TMC Temperature Controller: Rev. B

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M O O G GmbH • D7030 Böblingen • Hanns-Klemm-Straße 28 • Telefon (07031)622-0 • Telex 7265777 • Fax


A 62253E Rev. B
1. General Introduction ................................................................................. 4
1.1 Temperature Controller Cards ................................................................ 4
1.2 Temperature Control Loop (Channel) ..................................................... 5
1.3 Special Features .................................................................................... 7

2. Technical Data ............................................................................................ 8

3. Construction Possibilities....................................................................... 11
3.1 VME/PLC-Chassis D143-600-A004 ..................................................... 11
3.2 Temperature Controller Extension Chassis D143-700-A004 ................ 11

4. Installation ................................................................................................ 12
4.1 Addressing the Temperature Controller Card ....................................... 12
4.2 Connector Layout and Connector Examples ........................................ 13
4.2.1 Connections via connector ............................................................ 13
4.2.2 Connector X1 (A/O) - Supply and control exits .............................. 14
4.2.3 Connector X2 (E/I) - Thermo-inputs and Cold junctions................. 16
4.2.4 Connector X3 (RS-485/422 Interface) ........................................... 18
4.3 Temperature controller extensions ....................................................... 19

5. Operating.................................................................................................. 20
5.1 Setup and Supervision of a Temperature Controller Card .................... 20
5.2 General Screen Layout ........................................................................ 21
5.3 Operator Screen - Temperatures.......................................................... 24
5.4 Screen A - Setup Procedure................................................................. 26
5.5 Screen B - Setup Operating Mode ....................................................... 28
5.6 Screen C - Setup Configuration ........................................................... 31
5.7 Screen D - Setup Reactions................................................................. 34

6. Error Messages........................................................................................ 35
6.1 General ................................................................................................ 35
6.2 Specific Channel - Error Messages (Listed on a priority basis) ............ 36
6.2.1 Sopt requires 'Heating ON' ........................................................... 37
6.2.2 Sopt requires normal temerature operating (no sink temperature) 37
6.2.3 Control parameter meaningless ................................................... 37
6.2.4 Tv (derivative action time) must be greater than Tsc or Tv=0 ....... 37
6.2.5 Tn (integral action time) must be greater than Tsc or Tn=0 .......... 37


6.2.6 Tsc (sample cycle time must be less than Tn and Tv.................... 37
6.2.7 To input data select operation mode 'Off', 'Measure', 'DCT' or 'Sopt'
6.2.8 Illegal input ................................................................................... 38
6.2.9 Short circuit in 'Heating' control .................................................... 38
6.2.10 Short circuit in 'Cooling' control................................................... 38
6.2.11 Sensor open-circuit ..................................................................... 38
6.2.12 Wrong polarity of sensor / cold reference (NTC) ........................ 39
6.2.14 Analog error ................................................................................ 39
6.2.15 Self-optimization failed - setpoint temperature not attained ........ 39
6.2.15 Self optimization aborted ............................................................ 40
6.2.16 Parameter correction after self-optimization ............................... 40
6.2.17 Self-optimization executed only if temperature setpoint is 50
degrees higher than the actual temperature ....................................... 41
6.2.18 Sensor control time out............................................................... 41
6.2.19 Temperature above upper limit 2 ................................................ 42
6.2.20 Temperature above upper limit 1 ................................................ 42
6.2.21 Temperature below lower limit 2 ................................................. 42
6.2.22 Temperature below lower limit 1 ................................................. 42
6.3 Card Specific Errors ............................................................................. 43

7. Fundamental Principles .......................................................................... 44

7.1 Control Circuit, General........................................................................ 44
7.2 Step Response..................................................................................... 45
7.3 Manual Oscillation Test ........................................................................ 47
7.3.1 Two position controller: deriving the parameters............................ 47
7.3.2 Three position controller: deriving the parameters ......................... 49
7.4 Self-optimization .................................................................................. 51

Appendix ...................................................................................................... 52
Appendix A: parameters, abbreviations, units, ranges ............................... 52

1. General Introduction

1.1 Temperature Controller Cards

On the TMC system, one has the option of connecting 1 to 8

temperature controller cards (see diagram 1).

Diagram 1

The number of realized attached temperature controller cards will be

automatically recorded at system initialization. As a result of this the
TMC system can, when necessary, have more temperature control
loops installed.

N.b. Data already operating in the temperature control loop will not be
effected by any expansion to the system.


1.2 Temperature Control Loop (Channel)

Diagram 2

One temperature controller card supplies 12 temperature controller

(channels) for temperature control. Every channel can be individually
defined by a two or three position controller.

Diagram 3

In total, the TMC System may be equipped with 12 x 8 = 96
temperature control channels.

Diagram 4


1.3 Special Features

• Dynamic displays of sensor breaks and short circuit faults.

• Automatic restart of the operating mode "CONTROL" after eliminating

the sensor break or a short circuit.

• Self optimization of the temperature control loops (automatic recording

of the control parameter of the temperature control loops).

• 4 Temperature alarm limits.

• Menu addressed programming of the temperature controller card.

• Monitoring of the temperature control loop (temperature, status,

operating mode, parameter).

• Automatic configuration setup of the installed temperature controller


• Production start-up of other temperature controller cards without

affecting the functions of the already active temperature controller.

