Coach Others in Job Skills (Training Guide)
Coach Others in Job Skills (Training Guide)
Coach Others in Job Skills (Training Guide)
Trainer Guide
Coach others in job skills
Trainer Guide
Project Base
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was established on 8 August 1967. The Member
States of the Association are Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia,
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All text is produced by William Angliss Institute of TAFE for the ASEAN Project on “Toolbox
Development for Priority Tourism Labour Division”.
This publication is supported by the Australian Government’s aid program through the ASEAN-
Australia Development Cooperation Program Phase II (AADCP II).
Copyright: Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 2012.
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Competency Based Training (CBT) and assessment an introduction for trainers .............. 1
Instructions for Trainers for using PowerPoint – Presenter View ................................... 157
© ASEAN 2012
Trainer Guide
Coach others in job skills
© ASEAN 2012
Trainer Guide
Coach others in job skills
Competency Based Training (CBT) and assessment an introduction for trainers
Unit of Competency
Like with any training qualification or program, a range of subject topics are identified that
focus on the ability in a certain work area, responsibility or function.
Each manual focuses on a specific unit of competency that applies in the hospitality
In this manual a unit of competency is identified as a ‘unit’.
Each unit of competency identifies a discrete workplace requirement and includes:
Knowledge and skills that underpin competency
Language, literacy and numeracy
Occupational safety and health requirements.
Each unit of competency must be adhered to in training and assessment to ensure
consistency of outcomes.
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Coach others in job skills
Competency Based Training (CBT) and assessment an introduction for trainers
Element of Competency
An element of competency describes the essential outcomes within a unit of competency.
The elements of competency are the basic building blocks of the unit of competency.
They describe in terms of outcomes the significant functions and tasks that make up the
In this manual elements of competency are identified as an ‘element’.
Performance criteria
Performance criteria indicate the standard of performance that is required to demonstrate
achievement within an element of competency. The standards reflect identified industry
skill needs.
Performance criteria will be made up of certain specified skills, knowledge and attitudes.
For the purpose of this manual learning incorporates two key activities:
Both of these activities will be discussed in detail in this introduction.
Today training and assessment can be delivered in a variety of ways. It may be provided
to participants:
On-the-job – in the workplace
Off-the-job – at an educational institution or dedicated training environment
As a combination of these two options.
No longer is it necessary for learners to be absent from the workplace for long periods of
time in order to obtain recognised and accredited qualifications.
Learning Approaches
This manual will identify two avenues to facilitate learning:
Competency Based Training (CBT)
This is the strategy of developing a participant’s competency.
Educational institutions utilise a range of training strategies to ensure that participants are
able to gain the knowledge and skills required for successful:
Completion of the training program or qualification
Implementation in the workplace.
The strategies selected should be chosen based on suitability and the learning styles of
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Competency Based Training (CBT) and assessment an introduction for trainers
Flexibility in Learning
It is important to note that flexibility in training and assessment strategies is required to
meet the needs of participants who may have learning difficulties. The strategies used will
vary, taking into account the needs of individual participants with learning difficulties.
However they will be applied in a manner which does not discriminate against the
participant or the participant body as a whole.
Catering for Participant Diversity
Participants have diverse backgrounds, needs and interests. When planning training and
assessment activities to cater for individual differences, trainers and assessors should:
Consider individuals’ experiences, learning styles and interests
Develop questions and activities that are aimed at different levels of ability
Modify the expectations for some participants
Provide opportunities for a variety of forms of participation, such as individual, pair and
small group activities
Assess participants based on individual progress and outcomes.
The diversity among participants also provides a good reason for building up a learning
community in which participants support each other’s learning.
Participant Centred Learning
This involves taking into account structuring training and assessment that:
Builds on strengths – Training environments need to demonstrate the many positive
features of local participants (such as the attribution of academic success to effort,
and the social nature of achievement motivation) and of their trainers (such as a
strong emphasis on subject disciplines and moral responsibility). These strengths and
uniqueness of local participants and trainers should be acknowledged and treasured
Acknowledges prior knowledge and experience – The learning activities should be
planned with participants’ prior knowledge and experience in mind
Understands learning objectives – Each learning activity should have clear learning
objectives and participants should be informed of them at the outset. Trainers should
also be clear about the purpose of assignments and explain their significance to
Teaches for understanding – The pedagogies chosen should aim at enabling
participants to act and think flexibly with what they know
Teaches for independent learning – Generic skills and reflection should be nurtured
through learning activities in appropriate contexts of the curriculum. Participants
should be encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning
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Competency Based Training (CBT) and assessment an introduction for trainers
Simulation Games
When trainees need to become aware of something that they have not been conscious of,
simulations can be a useful mechanism. Simulation games are a method based on "here
and now" experience shared by all the participants. The games focus on the participation
of the trainees and their willingness to share their ideas with others. A "near real life"
situation is created providing an opportunity to which they apply themselves by adopting
certain behaviour. They then experience the impact of their behaviour on the situation. It
is carried out to generate responses and reactions based on the real feelings of the
participants, which are subsequently analysed by the trainer.
While use of simulation games can result in very effective learning, it needs considerable
trainer competence to analyse the situations.
Individual /Group Exercises
Exercises are often introduced to find out how much the participant has assimilated. This
method involves imparting instructions to participants on a particular subject through use
of written exercises. In the group exercises, the entire class is divided into small groups,
and members are asked to collaborate to arrive at a consensus or solution to a problem.
Case Study
This is a training method that enables the trainer and the participant to experience a real
life situation. It may be on account of events in the past or situations in the present, in
which there may be one or more problems to be solved and decisions to be taken. The
basic objective of a case study is to help participants diagnose, analyse and/or solve a
particular problem and to make them internalise the critical inputs delivered in the training.
Questions are generally given at the end of the case study to direct the participants and to
stimulate their thinking towards possible solutions. Studies may be presented in written or
verbal form.
Field Visit
This involves a carefully planned visit or tour to a place of learning or interest. The idea is
to give first-hand knowledge by personal observation of field situations, and to relate
theory with practice. The emphasis is on observing, exploring, asking questions and
understanding. The trainer should remember to brief the participants about what they
should observe and about the customs and norms that need to be respected.
Group Presentation
The participants are asked to work in groups and produce the results and findings of their
group work to the members of another sub-group. By this method participants get a good
picture of each other's views and perceptions on the topic and they are able to compare
them with their own point of view. The pooling and sharing of findings enriches the
discussion and learning process.
