Carmel, California I August 13, 2021

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Carmel, California I August 13, 2021

LOT 79.
1967 FORD GT40 MK IV
LOT 69.
Friday, August 13, 2021 at 11am PDT
Quail Lodge & Golf Club
Carmel, California


7601 W. Sunset Boulevard Jakob Greisen Bid online/app
Los Angeles, California 90046 +1 (415) 480 9028 Register to bid online by visiting
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Mark Osborne For bidding methods, post auction collection +1 (415) 518 0094 and transport information see pages 4 and 5. Contact: +1 (323) 850 7500 or
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Quail Lodge & Golf Club's West Field
GPS address: 289 to 291.
27050 Rancho San Carlos Road Michael Caimano
Carmel, California 93923 AUTOMATED RESULTS SERVICE
+1 (929) 666 2243 +1 (800) 223 2854
Wednesday August 11, 9am to 6pm Evan Ide
Thursday August 12, 9am to 6pm HISTORY FILES AND
+1 (917) 340 4657
Friday August 13, 8.30am to 11am CONDITION REPORTS
History files are available for review in digital
AUCTION NUMBER Gordan Mandich format. Please contact
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Rancho San Ca




Event Pavilion

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ay Motorsports ENTRY

gh Gathering
South Bank Trail Quail Lodge
CARMEL Golf Club
Ca Quail Lodge
rme Laureles Grade
l Va
Valley Greens Drive

* Valley Greens Drive will be closed

Tues Aug 10 through Sat Aug 14


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Welcome back to Quail Lodge! Switzerland and at Goodwood, it is clear that it does so with
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For so long we were used to being together at events around market. It is that reassurance that enables us to present this
the world, but arguably none more so than here on the Monterey ‘bumper’ offering of nearly 140 collector cars at Quail this year.
Peninsula each August. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”,
and our team have missed the social interaction that goes hand in We are proud to present property from numerous significant private
hand with the hobby and business and are thrilled to be back in collections, including those of the named groupings from the late
California to help you this week. Judge Joseph DiLoreto and Eugene Williams, and two-time Academy
Award winner Tom Hanks. With everything from serious Sports Racing
We would like to thank Gareth Roberts and Craig Barkdull, along machines to road touring cars and even an Airstream Trailer we offer
with the Quail Lodge and Peninsula Signature Events teams for vehicles from many different genres and a wide range of price points.
working with us over the course of the last 15 months and are
delighted to announce that Bonhams has extended its partnership So, whether you’re looking to start or enhance a collection we look
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As the world and our industry reopens, from our International
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Without Reserve
1. H Very Original Example of the Subaru
1970 SUBARU 360 DELUXE SEDAN 360 Deluxe
H Highly Desirable Late Model
Chassis no. K111L10014
H Dressed in Original Paint with Interior,
356 CC 2-Stroke 2-Cylinder Engine Never Restored, Under 15,000 Miles
Single Carburetor H Over $10,000 Service and Overhaul
36 BHP at 4,000 RPM in 2021, by Marque Specialist
3-Speed Manual Gearbox with Overdrive
4-Wheel Drum Brakes
Swing Axle Front and Rear Suspension


With its smiley expression, rear-hinged doors Bonhams at Quail Lodge is extremely proud the car to its stock vacuum-operated shut-off
and surprisingly roomy interior, the Subaru 360 to present this gorgeous Subaru 360 Deluxe mechanism. The single carburetor was rebuilt, and
has developed a huge and dedicated following. to open its proceedings today. This example the front wheel bearings were serviced, while all five
It was built by the Japanese auto-manufacturer of the Subaru 360 is a late production Deluxe wheels were refinished to their original chrome, with
from 1958 through 1971, a 12-year production model and benefits from over a decade of four new radial tires and one new bias-ply spare.
run which speaks to its continued popularity. improvements and upgrades. Only the Deluxe Brand new sun visors, dash pad, distributor cap and
Ultra-light, at 1000 lbs., with a monocoque featured the special brightwork and chromed rotor were installed, and hours of additional work was
construction and fiberglass roof panel, the wheels, in place of the common model's painted completed to return this 360 Deluxe Subaru to its
360 was launched as a 'national car' to make wheels. The Deluxe was the only model exported factory specification.
transport affordable and accessible to the to the USA market.
working class of Japan. With a 356 cc, two- Today, this adorable 360 Deluxe shows under 15,000
stroke inline two-cylinder engine, the 'Ladybug', Little of its former provenance is documented, but miles on the odometer, believed to be original. It
as it was called, could top 60 mph and its we know this Deluxe was acquired by the current has never been fully restored and shows a gentle
popularity superseded the government's and owner in November 2020 and has since been patina of careful use and dedicated stewardship. It
the manufacturer's expectations, as the Subaru fully refurbished at a cost of over $10,000. Only is highly original and comes with the factory tool roll.
360 became the darling of the nation of Japan very minor body and paint work was required, Although not shown previously, this car is an ideal
– and a highly sought-after celebrity in the and the car remains largely in its original white candidate for specialist events, such as The Little
microcar market. paint with red vinyl interior. Marque expert, Mark Car Show in Pacific Grove. These little cars with
Hatten of MPH Specialties in Portland, Oregon, their impish grin are highly sought-after models and
was commissioned to complete a comprehensive marque aficionados will love this example of the rare
mechanical inspection and overhaul. The brakes, and delightfully authentic Subaru 360 Deluxe, which
including the park brake were fully serviced and should not be overlooked.
the fuel system was completely replaced, returning
$30,000 - 50,000

Without Reserve
H Delivered new to Erie, Pennsylvania
H The 100th DBS built 1968 ASTON MARTIN DBS SALOON
H Well optioned with air conditioning,
Chassis no. DBS/5100/LAC
power steering, and more
Engine no. 400/3796/S
H The last Aston Martin under
Sir David Brown's leadership 3,995cc DOHC Vantage 6-Cylinder Engine
3 Dual-Throat Weber Carburetors
282bhp at 5,500rpm
3-Speed BorgWarner Automatic Transmission
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Introduced in 1967, the new DBS was the concurrently produced DB6; an all-aluminum dual According to copies of factory records,
successor to the DB6 – it represented a new, very overhead cam unit, producing 282 horsepower at DBS/5100/LC was ordered new by
modern look for Aston Martin. Styled in-house 5,500 rpm. A high-performance Vantage version of Frank Zurn. Zurn's family business, Zurn
by William 'Bill' Towns, the beautiful DBS caused the legendary motor was also available. Trimmed Industries, one of the premier plumbing
quite a stir, Autocar magazine observing that: with triple Weber carburetors, the Vantage-spec and environmental controls manufacturers,
"Without the aid of an Italian stylist the Newport engine made 325 horsepower at 5,750 rpm, and afforded him the means to buy his Aston,
Pagnell team came up with something as modern, would propel the luxurious Aston Martin to over and the taste to specify all the right things.
handsome and Italianate as anything from the 140 mph. Finished in Platinum over Blue Connolly hides,
Turin coachbuilders at that time." Zurn ensured he'd arrive at work looking
The interior was as usual luxuriously appointed cool thanks to an air conditioning system. In
The DBS was wider and had a lower profile than with the finest Connolly hides available in best addition to that, he'd be up-to-date with the
its predecessor, giving a more aggressive look and Aston Martin fashion. James Bond approved as news care of a Bosch New Yorker radio, safe
offering more cabin space. The engine was placed well, using a DBS as his motorcar of choice in the thanks to front seat lap belts, and unruffled
further back in the chassis, behind the front axle, 1969 film On Her Majesty's Secret Service, and care of power-assisted steering. Delivered in
resulting in an almost 50/50 weight ratio. Using a de again in the next Bond film Diamonds are Forever the fall of 1968, little further history is known
Dion rear axle, the DBS exhibited excellent handling where a DBS sits in Q's famous workshop about the car. The current owner acquired
characteristics. Beneath its shapely exterior the getting prepared for action. A superb expression it about a decade ago and it has been on
DBS employed a platform-type chassis with of the automotive design its era, the Aston Martin static display since. Some recommissioning is
independent suspension all round: wishbone and DBS has become an icon of the marque, and recommended prior to active touring and use.
coil-spring at the front, De Dion with Watts linkage also marks the last model produced under Sir
at the rear. The engine was the 4.0-liter 'six' of the David Brown's leadership at Aston Martin. $60,000 - 90,000


Without Reserve
3. H Desirable Vantage specifications
2000 ASTON MARTIN DB7 VANTAGE mated to a six-speed manual
VIN. SCFAB2230YK300740 H California car having known one
owner from new
5,935cc DOHC 48-Valve V12 Engine
H Odometer showing just under
Electronic Fuel Injection
15,000 miles
420bhp at 6,000rpm
6-Speed Manual Transaxle H Accompanied by CARFAX Report
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Introduced in March 1999, the DB7 Vantage featured cross-drilled and ventilated Brembo This beautiful example was purchased new
was an exciting new model powered by a brakes equipped with ABS. by the seller from Cole European Aston
state-of-the-art, all-alloy V12 engine - a 'first' Martin in Walnut Creek, California. The
for a production Aston Martin. This 6-liter, Notwithstanding all the DB7 Vantage's car has remained in Northern California its
quad-cam, 48-valve unit produced 420bhp high-tech attributes, its makers had not whole life up in the winding roads of the
and 400lb/ft of torque while meeting all lost sight of customer expectations of what Carmel Valley and Monterey Bay. Always
current and projected emissions regulations. constituted an Aston Martin. Thus, the garaged, covered, and well maintained, the
There was a choice of two alternative Vantage's hand crafted interior featured happy owner essentially used the car for
transmissions: a new six-speed manual or traditional Connolly hide upholstery and leisure, weekend drives, and trips to the
ZF Touchtronic five-speed automatic with could be trimmed and equipped to individual golf course. Good use was made of the golf
manually selectable ratios. A top speed of customer requirements. All the usual luxury umbrella included with the car.
185mph was claimed for the Vantage Coupe. fittings came as standard, while clients could
choose from an extensive list of options. To be used as a daily driver or as a weekend
The existing six-cylinder DB7 bodyshell driver, this exciting Aston Martin DB7 Vantage
was re-engineered to accommodate the is ready for a new owner and new adventures.
new V12 engine/transmission package,
resulting in a stiffer structure exceeding all $25,000 - 35,000
contemporary crash test requirements, while WITHOUT RESERVE
the suspension was developed specifically
for this new model. The 18" diameter wheels
too were unique to the Vantage, which also


Without Reserve
H Highly original, California car from new
H Two long-term custodians in the Bay 1953 ROLLS-ROYCE SILVER DAWN SALOON
Area, delivered new to San Francisco
H Serviced and maintained by Rolls-Royce Chassis no. LSNF5
specialist Engine no. S41F
H Documented by RROC records and
4,566cc OHV Inline 6-Cylinder Engine
impressive history file Single Zenith Carburetor
4-Speed Automatic Transmission
Independent Front Suspension – Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Hydraulic Drum Brakes


The Silver Dawn introduced in 1949 was An era-correct, rare and attractively designed The Rolls-Royce Silver Dawn has proven
a "badge-engineered" Bentley Mark VI chrome luggage rack was fitted to the roof to be among the most reliable cars ever
and became an enormously successful and adds a stylish panache. built, regardless of marque. Still retaining its
early post-war car. Aimed at the lucrative original engine and transmission, complete
American market, the Silver Dawn offered an Purchased by the second owner in 1976 - with fitted hand and road tools, original
eminently usable Rolls-Royce, and appealed a Rolls-Royce specialist and Pebble Beach owner's handbook and volumes of original
to the owner-driver. Its silky road manners Concours judge - he enjoyed displaying build documents and maintenance records,
are quite simply delightful, and entirely his Silver Dawn, competing and winning in this Rolls-Royce is impressive in every way.
suitable for modern motoring. various car club and RROC events. Eventually If a serious buyer is seeking an honest and
he sent his car to a marque specialist where well cared-for Rolls-Royce, this is the one
Delivered new by special order to San it was correctly prepared and re-sprayed in to choose.
Francisco, California, this fine Silver Dawn correct Rolls-Royce Mason's Black lacquer
has remained in California ever since, enhanced with fine red hand-painted coach $35,000 - 55,000
while thoughtfully used and meticulously line striping. The original red leather upholstery WITHOUT RESERVE
maintained by two long-time owners. As was retained, and shows a lovely patina, a
Works chassis card documents validate, it reflection of its originality and careful use. The
was originally finished in Metallic Dual Gray, original cabinetry - hand-built of seasoned
with red Connolly leather interior, radio, the hard wood and veneered in polished burled
optional automatic transmission, special Circassian walnut - was preserved as well,
Wilomot-Breeden Overrider bumpers, and the original West of England wool cloth
sealed beam headlamps and dual fog lamps. headliner and trim remains in situ.


Without Reserve
5. H Delivered new to Harrah's Modern
1970 FERRARI 365 GT 2+2 Classic Motors in Reno
Coachwork by Pininfarina H Elegant color scheme
H Converted in period to an
Chassis no. 12317 automatic transmission
H One of Ferrari's premier GT cars
4,390cc SOHC V12 Engine
3 Weber Carburetors
320bhp at 6,600rpm
3-Speed Automatic Transmission (see text)
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


By the mid-1960s, fifty percent of all Ferraris and vibration, and providing ZF power-
produced were being built with four seats, assisted steering and air conditioning as
and following on from the success of its first standard equipment.
such model, the 250 GTE of 1960, Ferrari
introduced the 330GT 2+2 in January Developing 320bhp in its 365GT
1964. Its replacement, the 365GT 2+2, was incarnation, the well-proven 4.4-liter
launched at the Paris Auto Show in October V12 engine was coupled to a five-
1967. Sleekly styled in the manner of the speed gearbox, while the car's blistering
limited edition 500 Superfast, the 365GT performance - top speed 150mph,
2+2 was the most refined Ferrari to date. 0-60mph in 7.0 seconds - was restrained by
Girling ventilated discs all round. Endowed
Based on that of the contemporary with that unusual combination of fine
330GTC, the chassis was made up of handling and a supple ride, the 365GT 2+2
Ferrari's familiar combination of oval and was rated by Car magazine as 'the most
round steel tubing, and as well as featuring civilized Ferrari yet.'
independent suspension all round (for the
first time on a Ferrari 2+2) boasted Koni's
hydro-pneumatic self-leveling system at the
rear. Further refinements included mounting
the engine and drive-train in rubber bushes
to insulate the car's occupants from noise


Completed in the latter half of 1969, the acquisition and as such recommissioning
example offered here, chassis number is recommended prior to use. A legendary
12317, was the 397th example built in grand routier, the addition of an automatic
the series. The new Ferrari was finished makes it even more comfortable.
in the same livery it sports today, Celeste
Gainsborough light blue over a Nero black $80,000 - 120,000
interior and was delivered new through West WITHOUT RESERVE
Coast distributor Harrah's Modern Classic
Motors in Reno.

Little is known about the interim history

of this example, but early in its life it was
converted to an automatic transmission.
Although six 356GTs were originally fitted
with automatics, this example was not one
of them. By the late 1990s the Ferrari was
on the East Coast and found its way into
the present collection in August of 2006.

Having been off road for some time prior to

purchase, it has been on static display since


Without Reserve
6. H One of fewer than 185 Facel II's
1962 FACEL VEGA FACEL II produced
H Desirable factory options including
Chassis no. HK2 A107
wire wheels
Engine no. TY8-216-129
H Original delivered to the US and
383ci Chrysler 'Wedge' OHV V8 Engine shown at the 1962 New York
Single Carter AFB Carburetor Auto Show
355bhp at 4,800rpm H The 8th Facel II built
3-Speed Torqueflite Automatic Transmission
Front Independent Suspension – Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Dunlop Disc Brakes


"The HK500 was the most interesting car Founded by Jean Daninos in 1939, Forges for the Vega's, that chosen initially being
we ever made but the Facel II was the best. et Ateliers de Construction d'Eure-et-Loir Chrysler's 4.5-liter V8, while there was a
It was totally elegant." – Jean Daninos (FACEL) specialized in the construction of choice of push-button automatic or manual
aircraft components and metal furniture. transmission.
In its relatively short life, the French firm of After the war the company engaged in the
Facel produced approximately 2,900 cars, supply of car bodies to Panhard, Simca Launched in 1961, the Facel II was
all of which were stylish, luxurious and and Ford France, before branching out into destined to be the last of the V8-engined
fast. Hand built, they were necessarily very automobile manufacture in its own right models, production ceasing in 1964
expensive – the Facel II was priced in Rolls- with the launch of the Vega at the 1954 after an unsuccessful venture into engine
Royce territory – and bought by the rich Paris Salon. Government legislation had manufacture effectively bankrupted the
and famous seeking something exclusive effectively killed off France's few surviving company. Production of the preceding
and distinctive. The roll call of owners luxury car manufacturers after WWII, but HK500 amounted to only 500-or-so units
includes royalty, politicians, diplomats and that did not deter Jean Daninos in his between 1958 and 1961 and that of the
entertainers: Tony Curtis, Danny Kaye, bold attempt to revive what had once Facel II to a mere 182 examples. Today
Ringo Starr, Joan Fontaine and Ava Gardner been a great French motoring tradition. A these rare Franco-American classics are
being counted among the latter. Confirming luxurious Grande Routière, the Vega took highly sought after.
that there was high-performance substance its name from the brightest star in the
behind Facel's unquestionable style, they Lyra constellation and featured supremely
were owned and driven by great motor elegant coupé bodywork on a tubular-steel
racing figures such as Sir Stirling Moss, chassis. There being no suitable French-
Maurice Trintignant and Rob Walker. built power unit, Daninos turned to the USA


According to Facel factory production into the collection of a Lebanese enthusiast

records kept by the Amicale Facel Holland, who housed his collection in London.
chassis number HK2A 107 was built in Reported to have been extensively serviced
January 1962, per order of the Hoffman in 2002, the Facel was acquired by the
Motors for display at the 1962 New York present owner in 2009. On static display
Auto Show. The Facel carried a production since joining the collection, the car has a
number of '107', indicating that it was the fine patina to it with a nicely kept, appearing
8th Facel II produced. It was delivered to be largely original interior and an older
with a 383 cubic inch Chrysler wedge repaint in black. After a dozen years off the
V8, a Torqueflite three-speed automatic road, recommissioning is recommended
transmission, Borrani wire wheels, and before active use.
finished in Tudor Grey with red upholstery.
$180,000 - 240,000
As standard equipment, the Facel II featured WITHOUT RESERVE
Dunlop disc brakes, a limited slip differential,
power steering, a single four-barrel Carter
AFB carburetor, power windows, clear glass
and HMV radio with automatic antenna.

While details of its early American history

are sparse, by 2002 the Facel had made it


7. H Superb All-steel Hot Rod by legendary
1933 FORD 5-WINDOW COUPE HOT ROD builder Roy Brizio
Chassis no. 18116978 H Rod & Custom cover car and Grand
National Roadster Show Award Winner
283ci OHV Chevrolet V8 Engine H A 1950s Wescott Street Rod original,
Fuel Injection meticulously redone in 2012
Est. 300bhp at 5,500rpm
5-Speed Manual Transmission H Ready for competitive Hod Rod and
4-Wheel Performance Suspension Custom show judging
4-Wheel Performance Brakes


The availability, looks and design of the Ford This cool 1933 Ford Model 40 2-Door including photos from Roy Brizio's Street
V8 made them the preferred basis for the Coupe Hot Rod is of all-metal construction Rod company's work, an old black and
Hot Rod movement. Shortly after WWII many and carries the importance of having been white photo of the car dating back many
servicemen settled in Southern California, and customized into a Street Rod in 1958 by decades, invoices from Brizio's work and
there was a renewed enthusiasm about the Wescott. Furthermore, the classic Hot the Rod & Custom magazine. Finished in a
pursuit of happiness which drove the Hot Rod Rod Ford was meticulously restored and tasteful dark green metallic exterior color,
development. People were excited about life prepared as it appears today, in 2012, by over a light beige custom leather interior,
and wanted to enjoy it behind the wheel of legendary Hot Rod builder Roy Brizio. The this stunning Ford is the epitome of a Hot
something unique. The Ford remains the most craftmanship is stunning, and the long Rod, and one with great credentials. A
iconic symbol of American Hot Rodding, and list of desirable and tasteful mechanical tastefully prepared Hot Rod like this can be
although the popularity caused many cars performance upgrades includes a Chevy used for many things; local shows or cruise-
to be built in later years, the early cars of the 283 cubic-inch fuel injected V8 engine, ins, competitive Hot Rod judged events,
1940s and 1950s remains the 'Original Hot Tremec 5-speed manual transmission, spirited drives around town, or simply a
Rods' fabricated by Custom shops with all- 9-inch Ford rear axle and a custom Brizio great piece of garage art reflecting the
steel bodywork. chassis frame. The result of the newly golden era of Hot Rodding.
finished Hot Rod was celebrated with
multiple Awards at the 2012 Grand National $70,000 - 90,000
Roadster show, and both the cover and
a feature article in the September 2012
issue of Rod & Custom magazine. Much
documentation is offered with the Hot Rod,


Without Reserve
H Charming Chariot Red over Black
color combination 1959 MGA 1600 ROADSTER
H Wonderful British Roadster for
Chassis no. GHNL/72262
Sunday drives
H Upgraded with later 1800 MGB engine
1,798cc OHV Inline 4-Cylinder Engine
H MG's classic 1950s sports car 2 SU Carburetors
95bhp at 5,800rpm
4-Speed Manual Transmission
Front Independent Suspension - Live Rear Axle
Front Disc - Rear Drum Brakes


Although the MGA 'EX182' prototypes issues plagued the Twin Cam model, engine Completed at the Abingdon-based MG works
debuted at Le Mans in 1955, by the time the enlargement was seen as the way forward. during the Summer of 1959, this MGA was
actual race came around the design of what The result was a capacity increase from according to the chassis number configured as
would be known as the MGA had effectively 1,489cc to 1,588cc that raised maximum a left-hand drive 1600 Mk I Roadster, and most
been finalized, the event itself being little power to 80bhp and boosted torque by 17 likely destined for the North American market.
more than a useful opportunity to check that percent. Acceleration was improved and Finished in the period MGA Chariot Red color,
everything was as it should be. Replacing the the MGA in '1600' form was now a true this charming Roadster benefits from an engine
traditional T-Series MGs, the MGA combined 100mph-plus car. upgrade to a more powerful, 1.8-Liter MGB
a rigid chassis with the Austin-designed engine. A common upgrade, which does not
B-Series engine chosen as the power plant. require altering the engine mounts or chassis
Running gear was based on that of the TF, configuration. The interior is neatly trimmed in
with independent front suspension and a live black with red piping, and chrome wire wheels
rear axle, but as far as its road manners are fitted with period-appropriate white-wall tires.
were concerned, the far superior MGA was Maintained in the seller's impressive collection
in an entirely different league. for more than a decade, this quintessential
British Roadster offers much driving pleasure on
Clad in a stylish aerodynamic body and the open road and will make a great entry into
capable of topping 95mph, the MGA proved local rallies and club events.
an instant hit, selling 13,000 units in its
first full year of production. After reliability $20,000 - 25,000


9. H Matching numbers example in
1973 PORSCHE 911T 2.4 TARGA beautifully restored condition
H Completed in factory-correct Silver
Chassis no. 9113112200 Metallic over Black and Pepita livery
Engine no. 6135850 H Desirable, end-of-the-run, '73 ½
2.4-liter CIS model
2,341cc SOHC Flat 6-Cylinder Engine
H Offered with Certificate of Authenticity,
Bosch CIS Fuel Injection
140bhp at 5,700rpm restoration file, books and tools
5-Speed Manual Transaxle
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Porsche developed a reputation early on for 1969 ushered in the first major changes panel. Commemorating Porsche's successive
their surprising performance from their small to the iconic Porsche 911. Retaining the wins at the famous Sicilian road race, the new
displacement rear-engine sports and racing unique and successful rear engine layout as model was termed "Targa", a term coined by
cars. These "giant killers" could outperform well as the same basic styling, the majority other manufacturers since to describe this
cars with much higher horsepower figures by of the changes to the 911 were internal. body configuration. The new 911 Targa was
making light cars with incredible handling. This Dimensionally, the rear track and wheelbase as close as Porsche came to 'wind in the hair'
combination gave Porsches their truly unique grew, while the overall length stayed the same 911 motoring until the introduction of a full
driving characteristics and solidified their as the earlier cars. Mechanical fuel injection Cabriolet in the early 1980s.
dedicated following of Porsche enthusiasts. debuted this year as well as in top-of-the-
line 911S and the new 911E, and later in the
Starting in 1964 with the original 911, 2.4-Liter 911T, or Touring. 911E received its
Porsche has produced a line of six-cylinder name from Einspritzung, the German term
rear-engine sportscars that could compete for injection. Engine size increased from
with much more powerful cars thanks to their 2.0-Liters to 2.2-Liters, and finally in 1972, to
low weight and superior handling. The 911 2.4-Liters, making it the final and fully evolved
quickly became an icon of performance and version of the original long-hood 911 model,
handling, offering a driving experience unlike arguably the most collectible version today.
anything else. The 911 has continuously
evolved into a more sophisticated, powerful, Porsche added an open-top variant to
and capable driving machine, as well as a the 911-model range for 1967 featuring a
reliable and usable car. stainless steel-clad roll bar and removable roof


This stunning end-of-the-run, long-hood to bring the car back to its as-delivered for the era. The cabin was refurbished with
911T 2.4 Targa is one of the desirable 1973 condition. Photos found in the impressive a new Black interior, neatly contrasted with
½ model-year examples, featuring the history file accompanying the sale of the black and white Pepita cloth inserts - a livery
improved Bosch K-Jetronic CIS fuel injection car reveals many photos pre and during that suits the car extremely well. The factory
system. Completed at the Zuffenhausen- the restoration, and shows a good, solid chrome fender strip treatment is in situ, and
based Porsche works, the new Porsche was example, still in its original Silver Metallic original Fuchs alloy wheels are fitted, mounted
equipped with the same engine as fitted in the color. The many receipts and invoices from with correct Vredestein Classic tires.
car today, while the exterior was finished in the restoration carried out a little less than
Silver Metallic over a black leatherette interior. a decade ago documents the restoration The Porsche is accompanied by an owner's
The car was equipped for the US market, and in detail, where many Porsche specialist manual, a tool kit, jack, and the aforementioned
the long list of optional extras included front shops were retained to carry out the history file containing invoices and photos from
and rear stabilizer bars, Comfort Equipment professional work, including North Hollywood the restoration as well as the Porsche-issued
Package, fender chrome strip treatment, Speedometer, Sierra Madre and GTS Certificate of Authenticity. This well sorted,
tinted glass, and the iconic Fuchs forged alloy Classics, Inc of Austin, Texas. matching-numbers beautifully finished 1973 ½
wheels wrapped with Michelin tires. 911T 2.4 Targa offers an opportunity to acquire
This spectacular Porsche 911T 2.4 Targa a fine example of the highly desirable long-
The current owner of this spectacular 1973 has since been kept in a climate-controlled hood, air-cooled, CIS 911, which is ready to
½ 911T 2.4 Targa - a Southern California garage, while being treated to service and be enjoyed on tours such as the Copperstate
based enthusiast - purchased the Porsche maintenance as needed. With the exterior 1000 or Ramshorn Rally.
some years back, having recently been completed in the car's as-delivered Silver
treated to a comprehensive restoration Metallic color, the car looks very appropriate $100,000 - 130,000


10. H One of just 51 AC 428 Frua
1971 AC 428 FASTBACK Fastback examples ever produced
Coachwork by Frua H Offered with comprehensive
history file with many receipts
Chassis no. CF60 and documentation
Engine no. 1092K11KR
H Owned and treasured by
consignor for several decades
428ci OHV Ford V8 Engine
4-Barrel Carburetor H Well-documented and maintained
345bhp at 3,400rpm example the rare AC 428
Ford C6 Automatic Transmission
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes

THE AC 428

The concept of Italian styling coupled Shrugging off the car's 1,416kgs weight and
with American V8 horsepower was well seemingly unhampered by the automatic
established by the late 1960s and no doubt transmission, as fitted to the majority of cars,
influenced AC Cars' decision to reconfigure this stupendous engine enabled road testers
its fire-breathing Cobra sports car as a luxury to record sub-six-second 0-60mph times and
Grand Routier. A Cobra MkIII coil-suspended 0-100mph times of around 14.5 seconds,
chassis was extended by 6" in the wheelbase with a maximum speed in excess of 140mph.
and dispatched to Italy to be clothed in
elegant steel coachwork by Pietro Frua, the However, shipping rolling chassis to Turin and
result looking not unlike the latter's Maserati back again after the bodies had been installed
Mistral. The first car, a two-seater convertible, was both time-consuming and expensive,
was completed in time for the 1965 Earls leading to delayed deliveries. Hampered by
Court Motor Show, while the following year's an inflated price - the 428 cost considerably
Geneva Salon saw the launch of an even more than the contemporary Aston Martin
more sensational fastback-styled Coupe. DB6 - production never attained Cobra levels, a
mere 80 being made between 1966 and 1973,
Although the 428ci (7-liter) Ford Galaxie the split being 29 convertibles and 51 coupes.
engine that gave the model its name Despite attrition and even some cars broken
produced less power than the Cobra 427's, down to create replica Cobras, marque experts
the 345bhp on tap was capable of delivering estimate an outstanding survival rate with about
all the performance that customers desired. 65 examples known remaining in existence.


This 1971 AC 428 Fastback is a particularly one of the United States' premier AC marque photographs, invoices and miscellaneous
compelling example that clearly benefits experts. The current owner saw the 428 paperwork including owner history. Desirable
handsomely from over two decades under in November 1985 and was captivated, additional items include a damaged but
the current ownership and restoration work eventually acquiring the vehicle in July 1997. complete, intact, and extremely rare factory
performed during 2015 and most recently Owner's Manual and AC 428 sales brochure,
in 2021. One of 61 original right-hand drive Beautifully refurbished in 2015 under the plus a quality car cover. Exceedingly rare,
Fastback and Spider examples, this later- current ownership with additional work hand built, and handsomely restored, this
production AC 428 Fastback retains the performed most recently in 2021, this AC 1971 AC 428 Fastback is a wonderful
original engine and it is one of approximately 428 Fastback is a top-echelon example example and truly marks the end of an era on
62 of the 80 cars equipped with a Ford that remains true to its origins, with just two several fronts.
C-6 three-speed automatic transmission. select and extremely desirable upgrades
Resplendent in its Silver exterior finish over enhancing the driving experience. Engine $150,000 - 200,000
rich Black leather upholstery, this 428 is cooling is vastly improved with disconnection
appropriately complemented by beautiful of the original and inadequate Kenlowe
triple-laced chrome wire wheels. Only an cooling fans and installation of a modern,
approximate 32,000 miles are recorded on high-capacity electrical fan mounted behind
the odometer at the time of cataloguing. the radiator. Driving dynamics are enhanced
Recorded provenance dates back to 1985, with an improved rear-suspension kit sourced
when this AC 428 Fastback was imported from Andy Shepherd at Uniclip Automotive
from Switzerland via the Belgian port city of and installed by Shawn Thomas. Extensive
Antwerp by Portland, Oregon's Jim Feldman, documentation includes books, literature,


Without Reserve
11. H Last year of the Ghia Limousines,
Coachwork by Ghia H Comprehensive 5 year restoration
by Chip Foose and Metalcrafters
Chassis no. Y353103693 H Single family owner since 1967
H Was known to be the most
6.1 Liter DOHC 16-Valve V-8 Engine
expensive limousine of its time
Electronic Port Fuel Injection
425bhp at 6,200rpm
5-Speed Automatic Transaxle
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Although Chrysler Corporation introduced device first seen on the Exner-designed and The limousine offered here is the perfect balance
a prestige model, the Imperial, in 1926, Ghia-built concept cars of 1952-53. With of classic luxury and modern performance. Being
its third year of production, it was nearly the announcement of Imperial contracting one of the most expensive limousines of its time,
three decades before it became a marquee Ghia to build their ultra luxurious limousines, this 1965 Imperial LeBaron limousine was built
in its own right. What had long been the these were destined to become some of in Detroit, Michigan and completed in Turin, Italy
most expensive Chrysler model became, the most expensive limousines of their era. by famed Italian coachbuilders Carozzeria Ghia.
for model year 1955, simply "Imperial," and Utilizing only the finest woods and leather Manufactured as one of just ten built in the final
offered three body styles in two series. This for these vehicles, production numbers were year of production clearly makes this one rare
separate branding was a direct challenge to kept low giving these Imperials the highest example. This vehicle started life as a luxury
Lincoln and Cadillac. in exclusivity. From 1957 to 1965, a total factory built limousine meant to be the pinnacle
of approximately 132 Ghia built limousines of affluence in America. It is believed that this very
For the next two years, Imperial was largely were completed, with only 10 being car was custom made for American entertainer
a long-wheelbase Chrysler with a bolder completed in the last year of 1965. Bob Hope, in which Chrysler would contract the
grille, the latter appropriated for Chrysler's use of this car for Mr. Hope and his television
performance model, the 300. In 1957, show, which Chrysler sponsored at the time. As
however, Imperial was reinvented with a soon as Bob Hope switched sponsors for his
new personality, its gun-sight taillights television show, Chrysler took the car back and
incorporated into growing tailfins and curved brought it to a California Chrysler dealership in
side glass foretelling an industry trend. This Pasadena. The current owner and consignor
year also marked the appearance of a faux of this Imperial saw the car at the Pasadena
spare tire embellishment on the decklid, a dealership and inquired to purchase it. The
dealership told him that it wasn't available

because legendary actress Joan Crawford had Foose and Metalcrafters handling the fabrication coilover suspension and Brembo brake systems,
purchased the car. Several months later, he saw and design, the finished goal was definitely the details on this build were spectacular. Custom
the car back at the same dealership and was achievable. After 5 years, and well over $300,000 cut Foose billet wheels, and a Kenwood custom
able to finalize the purchase, becoming the first in invoices later, the restoration of the Ghia stereo system round out just a few of the extra details
registered owner in the fall of 1967 when the car limousine was completed. This talented team featured on this fantastic limousine. With the whole
had approximately 11,000 miles on the odometer. took a modern Chrysler 300C SRT8 donor car, restoration documented with photos and set in an
and transferred the complete drivetrain, wiring, included file, this project was highly organized and
Fast forward to approximately 40 years later, suspension and other creature comforts, in well thought out. Included with the car is a history file
this Ghia limo was in the family storage when which it was adapted to fit the Imperial limousine documenting the restoration, additional paperwork,
a conversation was struck with legendary in a factory like fit and finish. This documented invoices, manuals, a Chip Foose original framed
automotive icon Chip Foose and well known restoration was done in such high standard, the drawing of the project, as well as miscellaneous
fabrication experts from Gaffoglio Family quality of work can easily be appreciated down paperwork and signage accompanying the build. A
Metalcrafters in Orange County, CA. This to the many details. With new modern Hemi V8 custom-built metal rolling cart containing the original
conversation resulted in a fantastic plan to power, and suspension, the car drives like new engine, transmission and radiator are also included
restore this beautiful limousine, but with a with modern day performance and reliability. with the sale ensuring the factory delivered powertrain
modern twist. Not wanting to take away from stays with the vehicle ensuring the vehicle's originality.
the iconic looks and classic Ghia design from the With five years of work, the level of fabrication Having such a great story and assembled by some of
car, the owner of the car along with Mr. Foose and expertise invested in this Imperial makes for the best names in the industry, this Ghia built Imperial
and Metalcrafters devised a detailed plan to give a wonderful restoration and useable everyday limousine would be such a wonderful addition to any
the car a restomod type of build, but keeping the driver. From acid dipping the body to remove prominent collection.
cars classic good looks in mind. Definitely not an the hundreds of pounds of lead used to initially
easy project, but with a talented team of Chip manufacture the car to custom fitting the new $100,000 - 140,000


Without Reserve

12. H Tom Hanks signed

Offered by Tom Hanks H Exciting upgrades to GM L35 V-6 Power
1980 TOYOTA FJ40 LAND CRUISER HARDTOP H Much sought after model
H Beefed-up, go anywhere example
Chassis no. FJ40LV - KCJA

4,300cc V-6 (General Motors L35)

Sequential Port Fuel Injection
180hp at 4,400rpm
5-speed Manual Transmission (General Motors)
Live Axle Suspension
Font Disc, Rear Drum Hydraulic Brakes


Actor Tom Hanks commissioned this seats are included). There are center- maintained, Tom Hanks' FJ40 is a strong,
special FJ40 to be competent both in facing folding seats in the carpeted rear usable, and good looking truck. Someone
the wilderness and on the highway. compartment. It has a roof rack and rear- who has driven both a stock 2F-engined FJ
Professionally built to high standards, mounted spare. Entertainment comes and this one characterizes it as "completely
it benefits from an upgrade to a 2000 from a Sony AM-FM-cassette stereo with transformed with the Vortec engine's power
model year GM L35 4.3-liter Vortec V-6 extra speakers in the rear. Because it's and the GM 5-speed."
engine with sequential port fuel injection California where even the backcountry and
rated to 180 horsepower from the factory. mountains get hot, there is air conditioning The interior is lightly used. The paint
That was backed up by a GM-sourced to complement the factory heater. is sound and presentable. The engine
5-speed manual transmission. The driveline compartment presents well but is ageing
features all the highly regarded Toyota FJ An indication of how carefully and and the chassis ... well, the chassis has
functionality with four-wheel drive, Warn thoroughly the Vortec V-6 conversion was back country miles on it. In other words, this
front hubs, power brakes and power done is that it has been inspected by the is a FJ enthusiast's FJ, ready to continue to
steering. The stock-height suspension has California Bureau of Automotive Repair give loyal, reliable service both around town
been beefed up with Old Man Emu shocks and bears the BAR inspection label under and off road. Its Tom Hanks history only
and steering damper and it rides on chrome the hood attesting to its required California adds to its appeal.
wheels with Toyo Open Country 31 x 10.50 smog equipment. The exterior is Rustic
R 15LT tires (including the matching spare). Green with a white painted roof. The $75,000 - 125,000
Porsche seats are black while the original WITHOUT RESERVE
The interior sports a set of power operated front seats and rear folding seats are Toyota
Porsche high back seats (the original grey leatherette. Professionally built and


Without Reserve
13. H Iconic Americana from an Iconic
Offered by Tom Hanks American actor
1992 AIRSTREAM MODEL 34 LIMITED H The ultimate in movie memorabilia
EXCELLA TRAVEL TRAILER H Hanks' home away from home over
almost 30 years
VIN. 1STGLAU36NJ508766 H Rich and fascinating history
H A unique and unrepeatable opportunity


Wally Byam's famed polished aluminum adorned with replica slates (clapperboards) founder Wally Byam. He started Airstream
streamlined Airstream travel trailers are identifying eighteen locations where it was in 1935 emulating the earlier Road Chief
renowned for bringing flexibility and the used from Sleepless in Seattle in 1993 to The designed by William Hawley Bowlus. Bowlus
comforts of home to generations of travelers. Circle in 2017. was an aeronautical engineer who had
worked on Ryan Aviation's "Spirit of St. Louis"
Tens of thousands have been, and continue Hanks noted in an interview for Bonhams in which Charles Lindbergh made the first solo
to be, built and used by Byam and other Magazine, "I got it in the days when movies crossing of the Atlantic Ocean. The "Road
Airstream travelers for far-flung adventures, moved slower. I had spent too much time in Chief" employed lightweight, aerodynamic,
tours and multi-traveler caravans to remote regular trailers with ugly décor and horribly aeronautical techniques of formed aluminum
destinations. uncomfortable furniture, so I decided to buy panels riveted together to create a semi-
a brand-new Airstream shell with an interior monocoque structure.
Yet, this 1992 Airstream Model 34 Limited made to my own request.
classic trailer profoundly illustrates another "I didn't want anything built-in, other than the Byam adopted the same methods in
Airstream application: a personalized, self- kitchen and bathroom, so it had only a desk creating the first Airstream. Despite its cost
sufficient, home-away-from home, refuge and and cupboard in the back, a futon platform – about $1,200 in the mid-Thirties – it was
respite from cookie-cutter panel-built trailers. on the floor, and room for a small table and enthusiastically received and continued in
chairs. "I wanted a regular sofa, too, so I had production until the outset of the Second
It was purchased and personally equipped one made with removable legs so it would get World War when Byam and his crew turned
in 1993 by double Academy Award Best through the door." to defense production for Curtiss-Wright
Actor winner Tom Hanks and has been his and Lockheed. Following the war Byam built
refuge for the past quarter century during Airstream trailers were the product of the the Curtiss-Wright Clipper travel trailer, then
productions across America. Its windows are imagination and wanderlust of company resumed independent production as Airstream.

Byam and his friend Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr. in Seattle to Beaufort, South Carolina for professionally maintained and stored inside
took a Jeep-towed Airstream on a filming trip Forrest Gump with stops in Philadelphia when not in use. One of the air conditioners
of Europe in 1948, in the process creating (Philadelphia), New York City (Sully) and many is autographed by Tom Hanks.
"the world's most travelled trailer", drawing times in the Los Angeles area.
admiring crowds wherever they stopped. In Tom Hanks: "You haven't lived well until you
1962 an Airstream on board the USS Iwo Measuring 35'1" from hitch to tail, it survive a movie-stopping thunderstorm in an
Jima served as the quarantine quarters for comes complete with all its accessories Airstream while on location in Carolina."
the returning Apollo 11 astronauts after their and furniture including dishes, glasses, "But, more than anything, an Airstream is
moon walk foreshadowing a later experience several espresso makers, some kitchen gorgeous and cozy, which is why everyone
when, as Tom Hanks recalled, "... Kevin equipment and the pictured comfortable who visited mine went away wanting one."
Bacon, Bill Paxton and I watched a Buster teakwood chairs and table. It has electric
Keaton documentary on the TV – before leveling jacks, rollup patio awning and a pair This is your chance to follow that dream.
running through the Forest Lawn cemetery of propane tanks. Included is a separate
in our Apollo 13 costumes to pay homage at Honda ES 6500 120/240 volt generator. $150,000 - 250,000
his grave." Standard Airstream 34' Limited classic WITHOUT RESERVE
equipment and the Excella 1000 package
The Airstream was not only Hanks' refuge comprises, among many others, air
during production but also served as a conditioning, hot water heater and window
place where he, friends, colleagues and cast blinds. The dry weight listed by Airstream's
members could gather to relax, unwind from a specifications is 7,300 pounds with 1,600
busy day and exchange thoughts and ideas. It pounds additional capacity, a total of 8,900
has travelled from Seattle for Sleepless pounds (4,000kg). It has always been


Without Reserve
14. H Tom Hanks signed
Offered by Tom Hanks H Lavishly equipped
2011 FORD F450 SUPER DUTY CREW CAB LARIAT PICKUP H Under 5,000 miles covered
H No compromise Ford workhorse
VIN. 1FT8W4DT2BEA68058

6,700cc Pushrod Overhead Valve V-8 Diesel Engine

Direct Fuel Injection
400 horsepower at 2,800rpm
6-speed Automatic Transmission
Live Axle Suspension Dual Tire Rear Axle
4-wheel Power Disc Brakes


When Tom Hanks specified a tow vehicle for Finished in Ingot Silver Metallic that This is a rare opportunity to acquire not
his Airstream trailer he didn't cut corners. complements the Airstream's polished only a Tom Hanks owned (titled in the name
With only one notable exception this 2011 aluminum, it has a Steel Gray interior and of his production company, Clavius Base,
Ford F450 Super Duty Lariat has everything a list of standard features and options Inc. – after Arthur C. Clarke's fictional moon
even remotely desirable for towing. that goes on nearly forever including a base) Ford but also a barely used, lavishly
full length cap on the 8-foot bed. It is equipped F450 Lariat with negligible miles
The one thing it has in short supply is towing equipped from Ford with wiring from new at a time when new pickups
miles. Its electronic odometer displays just harnesses and trailer brake controller for are beyond scarce and good used ones
4,193.1 miles at the time of cataloging. both hydraulic and electric trailer brakes. command over-MSRP prices in wholesale
Even upon arrival at Quail Lodge towing Power steering and power ABS brakes? Of auctions.
the Airstream it will have well under 5,000 course. There is a tire pressure monitoring
miles from new. system, trailer sway control, hill start assist, $70,000 - 100,000
traction control, clearance and pickup WITHOUT RESERVE
The modest mileage is a good indication bed lights, air conditioning, entertainment
of why Tom Hanks' decided to sell system and more.
the Airstream and the F450: The pace
of moviemaking has picked up in the It has been recently serviced by Santa
intervening years and if this Ford towed at Monica Ford where new batteries were
all since 2011 it was only a few miles within installed. It has an impeccable CARFAX
the Los Angeles area. verifying its one-owner, low mileage history.


Without Reserve
H Tom Hanks signed
H A favorite among the Teslerati Offered by Tom Hanks
H Special one-off Hanks chosen British 2015 TESLA MODEL S P85D
Racing Green livery
H 'S' Specification High Performance option VIN. 5YJSA4H45FF095332

Dual Performance 3-phase A/C induction motors

High Capacity 85 Kwh Batteries
691bhp Constant
Single Speed Automatic Transmission
4-wheel ABS Disc Brakes
4-Wheel Independent Suspension


Electric cars were viable competitors with Tom Hanks is no newcomer to electric (and It was a special ordered, "Paint to Sample",
stinky, explosive gasoline vehicles in the early hybrid) vehicles. In 2004 he faced motorhead color specified by Tom Hanks in "my favorite
20th century. Despite Thomas Alva Edison's David Letterman's inquisition on "The Tonight color." The interior is a pristine light tan with
tireless efforts to perfect more powerful and Show" about his electric vehicles and stated a charcoal accents. With the exception of one tiny
longer-lasting batteries they were encumbered concise – and early pre-Tesla – case for electric wheel rim paint chip the four alloy wheels are
with lead-acid technology. Electrics enjoyed vehicles. He has been true to the concept ever unblemished and mounted with a set of 245/35
some success in urban busses, delivery since, owning several electric conversions of R 21 W Continental ContiSportContact tires. It
trucks and staid around-town transport for conventional ICE vehicles as well as purpose comes with its Tesla charging cables.
matrons. Electrics had promise, but cheap built EVs.
gasoline cars from Ford, Chevrolet and others Blistering performance, environmental
had range and flexibility advantages that This 2015 Tesla Model S is the high consciousness, Tom Hanks ownership and
relegated electrics to irrelevance. performance, dual motor, all-wheel drive version. negligible miles are all good reasons for
Until, that is, Elon Musk came along with his buying this Tesla Model S P85D but the
PayPal billions and a commitment – even an Despite being used regularly around the Los unique, special order color is an even more
obsession – to make the electric car the vision Angeles area by Tom Hanks and his wife Rita enduring attribute. This singular Model S will
of the future. Wilson it has accumulated only 13,445 miles always attract favorable attention even among
at the time of cataloging and has always been Teslerati and start conversations about how it
professionally and consistently maintained. The came to be liveried like a Blower Bentley.
CARFAX, as should be expected, is clean.
The exterior color is British Racing Green, a $70,000 - 100,000
color that isn't found on Tesla color charts. WITHOUT RESERVE


16. H Fine example of the fully evolved
1974 FERRARI DINO 246 GTS 246 produced about 100 cars from
Design by Pininfarina the end
H Retained in mild Western US
Chassis no. 08116 climates for decades
H Well-preserved example fitted with
2,419cc DOHC V6 Engine
Daytona seats, power windows
3 Twin Weber Carburetors
195bhp at 7,600rpm and A/C
5-Speed Manual Transaxle H Iconic Dino Spider with excellent
4-Wheel Independent Suspension road holding capabilities
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


'It is a thrill to drive a car like the Dino, one bodied coupé of striking appearance, A Targa-top version, the 246 GTS, followed in
whose capabilities are far beyond what even the Pininfarina-styled Dino - named after 1972. The Dino 246 was built in three series:
an expert driver can use in most real-world Enzo Ferrari's late son Alfredino Ferrari 'L', 'M' and 'E', these designations reflecting
motoring, and that is the Dino's reason for and intended as the first of a separate detail changes in the specification. Of the
being. The real joy of a good mid-engined but related marque - was powered by a three, the M-series is by far the rarest, being
car is in its handling and braking and the 2.0-liter, four-cam V6 driving via an in-unit produced during the early months of 1971 only.
Dino shone as we expected it to. The five-speed transaxle. The motor's 180 brake Changes from the preceding L-series included
steering is quick without being super quick, horsepower was good enough to propel a 30mm increase in rear track; five-bolt fixing
and it transmits by what seems a carefully the lightweight, aerodynamically efficient for the road wheels; internal boot release;
planned amount of feedback exactly what is Dino to 142mph, and while there were few seat-mounted headrests; and various minor
going on at the tires. Thanks to the layout's complaints about the car's performance, improvements to the engine and gearbox. The
low polar moment of inertia the car responds the high cost enforced by its aluminum final 'E' series incorporated all the changes
instantly to it. The Dino's cornering limits are construction hindered sales. made to its predecessors together with further
very high... ' – Road & Track. improvements to the engine and gearbox and
A 2.4-liter version on a longer wheelbase - the numerous other more minor details.
Building on experienced gained with its 246 GT - replaced the original Dino 206 in
successful limited-edition Dino 206S sports- late 1969. Built by Scaglietti, the body was While not quite as fast in a straight line as its
racer of 1966, Ferrari retained the racer's now steel and the cylinder block cast-iron larger V12-engined stablemates, the nimble Dino
mid-engined layout for the road car but rather than aluminum, but the bigger engine's was capable of showing almost anything a clean
installed the power unit transversely rather increased power - 195bhp at 7,600rpm - pair of heels over twisty going. Truly a driver's car
than longitudinally. A compact, aluminum- adequately compensated for the weight gain. par excellence and still highly regarded today.


This beautiful Ferrari Dino 246 GTS - chassis preserved condition. The Scaglietti-crafted a thrill to drive and a pleasure to visually
number 08116 - was completed at the bodywork displays good fit and finish, and admire. This attractive example of Ferraris
Maranello Ferrari works during April of original factory chassis and ID plates remain mid-engine classic represents an exciting
1974. The new Dino was configured just as in situ, as is original Carello lights and opportunity for any Ferrari enthusiast.
it appears today, a GTS Targa top version lenses, and much of the brightwork. Inside
in the final and fully evolved E-Series and much of the interior remains original, and $200,000 - 250,000
was among the last 100 or so examples of the desirable Daytona-style seats are fitted,
the Dino 246 model produced. According trimmed in tan with black inserts. Power
to Matthias Bartz' comprehensive 'Ferrari windows and air conditioning are fitted
Dino V6 Compendium', 08116 is recorded as well. Cromodora alloy wheels shod on
as having been equipped for the US market Michelin classic XWX radial tires are fitted,
from the factory. with a matching spare and jack located in
the luggage compartment.
08116 was acquired during the mid 2000s
in California by the consignor - a prominent This 1974 Ferrari 246 GTS Dino from
Reno, Nevada-based collector of exceptional the very end and fully evolved part of the
classic sports cars - and sparked his interest production run, combines the classic
in collector cars. From the acquisition of this and well-proportioned Pininfarina-penned
classic Ferrari Dino, the consignor would go design, with a rev-happy dual overhead
on to build his impressive collection. Today cam V6 engine mated to a slick gated shift
08116 presents in largely original and well- 5-speed manual transaxle. The Dino is


Without Reserve
17. H One of just 275 4.9 Liter Bora's produced
1975 MASERATI BORA 4.9 H Matching-numbers, US-delivered example
Design by Giorgetto Giugiaro H Nearly $70,000 in cosmetic and mechanical
work completed since 2018
Chassis no. AM117/US*916* H Finished in striking Blu Ischia Metallizzato
Engine no. AM107/11/49*916*
over Blu leather
4,930cc DOHC V8 Engine
4 Weber Carburetors
320bhp at 6,000rpm
5-Speed Manual Transaxle
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


"The brief called for a car that was clearly a Underneath the striking Italdesign body, the headlights and seat/pedal box adjustments.
Maserati, modern but devoid of the exotic Bora bore a 4.7-liter alloy V8 mated to a ZF The Bora also featured a telescoping and
look that unnecessary decorations can 5-Speed transaxle and a fully independent movable steering wheel, making it much
create, strikingly sporty but not inordinately double-wishbone suspension system less of an ordeal to enter an exit than its
aggressive. In short: innovative but not designed by Giulio Alfieri, the co-designer of competitors from Sant'Agata and Maranello.
revolutionary."- Italdesign press release, 1971 the legendary 250F Formula 1 car. Starting in
1973, a larger 4.9-liter engine was available
Introduced at the 1971 Geneva Motor Show, as well, gaining 10 horsepower over the
The Tipo 117 Bora was Maserati's first and 4.7-liter version.
only mid-engine V8 supercar, following the
trend set by the Lamborghini Miura in 1966. Along with being a capable mid-engine
Maserati commissioned Italdesign, Giorgetto supercar, the Bora was considerably more
Giugiaro's nascent design firm, to develop practical than its competition. The Bora
this new genre of Maserati. This design, while featured dual pane glass and a carpeted
unmistakably Giugiaro, featured striking styling engine bay to greatly reduce engine noise,
similarities with the DeTomaso Mangusta, as well as a full sized trunk- a rare feature in
BMW M1, and even the Delorean DMC 12. As a mid-engine supercar. The Bora was also
quoted above, the Bora was strikingly sporty one of the first new models to be released
but not inordinately aggressive, a truly worthy after Citroen gained a controlling interest
Maserati GT car, with clear connections to the in Maserati in 1968. As a result, the Bora
Ghibli that came before. featured innovations like hydraulically operated


This stunning Maserati was delivered new Attention to mechanical systems was extremely
to the United States and has documented comprehensive and complete, with invoices
history since the 1990s. Powered by the meticulously detailing nearly $49,000. In total,
throaty 4,930cc DOHC V8 engine, it is receipts on file detail nearly $70,000 in service
finished in striking Blu Ischia Metallizzato, over in the last three years.
a Blu and black Connolly leather interior with
black Wilton carpets. The car is equipped with Today, this example of Maserati's foray
Campagnolo alloy wheels, and fitted with the into mid-engine supercars is in beautifully
desirable manual-shift, 5-Speed ZF transaxle. maintained condition, and presented in a
stunning blue over blue color scheme. Rarely
The Bora's first owner was most likely seen in such meticulously kept mechanical
Californian, but the car's further early history condition, the Bora also retains its matching
remains unknown. By the early 1990s, the numbers 4.9-liter engine, and is offered with
Bora was with a California collector, only leaving extensive records detailing the car's care and
the Golden State when it was acquired by a history over the last three decades. This lovely
Florida enthusiast in 2017. Prior to purchase, the example of Maserati's mature and spiritedly
Maserati had been the recipient of a cosmetic sporty supercar would be a great entry into
restoration, with further work completed after high-speed rallies such as the Copperstate
acquisition in 2017-18. Finding a new home 1000, or a Concours d'Elegance.
in 2019, the Bora's 4.9-liter V8 was the subject
of thorough rebuild from the crank up. $180,000 - 220,000


Without Reserve
18. H Originally owned by Greg Garrison
1984 FERRARI 400i GT H Exclusive bespoke options from Ferrari
Coachwork by Pininfarina H Rare manual-transmission model
H Fantastic color scheme
VIN. ZFFEB07B000050807

4,823cc DOHC V-12 Engine

Electronic Fuel Injection
310bhp at 6,400rpm
5-Speed Manual Transmission
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Special ordered by famed Ferrari collector fitted the car with an extra insulated headliner as well as a set of Campagnolo wheels with
Greg Garrison, this 1984 could arguably be with additional sound deadening material tires to compliment the Borrani wire wheels
the most unique example produced. When and heat resistant components. Additionally, currently installed on the vehicle. Additionally,
you are close personal friends with Enzo the interior was fitted with front and rear dual the factory radio is included along with the
Ferrari himself, it was quite easy for Mr. air conditioning system. Probably the most factory tool kit/first aid kit, books, dealer
Garrison to receive special wishes in terms of notable exterior features the factory fitted this list manual, a workshop repair manual and
bespoke options on his cars. Some of these car with would be the hood vent. Being two more. Being that Mr. Garrison was a famed
special wishes include the color combination and a half times larger than the usual 400i producer, he had close ties with many
of a light red metallic (Rosso Met Fer 305/C) hood vent, this helped extract the unwanted celebrity friends. One of these friends, and his
with a beautiful beige leather interior. Other under hood heat, while helping the air business partner, was entertainer Dean Martin,
characteristics that can only be found on this conditioning system operate more efficiently in who is believed to have used this car many
particular 400i include color matched front the warm climates. times. With such a great ownership history
and rear bumpers with chrome trim, which and wonderful bespoke features, this is truly
would later become standard on the 412 This rare manual-transmission model has one of the most unique and well-built 400i's
models. Additionally, other special requests covered approximately 64,570 miles. The made. Surely a wonderful opportunity to own
include a Nardi steering wheel, power seats car does come with some recent service such an excellent example.
and cruise control. Since Mr. Garrison would invoices, with the most recent service taken
frequently drive to his home in the usually place in October of 2020. This 400i comes $80,000 - 100,000
warm Palm Springs area, he asked the Ferrari with a history report from Ferrari historian WITHOUT RESERVE
factory for some special upgrades to this Michael Sheehan. Included with the sale
400i's cooling system. The factory had of the vehicle is an extra exhaust system


Without Reserve
H Delivered new to Houston oilman
H One of approximately 80 left-drive Coachwork by Park Ward Ltd
S3 Continentals produced
H Formerly in the collection of Lucy Chassis no. BC90LXC
Dahl, daughter of Ronald Dahl Engine no. 45CBC
H Complete with copies of factory
6,230cc OHV Aluminum V8 Engine
Twin SU Carburetors
4-Speed Automatic Transmission
Independent Front and Live-Axle with Semi-Elliptical Leaf Spring Rear Suspension
4-Wheel Girling Drum Brakes


The Bentley Continental was, of course, It's the spring of 1964, and after a lifetime The recipient of an older restoration, it has
exclusively a coachbuilt automobile. The of hard work building your oil company from since been refinished in black over tan hides
firms of H J Mulliner, Park Ward and James a small wildcatters firm to a publicly listed and fitted with a more modern cassette radio
Young all offered bodies on the Continental behemoth that you've just sold for $253 and air conditioning. By 2002 the Bentley
S2 chassis. By far the most striking of million, you've decided to buy yourself a was in the garage of Lucy Dahl, an LA-based
these S2 Continentals were those bodied new car. That must have been in the mind screenwriter and daughter of renowned
by Rolls-Royce's in-house coachbuilder of Lawrence S. Reed, who in May of 1964 children's book writer Ronald Dahl. Ms. Dahl
Park Ward, and this design by Norwegian sold his Texas Gulf Producing Company to kept the Bentley for a further six years before
Vilhelm Koren, with its influential continuous Sinclair making him and his brother Gordon selling it to the current owner in 2008.
front-to-rear wing line, would continue on centimillionaires, when he ordered this Bentley
the S3 Continental. Quad headlamps were S3 Continental Coupe from Rolls-Royce of On static display since acquisition, this
the S3's major styling innovation, and on the New York around the time of the sale of his beautiful coupe with connections to both
H J Mulliner, Park Ward-bodied Continental company. Finished in Tudor Grey over Grey the rich oil fields of Texas and Charlie and
were contained in slanting nacelles, giving leather, options included a Blaupunkt radio the Chocolate Factory is now ready for
rise to this model's 'Chinese Eye' sobriquet. (no longer with the car), electric windows and recommissioning and future enjoyment.
Headlamps aside, the most significant change aerial, plain Sundym glass all around, and
was to the S3's engine, which boasted white wall tires. He must have looked like $70,000 - 100,000
an increased compression ratio and larger a proper oilman with his new car and it no WITHOUT RESERVE
carburetors, modifications that raised peak doubt was found parked at Neiman Marcus
power by some 7%. on occasion.


