Finale Siste 1

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Chapter 1


This chapter presents the introduction, background of the study,

conceptual framework, theoretical framework, objectives of the study, scope and

limitation of the study, and also the definition of terms used in the study.


The rapid growth of technology has contributed a lot to the continued

progress of all classification of industry. However, some sectors today seem to

be left behind in adapting the use of different methods to have progress on their


Nowadays, business people define the applications and problems to be

solved by the computer. But unfortunately this potential has not been fully

recognized or even adequately realized in some business. It is because users

may not fully understand the capabilities and limitations of modern computer


Computerization is a control system that manages processes in the

industrial workplace. It reduces human errors and processing time, thus it can

boost productivity and result into a high quality of product produce. This can

result in a system well integrated process that can perform much faster and more

accurate than the manual system.


The Barangay Health Center is using a manual system in terms of

implementing medical services, Health programs, health monitoring and profiling.

These transactions as implemented by a Midwife in-charge in a barangay health

station are done manually.

Advancement within the health center industry is happening at a rapid

pace to cater for a rising number of people who suffer from daily affliction and

chronic illnesses. Technology has come to the aid in the form of providing

storage for patient records and providing efficient ways to search for access

these records. Gone are the days of massive filling cabinets and long lines of

people trying to obtain their patient records.

Records Management (RM) is the supervision and administration of digital

or paper records, regardless of format. Records management activities include

the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposal of records. In this context, a

record is content that documents a business transaction. Documentation may

exist in contracts, memos, paper files, electronic files, reports, emails, videos,

instant message logs or database records. Paper records may be stored in

physical boxes on-premises or at a storage facility. Digital records may be stored

on any database application..

Database Management System (DBMS) is a category of computer

software programs that had been used for creating, organizing, retrieving,

analyzing and sorting information in computer-based databases. It also ensures

that a company had built and maintained its data over the system’s lifetime.

DBMS managed data efficiently and allowed users to perform tasks with ease. It

is organized and manages a large amount of information within a single software

application, and the user of this system is to increase the efficiency of business

operations and reduced overall cost.

TheDevelopment and Evaluation of File Management System for Health

Center in Barangay Bombongan is an automated system that aims to help health

workers and midwife in-charge in organizing and monitoring the medical records

of patients in every barangay and reduce the hours during the consultation

process. This system ensures that records are well secured in a centralized

database wherein an authorized health worker can easily check the records of

the patients. It also contains a report wherein you will be able to see the names

of the patients and their diagnosis.

The study deals with the Development and Evaluation of FileRecord

Management System for Health Center in BarangayBombonganMorong, Rizal .

It's slow the process of any transactions, all the manual records and manual

recording wherein everything is done manually. All the documents, patients

records are given to the client by the Health Center. Because if the Barangay.

Bombongan Health Center will be the one to keep those records it might be lost.

The proposed study, Barangay Bombongan Health Center. A problemhas

been encountered, it could help the staff and performance of Health Center. In

this kind of system, they can easily record andhelps them to be easier to find the

data of patients and staffs.


Background of the Study

The study deals with the Development and Evaluation of File Record

Management System for Health Center in BarangayBombonganMorong, Rizal.

It's slow the process of any transactions, all the manual records and manual

recording wherein everything is done manually. All the documents, patients

records are given to the staff by the Health Center.

As state in the Article XIV, Section 12 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution

States that:

“The state shall regulate the transfer and promote the adaption
of technology from all sources for the national benefits. It shall
encourage the widest participation of private groups, local,
Governments, and community-based organizations in the
Generations and utilization of science and technology “

The law confirms that both private and public organizations are encouragedto

embrace technology. It helps the improvement of business and localorganization

to achieve a better society. And so we seek to improve Development and

Evaluation of File Record Management System as a vitalapproach to enlighten

its load.

As studied by Algara (2015) on Record Management of Health Center of

Barangay it stated that this study on the records management of the said

barangay. The system ensures that an appropriate data is collected from the

various sources, processed and send further to all needy destinations.


Thesystem is expected to fulfill the information needs of a patient, a group, the

management functionaries, the managers and top management.

Stated that Valina (2015), in this work entitled “Network-based

student Permanent Record keeping and Enrollment System of Balian National

High School”. This System was made to lessen the time and effort exerted by

both student and school employees. It is also made to give accurate reports and

keep records of every students and for easy and fast way of enrollment.

Cabang et al. (2013) entitled the ‘Computerized Students Record

Monitoring System of Siniloan National High School”, Computerized Student data

will be exceedingly helped to the user through continuous management of the

School. It could help the registrar for a less effort services in the institutions

especially in updating, printing and deleting student’s record.