Practice Sessions
This method is of paramount importance for skills training. Participants are provided with
an opportunity to practice in a controlled situation what they have learnt. It could be real
life or through a make-believe situation.
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Competency Based Training (CBT) and assessment an introduction for trainers
This is a group process and includes those methods that involve usually fun-based
activity, aimed at conveying feelings and experiences, which are everyday in nature, and
applying them within the game being played. A game has set rules and regulations, and
may or may not include a competitive element. After the game is played, it is essential
that the participants be debriefed and their lessons and experiences consolidated by the
Trainers may require learners to undertake research activities, including online research,
to gather information or further understanding about a specific subject area.
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Competency Based Training (CBT) and assessment an introduction for trainers
Therefore, when assessing competency, an assessor has two possible results that can be
Pass Competent (PC)
Not Yet Competent (NYC).
Pass Competent (PC)
If the participant is able to successfully answer or demonstrate what is required, to the
expected standards of the performance criteria, they will be deemed as ‘Pass Competent’
The assessor will award a ‘Pass Competent’ (PC) if they feel the participant has the
necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes in all assessment tasks for a unit.
Not Yet Competent’ (NYC)
If the participant is unable to answer or demonstrate competency to the desired standard,
they will be deemed to be ‘Not Yet Competent’ (NYC).
This does not mean the participant will need to complete all the assessment tasks again.
The focus will be on the specific assessment tasks that were not performed to the
expected standards.
The participant may be required to:
a) Undertake further training or instruction
b) Undertake the assessment task again until they are deemed to be ‘Pass Competent’.
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Competency standard
Competency standard
UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to coach others in job skills in a range of settings within the hotel
industries workplace context.
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Competency standard
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Competency standard
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Competency standard
Being linked to a clear statement of orderly progression of learning so that the person
being coached has a clear indication of how to improve his or her performance
Being focused on achievement, not effort; the work should be assessed, not the person
being coached
Being specific to the learning outcomes of the coaching session so that assessment is
clearly linked to learning
Guiding people to become independent learners and their own critics
Providing a developmental approach for achievement of a certain skills set.
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Competency standard
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Competency standard
Assessment Methods
The following methods may be used to assess competency for this unit:
Case studies
Observation of practical candidate performance
Oral and written questions
Portfolio evidence
Problem solving
Role plays
Third party reports completed by a supervisor
Project and assignment work.
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Competency standard
Using technology 0
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Competency standard
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2. Trainer advises trainees this Unit comprises three Elements, as listed on the slide
Each Element comprises a number of Performance Criteria which will be identified
throughout the class and explained in detail
At times the course presents advice and information about various protocols but
where their workplace requirements differ to what is presented, the workplace
practices and standards, as well as policies and procedures must be observed.
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3. Trainer advises trainees that assessment for this Unit may take several forms, all of
which are aimed at verifying they have achieved competency for the Unit as required.
Trainer indicates to trainees the methods of assessment that will be applied to them for
this Unit.
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4. Trainer identifies for trainees the Performance Criteria for this Element, as listed on the
Class Activity – General Discussion
Trainer leads a general class discussion on coaching by asking questions such as:
What on the job coaching have you delivered?
How did you determine what things the staff needed to be coached in?
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5. Trainer explains to trainees that coaching plays an important role in any enterprise and
being asked to coach a workmate is recognition of their current skill and their potential
to pass on that expertise to others. Up-to-date skills and information must be regularly
passed on to both new and old employees.
Trainer advises coaching will ensure all staff are confident in working the systems and
equipment present in the workplace and in complying with workplace procedures.
Coaching may relate to:
Presenting and explaining verbal and/or written information
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These standards may be set in-house by the establishment, or they may be derived
from a government or industry-accredited course or source
It is essential the coach knows the standard they are expected to coach someone
to before they start delivering any coaching.
Class Activity – Handouts
Trainer obtains several examples of competency standards relevant to the group of
trainees, and:
Distributes same to trainees
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7. Trainer explains to trainees they can identify the standards applicable to their workplace
Talking to on-site trainers
Using their common sense coupled with industry and venue knowledge to
determine what is applicable.
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8. Trainer indicates to trainees that colleagues in their workplaces may require coaching
on existing systems and equipment, coaching on new systems and equipment, or they
may require remedial coaching (such as refreshing a person’s skills with the aim of
improving their current observable performance).
Trainer indicates that the need for such coaching can come from a number of sources:
Staff induction
Staff who are inducted may need initial skills coaching in certain areas (because
they have no experience at all with a specific task), or they may require remedial
coaching (because their existing experience is not at the standard required by the
new venue, or the equipment and procedures are different).
Where this is not provided, new staff can easily feel ignored and frustrated, leading
to high levels of staff turnover. Given that recruiting staff is time consuming and
expensive, it makes sense to ensure the appropriate levels of coaching are
delivered at this early stage of a person’s time with a new employer.
A request from a colleague for coaching
Many staff identify their own need for coaching. If this occurs recognise staff may
feel anxious about disclosing this need, feeling they are ‘admitting’ their
performance is below the required level and fearing losing their job
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Once again, be sympathetic to the staff concerned and ensure support for them,
rather than further increase their anxiety at being identified as being ‘deficient’ by
management. It is to be expected any staff who are told by management they need
training are going to be somewhat anxious about their future and job security.
Where appropriate, it is vital to begin such coaching by informing staff their jobs are
not under threat. A coaching session set within a framework of mutual co-operation
and benefit is much more likely to result in success than one set within a context of
coercion and worry.
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9. Trainer continues to advise trainees how the need for coaching a workplace colleague
may be identified:
As a result of personal observation of staff performance
Frequently, coaches are supervisors or middle level managers and their
job/position can present opportunities to observe staff in the workplace. Their
observations in this regard may indicate a need for coaching and, arguably, this is
something management expects supervisors to do
In reality this usually means a coach should not automatically respond with a
coaching response to each and every complaint received.
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Coaches must realise, for example, that just because staff could competently
operate the previous cash register, it does not mean they will be able to use the
new one
It is common for suppliers to provide some form of initial training, but it may well be
up to the coach to complete or complement this training, as well to train/coach new
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10. Trainer continues to advise trainees how the need for coaching a workplace colleague
may be identified:
As a result of changes in procedures
Changes in procedures may be caused by:
A change in management – new management can have new/different ways of
doing things
A change in establishment focus – such as a change in the customer profile
the establishment is trying to attract
Changes in equipment used – requiring coaches to teach staff how to use the
new items.
Changes in legal requirements
Existing legislation often varies over time, and new legislation can be introduced.