• reversible Celsius / Fahrenheit

• for insulated and not insulated sensors

2. Technical Data

Inputs: 12 x Thermo elements

Type: Sensor Type: Range:
L Fe-CuNi 0...500°C / 32...932 °F
Line Resistance influence < 27uV / 100 Ohm
Cold junction,
Reference temperature extern, +23°C (+73.4°F)
Clocked voltage interference
suppression (CMRR) 50dB

Accuracy: Error limits:

Stat error type 1K
Long-term drift < 0,5K
Surrounding temperature oscillation < 1,5 K / 10K
Voltage supply oscillation cannot be measured
Reference conditions:
Voltage supply 5V DC +/- 1%
Surrounding temperature 23°C +/- 1 K

Control Functions: Two position control discontinuous, with / without

Three position control discontinuous, with / without
Duty Cycle Time (DCT) discontinuous

Control handling: Control algorithms PID with structured switch-

Control Parameter proportional range:
Heating XPH 0,0 ... 100,0%
Cooling XPK 0,0 ... 100,0%
Derivative action time TV 0...600s
Integral action time TN 0...3000s
Temperature control loop
scanning time TAB 1...60s
Duty Cycle (DC) 0...100%
Scanning time for 12 channels 1s


Exits: Max 24 switching unit exits (12 x Heating, 12 x Cooling) active.

All exits are opto-electronically decoupled
Logic exit 1 potential free exit /
active (per switch-point) positive
Output current 0...100mA (on 24V DC), Short-circuit
Output voltage 0...24V DC external

limits: Number 2 min. & 2 max. (separated)

Output Transgressions of set limits are
registered on the main computer
through the interface

Current Supply: Voltage Supply 5V DC +/-5%

Power Drain max. 10 VA
Output Voltage Supply 24V DC +/- 15%

Conditions: Working Temperature Range 0...55°C
Relative humidity 80% (without bedewing)
Storage temperature range -20 ... +70°C
Climate Application class KVG DIN 40 040
Shock & Vibration Proof DIN VDE 0160

Safety requirements: Safety class 1 DIN VDE 0411 Part 1 & DIN VDE
Insulation Group B after DIN VDE 01106
(Through installation and appropriate
switch-barrier Insulation Group C)
Spark Interference B after DIN VDE 0871
Pollution / Contamination
Level 2 after DIN VDE 0109

Safety specifications: Safety type IP 00 DIN 40 050

(in assembled state)
Life Span: MTBF-time > 13 years

Information: Construction form, connector unit Double European card acc to
DIN 41494 Part 2
Measurements Height 6 HE (265mm)
Width 5 TE (25.4mm)
Construction depth DIN 41494 Part 5
Weight 0,7kg
Connections Input/Output:Construct form F32
accorded to DIN 41612

Interface: RS485 bus capable

Users max. 8
Max distance 1000m
Addresses 1...8

- 10 -

3. Construction Possibilities

3.1 VME/PLC-Chassis D143-600-A004

Diagram 5

In the VME/PLC chassis, the connector points 11 and 12 (Diagram

5) can be used for the temperature controller cards as well as for the
PLC-I/O cards.
construction: 19" Chassis acc to DIN 41493, 6HE 84TE

3.2 Temperature Controller Extension Chassis D143-700-A004

Diagram 6

Up to four temperature controller cards may be inserted into one

temperature controller extension chassis. One may use several
extension units (see Chapter 4.3).
construction: 19" Chassis acc to DIN 41493, 6HE 20TE

- 11 -
4. Installation

4.1 Addressing the Temperature Controller Card

The temperature controller cards in the TMC System must be

addressed differently. The addressing follows through the jumper
S1-S3 (See diagrams 7 & 8).
Important When switching controller cards, the new controller card must have
the same address as the exchanged card.

Diagram 7


Addressing the temperature controller cards
Temperature control loops S1 S2 S3
controller card
1 1-12 1 0 0
2 13-24 0 1 0
3 25-36 1 1 0
4 37-48 0 0 1
5 49-60 1 0 1
6 61-72 0 1 1
7 73-84 1 1 1
8 85-96 0 0 0
Jumper S1-S3:
0 = not jumpert
Diagram 8 1 = jumpert

- 12 -

4.2 Connector Layout and Connector Examples

4.2.1 Connections via connector

Connector X1 Control output for heating and cooling and voltage supply +24V &
+5V. Blade connection construction type F acc to DIN 41612 32pol.,
Rows d, z.

Connector X2 Thermo input and cold junction input (NTC).

Blade connection construction type F acc to DIN 41612 32pol., Rows
d, z.

Connector X3 RS-485 Interface.

D sub-connector 9pol.

Diagram 9

- 13 -
4.2.2 Connector X1 (A/O) - Supply and control exits

Diagram 10

Supply: The temperature controller cards need two types of voltage supply,
5V DC and 24V DC. The voltage is galvanically separated on the
card. The 'GND5V' and the 'GND24V' may not be connected to each
+5V DC(Accuracy +/- 5%,max current 2A)
The connector of the 5V supply can follow through the MOOG Power
Supply D143-501-A001.
+24V DC (Tolerance range 20-30V)
This power supply is not delivered by MOOG.

- 14 -

Control Output (unit output):

The controller card has 24 control exits (12 x Heating & 12 x Cooling)
for the switch operation. They are galvanically separated from the
digital part.
Control outputs are short-circuit proof. If the power supply exceeds
100mA, the affected channel will be switched off immediately to
prevent the output transistor from being destroyed.
'Short-circuit in selection' will be registered when the current exceeds
100mA (see Diagram 11). Individual spikes will be recognized by the
software and will be filtered out. This does not lead to an error

Diagram 11

By an induction overload special delete diodes and RC components

are necessary to eliminate interference (see Diagram 12).
Inductive loads (contactor, magnetic valve etc.) with a distance less
than 50 centimetre must be wired with a RC-component.

