LP 2 - Languages Speaking
LP 2 - Languages Speaking
LP 2 - Languages Speaking
Learning Objectives
Students will practise speaking about languages and language acquisition. They will practise using
conjunctions to build complex sentences in writing and in conversation.
Timing Teaching - activities / assessment opportunities / questioning / homework / literacy
5 min Intro
Teacher reviews vocabulary (incl. determiners) from previous lesson and checks homework.
5 min Intro to lesson on Papua New Guinea: position on the map, expectations about languages.
10 min Students take turns reading text about Papua New Guinea and Tok Pisin. Text may be read
twice so that class can assimilate all the new vocabulary. Teacher gives extra info on the text.
15 min Use of English: Teacher explains the importance of conjunctions and the use of although,
while and whereas. Students do Ex. 4 in Coursebook.
5 min Listening activity: Track 2 on audio CD. Students then do Ex. 1 in Workbook (p. 6)
10 min Vocabulary activity: Students do crossword (Workbook p. 6). Teacher checks their work and
reminds them that countries and languages have special names in English.
10 min Use of English review: Ex 3 (Workbook p. 7). Teacher checks and gives more examples.
15 min Use of English review: students build other sentences with although. Then pairs of students
give examples of favourite sports, hobbies, etc., and build one sentence with while and
5 min
Wrap-up. Ex. 4 in Workbook as homework.
Specific role of Support Staff: