T D Sooriyaarachchi
T D Sooriyaarachchi
T D Sooriyaarachchi
A dissertation submitted to
November 2018
The work described in this dissertation was carried out me under the guidance of Senior
Professor Kennedy D. Gunawardena and has not been submitted elsewhere.
Tharani Sooriyaarachchi
Research Supervisor
Department of Accounting
The writing of this dissertation has been assisted by many generous individuals and I wish to
express my humble gratitude to them
First and foremost I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my research supervisor
Senior Prof. Kennedy D. Gunawardena for the extensive knowledge shared with me and for
the generous assistance and the encouragement rendered to me throughout the research
Secondly, I would like to thank the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and the Faculty of
Management Studies and Commerce for the knowledge and the skills given to me during the
past four years.
Thirdly, I would like to thank all the lecturers of the university for the tremendous support
rendered to me during my university journey.
Last but not least I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my beloved family and my
friends for supporting me throughout my journey and being my pillars of strength in times of
need and for motivating me to achieve greater heights.
Table of Contents
2.9. The state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka ......................................................... 18
2.9.1. Factors that influence the state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka................ 18
2.9.2 The current state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka....................................... 19
Chapter 03: Research Methodology......................................................................................... 21
3.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 21
3.2. Conceptual Framework ................................................................................................. 21
3.3. Data ............................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.1. Sample selection .................................................................................................... 22
3.3.2. Data collection ....................................................................................................... 22
3.3.3.Data Description ..................................................................................................... 22
3.3.4. Model Development............................................................................................... 23 Operationalization of variables ........................................................................... 28
Chapter 04: Research Findings and Discussion ....................................................................... 31
4.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 31
4.2. State of sustainability reporting .................................................................................... 31
4.2.1. The state of sustainability reporting individually for the selected companies ....... 32
4.2.2. The state of sustainability reporting as a whole for the all selected companies. ... 35
4.3. The trends in sustainability reporting of Sri Lanka ...................................................... 36
4.4 The dominating disclosure category in Sri Lanka ......................................................... 41
4.4. Results from the statistical tests conducted .................................................................. 42
4.4.1. Results of the unit root test .................................................................................... 42
4.4.2. Results of the Hausman test ................................................................................... 42 .Hausman test conducted for Equation 02 ........................................................... 44
4.5. The relationship between organizational financial performance and the state of
sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka .................................................................................... 45
4.6. The relationship between organizational environmental performance and the state of
sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka .................................................................................... 47
4.6.1 The relationship between organizational environmental performance and the state
of social and economic sustainability reporting............................................................... 49
.............................................................................................................................................. 49
4.6.2 The relationship between organizational environmental performance and the state
of social disclosures. ........................................................................................................ 52
4.6.3 The relationship between organizational environmental performance and the state
of economic disclosures. .................................................................................................. 54
4.6.4 The relationship between organizational environmental performance and the state
of environmental disclosures. .......................................................................................... 57
4.6.5. The results from the further tests conducted. ......................................................... 59
4.7. Suggestions for future research ..................................................................................... 60
Chapter 05 - Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 61
Chapter 06: Summary .............................................................................................................. 63
References ................................................................................................................................ 66
Appendixes .............................................................................................................................. 71
Appendix 01: Marking scheme used to calculate the state of sustainability disclosures..... 71
Appendix 02: Graphical representation of sustainability trend analysis for individual
companies ............................................................................................................................ 77
Appendix 03: Unit root tests conducted for each variable ................................................... 86
Appendix 04: Hausman test result for Equation 03 ............................................................. 96
Appendix 05 – Hausman test for equation 04 ...................................................................... 98
Appendix 06 – Hausman test for Equation 05 ..................................................................... 99
Appendix 07 – Hausman test for Equation 06 ................................................................... 100
List of Figures
List of Tables
Table 01 : The state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka in the selected companies ......... 34
Table 02 : The state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka of Sri Lanka .............................. 35
Table 03 : The state of sustainability reporting as a percentage of first year of study ............ 40
Table 04 : The state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka as a percentage of first year of
study ......................................................................................................................................... 40
Table 05: The dominant disclosure category in Sri Lanka ...................................................... 41
Table 06 : Weightage given to disclosure categories............................................................... 41
Table 07 : Marking scheme used to evaluate the state of sustainability reporting .................. 76
The main aim of this study is to analyse the state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka. This
paper analyses the current state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka, the trends in
sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka, the relationship between organizational financial
performance and the state of sustainability reporting and the relationship between
organizational environmental performance and the state of sustainability reporting.
This study was based on 18 selected listed Sri Lankan companies consecutively recognized
for their sustainability reports by professional accounting bodies. The sustainability
disclosures in annual reports of the selected companies for the past five years (2013-2017)
were analysed.
The state of sustainability reporting for each company for each year was computed by scoring
the GRI – GR core disclosures included in annual reports using a five level ordinal scoring
system developed by Dragmoir (2010) inspired by the GRI guidelines and then the trend
analysis was conducted for each company and all 18 companies as a whole based on the
calculated state of sustainability disclosure finally multiple regressions were conducted to
identify the relationships between organizational financial performance and the state of
sustainability disclosures as well as the relationship between organizational environmental
performance and the state of sustainability disclosures.
Based on the research findings of the study it was concluded that despite not having attained
the expected state of sustainability reporting Sri Lanka is on a continuously improving
journey to achieve there and that the financial performance do not impact on the state of
sustainability reporting but environmental reporting do impact the state of sustainability
reporting in the Sri Lankan context.
Chapter 01: Introduction
Sustainability reporting provide organizations with communication tools to disclose their
sustainability performance to their stakeholders thereby enabling them to meet the
stakeholder expectations about and legal requirements with regard to sustainability
performance. Sustainability reporting provides organizations with a better media exposure
that would establish trust in the society about the organization and to create a better corporate
image about the organization in the public which would help an organization to attract more
investment funds as well as environmentally conscious customers thereby giving them a
competitive advantage over their competitors who are not engaged in sustainability reporting.
The benefits of engaging in sustainability reporting mentioned above motivate an
organization to engage in sustainability reporting and disclose their sustainability
In order for a sustainability report to provide a true and fair view about the sustainability
performance of an organization then the sustainability report should include transparent,
credible, relevant and complete information about the sustainability performance of the
organization and it should include both positive and negative incidents with regard to
sustainability performance of the organization.
Hence, it is likely that there is a practical gap between the sustainability performance and
sustainability reporting of organizations.
Furthermore, it’s evident that companies do not necessarily disclose all the available
sustainability information to the stakeholders in their sustainability reports and instead take
an approach of selective disclosure of information. Therefore, it is likely that sustainability
reporting has not yet reached the state that the GRI has expected and that there is a practical
gap between the current state of sustainability reporting and the expected state of
sustainability reporting.
Moreover, there are no unified opinions in the academic world regarding the relationship
between organizational financial performance and the state of sustainability reporting and the
relationship between organizational environmental performance and the state of sustainability
reporting. Therefore, there exists a theoretical gap with relation to the above mentioned
This research aims to analyse the current state of the sustainability reporting of listed
companies in Sri Lanka.
What are the existing sustainable disclosure practices in the annual reports of selected listed
companies in Sri Lanka and are there any significant relationships between organizational
financial performance and sustainability reporting and between organizational environmental
performance and sustainability reporting?
1. To find out the existing state of sustainability reporting practices of listed companies
in Sri Lanka.
2. To identify the last 5 years’ sustainability reporting trends, after the classification of
disclosure categories.
3. To identify the dominant disclosure category in Sri Lanka and to analyse the reason
for the dominance.
4. To find out the relationship between the organizational financial performance of
organizations and the state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka of organizations.
5. To identify the relationship between the organizational environmental performance of
organizations and the state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka of organizations.
1.4. Significance of the study
It is broadly accepted that organizations are moving away from traditional financial reporting
and moving towards sustainability reporting due to an array of reasons. (Lozano et al (2016)).
Even though the rate of diffusion of sustainability reporting is high the extant literature
suggests that the organizations do not disclose all the available information regarding the
sustainability performance of the organization due to the leeway given by the voluntary
nature of the disclosures. (Henriques (2007), (Hummel & Schlick (2016)) and MacLean &
Rebernak (2007). Since the organizations do not fully disclose all the sustainability related
information the state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka has still not reached the level of
disclosures expected by the GRI.
This study contributes to the existing literature by identifying the current state of
sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka and the trend of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka for
the past five years which would be help to understand whether there is a gap between the
desired state of sustainability reporting and the current state of sustainability reporting or not.
Moreover, the available literature fails to give an absolute verdict about both the relationship
between organizational financial performance and the state of sustainability reporting and the
relationship between organizational environmental performance and the state of sustainability
reporting and has established mixed thoughts. (Brey & Haavaldsen (2015) and Clarkson, Li,
Richardson, & Vasvari (2008.)) This study contributes to the existing literature by analysing
those relationships in relation to the Sri Lankan context which would help to establish a
verdict in terms of the Sri Lankan context.
Even though, the sample is representative of many industries this sample does not necessarily
represent all the business industries in the world and therefore the findings of this study might
not be universally acceptable to all the business industries in the world.
Moreover, the sample consists of the best in class when sustainability reporting in the Sri
Lankan context is considered. However, it cannot be assumed that the levels of sustainability
reporting in other business organizations are in par with the selected few organizations.
Therefore, the research findings might not be applicable to all the business entities in the
Auxiliary, only a few key variables were used to measure the relationships between
organizational financial performance and sustainability reporting as well as organizational
environmental performance and sustainability reporting. Therefore, the research findings
might not be applicable if other variables are used instead of the variables used in this study.
