Implementing The Paris Agreement: LDC Gaps and Needs in Greenhouse Gas Inventory Reporting
Implementing The Paris Agreement: LDC Gaps and Needs in Greenhouse Gas Inventory Reporting
Implementing The Paris Agreement: LDC Gaps and Needs in Greenhouse Gas Inventory Reporting
Paris Agreement
LDC gaps and needs in greenhouse
gas inventory reporting
Anna Schulz, Fernanda Alcobé and Gebru Jember Endalew
May 2021 Capacity building, Least Developed Countries (LDCs),
Paris Agreement, transparency, United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
About the authors Partner organisation
Anna Schulz is a principal researcher in IIED’s Climate Change The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based
Group. international, inter-governmental organisation dedicated to
supporting and promoting strong, inclusive, and sustainable
Fernanda Alcobé is a researcher in IIED’s Climate Change
economic growth in alignment with SDGs and NDCs in
Group. Contact:
developing countries and emerging economies. GGGI currently
Gebru Jember Endalew is the regional lead on Measurement, has 39 members and operations in more than 40 countries.
Reporting and Verification, Climate Diplomacy and Institutional (
Strengthening at GGGI’s Regional Office for Africa and Europe.
Produced by IIED’s Climate Change The authors would like to thank Brianna Craft, Illari Aragon,
group Tshewang Dorji and Clare Shakya for their comments and
inputs during the review process. Thank you also to Lucy
The Climate Change Group works with partners to help
Southwood, Jérémy Davis, Laura Jenks and Judith Fisher for
secure fair and equitable solutions to climate change by
providing editing, proofreading and design support. We are
combining appropriate support for adaptation by the poor in
pleased to acknowledge GGGI for supporting the research
low- and middle-income countries, with ambitious and practical
work for this piece conducted by Anna Schulz during her
mitigation targets. The work of the Climate Change Group
remit there.
focuses on achieving the following objectives:
This publication has been reviewed according to IIED’s
• Supporting public planning processes in delivering climate
peer review policy, which sets out a rigorous, documented
resilient development outcomes for the poorest
and accountable process. The reviewers were Tshewang
• Supporting climate change negotiators from poor and Dorji, former policy analyst at Climate Analytics, and Illari
vulnerable countries for equitable, balanced and multilateral Aragon, researcher at IIED. For further information, see
solutions to climate change
• Building capacity to act on the implications of changing
ecology and economics for equitable and climate-resilient
development in the drylands.
Summary4 3.2 Strengthening governance systems 22
3.3 Overcoming technical challenges 22
1 Introduction 7 3.4 Access to finance 23
1.1 Evolution of transparency arrangements 8
1.2 Requirements and flexibilities 9 4 Looking forward 24
1.3 Scope and methodology 11 4.1 Recommendations for UNFCCC bodies and
financial mechanisms 25
2 LDC transparency reporting: state of play 12 4.2 Recommendations for LDCs 25
2.1 Classifying self-identified capacity gaps
and needs 13 Acronyms26
2.2 Understanding capacity gaps 15
Related reading 27
2.3 Understanding capacity needs 17
Notes and references 28
3 Enhancing LDC reporting: preparing for
the ETF 20
3.1 Understanding the relationship between
gaps and needs 21 3
Implementing the Paris Agreement | LDC gaps and needs in GHG inventory reporting
With the first reports under the Enhanced Transparency • They play a crucial policy role, providing information
Framework (ETF) due in 2024, all countries are to assess the effectiveness of mitigation policies
preparing to meet the new and more stringent biennial and measures at national and global levels and for
reporting requirements. This is particularly challenging modelling future emissions, making them a key input
for developing countries, and the world’s Least of nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and
Developed Countries (LDCs) will need continuous and long-term planning, and
sustained capacity building support in this process.
• Understanding current reporting constraints and
needs provides a basis for assessing LDC capacity
Box 1. What is the ETF? needs for reporting under ETF modalities and
guidelines and for informing capacity building plans
The ETF is a transparency mechanism for reporting and programmes.
countries’ progress on mitigation and adaptation
actions, and support provided and/or received.
