Constitutive Behavior of As-Cast AA1050, AA3104, and AA5182: Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A July 2002
Constitutive Behavior of As-Cast AA1050, AA3104, and AA5182: Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A July 2002
Constitutive Behavior of As-Cast AA1050, AA3104, and AA5182: Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A July 2002
40 848
4 authors, including:
Laurens Katgerman
Delft University of Technology
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Effect of compositions on microstructure and hot tearing susceptibility in direct-chill casting of 7XXX aluminum alloys View project
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Recent thermomechanical modeling to calculate the stress field in industrially direct-chill (DC) cast-
aluminum slabs has been successful, but lack of material data limits the accuracy of these calculations.
Therefore, the constitutive behavior of three aluminum alloys (AA1050, AA3104, and AA5182) was
determined in the as-cast condition using tensile tests at low strain rates and from room temperature
to solidus temperature. The parameters of two constitutive equations, the extended Ludwik equation
and a combination of the Sellars–Tegart equation with a hardening law, were determined. In order
to study the effect of recovery, the constitutive behavior after prestraining at higher temperatures was
also investigated. To evaluate the quantified constitutive equations, tensile tests were performed
simulating the deformation and cooling history experienced by the material during casting. It is
concluded that both constitutive equations perform well, but the combined hardening-Sellars–Tegart
(HST) equation has temperature-independent parameters, which makes it easier to implement in a
DC casting model. Further, the deformation history of the ingot should be taken into account for
accurate stress calculations.
F 1 2G
material behavior under the prevalent conditions, i.e., low nH
1 RT 2
strains, low strain rates, and temperatures ranging from cast- sss 2Q
« 5 A sinh exp [2]
ing temperature to room temperature. Therefore, the thermo- s0
mechanical behavior is governed successively by power-law
creep, power-law breakdown and low temperature plasticity. where A, «0, and nH are material constants, sss is the steady-
Such behavior can be described by many different constitu- state stress, Q is the activation energy, R is the universal
tive equations, varying from equations that result from sim- gas constant, and T is the temperature (K). This equation
ple hardening models to complex equations with internal fits the data from creep tests in the temperature range 400
variables to describe the microstructural evolution of the 8C to 600 8C and the strain-rate range 1026 to 1022 s21 very
alloy. well. Below 400 8C, the Sellars–Tegart law overestimates
the stress, as at low temperatures more strain is required to
reach steady-state conditions.[12] The advantage of Eq. [2]
B. Constitutive Equations over Eq. [1] is that the parameters are temperature independ-
To describe the material behavior in the as-cast condition ent and that the temperature occurs explicitly in the equation.
in the complete temperature range encountered during cast- A convenient way to extend the validity of Eq. [2] to
ing, the extended Ludwik equation has been used,[1,6– 10] lower temperatures is to replace sss by sH and to combine
which is a phenomenological equation of the form it with a simple hardening law in the following way:
1 11 2 22
W.M. VAN HAAFTEN, Researcher, is with Corus R,D&T, 1970 CA Z
IJmuiden, The Netherlands. B. MAGNIN, Technical Director Extrusion, f(Z ) 5 min 1, arcsinh [4]
is with the Pechiney Centre de Recherche de Voreppe, 38340, Voreppe,
France. W.H. KOOL, Senior Scientist, and L. KATGERMAN, Professor,
are with the Laboratory of Materials, Delft University of Technology, 2628
where Z is the Zener–Hollomon parameter (Z 5 « exp
AL Delft, The Netherlands. Contact e-mail: (Q/RT )), A is the same material constant as in Eq. [2], and
Manuscript submitted July 5, 2001. mH equals 1/nH. The parameter a represents the percentage
of hardening occurring at a certain temperature compared of aluminum alloys under the conditions that prevail during
to the hardening occurring at room temperature under the DC casting. Since the microstructure should resemble the
same load. At high temperature, a 5 0, and at low tempera- microstructure during DC casting as closely as possible, two
ture, a 5 1. Between 250 8C and 400 8C, a changes from alternative procedures are adopted in solid-state testing. The
1 to 0 to provide a smooth transition between hardening- first is that the material is solidified in situ.[8,21] The second
dominated behavior to steady-state behavior. The tempera- is that the material in the as-cast condition is reheated to
ture dependency of a is as follows: the test temperature.[8,10,12,17,22] Nedreberg[10] has performed