Patient record system as elaborated by Alan Bingham (2008) in his book

entitled “Healthcare Financial Management” is still a relatively new concept,

however, such systems offer a variety of benefits to physician practices. It can

help improve the quality care provided, for example, by providing real –time

patient status reports, test results as soon as they are available, and graph and

flow sheets of test trends. They can help reduce by eliminating many manual

functions and the supply and staff expenses associated with these functions.

American medical informatics Association (1997) explained that patient

record system is defined as a system that contains primary patient records by

health care professionals while providing patient care services to review patient

data or documents with their own observations.


The mentioned studies and articles are related to the present study since

it all support the researcher’s objective which isto improve the processes in the

transaction such as collecting, adding, keeping transactions records.

According to Tripathi (2011) stated that “Management Information System”

is one of the important functions of management which plays an important role in

providing information that is required for crucial decision making, which directly

affects the performance of the organization.

Rietsema (2016) stated that a Human Resource Information System

(HRIS) is a type of software program that can be utilized within the department to

help human resources employee and managers improve their productivity. HRIS

can also be used to improve productivity related to financial management

through payroll processing tasks and benefits administration. These and another

related task may require numerous hours of manpower each week. However, the

time and effort required to complete them can be drastically reduced when Come

of the task is automated through an HRIS. Tasks that may have required many

hours `of labor may possibly reach completion very quickly and easily or

sometimes even done automatically with the software program.

Velasco (2002) Study entitled “Maulawin National High School Student

Information System” cited that maintaining students, records manually is a very

difficult task and time consuming. In that case, computerization system that can

help and handle 17 this data needed to speed up the process of student’s record

keeping and to promote and reliability.


This statement explained that the Information System is generally

integrated system providing information to support operations and decision

making functions in an organization.

According to PriyankaPandcy (2012) Online Eye Center Management

System helps to maintain the patients record, doctors record ,time scheduling

management of an eye care clinic. As the same time it can handle the accounts

of the daily transaction .This software is very useful and it makes all the manual

works replaced with the use of the computerized system. It saves a lot of time

and money. Manual data recordings become a cumbersome job and it can also

lead to errors even after repeated cross checks. But the use of this system will

able to avoid all these and it can give 100% accurate results. Moreover this

software application will organize the data in such a way that it can help the user

while searching a specified document or details.

According to Saayo (2014) developed the system “Barangay Profiling

System”. Due to increasing population of the barangay, and the barangay

currently implementing the manual system, every resident spends a lot of time

during filling up of personal files.

Conde (2011) in his study entitled “Barangay Profiling System” cited that

the manual process of inputting records and manual handling of information and

reports of the residents is laborious one. The proponents developed a computer

based , barangay profiling system to solve the huge amount of task.


The researchers knew the point of the said study that the use of this

proposed system, the recording of files and exchange of information will be

absolutely fast accurate to help people and make use this as an advantage.

The stated studies and literature inspire the researchers to develop and

evaluate aFile Record Management System for Health Center in Barangay


With this information the researchers decided to conduct the study

because they observed that there are a lot of difficulties in terms of recording,

collecting dataand also for the improvement of Barangay Health Center because

of the old fashioned way of data and record management.

Theoretical Framework

The conceptual framework used in this study was the Input-Process-

Output (IPO) Model based on Coombs System.

IPO has many programs and system analysis texts introducing the most

basic structure to describe a process. Inthe IPOmodel connected by inputs and

outputs flowed activities based on rules or decisions. The Input-Process-Output

model is a relationship between extend endorsement and the performance at

technology. IPO is a functional graph that identifies the inputs, outputs, and

required processing task required to transform inputs into outputs. The model is

sometimes configured to include any storage that might happen in the process as

well. The input represents the flow of data and material into the process from the

outside. The processing step includes all tasks required to effect a transformation

of the inputs. The outputs are the data and material flowing out of the

transformation process. The Coombs System is a widely used approach in

system, analysis and software engineering for describing the structured of an

information processing program or another process. Feedback is a process in

which information about the past or the present influences the same

phenomenon in the present or future. (Coombs and Zimmerman, 2014)

The theory suits to the Researchers study, which is about the

Development and Evaluation ofFile Record Management System that is now

availing the use of modern technologies to attain their objectives faster and

easier. With this theory, the researchers can follow the step-by-step procedure in

developing the system for the Health Center in Barangay BombonganMorong,

Rizal. Also, it is appropriate for record development and innovations where the

input, process, and output were evaluated and re-evaluated to refine each

procedure or steps in the conduct of the study.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework used in this study was the Input-Process-

Output Model based on Coombs System as shown figure 1. In many parts of the

developing system, it includes a narrative discussion to understand the flow of

the Input-Process-Output (IPO)

The first frame signifies the input of data in the study. Patientsdetails,

Family Informationand employees data. Health Center process and the

perception of the respondents on the level of acceptability of the proposed


system in terms of functional suitability, performance efficiency,

compatibility,usability, reliability, security, maintainability, and portability.