The information countries present under the ETF
An overview of LDC
will feed into the Global Stocktake, the mechanism transparency reporting
developed to assess collective progress towards
achieving the Paris Agreement’s long-term goals. By March 2020, all 47 LDCs1 had submitted their first
Full implementation of the ETF is key to enhancing national communication (NC), 40 their second, 14 their
national and global ambition, and to operationalising third and one its fourth. Only six had submitted their first
and bringing credibility to the Paris Agreement. biennial update report (BUR). LDC reporting has been
much less frequent than the recommended four- and
two-year intervals. The average time lapse between
The Paris Agreement recommends that capacity
the first and second NCs was ten years. Those that
building actions be country-driven, based on national
have submitted three NCs closed the gap between the
needs and guided by lessons learned during the United
second and third submission to seven years on average.
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Forty countries submitted their first NC between 1997
(UNFCCC) reporting process. This paper uses a
and 2007; the other seven, between 2012 and 2020.
comparative analysis of information from national reports
to the UNFCCC to understand LDCs’ current capacity
constraints and needs for reporting their greenhouse
Capacity gaps
gas (GHG) inventories, one of three mandatory To compare quantitative information between countries
reporting elements of the ETF. It also aims to inform and reports, we divided capacity gaps into five
the development of capacity building initiatives to help clusters: lack of data, data quality, data management,
LDCs implement the ETF. methodological issues and institutional issues. We
found that LDCs faced multiple capacity constraints
Methodology across all of these. As well as struggling to obtain
the quantity and quality of data required, many LDCs
Analysing more than 20 years of LDC transparency reported a lack of or informal institutional arrangements
reports under the UNFCCC, we collected their self- and data management systems, making it difficult to
identified capacity gaps, constraints and needs in coordinate, gather and process data across multiple
reporting their GHG inventories. We focused on GHG agencies, and therefore estimate all the relevant
inventories because: inventory categories. When available, data were often
contradictory, uncertain, not for public use, or lacked
• They are a reporting requirement for all mandatory
the level of disaggregation necessary to prepare a
reports under the ETF
complete and accurate GHG inventory. Technical
• All Parties use the same methodological framework to difficulties included a lack of expertise to understand the
create their inventories, facilitating comparisons and guidelines, use the software, or develop country-specific
allowing us to assess progress and needs emission factors that would reduce uncertainty and
increase the accuracy of national GHG inventories.
IIED Issue paper
2015 Parties sign the Paris Agreement and establish the ETF, applicable to all countries
2018 Parties adopt the modalities, procedures and guidelines (MPGs) for the ETF
2024 First biennial transparency report (BTR) is due, replacing the BUR and BR 5
Implementing the Paris Agreement | LDC gaps and needs in GHG inventory reporting
To understand how to frame transparency-related LDC • Ensure LDCs get the long-term financial and
capacity building actions, we can organise gaps and technical resources they need to improve the
needs into two interlinked components: frequency and quality of their GHG inventory reports,
1. The governance systems and institutional
arrangements that need to be in place to ensure • Simplify procedures, reduce bureaucracy and
continuous reporting, and streamline the approval process so countries receive
timely funds.
2. The technical aspects of obtaining the information
they need to fulfil the mandatory and non-mandatory To meet reporting requirements under the ETF, LDCs
requirements established under the ETF. need more accurate and reliable data. So, assuming
they get stronger guidance and support we also
Using this approach, it becomes clear, for example,
recommend that, to prepare for future reports, LDCs:
that strengthening governance would help LDCs
submit reports on time, while technical support can • Undertake more detailed and structured gaps
help them overcome constraints on fulfilling reporting and needs analysis to guide capacity building
requirements. Having access to financial resources actions and better inform the UNFCCC process,
would help with both aspects. capacity building initiatives and potential funders
• Institutionalise the reporting process, building on
existing resources and structures to reduce costs and
time to ensure more sustainable systems and seeking
Our analysis points to certain actions that could
high-level political buy-in to foster better engagement
increase LDC capacities and improve LDC reporting.
and coordination across stakeholders, facilitate
Direct support to build in-country capacity would
primary data collection and development and build a
change reporting dynamics and help LDCs shift from
solid transparency system
a fly-in, fly-out consultant model to a nationally-owned
institutionalised process. We therefore recommend that • Increase technical capacity to support and
the main UNFCCC bodies and financing mechanisms implement governance systems through country-led
involved in ETF implementation: training, extending capacity building programmes
to other national and local stakeholders to expand
• Develop methodological guidelines for reporting
domestic capacities.
