment of ` 3.50 crore on retirement was non-deferred variable pay and
in accordance with the approval received ` 3.60 crore was deferred variable pay.
derivative contracts.
from the RBI. ` 9.42 crore (variable pay pertaining to
The approval of the RBI on the fixed pay financial year ended March 31, 2019 in b) Retail banking
revision effective April 1, 2020 and the relation to employees where there was a The retail banking segment serves retail customers through the Bank’s branch network and other channels. This segment
variable pay of the Bank’s Whole Time deferment of pay), of which ` 6.36 crore raises deposits from customers and provides loans and other services to customers with the help of specialist product
Directors for the financial year ended was non-deferred variable pay and groups. Exposures are classified under retail banking taking into account the status of the borrower (orientation criterion),
March 31, 2020 is awaited. ` 3.06 crore was deferred variable pay.
the nature of product, granularity of the exposure and the quantum thereof.
Number of stock options granted during Number of stock options granted during
the financial year: 85,42,800 the financial year: 59,58,200
The approval of the RBI in relation to The approval of the RBI in relation to grant Revenues of the retail banking segment are derived from interest earned on retail loans, interest earned from other
grant of stock options to the Bank’s of stock options to the Bank’s Whole Time segments for surplus funds placed with those segments, subvention received from dealers and manufacturers, fees from
Whole Time Directors for the year ended Directors for the year ended March 31, services rendered, foreign exchange earnings on retail products etc. Expenses of this segment primarily comprise interest
March 31, 2020 is awaited. 2020 is awaited. expense on deposits, commission paid to retail assets sales agents, infrastructure and premises expenses for operating
The approval of the RBI in relation to grant the branch network and other delivery channels, personnel costs, other direct overheads and allocated expenses of
of stock options to the Bank’s Whole Time
specialist product groups, processing units and support groups.
Directors for the year ended March 31,
2019 has since been received.
Segment revenue includes earnings from external customers plus earnings from funds transferred to other segments. Segment reporting for the year ended March 31, 2020 is given below:
Segment result includes revenue less interest expense less operating expense and provisions, if any, for that segment.
Segment-wise income and expenses include certain allocations. Interest income is charged by a segment that provides
(` crore)
funding to another segment, based on yields benchmarked to an internally approved yield curve or at a certain agreed
transfer price rate. Transaction charges are levied by the retail banking segment to the wholesale banking segment for Treasury Retail Wholesale Other Total
the use by its customers of the retail banking segment’s branch network or other delivery channels. Segment capital Particulars banking banking banking
employed represents the net assets in that segment. operations
1 Segment revenue 26,558.44 107,999.94 61,134.45 19,033.41 214,726.24
Geographic segments 2 Unallocated revenue 2.19
The geographic segments of the Bank are categorised as domestic operations and foreign operations. Domestic 3 Less: Inter-segment revenue 76,654.96
operations comprise branches in India and foreign operations comprise branches outside India. 4 Income from operations (1) + (2) - (3) 138,073.47
5 Segment results 3,462.77 12,942.46 14,121.09 7,784.63 38,310.95
Segment reporting for the year ended March 31, 2021 is given below: 6 Unallocated expenses 1,703.79
#VTJOFTTTFHNFOUT 7 Income tax expense (including deferred tax) 10,349.84
(` crore) 8 Net profit (5) - (6) - (7) 26,257.32
Treasury Retail Wholesale Other Total 9 Segment assets 457,240.91 484,270.74 520,567.01 60,500.57 1,522,579.23
Sr. 10 Unallocated assets 7,932.03
Particulars banking banking banking
operations 11 Total assets (9) + (10) 1,530,511.26
1 Segment revenue 32,337.67 110,210.21 57,154.30 19,937.53 219,639.71 12 Segment liabilities 102,012.09 907,258.10 317,628.87 5,032.43 1,331,931.49
2 Unallocated revenue 30.82 13 Unallocated liabilities 27,593.74
3 Less: Inter-segment revenue 73,607.41 14 Total liabilities (12) + (13) 1,359,525.23
4 Income from operations (1) + (2) - (3) 146,063.12 15 Capital employed (9) - (12) 355,228.82 (422,987.36) 202,938.14 55,468.14 190,647.74
5 Segment results 9,030.50 10,574.80 17,437.54 6,207.14 43,249.98 (Segment assets - Segment liabilities)
6 Unallocated expenses 1,590.99 16 Unallocated (10) - (13) (19,661.71)
7 Income tax expense (including deferred tax) 10,542.46 17 Total (15) + (16) 170,986.03
8 Net profit (5) - (6) - (7) 31,116.53 18 Capital expenditure 43.29 1,381.75 119.49 80.50 1,625.03
9 Segment assets 519,641.74 521,997.22 628,731.57 67,116.08 1,737,486.61 19 Depreciation 32.79 938.71 126.71 97.64 1,195.85
10 Unallocated assets 9,383.91 20 Provisions for non - performing assets 7.50 6,632.33 3,756.44 1,725.92 12,122.19
/ others*
11 Total assets (9) + (10) 1,746,870.52
21 Unallocated other provisions* 20.20
12 Segment liabilities 76,276.60 1,096,217.82 338,115.31 5,857.65 1,516,467.38
*Represents material non-cash charge other than depreciation and taxation.
13 Unallocated liabilities 26,682.31
14 Total liabilities (12) + (13) 1,543,149.69
15 Capital employed (9) - (12) 443,365.14 (574,220.60) 290,616.26 61,258.43 221,019.23
(Segment assets - Segment liabilities)
16 Unallocated (10) - (13) (17,298.40)
17 Total (15) + (16) 203,720.83
2VBMJUBUJWFEJTDMPTVSFPO-$3 For the quarter ended March 31, 2021, derivative exposures (net of cash inflows) / collateral requirements and undrawn
The Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) is one of the Basel Committee’s key reforms to develop a more resilient banking sector. commitments constituted just about 0.25% and 2.45% respectively of average cash outflow. The Bank has consistently
The objective of the LCR is to promote the short-term resilience of the liquidity risk profile of banks. It does this by ensuring maintained a robust funding profile with a significant portion of funding through deposits. As of March 31, 2021 the top 20
that banks have an adequate stock of unencumbered high-quality liquid assets (HQLA) that can be converted easily and depositors comprised of 4% of total deposits indicating a healthy and stable deposit profile.
immediately into cash to meet their liquidity needs for a 30 calendar day liquidity stress scenario. The LCR is expected to
improve the banking sector’s ability to absorb shocks arising from financial and economic stress, whatever the source, thus 29. Related party disclosures
reducing the risk of spillover from the financial sector to the real economy.
As per AS-18, Related Party Disclosure, the Bank’s related parties are disclosed below:
The Liquidity Risk Management of the Bank is governed by the Asset Liability Management (ALM) Policy approved by the
Board. The Asset Liability Committee (ALCO) is a decision-making unit responsible for implementing the liquidity and interest Promoter
rate risk management strategy of the Bank in line with its risk management objectives and ensures adherence to the risk
Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited
tolerance / limits set by the Board. In order to determine cash outflows, the Bank segregates its deposits into various customer
segments, viz Retail (which include deposits from individuals), Small Business Customers (those with deposits under ` 5 crore), Subsidiaries
and Wholesale (which would cover all residual deposits). Within Wholesale, deposits that are attributable to clearing, custody,
and cash management services are classified as Operational Deposits. Other contractual funding, including a portion of other HDFC Securities Limited
liabilities which are expected to run down in a 30 day time frame are included in the cash outflows. These classifications, based
on extant regulatory guidelines, are part of the Bank’s LCR framework, and are also submitted to the RBI. HDB Financial Services Limited
The LCR is calculated by dividing a Bank’s stock of HQLA by its total net cash outflows over a 30-day stress period. The Welfare trust of the Bank
guidelines for LCR were effective January 1, 2015, with the minimum requirement at 60% which would rise in equal annual HDB Employees Welfare Trust
steps to reach 100% on January 1, 2019. This graduated approach was designed to ensure that the LCR could be introduced
without material disruption to the orderly strengthening of banking systems or the ongoing financing of economic activity. The Key management personnel
present requirement, as on March 31, 2021 is 90% (As a measure to address the current pandemic situation, RBI had reduced
the minimum LCR requirement from 100% to 80% which is to be gradually restored back in two phases, i.e., 90% by October Sashidhar Jagdishan, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer (appointed with effect from October 27, 2020)
1, 2020 and 100% by April 1, 2021)
In the Indian context, the run-off factors for the stressed scenarios are prescribed by the RBI, for various categories of liabilities Aditya Puri, Managing Director (retired from services of the Bank effective October 26, 2020)
(viz., deposits, unsecured and secured wholesale borrowings), undrawn commitments, derivative-related exposures, and
offset with inflows emanating from assets maturing within the same time period. Given below is a table of run-off factors and Relatives of key management personnel
the average LCR maintained by the Bank quarter-wise over the past two years:
Nagsri Sashidhar, Jagdishan Chandrasekharan, Dhruv Sashidhar, Mythra Mahesh, Havovi Bharucha, Huzaan Bharucha,
Particulars Run-off factors Danesh Bharucha, Daraius Bharucha.
Retail Deposits 5% - 10%
Small Business Customers 5% - 10% Entity in which relative of key management personnel is interested
Operational deposits 5% - 25%
Non-financial corporates, sovereigns, central banks, multilateral development banks, and PSEs 40%
Nagsri - Creating Special Memories
Other legal entities 100%
The following ceased to be related party effective October 26, 2020:
LCR Maintained LCR Required Anita Puri, Amit Puri, Amrita Puri, Adishwar Puri, Aarti Sood, Salisbury Investments Private Limited, Akuri by Puri.
March 31, 2021 137.24% 90.00% In accordance with paragraph 5 of AS-18, the Bank has not disclosed certain transactions with relatives and interested entities
December 31, 2020 144.40% 90.00%
of key management personnel as they are in the nature of banker-customer relationship.
September 30, 2020 152.43% 80.00%
The significant transactions between the Bank and related parties for year ended March 31, 2021 are given below. A specific
June 30, 2020 139.65% 80.00%
related party transaction is disclosed as a significant related party transaction wherever it exceeds 10% of all related party
March 31, 2020 132.20% 100.00%
transactions in that category:
December 31, 2019 139.77% 100.00%
t *OUFSFTUQBJE)%#'JOBODJBM4FSWJDFT-JNJUFE` 12.78 crore (previous year: ` 11.06 crore); Housing Development Finance
September 30, 2019 132.12% 100.00%
Corporation Limited ` 10.80 crore (previous year: `DSPSF
,FZNBOBHFNFOUQFSTPOOFM` 8.22 crore (previous year:
June 30, 2019 125.07% 100.00% ` 1.82 crore).
The average LCR for the quarter ended March 31, 2021 was at 137.24% as against 132.20% for the quarter ended March t *OUFSFTUSFDFJWFE)%#'JOBODJBM4FSWJDFT-JNJUFE` 439.87 crore (previous year: ` 430.63 crore).
31, 2020, and well above the present prescribed minimum requirement of 90%. The average HQLA for the quarter ended
March 31, 2021 was ` 387,444.92 crore, as against was ` 281,400.84 crore for the quarter ended March 31, 2020. During the t 3FOEFSJOHPGTFSWJDFT)PVTJOH%FWFMPQNFOU'JOBODF$PSQPSBUJPO-JNJUFE` 324.65 crore (previous year: ` 308.94 crore);
same period the composition of government securities and treasury bills in the HQLA was at 89.49% as compared to 91% HDFC Securities Limited ` 41.29 crore (previous year: ` 31.94 crore).
in the previous year.
t 3FDFJWJOH PG TFSWJDFT )%# 'JOBODJBM 4FSWJDFT -JNJUFE` 2,346.93 crore (previous year: ` 2,459.50 crore); Housing
Development Finance Corporation Limited ` 589.87 crore (previous year: ` 586.66 crore).
t %JWJEFOEQBJE)PVTJOH%FWFMPQNFOU'JOBODF$PSQPSBUJPO-JNJUFE/JM QSFWJPVTZFBS` 864.62 crore). The deposit outstanding from HDB Employees Welfare Trust as at March 31, 2021 was ` 51.02 crore (previous year: ` 39.37
crore). The Bank also paid interest on deposit from HDB Employees Welfare Trust aggregating to ` 3.13 crore (previous year:
t %JWJEFOESFDFJWFE)%#'JOBODJBM4FSWJDFT-JNJUFE/JM QSFWJPVTZFBS` 135.11 crore); HDFC Securities Limited ` 483.04 ` 3.14 crore).
crore (previous year: ` 288.61 crore).
The Bank’s related party balances and transactions for the year ended March 31, 2020 are summarised as follows:
The Bank’s related party balances and transactions for the year ended March 31, 2021 are summarised as follows:
(` crore)
(` crore) Key
Key Items / Related party Promoter Subsidiaries management Total
*UFNT3FMBUFEQBSUZ Promoter Subsidiaries management Total personnel
personnel 3,679.07 1,423.41 18.54 5,121.02
3,560.67 1,300.08 60.07 4,920.82 Deposits taken
Deposits taken (7,717.90) (1,423.41) (22.51) (9,163.82)
(3,560.67) (2,231.42) (717.55) (6,509.64)
0.32 10.62 - 10.94 0.47 10.62 0.76 11.85
Deposits placed Deposits placed
(0.47) (10.62) (0.76) (11.85) (0.47) (10.62) (0.76) (11.85)
- 5,572.73 0.99 5,573.72 - 5,181.82 2.55 5,184.37
Advances given Advances given
- (6,032.37) (2.32) (6,034.69) - (5,477.27) (2.87) (5,480.14)
Fixed assets purchased from - - - - Fixed assets purchased from - - - -
Fixed assets sold to - - - -
Fixed assets sold to - - - -
Interest paid to 10.80 14.16 8.22 33.18
Interest received from - 440.03 0.05 440.08 Interest paid to 8.53 11.88 1.82 22.23
Income from services rendered to 324.65 66.62 # 391.27 Interest received from - 431.26 0.09 431.35
Expenses for receiving services from 589.87 2,395.60 0.14 2,985.61 Income from services rendered to 308.94 62.91 # 371.85
- 3,826.49 - 3,826.49 Expenses for receiving services from 586.66 2,470.47 0.31 3,057.44
Equity investments
- (3,826.49) - (3,826.49) - 3,826.49 - 3,826.49
- 3,138.89 - 3,138.89 Equity investments
Other Investments - (3,826.49) - (3,826.49)
- (3,138.89) - (3,138.89)
- 650.00 - 650.00
Dividend paid to - - - - Other Investments
Dividend received from - 483.04 - 483.04 - (1,101.22) - (1,101.22)
138.77 6.27 - 145.04 Dividend paid to 864.62 - 10.40 875.02
Receivable from
(138.77) (10.96) - (149.73) Dividend received from - 423.72 - 423.72
111.05 86.08 - 197.13 44.48 14.34 - 58.82
Payable to Receivable from
(199.27) (171.13) - (370.40) (55.33) (14.34) - (69.67)
0.40 - - 0.40
Guarantees given 100.28 147.26 - 247.54
(0.41) - - (0.41) Payable to
Remuneration paid - - 22.48 22.48 (100.28) (206.74) - (307.02)
Loans purchased from 18,979.78 - - 18,979.78 0.39 - - 0.39
Guarantees given
# Denotes amount less than ` 1 lakh. (0.40) - - (0.40)
at each quarter-end. Loans purchased from 24,127.25 - - 24,127.25
# Denotes amount less than ` 1 lakh.
key managerial personnel. These will be paid based on approval from RBI. As of March 31, 2021, approved unpaid deferred bonus
at each quarter-end.
in respect of earlier years was ` 3.24 crore.
The Bank being an authorised dealer, deals in foreign exchange and derivative transactions with parties which include its key managerial personnel. These will be paid based on approval from RBI. As of March 31, 2020, approved unpaid deferred bonus
promoter. The foreign exchange and derivative transactions are undertaken in line with the RBI guidelines. The notional principal in respect of earlier years was ` 5.92 crore.
amount of foreign exchange and derivative contracts transacted with the promoter that were outstanding as on March 31, 2021
is ` 7,757.49 crore (previous year: ` 12,009.95 crore). The contingent credit exposure pertaining to these contracts computed 30. Intra-Group exposure
in line with the extant RBI guidelines on exposure norms was ` 166.45 crore (previous year: ` 136.86 crore).
Intra-Group exposures in accordance with RBI guidelines are as follows:
During the year ended March 31, 2021, the Bank purchased debt securities from HDB Financial Services Limited ` 3,146.57 (` crore)
crore (previous year: ` 2,004.60 crore) issued by it. Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Total amount of intra-group exposures 11,659.17 8,542.59
During the year ended March 31, 2021, the Bank made investment of ` 473.06 crore (previous year: ` 1,982.47 crore) in pass Total amount of top 20 intra-group exposures 11,659.17 8,542.59
through certificates in respect of assets securitised out by HDB Financial Services Limited. Percentage of intra-group exposures to total exposure of the Bank on borrowers / 0.63% 0.53%
During the year ended March 31, 2021, the Bank paid rent of ` 0.38 crore (previous year: ` 0.66 crore) to party related to Details of breach of limits on intra-group exposures and regulatory action thereon, if Nil Nil
the Bank’s key management personnel in relation to residential accommodation. As at March 31, 2021, the security deposit any
outstanding was Nil (previous year: ` 3.50 crore).
During the previous year ended March 31, 2020, RBI had imposed a penalty of ` 1 crore for non-compliance with various Top five grounds of complaints received by the Bank from the customers for the year ended March 31, 2020:
3#*IBE Number of Number of % increase Number of Of 5,
imposed a penalty of ` 1 crore on the Bank for failure to undertake on-going due diligence in case of 39 current accounts complaints complaints EFDSFBTF
complaints number of
opened for bidding in Initial Public Offer (IPO). pending received in the pending at complaints
at the during the number of the end of pending
Grounds of complaints
34. Disclosure for complaints and grievance redress beginning year complaints UIFZFBS beyond 30
(i.e. complaints relating to)
Summary information on complaints received by the Bank from the customers and from the OBOs (Office of Banking of the year received days
Ombudsman) over the
Sr. year
Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
No 1 2 3 4 5 6
Complaints received by the bank from its customers ATM / Debit Cards 5,457 2,23,707 (19%) 1,709 29
1 Number of complaints pending at beginning of the year 2,496 7,642 Credit Cards 740 1,04,506 80% 382 -
2 Number of complaints received during the year 3,25,786* 3,82,235 Loans and advances 269 17,063 (6%) 112 1
3 Number of complaints disposed during the year 3,23,269 3,87,381 Internet / Mobile / Electronic Banking 637 15,740 (13%) 194 -
3.1 Of which, number of complaints rejected by the bank 87,073 82,170 Account opening / difficulty in operation of 71 6,780 (1%) 11 -
4 Number of complaints pending at the end of the year 5,013 2,496 accounts
Maintainable complaints received by the bank from OBOs Others 468 14,439 (26%) 88 3
Total 7,642 3,82,235 (4%) 2,496 33
5 Number of maintainable complaints received by the bank from OBOs 25,777 9,154
5.1 Of 5, number of complaints resolved in favour of the bank by BOs 7,593 2,297 *All these cases were pending within the stipulated turnaround time (TAT) of the Bank.
35. Disclosure of Letters of Comfort (LoC) issued by the Bank The impact of COVID-19, including changes in customer behaviour and pandemic fears, as well as restrictions on business and
The Bank has not issued any Letter of Comfort during the years ended March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020. individual activities, has led to significant volatility in global and Indian financial markets and a significant decrease in global and
local economic activities. The slowdown during the year led to a decrease in loan originations, the sale of third party products,
36. Small and micro industries the use of credit and debit cards by customers and the efficiency in collection efforts. This may lead to a rise in the number
Under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 which came into force from October 2, 2006, certain of customer defaults and consequently an increase in provisions thereagainst. The extent to which the COVID-19 pandemic,
disclosures are required to be made relating to Micro, Small and Medium enterprises. There have been no reported cases of including the current “second wave” that has significantly increased the number of cases in India, will continue to impact the
delays in payments to micro and small enterprises or of interest payments due to delays in such payments during the years Bank’s results will depend on ongoing as well as future developments, which are highly uncertain, including, among other
ended March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020. The above is based on the information available with the Bank which has been things, any new information concerning the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic and any action to contain its spread or mitigate
relied upon by the auditors. its impact whether government-mandated or elected by us.
37. Overseas assets, NPAs and revenue In accordance with the COVID-19 Regulatory Packages announced by the RBI on March 27, 2020, April 17, 2020 and May 23,
(` crore) 2020, the Bank, in accordance with its board approved policy, offered a moratorium on the repayment of all instalments and
/ or interest, as applicable, due between March 1, 2020 and August 31, 2020 to all eligible borrowers classified as standard,
Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 even if overdue, as on February 29, 2020. In respect of such accounts that were granted moratorium, the asset classification
Total Assets 43,586.89 43,257.00 remained standstill during the moratorium period.
Total NPAs 188.35 194.93
Total Revenue 931.97 1,170.47 The disclosures as required by the RBI circular dated April 17, 2020 are given below:
(` crore)
38. Off-Balance Sheet SPVs
There are no Off-Balance Sheet SPVs sponsored by the Bank, which need to be consolidated as per accounting norms. Particulars Amount
Respective amounts in SMA / overdue categories, where the moratorium / deferment was extended, in terms 15,868.57
39. Credit default swaps of paragraph 2 and 3 of the circular (as of February 29,2020)
Term Loan Instalments: ` 11,805.09 crore
The Bank has not transacted in credit default swaps during the year ended March 31, 2021 (previous year: Nil).
Cash Credit / Overdraft: ` 4,063.48 crore
Respective amount where asset classification benefit is extended* 5,445.30
40. Corporate social responsibility Term Loan Instalments: ` 3,918.08 crore
Operating expenses include ` 634.90 crore (previous year: ` 535.31 crore) for the year ended March 31, 2021 towards Cash Credit / Overdraft: ` 1,527.22 crore
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), in accordance with Companies Act, 2013. Provisions made in terms of paragraph 5 of the circular 620.00
Provisions adjusted against slippages in terms of paragraph 6 of the circular -
The Bank has spent 2.02% (previous year: 2.01%) of its average net profit for the last three financial years as part of its CSR Residual provisions as of March 31, 2021 in terms of paragraph 6 of the circular 620.00
for the year ended March 31, 2021. As a responsible bank, it has approached the mandatory requirements of CSR spends * as on March 31, 2021 in respect of such accounts.
positively by laying a foundation on which it would build and scale future projects and partnerships. The Bank continues to
evaluate strategic avenues for CSR expenditure in order to deliver maximum impact. In the years to come, the Bank will further 44. Refund / adjustment of ‘interest on interest’
strengthen its processes as per requirement. In accordance with the instructions in the paragraph 5 of the RBI circular dated April 07, 2021, the Bank shall refund / adjust
‘interest on interest’ to all borrowers including those who had availed of working capital facilities during the moratorium
The details of amount spent during the respective year towards CSR are as under: (` crore) period, irrespective of whether moratorium had been fully or partially availed, or not availed. Pursuant to these instructions,
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 the methodology for calculation of the amount of such ‘interest on interest’ would be finalised by the Indian Banks Association
Sr. Amount Amount Total Amount Amount Total (IBA) in consultation with other industry participants / bodies and is awaited as on the date of approval of financial statements.
No spent unpaid spent unpaid The Bank has however estimated the said amount and recognised a charge of ` 470.00 crore in its Profit and Loss Account
/ provision / provision for the year ended March 31, 2021.
(i) Construction / acquisition of any asset - - - - - -
(ii) On purpose other than (i) above 634.90 - 634.90 532.18 3.13 535.31 45. Comparative figures
Figures for the previous year have been regrouped and reclassified wherever necessary to conform to the current year’s
41. Investor education and protection fund presentation.
There has been no delay in transferring amounts, required to be transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund by
the Bank during the years ended March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020. As per our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board
42. Disclosure on remuneration to Non-Executive Directors For MSKA & Associates Umesh Chandra Sarangi Sashidhar Jagdishan
Remuneration by way of sitting fees to the Non-Executive Directors for attending meetings of the Board and its committees Chartered Accountants Independent Director Managing Director & CEO
during the year ended March 31, 2021 amounted to ` 3.73 crore (previous year: ` 1.98 crore). ICAI Firm Registration Number: 105047W
Further, in accordance with RBI guidelines, profit related commission to all Non-Executive Directors other than the Chairperson
for the year ended March 31, 2021 amounted to ` 0.70 crore (previous year: ` 0.90 crore). Swapnil Kale Kaizad Bharucha 4SJOJWBTBO7BJEZBOBUIBO
Partner Executive Director Chief Financial Officer
43. COVID-19 Membership Number: 117812
Consequent to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Indian government announced a lockdown in March 2020.
