Repair Manual: Series 45 K and L Frame Open Circuit Axial Piston Pumps
Repair Manual: Series 45 K and L Frame Open Circuit Axial Piston Pumps
Repair Manual: Series 45 K and L Frame Open Circuit Axial Piston Pumps
K and L Frame
Open Circuit
Axial Piston Pumps
Repair Manual
Series 45 K and L Frame Open Circuit Axial Piston Pump
Repair Manual
Using this manual
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TABLE OF CONTENTS An indented Table of Contents (TOC) appears on the next page. Tables and illustrations
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Sauer-Danfoss accepts no responsibility for possible errors in catalogs, brochures and other printed material.
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Front cover illustrations: F101 472, F101 473, F101 474, F101 475, P104 327
OVERVIEW This manual details the major repair procedures for Series 45 Frame K and L open circuit
axial piston pumps. These include the complete disassembly, inspection, and reassembly
of the unit. Where rework of worn or damaged components is possible, specifications
are given to ensure these parts meet factory tolerances. Only Sauer-Danfoss Authorized
Service Centers (ASCs) are authorized to perform major repairs. Sauer-Danfoss ASCs
are trained by the factory to perform major repairs and their facilities are certified on a
regular basis.
W Warning
Use of components that do not comply with rework specifications may result in loss of
performance, which may constitute a safety hazard. Do not reuse components that don’t
comply to given specifications: replace with genuine Sauer-Danfoss service parts.
Minor repair procedures, adjustments, and troubleshooting information are given in the
Series 45 Frame K and L Open Circuit Axial Piston Pumps Service Manual, 520L0532. Minor
repairs include service operations that can be performed without removing the unit’s
endcap. Removal of the endcap voids your warranty.
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Follow these general procedures when repairing Series 45 variable displacement open
circuit pumps.
e Keep it clean
Cleanliness is a primary means of assuring satisfactory pump life, on either new or
repaired units. Clean the outside of the pump thoroughly before disassembly. Take care
to avoid contamination of the system ports. Cleaning parts by using a clean solvent wash
and air drying is usually adequate.
As with any precision equipment, all parts must be kept free of foreign materials and
chemicals. Protect all exposed sealing surfaces and open cavities from damage and
foreign material. If left unattended, cover the pump with a protective layer of plastic.
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Always consider safety precautions before beginning a service procedure. Protect
yourself and others from injury. Take the following general precautions whenever servicing
a hydraulic system.
Personal safety
W Warning
Protect yourself from injury. Use proper safety equipment, including safety glasses, at all
The symbols above appear in the illustrations and text of this manual. They are intended
to communicate helpful information at the point where it is most useful to the reader.
In most instances, the appearance of the symbol itself denotes its meaning. The legend
above defines each symbol and explains its purpose.
AUXILIARY PAD If a second pump is used, you must remove it. You don’t need to remove auxiliary pads to
remove the end cap.
1. Remove the plate cover screws (J130) and remove the plate cover (J110).
2. Remove the coupling (J140) and the pad seal (J120). If you have an auxiliary B
pad, discard the O-ring (J120). The pad seal for an auxiliary A pad is reusable if
3. Remove the auxiliary pad screws (J100) with an 8 mm internal hex wrench and
remove the adapter (J080).
J130 J130
h 9/16 inch h ¾ inch
J110 J110
J120 J120 d
J100 J100
h8 mm h8 mm
J085 J085
J090 d J090 d
J095 d J095 d
J140 J140
E101 196
I5 mm
P104 328
ENDCAP AND ROLLER 8. Remove the 4 endcap screws (J030) Remove endcap and roller bearing
BEARING using an 8 mm internal hex wrench.
9. Remove the endcap. Remove the I8 mm
servo piston (L020) and guide (L080).
Use care; valve plate (B070) may
adhere to inside surface. Discard
O-rings (B045, B046). Once the valve J020
plate is removed, the check valve can e
be removed. Refer to Inspection, page
17, for more information.