tensile tests on AA6063 from room temperature to solidus
a5 [5] temperatures. The as-cast specimens were heat treated to
1 1 exp (a0 1 a1T ) redissolve the precipitates and then cooled as fast as possible
in which a0 and a1 are fitting parameters. We will refer to Eqs. to the test temperature. It was concluded that Eq. [1] fits
[3] through [5] as the combined hardening-Sellars–Tegart the data very well over the entire temperature range. Magnin
(HST) equation. et al.[8] have performed tensile tests with an Al-4.5 pct Cu
alloy at strain rates of 1022 to 1023 s21 and from room
temperature to coherency temperature. They compared
C. Determination of Constitutive Data results from specimens cooled from the liquid state, as-cast
In earlier studies, Eq. [1] was applied to a solution heat- specimens heated directly to the test temperature, and as-
treated and aged Al-3 pct Mg alloy.[7] The strain-rate sensitiv- cast specimens cooled to the test temperature after a short
ity, mL , varies from slightly negative (20.01) below 200 8C treatment at 500 8C for 10 seconds. The results from the
to 0.3 at 400 8C, while nL drops from 0.4 at room temperature first and the latter test were similar, and therefore, it was
to 0 at 400 8C. The parameters mL and nL were also deter- decided that the best procedure to imitate the as-cast condi-
mined for an as-cast Al-4.5 pct Cu alloy.[8] For this alloy, tion was cooling to the test temperature after this short heat
mL increases from 0 at 150 8C to 0.2 at 550 8C, and nL treatment. Several other alloys have been investigated in the
decreases from 0.26 at room temperature to 0 around 400 as-cast condition (AA3004,[17] AA3103,[12] AA1201,[3] and
8C. The strain-rate-sensitivity parameter, mL , depends lin- AA2024[22] ), but these studies are limited either to the creep
early on the Mg content at elevated temperature for homoge- regime[3,12,22] or to low temperatures,[17] and the experimental
nized Al-Mg alloys with maximum 6 pct Mg.[16] Park and procedures all differ from one study to the other.
Morris[17] investigated the tensile behavior of AA3004 in The aim of this study is to determine the constitutivebehav-
both as-cast condition and after a H19 treatment. The mate- ior of three non heat-treatable alloys (AA1050, AA3104, and
rial shows an increasing strain-rate sensitivity from 20 8C AA5182) under conditions that resemble those during DC
to 200 8C, but the increase is much stronger for the H19 casting as closely as possible. Tensile testing was performed
material. At the lowest temperatures, strain-rate sensitivity in the as-cast condition from solidus temperature to room
is slightly negative, and serrated flow is observed. These temperature at strain rates from 5 3 1023 to 1 3 1025 s21.
observations are attributed to the Mg atoms in the solid
solution. The steep increase of mL and the disappearance of
the serrated flow above 150 8C is due to the precipitation
of Mg2Si and the increase in thermal energy so that pinning A. Material and Mechanical Testing
of dislocations is no longer effective.[17]
The Sellars–Tegart equation (Eq. [2]) has been used for The materials for this study were sampled from industrial
a wide range of conditions. Parameter values for both as- rolling slabs.1 The slabs were received in the as-cast condi-
cast material and homogenized and/or hot-rolled material tion and were not heat treated. Tensile tests were carried out
are summarized in Table I.[3,11,12,18] It is observed that the with a GLEEBLE* 1500 (AA3104) and a GLEEBLE 3500
values for Q are much higher than the value of 142 *GLEEBLE is a trademark of Dynamic Systems, Inc., Poestenkill, NY.
kJ/mol for vacancy diffusion.[19,20] Further, the as-cast mate-
rial yields high values for A and n, whereas the hot-rolled (AA1050 and AA5182) thermomechanical simulator. The
material has an intermediate n value.
Whereas many studies deal with the constitutive equa-
tions for aluminum alloys, only a limited amount of 1
AA3104 at Pechiney CRV, France; AA1050 and AA5182 at VAW,
data[3,8,10,12,17,21,22] is available on the constitutive behavior Germany.
Fig. 3—Imposed temperature (???) and stress (–––) path during the continu-
ous cooling test.
D. Fitting Procedure
The fitting procedure was restricted to the plastic part and
before fitting, the data were filtered by an adjacent averaging
procedure to reduce the statistical noise on the strain signal
and to improve the determination of the strain rate during
the test. The data were fitted to the extendedLudwik equation
(Eq. [1]) and the HST equation (Eqs. [3] to [5]). As the
strain hardening becomes zero at high temperatures, nL was
set to zero above 350 8C in the extended Ludwik equation
to facilitate the fitting procedure. Also, as the strain-rate
sensitivity is negligible at low temperatures, mL was set to
zero below 200 8C. At higher temperatures, mL was deduced
from the strain-rate jump performed at a strain of about 0.01.