Diagram 12

- 15 -
4.2.3 Connector X2 (E/I) - Thermo-inputs and Cold junctions

Diagram 13

Thermo-element input:
The 12 thermo-elements input will be divided into two independent
groups each having 6 channels. The digital part is separated
galvanically from the opti-coupler. As a result of this suppression
from interference on the instrument leads and cross feeding will be

Cold Junctions:
The cold junctions temperature is supplyed by a NTC resistance for
each goup.

- 16 -

Diagram 14

Installation instructions:
- Correct polarity of the thermo-sensor is necessary.
- Sensor cables not to be laid near high voltage cables.
- Shielded sensor wires to be used. The shield can only be earthed at
one point (machine earth). It must be ensured that the shield is not
connected to the earth throughout the length of the cable.
- The NTC resistance must measure the temperature of the cold
junction. It must be edit to the transition point between the thermo-
element compensation lend and the thermo-sensor cables.

- 17 -
4.2.4 Connector X3 (RS-485/422 Interface)

Diagram 15

Up to eight temperature controller cards can be connected to the

TMC System through RS-485/422 BUS. (See diagram 16 for
connecting cable). This bus allows a cable length of up to 1000m.

Diagram 16

- 18 -

4.3 Temperature controller extensions

Each extension chassis must be connected to the VME/SPS chassis

with a RS-485 cable (see diagram 17). The length of the cable cannot
exceed 1000 meters.
It must be observed that the temperature controller cards need a +5V
current supply (per card 10 W supply intake). Normally the supply
intake would be dealt with via the MOOG Power Supply D143-501-
A001. If the power taken from the voltage supply unit is too much (N.b.
+5V +/- 5%) an appropriate external supply of +5V DC is necessary.

Diagram 17

- 19 -
5. Operating

5.1 Setup and Supervision of a Temperature Controller Card

Operating mode
There is a screen available for the
supervision of the temperature controller
card during production:

Operator screen: Temperatures

Setup mode
For selection see TMC operating instructions

The setup procedure of the temperature

controller card is implemented through four

Screen A: Setup - Temperatures

Screen B: Setup - Operation Mode
Screen C: Setup - Configuration
Screen D: Setup - Reactions

Diagram 18

- 20 -

5.2 General Screen Layout

Diagram 19

The following displays are available on all five temperature control


Text file names of actual screens with the card addresses.

The file names of the text files which can contain predefined selected
temperature controller card and screen user specific text is set up as

For the Operator Screen: tmp#.txt

For Setup Screens (Screens A - D):
where: # = card address, 1 to 8
@ = screen id, A to D (actual setup screen)

Example: tmpinb4A.txt Text for Screen A, card 4

- 21 -
If there is a high quantity of temperature controller cards on the TMC
System, it is possible to switch between the cards using the soft-keys
(F6 & F7).

System mode:
Display for Screens A,B,C,D: 'Setup procedures'

Screen Description:
Display for Operator Screen 0: 'Temperatures'
Screen A: 'Temperatures'
Screen B: 'Operation Mode'
Screen C: 'Configuration'
Screen D: 'Reactions'

Channel Number:
Channel numbers displays dependant upon active temperature
controller card address:
card address: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
channel numbers: 1-12 13-24 25-36 37-48 49-60 61-72 73-84 85-96

Channel (Zone):
The field shows the current error status of the channel.
Green field: Perfect function
Red field: Function error (Alarm) with the number of errors.
If the number of errors is more than one, the error
with the highest priority will be displayed in the
error field. (see ).
Status Display:
Displays the active status of the actuating signal. The following five
situations may be displayed:
'OFF' The control loop has been switched off.
'MEASURE' The control outputs have been switched off but
the actual temperature will be measured and
'HEATING' The controller is active and is heating.
'COOLING' The controller is active and is cooling.
NEUTRAL(Yellow field with white border) The controller is active.
It is neither heating or cooling or the heating has
been switched off through time switch.

- 22 -

Error Output Field:

In this field, all error messages of the selected channel will be
displayed. If there is more than one error message, each message
will be dealt with on a priority basis. (See Chapter 6 - Error Messages).
If the cursor is positioned on channel field then all available error
messages can be accessed through the use of soft-keys F1 & F2.

Help message line:

A brief explanation on the meaning of the selected parameters.

Parameter Input Field:

This field allows input of digits.
see also TMC-operating instructions A 62238E

Function-keys 'Setup -/+':

It is possible through this Soft-key to access different setup screens.

They appear when the setup mode is active (TMC Operating
Instructions A62238E) and using the Soft-key

of Operator screen one of the Setup screens is selected. With the


one will return from the Setup screens A, B, C or D back to Operator


- 23 -
5.3 Operator Screen - Temperatures

Diagram 20

On this screen the operator will find all necessary displays for the
monitoring of the temperature control loops during production.

Heating ON/OFF :
This shows the actual situation of the heating (ON/OFF), indepen-
dent of the time switch 'HEATING ON/OFF'. In the situation HEATING
'OFF' all available error messages 'Short-circuit on Output' will be
erased. the operating mode 'SOPT' is interrupted.
normal / sink
shows active mode of heating displays:
Mode Display
normal sink
Normal Operation ON OFF
Reduced Temp ON OFF
The switch-over follows through the time switch 'Night Temperature

- 24 -

Normal Setpoint
Production temperature of control loop (Channels) .
This Setpoint may be varied by the operator within defined limits in
the start up procedure (Screen A).

Sink Set Point

Operating temperature of the heat zone by sink temperature (e.g.
night operations).
With SINK temperature "ON" and operating mode DCT, the PULS/
Pause Conditions DC for the reduced temperature will automatically
be corrected according to the formula:
DCsink = DCnormal x (reduced temp setpoint -20) / (normal setpoint -20)

Exeption: Normal Setpoint < Reduced Setpoint is ED = 0.

