Dr. K. Subramanian Consultant Neurosurgeon Anuradha Clinic & Sooriya Hospital
Dr. K. Subramanian Consultant Neurosurgeon Anuradha Clinic & Sooriya Hospital
Dr. K. Subramanian Consultant Neurosurgeon Anuradha Clinic & Sooriya Hospital
Consultant Neurosurgeon
Anuradha Clinic &
Sooriya Hospital
What is the Fundus of
the eye?
Interior surface of the
eye opposite the lens
– includes retina, optic
disc, macula, fovea
and posterior pole.
Fundus is the window to the brain – increased
intra cranial pressure is reflected on the optic
disc and surrounding structures with no
barriers – interface to the clinician by air,
clear tissue and clear fluid.
Fundus examination can answer most
symptoms caused by eye disease, provide
answers to the most complicated headaches
and help rapid diagnosis of life and vision
threatening conditions.
How – Instruments – Ophthalmoscope
1847 by Charles Babbage
1851 by Herman Von Helmholtz
Patient sitting, look straight
Examiner standing approach laterally
Red reflex
Approach slowly focus field
Trace vessel to centre
Note disc color, edge clarity, cup size
A good video can be seen here about the
Is a must during eye exam, nervous
system exam and must be performed
Practice makes perfect.
Both sides – always.
Compare – to the other eye, match it to
your memory database.
Optic nerve – developmentally and
histologically optic nerve is a part of the brain
and surrounded by three meninges. Dura
continuous with orbital periosteum, pia and
arachnoid fuse with the sclera.
Subarachnoid space around optic nerve is
continuous with the brain subarachnoid
Rise in cerebral subarachnoid pressure is
transmitted to the optic subarachnoid space.
Rise in ICP results in
1. Compression of central vein of retina as it
crosses the space.
2. Impeding lymphatic drainage from retina.
3. Interference with slow component of
anterograde axoplasmic transport in the
optic nerve head.
Thus swelling of axons in optic disc and
surrounding retina occurs.
1. Congestion of retinal veins – loss of venous pulsation,
2. Hyperemia of disc – filling of physiologic cup,
3. Disc edges blurred – first upper and lower margins,
then nasal margin, finally temporal margin;
4. Elevation of nerve head (3 – 10 Dioptres),
5. Spread of edema to retina – macular fan,
6. Hump of vessels leaving and entering disc more
7. Vessels appear and disappear as they course near
the disc,
8. Disc swelling reduces – disc becomes yellowish white
– arteries become constricted, veins remain
9. Edges of disc become indistinct.
Venous congestion disappears
Pulsation returns
Other changes take much longer to
resolve or may remain permanent.
1. Optic subarachnoid space is congenitally
2. Optic subarachnoid space is occupied by
3. Optic subarachnoid space is obstructed
by neoplasm.
4. Optic nerve fibers are already atrophied.
Craniocerebral volume disproportional to
Obstruction to CSF circulation and
Edema surrounding a pathological lesion,
Obstruction to venous drainage.
Also can be classified as
Congenital, traumatic, inflammatory,
neoplastic, vascular or benign ICT.
Inflammation or infarction of optic nerve
Caused by Usually Optic neuritis, multiple
Feature Optic Neuritis Papilloedema
Side Unilateral Bilateral (rare exceptions)
Pain on eye movement Usually present No pain (rare exceptions)
Onset of visual loss Sudden Gradual
Degree of visual loss as Gloss Slight (except PPOA)
compared to degree of disc