Further, this study was conducted in Sri Lanka where sustainability reporting is voluntary.
Hence, the research findings might not be applicable to a country where sustainability
reporting is mandatory.
Finally, the findings might not be applicable to companies who are not listed on a stock
Chapter 02: Literature Review
2.1. Introduction
This chapter provides an overview of the extant empirical literature on sustainability
reporting which highlights the purpose of engaging in sustainability reporting, the key
motivating factors which compelled organizations to embrace sustainability reporting, the
performance-portrayal gap in sustainability reporting and the relationship between
organizational financial performance and sustainability reporting.
Several key researchers in the area of Sustainability reporting identified that organizations
engage in sustainability reporting due to either the belief of the managers that there is an
accountability or a responsibility to report the sustainability performance ((Hasnas (1998),
Donaldson & Preston ( 1995) and Freeman & Reed (1983)) or the desire to comply with the
community expectations (Deegan (2002)) or the desire to comply with industry requirements
or particular codes of conduct (Deegan and Blomquist 2001) or economic rationality
considerations ((Friedman 1962) or to forestall efforts to introduce more onerous disclosure
regulations (Deegan and Blomquist 2001) or to reduce agency costs and to claim legitimacy
(Reverte (2009) ,Watts and Zimmerman (1978) and O’ Dwyer (2002)) or to develop and
maintain healthy relationships with stakeholders (Lopez et al (2007) ,Cortez and Cudia
GRI (2006) emphasizes that Information and processes used in the preparation of
sustainability reports should be gathered, recorded, complied, analysed and disclosed in a
manner establishes the quality and materiality of the information and improves the overall
accountability of the organization.
Adams (2004) has recognized that for sustainability reports to be accountable, then the
reports need to demonstrate corporate acceptance of its ethical, social and environmental
2.4.1. Compliance
As per the GRI (2006) sustainability reports issued by companies should comply with the
GRI guidelines and other regulations applicable.
2.4.2. Responsiveness
The GRI (2006) states that sustainability reports should be responsive to societal expectations
or in other words should react to the changes in social expectations to cater the information
needs of the users of sustainability reports.
2.4.3. Transparency.
The GRI (2006) specified that a sustainability report should reflect positive and negative
aspects of the organization's performance to enable a reasoned assessment of overall
performance and formulated three essential recommendations for the purpose of application
of the principle of balance which improves the transparency of the information disclosed by
an organization. The GRI guidelines established that when preparing sustainability reports
companies should avoid commissions or selective presentation of material information,
include both adverse and favourable actions of the organization and the corresponding results
should clearly distinguish between the presentation of facts and the company's interpretation
of information.
Several key researchers believe that the transparency of sustainability reports is related to the
credibility, completeness and reliability of the disclosed information. (Menendez- Viso
(2009), Livesey & Kearins (2002) and Dando & Swift (2003)). Credibility of the information
refers to the trustworthiness of the information presented in a sustainability report or in other
words how much can a reader of the sustainability report can trust the organization and the
discharges made by them with regard to sustainability. The principle of completeness of the
information establishes that the entire positive and the negative information regarding
sustainability that is material to the judgements of the readers should be included in
sustainability reports. Reliability of the information presented states that the information
presented should be true and non-fiction and should provide the readers with actual
information to base their decisions on.
Numerous key contributors to the literature on the topic has identified that in the absence of
such transparency, sustainability reports tend to resemble marketing tools primarily aimed at
improving the firm's image and social legitimacy rather than disclosure tools aimed at the
improvement of accountability of the organization. (Lauer (2003), Duchon & Drake (2009),
Milne et al (2006), Deegan et al (2006) and Cho & Patten (2007)).
Key contributors to the topic has identified that the organizations who are engaged in
sustainability reporting are often limited to reporting and does not practise what they report.
Researchers have further argued that when a corporate body talks of "sustainability" it is not
actually talking about sustainability but (probably) environmental management and some ill-
defined form of social responsibility (Gray (2006), Young & Tilley (2006) and Pataki
Firms with superior sustainability performance is given the opportunity to choose high
quality sustainability reporting to signal their superior sustainability performance and firms
with poor sustainability performance are given the chance to engage in low quality
sustainability reporting to protect their legitimacy by the voluntary nature of sustainability
reporting. (Hummel & Schlick (2016)).
Non-financial voluntary disclosures such as sustainability information are often not verified
by auditors and as result the management has more leeway to choose the type, content, and
timing of such disclosures (Choi, Myers, Zang & Ziebart (2010)) which leads managers to
engage in selective disclosure of sustainability information which enables managers to
underplay negative performance and exaggerate positive sustainability performance
(Henriques (2007), MacLean & Rebernak (2007)).
wider society with regard to the sustainability performance of the organization, some
organizations are motivated by self-interested objectives in engaging in sustainability
Key researchers have established that the disclosed information in sustainability reports tend
to reflect business interests rather than a genuine concern for transparency and accountability
of the organizations. (Laufer (2003), Cho et al (2010), Adams (2004), Gray (2006) and Milne
et al (2006))
The available literature on the area has identified numerous self- interest objectives which
motivates organizations to engage in sustainability reports.
The mimicry of the trend set by close competitors in issuing sustainability reports and
the industry pressure (Frenkel (2008))
To face the threats to the organizational legitimacy (Deegan et al (2000), Patten
To comply with societal expectations (Deegan (2002))
The desire to win particular reporting awards for the issued sustainability reports.
(Deegan & Carrol (1993))
The desire to comply with borrowing requirements and attraction of investment funds
from capital providers concerned about the sustainable performance.
Management of particular stakeholder groups highly interested in the sustainability
performance of the organization. (Ullman (1985), Roberts (1992), Evan & Freeman
(1988) and Neu et al (1998)).
Development and maintenance of long term healthy relationships with stakeholders
(Lopez et al (2007) and Cortez & Cudia (2011)).
Hence, sustainability reports are often understood in the available literature as marketing
instruments, tools for social legitimation (Duchon and Drake (2009), Milne et al (2006),
Deegan et al (2006) and Cho and Patten (2007)) or impression management strategies (Cho et
al (2012), Merkl- Davies and Brennan (2007), Merkl- Davies and Brennan (2011) and Merkl-
Davies et al (2011)) rather than as a source of reliable information for stakeholders.
Studies have further stressed organizations are using the concept of sustainability reporting
mostly as a marketing tool that gives birth to biased and superficial explanations of
sustainability disconnected from internal practices of the organization. (Springett (2003),
Moneva et al (2006), Markus & Gray (2007), Boiral & Roy (2007) and Devinney (2009)).
Researchers have emphasized on the fact that sustainability reports often do not meet the
principles of balance, exhaustiveness and transparency and therefore the credibility of the
disclosed information is questioned. (Boiral & Henri (2015), Boiral (2013) and Dingwerth &
Eichinger (2010)) The accuracy of information is one of the main issues in sustainability
reporting due to the lack of balance, completeness and transparency of the presented
information. (Dando & Swift (2003), Perez & Sanchez (2009) and Cho et al (2012)).
Moreover the current literature suggests that due to emphasis placed on the firm's projected
image to outside parties rather than on the substantive integration of reporting practices,
sustainability reporting is not beneficial to transparency and instead encourages a symbolic
and a superficial approach primarily intended to showcase the firm's socially responsible
behaviour. (Milne et al (2006) and Wagner et al (2009)).
Key contributors to the area have further identified that the lack of full disclosure in
sustainability reports, the lack of completeness of information and the little coverage of
negative impacts of organizational activities in sustainability reports reveal that sustainable
reports are issued to meet minimum requirements and the disclosure of performance
indicators varies significantly even among firms with the same level of application
sustainability reporting principles. (Adams & Whelan (2009) and Aktas et al (2013)).
The available literature further suggests that the disclosure of information in sustainability
reports echoes opportunistic conduct of the reporting entities which results in both the
manipulation of stakeholders and an exploitation of information asymmetry between the
reporting entities and their stakeholders. (Merkl- Davies & Brennan (2007)
Aras & Crowther (2009) emphasized that current sustainability reporting fails to highlight the
environmental risks and opportunities of business and fools the stakeholders including capital
providers by cloaking the readers of the reports in a mask of ignorance and environmental
Researchers have criticised the sustainability reports for their opacity, questionable
connection with the firm's real situation and the superficial nature and have established that
the sustainability reports are far from reality. (Moneva et al (2006), Unerman et al (2007) and
Gray (2010)).
When looking at the criticisms against sustainability reporting highlighted in the available
literature it is visible that the available literature suggests that there is a disclosure gap
between sustainability reporting and corporate sustainability practices.
2.6. Methods adopted to improve the quality of disclosures of sustainability reports.
With the increasing criticisms on the quality and the level of disclosures of sustainability
reports, various new methods such as social auditing, stakeholder engagement, counter
accounting, applications of standards and etc. were introduced to the corporate world and the
corporate world embraced these methods warmly with the intention of improving the quality
of the disclosures made.
The available literature establishes that the process of social auditing enables an organisation
to evaluate its sustainability performance in relation to society's requirements and
expectations which helps organizations to further reinforce their sustainability performance
and sustainability reporting. (Vinten (1990) and Elkington (1997)).
2.6.3 Counter Accounting
Boiral & Yves Gendron (2010), suggest that a certification based on recognized standards can
therefore be viewed as a mechanism to transform the opacity inherent in the notion of
accountability into a sort of sign or trademark easily recognizable in the eyes of external
The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (Hereafter referred as SASB) was founded in
2011 to develop and disseminate sustainability accounting standards. Various organizations
have introduced standards on sustainability even prior to the establishment of the SASB.