Subsequently, the national lockdown was lifted by the government, but regional lockdowns continue to be implemented in Mumbai, April 17, 2021 Santosh Haldankar
areas with a significant number of COVID-19 cases. Company Secretary
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) vide its circular under reference DBR.No.BP.BC.1/21.06.201/2015-16 dated July 1, 2015 on ‘Basel To the Members of HDFC Bank Limited
III Capital Regulations’ (‘Basel III circular’) read together with the circular under reference DBR.No.BP.BC.80/21.06.201/2014-15
dated March 31, 2015 on ‘Prudential Guidelines on Capital Adequacy and Liquidity Standards - Amendments’ requires banks to Report on the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements
make Pillar 3 disclosures including leverage ratio and liquidity coverage ratio under the Basel III Framework. These disclosures are
available on HDFC Bank’s website under the ‘Regulatory Disclosures’ section. The link to this section is given below:
We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of HDFC Bank Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “Bank”)
and its subsidiaries (the Bank and its subsidiaries together referred to as “the Group”), which comprise the Consolidated Balance
Sheet as at March 31, 2021, the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account, the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year then
The Regulatory Disclosures section contains the following disclosures:
ended, and notes to the consolidated financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies and other
explanatory information (hereinafter referred to as “the consolidated financial statements”).
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, based on the consideration of
Scope of application
reports of other auditors on separate financial statements and on the other financial information of the subsidiaries, the aforesaid
consolidated financial statements give the information required by the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 as well as the Companies
Capital adequacy
Act, 2013 (“the Act”) in the manner so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally
accepted in India, of their consolidated state of affairs of the Group as at March 31, 2021 and of their consolidated profit and their
Credit risk
consolidated cash flows for the year then ended.
Credit risk: Portfolios subject to the standardised approach
Basis for Opinion
Credit risk mitigation: Disclosures for standardised approach We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing (SAs) specified under section 143(10) of the Act. Our
responsibilities under those Standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated
Securitisation exposures Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Group in accordance with the ethical requirements that are
relevant to our audit of the consolidated financial statements in India in terms of Code of Ethics issued by Institute of Chartered
Market risk in trading book Accountants of India (“ICAI”), and the relevant provisions of the Act and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in
accordance with these requirements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide
Operational risk a basis for our opinion.
Identification of Non-Performing Advances (NPA) and provision on advances Evaluation of litigations included in contingent liabilities
Key Audit Matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter Key Audit Matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter
The Reserve Bank of India’s (“RBI”) guidelines on Income recognition Tested the design and operating effectiveness of key controls The Bank has material open tax litigations including matters under Our Audit procedures with respect to this matter included:
and asset classification (“IRAC”) prescribe the prudential norms for (including application controls) over approval, recording, monitoring dispute which involve significant judgement to determine the
identification and classification of non-performing assets (“NPA”) and recovery of loans, monitoring overdue / stressed accounts, Testing the design and operating effectiveness of the Bank’s key
possible outcome of these disputes.
and the minimum provision required for such assets. identification of NPA, provision for NPA and valuation of security and controls over the estimation, monitoring and disclosure of provisions
collateral. Significant management judgement is needed in determining whether and contingent liabilities.
The Bank is required to have Board approved policy as per IRAC
guidelines for NPA identification and provision. Testing of Application controls include testing of automated controls, an obligation exists and whether a provision should be recognised as Our substantive audit procedures included and were not limited to
The Bank is also required to apply its judgement to determine the reports and system reconciliations. at the reporting date, in accordance with the accounting criteria set the following:
identification and provision required against NPAs by applying under Accounting Standard 29 - Provisions, Contingent Liabilities
Evaluated the governance process and review controls over t 0CUBJOFEBOVOEFSTUBOEJOHPGUIF#BOLTQSPDFTTGPSEFUFSNJOJOH
quantitative as well as qualitative factors. The risk of identification and Contingent Assets (‘AS 29’), or whether it needs to be disclosed
calculations of provision of non-performing advances, basis of tax liabilities, tax provisions and contingent liabilities pertaining to
of NPAs is affected by factors like stress and liquidity concerns in BT B DPOUJOHFOU MJBCJMJUZ 'VSUIFS TJHOJýDBOU KVEHFNFOUT BSF BMTP
certain sectors. provisioning approved in accordance with the Board approved policy. legal matters and taxation matters;
involved in measuring such obligations, the most significant of which
The provision on NPA is estimated based on ageing and Selected the borrowers based on quantitative and qualitative risk are: t 0CUBJOFEMJTUPGDBTFTNBUUFSTJOSFTQFDUPGXIJDIMJUJHBUJPOTXFSF
classification of NPAs, recovery estimates, nature of loan product, factors for their assessment of appropriate classification as NPA
outstanding as at reporting date;
value of security and other qualitative factors and is subject to the including computation of overdue ageing to assess its correct t "TTFTTNFOUPGMJBCJMJUZ+VEHFNFOUJTJOWPMWFEJOUIFEFUFSNJOBUJPO
minimum provisioning norms specified by RBI and approved policy classification and provision amount as per extant IRAC norms and of whether an outflow in respect of identified material matters are t 'PSTJHOJýDBOUMFHBMNBUUFST
of the Bank in this regard. Bank policy. also corroborated with management’s documented conclusions
probable and can be estimated reliably;
Additionally, the Bank makes provisions on exposures that are Performed other substantive procedures included and not limited to on the assessment of outstanding litigations against the Bank;
not classified as NPAs including advances in certain sectors and the following: t "EFRVBDZPGQSPWJTJPOT5IFBQQSPQSJBUFOFTTPGBTTVNQUJPOTBOE
identified advances or group advances that can potentially slip into judgements used in the estimation of significant provisions; and
NPA. These are classified as contingency provisions. t 4FMFDUFETBNQMFTPGQFSGPSNJOHMPBOTBOEBTTFTTFEJOEFQFOEFOUMZ to gain an understanding of the current status of the litigations,
including understanding of various orders / notices received by
The Management of the Bank also made an assessment of the
impact on borrowers’ account due to COVID-19 pandemic and in t 'PS TBNQMFT TFMFDUFE SFWJFXFE UIF DPMMBUFSBM WBMVBUJPO
ýOBODJBM and contingent liabilities. the Bank and the management’s grounds of appeals before the
line with the COVID-19 Regulatory Package announced by the RBI statements and other qualitative information; relevant appellate authorities;
in respect of moratorium and restructuring of advances as relief The Bank’s assessment is supported by the facts of matter, their own
measures to the borrowers. judgement, experience, and advices from legal and independent tax
Special Mention Accounts (“SMA”) in RBI’s Central Repository of with reference to the grounds presented therein and available
Additionally, the Bank has considered the impact of judgement, on consultants wherever considered necessary.
Information on Large Credits (CRILC) to identify stress; independent legal / tax advice; and
identification of NPA and provision thereof, which was vacated as
per Honourable Supreme Court Order on March 23, 2021 and the t 'PSTFMFDUFETBNQMFTBTTFTTFEJOEFQFOEFOUMZBDDPVOUTUIBUDBO Since the assessment of these open tax litigations requires significant t "HSFFE VOEFSMZJOH UBY CBMBODFT UP TVQQPSUJOH EPDVNFOUBUJPO
RBI circular dated April 7, 2021 in that connection. QPUFOUJBMMZCFDMBTTJýFEBT/1"BOE3FE'MBHHFE"DDPVOUT level of judgement in interpretation of law, we have included this as including correspondence with tax authorities.
Since the identification of NPAs and provisioning for advances Assessed the disclosures within the standalone financial statements
require significant level of estimation and given its significance to ascertain if there were indicators of stress or an occurrence of
in this regard.
the overall audit including possible observation by RBI which could an event of default in a particular loan account or any product
result into disclosure in the financial statements, we have ascertained category which needed to be considered as NPA;
identification and provisioning for NPAs as a key audit matter.
identify stressed loan accounts;
sectors where there is perceived credit risk and the steps taken to
mitigate the risks to identified sectors;
accounts and overdue accounts and assessed compliance with
RBI circular on COVID-19 Regulatory Package;
COVID-19 related stress circular for their compliance with the RBI
due to the interim order of Honourable Supreme Court and later
on due to the vacation of the interim order and the RBI circular in
connection with that to ensure the asset classification of borrower
accounts has been continued as per the extant RBI instructions /
IRAC norms.
Assessed the adequacy of disclosures against the relevant
accounting standards and RBI requirements relating to NPAs.
Information Technology (“IT”) Systems and Controls Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Consolidated Financial Statements
Key Audit Matter How our audit addressed the key audit matter The Bank’s Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation and presentation of these consolidated financial statements in term
of the requirements of the Act that give a true and fair view of the consolidated financial position, consolidated financial performance
The Bank has a complex IT architecture to support its day-to-day Our Audit procedures with respect to this matter included:
business operations. High volume of transactions are processed and
and consolidated cash flows of the Group in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in India, including the
BQQMJDBUJPO DPOUSPMT BOE *5 Accounting Standards specified under section 133 of the Act and the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and circulars, guidelines and
recorded on single or multiple applications.
dependent manual controls, we involved IT specialists as part of directions issued by the Reserve Bank of India from time to time (the “RBI Guidelines”) as applicable to the Bank. The respective
The reliability and security of IT systems plays a key role in the the audit. The team also assisted in testing the accuracy of the
Board of Directors of the companies included in the Group are responsible for maintenance of adequate accounting records in
business operations of the Bank. Since large volume of transactions information produced by the Bank’s IT systems.
accordance with the provisions of the Act and the RBI Guidelines for safeguarding the assets of the Group and for preventing and
are processed daily, the IT controls are required to ensure that Obtained a comprehensive understanding of IT applications detecting frauds and other irregularities; the selection and application of appropriate accounting policies; making judgements and
applications process data as expected and that changes are made in landscape implemented at the Bank. It was followed by process
an appropriate manner. estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and the design, implementation and maintenance of adequate internal financial controls,
understanding, mapping of applications to the same and
that were operating effectively for ensuring accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, relevant to the preparation
understanding financial risks posed by people-process and
Appropriate IT general controls and application controls are required technology. and presentation of the consolidated financial statements that give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement,
to ensure that such IT systems are able to process the data, as whether due to fraud or error, which have been used for the purpose of preparation of the consolidated financial statements by
required, completely, accurately and consistently for reliable financial Key IT audit procedures includes testing design and operating
the Directors of the Bank, as aforesaid.
reporting. effectiveness of key controls operating over user access management
(which includes user access provisioning, de-provisioning, access
We have identified ‘IT systems and controls’ as key audit matter review, password configuration review, segregation of duties and In preparing the consolidated financial statements, the respective Board of Directors of the companies included in the Group are
because of the high level automation, significant number of systems privilege access), change management (which include change release responsible for assessing the ability of the Group to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going
being used by the management and the complexity of the IT in production environment are compliant to the defined procedures concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the Board of Directors either intends to liquidate the Group or to
architecture and its impact on the financial reporting system. and segregation of environment is ensured), program development cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
(which include review of data migration activity), computer operations
(which includes testing of key controls pertaining to Backup, Batch
The respective Board of Directors of the companies included in the Group are responsible for overseeing the Group’s financial
processing (including interface testing), incident management and
data centre security), System interface controls. This included testing reporting process.
that requests for access to systems were appropriately logged,
reviewed and authorized. Also, entity level controls pertaining to Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements
policy and procedure and Business continuity plan assessment due Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements as a whole are free from
impact of COVID-19 was also part of our audit procedure. material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an Auditor’s Report that includes our opinion. Reasonable
In addition to the above, the design and operating effectiveness of assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with Standards on Auditing
certain automated controls, that were considered as key internal (“SAs”) will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered
system controls over financial reporting were tested. Using various material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken
techniques such as inquiry, review of documentation / record on the basis of these consolidated financial statements.
/ reports, observation and re-performance. We also tested few
controls using negative testing technique. We had taken adequate
samples of instances for our test.
As part of an audit in accordance with SAs, we exercise professional judgement and maintain professional skepticism throughout
the audit. We also:
where necessary. In addition, understood where relevant, changes
design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate
made to the IT landscape during the audit period.
to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one
resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal
Information Other than the Consolidated Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report Thereon
The Bank’s Board of Directors is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the information in the Basel
III - Pillar 3 disclosures and graphical representation of financial highlights (but does not include the financial statements and our
auditor’s reports thereon), which we obtained prior to the date of this Auditor’s Report, and Annual Report, which is expected to
circumstances. Under Section 143(3)(i) of the Act, we are also responsible for expressing our opinion on whether the Bank has
be made available to us after that date.
internal financial controls with reference to the financial statements in place and the operating effectiveness of such controls.
Our opinion on the consolidated financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of
assurance conclusion thereon.
made by Management.
In connection with our audit of the consolidated financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing
so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the consolidated financial statements or our knowledge
evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the
obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that
ability of the Group to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw
there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.
attention in our Auditor’s Report to the related disclosures in the consolidated financial statements or, if such disclosures are
inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our Auditor’s
When we read the Annual Report, if we conclude that there is a material misstatement therein, we are required to communicate
Report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Group to cease to continue as a going concern.
the matter to those Charged with Governance.
BOE of the Group companies, is disqualified as on March 31, 2021 from being appointed as a director in terms of Section 164 (2)
whether the consolidated financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair of the Act;
f. With respect to the adequacy of internal financial controls with reference to the consolidated financial statements of the Group
Group to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision and
performance of the audit of the financial statements of such entities included in the consolidated financial statements of which we g. With respect to the matter to be included in the Auditor’s Report under Section 197(16):
are the independent auditors. For the other entities included in the consolidated financial statements, which have been audited In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us and based on the report of the statutory auditors
by other auditors, such other auditors remain responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the audits carried of subsidiary companies which were not audited by us, the remuneration paid during the current year by the subsidiary
out by them. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion. companies to their directors is in accordance with the provisions of Section 197 of the Act. The remuneration paid to any
director by the subsidiary companies is not in excess of the limit laid down under Section 197 of the Act. The Ministry of
We communicate with Those Charged with Governance of the Bank and such other entities included in the consolidated financial Corporate Affairs has not prescribed other details under Section 197(16) which are required to be commented upon by us.
statements of which we are the independent auditors regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit Further, the Bank is a banking company as defined under Banking Regulation Act, 1949. Accordingly, the requirements
and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit. prescribed under Section 197 of the Companies Act, 2013 do not apply to the Bank; and
We also provide Those Charged with Governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements h. With respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditor’s Report in accordance with Rule 11 of the Companies (Audit
regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to and Auditor’s) Rules, 2014, in our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us:
bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards. i. The consolidated financial statements disclose the impact of pending litigations on the consolidated financial position of the
Group - Refer Schedule 12, Schedule 17(D)(17) and Schedule 18(13)(d)(1) and (2) to the consolidated financial statements;
From the matters communicated with Those Charged with Governance, we determine those matters that were of most significance
in the audit of the consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended March 31, 2021 and are therefore the key audit ii. Provision has been made in the consolidated financial statements, as required under the applicable law or accounting
matters. We describe these matters in our Auditor’s Report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter standards, for material foreseeable losses, if any, on long-term contracts including derivative contracts - Refer Schedule
or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the 17(D)(7) and 17(D)(17) and Schedule 18(13)(d) to the consolidated financial statements in respect of such items as it relates
adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication. to the Group; and
Other Matter iii. There has been no delay in transferring amounts, required to be transferred, to the Investor Education and Protection Fund
We did not audit the financial statements of two subsidiaries, whose financial statements reflect total assets of ` 6,735,008 Lacs by the Bank and its subsidiary companies incorporated in India.
as at March 31, 2021, total revenues of ` 1,208,782 Lacs and net cash flows amounting to ` 333 Lacs for the year ended on that
date, as considered in the consolidated financial statements. These financial statements have been audited by other auditors whose For MSKA & Associates
reports have been furnished to us by the Management and our opinion on the consolidated financial statements, in so far as it relates Chartered Accountants
to the amounts and disclosures included in respect of these subsidiaries, and our report in terms of sub-section (3) of Section 143 ICAI Firm Registration Number: 105047W
of the Act, in so far as it relates to the aforesaid subsidiaries, is based solely on the reports of the other auditors.
Our opinion on the consolidated financial statements, and our report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements below, is not
modified in respect of the above matters with respect to our reliance on the work done and the reports of the other auditors. Swapnil Kale
Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements Membership Number: 117812
1. As required by Section 143(3) of the Act, based on our audit and the consideration of the report of the other auditors on separate
financial statements as noted in the ‘Other Matters’ paragraph, we report, to the extent applicable, that: UDIN: 21117812AAAADU7699
a. We have sought and obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were
necessary for the purposes of our audit of the aforesaid consolidated financial statements; Mumbai
April 17, 2021
b. In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law relating to preparation of the aforesaid consolidated financial
statements have been kept so far as it appears from our examination of those books and the reports of the other auditors;
c. The Consolidated Balance Sheet, the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account and the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
dealt with by this Report are in agreement with the relevant books of account maintained for the purpose of preparation of
the consolidated financial statements;
d. In our opinion, the aforesaid consolidated financial statements comply with the Accounting Standards specified under Section
133 of the Act, read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 to the extent they are not inconsistent with the
accounting policies prescribed by RBI;
e. On the basis of the written representations received from the directors of the Bank as on March 31, 2021 taken on record by
the Board of Directors of the Bank and the reports of the statutory auditors of its subsidiary companies, none of the directors
Inherent Limitations of Internal Financial Controls With Reference to Consolidated Financial Statements
Annexure A to the Independent Auditors’ Report of even date on the Consolidated Because of the inherent limitations of internal financial controls with reference to consolidated financial statements, including the
Financial Statements of HDFC Bank Limited possibility of collusion or improper management override of controls, material misstatements due to error or fraud may occur and not
Referred to in paragraph 1(f) under ‘Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements’ in the Independent Auditor’s Report of be detected. Also, projections of any evaluation of the internal financial controls with reference to consolidated financial statements to
even date to the Members of HDFC Bank Limited on the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended March 31, 2021 future periods are subject to the risk that the internal financial control with reference to consolidated financial statements may become
inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.
Report on the Internal Financial Controls under Clause (i) of Sub-section 3 of Section 143 of the Companies Act,
2013 (“the Act”) Opinion
In conjunction with our audit of the consolidated financial statements of the Bank as of and for the year ended March 31, 2021, we In our opinion, and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the Bank, its subsidiary companies,
have audited the internal financial controls with reference to consolidated financial statements of HDFC Bank Limited (hereinafter which are companies incorporated in India, have, in all material respects, adequate internal financial controls with reference to
referred to as “the Bank”) and its subsidiary companies, which are companies incorporated in India, as of that date. consolidated financial statements and such internal financial controls with reference to consolidated financial statements were
operating effectively as at March 31, 2021, based on the internal control with reference to consolidated financial statements criteria
Management’s Responsibility for Internal Financial Controls established by the respective companies considering the essential components of internal control stated in the Guidance Note
The respective Board of Directors of the Bank, its subsidiary companies, which are companies incorporated in India, are responsible issued by the ICAI.
for establishing and maintaining internal financial controls based on the internal control with reference to consolidated financial
statements criteria established by the respective companies considering the essential components of internal control stated in the Other Matters
Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls Over Financial Reporting issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Our aforesaid reports under Section 143(3)(i) of the Act on the adequacy and operating effectiveness of the internal financial
India (“the ICAI”). These responsibilities include the design, implementation and maintenance of internal financial controls that were controls with reference to consolidated financial statements insofar as it relates to two subsidiary companies, which are companies
operating effectively for ensuring the orderly and efficient conduct of its business, including adherence to the respective Bank’s incorporated in India, is based on the corresponding reports of the auditors of such companies incorporated in India.
policies, the safeguarding of its assets, the prevention and detection of frauds and errors, the accuracy and completeness of the
accounting records, and the timely preparation of reliable financial information, as required under the Act. For MSKA & Associates
Chartered Accountants
Auditors’ Responsibility ICAI Firm Registration Number: 105047W
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the internal financial controls with reference to consolidated financial statements of
the Bank, its subsidiary companies, which are companies incorporated in India, based on our audit. We conducted our audit in
accordance with the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls Over Financial Reporting (the “Guidance Note”) issued
by the ICAI and the Standards on Auditing prescribed under Section 143(10) of the Act, to the extent applicable to an audit of Swapnil Kale
internal financial controls. Those Standards and the Guidance Note require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and Partner
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether internal financial controls with reference to consolidated financial Membership Number: 117812
statements was established and maintained and if such controls operated effectively in all material respects.
UDIN: 21117812AAAADU7699
Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the internal financial controls with reference to consolidated
financial statements and their operating effectiveness. Our audit of internal financial controls with reference to consolidated financial Mumbai
statements included obtaining an understanding of internal financial controls with reference to consolidated financial statements, April 17, 2021
assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal
control based on the assessed risk. The procedures selected depend on the auditors’ judgement, including the assessment of the
risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained and the audit evidence obtained by the other auditors in terms of their reports
referred to in the Other Matters paragraph below, is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion on the internal
financial controls with reference to consolidated financial statements of the Bank, its subsidiary companies, which are companies
incorporated in India.