20. H Tasteful and period-correct cosmetic
1963 JAGUAR E TYPE SERIES 1 COMPETITION COUPE performance upgrades
H Mechanically upgraded with modern
Chassis no. 888691
performance cooling and brakes
Engine no. RA73212-9
H Stunning Titanium Grey over Grey livery
3,781cc DOHC Inline 6-Cylinder Engine H The perfect combination of style and
3 Weber 45 DCOE Carburetors performance
265bhp at 5,500rpm
4-Speed Manual Transmission
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Wilwood Disc Brakes


Developed from the racing D-Type in 1956, brakes. Anti-roll bars were installed front Roughly 15 years ago, the lovely Jaguar
The E-Type had been put aside when and rear. E-type Coupe offered here received an entirely
Lyons abruptly canceled the competition comprehensive nut and bolt restoration thanks
program. Dusting off the prototype, an At 2,520 pounds, it was 500 pounds lighter to the folks at Classic Showcase in California.
aluminum-bodied roadster with 3.4-liter than the XK 150 and more powerful to No stone was left unturned, and the vehicle
XK engine and independent front and boot. The 3.8-liter twin cam engine was was completely disassembled and brought
rear suspension, Heynes and Sayer fed through three SU side draft carbs and down to bare metal. Once on the rotisserie,
reengineered it for steel, and a 3.8-liter developed 265bhp. A top speed of 150mph the metal was refinished and prepared for
engine as used in the Mk IX saloon. was easily achieved with the standard 3.31 the new parts to be fitted and installed. The
to 1 gearing, and some speculated that high-quality paint job was wet sanded and
The engine and transmission aside, optional taller gears would be good for buffed to perfection. The chassis and a bevy
the production E-Type was all new. It more. In its day, the E-Type was bested only of other parts were powder coated in addition
combined a multi-tube front chassis by Ferraris and the Mercedes-Benz 300SL. to the undercarriage being rebuilt. While the
with a monocoque center section. Front Its debut came at the March 1961 Geneva motor was out, it too received a great deal
suspension was similar to the XK 150's, Motor Show, to universal applause and of attention. New pistons, bearings, seals,
but the rear was revolutionary. Comprising plaudits from the pundits. timing chain, oil pump and water pump
transverse lower links and fixed-length were installed, and the top end of the motor
driveshafts, its wheels were suspended received new valves, guides, keepers and
on coil spring-shock absorber units. The seals. Feeding the engine are jewelry like
differential was mounted to a hefty steel performance Weber 45 DCOE carburetors
crossmember and hosted inboard disk that were rebuilt at the same time as the

restoration. Attached to its custom exhaust been solidly mounted. A new wiring harness most ideal position; upholstered in the style of
headers was a custom 2-inch free-flow has also been fitted resulting in the erasure Series I seats.
performance exhaust system. Linked up at of one of Jaguar's most famous standard
the back end, a fully synchronized 4.2 Liter features: smoke. The work performed on this Jaguar was
gearbox has been fitted to aid in drivability. thoroughly comprehensive and extends
The exterior has been finished in tasteful beyond what can be expressed in a brief
Classic Showcase also took the opportunity Titanium Grey paint and allows the vehicle to description. Whilst in the company of
to make some improvements beyond the stand out amongst the sea of other E-Types the vehicle, the quality truly exudes from
components found in stock Jags. Almost one will witness on the show field. Adding to every surface. The E-Type has many
a necessity in today's traffic, a high output the sporty character, the bumpers of the car accomplishments in JCNA sanctioned
radiator with an auxiliary fan and alloy header have been removed allowing the gorgeous shows and rallies. The restoration has aged
tank work to keep the motor cool on hot days lines to be displayed uninterrupted. D-type very well over the years, and today, the
or through hard driving. Brakes are another style Dayton alloy wheels with 3-eared knock- car appears with only minor indications
area of welcome improvement for the modern offs round off the package and complete the of wear both inside and out. This E-Type
enthusiast, and one will decelerate with racey look. Inside, a matching grey interior performance Coupe on offer was recently
authority thanks to the Wilwood components is complemented by a fully rebuilt alloy dash serviced and is the complete package of
and master cylinder fitted to this coupe. fitted with a suite of Smiths gauges and a style, prestige and performance.
Furthermore, the suspension of the vehicle Nardi wood rimmed steering wheel. Aiding
was fully rebuilt and features neoprene in comfort, sound deadening has been fitted $200,000 - 250,000
bushings for increased response. Along the to both reduce noise and heat while Series II
same lines, the steering and motor have both reclining seats allow the driver to find the


Without Reserve
21. H Authentically restored example of the
1930 MORGAN 3-WHEELER AERO SUPER SPORTS desirable Aero Super Sports model
H One of the best specifications for a
Chassis no. M301
Morgan 3-Wheeler
Engine no. 90/93/S
H Powerful and durable OHV V-Twin
1,100cc OHV V-Twin JAP Engine JAP engine
41hp at 4,700rpm H An automotive icon rarely seen on
Single Side Draft Carburetor the American market
2-Speed Manual Transmission
Independent Front Suspension
Swing Axle Rear Suspension


With a pedigree dating from 1909, Morgan's of a new chassis – the M-type – on the Representing the 1930s Morgan 3-wheeler
3-wheelers were from the outset highly new Super Sports model. The Aero Super in the desirable Aero Super Sports
competitive. Its superior power-to-weight Sports - the top-of-the-range and certainly specification, powered by the air-cooled,
ratio enabled H.F.S. Morgan's humble, the fastest model - was announced in 1928, overhead-valve, V-Twin 1,100cc JAP engine,
3-wheeled cyclecar to outperform many lower, longer and faster than earlier Aeros this charming example was treated to an
a larger engined 4-wheeler, and its maker and with an 80mph top speed. This new authentic restoration in 2008, and since
was not slow to capitalize on his creation's chassis was some 2½-inches lower than kept in beautiful condition in a celebrated
competition potential. A Gold Medal in the its predecessor and undoubtedly helped Southwestern collection of pedigreed cars
1911 London-Exeter-London Reliability Trial Morgans trounce the opposition at the New and motorcycles. Sporting British Racing
with Morgan himself driving was followed Cycle car Club's meeting at Brooklands later Green paint with the cockpit trimmed in
by victory in the inaugural cycle car race at that year. black, the Morgan has a very genuine feel
Brooklands the following year, Harry Martin with period gauges, and a nice age to all the
taking the checkered flag three minutes Morgan offered Blackburne, JAP and brass, wood, nickel and brightwork finishes
ahead of the field. Racetrack successes led Matchless engine options in their range on the powerful machine. Seldom found
directly to road-going spin-off in the form of of 3-wheelers, the JAP engine, as fitted on the American market, this Morgan Aero
the Grand Prix model, introduced for 1914. to this example, being the choice of the Super Sports has few equals, and would
The first Aero sports model, inspired by the connoisseur. make a nice addition to any historic and
Grand Prix, followed immediately after WWI. thoughtful collection.
Subsequent technological developments
included the fitting of front brakes (operated $50,000 - 75,000
by hand lever) from 1924 and the adoption WITHOUT RESERVE


Without Reserve
H The 19th of just 50 Brooklands Edition
H Extremely powerful and thrilling machine
VIN. SA9M32851EP202122
H Just one owner and less than 1,000
Engine no. P5600557
miles from new
H The perfect retro blend of new and old 1,983cc OHV V-Twin S&S Engine
115hp at 3,000rpm
Direct Fuel Injection
5-Speed Manual Transmission
Independent Front Suspension
3-Wheel Disc Brakes


'When Morgan unveiled its new 3-wheeler Morgan restyled the body along more This spectacular example of the retro-inspired
at Geneva early this year, the crowd really traditional lines and redesigned the chassis 3-wheeler Morgan was manufactured largely
did go mad. Here was a car with character (which would continue to be made by Liberty), by hand in February of 2014 and is the 19th
and charm, speed and excitement. And abandoning the marque's characteristic of just 50 Brooklands Edition models made,
it promised fun, that so-often missing sliding-pillar front suspension in favor of commemorating the company's success at
ingredient in the world of modern machinery.' a modern coil-sprung double wishbone the legendary track nearly a century ago. The
– Octane Magazine. arrangement. They also chose to use an 3-wheeler remains in spectacular condition
American-built S&S V-twin engine rather than with little signs of use. The polished aluminum
One of the more unlikely re-introductions in the Ace's Harley-Davidson unit. Developed bodywork is accented by black cycle fenders
an age obsessed with all things 'retro', the specifically for the Morgan 3-wheeler, the S&S up front, and the black-trimmed cockpit
3-wheeler revived the format pioneered by 'X-Wedge' engine displaces 1,983cc and is fitted with Aero-inspired instrumentation
company founder H F S Morgan, whose first delivers its 115bhp maximum via a Mazda and a Bluemel's Brooklands steering wheel.
motorized tricycle had appeared in 1910. On five-speed gearbox. With a kerb weight of Less than 1,000 miles were recorded on the
this occasion though, the inspiration came around 500kg, the 3-wheeler has more than odometer at the time of cataloging, and the
from across the Atlantic, where the American enough performance for most people, being rare Morgan is offered from its original owner's
company Liberty Motors was building a copy capable of racing to 60mph in 4.5 seconds on sizable collection where it has been well cared
of the original Morgan 3-wheeler: the Ace Cycle its way to a top speed of around 125mph. for and regularly driven.
Car. Morgan executives tried the Ace and were
sufficiently impressed to buy out Liberty, thereby $40,000 - 60,000
shortening the development time required to get WITHOUT RESERVE
their own version into production.


23. H Rare and desirable original AC Cobra 289
1964 AC COBRA 289 H Retaining original engine, transmission,
rear end, chassis and bodywork
Chassis no. C0X 6014
H One of just 17 left-hand drive COX export
Engine no. 2559
examples made in 1964 and 1965
289ci OHV V8 Engine H Factory left-hand-drive car, delivered
Single 4-Barrel Carburetor new to Canada
271bhp at 5,600rpm H Single family ownership for more than
4-Speed Manual Transmission 45 years
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


When Carroll Shelby went to Europe Ford had woken to the truth of the old adage, sales office in Thames Ditton, or through one
to race in the late 1950s, he realized 'Win on Sunday, sell on Monday'. Together, of the company's franchised dealers, so was
that a combination of a lightweight Ford and Shelby worked on a new chassis it possible to buy a Cobras. Initially, AC, had
American V8 engine and a proven, well- which, it was claimed, was the first ever to be their hands full trying to produce as many cars
handling European chassis was a winning designed on a computer. The final flowering for export to the U.S. as they could.
combination. He had a Ford V8 installed of the original Cobra model received the
in the chassis of an AC Ace, named the legendary 289 cubic- inch Ford V8 engine Shelby also had his hands full keeping
result, 'Cobra', and proved his point. The which produced 271 horsepower and 314 up with the demand in the U.S. and the
Cobra set new standards of performance lbs-ft torque midway through the engine European market seemed like a modest one.
for road cars and was highly effective in range. Top speed was 138 mph (220 kph) but He was happy to let AC Cars assume the
competition. Early cars featured a 260 of more importance was 5.5 seconds for the responsibility of supplying cars there. These
cubic-inch Ford small-block engine, soon 0-60 mph sprint - few cars in the world could cars were standard specification leaf spring
enlarged to 289 cubic-inches concurrently match that in the 1960s. Cobras powered by 289 Hi-Po Shelby engines
with improvements to the suspension with Borg Warner four-speed transmissions
and steering, these Cobras being known Almost as soon as Cobra production began, (which AC received from Shelby).
respectively as MkI and MkII. When fitted AC Cars saw a market for the cars in the
with ever more powerful engines, the cars' United Kingdom and Continental Europe. On these cars the trunk badge was "AC"
chassis capabilities were stretched to the Initial race victories, which were widely while the nose badge was the round
limit and Shelby approached Ford to take reported in the motorsports press, hastened "Cobra" emblem. The serial numbers were
their concept a stage further. this spread. Just as it had been possible to COB ("Cobra Britain") for the right-hand
purchase an AC Aceca from the factory's drive cars sold in the United Kingdom

(45 out of the entire production of 62) and
COX ("Cobra eXport") for left-hand drive
cars sold throughout the rest of Europe,
Canada, and one into the USA (the remaining
17 cars). The four-digit production numbers
all began with a "6" (6001 through 6062).

Just 17 examples of the COX models were

built in 1964 and 1965, making this the rarest
series manufactured Cobra.



This immaculate 1964 AC Cobra 289, original aluminum bodywork, chassis, and 289
chassis number COX 6014, is among the Hi-Po V8 engine. A complete refurbishment
rarest Cobra models ever produced, and has been carried out by the renowned Shelby
boasts excellent pedigree. According to the experts at Legendary Motorcar Company of
World Registry of Cobras and GT40s, COX Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada, and COX 6014
6014 was completed at the Thames Ditton remains one of best cared-for examples of the
AC Cars as a left-hand drive car, and was rare breed. Finished in a striking black exterior
consigned to Cambridge Motors of Montréal, color with neatly contrasting red interior, COX
Canada, on August 9th, 1964. The first 6014 looks just right, and really epitomizes the
known owner was a Mr. Paul Schmelzer of original Cobra legend, look and feel.
Toronto, Canada, who purchased the car in
1969. Pictured in 'The Marque' Vol. 3, #3, $900,000 - 1,100,000
COX 6014 remained in Canada through the
2000s, while in Mr. Schmelzer's ownership ◊ See Legend on page 5 for bidding instructions.
for more than 45 years.

Today COX 6014 boasts great authenticity,

having never been known to have been raced
or modified. Many of Cobras would take to
the racetrack, but that is not the case with this
rare AC Cobra 289. COX 6014 still retains its


Without Reserve
24. H Matching numbers example
1963 FERRARI 250 GTE SERIES III 2+2 H Originally finished in Bianco over Nero
Coachwork by Pininfarina H Delivered new to the US through Chinetti
H Offered with Marcel Massini's
Chassis no. 4829 history report
Engine no. 4829

2,953cc SOHC V12 Engine

3 Twin Weber Carburetors
240bhp at 7,000rpm
4-Speed Manual Transmission
Independent Front Suspension – Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Intended to extend Ferrari's appeal to a sector Completed in the third and final series of restoration. Sharing its bones with the other
of the market previously uncharted, the 250GTE 250GTE production, the example offered here, Ferrari 250s, including the GTO, LM, GT
2+2 was first seen in prototype form at the 1960 chassis no. 4829, was completed on July California Spyder, Lusso, TdF, and Testa
Le Mans 24-Hour Race, where it served as the 19, 1963 and delivered new in September of Rossa, the GTE represents an amazing value.
Race Director's car, and had its official world that year through Luigi Chinetti Motors to a For a fraction of the cost of its topless and
premiere later that year at the Paris Salon. Mr. Restierau, a Frenchman living in New York competition cousins, and with a pair of extra
City. Finished in the handsome combination of buckets for the kids and a real trunk for the
Maranello's first series-production four-seater Bianco white over Nero black Connolly hides, weekend, the GTE is one of the best and
featured independent front suspension, a it was the 989th 250GTE built and 247th of most usable sports cars available.
live rear axle, all-round disc brakes and a the Series III cars. By 1974 the car had moved
four-speed manual/overdrive gearbox, while a little bit north to the Bronxville, New York $220,000 - 280,000
the compact, Colombo-designed Tipo 128E garage of Ferrari enthusiast Tom McKenna. A WITHOUT RESERVE
outside-plug V12 engine's 240bhp ensured dedicated custodian, McKenna would retain
that there was no compromise in performance. the car through until at least the early 1990s
Top speed was within a whisker of 140mph. before it was eventually painted black and
later listed for sale in 2007. The current owner
The 250GTE progressed through three series acquired the car in the fall of 2008.
before production ceased in 1963, by which
time 950 cars had been sold, making this the On static display since acquisition and
most popular and commercially successful featuring a new 30+ year old repaint, it is an
Ferrari to date. example ready for recommissioning or


25. H Top-of-the-line, hand-built
1971 MERCEDES-BENZ 280SE 3.5 COUPE Mercedes-Benz
H Period-appropriate Tobacco Brown
Chassis no. 111026.12.003665
over Cognac livery
3,499cc SOHC V8 Engine H Desirable floor-mounted gear shift
Bosch Fuel Injection example
200bhp at 5,800rpm H Equipped with Becker Europa stereo
4-Speed Automatic Transmission radio and Behr air conditioning
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


"If you feel obligated to ask about the price good for cruising speeds up near 125mph, Presented here is a lovely example of the now-
you not only will never understand the car, with 60mph reachable in 9.5 seconds, a classic Mercedes-Benz 280SE 3.5 Coupe.
you have branded yourself incapable of ever substantial improvement on the six-cylinder Luxurious and powerful, this flagship Mercedes-
appreciating its virtues even if someone gave version's figures. Benz model from the famed Stuttgart-based
you one." - Car & Driver on the Mercedes- manufacturer is finished in a period-correct
Benz 280SE 3.5. Although the equivalent SEL saloon used Tobacco Brown over Cognac leather livery.
the "New Generation" body-shell, the Coupe Inside, one is greeted by high-quality brightwork
The 3.5-liter version of the 280SE typifies and Cabriolet kept the coachwork that had and wood finishes, and a period Becker
the resurgence of larger-engined Mercedes- debuted back in 1959 on the 220SE and, Europa stereo radio is fitted along with Behr
Benz models that began in the late 1960s. as befitted top-of-the-range luxury models, air conditioning. The car is equipped with the
The ultra-luxurious 280SE Coupe, Cabriolet came standard equipped with automatic desirable, floor-mounted gear shift lever, along
and 300SEL saloon models were chosen transmissions, air conditioning, power with power windows and heat insulated glass.
by Mercedes-Benz to launch its magnificent windows, and stereo radio. The 280SE 3.5
new 3.5-liter V8 engine in 1969. An over- was to be the final model to feature this By possessing a suite of creature comforts,
square design featuring a cast-iron block and much-admired body style, and today these a powerful V8 engine under the hood, and
aluminum cylinder heads, each equipped last-of-the-line top quality classics are highly restrained Teutonic styling combined with the
with a single overhead camshaft, this all- sought after by discerning collectors. quality that comes from low production figures
new, state-of-the-art power unit produced and hand-built construction, the 3.5-liter 280SE
a torquey 200bhp, courtesy of Bosch Coupe is truly a tour de force of classic motoring.
electronic fuel injection and transistorized
ignition. Thus equipped, the 280SE 3.5 was $75,000 - 95,000


Without Reserve
H High quality restoration performed
H Fully sorted classic Chevrolet dually 1953 CHEVROLET SERIES 6400 PICKUP
H Beautifully crafted wooden flatbed
Chassis no. W53B012498
in lacquered finish
H Believed to be original 86,500 miles 235.5 CI Inline 6 cylinder OHV Engine
Single Carburetor
108 bhp at 3,600rpm
4-Speed Manual Transmission
4-Wheel Semi-Elliptic Suspension
4-Wheel Hydraulic Brakes


Chevrolet began building pickup trucks The 6400 presented was built in the This truck was the recipient of a thorough
at the start of WWI and in the first year Baltimore plant in 1953 and prepared for restoration by its previous owner and still
of production about 900 trucks rolled off the life of a workhorse. While the basic in fantastic condition today. Acquired by
the line. By 1942 when civilian production styling and design of the 6400-Series was the vendor in the beginning of 2019, it has
stopped, Chevrolet had produced two offered in several styles, this vehicle was been very sparingly driven since purchase
million trucks. Clearly they were doing built as a 6408 model: Heavy Duty Platform spending the bulk of its time on a vineyard.
something right. Following WWII the Bowtie Truck. Among the notable exterior features This beautiful classic Chevrolet pickup
brand sought to maintain its dominance on this 6400 were the inclusion of the dual will be right at home going to or from the
and in 1947 it debuted its 'Advance Design' windshield and the oversized horizontal farmers market, heavy duty work, beach,
series of pickups. Ranging from the ½ ton front grill. Finished in an eye-catching color or estate. Surely a wonderful opportunity
3100 to the 2 ton 6400 and initially powered scheme of Beige/Brown two tone exterior, to find such a great example of well-built
by reliable straight six of 216.5ci—later the interior is finished in the similar two American machinery.
growing to the 'High Torque' Loadmaster tone Beige with Brown leatherette. Nicely
235.5ci—the full-bodied and modern executed red pinstriping rounds out the $30,000 - 40,000
looking line-up quickly became the best- high-quality paintwork performed on the WITHOUT RESERVE
selling truck in America, a title it held for the truck. The rear flatbed deck has been
duration of its eight year production life. shortened and made from an attractive
lacquered wood complete with matching
toolbox and side panels.


27. H Highly sought after, Carbureted
1977 FERRARI 308 GTB Berlinetta 308
Design by Pininfarina H Well cared for example of Ferrari's
classic 308 GTB
Chassis no. 22273 H Offered with original books in
Engine no. 02610
leather pouch
H Timeless Pininfarina design in the
2,926cc DOHC V8 Engine
4 Twin-Choke Weber Carburetors purest form
255bhp at 7,700rpm
5-Speed Manual Transaxle
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Ferrari's line of highly successful V8-engined featured dry-sump lubrication. In road tune This desirable 308 GTB was built at the
road cars began with the 308 GT4 of 1973. this superbly engineered power unit produced Maranello Works in September of 1977 and
Badged as a 'Dino', the all-new 308 GT4 255bhp, an output good enough to propel the is one of approximately 2,185 carbureted
2+2 superseded the Dino V6. Although the 308 GTB to a top speed of over 150mph. 308s produced between 1977 and 1980. The
newcomer's wedge-shaped styling – by original service book accompanying the Ferrari
Bertone rather than the customary Pininfarina Produced initially with fiberglass bodywork indicates that Bavarian Motors of Fort Worth,
– was not universally well-received, there were (the first time this material had been used Texas sold the car on February 12, 1978 to
no complaints about the performance of the for a production Ferrari), the Scaglietti-built fist owner, a Mr. Milt Bronson. By the 1990s,
3.0-liter, quad-cam V8 engine, which was 308 GTB used steel after April 1977. Further the 308 had migrated to California, where
carried over to its successor. developments included the introduction of it was recorded in the hands of Svend and
an open-top GTS version with Targa-style Diane Steffen of Stonyford, CA. Today, this
Introduced at the Paris Auto Salon in 1975, removable roof, the adoption of Bosch desirable Berlinetta version of the carbureted
the contemporary styled 308 GTB (Ferrari's K-Jetronic fuel injection and, finally, revised 308 presents in well-preserved condition, and
second V8 road car) marked a return to cylinder heads with four valves per cylinder the black leather interior very much appears to
Pininfarina styling following the Bertone- on the Quattrovalvole (QV) model in 1982. be original. The car is offered with the original
designed 308 GT4. Badged as a 'proper' Both an exhilarating driver's car and a books and manuals in leather pouch.
Ferrari rather than a Dino, the 308 GTB Ferrari purist's delight, the 308 and its many
had changed little mechanically apart from derivatives proved to be a huge commercial $80,000 - 120,000
a reduction in both wheelbase and weight, success for Maranello, with over 12,000 sold.
retaining its predecessor's underpinnings
and transversely mounted engine that now


Without Reserve
H Factory, Vantage spec example
H Delivered new to Lake Forest, Illinois 1988 ASTON MARTIN V8 VANTAGE VOLANTE
H Under 33,000 original miles
H Documented by a copies of factory
Engine no. V/585/5659/LFA
records and a clean CARFAX
5,340cc DOHC V8 Engine
4 Dual-Throat Weber Carburetors
403bhp at 6,250rpm
3-Speed Automatic Transmission
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Produced to satisfy demands from the This V8 Vantage Volante was supplied new On static display since being purchased,
USA, the Volante convertible debuted to Lake Forest Sports Cars in Lake Forest, this mean looking Aston is ready for some
in 1978, but it was not until 1986 that it Illinois. Completed on March 23, 1988, it recommissioning and road burning. With
became available to Vantage specification, was first registered in Illinois on July 1st of plenty of power on tap, it will make the perfect
which by this time meant around 400bhp. that year. Finished in Connock Black over velvet hammer for its next owner.
Along with the Vantage engine and bonnet a tan and black piped leather interior, it has
came flared wheelarches, boot spoiler (a the three-speed automatic gearbox and is $90,000 - 120,000
feature the Volante had previously lacked) equipped with the power operated hood, WITHOUT RESERVE
and extended front spoiler, while fiberglass electric windows and mirrors, driving lamps,
extensions replaced the model's hitherto and Ronal alloy wheels.
characteristic chromed sill covers. The result
was a muscular, aggressive-looking car that According to the CARFAX report, the V8
could justifiably claim to be the world's fastest Vantage soon made its way west to California,
convertible, all the more so when it came with where it spent the early 1990s before heading
the optional 432bhp 'X-pack' engine. A total east to New York and Connecticut. In 2003,
of 166 Vantage Volantes had been completed with around 25,000, the Aston returned to the
by the end of production in December 1989. Midwest in the collection of Springfield, Illinois
attorney Frederic Nessler. Adding only a few
thousand miles during his ownership tenure,
the current acquired the car in November of
2010 with just under 32,500 original miles on
the ticker.


29. H One of only 20 Monterey Editions built
1998 LAMBORGHINI DIABLO SV TWIN TURBO H A supercar legend of the 1990s
'MONTEREY EDITION' H Less then 13,900 Kilometers from new
H The final and most powerful production
VIN. ZA9DU21B4WLA12007 Diablo to feature pop-up headlights
H Upgraded to Twin Turbos by
5.7-Liter Twin-turbo DOHC V12 Engine
Platinum Motors
Electronic Sequential Multi-Port Injection
523bhp at 7,100rpm
5-Speed Manual Transaxle
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Brembo Ventilated Disc Brakes


After 17 years in production, the legendary model, was extended in the Diablo, which model like the latter, but a series production car
Countach was replaced by the Diablo, also featured revised suspension capable with a luxuriously appointed interior reflecting
which on its arrival was the fastest, most of accommodating the envisaged future its designers' intention to produce a civilized
advanced and most expensive Lamborghini developments of four-wheel drive and active Gran Turismo as suited to city streets and
ever built. First exhibited publicly at Monaco suspension. Stretched to 5.7 liters for the motorways as the racetrack. Its UK launch price
in January 1990, the Diablo improved on its Diablo, Lamborghini's 48-valve V12 engine was pitched at just under £153,000, making
illustrious predecessor in every way, setting gained fuel injection for the first time and the Diablo one the world's most expensive
a new benchmark in supercar design. producing a maximum of 492bhp. Of equal, cars. Four-wheel drive Diablo VT and Targa-
Nobody can have been surprised to learn if not greater significance, maximum torque style open roadster versions soon followed and
that it had been styled by Marcello Gandini, went up to 428lb/ft, an improvement of 55% then came the Diablo SE (Special Edition) only
the man responsible for the Lamborghini over the Countach. Catalytic converters were 150 examples of which were built to celebrate
Miura and Countach, for the family standard, enabling the reworked V12 to meet Lamborghini's 30 years as a car manufacturer.
resemblance was obvious. emissions requirements worldwide.
Designed to appeal more to the enthusiast
Beneath the skin there was a steel With more power and a lower drag coefficient driver, a simpler and lighter two-wheel drive
spaceframe chassis, developed from the than the Countach, the Lamborghini Diablo Diablo SV (Super Veloce) was introduced in
Countach's, but constructed of square- easily eclipsed its forebear, exceeding 1995 and came with a 510bhp engine despite
section rather than round tubing and 200mph (322km/h) on test. More importantly, being cheaper that the standard Diablo.
incorporating 'crumple zones' at front and its acceleration and top speed figures were Other SV changes included an adjustable rear
rear. The use of carbon-fiber composite marginally better than those of the Ferrari F40. spoiler, different lighting, a ducted engine lid
panels, first seen in the Countach Evoluzione The Diablo though, was not a limited-edition and larger diameter front brakes.


As Lamborghini geared up to facelift its the Monterey Edition the most powerful Monterey Edition Diablo was upgraded to Twin
Diablo with fixed headlights, the engineers production Diablo with pop-up headlights. Turbos by Platinum Motors, as has been seen on
and designers at the Sant'Agata Lamborghini The more powerful V-12 was also a harbinger other cars of the era, for ultimate performance.
Works unveiled one last hurrah in 1998 for of things to come for the next model year
the strong American market: The Diablo SV when Lamborghini would boost power to One Monterey Edition, featuring an upgraded
Monterey Edition. a similar level. Like other Diablo SVs, the engine and brakes, was driven by Mario
Monterey Edition was rear-wheel drive and Andretti during the Lamborghini-sponsored
Just 20 were built in a nod to the flourishing sent power to the wheels via a five-speed "Running of the Bulls" event in California.
Monterey Car Week in California. The Diablo manual transaxle. Lamborghini had no trouble The Monterey was such a rare and desirable
SV Monterey Edition reprised the SE30 and finding new owners for the 20 special edition variation on the SV theme that the cars were
VT Roadster's trio of air intakes in front of Diablos, which were only offered to customers snapped up almost immediately.
the rear wheels rather than the single, large in the U.S.
opening the automaker used on the Diablo SV. $200,000 - 250,000
The SV Monterey Edition retained the Diablo's This 1998 Lamborghini Diablo SV is #16
signature pop-up headlights even though the of 20 Monterey Edition models produced
automaker would debut a new face with fixed showing just 13,794 kilometers at the time
headlights the following year. of cataloging. Finished in the stunning Blu
Scuro over black, it retains its original chrome
A 523-hp version of Lamborghini's famous wheels. Like other Diablo SVs, it features
5.7-liter V-12 engine produced nearly 20-hp an adjustable rear spoiler, black taillight
more than contemporary Diablo SVs, making bezels, and quad exhaust pipes. The rare


Without Reserve
30. H More than 50 Concours wins and
1959 JAGUAR XK150S 3.4 ROADSTER 100-point JCNA status
H Matching numbers, factory left hand
Chassis no. T831532DN
drive example
Engine no. S 1486-9
H Just four owners from new and less
3,442cc DOHC Inline 6-Cylinder Engine than 19,000 original miles
3 SU Carburetors H Presented in original color combination
250bhp at 5,500rpm
4-Speed Manual Transmission w/ Overdrive
Front Independent Suspension - Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Hydraulic Disc Brakes


"The Jaguar XK150 is undeniably one of the a little more 'poke', 'Special Equipment' There can be few cars of this marque
world's fastest and safest cars. It is quiet and 'S' versions came with 210 and or model that can lay claim to such
and exceptionally refined mechanically, 250bhp respectively, the latter delivering an achievement in Concours events across
docile and comfortable... we do not know of astonishing 0-60mph time of 7.3 seconds this country. Over the course of about 13
any more outstanding example of value for and a top speed of 136mph. years, the XK150S offered here has won
money," declared The Autocar. more than 50 Concours awards, including
At first the '150' was available in fixed numerous 'Best in Class' trophies, resulting
Introduced in 1957, the '150' is the ultimate and drophead coupé forms; the open in the car earning a 100-point status with
expression of Jaguar's XK series. Revisions roadster version didn't appear until the the Jaguar Club of North America and
to the bodywork retained the traditional XK following year. The roadster version would has won North American Champion as
look but the revised fender line made room become the rarest XK 150 model, now well. That the Jaguar came to be in such
for a wider cowl and windshield and fed into with rollup windows and thorough weather extraordinary condition is testament to its
thinner doors that much improved comfort. protection to make it the ideal vehicle for previous owners, keen enthusiasts of British
Jaguar adopted the disc brakes which a day's enjoyment or a long trip through motorcars, and reflects their passion, keen
had so dramatically demonstrated their variable weather. Looks were not to be eye for detail and quality workmanship.
effectiveness in the C-types at Le Mans, compromised, however, as the XK150
improving not only braking performance but Roadster retained the traditional Roadster's An original U.S. delivered example, this 'S'
also the XK 150's marketing. windowsill dip and top that was fully was built on October 10, 1958, dispatched
enclosed when retracted for an especially 20 days later and supplied to the US
In standard form, it retained the 190bhp of attractive profile. through Jaguar Cars New York. Finished in
its predecessor. But for those requiring Black with Grey hides and a Black top,

it was delivered with the exact technical in 1998, an exhaustive, body-off, concours Bonhams can only endorse the judgments
specification and matching-numbers quality restoration was begun. In completing of so many experts across the country who
components that it retains today, as verified by the restoration, exacting detail features were have consistently prized and placed this
its Jaguar-Daimler Heritage Trust Certificate. sourced - items which are so often copied, car above all others they have seen. It is an
but rarely are originals as found on this car. utterly beautiful example with few owners
The first owner of the car was J.P. Squire and less than 19,000 original miles, which
of Mentor, Ohio who took delivery on July This exhaustive process took three years should comfortably provide its next owner
19, 1960. Squire kept the car for four years from start to finish. Completed in its original with further awards or hold its own among
before selling it to W.O. Oden of nearby color scheme, it has achieved consistent any world class collection of automobiles.
Cleveland, Ohio in June of '64. Oden enjoyed success wherever it has been shown.
the car for two subsequent years before With preciously few miles added since $175,000 - 225,000
putting it into storage in his garage in August it was completed to its already very low WITHOUT RESERVE
of 1966. The Jaguar would sit closeted in mileage total, and detailed to the highest
Oden's garage for the next three decades degree, the car looks today much as it did
until it was acquired by the previous owner in when the exacting rebuild was finalized.
May of 1997. When the car was pulled out of Offered from a prominent Virginia-based
the garage, it was in complete and showing collection, the XK150S Roadster is offered
less than 18,000 miles on the clock. with its original owner's manual including
its annual maintenance chart, tool roll, and
Sent to marque specialist Jeff Locke of 'Supplementary Instructions' for the XK150
Foreign Car Specialties in Tallmadge, Ohio "S" Model'.


Without Reserve
31. H Zagato bodied Maserati
1990 MASERATI BITURBO CONVERTIBLE H Fewer than 20 examples imported
Coachwork by Zagato to North America
H Present ownership for 25+ years
VIN. ZAMFN1104LA331948 H Desirable and refined end of the
run 2.8-liter engine
2,790cc OHC V-6 Engine
Electronic Fuel Injection
225bhp at 5,250rpm
3-Speed Automatic Transmission
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Maserati's dominant model throughout the variants, of particular interest as they were and only a few are known to exist today. This
1980s and the first series-production road car the work of Zagato. Maserati finally got it right particular example was previously owned by
to employ a twin turbo-charged engine, the with the end of the run 2.8-liter version which the professional baseball player and former
Biturbo debuted in two-door form in 1982. fixed all of the Biturbo's original shortcomings, Yankee and Braves team member, Mike
Intended to challenge BMW, Porsche and but it was too late for Maserati USA – they Stanton. Its current owner has cherished and
Mercedes-Benz in the luxury sporting saloon declared bankruptcy and less than 20 final run reliably driven this specimen for more than
market, the Biturbo had a front engine/rear handmade cars made it to North America. 25 years. This Zagato sports a black exterior
drive layout and featured all-independent over a grey interior of which every inch is
suspension, four-wheel disc brakes, and The 2.8-liter variants are thus certainly the covered in leather and alcantara while riding
an interior of sumptuous leather and fancy most desirable, and hardest to find. Of the on a set of original, Maserati specification OZ
burlwood veneer trim. The all-steel unitary 2.8-liter models, the most coveted is the racing wheels. If you are a Maserati, Zagato,
chassis/body was styled in-house and built Zagato-bodied Biturbo Spyder. With 225 HP or Italian car enthusiast, this exceedingly
by Innocenti, part of the De Tomaso empire and 246 lb. ft. of torque, thanks to a large fuel rare and increasingly sought after hand
like Maserati. Excellent ZF five-speed manual injected OHC V6 with a four-valve per-cylinder built, Zagato bodied Maserati presents an
and three-speed automatic transmissions fed by twin water-cooled IHI turbos and twin opportunity to acquire a fascinating piece of
were available, while a limited-slip differential air-to-air intercoolers, the car's weight to Italian sports car history.
came as standard. Produced initially with a power ratio makes it a thrill to drive. The
2-liter, three-valves-per-cylinder, 90-degree only other cars of the era to offer this level $25,000 - 35,000
V6, the Biturbo evolved toward a 2.8-liter of sophisticated power was Ferrari's mighty WITHOUT RESERVE
and four-valves-per-cylinder engine, the 288 GTO and F40. In 1990 under 20
finest of which were the open-top spyder examples were imported to North America

H Beautifully presented example of the 1970 MERCEDES-BENZ 280SL
classic Pagoda 280SL
H Equipped with factory installed Chassis no.
removable Hard Top
2,778cc SOHC Inline 6-cylinder Engine
H Well-built Mercedes-Benz Convertible Bosch Mechanical Fuel Injection
H Timeless Paul Bracq design 160bhp at 5,700rpm
4-Speed Automatic Transmission
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


In the Spring of 1963, Mercedes-Benz W111 chassis with a rear swing axle and This Mercedes-Benz Pagoda is a delightful
debuted an all-new roadster to replace the independent front suspension and four-wheel example of the fully evolved 280SL, featuring
190SL and 300SL- The 230SL. The 230SL disc brakes. Power came from a 2.8-liter disc brakes and the larger 2.8-Liter fuel
'Pagoda' was a stunning Paul Bracq designed version of Mercedes' robust inline-six and injected straight six engine. Produced during
two-seat convertible that followed Mercedes' used Bosch fuel injection- a combination November of 1969 as a 1970 model-year
new design language, featuring crisp lines and producing 160 horsepower in US-market example, the 280SL is today finished a
upright headlights. The 230 SL was fitted with variants, which had to be modified slightly beautiful creamy-white color, with a neatly
a prominent three-pointed star in its grill as a to comply with emissions standards. To contrasting dark brown Pagoda hard top
reference to the already iconic 300SL. To save compensate, the rear-end ratios were Cocoa-brown interior. Air conditioning and
on weight, the hood, door skins, trunk lid, and changed in these US-market cars to offer a classic Becker Europa radio is situated in
tonneau cover are all composed of aluminum. greater low-end acceleration. the dash. If one is looking for the perfect all-
The nickname 'Pagoda' was quickly adopted around classic, this 280SL may very well be
thanks to the slightly concave roof on the the perfect choice. These are well-built cars,
optional removable hardtop that resembled with ample power, and a timeless look.
a pagoda roof. Although controversial at its
introduction, these SLs are now considered a $70,000 - 90,000
masterpiece of design.

In 1967, Mercedes introduced the third and

final iteration of the 'Pagoda', the 280SL.
The 280 featured the same modified


33. H The ex-Dan Parkinson, 1964 SCCA
US HSR ARRC Championship
747cc Abarth DOHC Inline 4-Cylinder Engine
Winning Car
Approx. 75 bhp at 7000rpm
Fully independent coil-over with sways bars front and rear H Sophisticated American/Italian hybrid
Front Disc – Rear Drum Brakes H Marque defining example
H Impressive spares package, including
body molds etc.

© Vintage Road & Racecar © Revs Institute, Duke Q. Manor Photograph Collection


The Dolphin Engineering Company of San Mickey Thompson. Significantly Ken Miles The sports racing body was created by
Diego, California was started by Bud Hull was the Dolphin factory driver during the taking a fiberglass mold from Maslin's own
in 1959 and over the following five years 1960 and '61 seasons and contributed to Lotus for the rear section and adding fender
constructed nearly fifty race cars, over handling development of the cars. Miles pontoons to the "International's" single
three models; the "Club" and "International" continued to drive a Dolphin in 1963, when seater nose at the front. This approach
formula juniors and "America" sports racer. the factory was commissioned to produce a resulted in something of a Ferrari Testa
Each model won races in their respective Porsche engined example of their "America" Rossa look to the car that really excited
categories and the design execution of model for Otto Zipper. The 1100-pound aficionados of the day.
this winning marque was recognized as special was 160 pounds lighter than the
being really competitive with contemporary Porsche RS model! The extremely rigid The first "America" was powered by a 750cc
European designs, especially regarding their frame with potent 1700cc RS61 engine and Coventry Climax engine and was shown to
lightweight, straight tube chassis frames, and drive train combined with Miles' driving was the motoring press in August 1962. With oil
sophisticated state of the art, fully adjustable a formidable combination. Miles taking the and water, but no fuel, the car weighed just
independent suspension. Dolphin is arguably car to a number of successes in 1963. 775 lbs. There followed an 1100cc Climax
one of the most significant Californian, and FWA-powered car which was campaigned
American race car marques. The Dolphin "America" Sports Racer was with great success by West Coast driver
produced by Don Maslim modifying the Ron Cole.
Dolphin racing cars were the product of Bud Dolphin Formula Junior design, literally
Hull's partnership with John Crosthwaite, widening the existing spaceframe and The "America" was offered without engines
an English race car design engineer, who increasing the track from 47 to 51 inches. or gearboxes, so customers could choose
worked with BRM, Cooper, Lotus and what they wanted from Crosley to Buick

© Revs Institute, Duke Q. Manor Photograph Collection

power. As intended, the next customers wins in both 1964 and 1966. This success package with the car today. Interestingly the
of Dolphin were Daniel (Dan) Parkinson led Parkinson (affectionately known as car remained in California ownership until it
and his father who were both mechanically "Parky") on to winning two further SCCA passed from Dehaan to the current vendor in
minded and highly capable, and after buying national championships in his racing career, Oregon just last year.
the Dolphin "America" car #2 in kit form, and becoming the first works Nissan driver
they set about building it up as the fastest in the USA driving Datsun Roadsters. The Dolphin-ABARTH requires a rebuild, but
Sports Racer they could. They sourced is all complete and original, with parts and
one of the best small capacity competition Ownership of the Dolphin-ABARTH passed spares including the original ABARTH engine,
engines available, this being a 750cc from Dan Parkinson and his father in north a spare block, body-moulds and boxes of
Double Overhead Cam ABARTH, and even Los Angeles to Charles Thompson of numerous other components.
set about improving it! The gearbox was Bonita, California. Fashionably, Thompson
upgraded to 5 speeds and is a very unique had a Yamaha motorcycle engine installed We highly recommend the closest inspection
feature of this car, along with it being the in the lightweight Dolphin chassis during of this beautifully designed, California built,
only "America" model from the factory with his ownership, and this was later removed ABARTH engined race car. This historically
13" wheels. at Jim Groom's workshop in Berkeley, significant, two-time national championship
California, by the car's third owner: John winning race car is the most successful
Parkinson's race record in the Dolphin Dehaan of Vallejo. The engine was given example of the Dolphin marque, and a car that
speaks for itself, winning six national races to a motorcycle enthusiast mechanic has never before been offered publicly for sale.
plus the US Championship race at Riverside who worked at Groom's workshop at the
in 1964, six more wins in 1965, resulting in time, but Dehaan retained the Yamaha $70,000 - 100,000
two H Modified USA National Championship dashboard, which is included in the spares


34. H A striking and beautiful example of
In the present family ownership since 1964 the model
1928 MERCEDES-BENZ 26/120/180-S-TYPE H Meticulously documented and
SUPERCHARGED SPORTS TOURER fastidiously maintained
H Freshly refurbished paintwork by
Chassis no. 35920 DL George Coachworks
Engine no. 68674 H Well-known Classic Car Club
show and tour car
6,740cc, OHV Inline 6-Cylinder Engine
2 Carburetors with Roots Supercharger
120 or 180bhp at 3,000rpm
4-Speed Manual Transmission
Front and Rear Semi-Elliptic Leaf Spring Suspension
4-Wheel Drum Brakes


"Silent streams of super-power... unbounded The 'S' was created in a magical period for was applied. In truly uncompromising fashion,
flexibility" "comfort to carry you to the ends the company, shortly after the merger of the clearance between the engine and the
of the earth" - quoted period Mercedes-Benz Daimler and Benz, while Ferdinand Porsche hood was no more than an inch.
advertising in America for the legendary Typ S. was Chief Engineer. He built a powerful, yet
versatile automobile - a true all rounder, at Mercedes debuted the cars at the opening
The British Mercedes marketing would home on the race track, at hill climbs and meeting of the Nürburgring in 1927, where
elaborate more: "Decades of experience providing exhilarating driving for the road. Caracciola set the tone with a class win, it
in the building of sport cars of superior The signature engineering feature was its 'on would be the first of many laurels bestowed on
performance, the universally known high demand' Roots type supercharger, that only the model. Here in America, Ralph de Palma
grade workmanship of the Benz-Mercedes came into operation when the accelerator drove an 'S' to victory in the 15 and 30-mile
Works and their masterly designs have was fully depressed, boosting power output races at Atlantic City, averaging 80mph.
contributed harmoniously to the creation of from 120 to 180 brake horsepower for a few
the Mercedes-Benz Sport model 'S', which glorious seconds! Mercedes worked hard in selling their latest
may justly be described as the acme of motor definitive sports car, and despite a price tag
car perfection" Mercedes nestled the impressive 6.8 liter of more than $7,000 without coachwork they
power unit into a low slung double dropped found willing homes around the globe from
Mercedes were right to make such bold chassis, which was proudly adorned with a royalty to celebrity. In America, notable owners
statements on the arrival of their new massive radiator. Contemporary photographs included Al Jolson, who owned by an S and
model in the late 1920s, the equivalent of the completely unclothed 'S' running gear SS, the Marx brothers who famously raced
motoring press would 'wax lyrical' about its show the model to be as beautiful, sporting their car in the Muroc Match Race, Barney
incredible performance. and purposeful even before rakish coachwork Oldfield, and theater impresario Samuel

Lionel "Roxy" Rathafel, of New York fame 'The Star and the Laurel', she describes collections around the world, including the
and founder of the 'Rockettes' dance troupe, the 'S' thus - "It was as close to a race car Simeone Foundation in Philadelphia, which
today still present each holiday season at as could be built without actually building houses none other than the Nürburgring
Radio City. While further afield enthusiasts one." These are sentiments which those winner that started it all. Some families never
included English Sportswoman Dorothy who have had the privilege to drive an 'S' even parted with their cars and as recently
Paget, daughter of Pauline Payne Whitney, can only echo for their driving characteristics as 2012, Bonhams sold one from the same
the Fifth Earl Howe, Sir Malcolm Campbell which are incredibly impressive. Eschewing family it had been delivered to when new. As
and novelist Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to name the majestic proportions of the car, it is with other coveted automobiles, from day one
but a few. utterly engineered to perform at speed, with opportunities to purchase them rarely appear.
light and precise steering, stability at high
Quite simply, there wasn't anything to touch digit mphs and almost unlimited power,
the Mercedes, but as with its competitors, even before the supercharger is engaged.
it faced an uphill struggle for sales as the Any comparison with its contemporaries is
depression set in and only 146 of these practically frivolous, since on face value it
remarkable cars were ever built between 1927 would seem to be from another era and is
and 1930. unquestionably in a class of its own.

Mercedes' bold claims for the model 'S' were Their qualities have been continually re-
endorsed universally at the time and in the 90 affirmed by generations of collectors, from
years that have ensued since have been held Brooks Stevens to Bill Harrah, and examples
in high esteem. In Beverly Rae Kimes reside in many of the most significant



This stunning 'S' has spent the lion's share Dresden. These papers also record that the 'The purveyor of horseless carriages to the
of its lifetime in the present ownership, being agency took a used Minerva in part-exchange nobility and gentry since 1927'. This car was
acquired by the current owners' father some against the Mercedes, which would certainly one of many examples of his favored marque
57 years ago in 1964. It epitomizes the have been quite the upgrade! Interestingly, which would pass through the business in
presence, stance, and sheer elegance of the 'S' has always been known to have worn his career.
the model and over the course of its current Belgian Willocq-Bottin headlamps, which
custody, has been at home in all aspects of might well have migrated from the Minerva. By this time it wore a coachbuilder plate
the hobby, from the show field to fast road The records further note that the chassis was for Buhne Carosserie of Berlin, an anomaly
tours. The car's provenance is supported by supplied to local coachbuilders H. Glaser & which historians surmise is either owing to
a fabulous treasure trove of materials charting Co. on May 30, 1928. Delling having changed his mind and used
its history and maintenance throughout this a different coachbuilder when new, or that
period. With letterheads from many of the The Mercedes had already left Germany and Buhne, who were a mere 120 miles north
luminaries in the hobby, the assemblage of migrated to the United Kingdom when it of Dresden may have carried out work on
documents makes for fascinating reading. was registered for the road with the London the car for Delling or its next German owner,
registration 'BYM 244' by esteemed dealers and as coachbuilders sometimes did, took
Its heritage begins in the marque's home Scott Moncrieff Motors of London in 1935. credit for their work. It is an aspect which the
country, where a copy of works records This company would remain one of the best current owners father investigated at great
denote that it was supplied through the known in the industry and latterly within length, but even a letter to Buhne themselves
Daimler-Benz agency of Dresden. The the hobby through to the 1980s with the provided a response that they didn't feel it
purchaser was Louis Delling, a successful legendary "Bunty" Scott Moncrieff at the helm. was their work. It is not known to have
merchant based on the Kaiserstrasse in Their masthead proudly proclaimed they were worn any other coachwork. As a result of

this when refurbished in the last decade, its to repaint the car to the more common racing Stocklin did not complete the refurbishment,
owner chose to attribute the car to Glaser, color for Mercedes, white. The following year, so when it next passed to Leo Pavelle of
and it is today badged as such. it was offered by two prominent dealers, Purchase, New York, Mr. Pavelle sent the car to
Performance Cars of Brentford and lastly the local restorers Reutters to complete the job.
According to a 1966 letter from the historian well-known Jack Bond, of Tooting. At some
Michael Sedgwick and supported by the point in this small window of time, the car The 'S' was placed for sale by Ed Jurist's
records from Ronald Johnson's British must have been leant to a movie studio as famed East Coast old car dealership, the
Mercedes-Benz Club, its remaining history in it makes a brief appearance in the film 'I am Vintage Car Store, Inc. of Nyack in 1964. It
the British Isles can be charted throughout. It a Camera' by Henry Cornelius which was was there that it was spotted by the owner's
passed to Peter Whalley of Virginia Water in released the following year. Jack Bond was uncle, who recommended that his brother
Surrey in 1938 with whom it remained through responsible for selling the car to the USA in buy it unseen. Some measure of how prized
the war. A period advertisement for the car at November 1954. the Mercedes was can be gleaned from the
this time shows the striking Mercedes, exactly fact that it cost the very significant sum of
as she has always been known, painted in a The current owners' father's correspondence $15,000, and that a 2.9 Alfa was allowed
dark color scheme which is believed to have reveals the three US owners prior to him and against it for half that amount.
been Dark Green. After this, it briefly went records that Harry Grey was the first owner
north to a Mr. Eadie of Glasgow in 1952, on these shores, then Walter Stocklin of As soon as the owner laid eyes on the car
before returning south that same year to a J. Bozman Maryland. While in his ownership, himself it was love at first sight, and the
Rymer of Sussex. Then on November 19, 1952 it spent some time stored in the garages of Mercedes instantly became an integral part
it passed to Douglas Hodson of Knapwell, noted collector, Judge John North of Easton, of family life. Copious letters were dispatched
Cambridgeshire. In 1953, Mr. Hodson chose Maryland, and then a restoration was begun. around the country, the U.K., and Europe as


its history was exactingly researched, and to In the last 20 years, its maintenance was After some 57 years of care, the family have
ensure that it was refurbished accurately. entrusted to the modern masters including now decided to part with the car, and in doing
D L George Coachworks and Leydon so, presents a wonderful opportunity for its
As the owner diligently worked to make sure Restorations. Its gigantic supercharged 6.8 next custodian. As anyone who has ever driven
that a restoration was carried out accurately, liter engine was rebuilt last in the early 2000s these six-cylinder supercharged cars would
he corresponded with noted experts on and then properly maintained since. Not attest, they are truly the special automobiles,
these cars, including Zumbach of New just for show, the Mercedes also routinely and a decade or more ahead of their peers. It
York and the collector M.L. 'Bud' Cohn in competed in road rallies and was last seen on is further imbued with the most well rounded
Los Angeles. Ultimately, it was supplied to the Colorado Grand in 2015, testament to its traits: Fast, safe and oozing quality in every
George Waterman and Kirk Gibson's Vetco versatility and timeless performance. aspect of their build. Unseen publicly in its
New England Inc. for the aesthetic work and new guise, the car would most certainly be
emerged afresh in 1968 in a distinctive two On their father's passing in 2016 the car was welcomed to show fields around the country as
tone yellow and black scheme which it would handed down a generation and has continued events open up this and next year.
wear for the next 50 years. to be looked after by the late David and
'Deeg' George. In new care, a decision was $3,000,000 - 4,000,000
The 'S' was everything for the family, the made to repaint the car to a single hue. The
children recall their father using it for everyday stunning results of this can be seen today, the ◊ See Legend on page 5 for bidding instructions.
transport and being driven to school in it, yet on raven black suits the Mercedes perfectly and
many occasions at the highest-level car shows is simply accented by its copper brake drums
and concours of the 1970s and 1980s, it would and chrome accessories.
also be on display and frequently a prize winner.

35. H One of just 275 4.9-Liter Boras
1973 MASERATI BORA 4.9 produced
Design by Giorgetto Giugiaro H US-market example with desirable
5-speed ZF manual transmission
Chassis no. AM111/49/500 H Offered with comprehensive
history file including service records
4,930cc DOHC V8 Engine
and owner's manuals
4 Weber Carburetors
320bhp at 6,000rpm H Iconic Giorgetto Giugiaro design
5-Speed Manual ZF Transaxle matching by powerful and sporting
4-Wheel Independent Suspension DOHC V8
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


The brief called for a car that was clearly a Underneath the striking Italdesign body, the hydraulically operated headlights, seat
Maserati, modern but devoid of the exotic Bora bore a 4.7-liter alloy V8 mated to a ZF adjustment, and pedal box. The Bora also
look that unnecessary decorations can 5-Speed transaxle and a fully independent featured a telescoping and movable steering
create, strikingly sporty but not inordinately double-wishbone suspension system wheel, making it much less of an ordeal
aggressive. In short: innovative but not designed by Giulio Alfieri, the co-designer of to enter an exit than its competitors from
revolutionary - Italdesign press release, 1971. the legendary 250F Formula 1 car. Starting Sant'Agata and Maranello.
in 1973, larger 4.9-liter engine was available
Introduced at the 1971 Geneva Motor as well, gaining 10 horsepower over the
Show, The Tipo 117 Bora was Maserati's 4.7-liter version.
first and only mid-engine V8 supercar,
following the trend set by the Lamborghini Along with being a capable mid-engine
Miura in 1966. Maserati commissioned supercar, the Bora was considerably more
Italdesign, Giorgetto Giugiaro's nascent practical than its competition. The Bora
design firm, to develop this new genre of featured dual pane glass and a carpeted
Maserati. This design, while unmistakably engine bay to greatly reduce engine noise,
Giugiaro, featuring striking styling similarities as well as a full-sized trunk - a rare feature
with the DeTomaso Mangusta, BMW M1, in a mid-engine supercar. The Bora was
and even the Delorean DMC 12, is also true also one of the first new models to be
to the brief quoted above and worthy of a released after Citroen gained a controlling
Maserati GT car, with clear connections to interest in Maserati in 1968. As a result,
the Ghibli that came before. the Bora features innovative features like


This 1973 Maserati Bora 4900 has great stereo radio and Pioneer Cassette Deck.
presence and typifies '70s style. Sporting The rare Maserati Bora also is offered with
classic red paintwork and Cromadora alloy service records, owner's manual, and two
wheels with striking concave polished steel sets of keys. This Bora is in beautiful overall
hubcaps, and a stainless-steel roof, this condition, and ready to be enjoyed by its
Bora is a very well presented and attractive next owner for its performance, innovation,
example of Maserati's iconic supercar. and style.
Cosmetically, the Giorgetto Giugiaro-
designed bodywork is very straight with $120,000 - 150,000
nice panel gaps and overall fitment. The
eye-catching paintwork has a nice surface
and retains a vibrant luster. The brushed
stainless-steel roof is in great condition as
well, without visible etching or incongruous
scratches. The rest of the brightwork and
wheels shod on correct Michelin XWX tires
are in similarly good condition. Inside, the
inviting cream-colored leather interior has a
nice even patina, and the unique sectioned
bucket seats have good loft. Power windows
are fitted, as is a period Blaupunkt Frankfurt


36. H Original 4½ liter Bentley upgraded to
1929 BENTLEY 4½ LITER TO 'Works' 'Blower' Spec
SUPERCHARGED SPECIFICATIONS H Superbly prepared over the course of
Replica Le Mans Style Coachwork a decade
H Executed by a noted engineer and
Chassis no. AB 3669 Bentley expert
Engine no. (See text) H Proven performer in vintage racing
and rallying
5,200cc SOHC 12 Valve Inline 4-Cylinder Engine H As fast as a vintage Bentley gets
Amherst Villers Type Roots Supercharger
Approx. 200bhp with 10lbs Boost at 3,900rpm
4-Speed 'D' Type Close-ratio Gearbox (see text)
Front and Rear Leaf Spring Suspension with Andre Hartford Shocks
4-Wheel Drum Brakes


The "Blower" Bentley is one of the most modestly claimed that it was 'recognized in drew mixture from twin SU carburetors and
masculine, muscular and sporting motorcars engineering circles as a definite landmark was driven off the front of the crankshaft,
ever built. Where some companies hid their in automobile construction.' W.O. Bentley the latter having been substantially
superchargers behind the radiator grill, the never supported the development of the strengthened to accommodate the
Bentley wears it right out front, and that supercharged car and was quoted as increased power. With 9½ lbs boost at
statement alone says it all about the car and saying how much he 'disliked the easy 3,500rpm the blown Bentley developed
its creators. short cut provided by the supercharger,' 175bhp, a healthy increase over the
preferring to increase engine capacity, as production 4½-Liter's 110 horsepower,
First shown at the 1929 London Motor evidenced by the 6½-Liter and 8-Liter cars. while with 10lbs boost at 3,900rpm, 182bhp
Show, it was developed as a private He preferred reducing front-end weight by was produced.
venture by 'Bentley Boy' Sir Henry 'Tim' using Elektron castings. Fortunately, 'W.O.'
Birkin in order to extract more performance did not control the purse strings at Bentley Despite representing the epitome of 'Boys
from the proven 4½-Liter model, which Motors, and the influence of Birkin, backed Own' motoring and providing the heart and
was becoming outclassed by its rivals on by the fabulously wealthy Honorable soul of the hobby, selling the requisite fifty
the racetracks of Europe. His aim was to Dorothy Paget and Woolf Barnato, saw the cars that had needed to be built in the dire
produce a British car that would enable Supercharged 4½-Litre Bentley come to economic climate of the late 1920s proved
British drivers to continue to win races fruition. hard work for Bentley Motors. As a result of
as spectacularly as the 4½-Liter that had this, though it may seem improbable today,
won the 1928 Le Mans 24-Hour race. The The fifty production cars were fitted with an not all were sporting tourers. Some 17 were
supercharger installation was engineered Amherst Villiers Supercharger Mark IV, of delivered as drophead coupes and even
by the brilliant Amherst Villiers, who Roots type with twin paddle rotors, which closed Saloon cars.


Among the few cars that were capable of Presented here is a machine that was an original Speed-Six rear axle was located,
100mph on the open road. Blowers have painstakingly engineered to be the finest along with an original works style hood. A new
always been regarded as the Supercars performing Vintage Bentley. This project Neil Davies Racing 5.2 liter heavy sump engine
of their era. In period the British magazine was executed over the course of a decade was commissioned. Large "Works'' specification
Motor Sport spoke of the Blower's by a well-known American engineer and aluminum SU carburetors feed the early John
'remarkable acceleration' and 'ancestry Bentley expert in conjunction with Neil Bentley Engineering supercharger which
of well-tried racers' calling it 'a car for the Davies Racing in the UK. produces 8-10psi of induction pressure. The
connoisseur of sporting cars...' - Nothing engine's output is estimated to be in excess of
has changed today! Chassis AB3699 was delivered in January of 200bhp. The motor is mated to a fresh D series
1929 to WL Van Allen. As new, it was fitted gearbox, and the original matching numbered C
with fabric saloon coachwork by Weymann 'box is included with the car.
and wore registration YE 312. Vintage
Bentley enthusiast Charlie Lowe Jr. acquired A proper Le Mans VDP style tourer body
AB3699 in the 1950s, and it was from him was constructed in the US and finished and
that the present owner acquired the car in trimmed in the UK. The coachwork was mated
the early 2000s. with large Works-type fuel tank, cycle fenders,
original Zeiss headlamps and an original,
Starting with this proper, original 4½ liter, numbered works type hood. The purposeful
the arduous process of locating as many dashboard is resplendent with the full
correct Blower specification items began. complement of large Works-style instruments
To have the proper "Works" specification, and original Air Ministry switchgear.

The chassis is perhaps the one area the possesses. A Bonhams specialist well versed
Bentley shows the most engineering input in vintage Bentleys found it to be as quick as
and refinement. The tracking is razor sharp, any Bentley he had ever driven with incredible
and the suspension is perfectly tuned for grip and light steering. In experienced
neutral handling and phenomenal grip. The hands the car devoured the track with truly
leaf springs are all 'Blower' specification impressive speed and handling.
heavy units, with 'Blower' specific shocks.
The frame is reinforced with Works 'Le Since completion it has been a regular
Mans' style truss work. The light steering is participant at the Lime Rock Vintage
the most surprising aspect of this car -an Festival race meetings and has also taken
untypical characteristic of a Blower, but part in the California Mille.
this is not any ordinary Blower. This level of
This is a superbly prepared car, reported to
refinement is a testament to the painstaking
be absolutely on the button by its seller and
attention that went into sorting out the front-
is ready to enjoy. A real 4½ Liter Bentley
end. To stop this potent machine, a full set
uprated to the ultimate Blower specification,
of late pattern Bentley self-energizing brakes
this impeccably prepared machine is not to
and Alfin drums are fitted on all four-wheels.
be missed.
A recent outing on the Thompson Motor $600,000 - 800,000
Speedway road course showed the
phenomenal performance this Bentley ◊ See Legend on page 5 for bidding instructions.


37. H Spectacular preserved condition with
2003 ASTON MARTIN DB AR1 just 126 miles from new
Design by Zagato H Chassis number 090 of just 99
examples made total
VIN. SCFAE62313K800090 H Stunning Peacock Blue Metallic over
Engine no. 04316
Pacific Blue and Soft White livery
H Desirable and rare, Zagato styled
6.0-Liter DOHC 48-Valve V12 Engine
Electronic Fuel Injection Aston Martin with massive V12 power
435bhp at 6,000rpm
5-Speed ZF Tip-Tronic Automatic Transaxle
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Aston Martin renewed its fruitful relationship its debut at the Los Angeles Auto Show in or challenging back road. This is a car that
with renowned Italian styling house of 2002, that all 99 of the proposed limited beckons you to look for places to go.
Zagato, most famously begun with the editions were purchased.
DB4GT Zagato of the 1960s, after a meeting Restraining this superlative high performance
between Elio Zagato's son Andrea and Aston Powering the new open supercar was a are equally exalted brakes: Brembo racing-style
Martin CEO Dr Ulrich Bez at the Pebble developed version of Aston's state-of-the-art, grooved discs - 335mm at the front, 330mm
Beach Concours d'Élégance in 2001. The 6.0-liter V12 enjoying a boost in maximum at the rear - gripped by alloy four-pot calipers
result was a stylish Coupe, based on the power to 435bhp, some 20 horsepower more assisted by an improved brake booster unit and
DB7 V12 Vantage supercar, recalling the than the DB7 Vantage. This power increase moderated by Teves ABS. Power is transmitted
sublime looks of the original DB4GT Zagato. together with more torque, a revised final to the road via a limited-slip differential to special
So favorable was the DB7 Zagato's reception drive ratio and 'active' sports exhaust system multi-spoke 19" alloy wheels (8"/9.5" F/R)
that it was decided to produce an open car produce a noticeable improvement in mid- incorporating revised offset to give a wider track,
in similar vein: the DB AR1. range performance, where it is most useful in shod with low profile Yokohama tires.
everyday driving.
Designed with the California weather in mind, As one would expect of a modern supercar, there
and a Roadster in the proper tradition with Acceleration can only be described as was electronic traction control and power-assisted
no hood and space for just two people, stunning, 60mph arriving in just 4.9 seconds, rack and pinion steering, while the well-appointed
the Aston Martin Zagato DB AR1 – or DB while its top speed of 185mph makes the DB interior boasted electrically controlled sports
American Roadster 1 - was previewed by a AR1 the world's fastest true Roadster. Above seats, six- speaker Becker stereo radio cassette
select group of potential customers to gauge all, the DB AR1 was designed to be a true system with 6-CD changer, and alarm/immobilizer
reaction. The car was so well received on 'driver's car', equally at home on the autobahn with remote central locking and boot release.


This stunningly well-preserved example Furthermore, the DB AR1 is offered with

of the rare Aston Martin DB AR1 Zagato original accessories, including car cover,
Roadster is the 90th of just 99 examples Aston Martin leather jacket, battery trickle
ever produced and has had the privilege charger, owner's manual and trunk-
of remaining under single ownership until mounted umbrellas.
recently, while accruing just 126 miles, as
recorded on the odometer at the time of The partnership of Zagato and Aston Martin
cataloging. The Italian crafted, Peacock Blue is truly one of the most endearing and
Zagato body work appears largely flawless coveted combinations in the automotive
throughout, and the Pacific Blue and Soft world. A soaring V12 motor, curvaceous
White leather interior presents in equally lines, and wind in your hair could not make
showroom fresh condition. Underneath for a better driving experience. Do not miss
the bonnet lurks the 6.0-liter V12 engine this opportunity to get behind the wheel of
producing 435bhp and 410 lb-ft of torque. this modern collectible.
This Aston is loaded with features including
full 'Bridge of Weir' leather interior, heated $220,000 - 260,000
power door mirrors, power windows, six
speaker stereo radio cassette with six-disc
CD autochanger, electronically controlled
front seats with lumbar support, red colored
brake calipers and Roadster alloy wheels.


Without Reserve
38. H One of the most sought after
1995 FERRARI F512 M modern Ferraris
Design by Pininfarina H Striking and appropriate Rossa
Corsa over Nero livery
VIN. ZFFVA40B000101340 H The final evolution of the twelve-
cylinder Berlinetta Boxer model range
4,943cc DOHC Flat 12-Cylinder Engine
H Fewer than 25,000 original miles
Bosch K-Jetronic Fuel Injection
440bhp at 6,750rpm
5-Speed Manual Transaxle
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Ferrari's flagship model, the Testarossa necessary to accommodate wider tires—the Testarossa was succeeded by the updated
supercar, revived a famous name from the Testarossa managed the trick of combining 512TR version, which came with 428bhp on
Italian company's past when it arrived in high down force with a low coefficient of tap, while ABS brakes were added to the
1984. A "next generation" Berlinetta Boxer, drag. Its graceful body being notable for package before the 512TR was replaced
the Testarossa retained its predecessor's the absence of extraneous spoilers and by what would be the Testarossa's final
amidships-mounted, 5.0-liter, flat-12 engine; other such devices. Despite the increase in incarnation – the F512 M – for 1995. For
the latter now boasting a maximum power size over the 512BB, the Testarossa was the first time, there were major cosmetic
output raised to 380bhp at 6,300rpm courtesy lighter than its predecessor, the body—its changes: the original pop-up headlights
of four-valve cylinder heads. Despite the steel doors and roof excepted—being, being replaced by fixed lamps beneath
power increase, smoothness and drivability somewhat unusually for a production Ferrari, clear covers, the grille size reduced, round
were enhanced, the car possessing excellent of aluminum. Luxury touches in the well- tail lamps adopted, and three-piece wheels
top gear flexibility allied to a maximum speed equipped cabin included air conditioning, fitted. Titanium connecting rods went into
of 180mph. electrically adjustable seats, tilting steering the engine, which produced marginally more
wheel, and plentiful leather. power and torque than before. Only 501
Rivaling Lamborghini's Countach for examples of the F 512M had been completed
presence, the Pininfarina-designed Testarossa Unlike some of its rivals, the Testarossa when production ceased, of which a mere 75
succeeded brilliantly, the gill slats feeding air possessed light controls and was relatively was destined for the US market.
to its side-mounted radiators being one of the easy to drive. Factors which, allied to its
modern era's most instantly recognizable— outstanding performance and stunning looks,
and copied—styling devices. A larger car contributed to an instant and sustained
than the 512BB—the increase in width being high level of demand. In 1992, the original


As an end-of-the-run, fully evolved Berlinetta This striking Ferrari would make an excellent
Boxer F512 M, this top-of-the-line Ferrari was addition to any Sports and GT car collection
finished in the iconic and vibrant color scheme and certainly represents the future of the
of Rossa Corsa over a Nero leather interior, hobby with growing enthusiasm for this model
just as it appears today. On April 19th, 1995, among rising collectors. The rare F512 M, of
the supercar was delivered to its first owner in which only 501 were produced, offers potent
Italy through Forza S.P.A. twelve-cylinder boxer power, mated with a
slick manual 5-speed transaxle gearbox,
Today with just a few ticks under 39,000 situated in a sleek and classic Pininfarina-
kilometers, equating to less than 25,000 styled gran-touring package. This F512 M is a
miles, this extremely rare F512 M is in true collector's car, representing the pinnacle
wonderful condition. The paint, interior, and of mid-engined production 12-cylinder Ferraris
engine bay are all in remarkable shape; a and the end of a celebrated era.
clear testament to the fastidious care that
the prancing horse received throughout its $200,000 - 300,000
life. The black leather interior displays a light WITHOUT RESERVE
patina, perfectly matching the low mileage of
the car, and the Rossa Corsa clad exterior
appears as it did when new. The original and
F512 M-only, iconic rotating star three-piece
alloy wheels are in beautiful condition as well.