on gaps and needs in line with the ETF
IIED Issue paper
1 7
Implementing the Paris Agreement | LDC gaps and needs in GHG inventory reporting
On adopting the Paris Agreement, Parties to the United Based on a comparative analysis of information from
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change national reports to the UNFCCC, this paper aims to
(UNFCCC) agreed to reach net zero emissions by 2050 understand LDCs’ capacity building gaps and needs for
to maintain the global average temperature increase greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory reporting. It also aims
well below 2oC higher than pre-industrial levels and to inform the development of capacity building initiatives
pursue efforts to keep it below 1.5oC. As part of these to support LDCs to implement the ETF.
efforts, they agreed to present nationally determined
contributions (NDCs) — national plans with ambitious
objectives to transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient
1.1 Evolution of
economy — and established the Enhanced Transparency transparency arrangements
Framework (ETF).
When they signed the UNFCCC in 1992, Parties
The ETF is a transparency mechanism to report
committed to reduce GHG emissions, communicate
countries’ progress on mitigation and adaptation
regularly on their GHG emission performance, and
actions and support provided and/or received. The
provide information on measures undertaken to mitigate
information presented under the ETF will feed into
and adapt to climate change.4 Since then, they have
the Global Stocktake, the mechanism developed to
presented this, alongside other information relevant
assess collective progress towards achieving the Paris
to implementing the UNFCCC, in the form of national
Agreement’s long-term goals. Full implementation of
communications (NCs). Reporting requirements are
the ETF will be key to enhancing national and global
different for developed and developing countries: the
ambition and operationalising and bringing credibility
former need to include more information and greater
to the Paris Agreement.
detail — for example, on policies, measures and
As 2024 — the first ETF reporting deadline — projections. They must also present annual, standalone
approaches, all countries are preparing to meet the new GHG inventory reports. Their NCs and national GHG
and more stringent biennial reporting requirements. inventory reports are all subject to review. Developing
This is particularly challenging for developing countries, countries do not need to present a GHG inventory
especially the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), who report, providing this information within their NC instead.
will need continuous and sustained capacity building
To improve the transparency of mitigation actions
support to meet them.
and their effects, all Parties agreed in 2010 to submit
The LDCs are the world’s 461 poorest and most NCs every four years and provide an update on this
vulnerable countries. They are highly vulnerable to both information every two years.5 For developed countries,
economic and environmental shocks and have low levels these updates take the form of biennial reports
of human assets and per capita income.2 Thirty-three (BRs), and for developing countries, biennial update
LDCs are in Africa, eight are in Asia, and five are Small reports (BURs). In their BR, developed countries are
Island Developing States — four in the Pacific and one in required to submit summary information focused on
the Caribbean. mitigation targets, progress towards these targets
and provision of support. They still present annual
Recognising the new reporting challenges for
GHG inventory reports. Developing countries update
developing countries, the Paris Agreement calls
their GHG inventories, mitigation actions, needs
for continuous support to build their transparency-
and support received within their BUR. LDCs retain
related capacities,3 and establishes special provisions
additional flexibility to submit their NCs and BURs at
for LDCs. The ETF also has reporting flexibilities
their discretion.
for developing countries that need them. However,
many LDCs already struggle to implement the Also in 2010, Parties established the International
current transparency framework, commonly known Consultation and Analysis (ICA) and International
as the monitoring reporting and verification (MRV) Assessment and Review (IAR) processes for
arrangements. And they will need additional support to developing and developed countries, respectively.
ensure their successful transition to the ETF. Under the ICA, a group of technical experts analyses
the BURs and prepares a technical report, followed
According to the Paris Agreement, capacity building
by a question-and-answer session called a facilitative
actions should be country-driven, based on national
sharing of views. Aimed at increasing clarity and
needs and guided by lessons learned during the
effectiveness of developing countries’ mitigation actions
UNFCCC reporting process. Understanding LDCs’
and other information provided in the BURs, the ICA
capacity constraints and needs is therefore crucial so
process marked the first time developing countries
they can start preparing for the ETF.
were engaged in a technical analysis process. The
IIED Issue paper 9
Implementing the Paris Agreement | LDC gaps and needs in GHG inventory reporting
The BTR is at the core of the Paris Agreement. It will addressed in a sustainable way, their reporting will
be an input for the Global Stocktake, where countries be crucial to ensure subsequent Global Stocktakes
will assess, every five years, their collective progress create a full picture of what has been accomplished at
towards achieving the Paris Agreement goals. The global level.