However, only the literature on GRI standards will be reviewed under the literature review. GRI
The GRI is an independent international organization founded in 1997 that issues standards
and guidelines to help organizations to comprehend and acknowledge the impacts of their
actions on the society and the environment. The GRI standards are regarded as the best
standards of guiding and certifying sustainability reporting.
As per Roca & Seacry (2012), the guidelines focus on the context of corporate sustainability
reports, the vision of the company concerning sustainability, their objectives in sustainability
and their sustainable performances.
Key contributors to the literature on the research area has identified that the GRI aims to
develop a voluntary reporting framework that will elevate sustainability reporting practices to
a level equivalent to that of financial reporting in terms of rigour, comparability, auditability
and general acceptance (Willis (2003), Bhimani & Soonwalla (2005), Simnett et al (2009)
and GRI (2010)) and the implementation of GRI indicators has increased the rigor and
reliability of the reporting process (Dando & Swift (2003) and KPMG (2013)).
Mori & Best (2017) criticises GRI framework stating that GRI accepts sustainability reports
without any restrictions such as a clear definition of organisation's boundaries, development
of integrated indicators or the attachment of an independent third party assurance statement.
Furthermore, the GRI framework is criticised for being general and containing many
indicators that are not equally useful for all the companies (Goel 2005), failing to capture all
the relevant sustainability development indicators (Moneva (2005) and Asif et al (2011)) and
the guidelines being of voluntary nature and failing to resolve the incompleteness problem of
sustainability reports and not being regulated and worked out to a degree close to the
financial standards (Ihlen 2008)
SustainAbility's (2002) analysis of 'sustainability reporting' indicates that 68% of the world's
best sustainability reports (as selected by an 'independent selection committee' working for
the SustainAbility consultancy), feature some form of assurance statement.
The key researchers of the area has identified that certification practices of sustainability
reporting (also called assurance) are influenced, to a large extent, by the exemplification of
financial auditing and that sustainability reports often appear as a logical and necessary
extension of financial reports, considered by many as too narrowly focused on economic
indicators and shareholder's interests (Yongvanih & Guthrie (2006), Bebbignton and Gray
(1993) and Unerman et al (2007)) and also that certification mechanisms are supposed to
guarantee, through auditing procedure, the compliance of organizational practices or accounts
with specific standards (Power (1997), KPMG (2008) and Rasche (2009)).
The current literature considers the assurance process as a prized tool which provides
integrity for sustainability reports and contributes towards organisational improvement in
terms of improvements in internal control structures, increase in transparency and credibility
in relation to the information disclosed to their stakeholders. ( Deegan et al (2006), Hodge et
al (2009), Simnett et al (2009), Zorio et al (2012) and Junior et al (2014)).
Several researchers have identified that assurance provides several benefits such as reduction
in agency costs (Carey et al (2000)), deliberation of greater user confidence in the accuracy
and validity of the information provided and the improvement of transparency and
accountability of the information disclosed. (ISEA (2002) and Gray (2010))
assurance practise and the assurance statements provided by the assurers which limits the
usefulness of assurance statements.
Boiral & Gendron (2010), states that as a result of institutional weakness regarding ethics
regulation and training requirements, it is expected that sustainability auditors will be much
influenced by commercial pressures while not being significantly affected by the threat of
professional sanctions in case of misconduct or conflict of interest.
Adams & Whelan (2009), highlights that the external assurers place their focus only on the
verification of reports and not on assessing sustainability performance and are unable to
guarantee that a sustainability report will not be used to legitimize corporate action
Bepari & Mollik (2016) has identified that due to scope limitation placed on the assurance
engagement, the reluctance of the assurors to address the assurance statements to
stakeholders and the lack of stakeholder's engagement in the assurance process, the assurance
practices of sustainability reporting serves more a an internal control instrument rather than
an accountability mechanism. Furthermore, Power (1997) suggests that much assurance
practise is designed to bring inquiry to an end.
2.7. The relationship between organizational financial performance and sustainability
Brey & Haavaldsen (2015) , has identified that the extant literature on the area has
established inconsistent schools of thoughts regarding the relationship between
organizational financial performance of a company and sustainability reporting and more
specifically suggest both that there is a there is both a positive and non-existent relationship
between the two factors.
Moreover, Dowell et al. (2000) found that previous studies conducted on the financial
performance and the quality of sustainability reporting affecting the firm value have
generated consistent results in multinational enterprises in USA and Europe, but shown
mixed results in developed and emerging countries.
2.9.1. Factors that influence the state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka
Shamil et al (2014) examined the influence of board characteristics on sustainability reporting
in Sri Lanka, a country considered as a developing economy with an emerging equity market.
It was revealed that both board size and dual leadership are positively associated with
sustainability reporting and boards with female directors are negatively associated with
sustainability reporting.
Abeydeera et al (2016) examined the relationship between Sri Lankan culture influenced by
the strong presence in Buddhism and sustainability reporting. It was identified that
sustainability reporting for majority of the analysed organizations was simply about explicitly
embracing global standardisation. Furthermore, it was established that the standardisation of
corporate sustainability reporting through the pursuit of globally accepted reporting
frameworks is argued to have caused disconnect between local culture and context and the
corporate representations evident in such reporting.
The extant literature reveals that sustainability reporting is likely to be influenced by firm size
and firm growth and that younger firms are likely to adopt sustainability reporting (Fernando
& Pandey (2012) & Shamil et al (2014)).
The existing literature suggests that majority of Sri Lankan companies do not consider GRI
Guidelines in reporting for sustainability and disclose sustainability information in annual
reports in various manner without paying reference to the GRI guidelines (Senaratne &
Liyanagedara (2009) and Fernando & Pandey (2012)).
The extant literature further reveals that there is an expectation gap as to the information
needs of stakeholders on sustainability reporting and the information disclosed in the annual
reports of companies in the Sri Lankan context (Senaratne & Liyanagedara (2009) and
Wijesinghe (2012)).
Moreover, the available literature establishes that there is long way forward for Sri Lankan
companies in respect of sustainability reporting (Senaratne & Liyanagedara (2009)) but
despite the long way there is an attractive growth reported in the level of disclosures in
sustainability parameters (Wijesinghe (2012)).
Chapter 03: Research Methodology
3.1. Introduction
Following the analysis of literature, this section presents an overview of the conceptual
framework, the source and the type of data used, statistical tests performed and other methods
employed in order to achieve the research objectives.
Financial Performance
Tobin Q
Economic Value
Energy Consumption
Greenhouse gas
(GHG) Emmissions
Water Withdrawal
3.3. Data
3.3.3.Data Description
The collected data are described under three sub topics namely the state of sustainability
reporting in Sri Lanka, organizational financial performance and organizational
environmental performance.
Every core disclosure of the GRI – G4 guidelines presented in sustainability reports of each
company for each year were scored using the following scheme for a maximum possible
score of 220 where maximum possible scores for economic, environmental and social
disclosures are 28, 68 and 124 each respectively.
The marking scheme used to score the core sustainability disclosures is given as an appendix
at the end of the paper. (Appendix 01)
The five level ordinal scoring scale used is provided below.
1 – Performance and/or governance data is presented only for the current period.
2 - The report and the information contained within it can be compared on a year –to – year
3 – The criteria above, plus the data measurement techniques and bases for calculations are
adequately described and can be replicated with similar results.
4 – The criteria above, plus the organization’s performance can be compared with appropriate
In order to achieve the first objective of the study ,the core GRI – G4 sustainability reporting
made by organizations are ranked using the scoring system developed by Dragmoir (2010) as
discussed above under the topic 3.2.3 to identify the current state of sustainability reporting in
Sri Lanka.
Secondly, both a graphical analysis using line charts and a percentage analysis using the first
year under consideration (2013) as the base year are conducted as trend analysis to achieve
the second objective of the study.
Both the third and the final objectives of the study are achieved through conducting multiple
regression analysis. The relationship between organizational financial performance and the state
of sustainability reporting.
The following hypotheses were developed with the aim of achieving the third objective of
identifying the relationship between organizational financial performance of an organization
and the state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka of the said organization.
The main hypotheses with relation to the relationship between organizational financial
performance and the state of sustainability reporting are given below.
1. Tobin Q
2. Economic Value
H02 – There is no significant relationship between Economic value and the state of
sustainability reporting.
H12 – There is a significant relationship between Economic value and the state of
sustainability reporting.
The main hypotheses with relation to the relationship between organizational environmental
performance and the state of sustainability reporting are given below.
1. Energy consumption
H04 – There is no significant relationship between Energy consumption and the state
of sustainability reporting.
H14 – There is a significant relationship between Energy consumption and the state of
sustainability reporting.
2. GHG emissions
H05 – There is no significant relationship between GHG emissions and the state of
sustainability reporting.
H15 – There is a significant relationship between GHG emissions and the state of
sustainability reporting.
3. Water withdrawal
H06 – There is no significant relationship between Water withdrawal and the state of
sustainability reporting.
H16 – There is a significant relationship between Water withdrawal and the state of
sustainability reporting.
The statistical data software package E-views is used to analyse the data since the data
package is more appropriate to analyse panel data.
26 Regression models
Given below are the regression equations employed by the study. The variables employed are
briefly mentioned by Figures
Equation 01 : The relationship between financial performance and the state of sustainability reporting
Equation 02 : The relationship between environmental performance and the state of sustainability reporting
X1 = Tobin Q
27 Operationalization of variables
The six independent variables are given under the sub section Regression model is
briefly described below.
organizational environmental performance since it measures the water extracted by
organizations in their operations.
