Purcomm Finals Topics: Layout of A Formal Letter

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PurComm Finals Topics

Formal Letter Writing

How to Write Formal Letters

Help with formal and business letter writing. A summary of writing rules
including outlines for cover letters and letters of enquiry, and abbreviations used
in letters.

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• Layout of a formal letter

• Formal letter writing rules
• Content of a formal letter
• Abbreviations used in letter writing
• Outline for a covering letter
• Outline for a letter of enquiry

Layout of a Formal Letter

The example letter below shows you a general format for a formal or business
letter. Pass your mouse over the different areas of it to find out more information
(JavaScript needs to be turned on in your browser).

pg. 1
Rules for Writing Formal Letters in English

In English there are a number of conventions that should be used when

formatting a formal or business letter. Furthermore, you try to write as simply
and as clearly as possible, and not to make the letter longer than necessary.
Remember not to use informal language like contractions.

1) Your Address
The return address should be written in the top right-hand corner of the letter.

2) The Address of the person you are writing to

The inside address should be written on the left, starting below your address.

Different people put the date on different sides of the page. You can write this
on the right or the left on the line after the address you are writing to. Write the
month as a word.

Salutation or greeting:
1) Dear Sir or Madam,
If you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, use this. It is
always advisable to try to find out a name.

2) Dear Mr Jenkins,
If you know the name, use the title (Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms, Dr, etc.) and the
surname only. If you are writing to a woman and do not know if she uses Mrs
or Miss, you can use Ms, which is for married and single women.

Ending a letter:
1) Yours faithfully
If you do not know the name of the person, end the letter this way.

2) Yours sincerely
If you know the name of the person, end the letter this way.

3) Your signature
Sign your name, then print it underneath the signature. If you think the
person you are writing to might not know whether you are male of female, put
you title in brackets after your name.

pg. 2
Content of a Formal Letter

First paragraph
The first paragraph should be short and state the purpose of the letter- to
make an enquiry, complain, request something, etc.

The paragraph or paragraphs in the middle of the letter should contain the
relevant information behind the writing of the letter. Most letters in English are
not very long, so keep the information to the essentials and concentrate on
organising it in a clear and logical manner rather than expanding too much.

Last Paragraph
The last paragraph of a formal letter should state what action you expect the
recipient to take- to refund, send you information, etc.

Abbreviations Used in Letter Writing

The following abbreviations are widely used in letters:

• asap = as soon as possible

• cc = carbon copy (when you send a copy of a letter to more than one
person, you use this abbreviation to let them know)
• enc. = enclosure (when you include other papers with your letter)
• pp = per procurationem (A Latin phrase meaning that you are signing the
letter on somebody else's behalf; if they are not there to sign it
themselves, etc)
• ps = postscript (when you want to add something after you've finished
and signed it)
• pto (informal) = please turn over (to make sure that the other person
knows the letter continues on the other side of the page)
• RSVP = please reply

Outline: A Covering Letter

A covering letter is the one that accompanies your CV when you are applying
for a job. Here is a fairly conventional plan for the layout of the paragraphs.

Opening Paragraph
Briefly identify yourself and the position you are applying for. Add how you
found out about the vacancy.

Paragraph 2
Give the reasons why you are interested in working for the company and why
you wish to be considered for that particular post. State your relevant

pg. 3
qualifications and experience, as well as your personal qualities that make you
a suitable candidate.

Paragraph 3
Inform them that you have enclosed your current CV and add any further
information that you think could help your case.

Closing Paragraph
Give your availability for interview, thank them for their consideration, restate
your interest and close the letter.

Outline: A Letter of Enquiry

A letter of enquiry is when you are approaching a company speculatively, that

is you are making an approach without their having advertised or announced a

Opening Paragraph
Introduce yourself briefly and give your reason for writing. Let them know of
the kind of position you are seeking, why you are interested and how you heard
about them.

Paragraph 2
Show why their company in particular interests you, mention your
qualifications and experience along with any further details that might make
them interested in seeing you.