To protect these parts from L080
contamination, place the endcap and B010
26 mm
valve plate in a protected area.
B020 L020
10. Slide the rear tapered roller bearing
cone (B020) from the bottom end B070
of the shaft. The bearing cup (B010) s
may remain within the endcap. B045
Remove bearing cup if replacement is
necessary. See Inspection, page 18.
P101 351
CYLINDER KIT 11. Slide the cylinder block assembly Remove cylinder kit
(P010) out of the pump housing
by pushing on the shaft from the P010
bottom of the pump. Push the s
shaft only far enough so that the K046
cylinder kit may be removed by
hand. Keep track of the three small
hold-down pins (K046) located inside
the cylinder kit. Once removed, set
the cylinder kit in a protected area.
Contamination or scratches may lead
to poor performance or pump failure.
P104 339
INPUT SHAFT, 12. Rotate the swashplate (B040) until Remove shaft and swashplate
SWASHPLATE, AND BIAS level with pump housing. Pull the
SPRING shaft (J010) from the shaft seal
and bearing kit. Slightly compress
the bias spring (B025) and lift the
swashplate out. Lift the bias spring
from the pump housing.
P101 353
ROLLER BEARING, CUP, 13. Pull to remove the front tapered Remove bearings
AND JOURNAL BEARINGS roller bearing (B050). Carefully pry to
remove the journal bearings (B030)
and retaining pins (B071) from the B071
pump housing. Record the location
and orientation of the journal
bearings if they are to be reused. If
necessary, remove the front bearing
cup (B060) from the pump housing.
P101 369
SHAFT SEAL 14. Orient the housing with the flange Remove shaft seal
facing up. Using snap-ring pliers,
remove the snap ring (K010). K010
Carefully pry out the shaft seal
(K020). K020 p
P101 352
CONTROL HOUSING 15. With a 3/16 inch internal hex wrench, Disassemble control
remove the plugs (C103, C106) and
their O-rings. Discard the O-rings.
C118 i
C Caution Remove the 2 set screws (C102). iC138
If removing the LS or PC Remove the spool (C112). Note
spool is not possible, be the orientation of the spools for C117 d
extremely careful when reinsertion. There may be differences C116 d
flipping or relocating the in reinserting into the same bore. C135
housing as not to lose or Remove the spool (C132). C C117 d
damage the spool.
The PC and LS spools are not the same.
They must be identified as to which bore C114
they come out of.
16. Remove the adjusting screw (C138) C133
and the O-ring (C138A). Discard the C113
O-ring. Remove the springs (C134,
C135) and spring guide (C133).
R C112 i
dC103A R
C106A d
E101 192
CYLINDER KIT 18. Remove pistons (K050) and slipper Disassemble cylinder kit
DISASSEMBLY retainer (K049) from the cylinder
K050 l
The pistons are not selectively fitted,
however units with high hourly usage
may develop wear patterns. Number the
K049 l
pistons and bores for reassembly if they
are to be reused.
K047 l
19. Remove the ball guide (K047), hold-
down pins (K046), and retaining K048 (L Frame only)
ring (K048) from the cylinder
block (K041). K046
Most repairs do not require block spring
removal. Perform this procedure only
if you suspect problems with the block
W Warning Block spring removal
Risk of personal injury: 20. Turn the block over. Using a press, K043
Compressing the block apply pressure on the block spring
spring requires about 350 washer (K044)) to compress the K044
to 400 N [80 to 90 lbf ]. block spring (K043). Compress the
Use a press sufficient spring enough to safely remove the P101 356
to maintain this force spiral retaining ring (K045). While
with reasonable effort. maintaining pressure, unwind the
Ensure the spring is spiral retaining ring. Carefully release the pressure and remove the outer block
secure before attempting spring washer, block spring , and inner block spring washer (K042) from the cylinder
to remove the spiral block. W
retaining ring. Release the
pressure slowly after the
retaining ring is removed.
OVERVIEW After disassembly, wash all parts (including the end-cap and housing) thoroughly with
clean solvent and allow to air dry. Blow out oil passages in the housing and endcap
with compressed air. Conduct inspection in a clean area and keep all parts free from
contamination. Clean and dry parts again after any rework or resurfacing.
PISTONS AND SLIPPERS Inspect the pistons for damage and K Frame
discoloration. Discolored pistons may Slipperfoot thickness 4.03 mm
indicate excessive heat; do not reuse. [0.159 in]
Piston/slipper end play 0.102 mm
Inspect the running surface of the [0.004 in]
slippers. Replace any piston assemblies
with scored or excessively rounded L Frame
slipper edges. Measure the slipper foot Slipperfoot thickness 2.67 mm
thickness. Replace any piston assemblies [0.105 in]
with excessively worn slippers. Check the Piston/slipper end play 0.102 mm
slipper axial end-play. Replace any piston [0.004 in]
assemblies with excessive end-play.
Inspect pistons
Minimum slipper foot thickness and
Maximum end play
maximum axial end-play are given in the
table to the right.
Minimum Slipper
slipper foot
P104 109E
BALL GUIDE, SLIPPER The ball guide should be free of Inspect guide, retainer, and pins
RETAINER, AND HOLD- nicks and scratches, and should not
DOWN PINS be excessively scored. Examine for Slipper
discoloration that may indicate excessive retainer
heat or lack of lubrication. The slipper i
retainer should be flat, and slippers
should fit in the retainer with minimal Ball guide
side play. Place the hold-down pins on a
flat surface and roll them to make sure
Hold down pins
they are straight. Discard and replace any
damaged parts.
P101 471
BLOCK SPRING, AND If cylinder kit was fully dissembled, visual Inspect block spring and washers
WASHERS inspection of the cylinder block, spring,
and washers should indicate minimal Washer
wear. Replace if cracks or other damage i
is present.
Cylinder block spring
Spring retainer
Retaining ring
P101 472
CYLINDER BLOCK Examine the running face of the cylinder block. The surface should be smooth and free
of nicks and burrs. Ensure that no scratches or grooves exist; these may drastically reduce
output flow.
L Frame 25 cc 30 cc
Minimum cylinder 50.8 mm
block height (A) [2.00 in] flat to 0.002 mm
Maximum block bore 13.88 mm 15.22 mm [flat to 0.000080 in]
P101 358
diameter (B) [0.546 in] [0.60 in]
CONTROL Carefully examine the LS plug for signs Inspect control components
of wear. Also check the small tip of the
LS plug for heavy wear and replace if
necessary. Inspect each spool’s springs iC138
C118 i
to make sure they are intact. Check
the inside and outside surfaces of the C117 d
springs for wear and replace if necessary. dC136
Check the spool’s outside diameter for C116 d
scratches and / or burrs. Clean and coat C135
all spools, bores, and seals with a light C117 d
coating of hydraulic oil.
R C112 i
dC103A R
C106A d
E101 192
SHAFT Inspect the shaft for any signs of damage. Inspect shaft
Replace the shaft if a groove exists at
the sealing land surface that may let dirt i
into or hydraulic fluid out of the unit. If l
necessary, clean the sealing area with
a non-abrasive material. Inspect the
input splines or keyway, block spines
and output splines. Replace the shaft if
damaged. Ensure that the shaft’s splines
are straight and lubricate the shaft with a J010
light coating of hydraulic fluid.
P101 360
JOURNAL BEARING Inspect the journal bearings for Inspect journal bearings
damage or excessive wear. Replace
journal bearings if scratched, warped, or
excessively worn. The polymer wear layer
must be smooth and intact.