Operation mode "SOPT" interrupted.

Actual Temperature
Actual Measured Temperature

Bar graph with setpoint & actual temperature outlined:

In the bar graph the temperature Setpoint and actual temperature for
every channel is shown (Green Bar). The limits within the bar graph
can be freely selected within the measurement area whereby
"lower temperature limit < higher temperature limit"
When a specific channel error occurs, the Setpoint / actual temperature
display of that channel will be overwritten by the Error Message.

Specific Channel Diagram:

In the file tmp#.txt (# = Card-number), machine selected channel
diagrams may be defined.

- 25 -
5.4 Screen A - Setup Procedure

Diagram 21

Screen A is used for the setting of the following temperature


Temperature Standard:
For the setting of the temperature standard, Celsius or Fahrenheit,
in all temperature control loops within the TMC System. The
temperature standard can be changed at any time without affecting
the operating temperature.
Temperature Setpoint:
Normal Production temperature.

min max
Within these limits the operations can set the production temperature
on Operator Screen. The Sink temperature will be thereby not

- 26 -

Through this temperature the operating temperature will be reduced
by the use of a Time Switch. (e.g. Night Production).

To avoid too much thermal pressure on the actors and sensors of a
temperature control loop, the unit signal during the start-up phase of
a process can be clocked through an adjustable pulse pause relation.
The Start-up phase is active as long as the actual temperature is less
that the start-up Setpoint.

Temperature Alarm Limits:

To supervise the temperatures there are two lower alarm limits (LL1
& LL2) and two upper alarm limits (UL1 & UL2).
When the alarm limit of a channel is transgressed the temperature
alarm signal will be transmitted to the PLC through another channel.
The temperature alarm limits can be pre-set whether absolute "ABS"
or relative "REL". It is possible to change this at any time. Relative
setpoints correspond with the active setpoints (Normal or Reduced

Diagram 22

- 27 -
5.5 Screen B - Setup Operating Mode

Diagram 23

Screen B serves only to establish the operating mode and to record

the control parameter of every channel.

Temperature Standard:
Display of actual temperature (Celsius or Fahrenheit).
Setting of temperature in Setup procedure Screen A (Paragraph 5.4)

Sensor Type:
Display of temperature sensor type.
Measuring range 0 - 500 C

Setting of Normal production temperature.

Actual Temperature:
Display of actual measured temperature.

- 28 -

Operating Mode:
A temperature channel can be operated in five different operating

OFF: The control loop is switched off (Heating & Cooling OFF). There is no
recording of the actual temperature and there is no error recorded.
Measure: No triggering of the actors (Heating & Cooling OFF). The actual
temperature is recorded and displayed. Any errors in the measuring
of the temperature will be acknowledged (e.g. Sensor break).
Control: The controller is active and triggers the actors (Heating, OFF,
Cooling). The actual temperature is recorded and transmitted. Any
short-circuit on the output signal (control-relay) and sensor break will
be acknowledged. The channel errors are dynamically displayed. As
a result when the error has been eliminated the corresponding
channel error message will be deleted. The operating mode remains
stable. As long as an error in the measuring of the temperature exists
the exits remain switched off.
DCT: (Duty Cycle Timer)
The controller is not active. The output signal which is controlled by
an adjustable PULS/PAUSE will be transmitted. The actual
temperature is then recorded and displayed. Short circuiting of the
actuating signals are acknowledged and dynamically displayed.
When an error occurs in the temperature measurements there is no
error message given.
Sopt: Self Optimization (Adaption)
The temperature controller records automatically the optional
regulating parameter through oscillation.
See Chapter 5.7. for reaction to successful optimization.
Sensor breaks and short circuits will be acknowledged:
1. By selection of the operating mode 'SOPT' any existence of an
error will checked which would affect the running of the 'SOPT'
operating mode. If an error should exist then the softkey 'RESTORE
CHANGE' will not function. The 'ENTER' status remains on the
screen and in the 'error output line' contains the reason for
rejection of the 'SOPT' operating mode.
2. If an error arises during the active 'SOPT' operating mode then the
ENTER status of the previous operating mode will be activated.
In the event of both occurring:
After eliminating the error condition the operator must press the
'REASTORE' key again in order to activate the previous operating
mode. Alternatively the initial operating mode can be restored using
the restore key.

- 29 -
Regulating Parameter (for PID controller):

This regulating parameter can be automatically calculated through

the operating mode 'SOPT'.

XpH Proportional Range Heating

XpC Proportional Range Cooling
(opposite proportion to P-amplification)
The values must be given in percent from the measuring range (0 -
99% from measurement range).
Measurement range (thermo-element type L): 0...500°C
TD Derivative action time 0 - 600s where 0 = OFF
TI Integral action time 0 - 3000s where 0 = OFF
(opposite proportions to I-share)
Tsc Control loop sample time 1-60s

- 30 -

5.6 Screen C - Setup Configuration

Diagram 24

Under configuration the following capital letters are to be understood

Controller Type:

For normal and reduced temperature operations a Controller Type

will be individually defined.

2P 2-Position Control
The 2-Position controller will only determine the differences between
the conditions 'HEATING' and 'OFF'.
3P 3-Position Control
With the 3-Position Controller the differences between the conditions,
'HEATING', 'OFF' and 'COOLING' will be determined.

- 31 -
Output Signal:
The output signal will be either evaluated from the controller (operating
mode 'CONTROL') or by a fixed setting of the duty cycle timer
(Operating mode 'DCT').

normal In the normal mode the output signal is transmitted unchanged.

Time Period = TSC
chopped In the chopped mode the signal will be sent out with a time period of
TSC/10 . This creates a constant temperature.(See diagram 25).