first stocktake is due in 2023. If LDC limitations are
Table 2. GHG inventory reporting requirements for developing countries, by report type
Notes: For requirements in bold, developing countries with capacity limitations are granted flexibility in reporting. CO2 = carbon dioxide;
N2O = nitrous oxide; CH4 = methane; HFCs = hydrofluorocarbons; PFCs = perfluorocarbons; SF6 = sulphur hexafluoride;
NF3 =nitrogen trifluoride
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Implementing the Paris Agreement | LDC gaps and needs in GHG inventory reporting
LDC transparency
reporting: state of play
IIED Issue paper
First NC 47
Second NC 40
Type of report
Third NC 14
Fourth NC 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Number of LDCs 13
Implementing the Paris Agreement | LDC gaps and needs in GHG inventory reporting
Box 2. Definitions
National GHG inventory report: Document per litre of diesel consumed. We use emission factors
containing sectoral and total human-induced domestic to convert activity data into emissions. Emission
GHG emissions for a certain year or period, including factors are often based on a sample of measurement
data and methodologies used to prepare the data, averaged to develop a rate of emissions for a
estimates. It also includes a set of standard reporting unit of a certain activity.
tables and should be prepared following agreed IPCC
Estimation methods: The most common simple
methodological guidelines.
methodological approach to estimate emissions is
Sectors, categories and subcategories: GHG combining activity data with relevant emission factors.
emission and removal estimates are divided into The basic equation is:
five main sectors: energy, industrial processes and
emissions = AD * EF
product use, agriculture, LULUCF and waste. Each
sector comprises individual categories (such as The 2006 IPCC guidelines include more complex
transport in energy or rice cultivation in agriculture) modelling approaches that could represent better
and subcategories (such as cars or irrigated land). processes and national circumstances.
Countries follow IPCC methodologies to build their
Uncertainty: GHG inventories are based on
inventories, starting from the more disaggregated
emissions estimates, which may have different levels
subcategory level and then adding these together into
of uncertainty — and the bigger the uncertainty, the
categories and sectors to calculate total emissions.
less reliable the estimates. Uncertainty depends on
Time series: A sequence of annual GHG inventory the quality and quantity of data and on knowledge
estimates — for example, each year from 2010 of the underlying processes and methods used in
to 2015. the estimates.
Activity data (AD): Data on the magnitude of a Secondary data source: Information not produced
human activity resulting in emissions or removals — for or collected for the main purpose of developing the
example, fuel consumption, metal production, land national GHG inventory — for example, published
areas or fertiliser use — taking place in a given period. studies, scientific literature and regional or global
databases from international organisations.
Emission factor (EF): A coefficient that quantifies
the emissions or removals of a gas per unit activity. Source: Based on Eggleston et al. 2006.8
For example, kilogrammes of carbon dioxide emitted
IIED Issue paper
2.2 Understanding second report but not in the third. That could be due
to a change of team and/or general strategy or plan for
capacity gaps preparing the GHG inventory section, or down to a lack
of guidance on how to report capacity gaps in NCs.10
The analysis showed that 70% of LDCs self-identified
The data showed that self-identified capacity gaps
capacity gaps in their first NC, at least in one of the
increased over time in all five clusters, but particularly
five clusters. That figure grew to 93% in the second NC,
for lack of data and methodological issues (Figure 3).
falling to 80% for those who reported a third NC. All
Analysis of the disaggregated issues in each cluster
BURs reported self-identified gaps, possibly because
showed that, although several countries identified lack
the UNFCCC reporting guidelines contain advice on
of data as a problem, few (25% in the first NC and 45%
reporting on capacity-related issues.9 The reduction
in the third) disaggregated this information to issues
in self-identified capacity gaps in the third NCs is
such as type of data or sector.
caused by several countries that identified gaps in the
Lack of data Data quality Methodological Data Institutional
issues management issues 15
Implementing the Paris Agreement | LDC gaps and needs in GHG inventory reporting
IIED Issue paper
2.3 Understanding
of inventory results. The absence of country-specific
emission factors for different categories meant that
countries could not use the more complex methods
provided in the IPCC guidelines, which can produce capacity needs
more accurate estimates.
