The Software: Scope of The Module
The Software: Scope of The Module
The Software: Scope of The Module
The Software
Module III explains the various automation software and some of the advanced
productivity tools used in business. Available programs in the market today are briefly
discussed including their applications and capabilities. Factors that influence the choice of the
software are included so as the user could easily decide the choice of the software to be used.
Suggested Reading
Introduction to Information Technology
Module III
This module guides the user with various office automation software and more
productivity tools used in business.
Software refers to the program or set of instructions together with related procedures
and documentation that enable the computer system to operate effectively. All programs used
to organize, control and maintain a computer system is called system software. Its function is
to facilitate the operation and programming of the computer.
a. Operating System - It is a program that controls the proper functioning of the hardware
and the operation of all other programs. It enables the large computers to execute
two or more programs simultaneously. Types of operating systems include Apple DOS,
IBM PC DOS, MSDOS, UNIX, CPM 86, Windows, etc.
• OS/2 - This operating system was released in April 1987. It is designed to run on
many IBM and compatible microcomputers, and to connect from small personal
computer to large mainframes. Like Windows, it does not require DOS to run
efficiently and it has a graphical-user interface called Workplace Shell (WPS), which
uses icons resembling documents, folders, printers, etc. It can also run most DOS
and Windows application programs simultaneously. It can perform advanced
features like multitasking, multimedia, and “workgroup” environments.
• Unix - Unix was invented by American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT & T).
It is an operating system for C-Language and can run on all types of computers. It
has a built-in networking capability and has the ability to run multiple tasks at one
time. This operating system is used in large corporations such as banks, currency
traders, equipment design, etc.
• NetWare - This operating system was developed by Novell Inc. in 1980. It is used
for sharing microcomputer-based local area networks within the company.
c. System Utilities - These are programs for day-to-day system maintenance that are
provided with the operating system. They are generally used to support, enhance, or
expand existing programs in a computer system. They include screen saver, data
recovery, backup, virus protection, file fragmentation, data compression, and memory
management. Some of the utility programs are built-in in the operating system while
there are other utility programs which are available on separate disk.
• Screen Saver - It is a utility that prevents a monitor’s screen from being etched by an
unchanging image. Although it is not yet scientifically proven, some EDP people
believe that if a computer is left turned on without keyboard or mouse activity,
whatever static image is displayed may burn into the screen. The screen saver
automatically put some moving patterns on the screen to prevent burnout. Also, the
various designs in the screen saver are quite entertaining. Examples of screen
saver include aquatic animals in the aquarium, the moving solar system, parachutes
and balloons, flying saucers, butterfly, etc.
• Data Backup and Recovery Program - This utility program is used to restore or
recover the file or information that has been accidentally deleted. Examples of Data
Backup and Recovery programs are Norton Utility from Symantic Corporation,
Fastback Plus from Fifth Generation Systems, Inc. and PC Tools from Central Point
Software, Inc.
• Virus Protection Program - Antivirus software is a utility program that scans hard
disks, diskettes, and computer’s memory to detect and cure viruses.
♦ File Conversion Utility - It converts files from Macintosh computer format into
IBM-compatible format. It allows files to transfer from portable computer to a
desktop computer and vice versa.
Some personal computers use a graphical user interface or GUI (pronounced gooey).
This design depicts files as graphic objects screen. Using a mouse, you can select objects,
open menus, move objects, and manipulate various features. Other computers use
command-line interface. On the DOS prompt (C>), type the command using appropriate
format or syntax.
Introduction to Information Technology
Module III
Lesson 1
Test I. Identification
Directions: Write your answer on the space provided for before each number
_____ 1. It refers to all programs used to organize, control and maintain a computer system
_____ 3. It is the latest window version which incorporates the networking features.
_____ 6. It is a utility program that prevents a monitor’s screen for being etched by an
unchanging image.
_____ 8. These are programs for day-to-day system maintenance that are provided with the
operating system used to support the existing program.
_____ 9. It is a program that controls the proper functioning of the hardware and the
operation of all other programs.
_____ 10. It is an operating environment made by Microsoft that lays a graphical user
interface around the MS-DOS and PC-DOS operating systems.
2. Which do you think is easier to use, the DOS or the Windows environment? Why?
Introduction to Information Technology
Module III
Lesson Objectives:
a. Word Processing - It is an enhanced version of electric typewriter that allows the user to
create, store, and retrieve documents, files, memoranda and letters. Available Word
Processing programs are as follows:
• THOR - It is a type of word processing program that put commands on the screen in
color and gives total control over the color and the intensity of the text being typed.
THOR stands for “THought Organizer” because it combines free format facility of a
word processor and the power of a database manager.
• THINK TANK - It is the first idea processor and a versatile outlining tool with a
decent text editor. In this type, editing and printing are easily done.