Diagram 25

DCT (Duty Cycle Timer):

In this operating mode the temperature is no longer controlled but will
be administered. By using the operating mode 'DCT' the following
parameters apply:

H/C This establishes whether the DCT operating mode should be heated
(H) or cooled (C).
DC setp. Setting the switch on time in % from TSC (see diagram 25).
DC=0 means heating or cooling OFF.
DC-act. Display of the actual switch-on time (Variable in the operating mode
'CONTROL', constant { = ED Sink Temp.} in the operating mode
In the coerced condition of the operating mode CONTROL the
average DC-Actual can be read. If this value is inputted as DC-Sink,
the best state is reached in order to maintain a actual temperature in
the operating mode DCT.

- 32 -

Start-up mode:
In the start-up mode the heating will be clocked with the SDC (Start-
up Duty Cycle mode) in order to curtail the heat action in the start-up
phase (see diagram 26).

Start-up Duty Cycle (SDC):

Defines the stat-up duty cycle 'SDC' in % of TSC (see diagram 26).

Diagram 26

Temperature Controlled System Supervision (TCS):

This defines the time after the run-time at DC=100% where the
temperature of the sensor must have risen at least 2% from the
measurement range. If the 2% rise is not achieved there will be an
error message. The error message 'Time Exceeded by Sensor
Supervision' will be displayed.
TCS will be activated in the operating modes 'control' and 'Sopt'. DC
for heating must be 100%. In this way the subsequent control loop
errors can be supervised:
- Defekt of a heater including its control (short circuit) or interruption
(heating current supervision)
- Bad installation of the thermo element
- Wrong assignment of heating element and thermo element (wiring
TCS is switched off and the associated error message will be deleted:
- by setting TCS = 0
- automaticly when TCS is less than 100%

- 33 -
5.7 Screen D - Setup Reactions

Diagram 27

With the parameters on this screen allows the user to record

automatically reactions of the temperature controller when certain
incidents arise.

Reactions to Self-optimization end:

Specifies the automatically started operating mode after the successful
ending of the self-optimization (either measuring or controlling).

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6. Error Messages

6.1 General

By every error message, with the exception of the alarm limits

message (error messages: 19-22) and input error messages (error
messages: 1-8 and 17), the PLC signal:
'TMP_STOE' will be set.

The PLC signals by alarm limit messages will be:

'TMP_UL2' (Temperature above the 2nd upper alarm limit)
'TMP_UL1' (Temperature above the 1st upper alarm limit)
'TMP_LL2' (Temperature below the 2nd lower alarm limit)
'TMP_LL1' (Temperature below the 1st upper alarm limit)

An error message will be deleted through either the selection of a new

operating mode or through the elimination of the cause of the error
message (a dynamic error display).

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6.2 Specific Channel - Error Messages (Listed on a priority basis)

1. Sopt requires 'Heating On'

2. Sopt requires normal temperature operating (no sink temperature)
3. Control parameter meaningless
4. Tv (derivative action time) must be greater than Tsc or Tv=0
5. Tn (integral action time) must be greater than Tsc or Tn=0
6. Tsc (sample cycle time) must be less than Tn and Tv
7. To input data select operating mode 'Off', 'Measure', 'DCT' or 'Sopt'
8. Iiiegal Input value
9. Short-circuit in 'Heating' control
10. Short-circuit in 'Cooling' control
11. Sensor open-circuit
12. Wrong polarity of sensor / cold reference (NTC)
13. Analog error
14. Self-optimization failed - setpoint temperature not attained
15. Self-optimization aborted
16. Parameter correction after self-optimization
17. Self-optimization executed if temperature setpoint is 50 degrees
higher than the actual temperature.
18. Sensor control time out
19. Temperature above upper limit 2
20. Temperature above upper limit 1
21. Temperature below lower limit 2
22. Temperature below lower limit 1

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6.2.1 Sopt requires 'Heating ON'

The error code appears when the heating is switched off through the
time switch 'Heating ON/OFF' and the operating mode 'SOPT' is
started-up or already active.

6.2.2 Sopt requires normal temerature operating (no sink temperature)

This error code appears when the heating finds itself in the sink
temperature mode (time switch 'Night temperature ON/OFF') and the
operating mode SOPT is started or active.

6.2.3 Control parameter meaningless

6.2.4 Tv (derivative action time) must be greater than Tsc or Tv=0
6.2.5 Tn (integral action time) must be greater than Tsc or Tn=0
6.2.6 Tsc (sample cycle time must be less than Tn and Tv

If the control parameters are not defined through self-optimization a

plausibility check is carried out on the entered data.
The two conditions
are checked.
Exceptions when found occur with the values TI = 0 or TD = 0, because
these values induce the switching off of the integral or differential
component of the relevant control channel. This means that with TI
= TD = 0 a pure P-controller can be programmed!

6.2.7 To input data select operation mode 'Off', 'Measure', 'DCT' or 'Sopt'

Controller parameters can not be modified while the operating mode

'Control' is active.

- 37 -
6.2.8 Illegal input

This error code appears when the parameter or data is inputed which
is basically or momentarily not accepted by the active operating
mode. The relevant value will not be accepted by the controller.
Following data entry results in error messages:
- Changes to the temperature setpoint during adaption.
- Transgression of the range limits for operating and control parameters.

6.2.9 Short circuit in 'Heating' control

6.2.10 Short circuit in 'Cooling' control

When in operation all unit exits are checked for short-circuits.

Channel specific short-circuit messages for heating and cooling
follow separately. The defective control circuit can be localized
accordingly. Operation expenditure and repair time are reduced.
Short circuit conditions: See chapter 4.2.2.