The study showed that, in general, LDCs identified the
A few countries reported that unfamiliarity with the IPCC capacity constraints they face in undertaking their GHG
guidelines and inventory software used to estimate inventories in more detail than their capacity needs.
emissions made it difficult for them to prepare the Few countries presented a detailed plan for addressing
inventories, while some pointed to a lack of technical their capacity building needs to improve future
modelling expertise. An incomplete understanding GHG inventory preparation described by sector and
of the processes or variables that cause GHG categories. This was at least partly because of a lack of
emissions from different activities — such as the impact reporting guidance on how to do this. Some reported
of farm management practices on rice cultivation their needs as part of a broader reporting capacity
emissions — also posed difficulties in identifying and needs analysis that included adaptation, mitigation
applying appropriate models for estimating emissions. and finance. Our analysis showed, however, that self-
identification of needs grew steadily over the years, with
Institutional challenges 61% of countries reporting needs in the first NC, 84%
in the second NC, and 92% in the third.
The most common institutional constraints reported
were a lack of coordination between ministries or Across the three NCs, countries consistently identified
other national organisations involved in preparing the strengthening data management systems and increasing
inventory and a lack of institutional structure. Several human resources as their most important capacity
countries said they struggled to involve all the necessary needs. Access to financial resources became more
organisations in the process and to coordinate the important, particularly between the second and third
activities between them, which made it difficult to collect NC rounds, with an increase of almost 50% of countries
and report data in the right format and a timely manner. stressing the need to access financial resources to
improve their reporting (Figure 5). This may also reflect
The lack of institutional structures, support and
an increasing understanding of capacity gaps and
administrative or legal texts, such as decrees or laws,
needs over time, including the need for significant and
also made it hard for countries to ensure they undertook
sustained financial and capacity building support to
national GHG inventory processes on a regular basis. A
address the new demand.
formal and institutionalised framework, with clear roles
and responsibilities, can: In their NCs and BURs, countries have increasingly
raised the need to generate good quality primary
• Ensure the participation of all relevant government and
data — both activity data and local emission factors —
private entities in preparing the GHG inventory
to reduce uncertainty in their inventories. Some have
• Define and operationalise a data management system carried out studies to enhance their understanding of
for compiling the GHG inventory, and GHG emissions in different production activities under
local conditions; others have prioritised the need to
• Provide continuity between NC and BTR cycles.
collect new data in different sectors to fill the data gap
Figure 4 shows an example of such a framework. and improve the completeness of their inventory. 17
18 Figure 4. Somalia’s proposed national GHG inventory institutional arrangements
Implementing the Paris Agreement | LDC gaps and needs in GHG inventory reporting
Agriculture, forestry and other
Nongovernmental organisations and land use compilers
United Nations organisations
Industrial processes and
Environmental agencies product use compilers
International organisations
Nongovernmental organisations
Task group Task group Task group Task group Task group Task group Task group for Task group
for energy for transport for agriculture for LULUCF for waste for IPPU climatic data for soil data
subsector subsector subsector subsector sector subsector subsector subsector
Primary data Strengthen Increase human Access to Access to
generation institutional capacity technology financial resources
Strengthening institutional arrangements was one Several countries also reported the need to increase
of the highest priority areas for ensuring a continuous human capacity, both in terms of numbers and
flow of information between institutions involved in skills, to improve their inventories. This includes
inventory preparation. Specifically, countries highlighted training government staff to collect and analyse data
the need to: and improve the quality of activity data and emission
factors used to generate the inventory. Some said they
• Standardise data collection by developing manuals
need training on how to use the IPCC guidelines and
and formats that are consistent with the 2006 IPCC
software, and other relevant computer systems, or
guidelines and training sectoral institutions in how to
access to better technological resources — including
use them
computers, software and internet connections — to
• Automate and upgrade data collection and processing be able to process the data and prepare reports.
facilities, modernise information systems and improve Finally, several countries outlined their need to access
the process through data verification financial resources. Among other things, this
would allow them to improve the quality of activity
• Formalise and institutionalise the collection and
data, develop national emission factors, or properly
reporting process, assigning clear roles and
operationalise the institutional arrangements.
responsibilities to the institutions involved, and
• Develop robust archiving systems to facilitate future
inventory compilations. 19
Implementing the Paris Agreement | LDC gaps and needs in GHG inventory reporting
Enhancing LDC
reporting: preparing
for the ETF
IIED Issue paper
Gaps Needs
Governance aspects Institutional issues Strengthening institutional
Data management arrangements
Access to
Technical aspects Lack of data Primary data generation financial
Data quality Access to technology resources
Methodological issues Increase human capacity 21
Implementing the Paris Agreement | LDC gaps and needs in GHG inventory reporting
3.2 Strengthening 3.3 Overcoming
governance systems technical challenges
LDCs face difficulties in establishing or enhancing Technical aspects also affect countries’ ability to fulfil all
domestic institutional arrangements. Most rely on their reporting requirements. The scarcity of adequate
consultants, using a fly-in, fly-out approach, to prepare primary data reduces the quality of LDC inventories,
reports without strong links to national institutions. mainly in terms of accuracy and completeness.
