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GE 8077 – Total Quality Management Department of Mechanical Engineering 2020-2021


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 To facilitate the understanding of quality management principles and process.

Introduction - Need for quality - Evolution of quality - Definitions of quality - Dimensions of product
and service quality - Basic concepts of TQM - TQM Framework - Contributions of Deming, Juran and
Crosby - Barriers to TQM - Customer focus - Customer orientation, Customer satisfaction, Customer
complaints, Customer retention.


Leadership - Quality Statements, Strategic quality planning, Quality Councils - Employee involvement
- Motivation, Empowerment, Team and Teamwork, Recognition and Reward, Performance appraisal -
Continuous process improvement - PDCA cycle, 5S, Kaizen - Supplier partnership - Partnering,
Supplier selection, Supplier Rating.


The seven traditional tools of quality - New management tools - Six sigma: Concepts, Methodology,
applications to manufacturing, service sector including IT - Bench marking - Reason to bench mark,
Bench marking process - FMEA - Stages, Types.


Quality Circles - Cost of Quality - Quality Function Deployment (QFD) - Taguchi quality loss
function - TPM - Concepts, improvement needs - Performance measures.


Introduction—Benefits of ISO Registration—ISO 9000 Series of Standards—Sector-Specific
Standards—AS 9100, TS16949 and TL 9000-- ISO 9001 Requirements—Implementation—
Documentation—Internal Audits—Registration--ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
SYSTEM: Introduction—ISO 14000 Series Standards—Concepts of ISO 14001—Requirements of
ISO 14001—Benefits of EMS.

 The student would be able to apply the tools and techniques of quality management to
manufacturing and services processes.

1. Dale H.Besterfiled, Carol B.Michna,Glen H. Besterfield,Mary B.Sacre,Hemant Urdhwareshe and
Rashmi Urdhwareshe, “Total Quality Management”, Pearson Education Asia, Revised Third
Edition, Indian Reprint, Sixth Impression, 2013.

1. James R. Evans and William M. Lindsay, "The Management and Control of Quality", 8th Edition,
First Indian Edition, Cengage Learning, 2012.
2. Janakiraman. B and Gopal .R.K., "Total Quality Management - Text and Cases", Prentice Hall
(India) Pvt. Ltd., 2006.
3. Suganthi.L and Anand Samuel, "Total Quality Management", Prentice Hall (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2006.
4. ISO 9001-2015 standards

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GE 8077 – Total Quality Management Department of Mechanical Engineering 2020-2021


To understand the frame work of Total Quality Management emphasizing the importance
C404.1 :
of Quality and Customers
To understand the TQM principles with reference to qualities of Leadership, Involvement
C404.2 :
and Team work for the continuous process improvement
To understand and apply the conventional and new management tool procedures for total
C404.3 :
quality Management
To learn the various tools of Performance measures for the implementation of quality
C404.4 :
C404.5 : To understand the need for quality regulatory system and its documentation procedures



C404.1 - - - 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 - 1
C404.2 - - - - 2 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 - 1 3
C404.3 1 2 2 1 3 1 - 1 2 1 3 1 - - 2
C404.4 1 2 3 2 2 - - 1 - - 1 1 1 1 1
C404.5 - 1 - - 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 - - 1


Knowledge level Contents COs
Introduction, Need for quality , Evolution of quality,
1 U/R C404.1
Definitions of quality
2 U/R/Ap Dimensions of product and service quality C404.1
3 U/R Basic concepts of TQM and TQM Framework C404.1
4 U/R/Ap Contributions of Deming, Juran and Crosby C404.1
5 U/R Barriers to TQM, Costs of quality, Quality statements C404.1
Customer focus, Customer orientation, Customer satisfaction,
6 U/AP C404.1
Customer complaints, Customer retention
1 U/R/Ap Leadership - Strategic quality planning, Quality Councils C404.2
2 U/Ap Employee involvement - Motivation, Empowerment C404.2
3 U/Ap Team and Teamwork and Quality circles C404.2
4 U/Ap Recognition and Reward, Performance appraisal C404.2
Continuous process improvement - PDCA cycle, 5S,
5 U/Ap C404.2
Supplier partnership - Partnering, Supplier selection,
6 U/R/Ap C404.2
Supplier rating
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1 U/R/Ap The seven traditional tools of quality C404.3

2 U/R/Ap New management Tools C404.3

Six sigma: Concepts, Methodology, applications to

3 U/R/Ap C404.3
manufacturing, service sector including IT
Bench marking - Reason to bench mark, Bench marking
4 U/R/Ap C404.3
5 U/R/Ap FMEA - Stages, Types C404.3


1 U/R/Ap Control Charts C404.4

2 U/R/Ap Process Capability C404.4
3 U/R/Ap Concepts of Six Sigma C404.4
4 U/R/Ap Quality Function Development (QFD) C404.4
5 U/R/Ap Taguchi quality loss function C404.4
6 U/R/Ap TPM - Concepts, improvement needs C404.4
7 U/R/Ap Performance measures. C404.4


1 U/R Need for ISO 9000 C404.5

2 U/R/Ap ISO 9001-2008 Quality System - Elements, Documentation C404.5
3 U/R Quality Auditing C404.5
QS 9000 - ISO 14000 - Concepts, Requirements and
4 U/R C404.5
5 U/R/Ap TQM Implementation in manufacturing and service sectors C404.5
Topics beyond the Syllabus
1 U/Ap Case study related to quality auditing C404.5