• WORD PERFECT - It is one of the world’s most popular word processing software
programs currently enjoying approximately 40 to 45 percent of the word processing
market. Word Perfect’s list features include the capability to import spreadsheet
files, automatic table creation with graphics-line capability, mathematical equation
and creation, enhanced outline features, mouse support, document-management
features, editing controls, extensive merge features, handling of labels,
dictionary-based hyphenation, macros, and efficient use of expanded memory.
• OTHER TYPES - Supercript, Screen Writer, Word Handler, Windows, Easy Writer,
Apple Writer, Multimate, Macwrite, Fullwrite Pro, and Displaywrite are some of the
most commonly used word processing programs in the local market.
Score Virus
b. Electronic Spreadsheets - These are programs that replace the traditional financial
modeling tools: the accountant’s columnar pad, pencil and calculator. They offer
modern improvements and ease of creating editing, and using financial models and
graphical representations. Available electronic spreadsheets include the following
• CONTEXT MBA - The first integrated program that incorporates five applications,
namely: graphics, data management, advanced spreadsheets, text processing, and
data communications into one package. It is an impressive program due to its
speed and jack-of-all trade’s orientation.
• QUATTRO - Type of spreadsheet that has the same features with Lotus except for
the default column width, pull down menus, layouts, block manipulation, added fonts,
macros, and graphics.
• BUSINESS PLAN BUILDER - Developed by Jian Software; works with most DOS
spreadsheets and word processing program. This is used to develop and print
complete business plan for banks and investors.
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• DBASE IV (Ashton-Tate Corporation) - latest version of Dbase III+ consisting of
Assist Menu in accomplishing data management tasks.
d. Computer Games - These are programs incorporating animated graphics and sound to
entertain people. Some of the computer games include Snack Attack, Load Runner,
Chess, Solitaire, Golf, Digdug, Moonbugs, Minesweeper, etc.
e. Graphics - These are programs used to create cards, banners, letterheads, sign and
other graphical figures. Examples of the graphics programs include Print Master, Print
Shop, Harvard Program, Newsmaster, Storyboard, ExecuVision, Powerpoint, Banner
Mania, Print Artist, Freelance Plus, Corel Draw, etc.
f. Communication Program - These are programs that enable the user to exchange
information with other computers. Principles involve is an electronic version of
walkie-talkie by sounding message to other computers and receives a response. They
are used mainly for applications such as exchanging data files and accessing on-line
information services. Example of communication software is an Electronic Mail or
E-Mail, and Internet.
• Project Management Software - This is a program used to plan, schedule, manage
day-to-day activities, and control the cost and resources required to complete the
project on time. It keeps track of the locations, people, materials, expenses, and
schedules needed to complete the project on time and within the budget. The tools
available are Gantt chart to indicate the duration of a series of tasks, and Program
Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) chart to show the timing and relationships
among the tasks of a project. Examples of project management software are
Hardvard Project Manager, Microsoft Project for Windows, Project Schedules, Time
Line, and Super Project.
• Creativity Software - This software is used for generating and organizing wishes,
ideas, and for solving problems. It does not attempt to propose solutions to
problems but rather takes the user through an organized suggestions that helps the
user gets ideas and form solutions. Examples are Mindlink Problem Solver, Idea
Generator Plus, Idea Fisher, and Brainstorm.
• Personal Finance Program - This software keeps track of income and expenses,
writes checks, prepares financial statements and projections and offers financial
planning and portfolio management. Examples of Personal Finance Program are
AccPac+, Dac Easy, Quicker, Microsoft Money, WinCheck, TurboTax, etc.
• Hypertext - It is a software that allows the users to have fast and flexible access to
information in large documents.
• Computer Aided Design (CAD) - These are programs used for engineering design of
products and structures. It helps architects design buildings and work spaces, and
engineers design planes, cars, and electronic devises. A variant on CAD is
Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD), a software that helps people do
drafting. The program includes symbols that help the user put together the graphics
elements such as the floor plan of the house. Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
is a software for designing an automated manufacturing system. Examples of CAD
programs are Autosketch, Easy CAD, AutoCAD, TurboCAD, Supervision,
VersaCAD, AutoDesk, etc.
1. Single-Purpose Application Program - These are programs that concentrate on just one
application but provide many tools to carry out the application. They are flexible,
capable of applications in a variety of contexts. Examples of single-purpose application
programs are Word Processing and Database Management.