Without Reserve
39. H Original, left hand drive example
1960 ASTON MARTIN DB4 SERIES II SPORTS SALOON H Retains the original, matching numbers engine
Coachwork by Touring H Three owners since 1968
H Documented by copies of factory records
Chassis no. DB4/438/L
Engine no. 370/484

3,670cc DOHC Inline 6-Cylinder Engine

Twin SU Carburetors
240bhp at 5,500rpm
4-Speed Manual Transmission
Front Independent Suspension – Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


"When the products which are raced bear Touring's 'Superleggera' bodywork, in which body construction. The DB2/4's trailing-link
such a close resemblance to those which light alloy panels were fixed to a framework of independent front suspension gave way to
can be bought by the public, as do those of light-gauge steel tubes welded to a platform unequal-length wishbones while at the rear
Aston Martin, only the most biased can deny chassis. Although styled by Touring, the the DB4 sported a live axle located by a
the value of racing in improving the breed. It DB4's gorgeous fastback coachwork was Watts linkage instead of its predecessor's
should be no surprise (that the DB4) should built under license at Newport Pagnell by Panhard rod. Boasting disc brakes all round
be based on an engine which first appeared in Aston Martin, which employed some of the and with 240bhp on tap, the DB4 was the first
experimental form in some of last year's races." finest panel beaters in the industry. The result production car capable of accelerating from
- The Autocar, October 3, 1958 was a car whose sleek lines were described a standing start to 100mph and back to rest
as 'unmistakably Italian and yet... equally again in under 30 seconds. At a time when
Classically proportioned and instantly unmistakably Aston Martin.' few family saloons were capable of exceeding
recognizable from the moment of its 70mph and took an age to get there, this
introduction, the Touring-styled Aston Martin First seen at Le Mans the previous year in staggering performance made the DB4 just
DB4 established a look that would survive, with the DBR2, the 3.7-liter, six-cylinder, double- about the fastest thing on the road, easily the
only minor revisions, until 1970. At its launch overhead camshaft engine was the work of equal of its Italian rivals.
in October 1958, the DB4 marked a major Tadek Marek, formerly with Austin, while the
turning point for Aston Martin as it was the first gearbox was a new David Brown four-speed Manufactured between October 1958 and
car of the David Brown era which neither used all-synchromesh unit. An immensely strong June 1963, the DB4 developed through no
a chassis derived from the experimental Atom platform-type chassis, designed by Harold fewer than five series. The first had already
of 1939 nor an engine designed at Lagonda Beach, replaced the preceding DB2/4's multi- undergone a number of improvements,
under the auspices of W O Bentley. Moreover, tubular spaceframe, the latter being considered including the fitting of heavy-duty bumpers after
it was the first Aston Martin to carry Carrozzeria incompatible with Touring's Superleggera the first 50 cars, before the second series


arrived in January 1960. A front-hinged bonnet, According to a copy of the original factory build The DB4 would come to California and in 1980
bigger brake calipers, and an enlarged sump record on file, DB4 chassis number DB4/438/L enter the garage of Dr. Rose's son. The current
were the major changes made on the Series was delivered new to A.J. Cornforth, an owner acquired the car on August 19th, 2007.
II, while the third series featured separate Englishman living in Erlenbach, Switzerland. Today this lovely 1960 Aston Martin DB4 Series
rear lights, two bonnet stays, and a host of Finished in Peony Red over Champagne II Sports Saloon is in nicely patinaed condition
improvements to the interior fittings. The Connolly hides with chromed wheels, rear with a largely original interior (although the radio
fourth series was readily distinguishable by its defroster, Marchal Fantastique fog lamps and has been replaced). The chassis and body
new grille (with seven vertical bars), shallower more, the car was delivered on November plates are original, and the original, matching-
bonnet intake, and recessed rear lights, while 5, 1960. Cornforth would keep the car a numbers engine remains in the car. On static
the final (fifth) series manufactured between few years, driving it an enthusiastic 10,000 display since acquisition, recommissioning is
September 1962 and June 1963 was built on kilometers a year before selling it to Major J.H. recommended prior to active use. With only
a 3.5" longer wheelbase (allowing for increased Bailey of Surrey, United Kingdom. Retained three owners in the last half century, this DB4 is
leg room and a larger trunk) and gained 15" by Major Bailey for a few more years, the DB4 accompanied by an old copy of the California
wheels, an electric radiator fan and the DB4GT- would come stateside in July of 1968 when it pink slip and then aforementioned copy of the
type instrument panel. was purchased by Dr. David Rose, professor factory build sheet. The DB4 Series II remains
of Nuclear Engineering and Thermonuclear one of the most desirable iterations of the
One of the most notable developments had Fusion Science at the Massachusetts Institute celebrated Aston Martin model, featuring the
arrived with the introduction of the 'Series IV' of Technology. Prior to export the factory 'cathedral style' taillights, tall bonnet scoop
in September 1961, when a 'Special Series' recorded an extremely lengthy and extensive and original front grill design, and this left drive
(SS) or 'Vantage' engine became available service befitting of a car about to enter the example is not one to be missed.
as an option. The 'SS' incorporated a 9.0:1 garage of an engineer.
compression ratio, larger valves, and triple SU $260,000 - 320,000
HD8 carburetors. WITHOUT RESERVE


40. H One of just 213 US-delivery F40s
1992 FERRARI F40 ever produced
Design by Pininfarina H Matching numbers example
retaining original bodywork
VIN. ZFFMN34A7N0093065 H Desirable fully-evolved, end-of-
Engine no. 30266
the-run '92 model
2,936cc DOHC Twin-Turbocharged V8 Engine H Fully serviced by Ferrari specialist
Electronic Fuel Injection and Classiche Red Book Certified
478bhp at 7,000rpm
5-Speed Manual Transaxle
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


"The take-up into the next gear is flawless of performance near-identical to that of the in its use of composite technology. A one-piece
and, with the turbos cranking hard, the blast of infinitely more complex 959. F40 owners, plastic molding, the body was bonded to the
acceleration just goes on again and you seem though, had the satisfaction of knowing that tubular steel chassis to create a lightweight
to be in a blur of time conquering distance, their car was slightly faster, boasting a top structure of immense rigidity superior to an
gearshifts and noise. It has the tonal quality of speed of 201mph to the 959's 197. all-metal structure. The doors, bonnet, boot
an F1 engine, if not the sheer ferocity. From lid and other removable panels were carbon
outside, if you stand and listen, you hear the A mid-engined, two-seater Berlinetta, the F40 fiber. Pugnaciously styled by Pininfarina, the
frantic whoosh as the turbos start to drive oh- was a development of the limited-production wind tunnel-developed F40 incorporated the
so-hard" Autocar magazine, May 1988. 288GTO and like the latter - but unlike the latest aerodynamic aids in the form of a dam-
preceding 308/328 series - mounted its power shaped nose and high rear aerofoil. Despite
Introduced in 1988 to celebrate Enzo Ferrari's unit longitudinally rather than transversely. the need to generate considerable downforce
40 years as a motor manufacturer, the 200mph A four-cam 3-liter V8 with four valves per - and with a top speed higher than the take-off
F40 was the ultimate supercar. Inevitably, cylinder, the F40 engine employed twin IHI speed of many light aircraft, the F40 needed
comparisons were made with the rival Porsche turbochargers to liberate 478bhp at 7,000rpm. all the downforce it could get - the result was a
959 but whereas its German rival represented For the seriously speed-addicted this could commendably low drag coefficient of just 0.34.
a cutting-edge, technological tour de force, be boosted by 200bhp by means of a factory
the F40 exemplified traditional Ferrari values. tuning kit. The F40's interior reinforced its image as a
A relatively straightforward car, the F40 relied thinly disguised racecar, with body-contoured
on enormous power, low weight, race-bred Of equal, if not greater, technical interest was seats, an absence of carpeting and trim, and
suspension, generously sized tires and the method of body/chassis construction, the sliding Plexiglas windows. When it came to
excellent aerodynamics to achieve a level F40 drawing on Ferrari's Formula 1 experience actual competition, race-prepared F40s more

than held their own and in the Global GT
series proved quicker on many circuits than
McLaren's F1 GTR.

Autocar concluded its test thus: 'On a smooth

road it is a scintillatingly fast car that is docile
and charming in its nature; a car that is
demanding but not difficult to drive, blessed
as it is with massive grip and, even more
importantly, superb balance and manners.
You can use its performance - the closest any
production carmaker has yet come to racecar
levels - and revel in it. ...there's little doubt it is
the very personification of the term sports car.'



This outstanding example of Ferrari's legendary Luppi in Modena cut and sewed all 38 pieces landmark vehicle that is widely regarded as
F40 was hand-built as a US market car at the of interior fabric for installation along with new Ferrari's best drivers' car. Certainly one of the
Maranello Ferrari works during February and seat upholstery. In 2017, the timing belts were most charismatic of the so-called Supercars,
March of 1992. According to factory records replaced at 15,800 miles including tensioner the F40's minimalist purity has never been
and the research of Ferrari historian Marcel bearings, cam shaft seals and O-rings. All surpassed, and no serious collection of the
Massini, this F40 was completed on March accessory belts were replaced as well as the marque can be complete without one. Aside
19th, 1992 and was the 202nd of a total of the by-pass valves and brake bleeding was done from the accolades, it is simply one of the finest
just 213 U.S. versions built. as well. The total amount spent resulted in over cars, of any era, that you'll ever drive. A superb
$100,000 for parts and labor. This F40 most example of the car that Enzo Ferrari promised
The new F40 was delivered to Giuseppe Risi's recently passed California smog in August of would be the "best in the world," this F40 is
Ferrari in Houston, Texas and was sold new 2020 and received the Ferrari Factory Red ready to be enjoyed by a new caretaker.
to Paul Arthur Frame, Jr. who was the CEO Book Classiche certification of authenticity in
of Seitel of River Oaks, Houston. This F40 February of 2021. $1,500,000 - 1,800,000
is equipped with air conditioning as well as
sizable vented four-wheel disc brakes, Ferrari With just over 16,000 original miles from ◊ See Legend on page 5 for bidding instructions.
Scuderia fender shields, Ferrari-stamped alloy new recorded at the time of cataloging,
wheels and Pirelli P Zero tires. The current this well maintained and documented F40
owner has sourced a U.S. Catalytic Converter is accompanied with tools, books and an
and correct new-old-stock, IHI Turbos that extra set of seat upholstery. The last ultra-
were installed in 2020. The upholstery was also high-performance sports car built under the
done with factory supplied fabric. Tappezzeria Commendatore's direct supervision is a

Without Reserve
41. H Original left-hand drive example
1972 ASTON MARTIN DBS V8 SPORTS SALOON H Delivered new to Canada
H Well optioned with Coolaire air
Chassis no. DBSV8/10204/LCA conditioning and more
Engine no. V540/056/EE H The 204th DBS V8 built
5,340cc DOHC V8 Engine
Fuel Injection (see text)
310bhp at 5,600rpm
3-Speed Automatic Transmission
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Bigger and more luxuriously appointed than The production DBS V8 chassis number Retained by Mr. Burgos until 2010, the
the DB6, whose 4.0-liter straight six engine it sequence commenced with '10001', making present owner acquired in June of that
shared, the heavier DBS disappointed some this the 204th example of this landmark year and has maintained the car on static
by virtue of its slightly reduced performance, model built. According to the copies of display since. Appearing to be in good,
but there were no complaints when the V8 factory records on file, this V8 was ordered largely original condition, it will require some
arrived in 1969. With an estimated 345bhp new in Canada through Grand Touring recommissioning prior to active road use.
available from its 5,340cc, fuel-injected, Automobiles for Applewood Motors Ltd in
four-cam motor, the DBS V8 could reach Ontario. Finished in the (somewhat ironically $60,000 - 90,000
100mph in under 14 seconds, running on named for an Aston) Yeoman Red over Black WITHOUT RESERVE
to a top speed of 160mph - a staggering leather, 10204 was handsomely optioned
performance in those days and one which with Coolaire air conditioning, automatic
fully justified the claim that it was the transmission, dual head rests, Waso steering
fastest production car in the world. Even in lock, and Fiam horns. Although conflicting
automatic transmission form the V8 could dates are presented in the factory materials,
reach 100mph in around 15 seconds and it appears the car was finished in the winter
145mph flat-out. of 1972. Sparse records leave the early
history of this DBS V8 as a bit of a mystery,
but in June of 2001 it was acquired by
Vincent Burgos Jr in the Bay Area. At some
point in its history, it appears to have been
converted from carburetion to fuel injection.


Without Reserve
H Superb 'Time-capsule' condition
inside and out 1981 DELOREAN DMC-12
H Just 3,161 miles recorded on the Design by Giorgetto Giugiaro
odometer at time of cataloging
H Comes with impressive history file VIN. SCEDT26TXBD002734
containg rare original factory
2,849cc SOHC V6 Engine
accompanying items and paraphernalia
Electronic Fuel Injection
H One of the best-preserved examples of
130bhp at 5,500rpm
a true automotive icon Automatic Transaxle
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Power-Assisted Disc Brakes


The brainchild of ex-General Motors executive Manufactured during August of 1981, this rare original purchase paperwork, brochures and
John Zachary De Lorean, apart from its larger- and stunning DeLorean is more of a 'time- other paraphernalia. As it stands today, the
than-life creator, it was the car's stylish coupé warp machine' than a time machine, as it DeLorean benefits from its modest use, and
body that attracted most attention by virtue remains in impeccably well-preserved original must be one of the lower mileage cars now
of its method of construction - a combination condition, with just 3,161 miles recorded celebrating its 40th birthday and possibly one
of fiberglass inner panels and stainless-steel on the odometer at time of cataloging. The of the best preserved to exist.
outer skin - and doors that opened gull-wing impressive dossier with original paperwork
fashion à la Mercedes-Benz 300 SL. No and documents accompanying the DeLorean $40,000 - 55,000
doubt the company would have sorted out reflects the car was delivered new from WITHOUT RESERVE
teething-glitches given time, but sales never Southfield, Michigan-based dealer Tamaroff.
approached projected levels and DeLorean's Upon close inspection, it is immediately
1982 indictment on drugs charges - he was apparent that this DeLorean has been in
subsequently acquitted - brought the project fastidious care, out of the elements, sunlight
to its knees. By then some 9,200 DeLoreans and so forth. The interior still has a 'new car
had been built, of which approximately 6,500 smell' and none of the fabrics, plastics or
survive today. They are now seen as highly martials are distorted or worn. The exterior
collectible, thanks in no small part to the Back is equally impressive, with the factory
to the Future movie series. stainless steel finish in excellent condition.
The DeLorean if offered with an abundance
of factory accompanying items - such as the
rare stainless steel bodywork treatment kit -


Without Reserve
43. H Under 13,000 original miles
1977 MASERATI MERAK SS H Beautifully preserved and
Design by Giorgetto Giugiaro well-loved time capsule
H Meticulously maintained
Chassis no. AM122US2210 H Only two registered owners in
Engine no.
the last four decades
2,965cc DOHC V6 Engine
3 Carburetors
217bhp at 6,000 rpm
5-Speed Manual Transmission
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Morris Albert Kaiserman, stage name Morris the car from the one-hit-wonder and held
Albert, released a hit single titled "Feelings" onto it until passing ownership of the family
in 1975 to great commercial success. jewel to his nephew 3 years ago. During
With a new-found fortune, Mr. Kaiserman its time spent with the previous owner's
wisely purchased this Merak SS on July family, the car had remained in California,
10, 1978 at Newport Imports of Newport only covering 11,000 miles over the last
Beach California. Being an SS, the car had 40 years. As a result, this Maserati is in
30 additional horsepower, a 110-pound outstanding original condition inside and out.
weight savings, and the more desirable Bora The paint possesses a deep shine with only
dashboard compared to the earlier standard the slightest of imperfections to be found
Meraks. In period, Road & Track magazine upon close inspection. The interior is in
stated "The more powerful, and rarer, SS equally phenomenal shape and exudes the
version is the most desirable for collectors perfect level of patina. Everything appears
and driving enthusiasts. It elevates this small to be original and factory correct, with the
rocket ship into true junior supercar territory exception of an electric ignition serving as the
rather than being a merely a swift sports car" sole upgrade.

After roughly 3,000 miles and a year of In 2016, the car was sent to the experts at
ownership, Mr. Morris Albert Kaiserman was Bobileff Motorcars where the entire engine
ready to let go of his Maserati. On July 31, was lovingly refreshed with new pistons and
1979, the previous owner's uncle acquired upgraded stainless steel valves. During the

rebuild, a new clutch was fitted and the car's Driven over 2,000 miles in the last three
other major systems received overhauls. No years, including participation on the Tejas
expense was spared during this mechanical Turismo classic car rally in the Texas Hill
refreshing – receipts for the work performed Country, the car is described by the seller
are on file totaling well over $20,000. as "completely sorted and needs absolutely
nothing." Accompanying the car is an
This Merak has only traveled 12,840 miles extensive list of documentation, books,
since new, and registration records going service records, tools/jack and original
back to when the car was purchased owner's manual, documents, and an original
document this mileage. Since being acquired "Feelings" record by Morris Albert. One
by the current owner from Bonhams 2018 could search for a lifetime and not find
Scottsdale auction, a further nearly $17,000 another Merak SS as nice and original as
in maintenance work has been completed, this example. Do not miss this opportunity to
including rebuilding the carburetors, rebuilding acquire a true gem in a rapidly-appreciating
the distributor, overhauling the brake system, segment of the market.
refurbishing the A/C system, new Michelin
XWX tires installed, new battery, rebuilding the $80,000 - 100,000
alternator, and cooling system refurbishment. WITHOUT RESERVE
While mechanical work throughout its life has
been extensive, it has never been cosmetically
restored, and wears its almost all original paint.


44. Ω H Expertly restored example delivered
Coachwork by Pinin Farina H One of just 181 left-hand drive B24S
Spider Americas built
Chassis no. B24S 1144
Engine no. B24 1213
H Well-documented history with just a
handful owners from new
2,451cc OHV All-alloy V6 Engine H Among the most iconic and desirable
Single Weber 40 Carburetor Italian Spiders ever produced
118bhp at 5,300rpm
4-Speed Manual Transaxle
Independent Front Suspension - De Dion Rear Axle
4-Wheel Drum Brakes - Inboard at Rear

Race developed V6 engine, superlative the 3rd and subsequent series B20s were being unencumbered by external door
handling and sensational Pinin Farina styling: powered by a 2,451cc, 118bhp version of handles (there were internal pull-cords)
these are the ingredients of a sports car the pushrod V6, and this was adopted for and benefiting from a gracefully curved
classic and the Lancia Aurelia B24S Spider the B24 Spider, also called the 'America', wraparound windscreen, and the model's
America has them all. launched in 1954. signature styling feature, split bumpers
front and rear. Only 240 B24 Spiders were
Lancia's classic Aurelia, the first car ever to Acknowledged as one of Pinin Farina's manufactured during 1954 and 1955, and
employ a V6 engine, was launched at the masterpieces, the Aurelia B24 Spider today the model is one of the most sought-
1950 Turin Motor Show. An advanced unitary combined sporting characteristics with after of post-war Lancias.
construction design, the 1.7-liter Aurelia an elegance that presaged another of the
featured all-independent suspension and a Torinese carrozzeria's great works, the Alfa
combined gearbox/rear transaxle on which Romeo Giulietta Spyder of 1955. For the B24
were mounted the inboard brakes. Spider the Aurelia B20 chassis was further
shortened and came with a floor-mounted
The sedan was joined the following year gearchange as standard. Its performance
by the Pinin Farina-styled B20 Coupé, a equaled that of the B20 Coupe, top speed
fastback '2+2' on a shortened wheelbase being in the region of 115mph (185km/h).
which, with its combination of sports car
performance and sedan-like practicality, can Unusually clean lines enabled the Spider
be said to have introduced the Gran Turismo to achieve what was an exceptional
concept to the world. Introduced in 1953, performance for an open car of the period,



Only 181 left-hand drive B24S models were Victoria, Australia in October of 2003. A little
built - the S stood for sinistra, Italian for 'left'. more than a year after acquiring the Lancia, a
This example started its journey down the comprehensive, no-expense-spared restoration
production line on September 9th, 1955 was undertaken. Over the course of five years,
and was completed just under a month some $250,000 in invoices were accrued.
later on October 5th. Originally finished in Much of the restoration was completed by Art
grey over black leather - one of five B24Ss on Wheels in Ringwood, Victoria. Mechanical
to be finished in that color scheme, 1144 refurbishment and rebuilding was completed at
was delivered new to the United States a cost of AU$30,000 by Pur-Sang Automobiles
with its first owner residing in sunny San Pty Ltd in South Melbourne.
Diego, California. Retaining the car for a
dozen years, in 1968 it moved onto its next Completed in 2010 in black over red hides,
owner, James S Lockhart, who split his time the finished product is stunning. The gorgeous
between the Hollywood Hills and Belfair, lines of the car, combined with the sporting
Washington, southwest of Seattle. touches unique to the Spider such as the
split bumper, handle and window-less doors,
Lockhart kept the car in very original and wraparound windscreen, are further
condition, save for a repaint to Rosso Capri, accentuated by the addition of center-lug
until his death in 2002. 1144 was later given knock-off wire wheels - added at a cost of
to a friend in Pebble Beach, who kept the car €16,200 (the five, original steel wheels still
briefly before selling it to Bryan Meredith of accompany the car). 1144 was acquired by

the current Canadian owner in 2013 and has Nicely documented with a three-inch- the Mille Miglia, the Colorado Grand, the
since formed part of his impressive collection of thick binder of restoration receipts and California Mille, and many others. With all
classic European sports car. documentation, its original California pink slip in the restoration work already completed,
James Lockhart's name, an original California and a strong history documenting its past,
Lighter and more athletic than the Convertible black license plate, the aforementioned original the B24S offered here is one of the most
model despite the relatively small number of set of five steel wheels, and the original carpets achingly beautiful cars we have ever offered
formative changes, the Spider is a completely and seat covers still present, the restored and is certainly not to be missed.
different, far more striking and purposeful Spider presents as a complete historical
vehicle. While the convertible was elegant, package today. $1,100,000 - 1,300,000
the Spider was downright sexy, as befitting
famous Spider owner Brigitte Bardot. A test Lancia B24S Spiders have become a hot ◊ See Legend on page 5 for bidding instructions.
drive will demonstrate that the Lancia is a lovely commodity in the international collector
driver while the V6 provides a great staccato car world, and for good reason. With their
soundtrack. Rowing through the gears, one supermodel good looks, sporty drivetrain,
is delighted by the torque of the motor and and near universal eligibility for events, it is
can appreciate the car's light weight and clear why the Aurelia has become a must-
nimble feel. With mere pull strings for door have 1950s Italian GT - and the Spider
handles and a rudimentary top, it was clear America is at the absolute pinnacle of the
that Lancia intended for the Spider to be a true Aurelia peak. Ownership qualifies you for
sports car in every sense of the word, with few a spot on such highly prized events as
concessions to passenger comfort.


Without Reserve
45. H Proceeds to benefit the Morris
1955 JAGUAR XK140 SE OTS Animal Foundation
H Ground up restoration completed
Chassis no. S811883
in 2014
Engine no. G 6401-8S
H Complete with Heritage Trust
3,442cc DOHC Inline 6-Cylinder Engine Certificate
2 SU Carburetors H Desirable 'SE' Specification
210bhp at 5,750rpm
5-Speed Manual Transmission
Independent Front Suspension - Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Drum Brakes


'For 1955, Jaguar present a range of models the front and telescopic shock absorbers for the first time. Special Equipment (SE)
incorporating not only added refinements, replacing the previous lever type at the rear. XK140s came with wire wheels and Lucas fog
but mechanical advances directly derived Like its forbear, the XK140 was built in three lamps, and could be ordered with an engine
from their many outstanding successes in model types: roadster, coupé and drophead developing 210bhp courtesy of the 'C'-type
international competitive events. All the wealth coupé, the latter two offering usefully cylinder head. XK140 performance was well
of experience gained on the race-tracks of increased cabin space and occasional up to the standards set by its exemplary
the world and in record-breaking speed and rear seats. Outwardly the newcomer was predecessor, contemporary magazine road-
endurance tests is built into every Jaguar distinguishable by its revised radiator grille, tests regularly recording top speed figures in
to provide for discriminating motorists the rear lights incorporating flashing indicators, excess of 120mph. Tested by Road & Track
highest degree of efficient performance allied and larger bumpers - the latter adopted to magazine, a USA-specification XK140MC
to comfort and safety.' - Jaguar Cars Ltd. withstand the cut and thrust of urban parking. (as the 'C'-type head-equipped SE version
was known there) recorded a 0-60mph time
Launched in 1954, the Jaguar XK140 was The power unit remained Jaguar's well- of 8.4 seconds on the way to a top speed of
broadly similar to, though more refined tried, 3.4-liter, twin-cam six, which now 121.1mph.
than, its sensational XK120 predecessor, produced 190bhp in standard trim thanks to
major engineering changes being confined higher-lift camshafts and revised porting. To
to the repositioning of the engine 3" further ensure reliability, steel bearing caps replaced
forward and the adoption of rack-and-pinion the previous cast-iron type. A close-ratio
steering as used on the racing C-Type. The gearbox enabled better use to be made of
suspension and brakes remained much as the increased performance while Laycock-de
before, though with stiffer torsion bars at Normanville overdrive became an option


The Jaguar-Daimler Heritage Trust states and whitewall tires, the starkness of this exterior, this XK140's next owner will surely
that S811883 was completed November combination truly allows the flowing lines experience many happy miles of motoring.
29, 1955, leaving the factory in Pastel Green of the XK140 to be fully exposed in the
paint with a tan leather interior and Fawn daylight. A bright red interior compliments On face value there is a certain irony to saying
canvas top. It was delivered to the Charles nicely with a welcome pop of color. Having 'the sale of this Jaguar will save other animals.
Hornburg Company of Los Angeles on July been sparingly used since the completion of
5th, 1955 and thence to its first owner. the restoration, both the exterior and interior $90,000 - 130,000
Furthermore, the document affirms the have remained free from any serious displays WITHOUT RESERVE
authenticity of the vehicles 'SE' specification, of degradation.
and the high performance C-Type head can
be found on the car to this day. We are proud to announce that the proceeds
of the sale of this XK140 will benefit the Morris
While this original owner remains a mystery Animal Foundation. This organization is the
as a name is not provided on the certificate, largest nonprofit dedicated to improving
the Jaguar has more recently found its animal health and is the only one dedicated
home within the company of a lifelong to the effort worldwide.
Jaguar enthusiast. In 2014, a ground up
restoration was completed resulting in the Supporting a good cause such as this
fantastic condition of this Jaguar today. has never been so rewarding thanks to
Finished in a striking and elegant Old English the fine quality of this Jaguar. With its high
White exterior complete with a white top performance motor and elegant white


46. H Offered from over two decades of
1966 SHELBY 427 COBRA single enthusiast ownership
H Fascinating and exciting known history
Chassis no. CSX 3242
H Formerly owned by 24 Hours of Le
427ci OHV side-oiler V-8 Engine Mans winner Didier Pironi
Dual 4-Barrel Carburetors H Converted to 427 S/C specifications
Est. 485bhp at 6,000 rpm H Equipped with rare dual-quad, dual-
4-Speed Manual Transmission plane, tunnel-port intake system
4-Wheel Independent Suspension H The model for the 427 Cobra in
4-Wheel Disc Brakes Forza Motorsport 4


Carroll Shelby's original small-block 260 and A total of 310 427 Cobras were produced,
289 Cobras were fine, fast, nimble cars, but and have been steadily tracked, researched,
by the mid-1960s it was clear that they were and documented by historians virtually since
being increasingly outmoded in competition – they were new. Accordingly, a great deal
particularly against their greatest nemesis, the is known about the history of each extant
Corvette Grand Sports. example – but some have more fascinating
stories than others. CSX 3242, offered here, is
In typical fashion, Shelby's first reaction was hard to beat in that regard.
to install a larger engine on an entire new
frame, developed with the assistance of
Ford engineers and incorporating four-inch
tubes and coil spring suspension at all four
corners. The Cobra's fenders were lightly
widened and the radiator opening enlarged
to accommodate the new 427ci powerplant,
which in its mildest roadgoing tune produced
410bhp. It was a fearsome beast that set
new standards of performance for a street
automobile and, as had been hoped, proved
quite successful in competition.


According to the World Registry of Cobras and Soon thereafter, according to history Somas sold "CSX 3041" around 1969 to
GT40s, chassis no. CSX 3242 was originally provided by the owner, chassis no. CSX Shelby Owners Association president David
invoiced to Shelby American on June 10, 1966. 3242 was sold new to Stuart Hayim of New Bythewood of Hempstead, New York. Richard
On August 31, 1966, Shelby in turn invoiced York City. Hayim kept the car for roughly Brostek, who stored the car for Bythewood,
the famous Total Performance dealer Larsen two years before offering it for sale. Tyler noted that the main VIN stamping had been
Ford of White Plains, New York, for a "1966 Somas of Queens came to test-drive the ground away, and later others active in the early
Cobra Street, Veh. #CSX3242, Blue." Once Cobra, and at the conclusion of the tour, years of the SOA noted both the Cobra's stock
air-freighted to White Plains, the carburetor pulled a gun on the owner, got behind the street-going, non-S/C specification, as well as
was replaced and the car then delivered wheel, and drove away. Hayim assumed a patch of weld over the VIN on the right-hand
to Manhasset Ford of New York State. It is that the Cobra was gone forever and filed shock tower and the freshly stamped new VIN
believed to have been used by the Ford District an insurance claim. Meanwhile, at Somas' on the right-hand shock tower – as well as the
Sales Office for promotional purposes, and to place of business, Queens Auto Wrecking, fact that the original chassis number, "3242,"
have been drag-raced by Larsen Ford employee the firearm-wielding new "owner" removed was still present stamped on all the latches, a
William Trifari at Dover Plains and Westhampton the car's chassis number from the right surefire giveaway as to the car's true identity.
as part of that effort. Undoubtedly because of front shock mount. He added different
this use the car's upper and lower A-arms were numbers to the left front shock mount, In late 1977, the Cobra, still with its mistaken
straightened and a new driveshaft assembly coinciding with the data tag from CSX 3041, identity and finished in red over tan with black
fitted under warranty by Pennsylvania Cobra a wrecked 427 S/C Cobra that Somas had under-car exhaust pipes, was sold to Bruce
repair guru Ray Heppenstall in August 1967; at previously acquired, which he riveted to the Clemmons of Kansas. Clemmons sold the car
this time Manhasset Ford was still listed as the passenger floorbox. the following year to Andrew Robinson, also of
car's owner and it had 3,250 miles. Kansas, by which time a fresh 427 with two


four-barrel carburetors was mounted along by Don Roberts, during which it was prepared Dan Gurney, its most prominent appearance
with stainless steel inner panels. for vintage-racing with the addition of a fuel cell, has been its "starring role" as the 427 Cobra
Halon fire system, competition fuel filler, racing beginning in Forza Motorsport 4. In a very
In the early 1980s the Cobra was sold to brakes, and other updated safety equipment. impressive effort to ensure total authenticity,
Ferrari Formula One driver, Didier Pironi, the Roberts also built the present 427 side-oiler Microsoft employees fully digitized the car
1978 winner of the 24 Hours of Le Mans, also V-8, complete with an extremely rare dual- and all of its sounds, down to the correct
known for his exploits as part of the Tyrrell, plane, dual-quad, tunnel-port intake system, note of the doors opening and closing; the
Ligier, and Ferrari teams. At this time the car only a handful of which were originally made for owner bemusedly recalls that the exhaust was
was exported to Italy. It was during Pironi's the big-block GT40s. The Cobra subsequently sufficiently loud to destroy the team's sound
ownership that a California court deemed appeared at the Shelby American Automobile meter. If Xbox games count, this car has been
that the true identity of chassis no. CSX 3041 Club convention in Las Vegas in 1997. joyfully "driven" and experienced by more
belonged to another owner, and thus, when people worldwide than any other Cobra.
the Cobra returned stateside after several The current owner acquired the Cobra in 1999
other European owners, it was finally properly and has now enjoyed it for over two decades, Overall the Cobra remains in wonderful
returned to its correct, authentic identity, CSX meticulously maintaining it in his own skilled condition, down to the correct chassis
3242. In addition, it was refinished in blue, as hands. In 2013 it was refinished by RaceCraft number still stamped into the original latches,
original, with white stripes. NW of Woodinville, Washington, in its original and is described as running and driving
paint color, again with white stripes, with great strongly with, in its owner's apt words, "too
In the summer of 1995, CSX 3242 was attention being paid to retaining the original much power." Then again, it is in the spirit of
acquired by Ron Huber of Arizona, and body trim pieces. While the car has appeared the car to think there is no such thing!
underwent a complete mechanical restoration at Northwestern concours and at an event with
$1,000,000 - 1,200,000

◊ See Legend on page 5 for bidding instructions.

47. H Highly optioned and extremely
Rare and desirable 6-Speed Manual well cared for example
2001 FERRARI 456M GT H Desirable 6-speed manual 456
Design By Pininfarina Modificata GT with less than
26,000 miles from new
VIN. ZFFWL44A810122507 H Elegant Grigio Ingrid livery
H Impressive service and
5,474cc DOHC 48-Valve V-12 Engine maintenance history
Electronic Fuel Injection
442bhp at 6,250rpm
6-Speed Manual Transaxle
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Acknowledged as one of Pininfarina's In 1998, the final and most refined version —the chosen by Pininfarina when unveiling their
finest pieces, the aluminum coachwork 'Modificata' 456M GT—was unveiled at the creation, over a beautiful two–tone Cuio
was chemically bonded to an incredibly Geneva Motor Show in its Pininfarina chosen Naturale and Crema interior featuring Daytona
stiff tubular steel chassis. Twice winning the flagship color, Grigio Ingrid. Although power was seats. Lovingly pampered as a California car
European engineers' award for the best large increased to 442bhp courtesy of an upgrade to most of its life, its caretaker for well over a
displacement engine, a new V12 was brought Bosch Motronic 5.2 and the firing pattern was decade has then been the venerated Carl
in. This 65-degree power-plant displaced altered to improve smoothness, the main aims Steuer of Blackhorse Motors in Los Angeles
5,474cc (the car's name derives from the of the 456M were to improve aerodynamics and CA. In addition to the service history, the car is
fact each cylinder was an impressive 456cc). cooling. A fixed underbody spoiler replaced the accompanied by a copy of its window sticker
Complete with four valves per cylinder, motorized one and at the nose a larger grille (showing a price $242K), books, manuals,
the 456 developed 436bhp and 406lbft at was used in conjunction with a sharper, more tools, jack, seat-covers, the full original dealer-
4,500rpm, making it the most powerful Ferrari pointed design treatment. Connolly leather was delivery kit and a CARFAX report. This specimen
ever produced – bar the F40. A top speed of still featured inside, but new seats with improved looks as showroom fresh as they come and is
188mph and a 0-60mph time of 5.2 seconds ergonomics were introduced alongside the in its original specification save the addition of
further reinforced the fact the 456M was more optional Daytona seats, as well as a new Becker a rapturous Tubi exhaust system installed by
than just a pretty face. If that wasn't enough, this stereo head unit now fitted in front of the six- the dealer. With 12 cylinders, a gated manual
four-seat, front-engined Ferrari was also quicker speed open gate gearlever. transmission and just over 25,000 miles on the
around Ferrari's Fiorano test track than either of odometer, it is a brilliant opportunity to acquire
its existing mid-engined supercars, the 348 and This stunning 456M GT is trimmed in the what is fast becoming one of the most sought-
512TR. It no wonder a 456 was chosen as the exceedingly elegant and unique color scheme after Ferraris of the modern era.
daily drive for Michael Schumacher. of Grigio Ingrid, which was the flagship color
$100,000 - 140,000


Without Reserve
H Well-maintained and largely preserved example
H Desirable 2.0-Liter version 1975 PORSCHE 914 2.0
H Striking Signal Orange over black livery Coachwork by Karmann
H Iconic and era-evoking Porsche 914 2.0
Chassis no. 4752905155
Engine no. EC043209

1971cc OHV Air-Cooled Flat 4-Cylinder Engine

2 Twin-choke Downdraft Carburetors
101bhp at 5,000rpm
5-Speed Manual Transaxle
Independent Front and Rear Suspension
4-Wheel Hydraulic Disc Brakes


Porsche's strong historical links with the 914/6. The latter was a relatively short- The spectacularly well-preserved example of
Volkswagen were reaffirmed in 1969 with lived model and in 1973 was effectively the 2.0-Liter 914 offered here was finished
the launch of the Porsche-designed VW- replaced by the 1,971cc four-cylinder at the Porsche works in November of 1974
Porsche 914, a mid-engined, Targa-top '914 2.0', which also featured forged alloy and completed as a 1975 model-year car.
sports car to be assembled by Karmann of wheels, front and rear anti-roll bars and an The new Porsche was finished in the vibrant
Osnabrück. At the time Volkswagen needed improved interior incorporating additional Signal Orange color as seen on it today.
a new car to replace the ageing Karmann- instrumentation. Compartments and jambs still retain much of
Ghia while Porsche was looking for another the original factory-applied paint to this day,
option to add to its line-up. First seen at the although the outside exterior panels appear
Frankfurt Auto Show, the 914/4 used the so have had a respray in the original color. The
1,679cc, four-cylinder, air-cooled motor of interior remains in equally original condition,
the Volkswagen 411 while the 914/6 was with the black seats trimmed with Velour
powered by the Porsche 911T's 2.0-liter center pieces. Original factory decals and ID
six. Both cars employed all-independent plates remain in situ, and outside alloy Fuchs
suspension - a mixture of 911 and VW wheels shod on Pirelli tries gives the Porsche
parts - to which were married four-wheel the right look. A lovely original example of the
disc brakes and a five-speed gearbox. iconic 914 2.0 indeed.
The 914's reputation for excellent handling
was somewhat marred by criticism that the $25,000 - 35,000
four-cylinder version was too slow, though WITHOUT RESERVE
lack of speed was never a shortcoming of


49. Ω H Comprehensively documented with exciting
1948 TALBOT-LAGO T26 RECORD period Concours history
SPORT CABRIOLET DÉCAPOTABLE H Fresh from an exacting decade long restoration
Coachwork by Figoni et Falaschi H One of only two survivors of its design
H Yet to be shown at Concours level anywhere in
Chassis no. 3179 the world
Talbot-Lago Car No. 100234
Engine no. 26179

4,482cc Twin-Cam 6-Cylinder Engine

3 Zenith-Stromberg Carburetors
190bhp at 4,200rpm
4-Speed Wilson Pre-Selector Transmission
Independent Front Suspension – Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Drum Drakes

The Talbot-Lago at the 1948 Deauville Concours, July 1948.
© Peter Larsen


The Talbot Lago story had commenced with valves set in hemispherical combustion version of the new '2AC' engine featuring
the dissolution of the Sunbeam-Talbot-Darracq chambers and opened via pushrods by a single an aluminum-alloy cylinder head and triple
combine in 1935, when Venetian-born Major camshaft mounted in the block. The marque's carburetor induction, and it was this model
A F 'Tony' Lago bought the Darracq factory ultimate pre-war road car - the 4.0-liter Lago that formed the basis of the Rosiers' 1950
at Suresnes and continued production, selling Special - produced 165bhp and was good for Le Mans winner as well as the monoposto
his cars as Darracqs in the UK and Talbots in more than 160km/h (100mph). This successful Grand Prix car. Further development kept the
France. The revitalised marque embraced both series of cars was later renamed 'Talbot Lago' Talbot Lago competitive at Le Mans for a few
sports car and Grand Prix racing, and in 1937 and Becchia's engine would be one of the few more seasons.
achieved victories in the French Grand Prix and that saw service in Grand Prix cars both before
the Tourist Trophy; from then on it was an uphill and after WW2. Not to be confused with a Delahaye of the
struggle against the might of the German and same period, which in six-cylinder form
Italian opposition. There were, however, many The model was revived in 1946 as the 'T26 mirrored its pre-war production, the post-war
notable successes in the immediate post-war Record', now sporting hydraulic brakes, a Talbot-Lagos were all new, and altogether far
years, including three Grand Prix wins for French Wilson pre-selector gearbox and a 4½-liter, more sporting and powerful.
Champion Louis Rosier and victory at Le Mans. twin-cam version of the classic long-stroke
overhead-valve engine producing 170bhp. Its
The first Lago-built cars retained the existing 'T26' designation had been used before – for
X-braced, independently front suspended the 4½-liter GP racers in the late 1930s – and
chassis, but were powered by new six-cylinder referred to the car's taxation rating of 26CV.
engines designed by Walter Becchia, in For serious competition work there was the
sporting guise featuring inclined overhead short-wheelbase 'Grand Sport' with a 190bhp



In the hierarchy of automobile coachbuilders, trim pieces. Epitomizing Figoni's design corner of the factory. Once he had completely
Figoni et Falaschi earned their place in the philosophy were their elegant blade bumpers, recovered his factory, Joseph Figoni lost no
highest tiers, if not at the top. From the late which turned an increasingly necessary safety time in creating a new post-war style, the
1920s right through to the late 1940s, the precaution into a beautiful, delicate feature of swoopy, spatted wings were there, as were the
exquisite lines that they penned transformed the an automobile. chrome accents.
way automobiles were designed. This was never
more apparent than with their series of 'Goutte As ever in business, the partnership was a At the 1948 Salon Figoni and Falaschi acted as
d'Eau' or 'Teardrop' coupes on the Talbot marriage of artistic genius and commercial though times hadn't changed, and exhibited
T150CSS chassis. The automobile had moved wisdom; Joseph (Giuseppe by birth) Figoni, a gold-painted Delahaye with gold-plated
from man sitting atop the machine, to man was the craftsman, while Ovidio Falaschi was brightwork on the manufacturer's stand and
being at one with the machine, then beyond the well-connected businessman. While their 'an elaborate and enormously long roadster'
this they shaped coachwork aerodynamically, heyday may be considered to have been on their own stand. The Roadster had a 'flush-
cheating the wind, and in doing so increased the 1930s, Figoni made a good recovery fitting ivory-bound' copy of the Michelin Guide
potential outright speed and efficiency. after the war, despite the troubles they faced on its dashboard: the binding alone had cost
when the Germans occupied Paris. When 40,000 francs! No wonder the better French
It was not just the curvaceous main sections Figoni's workshops were taken over in order coachbuilt bodies cost over two million francs.
of bodywork to which attention was focused, to manufacture aircraft components, Figoni
but also in the intricate detail accessories from & Falaschi kept going by making domestic The late 1940s were, paradoxically, relatively
end to end of the body, accented by chrome electric stoves and heating radiators in a successful for Figoni & Falaschi, due to the


demand for custom coachwork from the "We really were true couturiers of automotive The pairing of Talbot-Lago's engineering with
United States. The company, now under the coachwork, dressing and undressing a Figoni and Falaschi's design was rarely bettered
direction of Joseph Figoni's son, Claude, chassis one, two, three times and even at any time when they were active, and arguably
actually made more money after the war more before arriving at the definitive line that since either. Here is a stunning example of their
than before - a unique situation for a French we wanted to give to a specific chassis- collaborative work, with many of their hallmark
coachbuilder. Perception of the company coachwork ensemble." styling cues and fresh from exhaustive archival
was undoubtedly enhanced by the inclusion research and extensive restoration. It is a very
of Figoni's Talbot 'Goutte d'Eau' coupe in the serious ticket to enter any major concours
New York Museum of Modern Art's famed '8 around the country or the globe.
Automobiles' exhibition.
Respected historian and author Peter Larsen
The work of these fashionable carrossiers has compiled considerable documentation on
brought color and glamour into the drab the history of the car which allows us today to
postwar European world just as Dior's 'New chart its full career. That begins with the order
Look' brought fresh interest to the world of to Talbot-Lago by the wealthy industrialist,
fashion. Indeed, Ovidio Falaschi summed Gilbert Fayol of Paris. M. Fayol made zippers
up the role of the custom coachbuilder to and his company, Applications Éclair was a
perfection when he recalled: household name in France, as one can imagine
this comfortably afforded him the luxury of


being able to commission his own coachbuilt opening grille to assist its cooling, but even this Albert Poirer in the 7th Arrondissement of Paris,
Talbot-Lago. Factory archives note this to be a is beautifully tailored, and from some angles has he is the last charted custodian in period. A
T26 with the potent Grand Sport 4.5 liter power the cheerful appearance of a smile, something decade would pass before the Talbot-Lago
unit, and specifically the aforementioned more far more appealing than the oft times awkward re-surfaced, rather unceremoniously then in a
desirable aluminum head version, of which a looks of Figoni's pronounced Narwals. scrapyard at Meulan some 50kms northwest
mere 3 dozen were equipped. Their designation of the city. Its finder, Pierre Grunberg of Paris
for these was T26 Record Sport. M. Fayol's striking Figoni automobile was would spend some months haggling for the
completed in the spring of 1948. We know car before securing it in 1967 for some 67,000
Figoni's production record states that they precisely how it looked, since he elected to French Francs. As a picture demonstrates in
received the Record Sport chassis from Talbot- debut the car at the Concours of Deauville in July the car's impressive history file, the Talbot-Lago
Lago on January 29, 1948. They proceeded to that year. There it can be seen in a single dark was in an amazingly complete state, bearing all
cloth the chassis with a Cabriolet Décapotable, color scheme which was understood to have the chrome pieces.
one of only four ever to have been completed been a Bordeaux red, with chestnut leather. As
this way, of which just this and another survive much a fashion show as a car display, Gilbert Grunberg had the intention to restore the car
today. A triumph of design and purpose, it Fayol was joined in his presentation of the car for his own use, but cost consideration let
incorporates the most appealing styling cues by Michelle Cancre an equally elegant horse- him to eventually sell the car to noted French
of the day, including the dished 'butterfly' front riding champion. His tenure of ownership is not enthusiasts and classic car dealer Bruno
fenders long swept back tail, chrome hood recorded. We know that within a year he had Vendiesse and Roger Tainguy on March
spears, flush door handles, rear wheel 'spats' also purchased a Talbot-Lago Grand Sport and 8th, 1989. Tainguy would restore the car
and lower body chrome trim. Additionally, the that he would later acquire a 1954 Chrysler Ghia, in a dark blue finish and with beige leather
front of the car is a cleverly designed feature but whether they were replacements or stable trim and matched blue top. Between the
which gives a clue to the performance hidden mates for this car is unknown. scrapyard and restoration, a masquerade
beneath the hood, it is surely not by accident For certain, by early October 1954 it did have of the real identity of 100234 occurred, and
that the 'fire-breathing' 190hp hemi has a large new ownership and was now the property of the car would be known as 100047 for the

next 20 years. In 2010 the Talbot-Lago collection was dispersed and this car mid- Safe in this knowledge, its restoration has
Owners Club documented that 100047 was a way through the journey of its rebuild was continued with both careful adhering to its
standard Talbot-Lago with standard limousine stalled and sold. inherent originality, but also the availability of the
coachwork, which was scrapped in 1958 in period images of the car, to ensure its accuracy.
Belgium while owned by M. Muytten. The present owner acquired the car from the The color choices are two tones of French blue
O'Quinn Estate in 2010. The first task on hand contrasted with a rich burgundy trim, which
From Tainguy and Vendiesse the Figoni passed was to reveal the true identity of the Talbot- both accentuate its lines and style, as well as
to M. LaFuge, also known as Athane another Lago. In the process great help and support by being very much of the period. As depicted on
trader in France, offered for sale on a stand at the French Talbot Lago Owners Club, Claude these pages, the result is a tremendous success
the 1992 edition of Retromobile its next owner Figoni, noted historian Peter Larsen, and and one fitting to the car's importance.
was Sam Achio and the car remained in France, Dominique Tessier was received. Fortunately,
until passing into the fabled Rosso Bianco its state of being stripped for restoration made After its decade long rebuild, and the journey
Collection of Peter Kaus in the late 1990s where the process of identification easy. Analysis of of its research, in place of chasing the rewards
it would join other important examples of French the chassis frame revealed the number 3179, that it would no doubt garner on the show
coachwork, including a Teardrop Figoni Talbot- the engine bears the number 26179, and the field, the current owner has elected to leave
Lago. Offered from the Rosso Bianco collection rear axle number 3028; all matching the Talbot- that fun for the next keeper - today, that could
here in Quail Lodge in 2006, the purchaser Lago build sheet for car 100234. On multiple easily be you!
on that day was the class action lawyer John coach work and chrome pieces the number
O'Quinn at that time amassing one of the 27 was found, pointing to the post war coach $1,800,000 - 2,300,000
largest collections of cars the hobby has known. build records of Figoni et Falaschi, project

O'Quinn elected to have the car re-restored

1027. The Figoni record for 1027 confirms
Talbot Lago 100234 and customer M. Fayole
◊ See Legend on page 5 for bidding instructions.
and sent it to the renowned house of plus registration 4954 RQ3 (fitted to the car at
Tessier, returning it to France for the work Dauville concours) – les jeux sont faits – the car
to be carried out there. On his demise, the was unmasked.


50. H Meticulously and tastefully prepared
H Very sporty and practical Model A
Chassis no. A4531229
H Elegant Black over Terracotta livery
350ci OHV Chevrolet V8 Engine H Ready for cruise night or Hot Rod shows
Single Weber Carburetor
Est. 325bhp at 5,800rpm
Automatic Transmission
4-Wheel Performance Suspension
4-Wheel Performance Brakes


On May 26, 1927, after having produced owners frequently upgraded the appearance Finished in a stealth Black exterior over a
15 million Model Ts, Henry Ford shut down by adding the passenger car's chromed stunning Terracotta-colored custom interior,
his giant River Rouge complex to retool for radiator shell. this Model A Roadster Pickup Hot Rod has
the famous car's long-awaited replacement. been meticulously restored and customized.
More than six months would pass before a The availability, looks and design of Fords A powerful Chevy 350 cubic-inch V8 engine
new Ford appeared. When it did, Americans now legendary Model A made them the basis topped by a Weber carburetor is fitted under
crowded into showrooms to see a car so for the Hot Rod movement in the 1950s, the louvered hood, and underneath, chassis,
completely re-engineered that Ford named and the Ford Model A Coupe would become brakes and steering has been customized to
it the Model A. The new Model A's engine the most iconic symbol of American Hot both keep up with the extra power, but also
was rated at 40 horsepower, double that Rodding. They remain today as popular as give the Hot Rod better handling and the
of the Model T. A conventional three-speed ever. Nothing says 1950s Hot Rod more than right look. The authentic Americana Hot Rod
manual transmission replaced the Model a well-executed Ford Model A. character of this stunning Model A Roadster
T's eccentric planetary-gear transmission. Pickup is very impressive, and it stands ready
Originally priced at $445, the Open Pickup, to serve its next owner.
or Roadster Pickup as they are commonly
referred to, featured a non-folding canvas top $50,000 - 70,000
that could be easily removed. As with most
Model A Ford commercial cars, the Roadster
Pickup's radiator shell and headlamp
buckets were finished from the factory in
black; dealers and subsequent


Without Reserve
H Original US delivery LHD V8
H Two owners in the last three decades 1982 ASTON MARTIN V8 VOLANTE
H Retains matching-numbers engine
H Offered with copy of factory build sheet
Engine no. V580/5295 LFA

5,340cc DOHC V8 Engine

4 Dual-Throat Weber Carburetors
300bhp at 6,000rpm
3-Speed Automatic Transmission
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Aston Martin had always intended the DBS According to copies of Aston Martin's previous listing of 55,000. The car presently
to house its new V8 engine, but production factory build records, this V8 Volante was shows 66,949 miles on the odometer, a
difficulties meant that the car first appeared built during November of 1982. The car was figure that would suggest the 2001 reading
with the DB6's 4.0-liter six. Bigger and more equipped with a left-hand drive steering may have been an error.
luxuriously appointed than the DB6, the arrangement and a 3-speed automatic
heavyweight DBS disappointed some by virtue transmission, just as it appears today, and The V8 is increasingly being appreciated
of its slightly reduced performance, but there destined for the US market. The Volante by collectors as an important cornerstone
were no complaints when the V8 finally arrived was finished in Hereford Brown over a of the Aston Martin story in America. After
in 1969. With an estimated 315bhp available Natural interior with dark brown piping and recommissioning, this V8 would make a
from its 5,340cc four-cam motor, the DBS V8 a brown top. lovely cruiser once again.
could reach 100mph in under 14 seconds,
running on to a top speed of 160mph, a The Aston Martin's early history remains $80,000 - 120,000
staggering performance in those days and one unknown, but from June of 1990 the Aston WITHOUT RESERVE
which fully justified the claim that it was the was in the garage of Donald Silpe. Mr. Silpe
fastest production car in the world. After Aston would sparingly drive his Aston up and
Martin's acquisition by Company Developments down A1A and the surrounding environs
in 1972, production resumed with the Series to the tune of about 1,000 miles a year.
2, now known as the Aston Martin V8 and The current owner acquired the car in April
distinguishable by a restyled front end recalling 2012 and has had the car on static display
the looks of earlier Astons. The most successful since. According to CARFAX, a mileage
Aston Martin ever, the V8 survived the changes of discrepancy was recorded in 2001 when a
ownership and financial upheavals of the 1970s, reading of 37,501 was listed against the
enjoying a record-breaking production run lasting
from 1969 to 1988, with 2,919 cars sold.
52. H Delightfully charismatic Le Mans
REPLICA VANDEN PLAS H Retaining matching chassis,
Coachwork by VBE Restorations engine and drivetrain
H Fresh restoration by marque
Chassis no. RN 3043 specialist Tim Cresswell of VBE
Engine no. RN 3044 Restorations
H Participant of this year's North
4,398cc SOHC Inline 4-Cylinder Engine
American Bentley Tour and highly
4 Overhead Valves Per Cylinder
event eligible
110bhp at 3,500rpm
4-Speed C-Type Manual Gearbox
Front and Rear Leaf Spring Suspension
4-Wheel Drum Brakes


W.O. Bentley proudly debuted the new 3-liter heavy coachwork to the excellent 3-liter The prototype 4½ nicknamed 'Old Mother
car bearing his name on Stand 126 at the chassis rather than accept the expense and Gun' as a rhyme for No. 1, was entered in
1919 Olympia Motor Exhibition, the prototype complexity of Bentley's 6½-liter. that year's Grand Prix d'Endurance at the
engine having fired up for the first time just Circuit de la Sarthe.
a few weeks earlier. In only mildly developed The new 4½-liter model effectively employed
form, this was the model which was to the chassis, transmission and brakes of the At Le Mans in 1927 'Old Mother Gun' driven
become a legend in motor racing history 3-liter, combined with an engine that was by Frank Clement and Leslie Callingham,
and which, with its leather-strapped bonnet, in essence two-thirds of the six-cylinder promptly set the fastest race lap of 73.41mph
classical radiator design and British Racing 6½-liter unit. Thus, the new four-cylinder before being eliminated in the infamous 'White
Green livery has become the archetypal motor retained the six's 100x140mm bore/ House Crash' multiple pile-up. She returned
vintage sports car. stroke and Bentley's familiar four-valves- to Le Mans in 1928 to win outright.
per-cylinder fixed-'head architecture but
Early success in the 1922 Isle of Man Tourist reverted to the front-end vertical camshaft The 4½-liter was produced for three years,
Trophy, when Bentleys finished second, drive of the 3-liter. Bentley Motors lost no and all but 11 of the 662 cars were built
fourth and fifth to take the Team Prize, led time in race-proving its new car. The new on the 10' 10"-wheelbase chassis, with
to the introduction of the TT Replica (later model also retained that "bloody thump", as the balance built on the 9 foot 9½ inch
known as the Speed Model). However, noted Bentley owner Walter Foden referred wheelbase.
by the middle of the decade the 3-Liter's to it, a characteristic that enables one to
competitiveness was on the wane and clearly identify a 4-cylinder Bentley from Purchasers of the 4½-liter model were, in
this, together with the fact that too many many miles away. Bentley Motors wasted no common with those of all vintage-period
customers had been tempted to fit unsuitably time in proving the new car in competition. Bentleys, free to specify their preferences


from a very considerable range of mechanical According to a copy of the original factory 4½, FB3306, and during this ownership, the
and electrical equipment, in addition to records, this particular 4½ was delivered to engines were swapped.
whatever body style and coachbuilder might its first owner Mr. T Ryan in May 1928. It is
be required. The most iconic were the cars listed as a 10'10 standard wheelbase with a The car was brought to the United States
fitted with tourer bodies by Vanden Plas, who Staybright finish bonnet and fasteners fitted. in 1963 by C.B. Seaman, who retained the
provided 669 bodies from 1922 to 1931. Like many 4½ liters, it was originally fitted with car for two years before selling it to a long-
a Weymann patent Saloon, built by Albany term custodian, Roy G. Wild. Mr Wild was
Coachbuilders. Mr. Ryan retained the car an ardent Bentley enthusiast and won a
until 1929 when it passed to its next owner long-distance driving award at the RROC
P. Morley Horder. national meet in Monterey, CA after driving
the car from Ohio to attend in 1967. Mr. Wild
In 1937, it is noted in the factory records would also bring the car to the inaugural
that the car was shortened to a 9 ft 9½ North American Vintage Bentley meet in
ins, short wheelbase specification and was 1981. The car remained in his possession
rebodied most likely to a two seater form, a until his passing in 2006. At this time, the car
relatively common practice at this time. The was purchased from Mr. Wild's estate by a
car then passed through a series of short- Midwest-based Bentley enthusiast.
term British owners. After the war in 1949,
it was in the ownership of William "Horace" After much debate, it was decided to restore
Rose, and then it passed to the ownership of the vehicle and the job was entrusted to
F.C. Eggins. F.C. Eggins also owned another marque specialist Tim Cresswell of VBE


restorations. Not limiting the work to just spec tank and wings were also fitted. The The 4½ Bentley is considered by many to
cosmetics, the efforts would further extend body trimming was also done at VBE and is be the best vintage Bentley for serious road
to the mechanicals of the Bentley. As part to a very high standard. It was also decided rallying, and examples have competed on the
of that process VBE were able to locate the to forego the usual green and finish the car Colorado Grand, California Mille, and even
original engine crankcase and reunited it in black. The end result of this restoration is the Paris to Peking. The overall ruggedness of
with the car. During the crankcase swap the truly spectacular. the chassis and ample power output makes
engine was fully inspected and was seen them a joy to drive and they are much nimbler
to be in extremely good order having been This year the car participated in the North than 6½ or 8 Liters. Thanks to the wonderful
rebuilt with new components. In addition, the American Vintage Bentley Meet and work performed on the Bentley, this example
new Phoenix counterbalanced crankshaft and completed the 1,000 mile tour without would make an excellent event car for the
rods have been converted to shell bearings. incident, proving the quality of VBE's enthusiast. It is reported to be 'on the button'
The Bentley has also received a new radiator workmanship. The car was taken on a test and ready for any number of touring and road
courtesy of Vintage Car Radiator Company in drive by a Bonhams specialist at the time rally adventures.
the United Kingdom. of consignment and they can report that it
performed beautifully. The engine rotates $750,000 - 900,000
At the same time, the crude two-seater body smoothly and equally provides an ample
was replaced by the new VDP styled tourer amount of low-end torque. The gearbox shifts ◊ See Legend on page 5 for bidding instructions.
body seen on the car today. This included beautifully, and the chassis has impeccable
proper Le Mans detailing, such as pattern road manners. The brakes are very well set-
dashboard switches. To complete the look of up and stop the car with great authority.
the 24 hour endurance classic, a Le Mans

Without Reserve
53. H Beautifully and authentically
H Stunning and period-correct
Chassis no. 7A112278
Maroon over Burgundy livery
308ci Inline 6-Cylinder Engine H Loaded with period-correct
Twin H-Power Carburetors accessories and Twin H-Power
160bhp at 3,800rpm induction system
Hydramatic Dual-Range Transmission H A classic and iconic piece of open
Independent Front Suspension - Live Rear Axle top Americana
4-Wheel Hydraulic Drum Brakes


Hudson was among the first of the Detroit 6- and 8-cylinder engines with the low
automakers to introduce new models after center of gravity and relatively light weight of
World War II, and they were without question the step-down design.
the most dramatically different of all of the
new designs. Hudson highlighted the 1951 model
year with a new Hornet model, which
Hudson's innovation for 1948 was the "step- empowered the already dramatic step-
down" chassis with the foot wells recessed down design with a larger engine. At the
between the widened chassis rails. This heart of the Hornet was an evolution of
was an early expression of the "unit body" the new Super Six engine which had been
concept, which merged the body and frame introduced in the step-down model in 1948,
in a single, welded unit. The rear chassis rails but enlarged to 308ci. The most powerful Six
passed outside the rear wheels, which was in on the market, it was soon campaigning on
contrast to the other American automobiles the stock car tracks, rolling up six first-place
of the era. Rather, the Hudson's rear fender finishes on the competitive NASCAR circuit.
skirts were functional, they were not just
a stylistic embellishment. The model was
marketed as the step-down Hudson, and
the cars were only five feet high. They were
among the fastest, best handling cars
around, combining Hudson's competent


This beautiful Hornet Convertible Brougham stable of a renowned Southwestern

emerged from Hudson's Detroit facility in collector, this iconic 1951 Hudson Hornet
1951. The car presents in lovely condition Convertible Brougham is both comfortable
inside and out, and it is apparent that a and timeless.
thorough refurbishment has been performed
in the past. This elegant convertible was With low production numbers, era-defining
repainted in an elegant Maroon exterior style, and class-leading performance,
color, with a reupholstered Burgundy interior the Hudson Hornet Convertible is a
to match, featuring maroon carpeting, highly desirable automobile from one of
correct leather-grain dash, and a smart America's greatest firms. With authentic
black convertible top protecting the hides restoration work carried out throughout its
from the elements. The extensive bright 208-inch footprint, this Hornet offers an
work presents equally well, with stainless excellent combination of rarity, quality, and
pieces brought to a high polish and plated performance in one stylish package.
chrome pieces. A Hudson radio and
Weather Control heater is fitted inside, and $80,000 - 120,000
dual windshield-mounted spotlights are WITHOUT RESERVE
in situ outside. The wheels are fitted with
stunning chrome wheel trim and wrapped
with thin white-wall tires. Offered from
decade-long ownership in the impressive


Without Reserve
54. H Desirable factory 5-speed ZF gearbox
1970 MASERATI GHIBLI 4.7 COUPE and matching-numbers engine
Coachwork by Ghia H Presented in its factory original livery
of Blue Sera over light brown
Chassis no. AM115.1568 H US-market example believed to have
Engine no. AM115.1568
been delivered new to California
H Era-evoking Giorgetto Giugiaro design
4,719cc DOHC V8 Engine
4 Weber Carburetors
330bhp at 5,500rpm
5-Speed Manual ZF Transmission
Independent Front Suspension - Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