The unit root test for stationarity was conducted out in level difference and for the purpose of
conducting a unit root test the following hypotheses were used.
Each variable was tested individually for unit root using the probabilities for ADF – Fisher
Chi – square.
H0 – Data is significantly different for both across different companies and for the same
company across time is not significantly different. (Random Effect)
H1- Data is significantly different across different companies but the data for the same
company across time is not significantly different. (Fixed Effect)
Chapter 04: Research Findings and Discussion
4.1. Introduction
This section covers the data analysis conducted and then discusses the findings derived from
such analysis. The research findings will be discussed under few key themes namely the state
of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka, the trends in sustainability reporting of Sri Lanka, the
dominant disclosure category in Sri Lanka, the results from the statistical tests conducted, the
relationship between organizational financial performance and sustainability reporting and
finally the relationship between organizational environmental performance and sustainability
The collected data was analysed under four main phases in the study.
Under the first phase of the analysis the state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka of each
company for each year has been calculated by scoring the core disclosure elements of the
GRI – G4 disclosures using the five level ordinal scale scoring system developed by
Dragmoir (2010). The calculated data is presented using a descriptive table.
Based on the findings of the first phase, the second phase analyses the trends in sustainability
reporting of the country over the past five years using both a graphical analysis and a
percentage change analysis.
The third and fourth phases of the study examines the relationship between the state of
sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka calculated under the first phase and organizational
financial performance of the organization and the organizational environmental performance
of the organization using multiple regression analysis respectively.
The maximum possible scores for a company for a year were 28, 72 and 124 for economic,
environmental and social disclosures respectively and for 224 points for total sustainability
4.2.1. The state of sustainability reporting individually for the selected companies
2014 19 24 27 70
2015 20 25 30 75
2016 23 27 39 89
2017 25 31 46 102
Company 7 2013 16 14 29 59
2014 16 20 35 71
2015 17 26 41 84
2016 20 29 46 95
2017 23 32 51 106
Company 8 2013 10 23 17 50
2014 11 28 19 58
2015 12 36 22 70
2016 14 37 26 77
2017 16 40 30 86
Company 9 2013 9 3 13 25
2014 11 25 29 65
2015 14 33 38 85
2016 17 37 41 95
2017 19 41 49 109
Company 10 2013 4 2 16 22
2014 6 3 25 34
2015 8 7 35 50
2016 14 7 45 66
2017 18 11 56 85
Company 11 2013 8 1 1 10
2014 9 1 1 11
2015 10 30 30 70
2016 11 37 45 93
2017 13 47 54 114
Company 12 2013 11 8 33 52
2014 13 21 35 69
2015 15 32 39 86
2016 17 36 45 98
2017 22 41 51 114
Company 13 2013 7 1 12 20
2014 8 7 16 31
2015 9 13 19 41
2016 11 16 21 48
2017 12 18 26 56
Company 14 2013 9 7 28 44
2014 10 5 31 46
2015 10 13 34 57
2016 11 16 37 64
2017 12 18 42 72
Company 15 2013 14 17 24 55
2014 15 26 29 70
2015 16 26 31 73
2016 17 42 38 97
2017 19 50 42 111
Company 16 2013 10 12 19 41
2014 11 20 22 53
2015 12 29 25 66
2016 13 32 31 76
2017 14 36 36 86
Company 17 2013 11 12 23 46
2014 13 14 31 58
2015 15 26 36 77
2016 17 31 38 86
2017 19 34 42 95
Company 18 2013 12 9 37 58
2014 13 19 39 71
2015 14 22 41 77
2016 15 26 48 89
2017 16 29 51 96
Table 01 : The state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka in the selected companies
4.2.2. The state of sustainability reporting as a whole for the all selected companies.
The summation of the scores obtained by the individual companies for each year was then
calculated to identify the state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka for each period as
demonstrated by Table 02.
The maximum possible score for the country per annum was 504, 1296, 2232 and 4032 for
economic, environmental, social and total sustainability reporting respectively.
The current state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka can be analysed using the scores
relevant for the year 2017 since the latest publicly available sustainability information are for
the financial year 2017/2018 (2017). Therefore, the current state of sustainability reporting in
Sri Lanka can be identified as 1734 points out of 4032 maximum possible points as illustrated
by Table 02.
When analysing both the Table 01 and Table 02 it’s evident that the state of sustainability
reporting in Sri Lanka in Sri Lanka has not yet reached the expected level of disclosures
(Senaratne & Liyanagedara (2009) and Wijesinghe (2012)).
The above identified gap between the expected state of sustainability reporting and the
current state of sustainability reporting arrives from the following factors. Sustainability
reporting is a voluntary disclosure practise (Hummel & Schlick (2016)) managers are given
more leeway in selecting the content, type and the timing of the disclosures included in
sustainability reports (Choi, Myers, Zang & Ziebart (2010)) which leads organisations to
engage in selective reporting of information (Henriques (2007), MacLean & Rebernak
(2007)) which hinders the completeness of the sustainability reports and creates a gap
between the expected state of sustainability reporting and the actual state of sustainability
Hence, it is palpable that the current state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka has not
reached the expected level of sustainability reporting (Senaratne & Liyanagedara (2009) and
Wijesinghe (2012)) as companies do not fully disclose the available information related to the
core disclosures set out by the GRI- G4 guiding index.
Figure 05 demonstrates the trend of sustainability reporting of the selected 18 companies for
the past 5 years as a whole by plotting the state of disclosures for all the 18 companies for the
past 5 years. The graphical representations for the trend analysis for the 18 individual
companies that demonstrate the trend of sustainability reporting of the selected 18 companies
are included as an appendix. (Appendix 02)
Table 03 analyses the trend of sustainability reporting for each individual company by
comparing the state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka for each year as a percentage of
the state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka of the first year under review.
Table 04 analyses the trend of sustainability reporting for all the selected 18 listed companies
by comparing the state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka for each year as a percentage
of the state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka of the first year under review (2013).
Company As a percentage of state of disclosures in 2013
Year Economic Environment Social Sustainability
2016 170% 182% 156% 165%
2017 200% 236% 193% 204%
Company 6 2013 100% 100% 100% 100%
2014 112% 114% 129% 119%
2015 118% 119% 143% 127%
2016 135% 129% 186% 151%
2017 147% 148% 219% 173%
Company 7 2013 100% 100% 100% 100%
2014 100% 143% 121% 120%
2015 106% 186% 141% 142%
2016 125% 207% 159% 161%
2017 144% 229% 176% 180%
Company 8 2013 100% 100% 100% 100%
2014 110% 122% 112% 116%
2015 120% 157% 129% 140%
2016 140% 161% 153% 154%
2017 160% 174% 176% 172%
Company 9 2013 100% 100% 100% 100%
2014 122% 833% 223% 260%
2015 156% 1100% 292% 340%
2016 189% 1233% 315% 380%
2017 211% 1367% 377% 436%
Company 10 2013 100% 100% 100% 100%
2014 150% 150% 156% 155%
2015 200% 350% 219% 227%
2016 350% 350% 281% 300%
2017 450% 550% 350% 386%
Company 11 2013 100% 100% 100% 100%
2014 113% 100% 100% 110%
2015 125% 3000% 3000% 700%
Company As a percentage of state of disclosures in 2013
Year Economic Environment Social Sustainability
2016 138% 3700% 4500% 930%
2017 163% 4700% 5400% 1140%
Company 12 2013 100% 100% 100% 100%
2014 118% 263% 106% 133%
2015 136% 400% 118% 165%
2016 155% 450% 136% 188%
2017 200% 513% 155% 219%
Company 13 2013 100% 100% 100% 100%
2014 114% 700% 133% 155%
2015 129% 1300% 158% 205%
2016 157% 1600% 175% 240%
2017 171% 1800% 217% 280%
Company 14 2013 100% 100% 100% 100%
2014 111% 71% 111% 105%
2015 111% 186% 121% 130%
2016 122% 229% 132% 145%
2017 133% 257% 150% 164%
Company 15 2013 100% 100% 100% 100%
2014 107% 153% 121% 127%
2015 114% 153% 129% 133%
2016 121% 247% 158% 176%
2017 136% 294% 175% 202%
Company 16 2013 100% 100% 100% 100%
2014 110% 167% 116% 129%
2015 120% 242% 132% 161%
2016 130% 267% 163% 185%
2017 140% 300% 189% 210%
Company 17 2013 100% 100% 100% 100%
2014 118% 117% 135% 126%
2015 136% 217% 157% 167%
Company As a percentage of state of disclosures in 2013
Year Economic Environment Social Sustainability
2016 155% 258% 165% 187%
2017 173% 283% 183% 207%
Company 18 2013 100% 100% 100% 100%
2014 108% 211% 105% 122%
2015 117% 244% 111% 133%
2016 125% 289% 130% 153%
2017 133% 322% 138% 166%
Table 03 : The state of sustainability reporting as a percentage of first year of study
When analysing Figure 05, Table 03 and Table 04 it is evident that there is an upward trend
in sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka (Wijesinghe (2012) and that the state of economic
disclosures, environmental disclosures, social disclosures have improved continuously for the
last five years.
Hence, it can be assumed that the state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka would further
improve in the future provided that this upward trend continues in the future.