Lesson 2.3 Software Environments
The three most popular environments for software resources include DOS, Macintosh,
and Windows. DOS caters personal information software. Macintosh is strong in graphic’s
display, and Windows focus on office automation, project management and business area
software. Lists of software are given below:
Introduction to Information Technology
Module III
Lesson 2
Directions: On the blank provided for before the number, write the letter representing your
_____ 7. Software that allows the users to have fast and flexible access to information in large
a. Project Management Software
b. Creativity Software
c. DeskTop Publishing
d. Hypertext
Introduction to Information Technology
Module III
Lesson Objectives:
Programming Languages are programs and instructions that enable the user to
communicate and function effectively with the computer. These languages are classified as:
a. Machine Language - uses low level binary instruction’s codes designed for a certain
machine that can be directly recognized by the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of the
computer. Instructions in this level are expressed in strings of zeros (0’s) and one (1’s).
Example of binary code is 101100.
b. Assembly Language - uses symbols and three letter mnemonics to represent machine
instructions. An example of this symbol is LD that means “to load."
c. High Level Language - uses program statements similar to words and symbols of the
English language. Examples of High Level Languages are:
c.1 BASIC - It stands for Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. It was
developed by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz intended for students who will be
learning business programming for the first time.
c.2 COBOL - It stands for Common Business Oriented Language. This was
introduced in 1959 by the Conference of Data System Language (CODASYL) for
business related data.
c.3 FORTRAN - It stands for FORmula TRANslator. This was developed by the
International Business Machine (IBM) in 1954 and was the first high level
language good for scientific problems and complicated formula in Mathematics
and Economics.
c.4 PASCAL - It was named after Blaise Pascal by its author Niklaus Wirth in 1971.
An enhanced version of Pascal Language is Turbo Pascal.
c.5 RPG - It stands for Report Program Generator developed by the IBM in 1964. It
is a problem-oriented language designed to produce business reports.
c.6 ALGOL - It stands for ALGorithmic Oriented Language, introduced in 1958 and is
suitable for scientific and engineering computations.
c.9 LISP - Known as LISt Processing. This language was developed by McCarthy in
1960. It is suitable for nonnumeric operations involving logic’s used for pattern
c.11 LOGO - It was developed by Seymour Paper and his colleagues at MIT in the
late 1960s. It has been popularized as a first educational language for children in
making drawings, color and animate images.
c.13 ADA - This language is named in honor of Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace. Ada
worked with Charles Babbage at the Cambridge University in England. She
wrote the first computer program for mechanical computer developed by Charles
3.14 PROLOG - It stands for PROgramming in LOGic. It is used primarily for artificial
intelligence. It was developed in France and it is quite suitable for handling large
databases for producing rules-based expert systems applications.
c.16 Visual Basic - The latest programming language applicable for windows
Lesson 3.2 Software Selection
End-users often involved in the evaluation and selection of software used. Since there
are several hundred different commercial software packages to choose from, comparison of
programs is necessary before making a final choice. Several factors that influence the choice
are given below:
1. Functionality - The user should know the capabilities and features of the software. For
example, if the user needs to attain a graphic illustration of the data in a spreadsheet
application, then the software must have this feature.
2. Compatibility - The choice of a software package considers the compatibility with other
packages already in use in the organization. This is important in exchanging data
between users.
4. Usability - Software must be easy to use. It must lead the user through every step in a
simple, direct, and easy-to-follow manner.
Introduction to Information Technology
Module III
Lesson 3
Test I.
1. RPG
3. APL
5. IBM
10. PL/M
1. If you will be buying a computer unit, what software will you need to install? Why?
2. How do you know that the software you selected is the best and the most effective
3. Among the different programming languages enumerated, which do you think is the
most suitable and effective to use? Why?
Introduction to Information Technology
Module III
Lesson 2
Test I
1. b 6. c
2. c 7. d
3. a 8. b
4. d 9. d
5. c 10. a
Lesson 3
Test I
1. Report Program Generator
2. Programming in Logic
3. Advance Programming Language
4. Conference of Data System Language
5. International Business Machine
6. Algorithmic Oriented Language
7. Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
8. Common Business Oriented Language
9. Formula Translator
10. Programming Language for Microcomputer
Test II
1. The software that you need to install will depend on your requirements, e.g. If
you are an accountant you need to install an spreadsheet program and an
operating system.
2. You will know if the software you selected is the best for you if it answers all your
3. Among the different programming languages enumerated, the Visual Basic is the
most suitable and effective to use today because it is easy to use and works
under the windows environment wherein you just need to click an icon for a
specific command.
Name : _______________________________________ Date : ___________________
Address : _______________________________________ Student No. : _____________
_____ 8. High Level language is a
a. Low level binary codes
b. Three letter mnemonics
c. English language
1. OS
2. GUI
3. WPS
4. AT&T
7. DTP
10. CADD
C. On the blank provided for after each number, write the developer of the following
programs / software
1. Windows NT __________________________________________________
2. Netware __________________________________________________
5. PC Tools __________________________________________________
6. Unix __________________________________________________
7. Stacker __________________________________________________