Infinitivo Past Past Participle Tradução: Verbos Irregulares

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Verbos Irregulares

Infinitivo Past Past Participle Tradução

to arise arose arisen levantar-se
to awake awoke awoke acordar
suportar / dar à luz,
to bear bore born / borne nascer
to beat beat beaten bater
to become became become tornar-se
began begun começar
to bend bent bent dobrar
to bet bet bet apostar
to bind bind bind amarrar
to bite bit bitten morder, picar
to bleed bled bled sangrar
to blow blew blown soprar
to bring brought brought trazer
to build built built construir
to burst burst burst estourar, explodir
to buy bought bought comprar
to cast cast cast lançar
to catch caught caught pegar, apanhar
to choose chose chosen escolher
to cling clung clung agarrar, apegar-se
to come came come vir
to cost cost cost custar
to creep crept crept arrastar-se, rastejar
to cut cut cut cortar
to deal dealt dealt lidar, tratar
to dig dug dug cavar
to do did done fazer
to draw drew drawn desenhar, sacar
to drink drank drunk beber
to drive drove driven dirigir
to eat ate eaten comer
to fall fell fallen cair
to feed fed fed alimentar
to feel felt felt sentir
to fight fought fought brigar, lutar
to find found found encontrar
to fling flung flung arremessar, lançar
to fly flew flown voar
to forget forgot forgot / forgotten esquecer
to forgive forgave forgiven perdoar
to freeze froze frozen congelar
to get got got / gotten conseguir
to give gave given dar
to grind ground ground moer
to grow grew grown crescer
to hang hung hung pendurar
to have had had ter
to hear heard heard ouvir
to hide hid hidden esconder
to hit hit hit bater
to hold held held segurar, manter
to hurt hurt hurt ferir, machucar
to keep kept kept manter, guardar
to know knew known saber, conhecer
to lay laid laid pôr, colocar
to lead led led conduzir
to leave left left partir, deixar
to lend lent lent emprestar
to let let let deixar
to lie lay lain deitar-se, situar-se
to light lit lit acender
to lose lost lost perder
to make made made fazer
to mean meant meant significar
to meet met met encontrar
to pay paid paid pagar
to quit quit quit desistir, abandonar
to read read read ler
to ride rode ridden cavalgar, andar de
to ring rang rung tocar, soar
to rise rose risen levantar-se
to run ran run correr
to say said said dizer
to see saw seen ver
to seek sought sought procurar
to sell sold sold vender
to send sent sent enviar
to set set set ajustar, fixar
to shake shook shaken agitar
to shine shone shone brilhar
to show showed shown mostrar
to shrink shrank shrunk encolher
to shut shut shut fechar
to sing sang sung cantar
to sink sank sunk afundar
to sit sat sat sentar-se
to sleep slept slept dormir
to slide slid slid escorregar
to slit slit slit fender, cortar
to speak spoke spoken falar
to speed sped sped correr
to spend spent spent gastar
to spin spun spun girar
to split split split dividir, partir
to spread spread spresd espalhar
to spring sprang sprung saltar, pular
to stand stood stood ficar, permanecer
to steal stole stolen roubar
to stick stuck stuck grudar
to sting stung stung picar, ferroar
to strike struck struck bater, golpear
to string strung strung amarrar
to swear swore sworn jurar
to sweep swept swept varrer
to swim swam swum nadar
to swing swang swung balançar
to take took taken tomar, levar
to teach taught taught ensinar
to tear tore torn rasgar
to tell told told contar
to think thought thought pensar
to throw threw thrown arremessar, atirar
to understand understood understood entender
to wake woke woken acordar
to wear wore worn usar
to weave wove woven tecer
to wed wed wed casar
to weep wept wept chorar
to wet wet wet molhar
to win won won vencer
to wind wound wound dar corda, serpentear
to wring wrung wrung retorcer-se, espremer
to write wrote written escrever

Verbos Regulares

Infinitivo Past Past Participle Tradução

to ask (for) asked asked pedir / perguntar

to answer answered answered responder

to agree agreed agreed concordar

to believe believed believed crer / acreditar

to call (0)* called called chamar

to create created created criar

to curse cursed cursed xingar / amaldiçoar

to cover covered covered cobrir

to cry cried cried chorar

to dance danced danced dançar

to destroy destroyed destroyed destruir

to develop developed developed desenvolver

to divide divided divided dividir

to dress dressed dressed Vestir-se

to enter entered entered entrar

to explore explored explored explorar

to exchange exchanged exchanged trocar

to fix fixed fixed fixar / consertar / ajeitar

to fry fried fried fritar

to flirt flirted flirted flertar / paquerar

to heat heated heated esquentar

to head headed headed encabeçar

to ice iced iced gelar

to join joined joined juntar / ingressar

to judge judged judged julgar

to learn learned learned aprender

to lean leaned leaned apoiar-se

to love loved loved amar

to look looked looked olhar / procurar

to like liked liked gostar

to live lived lived morar

to lunch lunched lunched lanchar

to move moved moved mudar / mover-se

to play played played jogar, brincar, tocar

to pray prayed prayed orar / rezar

to pass passed passed passar

to post posted posted postar

to pick picked picked pegar / escolher

to risk risked risked arriscar

to spy spied spied espionar / espiar

to stay stayed stayed hospedar-se / permanecer

to star starred starred estrelar

to talk to talked talked falar com

to study studied studied estudar

to travel traveled traveled viajar

to try tried tried tentar / experimentar

to walk walked walked andar

to want wanted wanted querer

to watch watched watched assistir a

to work worked worked trabalhar

to wash washed washed lavar

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