R – Remember Ap – Apply An – Analyze

U – Understand E- Evaluate C-Create

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Introduction - Need for quality - Evolution of quality - Definitions of quality - Dimensions of product
and service quality - Basic concepts of TQM - TQM Framework - Contributions of Deming, Juran and
Crosby - Barriers to TQM - Quality statements - Customer focus Customer orientation, Customer
satisfaction, Customer complaints, Customer retention - Costs of quality.
1 Define Total Quality Management (TQM).
1. The art of managing the total organization to achieve excellence in all spheres of activity.
2. The integration of all functions and processes within an organization in order to achieve the
continuous improvement of the quality of goods and services. (Omachonu).
2 What are the elements of TQM?
There are eight key elements of TQM such as: Ethics, Integrity, Trust, Training, Teamwork,
Leadership, Recognition, Communication.
3 Mention the basic features of TQM.
1. Management commitment, 2. Focus on customer (both external and internal),
3. Employee involvement, empowerment, 4. Continuous improvement,
5. Treating suppliers as partners and 6. Establish performance measures for processes.
4 What are the benefits of TQM?
Improved quality, higher productivity, employee participation, teamwork, working relationships,
customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, communication, profitability, market share, and stock
price performance
5 Define quality.
Quality = Performance/Expectations
1. Predictable degree of uniformity and dependability at low cost and suited to the market -Deming
2. Fitness for use – Juran
3. Conformance to requirements – Crosby
6 What are the various quality statements?
Quality statements include the vision statement, mission statement, and quality policy statement.
7 What is a vision statement?
A short declaration of what an organization aspires to be in the future. It is an ideal state that an
organization continually strives to achieve. It is timeless, inspirational, and becomes deeply shared
within the organization
8 What is a mission statement?
The mission statement answers the following questions: who we are, who are our customers, what
we do, and how we do it. The mission provides the guide map, milestones for achieving the vision.
9 What is Deming cycle?
P-D-S-A (Plan-Do-Study-Act) cycle of continuous improvement.
10 What are the major dimensions of product quality? (Nov/Dec 2017)
Performance, features, usability, conformance to standards/specifications, reliability, durability,
maintainability, etc
11 What are the three levels of quality in the Kano model of customer satisfaction?
1. Basic quality, 2. Performance quality and 3. Excitement quality.
The products corresponding to these three quality levels were termed as ‘Dissatisfies’, ‘Satisfiers’
and ‘Delighters/Exciters’ respectively in the Kano model.
12 What is importance of customer retention?
It costs a company six times more to sell a product to a new customer than it does to sell to an
existing one. Loyal customers generate more revenue, and are also cheaper to maintain. Customer
loyalty facilitates cross-selling/up-selling of a company’s other products/services, and also acts as
an effective barrier to the entry of competition.
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13 Distinguish between internal customer and external customer.

External customer Internal customer
An external customer exists outside the Every function within the organization
organization and can be defined in many (engineering, production, order processing, etc.)
ways – user, buyer, influencer. has an internal customer. Every person in a process
He generally falls into one of three is considered a customer of the preceding
categories: current, prospective, or lost operation. For example, Manufacturing is a
customer. customer for Purchasing, and Dispatching is a
customer for Packaging.
14 What do you mean by service quality?
Service quality is nothing but, Service duration, timeliness, completeness, consistency, convenience,
accuracy, courtesy, etc
15 What is meant by cost of quality?
Quality costs are defined as costs associated with non-achievement of product/service quality. In
simple terms, quality cost is the cost of poor products/services. All costs associated with poor
quality and its correction are integrated into one system to enhance the quality management
16 What are the four categories of quality costs? (Nov/Dec2016)
1. Prevention costs, 2. Appraisal costs, 3. Internal failure costs and 4. External failure costs.
17 What are internal failure costs?
These are costs required to identify, repair, replace, or dispose off defective products/services prior
to delivery to the customer.
18 Mention the names of some major contributors to the quality movement.
1. Edwards Deming, 2. Joseph M. Juran, 3. Philip Crosby, 4. Feigenbaum, 5. Ishikawa, 6. Taguchi,
7. Shingo and 8. Walter Shewhart.
19 Mention the four pillars of TQM?
Customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, Quality leadership and systems approach
20 What is the importance of customer focus for an organization?
Customers are the most important asset of an organization. An organization’s success depends on
how many customers it has, how much they buy, how often they buy, and how long they are
retained (loyalty).
21 What is Deming’s “System of Profound Knowledge”?
Deming summarized his philosophy in what he called “A System of Profound Knowledge”.
It comprised of 4 parts:
1. Appreciation for a system, 2. Some knowledge of the theory of variation, 3. Theory of knowledge,
and 4. Psychology.
Deming recognized the synergy among these diverse subjects and developed them into a theory of
22 What are some major obstacles to TQM implementation?
Lack of management commitment, Inability to change organizational culture, Improper planning,
Lack of continuous training and education, Paying inadequate attention to internal and external
customers, Inadequate use of empowerment and teamwork, Lack of employee involvement,
Emphasis on short-term results, etc.
23 What is customer satisfaction?
Customer satisfaction is a measure of the degree to which a product or service meets the customer's
24 How can quality be quantified? (April/May 2016)
Quality can be expressed as P/E, where P denotes performance and E denotes expectation.