A strong contender for the "most handsome chopped-off tail, Giugiaro thus achieving a emission laws. The gain in horsepower was
car of the 1960s" title, Maserati's Ghibli cabin lower than that of almost all the Ghibli's minimal, but in either case performance was
debuted in coupe form at the Turin Motor contemporaries, albeit one with restricted stunning, with 160km/h (100mph) attainable
Show in November 1966. Styled at headroom for rear passengers. in under 16 seconds. This neck-snapping
Carrozzeria Ghia by Giorgetto Giugiaro and acceleration resulted from the V8's enormous
named after a Sahara Desert wind, the Ghibli Like the contemporary Mexico 2+2, the Ghibli torque, which made the Ghibli one of the most
rivaled the Ferrari Daytona for straight-line used a shortened version of the Quattroporte flexible and easy-to-drive GTs of its era. One
performance - its top speed was close to saloon's tubular steel chassis in its live rear of the most stunning sports cars ever made,
275km/h (170mph) - while beating it for axle form. In preference to the more complex the Ghibli was a worthy rival for the Ferrari
price. More than 4.5m long and 1.8m wide, suspension designs favored by its rivals, Daytona and represents exceptional value for
the Ghibli occupied an inordinate amount of the Ghibli used leaf springs and a single money today, just as it did over 50 years ago.
space for a mere two-seater, but perhaps the locating arm, a much more easily maintained
most startling aspect of its appearance was arrangement.
the height, or rather the lack of it.
The power unit was Maserati's powerful,
Dry-sump lubrication enabled the engine to be four-cam, 90-degree V8, an engine derived
mounted deep in the chassis, permitting a low from that of the 450S sports racer and first
bonnet line, while limited suspension travel seen in road-going guise in the 5000GT. This
ensured that the tires did not foul the wheel was used in 4.7-liter form up to 1970 when it
arches. The roofline fell away from the top of was superseded by the 4.9-liter SS version in
the steeply raked windscreen to the order to meet ever more stringent


This stunning Maserati Ghibli 4.7-Liter A comprehensive restoration was and striking color combination, truly makes
Coupe stands out as a beautifully performed in the last decade, where both an appearance wherever it goes. A great
presented example. Completed at mechanical and cosmetic aspects of the example for high-speed rallies such as the
Maserati's Modena workshops in car was attended to. Today the Ghibli looks Copperstate 1000, this Ghibli 4.7-Liter
December of 1970, this late-production stunning in its factor-correct color and Coupe is ready for its next owner.
Ghibli, chassis no. AM115.1568, was built with its matching-numbers engine in place.
as a left-hand drive Coupe, fitted with the Alloy wheels are fitted shod on Michelin $175,000 - 225,000
desirable ZF 5-speed manual gearbox, and XWX tires, and inside a wood rimed WITHOUT RESERVE
destined for the North American market. steering wheel, correct Veglia gauges and
The new Ghibli had been special ordered the factory Becker Europa radio greets one
in November of 1970, and was finished as with a flair of authenticity.
it appears today, in the elegant Blue Sera
exterior color over a white leather interior. These powerful and sharp-looking Giorgetto
The new Ghibli Coupe was optioned with Giugiaro designed GT's are among the
Borrani wire wheels, power steering and most desirable cars ever produced by
brakes, and AM/FM radio. the legendary Modena-based Maserati
company and remain highly collectible today
Ghibli AM115.1568 was delivered new now that Maserati has brought back the
to Hillsborough, California, where it is Ghibli namesake to their model range. This
recorded in the Ghibli Registry to have smart, beautifully restored Ghibli, with its
resided for at least four decades. factory 5-speed ZF manual transmission


55. H Highly original, well-preserved
1967 FERRARI 330 GTC example of the Pininfarina built 330
Coachwork by Pininfarina Grand Touring Coupe
H Retains matching numbers, engine,
Chassis no. 09599 bodywork and original interior
Engine no. 9599
H Previously owned by Ferrarista
Dean Batchelor
3,967cc SOHC V12 Engine
Triple Weber Carburetors H Offered with Marcel Massini's History
300bhp at 7,000rpm Report and service receipts
5-Speed Manual Transaxle
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


'At the top - at the absolute top - in the First introduced on a road-going Ferrari Renowned from new as one of Ferrari's
automotive enthusiasts' hierarchy of the (the 275 GTB) in 1964, the rear suspension best-performing and most-sophisticated
cars of the world, there is only one. Ferrari. incorporated the five-speed gearbox in a classic V-12 Grand Touring models, the
Is there really any question?' Thirty-plus transaxle, an arrangement that created Pininfarina-bodied 330 GTC is particularly
years after Car and Driver magazine an inherently better-balanced car. Much desirable. One of just 600 examples
voiced that rhetorical inquiry the answer, of development work had concentrated on produced, this compelling, matching
course, remains the same. And the car that the reduction of noise levels in the cabin, numbers example bears chassis Number
prompted that eulogy? The Ferrari 330 GTC. which was luxuriously equipped in the best 09599 and remains in highly original and
Gran Turismo manner: leather seats, electric well preserved condition.
The two-seat 330 GTC debuted at the windows and heated rear screen were
Geneva Motor Show in March 1966 and standard; radio, air conditioning and Borrani According to history compiled by Ferrari
was essentially a closed version of the wire wheels the options. With a top speed historian Marcel Massini, 09599 is an
275 GTS. Beneath its hood resided the in excess of 150mph, excellent ride comfort original left-hand drive, European-
4.0-liter, 300bhp version of Ferrari's familiar and sure-footed handling, Ferrari could specification model with Metric instruments.
60-degree V12, as used in the 330GT justifiably claim the 330 GTC to be the finest Documented by the Factory as the 180th
2+2. The short (94.5" wheelbase) chassis of high-speed conveyances for two people 330 GTC produced in terms of assembly
followed Ferrari's established practice of and their luggage. sequence, the chassis frame for 09599
tying together sturdy oval-section main tubes was sent to Carrozzeria Pininfarina in Turin
in a steel spaceframe, while the suspension to receive its body (#C0190) in December
was independent all round by means of 1966 and assembly of its potent V-12
wishbones and coil springs. engine was completed during February

1967, personally supervised by factory the automotive journalist and Ferrari book leather hides, wood grain steering wheel,
foreman Amos Franchini. Completed in author, who also served at the time as dash, and carpeting all in very good order.
March 1967, 09599 was tastefully finished technical assistant to the general manager of Desirable amenities include power window
in Argento (Silver) over Beige Scuro (Dark the renowned Harrah Automobile Museum lifts and original specification, European-band
Beige) Connolly leather upholstery, the collection in Reno, Nevada. By February Blaupunkt pushbutton radio. A truly rare and
combination it retains today. 1979, 09599 was owned by Vincent De Tarr, highly original example of one of Ferrari's
a building contractor resident in South Lake best classic V-12 models ever produced, 330
Delivered new to Milanese official Ferrari Tahoe, California. GTC 09599 clearly benefits from its long-
dealer M. Gastone Crepaldi S.a.s., 09599 term ownership in Nevada and California,
was sold during April 1967 to Italian Remaining in California and still sporting its with interesting provenance including 1970s
industrialist and Milan resident Michele original color combination, 09599 benefits ownership by renowned Ferrari author and
Caprotti, who had the Ferrari serviced by from a recent inspection and refurbishments enthusiast, Dean Batchelor.
the Factory's client assistance branch in by the Ferrari marque experts at GTO
March 1968 at 11,927 kilometers (7,156 Engineering in Los Angeles. Wonderfully $475,000 - 575,000
miles). In December 1971, the 330 GTC was and attractively preserved and presented
exported to California by Milanese dealer with a pleasing and irreplaceable patina of
Dino Armando Genghini and in early 1972, unrestored originality, 09599 is much more
acquired by Han Kuijsten of Oakland and than a preservation-type car, benefiting from
a California Certificate of Compliance was long-term Californian ownership since it was
issued on June 30, 1972. By June 1975, the imported in 1971/1972, with the original
Ferrari was owned by Dean Batchelor, Pininfarina bodywork and the original


56. H The 1952 Geneva and Torino
Coachwork by Ghia H Certified with Ferrari Classiche Red
Book and Marcel Massini Report
Chassis no. 0233 EU H Award winning, comprehensive
Engine no. 0233 EU
exacting restoration completed in 2017
H Exquisite coachbuilt, open top
2,562cc SOHC V-12 Engine
3 Weber Carburetors V12 Ferrari
170bhp at 6,500rpm H Cavallino Classic Wayne Obry
5-Speed Manual Gearbox Memorial Cup for Excellence in
Front Independent Suspension – Live Rear Axle Restoration award winner
4-Wheel Drum Brakes

The Ferrari in Modena, September 1952 © Massini


Produced in multiple variations between 1951 oval tube frame with double wishbones at power when fitted with three 36mm downdraft
and 1952, the 212 achieved significant racing the front suspended by a transverse leaf Weber carburetors to 170bhp. It was also
successes but more importantly it put some spring and a carefully located live rear axle during the 212's production that the model
110 individual chassis in the hands of clients. with semi-elliptical leaf springs. The brakes designation changed, without notice or
The 212 was bodied in a bewildering array of were Ferrari's large hydraulically actuated comment, to 'EU', foreshadowing the 250
styles from lightweight spiders, coupés and drums. The transmission was mounted Europa that was to follow it.
berlinettas to stylish and luxurious cabriolets. directly behind the engine and had five
Carrozzeria Alfredo Vignale contributed most of forward speeds. While often competing against the large
the 212's coachwork but the 212 also provided displacement Lampredi-engined 340 Mexico,
the basis for the first Ferrari by Pinin Farina and There were two basic – but frequently the 212 earned its keep in racing, including first
important designs by both Touring and Ghia. intermingled – distinctions. The Export model, and second place finishes in the 1951 Carrera
intended for racing on tighter circuits, had a Panamericana by Piero Taruffi / Luigi Chinetti
Ferrari's original V12 designed by Gioacchino wheelbase of only 2,250mm. The Inter version and Alberto Ascari / Luigi Villoresi. The 212's
Colombo was only 1.5 liters, just 125cc per was typically built on a longer wheelbase competitiveness was further demonstrated by
cylinder. Its displacement was first expanded chassis in both racing and Gran Turismo the frequency with which their engines were
to 1,995cc in the Ferrari 166, then to 2,341cc guise. Engines were tailored to clients' needs updated by owners, in an effort to keep at bay
in the 1950. A further increase in the cylinder and to the specified coachwork with different newer and larger-displacement competitors.
bore from 65mm to 68mm brought the tunes and carburation. The engine's elements Reviving pre-war culture of tailor-made
individual cylinders to 212cc and the engine's were refined steadily including introduction coachwork, the early Ferraris gave a certain
displacement to 2,562cc. The chassis was during the 212's production of cylinder heads rebirth to the coachbuilding industry and
Ferrari's proven design consisting of a double with individual intake ports, bringing the rated fostered innovative design from the established

In period © Massini
1952 Geneva Auto Show © Massini


carrossiers in Italy. The house of Ghia was
one such house, founded some 105 years
ago in 1916 by Giacinto Ghia of Turin,
and the resurgence that it enjoyed in the
1950s and 1960s would ultimately continue
comfortably into the 1970s when it was
acquired by the Ford Motor Company. As
recently as 2010 in the UK, Ford still used
the brand for its top line models, while
various styling exercises have also come
under the Ghia banner.


By definition this has every important ingredient of 1952. In this guise it is depicted in the history of the automobile group of cars, as the
that a Ferrari should have, 12 cylinders book "Ferrari by Mailander", penned by Karl Quattroroute Collection.
prancing under the hood, a convertible top Ludvigsen. A month later the car was also
offering open driving and beautiful sporting seen on display at the Turin Motor Show, at Mazzocchi received the car then finished in
coachwork. To add to this it has a pedigree Parco Valentino in Torino, Italy. That summer, Medium Gray with a light gray fabric top and
which is known throughout its life and is on July 16, a Certificate of Origin was issued contrasting tan interior, a series of images
endorsed by Ferrari Red Book Certification. and the car sold by Enzo Ferrari to a Milan still survive of the car in this form and newly
Not unlike other sister cars, it has an element Publishing Company, Editorale Domus S.p.A. licensed for the road with the Milano plates "MI
of intrigue to its early days in that it was sold who paid some 3,000,000 Italian Lira for her. 197153". Its final piece of visual history from
new not once, but twice by Ferrari as a new those days is an image of a lady with the car at
car, it is part of the rich tapestry of an industry If the publishing house name does Largo Garibaldi in Modena.
that was more organic and generally fun than not resonate, nor its proprietor Gianna
today's 'cookie cutter' formats. Mazzocchi, one of his publications almost At some point over the fall and winter, 0191EL
certainly will, particularly those with a was bought back by Ferrari, repainted in
According to its well-researched history report fascination for Italian machinery for he metallic blue and renumbered as 0233EU,
by Marcel Massini, the 212 was 'born' seventy was the founder of Quattroroute. This and following the latter numbering sequence of
years ago December 17, 1951, as 0191 EL. numerous other magazines that he created these cars as mentioned in the model text. It
Its running gear was clothed in the following reflected his passion for automobiles and re-exited the factory in this new guise, destined
months by Ghia leading to a debut showing of how they would influence society. He was a for the hills above Cannes on the French
the Ferrari at the 22nd Edition of the Geneva noted collector from the 1940s onward, and Riviera becoming the property of Paul Arnold a
Motor Show, taking place as ever in March until recent years the company retained a resident of the Le Cannet. Now wearing


French customs plates his tenure appears of Boca Raton. Page entrusted Steve In fact, 0233EU was flown to the Ferrari
to have been a brief series of weeks, Beckman Metalworks and Bill Attaway to Classiche Headquarters in Maranello, Italy
before the Ferrari was exported on May 21, restore the car, which they duly did to an to get their full stamp of approval.
1953 to New York. At this point the Italian exceptionally high standard and returning it
registration was annulled. to the Metallic blue tone that it had arrived With its distinctive looks, simple history
in America with 65 years ago. and still fresh restoration this is an excellent
From its arrival on the East Coast, its next example of the marque from start of the
moves have never been charted, until an On completion of the rebuild the 212 12-cylinder Ferrari story which could provide
extended period of ownership in the Mid- was debuted at the 2017 Pebble Beach an eye-catching show or tour car.
West. It is known to have been with a Concours d'Elegance, and was later shown
Donald Hopson of Davisburg, Michigan in at the 2018 Cavallino Classic where it was $1,700,000 - 2,100,000
around 1967, and later with an unnamed awarded with the Wayne Obry Memorial
owner in Grand Blanc in the same state. Cup for the Ferrari Best Representing ◊ See Legend on page 5 for bidding instructions.
The car's engine passed to L. Tom Caulfield Excellence in Restoration Quality, which
of Wisconsin in this period. it richly deserved. It was subsequently
acquired by the current owner - a prominent
Around a decade ago, arch Ferrari sleuth US collector of exquisite Best of the Best
and trader Tom Shaughnessy managed to type sports cars - in whose impressive
negotiate both the purchase of the car and collection it has resided for the last 3½
its engine and reunite the two, selling the years, and during which time it was granted
project to noted collector Jimmy Page, Red Book Certification by Ferrari Classiche.


Without Reserve
57. H Distinctive Bertone styling
1975 LAMBORGHINI ESPADA SERIES III COUPE H V-12 motoring with room for four
Design by Bertone H Delivered new to the US
H Fetching Bianco over Rosso
Chassis no. 9652 color scheme
Engine no. 41459

3,929cc DOHC V-12 Engine

6 Weber Carburetors
350bhp at 6,200rpm
3-Speed TorqueFlite Automatic Transmission
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


"Carrozzeria Bertone unveiled one of its cars came with an extra 25bhp, 155mph top This example of the final series Espada was
motor show sensations at the 1967 Geneva speed, an improved dashboard layout and completed at the Sant'Agata, Bolognese
event, the Marzal. This dramatic concept the option of power assisted steering. The based Lamborghini plant in April of 1975,
car was seen as an approach to a four-seat dashboard was revised yet again in late 1972 and benefits from the refinements carried
Lamborghini... and it turned out to be a for the Series III, which also incorporated out throughout the production run. Elegantly
forerunner of the Espada, a genuine four- power steering as standard, upgraded finished in Bianco white over a Rosso red
seater and a distinctive 1960s supercar." – brakes, minor suspension improvements interior, it was completed to American spec
David Hodges, Lamborghini – The Legend. and a restyled front grille. Espada production and delivered new to the United States on
ceased in 1978 after 1,217 of these imposing February 26, 1976. Showing in what appears
Named after a matador's sword, the Espada cars had been built. to be largely original condition today, it was
was styled along lines similar to those of the acquired by the current owner in 1998 and
stillborn, rear-engined, six-cylinder Marzal but largely garaged without use since then. Ripe
carried its 4.0-liter, four-cam V-12 up front. for recommissioning, this elegant example of
The latter - first seen in the 400GT and used the Bertone-designed Espada presents nicely
also by the contemporary Islero - produced throughout, and offers its next caretaker the
325bhp, an output sufficient to propel the opportunity for ample V-12 power along with
distinctive, Bertone-styled coupe to 150mph. room for four.
Islero running gear was employed but wedded
to a platform-type, semi-monocoque chassis $50,000 - 70,000
rather than the former's tubular frame. WITHOUT RESERVE
Introduced in January 1970, the Series II


Without Reserve
H Beautiful example of the '75 911S Targa
H Upgraded with 3.0-Liter SC type 1975 PORSCHE 911S 3.0 TARGA
engine and transaxle
Chassis no. 9115210790
H Well-improved 911 model, still retaining
Engine no. 6411861 (see text)
the classic style
H Offered with tools, jack and space 3.0 Liter SOHC Flat 6-Cylinder Engine
saver spare Bosch K-Jetronic Fuel Injection
165bhp at 5,800rpm
5-Speed Manual Transaxle
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


The first of countless upgrades to Porsche's was successfully integrated, without changing This beautiful Porsche 911 was completed
perennial 911 came in 1966 with the the 911s pure design. at the Zuffenhausen-based works during
introduction of the 911S. Easily distinguished December of 1974 as a 1975 model-year
by its stylish Fuchs five-spoke alloy wheels, Over the past 40 years few sports cars have 911S 2.7 Targa. Elegantly finished in Off-
the 'S' featured a heavily revised engine proved as versatile as Porsche's legendary white exterior with color-coded Fuchs alloy
producing 160bhp, the increased urge raised 911, a model that has proved equally capable wheels shod Michelin tires, the 911 looks
top speed by 10mph to 135mph. A lengthened as a Grand Tourer, circuit racer or rally car. just right with the contrasting stainless-
wheelbase introduced in 1969 improved the Success in the latter role came only a few steel Targa roll bar and black Targa top. A
911's handling, and then in 1970 the air- years after its introduction, when works driver 1982 model-year 3.0-Liter SC engine and
cooled, 'flat six' engine underwent the first of Vic Elford became European Rally Champion transaxle has been fitted to give the car extra
many enlargements - to 2.2 liters. in 1967. In the modern era, the 911 has performance. Factory applied decals can
established itself as one of the most popular be found throughout the car, and less than
In 1974, all 911 variants received the 2.7-liter and successful sports cars and remains 59,000 miles was recorded on odometer at
unit, hitherto reserved for the Carrera, when nothing short of an automotive icon. the time of cataloging. A tool kit, jack and
the latter went to 3.0 liters. Coupled to a a space saver spare tire is located in the
tolerance of low-lead fuel, vastly superior fuel luggage compartment. A lovely example of the
consumption, and increased tank capacity, the quintessential 911 Targa, dating back to when
new 911 proved superior to its predecessor in the 911 had received many improvements, yet
every way as a fast, long-distance tourer. The not lost its classic style.
interior and seats were re-designed with more
comfortable seats, and the safety-bumpers $40,000 - 50,000


59. H Exciting period sports car racing
H Fitted with an original Fuelie 283
Chassis no. J59S104283
engine from the first Scaglietti Corvette
283ci OHV V8 Engine H Wonderful professional restoration
Rochester Fuel Injection performed
290bhp at 5,300rpm H Fully documented, and delivered from
4-Speed Manual Transmission new to go racing
Independent Front Suspension - Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Hydraulic Drum Brakes


Despite the short-lived 1957 AMA racing This exciting original 1959 Corvette sports Corp. in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, a prime supplier
ban, Zora Arkus-Duntov managed to endow racing car was factory ordered with the best of pistons for the American automobile
the rapidly maturing Corvette with a growing options suited to go racing. It was factory and trucking industry. (Company owner
selection of high-performance parts, and painted in 503A Solid Black complemented Fred Zollnerwas one of the founders of the
under his guidance, the revolutionary small- by 490D Red Trim and 470E White National Basketball Association and longtime
block V-8 made quantum leaps in power, convertible top. It was powered by the most owner of the Zollner Pistons team, later
reliability and sophistication. However, while potent engine available on Corvette's factory moved to Detroit where they became the
the Corvette was indeed a serious racing options list, the 283ci/290 horsepower Detroit Pistons). Cormany had attended an
contender by 1959, with a proven engine and solid lifter camshaft engine with Rochester SCCA driving school at Lockbourne Air Force
chassis combination only lacking lightweight fuel injection backed by a 4-speed manual Base in 1958 and raced a Corvette later that
bodywork. During that time, Carroll Shelby had transmission and Posi-traction rear axle. season, reportedly without much gratification
enlisted Sergio Scaglietti to build three unique which led to the acquisition of this unique
alloy body Corvettes in order to compete with This special Corvette was also equipped Corvette race car. He raced this car regularly
the best European manufacturers. While the with courtesy lights, heavy duty brakes and throughout the Midwest in 1959 and 1960,
Scaglietti Corvette project foundered with GM suspension, deluxe heater and windshield scoring twelve top-three finishes including
management, the Corvette's prowess grew washer which were the necessities needed four wins out of 22 events.
in the racing world, dominating road racing to go racing. These options all together
and winning the 1959 SCCA B-Production would add $1,210 to it base price of $3,875 The relationship between this Corvette
championship. Plans were also laid with Briggs for a total of $5,227. The original buyer of race car and the first Scaglietti Corvette
Cunningham to contest the 24 Hours of Le this rare Corvette was Gene Cormany, the developed in the late 1980s. The previous
Mans the following year. Vice President of Engineering for the Zollner owner of this Corvette racer had purchased

the original engine and fuel injection unit from converts to street driving configuration with
the first Scaglietti Corvette with plans to install a windshield swap.
it into his race car. That motor was removed
from the 1959 Scaglietti Corvette in order Corvettes that have been racecars since new
to get more power to be competitive at the rarely survive in anything close to this kind
vintage races. The engine was then saved of condition and almost never retain original
until the race car was ready to be restored documentation. Original documentation for
back to its period race glory. this treasured car includes original dealer
invoice, SCCA race results, ownership
Using period photos, this Corvette has history, period photos and restoration history.
been restored by a marque specialist to its A timeless car, it was state of the art in
period racing scheme of 503A Solid Black American V-8 sports cars in 1959 and it is
complemented by a 490D Red Leather still a welcome and competitive participant in
Interior with white meatballs and race historic racing series. Restored to the highest
number 9. It still retains its unique racing standards, it would complement any sports
equipment including a braced full width or racing car collection, with an intimate
bolt in roll bar, side exhaust, and steel connection to one of the best-known Corvette
wheels with period Firestone tires. The projects in its 290hp Fuel Injected engine from
driver and passenger sit behind a full-width the first of the Shelby Scaglietti Corvettes.
cutdown windscreen which utilizes the
original windshield mountings. It easily $180,000 - 220,000


Motorcars from the
Judge DiLoreto Collection
Lots 60 - 68

Bonhams is honored to have been chosen to offer the exceptional “This was the last and only World Championship that Alfa Romeo
collection of the late Judge Joseph E. ‘Joe’ DiLoreto at the 24th won,” commented the Judge. “I was able to buy that car from the
annual Quail Lodge Auction. Joe was a passionate car guy and a president of Alfa Romeo, and two tons of spare parts came with the
well-known Gentleman Driver on the SoCal and international racing deal. After the Italian manufacturer left motor racing, many of the
scene. His racing career stretched over 4 decades, and he was a other parts for the T33/TT/12 were sold off. I located the gentleman
founding member of the Vintage Auto Racing Association. He knew who purchased most of them in Milan, Italy. He agreed to sell me
the Unser brothers, Carroll Shelby, Mario Andretti, Paul Newman and two spare dyno’ed motors- one of them currently resides in the car.
Steve McQueen, and each of his cars were maintained to the highest Basically, I have enough engines to run the car for the next hundred
possible standards by his trusted crew chief Bob Habermehl. years!"

Many articles were written about Judge DiLoreto’s passion for sports The DiLoreto collection is crowned by the championship-winning,
and racing cars, among them was the 2007 Vintage Motorsport ex Derek Bell and Henri Pescarolo 1974 Alfa Romeo Tipo 33 TT
Magazine article, where DiLoreto was quoted: 12 - which Joe bought more than 4 decades ago directly from the
Alfa Romeo Works racing team - along with his prized 1966 Shelby
"I've always been interested in performance cars and race cars in Cobra 427 recently restored by renowned expert Mike McCluskey.
particular," states Joe DiLoreto before adding "I felt that if sometime Other historic racers include a championship-winning Lola T290, a
in my life I had the financial resources to acquire a race car, I would Dolphin America and Shelby Can-Am racer, two spectacular Jaguar
certainly do so.”. As it turns out, a successful career as a trial lawyer sports cars and a custom build Ford Ranchero.
before becoming a judge for the Los Angeles Superior Court allowed
him to buy the automobile of his dreams - followed by many others! Judge Joe DiLoreto was a perfect ambassador and true enthusiast
for the vintage motorsport hobby. His legacy and enthusiasm will live
“I purchased cars that I liked based on their performance first, on and be remembered through these incredible automobiles which
but aesthetic beauty comes into play, too. I have no classic Rolls he diligently campaigned for decades.
Royce’s, Bentleys or other automobiles of that nature. I prefer cars
that have a lot of horsepower or handle well.”

DiLoreto was understandably very proud of his 1974 Alfa Romeo

Tipo 33 TT 12, which won the World Prototype Championship in
1975. A number of legendary racers sat in the cockpit back then,
including Derek Bell, Jacky Ickx, Mario Andretti and Henri Pescarolo.

Without Reserve
H Offered from the Judge
DiLoreto Collection 1967 AUSTIN-HEALEY 3000 MK III BJ8
H The final iteration of the legendary
Chassis no. HBJ8L/39088
'Big Healey'
Engine no. 29K/RU/H13787
H Beautiful and classic Colorado
Red over Black livery 2,912cc OHV Inline 6-Cylinder Engine
H Lovely Austin-Healey Drophead 2 SU Carburetors
for spirited Sunday drives or tours 150bhp at 5,250rpm
4-Speed Manual Transmission with Overdrive
Front Independent Suspension - Live Rear Axle
Front Disc - Rear Drum Brakes


Designed as a sports car and indeed Offered here is a wonderful example of the the series, and must be assumed to be the
quite successful in rallying and racing, the final iteration of the classic Austin-Healey original factory unit.
Austin-Healey 3000 had by the mid-1960s 3000, benefitting from the long list of
evolved into the fully civilized 3000 Mk III. improvements carried out through the nearly A great sports car that can be used for
Fitted with roll-up windows and an easily decade-long production run. Completed at spirited drives on twisty roads, or longer
operable soft top, the 2+2 tourer was quite the Abingdon factory during the latter part of weekends away from home, the final-evolution
enjoyable and safe for daily driving. Fitted 1966, this 3000 Mk III BJ8 was configured Austin-Healey 3000 Mk III BJ8 has room for
with the potent 2,912cc 150bhp twin-carb with left hand steering. Although the car's two with luggage and a picnic basket and
six-cylinder engine, mated to a four-speed early history remains unknown, this lovely would surely make for an excellent foray into
manual overdrive transmission, and equipped example is known to have joined DiLoreto's the British sports car experience.
with disc brakes in the front, the 3000 Mk III esteemed collection during the mid-1990s.
provided performance worthy of its sporting Finished in Colorado Red with trim in black, $40,000 - 55,000
heritage. Top speed was 121mph and the the Healey displays an older restoration WITHOUT RESERVE
0-60mph time dipped below 10 seconds. very well, and many finishes and ancillaries
Despite the antiquity of the basic design, appear to be original and preserved. The
the Big Healey remained as popular as ever, Austin-Healey is fitted with chrome wire
though increasingly stringent safety and wheels, luggage rack and a classic wood-
emissions legislation meant that its days rimmed steering wheel, giving it just the
were numbered. right period look. The engine number plate
falls into the right sequence of the chassis
number, is of the correct 29K prefix type for


Without Reserve
61. H Offered from the Judge DiLoreto
1959 JAGUAR XK150 3.4 DROPHEAD COUPE Collection
H Beautiful example of the fully-
Chassis no. S827414DN
evolved XK Jaguar
Engine no. V7059-8
H Appropriately finished in
3,442cc DOHC Inline 6-Cylinder Engine Carmen Red over black livery
2 SU Carburetors H Elegant and timeless Jaguar looks
220bhp at 5,500rpm and powerful Twin-cam power
4-Speed Manual Transmission
Front Independent Suspension - Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


"The Jaguar XK150 is undeniably one of the Cleverly, the new body used many XK120/140 were the transmission options, the latter
world's fastest and safest cars. It is quiet and pressings, the increased width being achieved becoming an increasingly popular choice,
exceptionally refined mechanically, docile and by means of a 4"-wide central fillet. A higher while a Thornton Powr-Lok limited-slip
comfortable... we do not know of any more front wing line and broader radiator grille differential was available for the XK150S.
outstanding example of value for money." - were other obvious differences, but the new
The Autocar. model's main talking point was its Dunlop
disc brakes. Fade following repeated stops
What would turn out to be the final glorious from high speed had been a problem of the
incarnation of Jaguar's fabulous 'XK' earlier, drum-braked cars, but now the XK
series of sports cars arrived in 1957. As its had stopping power to match its prodigious
nomenclature suggests, the XK150 was straight-line speed.
a progressive development of the XK120
and XK140, retaining the same basic Introduced in the spring of 1957, the
chassis, 3.4-liter engine and four-speed XK150 was available at first only in fixed
Moss transmission of its predecessors and drop head coupe forms, the open
while benefiting from a new, wider body roadster version not appearing until the
that provided increased interior space and following year. At 190bhp, the standard
improved visibility courtesy of a single-piece 3.4-liter engine's maximum power output
wrap-around windscreen, replacing the was identical to that of the XK140, so
XK140's divided screen. performance was little changed. Overdrive
and a Borg-Warner automatic gearbox


Completed at Jaguar's Browns Lane, some point. A great entry to rallies and
Coventry works during 1959, this now driving events, this Jaguar benefits from the
classic Jaguar XK150 was built as a top- many updates and improvements carried
of-the-line Drophead Coupe version and out on the XK model since introduced in
appears to have been configured as a the late 1940s.
right-hand drive example. The powerful and
timeless Jaguar XK was acquired by Judge $75,000 - 100,000
DiLoreto in the mid-2000s, and today WITHOUT RESERVE
displays its older restoration very well,
while many finishes and ancillaries appear
to be original and preserved. Finished in
period-correct Carmen Red over a black
interior and convertible top, this XK150
Drophead Coupe looks incredibly elegant
and appropriate. Chrome wire wheels are
installed fitted with whitewall tires, and
out front a set of period-correct driving
lights are mounted. The XK150's stamped
engine block number appears to fall into
the appropriate sequence, but the cylinder
head appears to have been replaced at


62. H Offered from the Judge DiLoreto Collection
1974 ALFA ROMEO TIPO 33 TT 12 H Autodelta works car part of the 1975
World Champion Winning season
Chassis no. AR11512*010*
H Raced by Derek Bell and Henri Pescarolo
Engine no. 11512 071
to wins at Spa, Zeltweg and the Glen
2,995cc DOHC Flat 12-Cylinder Engine H Purchased directly from Alfa Romeo
Lucas Fuel Injection Works Team Autodelta by Judge DiLoreto
500bhp at 11,000rpm
5-Speed Manual Transaxle
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Ventilated Disc Brakes


Alfa Romeo withdrew from top-class career with a 3.0-liter flat-twelve in another T33/3 proved similarly unreliable at first,
international racing at the end of the 1953 spaceframe. The T33/2's debut season though by the end of the 1970 season its
season, when its team of sports-racing was notably inauspicious: of the three promise was beginning to be fulfilled.
coupés was led by Juan-Manuel Fangio. endurance classics entered - Sebring
A period of relative inactivity followed, 12 Hours, Targa Florio and Nürburgring 1971 would bring the T33/3 its first outright
but in 1964 Alfa established Autodelta, 1,000km - only one resulted in a finish, victories: in the BOAC 1,000km at Brands Hatch
an autonomous competitions department Roberto Businello and Teodoro Zeccoli (Pescarolo/De Adamich) and the Targa Florio
under the direction of Ing. Carlo Chiti. At bringing their Tipo 33 home in 5th place (Vaccarella/Hezemans), but on most tracks the
first Autodelta ran modified production cars in the latter event. Happily, 1968 would superior power of the 5.0-liter Porsche 917 held
and special editions which were based on turn out to be an entirely different story. sway and the World Championship went to the
production components. Then, for 1967, Its reliability problems sorted, the T33B-2 German manufacturer.
Alfa Romeo and Autodelta jointly produced scored a resounding 1, 2, 3 finish in the
a bespoke sports-racer, the Tipo 33, 2-Liter Prototype class at Daytona, which The change to a 3.0-liter formula for sports
keeping that designation even though it was followed up by further class wins in the prototypes for 1972 should have seen the
ran through a wide variety of engines and Targa Florio, Nürburgring 1,000km and at T33/3 ideally placed to secure its first World
methods of chassis construction over the Le Mans. Championship, but Ferrari came up with the
course of the succeeding decade. 312PB and Alfa once again had to settle for
While the 2.0-liter T33/2 was competitive 2nd place. Retiring, temporarily, to lick its
The Tipo 33 began with a 2.0-liter V8 in a in its class, it was seldom able to challenge wounds, Alfa Romeo returned in 1974 with
tubular chassis, progressing via a 3.0-liter for outright victory, a shortcoming Alfa the flat-twelve-engined Tipo 33 TT 12. The
V8 in a monocoque, before ending its addressed with the 3.0-liter T33/3. The season began at Monza where Mario Andretti,


partnered by Arturo Merzario, led an Alfa The Tipo 33 TT 12-cylinder was the most racing program, as the political situation in
Romeo 1, 2, 3. Matra took the World successful variant of the Tipo 33, winning Italy was such that Autodelta was unable to
Championship that year, but Alfa Romeo seven of eight races the Autodelta team rely on government support and forced to
were close behind and the following entered in 1975, and clinging the FIA look elsewhere for funding. A partnership
season their effort was masterminded by World Championship for Alfa Romeo that was found with the Willi Kauhsen Racing
Willi Kauhsen's team. The Tipo 33 TT 12 year. The car presented here from Judge Team (WKRT), which was active in German-
took wins at Dijon, Monza, Spa, Watkins DiLoreto's incredible collection of sports based GT and Interserie racing. By
Glen, the Osterreichring, the Nürburgring and racing cars, chassis AR11512*010*, transferring the official racing management
and the Targa Florio, winning the 1975 played an important role in the 1975 from Autodelta to the WKRT, Alfa Romeo
World Championship to crown a nine-year season, and is considered a Championship could represent Italy in the FIA World
racing career. Winning car. Championship while avoiding the political
fallout. Though the cars were technically
Alfa Romeo/Autodelta factory records entered by the WKRT, Autodelta, under
on file indicate that chassis 010 was the direction of Carlo Chiti, was still largely
manufactured in 1974. It saw its first outing responsible for the racing program.
at the 1974 1000 Km of Imola and would
then race in all eight rounds of the 1975 The first round of the 1975 championship
World Championships season, driven took place at Daytona, yet first race for the
primarily by legendary drivers Derek Bell Tipo 33s was the 1000 Km of Mugello on
and Henri Pescarolo. At first, 1975 looked March 23. In this race, chassis 010 was
to be a challenging year for the Alfa Romeo entrusted to Arturo Merzario and Jacky Ickx,


who qualified the car in pole position. In an chassis 010 was raced in the Coppa Florio the quickest, but it won races. The car
exciting race in which the Alfa Romeo and in Sicily, where Bell and Pescarolo finished was really fabulous, had gotten reliable
its main competitor, Renault-Alpine, were 2nd. The following month, the Tipo 33 and never really let us down or certainly
locked in a battle for the lead, the Tipo 33 raced at Nürburgring, but retired after a not often. Merzario would overrev it, but it
was eventually forced into a 2nd Place finish minor incident. would take it. The car was always very well
following an unexpected pit stop. In its next prepared, and it ran well"
race at Dijon, chassis 010 would once again The most successful race of the season
be in fierce battle with the Renault-Alpines. was in June, at the 1000 Km Zeltweg in Following the winning 1975 season, Alfa
With Henri Pescarolo and Derek Bell behind Austria. There, Pescarolo and Bell drove Romeo retired chassis 010 and campaigned
the wheel, the Tipo 33 finished 4th. After this car to victory, winning the FIA World the latest Tipo 33 SC 12's and Turbos
suspension and oil pressure problems at Championship for Alfa Romeo. Not keen in 1976 and 1977. In April of 1980, Alfa
Monza, chassis 010, now featuring Campari to rest on its laurels, the Alfa Romeo team Romeo sold 010 to Judge DiLoreto, at the
sponsorship, proved victorious at the 1000 came over to the US for the last race of the time an aspiring collector and vintage racer.
Kilometers of Spa, as Derek Bell, who loved season, the Watkins Glen 6 Hours. Once Original letters found in 010's impressive
the challenging high-speed circuit, qualified again, Pescarolo and Bell won the race, history file between Alfa Romeo/Autodelta
on pole and dominated the race, which giving chassis 010 its third win in eight and DiLoreto outlines that DiLoreto would
took place under challenging wet and dry races. In Peter Collins and Ed McDonough's not be able to sell the Tipo 33 for a 10-
conditions. "Spa was my first win in the definitive book, Alfa Romeo Tipo 33: The year period, without written consent from
Alfa," Bell said, "and I thought it was a great Development & Racing History, Derek Bell Alfa Romeo S.p.A, and outlines they would
race because I beat Ickx in the other Alfa recalls his experience with chassis 010. make spare parts available to him for the
and his home circuit." Following Spa, "The car was phenomenal. It wasn't always first 18 months. Throughout DiLoreto's

Derek Bell on the way to victory, Spa 1975.


Carlo Chiti joining his winning team for a photo after Derek Bell and Henri Pescarolo, in 010, won the Austrian 1,000 kms.

ownership, the Tipo 33 has been an between Alfa Romeo/Autodelta and Judge this Alfa Romeo possess a complete,
active and competitive entrant in US DiLoreto, including a letter from Carlo uninterrupted provenance, remaining in
vintage races, including several wins at the Chiti confirming chassis 010 as one of the DiLoreto's collection since its sale in 1980
Monterey Historic Automobile Races. In his factory team cars that won the 1975 FIA from Alfa Romeo/Autodelta.
care, the Alfa Romeo has been consistently World Championship for Makes.
maintained by his skilled race mechanics, Boasting the 1975 Championship
and 010 is today faithfully presented in its Presented here is a rare opportunity to credentials, its iconic Campari livery,
1975 world championship livery. acquire one of the six original Tipo 33 TT an exceptional competition record and
12's. Of the remaining five examples, one is unblemished history, Tipo 33 chassis no.
Eligible for many prestigious events in the a fixture in the Museo Storico Alfa Romeo 010 must be considered among the most
US and abroad, this Alfa Romeo is offered in Arese, Italy, while another is displayed significant Alfa Romeo racing cars of the
with a supply of spares including, wheels, at the renowned Simeone Foundation postwar era.
a second tail section, a period Alfa Romeo Automotive Museum in Philadelphia, PA.
briefcase with various electronic parts, In just one season, 010 accomplished $1,700,000 - 2,200,000
and most importantly, a spare 33 TT 12 everything that Alfa Romeo and Autodelta
engine, purchased directly from Alfa Romeo had originally set out to achieve with the Offered on Bill Of Sale
and numbered 11512 079. Also included Tipo 33. During its career as a works car,
with the sale is the impressive history it was raced by many of the era's greatest ◊ See Legend on page 5 for bidding instructions.
file of documents that includes period drivers, including Derek Bell, Jacky Ickx,
photographs, original Autodelta records Henri Pescarolo, and Arturo Merzario.
such as built sheets, and correspondence Beyond its incredible roster of drivers,


63. H Offered from the Judge
1972 LOLA T290 DiLoreto Collection
H Significant North American
Chassis no. T290-HU27
racing success in the 1970s
2-Liter DOHC Cosworth Inline 4-Cylinder Engine with many victories
Mechanical Fuel Injection H Raced in the hands of
Est. 300bhp at 6,400rpm Warren Purdy, Tim Evans
5-Speed Manual Transaxle and Carl Thompson
4-Wheel Independent Suspension H Engine prepared by Bob Slate
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


From humble beginnings in 1958, when the of the FJ frame powered by the 1,500cc The success of its T70 'Big Banger'
prototype Mark 1 sports car emerged from a Coventry-Climax FWMV V8 engine. John notwithstanding, it was a return to small-
garage behind the Broadley family's tailoring Surtees led the Bowmaker Finance-backed bore sports racers that kicked off one of the
shop in Bromley, Kent, Lola Cars quickly équipe, and a domestic F1 win in the 2000 most successful eras in the history of the
established a winning reputation and grew to Guineas race at Mallory Park presaged company, which had moved to Slough before
become a major force in world motorsport. second places in the British and German relocating to Huntingdon where the present
Lola's success in commercial racing car GPs, which built towards the brilliant, multiple- Lola Cars International Company remains.
production was based firmly on design world-champion motorcyclist finishing 4th in While northern rival Chevron remained
integrity and build quality, both evident from the 1962 Driver's World Championship, won exclusively committed to closed spaceframe
that very first sports car. Pitched into an arena by BRM's Graham Hill. cars, Lola's weapon for 1970 shocked the
dominated by Colin Chapman's Lotus 11s, the Boltonians to the core. The neat aluminum
Lola Mk1 soon proved to be the car to beat. Among Broadley's early projects was the monocoque T210 was an open barchetta
Mk6 GT coupé, which laid the foundations for with a smaller frontal area than the swoopy
Eric Broadley, his cousin Graham and Rob Ford's all-conquering GT40, but the former B16, the body of which was also produced
Rushbrook, at whose garage premises the builder's ability to produce cars for a wide by Specialised Mouldings.
first customer production versions were variety of formulae was only just beginning to
made, were the architects of the early bubble to the surface. In 1966, for instance, The T210 set new parameters of excellence
success, which continued with a front- Lola Cars's stock rose in the USA when in the fledgling European 2-Liter Sports
engined single-seater, the Formula Junior Graham Hill won the celebrated Indianapolis Car Championship for Makes in 1970. With
Mk2. By 1962, Lola was in Formula 1, with 500 in a T90 and Surtees the inaugural Can- Swiss-based Swedish veteran Jo Bonnier,
the well-sponsored team running an evolution Am championship in a T70 Spyder. Lola's European agent, heading up the


driving strength, it took all the might honors at Le Mans and in the USA. This Lola T290 chassis number HU27 offered here
of Brian Redman to keep the 1,800cc T290 family of cars (and the closely related from the Judge DiLoreto collection was raced
Chevron (which had beaten Porsche 917s T280 series, powered by 3.0-liter Formula with great success at major North American
and T70s at some circuits) competitive 1 Cosworth DFV V8 engines) are widely circuits and series during the mid and late
in its second season. After the most regarded as classics of production racing 1970s. In the hands of Warren Purdy, Tim
Evans and Carl Thompson, HU27 took many
exciting Group 6 confrontation in history, sports car design.
podiums and wins. The Lola T290 joined the
at the challenging Spa-Francorchamps DiLoreto stable of sports and racing cars
circuit, Bonnier won the drivers' crown but during the mid-1990s and was subsequently
Redman, by now in a hastily chopped- vintage raced for decades by Judge DiLoreto.
down B16 Spyder, did enough to earn He would keep the Lola in good fettle, and
Chevron manufacturers' honors. although the work was done some years ago,
the Cosworth engine in the car has just about
Austrian Helmut Marko won the 10 hours on it after it was rebuilt by Bob Slate.
Championship again in 1971 with the
T210's T212 successor, helping Lola to Examples of the ultra-rare, period-correct
the manufacturer's crown that year. The Cosworth DFV-engined Lola T290 come to the
subsequent ultra-successful and extremely market only very infrequently and are keenly
attractive T290 family of 2.0-liter sports cars sought after when they do, which makes
(which evolved through T292, T294, T296 the opportunity to acquire this car one of
and T298 versions) kept Lola in the hunt in exceptional significance for serious collectors.
European championships and for class
$110,000 - 140,000


Without Reserve
64. H Offered from the Judge DiLoreto
H Campaigned at the Goodwood
Chassis no. 004
Revival and Monterey Historics
302ci OHV Chevrolet V8 Engine H Accompanied by FIA paperwork
Mechanical Fuel Injection H Fitted with powerful Chevy V8
Est. 300bhp at 6,400rpm engine prepared by Ed Pink
5-Speed Manual Hewland Transaxle
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Budd Hull established the Dolphin Engineering The Dolphin America Sports Racer was Championships in 1964 and 1966. In 1963,
company of San Diego in December 1959 produced by Dolphin engineer, Don Maslim, the Dolphin factory was commissioned by
and over a five-year period the company modifying the previous Dolphin Formula Otto Zipper to produce a Porsche engined
produced three distinct models and nearly Junior design, literally widening the existing example of their "America" model. This
50 cars. Significantly each Dolphin model spaceframe and increasing the track from 47 1100-pound special was 160 pounds lighter
won races in their respective categories to 51 inches. The Ferrari Testa Rossa look to than the Porsche RS Spyder model! The
making Dolphin a short lived, but quite the front of the car really excited aficionados extremely rigid frame with sophisticated
successful winning marque. Dolphin of the day and the "America" was offered suspension and potent 1700cc RS61 engine
racing cars were the product of Bud Hull's without engines or gearboxes, so customers and drive train combined with Ken Miles'
partnership with John Crosthwaite, an could choose what they wanted from Crosley driving was a formidable combination, with
English race car design engineer, who to Buick V8 power. Mr. Miles taking the car to a number of
worked with BRM, Cooper, Lotus and successes in 1963.
Mickey Thompson. Ken Miles was the The first America was powered by a 750cc
Dolphin factory driver and contributed to Coventry Climax engine and was shown in
handling development of the cars, that August 1962. With oil and water, but no fuel,
are today recognized as really competitive the car weighed just 775 lbs. There followed
with the best contemporary European an 1100cc Climax FWA-powered car which
designs, having stiff, lightweight, straight was campaigned with great success by
tube chassis frames and state of the art all West Coast driver Ron Cole, and the highly
adjustable suspension. successful Dolphin – Abarth of Dan Parkinson
that won two H Modified USA National


The Dolphin America Sports Racer offered to the rollbar attests to a comprehensive vintage
here is fitted with a Dolphin Engineering racing record to date, including many outings
Co chassis plate indicating that it was at the Monterey Historics. Today the car is fitted
constructed at the El Cajon/San Diego with a powerful 4.8-liter Chevrolet V8 engine
Dolphin Works during December of 1961, prepared be renowned race engine builder
fitted with a 4.7-Liter V8 engine and given Ed Pink, and a durable Hewland FG 5-speed
chassis number 4. Although the early transaxle puts the power to the rear wheels.
history of the car remains unclear, the
Dolphin America Sports Racer appeared This is a well-known sports racing car owned and
at local vintage race events around 1975 campaigned for many years by Judge DiLoreto,
with a near-stock 215 Oldsmobile V8 and unquestionably the largest engined Dolphin
engine and a Citroen transaxle. The 1961 America sports racer in existence.
Dolphin America Sports Racer joined the
DiLoreto collection decades ago and would It is competitive, and is a potent and unique
become a favorite of Judge DiLoreto to racing car adding variety to any large capacity
take to vintage racing events around the sports racing class.
World. DiLoreto obtained FIA paperwork
$60,000 - 90,000
for the Dolphin America in 2003, and then
brought the car to the Goodwood Revival
motorsports event in the UK in 2004. The Offered on Bill of Sale
many racing scrutineering stickers affixed


65. H Offered from the Judge DiLoreto
1966 SHELBY COBRA 427 Collection
H Recent comprehensive restoration
Chassis no. CSX3205
by renowned Cobra expert
427ci OHV V8 Engine Mike McCluskey
Dual Quad 4-Barrel Carburetors H Owned and treasured by DiLoreto
Est. 400bhp at 6,000rpm for more than 37 years
4-Speed Manual Transmission H Well-documented example of the
4-Wheel Independent Suspension legendary Big Block Cobra
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Rightly regarded as one of the all-time great steering was the major MkII up-date; then in Manufacturer's Championship in 1965 with
classic sports cars, the muscular, fire- 1965 a new, stronger, coil-suspended MkIII the Pete Brock-designed Daytona Coupe.
breathing Cobra succeeded in capturing chassis was introduced to accommodate
the hearts of enthusiasts like few of its Ford's 427ci (7-liter) V8 engine, which in Competition and semi, or 'street' competition
contemporaries. Texan Carroll Shelby had race trim could produce well in excess of (S/C) versions used the mighty 427. The 'S/C'
gone racing in Europe in the late 1950s and 500bhp. Wider bodywork, extended wheel had been created by the simple expedient
realized that a combination of a lightweight arch flares and a bigger radiator intake of mildly 'de-tuning' 31 unsold competition
American V8 engine and a proven European combined to create the definitive - and cars. De-tuned? How does 0-100mph in 8.8
chassis was a winning combination. He much copied - Cobra MkIII look. seconds and 165mph sound?
had a Ford V8 installed in the chassis of an
AC Ace, named the result the 'Cobra' and Shelby's "dream team" of drivers included The Cobra set new standards of performance
proved his point. Ken Miles, Phil Remington, and Pete Brock, for road cars and was highly effective in
who were supported by other racing legends competition. Just 1,000-or so Cobras of all
Formalizing the arrangement, Shelby had behind the scenes. The Ford-powered, AC types were built between 1962 and 1967.
AC Cars send Cobras - minus engines Ace-derived Cobra was faster and more
- from England to be finished off at his reliable then almost anything else produced,
facilities in California. The 260ci (4.2-liter) dominating the competition in almost
prototype first ran in January 1962, with every instance. The Cobra won the U.S.
production commencing later that year. In Manufacturer's Championship consecutively
1963, the more powerful 289ci (4.7-liter) in 1963, 1964, and 1965. Shelby would go on
unit was standardized. Rack-and-pinion to win the hotly contested 1965 FIA World



The Shelby American Automobile Club with roughly 2,000 miles on the clock. Solack advertised CSX 3205 for sale in
World Registry documents that CSX 3205 Its next owner Frank Solack of Trenton, 1971: 'Cobra 1967, 427 c.i.d. Blue with
was Billed to Shelby American on January New Jersey, said the CSX 3205 sat on the black interior. Completely original. 8,000
4th, 1966, with work order number 18105 McCafferty showroom floor from the late miles. Never raced or abused. $7,000'.
stating 'Build 427 Street Cobra CSX3205'. summer of 1966 into early 1968. At that Dan Fitzgerald of Laconia, New Hampshire
The work order was opened on February time, Solack offered to trade the dealership became the next owner, before it was
24th, 1966 and closed on April 1st, 1966. his lime gold 1967 GT350 for the Cobra, in turn sold to Kirk White Motorcars of
Shelby invoice number A2997, dated and a deal was struck which valued the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and subsequently
April 11th, 1966, billed McCafferty Ford of latter at $5,500. Solack installed low-profile painted and acquired in December of 1972
Trenton, New Jersey for the new Cobra: 'Indy' tires on the car's Sunburst wheels, by Charles Welles, who was stationed at
'CSX3205, 1966 Cobra - Primer/Black, noting that they were actually illegal for street the Philadelphia Naval Base. By 1974,
$6,145.00, less a credit of $150.00 for 'no use: 'When you lit them up, he recalled, a 427 cubic-inch engine was installed in
paint, primer only', plus freight, $320.00, they didn't squeal - they just made sort of place of the original 428 unit, and the car
total $6,315.00. CSX 3205 was trucked a scraping noise until they got hot, caught, was registered as having covered some
to New Jersey, where McCafferty had the and you were off like a slingshot!' Solack also 12,000 miles. Andy Harmon of Hattiesburg,
new car painted blue. They dealership recalled that the Cobra was a lot to handle in Mississippi purchased CSX 3205 in 1975
sold CSX 3205 Sid Quait of Drexel Hills, the winter snow. Solack indicated that before when its mileage had reached 14,000. He
PA. Quait - who was reportedly one of he sold CSX 3205 he accidently chipped the had the car painted a lighter blue color, with
McCafferty's salesmen - found the car paint in the driver's door jamb and noticed white scallops, pinstripes, center and side-
uncomfortable for his large size and traded red paint beneath the blue. stripes, and 'COBRA 427' spelled out in
it back to the dealership later in the summer 4-inch letters. At this time a white hard top,

chrome side-pipes, full roll bar, hood scoop exhaust. Today the Cobra's Smith odometer
and Halibrand wheels was installed. reads less than 29,000 miles, a figure which
is indeed believed to reflect CSX 3205's
CSX 3205 was acquired by Judge DiLoreto original mileage. This very Cobra has been
with 21,000 miles on the odometer in featured in many books and magazines,
October of 1983 and has since been a including 'The Marque', 'The Shelby
treasured part of his incredible collection of American', and it graced the cover of the
sports and racing cars. A personal friend May 1990 issue of Sports Car International.
of Carroll Shelby, DiLoreto naturally needed CSX 3205 is a genuine and pedigreed
to own and enjoy the final evolution of example of the legendary 427 Cobra.
Carroll's legendary Cobra. CSX 3205 today
stands out as a well-documented example $900,000 - 1,200,000
which benefits from Judge DiLoreto's
diligent ownership for nearly four decades, ◊ See Legend on page 5 for bidding instructions.
and a recent, comprehensive restoration
performed by renowned Cobra expert
Mike McCluskey. With the tasteful and
period-correct S/C upgrades, CSX 3205
looks spectacular in the Guardsman blue-
like color it wears with white Shelby Le Mans
Racing stripes and white-painted side


Without Reserve
66. H Offered from the Judge DiLoreto
H Acquired new by DiLoreto directly
Chassis no. 033
from his friend Carroll Shelby
201ci OHV Dodge V8 Engine H Designed for the Shelby
Electronic Fuel Injection Can-Am series
Est. 275bhp at 6,200rpm H Incredible power to weight ratio
5-Speed Manual Transaxle and handling
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


In 1990 Shelby returned to his racing roots The first race was a demonstration event Judge DiLoreto acquired this Shelby Can-
and designed a Dodge-powered Can-Am during the SCCA National Championship Am Racing Single Seater soon after Shelby
spec race car. The cars were designed to Runoffs. The Shelby Can-Am class, and a announced the new series in 1990. As
be an inexpensive way for people to enter pro series were launched by the SCCA in personal friend of Carroll Shelby's; DiLoreto
the racing scene. The chassis were built by 1991. The pro series ran for six years. purchased the Can-Am directly from the
Racefab Inc. of Rusk, Texas and housed a Shelby American Works, and requested
3.3-liter 60-degree Dodge V6 in a special to receive chassis number 33, his favorite
racing configuration making 255hp. racing number. The Can-Am racer is finished
in a red and white livery, topped by a blue
Originally, the plan was to produce two rear wing. The Dodge V6 engine was
versions of this car, with the 255hp version prepared by Ed Pink in the past but has not
for the entry circuit and a significantly more seen track time for the past decade. When
powerful 500hp model for the brave. Since considering the Shelby Can-Am's incredible
all the cars were identical, the winners were power to weight ratio, it is hard to think of a
to be the people with the best talent, not the more enjoyable weekend track-toy.
team with the most funding. The engines
had Shelby seals on them ensuring that they $30,000 - 50,000
could only be repaired by Shelby and that all WITHOUT RESERVE
the engines stayed mechanically identical.


Without Reserve
H Offered from the Judge DiLoreto
H The final evolution of the legendary
Chassis no. UE1S25187
Engine no. 7S16549LA
H Striking Pale Primrose over
Biscuit livery 5,343cc SOHC V12 Engine
H A lovely example of a British 4 Zenith-Stromberg Carburetors
motoring icon 264bhp at 5,750rpm
4-Speed Manual Transmission
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Few self-respecting automotive connoisseurs were produced, Jaguar's preceding short- This lovely Series III E-Type Roadster
could ever ignore that iconic 20th Century wheelbase Fixed-Head Coupe body style was purchased by Judge DiLoreto a few
classic, the E-Type Jaguar. From its being discontinued. decades ago, and has been kept largely in
sensational launch with its 3.8-liter 6-cylinder preserved cosmetic condition since, with
'XK' series engine in 1961 to its final With the large cross-slatted radiator grille – much of the original interior still intact. The
expression as the 5.3-liter V12-engined described by Motor Sport magazine as "a cockpit is fitted with a Moto Lita wood-
Series III model twenty years later, Coventry's decorative birdcage" – flared wheel arches rimmed steering wheel, A/C and manual
finest was not only an aspirational supercar accommodating wider track and bigger transmission. The thrill of manipulating the
of its era, but also a generally attainable tires, plus V12 nomenclature adorning the torquey five-plus liter V12 via throttle and
one – always offering would-be owners' tail, these Series III cars continued all the clutch is a sensation unique to these final
tremendous value for the money. American Federal Regulations features evolution E-Types, themselves the ultimate
of the preceding Series II models while evolution of the original E-Type design that
It was in 1971 that Jaguar introduced the also adopting uprated brakes and power dated back to 1961. One of the last of the
Series III with the Walter Hassan/Harry steering as standard. From the new Series' breed, this E-Type is sure to provide many
Mundy-developed 5.3-liter SOHC V12 launch in 1971 to the end of production in thrills for its next keeper.
engine which became an industry standard 1975, some 15,200 were manufactured.
for its combination of smoothly unobtrusive $55,000 - 75,000
torque and power. The new V12 was WITHOUT RESERVE
standardized upon the 105-inch longer-
wheelbase floor pan of the 2-plus-2 variant,
and only roadster and 2-plus-2 models


Without Reserve
68. H Offered from the Judge DiLoreto
H Hi-Po engine built by Louis Unser,
Chassis no. C8RF142407
performance chassis by Rick Parent
475ci Supercharged V8 Engine H Fearless stoplight dragracer with a
2 Four-barrel Carburetors utility angle
Est. 950bhp at 6,800rpm H A serious High Performance Hot
Automatic Transmission with B&M Shift Rod in Patriotic Livery
Independent Front Suspension - Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Disk Brakes


"It's more than a car! It's more than a truck! Finished in patriotic livery with Stars and to quickly go through the gears and get the
Any way you look at it, the stunning new Stripes running down the flanks, this potent truck up to speed. DiLoreto used his
Ranchero is the slickest, sleekest pickup 1958 Ranchero is as far from its original Ranchero Street Rod quite often, even on
ever to pack a load. And what a load! The mechanical specification as it can be, while longer trips to Hot August Nights in Reno.
Ranchero carries more than half a ton— still retaining its original classic 1950s design. The Ranchero is believed to put out as much
more than many standard pickups!" -Ford Judge DiLoreto commissioned the build of as 950 horsepower, and will surely be the
advertisement for the new Ranchero this serious Street Rod, and really took it fastest truck in the Home Depot parking
all the way. Mind you, he was not a man to lot, should one decide to haul some lumber
The Blue Oval and the Bowtie had been do things half-way. DiLoreto would entrust home with it.
locked in a protracted battle in the market for the chassis build of his Ranchero with Rick
pickup truck buyers since the end of the war. Parent, who fully customized it front to $60,000 - 90,000
When the Ranchero debuted, it put Chevrolet back, while fitting Weld Racing wheels on WITHOUT RESERVE
on the back foot once again. The new vehicle Mickey Thompson performance tires. A fully
had the good looks and luxury of a Fairlane customized interior and steering wheel was
with the practicality of a pickup from the installed, as was a Vintage Air A/C system
B-pillar back - a veritable work boot with full to keep the cabin cool on a hot Southern
brogue wingtip design. California day. Out front, an extremely
powerful 475 cubic-inch V8 built by Louis
Unser was fitted, topped by a massive
Supercharger sucking through two 4-barrel
carburetors. A B&M quick shifter was fitted

69. H Delivered new and in single-family
1955 MERCEDES-BENZ 300SL GULLWING COUPE California ownership over 40 years
H Restoration and maintenance work
Chassis no. 198.040.5500801
performed by Steve Marx and Hjeltness
Engine no. 198980.5500828
H Matching numbers example retaining
2,996cc SOHC Inline 6-Cylinder Engine original engine and coachwork
Bosch Mechanical Fuel Injection H Thoroughly documented example,
240bhp at 6,100rpm eligible for the finest events Globally
4-Speed Manual Transmission
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Drum Brakes


Instantly recognizable not only by automobile to design, build, and develop a new single- The 300SL's first racing trial was the 1952
buffs, but virtually anyone on the planet, the seater for the 1954 season. Instead, Chief Mille Miglia, where Kling finished second
immortal 300SL (for Sports Leicht) Gullwing Engineer Fritz Nallinger suggested that the to Giovanni Bracco's open Ferrari, while
coupe arguably competes for the title of company build a new two-seat sports Rudolf Caracciola was fourth, the two
"Greatest Sports Car of the 1950s," and car utilizing the strong in-line SOHC six- Gullwings being split by a Lancia. The third
surely qualifies for anyone's Top 10 list of the cylinder engine from its luxurious 300 series. Coupe had gone off the road early in the
greatest automobiles of all time. A period Because the engine and drivetrain were grueling contest. Next came the Grand Prix
favorite of wealthy celebrities, it ranks today relatively heavy, the chassis would have to of Berne, where a quartet of 300SLs took
among the most valued and collectable sports be extremely light. Test Department manager the start and swept the top three positions,
cars ever produced. Rudolf Uhlenhaut, having some experience Caracciola having crashed in what would
with tubular chassis design, sat down with prove to be his last race.
The 300SL coupe was the direct descendant construction engineer Joseph Müller and
of Mercedes Benz' Le Mans W194 laid out an extremely light (154 pounds) Then came Le Mans, where Uhlenhaut
competition coupe, conceived in 1952 and and rigid lattice-work chassis capable of struck fear into the competition by bringing
aimed at wresting the World Sportscar accommodating the big in-line six. One major an SL coupe fitted with a hand-operated
Championship from Alfa Romeo, Ferrari, and problem soon presented itself: there was no air brake mounted on the roof. While that
Lancia, which were dominating post-war way to mount conventional doors without particular car was not raced, Mercedes
endurance racing. Mercedes-Benz historian compromising the rigidity of the chassis. The would tuck the idea in its pocket for future
W. Robert Nitzke writes that company solution was to raise the entry so that the use. After the grueling 24-hour epic, a
management wanted to jump back into Grand doors cut into the roof, but that meant hinging pair of 300SLs had finished in the top two
Prix racing, where it had been so successful them from the top, thus giving birth to this positions...and were then driven back to
before the war, but lacked the time necessary car's timeless signature design feature. the factory!