` in ‘000 ` in ‘000
Schedule As at 31-Mar-21 As at 31-Mar-20 Schedule Year ended Year ended
Capital 1 5,512,776 5,483,286 I. INCOME
Interest earned 13 1,285,523,933 1,221,892,915
Reserves and surplus 2 2,092,589,110 1,758,103,766
Other income 14 273,328,803 248,789,748
Minority interest 2A 6,327,647 5,766,413
Total 1,558,852,736 1,470,682,663
Deposits 3 13,337,208,758 11,462,071,336 II. EXPENDITURE
Borrowings 4 1,776,967,487 1,868,343,231 Interest expended 15 592,475,799 621,374,216
Other liabilities and provisions 5 776,460,664 708,536,341 Operating expenses 16 350,012,568 330,360,555
Provisions and contingencies [Refer Schedule 18 (15)] 297,796,688 245,985,239
Total 17,995,066,442 15,808,304,373
Total 1,240,285,055 1,197,720,010
Cash and balances with Reserve Bank of India 6 973,703,555 722,110,033
Net profit for the year 318,567,681 272,962,653
Balances with banks and money at call and short notice 7 239,021,709 157,291,086 Less : Minority interest 235,590 423,147
Investments 8 4,388,231,117 3,893,049,519 Consolidated profit for the year 318,332,091 272,539,506
Advances 9 11,852,835,198 10,436,708,771 Balance in the Profit and Loss Account brought forward 618,176,878 528,496,075
Total 936,508,969 801,035,581
Fixed assets 10 50,995,631 46,268,558
Other assets 11 490,279,232 552,876,406
Transfer to Statutory Reserve 78,796,978 67,717,167
Total 17,995,066,442 15,808,304,373 Tax (including cess) on dividend - 902,672
Contingent liabilities 12 9,752,806,592 11,304,740,615 Dividend (including tax / cess thereon) pertaining to previous year paid - 48,933,585
Bills for collection 447,481,440 515,849,020 during the year, net of dividend tax credits
Interim Dividend (including tax) - 16,469,504
Significant accounting policies and notes to the Consolidated financial statements 17 & 18
Transfer to General Reserve 31,116,525 26,257,315
The schedules referred to above form an integral part of the Consolidated
Balance Sheet. Transfer to Capital Reserve 22,916,842 11,238,460
Transfer to / (from) Investment Reserve Account 616,645 -
Transfer to / (from) Investment Fluctuation Reserve 17,120,000 11,340,000
As per our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board Balance carried over to Balance Sheet 785,941,979 618,176,878
Total 936,508,969 801,035,581
Mumbai, April 17, 2021 Santosh Haldankar For MSKA & Associates Umesh Chandra Sarangi Sashidhar Jagdishan
Company Secretary Chartered Accountants Independent Director Managing Director & CEO
ICAI Firm Registration Number: 105047W
` in ‘000 ` in ‘000
Year ended Year ended As at 31-Mar-21 As at 31-Mar-20
31-Mar-21 31-Mar-20 SCHEDULE 1 - CAPITAL
Cash flows from / (used in) operating activities Authorised capital
Consolidated profit before income tax 427,725,836 381,525,366 6,50,00,00,000 (31 March, 2020 : 6,50,00,00,000) Equity Shares of ` 1/- each 6,500,000 6,500,000
Adjustments for : Issued, subscribed and paid-up capital
Depreciation on fixed assets 13,850,062 12,767,714 5,51,27,76,482 (31 March, 2020 : 5,48,32,86,460) Equity Shares of ` 1/- each 5,512,776 5,483,286
(Profit) / loss on revaluation of investments 14,853,243 7,021,095 Total 5,512,776 5,483,286
Amortisation of premium on held to maturity investments 7,654,693 5,014,137
(Profit) / loss on sale of fixed assets 2,859 81,865 SCHEDULE 2 - RESERVES AND SURPLUS
Provision / charge for non performing assets 139,270,110 110,657,129 I Statutory reserve
Provision for standard assets and contingencies 52,830,711 30,574,317 Opening balance 356,038,280 288,321,113
656,187,514 547,641,623 Additions during the year 78,796,978 67,717,167
Adjustments for : Total 434,835,258 356,038,280
(Increase) / decrease in investments (501,566,359) (1,010,700,996)
(Increase) / decrease in advances (1,556,810,724) (1,855,003,617) II General reserve
Increase / (decrease) in deposits 1,875,137,422 2,237,044,557 Opening balance 136,741,358 110,484,043
(Increase) / decrease in other assets 83,076,840 (72,497,457) Additions during the year 31,116,525 26,257,315
Increase / (decrease) in other liabilities and provisions (1,045,600) 93,598,719 Total 167,857,883 136,741,358
554,979,093 (59,917,171)
Direct taxes paid (net of refunds) (130,214,530) (108,773,749) III Balance in profit and loss account 785,941,979 618,176,878
Net cash flow from / (used in) operating activities 424,764,563 (168,690,920)
IV Share premium
Cash flows from / (used in) investing activities Opening balance 587,555,328 569,105,180
Purchase of fixed assets (16,961,460) (16,358,706)
Additions during the year 17,571,505 18,450,148
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets 152,809 189,462 Total 605,126,833 587,555,328
Net cash flow used in investing activities (16,808,651) (16,169,244)
V Amalgamation reserve
Cash flows (used in) / from financing activities 10,635,564 10,635,564
Opening balance
Increase in minority interest 561,234 748,468
Additions during the year - -
Proceeds from issue of share capital, net of issue expenses 17,600,995 18,486,821
Total 10,635,564 10,635,564
Proceeds from issue of Tier I and Tier II capital bonds 3,565,000 7,435,000
Redemption of Tier II Capital Bonds (11,050,000) - VI Capital reserve
Increase / (decrease) in other borrowings (83,890,744) 283,580,441 Opening balance 26,647,724 15,409,264
Dividend paid during the period (including tax on dividend) - (66,305,761) Additions during the year 22,916,842 11,238,460
Net cash flow (used in) / from financing activities (73,213,515) 243,944,969 Total 49,564,566 26,647,724
Effect of exchange fluctuation on translation reserve (1,418,252) 2,139,891
Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 333,324,145 61,224,696 VII Investment reserve
Cash and cash equivalents as at April 1st 879,401,119 818,176,423 Opening balance - -
Cash and cash equivalents as at March 31st 1,212,725,264 879,401,119 Additions during the year 616,645 -
As per our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board Total 616,645 -
` in ‘000 ` in ‘000
As at 31-Mar-21 As at 31-Mar-20 As at 31-Mar-21 As at 31-Mar-20
Minority interest at the date on which parent subsidiary relationship came into existence 276,029 276,029 SHORT NOTICE
Subsequent increase 6,051,618 5,490,384 I In India
Total 6,327,647 5,766,413 (i) Balances with banks:
Includes reserves of Employee Welfare Trust of ` 150.12 crore (previous year ` 147.61 crore) (a) In current accounts 9,897,824 4,155,423
(b) In other deposit accounts 16,170,913 12,476,849
SCHEDULE 3 - DEPOSITS Total 26,068,737 16,632,272
A I Demand deposits (ii) Money at call and short notice:
(i) From banks 38,701,928 36,285,672 (a) With banks - -
(ii) From others 2,072,060,514 1,695,304,394 (b) With other institutions - -
Total 2,110,762,442 1,731,590,066 Total - -
II Savings bank deposits 4,034,924,747 3,103,769,443 Total 26,068,737 16,632,272
III Term deposits
(i) From banks 106,458,399 136,163,876 II Outside India
(ii) From others 7,085,063,170 6,490,547,951 (i) In current accounts 110,344,840 47,628,696
Total 7,191,521,569 6,626,711,827 (ii) In deposit accounts 3,909,632 10,176,943
Total 13,337,208,758 11,462,071,336 (iii) Money at call and short notice 98,698,500 82,853,175
Total 212,952,972 140,658,814
B I Deposits of branches in India 13,278,324,337 11,413,640,800 Total 239,021,709 157,291,086
II Deposits of branches outside India 58,884,421 48,430,536
Total 13,337,208,758 11,462,071,336 SCHEDULE 8 - INVESTMENTS
A Investments in India in
SCHEDULE 4 - BORROWINGS (i) Government securities 3,520,158,606 3,230,399,049
I Borrowings in India (ii) Other approved securities - -
(i) Reserve Bank of India 90,200,000 17,260,000 (iii) Shares 4,494,375 4,182,471
(ii) Other banks 115,042,682 138,040,829 (iv) Debentures and bonds 586,747,218 258,011,937
(iii) Other institutions and agencies 693,515,600 749,824,337 (v) Others (Units, CDs, CPs, PTCs and security receipts) 253,149,671 378,628,257
(iv) Upper and lower tier II capital and innovative perpetual debts 211,270,000 218,755,000 Total 4,364,549,870 3,871,221,714
(v) Bonds and Debentures (excluding subordinated debt) 389,752,149 392,424,149
Total 1,499,780,431 1,516,304,315 B Investments outside India in
(i) Government securities (including Local Authorities) 5,936,075 8,409,391
II Borrowings outside India 277,187,056 352,038,916 (ii) Other investments
Total 1,776,967,487 1,868,343,231 (a) Shares 35,024 35,024
Secured borrowings included in I & II above: ` 35,132.83 crore (previous year: ` 36,342.70 crore) except borrowings of ` 44,625.92 crore (b) Debentures and bonds 17,710,148 13,383,390
(previous year: ` 52,524.20 crore) under repurchase transactions (including tri-party repo) and transactions under Liquidity Adjustment Facility Total 23,681,247 21,827,805
and Marginal Standing Facility
Total 4,388,231,117 3,893,049,519
` in ‘000 ` in ‘000
As at 31-Mar-21 As at 31-Mar-20 As at 31-Mar-21 As at 31-Mar-20
C I Advances in India Lease adjustment account
(i) Priority sector 2,586,111,539 2,582,817,659 As at 31 March of the preceding year 442,456 442,456
(ii) Public sector 1,199,082,740 623,353,731 Charge for the year - -
(iii) Banks 85,383,854 68,550,435 Total 442,456 442,456
(iv) Others 7,666,158,574 6,877,873,162 Unamortised cost of assets on lease - -
Total 11,536,736,707 10,152,594,987 Total 50,995,631 46,268,558
C II Advances outside India
(i) Due from banks 55,276,539 33,250,983 SCHEDULE 11 - OTHER ASSETS
(ii) Due from others
I Interest accrued 118,928,877 103,326,928
(a) Bills purchased and discounted 63,490 51,070
II Advance tax / tax deducted at source (net of provisions) 35,269,488 26,561,476
(b) Syndicated loans 8,347,907 12,531,145
III Stationery and stamps 434,856 430,930
(c) Others 252,410,555 238,280,586
IV Non banking assets acquired in satisfaction of claims 512,557 -
Total 316,098,491 284,113,784
V Bond and share application money pending allotment 225,000 -
Total 11,852,835,198 10,436,708,771
VI Security deposit for commercial and residential property 5,687,949 5,626,425
(Advances are net of provisions)
VII Others* 329,220,505 416,930,647
Total 490,279,232 552,876,406
A Premises (including land) *Includes deferred tax asset (net) of ` 5,541.64 crore (previous year : ` 4,144.23 crore), goodwill of ` 148.79 crore (previous year : ` 148.79
crore) and deposits placed with NABARD / SIDBI / NHB on account of shortfall in lending to priority sector of ` 9,320.37 crore (previous year:
Gross block ` 9,196.86 crore)
At cost on 31 March of the preceding year 18,910,701 18,258,591
Additions during the year 1,745,137 737,974
Deductions during the year (98,160) (85,864)
I Claims against the bank not acknowledged as debts - taxation 12,727,093 12,967,986
Total 20,557,678 18,910,701
II Claims against the bank not acknowledged as debts - others 3,180,888 1,799,920
III Liability on account of outstanding forward exchange contracts 4,964,726,675 6,079,194,921
As at 31 March of the preceding year 6,375,942 5,816,393
IV Liability on account of outstanding derivative contracts 3,615,794,584 4,152,761,103
Charge for the year 664,821 634,858
V Guarantees given on behalf of constituents - in India 751,195,338 590,864,399
On deductions during the year (93,299) (75,309)
- outside India 1,800,917 859,639
Total 6,947,464 6,375,942
VI Acceptances, endorsements and other obligations 376,536,252 440,232,727
Net block 13,610,214 12,534,759
VII Other items for which the Bank is contingently liable 26,844,845 26,059,920
B Other fixed assets (including furniture and fixtures) Total 9,752,806,592 11,304,740,615
Gross block
At cost on 31 March of the preceding year 117,016,137 105,848,358 Year ended Year ended
Additions during the year 16,985,088 16,378,259 31-Mar-21 31-Mar-20
Deductions during the year (2,898,680) (5,210,480) SCHEDULE 13 - INTEREST EARNED
Total 131,102,545 117,016,137 I Interest / discount on advances / bills 1,022,991,272 990,796,325
Depreciation II Income from investments 232,116,170 205,727,257
As at 31 March of the preceding year 83,282,338 76,092,185 III Interest on balance with RBI and other inter-bank funds 24,143,004 18,687,664
Charge for the year 13,182,661 12,139,660 IV Others 6,273,487 6,681,669
On deductions during the year (2,747,871) (4,949,507) Total 1,285,523,933 1,221,892,915
Total 93,717,128 83,282,338
Net block 37,385,417 33,733,799 SCHEDULE 14 - OTHER INCOME
I Commission, exchange and brokerage 180,245,945 180,171,223
C Assets on lease (plant and machinery)
II Profit / (loss) on sale of investments (net) 53,890,062 27,034,829
Gross block
III Profit / (loss) on revaluation of investments (net) (14,853,243) (7,021,095)
At cost on 31 March of the preceding year 4,546,923 4,546,923
IV Profit / (loss) on sale of building and other assets (net) 465,748 259,150
Additions during the year - -
V Profit / (loss) on exchange / derivative transactions (net) 24,384,132 21,547,462
Total 4,546,923 4,546,923
VI Miscellaneous income 29,196,159 26,798,179
Total 273,328,803 248,789,748
As at 31 March of the preceding year 4,104,467 4,104,467
Charge for the year - -
Total 4,104,467 4,104,467
D PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTING POLICIES Valuation: of the respective PTC over the YTM rates for government HDB Financial Services Limited
1 Investments Investments classified under AFS and HFT categories are of India securities published by FBIL with FIMMDA as the Investments expected to mature after twelve months are
HDFC Bank Limited marked to market as per the RBI guidelines. calculating agent. taken as long term / non-current investment and stated
Classification: at cost. Provision is recognised only in case of diminution,
In accordance with the RBI guidelines on investment Traded investments are valued based on the trades / quotes Net depreciation in the value, if any, compared to the which is other than temporary in nature. Investments
classification and valuation, investments are classified on the on the recognised stock exchanges or prices published by acquisition cost, in any of the six groups, is charged to maturing within three months from the date of acquisition
date of purchase into “Held for Trading” (‘HFT’), “Available Financial Benchmarks India Pvt Ltd. (FBIL) with Fixed Income the Profit and Loss Account. The net appreciation, if any, are classified as cash equivalents if they are readily
for Sale” (‘AFS’) and “Held to Maturity” (‘HTM’) categories Money Market and Derivatives Association (FIMMDA) as in any of the six groups is not recognised except to the convertible into cash. All other investments are recognised
(hereinafter called “categories”). Subsequent shifting the calculating agent. Investments denominated in foreign extent of depreciation already provided. The valuation of as short term / current investments and are valued at lower
amongst the categories is done in accordance with the RBI currencies are valued based on the prices provided by investments includes securities under repo transactions. of cost and net realisable value.
guidelines. Under each of these categories, investments market information providers such as Bloomberg, Refinitiv The book value of individual securities is not changed after
are further classified under six groups (hereinafter called etc. the valuation of investments. 2 Advances
“groups”) - Government Securities, Other Approved HDFC Bank Limited
Securities, Shares, Debentures and Bonds, Investments in The market value of unquoted government of India securities, Investments classified under HTM category are carried Classification:
Subsidiaries / Joint Ventures and Other Investments. state government securities and special bonds such as oil at their acquisition cost and not marked to market. Any Advances are classified as performing and non-performing
bonds, fertilizer bonds etc. which are directly issued by premium on acquisition is amortised over the remaining based on the RBI guidelines and are stated net of bills
Purchase and sale transactions in securities are recorded the government of India, is computed as per the prices maturity period of the security on a constant yield to maturity rediscounted, inter-bank participation with risk, specific
under settlement date of accounting, except in the case of published by FBIL with FIMMDA as the calculating agent. basis. Such amortisation of premium is adjusted against provisions, interest in suspense for non-performing
equity shares where trade date accounting is followed. These prices are calculated by FIMMDA in accordance with interest income under the head income from investments advances, claims received from Export Credit Guarantee
the extant RBI guidelines. as per the RBI guidelines. Any diminution, other than Corporation of India Ltd, provisions for funded interest term
Basis of classification: temporary, in the value of investments in subsidiaries / joint loan classified as non-performing advances and provisions
Investments that are held principally for resale within 90 The valuation of other unquoted fixed income securities ventures is provided for. in lieu of diminution in the fair value of restructured assets.
days from the date of purchase are classified under HFT (viz. other approved securities and bonds and debentures), Interest on non-performing advances is transferred to an
category. Investments which the Bank intends to hold till and preference shares, is done with appropriate mark-up Non-performing investments are identified and depreciation interest suspense account and not recognised in the Profit
maturity are classified as HTM securities. Investments in over the Yield to Maturity (YTM) rates for government of / provision are made thereon based on the RBI guidelines. and Loss Account until received.
the equity of subsidiaries / joint ventures are categorised India securities as published by FBIL with FIMMDA as the The depreciation / provision on such non-performing
as HTM in accordance with the RBI guidelines. Investments calculating agent. investments are not set off against the appreciation in Provisioning:
which are not classified in either of the above categories are respect of other performing securities. Interest on non- Specific loan loss provisions in respect of non-performing
classified under AFS category. Unquoted equity shares are valued at the break-up value, performing investments is not recognised in the Profit and advances are made based on management’s assessment of
if the latest Balance Sheet is available or at ` 1 as per the Loss Account until received. the degree of impairment of wholesale and retail advances,
Acquisition cost: RBI guidelines. subject to the minimum provisioning level prescribed by the
Brokerage, commission, etc. and broken period interest Repurchase and reverse repurchase transactions: RBI.
on debt instruments are recognised in the Profit and Loss Units of mutual funds are valued at the latest net asset value In accordance with the RBI guidelines, repurchase (Repo)
Account and are not included in the cost of acquisition. declared by the respective schemes of the mutual fund. and reverse repurchase (Reverse Repo) transactions in The specific provision levels for retail non-performing assets
government securities and corporate debt securities are also based on the nature of product and delinquency
Disposal of investments: Treasury bills, commercial papers and certificate of deposits are reflected as borrowing and lending transactions levels.
Profit / Loss on sale of investments under the aforesaid being discounted instruments, are valued at carrying cost. respectively.
three categories is recognised in the Profit and Loss Specific loan loss provisions in respect of non-performing
Account. Cost of investments is based on the weighted Security receipts (SR) are valued as per the net asset value Borrowing cost on repo transactions is accounted for as advances are charged to the Profit and Loss Account and
average cost method. The profit from sale of investment provided by the issuing Asset Reconstruction Company interest expense and revenue on reverse repo transactions included under Provisions and Contingencies.
under HTM category, net of taxes and transfer to statutory from time to time. is accounted for as interest income.
reserve is appropriated from the Profit and Loss Account to Non-performing advances are written-off in accordance
“Capital Reserve” in accordance with the RBI Guidelines. Investments in unquoted Venture Capital Fund (VCF) are HDFC Securities Limited with the Bank’s policies. Recoveries from bad debts
categorised, at the discretion of the Bank, under HTM Investments that are readily realisable and are intended written-off are recognised in the Profit and Loss Account
Short sale: category for an initial period of three years and valued to be held for not more than one year from the date, on and included under other income.
The Bank undertakes short sale transactions in Central at cost during this period, in accordance with the RBI which such investments are made, are classified as current
Government dated securities in accordance with RBI guidelines. Such investments are transferred to the AFS investments. All other investments are classified as long In relation to non-performing derivative contracts, as per
guidelines. The short position is categorised under HFT category after the said period of three years and valued at term investments. Current investments are carried at cost the extant RBI guidelines, the Bank makes provision for
category and netted off from investments in the Balance NAV shown by the VCF in its financial statements. At least or fair value, whichever is lower. Long-term investments are the entire amount of overdue and future receivables relating
Sheet. The short position is marked to market and loss, if once a year, the units are valued based on the latest audited carried at cost. However, provision for diminution is made to positive marked to market value of the said derivative
any, is charged to the Profit and Loss Account while gain, financials of the VCF if available or at ` 1 per VCF as per the to recognise a decline, other than temporary, in the value contracts.
if any, is ignored. Profit / Loss on settlement of the short RBI guidelines. of the investments, such reduction being determined and
position is recognised in the Profit and Loss Account. made for each investment individually. The Bank maintains general provision for standard assets
Pass Through Certificates (PTC) including Priority Sector- including credit exposures computed as per the current
PTCs are valued by using FIMMDA credit spread as marked to market values of interest rate and foreign
applicable for the NBFC category, based on the credit rating exchange derivative contracts and gold in accordance with
the guidelines and at levels stipulated by RBI from time to HDB Financial Services Limited In accordance with RBI guidelines on sale of non- 4. Priority Sector Lending Certificates
time. In the case of overseas branches, general provision Classification: performing advances, if the sale is at a price below the (PSLCs)
on standard advances is maintained at the higher of the Receivables under financing activity are classified as net book value (i.e., book value less provisions held), the The Bank enters into transactions for the sale or purchase
levels stipulated by the respective overseas regulator or standard, sub-standard and doubtful assets as per the shortfall is charged to the Profit and Loss Account and if of Priority Sector Lending Certificates (PSLCs). In the case
RBI. Provision for standard assets is included under other Company policy approved by the Board and as per RBI the sale is for a value higher than the net book value, the of a sale transaction, the Bank sells the fulfilment of priority
liabilities. guidelines. The rates applied for making provisions on non- excess provision is credited to the Profit and Loss Account sector obligation and in the case of a purchase transaction
performing assets (NPA) are higher than those required in the year the amounts are received.
the Bank buys the fulfilment of priority sector obligation
Provisions made in addition to the Bank’s policy for by the relevant RBI guidelines. Interest on non-performing through RBI trading platform. There is no transfer of risks
specific loan loss provisions for non-performing assets and assets is transferred to an interest suspense account and In respect of stressed assets sold by the Bank under an
regulatory general provisions are categorised as floating or loan assets. The fee received for the sale of PSLCs is
not recognised in the Profit and Loss Account until received. asset securitisation, where the investment by the bank in
provisions. Creation of floating provisions is considered by recorded as miscellaneous income and the fee paid for
Receivables under financing activity are recognised on security receipts (SRs) backed by the assets sold by it is
the Bank up to a level approved by the Board of Directors. purchase of the PSLCs is recorded as other expenditure
disbursement of loan and in case of new asset financing more than 10 percent of such SRs, in accordance with
In accordance with the RBI guidelines, floating provisions RBI guidelines, provisions held are higher of the provisions in Profit and Loss Account. These are amortised over the
on the transfer of ownership.
are used up to a level approved by the Board only for required in terms of net asset value declared by the period of the Certificate.
contingencies under extraordinary circumstances and for Provisioning: Securitisation Company (‘SC’) / Reconstruction Company
making specific provisions for impaired accounts as per The Company assesses all receivables for their recoverability (‘RC’) and provisions as per the extant norms applicable to 5 Fixed assets and depreciation
these guidelines or any regulatory guidance / instructions. the underlying loans, notionally treating the book value of HDFC Bank Limited
and accordingly recognises provision for non-performing
Floating provisions are included under other liabilities. these SRs as the corresponding stressed loans assuming Fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated
and doubtful assets as per approved Company policies and
the loans remained in the books of the Bank. depreciation as adjusted for impairment, if any. Cost
guidelines. The Company ensures provisions made are not
Further to the provisions required to be held according includes cost of purchase and all expenditure like site
lower than as stipulated by RBI guidelines.
to the asset classification status, provisions are held for The Bank invests in Pass Through Certificates (PTCs) preparation, installation costs and professional fees
individual country exposures (other than for home country The Company provides 0.40% on standard assets as issued by other Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs). These incurred on the asset before it is ready to use. Subsequent
exposure). Countries are categorised into risk categories are accounted for at the deal value and are classified as expenditure incurred on assets put to use is capitalised only
stipulated by RBI guidelines.
as per Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Ltd. investments. The Bank also buys loans through the direct when it increases the future benefit / functioning capability
(‘ECGC’) guidelines and provisioning is done in respect of assignment route which are classified as advances. These from / of such assets.
Loan origination costs:
that country where the net funded exposure is one percent are carried at acquisition cost unless it is more than the
Brokerage, commission, incentive to employee etc. paid at
or more of the Bank’s total assets. Provision for country risk face value, in which case the premium is amortised over Depreciation is charged over the estimated useful life of
the time of acquisition of loans are charged to expenses.
is included under other liabilities. the tenor of the loans. the fixed asset on a straight-line basis. The management
3 Securitisation and transfer of assets believes that the useful life of assets assessed by the Bank,
In addition to the above, the Bank on a prudent basis HDB Financial Services Limited pursuant to Part C of Schedule II to the Companies Act,
makes provisions on advances or exposures which are not
HDFC Bank Limited
2013, taking into account changes in environment, changes
NPAs, but has reasons to believe on the basis of the extant Assets transferred through securitisation and direct
a) On receivables being assigned / securtised, the in technology, the utility and efficacy of the asset in use,
environment or specific information or basis regulatory assignment of cash flows are de-recognised in the Balance
assets are de-recognised as all the rights, title, fairly reflects its estimate of useful lives of the fixed assets.
guidance / instructions, of a possible slippage of a specific Sheet when they are sold (true sale criteria being fully met
future receivables & interest thereof are assigned The estimated useful lives of key fixed assets are given
advance or a group of advances or exposures or potential with) and consideration is received by the Bank. Sales /
to the purchaser. below:
exposures. These are classified as contingent provisions transfers that do not meet these criteria for surrender of
and included under other liabilities. control are accounted for as borrowings. In accordance Asset Estimated Estimated useful
b) Gains arising on assignment of receivables will be
with RBI guidelines, the Bank amortises any profit received useful life as life specified under
recognised at the end of the tenure of assignment
The Bank considers a restructured account as one where for a securitisation or direct assignment transaction based assessed by Schedule II of the
contract as per the RBI guidelines, while loss, if
the Bank, for economic or legal reasons relating to the on the method prescribed and any loss arising therefrom the Bank Companies Act,
any is recognised upfront.
borrower’s financial difficulty, grants to the borrower is recognised in the Profit and Loss Account at the time of 2013
concessions that the Bank would not otherwise consider. sale. t 1PTU*TTVBODFPG3#*$JSDVMBSEBUFE"VHVTU
Owned Premises 61 years 60 years
Restructuring would normally involve modification of terms a) Securitised receivables are de-recognised in the Automated Teller 10 years 15 years
of the advance / securities, which would generally include, The Bank transfers advances through inter-bank Balance Sheet when they are sold i.e. they meet Machines (ATMs)
among others, alteration of repayment period / repayable participation with and without risk. In accordance with true sale criteria. Electrical 6 to 10 years 10 years
amount / the amount of instalments / rate of interest (due the RBI guidelines, in the case of participation with risk, equipments and
to reasons other than competitive reasons). Restructured the aggregate amount of the participation issued by the installations
b) Gains arising out of securitisation of assets are
accounts are classified as such by the Bank only upon Bank is reduced from advances and where the Bank is Office equipments 3 to 6 years 5 years
recognised over the tenure of the securities
approval and implementation of the restructuring package. participating, the aggregate amount of the participation issued by Special Purpose Vehicle Trust (SPV). Computers 3 years 3 years
Restructuring of an account is done at a borrower level. is classified under advances. In the case of participation Modems, routers, 3 to 6 years 6 years
without risk, the aggregate amount of participation issued c) The excess interest spread on the securitisation switches, servers,
In accordance with the RBI guidelines on the prudential by the Bank is classified under borrowings and where the network and related
transactions are recognised in the Profit and Loss
framework for resolution of stressed assets and the Bank is participating, the aggregate amount of participation IT equipments
Account only when it is redeemed in cash by the
resolution framework for COVID-19 related stress, the Bank is shown as due from banks under advances. Motor cars 4 years 8 years
SPV after adjusting for overdue receivable for
in accordance with its Board approved policy, carried out more than 90 days. Losses, if any, are recognised Furniture and fittings 16 years 10 years
one-time restructuring of eligible borrowers. The asset upfront.
classification and necessary provisions thereon are done
in accordance with the said RBI guidelines.
t *NQSPWFNFOUTUPMFBTFIPMEQSFNJTFTBSFDIBSHFEPGG For the following categories of assets, depreciation on period and the amortisation method are reviewed at t *UFNTDPTUJOHMFTTUIBO` 5,000 are fully depreciated
over the remaining primary period of lease. tangible fixed assets has been provided on the straight- least at each reporting date. If the expected useful in the year of purchase.
line method as per the useful life prescribed in Schedule II life of the asset is significantly different from previous
t 4PGUXBSF BOE TZTUFN EFWFMPQNFOU FYQFOEJUVSF JT to the Companies Act, 2013: estimates, the amortisation period is changed
end of the useful life for all block of assets.
depreciated over a period of 5 years. accordingly.