This ad hoc approach has also weakened institutional According to the IPCC guidelines, complete
memory, as each new consultant group starts almost inventories report emissions for all gases, sectors and
from scratch when collecting data and preparing categories, and accurate inventories neither over- nor
estimations. This, in turn, causes delays in reporting. underestimate emissions.
With the increased reporting frequency established by When countries cannot gather activity data or obtain
the BURs and continued by the BTRs, countries must emission factors for some categories, they cannot
move from this project-based approach to reporting fully estimate emissions of some sectors. This leads
to a more institutionalised approach that supports to incomplete inventories. The impact of the missing
more frequent reporting. They need to build in-house categories on total emissions depends on the
capacity, develop domestic institutional reporting importance of those categories and their corresponding
arrangements and build institutional memory for sectors in the country. The sectors that correlate with
transparency processes. For national GHG inventories, main economic activities are generally more relevant
this includes establishing procedures and arrangements in terms of emissions. LDC economies are usually
for collecting, documenting, preparing quality checks highly dependent on farming, grazing and forest-related
on, and archiving data, as well as for preparing the activities, so agriculture and land use are often the most
inventory reports. relevant sectors in their GHG inventories.
But experience from developed countries shows But these sectors are also the most challenging to
that, even with the right resources, building reporting estimate and report on, due to their dual function of
capacity and developing the ability to meet deadlines being both sources and sinks of emissions, the multiple
takes time. It took developed countries 16 years methods for understanding and representing the fluxes
to improve from 30% of countries (13) submitting of gases in natural systems, and, in some cases, the
their NCs on time in the third round14 to 65% (28) in difficulty of attributing emissions to anthropogenic or
the seventh,15 with 12 of the 15 outstanding reports natural causes. In most LDCs, these are also informal
submitted within a year of the deadline. This progress sectors, where statistics are scarce and a variety of
is mainly the result of a steady improvement of national management practices and production models coexist
institutional arrangements, which has allowed most that are not always well documented and studied. This
developed countries to report in a timely manner and adds complexity to the estimations. For example, the
with the required level of detail. IPCC guidelines lack methodologies and emission
factors that are suitable for traditional agriculture in
From 2010, developing countries were required to
Nepal, and the country has not yet the capacity to
submit their NCs every four years, conditional to the
develop its own.13
availability of financial resources. With the introduction
of the BUR, the reporting cycle was reduced to every When activity data are available but the quality of
two years. The same frequency has been established for information is low, or when countries mainly use
the BTR from 2024, although LDCs can submit at their generic or default emission factors in their calculations,
discretion. Most LDCs have needed more than double it increases uncertainty, reducing the accuracy of
the expected time to report their NCs; only 30% have inventory results. This means that the real emissions
been able to present a third NC and only 15% have of the category or sector can be significantly higher
submitted a BUR. So, it is highly probable that they will or lower than the estimates, which would impact on
not find it easy to transition into the ETF with the new global GHG emissions figures and progress achieved
reporting requirements. Like developed countries before towards global emissions reduction goals. And as
them, LDCs will need both time and support to develop one of the objectives of GHG inventories is to inform
a system that is adapted to their reporting needs and and guide national mitigation actions, it affects the
domestic circumstances. robustness of the inventory and can mislead domestic
decision making.
IIED Issue paper 23
Implementing the Paris Agreement | LDC gaps and needs in GHG inventory reporting
Looking forward
IIED Issue paper
4.1 Recommendations
stronger guidance on reporting gaps and needs,
LDCs could undertake more detailed and structured
for UNFCCC bodies and gaps and needs analysis in future reports. Not only
would this guide capacity building actions, it would
financial mechanisms also better inform the UNFCCC process, capacity
building initiatives and potential funders. Including
Provide guidance for gaps and needs reporting: such assessments in the planning stage of the GHG
LDC capacity building gaps and needs have increased inventory process would ensure countries collect
and evolved over time in response to their gained information from all stages of the inventory cycle.
