Tolerance of Stainless Steel Tubes and Pipes
Tolerance of Stainless Steel Tubes and Pipes
Tolerance of Stainless Steel Tubes and Pipes
In the production process, because the actual size is difficult to meet the nominal pipe size requirement, that is, it is
often larger or smaller than the nominal size, so the standard stipulates that there is a difference between the actual
size and the nominal size of the stainless steel pipe. A positive difference is called a positive deviation, and a
negative difference is called a negative deviation.
The standard stipulates that the sum of the absolute value of the positive and negative deviations of stainless steel
pipes is called tolerance, also called “tolerance zone”.
For wall thickness we have two choice, Minimum Wall Thickness and Average Wall Thickness. Difference Standard
Specification have difference tolerance request. Mainly specify in ASTM A999 or ASTM A1016 or EN 10216-5
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Inch to mm Chart
ISO Tolerances For FastenersISO Tolerance Chart|Machining Process associated with ISO IT Tolerance
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