New York imported auto entrepreneur Max Completed on October 11th and shipped car in Gullwing Group club events, and
Hoffman, credited with urging Mercedes Benz on October 29th, 1955, to Mercedes-Benz surely appreciated the hugely collectible
to build a production sports car based on Distributors of Manhattan, New York - the aspect of the 300SL early on.
the 300SL racing car. The 300SL Gullwing, legendary Max Hoffmann agency - 300SL
in final form, was unveiled at the New York Gullwing chassis number 5500801 was a Stanley Kaufman would own Gullwing
International Motor Sports Show in early special-order example painted in DB 190 5500801 until his passing in 2009, at which
February 1954, and actual production began Graphite Gray with 1079 Red Leather. time his daughter, Joan Kaufman Nielsen,
that fall. The new coupe was slightly changed Robert Rau of Pacific Palisades, California was entrusted with taking the car into the
in appearance from the racing coupes and bought this Gullwing new in 1955, and future carrying on this Gullwing's legacy.
featured Bosch direct fuel injection. This would go on to own and maintain the Given the plethora of records found in the
prompted the factory to claim it was, "the desirable sports car until 1979, when impressive history file, it is evident that this
fastest German production sports car." Stanley Kaufman of Long Beach, California Gullwing was routinely serviced and well
Between 1954 and 1957, a total of 1,400 bought the car. Mr. Kaufman would retain maintained by Mercedes-Benz specialist
Gullwings were delivered to eager purchasers. the Mercedes for over 30 years; a 30-year Steve Marx of Costa Mesa, California.
tenure characterized by an exceptional level According to the service records Mr.
of care and meticulous record keeping. Kaufman had started going to Marx back
According to the extensive history file that in 2004 and had the car go in every year
accompanies the Gullwing, the car was for routine service and upkeep. Upon his
repainted in the gorgeous black that it is passing in 2009, Jim Nielsen, Mr. Kaufman's
presented in today. While taking impeccable son in law, kept the relationship with Marx
care and record keeping of Gullwing for further refurbishments when needed. The
5500801, Stanley Kaufman also entered the Gullwing stayed in Mr. and Mrs. Nielsen's

loving care until being passed on in 2019 cars available when new, and brimming
to the consigner's prominent collection of with innovative features, Gullwings were
exceptional automobiles. The Gullwing was fast, beautiful, and exclusive. Their appeal
in 2019 entrusted with well-known 300SL continues to be timeless and consistently
expert Hjeltness Restoration of Escondido, in demand, in part due to their inherent
California for further refurbishments. beauty but also their exceptional build
quality. As with all iconic vehicles 5500801
Today 300SL 5500801 makes an excellent has the pedigree long-term ownership and
cosmetic impression, with a high-quality documentation that further validates its
paint job over straight body with very position as one of the most sought-after
good fit and finish. The as-delivered red performance sports cars ever built.
leather interior is equally impressive, as is
the balance of the cockpit, featuring the $1,250,000 - 1,500,000
original VDO gauges and switchgear. A
period-correct wood-rimmed steering wheel ◊ See Legend on page 5 for bidding instructions.
is fitted (yet and original white-ivory wheel
accompanies the sale of the car) and color-
coded luggage is fitted on the rear luggage
shelf. As a testament to a lifetime of true
enthusiast's care, the chassis, engine and
body numbers all match the factory build
sheet on file, and the original chassis and ID
plates remain intact. One of the most exotic


70. H Purchased new by the consignor in
1973 PORSCHE 911 CARRERA RS 2.7 December of 1972
H Superbly preserved, highly original
Chassis no. 9113600918
matching-numbers example
Engine no. 6630881
H One of just about 100 factory-delivered
2,687cc SOHC Flat 6-Cylinder Engine right hand drive examples ever made
Bosch Mechanical Fuel Injection H Factory Signal Yellow example highly
210bhp at 6,300rpm optioned from new with electric sunroof
5-Speed Manual Transaxle and windows
4-Wheel Independent Suspension H Offered with extensive history file
4-Wheel Disc Brakes containing original sales brochure,
books and tools


Revealed at the 1972 Paris Auto Salon, Based on a lightened 911S platform, the
Porsche revived the Carrera name for its Carrera RS featured revised suspension and
luxuriously equipped, top-of-the-range 911 for wider rear wheels (beneath flared 'arches)
model-year 1973. Designated "Carrera RS" for improved handling, while the 2.7-liter,
(RennSport), the newcomer was intended as a fuel-injected, air-cooled six-cylinder engine's
limited-edition product for Group 4 GT racing, 210bhp boosted top speed to around
a class that required a minimum of 500 built. 150mph. Today these 1973 model-year 911
However, the resulting demand for this fabulous Carrera RS's are among the most collectible
car proved so great that the production run Porsches ever produced, and stand out as
was progressively extended, eventually ending one of the most iconic and hallowed cars of
up at 1,590 units and allowing homologation the era. Collectors around the world have their
in Group 3 for standard GT production cars. eye on these cars, and they will undoubtedly
Of the 1,590 units, only the first 500 cars were remain as collectible as they are today decades
built to exacting homologation specifications, from now.
by the use of thinner gauge sheet metal and
glass. The majority of cars produced were to
"Lightweight" (competition) specification, the
remainder being delivered as the Carrera RS
Touring, complete with 911S-type interior trim
and fittings.

'0918' soon after it was acquired by the consigner, 1970s.


Even with a considerably high production his hometown of Johannesburg, South Africa. color code 6262 'Hellgelb' or Signal Yellow,
number for the legendary 1973 model- Several upper end sports cars on the '72 over a black leatherette and Pepita interior,
year 911 Carrera RS 2.7, it has become market was considered, including a 246 Dino, fitted with both passenger and driver side
increasingly hard to locate "best-of-the- Porsche 911S and BMW 3.0 CSI. But before sports seats with headrests, and a driver's
best" examples. And when you take into pulling the trigger, he read an article about side mirror. Perhaps the most exciting,
consideration that just about 100 or so the introduction of the 1973 Porsche 911 and certainly very rare detail on 0918's
examples were equipped from the factory with Carrera RS 2.7, and soon rushed to the local production record, was the right-hand drive
right hand drive steering; it gets even harder! Johannesburg Porsche dealer to place and steering, South Africa region configuration
The exceptional Carrera offered here, chassis order. But here he was told that just 100 right and no "Carrera" script request, but also the
no. 9113600918, must be considered among hand drive examples would be built, and none factory electric sunroof and power window
the very best examples of the iconic model, were destined for the South African market. options it was fitted with. All these details
not just due to its rare specification and However, he convinced the dealer one should are documented in the well-known Gruber/
superbly preserved original condition, but also go to South Africa and was able to place and Konradsheim book on the model, Carrera
due to the fact that it is offered for sale today order for 9113600918. RS. Once the new high-performance Porsche
by its original owner, who purchased the car was completed, the consignor traveled to
brand new in December of 1972. Completed at Porsche's Zuffenhausen Zuffenhusen to see his new car be finalized
factory during March of 1973, 0918 was and took a first test drive. He took delivery of
The story of 0918 really begins earlier in 1972, the 918th example in the 911 Carrera RS the car in Johannesburg in October of 1973
when the consigner - a renowned collector of 2.7 model range produced. Built to the and would put about 30,000 kilometers on it
spectacular sports cars and true 'car guy' - Touring code 472 specifications, 0918 was until 1977, when he migrated to the US. As
was considering his next new car to enjoy in completed just appears today, finished in the 911 Carrera RS 2.7 didn't conform to US


specifications, he had to leave it behind, and miles) recorded on its odometer, a figure Porsche 911 Carrera RS 2.7 sales brochure.
would sell the car to a family friend. well-documented through the years. The The car has been featured in magazine
original factory installed sports seats with articles, which will accompany the sale as
In 2001, as the car was old enough to import Pepita inserts are intact, as are the original well. The level of originality seen on 0918 is
into the US, the consignor got the bug to get carpets, dash and headliner. The original just incredible and speaks not only to the
his old Porsche 911 Carrera RS 2.7 back Fuchs wheels are in wonderful condition and fastidious high level of care and loving use
and traced it through his brother-in-law who fitted with a fresh set of Pirelli Centurato tires. this car has seen, but also the quality of these
had kept in touch with the car and owner. At The original brightwork, lights and lenses cars. As an exceedingly rare factory right
the time, the car remained in superb original remain intact, as does the glass except from hand drive delivered car (and sole example
condition, and had only traveled about the windshield which was replaced as a delivered new to South Africa), equipped with
100,000 kilometers (60,000 miles) since rock chip hit some years back. One gentle factory sunroof and electric windows - and
new. The dry Johannesburg climate and respray in the original Signal Yellow color now offered from the original owner - the level
interim custodians had been very good to the of the exterior panels has been performed, of pedigree found with 0918 will be very hard
car, and it remained complete with factory but jambs and compartments still carry the to find again.
delivered accessories such as tools, tire original factory applied paint. 0918 of course
pump, books and manuals. retains its original, matching numbers engine $700,000 - 900,000
and transaxle.
Today - offered from its original owner - 0918
presents in extraordinarily original condition. 0918 is offered with the full set of original
◊ See Legend on page 5 for bidding instructions.
It is a car with integrity and no bad stories. It tools, spare and jack, tire pump, owner's
has fewer than 149,500 kilometers (92,900 manual and supplement, and an original 1973

Without Reserve
71. H Exceedingly rare '42 model-year
1942 HUDSON SUPER SIX DE LUXE CONVERTIBLE Hudson, one of just 3 believed to survive
H Comprehensive restoration performed
Chassis no. 2123532 by the exports at 21st Century Hudson
H Stunning and period-correct Pageant
212ci Power Dome Inline 6-Cyliner Engine
Green over Saddle livery
Single Carburetor
H Elegant and sophisticated Hudson
102 bhp at 4,200rpm
3-Speed Manual Transmission w/Overdrive Convertible for concours events or tours
Independent Front Suspension - Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Hydraulic Drum Brakes


In 1942 Hudson, Hudson proclaimed: According to the Hudson Essex Terraplane Rebuilding the manual overdrive transmission
"Americas Safest Car", built to serve Club official library, only twelve 1942 was left in good hands by 50-year Hudson
better, last longer and cost less. Fully re- model-year Hudson Convertibles exist club member and mechanic Al Saffrahn
designed, the '42 Hudson Super Six De Luxe today, of which nine are Commodores, of Maricopa, Arizona. The engine was
Convertible came equipped with deep buffed while just three are Super Sixes; one rebuilt by Hudson legend Randy Maas
leather upholstery, airfoam seat cushions of them this very car. The Hudson was of Manito Illinois, who has built Hudson
and an automatic top. Hudson promoted discovered in Utah in 1972 by Hudson engines worldwide that have raced in
its True Center-Point Steering system, Club member Gary Eisenberg of Fort The Great Race, Pan American Race and
which made for light steering and excellent Collins, Colorado. Gary owned and Goodwood. The interior was redone in a
handling. The 1942 model brought on a lot maintained the car until it was purchased beautiful Saddle-colored leather with a
of interior conveniences including a push by the consigner in 2015, a renowned corresponding Stayfast top in tan with a
button starter, "Teleflash signals" and "Bent Hudson specialist. Soon after, a complete maroon pipping by Twin City Upholstery of
Light" lucent lenses. Power was provided by restoration was embarked upon by the Bloomington, IL, while the bodywork was
a silky-smooth inline six-cylinder Power Dome capable hands of 21st Century Hudson repainted in a stunning Pageant green color.
engine, and the overdrive transmission made of Heyworth, IL. The body-off restoration Upon its completion, the 1942 Super Six
freeway cruising effortless. As with any US- was performed between 2016 and 2017, Convertible made its debut at the Hudson
manufactured 1942 model-year car, very few and the Hudson was rebuilt to its original Essex Terraplane Club international meet in
were made before focus was turned to the standards. Hard to find one-year-only NOS Bettendorf, Iowa.
war efforts needed, and naturally even fewer items such as the steering wheel, dash
remain in existence today. lenses, and exterior trim and stainless was $50,000 - 75,000
sourced and used during the restoration. WITHOUT RESERVE


Without Reserve
H Stunning, single-owner example with just over
64,000 miles from new 1972 VOLVO P1800 ES SPORTS WAGON
H Uncommonly original and lovingly maintained in
Chassis no. 1836353-002665
as-delivered condition
H Desirable factory 4-speed manual example in
1,986 cc OHV Inline 4-Cylinder Engine
Cypress Green over Tan livery Bosch Electronic Fuel Injection
H Fully documented with original sales documents, 125bhp at 6,000rpm
Window Sticker, records and literature 4-Speed Manual Gearbox w/ Overdrive
Independent Front Suspension - Live Rear Axle
Four-Wheel Hydraulic Disc Brakes


Introduced in 1960 and popularized by The Purchased new by the consignor in June Following the consignor's eventual retirement
Saint television series, Volvo's stylish P1800 1972, this handsome one-owner Volvo to Nevada in 2008, the faithful Volvo was
sports Coupe, was something of a radical 1800ES was used daily for just two years until sparingly enjoyed and refreshed with a
departure for the sober-sided Swedish it was reserved for special occasions. During thorough major service in 2016, followed by
concern. Based on the 121 saloon, the P1800 a four-year work assignment in Japan from further selective work completed during 2017
was built by Jensen Motors until production 1982-1985, the Volvo was entrusted to the and 2021 ensuring the vehicle's readiness
transferred to Sweden in 1963. Breathing consignor's father-in-law in Houston, where it for enjoyment. History is exceptionally well
through twin carburetors, the sporty Volvo was garaged and started regularly to ensure documented by the factory-issued books/
was a true 100mph-plus car. Fuel injection good running order. Subsequent relocations manuals and original purchase documents
was standardized in 1969, maximum power to California (1991) and Houston (1994) saw including the window sticker, plus the original
increasing to 130bhp, with four-wheel disc the car carefully shipped in a moving van. title and a wealth of service records, manuals
brakes arriving at the same time. By the end Throughout its lifetime, the Volvo received and literature. Numerous spare parts and
of the 1960s, the model was beginning to fastidious care and attentive use; nonetheless, a fitted car cover are also included with the
look dated, but the introduction of the 1800 minor mishaps did occur, with expert repairs offering of this wonderfully maintained and
ES sports estate extended its lease of life into and regular maintenance performed with the presented 1972 Volvo 1800ES in Cypress
the early 1970s. These remain among the objective of maintaining the vehicle's integrity Green, which will surely delight anyone who
most collectible and iconic station wagons and originality to the fullest. For example, in truly values the irreplaceable character and
ever produced. 2007, the consignor obtained a new exhaust unmistakable feel of a highly original, never-
system from Sweden, fabricated of stainless restored European Sports/GT car.
steel and consistent with the original design.
$50,000 - 70,000


73. H The famous and revolutionary one-off chassis known as
1930 BUCCIALI TAV 30 'LA MARIE' "La Marie"
TORPÉDO SPORT TYPE CANNES H Ground-breaking front wheel drive design that has exerted
Coachwork by Carrosserie J. Saoutchik enduring influence
H Shown multiple times in various guises at the Paris Salon
Chassis no. 101 H Shown in 1930 at the New York Motor show and in 1931
Engine no. 1147 at the New York and Chicago Motor Shows
H Bristling with unique and radical technical solutions
5,276cc Inline Side-valve 8-Cyinder Continental engine
Single Updraft Carburetor H Fitted with genuine Torpédo Sport Type Cannes body by
114bhp at 3,600rpm Jacques Saoutchik
Unique Bucciali-designed 4-Speed Transaxle
Unique Bucciali-designed front-wheel drive system
4-Wheel Independent Suspension


In order to appreciate the deep technical While all chassis were finished up to
innovation and unique nature of this Bucciali, extraordinary mechanical standards, the
one must immerse oneself in the volatile second thing to comprehend is that all these
genesis and singular early history of the one-off extraordinary machines were prototypes
chassis that underpins this Saoutchik-bodied whose only function was to showcase
car, all fueled by the intensely creative volcanic a long series of truly remarkable and
genius of the two brothers, Angelo and Paul- innovative patents the brothers had taken
Albert Bucciali. out. From 1923 to 1962, no less than 53
patents were filed, outnumbering the cars
The first thing to grasp is that Bucciali was by a factor of more than two! So when the
never an automobile manufacturer in the Bucciali brothers went to the considerable
conventional meaning of that word. Indeed, expense of taking a stand at the Paris Salon
from 1912 to 1926, the brothers manufactured from 1926 to 1932, the point of the exercise
no more than approximately eighteen was not to sell cars, but to entice other
automobiles under the name BUC, and makers into licensing avant-garde Bucciali
from 1926 to 1932, approximately another front-wheel drive solutions for use on their
eight Bucciali. And beneath these eight cars mass-market automobiles.
lurked the same chassis in several instances.
Therefore, the final count is closer to four or five Everything was always in a state of continuous
as it is not always easy to pinpoint exactly what flux in the tiny enterprise, and every time Paul-
went where in the busy workshop! Albert's prolific brain spawned a new technical

TAV 3, now La Marie, in Cleveland in 1930.
Paul-Albert Bucciali at the wheel.
© Christian Huet


innovation, it was immediately incorporated The TAV 1 of 1926 was the initial testbed for than revolutionary, using spheres running
on the latest available chassis which was then Paul-Albert Bucciali's theories concerning in ball bearings at the hubs of the driving
given a new model designation. Development front-wheel drive, while the first TAV 2 built in wheels. This chassis was rebaptized TAV 3,
chassis TAV 3, where TAV stands for Traction 1927 was a mock-up that was used in 1930 and it could be said that this unique assembly
AVant, or front-wheel drive, eventually became to showcase a full-size wooden model of a became the grandfather of IFS front-wheel
the TAV 8 and was given model designation projected sixteen-cylinder engine that was drive systems as we know them today.
TAV 30 where "30" stands for 1930. It is now never constructed. The second TAV 2 was
fitted with a genuine Saoutchik convertible a long wheelbase working chassis that was In 1929, an eight-cylinder Continental
body that was first mounted on a Mercedes given a faux cabriolet body by Labourdette. engine was then fitted to TAV 3 which was
680S chassis. It is the only surviving genuine The third TAV 2 chassis, the chassis consecutively renumbered TAV 4, 5, 6, 7 and
Bucciali chassis and the final development which eventually became the TAV 8, was 8 across the next two years as the front-wheel
of the chassis that started life as a TAV 2. constructed in 1927 on a short wheelbase drive system was continuously developed
Its history is a fascinating showcase for the and originally equipped with a four-cylinder and perfected. These developments were
inventiveness of Paul-Albert Bucciali, and it Cime engine and a Sensaud de Lavaud complemented by no less than six different
has exerted a deep and lasting influence on gearbox for road testing purposes. In bodies, including the last two in 1931. At the
American automotive history. late 1928, it was fitted with a six-cylinder Paris Salon, TAV 3 was certainly a frequent
Continental engine, and the newly developed flier to promote the patents surrounding its
Bucciali TAV 3 transverse gearbox that was ground-breaking drivetrain. It was first shown
mounted ahead of the front axles and bridged in 1929 as a complete chassis with fenders,
a brand new independently sprung front- hood, lights, grille, and four skimpy seats, but
wheel drive system which was nothing less no body. Second outing was in 1930 as


TAV 3 in its 1929 configuration, 4 seats, no body. © Christian Huet


TAV 5 or 6, now sporting a gorgeous boattail But of much greater importance than the Motor Show where more meetings were held
roadster body by Labourdette in cream and Salon appearances was the visit paid in with Chrysler, Graham-Paige, Hupmobile,
dark green with snake-skin interior by Alpina. the spring of 1929 to the Bucciali premises and Ruxton.
This exquisite Labourdette creation still exists in Courbevoie by the upper management
in France. By 1931, TAV 6 had evolved into of the American manufacturer Peerless. Then an astonishing winter expedition took
the TAV 8 and was back with a closed body of Rumors were rife in the US of the new Cord place in sub-zero temperatures that brought
which no clear photo has survived. automobile that was about to introduced, and the Bucciali brothers and La Marie to the
there was a scrabble to secure front-wheel offices of Du Pont Motors in Massachusetts,
drive technology. The Peerless brass were Chrysler in Detroit, Studebaker in South Bend,
impressed by what they saw and suggested Indiana, Willys-Overland in Toledo, Ohio, and
that the TAV 3 be brought to the US for then General Motors in Detroit. Willys was
testing and demonstration. especially demanding in their scrutiny and
testing of the Bucciali front drive system,
TAV 3 was given a makeshift touring car body but like the other manufacturers, took no
and baptized La Marie for the coming trip. license. The engineers at Willys did not forget
Angelo and Paul-Albert set off from Le Havre however, and committed what they had seen
on December 18, 1929, to disembark in the to memory.
Port of New York on December 28. That
afternoon they had meetings with Mercer, Peerless in Cleveland Ohio was the final stop
Willys, and Duesenberg. On January 6, 1930, on February 8. A licensing agreement was set
La Marie was on display at the New York up for the manufacture of a Peerless tranction

La Marie with its Labourdette roadster body.
© Christian Huet

The short-lived Bucciali show room on the Champs-Élysées, 1931. © Christian Huet


avant, and Bucciali was to become Peerless La Marie was shipped back to France and In 1960, Serge Pozzoli and Jacques
concessionary for France. By the summer shown a final time at the October 1931 Rousseau bought all the Buccialis that Paul-
of 1930, La Marie was back in France. Paris Salon with a closed body by Guillet Albert Bucciali owned for 1 franc – including
Paul-Albert Bucciali then commissioned which turned out to be of poor quality. La Marie and the Mathis as the garage was
Labourdette to build an astonishingly beautiful The car was removed from the stand being expropriated. Pozzoli then kept the
roadster of his own design for the chassis. after the opening of the Salon, and the cars at his premises at 49 rue Petit in Paris. In
After show duties at the Paris Salon in chassis was re-fitted with the 1929 four- 1965, he sold the Mathis to Francis Mortarini
October, the car was once again shipped to seat configuration and sixteen-cylinder and sent La Marie to him for restoration.
America in December, now with revised rear type front fenders before returning to the The TAV 30 chassis came back to rue Petit
suspension and improved front-wheel drive show stand. After the show, the bare TAV in 1966 with no work having been done. In
technology. First shown at the Motor Show 30 chassis was stored until 1940 by Paul- 1969, Pozzoli then sold La Marie via Bart
in New York and then Chicago, La Marie Albert Bucciali at 8 avenue Gambetta Loyens to the American collector and restorer
was with Peerless in Cleveland by January in Courbevoie. It was then moved to 7 Ray Jones in Michigan. Pozzoli also sold a
17, 1931 for renewed examination by the rue Honoré d'Estienne d'Orves in Évry- number of parts including the front drive train
engineers and finalizing of the contracts. But Courcouronnes south of Paris where it and the sides of the "stork" bonnet from the
Peerless had overspent on the development remained until 1954, and then 60 avenue Bucciali TAV 8-32 that had superseded La
of their magnificent V-16 prototype, and de la Défense until 1960. Paul-Albert also Marie. The Mathis went to Fritz Schlumpf
automobile manufacture ceased in June kept the Labourdette roadster body from and was gifted by him to its current owner on
1931. The Peerless traction avant became 1930. In 1947, this body was mounted February 28, 1991, a year before he died. The
just another still-born project that was killed by on a Mathis chassis for Paul-Albert's Mathis still exists, fitted with the Labourdette
the Depression. personal use. roadster body.


1930 Bucciali front-wheel drive brochure. © Peter Larsen

Saoutchik design drawing for the Type Cannes cabriolet for Mercedes chassis. © Peter Larsen


In 1971, Jones sold the complete TAV 30 Paul-Albert Bucciali died on July 1, He died an embittered man. We now know
chassis, once again via Bart Loyens, to the 1981. On June 21, 1948, he had that he has gone down in history as the
famous German collector and Bugattiste instigated a patent infringement suit inventor of modern front-wheel drive. TAV
Uwe Hucke. After some years he initiated in France to be indemnified for the 30, La Marie, is the enduring testament to
a restoration that included mounting a 5,668,130 military vehicles that had this legacy.
Saoutchik convertible body from a Mercedes been built in the United States between
680S whose chassis had been shortened to 1940 and 1946 using Bucciali front- Refer Department
create an SSK. The body was slightly too long wheel drive patents.
for the 3.3 m Bucciali wheelbase, so the axle ◊ See Legend on page 5 for bidding instructions.
was moved back 17 mm on the springs to Models were built of the Bucciali and
create perfect optical balance. The Mercedes Willys systems that were shown in court.
front fenders were modified to correspond Indeed, the similarities were remarkable.
precisely to a 1931-32 Saoutchik style. The suit dragged on to March 1960. Paul-
Albert lost. He lost again in the court of
Hucke then sold La Marie to the Blackhawk appeals in 1966 and 1971, a victim of
Museum Collection in 1985. At that time, complex and deceitful postwar politics:
Blackhawk also managed to acquire the stork the French government had received $15
bonnet sides off the TAV 8-32. The storks million from the USA to remedy patent
stamped into the steel were cut out and infringements. But the money had been
welded into the sides of a new bonnet. The spent elsewhere, and there was nothing
result is nothing less than spectacular. left for Paul-Albert Bucciali.


74. Ω H Superb Lancia engineering and
1950 LANCIA AURELIA B50 CABRIOLET elegant Pinin Farina coachwork
Coachwork by Pinin Farina H All-aluminum V6 engine and fully
independent suspension
Chassis no. B50 1159 H Offered with history file containing
Engine no. B10 1797
many receipts from refurbishments
H Eligible for some of the most
1,754cc OHV All-alloy V6 Engine
Single Carburetor prominent events around the world
56bhp at 4,000rpm
4-Speed Manual Transaxle
Independent Front Suspension - De Dion Rear Axle
4-Wheel Hydraulic Drum Brakes


The first post-WWII Lancia, introduced for Cabriolet was built on a specially lengthened
1950, was the Aurelia, designed by Gianni 114.6-inch wheelbase chassis of the type
Lancia and the highly respected engineer provided by Lancia to coachbuilders. Thus,
Vittorio Jano, formerly of Alfa Romeo. In the the roomy four-passenger convertible was a
Lancia tradition, the new Aurelia sparkled bit larger overall than the regular production
with innovation, yet was well conceived and Berlina. The Aurelia Pinin Farina Cabriolet was
solidly built. A new overhead valve 1754cc well received at the Turin show, leading Lancia
V-6 engine, constructed with aluminum to offer it as a special-order model. Each was
block and heads, powered the Aurelia. Its hand-built by Pinin Farina, with finish and
four-speed manual transmission, designed trim to individual order. Of a total of 265 are
integrally with the rear axle, utilized a column- believed to have been built this is one of only
mounted gear change lever. The front a handful known to exist in its original Pinin
suspension was Lancia's own sliding pillar Farina bodywork. No two cars were finished
type. Aurelia variants were produced until exactly the same and all were built to order.
mid-1958, when the design was replaced
by the Lancia Flamina.

The Aurelia B50 Pinin Farina Cabriolet

debuted alongside the Aurelia B10 Berlina
(sedan) at the 1950 Turin auto show. Although
both Aurelias shared the B10 powertrain, the


This charming 1950 Lancia Aurelia B50 was when the work was completed, approximately change and lubrication service were most
built by hand in September of 1950, sporting $26,000 in Canadian funds was invested into performed most recently in June 2021.
a right-hand drive configuration and featuring the Aurelia's mechanical rejuvenation. All work
handsome Cabriolet coachwork by Pinin performed is properly detailed in the history Proper storage in a climate-controlled
Farina. A previous owner purchased the car in file accompanying the sale of the Lancia. garage preserves the handsome and
2005 from Auto Classic in Turin, Italy. Prior, the engaging appearance of this exceedingly
car was owned by the same family for over As related by the owner, the Aurelia features rare coachbuilt Aurelia, which is desirably
20 years. The current owner - A prominent good bodywork and paint, with the interior equipped with Carello lighting, a
Canadian collector of exquisite sports and compartment professionally and meticulously supplemental heater and window de-mister
racing cars - purchased the B50 during restored and replicating the original design system, and Condor multi-band radio,
August 2015 with a reported mileage of just and patterns. Driven 5-6 times/yearly in amplifier and loudspeaker. As offered, this
75,000 original kilometers (approximately warm, dry weather, they also advise the lovely Aurelia B50 Cabriolet it is a testament
45,000 miles). Following acquisition, the car starts and runs very well, the battery to the wizardry of Lancia's renowned
Aurelia was sent to the European car was recently replaced in June 2020, the engineers and the design and coachbuilding
specialists at Engineered Automotive in gearbox shifts very well, provided respect prowess of Battista "Pinin" Farina.
Toronto, Ontario, where a thorough, "nut-and- is paid to correct shifting technique, and
bolt" inspection of the car was completed, the electrical system is in good condition. $150,000 - 200,000
and extensive mechanical repairs were Since acquisition, the Aurelia has benefited
performed with the objective of occasional handsomely from regular maintenance, oil
and enjoyable touring. The work stretched into changes and lubrication service, along with
March 2016, mostly due to parts scarcity, and attentive visual inspections. A fresh oil


75. H One of the desirable 640 factory 100M
1956 AUSTIN-HEALEY 100M BN2 LE MANS Le Mans examples made
H Comprehensive restoration performed
Chassis no. BN2L233087
by Healey specialist Fourintune
Engine no. B233087M
H Retaining matching-numbers engine
2,660cc OHV Inline 4-Cylinder Engine and body panels
2 SU Carburetors H Offered with history file, tools and jack
110bhp at 4,500rpm
4-Speed Manual Transmission w/Overdrive
Independent Front Suspension - Live Rear Axle
Front Disc - Rear Drum Brakes


Following the Austin-Healey 100's sensational model in the form of the 100M. In addition
debut at the 1952 Motor Show, the works to the Le Mans kit, the latter boasted high-
had entered two mildly modified cars in the compression pistons, a stiffer front anti-roll
1953 Le Mans 24-Hour Race. They finished bar, special Armstrong front dampers, and a
in 12th and 14th places, a highly praiseworthy louvered bonnet. Power increased to 110bhp
achievement for what were recognizably and top speed, with the windscreen folded
production sports cars. Accordingly, the name flat, was within a whisker of 120mph. The
"Le Mans" was chosen for a bolt-on tuning number of BN1s converted by their owners
kit offered through Austin-Healey dealers, by is unknown, but 1,159 cars—mostly BN2s—
means of which private owners could bring were built or subsequently modified to 100M
their cars up to a specification approaching specification between 1955 and 1956. Of
that of the works' entries. The kit included these, approximately 640 were completed at
a pair of 1¾" SU HD6 carburetors, plus the factory, some 544 of which were exported
special inlet manifold and cold air box, high- to the USA.
lift camshaft, stronger valve springs, and a
distributor with alternative ignition advance
curve. With the kit installed, power increased
from the standard 90 to 100bhp.

From October of 1955, the conversion was

available, factory-fitted on the successor BN2


Offered here is an extraordinary example of cared for in a local enthusiasts possession. a true sports car should. On a recent test-
the increasingly popular and rare, factory Offered from a prominent Southern California drive, the BN2 100M Le Mans offered spritely
100M Le Mans Austin-Healey, eligible for based collection of exceptional European acceleration, good braking and handling,
some of the most prominent motoring events sports and racing cars, this rare factory- and a smooth gearshift. Equipped with the
around the globe. According to its Heritage delivered 100M Le Mans has been treated desirable 100M Le Mans package from
Trust Certificate, this fine Austin-Healey was to a comprehensive restoration by noted the factory, the BN2 is true to the model's
completed at the Longbridge Austin-Healey Austin-Healey restoration facility Fourintune, performance heritage, and would be a
works as a BN2 model, and factory equipped of Cedarburg, Wisconsin. Although the wonderful entry on a number of classic car
with the 100M Le Mans package, including restoration was done some years back, it is driving events and rallies. The Healey's
a louvered hood, cold air intake, and other evident that the work was done to a very high engine and body tags are still intact, and
performance enhancing details. Furthermore, it factory-correct level, using the right materials match that of the factory records found in the
featured the four-speed overdrive transmission, and finishes inside and out. The 100M is comprehensive history file. A tool kit, jack, side
and the numerous smaller improvements finished in black with red side coves over a curtains and spare wheel are also included
implemented during the course of production black interior, and sports correctly painted with the sale of the car. Mille Miglia eligible, the
since the introduction of the BN1 in 1953. The wire wheels mounted with classic bias-ply classic 100M Le Mans Healey remains one of
left-hand-drive Austin-Healey was like most of tires. Lucas tripod headlights are fitted, and the most popular mid-century sports cars ever
these iconic British Roadsters destined for the the cockpit is topped by a wood-rimmed produced, and this fine example deserves
North American market. steering wheel. serious consideration.

The Austin-Healey 100M Le Mans is believed This fine example of one of Britain's most $160,000 - 210,000
to have resided in Texas for many years, while iconic Roadsters looks and performs like


Without Reserve
76. H A Mike Gent restoration
1960 LOTUS TYPE 18 FORMULA JUNIOR H Delivered new to the United States
H Eligible for countless vintage
Chassis no. 18-J-815
motor races internationally
Frame no. 102
H A truly fine example of the
1,100cc OHV Ford Cosworth Inline 4-Cylinder Engine venerable Lotus 18
Twin Weber Side Draft 40 DCOE Carburetors
Approx. 125bhp
4-Speed Manual Transmission
Double Wishbone Front with Upper and Lower Radius Arm Rear Suspension
4-Wheel Drum Brakes


'I always regard the Lotus 18 as my first As its name so aptly suggested, Formula
Grand Prix design... forget the earlier front- Junior was the main 'feeder' racing class
engined cars, the Lotus 16s, they were for Formula 1 and other more senior forms
really Formula 2 designs stretched for of motor sport in the early 1960s. The
Formula 1. As far as I am concerned when spaceframe Type 18 was Lotus's first foray
they kept breaking, we eventually threw the into this hotly contested series and it proved
whole bunch of ingredients up in the air and to be the class of the field. Team Lotus
started again – and the result was the 18, works drivers Jim Clark and Trevor Taylor
and it started winning...' – Colin Chapman. dominated the 1960 season.

Introduced for the 1960 season, the Type The most successful of the Ford-engined
18 was Lotus's first mid-engined Grand Formula Junior tuning companies involved
Prix car design. 1960 was the last year with these cars was Cosworth Engineering,
of the 2½-Liter Formula 1 and the Lotus whose power units breathed through twin-
18 won that year's Monaco Grand Prix, choke Weber 40 DCOE 40 carburettors, and
driven by Stirling Moss. The same car/driver which revved to a safe limit of 9,500rpm.
combination triumphed again at Monte These units drove through a Renault
Carlo the following year, the first of the Dauphine-derived 4-speed close-ratio
1½-Liter Formula 1, and the highly versatile transaxle unit.
Type 18 would prove adaptable to both
Formula 2 and Formula Junior applications.


Sold new on the 24th of November, mated to a correct Renault gearbox and accommodatingly large frame, a wide
1960, Lotus 18 chassis number J-815 further possesses the correct wet sump variety of sizes can be sat behind the wheel.
was delivered onto U.S. shores through lubrication. In the 1960s the 18 was the car to have due
the company's agent, Jay Chamberlain. to its competitiveness, and today the story
The subsequent competition history has In more recent times, the Lotus has resided is still very much the same as the model is
remained veiled in mystery. However, in the Pacific Northwest. The environment in eligible for countless vintage races across
we can report that roughly 30 years ago the region facilitates wonderful preservation the world. Bonhams is proud to offer what
the Lotus was received into the hands of of vintage cars, and despite being barely is quite possibly one of the finest 18's to
monoposto gurue, Mark Gent. His work run since the completion of the restoration, attend one of our sales.
is responsible for the fantastic condition the little 18 shows wonderfully today. That
the vehicle can be found in today. The car being said, having been in stasis for such $50,000 - 70,000
was fully restored and plenty of the original an extended period means that the car is WITHOUT RESERVE
componentry replaced during the process due for some mechanical commissioning. Of
remains boxed up with the car today. note are sevel rose joints on the radius arms
that need replacing. Prior to the sale of the
Upon inspection, the Progress frame, car, Mike Gent will carry out the necessary
102, is correct to the car and contains a inspection and turn the motor over.
selection of new and old welds from the
typical areas one would expect of a car The Lotus 18 is an incredibly user friendly
fielded in competition for so many years. machine and can be enjoyed by veterans
Furthermore, the Cosworth Ford motor is and rookies alike, and thanks to its


Without Reserve
77. H Beautifully restored example of the
1966 JAGUAR E-TYPE SERIES I 4.2 ROADSTER classic Series 1 E-Type
Chassis no. 1E14009
H Desirable, end-of-the-run, 4.2-liter
Engine no. 7E10958-9 covered headlight E-Type
H Stunning factory Opalescent Silver
4,235cc DOHC Inline 6-Cylinder Engine Blue over Dark Blue livery
3 SU Carburetors H Accompanied by Heritage
265bhp at 5,400rpm Certificate, owner's manual and
4-Speed Manual Transmission restoration records
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


"If Les Vingt Quatre Heures du Mans has been applause breaking out at the unveiling - with Series 1 in October 1964, a more user-
responsible for the new E-Type Jaguar, then its instantly classic lines and a 140mph-plus friendly all-synchromesh gearbox and
that Homeric contest on the Sarthe circuit will top speed. The design owed much to that of superior Lockheed brake servo forming part
have been abundantly justified. Here we have the racing D-Type, a monocoque tub forming of the improved specification together with
one of the quietest and most flexible cars on the main structure while a tubular spaceframe the bigger, torquier engine. Apart from '4.2'
the market, capable of whispering along in extended forwards to support the engine. The badging, the car's external appearance
top gear at 10mph or leaping into its 150mph latter was the 3.8-liter, triple-carburetor, 'S' was unchanged, but under the skin there
stride on the brief depression of a pedal. A unit first offered as an option on the preceding were numerous detail improvements, chiefly
practical touring car, this, with its wide doors XK150. Aerodynamically, the Coupé was to the electrical and cooling systems, and
and capacious luggage space, yet it has a superior to the Roadster and the better Grand to the seating arrangements. Top speed
sheer beauty of line which easily beats the Tourer, enjoying as it did a marginally higher remained unchanged at around 150mph,
Italians at their own particular game". top speed and the considerable convenience the main performance gain resulting from
of a generously sized luggage platform the larger engine being improved flexibility.
There have been few better summaries accessed via the side-hinged rear door.
of the E-Type's manifest virtues than the
forgoing, penned by the inimitable John Its engine aside, only in terms of its
Bolster for Autosport shortly after the car's transmission did the E-Type represent
debut. Conceived and developed as an open no significant advance over the XK150,
sportscar, the Jaguar E-Type debuted at the whose durable four-speed Moss gearbox it
Geneva Salon in March 1961 in Coupé form. retained. The latter was replaced when the
The car caused a sensation - spontaneous 4.2-liter engine was introduced on the


This beautiful example of the classic Series A comprehensive restoration was performed numbers engine. Included with the sale of
1 E-Type Roadster was completed near the during previous ownership, and it is apparent the Jaguar is an owner's manual, the Jaguar
end of production of the original, covered- at a close inspection that the work was Heritage Trust Certificate, a comprehensive
headlight manufacturing run, thereby carried out to a very high and factory correct history file with receipts and records, a tool kit
benefitting from the enlarged 4.2-Liter level. The exterior was re-finished in the and jack.
engine and fully synchronized transmission. as-delivered Opalescent Silver Blue color,
According to the Jaguar Heritage Trust while the interior was trimmed in Dark Blue $170,000 - 210,000
Certificate on file, this stunning E-Type was to match. An abundance of restoration WITHOUT RESERVE
completed at Jaguar's Browns Lane plant receipts can be found in the history file, and
on November 16, 1966. The Roadster documents extensive work performed by
was finished as it appears today, in the various specialist shops, including Predator
stunning Opalescent Silver Blue over Dark Racing of Largo, Florida.
Blue livery, fitted with a blue convertible
top, and configured with a left-hand drive Chrome wire wheels are fitted, trimmed
steering arrangement. The new Jaguar was with thin red-line tires. The E-Type Roadster
dispatched on December 5, 1966, and is offered from a renowned Virginia-based
destined for the US market, where Jaguar collection of exceptional classic sports cars,
Cars of New York would distribute the car to where it has been maintained and enjoyed
the first owner on record, a Dr. John Moe of among other great cars. One of the most
Hopkins, Minnesota. iconic sports cars of all time, this E-type
Roadster retains its original, matching-


78. H One of the last 50 examples of the
1979 PORSCHE 930 3.3 TURBO COUPE classic 930 Turbo produced for the
US market
Chassis no. 9309801161
H Delivered new with Paint to
Engine no. 6891359
Sample exterior paint
3,299cc SOHC Turbocharged 6-Cylinder Engine H Fitted with twin exhaust and twin-
Bosch Fuel Injection - Twin-plug Ignition plug ignition
Est. 285bhp at 5,750rpm H Matching-numbers example with
4-Speed Manual Transaxle Porsche Certificate of Authenticity
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


"It offers the finest blend of ultimate What set the 930 Turbo apart from its seen in a 911, featuring leather upholstery,
performance and refinement I have ever peers was the relaxed way this stupefying air conditioning, and electric windows. In
come across." – Paul Frère on the Porsche performance was delivered. Comparing 1978, the Turbo's engine was enlarged
911 Turbo. the Turbo to similarly quick "he-man" cars to 3.3-liters, gaining an intercooler in the
(e.g. the Holman & Moody-tuned Cobra process. Furthermore, power increased to
Much of the Porsche 911's development 427 and the Ford GT40), Motor's Roger 300bhp and the top speed of what was
had resulted from the factory's racing Bell reckoned what made the Porsche so then the fastest-accelerating road car of
program. It was the then FIA Group different was that: its day went up to 160mph. Due to strong
4 homologation rules which required emission regulation in the US, the Turbo was
400 road cars to be built and spurred [It]hurls you forward with similar velocity not imported to the U.S. market between
the development of "Project 930": the but in an uncannily quiet and effortless way. 1979 and 1984, but returned in 1985 when
legendary 911/930 Turbo. In production To be shoved so hard in the back that you equipped with upgraded Motronic engine
from April 1975, the Turbo married a need high-back seats to keep your head on, management systems. Targa and Cabriolet
KKK turbocharger to the 3.0-liter Carrera yet neither to feel nor hear anything more versions were also introduced. More
RSR engine, in road trim a combination than a muffled hum, is a very odd sensation refined than hitherto, yet retaining its high-
that delivered 260bhp for a top speed of indeed in a car. performance edge, the Porsche 930 Turbo
155mph. But the Turbo wasn't just about sold in the thousands, arguably becoming
top speed, it was also the best-equipped Although the Turbo's characteristic flared one of the definitive sports cars of its age.
911 and amazingly flexible (hence only four wheel arches and "tea tray" rear spoiler had
speeds in the gearbox), capable of racing already been seen on the Carrera model,
from a standstill to 100mph in 14 seconds. the interior was the most luxurious yet


This phenomenal 1979 Porsche 930 Turbo Turbo Coupe has been treated to a repaint is an extraordinarily complex color that really
Coupe is one of the last 50 examples and professional re-trim in Cork-colored pops in the sunlight. The sale of this Porsche
produced for the North American market, and leather interior, with matching luxury wool icon presents an amazing opportunity for
benefits from the continuous improvements carpets and dark brown upper dash contrast. a collector to acquire one of the very last
made through the initial 911 Turbo production examples of the original 930 Turbo.
run, a factory paint-to-sample exterior color, Twin exhaust and twin-plug cylinder heads
and twin-plug ignition upgrade. According are fitted, while the engine case is still the $110,000 - 130,000
to a copy of the Porsche-issued Certificate original matching numbers unit according to
of Authenticity on file, 930 Turbo chassis the Porsche Certificate of Authenticity. Just
no. 9309801161 was completed at the 47,889 miles are recorded on the odometer
Zuffenhausen-based Porsche works during at the time of cataloging, and a tool kit,
November of 1979, was painted in Metallic tire inflator and a space saver spare tire is
Paint to Sample code 99, and trimmed in situated in the luggage compartment. A
Cork-colored leather. A US market example, period Blaupunkt radio in fitted, and outside
the potent Porsche was equipped and the classic wide Fuchs alloy wheels with
destined for California, fitted with limited black centers gives the Porsche Turbo its
slip differential, electric side mirror on the iconic look. A plaque is located on the dash,
right side, Sport Seats, electric sunroof dated December 1979, stating that 930 Turbo
and Pirelli tires. While in the consigner's chassis number 9309801161 is one of the
hands - a prominent Reno-based collector of last 50 examples produced for the US market.
exceptional classic sports cars - the 930 The Metallic Copper-like Paint to Sample paint


79. H Tested by Mario Andretti and
1967 FORD GT40 MK IV Ford in period
H One of just 10 examples
Chassis no. J-9
manufactured and used in period
427ci OHV Side-Oiler V8 Engine H Well-documented history and
Dual Holley 4-Barrel Carburetors provenance, and restoration by
Est. 485bhp at 6,500rpm noted specialists
4-Speed Manual Transaxle H Featured on the cover of the
4-Wheel Independent Suspension 11/1967 issue of Car and Driver
4-Wheel Disc Brakes

1967 FORD GT40

The Ford GT story of course dates from 1963- reliability and the expected short-term victory Regulation changes abolished the 7-liter
64 when the mighty Ford Motor Company at Le Mans was denied them. cars for 1968-69, when 5-liter Ford GT40s
of Detroit, USA, was rebuffed by Ferrari in its campaigned by the JW Automotive
attempts to buy into international endurance The cars failed again at Le Mans in 1965, production unit in Gulf Oil livery famously
racing success simply by purchasing the but Carroll Shelby had been brought into the achieved two more back-to-back Le Mans
Italian marque. Henry Ford II determined that organization that year and Ken Miles and 24-Hour victories - leaving the Ford GT-
if he could not join Ferrari then his company Lloyd Ruby achieved the Ford GT's maiden series' tally at four in all, 1966-67-68-69.
would darned well beat it, and the Ford major race win in the 200kms Daytona
GT program emerged as the first in major- Continental opening that new season. By The GT40s added World Championship of
league motor racing to employ large-scale 1966 uprated Ford GT Mark II cars had Makes laurels to this glittering record, and
computer-aided design and development, been developed with 7-liter V8 engines the model is renowned today as one of the
and to strengthen their team Ford engaged in place of the original 4.2 and 4.7-liter greatest of all the great road-useable racing
former Aston Martin racing director John variants, and at last Ford achieved its long- designs of the wonderful 1960s period.
Wyer, specialist British racing car constructor coveted victory in the Le Mans 24-Hours
Eric Broadley of Lola Cars Ltd, and many classic, with Bruce McLaren/ Chris Amon
other experienced 'racers'. Former Ferrari heading a Ford 1-2-3 finish there. In 1967
World Champion Driver Phil Hill headed the the all-new honeycomb-chassis 7-liter Ford
driver team together with such experienced Mk IV cars were formidably fast and strong
hands as Richie Ginther and Ken Miles, but enough to win Le Mans again, this time co-
although the prototype Ford GTs of 1964 driven by Dan Gurney/ A.J.Foyt in an all-
displayed tremendous speed they lacked American triumph.


Well researched and documented, 1967 Ford rear wing was affixed, similar to that used by for the same low price. However, Ford was
GT40 Mk IV chassis no. J-9 offered here, is on Jim Hall's Chaparrals. Designated G7A, onto new things, and J-9 remained with the
among the last examples of the legendary, J-9 was tested in Ford's corporate wind Agapiou brothers until 2012, stored away
fully evolved Mk IV 7-Liter GT40s built. Just 10 tunnel, and test driven at the Dearborn Ford and largely untouched, when acquired
of these J-cars was completed in period, with factory test track by legendary Championship- by Cobra Automotive of Wallingford,
an additional two assembled later. According winning driver Mario Andretti in 1967, and Connecticut. Cobra Automotive would then
to the renowned World Registry of Cobras thus became the test car for Ford to possibly carry out the body conversion from the
and GT40s, when the 1968 Le Mans rules run in the Can-Am G7A group class. Andretti Can-Am G7A Spider body to the traditional
were announced with the news of engine size went on record saying J-9 was one of the Mk IV body as seen on the car today, and
regulations capped at 5-Liters, it essentially scariest cars he ever tested! subsequently sell J-9 to the consignor.
outlawed Ford's GT40 and Ford would turn
the J-cars over to Kar Kraft of Brighton, In November of 1967, J-9 would then grace J-9 has since participated in some of
Michigan, who would then assemble the last the cover of Car and Driver, in a cool cutaway the most exclusive classic racing events
two cars, J-9 as offered here, and J-10. J-9 drawing showing the sophisticated racing around the globe, including the Goodwood
was completed in August of 1967, as a Group car's inner secrets. J-9 was soon after sold by Revival, Goodwood Members Meeting, the
7 Can-Am open cockpit car and fitted with Ford to ex-Shelby American Team mechanics 60th Anniversary at Road America and the
larger sponsons to accommodate larger fuel Charlie and Kerry Agapiou of Beverly Hills, Indianapolis Motor Speedway Brickyard
tanks. A special, 3-valve all-alloy 427 Ford V8 California, for one dollar. The terms of the Invitational. During 2018 and 2019 J-9
engine was fitted (the very engine model that agreement with Ford indicated that the received a comprehensive mechanical
Ford had planned to run at the 1968 Le Mans Agapiou brothers would agree to sell J-9 back restoration, noted Shelby expert Craig
24 Hours race), and an adjustable-dihedral to Ford a year later if Ford requested that, Conoley rebuilt the period 427 side-oiler race


J-9 in the FoMoCo
Windtunnel, 1967.

J-9 at Goodwood, 2015

engine, while the T-44 transaxle was redone J-9 offers the next owner eligibility to some
by Patrick Wiseman of Traction Productions. of the most exclusive racing events around
The suspension and assembly was carried out the world, in a very historic and extremely
by Graham Collins, whose father was an ex- powerful variation of the legendary original
Shelby employee and Crew Chief at the 1967 Ford GT40.
Le Mans winning Mk IV GT40.
$3,000,000 - 3,500,000
Today J-9 retains its original chassis tub,
chassis number tag and sub components, ◊ See Legend on page 5 for bidding instructions.
Andretti testing J-9 in 1967. and the original Can-Am test body with the
innovative rear spoiler is offered with the sale
of the GT40 along with an extensive spares
package. Further spares offered with the car
includes period wheels, and a set of Tunnel
Port aluminum cylinder heads. J-9's impressive
history file contains 100s of digital photos of the
car in action back in 1967, restoration photos,
a copy of the Car and Driver November 1967
issue where the car graced the cover, FIA
paperwork, receipts and correspondence,
engine build blueprints and dyno sheets.

80. H One of Only 162 Pininfarina-Bodied
1953 NASH-HEALEY ROADSTER Examples Built in 1953
H Full Rotisserie Mechanical and
Chassis no. 2369
Interior Restoration
253 CID OHV "Dual Jetfire" Inline 6-Cylinder Engine H Le Mans-Campaigned Jetfire Engine
Dual Side-Draft Carburetors H Exciting Entry for Shows and Concours
140 BHP at 4,000 RPM
3-Speed Manual Gearbox with Overdrive (not connected)
4-Wheel Hydraulic Drum Brakes
Independent Front Suspension
Live Rear Axle with Semi-Elliptical Leaf Springs


The Nash-Healey was first conceived mid- inboard headlights, and the now famed
ocean on the RMS Queen Elizabeth, by 'Le-Mans Dual Jetfire Ambassador Six'
Donald Healey and Nash-Kelvinator, two engine, so named for its success on the
entrepreneurial automakers, who found fabled track. Production continued for four
themselves at the same dinner table with years until 1954, when the Nash-Healey
a similar vision. The result was a luxury was retired and became a highly-sought
two-seater sports car that was launched to collector's item.
showcase the Nash marque. The original
iteration mated a hand-crafted European
chassis and body with the prestigious
Nash Ambassador drivetrain and the
prototype debuted at the Paris Motor Show
in September, 1950. Production began in
1951 and within the year, Pininfarina was
tasked to refine the styling and subassembly
commenced in Italy. Most notably, in
1952 a stripped-down aluminum-bodied
version successfully campaigned on the
international circuit, finishing third in the 24
Hours of Le Mans. The following year the
roadster was launched with innovative


Only 506 Nash-Healeys were produced in belts and top. The entire project took
all, and this car is one of just 162 built in over four years to complete and in
1953. Delivered to Southern California, the 2018, this fabulous Nash-Healey won a
car was purchased in 1976 by David Martin, Merit Award at the Ironstone Concours
who repaired the car and used it as his daily d'Elegance, California.
driver until about 1990 when it was placed
in storage. Nash-Healeys are scarce – but a Nash-
Healey in this condition is positively rare.
In 2014 - the car emerged from hibernation With only 200 miles on the rebuilt engine
and a rotisserie-style restoration and stunning eye appeal, this amazing
commenced. The unibody was taken Pininfarina design is a superb example of
down to bare metal and any lead filler was the Donald Healey legend and an exciting
replaced with resin and then completed in contender for shows and concours.
Pininfarina Red with a cream leather interior.
The suspension, engine, transmission and $70,000 - 100,000
instruments were rebuilt, according to
original specification. The steering wheel
and radio were restored by specialists and
the brightwork replated. The car received a
new wheels, tires and bearings, plus new
carpet, leather upholstery, windshield, lap


81. H Beautiful, documented restoration by
Exceptional recent restoration in striking livery a marque specialist in stunning colors
1955 MERCEDES-BENZ 300 S ROADSTER H One of only 141 300 S Roadsters built
H Equipped with an original set of
Chassis no. 188.012.5500047 factory Karl Baisch fitted luggage
Engine no. 188.920.5500044 (See Text)
H Complete with fascinating partial
Body no. A188.012.5500011
original Mercedes-Benz Touring
2,996cc SOHC Inline 6-Cylinder Engine Spares kit
3 Solex Carburetors
4-Speed Manual Transmission
4-Wheel Coil Spring Independent Suspension with Rear Swing Axles
4-Wheel Hydraulic Drum Brakes


The introduction of the 300 sedan marked suspension. A novel touch was a pedal- almost certainly the most striking variant,
Mercedes-Benz's postwar return to the operated central lubrication system. In featuring a convertible top that folded flush
great luxury automobiles for which they had short order the 300 became the favored with the rear deck, providing a smooth,
earlier been famed. It was a masterful bridge transportation of the world's wealthiest, clean, utterly sporting appearance that
between the old and the new, incorporating most important personages. emphasized the 300 S's performance
a traditional upright radiator shell and large intentions.
headlamps with flowing, pontoon-style front Those for whom the standard 300 was
fenders, fully integrated into up-to-date simply not quite spezial enough soon had A mere 141 of the 300 S Roadster were
modern bodywork. In a touch of old-world an alternative, the 300 S, a finely crafted, produced, the last of them in 1955, for a
craftsmanship much of the chrome trim was hand-built car. This model represented an roster of owners that included numerous
individually hand-fitted to each car. evolution of the 300 into more of a sporting Hollywood film stars and prominent
grand tourer. The chassis was shortened government figures, including the King
The interior was an oasis of the finest old- by 150 mm and the engine's horsepower of Jordan and the last Shah of Iran. The
world craftsmanship, with spectacular was increased by some 30 percent via survivors are among the most exclusive,
varnished woodwork everywhere one could higher compression and the fitment of prized Mercedes-Benz passenger car
look, and armchair-like seats upholstered triple carburetors, providing a top speed of models of the postwar era and remain
in the best, thickest leathers. A modern 110 mph. Surrounding it was sumptuous fiercely sought-after by collectors. It is
inline six-cylinder engine was tucked under two-door coachwork, individually hand- significant to note that they are considerably
the hood, offering smooth performance crafted by the Mercedes-Benz factory rarer by a factor of ten, than the famed 300
to match the road manners of a modern shop at Sindelfingen in three styles, Coupe, SL 'Gullwing.'
tubular chassis and four-wheel independent Cabriolet, and Roadster. The Roadster was



The example offered here was produced available, as are hundreds of photographs of rare is a Mercedes spares kit in a handsome
late in the 300 S production run and thus the restoration as it progressed. wooden traveling box, designed for
incorporates all the running improvements continental touring, which is partially complete
made to the model over its life prior to The result is spectacular in its finish and and absolutely fascinating to examine. Further
the introduction of the successor 300 Sc. details, with the gorgeous wooden dashboard the trunk contains a full set of original, correct
According to history passed to the current supporting beautiful VDO instruments set non-reproduction Karl Baisch fitted luggage as
owner, it was purchased new in 1955 by an within jewel-like chrome bezels, as well as a was available for the 300 S. It should be noted
American medical doctor who shipped it to Becker Mexico radio with power antenna. The that the present engine bears the original
Charleston, South Carolina, where it is noted body gleams in its subtly metallic Seafoam engine number stamping but with an affixed
to have remained until 1970. It then moved Green, while the interior and top are both of Mercedes-Benz tag noting "Tauschaggregat"
to Tacoma, Washington, where it remained a complementary hue and impressively well- and stamped 188-55294, indicating a factory
virtually untouched until the current owner finished. According to the owner, all parts exchange unit. The owner believes that the
began restoration in 2012. Between August have been refinished or refurbished, including 50,585km recorded at the time of cataloguing
2012 and April 2021, a meticulous rebuild the chrome, upholstery, interior wood, wiring, are actual, given the car's long sojourn out of
was undertaken in which every aspect of the engine, and drivetrain. public view between 1970 and 2012.
car was fully restored and returned to the
factory-correct specification. The restoration Accompanying the car are several special This is a very handsome example of a truly
was led by Mr. Siegfried Linke, Mercedes- accessories, including a Mercedes-Benz tool significant Mercedes-Benz model, one of the
Benz expert and Pebble Beach Concours roll and rare original owner's manual, parts finest touring machines that the company has
d'Elegance judge. All receipts for parts and manual, workshop manual, and mint reprinted ever produced – a coachbuilt postwar classic
work performed during the restoration are sales brochure. Especially fascinating and in the grand tradition.

$475,000 - 575,000


82. H One of just 25 continuation DB4
2018 ASTON MARTIN DB4 GT CONTINUATION GT's built by Aston Martin
H Modernized and FIA compliant
Chassis no. DB4GT/0205/L
safety features
4.2-Liter DOHC Inline 6-Cylinder Engine H Exquisitely handbuilt at Newport
Triple Weber 48 DCOE 9W Carburetors Pagnell and improved to incredible
331bhp at 6,000rpm standards
4-Speed Manual Transmission H Eligible for a number of vintage
Front Independent Suspension – Live Rear Axle racing events
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Soon after taking over the marque, Sir David to receive unrivaled restorative work in comfort features unnecessary for competition
Brown's efforts began a golden age for one addition to parts and servicing. With all of the such as the radio and windshield washer
of the most coveted brands in the whole of necessary tools and equipment onsite, soon fluid reservoir. In order recreate a vehicle that
motoring, Aston Martin. Success was achieved a goal emerged to once again complete a has been out of production for half a century,
both on the racetrack, culminating in an overall series of low volume, new cars built from the Aston Martin studied both extant examples
victory at Le Mans, and on the road with ground up. The highly desirable and hallowed of GT's using the most precise 3D scanning
the DB series of production vehicles helped DB4 GT seemed to be the perfect candidate methods available, and cross referenced the
establish the firm's vaunted status. for the Aston Martin Works Team to tackle. data with surviving technical drawings to get
With a homologation commitment remaining the best possible model. Unsurprisingly, the
Newport Pagnell, Aston Martin's spiritual home, unfulfilled for over 40 years, it was decided for hand-built originals were never truly identical to
was the epicenter of this grand renaissance. a continuation series of vehicles to reach the one another and additionally it was discovered
After it became understood in the early 1950s promised production figure of 100 units. As it that all of the chassis from the real DB4 GTs
that the company would soon outgrow the had previously stood, just 75 original GTs were possessed a slight kink.
current factory located in Essex, a new location made in period with an additional 19 Zagato
for a larger facility would be needed in order to bodied examples being finished soon after. Thanks to advances in modern manufacturing
fulfill Brown's vision. techniques, the inconsistencies and 'flaws'
The 25 Continuation Series cars would be built from the originals have been corrected in the
The last series production vehicle to be to the rarest and most sought-after lightweight Continuation models. Today, Aston Martin
completed at the Newport Pagnell facility, a specification. Differentiating themselves further is able to produce these DB4 GT's to much
Vanquish S, rolled off the assembly line in 2007 from the wheelbase and motor modifications higher tolerances, and as such, details like
and since then, the site has been home to the of 'standard' GT's, Lightweights features heavy panel gaps are far better than what was
Aston Martin Works. Here, the specialists offer use of aluminum throughout the vehicle, hole capable in the 1950s. Furthermore, the paint is
the opportunity for owners of classic Aston's drilling in key areas, and deletion of several of an exquisite quality and efforts extended


to even hand painting the external battery Delivered new to an incredibly fortunate Texan, Further documentation on file shows
cut off symbols. Additional horsepower is an DB4GT/0205/L wears a svelte Moonbean Silver correspondence with the EPA in order to
area few in the hobby can complain about, exterior with a traditional single stripe of a different achieve a racing exclusion necessary to
and Aston Martin delivered by punching the shade. Inside, rich, dark red leather swaths the import the Aston Martin onto our shores. With
DOHC Inline-6 up to 4.2 liters of displacement. racing buckets, door cards, and transmission the heavy lifting already completed on the
While the accessories around the motor such tunnel. The sales invoice additionally lists a regulatory side of things, the next owner of this
as the carburetors remain faithful, the output number of other specification details including: DB4 GT will be ready to take on the calendar
of the motor is now a thoroughly respectful spotlight exterior lighting, electric steering, heater of vintage racing events at legendary circuits
331hp. Aston Martin also went through the system, and headrest embroidery. Further items like Road America, Watkins Glen, Sonoma, and
effort of beefing up other components within requested were a spare wheel and tire with Sebring. Campaigning this racer provides the
the drivetrain and suspension to make them spinners and a spare axle. best of both worlds by alleviating the worry of
robust enough to handle many hours on damaging a rare original all while experiencing
the track. Safety is another area of welcome With under 100 miles present on the odometer, a brand new and improved classic.
improvement, and the continuation cars it is apparent this Aston Martin has been
feature FIA compliant roll cages, seats, and sparingly used since leaving Newport Pagnell. With only 25 completed, the opportunity to
fuel system. These modernization features are As a result, the vehicle appears factory fresh purchase a Continuation GT does not arrive
perhaps the most important as they provide a with little to no signs of use present anywhere often. This exquisite example is ready to tackle
level of confidence and usability to the cars for on the vehicle. Outside of the modern cage the racetrack with its next lucky owner.
their owners. Consequently, the Continuation and buckets, one is transported back to the
series have been made welcome within the mid-century sitting behind the wheel of this $1,200,000 - 1,600,000
world of vintage racing and are compliant for a painstakingly assembled vehicle.
number of global events. ◊ See Legend on page 5 for bidding instructions.


Without Reserve
83. H Delivered new to New York
1959 ASTON MARTIN DB MKIII SALOON socialite Peter van Gerbig
H Retains the original, matching
Chassis no. AM300/3/1642
numbers engine
Engine no. DBA/1266
H One of only 551 DB MkIIIs made
2,922 cc DOHC Inline 6-Cylinder Engine H Original left hand drive, fitted with
Twin SU Carburetors dual exhaust and overdrive
178bhp at 5,500rpm
4-Speed Manual Transmission
Front Independent with Live Rear Axle Suspension
Front Disk and Rear Drum Hydraulically Assisted Brakes


Although it never featured in a James Bond boasted a redesigned dashboard with If that still was not enough, customers could
film, having ceased production years before instruments grouped in a cowled panel opt for a more powerful DBB and (later)
the franchise commenced, the DB MkIII ahead of the driver. DBD 'Special Series' engine. Introduced as
nevertheless was the Aston Martin driven an option at the 1958 London Motor Show,
by '007' in Ian Fleming's novel, 'Goldfinger'. The 3.0-liter engine had benefited from an the DBD came with triple (sometimes twin)
It was also the last Aston Martin produced extensive redesign by Tadek Marek (newly SU carburetors and produced 180bhp or
with the six-cylinder engine designed under arrived from Austin) and featured, among 195 with the twin exhausts. This engine was
the supervision of the great W O Bentley. other improvements, a stiffer block, stronger fitted to 47 cars.
crankshaft, and a new cylinder head with
Two years after the introduction of the bigger valves. 162bhp was available with the
DB2/4 MkII came the DB MkIII - the '2/4' single-pipe exhaust system, 178bhp with
suffix being dropped - 551 of which, mainly the optional twin-pipe version. Elsewhere
saloons, were made between March there were improvements to both clutch
1957 and July 1959, 55% of which were and gearbox; Laycock overdrive became
exported. Externally the most obvious available and front disc brakes were standard
change was the adoption of a DB3S-style rather than optional after the first 100 cars
grille, establishing the 'hallmark' look of had been built, commencing at chassis
subsequent Aston Martins, which had '1401'. Despite the inevitable weight
been drawn up by Tickford designer, Bert increase, the MkIII was faster than any of its
Thickpenny. This restyled nose gives the car predecessors with a top speed of 120mph.
a more imposing look, while the interior


This lovely DB MkIII was ordered new in original left-hand drive export model from
New York through J.S. Inskip. Delivered new, this MkIII is sure to provide ample
on August 28, 1958 in Cardinal Grey over enjoyment on any number of events, tours,
Champagne leather and was optioned or weekend drives.
with the twin exhaust system for a bit of
extra oomph, overdrive, chromed wheels, $120,000 - 160,000
and front disc brakes. The original owner WITHOUT RESERVE
was recorded as New York socialite Peter
van Gerbig.

