Topics To Be Discussed: Quadrilateral Elements

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Quadrilateral elements

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering & Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 1

Topics to be discussed
1 Local coordinates/Natural coordinates
2 Isoparametric elements
3 Four Node Quadrilateral elements
4 Derivates, strain, N and B matrices

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 2

Completeness of trial solution
1 Is the following a complete linear trial function ??

θ(x, y) = a1 + a2 x + a3 y

2 Is the following a complete quadratic trial function ??

θ(x, y) = a1 + a2 x + a3 y + a4 x2 y 2 + a5 xy + a6 y 3

⇒ The answer can be determined by examining Pascal’s triangle

⇒ Trial functions of higher degree can be systematically developed
with the help of Pascal’s triangle

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 3

Completeness of trial solution











Figure: Pascal’s triangle

Pascal’s triangle can help to find out a complete polynomial

expansion for trial solution

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 4

Completeness of trial solution









Figure: Pascal’s triangle

Each row of the triangle gives the monomials that must be

included in a finite element approximation to provide an
element with the required order of completeness
Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 5

Higher order element shape fucntions

Exercise: Steps required for the development of shape functions

◮ Choose the interpolation function

θe (x) = aei pi = p(x)ae

◮ Evaluate interpolation functions at nodal points

θ̂e (x) = Me (x)ae

◮ Interpolation function is then expressed as

θe (x) = p(Me )−1 θ̂e

θ (x) = Ne θ̂e

in which Ne = p(Me )−1 is the shape function matrix

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 6

Coordinate systems
A coordinate system defined for the entire body or structure is
called the Global coordinate system

A coordinate system that is defined for a particular element and

not necessarily for the entire body is called the Local coordinate

A local coordinate system which permits identification /

referencing of a point within an element in terms of
dimensionless numbers, whose magnitude never exceeds unity is
called Natural coordinate system

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 7

Coordinate systems

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 8

Coordinate systems




It is possible to establish a mapping between Global coordinate

system and parent element natural coordinate system
1 1
x= (a + b) + ξ(b − a)
2 2
re-arranging the terms
1−ξ 1+ξ
x = a +b
2 2
= x̂1 N1 (ξ) + x̂2 N2 (ξ) = N x̂

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 9

Coordinate systems

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 10

Iso-parametric Finite elements

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 11

Iso-parametric formulation
Finite elements are usually developed with shape functions
expressed in terms of parent element coordinates, often called
as element coordinates or natural coordinates

Examples of element coordinates are triangular coordinates and

isoparamteric coordinates

We will next describe the use of shape functions expressed in

terms of element coordinates

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 12

What is Iso-parametric element
Elements can utilizes different parametrization for geometry
and displacements

Elements for which geometry and displacements are given by

the same parametric representation are called as iso-parametric
◮ Development of iso-parametric elements: Key idea is to use the
same shape functions to represent both the geometry and the
problem unknown, which in structural mechanics are
displacements. Hence the name isoparametric element (“iso”
means equal)

◮ This property may be generalized to arbitrary elements. Thus,

for triangular element, replacing the term ”triangular
coordinates” by the more general one ”natural coordinates”

Elements which utilizes higher order shape function for

displacement field compared to geometry are called
Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 13

What is Iso-parametric element

There are also super-parametric elements whose geometry is
more refined than the displacement expansion

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 14

General Iso-parametric formulation
Element geometry is interpolated in terms of shape functions as
x = x̂I NIe (ξ)
y = ŷI NIe (ξ)

with NIe = 1
Displacements are interpolated as
ux = ûxI NI (ξ)
uy = ûyI NI (ξ)

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 15

Derivatives of functions
The spatial derivatives of displacement field is obtained by
implicit differentiation. By chain rule we have
∂ ∂ ∂ξ ∂ ∂η ∂ ∂ζ
= + +
∂x ∂ξ ∂x ∂η ∂x ∂ζ ∂x
∂ ∂ ∂ξ ∂ ∂η ∂ ∂ζ
= + +
∂y ∂ξ ∂y ∂η ∂y ∂ζ ∂y
∂ ∂ ∂ξ ∂ ∂η ∂ ∂ζ
= + +
∂z ∂ξ ∂z ∂η ∂z ∂ζ ∂z
In matrix form
 ∂   ∂ξ ∂η ∂ζ   ∂ 
 ∂x   ∂x ∂x ∂x   ∂ξ 
    
    
 ∂   ∂ξ ∂η ∂ζ   ∂  
 =  
 ∂y   ∂y ∂y ∂y   ∂η 
    
     
∂ ∂ξ ∂η ∂ζ  ∂ 
   
∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z ∂ζ
Requires evaluation of ∂ξi /∂xj
Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 16
Derivatives of functions
∂ξi /∂xj are difficult to evaluate by direct method. However
using the chain rule we write
∂ ∂x ∂y ∂z  ∂ 
   
 ∂ξ   ∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ  ∂x 
   
   

 ∂   ∂x ∂y ∂z   ∂ 
 
 =
   
 ∂η   ∂η ∂η ∂η   ∂y 

   
 
    
 ∂   ∂x ∂y ∂z  ∂

∂ζ ∂ζ ∂ζ ∂ζ ∂z
∂   ∂ ξ ∂xj
= Fξ in which Fji =
∂ξ ∂x ∂ξi
In indicial form
∂ ∂xj ∂
∂ξi ∂ξi ∂xj

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 17

Derivatives of functions
Fξ is Jacobian matrix relating the natural coordinate derivatives
to the global coordinates derivatives

Jacobian matrix can be found by taking derivatives of

coordinate interpolation relations

To compute the derivatives in global coordinates we invert the

∂  ξ −1 ∂
= F
∂x ∂ξ

Thus the computation of the derivatives with respect to x

requires inverse of the Jacobian between current and parent
element coordinates

Derivatives of shape functions are

Ni,x = [Fξ ]−1 Ni,ξ
Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 18
Area/volume transformation
A differential area and volume in global coordinates is related
to the differential area and volume in natural coordinates by
following relations

dx dy = det(Fξ ) dξ dη = J dξ dη
dx dy dz = det(Fξ ) dξ dη dζ = J dξ dη dζ

in which J = det(Fξ )

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 19

Integration and nodal forces

Integrals on the current configuration are related to integrals
over the parent domain by
g(x)dΩ = g(ξ)Jd∆
Ωe ∆

When internal forces are computed by integration over the

parent domain, it is computed as
fint = σji dΩ = σji Jd∆
Ωe ∂x j ∆ ∂xj

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 20

Iso-parametric Quadrilateral element

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 21

Isoparametric Q4 element - Geometry





Consider the quadrilateral element as shown

Spatial coordinates are expressed as
x = x̂I NI
y = ŷI NI

 
x x1 x2 x3 x4 
N2 

y y1 y2 y3 y4  N 3 
Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 22
Isoparametric Q4 element - Displacement
Displacement field is approximated as
ux = ûxI NI
uy = ûyI NI

 
  N1
  ûx1 ûx2 ûx3 ûx4  
ux   N2 
uy  N3 
ûy1 ûy2 ûy3 ûy4
or  
ûy1 
 
 ûx2 
 
ux N1 0 N2 0 N3 0 N4 0  ûy2 

uy 0 N1 0 N2 0 N3 0 N4  û
 x3 

ûy3 
 
ûx4 
Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 23

Isoparametric Q4 element - Shape functions

Assume a linear displacement approximation is

ux = a0 + a1 ξ + a2 η + a3 ξη
uy = a4 + a5 ξ + a6 η + a7 ξη

in matrix form
 
a1 
 
 a2 
 
ux 1 ξ η ξη 0 0 0 0 a3 

= or u = pa
uy 0 0 0 0 1 ξ η ξη a4 

a5 
 
a6 

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 24

Isoparametric Q4 element - Shape functions
Imposition of nodal conditions yield
    
ûx1 1 −1 −1 1 0 0 0 0 a0
ûy1  0 0 0 0 1 −1 −1 1  a1 
 
  
ûx2  1 1 −1 −1 0 0 0 0 a2 
 
  
ûy2  0 0 0 0 1 1 −1 −1 a3 
 
 = or û = Ma
ûx3  1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 a4 
 
  
ûy3  0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 a5 
 
  
ûx4  1 −1 1 −1 0 0 0 0  a6 
ûy4 0 0 0 0 1 −1 1 −1 a7

This implies

a = M−1 û =⇒ u = pM−1 û =⇒ u = Nû

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 25

Isoparametric Q4 element - Shape functions

in matrix form
 
ûy1 
 
 ûx2 
 
ux N1 0 N2 0 N3 0 N4 0  ûy2 

uy 0 N1 0 N2 0 N3 0 N4 ûx3 

ûy3 
 
ûx4 

in which
1 1
N1 = (1 − ξ)(1 − η), N2 = (1 + ξ)(1 − η)
4 4
1 1
N3 = (1 + ξ)(1 + η), N4 = (1 − ξ)(1 + η)
4 4