Common legislation requiring ongoing attention as a workplace relates to safety and
health, liquor licensing, gaming and food handling and any other compliance-related
Coaching as a result of these changes often involves making staff aware of the
new/revised legislation, but there are occasions where demonstrations to illustrate
the new laws and requirements are required
Case studies and role plays may be used to further illustrate mandatory legislated
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Advice they have for trainees who are to become workplace coaches.
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11. Trainer provides trainees with some basics regarding workplace coaching advising:
Any coaching session must be undertaken with a definite end in mind. Coaching
without an aim is a waste of time, money and effort and likely to be ineffective
The person being coached must be able to see they have a definite need for the
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Trainer facilitates research and conducts a discussion at the end of the research and
note taking.
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13. Trainer indicates to trainees that there is no limit to the skills coaching can effectively
address but in practice skill deficiencies often addressed by coaching tend to be those
which do not require formal or extended training sessions but which are short,
commonly-used tasks such as:
Customer service skills – greeting and welcoming customers; building rapport;
interpersonal skills; dealing with conflict; negotiating; handling complaints
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14. Trainer tells trainees specific coaching needs for each individual colleague will be
determined as a result of considering a combination of three main elements:
General need for coaching
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15. Trainer informs trainees the following is a representative list of factors they will need to
take into account when developing a coaching plan for a staff member, stressing they
must factor in these considerations because it is important because they do not want to
deliver coaching seen as unnecessary.
They need to make sure they address genuine, identified need:
Urgency of the coaching
This can be influenced by:
The number of staff needing to be coached – if all staff have to be coached, the
need can be urgent
The nature of the coaching topic – such as whether or not it is a legal
requirement, a safety issue, or strongly related to revenue and/or service
The colleague’s previous work, life experience and training
It is useful to know whether or not staff have had positive or negative experiences
with earlier coaching/training.
Colleagues with negative experiences relating to coaching/training can warrant:
Extra attention
More support
Added time to ensure they understand/learn the first time they receive
coaching – allowing you to build success upon success with your coaching.
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In the workplace this means having a very clear idea about the standards involved
in the task being coached, and the establishment practices and protocols that apply.
It is to be expected the person who is the coach will already know these or they
would not have been chosen as a coach
If the required workplace standards, criteria, practices and protocols are not fully
known, take action to learn them.
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16. Trainer continues to inform trainees the following is a representative list of factors they
will need to take into account when developing a coaching plan for a staff member:
The colleague’s prior knowledge
When coaching staff, it is standard practice for the coach to move from the known
to the unknown in terms of any knowledge or skill being delivered. This means
beginning with something the person being coached already knows, and building on
For example, if coaching a staff member on new legislated requirements in relation
to dealing with intoxicated customers, the experience the staff member had last
weekend when they refused service to an intoxicated person might be used as the
starting point for the session
Alternatively, a session on grinding coffee beans may be based on their previous
training in using the espresso machine to make lattes.
The colleague’s strengths
Knowing a staff member’s strengths provides the coach with an opportunity to use
the staff member themselves as a coach
There is absolutely nothing wrong with using other staff to coach other staff,
providing appropriate levels of competencies (perhaps combined with appropriate
experience too) exist
Knowing these strengths also ensures they are not coached in things they already
know and have competency in.
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17. Trainer continues to inform trainees the following is a representative list of factors they
will need to take into account when developing a coaching plan for a staff member:
The required standard/level at which the learner is required to work
There is only a need to coach staff to the level the establishment requires them to
work to, so before coaching starts the coach must know this level (sometimes
referred to as the ‘standard’) they are required to work to. Within the one venue
there can be different standards/levels of service or product. For instance, the level
of bar service in a cocktail bar will be different from what is required in another bar
When coaching, there is only a need to coach to the level/standard required in the
particular area where the staff member works. This means someone who works in a
cut-price establishment does not need to be trained to the level required of the
same position in a 5-star venue
Coaching people to a standard they do not need to have is a waste of time, effort
and money and may confuse the staff member who is being trained, especially
when they never get to use the extra skills or knowledge they are coached in. There
are, however, certain times when staff are intentionally coached in additional skills
and knowledge. This is known as ‘multi-skilling’ where workers gain skills and
knowledge to allow them to work in another area/department if the need to do so
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Sometimes coaching may occur during working hours and sometimes it may need
to occur before or after work.
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18. Trainer tells trainees it is important for the person being coached to be involved in the
development of their coaching plan. This helps them to understand coaching is being
created to suit their needs and to help bring their workplace performance in line with
expectations advising their involvement in the planning phase will:
Demonstrate intention to assist them as an individual. This discussion shows the
investment the business is prepared to make in them
Prove they are a valuable asset to the organisation even though they may not be
100% competent. This should help allay any fears they may have about losing their
job just because they cannot do things, or they do not know things
Allow them to share any additional coaching needs they have. Many staff have
’hidden’ coaching needs they are reluctant to share fearing job loss, reduced hours
or less chance of promotion
Enable getting to know them better as an individual. This includes finding out about
their previous training experiences, identifying restrictions they have on their
participation in coaching, talking about their previous work history/experience and
their out-of-work interests.
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19. Trainer suggests to trainees their discussion with the learner should also:
Explain why the coaching is needed
Highlight the benefits of receiving coaching – to the learner, to the business and to
the customers
Obtain agreement coaching is a legitimate activity in the particular context and can
be seen as a way of achieving mutually acceptable results
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20. Trainer introduces need for coaches to develop a plan for their coaching sessions
The more time spent preparing a coaching plan, the better the actual coaching will
A lack of adequate planning is the single most common reason for poor coaching.
In practice, how the actual coaching session goes, will depend 99% on the way it
was planned to go. The critical importance of planning any coaching/training
sessions cannot be overstated
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21. Trainer continues to provide background information to trainees about coaching plans:
There are many different ‘plans’ that can be used to help coaches deliver their
coaching sessions. Choose one best suited to individual need (theory and/or
practical) and individual style when coaching
All of these plans are essentially variations on a theme and trainees should feel
free to experiment with different coaching plans (or ‘session plans’, or ‘lesson
plans’) available
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Is for personal use only – no-one else needs to see it, read it or use it.
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23. Trainer continues presenting role of a coaching plan identifying they provide an
opportunity to work out in advance:
How session will start
How to determine, if applicable, whether the learner has successfully learned what
was intended
Timing requirements – how long the session and individual parts of it will take.
