Lab 4: Access Policy For Easyconnect
Lab 4: Access Policy For Easyconnect
Lab 4: Access Policy For Easyconnect
Lab Overview
In this lab, you will configure Cisco ISE to support the EasyConnect feature. You will configure EasyConnect for Enforcement Mode and then configure Access
Policy for EasyConnect. You will validate EasyConnect Operation and then disable the EasyConnect feature.
EasyConnect provides port-based authentication similar to 802.1X, but easier to implement. EasyConnect learns about the authentication from Active
Directory and provides session-tracking for active network sessions. Session Directory notifications can be published with PxGrid.
Both EasyConnect and 802.1x can be configured on the same port, but you must have a different ISE policy for each service.
Lab Procedures
• Configure ISE to Support EasyConnect
• Disable EasyConnect
If you have performed a reset to this lab or are using the Global Knowledge e-Labs (meaning that you are accessing the system after you have attended the 5
day course), you will need to prepare or verify the environment. Perform the following:
Access the module in the lab guide titled Post Reset and follow the directions there.
In this task, you will affect the necessary configuration changes on the Cisco ISE to support EasyConnect. First, you will enable the feature itself, by enabling
the Passive Identity service on the dedicated Policy server (PSN) you intend to use for EasyConnect. This enables ISE to retrieve group and event information
from Active Directory.
1.1. On the Admin-PC, open Firefox and use the ISE bookmark to log in to the ISE admin portal as admin/admin$Pwd.
1.3. Click the ise link in the hostname column. Scroll down to enable Passive Identity Service, as shown below. Then click Save. 19/09/2017
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1.4. It will take a few minutes for the service to start. Access the ISE CLI and verify that the service is running by issuing the show application status ise
command. Wait until the service is running before proceeding.
2. The Active Directory Domain Controller has already been integrated with Cisco ISE. Even so, you must still configure a Domain controller for EasyConnect.
Note: EasyConnect uses Active Directory login audit events generated by the Active Directory domain controller to gather user login information. The Active
Directory server must be configured properly so the ISE user can connect and fetch user login information. To save time, the domain controller (Data-Srv)
has been pre-configured for you. To learn how to do this for yourself, see the ISE v2.1 Admin Guide section titled “Active Directory Requirements to Support
Passive Identity Service.”
Setting Value
Username admin
Password admin$Pwd 19/09/2017
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2.4. Click the button labeled Verify DC connection settings. This should pass, as indicated in the example below. Be sure to click Submit.
2.5. Back on the AD Domain Controllers page, refresh to update the status and then click General Settings and note the default settings for AD-to-ISE
connections, as shown below and described in the table. The defaults are fine, this is merely an exploratory step. Click Cancel when you are done
reviewing these settings.
Settings Description
History Interval The time during which EasyConnect reads user login information that already occurred. This is required upon startup or restart of Identity
Mapping to catch up with events generated while it was unavailable.
User session The amount of time the user can be logged in. EasyConnect identifies new user login events from the DC, however the DC does not report
aging time when the user logs off. The aging time enables Cisco ISE to determine the time interval for which the user is logged in.
Use NTLMv1 or The communications protocol between ISE and the DC. Both ISE and DC should preferably be configured to use NTLMv2, which is the
v2 Protocol default on both ISE, and current Windows servers.
◾ Once an identity has been mapped, it can be reused for merges until a new logon event from the same user, or until the cache expires (session
aging time).
◾ If a user disconnects and reconnects with the same IP address, then MnT will remerge the identity mapping, no additional login is required from
the end user.
◾ If another endpoint accesses the network with the same IP (deliberately or unintentionally) then they can be merged to the original AD user′s
identity mapping.
◾ If a user′s IP address changes, then they must log off and perform a new AD logon to refresh the ID mapping with current information.