6.2.11 Sensor open-circuit

When used as a controller the reliable functioning of the temperature

sensor is decisive, as otherwise there is the danger of overheating.
In the operating modes 'Measuring', 'Control', and 'SOPT' every
thermometer element is constantly inspected for breaks.
If a break occurs on the sensor directly, or if the conducting wire to
the controller card is interrupted, the test measurement value for the
temperature rises slowly through internal wiring. until the 500 °C
mark is exceeded (Duration: Approximately 10 seconds). As soon as
the 500 C mark is exceeded the sensor break is recorded.
During the initiated rise of temperature no dangerous situation can
arise, because the heating is automatically switched off by the
controller if the set value is exceeded.

- 38 -

6.2.12 Wrong polarity of sensor / cold reference (NTC)

While connecting the thermo-elements the correct polarity must be

observed (n.b. Important!). If, never-the-less, thermo-elements are
incorrectly wired, the controller detects and signals it immediately.
The polarity of the thermo-element however cannot be detected at
room temperature on account of physical reasons, because the
thermo-electric voltage produced by the element has the approximate
value of 0. If the temperature rises on the sensor the negative thermo-
electric voltage is detected.
If this error message is displayed and the meassured fits the room
temperature the cold reference is broken.

6.2.14 Analog error

The analog component of the controller is responsible for the

temperature measurement of all channels. If the message 'Analog
error' appears, the computer has detected a fault in the analog
component during a self-check. in this case the measurement results
of all the channels is no longer reliable.
The relevant controller card is defective and must be repaired or

6.2.15 Self-optimization failed - setpoint temperature not attained

This error can only occur during the operation mode 'SOPT' (adapting).
After switching on the self-optimization, the approximate duration
until reset temperature is reached is determined by the controller
card from the first measured values. If the set temperature is not
reached when the heating is turned up to max (100% ED) and after
a multiple time interval previously set, the self-optimization with the
relevant error message is interrupted, the respective channel switches
back over to the operation mode it had prior to the selection of the
self-optimization (status prior to 'acceptance change'). The control
parameters remain unchanged from the values prior to the beginning
of the optimization.
The cause of this error message is usually a heating element which
is too weak, i.e. an element that has been installed inadvertently
while exchanging it. Consequently, when the heating capacity is
deficient, a meaningful self optimization is not possible.

- 39 -
6.2.15 Self optimization aborted

As soon as the controller card recognizes that a meaningful self

optimization is impossible for various reasons the self optimization is
interrupted. The relevant channel switches back to the operation
mode prior to the self-optimization process (i.e. status prior to
'restore change'). The control parameters remain unchanged too.
Possible causes are:
- Control line operating too quickly.(e.g. cooling too intense because
of evaporation)
- the system cannot cool down to under the set value because it is kept
at a high temperature by other heating components and is not
actively cooling.
- through interferences wrong measurement values are recorded on
instrument leads
Should a second self optimization test not yield desirable results then
the self-optimization method of the temperature controller card is not
suitable for the relevant controller system or the controller system
itself cannot be regulated. In the former case a manual adjustment of
parameters must be carried out.

6.2.16 Parameter correction after self-optimization

If control parameters are specified by means of self optimization the

relevant parameters are subjected to various tests at the end of the
self-optimization. If any of these tests prove that the test results are
not meaningful, then corrected data is produced. this corrected data
is not necessarily optimal, but is taken as if a successful self-
optimization had occurred. The relevant channel switches back to
the status prior to 'acceptance change' . The error message is implied
to signal the operator that the relevant channel deserves special
attention. If the control result remains unsatisfactory despite correction,
the self optimization should be repeated as the unsuccessful attempt
may be attributed to interferences of the measurements during self-
optimization. If a repeated trial does not yield better results the
controlled system in question must be an unusual one, that cannot be
regulated with the temperature controller card method. In this case
the control parameters have to be directly via Screen B (see control
parameters in Chapter 5.5). An optimization must be carried out
N.b.: During self-optimization the controller card is highly sensitive to
interferences despite filter procedures. Incorrect measurement can
lead to unusable parameter values under adverse circumstances.
Therefore self-optimization should not be selected unnecessarily
and external sources of interference (e.g. rectifier, static charge,
electrical & welding appliances) should be avoided
- 40 -

6.2.17 Self-optimization executed only if temperature setpoint is 50

degrees higher than the actual temperature

This error message signals that it was attempted to start the self-
optimization, whilst the difference between the actual value and the
setpoint value specified prior to self-optimization attempt was less
than 50 C (which corresponds to 10% of range span).
This barrier ensures that during self-optimization start-up response
of the control system is taken into consideration. Theoretical research
in the field of control shows that PID-controller without additional
measures cannot produce optimal responses. If both cases require
good control responses then the best possible compromise has to be
found. The temperature controller achieves further improvements
through special start-up measures in the control algorithm. In order
to actually achieve a good start-up and interference response a start-
up operation has to take place during self-optimization. toptimierung
auch ein Anfahrvorgang ablaufen.
If the self-optimization is started with a control deviation of less than
10% of the range span, the controller card will ignore the command
and the system will remain in its original operating mode.