Paragraph 3
Refer to your enclosed CV and draw their attention to any particularly
important points you would like them to focus on in it.

Closing Paragraph
Thank them, explain your availability for interview and restate your
enthusiasm for their company and desire to be considered for posts that might
as yet be unavailable.

pg. 4
7th Edition
Common Reference Examples Guide

This guide contains examples of common APA Style references. Section numbers indicate where to find
the examples in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
For more information on references and reference examples, see Chapters 9 and 10 of the Publication
Manual as well as the Concise Guide to APA Style (7th ed.). Also see the Reference Examples pages on
the APA Style website.

Journal Article (Section 10.1)

Lachner, A., Backfisch, I., Hoogerheide, V., van Gog, T., & Renkl, A. (2020). Timing matters! Explaining
between study phases enhances students’ learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 112(4),
841–853. https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000396

Online Magazine Article (Section 10.1)

Gander, K. (2020, April 29). COVID-19 vaccine being developed in Australia raises antibodies to
neutralize virus in pre-clinical tests. Newsweek. https://www.newsweek.com/australia-covid-19-

Print Magazine Article (Section 10.1)

Nicholl, K. (2020, May). A royal spark. Vanity Fair, 62(5), 56–65, 100.

Online Newspaper Article (Section 10.1)

Roberts, S. (2020, April 9). Early string ties us to Neanderthals. The New York Times.

Print Newspaper Article (Section 10.1)

Reynolds, G. (2019, April 9). Different strokes for athletic hearts. The New York Times, D4.
Blog Post (Section 10.1)
Rutledge, P. (2019, March 11). The upside of social media. The Media Psychology Blog.

Authored Book (Section 10.2)

Kaufman, K. A., Glass, C. R., & Pineau, T. R. (2018). Mindful sport performance enhancement: Mental
training for athletes and coaches. American Psychological Association.

Edited Book Chapter (Section 10.3)

Zeleke, W. A., Hughes, T. L., & Drozda, N. (2020). Home–school collaboration to promote mind–body
health. In C. Maykel & M. A. Bray (Eds.), Promoting mind–body health in schools: Interventions for
mental health professionals (pp. 11–26). American Psychological Association.

Online Dictionary Entry (Section 10.3)

American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Internet addiction. In APA dictionary of psychology. Retrieved
April 24, 2020, from https://dictionary.apa.org/internet-addiction

Report by a Group Author (Section 10.4)

World Health Organization. (2014). Comprehensive implementation plan on maternal, infant and young
child nutrition. https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/113048/WHO_NMH_NHD_14.1_

Report by Individual Authors (Section 10.4)

Winthrop, R., Ziegler, L., Handa, R., & Fakoya, F. (2019). How playful learning can help leapfrog progress
in education. Center for Universal Education at Brookings. https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/

Press Release (Section 10.4)

American Psychological Association. (2020, March 2). APA reaffirms psychologists’ role in combating
climate change [Press release]. https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2020/03/combating-

Conference Session (Section 10.5)

Davidson, R. J. (2019, August 8–11). Well-being is a skill [Conference session]. APA 2019 Convention,
Chicago, IL, United States. https://irp-cdn.multiscreensite.com/a5ea5d51/files/uploaded/APA2019_

Dissertation From a Database (Section 10.6)
Horvath-Plyman, M. (2018). Social media and the college student journey: An examination of how social
media use impacts social capital and affects college choice, access, and transition (Publication No.
10937367) [Doctoral dissertation, New York University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

Preprint Article (Section 10.8)

Latimier, A., Peyre, H., & Ramus, F. (2020). A meta-analytic review of the benefit of spacing out retrieval
practice episodes on retention. PsyArXiv. https://psyarxiv.com/kzy7u/

Data Set (Section 10.9)

O’Donohue, W. (2017). Content analysis of undergraduate psychology textbooks (ICPSR 21600; Version V1)
[Data set]. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research.

Film or Video (Section 10.12)

Doctor, P., & Del Carmen, R. (Directors). (2015). Inside out [Film]. Walt Disney Pictures; Pixar Animation

TV Series Episode (Section 10.12)

Dippold, K. (Writer), & Trim, M. (Director). (2011, April 14). Fancy party (Season 3, Episode 9) [TV series
episode]. In G. Daniels, H. Klein, D. Miner, & M. Schur (Executive Producers), Parks and recreation.
Deedle-Dee Productions; Fremulon; 3 Arts Entertainment; Universal Media Studios.

Webinar (Section 10.12)

Kamin, H. S., Lee, C. L., & McAdoo, T. L. (2020). Creating references using seventh edition APA Style
[Webinar]. American Psychological Association. https://apastyle.apa.org/instructional-aids/tutorials-

YouTube Video (Section 10.12)

Above The Noise. (2017, October 18). Can procrastination be a good thing? [Video]. YouTube.

Song or Track (Section 10.13)

Nirvana. (1991). Smells like teen spirit [Song]. On Nevermind. DGC.

Radio Broadcast (Section 10.13)

Hersher, R. (2020, March 19). Spring starts today all over America, which is weird [Radio broadcast]. NPR.
https://www.npr.org/2020/03/19/817237429/spring-starts-today-all-over america-which-is-weird

Podcast Episode (Section 10.13)
Santos, L. (Host). (n.d.). Psychopaths and superheroes (No. 1) [Audio podcast episode]. In The happiness
lab with Dr. Laurie Santos. Pushkin Industries. https://www.happinesslab.fm/season-2-episodes/

Infographic (Section 10.14)

American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Data sharing [Infographic]. https://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/

PowerPoint From a Classroom Website (Section 10.14)

Mack, R., & Spake, G. (2018). Citing open source images and formatting references for presentations
[PowerPoint slides]. Canvas@FNU. https://fnu.onelogin.com/login

Tweet (Section 10.15)

Obama, B. [@BarackObama]. (2020, April 7). It’s World Health Day, and we owe a profound debt of
gratitude to all our medical professionals. They’re still giving [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/

Open Educational Resource (Section 10.16)

Fagan, J. (2019, March 25). Nursing clinical brain. OER Commons. Retrieved January 7, 2020, from

Webpage (Section 10.16)

Chandler, N. (2020, April 9). What’s the difference between Sasquatch and Bigfoot? howstuffworks.

Webpage on a News Website (Section 10.16)

Machado, J., & Turner, K. (2020, March 7). The future of feminism. Vox. https://www.vox.com/

Webpage With a Retrieval Date (Section 10.16)

Center for Systems Science and Engineering. (2020, May 6). COVID-19 dashboard by the Center for
Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU). Johns Hopkins
University & Medicine, Coronavirus Resource Center. Retrieved May 6, 2020, from https://


American Psychological Association. (2021). Common
reference examples guide.
Last updated March 23, 2021 https://apastyle.apa.org/instructional-aids/
More information on APA Style can be found in the Publication Manual of the
American Psychological Association (7th ed.) and the Concise Guide to APA We thank Traci Giuliano, of Southwestern University, for
Style (7th ed.). providing the inspiration for this content.
Johnson & Hanson.

March, 18 2000

Managing Director,
SKY Solutions,
Glasgow, UK

Dear Mr.Karensky:

We, at Johnson & Hanson are delighted to be associated with you. We congratulate you on the launch of
your new product.

We regret to inform you that we have not received a copy of your contract with us as was promised by
you. We need to see the actual copy to decide on further action regarding your proposal. It will be of
immense help if you look into the matter at the earliest. Any further delay from your side will only result
in wasting precious time since our course of action depends on the terms mentioned in the contract.
Hence we request you to send us a copy at the earliest.

We look forward to your communication. You can call me on 1600 678 for any further clarifications.

Thank you.

Sincerely Yours,

Lisa Doe
Lisa Doe

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