Asset Estimated useful life
Office equipments 5 years
depreciation is being provided on pro-rata basis by
of 4 years. of an intangible asset are determined as the difference
the Company.
Furniture and fixtures 10 years between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying
Leasehold improvements Over the remaining period amount of the asset and recognised as income or Software and system development expenditure are
depreciation is provided on pro-rata basis by the Bank. of the lease or estimated expense in the Profit and Loss Account in the year of
life, whichever is shorter capitalised at cost of acquisition including cost attributable
disposal. to bring the same in working condition and the useful life
of the same is estimated of 3 years with zero residual
life of an asset, the unamortised depreciable amount Office premises 60 years The estimated useful lives of intangible assets used for value. Any expenses on such software for support and
is charged over the revised remaining useful life of the amortisation are: maintenance payable annually are charged to the Profit and
said asset. For the following categories of assets, the Company has Asset Estimated useful life Loss Account.
assessed useful life based on technical advice, taking Computer software licenses 5 years
t 1SPýUPOTBMFPGJNNPWBCMFQSPQFSUZOFUPGUBYFTBOE into account the nature of the asset, the estimates usage Electronic trading platform 5 years Impairment of assets
transfer to statutory reserve, are transferred to capital of asset, the operating condition of asset, anticipated (Website) The Group assesses at each Balance Sheet date whether
reserve account. technological changes and utility in the business, as below: Bombay Stock Exchange card 10 years there is any indication that an asset may be impaired.
Impairment loss, if any, is provided in the Profit and Loss
DPTUJOHMFTTUIBO Asset Estimated useful life
HDB Financial Services Limited Account to the extent the carrying amount of assets
` 5,000 individually are fully depreciated in the year of Vehicles 4 years
Fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated exceeds their estimated recoverable amount.
purchase. Network & servers 4 years
depreciation and impairment, if any. The cost of fixed
assets comprise purchase price and any attributable cost 6 Translation of foreign currency items
HDFC Securities Limited t All tangible and intangible assets costing less than HDFC Bank Limited
of bringing the asset to its working condition for its intended
Tangible fixed assets are stated at acquisition cost, net of ` 5,000 individually are fully depreciated in the year of Foreign currency income and expenditure items of domestic
use. Subsequent expenditure incurred on assets put to
accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment purchase. operations are translated at the exchange rates prevailing on
use is capitalised only when it increases the future benefit
losses, if any. Cost comprises purchase price and expenses the date of the transaction. Income and expenditure items
/ functioning capability from / of such assets.
directly attributable to bringing the asset to its working t 6TFGVMMJWFTBSFSFWJFXFEBUFBDIýOBODJBMZFBSFOE of integral foreign operations (representative offices) are
condition for the intended use. Subsequent expenditure and adjusted if required. translated at the weekly average closing rates and of non-
Depreciation is charged over the estimated useful life of the
related to an item of fixed asset are added to its book value integral foreign operations (foreign branches and offshore
fixed assets on a straight line basis in the manner prescribed
only if it increases the future benefits from the existing asset t *OUBOHJCMFBTTFUTBSFTUBUFEBUBDRVJTJUJPODPTU
OFU banking units) at the monthly average closing rates.
in Schedule II of the Companies Act, 2013. The estimated
beyond its previously assessed standard of performance. of accumulated amortisation and accumulated
lives used and differences from the lives prescribed under
impairment losses, if any. Foreign currency monetary items of domestic and integral
Schedule II are noted in the table below:
Items of fixed assets that have been retired from active foreign operations are translated at the closing exchange
use and are held for disposal are stated at the lower of t $PTUPGBOJOUBOHJCMFBTTFUJODMVEFTQVSDIBTFQSJDF
rates notified by Foreign Exchange Dealers’ Association
their net book value and net realisable value and are shown non-refundable taxes and duties and any other directly Asset Estimated Estimated
useful life as useful life under of India (FEDAI) as at the Balance Sheet date and the
separately in the financial statements. attributable expenditure on making the asset ready resulting net revaluation profit or loss arising due to a net
for its intended use and net of any trade discounts assessed by the Schedule II of
Company Companies Act, open position in any foreign currency is recognised in the
Gains or losses arising from disposal or retirement of tangible and rebates. Subsequent expenditure on an intangible Profit and Loss Account.
fixed assets are measured as the difference between the asset is charged to the Profit and Loss Account as an
Building 60 years 60 years
net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the expense unless it is probable that such expenditure will Both monetary and non-monetary foreign currency
asset and are recognised net, within “Other Income” or enable the intangible asset increase the future benefits Leasehold Tenure of lease Tenure of lease
improvements agreements agreements assets and liabilities of non-integral foreign operations are
“Other Expenses”, as the case maybe, in the Profit and Loss from the existing asset beyond its previously assessed translated at closing exchange rates notified by FEDAI at
Motor cars 4 years 8 years
Account in the year of disposal or retirement. standard of performance and such expenditure can the Balance Sheet date and the resulting profit / loss arising
be measured and attributed to the intangible asset Computers 2-5 years 3 years
Furniture and 3-7 years 10 years
from exchange differences are accumulated in the Foreign
Capital work-in-progress are fixed assets which are not yet reliably, in which case, such expenditure is capitalised. Currency Translation Account until disposal of the non-
ready for their intended use. Such assets are carried at cost integral foreign operations in accordance with AS-11, The
comprising direct cost and related incidental expenses. t &YQFOEJUVSF PO TPGUXBSF EFWFMPQNFOU FMJHJCMF GPS Office equipments 3 years 5 years
Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates and the
capitalisation are carried as intangible assets under extant RBI guidelines.
Depreciation is provided on a pro-rata basis to fully development where such assets are not yet ready for
off over the primary period of lease or its useful life,
depreciate the assets using the straight-line method over their intended use.
whichever is lower.
the estimated useful lives of the assets.
over their estimated useful lives. The amortisation
Foreign currency denominated contingent liabilities on liabilities when the fair value is negative (negative marked t -PBOQSPDFTTJOHGFFJTSFDPHOJTFEBTJODPNFXIFO t *ODPNFGSPN#10TFSWJDFTBOEPUIFSýOBODJBMDIBSHFT
account of foreign exchange and derivative contracts, to market value). Changes in the fair value of derivatives due. Syndication / Arranger fee is recognised as are recognised on an accrual basis, except in case
guarantees, letters of credit, acceptances and other than those designated as hedges are recognised in income when a significant act / milestone is completed. of cheque bouncing charges, late payment charges,
endorsements are reported at closing rates of exchange the Profit and Loss Account. foreclosure charges and application money, which are
notified by FEDAI as at the Balance Sheet date. t (BJOMPTTPOTFMMEPXOPGMPBOTJTSFDPHOJTFEJOMJOF accounted as and when received.
Derivative contracts designated as hedges are not marked with the extant RBI guidelines.
HDFC Securities Limited to market unless their underlying transaction is marked to t 6QGSPOU QSPDFTTJOH GFFT BSF SFDPWFSFE BOE
Foreign currency transactions are recorded at the rates market. In respect of derivative contracts that are marked t %JWJEFOEPOFRVJUZTIBSFT
QSFGFSFODFTIBSFTBOEPO recognised at the time of disbursement of loan.
of exchange prevailing on the date of the transaction. to market, changes in the market value are recognised in mutual fund units is recognised as income when the
Exchange differences, if any arising out of transactions the Profit and Loss Account in the relevant period. The right to receive the dividend is established. 9 Employee benefits
settled during the year are recognized in the Profit and Bank identifies the hedged item (asset or liability) at the HDFC Bank Limited
Loss Account. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated inception of the transaction itself. Hedge effectiveness is t (VBSBOUFFDPNNJTTJPO
Employee Stock Option Scheme (ESOS):
in foreign currencies as at the Balance Sheet date are ascertained at the time of the inception of the hedge and annual locker rent fees and annual fees for credit cards The Employee Stock Option Scheme (‘the Scheme’)
translated at the closing exchange rate on that date. The periodically thereafter. Gains or losses arising from hedge are recognised on a straight-line basis over the period provides for the grant of options to acquire equity shares
exchange differences, if any, are recognised in the Profit ineffectiveness, if any, are recognised in the Profit and Loss of contract. Other fees and commission income are of the Bank to its employees and whole time directors. The
and Loss Account and related assets and liabilities are Account. recognised when due, where the Bank is reasonably options granted to employees vest in a graded manner and
accordingly restated in the Balance Sheet. certain of ultimate collection. these may be exercised by the employees within a specified
HDB Financial Services Limited period.
7 Foreign exchange and derivative contracts Derivative contracts are designated as cash flow hedges, HDFC Securities Limited
HDFC Bank Limited the hedging instrument is measured at fair value and t *ODPNF GSPN TFSWJDFT SFOEFSFE BT B CSPLFS JT The Bank follows the intrinsic value method to account
Foreign exchange spot and forward contracts outstanding any gain or loss that is determined to be an effective recognised upon rendering of the services. for its stock-based employee compensation plans.
as at the Balance Sheet date and held for trading, are hedge is recognised within equity i.e., Cash flow Hedge Compensation cost is measured by the excess, if any, of the
revalued at the closing spot and forward rates respectively Reserve. Amounts recognised in equity are transferred to t 'FFT GPS TVCTDSJQUJPO CBTFE TFSWJDFT BSF SFDFJWFE market price of the underlying stock over the exercise price
as notified by FEDAI and at interpolated rates for contracts the Statement of Profit and Loss in the same period as periodically but are recognised as earned on a pro- as determined under the option plan. The market price is
of interim maturities. the cash flows of hedged items affect the Statement of rata basis over the term of the contract. the closing price on the stock exchange where there is
Profit and Loss. When a derivative contract expires or is highest trading volume on the working day immediately
The USD-INR rate for valuation of contracts having longer sold or if a hedge no longer meets the criteria for hedge t $PNNJTTJPOTGSPNEJTUSJCVUJPOPGýOBODJBMQSPEVDUT preceding the date of grant. Compensation cost, if any is
maturities i.e. greater than one year, is derived using the accounting, any cumulative profit or loss in the Cash Flow are recognised upon allotment of the securities to the amortised over the vesting period.
MIFOR and LIBOR curves. For other currency pairs, the Hedge Reserve is retained in equity until the hedged cash applicant or as the case may be, issue of the insurance
forward points (for rates / tenors not published by FEDAI) flow is recognised in the Statement of Profit and Loss. policy to the applicant. Gratuity:
are obtained from Refinitiv or Bloomberg for valuation of However, if hedged cash flows are no longer expected to The Bank has an obligation towards gratuity, a defined
the forex deals. Valuation is considered on present value occur, the profit or loss against the corresponding derivative t $PNNJTTJPOT BOE GFFT SFDPHOJTFE BT BGPSFTBJE benefit retirement plan covering all eligible employees.
basis, as directed by FEDAI. For this purpose the forward contract, accumulated in the Cash Flow Hedge Reserve, is are exclusive of goods and service tax, securities The plan benefit vests upon completion of five years of
profit or loss on the deals are discounted till the valuation immediately released through the Statement of Profit and transaction tax, stamp duties and other levies by SEBI service and is in the form of lump sum amount, without an
date using the discounting yields. The resulting profit or loss Loss. Changes in the fair values of derivative instruments and stock exchanges. upper limit, equivalent to 15 days’ basic salary payable for
on valuation is recognised in the Profit and Loss Account. that do not qualify for hedge accounting are recognised each completed year of service to all eligible employees on
Foreign exchange contracts are classified as assets when immediately in the Statement of Profit and Loss. t *OUFSFTUJTFBSOFEPOEFMBZFEQBZNFOUTGSPNDMJFOUT resignation, retirement, death while in employment or on
the fair value is positive (positive marked to market value) or and amounts funded to them as well as term deposits termination of employment. The Bank makes contributions
as liabilities when the fair value is negative (negative marked 8 Revenue recognition with banks. to a recognized Gratuity Trust administered by trustees and
to market value). HDFC Bank Limited whose funds are managed by insurance companies. In
Foreign exchange forward contracts not intended for Account on an accrual basis, except in the case of basis taking into account the amount outstanding from the Bank makes contribution to a fund set up by eLKB and
trading, that are entered into to establish the amount of non-performing assets. Also in case of domestic customers or on the financial instrument and the rate administered by the Board of Trustees.
reporting currency required or available at the settlement advances, where interest is collected on rear end applicable.
date of a transaction and are outstanding at the Balance basis, such interest is accounted on receipt basis in The defined gratuity benefit plans are valued by an
Sheet date, are effectively valued at the closing spot rate. accordance with the RBI communication. t %JWJEFOE JODPNF JT SFDPHOJTFE XIFO UIF SJHIU UP independent actuary as at the Balance Sheet date using
The premium or discount arising at the inception of such receive the dividend is established. the projected unit credit method as per the requirement of
forward exchange contract is amortised as expense or t *OUFSFTU JODPNF PO JOWFTUNFOUT JO 15$T BOE MPBOT AS-15, Employee Benefits, to determine the present value
income over the life of the contract. bought out through the direct assignment route is HDB Financial Services Limited of the defined benefit obligation and the related service
recognised at their effective interest rate. t *OUFSFTUJODPNFJTSFDPHOJTFEJOUIF1SPýUBOE-PTT costs. The actuarial calculations entails assumptions about
The Bank recognises all derivative contracts (other than Account on an accrual basis. In case of Non Performing demographics, early retirement, salary increases and
those designated as hedges) at fair value, on the date on t *ODPNF PO OPODPVQPO CFBSJOH EJTDPVOUFE Assets (NPA), interest income is recognised upon interest rates. Actuarial gain or loss is recognised in the
which the derivative contracts are entered into and are re- instruments is recognised over the tenor of the realisation as per the RBI Guidelines. Interest accrued Profit and Loss Account.
measured at fair value as at the Balance Sheet or reporting instrument on a constant effective yield basis. and not realised before the classification of the asset
dates. Derivatives are classified as assets when the fair as an NPA is reversed and credited to the interest
value is positive (positive marked to market value) or as suspense account.
Superannuation: date, which includes assumptions about demographics, Post-employment on Employee Share-based Payments issued by the Institute
The Bank has a Superannuation Plan under which early retirement, salary increases, interest rates and leave The Company offers its employees long term benefits by of Chartered Accountants of India. The intrinsic value of the
employees of the Bank, above a prescribed grade, are utilisation. way of defined-contribution and defined-benefit plans, of option being excess of fair value of the underlying share
entitled to receive retirement benefits either through salary which some have assets in special funds or securities. The immediately prior to date of grant over its exercise price
or under a defined contribution plan. For those opting for Pension: plans are financed by the Company and in the case of some is recognised as deferred employee compensation with
a defined contribution plan, the Bank contributes a sum In respect of pension payable to certain eLKB employees defined contribution plans by the Company along with its a credit to employee stock option outstanding account.
equivalent to 13% of the employee’s eligible annual basic under IBA structure, which is a defined benefit scheme, employees. The deferred employee compensation is charged to Profit
salary (15% for the whole time directors and for certain the Bank contributes 10% of basic salary to a pension and Loss Account on straight line basis over the vesting
eligible employees of the erstwhile Centurion Bank of trust set up by the Bank and administered by the Board Defined-contribution plans period of the option. The options that lapse are reversed
Punjab (eCBoP) staff) to a Trust administered by trustees of Trustees and an additional amount towards the liability These are plans in which the Company pays pre-defined by a credit to employee compensation expense, equal to
and whose funds are managed by insurance companies. shortfall based on an independent actuarial valuation as amounts to separate funds and does not have any legal the amortised portion of value of lapsed portion and credit
The Bank has no liability towards future superannuation at the Balance Sheet date, which includes assumptions or informal obligation to pay additional sums. These to deferred employee compensation expense equal to the
fund benefits other than its contribution, and recognises about demographics, early retirement, salary increases and comprise of contributions to the National Pension Scheme, unamortised portion.
such contribution as an expense in the year incurred. interest rates. Employees’ Provident Fund, Family Pension Fund and
Superannuation Fund. The Company’s payments to the HDB Financial Services Limited
Provident fund: In respect of certain eLKB employees who had moved to defined-contribution plans are reported as expenses during Gratuity
The Bank is covered under the Employees Provident Fund a Cost to Company (CTC) based compensation structure the period in which the employees perform the services that The Company provides for gratuity to all employees. The
and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and accordingly and had completed less than 15 years of service, the the payment covers. benefit is in the form of lump sum payments to vested
all employees of the Bank are entitled to receive benefits contribution which was made until then, is maintained as a employees on resignation, retirement, or death while
under the provident fund. The Bank contributes an amount, fund and will be converted into annuity on separation after a Defined-benefit plans in employment or on termination of employment of an
on a monthly basis, at a determined rate (currently 12% of lock-in-period of two years. For this category of employees, Expenses for defined-benefit gratuity plan are calculated amount equivalent to 15 days basic salary payable for
employee’s basic salary). Of this, the Bank contributes an liability stands frozen and no additional provision is required as at the Balance Sheet date by an independent actuary each completed year of service. Vesting occurs upon
amount equal to 8.33% of employee’s basic salary up to a except for interest as applicable to Provident Fund, which in a manner that distributes expenses over the employee’s completion of five years of service. The Company makes
maximum salary level of ` 15,000/- per month, to the Pension is provided for. working life. These commitments are valued at the present annual contributions to fund administered by trustees and
Scheme administered by the Regional Provident Fund value of the expected future payments, with consideration managed by insurance companies. The defined benefit
Office. The balance amount of the 12% employer’s share is In respect of certain eLKB employees who moved to a CTC for calculated future salary increases, using a discount plan are valued by an independent external actuary as
contributed to an exempted Trust set up by the Bank and structure and had completed service of more than 15 years, rate corresponding to the interest rate estimated by the at the Balance Sheet date using the projected unit credit
administered by a Board of Trustees. The Bank recognises pension would be paid on separation based on salary actuary having regard to the interest rate on government method to determine the present value of defined benefit
such contributions as an expense in the year in which it is applicable as on the date of movement to CTC structure. bonds with a remaining term that is almost equivalent to obligation and the related service costs. Under this method,
incurred. Interest payable to the members of the exempted Provision thereto is made based on an independent the average balance working period of employees. The fair the determination is based on actuarial calculations, which
trust shall not be lower than the statutory rate of interest actuarial valuation as at the Balance Sheet date. values of the plan assets are deducted in determining the include assumptions about demographics, early retirement,
declared by the Central Government under the Employees net liability. When the fair value of plan assets exceeds the salary increases and interest rates. Actuarial gain or loss is
Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and commitments computed as aforesaid, the recognised asset recognised in the Profit and Loss Account.
shortfall, if any, shall be made good by the Bank. New Pension Scheme (NPS):
is limited to the net total of any cumulative past service costs
In respect of employees who opt for contribution to the
and the present value of any economic benefits available in Provident fund
The guidance note on implementing AS-15, Employee NPS, the Bank contributes certain percentage of the basic
the form of reductions in future contributions to the plan. In accordance with the applicable law, all employees of
Benefits, states that benefits involving employer established salary of employees to the aforesaid scheme, a defined
the Company are entitled to receive benefits under the
provident funds, which require interest shortfalls to be contribution plan, which is managed and administered by
Actuarial losses or gains are recognised in the Profit and Provident Fund Act, 1952. The Company contributes an
provided, are to be considered as defined benefit plans. pension fund management companies. The Bank has no
Loss Account in the year in which they arise. amount, on a monthly basis, at a determined rate to the
Actuarial valuation of this Provident Fund interest shortfall liability other than its contribution, and recognises such
Pension Scheme administered by the Regional Provident
is done as per the guidance note issued in this respect by contributions as an expense in the year incurred.
Other long term employee benefits Fund Commissioner (‘RPFC’) and the Company has no
The Institute of Actuaries of India (IAI) and provision towards
Compensated absences which accrue to employees and liability for future provident fund benefits other than its
this liability is made.
HDFC Securities Limited which can be carried to future periods and are expected annual contribution. Since it is a defined contribution plan,
to be availed in more than twelve months immediately the contributions are accounted for on an accrual basis and
The overseas branches of the Bank make contribution to the Short term
following the year in which the employee has rendered recognized in the Profit and Loss Account.
respective applicable government social security scheme Short term employee benefits include salaries and
service are reported as expenses during the year in which
calculated as a percentage of the employees’ salaries. performance incentives. A liability is recognised for the
The Bank’s obligations are limited to these contributions,
the employees perform the services that the benefit covers Employee Stock Option Plan
amount expected to be paid under short-term cash bonus
and the liabilities are reported at the undiscounted amount The Company follows the intrinsic value method to account
which are expensed when due, as such contribution is in or target based incentives if the Company has a present
of the benefits. for its stock-based employee compensation plans.
the nature of defined contribution. legal or informal obligation to pay this amount as a result of
Compensation cost is measured by the excess, if any, of the
past service provided by the employee, and the obligation
Share-based payment transactions fair value of the underlying stock over the exercise price as
Leave encashment: can be estimated reliably. These costs are recognised as an
Equity settled stock options granted under the Company’s determined under the option plan. The fair value of options
The Bank has a policy of encashing unavailed leave for expense in the Profit and Loss Account at the undiscounted
Employee Stock Option Schemes are accounted for as per have been estimated on the dates of each grant using the
eLKB employees under Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) amount expected to be paid over the period of services
the accounting treatment prescribed by the Guidance Note Black-Scholes model.
structure. The Bank provides for leave encashment based rendered by the employees to the Company.
on an independent actuarial valuation at the Balance Sheet
10 Debit and credit cards reward points Deferred tax assets are recognised only to the extent there A disclosure of contingent liability is made when there is: Onerous contracts
HDFC Bank Limited is reasonable certainty that the assets can be realised Provisions for onerous contracts are recognised when
The Bank estimates the probable redemption of debit in future. In case of unabsorbed depreciation or carried t B QPTTJCMF PCMJHBUJPO BSJTJOH GSPN B QBTU FWFOU
UIF the expected benefits to be derived by the Bank from a
and credit card reward points and cost per point using an forward loss under taxation laws, deferred tax assets are existence of which will be confirmed by the occurrence contract are lower than the unavoidable costs of meeting
actuarial method by employing an independent actuary, recognised only if there is virtual certainty of realisation or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future the future obligations under the contract. The provision is
which includes assumptions such as mortality, redemption of such assets. Deferred tax assets are reviewed at each events not within the control of the Group; or measured at the present value of the lower of the expected
and spends. Provisions for liabilities on the outstanding Balance Sheet date and appropriately adjusted to reflect the cost of terminating the contract and the expected net
reward points are made based on an independent actuarial amount that is reasonably / virtually certain to be realised. t BQSFTFOUPCMJHBUJPOBSJTJOHGSPNBQBTUFWFOUXIJDIJT cost of continuing with the contract. Before a provision is
valuation as at the Balance Sheet date and included in other not recognised as it is not probable that an outflow of established, the Bank recognises any impairment loss on
liabilities and provisions. 14 Earnings per share resources will be required to settle the obligation or a the assets associated with that contract.