Little is known about the interim history

of this machine. At some point in its life
it was repainted cream with burgundy
wheels and the interior retrimmed in tan. It
was acquired by the current owner about
a decade ago. Not actively used in the
present ownership, it is ready for some
light recommission work before active use.
An exceedingly rare interim model that
straddled between the DB2/4 and DB4,
and made rarer still by the fact it was an


84. H Just 2 owners from new
1965 ASTON MARTIN DB5 H Award winner at the 2015 Amelia
Coachwork by Touring Island Concours
H Breathtakingly restored example
Chassis no. DB5/2269/L H Truly iconic model; James Bond's
Engine no. 400/2294
preferred Aston Martin
3,995cc DOHC Inline 6-Cylinder Engine
3 SU Carburetors
282bhp at 5,500rpm
3-Speed BorgWarner Automatic Transmission
Independent Front Suspension, Live Rear Axle with Coil Springs
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


"Like all classic GT cars, it combines been superseded by a new design by Tadek Five series were built as the model gradually
enormous speed and comfort and the more Marek. The new 3,670cc engine featured metamorphosed into the DB5. Introduced
you put into your driving, the more the car 'square' bore and stroke dimensions in July 1963, the Aston Martin DB5 boasted
returns for your entertainment. And the DB5 of 92mm, and developed its maximum a 4.0-liter engine, this enlarged unit having
really is entertaining to anyone who can power of 240bhp at 5,500rpm. The David been seen first in the Lagonda Rapide of
exploit its outstanding performance, handling Brown gearbox was a new four-speed all- 1961. Equipped with three SU carburetors,
and brakes. It will also carry four people (just) synchromesh unit. the '400' engine produced 282bhp at
and a fair amount of luggage so the merits of 5,500rpm and was mated to a four-speed/
family transport (if need be) have not entirely Touring's Superleggera body construction, overdrive gearbox, a 'proper' ZF five-speed
been sacrificed to speed and elegant looks." which employed a lightweight tubular unit being standardized later.
Motor, 6th February 1963. structure to support the aluminum body
panels, was deemed incompatible with The DB5's distinctive cowled headlamps
Aston Martin's post-war evolution took a the DB2/4-type multi-tubular spaceframe, had first appeared on the DB4GT and
giant step forward with the launch of the so engineer Harold Beach drew up an the newcomer was the same size as the
DB4 in 1958. Classically proportioned, the immensely strong platform type chassis. lengthened, Series V DB4. Outwardly there
Carrozzeria Touring of Milan-designed body The DB2/4's trailing-link independent front was little to distinguish the DB5 from the last
established an instantly recognizable look suspension gave way to unequal-length of the DB4s apart from twin fuel filler caps,
that would stand the marque in good stead wishbones while at the rear the DB4 sported though these had already appeared on some
until 1970. The engine was still an all-alloy, a live axle located by a Watts linkage instead cars, and a slimmer bonnet scoop. Beneath
twin-overhead-camshaft, six but the old W O of its predecessor's Panhard rod. the skin however, there were numerous
Bentley supervised 3.0-liter unit had improvements including alternator electrics,


Girling disc brakes instead of Dunlops, The spectacularly well-presented Aston swap path. As a result, the DB5 on offer
Sundym glass, electric windows and an oil Martin DB5 presented here was ordered presents as an exception and surely adds
pressure gauge as standard equipment. new to the city of Chicago and delivered desirability due the rarity of non-converted
From September 1964 the 314bhp, the to a Mr. Peter Baraban Junior. Originally cars. In addition, the later build date benefits
triple-Weber Vantage engine became finished in the vibrant color of Fiesta Red, this DB5 as it features the improved Model
available and was fitted to a total of 95 cars. the interior features the more subdued and 8 transmission which is known to be a
The DB5 was also offered in convertible traditional black Connolly leather. Shown on marked improvement over the earlier DG
form (the 'Volante' name would not be the build sheet are a number of particular models. The combination of the automatic
applied to the soft-top Aston until the DB6's non-standard equipment items including and limited slip were likely optioned out of
arrival) while independent coachbuilder a Normalair air conditioner, a Bosch Koln necessity to handle the notoriously slippy
Harold Radford offered a shooting brake TR radio with power antenna, heated rear northern Illinois fall and winters.
conversion. 1,021 DB5s were manufactured screen, 3.73 limited slip differential, engine
between July 1963 and September 1965, a breather valve scheme, chrome wheels, and After having been in the possession of Mr.
total that included 123 convertibles and 12 lastly a Borg Warner automatic transmission. Baraban for a number of years, the car was
shooting brakes. sold in 1970 to the family which owns the car
Unlike many other Astons from the to this day. The car would be used sparingly
period originally fitted with auto boxes, over the next several decades as evidenced
this example has retained its original by the sub-35,000 miles present on the
transmission unit from the very beginning odometer. In 2008, the owner decided to
and therefore has not followed many other restore the Aston Martin to truly spectacular
examples down the manual transmission condition with no expense spared. At this


time, the car showed in fair condition with build and tuning work. The rebuilt motor from the rich smell of the Connolly leather
signs of wear present from the decades of was later placed on a dyno and the results to the delicate grain on the wood steering
street driving but it was free from indications of this test running will be available within wheel, and the 4 Liter Inline six cylinder wails
of any abuse. In all, the DB5 began as a the assembled history file. Coachtrim LLC in a symphony of exploding hydrocarbons.
fantastic restoration candidate. A plethora of Danbury, Connecticut was charged with Even the air conditioning has been recently
of documentation available to interested finishing the interior, and much like the checked, holds pressure, and blows cold air.
parties illustrates the lengths the teams of other jobs, thousands of dollars of work are This example truly belongs amongst some of
specialists went through to bring this DB5 up represented on the invoice. The Finishing the finest DB5 available.
to the level it shows today. Invoices account Touch Inc of Chicago, which has provided
the thousands of dollars-worth of work the chrome for multiple Amelia Island and Since the completion of the restoration in
conducted to rehabilitate the foundations of Pebble Beach winners, also did the chrome 2013, the Aston has been sparingly used by its
the vehicle down to the bare chassis tubes. work on this car. owner. The car was transported to the Amelia
However, the work did not stop there and Island Concours d' Elegance in 2015 where its
continued onto every other facet of the As one can see in the images shown here status was affirmed as an award winner and its
vehicle. Further invoices show additional on the page, this Aston Martin DB5 has trophy will be included upon purchase, as will
thousands of dollars of engine work. Parts been finished to an incredible standard. both the rare DB5 workshop manual and parts
were sourced from the U.K. firm of Richard Resplendent in its new Silver Birch exterior, manual. Moreover, the quality of the restoration
Stewart Williams Limited of Surrey, England this deeply complex paint is best viewed on is evident from the car's flawless completion of
and shipped back to the Midwest. Once a bright sunny day when the light allows the the Amelia Island Eight Flags Road Tour, and
arrived, Barry Sale of PHP Racengines Inc in subtle green shades to glisten. The result of the ribbon evidencing this is also included with
Wauconda, Illinois completed the engine the restoration is a feast for the senses the purchase.

19 0 | BONHAMS
A bona fide automotive great, the Aston
Martin DB5 remains as one of the most
coveted vehicles for anyone bitten by the
motoring bug. Its status as Mr. Bond's
personal transportation, gorgeous Touring
Superleggera lines, and raspy inline-6 makes
for one of the most complete packages in
the hobby. A fine example such as this will
surely find itself well cherished within the
confines of its next collection.

$750,000 - 900,000

◊ See Legend on page 5 for bidding instructions.


Without Reserve
85. H One of only 430 Khamsins built
1975 MASERATI KHAMSIN H Delivered new to the United States
Coachwork by Bertone H Two owners in the last four decades
H A rare and unique Grand Routier
Chassis no. AM120US1116

4,930cc DOHC V8 Engine

Bosch Electronic Fuel Injection
320bhp at 5,500rpm
3-Speed BorgWarner Automatic Transmission
4-Wheel Independent Coil Spring Suspension
4-Wheel Power-Assisted Hydraulic Disc Brakes


Maserati's final major introduction while under headlamps. The power unit was a longer-stroke, This Khamsin was completed in April of 1975
Citroën's control, the Khamsin - named after a 4.9-liter version of Maserati's familiar quad-cam and destined for the United States Market. It
hot Sahara Desert wind - debuted at the 1972 V8 developing 320bhp at a lowly 5,500rpm is not recorded where or to whom the car was
Turin Show and entered production in 1974. and a lusty 354lb/ft of torque at 4,000 revs. A originally delivered, but by the end of August
Styled and built at Bertone, the Khamsin's five-speed ZF manual gearbox or three-speed 1981, it was in the garage of Robert and Betty
attractive, unitary-construction, 2+2, Borg-Warner automatic transmission were Wells of Pendleton, Oregon. The Wells would
hatchback body was of all steel construction. options, and when equipped with the former retain the car for the next 17 years, no doubt
The front-engined Khamsin featured state- the Khamsin was good for around 240km/h enjoying their unique GT car and sparing
of-the-art, all independent, double-wishbone (150mph). Although seemingly less exotic than themselves the worry of hill starts thanks to
suspension similar to that of the mid-engined the mid-engined Bora supercar, the Khamsin the optional automatic transmission.
Bora and Merak which, combined with a was Maserati's biggest-engined and most
50/50 front/rear weight distribution, endowed expensive offering at the time of its introduction, The current owner purchased the car in the
the Khamsin with near perfect balance; and and thus could justifiably claim to be its top-of- fall of 1998 and has retained it largely on static
if its grip level was ultimately inferior to the the-range model. By virtue of its front-engined display since then. The subject of an older
Bora's, then the Khamsin's conventional layout layout, the Khamsin offered greater practicality, repaint—including the bumpers and various trim
made it easier to control close to the limit. providing a roomier and more comfortable pieces—in a rather lovely shade of aubergine,
interior and superior luggage carrying capacity. the beige interior retains a fine, mostly original
Citroën's hydraulic technology (as found in the patina. With over a score of years without active
Maserati-engined Citroën SM) was employed A mere 430 examples of this most exclusive use, recommissioning is advised before enjoying
to power the brakes and steering - the latter, and consummate Grand Routier had been a dash to dinner or a weekend tour.
in particular, being rated as highly effective made when production ceased in 1982.
by testers - and also to raise the concealed $50,000 - 60,000
H Superb All-steel Hot Rod by 86.
legendary builder Roy Brizio 1937 FORD 5-WINDOW COUPE HOT ROD
H Stunning craftmanship inside and out,
Chassis no. 184013933
and tasteful mechanical upgrades
H Striking Plum Metallic exterior color
283ci OHV Chevrolet V8 Engine
over a light tan custom interior 3 Twin-choke Rochester Carburetors
H Ready for competitive Hod Rod and Est. 290bhp at 5,400rpm
Custom show judging 5-Speed Manual Transmission
4-Wheel Performance Suspension
4-Wheel Performance Brakes


The 1937 Fords made significant design This striking and stylish 1937 Ford 2-Door the sale of the car, as does a history file with
changes, most importantly the teardrop- Coupe Hot Rod has been created by much paraphernalia and documentation. This
shaped covered headlights recessed into legendary Hot Rod and Custom builder Roy professionally prepared 1937 Ford Hot Rod
the catwalks between the front fenders Brizio and his Street Rods, Inc specialists by legendary builder Brizio Street Rods, Inc
and the revised sharp vee-shaped grille in South San Francisco, Calif. Starting is as thrilling to look at as it is to drive and
with horizontal elements. All the Fords with an original all-steel 1937 Ford 2-Door would be equally at home at a Hot Rod and
now had "trunk" backs and stored their Coupe, Brizio gave this spectacular Hot Custom show or cruising down the highway.
spare tires inside the bodywork. The hood Rod the full works, starting with customizing
now opened alligator-style from the front, the streamlined Coupe bodywork and $65,000 - 85,000
and the windshield was a two-panel vee- finishing it in a vibrant Plum metallic color,
shaped assembly with notable rake. Under while creating a custom trim of the interior.
the hood the now well-proven and refined Mechanically the 1937 Ford has seen
Ford V8 had one notable change; the similarly tasteful upgrades, including fitment
water flow reversed, and the water pumps of a 283 cubic inch Chevrolet Corvette
pulled cold water out of the radiator and engine topped by a Rochester Tri-Carb
forced it into the cylinder block. It was set up. The power is transmitted through
the final substantial change in the layout a 5-speed Tremec manual transmission
and function of the flathead V8 that would and 9-inch Ford rear axle with 4.11 gears.
continue in service until well into the Fifties. A Heidts Mustang front end is fitted, along
with performance brakes. Receipts from
Brizio's comprehensive work accompany


87. H Desirable Cadillac-powered J2 with
1951 ALLARD J2 ROADSTER fascinating period racing pedigree
H Well-documented example with
Chassis no. 99J2123
factory records and many charming
Engine no. 96X104846
period photographs
390ci OHV Cadillac V8 Engine H Eligible for the most exclusive
Triple Stromberg Carburetors vintage racing and driving events
Est. 280bhp at 5,400rpm H Offered with impressive history file
4-Speed Manual Transmission and many spare parts
Semi-Independent Front Suspension - De Dion Rear Axle
4-Wheel Hydraulic Drum Brakes


Using a crashed Ford V8 Coupe onto which 1951 Allard J2 Roadster chassis number Del Lee ran the car in numerous regional
he had grafted the body of a Grand Prix 99J2123, is a desirable J2 with a fascinating, events at such legendary tracks as Thompson
Bugatti, Sydney Allard constructed one well-documented history from new. Original Speedway, Bridgehampton, and Watkins Glen.
of the most unlikely of all pre-war trials factory invoice and build sheets on file show Multiple period photos show the car at the
specials. However, the Allard Special's the order for this car came through on the 7th Detroit Region SCCA ice-racing event on Lake
of June 1951, specified with knock-off wire Orion, Michigan, providing a superb record
lightweight construction and relatively
wheels, left-hand drive, left-hand spare wheel, of the car's original specification. At the Lake
powerful American V8 engine, although not
twin fuel pumps, headlamp stone guards, Orion event, reports say Lee thrilled the crowd
the first such combination, demonstrated near the front of the pack, only to throw it away
and fittings to receive a Cadillac engine. The
the formula's potential, providing the records also show the buyer requested a red when he spun while avoiding a bale late in the
inspiration for future imitators including interior and supplied a sample of metallic blue race. He seems to have experienced mixed
Carroll Shelby, who acknowledged Allard's paint for the body. Delivery took place on the results in competition, with his best moment
influence on the Cobra. 31st of August 1951, to Mr. Del Lee of Grosse coming at the Giant's Despair Hillclimb in
Pointe, Michigan, via Wood Motors of Detroit. Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Having scored
Mr. Lee immediately handed his new Allard a 4th in class in 1951, he returned in 1953
over to Cal Connell of the legendary shop with 99J2123 to take 1st in Class B and the
Detroit Racing Equipment where it received Hollenback Trophy for Fast Time of the Day.
its race-prepped Cadillac engine. Marvelous
period color photographs show the car finished Sometime around the 1954 Watkins Glen
in dark metallic blue with a red interior, a single Grand Prix, Del Lee sold 99J2123 to Fred Lavel
side-mount spare, and distinct polished alloy of Birmingham, Michigan. It appears Lavel had
Borrani wire wheels. Lee drive the car in the Glen race,

before taking it back home. The following year, the car to John Whitlock. It seems Mr. Whitlock windscreen. Updates include a robust Muncie M21
Lavel took the Allard to Bonneville, running it did little with the car, selling it on the 17th of gearbox, triple Strombergs on an aluminum Weiand
up to 127.47 miles per hour. At some point, August 1968 to Robert Vandepaer or Jersey manifold, and polished Offenhauser valve covers.
Mr. Lavel replaced the Cadillac engine with a City, New Jersey. Lavel likely removed his Desoto
DeSoto Adventurer Hemi supplied by his friend engine before selling the car, and at some point, With the restoration completed, the owner
and Chrysler man, Virgil Exner. The first trip to one of the owners fitted a 56 Corvette small- participated in numerous VSCCA events on the
Bonneville clearly triggered the salt addiction, and block V8 mated to a Jaguar Moss four-speed East Coast, including the Fairmount Vintage
he went to extreme measures in the quest for manual transmission. It is in this configuration Grand Prix, Pocono Vintage GP, Lime Rock Fall
speed for the following year. For the 1956 event, that the most recent owner discovered the car in Festival, and two Allard reunion events at Pocono
Lavel removed the alloy Allard bodywork and 1993 sitting in Vandepaer's Jersey City garage. and Watkins Glen in the late 1990s. Along
set it aside with the idea of polishing it. He fitted with the extensive history file, the sale includes
slick and aerodynamic fiberglass body made by Photos in the file show the original Allard numerous spares (including a Halibrand Quick-
Sorrell, along with a Halibrand quick-change rear aluminum coachwork separate from the chassis Change) and a VSCCA Log Book. The mildly-
end, and Powerflight automatic transmission when it was discovered. According to the tuned Cadillac engine makes it a superb choice
mated to the Hemi. With better aero, the car previous owner, the body spent the last 35 years for pre-1957 road events and rallies, thanks to
ran a respectable 150.75 miles per hour, but carefully stored away and preserved. The new its torque, reliability, and driver-friendly nature.
mechanical woes prevented further runs. owner embarked on a complete restoration, With well documented, fascinating history, Allard
returning the car to period-correct specification, J2 2123 is an impressive example of the Anglo-
After Bonneville, 99J2123 led a relatively quiet including the fitment of a 1959-specification American hybrid that set the racetrack alight
life. Around 1958, Fred Lavel removed the Cadillac 390 V8. Details such as the Borrani during the dawn of American sports car racing.
Sorrell body, loosely refitted the original alloy wheels remain in place, and the owner sourced
bodywork which he had in storage and sold a very rare factory soft top and full-width $225,000 - 275,000


88. H Extremely well-kept example with
2006 FORD GT less than 2,700 miles from new
H Highly optioned example with just
VIN. 1FAFP90SX6Y401261
3 owners from new
Engine no. 1FAFP90SX6Y401261
H Very collectible and extremely
5,408cc DOHC Supercharged V8 Engine powerful Supercar
Electronic Fuel Injection H Offered with original owner's
550bhp at 6,500rpm manuals and car cover
6-Speed Manual Transaxle
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


In Ford Motor Company's long and technologies, constructed on a lightweight

hugely successful history, few events are aluminum chassis clothed in superplastic-
as memorable and as important as the formed lightweight composite and aluminum
GT40 racing cars' four consecutive overall body panels. Powered by a mid-mounted,
victories at Le Mans. Stemming from a failed hand-built, supercharged quad-cam
acquisition of Ferrari, an understandably 550bhp V8 engine mated to a 6-speed
frustrated Ford enlisted Carroll Shelby and manual transaxle and featuring racing
others to build a racing car with one mission: derived suspension and braking systems,
to beat Ferrari at Le Mans. With their goals set the GT avails the driver of astounding
high, the GT40 became the most iconic and performance and power.
successful underdog in Le Mans history.
With this prolific power, the Ford GT will
Arriving in prototype form just in time for accelerate from 0-60 in about 3.5 seconds,
Ford's centennial celebration in 2003, the hurtling on to some 205mph before the
Ford GT borrowed heavily from the stunning speed limiter kicks in. When production
design and profile of the GT40 and set out ceased in 2006, with just over 4,000 Ford
on a similar mission: to compete with, and GTs produced, the epic Ford had made its
surpass, the established supercars. mark on automotive history once again - and
became an instant collector's car.
The ultra-high performance Ford GT
showcases the finest in advanced

19 6 | BONHAMS

This stunning 2006 model-year Ford GT Inspection by King Ford of Murphy, North design, and thrilling driving experience,
is offered in incredible original condition Carolina in July of 2006, and was sold later Ford's supercar is a unique creation that
with fewer than 2,700 total miles since that month, to a first owner who appears will undoubtedly be revered for years to
new. The car finished assembly by hand, to have resided in Sarasota, FL. The GT come. This particular GT offers a great
at the Wixom, MI based Ford plant during was serviced in the Sarasota, FL region opportunity to add a low mileage and well-
May of 2006, and benefits from many of over the next years. By 2016, the Ford GT specified example to any collection.
the improvements carried out during the had migrated West to California, where it
production run. This capable American is recorded with just 2,452 miles on the $290,000 - 330,000
supercar was finished as it appears today in odometer. Purchased by the current and
striking Mark IV Red, a color that highlights 3rd caretaker in 2017, the Ford GT has
the design and curves of its muscular since resided in his prominent collection of
lightweight bodywork. Adding to its sports and performance cars. Today this
desirability, this GT was specified with the potent supercar has less than 2,700 miles
desirable four factory options; the luxurious on the odometer and shows impeccably
McIntosh stereo system, lightweight alloy well in original condition throughout.
rims, painted calibers and the bold painted
Shelby Le Mans stripes down the center of The Ford GT is part of a rare class of
the car. modern cars that instantly became
collectible and have become more and
According to the CARFAX issued for more sought after. Given its inimitable
this car, the GT received its Pre-Delivery heritage, prolific performance, stunning


89. H 20,918 original Miles
1971 MERCEDES-BENZ 280SE 3.5 COUPE H Single California family ownership
from new
Chassis no. 111026.12.002322 H Impeccably maintained and
Engine no. 116980.12.002033 preserved numbers matching 3.5
H One of the last great classics from
3,499cc SOHC V8 Engine
Bosch Fuel Injection
200bhp at 5,800rpm H Offered with original window
4-Speed Automatic Transmission sticker, records, books and tools
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


This phenomenal 280SE 3.5 Coupe treated to a professional repainting in its condition" and must be seen to fully appreciate
was purchased by the consignor's aunt original color. The results of the repaint are its appearance and preservation efforts. The
on January 4th, 1971 at Mercedes- phenomenal and almost indistinguishable car is complete with its original window sticker,
Benz of Hollywood, California. The car's from the factory application. This car's service records, books and tools.
original window sticker shows that it was interior and mechanicals are all original
extraordinarily specified with Grey-Blue and it has been amazingly preserved and $80,000 - 100,000
metallic paint over a blue leather interior. has always resided in southern California
Additionally, this car is heavily optioned in a temperature controlled garage. Over
with an electronically heated rear window, the years, the car has been maintained
Europa stereo radio, automatic antenna, with an open checkbook. Maintenance
tray pad, front center folding armrest, air items replaced over the years include OEM
conditioning, electric windows front and specification tires, a new water pump, a
rear, and tinted glass. Bosch high-pressure fuel pump, a new
alternator and a new muffler assembly. All
In 1984, the ownership of the car was receipts and records are present in the
transferred from its original owner to her impressive history file.
niece and husband, an airline pilot, and
the car's current owner. At the time of the At the time of cataloging, this single family
transfer, the car had been sparingly driven owned 280SE 3.5 Coupe has covered
only 16,956 miles. In 1996, with the clear an incredibly low 20,918 original miles.
coat beginning to lightly craze, the car was The car's in outstanding "time-capsule


Without Reserve
H Delivered new to the US in left-
H Factory air conditioning LONG WHEELBASE LIMOUSINE
H Elegant, understated luxury Coachwork by H.J. Mulliner
H Copies of factory records on file
Chassis no. LFLW95
Engine no. L94F

4,887cc F-Head Inline 6-Cylinder Engine

Single Downdraft Carburetor
Approximately 125bhp
4-Speed Automatic Transmission
Independent Front Suspension – Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Hydraulic Drum Brakes


Rolls-Royce's first post-war model, the Silver According to factory records, this Rolls was showing nicely with ample presence, after
Wraith debuted in late 1946 and employed ordered new by one J.D. Nelson, Esquire some recommissioning it would be a lovely
a chassis similar to that of the Silver Dawn of Cincinnati, Ohio and delivered to the touring car—especially for hot weather
and MkVI Bentley, though with a 7" longer port on September 9, 1954 for transport climates where the factory installed air
wheelbase at 10' 7". The Wraith, however, to New York aboard the Queen Elizabeth. conditioning is an added bonus!
was only intended for traditional coachbuilt A well optioned machine, it was fitted with
bodies rather than the MkVI's pioneering power windows and aerial and 'complete $80,000 - 100,000
'standard steel' bodywork. Only the bore air conditioning' for the comfort of both the WITHOUT RESERVE
and stroke dimensions were shared with passengers and driver. Finished in Shell
the pre-war overhead-valve Wraith engine, Grey over Black Pearl with Grey leather
the major advantage of this 'F-head' layout up front and Grey broadcloth in the rear, it
being its large valves and generous water exuded understated elegance.
jacketing around the valve seats. Manufacture
of the short-wheelbase Wraith ceased in The early history of this Rolls is not further
1952, with a total production of 1,144; the recorded or known at the time of cataloging,
long-wheelbase version continued until the but it was subject to a restoration at some
introduction of the Phantom V in 1959, by point in the 1980s or '90s during which
which time 639 chassis had been completed. the Black Pearl lower portion of the car
was repainted Dove Grey. Acquired by the
present owner in January 2009, it has been
off the road on static display since. Still


91. H Five-time Ferrari Club of America
1988 FERRARI TESTAROSSA Platinum Award winner
Design by Pininfarina H Exceedingly original example with
less than 18,900 original miles
VIN. ZFFSG17A6J0075197 H Comprehensive service and
Engine no. 00875
maintenance history
H Offered with the original books and
4,942cc DOHC Flat 12-Cylinder Engine
Bosch K-Jetronic Fuel Injection manuals in leather pouch and tools
380bhp at 6,300rpm
5-Speed Manual Transaxle
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Few cars are released and immediately The gill slats feeding air to its side-mounted possessed light controls and was relatively
become evocative of their era. Like the radiators became one of the modern era's easy to drive - factors which when paired
Stingray Corvette or Jaguar E-type have most instantly recognizable - and copied - with its outstanding performance and
become symbols of the 1960's, it is hard styling devices. The Testarossa was a larger stunning looks, contributed to an instant
to imagine the 1980's without the Ferrari car than the 512BB - the increase in width and sustained high level of demand.
Testarossa coming to mind. While the accommodating a roomier cabin and wider
vehicle was fundamentally a development of tires. The new design managed to combine
the Berlinetta Boxer released in the 1970s, high downforce with a low coefficient
in many ways the new Testarossa was a of drag with the absence of extraneous
departure from more traditional Ferraris. spoilers and other such devices. Despite
the increase in size over the 512BB, the
Ferrari's flagship model, the Testarossa Testarossa was lighter than its predecessor.
supercar, revived a famous name from the The body was made up almost entirely
Italian company's past when it arrived in from strong, lightweight aluminum with the
1984. A 'next generation' Berlinetta Boxer, exception of the doors and roof which were
the Testarossa retained its predecessor's constructed of steel.
amidships-mounted, 5.0-liter, flat-12 engine,
which now boasted a maximum power output Luxury touches in the well-equipped cabin
of 380bhp at 6,300rpm, courtesy of four-valve included air conditioning, tilting Momo
cylinder heads. The new supercar was now steering wheel and plentiful leather.
capable of reaching a top speed of 180mph. Unlike some of its rivals, the Testarossa


Finished in classic Rossa Corsa with a 18,900 miles on this fine Testarossa, it
tan interior, this Testarossa is a highly presents beautifully original throughout.
original example of one of Ferraris most This exceptional example boasts multiple
recognizable supercars. Furthermore, this Ferrari Club of America Platinum Awards
Testarossa was ordered new from the including a 100-point winner at the National
factory with the rare Corsa red carpets as it Concorso Italiano in Monterey and Best of
appears with today. The car delivered new Show at the Phoenix Concorso. This car
to the US market, where Bob Sharp Ferrari is accompanied by impeccable service
of Danbury, Connecticut delivered it on records, clean Carfax report and the
January 23rd, 1988, to the first owner. This original tools and manuals.
Concours condition example has had just
3 owners from new and was under a long This Testarossa must be among the best
term 18 years ownership until being added examples on the market today of the iconic
to the consigners impressive collection of model. The Ferrari would make an excellent
exceptional classic sports cars. addition to any collection and certainly
represents the future of the hobby with
Testarossa #0075197 underwent no growing enthusiasm for the model among
expense spared, major engine-out service rising collectors.
in 2018. The service included the belt
service, new clutch, hoses, gaskets, brake $120,000 - 150,000
and fuel lines. With less than


92. H Expertly restored by legendary XK
1952 JAGUAR XK120 ROADSTER Scott Sutton and other specialists
H Tastefully and reversable upgraded
Chassis no. 671867 with period performance features
Engine no. W4209-8 H Retains matching numbers
driveline and bodywork
3,442cc DOHC Inline 6-Cylinder Engine
H Offered with extensive history and
2 SU Carburetors
160bhp at 5,000rpm restoration file
4-Speed Manual Transmission
Front Independent Suspension - Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Hydraulic Drum Brakes


Conceived and constructed in but a design, it boasted twin overhead camshafts When a marque devotee conjures up the
few months, the XK120 debuted at the running in an aluminum-alloy cylinder head, image of the ideal XK120 Roadster in his
1948 Earls Court Motor Show where seven main bearings, and a maximum mind's eye – this car may well be what he
the stunning-looking roadster caused a output of 160bhp. It went into a chassis that sees. Old English White with red leather –
sensation. The resulting demand for what was essentially a shortened version of the la crème de la crème, with a cherry! Not
was then the world's fastest production car simultaneously announced Mark V saloon's, surprisingly, this car was an award winner
taking Jaguar by surprise. In conjunction featuring William Heynes' torsion bar at multiple concours following its world-
with the Pressed Steel Fisher Company, a independent front suspension. Jaguar lost class frame-off restoration, which took
new all-steel paneled body was developed. no time in demonstrating that the XK120's over three years to complete in the early
The body retained the fabulous looks of the claimed top speed was no idle boast. In May 1990s. No expense was spared, and no
coachbuilt original, while differing in minor of 1949, on the Jabbeke to Aeltre autoroute, bolt left unturned.
external details. Beneath the skin the steel an example with its hood and side screens
car was entirely different, and it would take in place recorded a speed of 126mph and The current owner - who has been its sole
some twenty months of development before 132mph with the hood and windscreen caretaker since the 1990s - recognized the
manufacture could begin. detached and an under-tray fitted. significance of the Jaguar XK120 Roadster,
also known as an OTS or Open Two-Seater,
The XK120's heart was, of course, the The XK120 set new standards of comfort, and submitted it to the care of Scott Sutton,
fabulous XK engine, which had been handling, and performance for British a celebrated expert in the West Coast
developed during the war and was intended sports cars and, in keeping with the Jaguar Jaguar community. Mr. Sutton commenced
for Jaguar's forthcoming Mark VII saloon. A tradition, there was nothing to touch it at work on the Jaguar but was eventually
3.4-liter "six" embodying the best of modern the price. unable to complete the project and Steve

Gordon was commissioned to coordinate Meanwhile, the frame was stripped, slightly larger than original, and painted in
the final stages of restoration. prepared and powder coated while the Old English White by British Wire Wheels.
metalwork was undertaken by the late This work comes with an extensive folio
Primarily, all mechanicals were meticulously great Jim Muzzy. An aficionado of the old of invoices, most written by hand by the
disassembled, rebuilt, restored or renewed. skills, Mr. Muzzy hand-built panels over craftsmen themselves.
The original engine was rebuilt according English and French forming tools, and
to, and sometimes beyond, original hand-beat singular pieces. Except for the As testimony to the excellence of the
specifications. A new crankshaft, connecting glass, it is his handiwork we see in the restoration carried out almost 30 years
rods, and pistons were installed, and the Brooklands screens, mirror and head rests ago, this XK120 is absolutely stunning. It is
original gearbox case restored using the on this car. The original paint was Old unusual to find an XK120 Roadster is such
gears from an XK150 - the original XK120 English White, and it took the expertise great condition, restored by true craftsmen,
gears accompany the car. The factory heavy- of Robert Etcheverry to complete the and presents an opportunity to be seized.
duty hydraulic drum brakes were restored, many layers of primer, color, and finally
and powder coated accompanied by a new the clear coats, to restore the car to its $120,000 - 150,000
master cylinder and stainless-steel brake former brilliance. The ultimate assembly
lines. The electrical system was rebuilt with and polishing fell to Brian Hoyt of Perfect
a new wiring harness and the distributor Reflections to complete. The upholstery
replaced with a solid state Pertronix unit. The was crafted in luxurious red leather, exactly
suspension received new hand-laced leaf to specification by Ken Nemanic of Vintage
springs that are, in the words of the owner, Auto Upholstery, and the car was finished
'truly works of art!' with custom, hand-built wire wheels,


Without Reserve
93. H Number 25 of only 99 produced
ZAGATO SHOOTING BRAKE H Over $65,000 worth of optional
equipment and a $917,216 sticker price
VIN.SCFNMCUZ4KGJ54520 H Fewer than 60 miles present on the
6.0-Liter 48-Valve DOHC V12 Engine H Exquisite specification and condition
Multipoint Sequential Fuel Injection
580bhp at 7,000rpm
8-Speed Touchtronic III Transaxle
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Vented Carbon Ceramic Disc Brakes


Brakes, making 325 cars in all. All four designs Brake was officially announced, all 99 had
Periodically, Aston Martin has renewed its are the result of close creative collaboration been pre-sold.
relationship with the celebrated Italian styling between Aston Martin and Zagato.
house of Carrozzeria Zagato, continuing a With all four designs based upon the Vanquish
fruitful collaboration that had started back in First member of the family, the Vanquish S, each Zagato enjoys the combination of
the early 1960s with the building of 19 special Zagato Coupé had commenced production 600PS naturally-aspirated V12 engine mated
competition cars on the DB4 GT chassis. in late 2016. Next in line was the Vanquish to the smooth, slick-shifting Touchtronic III
Zagato Volante, the announcement of which transmission. Boasting adaptive suspension
Zagato had forged it's not inconsiderable on 15th August 2017 in Carmel, California, damping – fine-tuned for each model - the
reputation by building a succession of USA marked another milestone in what is Vanquish Zagato family promises exceptional
lightweight aerodynamic sports and GT cars, recognised as one of the most enduring driving pleasure that is every bit as stimulating
most notable on Alfa Romeo and Lancia creative partnerships in the global automotive and memorable as their design.
chassis, so its choice as partner for the industry. At the same time it was confirmed
development of the somewhat more utilitarian that not only would a Vanquish Zagato The Speedster and Shooting Brake
shooting brake concept may seem surprising Speedster enter production but that it would represent the two extremes of the
at first. In fact, the Shooting Brake was just one be joined by a spectacular Vanquish Zagato Vanquish Zagato family, the former being
of four new Zagato-styled models to be built Shooting Brake. Tantalisingly, the Shooting an uncompromising roofless design that
on the V12 Vanquish platform, the others being Brake was illustrated in a press photograph expresses the raw excitement of an open-
a Speedster, a Coupé, and a Volante. The mostly covered, and it was not until October top ultra-high performance sports car. The
planned production was for 99 Coupés, 99 2017 that images showing the entire car were Shooting Brake is still a strict two-seater,
Volantes, 28 Speedsters, and 99 Shooting made available. Even before the Shooting but one conceived as an individual and

exceptionally practical Gran Turismo. Its Why create a family of Zagatos? Well, many "marriage" thrive for three generations
extended roof features the iconic Zagato of our customers want different things. Some is something as unique as the cars
'double-bubble' profile complete with glass prefer the purity of a Coupé, but others themselves. My family name is associated
inlays to let light flood into the cockpit. The love the idea of something more extreme, with all kinds of wonderful designs, but for
sculptural roof culminates in a powered like the Speedster. And yes, some of them many enthusiasts and collectors around the
tailgate that opens onto a luxuriously have ordered one example of each. There's world those that combine the Z of Zagato
trimmed rear cabin area, complete with a always an over demand from our clients and with the wings of Aston Martin are the most
tailored luggage set. Up front the dramatic patrons. We could easily fulfil demand for special. Collaborating closely on the design of
herringbone carbon fiber fascia features more cars than this, but we want Zagato to four complimentary, yet completely different
anodized bronze rotary controls, extensive remain something very special. We're creating Vanquish Zagatos has been an incredibly
'Z' motif quilting, and the option of fully collectibles, future concours cars. With only exciting challenge. I'm proud to continue the
aniline leather upholstery. 325 cars worldwide, divided between 99 story my grandfather started and thrilled that
Coupés, 99 Volantes, 28 Speedsters and 99 our partnership with Aston Martin continues to
Aston Martin's Chief Creative Officer, Marek Shooting Brakes - they are still the rarest of realize such exciting cars.'
Reichman, said of the Vanquish Zagato the rare."
family: 'We haven't released Zagato models
as a family before, at least not in this way, Andrea Zagato, Zagato's CEO, said of the
but the idea is not without precedent. Think enduring creative partnership: 'Zagato's
back to the DB7 Zagato and DB AR1, or the relationship with Aston Martin began with
V8 Zagato Coupé and Volante, for example. my grandfather and the DB4 GT Zagato,
We've simply taken things a few steps further. almost sixty years ago. To have a creative



The 2019 Aston Martin Vanquish Zagato Showroom fresh, the odometer shows
Shooting Brake we are proud to offer at well under 100 miles and the condition of
this year's sale is number 25 of 99 total the rest of the car makes this limited use
cars. With its Italian coachwork, the vehicle readily apparent. This stylish Aston is ready
sports a fitting shade of sanguine paint to be used by its next lucky owner whether
called Hyper Red. Inside, many cows worth that be carving up a back road or loading
of Coral Sand leather adorn just about every golf clubs into the cavernous boot. A highly
surface. A true sight to behold, the equally collectible modern supercar - with a sticker
sculptured interior of the vehicle features price of $917,216.00 - the desirability of
highly detailed stitchwork that represent this Zagato bodied Vanquish will most
many countless hours of craftsmanship certainly continue to grow over the coming
and a wonderful variety of materials from years making this a wonderful addition to
brushed aluminum to carbon fiber make any collection.
this Aston a luxurious cocoon of speed. The
window sticker on file shows a further level $600,000 - 800,000
of individualization with a number of extra WITHOUT RESERVE
options totaling to just under $70,000. The
most expensive of which is the carbon fiber ◊ See Legend on page 5 for bidding instructions.
boot floor at $19,000. The accompanying
custom luggage will surely avoid the
degrading experience of having to sit atop
something so mundane as carpet.

94. H Desirable, short-chassis Speed Model
1925 BENTLEY 3-LITER SPEED MODEL TOURER H Well-documented example, Pebble Beach
Coachwork by L & LT Taylor of Wolverhampton Concours d'Elegance Class Winner
H Original matching numbers car with
Chassis no. 921 original sports coachwork
Engine no. 917
H Eligible for a host of road touring events
and rallies
2,996cc SOHC Inline 4-Cylinder Engine
4 Overhead Valves Per Cylinder
80bhp at 3,500rpm
4-Speed Close-ratio Gearbox
Front and Rear Leaf Spring Suspension
Four-Wheel Drum Brakes with Perrot shaft actuation


The genre of the sporting Vintage Bentley dates fourth, and fifth and took the Team Prize, led The entire Bentley world is fortunate to have
from the earliest days of Walter Owen Bentley's to the introduction of the TT Replica (later had the histories of Vintage Bentleys so well
founding of the firm that bore his name. W.O. known as the Speed Model) on the existing distilled by Dr. Clare Hay, whose series of
Bentley had proudly unveiled his new 3-liter 9' 9½" wheelbase, short standard chassis). publications and research materials have
car on Stand 126 at the 1919 Olympia Motor Identified by the Red Label on its radiator, provided great insight into how these cars
Exhibition—the prototype engine having fired the Speed Model differed by having twin SU were built and their specific careers.
up for the first time just a few weeks earlier. 'sloper' carburetors, a higher compression From the most recent 'Bentley - The Vintage
Bentley's four-cylinder 'fixed head' engine ratio, different camshaft, and the close-ratio Years', and other supporting material, we
incorporated a single overhead camshaft, A-type gearbox, the latter being standard know that this immaculate 'WO', chassis
four-valves per cylinder and a bore/stroke equipment prior to 1927 when the C-type 921 was built new with the matching number
of 80x149mm. Twin ML magnetos provided gearbox was adopted. These engine changes engine that it retains, number 917. It was
the ignition, and power was transmitted via a increased maximum power from the standard ordered in December 1924 through Blackpool
four-speed gearbox with right-hand change. 70 to 80bhp and raised top speed to an agents Queen & Brighton Ltd, and delivered to
The pressed-steel chassis started off with a impressive 90mph. Other enhancements its first owner Hubert Mason of Birkdale, near
wheelbase of 9' 9½" then adopted dimensions included the larger (11-gallon) fuel tank and Southport in England. True to the clientele
of 10' 10" ('Standard Long') in 1923, the (usually) Andre Hartford shock absorbers. of these cars, Mr. Mason must have been a
shorter frame being reserved for the TT Replica young and adventurous man, as he was still
and subsequent Speed Model. The 3-Liter was by far the most numerous only 35 years old when his Avro 616 aircraft
model of Vintage Bentley production, with some crashed into the River Mersey 1936, making
Early success in the 1922 Isle of Man Tourist 1613 chassis built, however of those only a third him a mere 26 years old when he purchased
Trophy, where Bentleys finished second, were the short chassis Speed models. this car! Rather than following the crowd, he


The 3-Liter Speed Model winning its Class at the Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance, 2014.

elected to have the car bodied by a Midlands Drivers Club. Photos from this era show the has been regularly exercised on Vintage
coachbuilder, L.T. Taylor of Wolverhampton. body to be exactly as it is today, which is Bentley tours, while viewed today, its
If registered for the road in Southport, it felt by Hay to have been slightly modified at originality extends to include nice features
would have carried an 'FY' prefix to its the rear, but nevertheless original to the car. such as the original numbered dashboard
license, however, no note of its original Post war keepers are noted as A R Larman in cluster and even its number bonnet/hood.
number is known. 1965, J O Stannard in 1970 who is believed Offering all the most desirable attributes of
to have kept the car for the next 5 years these cars, Speed Model, matching numbers
Mason no doubt screamed his vintage Bentley before selling to an A.J. Harper in 1980. It and original coachwork, this is a blue chip
around the roads of the Southport area for a surfaced with Stanley Mann in 2007 and was Bentley which is ready to be enjoyed and
couple of years, before selling it to a William acquired by the current owner 8 years ago. is eligible for all manner of events including
Belrose in 1926. The following year the car While with this caretaker in America, the RROC and North American Vintage Bentley
passed to G C Campbell Taylor, who would Bentley has been given a well-deserved Club tours.
surely have appreciated the name of its refurbishment with a bare metal repaint in
coachbuilder and kept the car for the next 6 British Racing Green and a newly matching $475,000 - 575,000
years. In late 1932 or early 1933, it was re- interior completed by Classic Automobiles of
registered for the road, presumably by Taylor Lancaster, California. A top end engine rebuild
with plate 'RB 7566' which it still wears. A was carried out by Mosier Restorations at a
further 5 owners followed through the 1930s. similar time. The quality of this workmanship
Having survived the war, the Bentley emerged may be judged from a class win on this
in the ownership of C.H. Elliot in 1956, with peninsula at the Pebble Beach Concours
whom it was registered with the Bentley d'Elegance in 2014. Since then, the 3-Liter

95. H Desirable, fully evolved Series I,
1966 JAGUAR E-TYPE SERIES I 4.2 COUPE covered headlight example
H Well-preserved E-Type, with
Chassis no. 1E33597
lovely original interior and
Engine no. 7E10518-9
original documentation
4,235cc DOHC Inline 6-Cylinder Engine H Delivered new to Pasadena,
3 Weber Carburetors California
265bhp at 5,400rpm H Retains matching-numbers
4-Speed Manual Transmission 4.2-Liter engine
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Introduced in 3.8-liter form in 1961, the performance did not disappoint: firstly, friendly all-synchromesh gearbox and
Jaguar E-Type (XKE in the USA) caused a because it weighed around 500lb less superior Lockheed brake servo forming part
sensation when it appeared, with instantly than the XK150 and secondly because of the improved specification together with
classic lines and 150mph top speed. While, aerodynamicist Malcolm Sayer used the bigger, torquier engine. Apart from '4.2'
inevitably, the car's stupendous straight-line experience gained with the D-Type to create badging, the car's external appearance was
performance and gorgeous looks grabbed one of the most elegant and efficient shapes unchanged, but under the skin there were
the headlines, there was a lot more to the ever to grace a motor car. Aerodynamically, numerous detail improvements, chiefly to
E-Type beneath the skin. the Coupé was superior to the Roadster the electrical and cooling systems, and also
and a more accomplished Grande Routière, to the seating arrangements. Top speed
The newcomer's design owed much to that enjoying a marginally higher top speed remained unchanged at around 150mph,
of the racing D-Type. Indeed, the E-Type and the considerable convenience of a the main performance gain resulting from
would be one of the last great sports generously sized luggage platform accessed the larger engine being improved flexibility.
cars developed directly from a successful via the side-hinged rear door.
competition ancestor. Just as in the D-Type, Today, the E-Type's graceful lines live on in
a monocoque tub formed the main body/ Its engine aside, only in terms of its modern Jaguar sports cars, and there can
chassis structure while a tubular spaceframe transmission did the E-Type represent be little doubt that William Lyons' sublime
extended forwards to support the engine. no significant advance over the XK150, creation would feature in any knowledgeable
The latter was the same 3.8-liter, triple- whose durable four-speed Moss gearbox enthusiast's 'Top Ten' of the most beautiful
carburetor, 'S' unit first offered as an option it retained. The latter was replaced when cars of all time. Indeed, even Enzo Ferrari
on the preceding XK150. With a claimed the 4.2-liter engine was introduced on the felt obliged to concede that the E-type was
265 horsepower on tap, the E-Type's Series 1 in October 1964, a more user- 'the most beautiful car ever made'.

shows the Jaguar would be serviced by order, it performed very well on a recent
This beautiful Series I E-Type Coupe Satori Motors in the late 1960s. The black test drive. Powered by the large 4.2 liter
was finished at Jaguar's Coventry works E-Type is believed to have remained in inline 6 that the car was delivered with new,
during the fall of 1966, benefiting from California for many years, and kept it in this E-Type is equipped with the 4-speed
the upgraded, fully synchronized manual largely original cosmetic condition, bar a manual fully synchronized transmission and
transmission and the larger 4.2-liter XK repaint at some stage. Inside, the black upgraded Weber carburetors. Handling
engine. It was built just like it appears today, leather interior is beautifully worn-in with is provided by 4-wheel independent
a left-hand drive covered headlight Coupe great patina and believed to be mostly suspension that was so successful for
model, most likely painted black over the original. The classic wood-rimmed steering Jaguar that they continued to use the
black interior. Like many E-Types, this car wheel is in situ, as are the first series toggle same geometry for years of production with
was destined for the United States. switches and original smith gauges. continual successful motorsports pedigree.
This lovely, well-kept E-Type is offered
According to the original manufacturer's Original books and manuals in pouch are from a prominent Reno-based collection
warranty card issued for this car and accompanying the Jaguar, including a of sophisticated sports cars and deserves
signed in period, Jaguar E-Type Coupe correct comprehensive tool roll, jack and serious consideration.
chassis no. 1E33597 was sold new by knock-off tool. Chrome wire wheels with
Peter Satori Motors of Pasadena, California, Michelin X thin red-line tires are fitted, $120,000 - 150,000
on December 24th, 1966 - quite a lovely giving the E-Type Coupe its classic and
Christmas present indeed - to a John S. clean look. Overall, the car shows a
Turnbridge of Pasadena, California. Further tasteful amount of patina in and out. While
records in the service and maintenance book maintaining functionality and operating


96. H The ultimate Riley, one of only 15
MPH No. 5, examples and first chassis number built
Offered from the Collection of Willem van Huystee H Believed to be the London Motor Show
H Concours restored to the highest
Chassis no. 44T 2246 possible standards
Engine no. 14T 2246 H Amelia Island Concours d'Elegance
Best in Class Award Winner
1,633cc, OHV Inline 6-Cylinder Engine
2 SU Carburetors, 80bhp at 5,000rpm
4-Speed Pre-select Transmission
Semi-Elliptic Leaf Spring Suspension
4-Wheel Drum Brakes
4-Wheel Drum Brakes


Riley was a company that had the rightful of the era, but somehow the level of design in This emerald jewel comes to the market
claim to being 'As Old As The Industry, As even the closed cars was extremely novel and having ostensibly vanished from the
Modern As The Hour', its origins could be wherever possible the diamond of the Riley community for many years, some even
traced to 1896 and for a little more than emblem was echoed in each car's trim. considered 'No.5' to be a lost car.
40 years, before they were acquired by Rediscovered and in fresh ownership it
the Nuffield Organization, they produced The pinnacle of Riley production was has been treated to a truly meticulous
automobiles that were always innovative, undoubtedly the MPH. It was the definitive restoration such that it is now presented in
unquestionably well thought out and evolution of all the principles, engineering a condition which must make it the finest of
invariably sporting. genus and styling cues of this famed British these cars extant.
marque, and one that is placed in a near
As the company entered the 1930s, it didn't mythical status alongside other great icons Its resurfacing is coincidentally linked to
matter which model of Riley one bought, of its era. Indeed, there are some that Bonhams successful sale of the Bob Lutz,
each had its own identity, with an imaginative would argue that the MPH outshines its Swiss MPH in 2016, for it was shortly after
product name, sedans were not just sedans, contemporaries from Italy and France in terms that sale that the wife of the deceased
they were a Merlin or Falcon, or conjured an of outright beauty! To turn the dial a little more owner reached out to Mr. van Huystee
exciting location such as Biarritz or Monaco, is the fact that less than 2 dozen were ever to say that she understood that he was
and for those that wished to combine built by the works making the chance to own interested in these cars and to ask if he
aerodynamics and sportsmanship, there was one very scarce. might he want another one? That simple
the rakish Kestrel with its swept back tail. conversation began a new journey of MPH
While open touring cars had names like Alpine ownership for Mr. van Huystee, culminating
or Gamecock. Perhaps it was symptomatic in the completion of the restoration of the

Riley’s Stand at the 1934 London MPH No. 5 in early days of
Motor Show (MPH near corner). Huehner’s ownership, 1960s.

car and winning its class at the Amelia into stock relatively soon afterwards against dates which account for roughly a year
Island Concours d'Elegance this May. a Kestrel, which is perhaps why its first UK before it found its first proper owner might
The individual histories of the 15 cars, road registration did not materialize until have been a period in which the car was
together with their background have been February 28, 1935. Then it was registered used as a Demonstrator for the works. As
vociferously researched by Robin Cameron for the road on the Coventry plate 'ARW Mr. Cameron writes:
in the UK, leading to his publication 'The 485' by Flight Lieutenant J G Franks, whose
Riley MPH – A history of its development address was given as c/o The Manager, 'Some potential buyers of such a costly
& production 1932-1935'. From the Lloyds Bank, 6 Pall Mall in London. It is Riley could have been expected to come to
chapter on 'No. 5' we know that despite listed as having engine number T2246 as it the factory as VIPs to discuss their particular
its designation as the 5th MPH, its chassis does today, with a prefix of 15, and being specification requirements in person.
number is actually the earliest in the finished in all blue paintwork. It appears Having been the 'Show' car it was probably
sequence, and for this reason and that of that perhaps this sale was also cancelled, finished to a slightly higher standard than
a comment by Riley Sales Manager Arnold for another year passes and it was then the ex-Works norm, and of course it would
Farrar to its former owner that it is believed registered for the road again as COE 354, have those later refinements, not on the
by Cameron to have been the car that Riley a Birmingham number and to a Graham prototypes, which would have shown the
debuted at the London Motor Show at Donald of Kilbarchan, in Renfrewshire, prospective customer what the standard
Olympia in 1934. Scotland, at this point and ex-Works, cars would be like. It might have been
its engine prefix is recorded as 14, this shuffled around between dealerships
Farrar's recollection was that the car was anomaly suggests that Riley had exchanged to drum up sales; the first Imp off the
sold new off the show stand to an overseas a 15/6 engine for a 14/6 engine before its production line certainly was.'
buyer, and that Riley had taken the car back final sale. Cameron surmises, that these


Donald is understood to have owned well-used car in the ensuing 4 decades of The technical aspect was handled
the car until he was called up to serve in his ownership. Latterly, he commissioned a by respected engineers at Leydon
the Second World War in 1939, at which second restoration, which sadly he would Restorations, overseen by Eric Peterson,
point his Riley, as for so many other cars, not live to see the outcome of, and at this and in liaison with John Lomas of Blue
vanishes from sight for a dozen or so years. juncture, in 2003 the car passed to his Diamond in the UK. During this process
It resurfaced when advertised by Character son. Ultimately, this work would also not be the engine was completely rebuilt with new
Cars of Wimbledon, now clearly having finished by his son, leading to the chance call billet crankshaft, new rods and new pistons,
migrated to the south of England. It is to Mr. van Huystee in 2017. When acquired, and the Scintilla Magneto overhauled.
described as being in excellent mechanical it had been within the Huehner family for a When dyno-d it was found to develop
condition and had now gained two hood remarkable 63 years! 80hp at 5,000rpm, with 90ft lbs. of torque
straps and a third windshield wiper. at 3,100rpm, figures that are some 50%
Within eighteen months the MPH sold A fastidious collector, with a great eye for more than when new! The complicated
again through another South London car detail and love of perfection in the craft of pre-selector system was rebuilt, using
dealer becoming the property of a Robert restoration, Mr. van Huystee considered his parts sourced from specialist Peter 'Banjo'
'Bob' Huehner, who was known to be a next steps with the Riley, before entrusting Mayer in Germany. The brake system was
distinguished American chemical engineer a triumvirate of some of the finest restorers totally overhauled, the drums re-machined
and at that time was on secondment to in the country centered in his home state and relined, new cables fitted. The radiator
Europe. Mr Huehner would bring the car of Pennsylvania. The car was literally was remade in Europe. Completing the
back with him when he returned to these dismantled entirely and rebuilt from the mechanical aspect, 5 new wheels were
shores and set about restoring it. Newly re- ground up. made and are now shod with Blockley tires.
fettled it would prove to be an extremely The aesthetics of the project were managed

MPH No. 5 – Class Award Winner at Amelia Island 2021

through David and 'Deeg' George at DL prior to the Riley being shipped to Florida has been achieved, his desire is for the next
George Coachworks, themselves known for for display at the Amelia Island Concours keeper to enjoy the car.
the quality of their paintwork, detail finishes d'Elegance. This exquisite Riley was duly
and overall eye for the looks of a car. recognized for the quality of the rebuild, The phrase 'the best in the world' is
The colors chosen were a personal choice garnering a Best in Class award in the frequently used in descriptions of cars,
of Mr. van Huystee, along a truly British Sports and GT Cars Pre War category, even but with a pool of a mere 15 cars, and
theme they mirror that of his modern beating an outright Pebble Beach Best in given the degree to which this MPH has
Bentley Continental, the paint being in Show for the award. Its fresh restoration is been restored, we feel that it is entirely
Barnato Green and through his friendship literally still being shaken down and should appropriate here. As a definitive example
with former Bentley Motors Franz-Josef be considered as 'running in' for its first of its marque, 'No. 5' would be at home in
Paefgen, Saddle color leather was sourced periods of use. any Museum or Concours display, or equally
from Italy. The trim work was carried out by could provide an eminently usable tour car.
noted Pebble Beach winning upholsterer When parting with his first MPH, Mr. van
Gary Maucher, and wood repair work Huystee had done so owing to his advancing $800,000 - 1,200,000
by Kevin Amey. All told, this exhaustive years, but the possibility to exercise the
restoration was completed at a cost knowledge learned in ownership and apply ◊ See Legend on page 5 for bidding instructions.
approaching $1m. this to the restoration of this car proved
an irresistible draw. The result is a true
Very sadly, this would be one of the last expression of our only being custodians of
projects that David George would see come collectible cars, in that his wish was for it to
to its fruition, with a 'firing up' party just be improved in his ownership and now that


97. H Desirable and luxurious 280SE
1971 MERCEDES-BENZ 280SE 3.5 CABRIOLET 3.5 Cabriolet with floor shift and
air conditioning
Chassis no. 11107.12.004058
H Top-of-the-line, hand-built
3,499cc SOHC V8 Engine Mercedes-Benz of supreme quality
Bosch Fuel Injection H Finished in enduringly elegant
200bhp at 5,800rpm Silver Metallic over Black leather
4-Speed Automatic Transmission H In the care of a prominent US-
4-Wheel Independent Suspension based collection for decades
4-Wheel Vacuum Assisted Disc Brakes


"If you feel obligated to ask about the price now rested a Bosch fuel-injected, 200bhp versions of the 3.5 were fitted with just about
you not only will never understand the car, overhead-cam V8 with 211 foot-pounds every luxury amenity a buyer could ask for.
you have branded yourself incapable of ever of torque designed to deliver excellent The few choices remaining pertained to
appreciating its virtues even if someone gave performance. One reviewer referred to it as paint and interior trim colors, which model
you one." - Car & Driver on the Mercedes- having a "hot-rod"-like persona with a lovely of Becker stereo system was desired, and
Benz 280SE 3.5. exhaust snarl, while meeting ever-more strict electric seat-back adjustment. It all added up
emissions laws in the US, the company's to an impressively costly automobile, with a
Introduced in late 1969 as a prestige model most vital market. starting price exceeding $13,000.
to supplant the somewhat underpowered
six-cylinder 280SE, the V8-powered, W111- The compact, but sturdy engine was capable
Series 280SE 3.5, in both Coupe and of moving this big 4/5-seater to 60 miles an
Convertible form, was of immediate appeal hour in under 10 seconds, and offered a top
to wealthy customers who were accustomed speed in excess of 125mph. Large vacuum-
to having the best quality and workmanship assisted disc brakes at each corner allowed
available in an automobile, but didn't need or the driver to slow with ease, and handling was
desire the next step up, the over-the-top 600. described as very comfortable, thanks to its
coil-sprung independent suspension.
The hand-built body of the new model was
slightly restyled, with a cleaner and flatter The craftsmen at Sindelfingen produced just
nose and radiator shell, but was still quite 1,232 of these V8 Cabriolets, making them
conservative. Beneath the wide hood there extremely rare. Both the open and closed


This exceptional example of the era's flagship traffic thanks to ample power on tap. This
Mercedes-Benz Cabriolet was completed fine example features the desirable floor
by hand at the Mercedes-Benz factory mounted gear shift, giving the car a more
as a 1971 model-year 280SE 3.5-Liter modern feel as opposed to the steering
Cabriolet. Although the elegant and now- column mounted shifting arrangement. Little
classic Mercedes-Benz' early history remains can be found in the way of wear (both in the
unknown, the car is believed to have been interior and outside) and the chrome shines
destined for the US market soon after with prevailing luster. The car was equipped
completion at the Stuttgart-based Mercedes with a classic Becker radio, air conditioning
works. The Mercedes-Benz would later join and folding armrests. It has been stored in a
the consignor's impressive collection of climate-controlled environment for decades,
impeccable collector cars. while looked after by the in-house mechanics.

Elegant Silver metallic paint adorns the The Mercedes-Benz 280SE 3.5's desirability
stunning Cabriolet bodywork, while the stems from a combination of its rarity and
luxurious interior is trimmed black leather, effortless luxury and operation. An example
and topped by elegantly polished wood restored to exacting standards such as this
finishes. Known for their smoothness of is surely a must-have for any true Mercedes-
operation, the 3.5-liter SOHC V8 under the Benz enthusiast.
hood embodies this trait entirely and makes
the car effortless to drive, even in modern $290,000 - 330,000


Without Reserve
98. H Restored by Pebble Beach award
1930 ROLLS-ROYCE SPRINGFIELD winner Stu Laidlaw
PHANTOM I SALAMANCA H Delivered new to Chicagoland
Coachwork by Hibbard & Darrin H Stunning custom coachwork
H A rare and special machine
Chassis no. S476MR
Engine no. 22769

7,668cc OHV inline six-cylinder engine

Single carburetor
100bhp at 3,000rpm
Three-speed manual transmission
Four-wheel servo-assisted drum brakes


Introduced by Rolls-Royce in 1925 to manufacture of the New Phantom in 1926

replace the Silver Ghost, the New Phantom and by the second half of 1929 production
(retrospectively known as the Phantom I) had risen to 12 cars per week. This would
boasted an entirely new overhead-valve prove to be the high point of Rolls-Royce
six-cylinder engine displacing 7,668cc and, of America's fortunes, the October '29
like the contemporary 20hp model, adopted Wall Street Crash and the introduction of
a disc-type clutch and adjustable radiator the Phantom II - re-tooling for which the
shutters. Its chassis though, remained US company could not afford - signaling
essentially the same as that of the later, the beginning of its decline. The Phantom
four-wheel-braked Silver Ghost and would I was in production for only five years and
continue fundamentally unchanged until the the Derby-built models ran parallel with the
arrival of the Phantom II in 1929 brought with Springfield cars but ended in 1929, whereas
it an entirely new frame. the Americans continued until 1931.