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 26

Isoparametric Q4 element - Shape functions
N1 N2

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
−1 1 −1 1
−0.5 0.5 −0.5 0.5
0 0 0 0
0.5 −0.5 0.5 −0.5
1 −1 1 −1

N3 N4

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
−1 1 −1 1
−0.5 0.5 −0.5 0.5
0 0 0 0
0.5 −0.5 0.5 −0.5
1 −1 1 −1

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 27

Isoparametric Q4 element - Shape functions

In a more compact form, shape functions are written as
NI = (1 + ξI ξ)(1 + ηI η)
Node I ξI ηI
1 -1 -1
2 1 -1
3 1 1
4 -1 1

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 28

Isoparametric Q4 element - Derivatives
It is impossible to write explicit expressions for the element
coordinates in x and y, and the derivatives of the shape
functions are evaluated by using implicit differentiation
 ξ,x ξ,y
= NTI,ξ Fξ
NI,x = [NI,x NI,y ] = NI,ξ NI,η
η,x η,y

Jacobian of the current configuration with respect to the

element coordinates is given by

ξ ∂xj
Fξ = Fji =
x,ξ x,η
y,ξ y,η
= xiI , ∵ x = x I NI
xI  x N xI NI,η
NI,ξ NI,η = I I,ξ

yI yI NI,ξ yI NI,η

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 29

Isoparametric Q4 element - Derivatives

For the four node quadrilateral element
X xI ξI (1 + ηI η) xI ηI (1 + ξI ξ)
F =
yI ξI (1 + ηI η) yI ηI (1 + ξI ξ)

or more explicitly

ξ1 (1 + η1 η)
 
η1 (1 + ξ1 ξ)

1 ξ (1 + η η) 1 η (1 + ξ ξ)
x,ξ = [x1 x2 x3 x4 ]  2
 2 
, x,η = [x1 x2 x3 x4 ]  2
 2 
4 ξ3 (1 + η3 η) 4 η3 (1 + ξ3 ξ)
ξ4 (1 + η4 η) η4 (1 + ξ4 ξ)

ξ1 (1 + η1 η)
 
η1 (1 + ξ1 ξ)

1 ξ2 (1 + η2 η) 1 η2 (1 + ξ2 ξ)
y,ξ = [y1 y2 y3 y4 ] 
ξ (1 + η η) , y,η = [y1 y2 y3 y4 ] 
η (1 + ξ ξ)
4 3 3 4 3 3
ξ4 (1 + η4 η) η4 (1 + ξ4 ξ)

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 30

Isoparametric Q4 element - Derivatives
The inverse of Fξ is given by
1 y,η −x,η

J −y,ξ x,ξ

in which J = x,ξ y,η − x,η y,ξ

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 31

Isoparametric Q4 element - Derivatives

The gradients of shape functions for the 4-node quadrilateral
with respect to the element coordinates are
 
∂N1 /∂ξ ∂N1 /∂η
∂N2 /∂ξ ∂N2 /∂η 
NT,ξ = [∂NI /∂ξi ] = 
∂N3 /∂ξ ∂N3 /∂η 

∂N4 /∂ξ ∂N4 /∂η

 
ξ1 (1 + η1 η) η1 (1 + ξ1 ξ)
1ξ2 (1 + η2 η) η2 (1 + ξ2 ξ)

4 3
 ξ (1 + η 3 η) η 3 (1 + ξ 3 ξ) 
ξ4 (1 + η4 η) η4 (1 + ξ4 ξ)

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 32

Isoparametric Q4 element - Derivatives
The gradients of shape functions for the 4-node quadrilateral
with respect to the spatial coordinates are

NTI,x = NTI,ξ Fξ
BI =
 
ξ1 (1 + η1 η) η1 (1 + ξ1 ξ)  
1ξ2 (1 + η2 η) η2 (1 + ξ2 ξ) 1 y,η −y,ξ
4 ξ3 (1 + η3 η) η3 (1 + ξ3 ξ) J −x,η x,ξ
ξ4 (1 + η4 η) η4 (1 + ξ4 ξ)

Displacement gradients are

u,x = uI BI = uI NTI,x

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 33

Higher order elements

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 34

Higher order elements - Quadrilateral element
Higher order isoparametric elements provide one of the most
attractive features of finite elements, the ability to model
curved boundaries

