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PACS Computerization

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Implementation of Software System for PACS Computerization

Quotation Reference Number: __________


Ahmednagar DCC Bank Ltd. Quotation Reference Number: __________

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1. Scope of Work

2. Minimum Qualification Criteria

3. Instructions to fill the Quotation form

4. Terms and conditions


6. Commercial Bid

7. Declaration

8. Letter of Authority in favour of person representing Company

9. Certificate & Declaration

10. Checklist.

Ahmednagar DCC Bank Ltd. Quotation Reference Number: __________

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Scope of the Work:-

The Ahmednagar District Central Co-operative Bank Ltd., Station Road, Ahmednagar
414001 having network of Head Office ,287 Branches and 11 Ext. Counters. Bank has
already under CBS Platform. Bank also adopted post CBS technologies like ATM/
POS, services of Rupay Debit/Rupay KCC, DBT, RTGS/NEFT, IMPS, Aadhaar
Linkage to customers 1395 PACS (V.K. Seva Society) are Members of Bank.

Bank intends to implement Software System for PACS Computerization

under uniform platform as per RBI/NABARD guidelines.

Bidder having ready, implemented & tested software with following

functionality need apply:
Architecture and Basic Features
Centrally deployable web based solution with RDBMS (Open Source recommended)
Allow anywhere access
Multi-lingual (Marathi and English)
APIs should be available for realtime data synchronization between PACS application
and DCC’s core banking.
Loan Origination
Ability to capture individual farmer’s loan details
Consolidates the loans portfolio for the PACS,
Computes sanction amount based on the scale of finance
Facilitates the Master Loan application submission from PACS to DCCB
Sanctions loans from DCCB
Maps the loans to the Savings Bank account of individuals at the DCCB
Realtime account information for loan disbursement, repayment etc in individual A/c
Transaction Posting
Loan transactions enabled through KCC
Supports Agriculture, Medium, long and other commercial loans
Accrues interest at the individual loans level
Maintains penal interest in case of loans past due date
Identifies overdue accounts and NPAs and create provisions
Computes and deducts the required crop insurance premiums
Computes and deducts share capital amount on a dynamic basis
Supports interest subvention claims under Govt. of India scheme
Supports interest subsidy claims as per District govt. schemes
Creates a borrowings product and account

Ahmednagar DCC Bank Ltd. Quotation Reference Number: __________

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Real time updates to the borrowing account
Supports Savings, fixed and recurring deposits
Functional trading module
Public Distribution System
Functional PDS module
Membership and Shares
Member details
Shares Module with capability to support loan eligibility criteria based on shareholding
Security by roles and privileges
PACS level parameters
DCCB level parameters
Scales of Finance
Interest subsidy and subvention
Financial Reports
CAS Compliance
DCCB level
User Friendly Screens & Interfaces Capability

Any other functionality agreed to and accepted by Ahmednagar DCC Bank and Bidder during
the course of discussions.

SOFTWARE VENDOR should submit detail proposal as below.

1) Scope of work-
2) Details of Require hardware, software , network for the PACS
A) SOFTWARE VENDOR responsibility (explain in details)
B) Bank responsibility (explain in details)

3) Detail of project plan.

4) Commercial bid

Ahmednagar DCC Bank Ltd. Quotation Reference Number: __________

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Minimum Qualification Criteria

Only those SOFTWARE VENDOR s who fulfill the following criteria are
eligible to respond to the TENDER. Offers received from the SOFTWARE
VENDOR s who do not fulfill any of the following eligibility criteria are liable to
be rejected.

The eligibility criteria for the SOFTWARE VENDOR are as under:

2.1. The SOFTWARE VENDOR must be a Registered Company with legal

presence in India and should be in the business of providing software solution
System for at least last 3 years as of 31/03/2021.

2.2. The SOFTWARE VENDOR should have a minimum turnover of 1 Crore (not
inclusive of the turnover of associate companies) related only to supplying,
installation, maintenance of PACS software in the last three financial years i.e.,
2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21 and should have achieved Gross Profit in past
three years. SOFTWARE VENDOR should be in sound financial condition as
judged by Ahmednagar DCC Bank for this purpose. Audited financial
statements to be submitted.

2.3. The SOFTWARE VENDOR should be a reputed company and having

executed PACS Computerization/ Core banking solution deployed in India and
which are presently operationalized. Software vendor should have experience
working with DCC Banks. SOFTWARE VENDOR should enclose
documentary proof for the same. List of all clients with copy of purchase orders
to be submitted along with the Bid documents.

2.4 The SOFTWARE VENDOR should have service; support and logistics Centre
in Ahmednagar District to provide 24 x 7 services.

2.6 SOFTWARE VENDOR or its principle should have at least 3 years exposure
in supplying, installing, maintaining and managing the software solution

2.7 Ahmednagar DCC Bank prefers Software Vendor to quote directly.

2.8. As on TENDER issue date, SOFTWARE VENDOR should not have been
black listed by any Financial Institutions/Banks in India. An undertaking to
this effect must be submitted on their letter head.