The Group reports basic and diluted earnings per equity reliable estimate of the amount of the obligation cannot
11 Bullion share in accordance with AS-20, Earnings per Share. Basic be made. 18 Cash and cash equivalents
HDFC Bank Limited earnings per equity share has been computed by dividing Cash and cash equivalents include cash and gold in hand,
The Bank imports bullion including precious metal bars on net profit for the year attributable to equity shareholders by When there is a possible obligation or a present obligation balances with RBI, balances with other banks and money
a consignment basis. The imports are typically on a back- the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding in respect of which the likelihood of outflow of resources is at call and short notice.
to-back basis and are priced to the customer based on for the period. Diluted earnings per share reflect the potential remote, no provision or disclosure is made.
the price quoted by the supplier. The difference between dilution that could occur if securities or other contracts to 19 Corporate social responsibility
the price recovered from customers and cost of bullion is issue equity shares were exercised or converted to equity Contingent assets, if any, are not recognised in the financial Expenditure towards corporate social responsibility, in
accounted at the time of sale to the customers and reported during the year. Diluted earnings per equity share are statements since this may result in the recognition of income accordance with Companies Act, 2013, is recognised in
as “Other Income’’. computed using the weighted average number of equity that may never be realised. the Profit and Loss Account.
shares and the dilutive potential equity shares outstanding
The Bank also deals in bullion on a borrowing and lending during the period except where the results are anti-dilutive.
basis and the interest thereon is accounted as interest
expense / income respectively. 15 Share issue expenses
HDFC Bank Limited
12 Lease accounting Share issue expenses are adjusted from Share Premium
Lease payments including cost escalation for assets taken Account in terms of Section 52 of the Companies Act, 2013.
on operating lease are recognised in the Profit and Loss
Account over the lease term on a straight-line basis in 16 Segment information
accordance with the AS-19, Leases. The disclosure relating to segment information is in
accordance with AS-17, Segment Reporting and as per
13 Income tax guidelines issued by RBI.
Income tax expense comprises current tax provision (i.e.
the amount of tax for the period determined in accordance 17 Accounting for provisions, contingent
with the Income Tax Act, 1961, the rules framed thereunder liabilities and contingent assets
and considering the material principles set out in Income In accordance with AS-29, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities
Computation and Disclosure Standards) and the net change and Contingent Assets, the Group recognises provisions
in the deferred tax asset or liability during the year. Deferred when it has a present obligation as a result of a past event,
tax assets and liabilities are recognised for the future tax it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying
consequences of timing differences between the carrying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation
values of assets and liabilities and their respective tax and when a reliable estimate of the amount of the obligation
bases, and operating loss carried forward, if any. Deferred can be made.
tax assets and liabilities are measured using the enacted
or substantively enacted tax rates as at the Balance Sheet Provisions are determined based on management estimate
date. required to settle the obligation at the Balance Sheet date,
supplemented by experience of similar transactions. These
Current tax assets and liabilities and deferred tax assets are reviewed at each Balance Sheet date and adjusted to
and liabilities are off-set when they relate to income taxes reflect the current management estimates.
levied by the same taxation authority, when the entity has
a legal right to off-set and when the entity intends to settle
on a net basis.
Following is the reconciliation between the basic and diluted earnings per equity share:
SCHEDULE 18 - Notes forming part of the consolidated financial statements for
the year ended March 31, 2021 For the years ended
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Amounts in notes forming part of the consolidated financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2021 are denominated in
rupee crore to conform to extant RBI guidelines, except where stated otherwise. Nominal value per share (`) 1.00 1.00
Plans C, D, E, F and G provide for the issuance of options at the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration
Committee of the Board (‘NRC’) at the closing price on the working day immediately preceding the date when options are
granted. This closing price is the closing price of the Bank’s equity share on an Indian stock exchange with the highest trading Number of Weighted average
volume as of the working day preceding the date of grant. Range of Weighted average
Plan shares arising life of options
exercise price (`) exercise price (`)
out of options (in years)
The vesting conditions applicable to the options are at the discretion of the NRC. These options are exercisable on vesting, Plan C 340.00 to 417.75 4,85,100 0.34 344.05
for a period as set forth by the NRC at the time of the grant. The period in which the options may be exercised cannot exceed
five years from date of expiry of vesting period. During the years ended March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020, no modifications Plan D 340.00 3,45,900 0.30 340.00
were made to the terms and conditions of ESOPs. Plan E 340.00 17,05,500 0.30 340.00
Activity in the options outstanding under the Employee Stock Option Plans Plan F 417.75 to 731.08 5,85,68,822 2.02 587.08
Plan G 882.85 to 1,229.00 8,17,60,280 3.45 1,139.82
Forfeited / Lapsed during the year 26,73,420 1,107.22 Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Options outstanding, end of year 16,81,68,760 1,063.79 Dividend yield 0.61% 0.61% to 0.85%
Options exercisable 6,44,53,260 834.48 Expected volatility 20.13% to 28.93% 15.30% to 20.13%
Impact of the fair value method on the net profit and earnings per share (EPS) Activity in the options outstanding under the Employee Stock Options Plan
Had the compensation cost for the Bank’s stock option plans been determined based on the fair value approach, the Bank’s t "DUJWJUZJOUIFPQUJPOTPVUTUBOEJOHVOEFSUIFWBSJPVTFNQMPZFFTUPDLPQUJPOQMBOTBTBU.BSDI
net profit for the year and earnings per share would have been as per the proforma amounts indicated below:
(` crore) Company Weighted average
options exercise price (`)
Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 Options outstanding, beginning of the year 1,10,000 4,254
Net profit (as reported) 31,116.53 26,257.32 Granted during the year 1,67,500 5,458
Add: Stock-based employee compensation expense included in net income - - Exercised during the year 36,600 3,375
Less: Stock-based compensation expense determined under fair value based 1,117.02 719.80 Forfeited / Lapsed during the year 12,250 4,994
method (proforma)
Options outstanding, end of the year 2,28,650 5,237
Net profit (proforma) 29,999.51 25,537.52
Options exercisable 3,950 2,028
(`) (`)
Basic earnings per share (proforma) 54.55 46.70
Company Weighted average
Diluted earnings per share (as reported) 56.32 47.66 options exercise price (`)
Options outstanding, beginning of the year 1,33,650 1,136
Diluted earnings per share (proforma) 54.29 46.35
Granted during the year 94,500 4,844
HDFC Securities Limited Exercised during the year 1,16,150 1,136
The shareholders of the Company approved a stock option scheme (viz. ESOS - II) in February 2017 (“Company Options”).
Under the terms of the scheme, the Company issues stock options to employees, whole time director, managing director and Forfeited / Lapsed during the year 2,000 4,844
directors (excluding Independent Directors) of the Company, each of which is convertible into one equity share. Options outstanding, end of the year 1,10,000 4,254
Scheme ESOS - II provides for the issuance of options at the recommendation of the Compensation Committee of the Board Options exercisable 17,500 1,136
of Directors (the “Compensation Committee”). The Company issued stock options in February 2017 at a price of ` 1,136 per
share, in June 2019 at a price of ` 4,844 per share and later in December 2020 at a price of ` 5,458 per share, being the The following table summarises the information about stock options outstanding as at March 31, 2021:
fair market value of the share arrived by considering the average price of the two independent valuation reports. Method of
settlement of these options are equity shares of the Company. Weighted average
Number of shares
Range of remaining Weighted average
Plan arising out of
exercise price (`) contractual life of exercise price (`)
Such options vest at definitive dates, save for specific incidents, prescribed in the scheme as framed / approved by the options
options (in years)
Compensation Committee. Such options are exercisable for a period following the vesting at the discretion of the Compensation
Committee. Company Options 1,136 - 5,458 2,28,650 6.70 5,237
Employee Stock Option granted to HDFC Bank employees who are on secondment to the company for not included in this The following table summarises the information about stock options outstanding as at March 31, 2020:
Weighted average
Number of shares
Method used for accounting for shared based payment plan Range of remaining Weighted average
Plan arising out of
exercise price (`) contractual life of exercise price (`)
The Company uses the Intrinsic Value method to account for the compensation cost of stock options to employees of the options
options (in years)
Company Options 1,136 - 4,844 1,10,000 4.85 4,254
Fair value methodology Method used for accounting for shared based payment plan
The fair value of options used to compute proforma net profit and earnings per equity share have been estimated on dates of The Company uses the intrinsic value method to account for the compensation cost of stock options to employees of the
each grant using the Black and Scholes model. The shares of the Company are not listed on any stock exchange. Accordingly, Company.
the Company has considered the volatility of its stock price as an average of the historical volatility of similar listed enterprises
for the purpose of calculating the fair value to reduce any company specific variations. The various assumptions considered Activity in the options outstanding under the Employee Stock Option Plans
Impact of the fair value method on the net profit and earning per share Options outstanding, end of year 31,76,650 313.22
Had compensation cost for the Company’s stock option plans outstanding been determined based on the fair value approach,
the Company’s net profit and earnings per share would have been as per the proforma amounts indicated below: t "DUJWJUZJOUIFPQUJPOTPVUTUBOEJOHVOEFSUIFWBSJPVTFNQMPZFFTUPDLPQUJPOQMBOTBTBU.BSDI
(` crore)
Weighted average
Particulars Options
Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 exercise price (`)
Options outstanding, beginning of year 42,30,300 209.36
Net Profit (as reported) 720.52 423.37
Granted during the year - -
Add: Stock-based employee compensation expense included in net income - -
Less: Stock-based employee compensation expense determined under fair value 18.07 15.35 Exercised during the year 18,79,350 178.22
based method (proforma) Forfeited / Lapsed during the year 1,99,370 197.95
Net Profit (proforma) 702.45 408.02
Options outstanding, end of year 21,51,580 237.62
(`) (`)
Basic earnings per share (as reported) 457.62 270.96 The following table summarises the information about stock options outstanding as at March 31, 2021:
Net Profit (proforma) 489.28 1,025.75 II. Securities kept as margin with the RBI towards:
Basic earnings per share (as reported) 6.38 13.19 b) Repo transactions 49,959.91 54,622.56
Basic earnings per share (proforma) 6.21 13.05 c) Reverse repo transactions 24,948.85 22,389.54
Diluted earnings per share (as reported) 6.38 13.18 III. Securities kept as margin with National Securities Clearing Corporation of 107.72 107.72
India (NSCCIL) towards NSE Currency Derivatives segment.
Diluted earnings per share (proforma) 6.21 13.03 IV. Securities kept as margin with Indian Clearing Corporation Limited towards 161.00 161.00
BSE Currency Derivatives segment.
Group V. Securities kept as margin with Metropolitan Clearing Corporation of India 13.00 13.00
towards MCX Currency Derivatives segment.
Impact of the fair value method on the net profit and earning per share of the Group
Had compensation cost for the stock option plans outstanding been determined based on the fair value approach, the Group’s
HDFC Securities Limited
net profit and earnings per share would have been as per the proforma amounts indicated below:
(` crore)
(` crore)
Sr. Face value as at March 31,
Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 Particulars
No. 2021 2020
Net Profit (as reported) 31,833.21 27,253.96
I. Mutual funds marked as lien with stock exchange for margin requirement 200.00 -
Add: Stock-based employee compensation expense included in net income - -
Less: Stock-based compensation expense determined under fair value based 1,148.64 746.34
method (proforma)
HDB Financial Services Limited
The Company has not placed any securities as margin during the year (previous year: Nil).
Net Profit (proforma) 30,684.57 26,507.62
(`) (`)
As at March 31 of the previous year 3,329.61 2,980.47 Provision for reward points made during the year 375.21 517.94
Additions during the year 344.20 349.15 Utilisation / write-back of provision for reward points (470.57) (386.88)
Deductions during the year - (0.01) Closing provision for reward points 638.79 734.15
gross unrealised loss on foreign exchange and derivative contracts under other liabilities. Accordingly, other assets as at
March 31, 2021 include unrealised gain on foreign exchange and derivative contracts of ` 8,472.31 crore (previous year:
` 19,006.28 crore).
Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 HDFC Bank HDFC Securities HDB Financial
Category of plan assets as at March 31, 2020
Limited Limited Services Limited
Amount recognised in Balance Sheet
Government securities 25.55% 38.00% 41.88%
Fair value of plan assets as at March 31 834.44 577.97
Debenture and bonds 30.31% 9.00% 52.83%
Present value of obligation as at March 31 (1,017.22) (851.66)
Equity shares 41.03% 50.00% -
Asset / (Liability) as at March 31 (182.78) (273.69)
Others 3.11% 3.00% 5.29%
Expenses recognised in Profit and Loss Account
Total 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Interest cost 52.16 45.10
Net actuarial (gain) / loss recognised in the year (75.10) 119.00 Years ended March 31,
2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Net cost 47.57 228.24
Plan assets 834.44 577.97 547.75 457.35 390.23
Actual return on plan assets 167.14 (20.64)
Defined benefit obligation 1,017.22 851.66 702.86 614.06 548.50
Estimated contribution for the next year 163.64 181.17
Surplus / (deficit) (182.78) (273.69) (155.11) (156.71) (158.27)
Assumptions (HDFC Bank Limited)
Experience adjustment gain / (loss) on plan assets 107.65 (59.42) 12.04 (2.35) 31.19
Discount rate 6.50% per annum 6.60% per annum
Experience adjustment (gain) / loss on plan liabilities 41.30 16.69 10.46 13.69 39.69
Expected return on plan assets 6.50% per annum 7.00% per annum
Salary escalation rate 7.00% per annum 7.00% per annum Pension (HDFC Bank Limited)
Assumptions (HDFC Securities Limited) (` crore)
Discount rate 6.20% per annum 5.95% per annum Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Expected return on plan assets 6.20% per annum 5.95% per annum Reconciliation of opening and closing balance of the present value of the
defined benefit obligation
Salary escalation rate 7.86% per annum 7.33% per annum
Present value of obligation as at April 1 64.15 69.54
Assumptions (HDB Financial Services Limited)
Interest cost 3.79 4.11
Discount rate 3.86% per annum 4.87% per annum
Current service cost 1.37 0.67
Expected return on plan assets 3.86% per annum 4.87% per annum
Benefits paid (11.63) (14.65)
5.00% - 9.00% 7.00% - 8.00%
Salary escalation rate Actuarial (gain) / loss on obligation:
per annum per annum
Experience adjustment 31.41 9.06
The estimates of future salary increases, considered in actuarial valuation, take account of inflation, seniority, promotion and
other relevant factors. Assumption change 0.90 (4.58)
Expected return on plan assets (0.32) (1.10) Expected guaranteed interest rate 8.50% per annum 8.50% per annum
Estimated contribution for the next year 13.09 7.72 Leave encashment
Assumptions HDFC Bank Limited
The Bank has made provision for leave encashment for eLKB employees under Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) structure of
Discount rate 6.50% per annum 6.60% per annum ` 13.60 crore (previous year: ` 11.24 crore). The Bank has discontinued the carryover of unutilised leave and accordingly, no
Expected return on plan assets 6.50% per annum 7.00% per annum provision for compensated absences is required to be held.
Salary escalation rate 7.00% per annum 7.00% per annum HDFC Securities Limited
The actuarial liability of compensated absences of accumulated privileged and sick leaves of the employees of the entity is
The estimates of future salary increases, considered in actuarial valuation, take account of inflation, seniority, promotion and given below:
other relevant factors. (` crore)
Expected rate of return on investments is determined based on the assessment made by the Bank at the beginning of the Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
year with regard to its existing portfolio. Major categories of plan assets as a percentage of fair value of total plan assets are Privileged leave 6.16 5.57
given below:
Sick leave 1.00 0.78
% of fair value to % of fair value to
Category of plan assets total plan assets total plan assets Total actuarial liability 7.16 6.35
as at March 31, 2021 as at March 31, 2020 Assumptions
Government securities 42.87% 20.81%
Discount rate 6.20% per annum 5.95% per annum
Debenture and bonds 35.11% 17.14%
Salary escalation rate 7.86% per annum 7.33% per annum
Others 22.02% 62.05%
Total 100.00% 100.00% The estimates of future salary increases, considered in actuarial valuation, take account of inflation, seniority, promotion and
other relevant factors.
Experience adjustment
(` crore)
17 Segment reporting
Business segments
Years ended March 31, Business segments have been identified and reported taking into account, the target customer profile, the nature of products
Particulars and services, the differing risks and returns, the organisation structure, the internal business reporting system and the
2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 guidelines prescribed by RBI. The Group operates in the following segments:
Plan assets 0.33 9.51 21.95 31.30 36.16
(a) Treasury
Defined benefit obligation 89.99 64.15 69.54 73.06 73.55 The treasury segment primarily consists of net interest earnings from the Bank’s investment portfolio, money market
Surplus / (deficit) (89.66) (54.64) (47.59) (41.76) (37.39) borrowing and lending, gains or losses on investment operations and on account of trading in foreign exchange and
derivative contracts.
Experience adjustment gain / (loss) on plan assets (0.20) 0.28 0.48 0.59 0.39
Experience adjustment (gain) / loss on plan liabilities 31.41 9.06 3.32 3.95 4.65
Revenues of the retail banking segment are derived from interest earned on retail loans, interest earned from other Business segments:
segments for surplus funds placed with those segments, subvention received from dealers and manufacturers, fees from (` crore)
services rendered, foreign exchange earnings on retail products etc. Expenses of this segment primarily comprise interest
expense on deposits, commission paid to retail assets sales agents, infrastructure and premises expenses for operating Other
Sr. Retail Wholesale
the branch network and other delivery channels, personnel costs, other direct overheads and allocated expenses of Particulars Treasury banking Total
No. banking banking
specialist product groups, processing units and support groups.
1 Segment revenue 32,337.67 110,210.21 57,154.30 29,759.68 229,461.86
(c) Wholesale banking 2 Unallocated revenue 30.82
The wholesale banking segment provides loans, non-fund facilities and transaction services to large corporates, emerging 3 Less: Inter-segment revenue 73,607.41
corporates, public sector units, government bodies, financial institutions and medium scale enterprises. Revenues of the 4 Income from operations (1) + (2) - (3) 155,885.27
wholesale banking segment consist of interest earned on loans made to customers, interest / fees earned on the cash 5 Segment results 9,030.50 10,574.80 17,437.54 7,344.29 44,387.13
float arising from transaction services, earnings from trade services and other non-fund facilities and also earnings from 6 Unallocated expenses 1,590.99
foreign exchange and derivative transactions on behalf of customers. The principal expenses of the segment consist of 7 Income tax expense (including 10,939.37
interest expense on funds borrowed from external sources and other internal segments, premises expenses, personnel deferred tax)
costs, other direct overheads and allocated expenses of delivery channels, specialist product groups, processing units 8 Net profit (5) - (6) - (7) 31,856.77
and support groups. 9 Segment assets 519,641.74 521,997.22 628,731.57 119,752.20 1,790,122.73
10 Unallocated assets 9,383.91
(d) Other banking business 11 Total assets (9) + (10) 1,799,506.64
This segment includes income from parabanking activities such as credit cards, debit cards, third party product 12 Segment liabilities 76,276.60 1,096,217.82 338,115.31 51,771.65 1,562,381.38
distribution, primary dealership business and the associated costs. This segment also includes Bank’s subsidiaries. 13 Unallocated liabilities 26,682.31
14 Total liabilities (12) + (13) 1,589,063.69
(e) Unallocated 15 Capital employed (9) - (12) 443,365.14 (574,220.60) 290,616.26 67,980.54 227,741.34
All items which are reckoned at an enterprise level are classified under this segment. This includes capital and reserves, (Segment assets - Segment liabilities)
debt classified as Tier I or Tier II capital and other unallocable assets and liabilities such as deferred tax, prepaid expenses, 16 Unallocated (10) - (13) (17,298.39)
17 Total (15) + (16) 210,442.95
18 Capital expenditure 24.93 1,527.55 139.94 180.60 1,873.02
Segment revenue includes earnings from external customers plus earnings from funds transferred to other segments.
19 Depreciation 36.74 1,047.40 118.18 182.69 1,385.01
Segment result includes revenue less interest expense less operating expense and provisions, if any, for that segment.
20 Provisions for non - performing assets (16.82) 10,157.54 2,279.02 6,389.39 18,809.13
Segment-wise income and expenses include certain allocations. Interest income is charged by a segment that provides
/ others*
funding to another segment, based on yields benchmarked to an internally approved yield curve or at a certain agreed
21 Unallocated other provisions* 31.16
transfer price rate. Transaction charges are levied by the retail banking segment to the wholesale banking segment for
*Represents material non-cash charge other than depreciation and taxation.
the use by its customers of the retail banking segment’s branch network or other delivery channels. Segment capital
employed represents the net assets in that segment.
Geographic segments:
(` crore)
Segment reporting for the year ended March 31, 2020 is given below: 18 Related party disclosures
As per AS-18, Related Party Disclosure, the Group’s related parties are disclosed below:
Business segments:
(` crore) Promoter
Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited
Sr. Retail Wholesale
Particulars Treasury banking Total Key management personnel
No. banking banking
operations Sashidhar Jagdishan, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer (appointed with effect from October 27, 2020)
1 Segment revenue 26,558.44 107,999.94 61,134.45 28,028.21 223,721.04
2 Unallocated revenue 2.19 Kaizad Bharucha, Executive Director
3 Less: Inter-segment revenue 76,654.96
Aditya Puri, Managing Director (retired from services of the Bank effective October 26, 2020)
4 Income from operations (1) + (2) - (3) 147,068.27
5 Segment results 3,462.77 12,942.46 14,121.09 9,372.33 39,898.65 Relatives of key management personnel
6 Unallocated expenses 1,703.79 Nagsri Sashidhar, Jagdishan Chandrasekharan, Dhruv Sashidhar, Mythra Mahesh, Havovi Bharucha, Huzaan Bharucha,
Danesh Bharucha, Daraius Bharucha.
7 Income tax expense (including 10,898.59
deferred tax)
Entity in which relative of key management personnel is interested
8 Net profit (5) - (6) - (7) 27,296.27 Nagsri - Creating Special Memories
9 Segment assets 457,240.91 484,270.74 520,567.01 110,819.75 1,572,898.41
10 Unallocated assets 7,932.03 The following ceased to be related party effective October 26, 2020:
11 Total assets (9) + (10) 1,580,830.44
Anita Puri, Amit Puri, Amrita Puri, Adishwar Puri, Aarti Sood, Salisbury Investments Private Limited, Akuri by Puri.
12 Segment liabilities 102,012.09 907,258.10 317,628.87 49,402.29 1,376,301.35
13 Unallocated liabilities 27,593.74 In accordance with paragraph 5 of AS-18, the Bank has not disclosed certain transactions with relatives and interested entities
14 Total liabilities (12) + (13) 1,403,895.09 of key management personnel as they are in the nature of banker-customer relationship.
15 Capital employed (9) - (12) 355,228.82 (422,987.36) 202,938.14 61,417.46 196,597.06
A specific related party transaction is disclosed as a significant related party transaction wherever it exceeds 10% of all related
(Segment assets - Segment liabilities)
party transactions in that category. Transactions between the Bank and Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited
16 Unallocated (10) - (13) (19,661.71) exceed 10% of all related party transactions in that category.
17 Total (15) + (16) 176,935.35
18 Capital expenditure 43.29 1,381.75 119.49 167.09 1,711.62 The Group’s related party balances and transactions for the year ended March 31, 2021 are summarised as follows:
19 Depreciation 32.79 938.71 126.71 178.56 1,276.77 (` crore)
20 Provisions for non - performing assets 7.50 6,632.33 3,756.44 3,283.47 13,679.74
Key management
/ others* Items / Related party Promoter Total
21 Unallocated other provisions* 20.20
Deposits taken 3,560.67 60.07 3,620.74
*Represents material non-cash charge other than depreciation and taxation.
