Space Scientists Investigation
Space Scientists Investigation
Space Scientists Investigation
Physics Module 9.2 Space
Space Scientists Investigation
Syllabus Dot Point
• identify data sources, gather, analyse and present information on the contribution of ONE of the
following to the development of space exploration: Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Oberth, Robert
Goddard, Esnault‐Pelterie, O’Neill or Wernher von Braun.
1. Watch the videos on MOSS on the following three space scientists:
Space Scientist Videos
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Tsiolkovsky_Space Prophet
Robert Goddard The Dream that Wouldn't Down ‐ Robert Goddard Part 1
The Dream that Wouldn't Down ‐ Robert Goddard Part 2
Wernher von Braun Wernher von Braun_ Rocket Man for War and Peace ‐ Part 1
Wernher von Braun_ Rocket Man for War and Peace ‐ Part 2
Wernher von Braun_ Rocket Man for War and Peace ‐ Part 3
Wernher von Braun_ Part 2.1
Wernher von Braun_ Part 2.2
Wernher von Braun_ Part 2.3
* The path for the videos is:
MOSS>Shared Files>All Students>Resources>science>HSC Physics>Module 9.2
Space>Videos>Videos for Space Scientists Investigation
2. Make notes from the videos on ONE of these space scientists and their contribution to the development
of space exploration.
3. Supplement your video notes with any important extra information you can gather from any of the
following (or other additional) web sites.
Useful Websites:‐exploration/konstantin.html