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25 What do you mean by service quality? (April/May 2016; Nov/Dec 2017)
Quality of service offered is judged based on the following dimensions: Reliability, Responsiveness,
Assurance, Empathy, Tangibles etc
26 What are the different ways to create customer oriented culture in an industry? (Nov/Dec 2016)
1. Base their values on customer feedback
2. Involve their employees in the development of values
3. Link these values to their brand
4. Encourage their employees to align their behaviors to the values.
5. Reward their employees for living the brand.
27 What are the four absolutes of quality defined by Crosby? (April/May 2017)
1. Quality is defined as conformance to requirements, not goodness
2. The system for achieving quality is prevention, not appraisal
3. The performance standard is zero defects, not that's close enough and
4. The measure of quality is the price of non-conformance, not indexes.
28 Define quality policy statements. (April/May 2017; Nov/Dec 2017)
Quality policy statement is a document developed by management to express the directive of the
top management with respect to quality
1 Discuss in detail the dimensions of quality in the context of service/product. (Nov/Dec 2016)
2 Explain the Juran’s view of TQM. / Discuss Juran’s principle of quality improvement.
(April/May 2013) / Explain in detail about Juran Trilogy. (April/May 2014; April/May 2016)
3 Explain the basic concepts and evolution of TQM.
4 Explain Deming’s principles for quality achievement. / Explain Deming’s fourteen principles of
quality management. How do you feel that these will be useful in today’s context in service
industry? (April/May 2014; Nov/Dec 2016; Nov/Dec 2017)
5 Elaborate the fourteen steps involved in Crosby’s total quality approach. (April/May 2017)
6 Explain the TQM framework.
7 State and explain the barriers to TQM implementation in an organization. / What are the barriers
while implementing TQM? Also explain evolution of quality. (May/June 2016)
8 What do you understand by the term quality statements? Elaborate them with examples.
(April/May 2017)
9 Illustrate the various steps in the customer satisfaction process. (Nov/Dec 2016)
10 Write short notes on: (i) customer perception of quality and (ii) customer complaints.
(Nov/Dec 2017)
11 Explain the role of senior management in TQM implementation. (Nov/Dec 2016)
12 Explain the contributions of Crossby to TQM.
13 (i) Describe the various dimensions of quality with respect to the following: quality in products
and quality in services.
(ii) Explain the common customer feedback collection tools. (April/May 2017)
14 Why to measure quality costs? Classify the various types of quality costs and give examples.
(Nov/Dec 2017)
Leadership - Strategic quality planning, Quality Councils - Employee involvement - Motivation,
Empowerment, Team and Teamwork, Quality circles Recognition and Reward, Performance appraisal-
Continuous process improvement - PDCA cycle, 5S, Kaizen - Supplier partnership - Partnering,
Supplier selection, Supplier Rating.
1 List out any four benefits of employee involvement? (April/May 2016)
Conformance, acceptance, contribution, commitment, cooperation, concentration, accountability,

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2 What is the Juran Trilogy (Quality Trilogy)?

The Juran Trilogy (Quality Trilogy) consists of three inter-related processes – quality planning,
quality control, and quality improvement – for managing quality.
3 What are the roles assigned to people in quality circles?
The QC organization has a four-tier structure consisting of Members, Leaders, Facilitators, and
Steering Committee .
4 Mention the major contribution of Feigenbaum to quality.
He was the originator of the concept of Total Quality Control (TQC). His concept of Total Quality
Control was used as the foundation by the Japanese for their practice called ‘Company-Wide
Quality Control’ [CWQC], which began in the 1960s and later evolved into TQM.
5 What are quality circles (QC)? (Nov/Dec 2017)
QC is a small team of people (around 8 to 10) coming from the same work area/department who
voluntarily meet on a regular basis (about an hour every week) to identify, investigate, analyze and
solve work-related problems.
QC can be viewed from three angles: 1. as a form of participative management, 2. as a HRD
technique and 3. as a problem-solving technique.
6 What are Crosby’s four absolutes of quality management?
1. Quality means conformance to requirements, not elegance.
2. Quality is achieved by prevention, not appraisal.
3. The performance standard is zero defects, not acceptable quality levels. Quality is free.
4. Quality is measured by the price of non-conformance, not indexes
7 What are the steps in implementing quality circle projects?
1. Select the problem, 2. Study the problem, 3. Plan the improvement, 4. Carry out the improvement
5. Check the results, 6. Form conclusions, 7. Present to management, 8. Obtain approval and
9. Implement on regular basis.
8 Mention some tools used by quality circles for solving problems.
Data collection, Brainstorming, Check sheets, Pareto Analysis, Cause & Effect diagrams, Control
charts, Presentation techniques, etc. are used by quality circles in solving problems.
9 Mention some major objectives of quality circle projects.
1. Improve quality and productivity, 2. Cost reduction,
3. Effective utilization of resources, 4. Avoid unnecessary errors, defects and
5. Solve work-related problems that interfere with production.
10 What is 5 s? / What are the Japanese 5S principles?
The 5S’s stand for five Japanese words: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke.
In English, they mean Sort, Arrange, Clean up, Systematize, and Discipline respectively.
11 What does Seiri mean?
Separate out all unnecessary things and remove them, retaining only necessary things.
12 What does Seiton mean?
Seiton means orderliness. It means setting everything in proper order so that they can be easily
accessed for use and quickly put away in their proper locations after use.
13 What does Seiso mean?
Keep machinery and work environment clean.
14 What does Seiketsu mean?
Develop routine practices for orderly, systematic working.
15 What does Shitsuke mean?
Impart systematic training and coaching to ensure discipline in 5S implementation

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16 Explain Kaizen. (April/May 2017)
Kaizen, which is a Japanese word that means gradual and orderly continuous improvement, is a
philosophy that covers all business activities and everyone in an organization. In the kaizen
philosophy, improvement in all areas of business – cost, meeting delivery schedules, employee
safety and skill development, supplier relations, new product development, and productivity –
serve to improve the quality of the firm. Thus, any activity directed toward improvement falls under
the kaizen umbrella.
17 Explain supplier rating.
A supplier rating system (often called a scorecard system) is usually based on quality, delivery, and
service; however, some customers have added other categories, such as lead time, product support,
technology, etc.
18 Define empowerment.
Empowerment requires a sincere belief and trust in people. It involves employees directly in
decision-making processes, giving them the security and confidence to make decisions, and
providing them with the necessary tools and training.
19 Distinguish between reward and recognition.
Creating incentives for suppliers is one way to ensure that they remain committed to a quality
improvement strategy. Incentives may be in the form of a preferred supplier category with its
rewards. Recognition may be in the form of publication of outstanding contributions in the
customer’s newsletter, a letter of commendation, or a plaque.
20 Why should suppliers be treated as partners?
Costs due to inferior materials/components from suppliers increase costs in the later stages of
production. Suppliers themselves are part of the whole system and hence should be treated as long-
term partners.
21 Mention some benefits of implementing 5S principles.
5S increases productivity, eliminates waste, reduces inventory, creates a pleasant workplace,
improves safety, and increases the overall efficiency and effectiveness of people and machines
22 What are the functions of quality circles? (April/May 2016)
QC is a small team of people coming from the same work area/department who voluntarily meet on
a regular basis to identify, investigate, analyze and solve work related problems. They improve
quality and productivity, concentrate on cost reduction, plan effective utilization of resources, avoid
unnecessary errors, defects etc.
23 How employee involvement can be improved in an organization? (Nov/Dec 2016)
1. Use the right employee involvement survey, 2. Focus on involvement at the local and
organizational levels, 3. Select the right managers, 4. Coach managers and hold them accountable for
their employees' involvement and 5. Define involvement goals in realistic, everyday terms.
24 What are internal failure costs?
These are costs required to identify, repair, replace, or dispose off defective products/services prior
to delivery to the customer.
25. Write the requirements of reliable supplier rating. (Nov/Dec 2016)
Supplier rating system requires 3 key factors: 1. An internal structure to implement and sustain the
rating program, 2. A regular and formal review process and 3. A standard measurement system for
all suppliers.
26. List any four benefits of employee involvement. (April/May 2016)
Conformance, Acceptance, Contribution, Commitment, Cooperation, Accountability and ownership.
27. Why team and teamwork are required in TQM? (April/May 2017)
Teams are formed when individuals with a common preference, liking, and attitude come and work
together for a common goal. Teams play a very important role in organizations.
Team work is essential in corporate for better output and a better bonding among employees.
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1 Write a note on quality planning and strategic quality planning. (April/May 2014; Nov/Dec 2016)
2 Explain the different types of teams. (Nov/Dec 2011)
3 Explain all the elements in 5’S principle and also the implantation procedure of 5’S in a
manufacturing company. / Elaborate the Japanese 5s as applicable to services. (Nov/Dec 2011;
Nov/Dec 2017)
4 Give detailed notes about quality circle. / Explain about structure of quality circle and quality
circle tools.
5 Write about the system of recognition and reward followed in an organization. (Nov/Dec 2011)
6 What are the steps involved in continuous improvement process. (Nov/Dec 2011)
7 List the five levels in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and describe in detail each level.
8 What are the characteristics of empowered employee? And also discuss the benefits of
empowered environment.
9 Explain in detail the concept of employee involvement.
10 Write short note on: (i) supplier partnership, (ii) partnering, (iii) supplier selection and
(iv) supplier rating. (Nov/Dec 2016)
11 Discuss how quality council is structured in (i) university academic department and
(ii) manufacturing facility. (April/May 2016)
12 (i) Explain the phases of PDSA cycle and its illustration. (April/May 2016) / Give a detailed note
on PDCA cycle. (Nov/Dec 2016)
(ii) What is 5S and why does the organization adopt this technique? (April/May 2016)
13 Portray the characteristics of empowered employees. (Nov/Dec 2016)
14 (i) Enumerate the duties of quality council. / Discuss the role and contributions of quality
council. (April/May 2017; Nov/Dec 2017)
(ii) Explain McGregor’s theory X and theory Y.
The seven traditional tools of quality - New management tools - Six sigma: Concepts, Methodology,
applications to manufacturing, service sector including IT - Bench marking - Reason to bench mark,
Bench marking process - FMEA - Stages, Types
1 List the seven tools of quality.
1. Check sheets, 2. Histograms, 3. Cause and effect diagrams, 4. Pareto diagrams, 5. Stratification
analysis, 6. Scatter diagrams and 7. Control charts.
2 What is check sheet?
A check sheet or tally sheet is a form for systematic data gathering and registering to get a clear view
of the facts.
3 When do you use the check sheet?
A check sheet is used to indicate the frequency of a certain occurrence.
4 What are the types of check sheets commonly used? (April/May 2016)
1. Process distribution check sheet, 2. Defective item check sheet, 3. Defect location check sheet and
4. Defect factor check sheet.
5 Write the different concepts of six sigma. (April/May 2017; Nov/Dec 2017)
Six sigma is similar to Zero Defects (ZD), is a philosophical benchmark or standard of excellence
proposed by Philip Crosby. Six sigma strives for perfection. It allows for only 3.4 defects per million
opportunities (or 99.99966 percent accuracy).
6 What is histogram? When do you use histogram?
A histogram is a bar chart / diagram showing a distribution of variable quantities or characteristics.
It is graphical display of the frequency distribution of numerical data.
A histogram is used to show clearly where the most frequently occurring values are located and the
data is distributed. It enables the analyst to quickly visualize the features of a complete set of data.
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7 What is meant by bench marking? (Nov/Dec 2016)
A measurement of the quality of an organization's policies, products, programs, strategies, etc., and
their comparison with standard measurements, or similar measurements of its peers.
8 How to use cause and effect diagram. (Nov/Dec 2016)
The cause and effect diagram or Fishbone diagram is a graphical-tabular chart to list and analyze the
potential causes of a given problem.
It can be used (i) When identifying possible causes for a problem and (ii) When a team tends to fall
into ruts.

9 Under what situations, one can use cause and effect diagram?
The cause and effect diagram has unlimited application in research manufacturing, marketing, office
operations, services, etc.
10 What are the uses of CE diagram?
The cause and effect diagrams are used: 1. to analyse cause and effect relationships, 2. to facilitate
the search for solutions of related problems, 3. to standardize existing and proposed operations and
4. to educate and train personnel in decision-making and corrective action activities.
11 What are the various types of histogram?
1. Bell-shaped, 2. Double-peaked, 3. Plateau, 4. Comb, 5. Skewed, 6. Truncated, 7. Isolated peak and
8. Edged peak.
12 What is pareto diagram? State the pareto principle.
A pareto diagram is a diagnostic tool commonly used for separating the vital few causes that
account for a dominant share of quality loss.
Pareto principle states that a few of the defects accounts for most of the effects.
13 What are the purposes of pareto principle?
Pareto analysis can be used in a wide range of situations, where one need to priorities problems
based on its relative importance.
14 What is stratification?
Pareto analysis can be used in a wide range of situations, where one need to priorities problems
based on its relative importance.
15 What is scatter diagram?
The scatter diagram is a simple graphical device to depict the relationship between two
16 When do you use the scatter diagram?
The purpose of the scatter diagram is to display what happens to one variable when another
variable is changed.
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17 Define statistics applications of statistical techniques.
Statistics is defined as the science that deals with the collection, tabulation, analysis, interpretation
and presentation of quantitative data.
18 What are major functions of statistical analysis? Write down the applications of statistical
The major functions of statistical analysis are: 1. reducing the complexity of the situation, 2. making
comparisons and drawing conclusions, 3. estimating and predicating, and Decision-making.
Statistical techniques are applicable in all situations where quantification is possible. The statistical
analysis has become indispensable to practically every field that exists.
19 What are the types of graphs used in representing frequency distribution?
Histogram, Frequency polygon and frequency curve, and Cumulative frequency or the ‘Ogive’.
20 How do obtain frequency curve?
A frequency curve is obtained by drawing a smooth freehand curve through the points of the
frequency polygon. The cumulative frequency curve (also called an Ogive) obtained by plotting
upper class limits (or lower class limits) against the ‘less than’ (or ‘more than’) cumulative
frequencies is known as ‘less than’ Ogive (or ‘more than’ Ogive).
21 What do you mean by measure of central tendency? What are the three measures of central
A measure of central tendency of a distribution is a numerical value that describes the central
position of the data.
Three measures of central tendency are 1. Mean, 2. Median and 3. Mode.
22 What are the three measures of dispersion?
Measures of dispersion tell us how the individual observations are spread on either side of the
1. Range, 2. Mean deviation and 3. Standard deviation.
23 What is meant by attribute? What is the use of control charts for attributes?
1. An attribute refers to those quality characteristics that confirm to specifications or do not conform
to specifications.
2. Control charts for attributes monitor the number of defects or fraction defects or fraction defect
rate present in the sample.
3. p chart: The chart for fraction rejected as non-conforming to specification
4. np chart: The control chart for number of non-conforming items.
5. c chart: The control chart for number of defects.
6. u chart: The control chart for number of defects per unit.
24 Define fraction defective (p).
It is defined as the ratio of the number of defective articles found in any inspection to the total
number of articles actually inspected.
Mathematically, P = np/n Where, P= Fraction defective, np = Number of defectives, and
n = Number of items inspected in the sub-group
25 Write the specific use of np chart. (Nov/Dec 2016)
Np-charts are used to determine if the process is stable and predictable, as well as to monitor the
effects of process improvement theories.
26 Write down the difference between a defect and defective.
An item is said to be defective if it fails to conform to the specifications in any of the characteristics.
Each characteristics that does not meet the specifications is called defect. For example, if a casting
contains undesirable hard sports, below holes, etc., the casting is defective and the hard spots, below
holes, etc., are the defects.
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27 Differentiate between producer’s risk and consumer’s risk.
Producer’s risk: It is the probability of rejecting a good lot which otherwise would have been
accepted. Consumer’s risk: It is the probability of accepting a defective lot which otherwise would
have been rejected.
28 What are the five phases in six sigma process?
The five phases in six sigma process are:
1. Define, 2. Measure, 3. Analyze, 4. Improve and 5. Control
29 Brief the scope of six sigma principle.
The six sigma concept is originated from manufacturing field. Now it is applied to non-
manufacturing processes also. Today one can apply six sigma to many fields such as services,
medical and insurance procedures, call centres, etc.
30 What are the types of check sheets commonly used?
1. Process distribution check sheet, 2. Defective item check sheet, 3. Defect location check sheet and
4. Defect factor check sheet.
31 State the primary objectives of six sigma. (April/May 2017)
The primary objective of six sigma is to reduce the process variability  (standard deviation) from
the target (mean µ).
32 Mention the use of Stratification chart in TQM. (April/May 2017)
Stratification chart is a used for data analysis. When data from variety of sources have been lumped
together this chart separates the data so that patterns can be seen.
Stratification is a method of analysis of data by grouping it in different ways. It is a simple, very
effective QC tool for improving the quality.

Collect data about only problem in product /


Consider potentially significant way of grouping

data on basis of factors experienced

Repeat data through graphic manner reflecting


Analyse results and try new grouping

1 What is six sigma concept? How can it be effective in a service organization? (Nov/Dec 2016)
2 Define histogram. Mention its types. Illustrate with an example. / Discuss about types of
histograms and their interpretations.
3 Explain the cause and effect diagram (or) fishbone diagram.
4 Define pareto diagram. Explain how to construct it? Also explain the stratification analysis.
What is it?
5 Define the scatter diagram. Mention its types. What is it?
6 Explain briefly about check sheet (or) data collection sheet with an example.
7 Explain in seven traditional quality tools with suitable examples / Explain any three new
management tools. (April/May 2014; April/May 2016; Nov/Dec 2016; Nov/Dec 2017)
8 What is bench marking? Explain its Types.