4.4 The dominating disclosure category in Sri Lanka
Company Year Economic Environment Social Sustainability
All 18 companies 2013 23% 24% 53% 100%
2014 21% 28% 51% 100%
2015 19% 32% 49% 100%
2016 19% 32% 50% 100%
2017 19% 32% 49% 100%
Table 05: The dominant disclosure category in Sri Lanka
Table 06 given below analyses the weightage given to each of the key sustainability element
(economic, environmental and social) under the scoring system. The scoring system is
directly based on the the GRI – GR core disclosures. As depicted by Table 03 the fact that a
majority of the elements included in the scoring scheme were social elements where the
maximum possible score for a company per year was 220 where maximum possible scores
for economic, environmental and social disclosures are 28, 68 and 124 each respectively.
Therefore, it is evident that the social indicators in the GRI – G4 index are more prominent
than economic and environmental disclosures and as a result Sri Lankan companies give
more prominence to social indicators over economic and environmental disclosures.
4.4. Results from the statistical tests conducted
Prior to conducting the two multiple regression tests for the data a Unit root test and a
Hausman test was conducted to analyse the data included in the variables.
The unit root tests conducted for all the variables gave the conclusion that the data has got
unit root i.e. the data is not stationary. The data in all the variables used having unit root
indicated that the variables can be used to establish relationships.
The test results of the Augmented Dickey Fuller tests conducted for each variable are
included as appendix (Appendix 03).
Correlated Random Effects - Hausman Test
Equation: Untitled
Test cross-section random effects
Effects Specification
This result demarcate that there is a significant difference between the data of the 18
companies but there is no significant difference between data applicable for the different time
periods (from 2013 -2017) of an individual company.
Further the results indicate that the regression test for the equation should be conducted
using the “Fixed Effect Model”
43 .Hausman test conducted for Equation 02
As given in Figure 05 the probability for the Hausman test (Cross section summary) was
0.0017 which is less than 5%. Hence we accepted the alternative hypothesis which states that
the most appropriate model to measure the relationship between the organizational
environmental performance and the state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka is the “Fixed
Effect Model.”
Effects Specification
This result demarcate that there is a significant difference between the data of the 18
companies but there is no significant difference between data applicable for the different time
periods (from 2013 -2017) of an individual company.
Further the results indicate that the regression test for the equation should be conducted using
the “Fixed Effect Model”.
4.5. The relationship between organizational financial performance and the state of
sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka
As discussed under the results of the Hausman test indicated that in order to identify
the relationship between organizational financial performance and sustainability performance
the regression should be conducted under the “Fixed Effect Model”.
The following hypotheses were tested using the results generated from the regression test.
H02 – There is no significant relationship between Economic value and the state of
sustainability reporting.
H12 – There is a significant relationship between Economic value and the state of
sustainability reporting.
H03 – There is no significant relationship between Profit before Tax and the state of
sustainability reporting.
H13 – There is a significant relationship between Profit Before Tax and the state of
sustainability reporting.
Dependent Variable: Y
Method: Panel Least Squares
Date: 11/26/18 Time: 13:47
Sample: 2013 2017
Periods included: 5
Cross-sections included: 18
Total panel (balanced) observations: 90
Effects Specification
As per the results of the regression presented by Figure 06 the probabilities for X1 and X3
were lower than 5% and was greater than 5% and therefore, hypotheses H11 , H02 and H13
were accepted for all the variables.
Hence, it was identified that there are significant relationships between the state of
sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka and Tobin Q as well as the state of sustainability
reporting and Profit before Tax but there is no significant relationship between the state of
sustainability reporting and Economic value generated.
As established previously the available literature gives mixed thoughts regarding the
relationship between organizational financial performance and sustainability disclosures in
developing countries (Dowell et al. (2000)).
Sri Lanka is a developing country with a high diffusion rate of sustainability reporting. And
this study has managed to establish that there is no significant relationship between
organizational financial performance and the state of sustainability disclosures in the Sri
Lankan context. The fact that there is no significant relationship between organizational
financial performance and the state of sustainability reporting might be due to the fact that
organizations are motivated by a large number of non-monetary factors including legitimacy,
regulations and recognition (((Hasnas (1998), Donaldson and Preston ( 1995) and Freeman
and Reed (1983)) which would encourage the organizations to engage in sustainability
reporting even when the organization is not performing financially well.
4.6. The relationship between organizational environmental performance and the state
of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka
As discussed under the results of the Hausman test indicated that in order to identify
the relationship between organizational environmental performance and sustainability
performance the regression should be conducted under the “Fixed Effect Model”.
The following hypotheses were tested using the results generated from the regression test.
H04 – There is no significant relationship between Energy consumption and the state
of sustainability reporting.
H14 – There is a significant relationship between Energy consumption and the state of
sustainability reporting.
H05 – There is no significant relationship between GHG emissions and the state of
sustainability reporting.
H15 – There is a significant relationship between GHG emissions and the state of
sustainability reporting.
H06 – There is no significant relationship between Water withdrawal and the state of
sustainability reporting.
H16 – There is a significant relationship between Water withdrawal and the state of
sustainability reporting.
Dependent Variable: Y
Method: Panel Least Squares
Date: 11/26/18 Time: 13:55
Sample: 2013 2017
Periods included: 5
Cross-sections included: 18
Total panel (balanced) observations: 90
Effects Specification
As indicated in Figure 07 given above the probabilities for all the variables were less than 5%
and therefore, the alternative hypothesis was accepted for all the variables. In other words
H14, H15 and H16 were accepted.
Hence, it was identified that there is a significant relationship between the state of
sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka and organizational environmental performance in terms
of energy consumption, effluents & emissions and water withdrawal. It’s noteworthy to
mention that higher the consumption of natural resources and higher the emissions and
effluents released to the environment higher the state of sustainability disclosures are. This
could be due to the fact organizations often use sustainability reporting to appear legitimate
(Duchon and Drake (2009), Milne et al (2006), Deegan et al (2006) and Cho and Patten
As established previously the available literature gives mixed thoughts regarding the
relationship between organizational environmental performance and sustainability disclosures
(Clarkson, Li, Richardson, & Vasvari (2008)). This research has answered the contradiction
in opinions regarding the relationship between organizational environmental performance and
the state of sustainability reporting in relation to the Sri Lankan context by identifying that
there is a significant relationship between organizational environmental performance and
sustainability reporting with regard to Sri Lanka.
Moreover, further tests were conducted to identify whether the significant relationship that
exists between organizational environmental performance and the state of sustainability as
established above is manipulated by the state of sustainability disclosures or not.
4.6.1 The relationship between organizational environmental performance and the state
of social and economic sustainability reporting.
A regression analysis was conducted to analyse the relationship between organizational
environmental performance and the state of social and economic sustainability reporting by
excluding the state of environmental reporting from the state of sustainability reporting and
then testing for the relationship by conducting a regression analysis based on the equation
given below in Equation 03.
Prior to conducting the regression test the variables were tested for both the unit root and the
data model applicable.
The unit root of data was tested by conducting the ADF test. The results of the test indicated
that the data has got unit root and therefore, a relationship can be established using the data
included in the variables. (Appendix 03)
The applicable data model to identify the regression was identified through conducting a
Hausman test for the variables. The Hausman test revealed that the Fixed Effect model is the
most appropriate to conduct the regression analysis since the company wise data is different
through time but data for the same company across time is not significantly different.
(Appendix 04)
H0 - There is no significant relationship between the state of economic and social reporting
and organizational environmental performance by energy consumption, GHG emissions and
water withdrawal.
H1 - There is a significant relationship between the state of economic and social reporting and
organizational financial performance by energy consumption, GHG emissions and water
H04 – There is no significant relationship between Energy consumption and the state
of economic and social reporting.
H14 – There is a significant relationship between Energy consumption and the state of
economic and social reporting.
H05 – There is no significant relationship between GHG emissions and the state of
economic and social reporting.
H15 – There is a significant relationship between GHG emissions and the state of
economic and social reporting.
H06 – There is no significant relationship between Water withdrawal and the state of
economic and social reporting.
H16 – There is a significant relationship between Water withdrawal and the state of
economic and social reporting.
Dependent Variable: Y1
Method: Panel Least Squares
Date: 11/26/18 Time: 14:08
Sample: 2013 2017
Periods included: 5
Cross-sections included: 18
Total panel (balanced) observations: 90
Effects Specification
The probability was less than 5% for both X4 and X5 whereas the probability was greater
than 5% for X6. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis was accepted for both X4 and X5 and
the null hypothesis was accepted for X6.
Hence, it was identified that there are significant relationship between the state of economic
and social reporting and Energy consumption and between the state of economic and social
reporting and GHG emissions. But there is no significant relationship between the state of
economic and social disclosure and water withdrawal.
4.6.2 The relationship between organizational environmental performance and the state
of social disclosures.
Prior to conducting the regression test the variables were tested for both the unit root and the
data model applicable.
The unit root of data was tested by conducting the ADF test. The results of the test indicated
that the data has got unit root and therefore, a relationship can be established using the data
included in the variables. (Appendix 03)
The applicable data model to identify the regression was identified through conducting a
Hausman test for the variables. The Hausman test revealed that the Fixed Effect model is the
most appropriate to conduct the regression analysis since the company wise data is different
through time but data for the same company across time is not significantly different.
(Appendix 05)
H1 - There is a significant relationship between the state of social reporting and organizational
financial performance by energy consumption, GHG emissions and water withdrawal.
H04 – There is no significant relationship between Energy consumption and the state
of social reporting.
H14 – There is a significant relationship between Energy consumption and the state of
social reporting.
H05 – There is no significant relationship between GHG emissions and the state of
social reporting.
H15 – There is a significant relationship between GHG emissions and the state of
social reporting.
H06 – There is no significant relationship between Water withdrawal and the state of
social reporting.
H16 – There is a significant relationship between Water withdrawal and the state of
social reporting.
