Subject Description.: Multimedia Systems
Subject Description.: Multimedia Systems
Subject Description.: Multimedia Systems
Subject Description.
This is an introductory course in digital media. ELEMENTS OF MULTIMEDIA
Knowing about the connection between scientific TEXT
concepts and applications will help you in making is the basic element of multimedia.
educated guesses, rather than relying on defaults or involves the use of text types, sizes, colors
recipes, in using tools and techniques in application and background color.
programs. The practical component of the course is to produce an effective multimedia program
organized around learning about, and using various there are three things that need to be
software for manipulating digital sound, digital considered:
images, and digital video. o the position of the text
INTRODUCTION TO MULTIMEDIA o length of the message
o legibility of the text
simply means more than one medium. make the multimedia application attractive.
is the media that uses multiple forms of helps illustrate ideas through still pictures.
information content and information there are two types of graphics used:
processing to inform or entertain the user. bitmaps (paint graphics) -are stored as a
also refers to the use of electronic media to series of tiny dots called pixels. Pixel is a
store and experience multimedia content. very small square that is assigned with a
color and then arranged in a pattern to form
vector (draw graphics)-use mathematical
formulas to draw lines and curves that can
Newspaper was perhaps the first mass
be combined to create an image form
communication medium to employ
geometric objects such as circles and
Multimedia --they used mostly text,
graphics, and images.
In 1895, Guglielmo Marconi sent his first a multimedia application may require the
wireless radio transmission at Pontecchio, use of speech, music and sound effects.
Italy. VIDEO
A few years later (in 1901), he detected provides a powerful impact in a multimedia
radio waves beamed across the Atlantic. program.
Initially invented for telegraph, radio is now In multimedia applications, the digital video
a major medium for audio broadcasting. is gaining popularity because of the
Sample: TELEGRAPH following reasons:
Television was the new media for the 20th video clips can be edited easily
century. It brings the video and has since the digital video files can be stored like any
changed the world of mass communications. other files in the computer and the
Pong was also one of the earliest and best- quality of the video can still be maintained
known examples of multimedia. the video files can be transferred within a
Developed in 1972 by Nolan Bushnell(the computer network
founder of a then-new company called it allows non-linear editing in any part of the
Atari), the game consisted of two simple video
paddles that batted a square "ball" back and ANIMATION
forth across the screen, like ping pong, in is a process of making a static image look
which Ping is the human player and Pong is like it is moving.
the electronic player. It started as an arcade
in multimedia, digital animation is used. actions taking place there) or active representation
Digital animation can be categorized into (the user can take part in the action and even
two broad areas: influence the process of the remote location).
o 2D (2 Dimensions) Animation Examples include:
o 3D (3 Dimensions) Animation a. Conference Applications
c. Remote Auctions
LINEAR ACTIVE CONTENT d. Remote Robotic Agents
progresses without any navigation control e. Remote Tasks Agents
for the viewer such as a instructional f. Virtual Reality
3. Entertainment – this area attracts most of the
designed to be presented in a sequential attention of the general public as a lot of
manner. telecommunications and media companies expect
has a distinct end and beginning. that the entertainment market will be the one with
NON-LINEAR CONTENT the largest audience and also, the best suited for the
offers user interactivity to control progress deployment of multimedia techniques.
as used with a computer game or used in a. Digital Television
self-paced computer based training. b. Video on Demand
is also known as hypermedia content. c. Interactive Games
d. Interactive Television
1.Computer controlled