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24. Trainer advises trainees when coaching a skill it is advisable to prepare a Task
Breakdown Sheet which will necessitate them having a great understanding of the task:
All the knowledge, skills and actions required to complete the task
Standards and criteria applying to the task in the context of the workplace it is to be
Need to break down major steps of the task into sub-steps and features
Ensure correct sequencing of all activities
Be aware of any special factors applying to any aspect of any step or sub-step (the
so-called ‘tricks of the trade’, or certain safety issues).
Trainer advises trainees:
The quantitative aspects of standards/criteria) can frequently be measured in terms
of speed, wastage, weight, specific size and percentages and these are relatively
easy to measure, however qualitative factors (such as use of communication and
interpersonal skills) are more difficult to measure but are nonetheless critical
especially in the service industries
Where a Task Breakdown sheet is not used, there is always a risk the coach only
passes on the bits he/she knows (which may include dangerous practice, wasteful
methods, incorrect professional techniques), as well as the chance the job/task can
be delivered in a disjointed and ad hoc fashion or important key information is
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25. Trainer introduces one sample Coaching Plan model and identifies the basic
components of each which are explained on following slides.
Class Activity – Handout
Trainer distributes blank copy of Session Plan (see Trainer Manual) to trainees and
explains use of this form of coaching plan with reference to the slides.
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Essentially this is where the aims of the session are clearly and concisely stated at
the outset
Details such as date the coaching is to be delivered, specific title of the session if
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28. Trainer tells trainees the next section on this version of a lesson plan is an ‘Introduction’
This explains how the session will be introduced to attract learner interest in what is
about to be delivered, to help verify prior knowledge, or to revise any previous
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29. Trainer states to trainees the plan then contains three columns, the first of which is
headed ‘Contents’ advising:
The Content section should set out the key points to be covered in the session,
laying them out in the order identified as being the most appropriate sequential
Key questions may be written down to prompt about what to ask, key points may
also be written down to prompt about what to say – even the answers to planned
questions can be written in
Trainers must know where to draw the line about what to include in the training and
what to leave out – the focus needs to be on ‘must know’ information.
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30. Trainer explains to trainees other points to consider in any type of session plan are:
Must build on existing knowledge and proceed from the known to the unknown:
teach the basics first
Stick to the main topic – do not waste time on peripheral or unimportant issues
Put the task in context by illustrating how the content in question fits into the overall
scheme of things
Get learners to observe and then to reason about what they have seen
When writing the plan, ensure the writing is sufficiently large, clear and legible so it
can be referred to easily during the training session.
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32. Trainer tells trainees the third column headed ‘Time’ advising it:
Identifies the minutes required for each section of the proposed coaching session
Is used to help determine if the required Content will fit into the time available and
hence assists when splitting up a session by giving an idea of where to make
breaks between sessions
Helps guide pacing the delivery of the session to ensure it finishes on time.
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33. Trainer explains the final section/heading of this style of session/coaching plan is
Identifies what is going to be said at the end of the session to finalise the session
The Conclusion may include some verbal summary of what has been done, and/or
a few questions to check the extent of the learning and understanding
The conclusion should always include some constructive feedback to the learner
on how they went in the session.
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34. Trainer explains to trainees that this sample coaching plan is a different approach
highlighting it is an alternative way of achieving the same thing and, as such, is an
option they might consider when working out which approach best suits their individual
Trainer indicates:
It is simply another pro forma for a session/training plan – this model/approach sees
any training session as comprising 3 parts similar to an aircraft trip:
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35. Trainer shows trainees in this model the ‘Introduction’ could follow the GLOSS or the
INTRO mnemonic:
This stands for:
G – Get attention, create interest and involvement
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36. Trainer explains to trainees the INTRO way of starting this coaching plan:
This stands for:
I – Interest; what will be done to generate interest in the session
R – Range: identifying the range of workplace tasks this coaching may apply to
O – Outcomes: explaining what the learners will be able to do when they have
successfully completed the session.
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37. Trainer explains some techniques for trainees to use in a practical-based session where
demonstration will be used:
Tell trainees about what is going to happen
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38. Trainer explains points to note when presenting theory-based sessions linking same to
implementation of session plan:
Make sure the Introduction is motivating because attention will wane more readily
with theory sessions
Put in appropriate practical action as soon as possible after the theory has been
delivered where learners perform some sort of activity that applies the theory
Describes implementation
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39. Trainer continues providing trainees with tips regarding delivery of theory-based
Break theory into “bite-sized, digestible chunks’ – do not drown learners with
Do the ‘Must Know’ first – then the ‘Should Know’ and ‘Could Know’ if there is time
Determine the sequence to deliver in taking into account need to move from:
Most to least important
Simple to complex
Specific to general
Always cover safety concerns
Always refer to present workplace procedures.
Class Activity – Individual Exercise
Trainer provides trainees with time to:
Identify the possible focus for their Work Project 1.1
Begin thinking about the type of session plan they might use
Prepare some draft thoughts/planning regarding same
Start developing a possible session plan based on their initial thoughts.
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40. Trainer explains to trainees that there is often a belief coaching sessions ’just happen’.
The reality is effective coaching must be planned, organised and arranged, and
emphasising coaching sessions not properly planned tend to confuse the learner and
embarrass the coach.
Trainer identifies workplace policies about coaching can address:
The sequence in which coaching is delivered on various topics. The employer may
have a set order in which some certain topics must be addressed. For example,
safety is always a primary concern, followed by compliance with legislation,
customer relations and sales
Who is eligible to receive coaching. Generally, all staff are eligible
Where the coaching can occur. Most times it is in the workplace/on-the-job but
there may be times when:
A training room is to be used
Off-site training may be required
Payment for coaching
Whether or not staff who provide coaching are entitled to payment for
delivering out-of-hours coaching
When staff who receive coaching are eligible for payment. For example, if they
are coached out-of-hours (before or after work) and the rates which apply to
such payment
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Who can deliver the coaching. There may be a requirement only nominated people
with specified experience and/or qualifications are allowed to provide on-the-job
The relationship between coaching and other formal training. Coaching is usually
regarded as a fundamental addition to formal training, enabling workplace practice
and allowing the training to take on actual workplace context.
Class Activity – Guest Speaker
Trainer arranges another workplace coach to attend and talk to trainees about:
Their thoughts on being a workplace coach
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41. Trainer explains to trainees that coaching sessions are usually conducted in a range of
workplace contexts including:
On-the-job coaching during work hours
This is where the coaching is regarded as part of the time worked by the employee
This coaching initially takes place during quieter periods in order to minimise
disruption to trade and reduce interruption to service
Often this type of coaching will build up to coaching in busier situations where
actual workplace pressure can be added to in order to create a more realistic
Before or after work
These times are useful because the equipment needed for coaching is usually
available and free for coaching purposes rather than being needed for servicing
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The fact the learner may be tired after their working day so coaching them
‘after work’ may not be a good idea. If they are tired they are likely to be
resentful at having to stay back and be coached, and the chances are they will
not learn as efficiently either.