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9 Why bench marking is required in an organization? Write down the general procedure for bench
marking process.
10 Explain the failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA). (Nov/Dec 2016; Nov/Dec 2017)
11 What benefits have been achieved by the organization that has been successfully completed their
benchmarking programs? Name any four best practiced companies. (Nov/Dec 2016)
12 List out the different situations where FMEA is to be carried out. Give detailed FMEA procedure.
(April/May 2017)
13 Perform an FMEA to anticipate various problem faced and method to eliminate the problem of
getting up from bed in the morning and going to school. (April/May 2016)
Control Charts - Process Capability - Concepts of Six Sigma - Quality Function Development (QFD) -
Taguchi quality loss function - TPM - Concepts, improvement needs - Performance measures.
1 List the objectives of TPM programme.
The overall goals of TPM are: Maintaining and improving equipment capacity. Maintaining
equipment for life. Using support from all areas of operation. Encouraging inputs from all
employees. Using teams for continuous improvement.
2 What is product life characteristics curve?
The failure rate curve, called the product life characteristics curve, shows the failure rates (failures
per unit time) against time. It is also called as bathtub curve because of its shape.
3 What are the three stages shown on a product life characteristics curve?
The curve consists of three distinct stages: Early failure (‘infant mortality’ or ‘debug’), useful life
(‘normal failure’ or ‘chance’) and wear out (‘old age’) failure. The curve shows that the failure rates
are higher at the early and end stages of a product’s life and relatively low in between the two
4 What is the usefulness of the product life characteristics curve?
Knowing the product life characteristics curve for a particular product helps engineers predict
failure behavior and take suitable decisions.
5 What is the essential feature of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)?
TPM is keeping plant and equipment at their highest productive level through cooperation of all
areas of the enterprise. TPM brings maintenance into focus as a necessary and vital part of the
business. It is not regarded as a non-profit activity. Down time for maintenance is scheduled as an
integral part of the manufacturing process.
6 What are the various approaches to improving reliability of a product?
Standardization, redundancy, over-design, de-rating, design simplification, understanding the
physics of failure, burn-in, and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA).
7 What are the different ways of classifying maintenance activities?
Maintenance activities can be classified in various ways:
1. Planned (or preventive) maintenance vs. Unplanned (or breakdown) maintenance
2. Preventive maintenance can be sub-classified into periodic maintenance and predictive
3. Running maintenance vs. Shutdown maintenance
4. Time-based maintenance vs. Condition-based maintenance
8 What is some performance measures used to assess the success of TPM?
Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF), Mean Time To Repair (MTTR), Availability (A), Reliability
(R), Maintainability (M), Rate efficiency (RE), Speed efficiency (SE), Performance efficiency (PE),
Quality rate (Q), and Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE).
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9 What are the three categories of losses identified in TPM?
1. Losses that impede equipment efficiency, 2. Losses that impede human work efficiency and
3. Losses that impede effective use of production resources.
10 What are the eight pillars of TPM?
The eight pillars of TPM are: 1. 5S, 2. Jishu Hozen (Autonomous Maintenance), 3. Kobetsu Kaizen
(KK), 4. Planned Maintenance (PM), 5. Quality Maintenance (QM), 6. Training, 7. Office TPM and
8. Safety, Health and Environment.
11 What is office TPM?
Office TPM is aimed at improving quality, productivity and efficiency in the administrative
functions and identifying and eliminating losses.
12 What is Business Process Reengineering (BPR)?
The fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to improve performance
dramatically in terms of measures like cost, quality, service and speed.
13 What are some key requirements for success in BPR implementation?
The key requirements for success in BPR are: 1. Fundamental understanding of processes,
2. Creative thinking and 3. Effective use of information technology.
14 Distinguish between Kaizen and BPR.
Kaizen involves incremental improvements, whereas BPR involves breakthrough improvements.
Both are essential for successful implementation of TQM.
15 What are the seven principles of reengineering?
1. Organize around outcomes, not tasks,
2. Those who use the output of the process must perform the process,
3. Merge information processing work into the real work that produces the information,
4. Treat geographically dispersed resources as though they are centralized,
5. Link parallel activities instead of integrating their results,
6. Put the decision point where the work is performed and
7. Capture information once – at the source.
16 Mention the major steps in BPR implementation.
1. Develop business vision and process objectives, 2. Study the existing procedures, 3. Identify the
process for reengineering, 4. Identify customer requirements, 5. Understand the current process,
6. Identify gaps between current process and customer requirements, 7. Evaluate enablers
(organizational issues, information technology), 8. Develop improved process, 9. Develop action
plan for implementation, 10. Implement the reengineered process and 11. Follow up.
17 What is quality loss?
This loss includes costs to operate, failure to function, maintenance and repair costs, customer
dissatisfaction injuries caused by poor design and similar costs.
18 Mention some major benefits of BPR.
1. Better financial performance, 2. Enhanced customer satisfaction, 3. Cost reduction, 4. Better
product/service quality, 5. Increase in productivity, 6. Improved flexibility / responsiveness,
7. Reduced process times, 8. Improved employee participation, 9. Increased competitiveness and
10. Improved delivery performance.
19 Mention some major limitations of BPR.
Reengineering involves a great deal of risk. Some major limitations of BPR are:
1. BPR is strong medicine, often resulting in massive layoffs,
2. It could cause disruptions in existing jobs, management systems, and organizational structures,
3. It often involves large investments, especially in IT,
4. BPR cannot succeed in organizational cultures which are resistant to change and
5. BPR is not simple or easily done, nor is it appropriate for all processes and for all organizations.

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20 What is QFD?
Quality function development may be defined as a system for translating consumer requirements
into appropriate requirements at every stage, from research through product design and
development, to manufacture, distribution, installation and marketing, sales and service.
21 What is control chart? List the types of control charts. (Nov/Dec 2017)
A control chart is a graph that displays data taken over time and the variation of this data.
Control charts for variables – for measurable data such as time, length, temperature, weight,
pressure, etc.
Control charts for characteristics- for quantifiable data such as number of defects, typing errors in a
report, etc.
22 When do you use control chart?
The purpose of control chart is to identify when the process has gone out of statistical control, thus
signaling the need for some corrective action to be taken.
23 What are some factors affecting the success of BPR implementation?
1. Critical/core processes, 2. Strong leadership, 3. Cross-functional teams, 4. Information technology,
5. Clean slate’ philosophy and 6. Process analysis.
24 What are the performance measures of TQM?
Customer orientation, value based operations, performance compatibility, teamwork, development
and monitoring.
25 What is meant by process capability? (April/May 2016)
Process capability may be defined as the “minimum spread of a specific measurement variation
which will include 99.7% of the measurements from the given process”.
Process capability=6. Since 99.7% area in the normal curve is between -3 and +3.
26 What are the benefits of TPM? (or) List out the benefits of total productive maintenance.
(April/May 2016; April/May 2017)
Increased equipment productivity, Improvement equipment reliability, Reduced equipment
downtime, Increased plant capacity, Extended machine time, Lower maintenance and production
costs, Approaching zero equipment-caused defects, Improved team work between operators and
maintenance people, Enhanced job satisfaction, Improved return on investment, Improved safety.
27 Define process capability index. (Nov/Dec 2016)
The process capability index or process capability ratio is a statistical measure of process capability;
the ability of a process to produce output within specification limits. The concept of process
capability only holds meaning for processes that are in a state of statistical control. Process capability
indices measure how much "natural variation" a process experiences relative to its specification
limits and allows different processes to be compared with respect to how well an organization
controls them.
28. Write down the various stages of FMEA. (April/May 2016; Nov/Dec 2017))
The FMEA methodology has four stages. They are: Stage1: Specifying possibilities,
Stage2: Quantifying risk, Stage3: Correcting high risk causes and Stage4: Re-evaluation of risks.
1 Explain control chart (or) Shewhart chart. / Explain with an example of any three control charts.
(April/May 2016; Nov/Dec 2016)
2 Compare the variable charts and attribute charts.
3 Briefly outline the six sigma DMAIC process.
4 Briefly explain the steps involved in QFD. (Nov/Dec 2010; April/May 2016)