Like its 'Ghost predecessor, the New

Phantom was also produced by Rolls-Royce
of America Incorporated, a subsidiary set
up in December 1919 when the parent
company purchased the American Wire
Wheel Company's plant in Springfield,
Massachusetts. Springfield commenced


This fetching Salamanca is one of the exhaust, radiator, and aluminum head
rare Hibbard & Darrin bodied Springfield were fitted while the drivetrain, clutch, and
Phantoms. The coachbuilder for discerning brakes were checked and lubricated and the
taste makers such as Jack Warner and generator rebuilt. Acquired by the present
Marlene Deitrich, this Rolls was ordered owner in January of 2010, the Rolls has
new by Louis A. Mitchell of Evanston, Illinois been on static display since purchase. A
and delivered on May 14, 1931. Remaining stunning machine with its polished aluminum
in Chicagoland, the Rolls would later travel bodywork offset by is blue paintwork and
only a few miles west to join the garage matching blue top, mechanical recommission
of inventor Walter Goodman of Skokie is recommended prior to active touring. Once
according to the Schoellkopf card on file. back on the road, it will make an excellent
The interim history from there is murkier, but vehicle for shows and events.
by the late 1990s the Rolls was in Southern
California with an esteemed collector and
restored around 2000 by Pebble Beach $175,000 - 200,000
award-winning restorer Stu Laidlaw. WITHOUT RESERVE

The Salamanca was sparingly used for the

next nearly decade before the engine was
rebuilt in 2009 by Rolls-Royce specialist
Roger Ford. During this service, new valves,


99. H 1 of 2 Fleetwood Convertible
1935 CADILLAC V16 MODEL 452-D Victorias believed to have been
Coachwork by Fleetwood H Sporting the desirable Vee'd
windshield design
Chassis no. 5100087 H Well-preserved older restoration in
Engine no. 5100087
striking livery
452ci OHV V16 Engine H Eligible for exclusive Concours
2 Twin-Choke Cadillac Carburetors d'Elegance and Classic Car Club
185bhp at 3,800rpm of America Classic events
3-Speed Manual Transmission
4-Wheel Drum Brakes


Cadillac astonished the world's automotive the Cadillac V16 against the upper-crust to afford a Cadillac in 1934 and 1935 had
elite when it introduced a spectacular new cars of the time - including Isotta-Fraschini, 54 body styles to choose from, as well as
ultra-luxury car, powered by an amazing Hispano-Suiza, Mercedes-Benz and, of three engine options. The most affordable
sixteen-cylinder engine, at the 1930 New course, Rolls-Royce. An impressive number 355-D models were powered by a 353-cu.
York Auto Show. This new super-sized of early V16s were exported as a result. in V-8, rated at 120 horsepower, while the
Cadillac was clearly a General Motors mid-range 370D models received Cadillac's
response to the Duesenberg Model J, The heart of the Cadillac V16 was of, 135-horsepower V-12. Positioned
introduced by E. L. Cord the year before. course its magnificent engine. Displacing a atop the range, the 452-D models came
However, while the snarl of the Duesenberg total of 452 cubic inches on all its sixteen- powered by a V-16, rated at an
straight eight flaunted its raw, race-bred cylinders, it featured overhead valves, impressive 185 horsepower.
power, the Cadillac V16 would set new and produced up to 185 horsepower.
benchmarks for smooth, silent and superbly Beautifully detailed and meticulously
impressive performance. sculpted, the engine's appearance was
just as awe-inspiring as its soon-to-be-
Cadillac created the V16 to compete with legendary smoothness and quietness.
and exceed the standards of the best
automobiles in the world. GM dispatched The vast majority of V16 Cadillacs produced
a group of the new cars to Europe, where were built and sold in the 1930 model year.
the Continent's most erudite automotive Measuring over 19-feet bumper to bumper
connoisseurs were invited to compare, and priced at $8,150 - enough to buy a
first-hand, the beauty and substance of pair of Packard's - Buyer's wealthy enough


The V16-powered 1935 Cadillac Series brightwork adorns the impressive Cadillac
452-D Convertible Coupe - or Convertible V16, and is in equally wonderful condition.
Victoria as they are also referred to - was an The engine compartment is detailed, and
impressive automobile. Eight-plus decades features factory-correct colors and finishes.
later, that's still the case. This stunning White-wall tires are fitted on the sparkling
example is believed to be one of only two chrome wire wheels. The vee'd windscreen
that were built in 1935 in the Fleetwood gives the American Classic a rakish look, and
5-Passenger Convertible Coupe body a tan convertible top covers the passengers.
style. The V16 was built with the latest
technological innovations and high-quality This rare V16 Fleetwood bodied Convertible
semi-custom coachwork and was the 87th Victoria would be welcomed at any national
V16 made of the just 150 examples in event and would without a doubt be a serious
produced in 1934 and 1935 combined. contender for a major award at Concours
d'Elegance events such as Hershey or Amelia
Offered from a prominent US-based collection Island. A full Classic Car Club of America
of exceptional Pre-War collector cars, the Classic, the impressive sixteen-cylinder
V16 Convertible Victoria displays an older yet powered Cadillac would be a great addition to
very presentable restoration. The elegant and any collection of Pre-War automobiles.
imposing Fleetwood bodywork is finished in
a lovely dark red color, neatly contrasted by $550,000 - 650,000
a light brown leather interior. Chrome and
◊ See Legend on page 5 for bidding instructions.


Without Reserve
100. H One of only 154 Excellences built
1958 FACEL VEGA EXCELLENCE EX1 H Delivered new to the United States
H The 12th EX1 produced
Chassis no. EX1 A2
H Stunning pillarless sedan
Engine no. TY7-31348

5,913cc OHV Chrysler 'Wedge' V8 Engine

Single Carter Carburetor
360bhp at 5,200rpm
3-Speed Chrysler TorqueFlite Automatic
Independent Coil Spring Suspension - Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Servo-Assisted Drum Brakes


Founded in 1939 by Jean Daninos, Facel, it was determined in short order that Facel's complement of gauges set in a dash of hand
an acronym standing for FACEL 'Forges et market could be expanded by adding a painted wood grain. In the back seats, the
Ateliers de Construction d'Eure-et-Loir' (in couple more doors. Only two years after the wood grain theme continued on the backs of
English: forge and construction workshop introduction of the first Facel Vega coupe, the the seats, along with a vanity and a second
of the department of Eure-et-Loir), was a Excellence sedan was unveiled. radio head unit. Power windows where, of
metal stamping company that built bodies course, standard.
for the likes of Panhard, Simca, and the Clocking in at just under 17.5 feet long, with
aforementioned Delahaye. It was in 1954 125 inches spanning between the wheels, Production began in May of 1958. Under
the company decided to go into production and tipping the scales at 4,200 pounds the hood in the first edition of EX cars was
of complete cars, with its first swing at the the Excellence was made to American Chrysler's 392ci Hemi V8, but this engine was
market coming in the form of a sleek and proportions—a Hermès suit in size 50, extra- virtually out of production by the time Facel
sporting coupe, designed by Daninos, and long. Featuring elegant slab-sided styling with released the Excellence, so only seven were
powered by a reliable Chrysler Hemi V8. pillarless suicide doors (beating the Lincoln built as equipped. The next iteration, the EX1
Continental to the punch by a full 5 years), a released in October of 1958, featured the
Open and airy in design, the pillar-less FV, wrap-around windscreen and subtle fines held 361ci, 360hp "Wedge" V8. Offered with either
and later HK500, was swift and luxurious—a sway in the front and rear, respectively. a TorqueFlite automatic or Pont-à-Mousson
unique alternative to a Bentley Continental or manual, the Excellence could reach 140mph
Maserati 3500. They were quickly snapped Inside, driver and passengers alike were with either transmission. From 1959 on,
up by wealthy industrialists and glitterati alike, coddled by soft and sumptuous leather seats, optional disc brakes hauled the big car to a
proving the company's slogan: "The Few Who chrome fixtures, and the classic Facel Vega stop. July 1961 saw the introduction of the
Own the Finest". Improving on the concept, dashboard that featured an aircraft-like final version of the Excellence, the EX2,


which dropped the wrap around windscreen, According to Facel factory production records since acquisition, recommissioning is
smoothed out the tail fins, added turn-down kept by the Amicale Facel Holland, chassis recommended before active enjoyment.
door handles with improved latches, chassis number EX1 A2 was built in October 1958, As one of only 137 EX1s built, and 154
improvements derived from the HK500 and per order of the Hoffman Motors for its first Excellence sedans ever made in all three of
Facel II mitigated earlier chassis flex problems, owner, Facel Vega enthusiast Fred Kanter its iterations, it a rarely seen machine. With its
and featured the big 383ci, 390hp V8 under of Boonton, New Jersey. This Facel was unique, totally pillar-less four-door design, it
the front lid. the 12th Excellence EX1 produced. It was will stand out no matter where it goes.
delivered with a 383 cubic inch Chrysler
wedge V8, a Torqueflite three-speed $80,000 - 100,000
automatic transmission, and finished in two- WITHOUT RESERVE
tone Tudor Grey and black with red leather

This Excellence would remain stateside,

eventually being restored to its current
carmine red over grey color scheme with
an interior retrimmed in the original color.
Making its way over the years from the
East Coast to California, it would joint
the collection of the current owner in July
of 2011. Remaining on static display


101. H Beautifully presented example of
1969 FERRARI 365 GT 2+2 the classic Touring Ferrari
Coachwork by Pininfarina H Elegant Pininfarina-built
coachwork in Rosso Corsa
Chassis no. 12793 H Retains original matching-
Engine no. 12793GT
numbers engine
H Great Ferrari for high-speed rallies
4,390cc SOHC V12 Engine
3 Weber Carburetors such as the Copperstate 1000
320bhp at 6,600rpm
5-Speed Manual Transmission
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


By the mid-1960s, fifty percent of all Ferraris from noise and vibration, and providing ZF
produced were being built with four seats. power-assisted steering and air conditioning
Following on from the success of its first as standard equipment.
such model, the 250 GTE of 1960, Ferrari
introduced the 330 GT 2+2 in January Developing 320bhp in its 365GT incarnation,
1964. Its replacement, the 365 GT 2+2, was the well-proven 4.4-liter V12 engine was
launched at the Paris Auto Show in October coupled to a five-speed gearbox. The car's
1967. Sleekly styled in the manner of the blistering performance - top speed 150mph,
limited edition 500 Superfast, the 365 GT 2+2 0-60mph in 7.0 seconds - was restrained by
was the most refined Ferrari to date. Girling ventilated discs all around. Endowed
with that unusual combination of fine handling
Based on that of the contemporary 330 and a supple ride, the 365GT 2+2 was rated
GTC, the chassis was made up of Ferrari's by Car magazine as 'the most civilized Ferrari
familiar combination of oval and round yet.' According to the article written by Davide
steel tubing, and in addition to featuring Marchi, in The Official Ferrari Magazine, Vol
independent suspension all round (for the 32, Enzo Ferrari's most favorite car to be used
first time on a Ferrari 2+2) the car boasted as a daily driver was the 365 GT 2+2.
Koni's hydro-pneumatic self-leveling system
at the rear. Further refinements included
mounting the engine and drivetrain in rubber
bushes to insulate the car's occupants


Completed at the Maranello Ferrari works car was owned by Dr. C. R. Oliphant of San 12793 is a wonderful and well-kept example
during July of 1969, the fine example of the Diego, California by the mid 1970s, who is of these classic touring Ferraris. Importantly,
365 GT 2+2 offered here - chassis number also believed to have been the first owner 12793 retains its matching numbers engine.
12793 - had been constructed, painted, and and sole caretaker of 12793 until 2016, The roomy passenger cabin features air
trimmed at the Pininfarina factory during the when the car was sold to its current owner. conditioning, power windows, correct Veglia
spring of 1969, before the final assembly The old blue and yellow California license gauges and a classic Blaupunkt radio.
and powertrain installment took place at plates remained with the car at this point, Chrome Borrani wire wheels are fitted, giving
Ferrari. According to noted Ferrari Historian dating back to the 1970s. 12793 has been the Ferrari GT its classic, period-correct look.
Marcel Massini, 12793 was painted in Grigio professionally maintained in the current Owner's manuals, jack, and a set of 2 Koni
Ortello (code 2.443.813), trimmed with ownership by Mr. Patrick Soares, a renowned shocks accompany the sale of the car.
Nero VM 8500 Interior, and was the 498th Ferrari Mechanic and owner of Fiorano
example of the approximately 800 365 GT Motor Sports based in Doral, Florida. The $140,000 - 170,000
2+2's made between 1968 and 1971. 12793 Weber carburetors has been refurbished,
was equipped as a left-hand drive car and serviced and adjusted, the hydraulic air
destined for the US market, with miles-per- shock absorbers serviced and repaired, and
hour instrumentation. fluids and battery replaced. A compression
test was done in 2017, and all 12 cylinders
12793 was delivered new to William ranged consistently between 130 and 144.
Harrah's Modern Classic Motors in Nevada,
who sold the Ferrari to its first owner on Finished in the elegant and classic Rosso
the West Coast. Records show that the Corsa red color over a black leather interior,


Motorcars from the
Eugene Williams Collection
Lots 102 - 108

Bonhams is honored to be offering cars from the collection of

Northern California collector Mr. Eugene J. Williams.

Mr. Williams loved California, frequently travelling between

Stockton, Discovery Bay, Santa Cruz, and Rancho Mirage,
leaving his cars between these locations, which gave him the
opportunity to drive each of them regularly.

He adored sharing his passion and enthusiasm with his whole

family and was always delighted to take his cars to drives and
shows, where American cars aficionados had the chance to
look and feel the cars from the Collection.

The following lots reflect the attention given to the quality of the
American cars collected by Mr. Williams throughout the years.

In loving memory of Eugene J. Williams.


Without Reserve
H Well-preserved car, garage-kept in
the dryness of Rancho Mirage, CA 1959 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 4-DOOR LANDAU
H 16.4ft of elegant and majestic design
Chassis no. H9YC426681
H 1950s luxury
H Attractive Sapphire color
7,044cc OHV V8 Engine
Single 4-Barrel Carburetor
350hp at 4,400rpm
3-Speed Automatic Transmission
Independent Front Suspension - Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Drum Brakes


The products of Ford-owned Lincoln have Premiered at the Paris Salon in October Sporting a nice Sapphire color, the Continental
for years rivalled those of General Motors' 1955, the Continental MkII was a sublimely offered here is a 4-door Landau body type
Cadillac division in their exclusivity and luxury, styled hardtop coupe created by a team that – code 75A – that was part of Mr. Williams'
in particular the range-topping Continental. included Gordon Buehrig, William Clay Ford collection for the past few years. Staying at
Nowadays synonymous with Lincoln, the and John Reinhart. Priced close to the then one of his houses located in Rancho Mirage,
'Continental' model name was first used in breathtaking $10,000 mark, the Continental CA, the car was sporadically used over
1940 for Bob Gregorie's masterly styling MkII was necessarily a most exclusive weekend trips and holidays. Having previously
exercise on the existing V12 Zephyr chassis. automobile. Nevertheless, Ford is reputed to received a restoration and paint respray,
A sportier, top-of-the-range companion have lost around $1,000 on every MkII sold, the vehicle shows some signs of aging, yet
to the Zephyr, the Continental had started an unsustainable situation that prompted the car still presents nicely in a condition
out as a personal, custom-bodied one- the introduction of the heavily revised and manifesting the care given to the car under its
off commissioned by Lincoln boss Edsel considerably cheaper MkIII for 1958. Changes ownership. It should be noted that the car has
Ford, and would be hailed as a classic of to the successor MkIV were mainly confined remained static for a few months now, thus
automotive design by authorities as diverse to external styling details, the most obvious recommissioning and safety checks would
as the Museum of Modern Art and the of which was a reverse slant rear window. have to be made before cruising again behind
Classic Car Club of America. The demise Lincoln's 430ci (7,049cc) overhead-valve V8 the wheel of this beauty.
of the V12 engine at the end of the 1948 engine continued to power the Continental
season meant that there would be no more range, its 350bhp more than sufficient to $15,000 - 20,000
Continentals for seven years, but when it did propel these huge cars well past 100mph. WITHOUT RESERVE
return the new Continental caused just as
much of a sensation as the original.


Without Reserve
103. H One of the most prestigious models
1959 CADILLAC ELDORADO BIARRITZ in the American automotive History
H Older restoration
Chassis no. 59E013537
H Highly sought-after model
390ci OHV V-8 Engine H Desirable bucket seats
Single 4-Barrel Carburetor
345bhp at 4,800rpm
4-Speed Hydra-Matic Automatic Transmission
Independent Front Suspension, Live Rear Axle
4-wheel drum 'Power Brakes'


The unchallenged icon of its era, the 1959 be had in other models as an option. As Within the 1959 Cadillac population,
Cadillac is testament to the mantra of befit a luxury car, Hydra-Matic transmission, convertibles are the most sought after
the 1950s: more is better, too much is power steering and power brakes were of course and the Biarritz is at the top of
not enough. The story of the revamped standard; for convertibles power windows that tree.
General Motors lineup is well known. A and two-way power seat were included
sneak peak at Chrysler's radical 1957 line as well. Air suspension, the great hope of
convinced GM bosses that their planned '59 1958, was on the wane and few cars were
cars would be left in the dust, so a crash so equipped.
program was instituted for a corporate-wide
revamp. All five car lines got new bodies, By the time 1959 was over, however, that
Cadillac's, with fins more than four feet tall, unbridled optimism was waning, so for
being the most dramatic. 1960 Cadillac's tall tailfins were trimmed
to vestigial little blades. Model year sales
Under the skin, however, changes were for 1959 and 1960 held steady around
much more modest. Cadillac's overhead 142,000, a big increase from the recession
valve V8, very much the industry trendsetter year of 1958, but nothing like the levels
at its 1949 introduction, had matured very that the late sixties would bring. But like
well. A displacement increase to 390 cubic the 1957 Chevy, whose greater fame came
inches and 10.5 to 1 compression resulted once it entered the collector realm, the 1959
in 325 bhp. With three carburetors, the Cadillac is today the much-preferred model.
Eldorado engine made 20 more and could


Nicely garaged under a cover in the recent Often considered as the Pinnacle of American
years, the car shows nicely while revealing motoring, the 1959 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz
slight fading signs of its past restoration. Mr. has always been highly sought-after by
Williams' tastes were essentially directed Collectors and American car aficionados.
towards 1957 and 1959 iconic American While it is believed the number of extant
cars; among those, this one was evidently examples is growing fewer, Bonhams is
the one he was the proudest of. As Eugene delighted and honored to offer one of those
said himself 'This is the best '59 I have ever that has not seen the public market for a
owned' - and from what his family says, he few years now. To be kept in the current
had a lot. condition or restored to higher standards,
the car will surely please its new possessor.
Painted in Ebony Black with Ivory Top, the Recommissioning is recommended for further
interior is made of White Cardiff and Florentine road use.
Grain Leather with Med Gray carpet. The
car features an E-Z Eye Glass, heater, air $130,000 - 180,000
conditioner and highly desirable bucket seats, WITHOUT RESERVE
on top of the factory accessories. While the
car has visibly been restored in the past, few
original stickers remain such as the Jack
Instructions on the trunk boot or the Cadillac
Certification Card in the engine bay.


Without Reserve
104. H Iconic 5-Window design
1934 FORD MODEL 40 5-WINDOW COUPE H High-quality Hot Rod
H Large 5.0L Cobra HD V8
Chassis no. 1845399934
H Electrically operated rumble seat
5.0L Cobra HD V8 Engine
Electronic Fuel Injection
3-Speed Automatic Transmission
Solid axles
4-Wheel Drum Brakes


The 1934 Fords looked very similar to the Like its sister-car from the collection, the and the rumble seat hood. The overall look
redesigned 1933s but were much enhanced. Tudor Sedan, this 5-Window was kept of the build attracts the eye and is now ready
Ford again achieved a 10 horsepower increase garaged and under cover during Mr. for new adventures and meets under new
in engine output with the new Stromberg Williams' ownership exactly alongside the ownership. Mechanical recommissioning will
two-barrel carburetor raising the V-8's output Tudor in the same garage. Usage was similar, be needed to further road use.
to 85 horsepower at 3,800 rpm. Other and the car was essentially driven to shows
changes included a relocated fuel pump and and Hot Rod events. $40,000 - 50,000
a thermostat in the cooling system. Internally WITHOUT RESERVE
the '34 incorporated a cast steel crankshaft This professionally built Hot Rod features a
which was a revolutionary accomplishment in burgundy paint job and chromed American
metallurgy, foundry technique and machining, Racing wheels. The fully customized interior
and was fitted with lighter connecting rods. sports grey leather and fabric on the seats,
door panels, and headliner. A grey plastic
Sporting and elegant at the same time, the dashboard and leather Lecarra steering wheel
classic 5-Window Coupe has been a popular completes the cockpit.
choice for both collectors and hotrodders alike.
With the trusty V-8 under the hood, and rugged Equipped with a 5.0 Cobra HD engine, the car
good looks all around, many fine examples perfectly follows the codes of Hot Rodding. It
were subject to the customizers cutting is equipped with a high performance engine,
torch with the roofs chopped and the bodies striking paint job and streamlined interior. The
sectioned or channeled onto the frame. cherry on top are electrically operated doors


Without Reserve
H An American Icon with the right
amount of patina 1957 CADILLAC SERIES 62 CONVERTIBLE
H Always kept garaged, under cover
Chassis no. 5762094249
H Great candidate for use in its
present condition or for restoration
365ci OHV V8 Engine
H Attractive red paint on black interior Single 4-barrel Carburetor
325bhp at 4,800rpm
4-Speed Hydra-Matic Automatic Transmission
Independent Front Suspension - Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Power-Assisted Drum Brakes


The redesigned 1957 Cadillacs were the its zenith in 1959 before fading away. The Under Mr. Williams' proprietorship, this Series
ninth-best selling marque in America even Series 62 Convertible was built on the 129.5 62 has remained in one of his houses located in
though Cadillac saw fit to introduce such inch wheelbase chassis and, like all '57 Santa Cruz, California. The pairing of the car and
extravagances as the Eldorado Brougham, Cadillacs, came with a 365cu in (6.0-liter) V8 the surrounding roads could have hardly been
at $13,074 the most expensive car built engine, in standard trim producing 300bhp better, and the owner enjoyed using the car on
in America by a margin of $3,000. It was at 4,800rpm. Automatic transmission, power weekends or vacations in this house. Always
a period of nearly-unbridled optimism, steering and power-assisted brakes were kept garaged and babied under a cover, the car
tinged only slightly by hints of a forthcoming standard on all models. shows signs of age while keeping a clean and
recession. But with 146,841 Cadillacs sold eye-catching look. As shown on the trim plate,
any economic malaise seemed to have the car was originally delivered in Tahoe Blue but
little effect upon the prospects for General was resprayed to what appears to be a Dakota
Motors' luxury brand. Red color while keeping the black soft top. The
Trim plate also indicates accessories such as
A new X-braced chassis frame enabled EZ Eye Glass, heater, and 6-way power seat.
the 1957 Cadillacs to feature longer, lower Following a mechanical recommissioning, this
bodies offering undiminished interior space Series 62 could be used in its present condition
- thirteen styles in total - all of which sported or sympathetically restored. The car is now
dual rear lights and tail fins larger than ready for a new ownership and will surely satisfy
before. General Motors' chief stylist Harley its new keeper.
Earl had introduced tail fins on the 1948
Cadillacs, and the device would reach $50,000 - 70,000


Without Reserve
106. H Iconic model from the 1950s
1959 FORD FAIRLANE 500 SKYLINER H H-Code engine
H Always garaged under cover
Chassis no. H9KW125758
H Cruise-O-Matic transmission
312ci OHV V8
Single 4-Barrel Carburetor
2-Speed Automatic Transmission
Front Independent with Live Rear Axle Suspension
4-Wheel Drum Brakes


The Ford Fairlane Skyliner can claim to be Nicely preserved in its Rancho Mirage, Representing Ford at their most creative, the
America's first production convertible to feature CA garage right next to the 59' Lincoln Skyliner is a wonderful look at 1950s engineering
a retractable hardtop. Introduced as Ford's Continental also offered at this sale, this solutions and will surely be a welcome addition
top-of-the-range model in 1955, the Fairlane Skyliner had spent the last few years in the to any collection. Recommissioning is needed
was rival to Chevrolet's successful Bel Air and dry climate of the Coachella Valley. During for further enjoyment.
came in six different body styles with a choice this time it was essentially used for leisure
of six-cylinder or V8 engines. The range was trips there. $30,000 - 40,000
re-styled for 1957, gaining new, lower bodies WITHOUT RESERVE
adorned with the latest styling fad – tail fins - The previous sympathetic restoration is
and the Fairlane 500 introduced as the ultimate beginning to show some signs of aging,
trim level. '57 was also notable as the year but the car still bears a clean look with its
of the Skyliner's introduction. Considerably striking Colonial White and Torch Red paint
more expensive than the conventional Sunliner as well as Torch Red soft-textured vinyl
convertible, the Skyliner featured a hardtop bolster and Raven striped nub fabric with
that, at the touch of a button, automatically Silver Strand interior. From the trim plate,
retracted back into the boot. In 1959, for its we also understand that the car sports the
last year of production, the Skyliner was both Automatic Cruise O-Matic transmission that
re-engineered and re-styled, becoming part of was introduced into Ford production in 1958
the new range-topping Galaxie line-up, though as an evolution of the Borg Warner made
continuing to be badged as a Fairlane 500. Ford-O-Matic transmission.


Without Reserve
H A Hot-Rod done right
H Upgraded with performance 1957 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 2 DOOR SEDAN
driveline and custom interior details
Chassis no. VC570120659
H Striking yellow paint on tan interior
H Classic 'Shoebox Chevy' with
502ci Chevrolet Performance V8 Engine
desirable upgrades Holley 4-bbl Carburetor
461bhp at 5,200rpm
3-Speed Automatic Transmission
Independent Front suspensions and Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Drum Brakes


Of all the '57 Chevrolets that collectors desire, This striking '57 Bel-Air Hot Rod was sparingly and meets. Recommissioning and mechanical
the pinnacle is probably the Bel Air 2-door used for weekend drives and car meets. The checks are recommended for safe and sound
hardtop. It was ever thus: 166,426 were sold car was regularly taken to events like Hot road use.
new, three times as many as the convertible August Nights in Reno, NV where it would
and 30,000 more buyers than fancied the surely turn heads. $60,000 - 80,000
brand-new 4-door hardtop. Even today it WITHOUT RESERVE
seems perfectly proportioned, while the rockets The car was gifted with a 502ci Chevrolet
on the hood, the fluted side fins and three Performance engine producing a whopping
shields on the front fenders just seem like 461bhp at 5,200rpm and is fed by a
whimsical details to accent the basic shape. large 4-bbl Holley Carburetor. The good
stuff continues inside the car with a fully
The interior was improved by a much more customized chromed dashboard and bi-color
focused instrument panel in front of the driver, leather seats – tan and black – with a tan
while the attractive exterior colors, such leather headliner. The shiny American Racing
as Canyon Coral, Tropical Turquoise, Dusk wheels finish the car to give it an enticing
Pearl, Coronado Yellow and Sierra Gold were street rod look.
carried into the interior. Under the hood, the
engineers had a field day with eight engine As American as baseball, ice cream, and
options from the 235 cubic-inch 6-cylinder to apple pie, this highly modified and upgraded
the 283 cubic-inch fuel-injected V8 capable of Bel-Air is the quintessential American Hot
283 horsepower. Rod and the perfect car for parades, tours


Without Reserve
108. H Striking Model 40 Hot Rod
1934 FORD MODEL 40 TUDOR SEDAN H Impressive 355ci chromed Blown Engine
H Always kept garaged, under cover
Chassis no. 1840893052
H Perfect tool for night-cruises
355ci V8 Blown Engine
Holley Carburetor
3-Speed Automatic Transmission
Solid axles
4-Wheel Drum Brakes


Henry Ford gave the Model 40 two years, It was quite clear where consumers' Showing nicely, this Hot Rod Tudor was garaged
1933 and 1934, to repay the company's preferences were going in 1934. Ford built under a cover while present in Mr. Williams'
investment. The car rose to the challenge, nearly 270,000 Tudor sedans and 145,000 collection. Along with other Hot Rods from the
with production totaling just under 900,000 Fordors. Of Phaetons, both Standard and collection, the car was essentially used for cars &
units in the two years. 1934 was the first year Deluxe, there were only 4,290, a quantity that coffees, meets, parades, and events such as Hot
since 1929 that the Ford Motor Company would be lost in the rounding of 2- and 4-door August Nights in Reno, NV. This professionally built
earned a profit. sedan production. Only station wagons were Hot Rod sports a two-tone paint job – Ivory on the
built in smaller quantities. The closed car had main body and Grey on the flares. While the custom
The 1934 Fords looked very similar to the already vastly outstripped open car production interior may show few signs of aging, especially on
redesigned 1933s but were much enhanced. and it would continue to skew further and the driver's seat, the underside of the car advocates
Ford again achieved a 10 horsepower further toward the comfort, convenience, for the careful preservation of the car.
increase in engine output with the new warmth and safety of fully-enclosed steel
Stromberg two-barrel carburetor raising the bodies as the Thirties progressed. Gifted with a 355ci blown engine coupled with
V-8's output to 85 horsepower at 3,800 a Holley carburetor, the car was evidently built
rpm. Other changes included a relocated with care using some of the best mechanical
fuel pump and a thermostat in the cooling components available. Finished with Halibrand
system. Internally the '34 incorporated a cast Knock-Off wheels, the car is surely a head-turner
steel crankshaft which was a revolutionary and the perfect partner for night-cruises, Sunday
accomplishment in metallurgy, foundry drives, and American car meets. Mechanical
technique and machining, and was fitted with checks and recommissioning will be needed for
lighter connecting rods. safe road usage.

$40,000 - 50,000
H Exceedingly rare Eight-cylinder 109.
Pedroso motorcar C.1928 PEDROSO ROADSTER
H Believed to be the sole surviving
Chassis no. 101
example of the prototype model
H Powered by sophisticated and
2-Liter DOHC Alloy Inline 8-Cylinder Engine
innovative 2-liter dual overhead Supercharged
cam inline Eight 3-Speed Manual Transmission
H Sporting two-seat Roadster Leaf Spring Suspension
coachwork with dual rear- Dufaux Friction Shock Absorbers
mounted spares 4-Wheel Drum Brakes


The Soriano-Pedroso was a French was controlled from the cockpit. The Marquis sporting look, and the impressive,
manufactured automobile, built at their de Pedroso intended to enter the car in the supercharged prototype DOHC inline Eight
manufacturing facilities in the posh French Le Mans 24-hour race, but he was injured in out front should ensure the car lives up to
coastal town of Biarritz. Production ran from an accident in another car and was prevented its sporting looks once operational. Period
1919 until 1924. Built by two native Spaniards from competing. Of the two Pedroso's built, Jaeger and Le Nivex gauges are fitted in the
Marques de San Carlos de Pedroso and only this car, serial number 101, is believed to dashboard, and Marchal headlights grace
Marques de Ivanrey Ricardo Soriano Sholtz have survived World War II. the front.
von Hermensdorff, the original models were
powered by engines manufactured by French This sporting Pedroso Roadster was $100,000 - 150,000
automobile maker Ballot, with a capacity brought to the United States in the sixties
of 1,131 and 1,590 cubic centimeters, and by the Marques' son, Jose Luis de Pedroso
later a 902 cubic centimeter Ruby-engined who raced it at vintage events on the East
cyclecar joined production. Coast. Gifted by the Estate of Jose Luis
de Pedroso, the car has in recent years
Although their main product was marine been displayed in the Vault of the world-
engines, in 1928, San Carlos de Pedroso renowned Petersen Automotive Museum
built two specially designed two-liter in Los Angeles. The Pedroso displays and
prototype straight-eight supercharged twin- older restoration and has not been run or
cam engines. Advanced for the day, the all- operated for some time. Featuring twin
aluminum engines employed variable timing mounted rear spare tires and Brooklands-
for the double-overhead-camshafts, which type aero windscreens, the car has a very \


Without Reserve
110. H Delivered new to the Pottsville,
1967 ASTON MARTIN DB6 SALOON Pennsylvania area
H Original left-hand drive and with
Chassis no. DB6/2687/L
the desirable ZF 5-speed
Engine no. 400/2985
H Documented by copies of its
3,995cc DOHC Inline 6-Cylinder Engine factory build records
Triple SU Carburetors H Beautifully presented British
282bhp at 5,500rpm motoring
5-Speed ZF Manual Transmission
Independent Front with Live Rear Axle Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


"Stage by stage, as the DB has become for a four-seater. At 120mph the Aston was
dominant in the Aston Martin strain, the as effortlessly relaxed as other powerful
successive cars have changed their image. cars at 80mph. "For high-speed open-
Today the aim is to offer the maximum of road touring this Vantage DB6 is practically
luxury and refinement as well as the ultimate ideal," enthused Autocar's scribe, and few
in road performance. The minor barbarities would disagree.
of so many great sports cars of the past
are no longer acceptable – at least in the The 4.0-liter DOHC engine remained
hand built models now leaving Newport unchanged in standard triple-SU carburetor
Pagnell. Obviously such a car as the DB6 form but the Vantage specification unit with
is expensive and exclusive but the value 9.4:1 compression ratio now developed a
matches the price.' – Autocar, 1966. mighty 325bhp. A ZF five-speed manual
gearbox was carried over from the latter,
As one might imagine, Autocar found much 'Selectaride' driver-adjustable damping was
to commend in the DB6 Vantage, remaking standard, and for the first time there was
on the car's much improved handling, optional power-assisted steering available.
outstanding adhesion and exceptionally Saloon production totaled 1,327 units,
good braking figures. A mean maximum including seven shooting brake conversions
speed of 148mph was achieved, while the by Harold Radford.
standing quarter-mile time of 14.5 seconds
was the fastest the magazine had recorded


According to copies of factory build records, The early history of the car beyond that is
this DB6 was ordered new by George Tregea unknown although it appeared in the Aston
of Gilberton, Pennsylvania. From a family Martin Owner's Club registry in 1992 with
with rich history in the mining industry in the G.D. Rycroft and was acquired later that same
Pottstown area (his grandfather had died in year by Salem, Massachusetts enthusiast
a mining accident), Tregea worked outside Albert "Tag" Goodhue III. Goodhue would
of that industry in sales, ordering his Aston retain the car for nearly two decades, showing
through J.S. Inskip. Specifying the highly it several times at the Lime Rock Concours.
appropriate color scheme (for the region) of Acquired by the present owner in 2011, it has
Charcoal Grey over Black Connolly hides, been on static display since purchase. The
options included 3.73:1 limited slip differential, subject of a repaint in a lighter, bluish sliver
chrome wheels, rear window defroster, dual and receiving a retrimmed interior at some
wing mirrors, detachable passenger headrest, point in its life, along with a new radio, it is
Fiam horns with change over switch, dual now ready for some recommissioning and
Marchal fog lights, dual Britax three point future enjoyment.
seatbelts up front and dual Britax lap belts
in the rear, and 7 pints of antifreeze to $150,000 - 200,000
weather the tough winters. No delivery date WITHOUT RESERVE
is specified in the records, but it is likely the
car arrived in the Keystone state in early to


111. H The 9th example of just 59 ever
1965 TVR GRIFFITH 400 COUPE produced
H Beautifully restored condition
Chassis no. 400/5/009
inside and out
Engine no. 1072-K25F
H Striking Opalescent Gunmetal
289ci OHV Hi-Po Ford V8 Engine Grey over Black and Scottish
Holley 4-Barrel Carburetor Tartan livery
271bhp at 5,900rpm H Well-documented example with
5-Speed Manual Tremec Transmission an abundance of records
Independent Front Suspension - Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Wilwood Disc Brakes


'The performance of a Griffith was quite The generously proportioned engine bay TVR. Mr. Donohue was hired by Mr. Griffith
phenomenal by any standards. Certainly, in could accommodate a wide variety of to develop the Griffith 400, including the
straight-line performance, if not in ultimate engines, those of Ford and BMC being suspension which was 'State of the Art',
road behavior, the car was good enough to the most popular, while Grantura owners and featured unequal wishbones and coil
embarrass severely an E-Type Jaguar and intending to go racing, as many of them springs in all four corners. Lightweight and
many V12 Ferraris!' – Graham Robson, did, usually specified the 1.2-liter Coventry compact, the Griffith afforded the prospect
'TVRs Volume 1'. Climax FWE unit. of some seriously exciting motoring.

Founded in Blackpool in the late 1940s by Perhaps inspired by Carroll Shelby's Cobra,
Trevor Wilkinson, TVR began by making which had resulted from dropping a Ford
various 'specials' before introducing its V8 engine into an AC Ace, American motor
first series production model – the TVR dealer Jack Griffith and close friend of
Sports Saloon – in 1954, most of which Shelby performed the same trick on a MkIII
were sold in kit form. The car that really Grantura. The prototype was shipped to
put TVR on the map though, was the the UK and the concept approved by the
Grantura. Launched in 1958, the Grantura factory, with production of the new model
used a multi-tubular spaceframe chassis commencing towards the end of 1962.
with Volkswagen trailing-link independent
suspension all round, which was clothed The Griffith 400 was designed by Mark
in very pretty fiberglass coachwork that Donohue (Graduate at Brown University in
set the pattern for TVRs for years to come. Mechanical Engineering) and David Hives of


This powerful 1965 Griffith Series 400 is the magnesium wheels, and a Nardi wood-rimmed vented hood and fenders, and Lucas fog
9th of just 59 examples produced by Jack steering wheel. An August 2020 service lamps. Mark Donohue lettering has been
Griffith at his Plainview, New York, facility. performed by Moyer's Repair Service in Santa applied to the front fenders along with
Extensively documented and listed in the Ana, California, included the installation of American flag decals. There are 4 bins
original Griffith Registry of 1975, the car is replacement wiring, mahogany dash panels, of documents, photos, parts and much
said to have been first sold by Tom's Pit and new upholstery, and the Holley 750-cfm supporting documentation that accompany
Stop Motors of Scotch Plains, New Jersey, Double Pumper carburetor was rebuilt in this very rare piece of automotive history.
and spent time in Maryland before it was March 2021. This Griffith is now offered with
campaigned in autocross events by former period literature, complete tool kit, service $100,000 - 140,000
Griffith Club of America president Joe Rauh records, and a clean California title in the
in California. It additionally spent time in seller's name.
Connecticut, where it was refurbished in
2013. The seller acquired it in 2019. The fiberglass body on this example was
reportedly modified using components
The car is finished in Opalescent Gunmetal from Nigel Reuben Racing Design of
Grey over black leather upholstery with Worcestershire, England, under previous
Scottish Tartan cloth inserts, and power ownership before a repaint was performed
comes from a Ford 289 cubic-inch Hi-Po in 2013 in Opalescent Gunmetal Grey,
V8 paired with a Tremec five-speed manual a period Jaguar color. Features include
transmission. Additional equipment includes chrome split bumpers, Ford Cortina Mark
Wilwood four-wheel disc brakes, 14″ Minilite I-sourced taillights, Talbot-style mirrors, a


112. H Sportingly elegant and rare Pinin Farina
1949 BENTLEY MARK VI COUPE Coupe coachwork
Coachwork by Pinin Farina H Striking Mason Black over Green Livery
H In the adoring care of a prominent
Chassis no. B466DA
collection for decades
4,257cc OHV Inline 6-Cylinder Engine H Offered with records and documentation
Single Twin-Choke Carburetor
Approximately 132bhp
4-Speed Manual Transmission
Independent Front Suspension - Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Drum Brakes


In 1946 Bentley Motors Ltd made a complete bracing and a box section pan to support the successful models ever. The vast majority
departure from their former production policy front suspension components. Lubrication of Bentley Mark VIs produced were fitted
when they announced the introduction of was by way of a Bijur centralized system, with the new standard steel coachwork from
an entirely new Bentley that was factory operated by a foot pump situated just to the the factory, however keeping with tradition,
built throughout. The new car was fitted left of the steering column on right hand drive special coach-built bodies were also available
with a standard all steel bodywork design, cars. It was advised that this pedal should be upon request. 99 chassis (or just about 2%)
finished and furnished at Crewe where depressed once every hundred miles. of the Bentley Mk VI production would receive
Bentley production still continues to this day. custom coachwork. Among the coachbuilders
The tried and tested 4,257cc six-cylinder The manual gearbox had four forward gears and designers who were selected to grace a
engine was retained, fitted with a detachable with synchromesh on second, third and fourth Mark VI chassis with their individual creations
aluminum alloy cylinder head with inserted gear. Despite the relatively high price tag was Park Ward, H.J. Mulliner, James Young,
valve seats. Both the Rolls-Royce and when compared to other luxury cars available and legendary Italian firm Pinin Farina.
Bentley shared a 4,257cc F-head straight- immediately after the war, the demand for
six. Though Rolls-Royce and Bentley never this motorcar was substantial. The demand
released horsepower figures, output has for the new car was so high that customers
been estimated at approximately 126-132 had to be put on waiting lists, which at times
horsepower with induction handled by a pair stretched to over three years.
of SU carburetors (Stromberg for LHD cars)
and electrical components supplied by Lucas. Production lasted until 1952 with more than
The engine was fitted to a frame chassis, 5,000 chassis finding their way to lucky new
which was riveted with cruciform center owners, making it one of Bentley's most


This handsome and exceedingly rare 1949 An extremely luxurious automobile in

Bentley Mark VI chassis no. B466DA is one wonderful condition, this very stylish Mark
of very few examples fitted with custom VI Pinin Farina Coupe embodies the very
Coupe coachwork by Pinin Farina. B466DA best elements from the immediate post war
was reportedly supplied to a P. Benoist in period of Bentley production, topped by
October of 1948, and online sites show elegant Italian styling.
some beautiful period images of the Pinin
Farina bodied Bentley at a Concours $375,000 - 450,000
d'Elegance event. Finished in Mason's
Black over a striking green interior, the
Bentley wears and older restoration, still
showing very well. Whitewall ties are fitted,
and the engine compartment is clean and
detailed. The Pinin Farina bodywork is fitted
with the traditional coachbuilder badges,
and a classic Bentley 'Flying B' radiator
cap is fitted. B466DA has formed part of
an impressive US based collection of
collector cars for the past few decades,
while in a climate-controlled environment.


113. H Built by Holman & Moody in 1971 for
1967 FORD MUSTANG HOLMAN & MOODY Peruvian racer Cristobal "Batman" Galjuf, Sr.
COMPETITION NOTCHBACK H Extraordinary historical documentation of
its ownership, build, and racing career
Chassis no. C7HM-10118-GT
H Meticulous restoration to the original
302ci Ford Racing OHV V-8 competition specifications and appearance
Crankshaft, Rods, and Pistons Etched by Holman & Moody H Running a Holman & Moody-built Ford
Single 4-Barrel Holley Carburetor on Roush Intake Racing V-8
Est. 420bhp H An exceptional, genuine and important
4-Speed Toploader Manual Transmission with Reinforced Case competition Mustang from a truly
Holman & Moody Talladega Super Speedway Front and Trans Am Rear Suspension legendary shop
Rally Springs,
Four-Wheel Drum Brakes


Cristobal Galjuf came of age in Peru sitting at American market. He first owned a Shelby companies were producing the most
his father's side, rapturously listening to the GT350, later acquiring a Group 2 Mustang, successful racing Fords in the United
reports of local road rallies on the family radio. and competed with both cars. Mustangs States, a path which led him to the famed
The elder Galjuf was a great fan of racing but, would come to run in the family. When Charlotte, North Carolina, aircraft hangar of
when his son became old enough to drive and Cristobal met his future wife, she was Holman & Moody.
own a car of his own, was not supportive of working at the Ford plant. They married in
the young man taking on such a dangerous June 1968, and it was at that point that Holman & Moody corresponded with
hobby. After some thought, Cristobal decided another Mustang joined the household – a Cristobal, learning what he wanted. Quite a
that he would race – but under a pseudonym. rather plain-Jane new hardtop coupe, bit of the discussion involved how, exactly,
He chose "Batman," after his favorite comic which the groom bought his bride as a he planned to get the car to Charlotte and
book character. The nickname would stick wedding present, using her own employee back again, since Peru was at the time under
with him for his entire racing career, and he discount. She drove the car as her everyday a military dictatorship – and North Carolina
later fondly recalled his father mentioning transportation while raising the family's was not exactly in the backyard, in any case.
that "Batman" was his favorite driver – never three children. An arrangement was finally made to fly the
knowing that he had long been cheering on car out to Miami, where Holman & Moody
his own son. In 1971, "Batman" decided that his wife's picked it up for transport to Charlotte. Once
wedding present Mustang would become in the shop it spent over three months being
"Batman's" mount was, most frequently, a his next race car. (How thrilled, exactly, Mrs. transformed into a highly able racing vehicle.
variant of a Ford Mustang, perhaps because Galjuf was with this arrangement, is not Upon its completion, Cristobal traveled to
Ford operated a large assembly plant in recorded.) Always seeking the competitive Charlotte, then to Georgia, where he had
Lima that produced the model for the South advantage, he began researching which rented out Road Atlanta for a day. There he

drove and tested the car all day, supported at Circuito Pasamayo. Finally it finished 1st Another friend in the racing community,
by Holman & Moody mechanics. After testing Overall in Frontera-Frontera, a particularly Miguel Navvaro, bought the car and raced it
was completed, he returned to Charlotte, challenging event held over 3,000 kilometers for a couple of years, but lacked "Batman's"
and the following morning met personally on the Panamericana road from the border success behind the wheel. The car was then
with John Holman and had a long discussion of Ecuador and Peru up to the top of Peru sold to Brazo Vicich, owner of a local shop
about cars and racing. Afterward, the and Chile! It was an outstanding year and and a collector of old cars, and remained
Mustang was completely disassembled and the car more than earned its second trip there into the 1980s. At that time, Cristobal
shipped back to Peru, under the guise of used back to Holman & Moody for a complete Galjuf, Jr., son of the original driver, was
mechanical parts. overall in preparation for the next season. dating the niece of local businessman and
car collector Jorge Nicolini, and the young
Upon its successful return and reassembly, Fate, as sometimes happens, intervened. couple visited Vicich's shop to look at two
the Mustang raced with "Batman" in road A close friend of "Batman" and fellow driver cars that Nicolini was interested in purchasing.
rallies in the 400 class, most frequently as had the brakes fail on his own Mustang They turned out to be the Shelby GT350 and
number 406 or 407, with "Echa muni," the during the rally in Andes and sailed off a cliff the Mustang owned and raced by Cristobal
nickname of Cristobal's favorite soccer to his end. Cristobal looked at his own young Sr. Needless to say, the two cars received
club, emblazoned on the hood, during the family and decided that perhaps his father a ringing endorsement and Nicolini had
1973 season. It finished 1st Overall in the had been right about racing's risks. When acquired them within days. The engine of the
Mollendo-Arequipa-Mollendo event and the Mustang arrived back in Peru, freshly 1967 Mustang was sent to Holman & Moody
the races at the Circuito Passamayo and rebuilt, he decided it was time for someone to be rebuilt by the "original shop;" it turned
Circuito Canete, and 2nd Overall in the else to take it on for the next season. out to have a fatal crack, and a new engine
Lima-Arequipa-Lima and a second event was built by the shop as a result.


The Holman & Moody Mustang at work, racing in Peru in the 1970s

On a trip to Lima in 2011, the current owner a replacement serial number tag to identify
was informed of Nicolini's collection and the car as one of their original creations.
was able to pay it a visit. Upon seeing the
historic Mustang, he immediately fell in love. The car is accompanied by an absolutely
Negotiating the purchase from Nicolini over thorough and fascinating history file, including
lunch was not difficult; getting the car out of extensive copies of Peruvian newspaper
Peru proved a minor nightmare, but finally reports on "Batman's" exploits, copies of
the Mustang found its way onto a cargo jet correspondence with the Galjuf family, partial
bound for the States. Upon its safe arrival, a restoration receipts, and a letter from Lee
full restoration was undertaken by Cameron Holman, president of Holman & Moody,
Bishop to exactly the original specifications. attesting to the Mustang's authenticity. Many
The only modification was necessitated by original parts, including the original hood,
the fact that the Ford Racing high-nickel engine pieces that were replaced, and original
302ci V-8 replacement engine built by tires are available to the successful buyer FOB
Holman & Moody for the car was a 'tall deck' Cave Creek, Arizona.
mill that could not actually fit into the car; an
all-new exhaust and hood were fabricated $175,000 - 200,000
to accommodate the V-8 and its Bud Moore
NASCAR aluminum heads, Holley four-
barrel carburetor, and Roush-prepped intake
successfully. Holman & Moody also supplied


Without Reserve
114. H Just two owners from new
1994 PORSHE 911 TYPE 964 SPEEDSTER H Under 16,500 miles present on
the odometer
VIN. WP0CB2960RS465258
H One of only 936 built
3,600cc SOHC 6-Cylinder Engine H Complete with original books,
Bosch Fuel Injection manuals, and radio
250bhp at 6,100rpm
5-Speed Manual Transaxle
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


With the introduction of the 911 Speedster in a series-production model, appearing on the immediate predecessor, but unlike the latter
January 1989, Porsche revived a charismatic Carrera 4. Face-lifted but retaining that familiar was not initially available with the 'Turbo-Look'
model from its past, the name previously shape, the newcomers had been given a body style. It is estimated that only 936 Type
having been applied to that most stylish of the more extensive work-over mechanically, 87% 964 Speedsters were built for the 1993 model
many Type 356 variants. Based on the 911 of parts being claimed as entirely new. The year, with some of the later examples being
Turbo Cabriolet, though normally aspirated, pair shared the same 3.6-liter flat-six engine, completed as 1994 cars and sold alongside
the 3.2-liter Speedster was launched while power-assisted steering (another 911 the successor Type 993 Porsches. With the
immediately prior to the introduction of the 'first'), anti-lock brakes and a five-speed latter's introduction, the Speedster once
new Type 964 bodyshell, and thus was the manual transmission were standard on both, again disappeared from the 911 catalogue,
last 911 model to feature the 'old style' body. with the Tiptronic auto 'box a Carrera 2-only only to be revived a few years ago as part of
The latter was reworked by chief stylist Tony option. Its new engine enabled the 964 to Porsche's 'Exclusive' programme of strictly
Lapine, incorporating numerous references to out-perform the old '3.2' yet still met the latest limited edition models.
the original 356 Speedster as well as a pair of emissions regulations, top speed increasing
controversial 'camel hump' cowlings behind to 162mph with 60mph attainable in 5.4
the seats that concealed the stowed-away seconds (5.6 seconds Tiptronic).
manual hood.
It took Porsche a couple of years to
Their arrival represented a major step forward re-introduced the Speedster to the 911
in the development of Porsche's perennial line-up, the Type 964 version being
911, the Type 964 Carreras marked the first announced in October 1992. Based on
time that four-wheel drive had been seen on the Carrera 2, it looked very like its


This beautifully well presented Grand Prix cup-style rims complete a slick, sporting The most recent work on the car included
White (code L908) 964 Speedster bears image. The convertible top fits taut over the fitment of 4 new tires and installation of
the wonderful distinction of only having 2 its hoops and shows to have barely been a new battery in 2015. At the time the car
owners since leaving Stuttgart. Since 1995, exposed to the sun. The story is very much the also passed a safety inspection, although it
this open top sports car has been under the same with the interior of this 964. Little can be should be noted that only several hundred
care of a dedicated marque enthusiast who's found in the way of wear on even the seats and miles have been added to the odometer since
credentials are backed up by a Pebble Beach other common wear points like the shift knob then. As such, we recommend servicing
award many years ago with another model. present in equal fashion. Even the carpets on the car and inspecting components that are
Being such a rare and coveted model from the floor, trunk and parcel shelf appear almost subject to degrading after years of storage.
the very beginning, this Porsche has lightly factory fresh. Purposeful with its stripped Nevertheless, this Speedster is a wonderful
driven and less than 16,500 show on the down door cards, the speedster's back to example that will surely provide many happy
odometer, further indicating the level of care basics approach means there is little to distract miles of motoring to its next owner once it is
bestowed onto the vehicle. oneself with while behind the wheel. It is a true back on the button.
driver focused environment, although if some
As is made apparent by the photos presented musical accompaniment is desired, a modern $175,000 - 225,000
here, this Speedster has been lovingly Alpine radio head unit has been installed in WITHOUT RESERVE
maintained over the past couple of decades. the dashboard. The original Becker unit will
Its paint glistens with plentiful luster in the accompany the car upon sale along with the
sunshine and little can be found in the way vehicle's original books, manuals, tire inflator,
of rock chips, scratches, and scuffs on the back bumper and most importantly, a large
totality of the body panels. Matching white collection of service records.


Without Reserve
115. H Rare, North American market DS 21
1972 CITROËN DS 21 H Produced in the final model-year of
Design by Flaminio Bertoni US market production
H Sophisticated chassis with futuristic
Chassis no. DS21-4659395 Flaminio Bertoni-penned coachwork
H Equipped with air conditioning
2,175cc OHV Inline 4-Cylinder Engine
Single Carburetor
115bhp at 5,500rpm
4-Speed Semi-Automatic Transmission
4-Wheel Independent Pneumatic Suspension
4-Wheel Hydraulic Disc Brakes


Citroën's magnificent, space-age DS turned It was wrapped in a gorgeous, futuristic This elegant and sophisticated Citroën DS 21
the motoring world on its head when it body penned by Italian sculptor Flaminio 4-door Sedan was completed at the Parisian
launched at the 1955 Paris Auto Salon. Bertoni and French aeronautical engineer Ste Ame Citroën manufacturing facility during
Onlookers at the show were stacked ten- Andre Lefebvre. The great French theorist December of 1972. The DS was built for the
deep, gendarmes were called in to control and aesthete Roland Barthes described it as North American market, in the final production
the crowds and visitors began waving their having "fallen from the sky." The DS would year Citroën would market these futuristic
Francs at Citroën representatives to get their go on to become an enduring symbol of machines in the American marketplace. The
deposits down on this most remarkable French ingenuity, creativity, and Avant Garde rare DS 21 looks stunning in its Sky-Blue
machine. With such a scene unfolding, it style. More than a million were built over exterior with white roof, and matching blue
would be easy to assume the DS was an 20 years, with everyone from middle-class and white velour interior. Original ID plates
exotic sports car or highly exclusive limousine families to heads of state counted among and finishes in compartments attests to a
for the elite. But in fact, Citroën's stunning the proud owners. well-preserved example, most likely kept
new creation was a mid-priced family sedan, as a special interest car in past decades as
taking and more than 12,000 deposits on opposed to a daily driver. Air conditioning
the first day of the show! Despite the humble is fitted to keep the passenger cool and
purpose, the DS was a technological tour comfortable.
de force, featuring hydraulic suspension
(pioneered on the Traction Avant's self- $20,000 - 30,000
leveling rear end), high-pressure self- WITHOUT RESERVE
centering steering, semi-automatic gearbox,
radial tires, and four-wheel disc brakes.


Without Reserve
H Finished in exquisite Azzuro
California over Crema Leather 2001 FERRARI 456M GTA
H Comes complete with books, Design by Pininfarina
tools and service records
H California ownership since 2001 VIN. ZFFWL50A210123101
with a clean Carfax report
5,474cc DOHC 48-Valve V-12 Engine
H One of only 650 produced
Electronic Fuel Injection
442bhp at 6,250rpm
4-Speed Automatic Transaxle
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Not since the 412's demise in 1989 had Ferrari This automatic transmission example of the dash which can easily be addressed. Other
offered a '2+2' and when the 456GT debuted at 456 M GT has covered 30,600 miles from than a few minor scuffs on the exterior, this
the Paris Salon in October 1992 it was obvious new and comes with factory manuals, clean example is in overall nice condition. Given the
that the long awaited newcomer eclipsed all Carfax, tool kit and tire inflation kit. Finished up to date service history and rarity, with only
Maranello's previous four-seat Grand Tourers. in the beautiful light blue metallic (Azzurro 650 456M GTAs produced, this is certainly a
Although new from stem to stern, the 456GT California) with an off-white leather interior prancing horse not to pass up.
incorporated elements familiar to generations of (Crema), a combination rarely seen and quite
Ferrari cognoscenti - front-mounted four-cam appealing. Factory options include power $35,000 - 50,000
V12, rear transaxle, tubular steel spaceframe Daytona style seats with blue piping, blue WITHOUT RESERVE
chassis and all-independent suspension - while upper dashboard, blue carpeting and silver
making an appearance for the first time were brake calipers. This 456M also features
electronically-controlled adaptive suspension the excellent soundtrack coming from a
and a six-speed gearbox. Essentially a de- Tubi exhaust system. This 456's history
tuned version of that powering the 550 and file contains numerous service receipts
575, the new 5.5-litre V12 unleashed no less documenting the care that it was given. The
than 442bhp at a lowly 6,250rpm yet remained current owner purchased this grand tourer
smooth and tractable from idling speed to around 2014 and has been enjoying it since.
red-line thanks to its state-of-the-art engine Only approximately 200 miles have been
management system. F40 excepted, the 456 driven since the car's latest service. Like
was the most powerful road car developed by many Ferraris of this era, the car does have
Ferrari up to that time. some shrinkage of the leather on top of the


Without Reserve
117. H Ex-Otis Chandler
1997 PORSCHE 911 TURBO S H Fewer than 1,700 original miles
H One of only 183 993 Turbo S
VIN. WP0AG2993V5376048
models produced for the US
Engine no. 61V02552
H Extremely well optioned, including
3,608cc SOHC Inline 6-Cylinder Engine paint to sample
Electronic Fuel Injection with Twin Turbochargers
424bhp at 5,750rpm
6-Speed Manual Transmission
4-Wheel Independent Suspension with Coil Springs
4-Wheel Ventilated and Drilled Disc Brakes


In 1993, Porsche introduced what is regarded Porsche had not offered on a turbocharged distinguished by vented rear fenders, yellow
by many as the most beautiful 911 of model since the 959—the system greatly brake calipers, a special rear spoiler, four-
all—the Type 993. Over the years the 911 improved the performance of the Turbo. tipped exhaust system, and an Aero kit front
had received numerous aerodynamic and Under the engine lid—now topped with spoiler with special ventilation and fog-light
safety-inspired add-ons, diluting the purity a sculpted spoiler tail with downturned placement. From its introduction, the Turbo S
of the original form. The Type 993's arrival edges—resided the 3.6-liter flat six fed by twin was—and remains—a tour de force as one of
marked a return to basic principles, being KKK K16 turbos, each featuring integrated the most powerful and sophisticated Porsche
recognizably a 911, but one in which all wastegates and two charge air intercoolers. models ever unleashed.
functions had been harmoniously integrated Combined with bigger brakes, fatter tires, a
in a truly outstanding example of modern wide body and stance, and specially designed Thanks to its status as the final air cooled 911,
automotive styling. The 993-range offering "Technologie-Rad" cast alloy wheels, the popularity of the 993 has steadily increased as
was comprised of the familiar two- and four- 993 Turbo was one of the fastest cars on the years go by.
wheel drive models, a Cabriolet convertible, the planet. However, Porsche's Exclusive
the Turbo, but also included the new range Department was not yet satisfied. On a
topping 1997 993 Turbo S. All were powered mission to produce the world's highest
by the latest, 3.6-liter version of Porsche's performing, most technologically advanced
perennial flat-six engine. 911 variant to ever leave Stuttgart, the 1997
993 Turbo S was created. Packing 424
Among the new features on the 993 Turbo horsepower for the U.S. and Global markets,
was an electronically controlled viscous the Turbo S featured a myriad of updates
coupling all-wheel drive system—something throughout. The Turbo S was visually


This outstanding example of Stuttgart's the option list exploded with dual racing Now showing only 1,688 miles from new
highest performing 911 available to the U.S. style sport seats in the full Midnight Blue on the odometer, this is not just one of the
of the period was completed on July 24, leather interior offset but yellow stitching and most richly optioned Turbo Ss but also one
1997 and destined for the U.S. Ordered new seatbelts. White faced gauges with red trim of the lowest mileage examples too. The
by car collector and LA Times publisher Otis rings furthered echoed the theme while the car is accompanied by its COA and copies
Chandler, this ranks among the most highly raciness of the whole package was turned of past titlework. When considering the
optioned Turbo S examples on the planet. to 11 with carbon fiber door cards, door cars ultra-desirable specification, über low
Chandler specified the car as an homage pulls, and dash. In case the roar of the twin mileage, originality, and single owner history, it
to Mark Donahue's Sunoco-sponsored, turbo flat six wasn't the right soundtrack for becomes clear that this is the finest 993 Turbo
Penske run Porsche 917/30 that dominated the moment, a digital sound package and S to come to market. It is likely that a better
the 1973 season (it didn't hurt that Chandler remote 6-CD changer was also included. Oh, example will never be found.
had a 917/30 in his own collection at the and while we're at it, the rear seat has been
time). As such, there was little regard for cost deleted with a package shelf now in its place. $260,000 - 320,000
when it came to the option list—and what WITHOUT RESERVE
an exhaustive list it is. 24 option codes are Otis would keep the car for only a few years
listed on the build decal, with the Porsche before selling it to a Philadelphia enthusiast.
Certificate of Authenticity listing them in The car would have one other Pennsylvania
detail. Non-metallic paint-to-sample blue was keeper before being acquired by the present
specified on the exterior with yellow and red owner in August of 2006. It has been on static
decal graphics on the sides, front and rear display since purchase.
along with yellow Turbo S script. Inside

118. H Matching numbers example
1967 JAGUAR E-TYPE SERIES I 4.2 ROADSTER complete with Hard Top
H Presented in its original Cream
Chassis no. 1E13274
over Black colorway
Engine no. 7E9292-9
H Under 35,000 miles present on
4,235cc DOHC Inline 6-Cylinder Engine the odometer
3 SU Carburetors H Continuously cared for with
265bhp at 5,400rpm records back to 2002
4-Speed Manual Transmission
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


When introduced at the 1961 Geneva Salon, experience gained with the D-Type to create
Jaguar's E-Type stirred passions with its one of the most elegant and efficient shapes
extremely sleek and timeless design backed ever to grace a motor car.
by staggering performance. The newcomer's
design owed much to that of the racing Developed from that of the original XK120
D-Type. Indeed, the E-Type would be one of sports car and refined in the racing D-Type,
the last great sports cars developed directly the double wishbone, independent front
from a successful competition ancestor. suspension was mounted on the forward
subframe. At the rear the E-Type's suspension
Just as in the D-Type, a monocoque tub broke new ground for a large-capacity sports
formed the main body/chassis structure while car, being independent at a time when most
a tubular spaceframe extended forwards of its major rivals relied on the traditional live
to support the engine. The latter was the rear axle. Dunlop disc brakes were fitted to all
same 3.8-liter, triple-carbureted, 'S' unit four wheels; those at the rear being mounted
first offered as an option on the preceding inboard alongside the differential to reduce
XK150. With a claimed 265 horsepower on un-sprung weight.
tap, the E-Type's performance furthered the
standards set by the preceding XK models: Often called the most beautiful production car
firstly, because it weighed around 500lbs of all time, the E-Type remains an automotive
less than the XK150 and secondly because icon of design, engineering and speed.
aerodynamicist Malcolm Sayer used


Presented here is a well-kept, matching motor itself was cleaned to show quality and contain a bit of slack in the same comforting
numbers Series I E-Type Roadster with hard connected to a fresh and functional cooling manner of a nicely worn-in glove. A suite of
top showing under 35,000 original miles system. After entering its current ownership, Smiths gauges and a period Blaupunkt stereo
on its odometer. Records dating back to the Roadster received another round of round of an interior which is most certainly a
2002 display invoices of continuous routine refreshing. The various mechanical and nice place to be on a warm sunny day.
maintenance being carried out by its then electric systems were given another check
Pennsylvania based owner. Oil changes and and received attention where needed. A must have for any collection, the E-Types
other minor jobs including fixing a radiator leak many positive qualities have enshrined it as
and a non-functioning headlight make up the To this day, the engine bay and all of the one of the true automotive greats. With its
type of work performed on the vehicle during aluminum components within shine with a clean, soft lines and 6-cylinder howl, few
this period. In 2006, a more comprehensive jewelry like quality. Furthermore, the Jaguar cars are able to stack up against the Jaguar
series of jobs were performed culminating in still wears its original as-delivered colorway magic. A well cared for example presented
a light, sympathetic restoration. Great effort of Cream over black interior and convertible in its original colorway with so few miles on
was undertaken to retain the bevy of original top. This traditional scheme fits the car the odometer will surely find itself in good
components still found on the car. Many of rather nicely and makes the vehicle far more company with its next owner.
these were removed and serviced for proper unassuming. Well kept, the roadster has
functioning. Most of the focus however was weathered the years nicely and dutiful past $190,000 - 240,000
under the hood. Everything installed in the owners have helped to keep the surfaces
engine bay was removed and rebuilt when free of serious blemishes. The interior of the
necessary. This included the carburetors, vehicle presents with an equal level welcoming
distributor, water and fuel pumps. The usability. The seat leather and armest both


Without Reserve
119. H Chicago Police themed
H Final year of the Model A
Chassis no. A3445396
H Sireno siren along with other
200ci Flathead Inline-4 Cylinder Engine police props
Single Updraft Carburetor H A must-have for any collector
40bhp at 2,200rpm
3-Speed Manual Transmission
4-Wheel Semi-Elliptic Lead Springs with Three Quarter Floating Rear Axle
4-Wheel Mechanical Drum Brakes


Ford practically owned that market with The 'A' on the other hand, used a 200.5cid This handsome Model A Sport Coupe features
its indomitable Model T that had ruled engine to generate double the output to go a jet black paint job over a fitting black interior
America's roadways since it first rolled into through a new three-speed transmission to The muted, period correct color scheme is
driveways in 1908. But when old Henry Ford the rear wheels. well suited to the sporty bodywork. The car
was finally convinced that the 'Tin Lizzie's' is an honest example of how Ford continued
day was done, production was shut down for its dominance after phasing out the Model
the change over from 'T' to 'A'. T in 1927. A thoroughly modern car for the
time, it made for very useful law enforcement
The similarities between the 'A' and the transportation. This paddy wagon was themed
'T' were great. Both were four-cylinder, around the Chicago Police Department.
water-cooled vehicles with solid axles Interesting features on this Model A include
front and rear, leaf-spring suspension and steel frame and window bars, rear prisoner
mechanical drum brakes on all four corners. benches including shackle mounts, Sireno
They were both rugged and inexpensive siren, roof mounted red lights as well as dual
to run. However, there were at least 1,800 side mounted spare wheels. To complete this
differences between the new cars. A simple tribute, this paddy wagon comes with the
matter of arithmetic, the 'T' had 5,000 added props of a billy club as well as a replica
different parts and the 'A' had 6,800. tommy gun. This final year Model A is ready
One of the biggest differences is that the to provide its next care taker with years of
Model T's flat head four displaced 176.7 motoring and even possibly at home with some
cubic inches and produced 20 horsepower. other law enforcement vehicles.