(3,560.67) (717.55) (4,278.22)
Dividend received from - - - Expenses for receiving services from 586.66 0.31 586.97
(138.77) - (138.77) - - -
(199.27) - (199.27) - - -
The Bank being an authorised dealer, deals in foreign exchange and derivative transactions with parties which include its Loans purchased from 24,127.25 - 24,127.25
promoter. The foreign exchange and derivative transactions are undertaken in line with the RBI guidelines. The notional principal # Denotes amount less than ` 1 lakh
amount of foreign exchange and derivative contracts transacted with the promoter that were outstanding as on March 31, 2021 t 'JHVSFTJOCSBDLFUJOEJDBUFNBYJNVNCBMBODFPVUTUBOEJOHEVSJOHUIFZFBSCBTFEPODPNQBSJTPOPGUIFUPUBMPVUTUBOEJOHCBMBODFT
is ` 7,757.49 crore (previous year: ` 12,009.95 crore). The contingent credit exposure pertaining to these contracts computed at each quarter-end.
in line with the extant RBI guidelines on exposure norms was ` 166.45 crore (previous year: ` 136.86 crore). t 3FNVOFSBUJPOQBJEFYDMVEFTWBMVFPGFNQMPZFFTUPDLPQUJPOTFYFSDJTFEEVSJOHUIFZFBS
During the year ended March 31, 2021, the Bank paid rent of ` 0.38 crore (previous year: ` 0.66 crore) to party related to key managerial personnel. These will be paid based on approval from RBI. As of March 31, 2020, approved unpaid deferred bonus
the Bank’s key management personnel in relation to residential accommodation. As at March 31, 2021, the security deposit in respect of earlier years was ` 5.92 crore.
outstanding was Nil (previous year: ` 3.50 crore).
The Group’s related party balances and transactions for the year ended March 31, 2020 are summarised as follows:
(` crore)
Key management
Items / Related party Promoter Total
Deposits taken 3,679.07 18.54 3,697.61
- (2.87) (2.87)
19 Additional information pursuant to Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013 Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Additional information to consolidated accounts at March 31, 2021 (Pursuant to Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013) The total of minimum lease payments recognised in the Profit and Loss Account 1,466.00 1,420.48
for the year
(` crore) Total of future minimum sub-lease payments expected to be received under 57.18 64.65
Profit or (loss) for the non-cancellable sub-leases
Net assets as of March 31, 2021 Sub-lease amounts recognised in the Profit and Loss Account for the year 10.04 9.73
year ended March 31, 2021
Name of entity As % of As % of Contingent (usage based) lease payments recognised in the Profit and Loss 324.07 270.14
consolidated Amount*** consolidated Amount*** Account for the year
net assets** profit or loss
Parent: The Bank has sub-leased certain of its properties taken on lease.
HDFC Bank Limited 97.10% 203,720.83 97.75% 31,116.53
The terms of renewal and escalation clauses are those normally prevalent in similar agreements. There are no undue restrictions
or onerous clauses in the agreements.
1. HDFC Securities Limited 0.70% 1,477.40 2.26% 720.52
2. HDB Financial Services Limited 4.16% 8,721.96 1.58% 502.83 21 Penalties levied by the RBI
During the year ended March 31, 2021, RBI has imposed a penalty of ` 0.10 crore for bouncing of Subsidiary General Ledger
Minority Interest in all subsidiaries 0.30% 632.76 0.07% 23.56 which led to shortage of balance in certain securities in the Bank’s Constituent Subsidiary General Ledger account.
*The subsidiaries are domestic entities
**Consolidated net assets are total assets minus total liabilities including minority interest During the previous year ended March 31, 2020, RBI had imposed a penalty of ` 1 crore for non-compliance with various
***Amounts are before inter-company adjustments. directions issued by RBI on Know Your Customer (KYC) / Anti-Money Laundering (AML) standards. Additionally, RBI had
imposed a penalty of ` 1 crore on the Bank for failure to undertake on-going due diligence in case of 39 current accounts
Additional information to consolidated accounts at March 31, 2020 (Pursuant to Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013) opened for bidding in Initial Public Offer (IPO).
(` crore)
22 Small and micro industries
Profit or (loss) for the HDFC Bank Limited
Net assets as of March 31, 2020 Under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 which came into force from October 2, 2006, certain
year ended March 31, 2020
Name of entity As % of As % of disclosures are required to be made relating to Micro, Small and Medium enterprises. There have been no reported cases of
consolidated Amount*** consolidated Amount*** delays in payments to micro and small enterprises or of interest payments due to delays in such payments during the years
net assets** profit or loss ended March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020. The above is based on the information available with the Bank which has been
Parent: relied upon by the auditors.
HDFC Bank Limited 96.95% 170,986.02 96.34% 26,257.32
HDFC Securities Limited
On the basis of the information available with the Company and the intimation received from ‘suppliers’ regarding their status
1. HDFC Securities Limited 0.71% 1,245.50 1.55% 423.37 under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 the amount unpaid as at March 31, 2021 was ` 0.28
2. HDB Financial Services Limited 4.64% 8,179.26 3.80% 1,036.94 crore (previous year: ` 0.13 crore).
Minority Interest in all subsidiaries 0.33% 576.64 0.16% 42.31 HDB Financial Services Limited
*The subsidiaries are domestic entities As per the confirmation received from the suppliers covered under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act,
**Consolidated net assets are total assets minus total liabilities including minority interest 2006, the amount unpaid as at March 31, 2021 was ` 0.01 crore (previous year: Nil). The above is based on the information
***Amounts are before inter-company adjustments. available with the Company which has been relied upon by the auditors.
24 COVID-19 Further, the Company holds provisions as at March 31, 2021 against the potential impact of COVID-19 based on the information
HDFC Bank Limited available at this point in time. The extent to which the COVID-19 pandemic will impact the Company’s financial performance
Consequent to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Indian government announced a lockdown in March 2020. is dependent on future developments, which are highly uncertain. The impact of the global health pandemic may be different
Subsequently, the national lockdown was lifted by the government, but regional lockdowns continue to be implemented in from that estimated at the date of approval of these financial results and the Company will continue to closely monitor any
areas with a significant number of COVID-19 cases. material changes to future economic conditions.
The impact of COVID-19, including changes in customer behaviour and pandemic fears, as well as restrictions on business and 25 Refund / adjustment of ‘interest on interest’
individual activities, has led to significant volatility in global and Indian financial markets and a significant decrease in global and In accordance with the instructions in the paragraph 5 of the RBI circular dated April 07, 2021, the Group shall refund / adjust
local economic activities. The slowdown during the year led to a decrease in loan originations, the sale of third party products, ‘interest on interest’ to all borrowers including those who had availed of working capital facilities during the moratorium
the use of credit and debit cards by customers and the efficiency in collection efforts. This may lead to a rise in the number period, irrespective of whether moratorium had been fully or partially availed, or not availed. Pursuant to these instructions,
of customer defaults and consequently an increase in provisions thereagainst. The extent to which the COVID-19 pandemic, the methodology for calculation of the amount of such ‘interest on interest’ would be finalised by the Indian Banks Association
including the current “second wave” that has significantly increased the number of cases in India, will continue to impact the (IBA) in consultation with other industry participants / bodies and is awaited as on the date of approval of financial statements.
Bank’s results will depend on ongoing as well as future developments, which are highly uncertain, including, among other The Group has however estimated the said amount and recognised a charge of ` 490.00 crore in its Profit and Loss Account
things, any new information concerning the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic and any action to contain its spread or mitigate for the year ended March 31, 2021.
its impact whether government-mandated or elected by us.
26 Additional disclosure
In accordance with the COVID-19 Regulatory Packages announced by the RBI on March 27, 2020, April 17, 2020 and May 23, Additional statutory information disclosed in the separate financial statements of the Bank and subsidiaries have no material
2020, the Bank, in accordance with its board approved policy, offered a moratorium on the repayment of all instalments and bearing on the true and fair view of the Consolidated Financial Statements and the information pertaining to such items which
/ or interest, as applicable, due between March 1, 2020 and August 31, 2020 to all eligible borrowers classified as standard, are not material have not been disclosed in the Consolidated Financial Statements.
even if overdue, as on February 29, 2020. In respect of such accounts that were granted moratorium, the asset classification
remained standstill during the moratorium period. 27 Comparative figures
Figures for the previous year have been regrouped and reclassified wherever necessary to conform to the current year’s
The disclosures as required by the RBI circular dated April 17, 2020 are given below: presentation.
(` crore)
Particulars Amount
Respective amounts in SMA / overdue categories, where the moratorium / deferment was extended, in 15,868.57
As per our report of even date For and on behalf of the Board
terms of paragraph 2 and 3 of the circular (as of February 29,2020)
Term Loan Instalments: ` 11,805.09 crore
Cash Credit / Overdraft: ` 4,063.48 crore For MSKA & Associates Umesh Chandra Sarangi Sashidhar Jagdishan
Chartered Accountants Independent Director Managing Director & CEO
Respective amount where asset classification benefit is extended* 5,445.30
Term Loan Instalments: ` 3,918.08 crore ICAI Firm Registration Number: 105047W
Cash Credit / Overdraft: ` 1,527.22 crore
Provisions made in terms of paragraph 5 of the circular 620.00 Swapnil Kale Kaizad Bharucha Srinivasan Vaidyanathan
Provisions adjusted against slippages in terms of paragraph 6 of the circular - Partner Executive Director Chief Financial Officer
Membership Number: 117812
Residual provisions as of March 31, 2021 in terms of paragraph 6 of the circular 620.00
* as on March 31, 2021 in respect of such accounts. Mumbai, April 17, 2021 Santosh Haldankar
Company Secretary
HDFC Securities Limited
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a considerable impact on economic activities across the various parts of the
country and across the globe. The Government of India and various state governments have introduced a series of initiatives
over the past year including lockdowns in order to contain the impact of the virus.
Stock broking and depository services have been declared as essential services all through the year and accordingly, the
Company has faced no business stoppage / interruption on account of the lockdown. As of March 31, 2021, based on facts
and circumstances existing as of that date, the Company does not anticipate any material uncertainties which affects its liquidity
position and also ability to continue as a going concern.
Form AOC - 1: Pursuant to the first proviso to sub-section (3) of section 129 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with To
rule 5 of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 and Companies (Accounts) Amendment Rules, 2016
The Members of HDFC Bank Limited (“the Bank”)
Statement containing salient features of the financial statements of subsidiaries, associate companies and joint ventures
We have examined the compliance of conditions of corporate governance by HDFC Bank Limited (“the Bank”) for the year ended
Part A: Subsidiaries March 31, 2021, as prescribed in Regulations 17 to 27, clauses (b) to (i) of sub-regulation (2) of regulation 46 and Para C, D and
(` crore) E of Schedule V to Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015
(‘the SEBI Listing Regulations’).
Sr. No. Name of the subsidiary HDFC Securities Limited HDB Financial Services Limited
We state that the compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance is the responsibility of the management, and our examination
1. The date since when subsidiary was September 28, 2005 August 31, 2007 was limited to procedures and implementation thereof adopted by the Bank for ensuring the compliance of the conditions of the
acquired Corporate Governance. It is neither an audit nor an expression of opinion on the financial statements of the Bank.
2. Reporting period for the subsidiary Reporting period of the subsidiary is the Reporting period of the subsidiary is the
concerned, if different from the holding same as that of the holding company i.e. same as that of the holding company i.e.
In our opinion, and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, we certify that the Bank has
company’s reporting period April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021 April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021
complied with the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in the aforesaid provisions of the SEBI Listing Regulations.
3. Reporting currency and exchange rate as Not applicable as this is a domestic Not applicable as this is a domestic
on the last date of the relevant financial subsidiary subsidiary
year in the case of foreign subsidiaries. We further state that such compliance is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Bank nor the efficiency or effectiveness
4. Share capital 15.77 789.19 with which the management has conducted the affairs of the Bank.
5. Reserves & surplus 1,461.63 7,932.77
For BNP & Associates
6. Total assets 4,710.13 62,639.97
Company Secretaries
7. Total liabilities 3,232.73 53,918.01
[Firm Regn. No. P2014MH037400]
8. Investments 224.18 1,709.32
9. Turnover 1,391.46 10,696.36 Avinash Bagul
10. Profit before taxation 959.74 652.06 Partner
11. Provision for taxation 239.22 149.22 FCS No.: 5578 CP No.: 19862
12. Profit after taxation 720.52 502.83 UDIN:F005578C000482021
13. Proposed dividend * 500.98 -
14. Extent of shareholding (in percentage) 96.34% 95.11% Place: Mumbai
Date: June 18, 2021
* Includes interim dividend on equity shares paid during the year. In terms of revised Accounting Standard (AS) 4 ‘Contingencies and Events
occurring after the Balance sheet date’ as notified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs through amendments to Companies (Accounting
Standards) Amendment Rules, 2016, the subsidiaries have not appropriated their proposed dividend (including tax) from Profit and Loss
Account for the year ended March 31, 2021.
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the verifications (including Directors Identification Number (DIN)
status at the portal as considered necessary and explanations furnished to us by the Bank and its officers, we
hereby certify that none of the Directors on the Board of the Bank as stated below for the Financial Year ended on March 31, 2021
have been debarred or disqualified from being appointed or continuing as Directors of the Bank by Securities and Exchange Board
of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs or such other statutory authority.
Mr. Atanu Chakraborty was appointed as the Part-Time Non-Executive Chairman & Additional Independent Director of the Bank with effect
from May 5, 2021.
[Report on Corporate Governance pursuant to the Companies Act, 2013 and the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Board of Directors chairperson of more than five (5) committees across all public
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 {“the SEBI Listing Regulations”} and forming a part of the report of the Board of Directors] The composition of the Board of Directors of the Bank (“Board”) companies in which he / she is a director. All the directors have
is governed by the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, the made necessary disclosures regarding committee positions
Banking Regulation Act, 1949, the SEBI Listing Regulations and occupied by them in other companies.
other applicable laws.
Corporate Governance Framework None of the directors are related to each other.
As on the date of this report, the Board consists of eleven (11)
Shareholders Regulators Directors as follows: Details of directorships, memberships and chairpersonships of
Sr. the committees of other companies for the current directors of
Category Name of Director the Bank are as follows:
Board of 1 Executive Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan (Managing
Directors Directors Director & Chief Executive Officer), Directorships Memberships
Mr. Kaizad Bharucha on the Board of committees
Name of Director
2 Non-Executive Mr. Srikanth Nadhamuni, Mrs. Renu of other of other
Directors Karnad (Nominee of Housing Development companies* companies *
Audit Stakeholders’ Nomination & Risk Policy & Other Finance Corporation Limited, promoter of Mr. Atanu Chakraborty - -
Committee Relationship Remuneration Monitoring Committees the Bank) Mrs. Renu Karnad 11 (1) 6 (3)
Committee Committee Committee 3 Independent Mr. Atanu Chakraborty (Part-time Mr. Sanjiv Sachar 1 -
Directors Non-Executive Chairman & Additional
Mr. Umesh Chandra Sarangi 1 -
Independent Director), Mr. Sanjiv
Sachar, Mr. Umesh Chandra Sarangi, Mr. Kaizad Bharucha - -
Managing Mr. Sandeep Parekh, Mr. Malay Patel, Mr. Srikanth Nadhamuni 6 (1) -
External and
Director Mr. M. D. Ranganath, Dr. (Ms.) Sunita Mr. Sandeep Parekh 1 -
Internal Auditors
Maheshwari (Additional Independent Mr. Malay Patel 2 1
Mr. M. D. Ranganath - -
Dr. (Ms.) Sunita Maheshwari 6 -
Director Mr. Aditya Puri ceased to be the Managing Director of
Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan - -
the Bank with effect from the close of business hours on
October 26, 2020, upon reaching 70 years of age, in accordance * The figures in brackets indicate chairpersonships.
Note: For the purpose of considering the limit of the directorships
with the tenure approved by the Reserve Bank of India.
t The Board of Directors of the Bank are the ultimate custodians and limits of committees on which the directors are members /
of governance.
Philosophy on Code of Corporate chairpersons, all public limited companies (whether listed or not),
Mrs. Shyamala Gopinath ceased to be the Part-time Non- private limited companies, foreign companies and companies under
Governance Executive Chairperson & Independent Director of the Bank with Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 have been included. Further,
t The Board of Directors are accountable to various stakeholders The Bank believes in adopting and adhering to the best
effect from the close of business hours on January 1, 2021, in chairpersonships / memberships of only the Audit Committee and the
such as shareholders and regulatory authorities including recognized corporate governance practices and continuously Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee in these companies have been
accordance with the tenure approved by the Reserve Bank of
Reserve Bank of India, Securities and Exchange Board of benchmarking itself against each such practice. The Bank considered.
India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, etc. understands and respects its role and responsibility towards its
shareholders and strives hard to meet their expectations.
Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan was appointed as the Managing
Profile of Board of Directors
t The Board of Directors has constituted various committees The profile of the Directors of the Bank as on the date of this
Director & Chief Executive Officer of the Bank with effect
under it, each with defined roles and responsibilities such The Bank believes that best board governance practices, report are as under:
from October 27, 2020, and the appointment was approved
as Audit Committee, Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee, transparent disclosures and shareholder empowerment are
by the shareholders of the Bank through Postal Ballot on
Nomination & Remuneration Committee, Risk Policy & necessary for creating shareholder value.
December 1, 2020.
Mr. Atanu Chakraborty
Monitoring Committee, and other committees. Mr. Atanu Chakraborty, aged 61 years, served the Government of
The Bank has infused the philosophy of corporate governance India, for a period of thirty-five (35) years, as a member of Indian
Dr. (Ms.) Sunita Maheshwari was appointed as an Additional
t The Statutory Auditors have a reporting responsibility to the into all its activities. The philosophy on corporate governance is Administrative Service (IAS) in Gujarat cadre. He has mainly
Independent Director of the Bank with ef fect from
Audit Committee. an important tool for shareholder protection and maximization worked in areas of Finance & Economic Policy, Infrastructure,
March 30, 2021, subject to the approval of the shareholders at
of their long term values. The cardinal principles such as Petroleum & Natural Gas. In the Union Government, he held
the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Bank.
t The Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer is responsible independence, accountability, responsibility, transparency, fair various posts such as Secretary to Government of India in
for the overall affairs of the Bank, under the superintendence, and timely disclosures, credibility, sustainability, etc. serve as the the Ministry of Finance (Dept. of Economic Affairs) during
Mr. Atanu Chakraborty was appointed as the Part-time Non-
guidance and control of the Board of Directors. means for implementing the philosophy of corporate governance FY 2019-20. As Secretary (DEA), he co-ordinated economic
Executive Chairman & Additional Independent Director of the
in letter and in spirit. policy making for all ministries/departments and managed entire
Bank with effect from May 5, 2021, pursuant to the approval
t The Executive Director, under the guidance of the Managing process of formulation of budget making for Union of India,
granted by the Reserve Bank of India, and subject to the approval
Director, has over-sight over various business functions. including its passage in Parliament. He was responsible for fiscal
of the shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting of
management policies, policies for public debt management and
the Bank.
development & management of financial markets.
Pursuant to the SEBI Listing Regulations, none of the Directors
on the Board is a member of more than ten (10) committees and
Mr. Chakraborty also handled financial stability and currency, aligning the organization in achieving the strategic objectives Mr. Malay Patel has special knowledge and practical experience of Municipal ERP suite which improves service delivery of
domestic & foreign related issues as well. He managed flow of over the years. in matters relating to small scale industries in terms of Section cities. Mr. Nadhamuni has extensive experience in Information
funds with multilateral and bilateral financial institutions and had 10-A (2 a) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. Technology, particularly in the banking and financial services
multiple interfaces with them. He also headed a multi-disciplinary Prior to his appointment as Managing Director & Chief Executive industry.
task force that produced the National Infrastructure Pipeline Officer of the Bank, he was the Group Head of the Bank in Mr. Patel is not a director in any other listed company.
(NIP). He has also served as Secretary to the Union Government addition to overseeing the functions of Finance, Human Mr. Nadhamuni was the Chief Technology Officer of Aadhaar
for Disinvestment (DIPAM) wherein he was responsible for both Resources, Legal & Secretarial, Administration, Infrastructure, Mr. Patel is also on the Board of the following public limited (UID Authority of India) during 2009-2012 where he participated
policy as well as execution of the process of disinvestment of Corporate Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility. companies: in design and development of the world’s largest biometric based
Government of India’s stake in state owned enterprises. ID system. He was instrumental in development of Aadhaar
Mr. Jagdishan is not a director in any other company. Listed Public Limited Other Public Limited technology, several banking and financial protocols including
During the period 2002-07, Mr. Chakraborty served as Director Companies Companies MicroATM, Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AEPS) and
and subsequently as Joint Secretary, Ministry of Finance Mr. Jagdishan along with his relatives, holds 15,95,288 equity - HDFC Securities Limited Aadhaar Payment Bridge (APB).
(Department of Expenditure). During this period, he appraised shares in the Bank as on March 31, 2021. (Independent Director)
projects in the Infrastructure sector as well as looked after Mr. Patel does not hold any shares in the Bank as on March 31, Mr. Nadhamuni spent 14 years in the Silicon Valley (California, US)
subsidies of Government of India. He had also updated and Mr. Kaizad Bharucha 2021. working for several global companies such as Sun Microsystems
modernized the Government’s Financial & Procurement rules. Mr. Kaizad Bharucha, aged 56 years, holds a Bachelor of (CPU design), Intel Corporation (CPU design), Silicon Graphics
Mr. Chakraborty has also discharged varied roles in the Gujarat Commerce degree from University of Mumbai. He has been (Interactive TV) and WebMD (Internet Healthcare).
State Government including heading the Finance Department associated with the Bank since 1995. In his current position
Mr. Umesh Chandra Sarangi
Mr. Umesh Chandra Sarangi, aged 69 years, holds a Master’s
as its Secretary. He had been responsible for piloting the private as Executive Director, he is responsible for Wholesale Banking Mr. Nadhamuni has been appointed as a Director having
degree in Science (Botany) from Utkal University (gold medalist).
sector investment legislation in the State. In the State Govt., covering areas of Corporate Banking, PSUs, Capital & expertise in the field of Information Technology.
he has worked on the ground in both public governance and Commodities Markets, Financial Institutions, Custody, Mutual
Mr. Sarangi has over three decades of experience in Indian
development areas. Funds, Global Capability Centre & Financial Sponsors coverage, Mr. Nadhamuni is not a director in any other listed or public
Administrative Service and brought in significant reforms in
and Banks coverage. limited company.
modernizing of agriculture, focus on agro processing and export.
Mr. Chakraborty has also served on the Board of World Bank as
As the erstwhile Chairman of National Bank for Agricultural
alternate Governor as well as on the Central Board of Directors of In his previous position as Group Head - Credit & Market Risk, Mr. Nadhamuni does not hold any shares in the Bank as on
and Rural Development (NABARD) from December 2007 to
the Reserve Bank of India. He was also the Chairman of National he was responsible for the Risk Management activities in the March 31, 2021.
December 2010, Mr. Sarangi focused on rural infrastructure,
Infrastructure Investment Fund (NIIF) as also on the Board of many Bank viz., Credit Risk, Market Risk, Debt Management, Risk
accelerated initiatives such as microfinance, financial inclusion,
listed companies. Mr. Chakraborty was also the CEO/MD of the Intelligence and Control functions.
watershed development and tribal development.
Mr. Sanjiv Sachar
GSPC group of companies as well as Gujarat State Fertilizers and Mr. Sanjiv Sachar, aged 63 years, is a Fellow Associate of the
Chemicals Ltd. Mr. Chakraborty had published articles in reputed Mr. Bharucha has been a career banker with over three decades Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and former Senior
Mr. Sarangi has been appointed as a Director having specialized
journals in the areas of public finance, risk sharing in Infrastructure of banking experience. Prior to joining the Bank, he worked in Partner of Egon Zehnder, the world’s largest privately held
knowledge and experience in agriculture and rural economy
projects and gas infrastructure. Mr. Chakraborty graduated as SBI Commercial and International Bank in various areas including executive search firm.
pursuant to Section 10-A (2)(a) of the Banking Regulation Act,
a Bachelor in Engineering (Electronics & Communication) from Trade Finance and Corporate Banking.
NIT Kurukshetra. He holds a Diploma in Business Finance (ICFAI, Mr. Sachar set up the Egon Zehnder practice in India in 1995 and
Hyderabad) and a Master’s degree in Business Administration He has represented HDFC Bank as a member of the working played a key role in establishing the firm as a market leader in the
Mr. Sarangi is not a director in any other listed or public limited
from the University of Hull, UK. group constituted by the Reserve Bank of India to examine the executive search space across various country segments. Over
role of Credit Information Bureau and on the sub-committee with the course of his two decades at Egon Zehnder, Mr. Sachar has
Mr. Chakraborty is not a director in any other listed or public limited regard to adoption of the Basel II guidelines. mentored senior executives across industry sectors that today
Mr. Sarangi does not hold any shares in the Bank as on March
company. are either Board members, CEOs or CFOs of large corporates
31, 2021.
Mr. Bharucha is not a director in any other company. in India and overseas. Mr. Sachar has also been the co-founder
Mr. Chakraborty does not hold any shares in the Bank as on the of the chartered accountancy and management consulting firm,
date of his appointment. Mr. Bharucha, along with his relatives, holds 18,62,195 equity
Mr. Srikanth Nadhamuni Sachar Vasudeva & Associates and co-founded executive search
Mr. Srikanth Nadhamuni, aged 57 years, holds a Bachelor’s
shares in the Bank as on March 31, 2021. firm, Direct Impact.
degree in Electronics and Communications from National
Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan Institute of Engineering and a Master’s degree in Electrical
Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan (Sashi), aged 56 years, has an overall Mr. Malay Patel Engineering from Louisiana State University. Mr. Nadhamuni is
Mr. Sachar is on the Board of the following public companies:
experience of 30 years. He has completed his graduation in Mr. Malay Patel, aged 44 years, is a Major in Engineering
a technologist and an entrepreneur with 30 years of experience Listed Public Limited Other Public Limited
Science with specialization in Physics, is a Chartered Accountant (Mechanical) from Rutgers University, Livingston, NJ, USA, and Companies
in the areas of CPU design, Healthcare, e-Governance, National Companies
by profession and holds a Master’s degree in Economics of an A.A.B.A. in business from Bergen County College, Fairlawn,
ID, Biometrics, Financial Technology and Banking sectors. KDDL Limited (Independent Director) -
Money, Banking & Finance from the University of Sheffield, NJ, USA. He is a director on the Board of Eewa Engineering
United Kingdom. Company Private Limited, a company in the plastics / packaging Mr. Sachar does not hold any shares in the Bank as on March
Mr. Nadhamuni is presently the Chairman of Novopay Solutions
industry with exports to more than 50 countries. He has been 31, 2021.
Private Limited, a company involved in the area of mobile
Mr. Jagdishan joined the Bank in the year 1996 as a Manager involved in varied roles such as export / import, procurement,
payments and is the CEO of Khosla Labs Private Limited, a start-
in the Finance function. He became Business Head - Finance sales and marketing, etc. in Eewa Engineering Company Private
up incubator. He has also been a co-founder of e-Governments
Mr. Sandeep Parekh
in 1999 and was appointed as Chief Financial Officer in the year Limited. Mr. Sandeep Parekh, aged 49 years, holds an LL.M. (Securities
Foundation with Mr. Nandan Nilekani which work on the
2008. He played a critical role in supporting the growth trajectory and Financial Regulations) degree from Georgetown University
objectives to improve governance in Indian cities and creation
of the Bank, and led the finance function with a pivotal role in
and an LL.B. degree from Delhi University. He is the managing and holds a degree in Law from the University of Mumbai. She She has also incubated other start-up companies in the tele-health Affairs and Securities & Exchange Board of India, the directors
partner of Finsec Law Advisors, a financial sector law firm based is also a Parvin Fellow-Woodrow Wilson School of Public and space such as Healtheminds – a tele-counselling platform. She were given the facility of attending meetings through video-
in Mumbai. International Affairs, Princeton University, USA. Mrs. Karnad is active in the social arena in India where she runs 2 trust funds. conferencing and they were able to participate in the Board/
brings with her rich experience and knowledge of the mortgage ‘People4people’ has put up over 450 playgrounds in government Committee meetings seamlessly through the video-conference
He was an Executive Director at the Securities & Exchange sector, having been associated with real estate and mortgage schools and Telrad Foundation provides teleradiology and facility.
Board of India during 2006-08, heading the Enforcement and industry in India for over 40 years. Over the years, she has telemedicine services to poor areas in Asia that do not have
Legal Affairs departments. He is a faculty at the Indian Institute of been the recipient of numerous awards and accolades, such access to high quality medical care. Her other interests include At the Board / Committee meetings, presentations and deep-
Management, Ahmedabad. He has worked for law firms in Delhi, as the ‘Outstanding Woman Business Leader’ award granted teaching - she has been running India’s e-teaching program for dive sessions are made covering important areas of the Bank
Mumbai and Washington, D.C. Mr. Parekh focuses on securities by CBNC-TV18 India Business Leader Awards 2012, induction postgraduates in Pediatric Cardiology for over a decade. In 2019, such as annual plans and strategies, Cyber security and
regulations, investment regulations, private equity, corporate in the Hall of Fame, Fortune India magazine’s most powerful she helped the Kerala National health mission Hridayam launch Data Privacy, amendments and salient provisions of the SEBI
governance and financial regulations. He is admitted to practice women from 2011 to 2019, ‘Top Ten Powerful Women to watch e-classes in pediatric cardiology for pediatricians in the state. Listing Regulations and other applicable regulations / laws,
law in New York. He was recognized by the World Economic out for in Asia’ by Wall Street Journal Asia in 2006, etc. She has over 200 academic presentations and publications to Macro Economic updates and monetary policy implications,
Forum as a “Young Global Leader” in 2008. He was Chairman her credit and is an inspirational speaker having given over 200 Parivartan (CSR Initiatives), Impact of Covid-19 on regulatory
and member of various SEBI and RBI Committees and sub- She has been a Non-Executive Director on the Board of the lectures, including several TEDx talks. models, fraud risk assessment, rewards strategy, etc. Directors
Committees and is presently a member of SEBI’s Mutual Fund Bank in the past. are also encouraged to attend relevant programs and seminars
Advisory Committee. Dr. (Ms.) Maheshwari is the recipient of several prestigious conducted by reputed external organizations.
Mrs. Karnad is on the Board of the following public companies: awards and honours including: WOW (Woman of Worth) 2019
Mr. Parekh is not a director in any other listed or public limited
award, Outlook Business; 50 most powerful women of India, During the financial year under review, seventeen (17) Board
company. Listed Public Limited Other Public Limited
Companies March 2016; Amazing Indian award- Times Now 2014; Top 20 Meetings were held. The meetings were held on April 18, 2020,
Mr. Parekh does not hold any shares in the Bank as on women Health care achievers in India, Modern Medicare 2009; June 20, 2020, July 17, 2020, July 28, 2020, August 17, 2020,
Housing Development Finance HDFC ERGO General
March 31, 2021. Corporation Limited (Managing Insurance Company Limited Yale University- Outstanding Fellow Teacher of the Year Award, September 10, 2020, October 8, 2020, October 17, 2020,
Director) (Non-Executive Director) 1995, amongst others. November 25, 2020, December 14, 2020, December 28, 2020,
Mr. M.D. Ranganath HDFC Asset Management Bangalore International Airport January 1, 2021, January 16, 2021, February 3, 2021, February
Company Limited (Non-Executive Limited (Independent Director) Dr. (Ms.) Maheshwari is on the Board of the following public 25, 2021, March 5, 2021, and March 26, 2021.
Mr. M.D. Ranganath, aged 59 years, holds Master’s degree
Director) companies:
in technology from IIT, Madras and a Bachelor’s degree in
HDFC Life Insurance Company Details of attendance at the Board Meetings held during the
Engineering from the University of Mysore. He is a PGDM from
Limited (Non-Executive Director) Listed Public Limited Other Public Limited financial year under review and attendance at the last virtual
IIM, Ahmedabad and a member of CPA, Australia.
Glaxosmithkline Pharmaceuticals Companies Companies AGM are as follows:
Mr. Ranganath has over 28 years of experience in the Global IT Limited (Chairperson) Glaxosmithkline Pharmaceuticals -
services and financial services industry. He was Chief Financial Unitech Limited (Nominee Limited (Independent Director) Board Attendance
Officer of Infosys Limited, a globally listed IT services company, Director) Meetings at last virtual
Name of the Director
till November, 2018. During his tenure of 18 years at Infosys, ABB India Limited (Independent Dr. (Ms.) Maheshwari does not hold any shares in the Bank as attended AGM (July 18,
he was an integral part of the growth and transformation of Director) on March 31, 2021. during the year 2020)
Infosys into a globally respected IT services company and Independent Directors
Mrs. Karnad, along with her relatives, holds 5,95,320 equity
effectively played leadership roles in a wide spectrum of areas- Mrs. Shyamala Gopinath1 12 Present
Strategy, Finance, Merger & Acquisition (M&A), Consulting, Risk
shares in the Bank as on March 31, 2021. ATTENDANCE AT BOARD MEETINGS & Mr. Malay Patel 17 Present
Management, and Corporate planning- culminating in the role
Dr. (Ms.) Sunita Maheshwari LAST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) Mr. Umesh Chandra Sarangi 17 Present
of Chief Financial Officer and worked closely with the Board The Board / Committee Meetings are convened by giving Mr. Sandeep Parekh 17 Present
Dr. (Ms.) Sunita Maheshwari, aged 55 years, is a US Board
of Infosys and its committees in formulating and executing its appropriate notice well in advance of the meetings. The Directors Mr. M.D. Ranganath 17 Present
certified Pediatric Cardiologist, and completed her MBBS at
strategic priorities. Prior to Infosys, he worked at ICICI Limited for / Members are provided with appropriate information in the Mr. Sanjiv Sachar 17 Present
Osmania Medical College followed by post-graduation at
8 years and executed responsibilities in credit, treasury, equity form of agenda items in a timely manner, to enable them to Non-executive Directors
AIIMS, Delhi and Yale University in the US. With over 30 years
portfolio management and corporate planning. deliberate on each agenda item and make informed decisions
of experience, she has lived and worked in the US and India. In Mr. Srikanth Nadhamuni 17 Present
and provide appropriate directions to the Management. While the
In the years 2017 and 2018, Mr. Ranganath was the recipient of addition to being a clinician, Dr. (Ms.) Maheshwari is a medical Mrs. Renu Karnad 17 Present
Companies Act, 2013 and other applicable laws do not prescribe
the Best CFO Asia award in the technology sector, by Institutional entrepreneur and co-founder at- Executive Directors
a minimum number of meetings to be attended by directors,
Investor publication, based on poll of buy-side and sell-side Mr. Aditya Puri2 7 Present
the Board members endeavor to attend and participate in all
investor community. (a) Teleradiology Solutions (India’s first and largest teleradiology Mr. Kaizad Bharucha 16 Present
board meetings, unless he/she is unable to attend the meeting
company that has provided over 5 million diagnostic reports Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan3 9 NA
Mr. Ranganath is not a director in any other company. on account of reasonable cause for which leave of absence is
to patients and hospitals globally including for the Tripura 1
requested, which is considered by the Board for approval. Mrs. Shyamala Gopinath ceased to be Part-Time Non-Executive
Mr. Ranganath does not hold any shares in the Bank as on state government), Chairperson and Independent Director of the Bank with effect from
March 31, 2021. close of business hours on January 1, 2021.
(b) Telrad Tech which builds AI enabled tele health software Video-conferencing facility is also provided at the Board / 2 Mr. Aditya Puri ceased to be the Managing Director of the Bank with
and Committee meetings in case any director is unable to attend the
Mrs. Renu Karnad meeting physically but wishes to participate through electronic
effect from close of business hours on October 26, 2020.
3 Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan was appointed as Managing Director and
(c) RXDX healthcare - a chain of multi-specialty neighborhood
Mrs. Renu Karnad, aged 68 years, is the Managing Director of mode in the meetings. During the COVID-19 pandemic and Chief Executive Officer of the Bank with effect from October 27, 2020.
clinics in Bangalore.
Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited since 2010. given the enabling regulations made by the Ministry of Corporate
She is a Post Graduate in Economics from the University of Delhi
REMUNERATION OF DIRECTORS The criteria for evaluation of performance of Whole-Time Directors to the provisions of Companies Act, 2013, the Directors are
include Business Performance, Stakeholder Relationship, Audit paid sitting fees of ` 50,000 and ` 100,000 per meeting for
Managing Director and other Executive Directors: and Compliance, Digital Transformation and Organization attending Committee & Board meetings respectively. The Board
The details of the remuneration paid to Mr. Aditya Puri, (erstwhile) Managing Director, Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan, Managing Director
Excellence. of Directors increased the sitting fees of certain Committee
& Chief Executive Officer, and Mr. Kaizad Bharucha, Executive Director, during the financial year 2020-21 are as under:
meetings to ` 100,000 per meeting with effect from April 1, 2021,
(Amount in `) The notice period for each of them, as specified in their respective namely, Audit Committee, Risk Policy & Monitoring Committee,
Particulars Mr. Aditya Puri* Mr. Kaizad Bharucha Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan# terms of appointments, is three months. Nomination & Remuneration Committee, Credit Approval
Basic 37,198,231 22,720,320 13,623,680 Committee and IT Strategy Committee.
Allowances and Perquisitesa 73,803,035 25,014,032 22,788,967 Pursuant to the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, the appointment
Provident Fund 4,463,790 2,726,436 1,634,840 and tenure of Whole-Time Directors is subject to the approval Pursuant to RBI guidelines dated June 1, 2015 on Compensation
Superannuation 5,579,738 3,408,048 1,988,242 of RBI. to Non-Executive Directors of Private Sector Banks and read
Performance Bonusb 17,252,705 6,184,669 7,746,180
with the relevant shareholders’ resolution in this regard, non-
The Bank provides for gratuity in the form of lump-sum payment executive directors, including the independent directors, other
Number of stock options granted (Number of ESOPs) - - 260,000
on retirement or on death while in employment or on termination than the Chairperson, also receive profit related commission
* Mr. Aditya Puri ceased to be the Managing Director of the Bank at the end of business hours on October 26, 2020.
of employment of an amount equivalent to 15 (fifteen) days basic as per the limits prescribed in the RBI guidelines. Pursuant to
# Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan was appointed as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Bank with effect from October 27, 2020.
salary payable for each completed year of service. these guidelines and shareholders’ resolution passed at the
22nd Annual General Meeting of the Bank held on July 21, 2016,
1. Mr. Aditya Puri retired from the services of the Bank at the end of business hours on October 26, 2020. The remuneration reported above is the
remuneration paid till the date of his superannuation.
The Bank makes annual contributions to funds administered by the non-executive directors were paid profit related commission
trustees and managed by insurance companies for amounts of ` 1,000,000 each during the financial year 2020-21 pertaining
2. For Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan, the remuneration is his annual remuneration that includes his remuneration as Group Head of the Bank for the
period April 1, 2020 till October 26, 2020 and his remuneration as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Bank effective October
notified by the said insurance companies. The Bank accounts for to financial year 2019-20. This is in addition to the sitting fees
27, 2020 till March 31, 2021. the liability for future gratuity benefits based on an independent paid to them for attending Committee & Board meetings.
external actuarial valuation carried out annually.
3. The Annual Increments for the erstwhile Managing Director, Mr. Aditya Puri and the Executive Director, Mr. Kaizad Bharucha are pending RBI approval.
The details of sitting fees and commission paid to non-executive
a Mr. Aditya Puri was paid an ex-gratia payment of ` 3,50,00,000 (Gross) on retirement as part of his post- retirement benefits. This was approved
by the Reserve Bank of India and the same has been included in Allowances and Perquisites.
Perquisites (evaluated as per Income Tax Rules, 1962 wherever directors during the financial year 2020-21 is as under:
applicable and at actual cost to the Bank otherwise) such as the (Amount in `)
b The performance bonus reported above includes the deferred tranches belonging to previous years paid in the financial Year 2020- 21.
benefit of the Bank’s furnished accommodation, gas, electricity,
For the erstwhile Managing Director, Mr. Aditya Puri the following are the deferred tranches: Name of the Director Sitting Fees Commission #
water and furnishings, club fees, personal accident insurance,
A) Tranche 1: ` 68,83,979 for the Performance Year 2018-19 Mrs. Shyamala Gopinath1 4,050,000 -
use of car and telephone at residence, medical reimbursement,
B) Tranche 2: ` 57,36,649 for the Performance Year 2017-18 Mr. Keki Mistry2 - 1,000,000
leave and leave travel concession and other benefits like provident
C) Tranche 3: ` 46,32,077 for the Performance Year 2016-17 Mr. Malay Patel 4,700,000 1,000,000
fund, superannuation and gratuity are provided in accordance
Total Payout (A) + (B) + (C) = ` 17,252,705 Mr. Umesh Chandra Sarangi 3,850,000 1,000,000
with the rules of the Bank in this regard.
For the Executive Director Mr. Kaizad Bharucha the following are the deferred tranches: Mr. Srikanth Nadhamuni 5,300,000 1,000,000
A) Tranche 1: ` 33,08,079 for the Performance Year 2018-19
No sitting fees were paid to Mr. Puri, Mr. Bharucha and Mr. Sanjiv Sachar 5,100,000 1,000,000
B) Tranche 2: ` 28,76,590 for the Performance Year 2017-18
Mr. Jagdishan for attending meetings of the Board and / or its Mr. Sandeep Parekh 4,600,000 1,000,000
Total Payout (A) + (B) = ` 6,184,669
Committees. Mr. M.D. Ranganath 5,400,000 1,000,000
The performance bonus for Mr. Aditya Puri for the performance year 2019-20 was ` 43,369,066 basis approval from the Reserve Bank of India dated
April 29, 2021. Mrs. Renu Karnad 4,250,000 1,000,000
Dr. (Ms.) Sunita Maheshwari3 - -
The performance bonus for Mr. Kaizad Bharucha for the performance year 2019-20 was ` 20,840,895 basis approval from the Reserve Bank of India DETAILS OF REMUNERATION / SITTING
dated April 29, 2021. The performance bonus paid to Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan during the FY 2020-21 pertains to the performance year 2019-20 for Mr. Atanu Chakraborty4 - -
his erstwhile role of Group Head of the Bank prior to his appointment as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer. FEES PAID TO NON-EXECUTIVE # Refers to commission for FY 2019-20, paid out in FY 2020-21
1 Mrs. Shyamala Gopinath ceased to be a director of the Bank with effect
Employee Stock Options:
DIRECTORS from January 1, 2021.
All the non-executive directors including the independent 2 Mr. Keki Mistry ceased to be a director of the Bank with effect from
Mr. Aditya Puri was granted a total quantum of 4,06,140 employee stock options for the performance year 2019-20 basis approval from the Reserve directors and the Chairperson receive remuneration by way January 18, 2020. Since he received the commission pertaining to FY
Bank of India dated April 29, 2021. Mr. Kaizad Bharucha was granted a total quantum of 1,53,300 employee stock options for the performance year of sitting fees for each meeting of the Board and its various 2019-20, paid out in FY 2020-21, above disclosure has been made.
2019-20 basis approval from the Reserve Bank of India dated April 29, 2021. Committees. No stock options are granted to any of the non- 3 Dr. (Ms.) Sunita Maheshwari was appointed as Additional Independent
executive directors. Director of the Bank with effect from March 30, 2021, subject to approval
Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan took over as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer from October 27, 2020. The quantum of grant reported for him of shareholders.
pertains to the grant received in his erstwhile role of Group Head of the Bank during the financial year 2020-21 prior to his appointment as Managing 4 Mr. Atanu Chakraborty was appointed as Part-Time Non-Executive
During the year, Mrs. Shyamala Gopinath was paid remuneration Chairman and Additional Independent Director of the Bank with effect
Director and Chief Executive Officer.
of ` 26,34,403, (i.e. ` 35,00,000 per annum) on proportionate from May 5, 2021 pursuant to approval of Reserve Bank of India and
The employee stock options granted have not been issued at discount and the same have been granted at the closing market price prevailing on the basis for the period from April 1, 2020 to January 1, 2021 as subject to approval of shareholders.
day prior to the date of grant on the National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. The vesting schedule for the stock options is - 25% of options after expiry she ceased to be the Part-Time Chairperson and Independent
There were no other pecuniary relationships or transactions
of twelve months from date of grant, 25% options after expiry of twenty-four months from the date of grant, 25% of options after expiry of thirty-six Director of the Bank with effect from the close of business of Non-Executive Directors vis-a-vis the Bank (except banking
months from the date of grant and the balance 25% options after expiry of forty-eight months from date of grant, subject to approval of RBI. The hours on January 1, 2021. The remuneration of the Chairperson transactions in the ordinary course of business and on arm’s
options so vested are to be exercised within 2 years from the respective dates of vesting. has been approved by the Reserve Bank of India. Pursuant length basis) during FY 2020-21.
IT Strategy* z z The criteria for evaluation of performance of directors (including independent directors) include personal attributes
such as attendance at meetings, communication skills, leadership skills and adaptability and professional attributes
such as understanding of the Bank’s core business and strategic objectives, industry knowledge, independent
Wilful Defaulters’
judgment, adherence to the Bank’s Code of Conduct, Ethics and Values etc.
Identification z z z z z
Review c. To carry out any other function as is mandated by the Board from time to time and / or enforced by any statutory
notification, amendment or modification, as may be applicable.
Non-Cooperative Composition: Mr. Sanjiv Sachar (Chairman), Mr. Sandeep Parekh, Mr. M.D. Ranganath, Mr. Umesh Chandra Sarangi and Mr. Atanu
z z z z z
Borrowers Review Chakraborty.
During the year, Mrs. Shyamala Gopinath ceased to be a member of the Committee pursuant to the cessation of her
Premises z z z tenure as director of the Bank while Mr. Sarangi (with effect from November 25, 2020) and Mr. Chakraborty (with effect
from June 9, 2021) were inducted as members on the Committee.
All the members of the Committee are independent directors.
* Includes external IT consultant in addition to the above members.
Meetings: The Committee met twenty-eight (28) times during the year on April 17, 2020, May 8, 2020, May 29, 2020, June 15,
Member z Chairperson
2020, June 17, 2020, July 7, 2020, July 17, 2020, July 27, 2020, September 10, 2020, October 16, 2020, October 21,
2020, October 31, 2020, November 10, 2020, November 24, 2020, December 8, 2020, December 17, 2020, December
28, 2020, January 11, 2021, January 25, 2021, February 15, 2021, February 24, 2021, March 17, 2021, March 19, 2021,
March 22, 2021, March 24, 2021, March 25, 2021, March 26, 2021, and March 30, 2021.
ATTENDANCE AT THE COMMITTEE MEETINGS HELD DURING FINANCIAL YEAR 1 Mrs. Shyamala Gopinath ceased to be a director of the Bank with y In terms of Section 12 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949
effect from January 1, 2021. as amended with effect from January 18, 2013 vide the
2020-21 2 Mr. Aditya Puri ceased to be a director of the Bank with effect Banking Laws Amendment Act, 2012, no person holding
Audit Committee Credit Approval Committee from October 26, 2020.
shares in a banking company shall, in respect of any shares
[Total fifteen meetings held] [Total thirty-seven meetings held] 3 Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan was inducted on the Committees with held by him, exercise voting rights on poll in excess of ten
effect from November 25, 2020.
Name No. of meetings attended Name No. of meetings attended (10) per cent of the total voting rights of all the shareholders
4 Mr. Sandeep Parekh was inducted on the Digital Transactions
Mrs. Shyamala Gopinath1 12 Mr. Aditya Puri2 1 of the banking company, provided that RBI may increase, in
Monitoring Committee with effect from November 25, 2020, and
Mr. Sanjiv Sachar 15 Mr. Malay Patel 37 the Premises Committee with effect from January 1, 2021. a phased manner, such ceiling on voting rights from ten (10)
Mr. M.D. Ranganath 15 Mr. Kaizad Bharucha 37 percent to twenty-six (26) per cent. The notification dated
5 Mr. Sanjiv Sachar was inducted on the Risk Policy & Monitoring
Mr. Umesh Chandra Sarangi 15 Mr. Srikanth Nadhamuni 37 Committee with effect from November 25, 2020, and the Fraud July 21, 2016 issued by RBI and notified in the Gazette of
Mrs. Renu Karnad6 13 Monitoring Committee with effect from January 1, 2021. India dated September 17, 2016 states that the current level
6 Mrs. Renu Karnad was inducted on the Risk Policy & Monitoring of ceiling on voting rights is at twenty-six (26) per cent.
Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee Customer Service Committee Committee with effect from June 3, 2020, and the Credit Approval
[Total three meetings held] [Total three meetings held] Committee with effect from November 25, 2020.
y To requisition an extraordinary general meeting of the
Name No. of meetings attended Name No. of meetings attended 7 Mr. Kaizad Bharucha was inducted on the Committee with effect
company by shareholders who collectively hold not less
from November 25, 2020.
Mr. Umesh Chandra Sarangi 3 Mrs. Shyamala Gopinath 1 2 than 1/10th of the total paid-up capital of the company.