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5 Explain each section of the basic structures of house of quality. (Apr/May 2010) / Explain in detail
about the structure of house of quality. (April/May 2014; Nov/Dec 2016)
6 Discuss objectives of quality function deployment.
7 Highlight the benefits of QFD. (Apr /May 2010; Nov/Dec 2016)
8 Explain about Taguchi’s quadratic quality loss function. How it differs from traditional approach
of quality loss cost? (April/May 2013)
9 (i) The Taguchi loss function for a certain component is given by L(X) = 7500 (X-N)2, where X =
the actual value of a critical dimension and N is its Nominal value. Company Management
has decided that the maximum loss that can be accepted is Rs. 400. If the nominal dimension
is 35.00 mm, find the tolerance limits.
(ii) Explain the concept of signal to noise ratio. (Nov/Dec 2017)
10 Explain Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) with case study / What is Total Productive
Maintenance (TPM)? / Discuss the concepts of TPM. (Nov/Dec 2017)
11 Devise a QFD methodology for design and development of cups used in vending machine for
dispersing hot and cold beverages. (April/May 2016)
12 Write down the objectives of implementing total productive maintenance. Discuss about the core
elements of TPM program. Compare TQM and TPM. (April/May 2017; Nov/Dec 2017)
13 (i) List out the benefits of performance measure. (April/May 2017)
(ii) Briefly explain the DMAIC procedure
Need for ISO 9000 - ISO 9001-2008 Quality System - Elements, Documentation, Quality Auditing - QS
9000 - ISO 14000 - Concepts, Requirements and Benefits - TQM Implementation in manufacturing and
service sectors.
1 What is the concept of Environment Management System (EMS)?
1. An EMS meeting the requirements of ISO 14001:2004 is a management tool enabling an
organization of any size or type to:
2. Identify and control the environmental impact of its activities, products or services, and to
3. Improve its environmental performance continually, and to
4. Implement a systematic approach to setting environmental objectives and targets,to achieving
these and to demonstrating that they have been achieved
2 What are ISO 9000 quality standards?
ISO 9000 are a set of quality standards aimed at promoting the growth of international trade by
facilitating harmonious interactions between suppliers and customers located in diverse locations
globally. It is a quality management system [QMS] to ensure quality of products and services.
3 Write about documentation pyramid.
Tier 1 - Quality manual
The top tier is the quality manual, which contains:
 Statements about management’s commitment to quality
 Quality Policies
 Information about responsibilities for quality related processes
 It should also contain a list of tier-2 quality documents and how to locate them.
 The manual also may contain high-level information about key areas of the quality system
like documentation and design control.

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Tier 2 - Procedures and instructions

Tier-2 of the ISO 9001:2008 Documentation pyramid is the bulk of the quality procedures, standard
operating procedures (SOPs), work instructions and explains detailed responsibilities for process
Tier 3 - Quality records
Tier-3 consists of quality records. Most of the quality records are generated based on tier-2
procedures. Quality records include customer specifications, order processing paperwork or
records, incoming inspection records, and product test results
4 Define quality management systems.
Quality management systems are the organizational structures, responsibilities, processes,
procedures, and resources used for implementing quality.
5 What are the quality function needs served by the computer?
1. Data collection, 2. Data analysis and reporting, 3. Statistical analysis, 4. Process control, 5. Test
and inspection and 6. System design
6 What are the different types of documents found in ISO 9000?
1. Quality Policy Manual (What? Why?), 2. Quality System Procedures (Who? When? Where?),
3. Work Instructions (How?) and 4. Records, formats and forms (Evidence).
7 What are the eight quality principles underlying ISO 9000:2000?
1. Customer focus, 2. Leadership, 3. Involvement of people, 4. Process approach, 5. System approach
to management, 6. Continuous improvement, 7. Decisions based on facts and 8. Mutually beneficial
supplier relationships.
8 Define quality system audit. (Nov/Dec 2017)
Quality system audits is a systematic, independent examination to determine whether quality
activities and results comply with planned arrangements, whether these arrangements are
implemented effectively, and whether these are suitable to achieve objectives.
9 What are the different types of audit?
First party audit (internal), Second party audit (by customer), and Third party audit (by
independent agency). Another classification: System audit, Process audit, Product audit, Adequacy
audit, and Compliance audit
10 What are the different stages in conducting quality audit?
1. Audit planning – schedules, personnel, notifications, checklist.
2. Performance – opening meetings, audit process, noting of non-conformities.
3. Reporting – Observations, suggestions for corrective action
4. Follow-up – implementation of corrective action.
11 Give any five elements of ISO 9000.
1. Management responsibility, 2. Quality system, 3. Contract review, 4. Design control, 5. Document
control, 6. Purchasing, 7. Purchaser supplied product, 8. Product identification and traceability,
9. Process control and 10.Inspection & testing.
12 Give the objectives of internal audit.
1. Determine the actual performance conforms to the documented quality systems.
2. Initiate corrective action activities in response to deficiencies.
3. Follow up on noncompliance items of previous audits.
4. Provide continued improvement in the system through feedback to management.
13 What are the uses of ISO standards?
1. Fewer on-site audit by customers, 2. Increased market share, 3. Improved quality, both internally
and externally, 4. Improve product and service quality levels from suppliers, 5. Greater awareness
of quality by employees, 6. A documented formal systems and 7. Reduced operating costs.

