Total PSA
Total PSA
Total PSA
Immunoassay Analyzer
concentration of each sample. The results are given in total PSA were assayed.
ng/mL. The within run precision was determined by testing each
sample in replicates of 10 (n = 10), and calculating percent
Expected Values:
coefficient of variation (%CV). The results of the study are
A study of iFlash Total PSA assay on samples from 281 shown below:
apparently healthy males of various age groups yielded the Sample Mean (ng/mL) SD %CV
following result:
1 4.36 0.17 3.90
< 4 ng/mL (95 percentile) 2 30.26 1.68 5.55
It is recommended that each laboratory establish its own
The between run precision was determined by testing
expected reference range for the population of interest.
each sample in duplicate, two separate runs daily for 20
LIMITATIONS days (n = 80), and calculating percent coefficient of
The iFlash-Total PSA assay is limited to the variation (%CV). The results of the study are shown
determination of total PSA in human serum or plasma below:
Sample Mean (ng/mL) SD %CV
(lithium heparin, sodium heparin, potassium EDTA, and
sodium citrate). It has not been validated for use with 1 4.41 0.18 4.08
other types of plasma. 2 30.05 1.43 4.76
The use of serum separator (gel) blood collection tubes
Analytical Sensitivity
has been validated for use with this assay; however it is
not possible to survey all manufacturers or tube types. The detection limit representing the lowest measurable
analyte level that can be distinguished from zero is 0.01
The upper limit of the measuring range of this assay is
ng/mL. It is calculated as the value lying two standard
100 ng/mL. Over-range samples may be diluted with
deviations above that of the lowest standard of the master
negative human serum and re-tested to obtain an
curve (standard 1 + 2 SD, n = 20).
estimate of the actual concentration.
If the results are inconsistent with clinical evidence, Method comparison
additional testing is suggested to confirm the result. A comparison of the iFlash-Total PSA assay (y) with a
For diagnostic purposes, the results should be commercially available total PSA assay (x) using clinical
interpreted in light of the total clinical presentation of the samples was performed, and the curve is fitted with Linear
patient, including symptoms, clinical history results. regression)
Specimens from heparinized patients may be partially y = 0.9938x -0.1092
coagulated and erroneous results could occur due to r = 0.998
the presence of fibrin.
Sample concentration: 0.23 – 99 ng/mL
The results from an alternative assays (i.e. EIA or RIA)
Number of samples measured: 90
may not be equivalent and cannot be used
interchangeably. Equimolar reactivity
Samples containing an apparent total PSA level as high On different proportions of PSA-ACT and free PSA, the
as 17000 ng/mL did not exhibit a hook effect in the deviations of total PSA should not exceed±15%.
iFlash Total PSA assay.
The assay is unaffected by icterus (bilirubin < 30
mg/dL), hemolysis (Hb < 1500 mg/dL), lipemia The relative deviations.≤10%.
(Intralipid < 1500 mg/dL) and total serum protein (< 10 Range of linear
In the range of 0.01-80 ng/mL, the correlation coefficient
No interference was observed from rheumatoid factors >0.99.
up to a concentration of 2000 IU/mL.
No interference was observed from anti-nuclear REFERENCES
antibodies up to a concentration of 500 U/mL. 1. Tewari PC, Bluestein BI. Multiple forms of prostate
No interference was observed from HAMA up to a specific antigen and the influences of immunoassay
concentration of 600 ng/mL. design on their measurement in patient serum. J Clin
Ligand Assay, 18 1995;3:186-196.
PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 2. Prestigiacomo AF, Stamey TA. Clinical usefulness of
Below are the representative performance data, and the free and complexed PSA. Clin Lab Invest Suppl
results obtained in individual laboratories may differ. 1995;221:32-34.