P101 363
VALVE PLATE Inspect the valve plate for scratches and grooves. Check the plate for evidence of
any cavitation along the running face of the valve plate. If pitting from cavitation
exists, replace the valve plate. Check for excess wear on the brass running face. If any
discoloration or burn marks are observed, replace the valve plate.
Run a fingernail or pencil tip across the diameter of the sealing land surface (see
illustration). No deep or outstanding grooves should be felt, as these may decrease pump
flow. Lap or replace if grooves or nicks are present. Inspect the mating surfaces of the
endcap and valve plate for any possible contamination; even a few thousandths of an
inch may affect pump operation.
Measure the thickness of the valve plate. Ensure that valve plate parallelism is equal
to or less than 0.025 mm [0.001 in]. Appearance should be flat and smooth on both
the running face and the bottom surface. The valve plate should be flat to 0.005 mm
[0.0002 in] convex. A magnetic particle inspection is recommended to detect cracks. The
valve plate must be replaced if any cracks exist.
a 0.025 mm
[0.001 in]
i f 0.005 mm
[0.00020 in]
convex max
P101 419
ENDCAP Inspect the endcap. Remove the check Inspect endcap and components
valve (B095) to expose the spring (B090).
Check and record orientation of the
timing pin (J050). Inspect the check valve J050 B090
for wear on its sealing face and replace
if necessary. Make sure the spring is
undamaged. Carefully check the bearing
cup for wear, and ensure that it fits
P101 484
SHAFT BEARING KITS The tapered roller bearing kits consist of Inspect shaft bearings
a cup and cone. Both the cup and cone
should be free of excessive wear and
contamination. Rotate the bearings to e
check for smoothness. If a contaminated i
bearing is suspected, clean with a solvent
and lubricate with hydraulic fluid. If the
problem is not remedied by cleaning,
replace the bearing. Also inspect for
uneven wear. If abnormal wear is found,
P101 366
replace the bearing kit.
SERVO PISTON AND Inspect the servo piston guide (L080) Inspect servo piston and guide
GUIDE for abnormal wear. Check the inside
diameter of the bore for galling or
excessive wear. Inspect the servo piston
(L020) for wear on its end and for
scratches along its cylindrical surface.
Replace both parts if any wear is
noticeable. L080
P101 365
P101 489
AUXILIARY PAD Inspect sealing surfaces on the endcap Inspect auxiliary pad components
and auxiliary pad and make sure that J130
they are clean and free of contaminants.
Inspect the coupling (J140) for any signs
of excessive or abnormal wear. Replace J110
all O-rings. Replace excessively worn
parts if necessary.
J090 d
J095 d
J140 i
E101 197
JOURNAL BEARING 1. Coat the journal bearings (B030) Install housing components
with hydraulic fluid and install them
into the pump housing. Punch in
retaining pins (B071) a minimum of
0.5 mm [0.002 in] below the bearing
P101 490
CYLINDER KIT ASSEMBLY 4. Coat all parts with hydraulic fluid Assemble cylinder kit
prior to reassembly.
Be sure to install the slipper retainer so it mates correctly with the ball guide (concave
side of the slipper retainer against the convex side of the ball guide).
CYLINDER KIT 8. Set the pump on its side. Secure the Install cylinder block
INSTALLATION end of the shaft with one hand and
Prevent shaft from rotating
keep it horizontal. Insert the cylinder
kit onto the shaft. While holding the
shaft still, slightly rotate the cylinder
block kit to help start the shaft
splines into the ball guide and align Slightly rotate
cylinder block
it with the block splines. When the
cylinder block kit slides completely
over the shaft splines, reposition
the unit with the flange facing
P101 491E
VALVE PLATE AND 9. Install the inlet check valve spring Install endcap components
ENDCAP (B090) and poppet (B095) into the
endcap (J020). A small amount
of grease will keep the poppet in
position. Clean the valve plate (B070)
and endcap (J020). Install the timing B020
pin (J050) in the endcap and verify
that it is properly oriented with the L080 B010
t61 - 75 N•m
split facing into or out of the slot [45 -55 lbf•ft] B095 g
in the valve plate. The timing pin
should be installed 3.6 ± 0.25 mm eJ020
J050 R
[0.14 ± 0.01 in] above the endcap
surface. Apply a liberal amount of
assembly grease to the backside of
the valve plate surface to hold it in
position. Install the valve plate over
the timing pin, check valve, and
P101 492
bearing cup. Install the piston (L020)
into the guide (L080), and torque the
guide to 61 - 75 N•m [45 - 55 lbf•ft].