In a simulated location away from the actual workplace
This can occur where the organisation has a dedicated training room
It may involve moving off-site and using, for example, the facilities provided at head
office, a supplier’s premises, a recognised training provider (college or Institute) or
some other business with whom partnering arrangements have been established.
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42. Trainer presents to trainees factors to be taken into account when organising a
coaching session with a staff member:
Time and date
A specific time and place for coaching must be organised with the colleague. As we
have said, good coaching does not just happen, it has to be planned. The time and
place should be agreed to by you and the learner
Some establishments have a separate training room where coaching can take
place, but actual workplace coaching is preferred by many
It is a fact that coaching will tend to be ineffective if it takes place in an
inappropriate location and at an inappropriate time. For example, it would be very
unproductive to coach a colleague in a bar during trading hours where there is a
shortage of staff and has customers standing four-deep waiting for service
Coaching should be conducted wherever possible in a comfortable environment
and at a time when the learner will be able to focus solely on the information being
transferred. This means the coaching location should be as free as possible from
distractions and interruptions
There should also be a lack of external pressure from customers and other staff so
there should preferably not be other people standing around watching, or listening
to what is going on
Time, date and location of coaching will further/in part depend on the following
factors too.
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Also, the reason for the training will often determine what equipment and other
resources are needed to conduct the coaching.
Staff availability and personal availability
In many instances, staff may not be able to be coached when they are rostered ‘on’
to work. The reality is arranging a time for coaching is nearly always a problem
There may often be times when the coach is available and the staff member is not,
or vice versa
In many situations coaching may need to be done before or after work: in other
circumstances, there may be a need to negotiate with the relevant supervisor to
have staff released from duties to attend coaching.
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They have to involve staff to be coached in the decisions and negotiate a time and
date with them
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45. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee
understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.
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46. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee
understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.
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47. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee
understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.
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48. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee
understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.
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49. Trainer identifies for trainees the Performance Criteria for this Element, as listed on the
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50. Trainer identifies for trainees the Performance Criteria for this Element, as listed on the
Class Activity – Discussion
Trainer asks trainees questions regarding coaching delivery by asking questions such
Why is it important for workers to understand the reason behind the need for
workplace coaching?
How might you determine the level of skills and knowledge for a worker who is
going to be coached?
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51. Trainer reminds trainees coaching must never simply be imposed on staff but there
must be an understanding the coaching is needed and will result in some tangible
Trainer identifies coaching may be conducted to achieve one or more of the following:
To increase product knowledge which helps increase sales, enhances the
customer experience
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52. Trainer continues identifying reasons and benefits that can be used to explain to
colleagues why coaching is required:
To reduce wastage and improve bottom line profit; save resources
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53. Trainer reminds trainees before each coaching session, the following three things
should occur:
The purpose of the session should be explained to the learner
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54. Trainer provides trainees with suggestions to remember when preparing staff for
coaching are:
They should be informed of the need for the coaching and how it will benefit them in
their daily tasks. This will help provide fundamental motivation for the coaching and
demonstrate there is a genuine need for the coaching. Where applicable, the
learner should also be informed about how the coaching will benefit co-workers,
customers and the business
The learner should be encouraged. The coach must ensure staff feel they will be
supported and helped. Extremely high levels of interpersonal skills are critical for
successful coaches. Learners must feel confident and comfortable enough to ask
the coach questions. Any learner who feels uncomfortable with their coach, or feels
intimidated by them, will never learn to their optimum capacity. To be clear, it is
100% the responsibility of the coach to create and maintain this supportive and
encouraging environment
Staff should be encouraged to be involved in the coaching session. This means all
coaching sessions must be participatory in nature. Adults learn better and quicker if
they learn by doing rather than simply by watching or listening.
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55. Trainer continues providing trainees with suggestions to remember when preparing staff
for coaching:
The coaching session is being conducted for the benefit of the learner. The focus
must not be on the coach. It is a common trap for coaches to begin to feel the
coaching sessions are being undertaken so they can show the learner how smart or
competent they are. Remember: the coaching session is there to assist the learner,
not to indulge the coach
Create a positive environment conducive to learning. The coach must use excellent
interpersonal skills welcoming the learner into a supportive and caring place where
the focus is on fostering and cultivating. This means the coach will need to adjust
the pace or flow of their coaching to meet the needs of the learner. Not all learners
will learn at the same speed so the effective coach must modify their delivery to
take this into account.
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It is inadvisable for a coach who is not fully competent in a skill to try to coach in it
This may mean the coach has to practice the skill before coaching someone
It may mean using someone else who is proficient, to deliver the practical section of
the coaching session
Coach must ensure all safety aspects of all tasks are addressed.
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57. Trainer reminds trainees specific skills needing to be explained and demonstrated may
relate to:
New equipment introduced to the workplace
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Skills are generally those which do not require formal or extended training sessions.
This means coaching is commonly applied to common, practical tasks which are of
a short duration
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59. Trainer provides advice to trainees regarding the use of ‘explanation’ in coaching:
Use industry and establishment jargon as appropriate, but ensure full explanations
are provided where necessary. Communication should inform the learner, not
exclude or confuse them
Speak slowly, clearly and accurately. Do not rush words and never assume
knowledge on behalf of the learner
Refer to safety and health requirements where and when necessary. All coaching
must be set against a framework of required OHS practices. It is never acceptable
to coach people in unsafe practice, or in shortcuts that introduce the potential for
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60. Trainer explains there should be lots and lots of questions in any coaching session:
The learner will (hopefully) ask some but the coach should ask loads of them
Questions should be both ‘open’ and ‘closed’ questions, and they should be
designed to provide the coach with feedback on how the learner is progressing so
this information can be used to modify what is being done, if the need to do so
Asking questions does not come naturally to most people so practice in asking them
can be required
If the learner knows lots of questions will be asked, this can also serve as a
motivator for them to pay attention.
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61. Trainer provides examples of questions that can be used during a coaching session:
“Have you got any questions?”
Why would they be asked? What is the point of asking each question?