$25,000 - 35,000

Without Reserve
H Beautiful example of the legendary
amphibious Amphicar 770 1965 AMPHICAR MODEL 770 CABRIOLET
H Charming red over red and white livery
Chassis no. 104076
H Land or sea, this can do it
H Saves the hassle of having to buy a boat!
1,147cc OHV Inline 4-Cylinder Engine
43bhp at 4,750rpm
4-Speed Synchronized Manual Transmission
Single Speed With Reverse Water Transmission
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Waterproof Hydraulic Drum Brakes


Hans Trippel's experiments with amphibious in 1962. Nevertheless, and despite the Finished in bright red with a matching red
vehicles began in the 1930s, bearing fruit attractions of its dual capability, the Amphicar and white vinyl interior, this Amphicar joined
in wartime in the form of the Volkswagen was not a commercial success. In what the consignor's impressive collection about
based Schwimmwagen, more than 14,000 should have been its biggest market - the a decade ago. Unusual in any way, this
of which saw service with the German Army USA - the Amphicar was handicapped by Amphicar Model 770 Cabriolet would be
in WWII. Trippel revived the concept post- the many difficulties involved in trying to the ideal classic car/classic boat choice for
war with the Amphicar (originally called the comply with smog and safety regulations. a lake or beach house, but would require a
Eurocar). Necessarily of unitary construction, Demand for what was essentially a novelty thorough, water-tight checkup before being
the cabriolet-style Amphicar was powered vehicle never remotely approached the launched in the water. A previous High Sierra
by a 70cu in (1,147cc) four-cylinder Triumph 20,000 units projected annually, only Show-n-Shine entrant, the car has seen water
Herald engine mounted in the rear and driving 3,000-or-so being constructed before use in the past, and would surely be in its right
the rear wheels. A special transmission drove production ceased in 1968. element back on the water.
the two propellers that afforded a maximum
cruising speed on water of around 6 knots $40,000 - 50,000
(7mph), the top speed on land being around WITHOUT RESERVE
70mph. No special steering gear was required
for use on water, the car being steered in the
normal way. The design certainly worked,
as demonstrated by a well-publicized stunt
that saw an Amphicar successfully cross
the English Channel from France to England


Without Reserve
121. H One of only six made, three with automatics
1954 ROLLS-ROYCE SILVER DAWN H Delivered new to Baroness Rozelle Empain
DROPHEAD COUPE H Heavily optioned with power featured
Coachwork by Park Ward & Co. Ltd. H Exceedingly rare, coachbuilt luxury

Chassis no. LSMF10

Engine no. S5F

4,566-cc Inline F-Head 6-Cylinder Engine

Single Downdraft Carburetor
130-hp (est.)
4-Speed Hydra-Matic Automatic Transmission
Independent Coil Spring Front and Live Rear Axle with
Semi-Elliptic Leaf Springs Rear Suspension
4-Wheel Power-Assisted Hydraulic Drum Brakes


The Rolls-Royce Silver Dawn was the first

completely new car Rolls introduced after
World War II. Manufacture began in 1949 and
ran through 1955. The war had changed the
market, and the Silver Dawn was advertised
as a car the owner could drive rather than be
driven in. It was also the first model to offer
standard factory bodies, as well as coach built
ones. Because England was in the throes of
a post-war financial crisis and needed hard
currency, the Silver Dawn was an export-
only model until 1953. Consequently, the
bulk of the production is left hand drive. Only
760 were made, 60-some receiving custom
bodies. The engine was a 4.3-liter, straight six
upon introduction, rising to 4.6 in 1953.


This Park Ward "Foursome" Drophead Coupe elaborate, Gatsby-esque parties at their in November of 2009, the Drophead has
is one of only six made, and adds further palace. While Baron Empain controlled the remained on static display for the last dozen
exclusivity by being only one of three with Paris subway, that would not be how he or years. Still retaining its restoration from the
an automatic transmission. It also has the his wife would travel. This Rolls was delivered 1980s, the car has mellowed over the years
larger 4.5 engine. The swooping, black front new to Château de Bouffémont, just north of but still carries with it plenty of presence,
fenders blend seamlessly into the tapered Paris, on June 17, 1953. The Baroness was although recommissioning will be required
rear with spats covering the rear wheels. The assured she ride in style with her coachbuilt prior to active use.
dual-tone paint has mint green sides over drophead finished in Moss Green over tan
dark green which set off the matching dark hides and optioned with power windows, top, The offered lot provides the opportunity to
green seats with mint green piping. Attractive and steering as well as automatic gearbox, own an almost unique coach built open car
red piping breaks up the expanse of the model 4200 radio, high frequency horns, fog from Britain's most prestigious manufacturer
black top. Left hand drive enhances the lamps, and more. The Baroness kept the Rolls during the period when the British motor
driving experience in North America. until 1966, when it was to a Monsieur Sadoul industry regained its footing after the war.
of Paris's 7th Arrondissement. It is a rare beauty that would be the perfect
According to copies of the factory record, transportation to one of the world's great
this stunning Rolls was ordered by an It is likely the car remained in France, receiving automotive events, whether the driver is a
equally stunning and flamboyant person— a restoration in the 1980s during which it was participant or a spectator.
the Baroness Rozelle Empain (née Rowland), finished in its current two tone green. In 1988
the wife of Baron Jean Empain. An took first place at the Grand Prix de Diane $250,000 - 300,000
American burlesque performer, she Hermes, with the award given by Britain's WITHOUT RESERVE
and her husband were known to throw Princess Anne. Acquired by the current owner


122. H Exceptionally rare T-Head
Formerly in the collections of David Tunick and Dick Teague Packard Runabout
1911 PACKARD MODEL 18 RUNABOUT H High quality Brass Touring Car
H Known history back to 1916
Chassis no. 19101 H A handsome sporting car from
Engine no. 19101
one of the finest manufacturers
of the period
265.7ci T-head inline 4-cylinder engine
Packard carburetor, 53bhp
3-speed manual transaxle
4-wheel semi-elliptical leaf springs with solid front and live rear axle
Rear wheel mechanical drum brakes


Dissatisfaction with his Winton motor carriage 1907 with the introduction of the Model 30, by
is said to have spurred James Ward Packard which time the number of body styles offered
to build a superior automobile. Aided by his had increased from one to four. In 1909 the
brother and two defectors from the Winton company introduced a downsized Packard –
company, Packard set up shop in his electrical the Model 18 – featuring a shorter wheelbase
engineering factory in Warren, Ohio, from and smaller (265.7ci, 4,356cc) four-cylinder
which the first Packard car emerged in engine. Built to the same exemplary standards
November 1899. The Packard's innovative as the range-topping Model 30 yet $1,000
engineering and superior build quality were cheaper, the Model 18 was nevertheless
soon attracting the attention of wealthy consistently outsold by its larger sibling until it
clients, William D Rockefeller purchasing disappeared from the range at the end of the
two at the New York Automobile Show in 1912 season when Packard ceased to build
November 1900. 'Ask The Man Who Owns four-cylinder cars.
One,' was adopted as the company's
advertising slogan.

By 1903 Packard's first four-cylinder car

- the Model K - had arrived and the single-
cylinder's days were numbered. Packard's
four grew in engine capacity over the next few
years before stabilizing at 431.9ci (7,080cc) in


This fine example of Packard's beautifully information we do know that the next owner his ownership. From there it moved overseas
designed Model 18 is rare in that it is known was Frederick T. Ward of East Orange, New through Mark Smith, into Spanish ownership
to have always been in the Runabout form in Jersey who acquired the car in 1916. Ward's only returning to the US in the last few years.
which it is seen today. The Runabouts were tenure stretched forward for a considerable
built on special short wheelbase chassis time, and it was most likely not until the 1940s Sporting its distinctive white paintwork, the car
measuring a mere 102 inches in 1909-1911 when it next changed hands, being purchased has always been a familiar sight in the hobby
seasons and are thought to have accounted then by the noted collector David Tunick, in and is rated by experts to be a highly authentic
for a fraction of their production figures, with a peak buying period for him. He retained example of its breed. Viewed today, it retains
most being touring or formal cars. As it was in the Model 18 until 1958 when it passed to key elements of the model including its matched
1911 only 400 of the Model were built in total. another luminary in the hobby, Dick Teague, numbers engine, correct Packard carburetor,
To add to the aesthetic appeal, the radiator and the famed AMC design vice president. oiler system, period Hartford shocks. A full
engine are set back significantly in the chassis This began a series of Mid-West owners, complement of Brass accoutrements such as
which when combined with the transaxle 'box next being Jack Frost of Detroit in 1960; Packard Model 18 script headlights are present
makes for excellent weight distribution and Norm Viney of Ohio in 1964 and briefly Bob and all of its brightwork has been exquisitely
therefore handling too. It was a formula that Erausquin also of Ohio in 1980. At that point refinished and literally gleams from stem to
they mirrored on the Model 30 Runabouts also. the car moved south to renowned Packard stern. An ideal and sporting tour car, to assist
historian and co-author of Packard: A History with this it has the added benefit of a modern
According to the well-researched Packards of the Car and Company, L. Morgan Yost of starter motor and later period Bosch magneto. It
Online Registry, car 19101's ownership can Cherokee Village, Arkansas. Mr. Yost retained offers all of the quality of the early Packards at a
be charted back to the teen era, and while its the Model 18 for the next eighteen years, and modest price point.
original purchaser is not recorded, from this it is understood to have been restored during
$150,000 - 175,000


Without Reserve
123. H Built by Shelby America
2015 FORD SHELBY GT500 SUPER SNAKE PROTOTYPE H The prototype for the Super
Snake model
H Heavily optioned
Shelby Serial no. CSM 15SS0001C
H Featured in numerous publications
302ci DOHC Supercharged V8 Engine
Computer Controlled Port Injection
850bhp at 7,400rpm
6-Speed Manual Transmission
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Ventilated Disc Brakes


Shelby's most legendary machines are not The offered vehicle is not just any Super Snake
the ones built in some Detroit factory with but the original prototype. Bedecked with virtually
Carroll's name on them but the ones built every option Shelby could imagine offering and
in-house by the wizards in Shelby's own finished dark red with a matching red and black
shop. That's where the Cobra came from, leather interior, this car was featured in numerous
the original GT350, and more recently, the car shows and publications including Road &
GT500 Super Snake. Starting with a Mustang Track, Car & Driver, Motor Trend, and more. No
GT, the horsepower gurus as Shelby America mere show queen, this Super Snake was both a
set out to turn a fast car into a weapon. test bed and marketing tool for Shelby, racking
Offered in a few different packages, the up just under 13,000 miles in the first 12 months
absolute top of the heap was a $54,999 on the road.
"750+ HP" package – this on top of the price
of the new Mustang GT donor car. Featuring Used more judiciously since, it has been
a gargantuan Kenne Bell supercharger, sparingly driven while in the care of the
upgraded suspension, Wilwood disc brakes, current owner, who acquired the car in 2016.
short throw shifter, front and rear splitters, Complete with original Team Shelby literature,
a carbon fiber hood, and more, this Snake this Shelby prototype is ready to rumble into a
was capable of getting to 60mph in under 4 new garage.
seconds and pulling 0.98g on the skidpad.
$60,000 - 80,000


Without Reserve
H Gorgeous white over burgundy
color scheme 1987 PORSCHE 930 3.3 TURBO COUPE
H Nicely optioned example
VIN. WP0JB0930HS050814
H Formerly a Texas car
H One of the most raw and exciting
3,299cc SOHC Turbocharged 6-Cylinder Engine
production cars ever built Bosch Fuel Injection
282bhp at 5,550rpm
4-Speed Manual Transaxle
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


"It offers the finest blend of ultimate This handsome 930 was finished at the the middle of a corner. One of the most raw
performance and refinement I have ever Zuffenhausen factory in January 1987. and unbridled cars available on the market
come across..." – Paul Frère on the Porsche The early history of the car is not as of in its day, the 930 3.3 Turbo has rightfully
911 Turbo. What set the 911 Turbo apart yet known, but according to the CARFAX earned its place as a legend, and it is quite
from its peers was the relaxed way this report, it was in Texas at the beginning rare to find an example that has been as
stupefying performance was delivered. of the millennium. Finished in white over carefully maintained and unfettered as this.
Comparing the Turbo to similarly quick 'he- burgundy hides and outfitted with an
man' cars such as the Holman & Moody- optional Blaupunkt cassette radio, the $70,000 - 100,000
tuned Cobra 427 and the Ford GT40, current owner acquired the car in May 2005 WITHOUT RESERVE
Motor's Roger Bell reckoned what made with 9,273 miles—a figure corroborated
the Porsche so different was that it "hurls by the CARFAX report. Since acquisition,
you forward with similar velocity but in an the speedometer was replaced with a
uncannily quiet and effortless way. To be metric unit and the odometer re-zeroed. An
shoved so hard in the back that you need additional 146 kilometers are now showing,
high-back seats to keep your head on, yet but the original mileage cannot be verified.
neither to feel nor hear anything more than a
muffled hum, is a very odd sensation indeed Complete with a tool roll, it has been
in a car." exceedingly sparingly used since purchase
and largely been on static display. As such,
recommissioning is recommended prior to
finding out what happens when you lift in


125. H One of 1,007 512 BBi models produced
1984 FERRARI 512 BBI H Documented service history since 1994
Coachwork by Scaglietti H Desirable red over tan color combination
Design by Pininfarina H Iconic Pininfarina designed 12-Cylinder Ferrari

VIN. ZFFJA09B000051339

5.0L DOHC Flat 12-Cylinder Engine

Bosch K-Jetronic Fuel Injection
340bhp at 6,000rpm
5-Speed Manual Transaxle
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


The stunningly handsome and very rapid Ferrari 1981 to help meet increasingly tough US
512 Berlinetta Boxer, or 512 BB, was introduced exhaust emission regulations, with the car's
at the October 1976 Paris Auto Show, although name being altered to reflect that change.
actual production had begun several months Horsepower dropped to 340 and torque to
earlier. The 512 BB was the successor to the 333 foot-pounds at 4600 rpm. The injected
365 GT4 BB, and offered a similar mechanical Berlinetta Boxer remained a strong performer,
layout and exterior appearance, but with the however, capable of 0-60 from a standing
addition of a new front chin spoiler and NACA start in six seconds flat, and reaching almost
intakes on the flanks. There were now just four 175 mph (the factory claimed an optimistic
taillights instead of six. 188 mph), covering the standing quarter-mile
in 14.2 seconds at 103.5 mph.
Most notably, the 365BB/512BB series
was Ferrari's first with a 180-degree flat A plush leather interior, full instrumentation,
12-cylinder engine in a production car. The electric window lifts, three-point inertia seat
four camshafts on these engines were belt- belts, and air conditioning were standard. A
driven, another "first" for Ferrari. The 512's unique "single-arm, twin blade" windshield
engine produced 360 DIN bhp at 6200 rpm, wiper is fitted to help clear the huge
breathing through a quartet of Weber three- windshield glass. Road & Track magazine
barrel carburetors. Bosch K-Jetronic fuel called the 512 BB "the best all-around sports
injection replaced the carburetors in late and GT car we've tested".


This attractive example of the iconic 512BBi received a major engine-out service along wonderful opportunity to find a 512BBi that
is finished in Rosso Corsa over tan leather with additional preventative maintenance was driven and well serviced ensuring the
interior with tan dash, with Daytona style seat ensuring the car is up to date on all major car has been gone through mechanically
inserts and tan carpets. The car also features services. Additionally, the car has also had and able to be enjoyed in the future.
power windows and air conditioning. The many routine services in 2019 from the
silver finished center lock wheels carry the Ferrari experts at Dugan Enterprises in San $210,000 - 260,000
appropriate Michelin TRX rubber to connect Diego. This vehicle's impressive service
with the road. Equipped with the factory tool history ensures the care which was put into
roll with leather pouch, books and manuals the car during its long-term ownership. Rest
in the factory pouch and what appears to be assured, this 512 is ready to be enjoyed for
the original spare tire. many more miles to come.

The injected Berlinetta Boxer was imported Today, the car is great condition. Covering
by Steve Barney of Foreign Cars Italia in approximately 36,000 miles from new,
June of 1984. Following being federalized the body and paint present very nicely.
shortly thereafter, the car spent some of its The interior is in great shape with just the
life with previous owners until being sold right hint of patina that one wants to see
to its current owner in January 1994. This on an original example. Mechanically, the
vehicle comes with a detailed binder full car runs and drives great. The car comes
of service receipts dating from current all with a clean Carfax report as well as its
the way back to 1994. In 2018, the car documented service binder. Surely a


Without Reserve
126. H Rare derivative of Rolls-Royce
1960 ROLLS-ROYCE SILVER CLOUD II H Original U.S. Supplied, left hand drive car
'ADAPTATION' DROPHEAD COUPE H In the present ownership since 2008
Coachwork by H.J. Mulliner H Timelessly elegant four seat open Rolls

Chassis no. LSRA19

Engine no. 142AS

6,230cc OHV V8 engine

Twin side-draft SU carburetors
220bhp (est)
Four-speed automatic transmission
Independent Front Suspension, Live Rear Axle
Four-wheel power-assisted hydraulic drum brakes


Rolls-Royce has never been reluctant to negligible changes to the familiar Standard A total of 107 of these cars were built
express the quality of its automobiles, nor Steel bodywork when compared to that of on the Cloud II/S2 standard-wheelbase
abashed about putting it to the test, but the Silver Cloud I. chassis a mere 4% of the production of this
even by the Crewe firm's high standards successful model.
the Silver Cloud range of the late 1950s/ For some clients, however, even the
early 1960s represented a high point in the factory's own coachwork was not quite
fortunes of the legendary British marque's exclusive enough, and for this select band
post-war history. of purchasers Rolls-Royce proposed a
range of bespoke bodies, ranging from
Adoption of an all-aluminum V8 engine Harold Radford's 'Countryman' estate
replacing the straight six of the Cloud I was conversions through Park Ward's rakish
the most remarkable innovation when Rolls- Vilhelm Koren styled convertible, but
Royce publicized the advent of their new perhaps that which best reflected Rolls-
Silver Cloud II model in 1959. It is well worth Royce values was Mulliner's convertible,
noting that this engine - developed during known today as the 'Mulliner Adaptation'.
the 1950s - was still performing under the Hand crafted style such as this attracted
bonnet of Rolls-Royce's modern models of a hefty premium though, H J Mulliner's
the '90s though having been subject to the convertible being priced some 30% above
company's established policy of seeking the standard Silver Cloud II four-door
improvements in design and manufacture. saloon, which was already one of the
As regards coachwork there were but world's most expensive cars.


This exceptionally rare Rolls-Royce is one of The car appears to have remained in New
only 74 of an already limited run that were built York for much of its life. In the 1980s it was
in left hand drive form, and certainly even fewer believed to have been slightly modified and
that were delivered to these shores. Owing to restored by Niko-Michael Coachworks, with
the availability of original factory records for the the P100 headlights and continental kit
marque, it can be confirmed that as new the installed at this time along with the two tone
Drophead was ordered by Rolls-Royce Inc. black and burgundy color scheme added
for J.S. Inskip and delivered to the shippers both inside and out. In the collection of a
in October of 1960. Ordered in Black over Rolls-Royce enthusiast in the early 2000s,
'Special Red' leather, the Special Red extended it was acquired by the current owner in
to headcloth and carpets—but white rubber 2008 and has been on static display since.
mats were additionally ordered from the front Recommission is recommended prior to
seats. Built to USA specification, the original active touring.
left hand drive configuration is also noted, and
reflected in the 'L' prefix to its chassis number, Supremely elegant and rarely available
while features included power steering, electric particularly those that were sold new to
windows, foglamps, and winter equipment the U.S. this is an eminently collectible and
including a winter thermostat and cold weather covetable four person touring Rolls-Royce.
shields over the door locks. The first owner
is recorded as Oliver D. Appleton, a partner $200,000 - 250,000
at Cyrus J. Lawrence & Sons, investment WITHOUT RESERVE
bankers, in Mount Kisco, New York.


127. H Offered from long-term enthusiast
Desirable 'pre-L' model with thoughtful, desirable upgrades ownership for some two decades
1972 DE TOMASO PANTERA COUPE H Always a California car, with known
history in good hands since new
Chassis no. THPNMB02517 H Excellent, well-maintained older
restoration in superb order
351ci OHV V-8 Engine
H Numerous sought-after upgrades,
Single 4-Barrel Holley Carburetor
Est. 395bhp many by Pantera specialists Bob
5-Speed Manual Transaxle and Don Byers
4-Wheel Independent Suspension with Coilover Shocks H An excellent example of the
4-Wheel Disc Brakes 'pre-L' Pantera


This sleek De Tomaso Pantera is a most That early California registration notes what the owner recalls as a frame-off
desirable 'pre-L' model, retaining the that on March 17, 1973, the Pantera was rotisserie restoration.
more attractive earlier styling that lasted registered to Slick Gardner of Buellton,
only through the 1972 production year, as believed to be the original owner, who The next owner, the car's third, was an avid
well as the early close-ratio transmission was quite the enthusiast of performance enthusiast and multiple Pantera owner. He
that provides better performance. It was automobiles. Known as an Auto Racing upgraded the interior, replacing all vinyl,
sold new early in the following year, with Club of America driver, he appeared in a including both the seats and door trim,
a California registration on file noting that Gardner Racing Mercury in a NASCAR with the highest-quality leather. A later
it was delivered on January 5, 1973. The Winston Cup race at Talladega in 1973, metal dashboard was fitted, replacing the
dealer of sale was presumably Peyton starting 11th and finishing 47th Overall. He original dash, whose unusual design made
Lincoln-Mercury of Harbor City, California, was also intended to partner with car owner it difficult to view the gauges while driving.
whose window sticker also remains in the Phil Henny behind the wheel of a Chevrolet An additional gauge for transmission
file, noting that the car was originally white Camaro in the 1976 24 Hours of Daytona, temperature was fitted, using a Veglia unit
and equipped with air-conditioning, five- although they did not start the race. that nicely matches the original gauges. The
speed transmission, four-wheel power disc sound system was updated, and integrated
brakes, power windows, full tinted glass, The current caretaker notes that the car turn signals fitted within the mirrors, in
magnesium sport wheels, and radial tires – was subsequently acquired by Phillip addition to other electronic upgrades. At
all at no extra charge, with a price tag Arthur Griffith of Goleta, for whom a this time the wheels were also upgraded,
of $10,113. 1982 registration is in the file. Mr. Griffith as well. The owner notes that during this
completed the Pantera's restoration, ownership the car's engine was rebuilt
refinishing it to red in the course of to be much powerful than stock. While he

received no documentation of this work, fitted at all four wheels, both by the Byers. described as rust-free from top to bottom.
when he became the fourth owner some The cooling system was upgraded with a The owner has changed the clutch and had
twenty years ago, 395bhp was quoted by new radiator, pressure pots, and hoses, and the carburetor rebuilt, both in preparation
the seller, and the owner happily notes that a water shut-off kit was fitted to prevent for the sale, and notes that all gauges and
the additional performance is obvious on the radiator coolant from flowing through indicators work, including the seatbelt light.
the road! the passenger compartment, to keep the
passengers cool in the summer. To the There is almost certainly no better-sorted,
Continuing the car's history of fastidious same end, the air conditioning system more thoroughly prepared and genuinely
maintenance, the owner notes that he has rebuilt with all-new components, to work superb "pre-L" Pantera available on the
undertaken considerable work with the properly on R134a refrigerant. market today.
noted Pantera specialists Bob and Don
Byers of Precision Proformance. A chassis The car has been exercised a few thousand $90,000 - 140,000
stiffening kit was fitted to reinforce both the miles over the years, and when not on the
front and back of the car, and prevent the road has remained in the owner's climate-
body from flexing. The battery was relocated controlled garage. He was told by the
to below the bottom of the front luggage previous owner that the car has never been
compartment, lowering the center of gravity washed, only wiped down and detailed
and providing a bit of additional luggage whenever necessary, and has maintained
space. Modern disc brakes with a Corvette the same tradition. As a result, this Pantera
master cylinder were fitted, to upgrade remains in beautiful order, with its paint still
stopping power, and coilover suspension in superb condition, and, significantly, is


Without Reserve
128. H Delivered new through Luigi
1967 FERRARI 330 GT SERIES II 2+2 Chinetti Motors
Coachwork by Pininfarina H One of 23 examples originally
painted Nocciola
Chassis no. 8937 H 35,344 believed-to-be-original
miles from new
3,967cc SOHC V12 Engine
H History report by Marcel Massini
3 Weber Carburetors
300bhp at 7,000rpm
5-Speed Manual Transmission
Front Independent Suspension - Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


Ferrari firmly established itself as a "volume" arrived. Its five-speed gearbox, alloy wheels
manufacturer with the 250 series, following and more resolved dual headlight frontal
nearly a decade of producing mere handfuls appearance set it firmly apart. Production
of cars at a time. Of course even then the ran until 1967, with 474 built.
numbers built hardly qualified as "mass
production" but the concept was still a big
move for the builder of exotic Italian sports
cars. The introduction of the Pininfarina-
designed 250GTE in 1959 added a
genuine 2+2 grand tourer to the range, a
car suitable for the mature businessman.
It delivered both the performance and
creature comforts required to cover
thousands of kilometers of autostrada in
speed and subtle, elegant, style.

The 250GTE was succeeded by the interim

330 America, which featured an enlarged
4.0-liter engine and then by the 330GT
2+2 Series I in 1964. The 330GT was
updated in 1965 when the Series II models


Chassis no. 08937 was completed at the Showing fewer than 200 additional miles over
Maranello factory in July 1966, equipped the last 15 years, the Ferrari has largely been
as a U.S.-specification example with on static display since joining the seller's
instruments in miles, and optioned with collection. A rare and elegant machine,
power steering and windows. recommissioning is recommended before
taking the family for a back roads blast.
Distributed to Luigi Chinetti Motors in New
York, it was finished from new in the same $120,000 - 160,000
colors it wears today, Nocciola (1 of 23 cars WITHOUT RESERVE
so outfitted) over Nero Franzi hides. The first
owner is not recorded but the car would
find its way to Colorado by 1975 where it
was advertised with 18,000 miles on it. Sold
from there to the West Coast, it was on the
East Coast by the mid-1980s and would
remain out east with a variety of owners
until it was acquired by the present owner
in 2006 with 35,156-claimed-to-be-original
miles on the odometer.


129. H A beautifully kept, unmodified
1994 NISSAN SKYLINE-R R32 GT-R VSPEC II one-owner example
H True collector grade with only 4,069
Chassis no. BNR32-309609
2,568cc DOHC Twin-Turbo Inline 6 H Rare Vspec II variant, one of 1,306 built
ECCS Multi-Point Electronic Fuel Injection H Japan's most faulted 'Forbidden Fruit'
276bhp at 6,800rpm supercar now on American shores
5-Speed Manual Transmission
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Power-Assisted Disc Brakes


Routinely voted by the classic car at Bathurst in the toughest condition - and
magazines as one of the greatest Japanese a hostile reception from the crowd when
cars of all time, Nissan's high-tech Skyline Richards and Skaife took the podium.
GT-R burst onto the motoring scene in
1989 to universal acclaim. Built specifically In road going form, the R32 was powered
to contest Group A, the original R32 GT-R by a twin-turbo RB26DETT in-line six allied
Skyline dominated the Australian racing with a sophisticated 4WD system and
scene, earning the nickname 'Godzilla' HICAS all-wheel steering, the R32 was a
and ultimately, banishment from the ATCC. devastating road car. On paper, these cars
Debuting at Mallala in June 1990, the were stated to produce 276hp, however
R32 race program was run by Gibson these were usually underrated numbers to
Motorsport and from the outset it was please the limiting laws in Japan. Unofficially
clear the car had the potential to be a the Skyline held the lap record on the
race winner but it wasn't until 1991 that legendary Nurburgring Nordschleife.
everything came together for the team
and drivers Jim Richards and Mark Skaife
crushed the opposition, including a win at
the all-important Bathurst enduro. Despite
increased minimum weight and reduced
boost bar for 1992, the Skyline continued its
winning ways, famously scoring a repeat win


This beautifully well-kept R32 GT-R comes from the standard R32 GT-R, the Vspec attention given to this Skyline. This R32 did
direct from the place of its birth following a II package includes 17-inch forged BBS receive a routine maintenance in recent time
lifetime of coddling and care. Having only wheels, larger tires, retuned all-wheel to ensure the car is ready to be operated.
one owner from new, the original purchaser drive system as well as Brembo 4-pot Rarely seen anywhere in such unmolested
fastidiously garaged and cared for his brake calipers. Further, this example condition, they are particularly rare on these
homegrown supercar. Kept dry and properly comes optioned with a trunk mounted CD- American shores where the Skyline-model
stored, this example appears to still have changer with a rarely seen center console was never sold new.
the same set of original Bridgestone tires controller. Finished in Spark Silver metallic
it was delivered with when new—a small (KL0 code) with a black interior, the car $160,000 - 190,000
testament to the level of detail and extent of presents beautifully and is in fantastic
care bestowed upon the car. original condition.

Very original in presentation, the car was Showing only 4,069 kilometers at the time
fitted with a NISMO (Nissan Motorsports) of photographing, the car still appears as
rear trunk spoiler. Such a rare occurence new with very little signs of wear. The engine
to find an R32 GT-R with no aftermarket still showing the gold coating on much of
modifications, let alone with the rare Vspec the hardware, evidence of little to no heat
II optional package. Victory Spec, or Vspec cycling which quickly ages these engine
models were produced to celebrate the bays. Complete with original service books,
racing success of Nissan in the Group N owner's manual, key, spare tire, and some
and Group A racing series. Setting it apart documents also speak to the lifetime of


Without Reserve
130. H The 65th of only 247 400GT 2+2s built
1967 LAMBORGHINI 400 GT 2+2 COUPE H Delivered new to Belgium
Coachwork by Carrozzeria Touring H In the present ownership since 2005
H Documented by its Lamborghini
Chassis no. 0724 Certificato d'origine
Engine no. 0698

3,929cc DOHC V12 Engine

6 Twin-Throat Weber 40DCOE Carburetors
320bhp at 6,500rpm
5-Speed Manual
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
4-Wheel Vacuum-Assisted Girling Disc Brakes


It is the stuff of legend that Ferrari-owning rival's larger models, Lamborghini needed manner of its long-legged performance
industrialist Ferruccio Lamborghini only a four-seater, and the 400GT 2+2 duly was reckoned the finest quality of the
turned to automobile manufacture as a appeared in 1966. A development of the Lamborghini, its V12 engine being judged
result of receiving off-hand treatment at 350GT, the newcomer used an enlarged - to have the broadest range of smooth
Maranello, vowing to build a better car. A to 3,929cc - V12. This 4-liter unit had first torque the testers had experienced.
successful manufacturer of tractors and appeared in 1965, finding its way into a Autocar concluded: "To achieve this
related machinery, Lamborghini possessed handful of late 350GTs, this interim model level of performance without noise, fuss,
the resources to realize his dream without being known as the 400GT. The 400GT's temperament or drama is an achievement;
having to compromise. claimed maximum power was 320bhp - up in the time taken for development, it is
from the 350GT's 270 - an output sufficient nothing short of sensational."
Lamborghini's first production car, the to make the former a 150mph-plus car.
Touring-styled 350GT, debuted at the 1964
Geneva Motor Show. The work of two of Despite its novice status as an automobile
Italy's most illustrious automobile designers, manufacturer, Lamborghini soon dispelled
the 350GT featured a glorious 3.5-liter, any lingering doubts about its ability to
four-cam V12 designed by Giotto Bizzarrini, compete with the world's best Grand
housed in a chassis penned by Gianpaolo Tourers. Reviewing the 400GT in its 2+2
Dallara. The 350GT's four camshafts and form in 1967, Autocar magazine voted it
all-independent suspension meant that it "better than all the equivalent exotic and
upstaged the best that Ferrari offered at the home-bred machinery in this glamorous
time; but to compete with his Maranello corner of the fast-car market." The relaxed


One of only 247 units built between 1966 was reported to have been completed in
and 1968, this 400GT is the 65th 400GT August of 2003.
built and the 208th Lamborghini to roll off
the production line. Originally shipped to The current owner acquired the car in
the Belgian dealer Socaria on November 7, 2005 and have kept it on static display
1966, the car was ordered in the striking since joining the collection. The four-
and handsome combination of Grigio medio decade old restoration is begin to show
over Tabacco hides. some age, which, combined with the
long term storage, offers the new owner
Initially remaining in Europe, the Lambo the opportunity to chose what degree of
eventually made its way to Texas. From recommissioning is right for them. When
1980 to 1982 the car was subject of what completed, however, they will have a lovely
was described by the previous owner as and fast machine that is eligible for many
an extensive restoration in Rhode Island. fine events including the Copperstate 1000
Understood to have been a thorough and Mountain Mille.
process that attended to both cosmetic and
mechanical needs, it was at this time the car $280,000 - 340,000
was refinished in the ever popular red over WITHOUT RESERVE
tan color scheme. Thirteen years later it is
understood the engine was freshened and the
last service carried out by the previous keeper


Without Reserve
131. H One of only 547 1998 Indianapolis
1998 CHEVROLET CORVETTE 'INDY 500 PACE CAR' 500 Pace Cars made
H Extremely low-mileage example,
VIN. 1G1YY32G7W5117666
with just 231 miles recorded
5.7-Liter LS1 Aluminum V8 Engine H Equipped with 6-Speed Manual
Sequential Fuel Injection Transmission
345bhp at 5,600rpm H Stunning, time-capsule original
6-Speed Manual Transmission condition accompanied by the
4-Wheel Independent Suspension original window sticker
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


1998 marked the return of the Corvette a freer-flowing intake manifold and modified This extremely well-preserved Corvette
Convertible as well as the return of the exhaust system designed to boost the car's Indianapolis 500 Pace Car has covered
Corvette as the Pace Car for the Indianapolis horsepower from 345 to 370hp, but this a mere 231 miles from new at the time
500. To mark the occasion and to make was done as a means of differentiating the of cataloging and represents a unique
it well known that the Convertible was "official" car from the "replicas." opportunity to buy one of the 547 models
back, the 1998 Pace Car replica featured that were built in 'time capsule' condition.
a color scheme that was like no other. It This Corvette is equipped with the Pace
featured an exclusive Radar Blue paint with Car package which includes the unique
extensive Indy 500 graphics, yellow wheels, Radar Blue paint, black leather interior with
and yellow interior accents. Interestingly, yellow inserts, color keyed yellow wheels
the 1998 Corvette that served as the and a black convertible top and more.
official pace-car from the race was virtually This package cost an additional $6,000
identical to the production model variants when new. This incredible example is also
that were built to commemorate the event. equipped with a 5.7 L 345hp LS1 engine
Unlike most other pace cars, which require and a 6-speed manual transmission. This
mechanical modifications to bolster the car's stunning time-capsule represents a unique
performance to meet the rigors of pacing opportunity to own a part of the Indianapolis
the massive racetrack, the Corvette came 500 legacy.
equipped with enough horsepower to handle
the demands of leading the pack with ease. $35,000 - 55,000
The official pace car's LS1 engine did receive WITHOUT RESERVE


Without Reserve
H A genuine factory-built, left-hand-
drive 130 200tdi Extensive rebuild to very desirable Spectre specification
H Ground-up restoration, with many 1993 LAND ROVER DEFENDER 130
desirable, sought-after upgrades
H Outfitted with considerable VIN.SALLDKHF8LA931378
inspiration from the Defender seen
2,495cc OHV 4-Cylinder Diesel Engine
in the James Bond film Spectre
Garrett Turbocharger
H Retains original chassis frame in
109bhp at 3,900 rpm
excellent condition 5-Speed Manual Transmission
Front and Rear Coil Spring Suspension with Double Rear Shocks
Four-Wheel Disc Brakes


The Defender offered is a genuine factory- James Bond film, Spectre, which served Drivetrain updates include a two-inch
built left-hand-drive 130 with the 200Tdi to reignite the passion of enthusiasts for suspension lift with polyurethane bushings,
direct-injection diesel engine, legendary this model worldwide. Thus, finishing the a double-shocked rear axle, copper
among enthusiasts for its long-lived menacing exterior appearance are a full set brake pipes, and a sports intercooler and
hardiness. Unlike many examples that are of Spectre wheels with 37-inch tires; full- expansion bottle to keep the engine running
presented in somewhat shopworn condition, length rock sliders; full LED lights, including cool under the hood, as well as a new
that offered here has undergone a ground- the headlights and Spectre spotlights; a exhaust system.
up rebuild beginning from the bare chassis, KBX grille system; black chequer plates
which has been left in its original paint on the front fenders; and a "Spectre rope." At the time of cataloguing the Land Rover
to show its truly amazing condition. The A brand-new Safety Devices external roll had recorded 1,198 miles, yet it is surely
bulkhead has been professionally refurbished cage ensures off-road security, while the ready for many more – having been fully
while rear 'high cap' body is a brand-new same firm supplied a roof rack system for refurbished and presented to a highly
genuine Land Rover piece, as are the side carrying goods on one's journey. Within detailed standard, it is described as being
plinths and the genuine Puma bonnet; the is a new elite ExmoorTrim seat system, in amazing driving condition and in truly
doors are all-new and mounted on Croytec including rear mounting brackets enabling impressive cosmetic order, as well. There
alloy hinges with matching screen blocks. the fitment of Elite reclining rear seats. are few better-prepared, more exciting and
Clearly no expense was spared to return the The interior is lined with acoustic carpet, well-equipped Defenders available on the
Defender to its original glory. for a more serene ride on-road, and the market today.
headliner has been retrimmed, resulting
Inspiration for the vehicle's configuration in an interior that is both comfortable and $70,000 - 100,000
was the iconic Defender seen in the 2015 beautifully presented throughout. WITHOUT RESERVE


Without Reserve
133. H Single-family ownership since new
1966 TRIUMPH TR4A IRS and less than 13,000 original miles
Design by Giovanni Michelotti H Largely unrestored and preserved
cosmetic condition
Chassis no. CTC64655L H Comprehensively mechanically
refurbished in 2017 at the cost of
2,138cc OHV Inline 4-Cylinder Engine
about $30,000
2 SU Carburetors
104bhp at 4,700rpm H Desirable TR4A model with
4-Speed Manual Transmission independent suspension all around
4-Wheel Independent Suspension
Front Disc - Rear Drum Brakes


First step in the TR's transition from In the TR4 arena, it doesn't get much The undercarriage was cleaned and painted
uncomplicated, rugged sports car to better than this superlative TR4A IRS, black. The car received a new soft top on the
something altogether more refined, the which is largely original and preserved. It original refinished frame. After $30,000 worth
TR4 was introduced in 1961. Giovanni was employed by its original owner, Dr. W. of work, this TR4A IRS in its red paint with
Michelotti's new bodyshell brought the styling S. Cole of Nova Scotia, for just two years black interior, has less than 13,000 miles on
up to date while beneath the skin there were before it was stored in 1969, with only the odometer. It is remarkable for its originality,
numerous chassis changes. Rack-and-pinion 12,000 miles on the odometer. In 2016, low-mileage and single-family ownership.
steering, widened front and rear track, and Dr. Cole's daughter Lesley sent the car to The preservation/restoration work has been
an all-synchromesh gearbox contributed to Jetstream Automotive and Custom in British undertaken with utmost reverence for a very
improved driveability. The standard engine Columbia for a preservation restoration. significant example of the classic British sports
was the 2,138cc four-cylinder overhead-valve Out of respect for the originality of the car, it car and will grace any collection with gravitas
unit first offered on the TR3A, and when was decided that the paint, brightwork and - as well as being a really fun drive.
equipped with the optional overdrive, the TR4 interior should be carefully preserved, while
was good for a top speed of almost 110mph. the original engine, which was seized, along $30,000 - 40,000
Today, the four-cylinder TRs are among the with other mechanical components, would be WITHOUT RESERVE
easiest of post-war classic sports cars to own refurbished to TR4A specification.
and maintain, being supported by a multitude
of component suppliers and other specialists. The body was removed, but not
disassembled, the chrome cleaned and
reinstalled. The engine bay polished, while
the fasteners were removed and cad plated.


Without Reserve
H Ordered new by the British
H Originally used in Moscow by the Coachwork by Mulliner Park Ward
British Ambassador to Russia
H Subject of a three-year restoration Chassis no. PRX4773
by marque specialist Vantage
Motorworks 6,230 cc OHV V-8 Engine
H Documented by copies of Twin SU Carburetors
Adequate Horsepower
extensive factory build records
4-Speed Automatic Transmission
Front Independent Suspension – Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Drum Brakes


Rolls-Royce's new limousine model, the This Phantom VI was ordered new by none Finished in the diplomatically appropriate color
long-wheelbase Phantom V, effectively other than the British Foreign Commonwealth scheme of black over Natural leather hides
replaced both the royalty/heads of state-only Office for use of the British Ambassador to throughout, the Rolls served with distinction
Phantom IV and the Silver Wraith. Built on Russia at its Moscow Embassy in October in Russia and even appeared in the 1979 film
a much modified and strengthened Silver of 1973. Specified in left hand drive, it was Utrenniy obkhod. There is no doubt the car stood
Cloud II chassis enjoying the same 145 optioned with a number of special features out amongst the drab and staid offerings available
inch wheelbase as the IV, the new Phantom including heavy duty suspension, a custom to folks actually living in communist Russia.
measured over 6 meters (19' 6") in length externally plugged Peregrine engine block
and enabled coachbuilders to combine heater, flag masts at the front corners, and The Phantom VI eventually made it stateside and
the desirable qualities of spacious interior loads of spares given the limited Rolls service was subject of an extensive, three-year restoration
accommodation with generous boot space facilities in Russia. Coming in at £10,430.90, by Rolls specialists Vantage Motorworks in Miami,
and graceful lines. Now built by the combined the people of the United Kingdom should be Florida in the early 2000s. During this restoration,
firm of H.J. Mulliner, Park Ward Ltd., the car delighted to hear that Rolls provided a 33% the Phantom received several upgrades including
lived on into the 1990s as the Phantom VI discount on the original MSRP to come down a modern stereo, air conditioning, a color change
with 374 built in total, its passing in 1992 to that still-lofty figure. Throughout the 98 to two-tone Black over Garnet, and a rear
marking the final demise of the separate- pages of the build sheet, the extensive pre- compartment retrim in what is said to be the last
chassis Rolls-Royce. delivery testing—and multiple telex wires from bolt of authentic broadcloth. Acquired by the
Moscow reminding Rolls as to just how bitingly present owner in 2008, only a few years after the
cold it gets in Russia in addition to the fact restoration was completed, the limousine has
that tires, quality gasoline, and just about every been on static display since being purchased. Still
other basic essential was not available there— showing nicely cosmetically, recommissioning is
speak to the specialness of this commission. recommended before being driven to the next
diplomatic gala.

$70,000 - 100,000
Without Reserve
135. H One of only 18 left-drive S3
1963 BENTLEY S3 CONTINENTAL FLYING SPUR Continental Flying Spurs produced
Coachwork by H.J. Mulliner H Delivered new to the Arlington, Virgina
H Well optioned from the factory
Chassis no. BC22LXB H The inspiration in name and design
Engine no. 11BBC
for today's Bentleys
6,230cc OHV Aluminum V8 Engine
Twin SU Carburetors
4-Speed Automatic Transmission
Independent Front and Live-Axle with Semi-Elliptical Leaf Spring Rear Suspension
4-wheel Girling drum brakes


In the 1950s and 1960s the Bentley new power unit fitted relatively easily within Continental and to existing coachbuilt
Continental was the world's ultimate Grand the engine bay, relocation of the steering four-door styles on Rolls-Royce and
Tourer, a car in which you could set off from box from inside to outside of the chassis (non-Continental) Bentley chassis. To the
any European capital in the morning and arrive frame being the most obvious alteration to Continental's existing qualities of pace and
at Monte Carlo fresh enough to play the tables the previous arrangements. Externally the elegance, the Flying Spur added four-door
that same evening. With the arrival of the V8- new models appeared virtually unchanged, practicality, a more spacious interior and
engined version in 1959, this consummate while beneath the skin Rolls-Royce's own generously proportioned boot. Combining
ability was further enhanced. The V8 was, of four-speed automatic transmission was now boulevard elegance with Bentley's sporting
course, the predominant power unit in Rolls- the only one on offer and power steering had tradition, the Flying Spur body style
Royce's most important export market - the been standardized. continued on the V8-engined S2 Continental
USA - so it was only natural that the Crewe and was revised to incorporate the S3's
firm would study the best American designs Rolls-Royce had envisaged the Bentley four-headlamp front end following the latter's
- principally those of Chrysler and Cadillac Continental as exclusively a two-door car introduction in 1962.
- for inspiration. Introduced in the autumn but late in 1957 the decision was taken
of 1959, the Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud II and to sanction the production of a four-door
Bentley S2 appeared externally unchanged variation by H J Mulliner. Introduced on the
from their 'Cloud and S-Type predecessors, S1 Continental and known as the 'Flying
though the duo's performance was Spur', this design was a collaborative
considerably enhanced by the new 6,230cc effort by Rolls-Royce's in-house styling
aluminum-alloy V8 engine. Although wider department and H J Mulliner, and bore a
and shorter than the 'six' it replaced, the strong resemblance both to the two-door


Only 86 S3 Continental Flying Spurs were chassis was completed at the end of April, paintwork including a color sand, buff, and
produced, and of those, a mere 18 were 1963, delivered to Mulliner at the beginning of repaint as necessary.
ordered in left hand drive. This example was May, and sent to Mr. Rosenthal by mid-May.
ordered new through Rolls-Royce of New Since coming into the collection only
York by successful Arlington, Virgina auto The Bentley would be sparingly used, seven additional miles have been added
dealership owner Harry Rosenthal. As a dealer repainted Velvet Green, and in long term with the Flying Spur on static display for
himself, Harry knew what to order—and ownership prior to being acquired by the the past baker's dozen years and as such
rather than going for a standard S3 opted seller in early 2008. At the time of purchase, recommissioning is recommended at this point.
for the coachbuilt Flying Spur. His option the car was described as a largely original A stunningly beautifully designed machine,
list also reads like someone in the know, machine save for an older respray with just this design remains a strong inspiration for
specifying a Blue Spot 'Kuhn' radio with 24,486 miles on the odometer—a figure Bentley's motor cars today—in addition to
Hirschmann electric aerial, Sundym glass with which was noted by the prior owner to be lending its name to today's offerings from the
power electric windows all around, ducting original from new. Upon acquisition, the marque. This exceedingly rare example is a rare
for refrigeration (factory records indicate the seller enlisted marque specialists Vantage opportunity to pick up one of Bentley's greatest
actual A/C unit was installed upon delivery), Motorworks to carry out $60,000 in post-WWII sports saloons.
rubber mats up front and lambswool for the refurbishment work including a rebuilding the
rear passengers, adjustable reading lamps in brake system, rebuilding and rechroming the $120,000 - 180,000
the rear cabin, and a full set of luggage (four bumpers and overriders, rechroming the side WITHOUT RESERVE
suitcases, two zipper bags, and an overnight window frames, replacing all four tires, full
bag – sadly none still with the car). Specifying detail of the chassis and engine bay, routine
the car in Black Pearl over Beige leather, the mechanical service, and attention to the


Without Reserve
136. H One of 219 examples built
1994 ROLLS-ROYCE CORNICHE IV H Same owner since 2008
H 3,904 miles from new
H Documented by copies of factory
6751cc OHV 90-degree V8 engine records and a clean CARFAX
Bosch K-Motronic fuel injection
215bhp at 4,200rpm
Four-speed GM4L80 automatic transmission
Four-wheel independent adaptive suspension
Disc brakes both front and rear


It is often said the last of the breed is the This Corniche IV was ordered new in factory records and a clean CARFAX report,
most refined, and with over two decades Puerto Rico in the beautifully tropical it is sure provide luxurious transport for its
of tweaking and perfecting under its belt combination of Aurora (light bluish-green) next lucky owner.
by 1993, this is certainly true for this over Parchment leather with Magnolia
Corniche. Originally debuting in 1971, the piping and a Cream Everflex top. Nicely $70,000 - 100,000
elegant design by John Polwhele Blatchley optioned, it was completed at the factory WITHOUT RESERVE
proved to stand the test of time, as the in September of 1993 and delivered in May
exterior styling of the car went largely of 1994. Bouncing between Florida and
unchanged throughout its quarter of a Puerto Rico, the Rolls would be sparingly
century production history. The Corniche IV driven, accumulating under 3,900 miles
was the last of the breed, benefiting from by the time it was acquired by the present
the improvements of the previous three owner in 2008.
models (including ABS, airbags, better
ergonomics, and minor stylistic changes) Now showing a mere 3,904 miles from
as well as receiving a glass rear window, a new, it has been on static display since
power top that required no latching, and an been joining the seller's collection. Ready
improved A/C system. Only 219 MK IV were for recommissioning before active road
produced, making that version the rarest, use, it is a well-preserved example of the
most sophisticated, and desirable Corniche. antepenultimate version of the legendary
Corniche. Complete with copies of its


Without Reserve
H Most iconic military vehicle of all time
H Recipient of a comprehensive restoration 1943 WILLYS MILITARY JEEP
H Equipped with field and weather equipment
Chassis no. MB206300
H Go anywhere, Do anything -
A flag waving symbol of America
134ci L-head Willys Inline 4-Cylinder Engine
Single Downdraft Carburetor
60bhp at 4,000rpm
4-Speed Manual Transmission – 4-Wheel Drive
4-Wheel Leaf Spring Suspension
4-Wheel Hydraulic Drum Brakes


Although forever associated with Willys- but adequately powerful 'Go Devil' engine. It This lovely example of the Willys Military
Overland, the original Jeep military vehicle was in this revised form that the Jeep would Jeep has been restored back to the state
was developed by American Bantam, formerly enter volume production. Willys-Overland's it would've appeared in during its original
American Austin. Designed to meet the final production version was the Model MB, service. The restoration was carried out
US Army's requirement for a rugged, go- Ford's being designated the Model GPW. approximately 10 years ago by a Southern
anywhere, four-wheel-drive vehicle capable of There were subtle differences between the California outfit, under the supervision of
surviving on the barest minimum of unskilled two versions, Ford's having its components the previous owner, himself a WWII Veteran.
maintenance, Bantam's prototype was up marked with the letter 'F'. As such, the general-purpose nature of the
and running by 1940, meeting the Army's vehicle is on full display with hull mounted
requirements apart from the engine, which After extensive field testing, the Jeep's off- tools. The consignor purchased the Jeep
was deemed insufficiently powerful. The road capability was first publicly demonstrated in the past decade, as a generous gift to
Pentagon though, doubted Bantam's ability early in 1941 when one was driven up the another honorable WWII Veteran, to be
to meet the military's post-Pearl Harbor steps of the United States Capitol by Willys's used around their Big Bear home. Showing
demands so the major contracts went to test driver, Irving 'Red' Haussman. Produced in wonderful condition, this Jeep is ready
Willys - the only other firm that had submitted by the million, the ubiquitous Jeep saw service to go anywhere and do anything. Essential
a tender - and the Ford Motor Company, in every theatre of the Second World War to the allied war effort, the Jeep is an
which would be responsible for the Jeep's and continued in military service with armies unmistakable icon that deserves a spot in
trademark slotted radiator grille. Willys made world-wide for several decades thereafter. any comprehensive collection.
various modifications to take advantage of a Today the Jeep remains highly sought after by
revised maximum weight requirement, which discerning military vehicle enthusiasts. $20,000 - 25,000
meant it was able to use its relatively heavy WITHOUT RESERVE


Without Reserve
138. H A California car for more than
1969 FIAT 124 SPORT SPIDER 4 decades
Coachwork by Pininfarina H Elegant and timeless Pininfarina
styling with brisk Twin-cam power
Chassis no. 124AS.0011630 H Striking black on black livery
H Stylish and iconic Italian Spider for
1,438cc DOHC Inline 4-Cylinder Engine
Sunday drives
Single Weber Carburetor
90bhp at 6,000rpm
5-Speed Manual Transmission
Independent Front Suspension - Live Rear Axle
4-Wheel Disc Brakes


First introduced in 1966 and based on a 1.8-liter and, finally, 2-liter power units as the This early chrome bumper Fiat 124 Spider
shortened 124 sedan floorpan and running 1970s progressed. Its sophisticated twin- has remained in the mild California climate
gear, the 124 Sport Spider would prove an cam engine and five-speed transmission set for more than four decades, while in the
outstanding success for FIAT, and a worthy it apart from the archetypal British MGs and hands of a devoted collector car enthusiast.
successor to FIAT's 1100, 1200 and 1500 Triumphs that were its nominal competition. The Pininfarina penned and built 124 Spider
Spiders built from 1957-1967. First seen at The 124 Sport Spider was designed for retains many original details, and could
the Turin Auto Show that year, the elegant and sporting drives down the Cote d' Azur or the be enjoyed as is with some mechanical
sporting Spider made headlines and magazine Pacific Coast Highway. The model remained refurbishments, or taken to the next level with
covers right of the bat. The attractive design in production for more than 15 years and a light restoration. The FIAT is offered with
was penned by carrozzerria Pininfarina- became one of the most iconic and popular a history file including an original owner's
employed legendary designer Tom Tjaarda, models of its generation. manual and remains one of the most iconic
under Franco Martinengo's direction, and and celebrated Italian Spiders ever produced.
was manufactured at Pininfarina's Canavese-
based workshops. Using design elements $5,000 - 7,000
from other more up-market Pininfarina WITHOUT RESERVE
models, the charming little Spider looked
most attractive and carried an affordable
price that appealed to American buyers.

Launched with a 1,438cc, four-cylinder,

twin-cam engine, the Spider gained 1.6-liter,


Without Reserve
H High quality restoration performed
H From John Staluppi's Cars of 1936 AMERICAN LAFRANCE FIRE ENGINE
Dreams collection
Chassis no. L787
H Beautiful fire engine red with gold
leaf detail
Inline 8-cylinder Engine
H Complete with ladders, hoses, Single Carburetor
siren and bell 3-Speed Manual Transmission
4-Wheel Brakes


Founded in 1873 by Truckson LaFrance and This extremely rare service car is another finished with red leatherette. This apparatus
based in Elmira, New York, the LaFrance amazing survivor. L787 is believed to be a runs and drives well, with the siren and the
Manufacturing Company was originally Scout model fire engine. Quite similar to the bell fully operational. L787 has been well
famous as a maker of steam-powered fire Junior and Senior 400 Series fire engines from maintained from its owners and recently
pumpers, some 500-or-so of which had American LaFrance, this truck most likely benefitted from a new starter as well as a new
been sold by 1900. In 1903 the firm merged served for a smaller fire department when exhaust to ensure quiet operation. Previously
with the American Fire Engine Company delivered new. What makes this apparatus part of famed car collector John Staluppi's
(itself formed by the amalgamation of four so special is its completeness. This truck Cars of Dreams Collection, it is believed that
smaller enterprises), becoming American- has not been picked over like most old fire the restoration was performed during his long
LaFrance. Steam-powered appliances engines and appears to have almost all of ownership. Reported as starting, running,
continued to be made until 1914, but seven its equipment. The wooden ladders, pick, driving and stopping well, it is offered in
years previously the firm had motorized its multiple style hoses, fire extinguisher, gauges, fundamentally sound mechanical condition
first apparatus using four-cylinder T-head and even the siren and spotlight are present. with an excellent restoration done to a high
engines designed by New York neighbors On the dash all switch gears as well as its standard. Surely a wonderful opportunity to
Simplex. Long famous for its high-quality original speedometer are accounted for. own a historical American art-deco service
machines with their distinctive dual chain car, a wonderful addition for any collection.
final drive, American-LaFrance was the most Of course a fire engine couldn't be without
widely recognized name in the industry. the vibrant fire engine red finish. This is $60,000 - 75,000
Unfortunately, 2014 saw the sad demise accented with wonderful gold leaf details and WITHOUT RESERVE
of one of the most storied names in fire the miscellaneous chrome brightwork, still
apparatus history. presenting nicely. The seating area is match


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LOT 40.
1992 FERRARI F40
Lot No Year Model Lot No Year Model

10 1971 AC 428 Fastback 50 1931 Ford Roadster Pick Up Hot Rod

23 1964 AC Cobra 289 123 2015 Ford Shelby GT500 Super Snake Prototype
13 1992 Airstream Trailer 53 1951 Hudson Hornet Convertible Brougham
62 1974 Alfa Romeo Tipo 33 TT 12 71 1942 Hudson Super Six Convertible
87 1951 Allard J2 95 1966 Jaguar E-Type Series I 4.2 Coupe
139 1936 American LaFrance Fire Truck 77 1966 Jaguar E-Type Series I 4.2 Roadster
120 1965 Amphicar Model 770 Cabriolet 118 1967 Jaguar E-Type Series I 4.2 Roadster w/Hard Top
37 2003 Aston Martin DB AR1 Roadster 20 1963 Jaguar E-Type Series I Competition Coupe
83 1959 Aston Martin DB MkIII Saloon 67 1974 Jaguar E-Type Series III V12 Roadster
82 2018 Aston Martin DB4 GT Continuation 45 1955 Jaguar XK 140 SE Roadster
39 1960 Aston Martin DB4 Series 2 Saloon 92 1952 Jaguar XK120 Roadster
84 1965 Aston Martin DB5 61 1959 Jaguar XK150 3.4 Drophead Coupe
110 1967 Aston Martin DB6 Saloon 30 1959 Jaguar XK150S 3.4 Roadster
3 2000 Aston Martin DB7 Vantage 130 1967 Lamborghini 400 GT 2+2 Coupe
2 1968 Aston Martin DBS Saloon 29 1998 Lamborghini Diablo SV Twin Turbo
41 1972 Aston Martin DBS V8 Saloon 57 1975 Lamborghini Espada Series III Coupe
28 1988 Aston Martin V8 Vantage Volante 44 1955 Lancia Aurelia B24S Spider America
51 1982 Aston Martin V8 Volante 74 1950 Lancia Aurelia B50 Cabriolet by Pinin Farina
93 2019 Aston Martin Vanquish Zagato Shooting Brake 132 1993 Land Rover Defender
75 1956 Austin-Healey 100M BN2 Le Mans 102 1959 Lincoln Continental Hardtop Sedan
60 1967 Austin-Healey 3000 Mk III BJ8 63 1972 Lola T290
94 1925 Bentley 3-Liter Speed Model Tourer 76 1960 Lotus Type 18 Formula Junior
36 1929 Bentley 4½-Liter 31 1990 Maserati Biturbo
52 1928 Bentley 4½-Liter Tourer 35 1973 Maserati Bora 4.9
112 1949 Bentley Mk VI Coupe by Pinin Farina 17 1975 Maserati Bora 4.9 Coupe
19 1965 Bentley S3 Continental 2 Door Saloon 54 1970 Maserati Ghibli 4.7 Coupe
135 1963 Bentley S3 Continental Flying Spur 85 1975 Maserati Khamsin Coupe
73 1930 Bucciali TAV 8 Roadster by Saoutchik 43 1977 Maserati Merak SS
103 1959 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz 34 1928 Mercedes-Benz 26/120/180 - S-Type
105 1957 Cadillac Series 62 Converible 89 1971 Mercedes-Benz 280SE 3.5
99 1935 Cadillac V16 Convertible Victoria 97 1971 Mercedes-Benz 280SE 3.5 Cabriolet
26 1953 Chevrolet Series 6400 Pickup 25 1971 Mercedes-Benz 280SE 3.5 Coupe
107 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air 2 Door Sedan 32 1970 Mercedes-Benz 280SL
131 1998 Chevrolet Corvette Indy Pace Car Cabriolet 69 1955 Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing Coupe
59 1959 Chevrolet Corvette Sports Racer 81 1955 Mercedez-Benz 300 S Roadster
11 1965 Chrysler Imperial LeBaron Ghia Limousine 8 1959 MGA 1600 Roadster
115 1972 Citroen DS 21 22 2014 Morgan 3-Wheeler Brooklands Edition
127 1972 De Tomaso Pantera Coupe 21 1930 Morgan 3-Wheeler Super Sports
42 1981 DeLorean DMC 12 80 1953 Nash-Healey Sport
64 1961 Dolphin America 129 1994 Nissan Skyline GT-R Vspec II
33 1964 Dolphin America 122 1911 Packard Model 18 Runabout
100 1958 Facel Vega Excellence EX1 Saloon 109 c.1928 Pedroso
6 1962 Facel Vega Facel II Coupe 70 1973 Porsche 911 Carrera RS 2.7
56 1952 Ferrari 212 Europa Cabriolet by Ghia 124 1987 Porsche 911 Turbo (930) Coupe
24 1963 Ferrari 250 GTE Series III 2+2 117 1997 Porsche 911 Turbo S (993) Coupe
27 1977 Ferrari 308 GTB 114 1994 Porsche 911 Type 964 Speedster
128 1967 Ferrari 330 GT 2+2 Series II 2+2 58 1975 Porsche 911S 3.0 Targa
55 1967 Ferrari 330 GTC 9 1973 Porsche 911T 2.4 Targa
5 1970 Ferrari 365 GT 2+2 48 1975 Porsche 914 2.0
101 1969 Ferrari 365 GT 2+2 78 1979 Porsche 930 3.3 Turbo Coupe
18 1984 Ferrari 400i GT 96 1934 Riley MPH
47 2001 Ferrari 456M GT 136 1994 Rolls-Royce Corniche IV Convertible
116 2001 Ferrari 456M GTA 98 1930 Rolls-Royce Phantom I Salamanca
125 1984 Ferrari 512 BBi 134 1974 Rolls-Royce Phantom VI Limousine
16 1974 Ferrari Dino 246 GTS 126 1960 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud II DHC - Adaptation
40 1992 Ferrari F40 121 1954 Rolls-Royce Silver Dawn Cabriolet
38 1995 Ferrari F512M 4 1953 Rolls-Royce Silver Dawn Sports Saloon
91 1988 Ferrari Testarossa 90 1957 Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith LWB Touring Limousine
138 1969 FIAT 124 Sport Spider 66 1990 Shelby Can-Am
7 1933 Ford 2-Door Coupe Hot Rod 46 1966 Shelby Cobra 427
86 1937 Ford 2-Door Coupe Hot Rod 65 1966 Shelby Cobra 427
14 2011 Ford F450 Super Duty  1 1970 Subaru 360 Deluxe
106 1959 Ford Fairlane 500 Skyliner 49 1948 Talbot-Lago T26 Record Sport Cabriolet Decapotable
88 2006 Ford GT 15 2015 Tesla Model S
79 1967 Ford GT40 MK IV 12 1980 Toyota FJ40
113 1967 Ford Holman & Moody Mustang 133 1966 Triumph TR4 A
104 1934 Ford Model 40 5-Window Coupe 111 1965 TVR Griffith 400 Coupe
108 1934 Ford Model 40 Tudor Sedan 72 1972 Volvo P1800 ES Sport Wagon
119 1931 Ford Model A “Paddy Wagon” 137 1943 Willys Military Jeep
68 1958 Ford Ranchero Street Rod


7601 W. Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90046

+1 323 850 7500


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