B045 g
P101 493
SHAFT SEAL 11. Cover shaft splines with an Install shaft seal
installation sleeve. Install a new shaft
seal (K020) with the cup side facing K010
the pump. Press seal into housing
until it is deep enough to allow
K020 P
the retaining ring to be installed.
Press evenly to avoid binding and
damaging the seal. Install snap ring
E101 191
CONTROL 12. Clean and lubricate all control parts Assemble the control
and cover with a light coating of
hydraulic fluid prior to reassembly.
C118 i
13. Hold the control in a horizontal
position. Install the spherical end of C117 d
the LS spool (C112) into the LS bore dC136
C116 d
(see illustration). Using a new O-ring,
install the LS plug (C106), torque at
C117 d
10.8 to 13.5 N•m [8 to 10 lbf•ft]. Place
the two LS springs (C115, C114) onto
the LS spring guide (C113) and install C114
into the LS bore. Place a new O-ring C134
(C116) and back-up rings (C117)
onto the LS adjustment screw (C118). C133
Install the LS plug assembly so that it
sits one turn below the surface of the
control housing. Install and tighten
set screw (C102) at 7.5 to 10.8 N•m
[5.5 to 8 lbf•ft].
PC and LS spools need 14. Install the spherical end of the PC C102
to be adjusted to proper spool (C132) into the PC bore (refer
t7.5 to 10.8 N•m
setting according to tag to illustration). Install the PC plug
[5.5 to 8.0 lbf•ft]
nomenclature (C103) using a new O-ring. Torque at
10.8 to 13.5 N•m [8 to 10 lbf•ft]. Place
the two PC springs (C134, C135)
R C112 i
onto the PC spring guide (C133) and
dC103A R
install into the PC bore. Place a new
O-ring onto the PC plug (C138) and C106A d
install it so that it sits one turn below C103
the surface of the control housing. C106
t10.8 to 13.5 N•m
Install and tighten set screw (C102) [8 to 10 lbf•ft]
at 7.5 to 10.8 N•m [5.5 to 8 lbf•ft]. to (C103 and C106)
retain the adjusting plug. P101 370
I5 mm
t15 to 18 N•m
[11 to 13 lbf•ft]
P101 367
AUXILIARY PAD 16. Install the adapter (J085) with new O-rings (J090, J095). Tighten the screws (J100) at
67.5 to 82.5 N•m [49.8 to 60.8 lbf•ft].
18. Install the seal (J120) and plate cover (J130). If you have auxiliary pad B, install a new
O-ring (J120). Tighten the plate cover screws (J130) to the specifications shown in
the drawings below.
J130 J130
t36.6 to 50.1 N•m t61 to 73 N•m
[27.0 to 37.0 lbf•ft] [45 to 54 lbf•ft]
J110 J110
J120 J120 d
J100 J100
t67.5 to 82.5 N•m t67.5 to 82.5 N•m
[49.8 to 60.8 lbf•ft] [49.8 to 60.8 lbf•ft]
J085 J085
J090 d J090 d
J095 d J095 d
J140 i J140
E101 223
E101 198
Sauer-Danfoss ApS
DK-6430 Nordborg, Denmark
Phone: +45 7488 4444, Fax: +45 7488 4400
BLN 10196 • 520L0632 • May 2005