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62. Trainer provides trainees with guidelines to apply when using ‘demonstration’:
Coach must be capable/competent or they must obtain training for themselves, or
use another person to do the demonstration
There is an absolute need to get the task right the first time. Any mistakes will have
an enormous negative impact on the coaching and harm personal credibility in the
eyes of the person being coached
Provide explanation as necessary to, for example, explain ‘why’; name items,
ingredients and pieces of equipment; address safety; mention standards and criteria
Ensure all coaching reflects the requirements stated in the establishment’s SOPs
and policies
Make sure all learners (regardless of age, gender, race and other factors) receive
the full benefit of personal knowledge, experience and expertise. Do not withhold
information and tips from certain people
Adhere to manufacturer’s instructions. The way learners are coached must conform
to prescribed instructions, especially where things such as safety, operation and
cleaning are concerned. Explaining these requirements before the start is a good
idea, and also indicating to the learner where the ‘operating instructions’ are kept is
useful. Photocopying relevant parts of the operating instructions to give to the
learner for them to take away with them after the coaching session is even better
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Ensure safety. Check what is to be used for the demonstration beforehand to make
It is safe
It is fully functional
All parts are in place – including ancillary items such as printer ribbons in cash
It has been adjusted (where necessary) to suit the needs of the learner.
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63. Trainer presents standard, basic and key information to trainees regarding use of
‘demonstration’ as a means of coaching stating there is a little rhyme used by coaches
and trainers to describe how they might go about doing a demonstration with a learner:
“I do it normal,
I do it slow,
You do it with me,
Then off you go.”
Trainer advises trainees each of these steps will be explained on following slides.
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The task is explained to the learner and then the coach demonstrates the task at
normal speed with no pauses, and no explanations
This gives the learner the opportunity to see how ‘it’ is done and helps to put the
whole coaching session into perspective.
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The learner is encouraged to ask questions and the coach uses questions too
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Lots of questions are used by the coach such as “What do you think might be the
next step?”
Be alert to make sure the safety of the learner is never at risk. Stop the session if
the learner is in danger/at risk
Ensure the learner follows all the required steps. At this stage of their education,
the learner is not allowed to take short cuts or make up their own mind about
standards or the sequence of steps in the task
Offer support and encouragement. Where the learner has done a correct step it is
appropriate to offer some form of sincere praise (but not to over-do it): a simple
“Good”, “Yes”, “Well done” or just an approving nod of the head should be enough
Offer extra advice/coaching when the learner gets lost. This can be verbal advice,
providing another demonstration or a mix of the two.
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67. Trainer explains to trainees the line Then off you go:
This is the last stage of the coaching where the coach provides opportunity for the
learner to practice their newly learned skill
The opportunity for practice may be in the training room or on the floor in an actual
workplace situation
Usually, practice is also arranged with the learner’s supervisor so they too can
monitor what is being done and provide on the spot assistance when and if it is
The coach should check back with the learner (and/or the supervisor) periodically
to see how things are going and determine whether:
The learner needs more coaching
The learner is ready to move onto their next coaching task.
Class Activity – Demonstration
Trainer develops a short demonstration to be conducted in class using one of the
trainees as a workplace learner to show how “I do it normal, I do it slow, You do it with
me, Then off you do” operates.
Explains the demonstration to be conducted
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69. Trainer explains to trainees when observing a colleague attempting or practicing their
newly acquired skills, the following apply as guidelines:
Effectively correct the learner whenever they take an incorrect step. Corrective
action needs to be immediate so incorrect practices are not allowed to become
Ask questions to confirm the learner’s knowledge. Effective coaching will ensure
staff not only know what to do, but why they are doing it. For example, if the learner
correctly performed a sequence of tasks it is still appropriate for the coach to say
something like “Well done. Can you tell me why we turn the X valve off before we
release the pressure?”
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Encourage the learner as much as possible. Learners may be anxious about the
coaching so create an environment of success. If they get something right, it is
appropriate to say a quick “Good”, or “You’re doing well”. A smile or a nod of the
head can do the same job in some circumstances
Listen to the learner’s feedback and act on it. If the learner is unhappy or
uncomfortable with some aspect of the coaching, do something to remedy the
situation in-line with still achieving the coaching objective
Pay attention. Focus attention on what the learner is doing and do not get
distracted (by phone calls, people walking past, calling in for a chat), or by doing
other things such as completing paperwork, taking a delivery.
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71. Trainer stresses to trainees all tasks to be coached must be broken down into its sub-
steps, and then coached in sequential order according to the ‘Task Breakdown Sheet’
This ensures:
The correct sequence for steps/actions is communicated to the learner as
opposed to teaching work in a random sequence
Nothing is overlooked or forgotten in the coaching process. It is easy for a very
experienced coach to omit a step simply because they are so familiar with it,
they think everyone is familiar with it
The sub-steps, standards and criteria must reflect actual workplace need.
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72. Trainer explains to trainees the generic meaning of underpinning knowledge stating:
It refers to the essential knowledge required to carry out tasks or perform skills
effectively, legally and as required by the establishment
All tasks where there is a need for coaching will have some level of underpinning
knowledge associated with it
As a coach, not only must you be competent in the task you are demonstrating but
you must also be knowledgeable about the underpinning knowledge required for
that task.
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73. Trainer states to trainees depending on the task being coached, underpinning
knowledge can include:
Knowledge of processes and procedures, principles and practices including theory
underpinning technical skills
Planning and organising skills that contribute to long-term and short-term strategic
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76. Trainer advises trainees it is a standard requirement throughout all coaching sessions
that they focus effort on checking and determining the level of understanding the learner
has in relation to the task being coached highlighting:
This applies whether the topic is a knowledge-based one, attitudinal or skill-based
It may address safety issues. An ongoing requirement for all topics, for example:
“Why is it important not to touch the steam wand of the cappuccino machine?”
“Why is it important to check glassware before it is used?”
“When and why should you refer to the manufacturer’s instruction manual
about how to operate a piece of equipment?”
“Why must we always refer to the current schedule before making a quote?”
It may relate to product knowledge, such as:
“Who makes XYZ liqueur?”
“What brand of coffee do we serve?”
“What is the price of a trip to ABC?”
“What procedure do you follow when changing a cash drawer?”
“In which book/file do you record deposits paid?”
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It may involve checking with others such as co-workers, supervisors and customers
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78. Trainer says to trainees that all coaching sessions should provide an opportunity for the
learner to practice their newly found skills explaining opportunity should include:
Opportunity within the coaching session as part of the coaching provided
Opportunity after the coaching session has finished in the workplace under
supervision; the supervision of another staff member or under the supervision of a
supervisor. Remember, practice without supervision is not really practice.