Now that the service is enabled, you need to configure policy result elements, which will then be leveraged in a policy set. First, you will create a restricted
Policy Result Element that only allows Passive Identity Tracking, which must be enabled for all profiles used for EasyConnect authorization. This ensures that
the EasyConnect process can run properly and enables ISE to issue a CoA to the NAD. Then you will create a DACL for the switch. When a user initially 19/09/2017
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connects, they are unknown, and so must be restricted to ONLY those minimum services required to authenticate to AD. This includes DHCP, DNS, and Active
Directory Services. You will also create Policy Result Elements for Employee Access and Contractor Access to the network. Finally, you will configure an
authentication policy that references this restricted Allowed Protocols list, and you will create an authorization policy that references the DACL.
3.1. Navigate to Work Centers > Network Access > Policy Elements. In the left pane, choose Results> Allowed Protocols.
3.2. In the right pane, click the Add icon to create a new set of allowed protocols.
3.3. Name the list EasyConnect. Make sure that Process Host Lookup is the ONLY allowed protocol, all others should be disabled.
3.4. After validating that only Process Host Lookup is enabled and all others are not checked, scroll down and click Submit.
4.1. You should still be at Policy Elements> Results from the previous task. In the left pane, click Downloadable ACLs.
4.2. Click the Add icon and name the new DACL HOST_LOOKUP_ACL.
Note: Open a new tab in Firefox and use the DACL bookmark to view the list of DACLs for the course. Click the one with the name indicated to copy and
paste its contents.
remark LDAP
permit tcp any host eq 389
permit udp any host eq 389
remark kerberos
permit tcp any host eq 88
permit udp any host eq 88
permit tcp any host eq 464
permit udp any host eq 464
remark DNS
permit udp any host eq 53
permit tcp any host eq 53
remark SMB
permit tcp any host eq 445
permit udp any host eq 445
remark RPC
permit tcp any host eq 135
remark NetBIOS
permit udp any host eq 137 19/09/2017
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remark NTP
permit udp any host eq 123
Note: The syntax of the DACL will be checked when you click Submit.
4.6. Click the Add icon and name the new DACL EMPLOYEE_ACL.
Note: Open a new tab in Firefox and use the DACL bookmark to view the list of DACLs for the course. Click the one with the name indicated to copy and
paste its contents.
4.10. Click the Add icon and name the new DACL CONTRACTOR_ACL.
Note: Open a new tab in Firefox and use the DACL bookmark to view the list of DACLs for the course. Click the one with the name indicated to copy and
paste its contents. 19/09/2017
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5.2. Click Add and create an authorization profile with the following parameters.
Attribute Value
Name AD Access
Note: Passive Identity Tracking must be enabled for all authorization profiles used for EasyConnect authorization in order for the EasyConnect process to
run properly and enable ISE to issue a CoA.
5.4. Click Add and create an authorization profile with the following parameters.
Attribute Value
5.6. Click Add and create an authorization profile with the following parameters.
Attribute Value 19/09/2017
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You have just created a Policy Result for Authentication where Process Host Lookup is the only protocol allowed for authentication purposes. You also
created DACLs and authorization policies for authorization. You will now reference these elements in the EasyConnect Policy Set.
6.1. Navigate to Work Centers > Network Access > Policy Sets. (Or Policy > Policy Sets.)
6.3. For the Authentication Policy, delete the MAB and Dot1X rules, then edit the Default Rule, as indicated below.
Attribute Value
Rule Name Default Rule (if no match) <Leave this section untouched>
6.4. Click Done and save your changes; your Authentication Policy should look as follows. 19/09/2017
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6.5. For the Authorization policy, start by deleting all authorization rules except the default.
6.6. Edit the default Authorization rule′s Condition. Choose Standard > AD Access.
6.8. Click the triangle at the end of the Default Rule, and choose Insert new rule above. Add the following two authorization rules.
Attribute Value
Conditions if Any
Attribute Value
Conditions if Any
In this task, you will verify the operation of EasyConnect from the perspective of both the Microsoft AD server, and the Cisco ISE.
7.1. Access the L3-Switch and enter the commands to shut the port. Switch credentials are admin/admin$Pwd with enable secret of san-fran.
conf t
int g0/3
7.3. Log off if necessary, and log back in with the credentials gklabs\admin/admin$Pwd.
7.4. From the Windows taskbar, click Run and enter services.msc to open the services window. 19/09/2017
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7.5. Verify that the Wired AutoConfig service is stopped and set it to have a startup type of Disabled.
