Installation and Setup Guide - Signal Loans
Installation and Setup Guide - Signal Loans
Installation and Setup Guide - Signal Loans
21st February 2020
Installation and Setup Guide
We enforce use of ssl for signal loans app. Domain and server service providers like
namecheap will provide automated ssl setup. To run the app on your local machine, you
database in the database tab, assign a database user with privileges. We’ll need
2. Uploading Files
After creating a database, unzip the downloaded files from CodeCanyon and
upload the contents of the production folder to your server root:
or /path/to/public_html/.
NOTE: Always use a desktop application like FileZilla to upload files to FTP as
opposed to web based file managers to avoid issues with corrupted or missing
NOTE: Make sure that .env and .htaccess (hidden files) file get copied to your
See image below for what the files should look like while in your server.
We noted some operating systems were omitting the upload to these two files. Set your
server to show hidden files so you may upload all.
● Inside the “/core” directory, there is a hidden file ‘.env’.
● Inside the “/backend” directory, there is a hidden file ‘.htaccess’
Inside the /core directory. Note the .env file. (Enable to see hidden files to see)
Inside the /backend directory. Note the .htaccess file. (Enable to see hidden files to see)
3. Run the setup
Navigate to…. . /backend/install endpoint of your domain name where you just
uploaded the production code.
You will need the database name, user and password generated from step1. Above.
The install wizard will check for server requirements and correct directory permissions.
You will then enter database details (Already created in cpanel and a user with
privileges assigned). The last step is creating a default user. You will finally be
redirected to a login page, where you’ll use the just created user (email/password), to
log in. See images below.
Step 1:
If any server requirement is marked as not available, install or activate in your server
and rerun the installer.
If any directory permission is marked as not right, change it to 755 in your server and
rerun the installer.
In most cases, only the last three will need to be added. The ‘localhost’ as host and port
‘3306’ is a good guess if you are not sure what the alternatives could be.
When setup is complete, you will be redirected to the login page. I.e /#/login. Login
using the default user:
Password: admin123
1. Make sure to create a database and assign a user before running the installer.
2. The uploaded files have .env file inside the “/core” directory. This is where the
installer writes app configurations. Normally you don’t have to touch this file.
However in case of any errors during the installation process, confirm that you
didn’t skip this hidden file during upload. There is a second hidden file (.htaccess)
inside the “/backend” directory.
Development Mode
You will need some skills in Laravel PHP framework and Angular 8.
To run the app in development mode, see the directory. Open the directory using an IDE like PHPstorm or VSCode. The f can be
To run the Angular frontend in your development machine, make sure to have Node.js
and npm (Needed to install angular and other packages we may require.) installed.
Open the code in your chosen IDE. Ensure node and Angular CLI is installed. Angular
CLI (npm install -g @angular/cli). With the project open in the IDE, run npm i in the
terminal, to install project node dependencies. Use ng serve -o to run and open the
development server.
The development run of Angular will automatically open the app on your default web
To run the backend (Laravel), install apache, Mysql and PHP. Run the migrations and
1. The Capital menu sets the initial lending capital per branch.
4. At the communication settings menu item, this is where you configure your email
sending configurations. You edit your email and sms templates here and assign
Settings->Expense menu. You will not be able to add a branch expense at the
main sidebar menu unless there is a category already set. These categories are
company wide, not specific per different branches. Expenses are however
6. To add a loan application, first setup a loan type at the settings->loans menu
item. You other tabs to edit interest types and payment frequencies at this menu
7. The payments submenu under settings will enable you to add manual payment
methods. Unless extended in code, payment methods like paypal or skill will not
8. At the Users & Roles submenu of the settings, you will be able to manage users,
roles and user permissions. Normally this is an admin only feature. Make sure to
deny your non admin users user-setting permission to hide this feature from your
general users.
To give out a loan. First, in settings->loans, create a loan type. E.g Business Loan.
Apply for a loan under the loan applications menu which is at the left sidebar. Once
created, the loan application will appear at the list of loan applications under the same
At the click of the details button of a loan application, the user is taken to a details page.
If admin user, there will be a review tab where you can convert this loan application into
a loan.
Once converted, this new loan will display at the list of loans. (Loans menu at left
To pay for a loan, use the payments menu item at the left sidebar. Select a member
Internally, Signal Loans will assign the loan payment to fees, penalties, interest or
principal repayment.
See the FAQ document for more info on Signal Loans operations.
I hope this documentation is detailed enough to get you started using signal loans, for
any issues that are not covered in this documentation, please contact me via email. You
I will also be updating the script every now and then so it may positively influence your
business. I will appreciate your feedback and idea suggestions to improve this app.
Thank you,
Kevin Mungai.