Talk to staff being coached about their orientation to, and thoughts about,
workplace coaching.
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79. Trainer explains to trainees any new skills shown to the learner may be quickly lost if
there is no opportunity for the learner to put those skills into practice stressing while
learner practices trainees must:
Watch to ensure they are doing the task correctly. This means they are working
safely, doing sub-tasks in the correct sequence, not wasting effort, time or product
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80. Trainer notes to trainees some learners are reluctant to ask questions explaining there
can be several reasons for this:
They may feel it indicates their ignorance
They may not want to ask what they feel is a stupid question
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81. Trainer states to trainees there are ways to overcome this reluctance by learners to ask
Regularly ask the learner if they have any questions and then pause long enough
for them to ask a question. There’s no point asking if they have a question and then
rushing on to the next topic/point without giving them an opportunity to actually ask
a question
Ask lots of questions. This legitimises the use of questions in the coaching context
and, if the learner is not asking many, it gives the opportunity of trying to determine
their actual level of understanding and/or knowledge
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82. Trainer continues to advise trainees on how to encourage learners to ask questions:
Generate an answer to the question. Note we have not said ‘answer’ the question.
If the learner asks a question it is vital it gets answered but this does not mean the
coach has to supply the answer
Part of the learning process can be for the learner to think the question through
alone and come up with an answer you will either confirm or modify. For example,
when asked a question a coach could:
Re-word the question and ask the question back to the learner
Give them a hint and then ask them what they think the answer might be
Tell them the answer. This option should not be the only response (or the
default response) when learners ask questions.
Class Activity – Dealing with Questions
Trainer plays the role of a trainee being coached and asks trainees (playing role of
coach) a question and:
Asks them to respond positively but not by providing the answer but in some other
alternative way.
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83. Trainer advises trainees that, not only must all coaching be conducted positively and in
an encouraging fashion, but supportive and constructive feedback must also be given
highlighting such an approach:
Encourages the learner to try harder
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84. Trainer tells trainees learners are commonly anxious about their progress and:
They are usually seeking answers to questions such as:
"How am I going?"
"Am I on the right track?"
"Is what I am doing OK?"
Many learners will not actually talk about these concerns but it is usual they are
thinking them
The effective coach will set their mind at ease by supplying appropriate answers to
the unstated questions on a regular basis.
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85. Trainer suggests to trainees it is useful to bear the following in mind when considering
the use of feedback in coaching. Feedback refers to:
Guiding the person being coached to help them build success on success
Being constructive so the person being coached feels encouraged and motivated
to improve their practice.
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86. Trainer continues providing suggestions regarding feedback during coaching, stating
feedback refers to:
Being timely so the person being coached can use the feedback to guide practice
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87. Trainer presents some practical advice for trainees when giving verbal feedback:
Keep it brief – if it is ‘too long’ it sounds false
Keep it relevant – it must relate to the task or the effort being made
Be honest – avoid saying “This is child’s play” just in case the learner has difficulty
learning it
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88. Trainer presents some practical advice for trainees when giving non-verbal feedback:
Match non-verbal signals to spoken words. Ensure there is no mismatch between
verbal and body language
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89. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee
understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.
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90. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee
understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.
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91. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee
understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.
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92. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee
understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.
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93. Trainer identifies for trainees the Performance Criteria for this Element, as listed on the
Class Activity – Discussion
Trainer asks trainees questions regarding coaching follow up by asking questions such
What follow up have you engaged in following the delivery of workplace coaching?
Who might need to be advised regarding the progress of workers who have been
provided with coaching? Why?
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Where monitoring indicates the learner requires more help, the coach is
responsible for providing this, or for arranging it to be provided.
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Questioning the learner to verify underpinning skills and knowledge and to evaluate
the level of understanding of certain aspects
Visual observation – watching the learner perform a task to verify their competence
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Case study
Practical exercises
Role play
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98. Trainer advises trainees the monitoring of the learner must be friendly and genuine
extending the supportive environment created during the initial coaching phase. Trainer
indicates when monitoring trainees must be:
All learners should be treated the same
Never play favourites. Do not be harder on some than you are on others. Do
not favour males over females or vice versa
Never be harder on older people than younger ones
Do not favour people from a certain race or religion
Watch for and record workplace performance of learners accurately
What you record must genuinely reflect what the learner can do and cannot do
It is important monitoring takes into account the limitations individual learners
are experiencing
For example, one learner may have lots of out-of-work activities or lots of extra
work-related responsibilities limiting the amount of practice they can do and
hence this will affect the rate at which they might achieve competency
Coaches should also appreciate some people just have problems with some
learning tasks. They might be brilliant at everything else except this one task so
extra patience and understanding is called for.
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99. Trainer continues to identify what coaches should strive to be when monitoring learner’s
Workplace coaches occupy a powerful position because they are able to
influence a person’s progress within the organisation. Management will often
speak to coaches about the potential a learner is displaying and their readiness
for extra duties/responsibilities or promotion
The feedback provided by the coach must therefore be fact-based and not
founded on prejudices, favouritism or lies
This means if a person is good, the coach is obliged to say so. Similarly, if
they are not suitable the coach has an obligation to say so too but making sure
they use specific examples to illustrate their opinion
Management will not appreciate a coach recommending an unsatisfactory or
unsuitable person for promotion, and it certainly will not reflect well on their
ability to select ‘good’ staff
Monitoring of learners should be regular in nature
Sometimes monitoring activities can be organised but frequently they are not
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Central to this is the issue of fairness. The coach must ensure the number of
times they monitor one learner is not significantly different to the number of
times they monitor another learner or they run the risk of one person feeling
they are being picked on
The monitoring should be relevant to the skills which were the basis of the
coaching sessions
Monitoring other aspects of a learner’s work may give the impression the coach
is checking up on them. Stick only to the topic of the coaching as the basis for
the monitoring. This may mean monitoring of a learner has to occur at a certain
time during their shift when they are performing a nominated task.
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100. Trainer advises trainees they should be sensitive to the preferences learners may have
for learning and apply different approaches as appropriate to individuals. For example:
Some staff will learn better by watching
Others will learn better if they learn on their own, while others will learn better if
they are in a group
Some prefer lots of attention, while others prefer to learn on their own.
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101. Trainer states to trainees the keys to providing supportive assistance to learners are
that the coach should:
Be accessible to the learner – coaches should be prepared to be available when
the learner needs to talk, needs help, needs support, needs more information
Maintain confidentiality – what is said between the learner and the coach should
stay private
Avoid giving the learner the impression they are intruding or interrupting – the
coach should welcome the learner’s approaches and avoid giving the impression
they are rushing their dealings with the learner.