Note: This ensures that 802.1X is neither configured nor functional on the Ethernet NIC.
7.7. Access the L3-Switch and enter the commands to open the port. Switch credentials are admin/admin$Pwd with enable secret of san-fran.
no shut
7.9. Access the Admin-PC and, in the ISE GUI, navigate to Operations > RADIUS > Live Logs.
Click the gear icon and clear the Endpoint ID column then click Go.
Set refresh to Every 10 seconds.
7.12. You should see entries similar to the ones below (it may take a few seconds for them to show up, depending on the refresh rate selected).
Note: If you do not see all four entries discussed below, it may be that the HOST_LOOKUP_ACL is cached on the L3-Switch because of the User-PC on G0/2.
Issue the command show ip access-lists or show ip access-lists int g0/3 on the L3-Switch to verify it has downloaded.
In line 1 above, the machine is authenticated via MAB. The Policy Set named EasyConnect was matched. The default Authentication policy limited allowed
protocols to only Process Host Lookup (EasyConnect), and the default Authorization policy applied the AD Access Authorization Profile.
In Line #2, ISE sent a CoA to the switch, with the DACL named HOST_LOOKUP_ACL. This limited the endpoint to only those services which are required to get
authenticated: DHCP, DNS, and AD. The user was therefore able to authenticate to the AD server, with employee credentials. Due to the integration of Cisco
ISE and Microsoft AD, ISE learned of this successful AD authentication.
In line #3, you see the Employees Authorization policy was applied, with the Authorization profile named Employee Access.
In Line #4, ISE sent a new CoA to the switch, with the EMPLOYEE_ACL access-List.
7.13. Navigate to Context Visibility > Endpoints and click the MAC address (00:50:56:00:00:23) of the endpoint. In the Attributes tab of that view, you will
see much useful information, as shown below. 19/09/2017
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7.14. Access the L3-Switch console and use the show authentication sessions command. You should see the DACL.
Local Policies:
Service Template: DEFAULT_LINKSEC_POLICY_SHOULD_SECURE (priority 150)
Security Policy: Should Secure
Security Status: Link Unsecure
Server Policies:
In the far right pane, click Find and search for employee1. 19/09/2017
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7.19. Click Find Next and search the list of events for one where Event ID = 4768. This should be an Audit Success message.
7.20. On User-PC2, log off as employee1 and log back in with the credentials contractor1/gklabs.
7.21. On the Admin-PC, view Operations > RADIUS > Live Logs.
7.22. You should see entries similar to the ones you just reviewed above, only resulting in Contractor Access.
7.23. Access the Data-Srv, Event Viewer > Windows Logs > Security. Refresh this view by right clicking the Security Log and choosing Refresh.
7.24. Search the list of events for the top-most event in the list where Event ID = 4768. Again, you should see an entry similar to the one above, only for
Now that you have proven this concept, you should disable the EasyConnect feature so it does not interfere with future lab activities.
8.1. On the Admin-PC in the ISE GUI, navigate to Administration > Network Resources > Network Devices.
8.2. Edit the L3-Switch and change the Location from Test to HQ.
8.3. Scroll down and click Save; your Network Devices list should look as follows. 19/09/2017
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Changing the Location of the L3-Switch from Test to HQ ensures that none of the current Network Devices will use the EasyConnect Policy Set. Here you will
also disable the Policy Set as an additional safety precaution.
9.1. Navigate to Work Centers > Network Access > Policy Sets.
9.2. Select the EasyConnect Policy Set in the left pane. Then click Edit at the end of the policy set.
9.3. Use the down arrow next to the Status icon and choose Disabled, as shown below.
9.4. Click Done at the end of the line, then scroll down and click Save.
10.2. Click the ise link in the hostname column. Scroll down to disable Passive Identity Service, as shown below.
Lab Complete 19/09/2017