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 35

Higher order elements - Quadrilateral element

It is possible to use classical method to derive shape functions
for higher order elements

u = pa =⇒ a = M−1 û =⇒ u = pM−1 û =⇒ u = Nû

However, closed form symbolic inversion is very cumbersome

An alternate method is to construct shape functions by the

Tensor product method

The method is based on

◮ taking products of lower dimensional shape functions and
◮ exploiting the Kronecker delta property of shape functions

For example two-dimensional shape functions for a four node

quadrilateral element are obtained as the product of the
one-dimensional shape functions

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 36

Higher order elements - Quadrilateral element





N[I,J] (ξ, η) = NI (ξ)NJ (η)

1 1
N1 = N[1,1] = N1 ∗ N1 = (1 − ξ)(1 − η) N2 = N[2,1] = N2 ∗ N1 = (1 + ξ)(1 − η)
4 4
1 1
N3 = N[2,2] = N2 ∗ N2 = (1 + ξ)(1 + η) N4 = N[1,2] = N1 ∗ N2 = (1 − ξ)(1 + η)
4 4

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 37

Higher order elements - Q9






One-dimensional quadratic element shape functions are

N1 = − ξ(1 − ξ)
N2 = (1 − ξ 2 )
N3 = ξ(1 + ξ)

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 38

Higher order elements - Q9

N1 = N1 (ξ) ∗ N1 (η) = ξη(1 − ξ)(1 − η)
N2 = N3 (ξ) ∗ N1 (η) = − ξη(1 + ξ)(1 − η)
N3 = N3 (ξ) ∗ N3 (η) = ξη(1 + ξ)(1 + η)
N4 = N1 (ξ) ∗ N3 (η) = − ξη(1 − ξ)(1 + η)
N5 = N2 (ξ) ∗ N1 (η) = − η(1 − ξ 2 )(1 − η)
N6 = N3 (ξ) ∗ N2 (η) = ξ(1 + ξ)(1 − η 2 )
N7 = N2 (ξ) ∗ N3 (η) = η(1 − ξ 2 )(1 + η)
N8 = N1 (ξ) ∗ N2 (η) = − ξ(1 − ξ)(1 − η 2 )
N9 = N2 (ξ) ∗ N2 (η) = (1 − ξ 2 )(1 − η 2 )
Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 39

Higher order elements - Q9

N1 N5

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0

−0.5 −0.5
−1 −1
1 1
0 0.5 0 0.5
0 0
−0.5 −0.5
1 −1 1 −1






0 0.5
1 −1

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 40

Higher order elements - Q12




Exercise: Find out the shape functions of the Q12 element

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 41

Higher order elements

Isoparametric elements in two (or three) dimensions
constructed by a tensor product of one-dimensional element
shape functions are called Lagrange elements.
Some Lagrange elements possess internal nodes that do not
contribute to the interelement compatibility
These nodes can be condensed out at the element level to
reduce size of global matrices
Commercial softwares usually employs the formulation of higher
order element without internal nodes; these are called
serendipity elements
Shape functions for serendipity elements cannot be constructed
by a tensor product of one-dimensional shape functions
Serendipity element shape functions are obtained by a tensor
product of carefully selected functions to satisfy the Kronecker
delta property of the shape functions

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 42

Higher order elements - Q8 Serendipity element




Develop shape functions for the eight-noded quadrilateral

element (Q8)

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 43

Higher order elements - Q8 Serendipity element

Step 1


Lets take Lagrangian interpolation of a quadratic x linear for

the mid-side node

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 44

Higher order elements- Q8 Serendipity element
Step 2


For corner node, start with bi-linear Lagrangian family

Successive subtract of fraction of mid-side node shape function
to ensure zero at these nodes

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 45

Three-dimensional elements
The parent domain of the eight-node hexahedral element is a
biunit cube with element coordinates ξ, η and ζ

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 46

Three-dimensional elements
Geometry is approximated as

x = N8H (ξ, η, ζ)x̂

y = N8H (ξ, η, ζ)ŷ
z = N8H (ξ, η, ζ)ẑ

The shape functions can be constructed by tensor-product of

one-dimensional linear shape functions

NL8H (ξ, η, ζ) = NI2L (ξ) NJ2L (η) NK


For isoparametric element

ux = N8H (ξ, η, ζ)ûx

uy = N8H (ξ, η, ζ)ûy
uz = N8H (ξ, η, ζ)ûz

Asst.Prof.Dr. A. Ahmed Finite element method 47

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