6.2.18 Sensor control time out

This message is displayed when in the case of DC = 100% the

temperature on the sensor did not rise by at least 2% after the run-
time TCS has ended.
The error message has no effect what-so-ever upon the temperature
See also: Temperature controlled system supervision (TCS), chapter

- 41 -
6.2.19 Temperature above upper limit 2
6.2.20 Temperature above upper limit 1
6.2.21 Temperature below lower limit 2
6.2.22 Temperature below lower limit 1

TMC offers the possibility of supervising the channels with four alarm
Example: If the active set-point is 200°C and should 20° (relative) be set as the
first upper alarm limit setpoint, then the error message appears when
the actual temperature transgresses 200°C + 20° = 220°C.
If the alarm limits are relative to the setpoint in the event of a change
in the setpoint the alarm limits need not be readjusted. They virtually
create a tolerance band around the setpoint. There are two of these
tolerance bands available which render different reactions. For
example the first tolerance band can be laid very tightly around the
setpoint to supervise production quality. If the temperature leaves the
first tolerance band a warning follows: 'Attention Production Quality'.
If the temperature leaves the second tolerance band a dangerous
condition arises and the machine must be switched off.
If only one tolerance band is necessary, the extra alarm limits may be
simply switched off by switching them to the point 0.
By normal operations of a unit the controlling of the actual temperature
after the start-up time will be kept within the alarm limits through a
preset tolerance band If in the event of an alarm limit error occurring
on and off over a long period of time, the following reasons may be
- alarm limits too close to setpoint (i.e. tolerance band too narrow)
- not enough heating or cooling (e.g. heating element not working)
- control parameter not properly selected (Control oscillator problem)
- heating or cooling can no longer be switched off, e.g. SSR (Solid-
State relays) damaged.

- 42 -

6.3 Card Specific Errors

Communication breakdowns between the main computer and a

temperature controller card results in the error message:

AUTO-RESET (f.e. hardware disturbances) results in the error


These error messages must be acknowledged by the operator

(Softkey 8 is 'CONTINUE'). The operator may react in two ways:

1. Ignore error, i.e. selection of the next card or the previous card if
they are available.
2. Install a new card. If the card cannot be installed then the TMC
System must be restarted.

If the main computer does not find a temperature controller card, the
error message

will be displayed.
The operator can then continue (after eliminating the error) by
entering 'YES' to continue or 'NO' to return to main screen.

If the host can not open the file tmp#.dat associated to the currently
selected temperature contoller, the following error message will be

On confirmation of this error message the default data will be created

for the selected temperature controller. 'Setup' must be enabled. Not
having enabled 'Setup' the following error message will be displayed:

- 43 -
7. Fundamental Principles

7.1 Control Circuit, General

The task of a control system is to adjust a certain physical quantity to

a specified setpoint value and to control this value so that setpoint
and actual value agree irrespective of any disturbance variables.
Although this task would appear very simple, it involves a multitude
of problems which tend to be ignored at first sight.
Irrespective of the particular application the basic requirements on
any controller are as follows:
- bring the controlled system to the specified setpoint with a minimum
- offset any disturbances by smooth response
- ensure the control process is repeatable
- economize energy consumption
- ensure long-term operability of the final control elements

Diagram 28

The arrangement shown in the block diagram contains all components

essential to a control system. The controller has the task of bringing
the actual value x to the prescribed setpoint w and to maintain this
value constant despite the disturbance variable z. This is achieved
by the controller continuously comparing the controlled variable x to
the reference variable w. Subtracting both values will result in the
control offset e. The output variable y is calculated from the offset e
and is applied to the controlled system. This correction is repeated
continuously, thus producing optimum adaption to the controlled

- 44 -

7.2 Step Response

One important criterion in any controlled system is its timing as

represented by the delay-time Tu and the compensating-time Tg. Its
timing can be established - when not known - by applying a step
disturbance variable; the resulting step response then containing
data providing an indication of the anticipated response of the
unkown controlled system. This experiment is depicted in the following

Diagram 29


In this example a temperature controlled system having adaptive

control is shown, i.e. when the duty cycle is 100% the temperature
attains a finite value Xmax at which it remains steady.

For assessing the control response of a controlled system the

following applies as a good approximation:

- 45 -
The following overview lists the salient controlled system along with
their typical data; note that the values are to be understood as mean
values merely serving as an indication.

Controlled system characteristic values

Controlled Type controlled system Tu Tg Vmax
Temperature injection molding machines 0,5...3 min 3...30 min 5 K/min...20 K/min

extruder 1...6 min 5...60 min

packaging machines 0,5...4 min 3...40 min 2 K/min...35 K/min

smal/medium sized electr. furnaces 0,5...1 min 5...15 min 1 K/s

large electr. furnaces 1...5 min 10...60 min 0,3 K/s

large gas-heated furnaces 0,2...5 min 3...60 min

destillation tower 1...7 min 4...60 min 0,1...0,5 K/s

autoclave (2,5m3) 0,5...0,7 min 10...20 min

high-pressure autoclave (100°C, 12...15 min 200...230 min

steam superheater 0,03...2,5 min 1...4 min 2 K/s

space heater 1...5 min 10...60 min 1 K/min

Flow piping (gas) 0...5 s 0,2...10s -

piping (fluid) 0 0

Pressure gas piping 0 0,1 s -

gas or oil-fired drum apparatus 0 150 s -

drum pulverizer 1...2 min 2...5 min -

Level drum apparatus 0,6...1 min - 0,1...0,3 cm/s

Speed (rpm) smal/medium sized elec. motor 0 0,2...10 s -

large electric motor drive 0 5...40 s -

steam turbine 0 - 50min-1

Voltage small generators 0 1...5 s -

Diagram 30 large generators 0 5...10s -

- 46 -

7.3 Manual Oscillation Test

Another way of finding out the characteristic data of a controlled

system is the oscillation test.
Controlled systems having a high delay time (Tu) produce data of
insufficient accuracy when using the step response method and,
therefore, this data is not suitable for application. Since, in addition,
the controlled system is operated without feedback in the step
response method, there is a risk of the MAX value to be set being
outside the permissible working range which can result in the system
being ruined. In the oscillation test this risk is safely precluded
because the setpoint preset results in settling at a definable finite
Prior to introducing the oscillation test the controller must be
programmed as an ON/OFF switch, i.e. the time parameters (TI and
TD) must be set to zero and the parameters of the proportional ranges
(XPH & XPC) must be set to a minimum. When selecting the desired
setpoint it must be taken into account that the controller oscillates to
more than the selected setpoint during settling From the amplitude A,
the period TI and the span the characteristic data of the controlled
system can then be derived.
This method can be carried out without involving a lot of measurements
and it has a proven record of success in actual practice.