As demarcated by Figure 11 the probability was less than 5% for both X4 and X5 whereas
the probability was greater than 5% for X6. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis was
accepted for both X4 and X5 and the null hypothesis was accepted for X6.
Hence, it was identified that there are significant relationship between the state of economic
and social reporting and Energy consumption and between the state of social reporting and
GHG emissions. But there is no significant relationship between the state of social disclosure
and water withdrawal.
Dependent Variable: Y2
Method: Panel Least Squares
Date: 11/26/18 Time: 14:26
Sample: 2013 2017
Periods included: 5
Cross-sections included: 18
Total panel (balanced) observations: 90
Effects Specification
4.6.3 The relationship between organizational environmental performance and the state
of economic disclosures.
Prior to conducting the regression test the variables were tested for both the unit root and the
data model applicable.
The unit root of data was tested by conducting the ADF test. The results of the test indicated
that the data has got unit root and therefore, a relationship can be established using the data
included in the variables. (Appendix 03)
The applicable data model to identify the regression was identified through conducting a
Hausman test for the variables. The Hausman test revealed that the Random Effect model is
the most appropriate to conduct the regression analysis since both the company wise data is
and data for the same company across time are significantly different. (Appendix 06)
H0 - There is no significant relationship between the state of economic reporting and
organizational environmental performance by energy consumption, GHG emissions and
water withdrawal.
H04 – There is no significant relationship between Energy consumption and the state
of economic reporting.
H14 – There is a significant relationship between Energy consumption and the state of
economic reporting.
H05 – There is no significant relationship between GHG emissions and the state of
economic reporting.
H15 – There is a significant relationship between GHG emissions and the state of
economic reporting.
H06 – There is no significant relationship between Water withdrawal and the state of
economic reporting.
H16 – There is a significant relationship between Water withdrawal and the state of
economic reporting.
Y3 = The state of economic sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka.
Dependent Variable: Y3
Method: Panel EGLS (Cross-section random effects)
Date: 11/26/18 Time: 14:46
Sample: 2013 2017
Periods included: 5
Cross-sections included: 18
Total panel (balanced) observations: 90
Swamy and Arora estimator of component variances
Effects Specification
S.D. Rho
Weighted Statistics
Unweighted Statistics
As demarcated by Figure 13 the probability was greater than 5% . Therefore, the null
hypothesis was accepted for all the variables.
Hence, it was identified that there are no significant relationships between the state of social
disclosure and energy consumption, GHG emissions and water withdrawal.
4.6.4 The relationship between organizational environmental performance and the state
of environmental disclosures.
Prior to conducting the regression test the variables were tested for both the unit root and the
data model applicable.
The unit root of data was tested by conducting the ADF test. The results of the test indicated
that the data has got unit root and therefore, a relationship can be established using the data
included in the variables. (Appendix 03)
The applicable data model to identify the regression was identified through conducting a
Hausman test for the variables. The Hausman test revealed that the Fixed Effect model is the
most appropriate to conduct the regression analysis since the company wise data is different
through time but data for the same company across time is not significantly different.
(Appendix 07)
H04 – There is no significant relationship between Energy consumption and the state
of environmental reporting.
H14 – There is a significant relationship between Energy consumption and the state of
environmental reporting.
H05 – There is no significant relationship between GHG emissions and the state of
environmental reporting.
H15 – There is a significant relationship between GHG emissions and the state of
environmental reporting.
H06 – There is no significant relationship between Water withdrawal and the state of
environmental reporting.
H16 – There is a significant relationship between Water withdrawal and the state of
environmental reporting.
Dependent Variable: Y4
Method: Panel Least Squares
Date: 11/26/18 Time: 15:01
Sample: 2013 2017
Periods included: 5
Cross-sections included: 18
Total panel (balanced) observations: 90
Effects Specification
As demarcated by Figure 16 the probability was less than 5% for both X4 and X5 and greater
than 5% for X6 . Therefore, the null hypothesis was accepted for all the variables. .
Therefore, the alternative hypothesis was accepted for both X4 and X5 and the null
hypothesis was accepted for X6.
Hence, it was identified that there are significant relationship between the state of economic
and social reporting and Energy consumption and between the state of social reporting and
GHG emissions. But there is no significant relationship between the state of social disclosure
and water withdrawal.
4.7. Suggestions for future research
It is suggested that to avoid the research limitations mentioned above future research can be
conducted by expanding the research sample to be more representative of industries that are
not represented in the sample.
Furthermore, this study was conducted in a developing country where sustainability reporting
is mandatory therefore this study can be done in a developed country where sustainability
reporting is mandatory.
Moreover, the research can be further improved by incorporating a large range of variables
that measure organizational financial and environmental performance to the selected few key
variables used in this study.
Finally, this study can be further improved to identify the relationship between organizational
social performance and the state of sustainability reporting by incorporating social
performance indicators as independent variables to the regression model used.
Chapter 05 - Conclusion
The main aim of the research was to analyse the state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka.
This aim was achieved through four research objectives and given below is the summarized
conclusion of the study regarding the four objectives based on the research findings
mentioned above.
The first objective was to identify the current state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka.
This objective was achieved through the scoring of sustainability disclosures included in
annual reports using a scoring system developed by Dragmoir (2010). As indicated by the
research findings all the selected 18 companies as a whole only managed to obtain a score of
1734 points out of 4032 maximum points for the latest financial year with published annual
reports. Hence, it can be established that there is a gap between the current state of
sustainability reporting and the expected state of sustainability reporting in the Sri Lankan
context. This finding is in agreement with the similar literature available for the country
(Senaratne & Liyanagedara (2009) and Wijesinghe (2012)) and for the global context
(Henriques (2007), MacLean & Rebernak (2007))
The second objective was to identify the trends in sustainability reporting of Sri Lanka. This
objective was achieved through analysing the state of sustainability reporting through time
using both a graphical analysis and a percentage analysis. As per the research findings it can
be established that there is a upward trend in the state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka
and that companies have increased both the number and the quality of their sustainability
disclosures over time. This finding is in line with the available literature. (Wijesinghe (2012)
The third objective was to identify the dominating sustainability disclosure category in Sri
Lanka and to identify the reasons for the dominance. This finding supports the argument
created by Dissanayakea, Tilta & Lobob (2016). It was identified that social disclosures
dominate economic and environmental disclosures and it was further identified that the high
weightage given by the GRI – G4 core disclosures to social disclosures compared to
economic and environmental disclosures.
The fourth objective was to identify whether there exists a significant relationship between
organizational financial performance and the state of sustainability reporting. The research
findings revealed that there are significant relationships between the state of sustainability
reporting in Sri Lanka and Tobin Q as well as the state of sustainability reporting and Profit
before Tax but there is no significant relationship between the state of sustainability reporting
and Economic value generated. The identified relationship supports the claim made by
Shamil et al (2014) stating that sustainability reporting is influenced by firm size.
The final objective was to identify whether there exists a significant relationship between
organizational environmental performance and the state of sustainability reporting. The
research findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between the organizational
environmental performance and the state of sustainability reporting. It was also revealed that
higher the organizational impact on the environment higher the state of sustainability
disclosures was. Boiral (2010)
Hence, it can be concluded that despite not having attained the expected state of sustainability
reporting Sri Lanka is on a continuously improving journey to achieve there and that the
financial performance do not impact on the state of sustainability reporting but environmental
reporting do impact the state of sustainability reporting in the Sri Lankan context.
Chapter 06: Summary
The stakeholders became more concerned about non-financial information regarding the
impact of the organization on the environment and the society with the increasing number of
corporate failures, damages to the environment by corporates, exploitation of human rights
and the wider society by corporations and etc. With the development of technology and
improved literacy stakeholders began to request more and more non-financial information
and the corporate world embraced reporting of non-financial data with open hands with the
dynamic changes that took place in stakeholder’s interests. Sustainability reporting came into
play after several evolutions in non- financial reporting.
However, organizations adopt sustainability reporting with the objective of achieving their
own personal agendas and to appear legitimate rather than with the intention of providing the
actual information to the stakeholders ((Ullman (1985), Roberts (1992), Evan & Freeman
(1988), Neu et al (1998)).Therefore, there exists a gap between the sustainability reporting
and the sustainability performance.
The empirical evidence further suggests that even though several measures such as external
assurance, social auditing, counter accounting and etc. have been implemented to improve the
level of disclosures and the quality of sustainability reporting has not achieved the expected
state. (Patten (1991), Laufer (2003), Dando & Swift (2003), O'Dwyer & Owen (2005) and
O’Dwyer et al (2011)). Moreover, it further reveals that due to the voluntary nature of these
disclosures organizations tend to selectively disclose sustainability information and therefore
the current state of sustainability reporting might not be the expected state of disclosures
(Sisaye (2011a), Sisaye (2011b) and O’Dwyer (2003)).
Organizations sometimes tend to engage in sustainability reporting even if they are not
performing soundly both financially and environmentally. The academic world is in grey
about the relationship between organizational financial performance and the state of
sustainability reporting as well as the relationship between the organizational environmental
performance and the state of sustainability reporting since empirical evidence gives mixed
conclusions regarding the relationships (Brey & Haavaldsen (2015) and Clarkson,Li,
Richardson, & Vasvari (2008.))
Hence, this study was conducted with the aim of obtaining answers to the above mentioned
gaps in the literature with regard sustainability reporting in the Sri Lankan context. The first
objective was to identify the current state of sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka. The second
objective was to identify the trends in sustainability reporting of Sri Lanka. The third
objective was to identify whether there exists a significant relationship between
organizational financial performance and the state of sustainability reporting. The fourth
objective was to identify whether there exists a significant relationship between
organizational environmental performance and the state of sustainability reporting.