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14 Explain the management’s responsibility for ISO.
Top management shall provide evidence of its commitment to the development and
implementation of the quality management system and continually improving its effectiveness by
1. Communicating to the organization the importance of meeting customer as well as statutory and
2. Requirements, establishing the quality policy,
3. Ensuring that quality objectives are established,
4. Conducting management reviews, and
5. Ensuring the availability of resources.
15 What is the need for ISO standards? (Nov/Dec 2017)
ISO 9000 is needed to unify the quality terms and definitions used by industrialized nations and use
terms to demonstrate a supplier’s capability of controlling its processes.
16 What is third party audit?
The third party certification audit is carried out much in the same way as first party and second
party quality system assessments and audits. However, the big difference is that an independent
accredited auditing body carries out the assessment and audit, as opposed to carrying it out by the
organization themselves. Also note that the organization going for third party audits are responsible
for the payment of the third party audit process.
17 What are the documentation requirements of quality management systems?
The quality management system documentation shall include: 1. Documented statements of a
quality policy and quality objectives, 2. A quality manual, 3. Documented procedures and records
required by this International Standard and 4. Documents, including records, determined by the
organization to be necessary to ensure the effective planning, operation and control of its processes.
18 What are the requirements of ISO 14001?
1. General requirements, 2. Environmental policy, 3. Planning. 4. Implementation and operation and
5. Checking and corrective action and 6.Management review.
19 What are the benefits of ISO 14001?
1. Facilitate trade and remove trade barriers, 2. Improve environmental performance of planet earth
and 3. Build consensus that there is a need for environment management and a common
terminology for EMS.
20 What are the general requirements of quality management system?
The organization shall establish, document, implement and maintain a quality management system
and continually improve its effectiveness in accordance with the requirements of this International
The organization shall
(a) determine the processes needed for the quality management system and their application
throughout the organization,
(b) determine the sequence and interaction of these processes,
(c) determine criteria and methods needed to ensure that both the operation and control of these
processes are effective,
(d) ensure the availability of resources and information necessary to support the operation and
monitoring of these processes,
(e) monitor, measure (where applicable), and analyses these processes and
(f) implement actions necessary to achieve planned results and continual improvement of these

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21 What is quality manual?
The organization shall establish and maintain a quality manual that includes:
1. scope of the quality management system, including details of and justification for any exclusions,
2. The documented procedures established for the quality management system, or reference to them
and 3. A description of the interaction between the processes of the quality management system.
22 What are the benefits of ISO 14001?
1. Facilitates trade and remove trade barriers, 2. Improves environmental performance of planet
earth and 3. Builds consensus that there is a need for environment management and a common
terminology for EMS.
23 Name any two generic ISO standards. Why it is called generic standards? (Nov/Dec 2016)
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 are generic standards.
Generic means that the same standards can be applied:
1. To any organization, large or small, whatever its product or service, 2. In any sector of activity,
and 3. Whether it is a business enterprise, a public administration, or a government department.
24 Draw the documentation pyramid. (Nov/Dec 2011)

25 List down the main elements of ISO 14000. (April/May 2016)

1. Environmental policy, 2. Environmental aspects, 3. Legal and other requirements, 4. Objectives
and targets Environmental management program Structure and responsibility, 5. Training
awareness and competence, 6. Communication, 7. EMS documentation, 8. Document control,
9. Operational control Emergency preparedness and response, 10. Monitoring and measurement
and 11. Non-conformances and corrective and preventive.
26 Write down the benefits of ISO 9000 certification. (April/May 2016)
Increased marketability, Reduced operational expenses, Better management control, Increased
customer satisfaction, Improved internal communication, Improved customer service, Reduction of
product-liability risks and Attractiveness to investors.
27 What are the core elements of QMS? (Nov/Dec 2016)
1. Quality Policy with quality objectives and KPIs
2. Quality Manual detailing management responsibilities, organizational chart, description of the
company and what it does
3. Procedures – overview of specific parts of Nemesis Now operations – e.g. warehousing, sales etc.
Should also include procedure for Non-conformities, corrective actions and preventive actions,
and control of documents and records
4. Work instructions – detailed description of specific operations, such as completing a quote,
invoicing, sales appointment etc.
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5. Internal audit – periodic review of the Quality Management System and how it is being
implemented, including a review of non-conformities
6. Management review – a review by senior management of the internal audit results and other
quality data, including whether the KPIs have been achieved and any tends in data
28 What are the important requirements of QS9000? (April/May 2017)
1. Quality systems assessment guide, 2. Advanced product quality planning and control plan
reference manual, 3. Production part approval process manual, 4. Measurement system analysis
reference manual and 5. Fundamental statistical process control reference manual.
29 Mention the different types of quality audits. (April/May 2017)
Quality auditing is done by both internal and external bodies.
Based on the type of auditor, it is classified as: 1. First party audit, 2. Second party audit and
3. Third party audit
It is also classified based on the area of coverage as: 1. System audit, 2. Process audit and 3. Product
1 Explain documentation in quality standard.
2 Explain the requirements of ISO system to documentation. (April/May 2016)
3 Explain quality audits in detail. (Nov/Dec 2011)
4 List and explain the elements of ISO 9000 quality system. (April/May 2013; April/May 2014)
5 Discuss about implementation of ISO 9001. (Nov/Dec 2016)
6 Discuss the benefits of ISO 9000 certification. (April/May 2013)
7 Explain various divisions of ISO 14000 Standards. (Nov/Dec 2016).
8 Explain the major elements of environmental management system. (April/May 2014)
9 Explain the benefits of EMS. (Nov/Dec 2011)
10 Explain ISO 14000 standards and list the benefits. / What are the requirements, objectives and
benefits of ISO 14000 system? (April/May 2016; Nov/Dec 2017)
11 Discuss the need for standardization procedures for quality assurance. (April/May 2016)
12 Enumerate the various aspects of ISO 14000 environmental management system. Brief the
various principles of ISO 14000 series. (April/May 2017)
13 Illustrate the detailed procedure for quality auditing. Brief the attributes of a good auditor.
(April/May 2017)
14 Explain how each element of TQM contributes to products and services of superior quality.
(Nov/Dec 2017)

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