7.3.1 Two position controller: deriving the parameters

Input parameters: XPH = proportional range, heating (%)

TI = integral action time (min)
TD = derivative action time (min)
From the oscillation curve of the controlled system the parameters
XPH, TI and TD can be derived.
Parameter values to be set for oscillation test:
XPH = 0,1%
XPC = 0,0%
TI = 0,0 min
TD = 0,0 min

- 47 -
In this case the controlled system will oscillate as shown in diagram

Diagram 31

The oscillation duration in minutes gives the value for TI from which
we have, approximated:
TD = 0,2 * TI
The amplitude A of the oscillation corresponds to the XPH range.
Since XPH is set in % the amplitude must be set in relation to the span
Xn of the controller:
XPH = amplitude (A) * 100% / span Xn

Example: Oscillation duration 8 minutes

Oscillation amplitude A = 21 C
Span Xn = 500°K
Result: TI = 8 min
TD = 0,2 * 0,8 min = 1,6 min
XPH = 21°C / 500°C * 100% = 4,2%

- 48 -

7.3.2 Three position controller: deriving the parameters

Input parameters: XPH = proportional range, heating (%)

XPC = proportional range, cooling (%)
TI = integral action time (min)
TD = derivative action time (min)
Here, too, the oscillation curve of the controlled system is recorded,
from which the input values for XPH, XPC, TI and TD can be derived.
Parameter values to be set for oscillation test:
XPH = 0,1%
XPC = 0,1%
TI = 0,0 min
TD = 0,0 min
In this case the controlled system will oscillate as shown in diagram

Diagram 32

The oscillation duration in minutes for heating gives the value for tH,
for cooling the value tK.
We thus have: TI = tH + tK
TD = 0,2 * TI

The amplitude A of the oscillation in turn corresponds to the XPH

XPH = Amplitude (A) * 100% / span (Xn)

from which the proportional range for cooling is derived as follows:

XPC = tH* XPH / tK

- 49 -
Example: tH = 6min
tK = 5min
A = 21°C
span Xn = 500°C

Result: TI = 6min +5min = 11min

TD = 0,2 * 11min = 2,2min
XPH = 100% * 21°C / 500°C = 4,2%
XPK = 4,2% * 6min / 5min = 5,04%

- 50 -

7.4 Self-optimization

The temperature controller can be commanded to calculate its

control parameters when starting up the controlled system (operating
mode SOPT).
It does this by executing a few oscillations below the setpoint value.

After calculating the parameter XPH, XPC (by 3 points), TI and TD are
held safe in the memory of the controller. The computer then switches
the evaluated channel in the operating mode 'Measuring' or 'Control'.
See reaction to self-optimization, Chapter 5.7.
Through self-optimization the optional cycle time will be defined TSC.
It is possible to change the defined parameter at any time through
using the setup Screen C (Control Parameters, see chapter 5.5).
Pre-conditions for a successful optimization are that the actual
temperature lies at least 10% of the span under the preset setpoint.
Example: Sensor-type FE-CuNi: Span = 500°K
Setpoint temperature and actual temperature difference must be at
least 50°C at the start of the self-optimization.
This sink and actual difference is necessary to take the start-up
behavior into consideration during the self-optimization. This has a
decisive influence on the optimal control parameter.

- 51 -

Appendix A: parameters, abbreviations, units, ranges

Parameter Abbreviation Unit Range Default

temperature-setpoint normal [C | F] 0 - 500°C 200°C
32-932°F 393°F
actual temperature act. [C | F] 0 - 500°C -
32-932°F -
sink temperature sink [C | F] 0 - 500°C 50°C
(reduced temperature) 32-932°F
startup temperature startup [C | F] 0 - 500°C 100°C
32-932°F 212°F
lower temperature
alarm limit 2 LL2 [C | F] 0 - 500°C -10°K
lower temperature
alarm limit 1 LL1 [C | F] 0 - 500°C -5°K
upper temperature
alarm limit 2 UL2 [C | F] 0 - 500°C 10°K
upper temperature
alarm limit 1 UL1 [C | F] 0 - 500°C 5°K
absolute temperature
limit abs
relative temperature
limit rel
temperature range
for machine operator min [C | F] 0 - 500°C 150°C
32-932°F 302°F

max [C | F] 0 - 500°C 250°C

32-932°F 482°F

- 52 -

Parameter Abbreviation Unit Range Default

operating modes:
- channel OFF OFF
- measure measure
- control control
- duty cycle timer DCT
- self optimization Sopt

temperature controlled
system supervision TCS [s] 1 ... 9999s 0s
startup duty cycle SDC [% of Tsc] 0 ... 100 50
duty cycle DC [% of Tsc] 0 ... 100 0

proportional range
HEATING XpH [% of Mr] 0,1 ... 99,9 0,1
proportional range
COOLING XpC [% of Mr] 0,1 ... 99,9 0,1
deviative action time TD [s] 1 ... 600s 0s
integral action time TI [s] 1 ... 3000s 0s
sample cycle time TSC [s] 1 ... 60s 1s
measurement range Mr [C | F] 0 - 500°C -
(FeCuNi/L) 32-932°F

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