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The precise method of reporting used in each instance will depend on the particular
establishment’s policies and procedures
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103. Trainer advises coaching results may have to be reported to a number of people:
The staff member who is being coached should be supplied with an honest and
comprehensive report of their coaching and/or assessment
Head Office – for their records which may be used to identify staff who are eligible
for promotion, further training, extra responsibilities, higher duties
The supervisor in the area where the learner works so they can get feedback about
their skill levels, potential, commitment.
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Written reports are usually required less frequently and may be needed:
Weekly or monthly
On completion of the coaching – that is, when you are confident the learner
has achieved the required competencies
For nominated staff or management meetings – where there can be a need for
coaches to present a report on who they are coaching, and how those learners
are progressing.
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105. Trainer informs trainees in-house progress reports can be very useful management
tools in a variety of ways, some of which include:
Checking overall skill levels of staff. This entails keeping a current inventory of all
in-house staff skills.
This can be referred to when there is a need to move staff around internally to
respond to extra demand, staff absenteeism or unpredictable issues
Recording extra coaching/training required. Reports are really records and these
can be used to help coaches (and other staff within the organisation) identify, and
remember for future use, the top-up coaching/training required by individual staff
Identifying those who appear appropriate for future skill development. Records can
serve to identify future training/coaching needs for individuals, individual
departments, and the enterprise as a whole.
A prime role of these records is to flag for attention certain staff who appear to
have an aptitude for certain work, and/or to identify those who seem to have
management potential.
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106. Trainer continues to advise trainees how coaching reports might be used by
Providing a reference for promoting employees. Success with learning can be
beneficial for an employee’s promotional prospects
Amending employee’s staffing record. As staff increase their skills sets their
employee records should be updated to reflect their increased value to the
This increased skill level may be linked to increases in remuneration but is
commonly taken into consideration when the business is looking to promote
someone within the organisation to the next level of responsibility
Compiling statistical records. Many establishments like to record details about the
number of staff coached in a given period, how much time was spent on coaching
and how much money was allocated to it.
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107. Trainer indicates to trainees that at the end of every coaching session, the coach should
review the session:
This review should aim to determine how effective the session had been with a
view to improving future sessions
Even coaches can learn if they take the time to look for the signs, and the
Class Activity – Guest Speaker
Trainer arranges for an experienced workplace coach from a relevant industry/venue to
attend and:
Talk to trainees about their role as workplace coach
Discuss their planning and preparation activities for a coaching session
Provide tips and techniques for being an effective workplace coach
Describe the in-house reports and reporting required regarding provision of and
progress of workplace coaching
Describe the activities they undertake as part of the review process following
Give examples of the benefits they have identified as flowing from their reviews of
their coaching.
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108. Trainer advises trainees an important part of the review process is to identify
performance problems or difficulties a learner may be having stating these may be
identified as a result of:
Feedback from customers regarding their levels of satisfaction/dissatisfaction with
products and services
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Effective coaches take this evaluation phase very seriously recognising its potential
for improving future coaching sessions. In fact, until a review has been done, the
coaching session cannot be truly seen to be complete
This illustrates there are really three stages to any coaching session:
Planning of the session
Delivery of the session
Evaluation of the session.
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– The coach allowing other issues to take preference over the delivery of
– The learner misinterpreting a message sent by the trainer which causes a
barrier to future learning
Language or cultural barriers – where there is a spoken language difficulty or
the coach has unintentionally given unintended cultural offence by something
they have said or done
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Insufficient opportunity to practice – where the coach has failed to arrange for
the practice sessions or where the opportunity (and the tools, the time, the
pressure) to practice has not matched the real needs of the learner
An inappropriate environment for coaching. This can include situations where
there are members of the public present causing anxiety; other staff present, or
situations where it is too hot, too cold, too noisy, and too sunny.
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111. Trainer advises trainees performance problems with learners can nearly always be
traced back to one or more of the following reasons:
Poor, insufficient or rushed preparation - good, solid preparation is the key to
effective coaching
Communication barriers – anything that gets in the way of the messages being
sent in the coaching session is likely to cause problems (including interruptions from
outside sources)
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112. Trainer continues to advise trainees of common reasons for poor learner performance
after they have been coached:
Inappropriate learning tools. For example, if you are coaching someone on how to
use a cash register/POS terminal it really needs to be the same type of
register/terminal they are using in their day to day work
Poor levels of attendance. Where learners have a tendency not to attend for
arranged coaching sessions this is usually an indication they are unhappy with
some aspect of what you are doing.
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113. Trainer stresses to trainees, coaches must realise reviews or evaluations are only
useful if acted upon and once a problem/difficulty has been identified, it must be
addressed. Options include:
More preparation and planning to produce a better plan, better resources, more
information, up-skill demonstrations
Changing times and/or locations of sessions to better meet learner needs and
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114. Trainer tells trainees where they are unable to resolve a learning issue or problem then
there is need to refer this situation to one of the following for them to deal with:
Duty manager
Office manager
Branch manager
Department manager
Section manager
Someone at head office who has authority for spending money or obtaining
resources for training/coaching.
Class Activity – Question/s
Trainer asks trainees what action ‘management’ might take when a learning
situation/problem is referred to them that the coach cannot resolve.
Possible answers – will depend on the nature of the problem but can include:
Talk to the learner involved and offer more support/training
Talk to learner and advise them failure to become competent may result in reduced
hours or dismissal
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Demonstrate support for coaching by promoting those who have been coached.
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115. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee
understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.
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116. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee
understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.
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117. Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee
understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required.
Trainer thanks trainees for their attention and encourages them to apply course content
as required in their workplace activities.
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Recommended training equipment
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Recommended training equipment
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Instructions for Trainers for using PowerPoint – Presenter View
In Presenter View:
You see your notes and have full control of the presentation
Your trainees only see the slide projected on to the screen
More Information
You can obtain more information on how to use PowerPoint from the Microsoft Online
Help Centre, available at:
Please note that where references have been made to URLs in these training resources
trainers will need to verify that the resource or document referred to is still current on the
internet. Trainers should endeavour, where possible, to source similar alternative
examples of material where it is found that either the website or the document in question
is no longer available online.
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Instructions for Trainers for using PowerPoint – Presenter View
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Appendix – ASEAN acronyms
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Appendix – ASEAN acronyms
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