experience in UNFCCC reporting. However, they were
Institutionalise the reporting process: Institutional
not consistently reported and many LDCs collected and
arrangements that respond to national circumstances
reported more detailed information on gaps than needs.
and priorities and build on existing resources and
This does not mean they have fewer needs; it probably
structures will reduce costs and time and ensure more
reflects a lack of guidance. To support LDCs, the CGE
sustainable reporting. It is important that decision
could develop methodological guidelines for reporting
makers understand the benefits of strong governance
on gaps and needs in line with the ETF. By facilitating a
systems and institutional arrangements for international
more systematic approach, such guidelines would help
reporting and national policy development. And as
countries monitor progress and assess their capacity
institutional setups involve multiple ministries and
building efforts.
organisations across government and nongovernmental
Improving financial and technical support: LDCs institutions, LDCs should seek high-level political buy-in
need timely, sustained financial and technical support to foster better engagement and coordination across
to improve the frequency and quality of their inventory stakeholders and facilitate primary data collection
reports, and UNFCCC mechanisms and initiatives and development. Establishing multistakeholder
have an important role to play in ensuring they receive commissions or other national coordination forums can
it. Simplifying the GEF’s procedures during the project help build a solid transparency system.
cycle, reducing bureaucracy and streamlining the
Increase technical capacity: Training can help
approval process so countries receive funds within
LDCs collect and develop primary data, understand
six months of submitting a project proposal would
and implement IPCC guidelines, and prepare GHG
be good starting points.
inventory reports. But to be effective and sustainable,
Allowing one funding application to support multiple capacity building activities must be country-led,
reporting cycles would also speed up reporting. With adapted to national conditions and structures, and
NDCs at the core of the BTRs, it is important for the responsive to their reporting objectives and priorities.
GEF to finance a package of at least three BTRs LDCs should also explore extending capacity building
(six years) to match a five-year NDC cycle. programmes to other stakeholders to expand domestic
capacities. Involving universities, research institutes
As a GEF capacity building entity, the CBIT has a
and nongovernmental organisations in the inventory
crucial role in helping LDCs address technical gaps and
process can improve data collection and archiving,
strengthen their national inventory arrangements. By
facilitate the development of emission factors, increase
providing direct support to build in-country capacity, the
the number of national experts, and contribute to
CBIT could be instrumental in changing LDC reporting
institutional memory.
dynamics and helping them move from a fly-in, fly-out
consultant model to a nationally owned institutionalised
process. It can also facilitate access to capacity building
by including a separate funding stream designed to
respond to LDC needs and circumstances. 25
Implementing the Paris Agreement | LDC gaps and needs in GHG inventory reporting
AD activity data
BR biennial report
BTR biennial transparency report
BUR biennial update report
CBIT Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency
CGE Consultative Group of Experts
EF emission factor
ETF Enhanced Transparency Framework
GEF Global Environment Facility
GHG greenhouse gases
GPG good practice guidance
IAR International Assessment and Review
ICA International Consultation and Analysis
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
LDCs Least Developed Countries
LULUCF land use, land-use change and forestry
MPGs modalities, procedures and guidelines
MRV monitoring reporting and verification
NC national communication
NDCs nationally determined contributions
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
IIED Issue paper
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Barakat, S, Abeysinghe, A, Dagnet, Y, Endalew,
J G, Jallow, B P, More, C H, Dorji, T and Verkuijl,
C (2017) A guide to transparency under the
UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement. IIED Toolkit. See
Aragon, I and Dorji, T (2019) Meeting the enhanced
transparency framework: what next for the LDCs? IIED
Briefing. See 27
Implementing the Paris Agreement | LDC gaps and needs in GHG inventory reporting
IIED Issue paper 29
From 2024, all countries will face more stringent reporting
requirements on their climate action under the Paris
Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF).
For developing countries — and the Least Developed
Countries (LDCs) in particular — it is a big step up from
existing arrangements. This paper analyses over 20 years of
LDC reports to the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change to understand their current capacity
constraints and needs for greenhouse gas inventory
reporting, which becomes mandatory under the ETF. It
provides recommendations to build in-country capacity,
change reporting dynamics and help LDCs shift from
a ‘fly-in, fly-out’ consultant model to a nationally-owned
institutionalised process.
Funded by Products
This report was produced with the generous support of the Swedish
International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). However, the
views expressed do not necessarily represent those of Sida