2.9 Product offered by the SOFTWARE VENDOR should not have been declared
as End of Life or End of Support by the OEM as on date of sale. SOFTWARE

Ahmednagar DCC Bank Ltd. Quotation Reference Number: __________

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VENDOR should submit an undertaking to this effect on letter head of the
company duly signed by the authorized signatory.

Photocopies of relevant documents / certificates should be submitted as proof in

support of the claims made. The Bank reserves the right to verify /evaluate the
claims made by the SOFTWARE VENDOR independently. Any decision of ADCC
Bank in this regard shall be final, conclusive and binding upon the SOFTWARE

Instructions to fill the Quotation form

1. Only registered firms under Company Act and GST Number should submit the
quotation Document. Submit shop act and GST Number license certificate.
2. Please fill in all Annexure and sign each page and affix the seal of the firm.

3. The Quotation form will be obtained from Head office, Banking & Account section,
Ahmednagar. filled forms shall be submitted in the head Office, Dispatch section and
Obtain a receipt for having submitted the Quotation Form.
4. No Changes should be made in the quotation form supplied.

5. The Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of Quotations without
assigning any reason.

6. Offers should be sent on address given below on or before 23/07/2021.

The Chief Executive Officer

The Ahmednagar DCC Bank Ltd.,
Head Office, Post Box No.42, Station Road, Ahmednagar
PIN : 414 001

7. Offer validity Period :- The offer should be valid for a minimum period of 90 days
from the date of the opening of quotation.
8. Preliminary Scrutiny :- Ahmednagar DCC Bank Ltd. will scrutinize the offers to
determine whether they are complete, whether any errors have been made in the offer,
Ahmednagar DCC Bank Ltd. Quotation Reference Number: __________
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whether required technical documentation has been furnished, whether the documents
have been properly signed, and whether items are quoted as per the schedule.
Ahmednagar DCC Bank Ltd. may, at its discretion, waive any minor non-conformity or
any minor irregularity in an offer. This shall be binding on all vendors and the
Ahmednagar DCC Bank Ltd. reserves the right for such waivers.

All envelopes must be super scribed with the following information:

Offer Reference
Type of Offer (Technical or Commercial)

ENVELOPE-I (Technical Offer): Two copies (Hard Copy & Soft Copy).
The Technical Offer should be completed in all respects and contain all information
asked for in the exact format of technical specifications given in the Tender, except
prices. The Technical Offer must not contain any price information. The Bank, at its
sole discretion, may not evaluate a Technical Offer in case of non-submission or
partial submission of technical details. Any decision of The Bank in this regard shall
be final, conclusive and binding upon the SOFTWARE VENDOR .

ENVELOPE-II (Commercial Offer):

The indicative commercial Bid should contain all relevant price information and
should not contradict the Technical Offer in any manner.

If the outer cover / envelop is not sealed and super scribed as required, The Bank will
assume no responsibility for bid’s misplaced or premature opening.

a. If any inner cover /envelop is found to contain both technical and commercial
bids that bid will be rejected summarily.
b. If any outer envelope is found to contain only the technical Bid or Commercial
Bid, it will be treated as incomplete & will be liable for rejection.
c. If financial bid is not submitted in a separate sealed envelope duly marked
as mentioned above, this will constitute grounds for declaring the bid non-

Ahmednagar DCC Bank Ltd. Quotation Reference Number: __________

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Terms and Conditions
1. Only registered firms under GST should submit the Quotation Document. Submit
GST number registration certificate.
2. No Commitment to Accept Lowest or Any Quotation
Ahmednagar DCC Bank Ltd. shall be under no obligation to accept the lowest or any
other offer received in response to this Quotation notice and shall be entitled to reject
any or all offers including those received late or incomplete offers without assigning
any reason therefore.

3. Right to cancel the order.

Ahmednagar DCC Bank reserves its right to cancel the order in the event of one or
more of the following situations:
a) Delay in Delivery beyond the specified period of time

4. Manuals and technical details.

The SOFTWARE VENDOR should provide related manuals and complete technical
detail to bank.
5. Minimum warranty and support.
The offer must include Minimum three year warranty from the date of
implementation & Go-Live of solution. It includes Software customization as per
Bank requirement and as per RBI/NABARD/State Govt. Norms.
14. Memorandum of understanding.
Successful SOFTWARE VENDOR has to enter with an agreement (MoU) with the
15. The SOFTWARE VENDOR shall adhere to any changes that may be made in
the terms and conditions at the time of agreement (MoU).
16. Price quoted should be inclusive of all charges. GST will be paid extra.
18. Software Solution Implementation Period: Solution should be implemented
within 90 days after Bank’s Work Order.
19. Payment Terms: 50% after Implementation, 40% after successful Go Live & 10%
after warranty period.
20. No advance payment will be paid.
Ahmednagar DCC Bank Ltd. Quotation Reference Number: __________
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The SOFTWARE VENDOR (s) must submit Earnest Money Deposit in the form of
Cash/DD/NEFT/IMPS in favour of Ahmednagar DCC BANK payable at Ahmednagar
for an amount mentioned hereunder and email transaction details, Company Name,
communication details on adccbank@ahmednagardccbank.com