The study was conducted based on data from 18 selected listed Sri Lankan companies for the
past 5 years (2013- 2017). The state of sustainability reporting was calculated by scoring the
sustainability disclosures of companies using a five level ordinal scale scoring system and
other data was directly extracted from the annual reports published by the respective
company. Prior to conducting statistical tests the data was tested for unit root to identify the
applicability of the data to measure an relationship and the Hausman test was conducted to
determine the regression model to be used.
Based on the research findings it was concluded that despite not having attained the expected
state of sustainability reporting Sri Lanka is on a continuously improving journey to achieve
there and that the financial performance do not impact on the state of sustainability reporting
but environmental reporting do impact the state of sustainability reporting in the Sri Lankan
The study contributed to the existing literature by identifying the current state of
sustainability reporting in Sri Lanka and that there is a gap between the expected state of
sustainability reporting and the current state of sustainability reporting. Furthermore, the
research findings contributed to the existing literature by finding out that there is an upward
trend in the state of sustainability reporting. Moreover, the research was able to provide a
verdict to the contradictory opinions in the existing literature regarding both the relationship
between organizational financial performance and the state of sustainability reporting and the
relationship between organizational environmental performance and the state of sustainability
However, there were several limitations to the research. This research was conducted based
on 18 listed Sri Lankan companies representing a range of business industries that has
consecutively won awards for their sustainability reports where sustainability reporting is
voluntary. Hence, the findings of this research might not be applicable to companies from
countries where sustainability reporting is mandatory, companies that are not publicly listed
and are not from the same industries as the companies in the sample represent.
Further, the study of the research created grounds for future research where the sample can be
expanded to be more inclusive of companies ranging different industries, companies from
countries with mandatory sustainability reporting and the variables used can be expanded to
be inclusive of more performance indicators.
Moreover, this study can be further improved to identify the relationship between
organizational social performance and the state of sustainability reporting by incorporating
social performance indicators as independent variables to the regression model used.
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Appendix 01: Marking scheme used to calculate the state of sustainability disclosures.
Core GRI - G4 disclosure Score
1. Economic
1.1 Economic Performance
1.1.1 Direct economic value generated and distributed, including
revenues, operating costs, employee compensation, donations and other
community investments, retained earnings, and payments to capital
providers and governments. 4
1.1.2.Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for the
organization’s activities due to climate change. 4
1.1.3.Coverage of the organization’s defined benefit plan obligations. 4
1.1.4.Significant financial assistance received from government. 4
1.2. Market Presence
1.2.2Policy, practices, and proportion of spending on locally-based
suppliers at significant locations of operation. 4
Core GRI - G4 disclosure Score
2.2 Energy
2.2.1Direct energy consumption by primary energy
source. 4
2.2.2.Indirect energy consumption by primary
source. 4
2.3. Water
2.3.1.Total water withdrawal by source. 4
2.4. Biodiversity
2.4.1Location and size of land owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to,
protec0ted areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected
areas. 4
2.4.2Description of significant impacts of activities, products, and
services on biodiversity in protected areas and areas of high biodiversity
value outside protected areas. 4
2.5. Emmissions, Effluents & Waste
2.5.1.Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas
emissions by weight. 4
2.5.2Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas
emissions by weight. 4
2.5.4.Emissions of ozone-depleting substances by
weight. 4
2.5.5.NO, SO, and other significant air emissions by
type and weight. 4
2.5.6 Total water discharge by quality and
destination. 4
2.5.7.Total weight of waste by type and disposal
method. 4
2.5.8.Total number and volume of significant spills. 4
2.6. Products & Services
Core GRI - G4 disclosure Score
2.6.1.Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts
of products and services, and extent of impact
mitigation. 4
2.6.2.Percentage of products sold and their
packaging materials that are reclaimed by
category. 4
2.7.Compliance 4
2.7.1.Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-
monetary sanctions for noncompliance with environmental laws and
regulations. 4
Maximum Possible Environmental disclosure score 72
3. Social Performance Indicators
3.1. Labour Practices & Decent Work
3.1.1. Employment workforce by employment type, employment contract, and
region, broken down by gender. 4 number and rate of new employee hires and employee
turnover by age group, gender, and region. 4 Return to work and retention rates after parental leave, by gender. 4
3.1.2. Labour / Management Relationship of employees covered by collective bargaining
agreements. 4 notice period(s) regarding operational changes,
including whether it is specified in collective agreements. 4
3.1.3 Occupational Health & Safety
Core GRI - G4 disclosure Score Education, training, counselling, prevention, and risk-control
programs in place to assist workforce members, their families, or
community members regarding serious diseases. 4
3.1.4. Training & Education Average hours of training per year per employee by gender, and
by employee category. 4
3.1.5. Diversity & Equal Opportunity Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees
per employee category according to gender, age group, minority group
membership, and other indicators of diversity. 4
3.1.6. Equal remuneration for women & men Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of
women to men by employee category, by
significant locations of operation. 4
3.2. Human Rights
3.2.1.Investment & Procurement Practices Percentage and total number of significant investment agreements
and contracts that include clauses incorporating human rights concerns, or
that have undergone human rights screening. 4 Percentage of significant suppliers, contractors, and other
business partners that have undergone human rights screening, and actions
taken. 4 Total hours of employee training on policies and procedures
concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations,
including the percentage of employees trained. 4
3.2.2. Non Discrimination Total number of incidents of discrimination and corrective actions
taken. 4
3.2.3. Freedom of Association & Collective Bargaining
Core GRI - G4 disclosure Score Operations and significant suppliers identified in which the right
to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining may be
violated or at significant risk, and actions taken to support these rights. 4
3.2.4.Child Labour Operations and significant suppliers identified as having
significant risk for incidents of child labour, and measures taken to
contribute to the effective abolition of child labour. 4
3.2.5.Forced & Compulsory Labour Operations and significant suppliers identified as having
significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labour, and
measures to contribute to the elimination of all forms of forced or
compulsory labour. 4
3.2.8. Assessment Percentage and total number of operations that have been subject
to human rights reviews and/or impact assessments. 4
3.2.9.Remedation Number of grievances related to human rights filed, addressed and
resolved through formal grievance mechanisms. 4
3.3. Society
3.3.1. Local Communities Percentage of operations with implemented local community
engagement, impact assessments, and development programs. 4 Operations with significant potential or actual negative impacts on
local communities. 4
Core GRI - G4 disclosure Score Percentage of employees trained in organization’s anti-corruption
policies and procedures. 4 Actions taken in response to incidents of corruption. 4
3.3.3. Public Policy Public policy positions and participation in public policy
development and lobbying. 4
3.3.5. Compliance Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-
monetary sanctions for noncompliance with laws and regulations. 4
3.4.Product Responsibility
3.4.1.Customer Health & Safety cycle stages in which health and safety impacts of products
and services are assessed for improvement, and percentage of significant
products and services categories subject to such procedures. 4
3.4.2. Product & Service labelling Type of product and service information required by procedures
and percentage of significant products and services subject to such
information requirements. 4
3.4.3. Marketing Communications Programs for adherence to laws, standards, and voluntary codes
related to marketing communications, including advertising, promotion,
and sponsorship. 4
3.4.5. Compliance
Appendix 02: Graphical representation of sustainability trend analysis for individual
Company 1
20 Total Sustainability
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Company 2
100 Economic
80 Environment
60 Social
40 Total Sustainability
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Company 3
40 Total Sustainability
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Company 4
50 Economic
40 Environment
30 Social
20 Total Sustainability
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Company 5
80 Economic
60 Environment
Total Sustainability
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Company 6
80 Economic
60 Environment
Total Sustainability
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Company 7
80 Economic
60 Environment
Total Sustainability
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Company 8
50 Environment
40 Social
30 Total Sustainability
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Company 9
80 Economic
60 Environment
Total Sustainability
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Company 10
60 Economic
Total Sustainability
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Company 11
80 Economic
60 Environment
Total Sustainability
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Company 12
80 Economic
60 Environment
Total Sustainability
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Company 13
40 Economic
30 Environment
Total Sustainability
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Company 14
50 Economic
40 Environment
30 Social
20 Total Sustainability
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Company 15
80 Economic
60 Environment
Total Sustainability
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Company 16
50 Environment
40 Social
30 Total Sustainability
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Company 17
50 Environment
40 Social
30 Total Sustainability
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Company 18
80 Economic
60 Environment
Total Sustainability
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Appendix 03: Unit root tests conducted for each variable
section Prob. Lag Max Lag Obs
1 0.9594 0 0 4
2 0.9312 0 0 4
3 0.9457 0 0 4
4 0.9999 0 0 4
5 0.9898 0 0 4
6 0.9554 0 0 4
7 0.5030 0 0 4
8 0.8300 0 0 4
9 0.0244 0 0 4
10 0.9989 0 0 4
11 0.8371 0 0 4
12 0.7010 0 0 4
13 0.1480 0 0 4
14 0.9400 0 0 4
15 0.8972 0 0 4
16 0.3328 0 0 4
17 0.6250 0 0 4
18 0.6518 0 0 4
Null Hypothesis: Unit root (individual unit root process)
Series: Y1
Date: 11/26/18 Time: 15:29
Sample: 2013 2017
Exogenous variables: Individual effects
Automatic selection of maximum lags
Automatic lag length selection based on SIC: 0
Total (balanced) observations: 72
Cross-sections included: 18
section Prob. Lag Max Lag Obs
1 0.9676 0 0 4
2 0.8915 0 0 4
3 0.9104 0 0 4
4 0.9872 0 0 4
5 0.9961 0 0 4
6 0.9443 0 0 4
7 0.9988 0 0 4
8 0.9980 0 0 4
9 0.1507 0 0 4
10 0.9955 0 0 4
11 0.8581 0 0 4
12 0.9999 0 0 4
13 0.9537 0 0 4
14 0.9881 0 0 4
15 0.9287 0 0 4
16 0.9874 0 0 4
17 0.1716 0 0 4
18 0.9334 0 0 4
Null Hypothesis: Unit root (individual unit root process)
Series: Y2
Date: 11/26/18 Time: 15:30
Sample: 2013 2017
Exogenous variables: Individual effects
Automatic selection of maximum lags
Automatic lag length selection based on SIC: 0
Total (balanced) observations: 72
Cross-sections included: 18
section Prob. Lag Max Lag Obs
1 0.9455 0 0 4
2 0.8371 0 0 4
3 0.8741 0 0 4
4 0.8064 0 0 4
5 0.9974 0 0 4
6 0.9503 0 0 4
7 0.1168 0 0 4
8 0.9976 0 0 4
9 0.1525 0 0 4
10 0.9994 0 0 4
11 0.8423 0 0 4
12 0.9964 0 0 4
13 0.9045 0 0 4
14 0.9924 0 0 4
15 0.8782 0 0 4
16 0.9859 0 0 4
17 0.1236 0 0 4
18 0.9246 0 0 4
Null Hypothesis: Unit root (individual unit root process)
Series: Y3
Date: 11/26/18 Time: 15:30
Sample: 2013 2017
Exogenous variables: Individual effects
Automatic selection of maximum lags
Automatic lag length selection based on SIC: 0
Total (balanced) observations: 72
Cross-sections included: 18
Test statistic value of 'NA' due to the present of a p-value of one or zero
** Probabilities for Fisher tests are computed using an asymptotic Chi
-square distribution. All other tests assume asymptotic normality.
