G End - 2021 STA4102N Multivariate - Methods
G End - 2021 STA4102N Multivariate - Methods
G End - 2021 STA4102N Multivariate - Methods
Faculty of Science
3. (a) .do files MUST be name after their corresponding question numbers e.g.
(b) Place ALL .do files in a directory called STA4102N_ExamNumber_EndSem
(c) Compress this folder and submit it together with any work you want to be
graded to the invigilator when time has been called on
4. All program files/listings MUST have header comments and they should be
located at the TOP of the file
5. Among other things, the file header comments MUST have: The author; date;
type of assessment (End or Mid Semester examination); course code and title;
question number; a description of what the code in the file accomplishes; a list of
any modifications (bug fixes) to the file
6. Instructions 2 through 5 are part of the examination and are graded 7 marks
y1 = intelligence,
y2 = form relations,
y3 = dynamometer,
y4 = dotting,
y5 = sensory motor coordination,
y6 = perseveration.
(a) Test H0 : µ1 = µ2 .
(b) If the T 2 -test in part 1a rejects H0 , carry out a t-test for each variable.
(c) Test the significance of y4 , y5 , y6 adjusted for y1 , y2 , y3 . [ 7, 11, 5 marks ]
2. Baten, Tack, and Baeder (1958) compared judges’ scores on fish prepared by three
methods. Twelve fish were cooked by each method, and several judges tasted fish
samples and rated each on four variables: y1 = aroma, y2 = flavor, y3 = texture,
3. Table 3, from Zerbe (1979a), compares 13 control and 20 obese patients on a glu-
cose tolerance test using plasma inorganic phosphate. Delete the observations cor-
responding to 12 and 1 12 hours so that the time points are equally spaced.
(a) For the control group, use orthogonal polynomials to find the degree of growth
(b) Repeat 3a for the obese group.
(c) Find the degree of growth curve for the combined groups, and compare the
growth curves of the two groups. [ 13, 13, 7 marks ]
4. Reaven and Miller (1979; see also Andrews and Herzberg 1985, pp. 215–219) mea-
sured five variables in a comparison of normal patients and diabetics. In Table 4
we give partial data for normal patients only. The three variables of major interest
x1 = glucose intolerance,
x2 = insulin response to oral glucose,
x3 = insulin resistance.
y1 = relative weight,
y2 = fasting plasma glucose.
−2 11 −8 3 9
3 −8 9 −3 6
µ= Σ2 =
−1 3 −3 2 3
5 9 6 3 9
Variable Weight Body length Neck Girth Head length Head width
(kg) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
Sample mean 95.52 164.38 55.69 93.39 17.98 31.13
Covariance matrix
3266.46 1343.97 731.54 1175.5 162.68 238.37
1343.97 721.91 324.25 537.35 80.17 117.73
731.54 324.25 179.28 281.17 39.15 56.8
1175.5 537.35 281.17 474.98 63.73 94.85
162.68 80.17 39.15 63.73 9.95 13.88
238.37 117.73 56.8 94.85 13.88 21.26
i. Obtain the large sample 95% simultaneous confidence intervals for the six
population mean body measurements.
ii. Obtain the 95% Bonferroni confidence intervals for the six means in Part
5(b)i [ 11, 11 marks ]
6. You are provided with a .txt file. The file is located in the Desktop directory of
• Sales Performance:
o Sales Growth
o Sales Profitability
o New Account Sales
• Test Scores as a Measure of Intelligence:
o Creativity
o Mechanical Reasoning
o Abstract Reasoning
o Mathematics
There are p = 3 variables in the first group relating to Sales Performance and q = 4
variables in the second group relating to Test Scores
[ 5, 5, 5, 5 marks ]
7. Explain examples of typical questions that are answered by the MANOVA in the
following fields:
(a) Medicine
(b) Sociology
(c) Management Studies
[ 5, 5, 5, 5 marks ]