Resume Aditya

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Aditya Saxena Correspondence Address :

E-mail, s/o Anil Kumar Saxena M 60 E, in front of Mother Sita Public
Mob no.:+91-9411263056 School, Sarandhra Nagar Colony,
Hasari, Jhansi pin- 284135

Academic & Professional Profile:

 Master of Technology in IT Specialization in Bioinformatics from Indian Institute of

Information Technology, Allahabad with CGPA 8.6 (2002-04)
 Master of Sciences in Biotechnology from Davi Ahilya University, Indore with CGPA
7.5 (2000-02)
 Bachelor of Sciences in CBZ from Bundelkhand University, Jhansi with 66.6% (1997-
 Higher Secondary Examination, from UP Board with 64.4 %.( 1997).
 High School Examination, from UP Board with 71 %.( 1995).


 Secured 95.55 percentile (AIR 115) in GATE 2002

 Qualified CSIR-UGC NET exam for lectureship in December 2001
 MHRD Scholarship of Rs. 5,000 per month in M.Tech
 DBT Scholarship of Rs. 400 per month in M.Sc.
 Selected in Combined Biotechnology Entrance Examination conducted by JNU New
Delhi for Admission to M.Sc Program in May 2000


Paper “Phylogenetic Analysis of Mycobacterium leprae genome for identification of novel

drug targets” in Indian Journal of Biotechnology, a publication of National Institute of
Science Communication and Information Resources in January 2006 issue

Paper” Status of Bioinformatics Commercialization in India” in 6th National Conference

on Advancement of Technologies Focus 2010 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY &
ENERGY MANAGEMENT during February 20-21, 2010 organised by Computer Society
of India & GLA Group of Institutes, Mathura

Teaching Experience:

 Presently Working as Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science &

Engineering at GLNA Institute of Technology & Management, Mathura (sister institute
of GLA University,Mathura )from 06th July 2009 on the pay scale of Rs. 15600-39100
with grade pay of Rs. 6600/-

 Worked as lecturer in Department of Biotechnology Engineering at Hindustan College of

Science and Technology,Mathura from7th January,2008 to 6th June 2009

 Worked as lecturer in Department of Biotechnology engineering at Meerut Institute of

Engineering & Technology,Meerut in. from 20 August 2005 to 31st December 2007
 Worked as Assistant Professor in Department of Biotechnology at Dolphin Institute of
Biomedical & Natural Sciences (PG) Dehradun from 5th Oct. 2004 to 19th July 2005
Teaching Interests/ Subject Taught

 Bioinformatics (various Machine learning Approaches, Modeling &

Simulation, Micro array Data Analysis )
 Data Structure & Algorithms
 Industrial Economics & Principals of Management
 Molecular Biology & Molecular Genetics
 Cell Biology
 Immunology
 Proteomics & Genomics
 Recombinant DNA Technology
 Development Biology
 Plant Pathology & Economic Botany
 Fundamental Computer & Concepts in Programming

Projects and Term Papers

Isolation and purification of amylase from Phasiolus mungo
Techniques in Molecular Biology
(M.Tech Bioinformatics)
1. Building a sequences search protocol
2. Protein Secondary Structure Prediction using neural network

Final Project: A Molecular Phylogenetic Approach for Identification of Novel

Drug Targets
Abstract: Reductive Evolution provide a pathogen minimal gene set, due to loss of
genes, for drug target identification biochemical techniques can not be used as these
pathogens are difficult to culture.M.leprae has shown example of this phenomenon.
Besides classical drug targets i.e., toxins, adhesions using molecular phylogeny
approach we can identify some novel drug targets.
Horizontally transferred genes in bacterial pathogens from their eukaryotic hosts have
been classified as “Novel Drug Targets” and a reusable system for identifying novel
drug targets has been built.
I identified two genes in this pathogen and also found relevance of their transfer i,e.,
how their transfer enhances pathoadeptivity of leprae .

IT Proficiency:

 Programming language: C.
 Platforms: Window 98, 2000, XP
 Language: Bio programming with PERL
 DBMS: MS Access, Oracle 9i (SQL/PL SQL),visual basic, JAVA

Extra Curricular Activities:

Worked as Organizing Secretary in 3 Days “National Workshop on

Bioinformatics” during 16-18 November 2007 in collaboration with MASCON
Global Ltd., Gurgaon at MIET Meerut
Conferences/Workshop Attended:

 5 Days Short Term Programme on “Nanosciences & Nanotechnology”

at NITTTR Chandigarh from 06th -10th November 2006
 1 Day National Seminar on “Apoptosis- Recent Developments” on 10th
February, 2007 sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, MIET

 3 Days National Level Workshop on “Role of System Biology &

Algorithms in Drug Discovery Process” conducted by Institute of
Computational Biology Bangalore from 26th – 28th December 2008

 Participated in the academic lecturers and Interaction sessions at the

“Second Science Conclave: A Congregation of Nobel Laureates” at
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad during 8th – 14th
December 2009

 2 Days Workshop on “Theory of Computation” from 13th – 14th

February 2010 organised by Department of Computer Science, GLA
Institute of Technology, Mathura

 Participated in BioExcellence Workshop: Whole Genome Expression

Profiling Using QPCR & Microarray Technology on February 05,
2011 at iLife Discoveries Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon


 Dr. A.K. Bhatia, Professor & Head, Department of Biotechnology, GLA Institute of
Professional Studies, Mathura

 Dr S.K. Singh, Principal Scientist, Goat Genetics & Breeding Division, Central Institute
of Reserch on Goat, Makhdoom, Mathura

 Dr. Anil Kumar, Professor & Head, School of Biotechnology, Davi Ahilya University,

 Dr. T. Lahiri , Asst. Professor, Department of Bioinformatics, Indian Institute of

Information Technology, Allahabad


Reading spiritual books, listening and singing songs, practicing martial art,
communicating with fiends/ intellectual ones

Personal Details:

 DOB : 23/05/80
 Fathers name: Mr Anil Kumar Saxena
 Marital status: Married
 Passport No.: F2325137

Place: Name: Aditya Saxena

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