Mr. Malay Patel 3 Mr. Aditya Puri 2 2 8 Mr. Umesh Chandra Sarangi was inducted on the Committee with
effect from November 25, 2020.
Mr. Aditya Puri 2 2 Mr. Sandeep Parekh 3 y To move amendments to resolutions proposed at general
Mr. Sandeep Parekh 3 Mr. Malay Patel 3 meetings.
Mrs. Renu Karnad 3 Mr. Srikanth Nadhamuni 3 OWNERSHIP RIGHTS
Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan 3 1 Certain rights that a shareholder in a company enjoys: y To receive dividend and other corporate benefits like rights,
y To carry out transmission / transposition and deletion bonus shares, etc. as and when declared / announced.
Nomination and Remuneration Committee Premises Committee of name on the share certificates(s) and receive the duly
[Total twenty-eight meetings held] [Total three meetings held] endorsed share certificates within the period prescribed in y To inspect various registers of the company, minutes books
Name No. of meetings attended Name No. of meetings attended the SEBI Listing Regulations. of general meetings and to receive copies thereof after
Mr. Sanjiv Sachar 28 Mr. Malay Patel 3 complying with the procedure prescribed in the Companies
Mrs. Shyamala Gopinath1 17 Mr. Aditya Puri2 2 y To receive notice of general meetings, annual report, the Act, 2013 as amended from time to time.
Mr. Sandeep Parekh 28 Mrs. Renu Karnad 3 balance sheet and profit and loss account and the auditor’s
Mr. M. D. Ranganath 28 Mr. Sandeep Parekh 4 1 report. y To make nomination in respect of shares held by the
Mr. Umesh Chandra Sarangi 8 14 shareholder.
y To attend and speak in person, at general meetings.
Fraud Monitoring Committee Risk Policy & Monitoring Committee y To participate in and be sufficiently informed of the decisions
[Total three meetings held] [Total five meetings held] y To appoint proxy to attend and vote at the general meetings. concerning fundamental corporate changes.
Name No. of meetings attended Name No. of meetings attended In case the member is a body corporate, to appoint a
Mrs. Shyamala Gopinath1 2 Mr. Srikanth Nadhamuni 5 representative to attend and vote at the general meetings y To be informed of the rules, including voting procedures
Mr. Aditya Puri2 2 Mrs. Shyamala Gopinath1 3 of the company on its behalf. that govern general shareholder meetings.
Mr. Sandeep Parekh 3 Mr. Aditya Puri 2 3
Mr. Malay Patel 3 Mr. M.D Ranganath 5 y Proxy can vote on a poll. In case of vote on poll, the number y To have adequate mechanism to address the grievances of
Mr. Umesh Chandra Sarangi 3 Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan3 2 of votes of a shareholder is proportionate to the number the shareholders.
Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan 3 1 Mr. Sanjiv Sachar5 2 of equity shares held by him. In case of the 27th Annual
Mr. Sanjiv Sachar5 1 Mrs. Renu Karnad6 4 General Meeting of the Bank which will be conducted by y To ensure protection of minority shareholders from abusive
Video-Conferencing /Other Audio-Visual Means pursuant actions by, or in the interest of, controlling shareholders
Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Digital Transactions Monitoring Committee to the relevant MCA circulars, physical attendance of the acting either directly or indirectly, and effective means of
[Total three meetings held] [ Total three meetings held] shareholders has been dispensed with and accordingly, the redress. The rights mentioned above are prescribed in the
Name No. of meetings ttended Name No. of meetings attended facility for appointment of proxies for attending and voting Companies Act, 2013, the SEBI Listing Regulations and
Mr. Umesh Chandra Sarangi 3 Mr. Srikanth Nadhamuni 3 on behalf of shareholders will not be available at the 27th Banking Regulation Act, 1949, wherever applicable, and
Mr. Aditya Puri2 2 Mr. Malay Patel 3 Annual General Meeting of the Bank. should be followed only after careful reading of the relevant
Mr. Sanjiv Sachar 3 Mr. Aditya Puri2 2 sections. These rights are not necessarily absolute.
Mr. Malay Patel 3 Mr. M. D. Ranganath 3
Mrs. Renu Karnad 3 Mr. Sandeep Parekh4 1
Mr. Kaizad Bharucha7 1
GENERAL BODY MEETINGS DISCLOSURES interpolated rates for contracts of interim maturities. The USD/
Following are the details of general body meetings for the previous three financial years: Material Subsidiary INR rate for valuation of contracts having longer maturities i.e.
The Bank has two (2) subsidiaries viz: HDB Financial Services greater than one (1) year is implied from INR-MIFOR and USD-
Number Limited and HDFC Securities Limited, neither of which qualifies LIBOR swap curves. For other pairs, where the rates / tenors
Sr. Particulars of Day, Date & of Special to be a material subsidiary within the meaning of the SEBI are not published by FEDAI, the spot and forward points are
No. meeting Venue Nature of Special Resolutions Listing Regulations. However, as a good corporate governance obtained from Refinitiv or Bloomberg for valuation of the foreign
Time Resolutions
passed, if any practice, the Bank has formulated a policy for determining exchange deals. The foreign exchange profit or loss is arrived on
1 24th Annual Birla Matushri Friday, 1 (One) Issue of Perpetual Debt Instruments (part of material subsidiary. The policy is available on the Bank’s website present value basis thereafter, as directed by FEDAI, whereby the
General Meeting Sabhagar, June 29, 2018 Additional Tier I capital), Tier II Capital Bonds and at forward profits or losses on the deals, as computed above, are
19, New Marine Lines, at 2:30 p.m. Long Term Bonds (financing of infrastructure and governance/codes-and-policies. discounted till the valuation date using the applicable discounting
Mumbai - 400020 affordable housing) on a private placement basis.* yields. The resulting profit or loss on valuation is recognized in
2 25th Annual Birla Matushri Friday, 1 (One) Issue of Unsecured Perpetual Debt Instruments (part Related Party Transactions the Statement of Profit and Loss.
General Meeting Sabhagar, July 12, 2019 of Additional Tier I capital), Tier II Capital Bonds and During the year, the Bank has entered into transactions with the
19, New Marine Lines, at 2:30 p.m. Long Term Bonds (financing of infrastructure and related parties in the ordinary course of business. The Bank has Given below are the exposure details of the Bank under the Gold
Mumbai - 400020 affordable housing) on a private placement basis.* not entered into any materially significant transactions with the Monetisation Scheme deposits as of March 31, 2021.
3 26th Annual Held through Video- Saturday, 2 (Two) 1. Re-appointment of Mr. Malay Patel (DIN related parties including promoters, directors, the management,
General Meeting Conferencing July 18, 2020 06876386) as an Independent Director.
subsidiaries or relatives of the Directors, which could lead to a Total open exposure of the Bank to commodities i.e. Gold (in `)
or Other Audio-Visual at 2:30 p.m. 2. Issue Unsecured Perpetual Debt Instruments
Means (part of Additional Tier I capital), Tier II Capital potential conflict of interest between the Bank and these parties. as on March 31, 2021: Nil
Bonds and Long Term Bonds (financing of Transactions with related parties were placed before the Audit
infrastructure and affordable housing) on a Committee for approval. There were no material transactions Note: As part of trading position in Gold, the Treasury Gold Desk
private placement basis.* with related parties, which were not in the normal course of has open position in Gold of 482.78 ounce, which is equivalent
business, nor were there any material transactions, which were to ` 59,510,985.34 as on March 31, 2021, and was within the
*The Registrar and Share Transfer Agent of the Bank, for all such issues, was Datamatics Business Solutions Limited (formerly known as not at an arm’s length basis. Details of related party transactions NOOP limit prescribed for XAU.
Datamatics Financial Services Limited)
entered into during the year ended March 31, 2021 are given in,
POSTAL BALLOT Note No. 29 in Schedule 18, forming part of ‘Notes to Accounts’. Accounting Treatment
The financial statements have been prepared and presented
Details of resolutions passed through Postal Ballot:
The Bank has put in place a policy to deal with related party under the historical cost convention and accrual basis of
transactions and the same has been uploaded on the Bank’s accounting, unless otherwise stated and are in accordance
The Bank sent Postal Ballot notice dated October 17, 2020 to the members seeking their approval through Postal Ballot for passing
web-site at with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in India (‘GAAP’),
the following Ordinary resolutions:
corporate-governance/codes-and-policies. statutory requirements prescribed under the Third Schedule
of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, circulars and guidelines
Resolution No. 1: Appointment of Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan (DIN: 08614396) as a Director of the Bank
Commodity Price Risks and Foreign Exchange issued by the Reserve Bank of India (‘RBI’) from time to time (RBI
Resolution No. 2: Appointment of Mr. Sashidhar Jagdishan (DIN: 08614396) as the Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer
Risks and Hedging activities guidelines), Accounting Standards (‘AS’) specified under Section
Being in the business of banking, as per the extant regulations, the 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read together with paragraph
of the Bank, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from October 27, 2020, on the terms and conditions relating to the said
Bank does not deal in any commodity, though, can be exposed 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 and the Companies
appointment, including remuneration, as approved by the RBI.
to the commodity price risks of its customers in its capacity (Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2016, in so far as
The Bank had appointed B.N. & Associates, Practising Company Secretaries as the scrutinizer for conducting the Postal Ballot as lender/ banker. Currently, the Bank has open exposure in they apply to banks.
process. Accordingly, the postal Ballot was conducted by the scrutinizer and a report was submitted to the Chairperson. The results Precious Metals i.e, Gold / Silver and such open exposures in
of the voting conducted through Postal Ballot are as under: Gold / Silver are primarily on account of positions created from Credit Ratings
short term deposits under the Gold Monetisation Scheme (GMS) The details of all credit ratings obtained by the Bank for all debt
There were a total of 1,411,294 shareholders of the Bank as on the record date i.e. October 30, 2020, out of which 3,212 members
raised from Customers and trading positions in Gold / Silver. instruments are furnished in the Directors’ Report which may
comprising of 3,687,564,824 equity shares representing 66.98 % of the share capital participated in the e-voting process. The
These positions are managed similar to other foreign exchange be referred to.
breakup of Valid and Invalid votes is as mentioned below:
exposures using spot, outright forwards and swap transactions
in Gold and monitored as part of the trading portfolio within the Whistle Blower Policy / Vigil Mechanism
stipulated trading risk limits viz. Net overnight open position limit, The details of establishment of whistle blower policy / vigil
Particulars Number of votes Number of shares % to valid votes Intraday open position limit, Value-at-Risk limit, Stop Loss Trigger mechanism are furnished in the Directors’ Report which may
Invalid e-voting 10 6,736,940 0.18 Level etc. that are defined in the Treasury Limits Package. In be referred to. None of the Bank’s personnel have been denied
Valid e-voting considered 3,202 36,808,227,884 99.82 addition, Bank is authorized by Reserve Bank of India to import access to the Audit Committee.
gold and silver and the exposure arising out of import of gold
RESOLUTION NO. 2 and silver on consignment basis is covered on back to back Remuneration and Selection criteria for
Particulars Number of votes Number of shares % to valid votes basis. The spot, forward and swap contracts, outstanding as Directors
Invalid e-voting 18 46,266,559 1.25 on the Balance Sheet date and held for trading, are revalued at All non-executive directors receive remuneration by way of sitting
Valid e-voting considered 3,194 3,641,298,265 98.75 the closing spot and forward rates respectively as notified by fees for each meeting of the Board and its various committees. No
FEDAI (Foreign Exchange Dealers’ Association of India) and at stock options are granted to any of the non-executive directors.
Note: Invalid votes, inter alia, were caused by members not voting on any resolution before submitting their votes, corporate voters not submitting
requisite documents, etc.
BSE Ltd New York Stock Exchange
India Ltd
Name of the Shareholder No. of Shares held % to share capital SENSEX NIFTY HIGHEST LOWEST MONTHLY
Closing closing (US$) (US$) VOLUME
1 JP Morgan Chase Bank, Na 1028115525 18.67 Apr-20 1018.90 810.00 33717.62 Apr-20 1019.00 810.00 9859.90 Apr-20 44.92 33.86 58633700
May-20 964.00 826.00 32424.10 May-20 960.00 826.10 9580.30 May-20 42.32 35.65 77681900
2 Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited 864615834 15.70
Jun-20 1082.00 928.00 34915.80 Jun-20 1082.60 928.00 10302.10 Jun-20 47.65 40.61 54286500
3 HDFC Investments Limited 300000000 5.45 Jul-20 1157.85 1020.60 37606.89 Jul-20 1157.95 1020.05 11073.45 Jul-20 52.15 45.62 44653400
4 Europacific Growth Fund 162841489 2.96 Aug-20 1148.00 994.00 38628.29 Aug-20 1148.80 993.00 11387.50 Aug-20 51.27 45.40 29339400
Sep-20 1145.75 1025.15 38067.93 Sep-20 1145.95 1025.00 11247.55 Sep-20 51.92 46.62 23269700
5 Life Insurance Corporation of India 152251004 2.76 Oct-20 1250.50 1085.00 39614.07 Oct-20 1251.00 1090.10 11642.4 Oct-20 60.38 51.00 33756800
6 SBI-ETF Nifty 50 149964629 2.72 Nov-20 1464.00 1177.25 44149.72 Nov-20 1464.40 1177.50 12968.95 Nov-20 70.00 57.92 31368100
Dec-20 1448.85 1345.45 47751.33 Dec-20 1449.00 1345.00 13981.75 Dec-20 72.44 65.85 26228700
* One (1) American Depository Share (ADS) represents three (3) underlying equity shares of the Bank.
Jan-21 1511.00 1342.00 46285.77 Jan-21 1511.65 1342.00 13634.6 Jan-21 76.12 68.79 29843100
Feb-21 1650.00 1400.00 49099.99 Feb-21 1641.00 1401.00 14529.15 Feb-21 84.70 75.75 27153800
DISTRIBUTION OF SHAREHOLDING AS AT MARCH 31, 2021 Mar-21 1595.70 1450.10 49509.15 Mar-21 1600.00 1450.25 14690.7 Mar-21 84.00 76.74 32650000
Share Range From Share Range To No. of Shares % To Capital No. of Holders % To No. of Holders
1 2500 182865228 3.32 1415893 98.11
1,418,572 Folios comprising of 5,499,692,561 equity shares forming 99.76 % of the share capital are in demat form.
24,621 Folios comprising of 13,083,921 equity shares forming 0.24 % of the share capital are in physical form.
Note: Other than the stock options granted to the employees of the Bank which will result in an addition to the equity capital of the Bank
on the exercise of the stock options and subsequent allotment of equity shares, the Bank has no outstanding warrants or other convertible
instruments as on March 31, 2021 which could have an impact on the equity capital of the Bank.
Overseas Corporate Bodies, NRIs, Foreign Bodies Names of Depositories in India for dematerialization of equity shares (ISIN No. INE040A01034)
International Listing:
LIC of India and its Subsidiaries
0.1% Sr. No. Security description Name & Address of the Name & Address of Depository
Other Insurance Corporations International Stock Exchange
18.65% 1 The American Depository Shares (ADS) The New York Stock Exchange (Ticker J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. J.P. Morgan
Indian Companies (CUSIP No. 40415F101) - HDB) 11, Wall Street, New York, NY Depositary Receipts, 383 Madison Ave, Floor
10005 11, New York, NY, 10179
Others The Depository for ADS and GDR is represented in India by: JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A., India Sub Custody, JP Morgan Chase Bank NA,
6th Floor, Paradigm “B” Wing, Behind Toyota Showroom, Mindspace, Malad (West), Mumbai - 400 064.
32.37% Note: Annual listing fees of The New York Stock Exchange has been duly paid.
(*) None of the equity shares held by the Promoters are under pledge. SHARE TRANSFER PROCESS AND SYSTEM
The Bank’s shares which are in compulsory dematerialized (Demat) list are transferable through the depository system. Requests
(#) JP Morgan Chase Bank is the Depository for the ADS (1,028,115,525 underlying equity shares) for transmission / transposition or for deletion of name in case of physical share certificates are processed by the Registrar and
Share Transfer Agents, Datamatics Business Solutions Limited (formerly known as Datamatics Financial Services Limited) and
are approved by the Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee of the Bank or authorized officials of the Bank. The service requests
MONTHLY VOLUMES OF THE BANK’S SHARES TRADED ON NSE AND BSE of such nature are generally processed within a period of fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of the relevant documents by
Month Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Datamatics Business Solutions Limited.
NSE 397746508 383200346 467992271 352788760 292233700 208520488 255630984 256002266 224469430 203209754 199359334 180153837
BSE 16827174 19576107 18633917 15615887 12671378 7964655 10715104 9850360 8821398 7724431 8602204 7216172 Please note that as per the amended SEBI Listing Regulations, with effect from April 1, 2019, any requests for transfer of securities
shall not be processed unless the securities are held in dematerialized form.
A) DIVIDENDS In case dividend paid by electronic mode is returned or Guidelines to file your claim of active bank account (details of which mentioned
Receipt of Dividends through Electronic mode rejected by the corresponding bank due to any reason t 'PS DMBJNJOH UIF TIBSFT BOE EJWJEFOE GSPN UIF by the claimant at the time of uploading the web
The SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure then the Bank will issue a dividend warrant and print the IEPF Authority, shareholders can make an online based form), and other documents as mentioned in
Requirements) Regulations, 2015 have directed that bank account details available in its records on the said web based application through MCA portal. the Form IEPF-5 to Nodal Officer (IEPF) of the Bank
listed companies shall mandatorily make all payments dividend warrant to avoid fraudulent encashment of the Shareholders need to register themselves on in an envelope marked “Claim for refund from IEPF
to investors including dividend to shareholders, by using warrants. The dividend warrant will be dispatched by the MCA portal by creating Login ID credentials. After Authority”. Certain information about the Bank
any RBI approved electronic mode of payment viz., Registrars at the registered address of the shareholder. successful login into MCA portal, shareholders which will have to be submitted are as under:
Electronic Clearing System (ECS), LECS (Local ECS), have to click on MCA services tab and choose
RECS (Regional ECS), NECS (National ECS), Direct Transfer of Equity Shares to Investor Education and IEPF- 5 option under “Investor Services” and follow (a) Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of
Credit, RTGS, NEFT etc. Protection Fund (IEPF) Authority the due process for filing the form. Company: L65920MH1994PLC080618
Pursuant to the applicable provisions of Section 124(6) of (b) Name of the Company: HDFC Bank Limited
In order to receive the dividend without loss of time (as and the Companies Act, 2013 all equity shares in respect of t 1SJOUPVUPGUIFEVMZýMMFE'PSN*&1'XJUIDMBJNBOU (c) Address of registered office of the company:
when declared by the Bank), all the eligible shareholders which dividend has / have remained unpaid or unclaimed and joint holders’ (if any) signature and along with HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg,
holding shares in demat mode are requested to update for consecutive seven (7) years, the corresponding the acknowledgment issued after uploading the Lower Parel (West), Mumbai 400013
with their respective Depository Participants, their equity shares have been transferred in the name of IEPF form will have to be submitted together with an (d) Email ID of the company:
correct core banking account number, including 9 digit Authority as notified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, indemnity bond in original, cancelled Cheque leaf
MICR Code and 11 digit IFSC Code, E-Mail ID and Mobile Government of India (MCA). The MCA has also notified
No(s). This will facilitate the remittance of the dividend the applicability of Section 124(6) along with the Investor
amount as directed by SEBI directly in the Bank Account Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting,
Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 with effect from Unclaimed Dividends
electronically. Updation of E-Mail IDs and Mobile No(s)
September 7, 2016 and Notification dated February As per the applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 read with the Investor Education and Protection Fund
will enable sending communication relating to credit of
28, 2017 issued in this regard (Collectively the “IEPF Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 (“IEPF Rules”), the Bank is statutorily required to transfer
dividend, unencashed dividend etc.
Rules”). As per said IEPF Rules, companies are required to the Investor Education & Protection Fund (IEPF) all dividends remaining unclaimed for a period of seven (7) years from
to transfer the equity shares to IEPF Authority where the date they became due for payment. Dividends for and up to the financial year ended March 31, 2013 have already
Shareholders holding shares in physical form may
seven years as provided under Section 124(5) of the been transferred to the IEPF and the dividend for the financial year ended March 31, 2014 will be transferred to IEPF
communicate details relating to their core banking
Companies Act, 2013 have been completed and upon around September 30, 2021. The details of unclaimed dividends for the financial year ended 2014 onwards and the last
account, viz., core banking account number, including 9
completion of 3 months from the date of the notification date for claiming such dividends are given below:
digit MICR Code and 11 digit IFSC Code, E- Mail ID and
Mobile No(s) to the Registrar and Share Transfer Agents as stated hereinabove.
viz., Datamatics Business Solutions Limited (formerly, Dividend for the year ended Date of Declaration of dividend Last date for claiming dividend
Datamatics Financial Services Limited,) having address In compliance with the aforesaid provision on November
at Plot No. B 5, Part B Crosslane, MIDC, Marol, Andheri 30, 2017, your Bank has transferred 5,524,448 equity March 31, 2014 June 25, 2014 June 24, 2021
(E), Mumbai-400 093, by quoting the reference folio shares to the Investor Education and Protection Fund
Authority, Ministry of Corporate Affairs account (IEPF) March 31, 2015 July 21, 2015 July 20, 2022
number and attaching a photocopy of the Cheque leaf
of their active core banking account and also a self- bearing demat account no 12047200 13676780 which March 31, 2016 July 21, 2016 July 20, 2023
attested copy of their PAN card and a self-attested copy is opened with SBI CAP Securities Ltd as Depository
of any one of the documents mentioned hereafter: utility Participant under the Central Depository Services March 31, 2017 July 24, 2017 July 23, 2024
payment bills (not more than three months old) / bank Limited (CDSL). As required under the said provisions
March 31, 2018 June 29, 2018 June 28, 2025
pass book / passport / driving license to validate their all subsequent corporate benefits that may accrue
present address. in relation to the above shares will also be credited to March 31, 2019 July 12, 2019 July 11, 2026
the said IEPF Authority. Bank has further transferred
Special Interim Dividend 2019-2020 July 20, 2019 July 19, 2026
Various modes for making payment of dividend under 828,846 and 710,122 equity shares to IEPF account
electronic mode: on April 12, 2019 and August 30, 2019 respectively.
During the year ended March 31, 2021 Bank has further
In case, the shareholder has updated core banking transferred 144,206 equity shares to IEPF account on B) SHARES LYING IN UNCLAIMED SUSPENSE ACCOUNT
account details (including 9 digit MICR Code and 11 digit August 25, 2020. The IEPF Authority, till March 31, 2021,
Particulars Records / No of shareholders Equity Shares (Face value of ` 1.00 each)
IFSC code) for the purpose of payment of dividend (as transferred 392,821 equity shares against the claims
and when declared by the Bank), then the Bank shall received by them from the shareholders. (Share figures Opening Balance as on April 1, 2020 4,070 1,718,878
make the payment of dividend to such shareholder reported are of the face value of ` 1.00 each).
Less: Claims received and shares transferred * 61 49,000
under any one of the following modes:
As per the terms of Section 124(6) of the Companies Act, Less: Shares transferred to IEPF account 0 0
1. National Automated Clearing House (NACH) 2013 and the Rule 7 of the IEPF Rules, the shareholders
2. National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) whose corresponding equity shares of the face value Closing Balance as on March 31, 2021 ** 4,009 1,669,878
of ` 1.00 each stand transferred to IEPF account can * Number of shareholders who approached the Bank for the transfer of shares from the suspense account.
3. Direct credit in case the shareholders have an claim those shares from IEPF Authority by making an ** Voting rights on these shares shall remain frozen till the rightful owners of such shares claim these shares
active Bank account with HDFC Bank Limited. online application in Form IEPF 5 which is available at
Disclaimer: The information set out herein above is included for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal or tax advice. Since
the tax consequences are dependent on facts and circumstances of each case, the investors are advised to consult their own tax consultant with
respect to specific tax implications arising out of receipt of dividend.
Registered Office
HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg,
Lower Parel, Mumbai – 400 013
Tel: + 91 22 6652 1000
Fax: + 91 22 2496 0737
Corporate Identification Number
Statutory Auditors (FY21)
MSKA & Associates,
Chartered Accountants
Registrars & Transfer Agents
Datamatics Business Solutions Limited
(Formerly Datamatics Financial Services Limited)
Plot No. B 5, Part B Crosslane, MIDC, Marol,
Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 093
Tel: + 91 22 6671 2213/14
Fax: + 91 22 6671 2011