Bank Account details for NEFT/IMPS Transaction

The Ahmednagar District Central Co-operative Bank Ltd.
Account Name- Tender Deposit, Branch Name- Station Road, Ahmednagar
IFSC Code-ICIC00ADCCB, Account No-017511029000129

Particulars EMD
Implementation of PACs software Solution. (Two Lakh only)

Ahmednagar DCC Bank Ltd. Quotation Reference Number: __________

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Particulars Details
Name Of the Firm
Date Of Incorporation

Firm Registered office address

Telephone and Fax numbers

Name and designation of the person

authorized to make commitments to the
Ahmednagar DCC Bank Ltd.,
Email Address

Ownership Structure
Turn Over of the Firm Year Turn Over

GST Number
Income Tax PAN Number
Geographical Area covered by the
Support Centers
Tel Nos:
Number Of Support Engineers (enclose
Existence since:
Center wise Information
Firm/Company Bank Account details
Bénéficiary Name (Name of Account)

Bank Name

Branch Name


Bénéficiary Account Number

Ahmednagar DCC Bank Ltd. Quotation Reference Number: __________

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Commercial Bid

Sr No. Descrption Total Charges (Exclusive GST,Taxes)

1 Software Solution for PACS 1. Hardware
2. Software

3. Other Charges.

(SOFTWARE VENDOR can submit detail sheet of commercial bid)





Ahmednagar DCC Bank Ltd. Quotation Reference Number: __________

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The Chief Executive officer,
The Ahmednagar District Central Co-Op Bank Ltd.,
Head Office, Ahmednagar.

I/We have read the various conditions attached and hereby agree to abide by the said
conditions. I/We offer to do work relating to quotation No. . for
Implementation of Digital attendance solutions.

A sum of Rs. 200000/- is herewith forwarded as the Earnest Money Deposit in the form
of RTGS/NEFT/IMPS/Demand Draft in favour of " The Ahmednagar District Central
Co-Op Bank Ltd, Ahmednagar" payable at Ahmednagar. I am/ we are aware that interest
will not be payable on the EMD.The EMD is submitted in a seperate sealed cover
mentioning the Name of the Bank, Amount, DD No. and Date on the cover.

Encl : As per the list of contents

At Top Sheet and D.D. NO Signature of SOFTWARE VENDOR
For Rs. 200000/- Name :

Date :
Signature of witness Name of witness

Ahmednagar DCC Bank Ltd. Quotation Reference Number: __________

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Letter of Authority

The Chief Executive officer,
The Ahmednagar District Central Co-Op Bank Ltd.,
Head Office, Ahmednagar.

Dear Sir,

This is to certify that, all rights have been given to the signatory of the tender
and decision taken by the signatory would be binding on the company/organisation.

Company seal Sign

Name of Company/ Organization

Ahmednagar DCC Bank Ltd. Quotation Reference Number: __________

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It has been Certified that all information provided in tender form is true
and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. No forged / tampered
document(s) are produced with tender form for gaining unlawful advantage. We
understand that ………………..is authorized to make enquiry to establish the
facts claimed and obtain confidential reports from clients.

In case it is established that any information provided by us is false /

misleading or in the circumstances where it is found that we have made any
wrong claims, we are liable for forfeiture of EMD/SD and or any penal action
and other damages including withdrawal of all work / purchase orders being
executed by us. Further ADCC Bank is also authorized to blacklist our
firm/company/agency and debar us in participating in any tender/bid in future.

I / We assure the Bank that neither I / We nor any of my / our workers

will do any act/s which are improper / illegal during the execution in case the
tender is awarded to us.

Neither I / We nor anybody on my / our behalf will indulge in any corrupt

activities / practices in my / our dealing with the Bank.

Our Firm/ Company/ Agency is not been blacklisted or banned by any

Bank, Govt. Department, PSU, University, Autonomous Institute or Any other
Govt. Organization.

Date Signature of the


Place Stamp

Ahmednagar DCC Bank Ltd. Quotation Reference Number: __________

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1. Firm/Company Registration Certificate.

2. GST Registration Certificate.
3. Corporate Client list.
4. DD/Receipt of EMD of Rs.200000/-.
5. Last 3 years Audited Balance Sheet.
6. Project plan
7. Experience details
8. Letter of Authority in favour of person representing Company

Please Note :
Under the following Circumstances / Reasons the Quotation Document of the respective
SOFTWARE VENDOR will be disqualified / rejected.
A. If any of the above mentioned documents are not enclosed.
B. If any furnished Documents / Details found to be False.

Ahmednagar DCC Bank Ltd. Quotation Reference Number: __________

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