Role of Support Institutions and Management of Small Business
Role of Support Institutions and Management of Small Business
Role of Support Institutions and Management of Small Business
MBA- Weekend
Directorate of Industries
The Small Scale Industries & Export Promotion department holds the key towards
economic development of the state. State Government has been giving considerable
attention to the growth of industry by creating necessary infrastructure to ensure
sustained development.
In each district there is one agent to deal with all necessities of small and village
industries. This is called "District Industries Centre"
The DIC have undertaken numerous programs for investment promotion at the
grassroot level such as a organizing seminars workshops, extending support
for trade fairs and exhibitions organized by various Industries associations.
The Centre has a discrete wing to look-after the special needs of cottage and
house-hold industries as district from small industries.
Monitoring of DICs
It has been playing a key role for development of MSME through counselling,
consultancy and training. Established in 1960 as Small Industries Service
Institute in 1975, the Institute has made significant contributions for promotion
and development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
Spectrum of Services:
In order to provide medium and long term credit to industrial undertaking, which fall
outside the normal activities of commercial banks, a central industrial finance
corporation was set up under the Industrial Finance Corporations act, 1948.
Main Features
The bill provides that the state government may, by notification in the authorized
gazette, establish a financial corporation for the state.
The share capital shall be fixed by the State government but shall not exceed Rs
Shares of the corporation will be guaranteed by the State government as to the re –
payment of principal and the payment of a minimum dividend to be prescribed in
consultation with the central government.
The corporation will be authorized to issue bonds and debentures for amounts
which together with the contingent liabilities of the corporations shall not exceed five
– times the amount of the paid – up share capital and the reserve fund of the
The corporation may accept deposits from the public repayable after not less than
five years, subject to the maximum not exceeding the paid up capital.
The corporation will be managed by a board consisting of a majority of Directors
nominated by the State governments, The Reserve banks and the industrial
Finance corporation of India.
Effective marketing of small scale industrial products would ensure higher levels of
income, consumption, and employment which increase the standard of living of the
Increasing competition from within the small scale sector as well as from large
industries with established brand names and marketing setup
Consumer awareness, even in rural and semi urban areas, for quality goods.
The need to set up distribution networks for reaching out widely dispersed markets
Inability of the SSI units to exploit the export markets
It means controlling and managing the firm's financial resources. The process of
managing finances involves cash flow management which is concerned with the
inflow and outflow of money in and out of a business.
For this a cash flow statement is prepared which records a company's income
and expenses in a systematic form. It lists cash to and cash from operating,
investing and financing activities along with the net increase or decrease in cash
for the period.
For proper management of a company's finances, the knowledge of accountancy,
particularly the principles of double entry book keeping is an essential requirement.
This whole process of financial management gives the true financial position of the
company. It is thus essential for smooth and successful functioning of the
enterprise in a profitable manner on a long term basis.
Today human factor is considered to be the most important resource because the
effective utilization of the other resources of the organization depends upon the
management of the personnel of the organization. Human resources appreciates in
value as the time progresses in terms of acquisition of knowledge and experience.
They have inherent dynamism and potential for development.
Small and medium industries can include variable pay component to their pay
structures. Apart from the regular pay scales, pay-hike linked to performance may
be integrated.
Similarly, these SMES should put in place individual and group incentive schemes.
The units may take consultancy from the business schools, at a nominal charge in
this regard.
A majority of small and medium units under review do not follow promotion system.
This may be one of the reasons for larger quits. The performance of employee is
deeply connected with his career advancement.
These units may adopt appropriate promotion policy. A seniority may be the basis
for promotion decisions for non-technical nature of work and ‘performance’ ought to
be the criterion for the skill and competency based jobs.