A. Material
The chemical composition of the three alloys, determined (b)
by X-ray fluorescence analysis, is given in Table II. Speci-
men AA5182 has a Mg content of 3.6 wt pct, whereas the
composition limit is 4.0 to 5.0 wt pct.
B. Initial Tests
The effect of specimen location in the slab was investi-
gated for AA3104. The results show that the 0.2 pct yield
stress decreases considerably with increasing distance from
the rolling face (Figure 4). Specimens near the edge yield
at ,115 MPa, whereas specimens at the middle of the slab
yield at ,80 MPa.
A short, initial heat treatment at 550 8C for AA1050 and
AA3104 and at 480 8C for AA5182 strongly influences the (c)
tensile strength (Figure 5). The 0.2 pct yield strength is Fig. 5—Tensile tests of (a) AA1050, (b) AA3104, and (c) AA5182 meas-
reduced by about 10 to 40 MPa for the different alloys. A ured at 50 8C without heat treatment (–––) and after a heat treatment for
heating time of 10 or 60 seconds gives the same result. It 10 s (---) or 60 s (???).
C. Thermomechanical Behavior
Tensile tests were carried out between 50 8C and the
solidus temperature. The resulting stress-strain curves for
AA1050 are shown in Figure 9(a). The behavior between
50 8C and 200 8C is very similar, and the strain hardening
decreases only slightly with increasing temperature. At 250
8C and above, hardening is strongly reduced. Above 350
8C, hardening is almost absent, and the material shows
Fig. 7—The effect of prestrain on the yield stress at 50 8C. Alloy AA3104 steady-state behavior already at low strain levels. At 500 8C
(M ) was prestrained 1 pct (300 8C, 500 8C) or 2 pct (200 8C, 400 8C). and above, horizontal lines are shown because these tests
AA5182 (n ) was prestrained 1 pct at all temperatures. were load controlled, i.e., creep tests. The corresponding
strain vs time graphs indicated steady-state behavior. Alloys
AA3104 and AA5182 roughly show a similar behavior (Fig-
ures 9(c) and (e)), but the overall stress levels lie much
is also found that specimens from different locations yield higher, and they keep their strength until 300 8C.
very similar results after the heat treatment. This allows Figures 9(b), (d), and (f) show the continuation of the
that, after such a heat treatment, the specimens can be used tensile tests after the strain-rate decrease. For alloy AA1050,
irrespective of their location in the slab. no effect is observed from 50 8C to 200 8C. Above 200 8C,
To study the role of possible precipitation, tensile tests the decrease in strain rate is followed by a gradual decrease
were done at 50 8C, after cooling at 5 8C/s and 0.5 8C/s of the stress level to a new steady-state value. Both the
from 550 8C. Figure 6 shows for AA3104 the stress-strain duration of the transient and the relative change in stress
curves after cooling at different rates. The curves are very level increase with increasing temperature. At 500 8C to 620
similar, indicating that the difference in cooling rate has no 8C, the stress level decreases immediately because these
influence on the tensile behavior of the material over the tests were load controlled. For AA3104, no strain-rate sensi-
range of cooling rates expected during DC casting. tivity is observed below 250 8C. At 300 8C and above, the
The effect of deformation history on yield strength at 50 stress level decreases slowly as was also observed in
8C was studied for alloys AA3104 and AA5182. Figure 7 AA1050. In contrast to the other alloys, the hardening
shows the yield strength after prestraining the specimens at increases after the strain rate decrease at 250 8C. This is
temperatures ranging from 200 8C to 500 8C. The yield attributed to dynamic strain aging in which, at low strain
strength with the same temperature history but without rate, the dislocations are captured by solute atoms of which
prestraining is also given. For both alloys, the results of the speed is limited by their diffusion rate.[25,26] For alloy
prestraining at 400 8C, prestraining at 500 8C, and no AA5182, the strain-rate sensitivity is apparent at 200 8C and
prestraining are comparable, which means that above 400 shows similar behavior to AA1050 at higher temperatures.
8C possible strain hardening is fully recovered. Prestraining Figure 10 shows the total strain in the continuous-cooling
at 200 8C hardens the material significantly. After prestrain- test and the thermal contribution derived from a separate
ing at 300 8C, the material shows intermediate behavior. experiment. By subtracting these two values, the plastic
The effect of the amount of prestrain on the hardening strain is obtained.
(c) (d )
(e) (f)
Fig. 9—Tensile curves of AA1050 (a, b), AA3104 (c, d), and AA5182 (e f ). Graphs on the left-hand side show the tensile test to the point at which the
strain rate was decreased. The strain rate, which varies from test to test, is 5 3 1023 to 1 3 1024 s21. Graphs on the right-hand side show behavior after
the strain rate decrease to 6 3 1024 to 1 3 1025 s21.
C. Constitutive Behavior
Figure 13 shows the measured stress-strain curves and
calculated curves according to the extendedLudwik equation
(Eq. [1]) and the HST equation (Eqs. [3] through [5]). The
measured stress-strain curves are well approximated by the
extended Ludwik equation. The HST equation describes, for
low and high temperatures, the thermomechanical behavior
of the three alloys well, although less well than the extended
Ludwik equation. The reason is that the HST equation fits
all curves simultaneously, while the extended Ludwik equa-
tion is optimized for each temperature individually.The HST
equation has some difficulties in describing the experimental
data in the intermediate temperature regime, i.e., where both
strain hardening occurs and where the stress is strain-rate
dependent. This is mainly apparent for AA5182 at 300 8C.
The advantage of the use of the HST equation instead of
Fig. 10—Total strain (–––) and thermal contribution (???) during the contin- the extended Ludwik equation is the temperature independ-
uous cooling test. ence of the parameters applied.
Table III. Parameters of the Extended Ludwik Equation (Eq. [1]) for AA1050, AA3104, and AA5182
D. Continuous-Cooling Test
Figure 14 shows the imposed and calculated stresses of
the continuous-cooling test of AA5182. For the calculation,
the stresses were derived from the plastic strain and strain
rate measured during the continuous cooling test, using Eq.
Fig. 11—Ludwik parameters vs temperature: (a) K, (b) nL , and (c) mL for Fig. 12—The temperature dependence of a: AA1050 (- - -), AA3104 (???),
AA1050 (c ), AA3104 (M ), and AA5182 (m ). and AA5182 (–––).
Table IV. Parameters of Eqs. [3] through [5] for AA1050, AA3104, and AA5182
Alloy s0 (MPa) k (MPa) a0 a1 (K21) A (s21) Q (kJ/mol) mH
AA1050 10.1 127 26.75 1.46 3 10 22
3.02 3 10 156 0.169
AA3104 48.0 400 238.6 6.85 3 1022 6.0 3 109 155 0.217
AA5182 52.0 481 218.1 3.53 3 1022 2.65 3 107 125 0.291
The constitutive behavior of three aluminum alloys
(AA1050, AA3104, and AA5182) was determined in the
as-cast condition by tensile testing.
The following conclusions were made.
Fig. 13—Comparison of measured data (–––) with extended Ludwik 1. The constitutive behavior of three commercial aluminum
equation (- - -) and HST equation (???) for (a) AA1050, (b) AA3104, and alloys (AA1050, AA3104, and AA5182) in the as-cast
(c) AA5182. Strain rate decrease is indicated with vertical line.
condition is well described from room temperature to
solidus temperature by both the extended Ludwik equa-
tion and an adapted form of the Sellars–Tegart equation.
[1] and Eqs. [3] through [5] with the parameters determined Although the extended Ludwik equation describes the
during the isothermal tests (Table III and IV). Above 270 data better, the adapted form of the Sellars–Tegart equa-
8C, the stress predicted by the extended Ludwik equation tion is easier to implement in DC casting models because
(Eq. [1]) corresponds very well to the measured stress. Below the temperature appears explicitly in this equation.
270 8C, the measured stress is underestimated by up to 15 2. Differences in strength found across the slab are due to
pct. The HST equation (Eqs. [3] through [5]) underestimates the buildup of strain hardening, which is the strongest at
the measured stress below 370 8C and gives results similar the outside of the slab due to faster cooling.
to the extended Ludwik equation below 270 8C. Despite 3. Above 400 8C, recovery is so fast that strain hardening
the underestimation in the lower temperature region, it is is absent. Below 400 8C, the strain hardening and defor-
concluded that especially the extended Ludwik equation mation history becomes increasingly important until 200
describes the data of the continuous-cooling test reasonably 8C. Below 200 8C, recovery is negligible, and hardening
well and that it can thus be applied in DC casting models. is independent of temperature.