section Prob. Lag Max Lag Obs
1 0.9961 0 0 4
2 0.9325 0 0 4
3 0.9939 0 0 4
4 0.9998 0 0 4
5 0.8665 0 0 4
6 0.9250 0 0 4
7 0.9896 0 0 4
8 0.9961 0 0 4
9 0.8707 0 0 4
10 0.9681 0 0 4
11 0.9924 0 0 4
12 0.9924 0 0 4
13 0.9113 0 0 4
14 0.8901 0 0 4
15 0.9924 0 0 4
16 0.9872 0 0 4
17 0.4493 0 0 4
18 1.0000 0 0 4
Null Hypothesis: Unit root (individual unit root process)
Series: Y4
Date: 11/26/18 Time: 15:31
Sample: 2013 2017
Exogenous variables: Individual effects
Automatic selection of maximum lags
Automatic lag length selection based on SIC: 0
Total (balanced) observations: 72
Cross-sections included: 18
section Prob. Lag Max Lag Obs
1 0.9421 0 0 4
2 0.9872 0 0 4
3 0.9952 0 0 4
4 0.9371 0 0 4
5 0.9664 0 0 4
6 0.9391 0 0 4
7 0.0991 0 0 4
8 0.5033 0 0 4
9 0.0021 0 0 4
10 0.8800 0 0 4
11 0.8088 0 0 4
12 0.0484 0 0 4
13 0.0689 0 0 4
14 0.8137 0 0 4
15 0.8787 0 0 4
16 0.2361 0 0 4
17 0.7811 0 0 4
18 0.0939 0 0 4
Null Hypothesis: Unit root (individual unit root process)
Series: X1
Date: 11/26/18 Time: 15:31
Sample: 2013 2017
Exogenous variables: Individual effects
Automatic selection of maximum lags
Automatic lag length selection based on SIC: 0
Total (balanced) observations: 72
Cross-sections included: 18
section Prob. Lag Max Lag Obs
1 0.5091 0 0 4
2 0.9262 0 0 4
3 0.0613 0 0 4
4 0.2754 0 0 4
5 0.1404 0 0 4
6 0.3986 0 0 4
7 0.7826 0 0 4
8 0.8349 0 0 4
9 0.1700 0 0 4
10 0.7246 0 0 4
11 0.9348 0 0 4
12 0.1686 0 0 4
13 0.7430 0 0 4
14 0.9731 0 0 4
15 0.0001 0 0 4
16 0.8945 0 0 4
17 0.1435 0 0 4
18 0.5723 0 0 4
Null Hypothesis: Unit root (individual unit root process)
Series: X2
Date: 11/26/18 Time: 15:31
Sample: 2013 2017
Exogenous variables: Individual effects
Automatic selection of maximum lags
Automatic lag length selection based on SIC: 0
Total (balanced) observations: 72
Cross-sections included: 18
section Prob. Lag Max Lag Obs
1 0.2562 0 0 4
2 0.5037 0 0 4
3 0.9843 0 0 4
4 0.4750 0 0 4
5 0.8971 0 0 4
6 0.7763 0 0 4
7 0.9782 0 0 4
8 0.0004 0 0 4
9 0.9889 0 0 4
10 0.9976 0 0 4
11 0.6905 0 0 4
12 0.9006 0 0 4
13 0.5562 0 0 4
14 0.9947 0 0 4
15 0.3912 0 0 4
16 0.9743 0 0 4
17 0.0031 0 0 4
18 0.5637 0 0 4
Null Hypothesis: Unit root (individual unit root process)
Series: X2
Date: 11/26/18 Time: 15:31
Sample: 2013 2017
Exogenous variables: Individual effects
Automatic selection of maximum lags
Automatic lag length selection based on SIC: 0
Total (balanced) observations: 72
Cross-sections included: 18
section Prob. Lag Max Lag Obs
1 0.2562 0 0 4
2 0.5037 0 0 4
3 0.9843 0 0 4
4 0.4750 0 0 4
5 0.8971 0 0 4
6 0.7763 0 0 4
7 0.9782 0 0 4
8 0.0004 0 0 4
9 0.9889 0 0 4
10 0.9976 0 0 4
11 0.6905 0 0 4
12 0.9006 0 0 4
13 0.5562 0 0 4
14 0.9947 0 0 4
15 0.3912 0 0 4
16 0.9743 0 0 4
17 0.0031 0 0 4
18 0.5637 0 0 4
Null Hypothesis: Unit root (individual unit root process)
Series: X4
Date: 11/26/18 Time: 15:32
Sample: 2013 2017
Exogenous variables: Individual effects
Automatic selection of maximum lags
Automatic lag length selection based on SIC: 0
Total (balanced) observations: 68
Cross-sections included: 17 (1 dropped)
section Prob. Lag Max Lag Obs
1 0.3163 0 0 4
2 0.1210 0 0 4
3 0.2002 0 0 4
4 0.0485 0 0 4
5 0.7993 0 0 4
6 0.4916 0 0 4
7 0.6965 0 0 4
8 0.4576 0 0 4
9 0.7394 0 0 4
10 0.2688 0 0 4
11 0.0030 0 0 4
12 0.2615 0 0 4
13 0.7138 0 0 4
14 Dropped from Test
15 0.5398 0 0 4
16 0.5832 0 0 4
17 0.4771 0 0 4
18 0.8335 0 0 4
Null Hypothesis: Unit root (individual unit root process)
Series: X5
Date: 11/26/18 Time: 15:32
Sample: 2013 2017
Exogenous variables: Individual effects
Automatic selection of maximum lags
Automatic lag length selection based on SIC: 0
Total (balanced) observations: 64
Cross-sections included: 16 (2 dropped)
section Prob. Lag Max Lag Obs
1 0.9007 0 0 4
2 0.3253 0 0 4
3 0.0023 0 0 4
4 0.9505 0 0 4
5 Dropped from Test
6 0.2296 0 0 4
7 0.7236 0 0 4
8 0.0040 0 0 4
9 0.8480 0 0 4
10 Dropped from Test
11 0.1400 0 0 4
12 0.6264 0 0 4
13 0.7199 0 0 4
14 0.8093 0 0 4
15 0.4265 0 0 4
16 0.5664 0 0 4
17 0.5114 0 0 4
18 0.6230 0 0 4
Null Hypothesis: Unit root (individual unit root process)
Series: X5
Date: 11/26/18 Time: 15:32
Sample: 2013 2017
Exogenous variables: Individual effects
Automatic selection of maximum lags
Automatic lag length selection based on SIC: 0
Total (balanced) observations: 64
Cross-sections included: 16 (2 dropped)
section Prob. Lag Max Lag Obs
1 0.9007 0 0 4
2 0.3253 0 0 4
3 0.0023 0 0 4
4 0.9505 0 0 4
5 Dropped from Test
6 0.2296 0 0 4
7 0.7236 0 0 4
8 0.0040 0 0 4
9 0.8480 0 0 4
10 Dropped from Test
11 0.1400 0 0 4
12 0.6264 0 0 4
13 0.7199 0 0 4
14 0.8093 0 0 4
15 0.4265 0 0 4
16 0.5664 0 0 4
17 0.5114 0 0 4
18 0.6230 0 0 4
Conclusion: All the independent variables and the dependent variables have got unit
Appendix 04: Hausman test result for Equation 03
Effects Specification
Therefore, fixed effect model is appropriate.
Appendix 06 – Hausman test for Equation 05
Correlated Random Effects - Hausman Test
Equation: Untitled
Test cross-section random effects
Effects Specification
Appendix 07 – Hausman test for Equation 06
Correlated Random Effects - Hausman Test
Equation: Untitled
Test cross-section random effects
Effects Specification