Midterms Exam: Mark Only One Oval
Midterms Exam: Mark Only One Oval
Midterms Exam: Mark Only One Oval
1. An instrument which is not dated will be considered dated as at the time of * 2 points
.rst indorsement
last indorsement
2. "I promise to pay P or his order the sum of Php10,000 30 days a!er the death of X." This 2 points
is an instrument payable: *
on demand
3. Who among the following is the holder of a negotiable instrument originally payable to 2 points
order? *
possessor of the instrument to whom the instrument was delivered without any indorsement
mere delivery
5. Assuming all the other requisites of negotiability are present, which of the following 2 points
S1 is false; S2 is true
7. Which of the following is a valid address to a drawee so as to make the instrument 2 points
negotiable? *
H may collect from A, B or C Php 20,000 since they had no knowledge of the wrongful completion
9. R signs a check amounting to Php50,000 but which is blank as to the name of payee. He 2 points
keeps the check in his drawer but S, his secretary, steals it, places her name as payee on
the blank, and negotiates it to A, A to B, B to C, and C to H, holder. A, B and C have no
knowledge of the the! of the check and its unauthorized completion by S. Which is
incorrect? *
H may enforce payment against A, B and C, whether H is a holder in due course or not
H may not enforce payment of the check against R, whether H is a holder in due course or not
10. M makes a note payable to the order of P. He delivers the note to P with the instruction 2 points
that P shall keep the same until M has obtained the proceeds of his loan from the bank.
P, however, disregarded the instruction of M and indorsed the note to A, A to B, B to C,
and C to H, holder. A, B and C has no knowledge of P's defective title. Which statement
is incorrect? *
H may not enforce payment against A, B and C, whether H is a holder in due course or not
Special indorsement
Blank indorsement
QUali.ed indorsement
Restrictive indorsement
12. An instrument reads: "November 30, 2019. I promise to pay to the order of Paolo Garcia 2 points
the sum of Php50,000 if he places 1st in the May 2020 engineering examination.
Signed, Mariano Miranda" *
13. An instrument reads: "November 1, 2020. I promise to pay to the order of Lei Rosario the 2 points
sum of Php60,000 on November 30, 2020. Signed, Jisel Rosario, Signed Juris Rosario,
signed Kim Eden". On November 30, 2020, Lei Rosario may collect from Jisel Rosario
the amount of *
the promise or order is to pay the amount of the instrument out of a particular fund
the promise or order to pay is coupled with a statement of the transaction that gave rise to the
the sum payable is to be paid with costs of collection or an attorney's fee in case payment is not
made at maturity
the instrument contains a provision authorizing the sale of collateral securities in case instrument
is not paid at maturity
15. Which of the following omissions on the face of the instrument will render it non- 2 points
negotiable *
16. The a#ribute of a negotiable instrument which allows it to be passed from one hand to 2 points
another, similar to money, so as to give the holder in due course the right to hold the
instrument free from defect of title of prior pa"ies, and free from defenses available to
prior pa"ies among themselves and to enforce payment of the instrument for the full
amount thereof against all pa"ies liable thereon is known as *
17. An instrument is not payable on demand in one of the following cases * 2 points
when the instrument is expressed to be payable after the occurrence of a speci.ed event which is
certain to happen
18. Which of the following is not a promise to pay, thus will make an instrument non- 2 points
negotiable *
21. The placing of a date in instrument is necessary in the following cases, except: * 2 points
22. Wri#en assent of the drawee to the order of the drawer is * 2 points
23. An instrument which contains a promise or order to pay a sum of money which is 2 points
subject to a condition is negotiable as long as the condition happens *
24. An instrument where no time for payment is expressed is payable on demand * 2 points
25. An instrument payable to a speci$ed person or his agent is payable to order * 2 points
26. The negotiable character of an instrument is not a%ected by the fact that it is not dated 2 points
27. Where the name of the payee does not purpo" to be the name of any person, the 2 points
instrument is payable to order *
28. Where the instrument is payable to the order of a "$ctitious person", the instrument is 2 points
still payable to bearer although such person is actually existing as long as he was not the
intended recipient of the payment *
29. The ante dating or post dating of the instrument does not render the instrument invalid 2 points
provided it is not done for an illegal purpose *
30. An instrument that is incomplete but delivered , when completed without authority, shall 2 points
be considered to have been completed with authority in the hands of a due course *
31. An instrument that is complete but is undelivered shall be considered as validly 2 points
delivered if it is in the hands of a holder in due course *
32. When an instrument provides: "I promise to pay" is signed by two or more persons, they 2 points
are deemed to be jointly and severally liable *