Family Study Proforma
Family Study Proforma
Family Study Proforma
Family study discussion is one of the integral parts of Post-graduate teaching. It helps the Post-graduate to
have a comprehensive understanding regarding the dynamics in a family, and how each of these has a bearing
on the health and disease states of the family members. Having gone through the process of family study
presentation during the post-graduation, the authors felt that available family study formats (1,2) were either in-
complete or were filled with lot of ambiguities or grey areas. Hence a need for an elaborate format was felt,
which can be accepted or can have consensus statement from majority of the Community Medicine Depart-
The authors accept that this pro-forma still remains incomplete. Hence all the Community Health Profes-
sionals from various institutes are requested to send in your suggestions, modifications, comments and criti-
cisms so that a single standard pro-forma can be put in use. The present publication is an attempt towards
collecting all possible details to be included in the pro-forma. Based on suggestions received from all the faculty
and other stakeholders the authors intend to bring out the addendums required to fill the pro-forma in the next
issue of the journal.
A. Area map
Important landmark, approach roads and health care facilities.
Type of road to approach the house: mud/ cement/ tar/ others
Appropriate roads and position of house in relation to adjacent dwelling.
B. General information
1. Name of the locality: 2. Name of the PHC/ UFWC:
3. Name of local governing body: 4. Major occupation in the area
5. Name of the head of family/ responsible adult respondent:
6. Name of the person interviewed:
7. His/her relation to the Head of the family: 8. Duration of stay at this address:
9. Address:
Relation to
Head of
Sl. No
a) Relationship to HoF: Self=1, Wife=2, Son=3, Daughter=4, Son/daughter in law=5, Grandchildren =6,
Mother in law /Father in law=7, Father=8, Mother=9, Others =10
b) Sex: Male=1, Female= 2
c) Single =1, Married =2, Widowed =3, Separated/ Divorced =4
Education: 1st=1, 2nd=2, 3rd=3, 4th=4, 5th=5, 6th= 6, 7th=7, 8th=8, 9th=9, 10th=10, PUC=11, Degree=12,
Semi-professional=13, Professional= 14, Not literate= 15
15. Monthly income of the family: Rs.
16. Monthly per-capita income of the family: Rs.
17. Socio-economic status of the family (Annexure-)
18. Schemes:
Widow Pension: Old age pension: Health insurance:
Other benefits etc.,
4. Ventilation:
a. No. of windows present:
b. No. of windows kept open:
c. Area of windows (in sq. feet):
d. No. of doors present:
5. Lighting:
a. Natural: Adequate/ Inadequate
b. Able to read newsprint in any 2/3rd portion of the house: Yes/ No
6. Kitchen:
a. Separate/ In-living space
b. Floor type: Kutcha/ Pucca
c. Platform: Present/ Absent
d. Whether platform is used for cooking: Yes/ No
e. Clean/ Dirty
f. Fuel used: Wood/ Kerosene/ LPG/ Electricity/ Others
g. Storage of cooked food: Closed/Open Container
h. Storage of uncooked food: Closed/Open Container
i. Smoke outlet: Present/ Absent
j. Smokeless Chulha: Present/ Absent
k. Washing area for utensils: Present/ Absent
l. Disposal of sullage – open drain/ sokage pit/ kitchen garden.
8. Bathing place:
a. Privacy: Present/ Absent
b. Light: Adequate/Inadequate
c. Maintenance: Good/ Poor
d. Accident prone areas: Present/ Absent
e. Drainage: Open/ Closed
9. Latrine:
a. Private/ Shared/ Community type
If shared, Whether it is sufficient: Yes/ No
b. Type: Flushable/ Water seal present
c. Utilized: Yes/ No
d. Children allowed or encouraged to defecate/ micturate near the house: Yes/ No
e. Distance of these toilets from dwelling place:
Sl Required Intake
Dietary items Recommended Comment
no. (gms) (gms)
1 Cereals 460 x CU
2 Pulses 40 x CU
3 Green leafy vegetables 40 x CU
4 Roots and tubes 50 x CU
5 Other vegetables 60 x CU
6 Milk 150 x CU
7 Sugar and jiggery 30 x CU
8 Oils and fats 40 x CU
Comment: Deficiency/ excess in:
H. Family health
General health
(present &
Waist Cir
Chest Cir
Head Cir
Hip Cir
Sl. No.
Health problems in any of the family members: High risk individuals in the family: Pregnant
Lactating Under-5 child Infant
I. KAP REGARDING HEALTH AND DISEASE (Ask about general knowledge about common diseases,
attitude towards health seeking behaviour and practices regarding treatment and prevention) related to causa-
tion and transmission of diseases.
2. Attitude:
a. Are you willing to follow the same system of medicine for treatment- Yes/ No
b. Are you willing to consult the doctor at regular intervals- Yes/ No
c. Are you willing to follow the same advice given by the doctor- Yes/ No
3. Practice:
a. Which system you are following now for treatment- Allopathy/ Ayurveda/ Unani/ Siddi/ tra-
ditional healer
b. Are you consulting your doctor at regular intervals- Yes/ No
c. Are you taking your medications regularly- Yes/ No
1. Antenatal Period:
a. Withholding food items during antenatal period:
b. Delivery at home itself:
c. Special diet
d. Physical activity
e. Antenatal care taken routinely or not?
f. Any other significant custom.
b. Puerperium.
i. Withholding food items during postnatal period:
ii. Any other significant custom
1. Social
2. Economic
3. Environmental
The authors sincerely acknowledge all the faculty and PGs of Department of Community Medicine Kempe-
gowda Institute of Medical Sciences, M S Ramaiah, St John’s Medical College, BGS Global Institute of Medical
Sciences, Bangalore and SS Institute of Medical Sciences, Davangere for all their suggestions. Without the guid-
ance of the entire senior faculty during the days of our own family study presentations, this manuscript would
not have been a reality!
1. Mathur JS. A guide book for family and field work in 3. Sunderlal, Pankaj, Adarsh. Textbook of community
social and preventive medicine. medicine: preventive and social medicine. 2 nd ed. CBS pub-
2. Park K. Park’s textbook of preventive and social lishers and distributors; 2007.
medicine. 22nd ed. Jabalpur: M/s Banarasidas Bhanot Pub-
lishers; 2013.