The second frame represents the process of the study. This includes

thegathering of data through the interview, development of the algorithm and


design, development and evaluation of File Management System,development

and validation of questionnaire checklist, evaluation of thedeveloped system and

analysis and interpretation of data.

Output frame is the Developed and Evaluated File Record Management

System for Health Center in Barangay Bombongan using Visual Studio (2010)

and PostgreSQL. The line connected from output to input process. The feedback

of the respondents. This shows that every individual people have their own

opinion it is a reaction about facilities. A kind transaction, feedback also a

statement or comment, positive/negative which is relating to the facilities and



 Family  Gathering of data

Information through interview.
 Child
Information  Development of
 Staff data the algorithm and
system design
Perception of the Developed and
respondents on the  Development and Evaluated FileRecord
level of Acceptability Evaluation of File Management System
of the propose system Record for Health Center in
in term of: Management Barangay
System BombonganMorong,
 Functional Rizal
Suitability  Development and
 Performance validation of
 Compatibility
 Usability
 Reliability  Evaluation of the
Developed system
 Security
 Maintainability  Analysis and
 Portability interpretation of


Conceptual Paradigm of Development and Evaluation of File Management

System for Health Center in Barangay Bombongan

Figure 1

Objective of the Study

The general objective of the study was to develop and evaluate aFile

Record Management System for Health Center in Barangay Bombongan that

would help the center in the processing and keeping of medical records of their

scope and clients.

Specifically, it aims and to determine the level of acceptability of the

propose File Record Management System using the criteria in ISO25010 in

terms of Functional Suitability, Performance Efficiency, Compatibility, Usability,

Reliability, Security, Maintainability, and Portability.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study aimed to develop and evaluate a File Record Management

System for Health Center in Barangay BombonganMorong, Rizal during the

Academic Year 2019 – 2020.

The programming language used in developing the system Visual Studio

(2010) andPostgreSQL for the database. The main features of the system

include log-in, and recording activities. Also includes the check-up records in the

health center. The system has different user access to the system. The User

accountthat allow to view and to print records.The Account Settings, History

Logs, all Records and Reports are the features that can access by the


The developed system has the capacity to multiple data from health center

resources, it can simultaneously update data of all records, and it can accurately

process the transaction of center with ease and less time.

The developed system has two user types which are the admin and staff,

the admin account can process a transaction of the patients and print records.

Admin account can manipulate all system features such as manage accounts. It

can add new system user and can monitor the records.

The researchers used descriptive and development method of the study.

The respondents of the study were,Two (2) Midwife, Five (5) Barangay Staffs,

Eighteen (18)Residents, Twenty (20) Patients, and Five (5) IT Instructors with a

total of Fifty (50) Respondents. They were chosen purposively since they are the

one who handles all the transaction in the health center. To determine the level

of acceptability of the developed system, the researchers uses a standardized

questionnaire checklist covering the criteria of good quality software using the

criteria in ISO25010 in terms of Functional Suitability, Performance Efficiency,

Compatibility, Usability, Reliability, Security, Maintainability, and Portability.

Significance of the Study

The proposed system would generally provide a significant security level

in storing important record for the concern beneficiaries and the result of this

study will progressively beneficial to the entities such as:

Admin.This will accessibility to the whole system.


Employee/Staff. This will accessibility for Staff and other working in Health

Center .

Patients/Residents. It can easy to find the files.

Researcher. This will help them to gain new knowledge in the field of

research and in creating Development and Evaluation of File Record

Management System

Future Researcher. The proposed Development and Evaluation of File

Record Management System would serve as ideas and basic that used to their

future researcher.

Definition of terms

The following terms were operationally and conceptually defined for better

understanding of this study.

Compatibility. The degree to which a product, system or component can

exchange information with other product, system or components, and/or perform

its required function while sharing the same hardware or software environment.

Functional Suitability. This characteristic represents the degree to which a

product or system provides functions that meet stated and implied needs when

used under specified conditions.

Maintainability. This characteristic represents the degree of effectiveness

and efficiency with which a product or system can be modified to improve it,

correct it or adapt it to changes in the environment.


Performance Efficiency. This characteristic represents the performance

relative to the number of resources used under stated conditions.

Portability. The degree of effectiveness and efficiency with which a

system, product or component can be transferred from one hardware, software

or other operational or usage environment to another.

Reliability. The degree to which a system, product or components perform

specified functions under the specified condition for a specified period of time.

Security. The degree to which a product or system protects information

and data so that persons or other products or systems have the degree of data

access appropriate to their types and levels of authorization.

Usability. The degree to which a product or system can be used by

specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and

satisfaction in a specified context of use.

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